PK 2¦ )‰´)‰´Languages/TheRealLoc.xml MWO Localization File Kyle Lawrence Krist Smith 2003-10-30T09:38:41Z 2002-06-17T19:14:00Z 2022-02-01T15:32:47Z Piranha Games, Inc. 1.00 English 11625 22815 3660 2595 274 False False False KEY ORIGINAL TEXT TRANSLATED TEXT CONTEXT This contains original text meant for subtitles. Use descriptive expressions like <frantic laughter> and ## for a new line. This contains text for subtitles. Use descriptive expressions like <frantic laughter> and ## for a new line. Efaction_Davion House Davion House Davion _m_torso_rotateyaw Look Left/Right Look Left/Right _m_torso_rotatepitch Look Up/Down Look Up/Down _m_torso_centre Center Torso Center Torso _m_next_target Target Lock Target Lock _shutdownOverride Override Shutdown Override Shutdown _m_fullStop Full Stop Full Stop _m_turnleft Turn Left Turn Left _m_turnright Turn Right Turn Right _m_jump_jet Jump Jets Jump Jets _m_wg1 Fire Weapon Group 1 Fire Weapon Group 1 _m_wg2 Fire Weapon Group 2 Fire Weapon Group 2 _m_wg3 Fire Weapon Group 3 Fire Weapon Group 3 _m_wg4 Fire Weapon Group 4 Fire Weapon Group 4 _m_wg5 Fire Weapon Group 5 Fire Weapon Group 5 _m_wg6 Fire Weapon Group 6 Fire Weapon Group 6 _m_wg_as Alpha Strike Alpha Strike _m_freelook Free Look Free Look _toggle_pause Toggle Pause Toggle Pause _attack1 Fire Selected Weapon Group Fire Selected Weapon Group _zoom Zoom Zoom _show_scoreboard Scoreboard Scoreboard _powerToggle Toggle Power Toggle Power _HUD_up Weapon Group Highlight Up Weapon Group Highlight Up _HUD_down Weapon Group Highlight Down Weapon Group Highlight Down _HUD_left Weapon Group Highlight Left Weapon Group Highlight Left _HUD_right Weapon Group Highlight Right Weapon Group Highlight Right _end_chat End Chat End Chat _start_chat Global Chat Global Chat _start_team_chat Team Chat Team Chat _start_lance_chat Lance Chat Lance Chat _toggle_Weapon_Group Toggle Weapon Group Toggle Weapon Group _show_battlegrid Show Battlegrid Show Battlegrid _m_toggle_night_vision Toggle Night Vision Toggle Night Vision _m_toggle_thermal_vision Toggle Thermal Vision Toggle Thermal Vision _m_toggle_zoom_mode Toggle Zoom Mode Toggle Zoom Mode ui_CONTROL1 KEY MAP KEY MAP ui_CONTROL2 ALT KEY MAP ALT KEY MAP ui_joystick JOYSTICK JOYSTICK _joy_torso_rotateyaw Torso Twist Torso Twist _joy_torso_rotatepitch Pitch Pitch _joy_throttle Analog Throttle Analog Throttle _joy_turn Analog Turn Analog Turn _joy_invert_throttle Invert Throttle Invert Throttle _m_show_target_overlay Show Target Overlay Show Target Overlay _m_toggle_4x_zoom_mode Toggle Adv. Zoom Toggle Adv. Zoom _WeaponDoorToggle Weapon Door Toggle Weapon Door Toggle _m_toggle_ecm_mode Toggle ECM Mode Toggle ECM Mode _cockpitlight Cockpit Light Cockpit Light ui_option_throttle_decay THROTTLE DECAY THROTTLE DECAY ui_option_arm_lock ARM LOCK ARM LOCK ui_options_torso_lock TORSO LOCK TORSO LOCK ui_option_startInThirdPerson START IN THIRD PERSON START IN THIRD PERSON _m_legs_centre Center Legs Center Legs _m_armlock Arm Lock Arm Lock _m_throttle_set_10 Set Throttle 10% Set Throttle 10% _m_throttle_set_20 Set Throttle 20% Set Throttle 20% _m_throttle_set_30 Set Throttle 30% Set Throttle 30% _m_throttle_set_40 Set Throttle 40% Set Throttle 40% _m_throttle_set_50 Set Throttle 50% Set Throttle 50% _m_throttle_set_60 Set Throttle 60% Set Throttle 60% _m_throttle_set_70 Set Throttle 70% Set Throttle 70% _m_throttle_set_80 Set Throttle 80% Set Throttle 80% _m_throttle_set_90 Set Throttle 90% Set Throttle 90% _m_throttle_set_100 Set Throttle 100% Set Throttle 100% _m_throttle_set_increase Step Throttle Up Step Throttle Up _m_throttle_set_decrease Step Throttle Down Step Throttle Down _m_throttle_set_full_reverse Reverse Throttle Reverse Throttle _m_toggleChainfireGroup Toggle Chain Fire Toggle Chain Fire ui_option_joystick_invert_pitch INVERT PITCH INVERT PITCH ui_option_joystick_invert_turn INVERT TURNING INVERT TURNING _m_strategicStrike2 Call Air Strike Call Air Strike _m_strategicStrike Call Artillery Strike Call Artillery Strike _m_UAV Launch UAV Launch UAV _thirdpersoncombatcam 3rd Person Combat Camera 3rd Person Combat Camera ui_disableToolTips DISABLE TOOL TIPS DISABLE TOOL TIPS ui_unbound Unbound Unbound k_a A A k_b B B k_c C C k_d D D k_e E E k_f F F k_g G G k_h H H k_i I I k_j J J k_k K K k_l L L k_m M M k_n N N k_o O O k_p P P k_q Q Q k_r R R k_s S S k_t T T k_u U U k_v V V k_w W W k_x X X k_y Y Y k_z Z Z k_1 1 1 k_2 2 2 k_3 3 3 k_4 4 4 k_5 5 5 k_6 6 6 k_7 7 7 k_8 8 8 k_9 9 9 k_0 0 0 k_mouse1 Mouse 1 Mouse 1 k_mouse2 Mouse 2 Mouse 2 k_mouse3 Mouse 3 Mouse 3 k_mouse4 Mouse 4 Mouse 4 k_mouse5 Mouse 5 Mouse 5 k_apostrophe Apostrophe Apostrophe k_semicolon Semicolon Semicolon k_slash / / k_period Period Period k_comma Comma Comma k_lbracket [ [ k_rbracket ] ] k_backslash \ \ k_minus - - k_equals = = k_space Space Space k_enter Enter Enter k_ralt Right Alt Right Alt k_lalt Left Alt Left Alt k_capslock Caps Lock Caps Lock k_tab Tab Tab k_tilde Tilde Tilde k_backspace Backspace Backspace k_insert Insert Insert k_delete Delete Delete k_home Home Home k_end End End k_pgup Page Up Page Up k_pgdn Page Down Page Down k_up Up Arrow Up Arrow k_down Down Arrow Down Arrow k_left Left Arrow Left Arrow k_right Right Arrow Right Arrow k_lctrl Left Control Left Control k_rctrl Right Control Right Control k_lshift Left Shift Left Shift k_rshift Right Shift Right Shift k_np_0 Numpad 0 Numpad 0 k_np_1 Numpad 1 Numpad 1 k_np_2 Numpad 2 Numpad 2 k_np_3 Numpad 3 Numpad 3 k_np_4 Numpad 4 Numpad 4 k_np_5 Numpad 5 Numpad 5 k_np_6 Numpad 6 Numpad 6 k_np_7 Numpad 7 Numpad 7 k_np_8 Numpad 8 Numpad 8 k_np_9 Numpad 9 Numpad 9 k_np_multiply Numpad * Numpad * k_np_divide Numpad / Numpad / k_np_add Numpad + Numpad + k_np_subtract Numpad - Numpad - k_np_period Numpad Period Numpad Period k_np_enter Numpad Enter Numpad Enter k_f1 F1 F1 k_f2 F2 F2 k_f3 F3 F3 k_f4 F4 F4 k_f5 F5 F5 k_f6 F6 F6 k_f7 F7 F7 k_f8 F8 F8 k_f9 F9 F9 k_f10 F10 F10 k_f11 F11 F11 k_f12 F12 F12 k_print Print Print k_numlock Num Lock Num Lock j_Joystick Joystick Joy j_Axis Axis Axis j_Rot Rot Rot j_Button Button Button j_Slider Slider Slider j_Pov POV POV j_up Up Up j_down Down Down j_left Left Left j_right Right Right j_upleft Up-left Up-left j_upright Up-right Up-right j_downleft Down-left Down-left j_downright Down-right Down-right ui_MouseSettings MOUSE SETTINGS MOUSE SETTINGS ui_mouse_sensitivity SENSITIVITY SENSITIVITY ui_mouse_smooth SMOOTH SMOOTH ui_mouse_acceleration ACCELERATION ACCELERATION ui_EnableDamageGlow Damage Glow Damage Glow err_ErrorTitle An error occurred An error occurred EResult_Success Success Success EResult_Fail Network request failed Network request failed EResult_NetworkError A network error occurred. Please check your internet connection. A network error occurred. Please check your internet connection. EResult_AlreadyLoggedIn Already logged in Already logged in EResult_LoggedInElsewhere Logged in elsewhere Logged in elsewhere EResult_ConnectionLost Server connection was lost. Server connection was lost. EResult_SessionLost Server session was lost. Server session was lost. EResult_NoSession No session No session EResult_UnknownFailure Unknown failure Unknown failure EResult_InvalidUser Invalid Email or Password Invalid Email or Password EResult_AlreadyExist Already exists Already exists EResult_FriendListFull Friend list is full Friend list is full EResult_AlreadyInvited Player already invited Player already invited EResult_AlreadyFriend Player already on friend list. Player already on friend list. EResult_TargetFriendListFull That player's friend list is full. That player's friend list is full. EResult_IgnoreListFull Your ignore list is full. Your ignore list is full. EResult_BadPassword Invalid Email or Password Invalid Email or Password EResult_NotVerified This account has not been verified. Please check your e-mail to verify your account. This account has not been verified. Please check your e-mail to verify your account. EResult_VersionMismatch Your game client is out of date. Please shut down the game and check for an update. If this error persists after patching please contact Support. Your game client is out of date. Please shut down the game and check for an update. If this error persists after patching please contact Support. EResult_EmailInvalid Invalid Email or Password Invalid Email or Password EResult_InsufficientFunds You do not have sufficient funds to buy the item(s). You do not have sufficient funds to buy the item(s). EResult_NotAuthorized This account is not authorized. This account is not authorized. EResult_Timeout Network Request Timed Out Network Request Timed Out EResult_TooBusy Servers are currently too busy. Please try again later. Servers are currently too busy. Please try again later. EResult_NoFreeServers No free servers available. No free servers available. EResult_InvalidMechConfig Logged out due to invalid BattleMech configuration Logged out due to invalid BattleMech configuration EResult_Innactivity Logged out due to inactivity. Logged out due to inactivity. EResult_Banned You have been banned. You have been banned. err_QuickplayFailed Failed to find a match. Failed to find a match. err_BuyMechBayFailed Failed to buy a 'Mech Bay. Failed to buy a 'Mech Bay. ui_Error ERROR ERROR eLV_HeatSinkViolation Not enough heat sinks. Not enough heat sinks. eLV_TechModuleViolation Too many modules equipped. Too many modules equipped. eLV_EquipmentViolation Invalid Loadout - Equipment Violation Invalid Loadout - Equipment Violation EResult_InternalServerError Internal Server Error Internal Server Error EResult_GroupFull Group Full Group Full EResult_NotInGroup Not In Group Not In Group EResult_AlreadyInGroup Already In Group Already In Group EResult_AlreadyInAnotherGroup Already In Another Group Already In Another Group EResult_NonRegisteredUser Player is not online. Player is not online. EResult_NonRegisteredGroup Group does not exist. Group does not exist. ge_Sunday Sunday Sunday ge_Monday Monday Monday ge_Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday ge_Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday ge_Thursday Thursday Thursday ge_Friday Friday Friday ge_Saturday Saturday Saturday ge_January January January ge_March March March ge_April April April ge_May May May ge_June June June ge_July July July ge_August August August ge_September September September ge_October October October ge_November November November ge_December December December mdf_Shoulder SHOULDER SHOULDER mdf_ShoulderDesc The joint between the arm and upper torso. The joint between the arm and upper torso. mdf_UAA UPPER ARM ACTUATOR UPPER ARM ACTUATOR mdf_UAADesc The upper arm joint, myomer and drive motors. The upper arm joint, myomer and drive motors. mdf_LAA LOWER ARM ACTUATOR LOWER ARM ACTUATOR mdf_LAADesc The lower arm joint, myomer and drive motors. The lower arm joint, myomer and drive motors. mdf_HA HAND ACTUATOR HAND ACTUATOR mdf_HADesc The hand joints, myomers and drive motors. The hand joints, myomers and drive motors. mdf_Hip HIP HIP mdf_HipDesc The joint between the upper torso and legs. The joint between the upper torso and legs. mdf_ULA UPPER LEG ACTUATOR UPPER LEG ACTUATOR mdf_ULADesc The upper leg joint, myomer and drive motors. The upper leg joint, myomer and drive motors. mdf_LLA LOWER LEG ACTUATOR LOWER LEG ACTUATOR mdf_LLADesc The lower leg joint, myomer and drive motors. The lower leg joint, myomer and drive motors. mdf_FA FOOT ACTUATOR FOOT ACTUATOR mdf_FADesc The foot joints, myomers and drive motors. The foot joints, myomers and drive motors. mdf_Engine ENGINE ENGINE mdf_EngineDesc The main powersource of a BattleMech. The main powersource of a BattleMech. mdf_Gyro GYRO GYRO mdf_GyroDesc A self-balancing Mechanism providing stability to the BattleMech. A self-balancing Mechanism providing stability to the BattleMech. mdf_LifeSupport LIFE SUPPORT LIFE SUPPORT mdf_LifeSupportDesc Environmental controls and oxygen supply system. Environmental controls and oxygen supply system. mdf_Sensors SENSORS SENSORS mdf_SensorsDesc Electronics used for detecting and tracking enemies. Electronics used for detecting and tracking enemies. mdf_Cockpit COCKPIT COCKPIT mdf_CockpitDesc The pilot housing and control point of a BattleMech. The pilot housing and control point of a BattleMech. mdf_Jumpjet JUMP JET JUMP JET mdf_JumpjetDesc A thruster that propels a BattleMech into the air. A thruster that propels a BattleMech into the air. mdf_CommandConsole COMMAND CONSOLE COMMAND CONSOLE mdf_CommandConsoleDesc Adds the additional functionality of a command center. Adds the additional functionality of a command center. mdf_AMS ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM ANTI-MISSILE SYSTEM mdf_AMSDesc A small machine gun that targets and shoots down enemy missiles. A small machine gun that targets and shoots down enemy missiles. ui_forestcolony FOREST COLONY FOREST COLONY ui_frozencity FROZEN CITY FROZEN CITY ui_causticvalley CAUSTIC VALLEY CAUSTIC VALLEY ui_rivercity RIVER CITY RIVER CITY ui_forestcolony_snow FOREST COLONY SNOW (CLASSIC) FOREST COLONY SNOW (CLASSIC) ui_frozencity_night FROZEN CITY NIGHT (CLASSIC) FROZEN CITY NIGHT (CLASSIC) ui_rivercity_night RIVER CITY NIGHT RIVER CITY NIGHT ui_alpinepeaks ALPINE PEAKS ALPINE PEAKS ui_tourmalinedesert TOURMALINE DESERT TOURMALINE DESERT ui_canyonnetwork CANYON NETWORK CANYON NETWORK ui_lavaworld TERRA THERMA TERRA THERMA ui_tutorial_forestcolony FOREST COLONY FOREST COLONY ui_islandmetropolis CRIMSON STRAIT CRIMSON STRAIT ui_moonbase HPG MANIFOLD HPG MANIFOLD BTip1 Press '&m_next_target*' to target an enemy when the red target marker is in view. Press '&m_next_target*' to target an enemy when the red target marker is in view. BTip2 Press '&start_team_chat*' to chat with your team. Press '&start_team_chat*' to chat with your team. BTip3 Press '&toggle_Weapon_Group*' to assign a weapon to a group. Use the Arrow Keys to change selected weapon or group. (Default Keys) Press '&toggle_Weapon_Group*' to assign a weapon to a group. Use the Arrow Keys to change selected weapon or group. (Default Keys) BTip4 &attack1*' is mapped to fire the currently selected weapons group. Be mindful of which group you have selected when you finish editing your setup. '&attack1*' is mapped to fire the currently selected weapons group. Be mindful of which group you have selected when you finish editing your setup. BTip5 Mastering control of your 'Mech is challenging at first. Every MechWarrior must learn to control their torso and legs separately in order to succeed. Mastering control of your 'Mech is challenging at first. Every MechWarrior must learn to control their torso and legs separately in order to succeed. BTip6 Press '&show_scoreboard*' to see the current scores and other useful information. Press'&show_scoreboard*' to see the current scores and other useful information. BTip7 Press '&m_toggle_night_vision*' to enable Night Vision. Press '&m_toggle_night_vision*' to enable Night Vision. BTip8 Press '&m_toggle_thermal_vision*' to enable Thermal Vision. Press '&m_toggle_thermal_vision*' to enable Thermal Vision. BTip9 Think of your 'Mech as a walking tank. You must control the torso independently from the legs. Think of your 'Mech as a walking tank. You must control the torso independently from the legs. BTip10 Press '&m_fullStop*' to completely stop. Press '&m_fullStop*' to completely stop. BTip11 Press '&m_torso_center*' to center your torso to the direction of your legs Press '&m_torso_center*' to center your torso to the direction of your legs BTip12 Press '&m_jump_jet*' to use your jump jets. Press '&m_jump_jet*' to use your jump jets. BTip13 MC means MechWarrior Credits. Use them to purchase Hero 'Mechs, 'Mech Bays, Premium Time, and more. MC means MechWarrior Credits. Use them to purchase Hero 'Mechs, 'Mech Bays, Premium Time, and more. BTip14 The Cadet bonus awards extra C-Bills and is awarded to new recruits and lasts for your first 25 games. The Cadet bonus awards extra C-Bills and is awarded to new recruits and lasts for your first 25 games. BTip15 Long Range Missiles (LRMs) are able to strike distant targets that are beyond line-of-sight with the help of friendly target locks. Long Range Missiles (LRMs) are able to strike distant targets that are beyond line-of-sight with the help of friendly target locks. BTip16 Your match earnings are based on your performance. Be a valuable asset to your team to reap the highest rewards. Your match earnings are based on your performance. Be a valuable asset to your team to reap the highest rewards. BTip17 A 'Mech shielded by an allied ECM cannot be targeted by any other 'Mech standing more than 120m away. A 'Mech shielded by an allied ECM cannot be targeted by any other 'Mech standing more than 120m away. BTip18 Hero 'Mechs are variants with unique patterns, hardpoints, and a 30% C-Bills bonus. Hero 'Mechs can be bought with MC in the Store. Hero 'Mechs are variants with unique patterns, hardpoints, and a 30% C-Bills bonus. Hero 'Mechs can be bought with MC in the Store. BTip19 Premium Time grants a 50% bonus to both XP and C-Bills. Premium time can be bought with MC in the Store. Premium Time grants a 50% bonus to both XP and C-Bills. Premium time can be bought with MC in the Store. BTip20 Not sure which 'Mech is best for you? Trial 'Mechs are free and change regularly. Not sure which 'Mech is best for you? Trial 'Mechs are free and change regularly. BTip21 A 'Mech cannot survive without both legs, the center torso, or its head. Inner Sphere 'Mechs equipped with an XL engine will also die if either side torso is destroyed. A 'Mech cannot survive without both legs, the center torso, or its head. Inner Sphere 'Mechs equipped with an XL engine will also die if either side torso is destroyed. BTip22 All weapons generate heat when fired. When a 'Mech is too hot, it will automatically shut down while the 'Mech cools off. A shutdown 'Mech is incredibly vulnerable and will take damage if shut down for too long. All weapons generate heat when fired. When a 'Mech is too hot, it will automatically shut down while the 'Mech cools off. A shutdown 'Mech is incredibly vulnerable and will take damage if shut down for too long. BTip23 If you are targeted by incoming missiles, be sure to take cover. Hide behind terrain or buildings as fast as you can. If you are targeted by incoming missiles, be sure to take cover. Hide behind terrain or buildings as fast as you can. BTip24 Working as a team increases your chance of survival overwhelmingly. Working as a team increases your chance of survival overwhelmingly. BTip25 Remember that your legs and torso can face in different directions. Use the mini-map arrow to orient your movement in relation to your torso's field of view. You can press '&m_torso_centre*' to re-center your view. Remember that your legs and torso can face in different directions. Use the mini-map arrow to orient your movement in relation to your torso's field of view. You can press '&m_torso_centre*' to re-center your view. BTip26 Be careful when using jump jets. Falling long distances can cause damage. Be careful when using jump jets. Falling long distances can cause damage. BTip27 If you find that you're overheating in battle, consider adding more heat sinks, upgrading to double heat sinks or slowing your rate of fire. If you find that you're overheating in battle, consider adding more heat sinks, upgrading to double heat sinks or slowing your rate of fire. BTip28 Be aware of your allies as much as the enemy. Your weapons can hurt your allies too. Be aware of your allies as much as the enemy. Your weapons can hurt your allies too. BTip29 Trial 'Mechs will change over time. Trial 'Mechs will change over time. BTip30 Trial 'Mech loadouts and camouflage cannot be changed until the 'Mech has been purchased. Trial 'Mech loadouts and camouflage cannot be changed until the 'Mech has been purchased. BTip31 You can customize, tweak and improve your owned 'Mechs in the Mech Lab. You can customize, tweak and improve your owned 'Mechs in the Mech Lab. BTip32 If you want to fly high - equip more jump jets. If you want to fly high - equip more jump jets. BTip33 Add people you enjoy playing with to your friends list. Add people you enjoy playing with to your friends list. BTip34 For the latest news and forum discussions, head over to For the latest news and forum discussions, head over to BTip36 Need to improve? Visit the MechWarrior Academy from the Home Screen. Need to improve? Visit the MechWarrior Academy from the Home Screen. BTip37 Running out of room? Mech Bay slots allow you to purchase and store more 'Mechs. Running out of room? Mech Bay slots allow you to purchase and store more 'Mechs. BTip38 Convert XP to GXP to unlock efficiencies across other 'Mech chassis variants. Convert XP to GXP to unlock efficiencies across other 'Mech chassis variants. BTip39 Press '&start_chat*' to chat with all pilots on the battlefield. Press '&start_chat*' to chat with all pilots on the battlefield. BTip40 Pilots can participate in the war between the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere and the Invading Clans via the Faction Play button. Pilots can participate in the war between the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere and the Invading Clans via the Faction Play button. BTip41 Pressing '&thirdpersoncombatcam*' allows you to engage and disengage the 3rd person view drone. Pressing '&thirdpersoncombatcam*' allows you to engage and disengage the 3rd person view drone. BTip42 &thirdpersoncombatcam*' allows you to switch between 1st and 3rd person views. '&thirdpersoncombatcam*' allows you to switch between 1st and 3rd person views. ITip1 Press '&show_battlegrid*' to see the Battlegrid. From here, the commander can issue orders to the team. Take command yourself if you're up for the challenge. Press '&show_battlegrid*' to see the Battlegrid. From here, the commander can issue orders to the team. Take command yourself if you're up for the challenge. ITip2 If you want to disappear from the enemy's radar - press ^powerToggle* to power down. If you want to disappear from the enemy's radar - press ^powerToggle* to power down. ITip3 Press '&m_show_target_overlay*' to see all available information of `Mechs in the battlefield. Press '&m_show_target_overlay*' to see all available information of `Mechs in the battlefield. ITip4 Press and Hold '&m_freelook*' to look around the cockpit Press and Hold '&m_freelook*' to look around the cockpit ITip5 Press '&m_toggle_zoom_mode*' to zoom in to provide improved precision for long range weapons. Press '&m_toggle_zoom_mode*' to zoom in to provide improved precision for long range weapons. ITip6 Can't see a thing at night? Press '&m_toggle_night_vision*' for night vision or '&m_toggle_thermal_vision*' for thermal vision. Can't see a thing at night? Press '&m_toggle_night_vision*' for night vision or '&m_toggle_thermal_vision*' for thermal vision. ITip7 You can press '&m_toggle_ecm_mode*' on your keyboard to switch your ECM into Counter-mode. You can press '&m_toggle_ecm_mode*' on your keyboard to switch your ECM into Counter-mode. ITip8 Mechs and items can be sold from your inventory for C-Bills. Be careful, this is irreversible. 'Mechs and items can be sold from your inventory for C-Bills. Be careful, this is irreversible. ITip9 Many cockpit items are seasonally available. Watch out for new items. Many cockpit items are seasonally available. Watch out for new items. ITip10 Customize the look of your owned 'Mechs in the Camo Spec section of the Mech Lab. Customize the look of your owned 'Mechs in the Camo Spec section of the Mech Lab. ITip11 A hollow triangle represents a 'Mech that is not targeted by any teammates. A filled triangle means someone is targeting that 'Mech. Target 'Mechs that are already targeted by your team. A hollow triangle represents a 'Mech that is not targeted by any teammates. A filled triangle means someone is targeting that 'Mech. Target 'Mechs that are already targeted by your team. ITip12 Arm mounted weapons typically have greater range of motion than those mounted on a 'Mech's torso. Arm mounted weapons typically have greater range of motion than those mounted on a 'Mech's torso. ITip13 The % health is a total of all parts that make up a 'Mech. Each component of a 'Mech has its own health and may be critical to the survival of that 'Mech. The % health is a total of all parts that make up a 'Mech. Each component of a 'Mech has its own health and may be critical to the survival of that 'Mech. ITip14 Faster 'Mechs are great against slower opponents. Get behind larger prey to rip through their rear armor. Faster 'Mechs are great against slower opponents. Get behind larger prey to rip through their rear armor. ITip15 A 'legged' 'Mech can only move at 50% normal speed or 40 km/h, which ever is slower. A 'legged' 'Mech can only move at 50% normal speed or 40 km/h, which ever is slower. ITip16 Your 'Mech is locked once it has been launched. It can only be reused once that mission is over. Your 'Mech is locked once it has been launched. It can only be reused once that mission is over. ITip17 Be sure to check for your target's weak points, they may already be close to their demise. Be sure to check for your target's weak points, they may already be close to their demise. ITip18 Running into your teammates or enemies will result in damage to both you and the other 'Mech. Running into your teammates or enemies will result in damage to both you and the other 'Mech. ITip19 Inner Sphere Long Range Missiles (LRM) have a minimum arming range. When fired at a target within that range, they will do 0 damage. The Clans do not have this disadvantage. Inner Sphere Long Range Missiles (LRM) have a minimum arming range. When fired at a target within that range, they will do 0 damage. The Clans do not have this disadvantage. ITip20 Short Range Missiles arm immediately when fired. Short Range Missiles arm immediately when fired. ITip21 Range indicated for LRM's indicates the maximum travel distance of each missile. Take into account the likely trajectory when firing at a target close to maximum range. Range indicated for LRM's indicates the maximum travel distance of each missile. Take into account the likely trajectory when firing at a target close to maximum range. ITip22 Heat sinks in the legs are more effective when submerged in water. Heat sinks in the legs are more effective when submerged in water. ITip23 Ambient temperature affects the effectiveness of all heat sinks on your 'Mech. Ambient temperature affects the effectiveness of all heat sinks on your 'Mech. ITip24 Weapons, ammo and equipped items are destroyed independently. However, a destroyed arm will lose all heat sinks, ammo, weapons and other items contained within. Weapons, ammo and equipped items are destroyed independently. However, a destroyed arm will lose all heat sinks, ammo, weapons and other items contained within. ITip25 Continued, sustained damage will transfer from a destroyed location to the next adjacent part. Continued, sustained damage will transfer from a destroyed location to the next adjacent part. ITip26 Accepting a Call to Arms pop-up is a sure way to get into a Faction match. Accepting a Call to Arms pop-up is a sure way to get into a Faction match. ITip27 The Artemis IV Fire Control System improves the accuracy of your missiles The Artemis IV Fire Control System improves the accuracy of your missiles ITip28 A 'Mech affected by an enemy ECM is unable to share information with teammates. A 'Mech affected by an enemy ECM is unable to share information with teammates. ITip29 The TAG laser can be used to make an ECM shielded enemy targetable if it's used from outside the 120m cover range of the ECM. The TAG laser can be used to make an ECM shielded enemy targetable if it's used from outside the 120m cover range of the ECM. ITip30 An allied ECM in Counter-mode will disable the nearest enemy ECM in Disrupt-mode. An allied ECM in Counter-mode will disable the nearest enemy ECM in Disrupt-mode. ITip31 For the TAG laser to be effective, it must constantly remain on the target. For the TAG laser to be effective, it must constantly remain on the target. ITip32 Enemy 'Mechs affected by a NARC will cause allies to acquire missile locks 75% faster. Enemy 'Mechs affected by a NARC will cause allies to acquire missile locks 75% faster. ITip33 Locked-on missiles fired at a target affected by a Narc will receive a 100% increase to their tracking strength. Locked-on missiles fired at a target affected by a Narc will receive a 100% increase to their tracking strength. ITip34 Most Clan 'Mechs use customizable components called OmniPods that allow them to mix and match parts from different variants of the same chassis. Most Clan 'Mechs use customizable components called OmniPods that allow them to mix and match parts from different variants of the same chassis. ITip35 XL engines allow for tremendous speeds and lower weight, but at the cost of increased vulnerability and slots used in both side torsos. XL engines allow for tremendous speeds and lower weight, but at the cost of increased vulnerability and slots used in both side torsos. ITip36 Armor on the torso and side torso is shared between the front and the back. Choose for your situation and playstyle where you need the most. Armor on the torso and side torso is shared between the front and the back. Choose for your situation and playstyle where you need the most. ITip37 While Clan weapons generally hold a range advantage over their Inner Sphere counterparts they often take longer to deal the same amount of damage. While Clan weapons generally hold a range advantage over their Inner Sphere counterparts they often take longer to deal the same amount of damage. ITip38 Use XP earned in the Skills tab to unlock Skills in your owned 'Mechs. Use XP earned in the Skills tab to unlock Skills in your owned 'Mechs. ITip39 Only some 'Mech variants can equip an ECM. Only some 'Mech variants can equip an ECM. ITip40 Each 'Mech has a maximum weight it can carry. Be sure to balance your 'Mech as effectively as possible between your needs for ammunition, weaponry, heat management, armor and support items. Each 'Mech has a maximum weight it can carry. Be sure to balance your 'Mech as effectively as possible between your needs for ammunition, weaponry, heat management, armor and support items. ITip41 Don’t forget to equip appropriate ammo when mounting a new weapon that requires it. Don’t forget to equip appropriate ammo when mounting a new weapon that requires it. ITip42 LRM - Long Range Missile. SRM - Short Range Missile. SSRM - Streak Short Range Missile. LRM - Long Range Missile. SRM - Short Range Missile. SSRM - Streak Short Range Missile. ITip43 Cockpit items have no weight. Cockpit items have no weight. ITip44 Some Clan weapons have different firing patterns than their Inner Sphere counterparts. Some Clan weapons have different firing patterns than their Inner Sphere counterparts. ATip1 Using chainfire '&m_toggleChainfireGroup*' can help manage heat generated over time. Using chainfire '&m_toggleChainfireGroup*' can help manage heat generated over time. ATip2 Press '&ToggleInfoVis*' to see health and names of your teammates when you have your battlegrid open Press '&ToggleInfoVis*' to see health and names of your teammates when you have your battlegrid open ATip3 Press '&shutdownOverride*' to override the heat shutdown. The BattleMech manufacturer, 'Mech Bay engineers and House Military Operations are not responsible for damage sustained from excessive heat whilst override shutdown is engaged. Press '&shutdownOverride*' to override the heat shutdown. The BattleMech manufacturer, 'Mech Bay engineers and House Military Operations are not responsible for damage sustained from excessive heat whilst override shutdown is engaged. ATip4 Weapon ranges indicated show the maximum distance for optimal damage. Damage can be dealt beyond that range for some weapons, but at a reduced rate. Weapon ranges indicated show the maximum distance for optimal damage. Damage can be dealt beyond that range for some weapons, but at a reduced rate. ATip5 The Anti-Missile System (AMS) will destroy missiles passing within 120m of your 'Mech, prioritizing those targeted on you. The Anti-Missile System (AMS) will destroy missiles passing within 120m of your 'Mech, prioritizing those targeted on you. ATip6 There is no force in the galaxy able to withstand a well-coordinated unit; their services are sought by powerful factions across the Inner Sphere. There is no force in the galaxy able to withstand a well-coordinated unit; their services are sought by powerful factions across the Inner Sphere. ATip7 Where your armor is destroyed, your weapons and equipped items are vulnerable to critical hits. Where your armor is destroyed, your weapons and equipped items are vulnerable to critical hits. ATip8 Gauss rifles are more likely to be critted than other weapon types and will explode when destroyed. Gauss rifles are more likely to be critted than other weapon types and will explode when destroyed. ATip9 Unlike other ammo types, Gauss ammo does not explode. Unlike other ammo types, Gauss ammo does not explode. ATip10 Advances in Clan combat computing allow their 'Mechs to be outfitted with targeting computers that enhance sensor range, information gathering and projectile speed. Advances in Clan combat computing allow their 'Mechs to be outfitted with targeting computers that enhance sensor range, information gathering and projectile speed. ATip11 NARCs attached to 'Mechs shielded by an allied ECM cannot broadcast but remain active. NARCs attached to 'Mechs shielded by an allied ECM cannot broadcast but remain active. ATip12 Being protected by an ECM prevents an enemy Beagle Active Probe from providing bonuses. Being protected by an ECM prevents an enemy Beagle Active Probe from providing bonuses. ATip13 Shooting an enemy 'Mech with a Tag will cause allies to acquire missile locks 50% faster and allied locked-on missiles to receive a 50% bonus on their tracking strength. Shooting an enemy 'Mech with a Tag will cause allies to acquire missile locks 50% faster and allied locked-on missiles to receive a 50% bonus on their tracking strength. ATip14 Multiple Tag lasers do not stack bonuses together. Multiple Tag lasers do not stack bonuses together. ATip15 Narc and Tag stack together for bigger bonuses. Narc and Tag stack together for bigger bonuses. ATip16 The Beagle Active Probe increases sensor range, speeds up targeting data, counters ECM, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. The Beagle Active Probe increases sensor range, speeds up targeting data, counters ECM, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. ATip17 The Beagle Active Probe allows you to detect powered down 'Mechs if they are within 120m of you. The Beagle Active Probe allows you to detect powered down 'Mechs if they are within 120m of you. ATip18 The Beagle Active Probe allows you to receive information about enemy 'Mechs 25% faster. The Beagle Active Probe allows you to receive information about enemy 'Mechs 25% faster. ATip19 Clan armor and heat sinks occupy less space than Inner Sphere counterparts but their 'Mechs often have fixed equipment like jump jets that cannot be removed. Clan armor and heat sinks occupy less space than Inner Sphere counterparts but their 'Mechs often have fixed equipment like jump jets that cannot be removed. ATip20 Despite the threat posed by the Clans, the Great Houses still fight amongst themselves, often to the detriment of their effort against the invaders. Despite the threat posed by the Clans, the Great Houses still fight amongst themselves, often to the detriment of their effort against the invaders. ATip21 Consumables can provide big advantages when used at the right moment. You don't lose Consumables when they're deployed in the Testing Grounds, so take them for a test run to familiarize yourself with how they work. Consumables can provide big advantages when used at the right moment. You don't lose Consumables when they're deployed in the Testing Grounds, so take them for a test run to familiarize yourself with how they work. ATip22 Use the Skill Tree to increase the potency of your weapons, boost your survivability, improve your operational efficiency and mobility, upgrade your sensory systems, and more. Use the Skill Tree to increase the potency of your weapons, boost your survivability, improve your operational efficiency and mobility, upgrade your sensory systems, and more. ATip23 Units credited with winning the majority of matches during a successful invasion will have their unit's tag bestowed upon the conquered world for all to see. Units credited with winning the majority of matches during a successful invasion will have their unit's tag bestowed upon the conquered world for all to see. ATip24 Endo-steel and Ferro Fibrous armor are two ways to free up additional weight for more flexibility in the 'Mech loadout. Each comes at a cost of 14 internal slots. Endo-steel and Ferro Fibrous armor are two ways to free up additional weight for more flexibility in the 'Mech loadout. Each comes at a cost of 14 internal slots. ATip25 Mech XP (XP) earned from matches is assigned to the specific 'Mech(s) you piloted. 'Mech XP (XP) earned from matches is assigned to the specific 'Mech(s) you piloted. ATip26 General XP (GXP) is a universal type of XP, and unlike 'Mech XP (XP) is not tied to a specific 'Mech. GXP can be used to unlock Skill Nodes for any 'Mech you choose. General XP (GXP) is a universal type of XP, and unlike 'Mech XP (XP) is not tied to a specific 'Mech. GXP can be used to unlock Skill Nodes for any 'Mech you choose. ATip27 Larger engines will allow your 'Mech to move faster. XL engines cost more, occupy more slots but weigh less. Larger engines will allow your 'Mech to move faster. XL engines cost more, occupy more slots but weigh less. ATip28 Mounting ammo into an easily destructible area is risky as unspent ammo can explode. Mitigate this risk with C.A.S.E. Mounting ammo into an easily destructible area is risky as unspent ammo can explode. Mitigate this risk with C.A.S.E. ATip29 Effective use of the Command Wheel can turn the tide. Break a stalemate by issuing movement commands, or mark Enemy forces to give your Team critical intel. Effective use of the Command Wheel can turn the tide. Break a stalemate by issuing movement commands, or mark Enemy forces to give your Team critical intel. sb_Team_Your Your Team Your Team sb_Team_Enemy Your Enemy Your Enemy sb_Kills Kills Kills sb_Dead Dead Dead sb_Discon Disconnected Disconnected sb_Name Name Name sb_Won VICTORY VICTORY sb_Lose DEFEAT DEFEAT ui_loss LOSS LOSS ui_tie TIE TIE ui_matchsummary MATCH SUMMARY MATCH SUMMARY ui_playername PILOT NAME PILOT NAME ui_damagedone DAMAGE DONE DAMAGE DONE ui_saviorkill SAVIOR KILLS SAVIOR KILLS ui_defensivekill DEFENSIVE KILLS DEFENSIVE KILLS ui_xpgain XP GAINED XP GAINED ui_kills KILLS KILLS ui_assists ASSISTS ASSISTS ui_victory VICTORY VICTORY ui_defeat DEFEAT DEFEAT ui_cbillbreakdown C-BILL BREAKDOWN C-BILL BREAKDOWN ui_win WIN WIN ui_captureassist CAPTURE ASSIST CAPTURE ASSIST ui_total TOTAL TOTAL ui_xpbreakdown XP BREAKDOWN XP BREAKDOWN ui_capture CAPTURE CAPTURE ui_compdestruct COMPONENT DESTRUCTION COMPONENT DESTRUCTION ui_killassists KILL ASSISTS KILL ASSISTS ui_headshot HEAD SHOT KILL HEAD SHOT KILL ui_saviour SAVIOUR KILL SAVIOUR KILL ui_spottingassist SPOTTING ASSIST SPOTTING ASSIST ui_capturewin CAPTURE WIN CAPTURE WIN ui_subtotal SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL ui_honours HONOURS HONOURS ui_topdamage TOP DAMAGE TOP DAMAGE ui_topkiller TOP KILLER TOP KILLER ui_mostassists MOST ASSISTS MOST ASSISTS ui_leastdamage LEAST DAMAGE TAKEN LEAST DAMAGE TAKEN ui_defenderxp DEFENDER XP DEFENDER XP ui_mosttime MOST TIME IN CAPTURE MOST TIME IN CAPTURE ui_fastestmech FASTEST 'MECH FASTEST 'MECH ui_slowestmech SLOWEST 'MECH SLOWEST 'MECH ui_longestshot LONGEST SHOT LONGEST SHOT ui_highestburst HIGHEST BURST HIGHEST BURST ui_longestairtime LONGEST AIRTIME LONGEST AIRTIME ui_longestfall LONGEST FALL LONGEST FALL ui_killshots KILL SHOTS KILL SHOTS sb_Commander COMPANY COMMANDER COMPANY COMMANDER sb_LanceCommander LANCE COMMANDER LANCE COMMANDER ui_timeremaining REMAINING: REMAINING: ui_conquestbonus RESOURCE BONUS RESOURCE BONUS ui_conquestwin CONQUEST WIN CONQUEST WIN ui_firstVictory 1ST VICTORY OF THE DAY 1ST VICTORY OF THE DAY ui_firstVictoryXP XP x %0 XP x2 ui_Assault_Rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n • CAPTURE THE ENEMY BASE\n • DESTROY ALL ENEMY PLAYERS\n • ON TIME OUT MOST KILLS WINS WIN CONDITIONS:\n • CAPTURE THE ENEMY BASE\n • DESTROY ALL ENEMY PLAYERS\n • ON TIME OUT MOST KILLS WINS ui_Conquest_Rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n • COLLECT MAXIMUM RESOURCES\n • ON TIME OUT MOST RESOURCES WINS WIN CONDITIONS:\n • COLLECT MAXIMUM RESOURCES\n • ON TIME OUT MOST RESOURCES WINS ui_GameModeSelected GAME MODE SELECTED GAME MODE SELECTED ui_action ACTION ACTION ui_CBillsEarned C-BILLS EARNED C-BILLS EARNED ui_reward REWARD REWARD ui_xpearned XP EARNED XP EARNED ui_missionscore MISSION SCORE MISSION SCORE ui_teamdamage TEAM DAMAGE TEAM DAMAGE ui_teamkill TEAM KILL TEAM KILL ui_cadetbonus CADET BONUS CADET BONUS ui_mechbonus MECH BONUS 'MECH BONUS ui_LoneWolf_adbv LNW LNW ui_Kurita_adbv KUR KUR ui_Davion_adbv DAV DAV ui_Liao_Adbv LIA LIA ui_FreeRassalhagueRepublic_Adbv FRR FRR ui_Steiner_Adbv STN STN ui_Marik_Adbv MRK MRK ui_Mission_Sum MISSION SUMMARY MISSION SUMMARY ui_Battle_Time BATTLE TIME BATTLE TIME ui_cmd CMD CMD ui_faction FACTION FACTION ui_matchscore MATCH SCORE MATCH SCORE ui_RETURNTOMAINSCREEN TO EXIT CURRENT MATCH TO EXIT CURRENT MATCH sb_ping PING PING ui_endmatch_Kill_win VICTORY VICTORY ui_endmatch_Capture_win VICTORY - OBJECTIVE COMPLETE VICTORY - OBJECTIVE COMPLETE ui_endmatch_Conquest_win VICTORY - GATHERED MAXIMUM RESOURCES VICTORY - GATHERED MAXIMUM RESOURCES ui_endmatch_Tie MISSION RESULT - TIE MISSION RESULT - TIE ui_endmatch_Kill_loss DEFEAT DEFEAT ui_endmatch_Capture_loss DEFEAT - OBJECTIVE FAILED DEFEAT - OBJECTIVE FAILED ui_endmatch_Conquest_loss DEFEAT - ENEMY GATHERED MAX RESOURCES DEFEAT - ENEMY GATHERED MAX RESOURCES ui_scoreboard SCOREBOARD SCOREBOARD ui_Part0 COCKPIT COCKPIT ui_Part1 CENTER TORSO CENTER TORSO ui_Part2 LEFT TORSO LEFT TORSO ui_Part3 RIGHT TORSO RIGHT TORSO ui_Part4 LEFT ARM LEFT ARM ui_Part5 RIGHT ARM RIGHT ARM ui_Part6 LEFT LEG LEFT LEG ui_Part7 RIGHT LEG RIGHT LEG ui_Part8 REAR CTR TORSO REAR CTR TORSO ui_Part9 REAR LEFT TORSO REAR LEFT TORSO ui_Part10 REAR RIGHT TORSO REAR RIGHT TORSO ui_damagereport DAMAGE REPORT DAMAGE REPORT ui_currentstats CURRENT STATS CURRENT STATS ui_killedBy DESTROYED BY: DESTROYED BY: ui_causeofdeath CAUSE OF DEATH CAUSE OF DEATH ui_rules RULES RULES ui_Conquest_PR CONQUEST CONQUEST ui_Conquest_Rules_PR · Collect maximum resources\n· Time out with most resources · Collect maximum resources\n· Time out with most resources ui_Assault_PR ASSAULT ASSAULT ui_Assault_Rules_PR · Capture the enemy base\n· Destroy all enemy 'Mechs\n· Time out with most kills · Capture the enemy base\n· Destroy all enemy 'Mechs\n· Time out with most kills ui_GM_AssaultHardcore ASSAULT(HARDCORE) ASSAULT(HARDCORE) ui_GM_ConquestHardcore CONQUEST(HARDCORE) CONQUEST(HARDCORE) ui_GM_AnyHardcore ANY(HARDCORE) ANY(HARDCORE) ui_Map MAP MAP ui_ForestColony_detail1 21 C 21 C ui_ForestColony_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_ForestColony_detail3 62% 62% ui_ForestColony_Snow_detail1 -5 C -5 C ui_ForestColony_Snow_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_ForestColony_Snow_detail3 62% 62% ui_FrozenCity_detail1 -45 C -45 C ui_FrozenCity_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_FrozenCity_detail3 72% 72% ui_FrozenCity_Night_detail1 -57 C -57 C ui_FrozenCity_Night_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_FrozenCity_Night_detail3 72% 72% ui_RiverCity_detail1 15 C 15 C ui_RiverCity_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_RiverCity_detail3 68% 68% ui_RiverCity_Night_detail1 26 C 26 C ui_RiverCity_Night_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_RiverCity_Night_detail3 68% 68% ui_CausticValley_detail1 67 C 67 C ui_CausticValley_detail2 1.2 1.2 ui_CausticValley_detail3 60% 60% ui_AlpinePeaks_detail1 -21 C -21 C ui_AlpinePeaks_detail2 1.2 1.2 ui_AlpinePeaks_detail3 61% 61% ui_TourmalineDesert_detail1 75 C 75 C ui_TourmalineDesert_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_TourmalineDesert_detail3 0% 0% ui_CanyonNetwork_detail1 27 C 27 C ui_CanyonNetwork_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_CanyonNetwork_detail3 41% 41% ui_LavaWorld_detail1 98 C 98 C ui_LavaWorld_detail2 1.1 1.1 ui_LavaWorld_detail3 0% 0% ui_islandmetropolis_detail1 13 C 13 C ui_islandmetropolis_detail2 1.1 1.1 ui_islandmetropolis_detail3 58% 58% ui_predroppreperation DROP PREPARATION DROP PREPARATION ui_damaged_Ammo_Exp AMMO EXPLOSION AMMO EXPLOSION ui_HeatDam HEAT HEAT ui_LavaDam LAVA DAMAGE LAVA DAMAGE ui_FallDam FALL DAMAGE FALL DAMAGE ui_CollisionDam COLLISION DAMAGE COLLISION DAMAGE ui_damage_transfer DAMAGE TRANSFER DAMAGE TRANSFER ui_overheat_death OVERHEATING OVERHEATING ui_k K K ui_a A A ui_dmg DMG DMG is_CapellanShort Capellan Confederation Capellan Confederation is_DraconisShort Draconis Combine Draconis Combine is_FederatedShort Federated Suns Federated Suns is_RasalhagueShort Free Rasalhague Republic Free Rasalhague Republic is_FreeWorldsShort Free Worlds League Free Worlds League is_LyranShort Lyran Commonwealth Lyran Commonwealth is_Capellan House Liao - Capellan Confederation House Liao - Capellan Confederation is_Draconis House Kurite - Draconis Combine House Kurite - Draconis Combine is_Federated House Davion - Federated Suns House Davion - Federated Suns is_Rasalhague Free Rasalhague Republic Free Rasalhague Republic is_FreeWorlds House Marik - Free Worlds League House Marik - Free Worlds League is_Lyran House Steiner - Lyran Commonwealth House Steiner - Lyran Commonwealth is_CapellanDesc Capellan 1\nCapellan 2\nCapellan 3\nCapellan 4\nCapellan 5 Capellan 1\nCapellan 2\nCapellan 3\nCapellan 4\nCapellan 5 is_DraconisDesc Draconis 1\nDraconis 2\nDraconis 3\nDraconis 4\nDraconis 5 Draconis 1\nDraconis 2\nDraconis 3\nDraconis 4\nDraconis 5 is_FederatedDesc Federated 1\nFederated 2\nFederated 3\nFederated 4\nFederated 5 Federated 1\nFederated 2\nFederated 3\nFederated 4\nFederated 5 is_RasalhagueDesc Rasalhague 1\nRasalhague 2\nRasalhague 3\nRasalhague 4\nRasalhague 5 Rasalhague 1\nRasalhague 2\nRasalhague 3\nRasalhague 4\nRasalhague 5 is_FreeWorldsDesc FreeWorlds 1\nFreeWorlds 2\nFreeWorlds 3\nFreeWorlds 4\nFreeWorlds 5 FreeWorlds 1\nFreeWorlds 2\nFreeWorlds 3\nFreeWorlds 4\nFreeWorlds 5 is_LyranDesc Lyran 1\nLyran 2\nLyran 3\nLyran 4\nLyran 5 Lyran 1\nLyran 2\nLyran 3\nLyran 4\nLyran 5 is_SelectHouse Select House Select House is_PledgeAllegiance Pledge your Allegiance Pledge your Allegiance is_Select Select Select is_Loading Loading Loading is_Private Private Private is_Corporal Corporal Corporal is_Sargent Sargent Sargent is_2ndLieutenant Second Lieutenant Second Lieutenant is_1stLieutenant First Lieutenant First Lieutenant is_Captain Captain Captain is_Major Major Major is_LtColonel Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel is_Colonel Colonel Colonel is_BgdGeneral Brigadier General Brigadier General is_MjrGeneral Major General Major General is_LtGeneral Lieutenant General Lieutenant General is_General General General is_Founded Founded: Founded: is_Level LEVEL LEVEL is_XP GXP GXP is_MC MC MC is_CB CB CB is_K_D KILL DEATH RATIO KILL DEATH RATIO is_Kills KILLS KILLS is_Deaths DEATHS DEATHS is_W_L WIN LOSS RATIO WIN LOSS RATIO is_Wins WINS WINS is_Losses LOSSES LOSSES is_PlayerDetails Player Details Player Details is_Levelup You have leveled up! You have leveled up! fe_Dismiss Dismiss Dismiss is_PreviousValue Previous Previous is_Increase Increase Increase is_CurrentValue Current Current is_VOLUME SOUND VOLUME SOUND VOLUME is_musVolume MUSIC VOLUME MUSIC VOLUME is_sfxVolume EFFECTS VOLUME EFFECTS VOLUME is_dlgVolume DIALOGUE VOLUME DIALOGUE VOLUME is_RESOLUTION SCREEN RESOLUTION SCREEN RESOLUTION is_BRIGHTNESS BRIGHTNESS BRIGHTNESS is_CONTRAST GAMMA GAMMA is_GAMMA GAMMA GAMMA is_SYS SPEC SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS is_WINDOW MODE WINDOWED MODE WINDOWED MODE is_ANTIALIASING ANTI-ALIASING ANTI-ALIASING is_TEXTURE FILTERING TEXTURE FILTERING TEXTURE FILTERING is_Light LIGHT LIGHT is_Medium MEDIUM MEDIUM is_Heavy HEAVY HEAVY is_Assault ASSAULT ASSAULT ui_MSAAMode ANTI-ALIASING ANTI-ALIASING op_TXAA TXAA TXAA op_MSAA MSAA MSAA op_PostAA POSTAA POSTAA ml_Empty EMPTY SLOT EMPTY SLOT ml_Configure CONFIGURE CONFIGURE ml_NewMech BUY\n'MECH BUY\n'MECH ml_ReadyMech READY 'MECH READY 'MECH ml_QUICKSELECT SELECT BATTLEMECH SELECT BATTLEMECH ml_NotQuickSelect DESELECT 'MECH DESELECT 'MECH ml_SaveMech SAVE 'MECH SAVE 'MECH ml_NoSave Saving has been disabled for this demo. Saving has been disabled for this demo. ml_Equip EQUIP EQUIP ml_Unequip Unequip Unequip ml_SelectMech Select a 'Mech Chassis Select a 'Mech Chassis ml_centre_torso CENTER TORSO CENTER TORSO ml_right_torso RIGHT TORSO RIGHT TORSO ml_left_torso LEFT TORSO LEFT TORSO ml_left_arm LEFT ARM LEFT ARM ml_right_arm RIGHT ARM RIGHT ARM ml_left_leg LEFT LEG LEFT LEG ml_right_leg RIGHT LEG RIGHT LEG ml_head HEAD HEAD ml_centre_torso_rear CENTER TORSO REAR CENTER TORSO REAR ml_left_torso_rear LEFT TORSO REAR LEFT TORSO REAR ml_right_torso_rear RIGHT TORSO REAR RIGHT TORSO REAR ml_SelectHardPoint Select a hard point Select a hard point ml_Visual Appearance (Paint Schemes) Appearance (Paint Schemes) ml_ChooseMech CHOOSE 'MECH CHOOSE 'MECH ml_Ready READY READY ml_Class CLASS CLASS ml_Tonnage TONNAGE (TONS) TONNAGE (TONS) ml_Speed SPEED (KPH) SPEED (KPH) ml_Armor ARMOR ARMOR ml_HeatSinks HEAT SINKS HEAT SINKS ml_JumpJets JUMP JETS JUMP JETS ml_Equipment EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT ui_Purchase PURCHASE PURCHASE ml_Purchase PURCHASE PURCHASE ml_Specifications SPECIFICATIONS SPECIFICATIONS ml_BattleMechs BATTLEMECHS BATTLEMECHS ml_BuyMechHC Buy (MC) Buy (MC) ml_BuyMechSC Buy (C-Bills) Buy (C-Bills) ml_CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL ml_NameMech Name BattleMech Name BattleMech ml_NameYourMech Name your BattleMech Name your BattleMech ml_ShowDetail Show Detail Show Detail ml_HideDetail Hide Detail Hide Detail ml_Type TYPE TYPE ml_SlotsReq SLOTS SLOTS ml_Tons TONS TONS ml_Prerequisites Prerequisites Prerequisites ml_Buy BUY BUY ml_Sell SELL SELL ml_Repair REPAIR REPAIR ml_Equipped EQUIPPED EQUIPPED ml_RepairStatus \n \n ml_QTY QTY QTY ml_HardpointSelection HARDPOINT SELECTION HARDPOINT SELECTION ml_HardpointRestrictions HARDPOINT RESTRICTIONS HARDPOINT RESTRICTIONS ml_HardpointSlots HARDPOINT SLOTS HARDPOINT SLOTS ml_Max Max Max ml_BattleMech BATTLEMECH BATTLEMECH ml_Location Location Location ml_Beam ENERGY ENERGY ml_Missile MISSILE MISSILE ml_Ballistic BALLISTIC BALLISTIC ml_Omni OMNI OMNI ml_Ams AMS AMS ml_Firepower FIREPOWER FIREPOWER ml_HeatEff HEAT MGMT HEAT MGMT ml_CURRENT Current Current ml_Rear REAR REAR ml_Front FRONT FRONT ml_NeedEngine WARNING: You will not be able to enter a match without an engine! WARNING: You will not be able to enter a match without an engine! ml_BuyBay BUY 'MECH BAY BUY 'MECH BAY ml_MechBay MECH BAY 'MECH BAY ml_droprestrictions Drop Restrictions Drop Restrictions ml_NeedToBuy You do not currently own this item and will need to buy it\nin order to equip it. Do you want to Continue? You do not currently own this item and will need to buy it\nin order to equip it. Do you want to Continue? ml_CancelConfiguration Cancel Configuration Cancel Configuration ml_ReallyCancelConfig You are about to cancel your BattleMech configuration. All changes will be lost. Do you want to Continue? You are about to cancel your BattleMech configuration. All changes will be lost. Do you want to Continue? ml_Price PRICE PRICE ml_Modules MODULES MODULES ml_Armament ARMAMENT ARMAMENT ml_Info INFO INFO ml_Loadout LOADOUT LOADOUT ml_Visuals CAMO SPEC CAMO SPEC ml_EnginePart Engine Engine ml_EnginePartDesc See Center Torso for details. See Center Torso for details. ml_RepairAll REPAIR ALL REPAIR ALL ml_Rearm REARM REARM ml_RearmAll REARM ALL REARM ALL ui_Repair REPAIR REPAIR ml_selectItemToRepair Select item to repair and rearm. Select item to repair and rearm. ml_Health HEALTH HEALTH ml_TotalCost Total Cost: Total Cost: ml_PtsPerTon PTS/TON PTS/TON ml_AutoRepair AUTOREPAIR ALL 'MECHS AUTOREPAIR ALL 'MECHS ml_AutoRearm AUTOREARM ALL 'MECHS AUTOREARM ALL 'MECHS ml_RepairItem Repair this item. Repair this item. ml_RepairItemTitle REPAIR ITEM REPAIR ITEM ui_repairrearm \n \n ml_Locked IN GAME IN GAME ui_Items ITEMS ITEMS ml_Status STATUS STATUS ml_Cost COST COST ml_SellItem Sell this item for C-Bills. Sell this item for C-Bills. ml_SellItemTitle SELL ITEM SELL ITEM ml_SellMech Sell this 'Mech for C-Bills. Sell this 'Mech for C-Bills. ml_SellMechTitle SELL 'MECH SELL 'MECH ml_TrialMech TRIAL 'MECH TRIAL 'MECH ml_ItemPrice EQUIPPED ITEM VALUE EQUIPPED ITEM VALUE ml_MechPrice MECH VALUE 'MECH VALUE ml_TotalPrice TOTAL SALE VALUE TOTAL SALE VALUE is_GXP GXP GXP ml_Inventory QTY QTY ml_Unkn TBD TBD ui_noFundsRepair You have insufficient funds to repair your 'Mech. You have insufficient funds to repair your 'Mech. ui_noFundsRearm You have insufficient funds to rearm your 'Mech. You have insufficient funds to rearm your 'Mech. ui_noFundsRepirRearm You have insufficient funds to repair and rearm your 'Mech. You have insufficient funds to repair and rearm your 'Mech. ui_NoUndoWarning WARNING: This action is NOT reversible. WARNING: This action is NOT reversible. ml_TrialMechs Trial 'Mechs Trial 'Mechs ml_OwnedMechs Owned 'Mechs Owned 'Mechs ml_EngineHeatSinks Engine Heat Sinks Engine Heat Sinks ml_of of of ml_SlotsUsed slots used. slots used. ml_RequiredHeatSinks This engine requires at least %d heat sink(s). This engine requires at least %d heat sink(s). ml_NeedHeatSinks The current engine requires %d more heat sink(s) before it can enter a match. Do you want to Continue? The current engine requires %0 heat sink(s) before it can enter a match. Do you want to Continue? ml_EngineHeatSinksDesc Heat sinks that are included with this engine. Heat sinks that are included with this engine. ml_AutoRepairOn AUTOREPAIR ON AUTOREPAIR ON ml_AutoRepairOff AUTOREPAIR OFF AUTOREPAIR OFF ml_AutoRearmOn AUTOREARM ON AUTOREARM ON ml_AutoRearmOff AUTOREARM OFF AUTOREARM OFF ml_AddNewMech Add New 'Mech Add New 'Mech BeagleProbe BEAGLE ACTIVE PROBE BEAGLE ACTIVE PROBE BeagleProbe_desc Increases sensor range, speeds up targeting data, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. Counters ECM. Increases sensor range, speeds up targeting data, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. Counters ECM. GuardianECM GUARDIAN ECM GUARDIAN ECM GuardianECM_desc The G-ECM protects friendly units within 120m from electronic targeting systems. The G-ECM can also counter the effects of an enemy G-ECM within the same 120m radius. The G-ECM protects friendly units within 120m from electronic targeting systems. The G-ECM can also counter the effects of an enemy G-ECM within the same 120m radius. CCC COMMAND CONSOLE COMMAND CONSOLE CCC_desc Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ml_Hardpoints HARDPOINTS HARDPOINTS ml_NoEngine No Engine No Engine ml_Default DEFAULT DEFAULT LRMAmmoArtemis LRM AMMO + ARTEMIS IV LRM AMMO + ARTEMIS IV LRMAmmoArtemis_desc Artemis IV LRM Ammo Artemis IV LRM Ammo SRMAmmoArtemis SRM AMMO + ARTEMIS IV SRM AMMO + ARTEMIS IV SRMAmmoArtemis_desc Artemis IV SRM Ammo Artemis IV SRM Ammo FoundersMechs_desc Default Founders Skin Default Founders Skin StandardArmorType STANDARD ARMOR TYPE STANDARD ARMOR TYPE StandardArmorType_desc Standard BattleMech armor that provides 32 points of protection per ton. Standard BattleMech armor that provides 32 points of protection per ton. FerroFibrousType FERRO FIBROUS ARMOR TYPE FERRO FIBROUS ARMOR TYPE FerroFibrousType_desc 12% more protection per ton, occupies 14 critical slots but weighs less. 12% more protection per ton, occupies 14 critical slots but weighs less. StandardStructureType STANDARD STRUCTURE TYPE STANDARD STRUCTURE TYPE StandardStructureType_desc The internal “bones†of a 'Mech, uses standard materials and weighs 10% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage. The internal “bones†of a 'Mech, uses standard materials and weighs 10% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage. EndoSteelType ENDO-STEEL STRUCTURE TYPE ENDO-STEEL STRUCTURE TYPE EndoSteelType_desc Made from lighter endo-steel and weighing 5% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage but occupies 14 critical slots. Made from lighter endo-steel and weighing 5% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage but occupies 14 critical slots. StandardHeatSinkType STANDARD HEAT SINK TYPE STANDARD HEAT SINK TYPE StandardHeatSinkType_desc A standard heat sink that dissipates heat generated by the 'Mech's engine, weapon systems and the environment's ambient temperature. A standard heat sink that dissipates heat generated by the 'Mech's engine, weapon systems and the environment's ambient temperature. DoubleHeatSinkType DOUBLE HEAT SINK TYPE DOUBLE HEAT SINK TYPE DoubleHeatSinkType_desc 40% more efficient than a Standard Heat Sink but weighing the same; requires triple the amount of space. 40% more efficient than a Standard Heat Sink but weighing the same; requires triple the amount of space. ArtemisType ARTEMIS ARTEMIS ArtemisType_desc A targeting system that increases LRM and SRM accuracy to targets within LOS. Each ARTEMIS-enabled weapon takes one more ton and slot to equip. Disabled if sensors enter low signal state. Benefits do not stack with NARC. A targeting system that increases LRM and SRM accuracy to targets within LOS. Each ARTEMIS-enabled weapon takes one more ton and slot to equip. Disabled if sensors enter low signal state. Benefits do not stack with NARC. ml_Upgrades UPGRADES UPGRADES ml_NewUpgrades New Upgrades New Upgrades ml_Structure STRUCTURE STRUCTURE Standard Standard Standard FerroFibrous_short Ferro-Fibrous Ferro-Fibrous EndoSteel_short Endo-Steel Endo-Steel DefaultSkins Default Skin Default Skin DefaultSkins_desc This is the default skin for this BattleMech. This is the default skin for this BattleMech. DoubleHeatSink_MkI DOUBLE HEAT SINK DOUBLE HEAT SINK DoubleHeatSink_MkI_desc Increases heat dissipation per ton but takes up 3 critical slots. Increases heat dissipation per ton but takes up 3 critical slots. ml_ConfirmSwitchTabs This action will cause all changes to be lost. Do you want to Continue? This action will cause all changes to be lost. Do you want to Continue? ml_Artemis ARTEMIS ARTEMIS ml_StructureSlot STRUCTURE SLOT STRUCTURE SLOT ml_StructureSlot_Desc This slot is currently used by upgraded internal structure. This slot is currently used by upgraded internal structure. ml_StructureSlotMovable DYNAMIC STRUCTURE SLOT DYNAMIC STRUCTURE SLOT ml_StructureSlotMovable_Desc Currently used by upgraded internal structure but will find another spot to use if this slot is needed. Currently used by upgraded internal structure but will find another spot to use if this slot is needed. ml_ArmorSlot ARMOR SLOT ARMOR SLOT ml_ArmorSlot_Desc This slot is currently used by upgraded armor. This slot is currently used by upgraded armor. ml_ArmorSlotMovable DYNAMIC ARMOR SLOT DYNAMIC ARMOR SLOT ml_ArmorSlotMovable_Desc Currently used by upgraded armor but will find another spot to use if this slot is needed. Currently used by upgraded armor but will find another spot to use if this slot is needed. _m_toggleItem Toggle Cockpit Item Toggle Cockpit Item ml_HeatSinksRemoved This action will remove all heat sinks from your 'Mech. New heat sinks of the appropriate type will need to be installed. This action will remove all heat sinks from your 'Mech. New heat sinks of the appropriate type will need to be installed. ml_JumpJetBar JUMP DISTANCE (METERS) JUMP DISTANCE (METERS) ml_DblHeatSinks DBL HEAT SINKS DBL HEAT SINKS ml_Saving SAVING SAVING ml_Spawning LOADING LOADING ui_EquipFail CANNOT EQUIP THIS ITEM AT THIS TIME. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER. CANNOT EQUIP THIS ITEM AT THIS TIME. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER. ui_MaxArmorReached Limit reached. Limit reached. ui_MaxComponentReached Limit reached. Limit reached. ui_AdditionalHeatsinksNeeded Not enough heat sinks.\nAdditional required: Not enough heat sinks.\nAdditional required: ui_infiniteuse INFINITE USE INFINITE USE ui_singleuse SINGLE USE SINGLE USE ml_BUY_CB BUY C-Bills BUY C-Bills ml_BUY_MC BUY MC BUY MC ui_NotEnoughHC Not enough MC Not enough MC ml_StatsBtn STATS STATS ml_Description DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ml_dragselecteditem Drag selected item. Drag selected item. ml_Damage DAMAGE DAMAGE ml_Heat HEAT HEAT ml_Cooldown COOLDOWN COOLDOWN ml_Hitpoints HITPOINTS HITPOINTS ml_Duration DURATION DURATION ml_Ammotype AMMO TYPE AMMO TYPE ml_HeatDamage HEAT DAMAGE HEAT DAMAGE ml_RateOfFire RATE OF FIRE RATE OF FIRE ml_MinRange MIN RANGE MIN RANGE ml_LongRange LONG RANGE LONG RANGE ml_MaxRange MAX RANGE MAX RANGE ml_QuantityAvbl QUANTITY QUANTITY ml_ShotsPerTon SHOTS / TON SHOTS / TON ml_ePTModule_Vision VISION VISION ml_ePTModule_Target TARGET TARGET ml_ePTModule_Support SUPPORT SUPPORT ml_ePTModule_Sensor SENSOR SENSOR ml_ePTModule_Consumable CONSUMABLE CONSUMABLE ml_EmptyDesc This slot is available This slot is available tt_ConfigUpgrades CONFIGURE UPGRADES CONFIGURE UPGRADES ml_PointsPerTon POINTS/TON POINTS/TON ml_HeatSinksRequired %0 [%1 EXTERNAL HEAT SINK(S) REQUIRED] %0 [%1 EXTERNAL HEAT SINK(S) REQUIRED] ml_HeatSinkSlots %0 [%1 HEAT SINK SLOT(S) AVAILABLE] %0 [%1 HEAT SINK SLOT(S) AVAILABLE] ml_NumToSell NUMBER TO SELL NUMBER TO SELL ml_UpgradeCost UPGRADE COST UPGRADE COST ml_ArmorCost ARMOR COST ARMOR COST ml_AmmoCost AMMO COST AMMO COST ml_WeaponType UPGRADE UPGRADE ui_ItemAlreadyEquipped Already equipped. Already equipped. ml_notequipped Not equipped. Not equipped. ml_level LEVEL LEVEL ml_range RANGE RANGE ml_rangeboost RANGE BOOST RANGE BOOST ml_PleaseWait UPDATING, PLEASE WAIT UPDATING, PLEASE WAIT ml_FreeDynamic %0 free slots plus %1 dynamic slots. %0 free slots plus %1 dynamic slots. ml_FreeDynamicSh %0(+%1) %0(+%1) ml_FreeSlots FREE SLOTS FREE SLOTS ml_ModuleSlots MODULE SLOTS MODULE SLOTS ml_ReallyBuyBay Are you sure you want to buy a 'Mech Bay? Are you sure you want to buy a 'Mech Bay? tt_BuyMech Select a new 'Mech to buy Select a new 'Mech to buy tt_SelectDeselect Add/Remove this 'Mech To/From the Ready List Add/Remove this 'Mech To/From the Ready List tt_SellMech Sell this 'Mech Sell this 'Mech ui_NALong NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE ui_NoMissiles This 'Mech does not have any missile hardpoints. This 'Mech does not have any missile hardpoints. _m_coolantFlush Cool Shot Cool Shot pt_coolant_cooling_upgrade COOL BOOST COOL BOOST pt_coolant_cooling_upgrade_desc Increases the cooling effects of all Cool Shots by 20%. Increases the cooling effects of all Cool Shots by 20%. pt_advanced_secondary_coolant_flush COOL SHOT 9 BY 9 COOL SHOT 9 BY 9 pt_advanced_secondary_coolant_flush_desc Upgrades Cool Shot 9 to do an additional 9 heat per second (for one second) cooling for a total of 18. Consumed on use. Upgrades Cool Shot 9 to do an additional 9 heat per second (for one second) cooling for a total of 18. Consumed on use. Primary_coolant_flush COOL SHOT 6 COOL SHOT 6 Primary_coolant_flush_desc Adds 6 heat per second (for one second) cooling to your 'Mech's cooling efficiency. Consumed on use. Adds 6 heat per second (for one second) cooling to your 'Mech's cooling efficiency. Consumed on use. Coolant_Flush_Secondary_Advanced COOL SHOT COOL SHOT Coolant_Flush_Secondary_Advanced_desc Adds 4.67 heat per second cooling to your 'Mech's cooling efficiency for 3 seconds. Consumed on use. Adds 4.67 heat per second cooling to your 'Mech's cooling efficiency for 3 seconds. Consumed on use. Coolant_Flush_Secondary COOL SHOT 9 COOL SHOT 9 Coolant_Flush_Secondary_desc Adds 9 heat per second (for one second) cooling to your 'Mech's cooling efficiency. Consumed on use. Adds 9 heat per second (for one second) cooling to your 'Mech's cooling efficiency. Consumed on use. ui_consumablemods CONSUMABLES CONSUMABLES tt_ConfigConsumable CONSUMABLE MODULES CONSUMABLE MODULES pt_advanced_artillery IMP ARTILLERY STRIKE IMP ARTILLERY STRIKE pt_advanced_artillery_desc Replaces Artillery Strike. Calls in a barrage of long range artillery. 10 shells drop into the targeted area after a 4 second flight time delay. Each shell does up to 165 points of damage to a Mech. Consumed on use. Replaces Artillery Strike. Calls in a barrage of long range artillery. 10 shells drop into the targeted area after a 4 second flight time delay. Each shell does up to 165 points of damage to a Mech. Consumed on use. pt_advanced_airstrike IMPROVED AIR STRIKE IMPROVED AIR STRIKE pt_advanced_airstrike_desc Replaces Air Strike. Calls in a fighter air strike on a targeted zone. 6 bombs drop into the targeted area after a 7 second flight time delay. Each bomb does up to 165 points of damage to a Mech. Consumed on use. Replaces Air Strike. Calls in a fighter air strike on a targeted zone. 6 bombs drop into the targeted area after a 7 second flight time delay. Each bomb does up to 165 points of damage to a Mech. Consumed on use. pt_drone_upgrade IMPROVED UAV IMPROVED UAV pt_drone_upgrade_desc Increases the amount of time a UAV is active by 15 seconds. Increases the amount of time a UAV is active by 15 seconds. Artillery_Strike ARTILLERY STRIKE ARTILLERY STRIKE Artillery_Strike_desc Calls in a barrage of long range artillery. 20 shells drop into the targeted circular area within a 75 meter radius for 6 seconds. Each shell deals 5 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. Calls in a barrage of long range artillery. 20 shells drop into the targeted circular area within a 75 meter radius for 6 seconds. Each shell deals 5 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. Priority_Artillery_Strike ADV ARTILLERY STRIKE ADV ARTILLERY STRIKE Priority_Artillery_Strike_desc Calls in a barrage of long range artillery. 20 shells drop into the targeted circular area within a 75 meter radius for 6 seconds. Each shell deals 5 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. Calls in a barrage of long range artillery. 20 shells drop into the targeted circular area within a 75 meter radius for 6 seconds. Each shell deals 5 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. Air_Strike AIR STRIKE AIR STRIKE Air_Strike_desc Calls in a fighter air strike on a targeted zone. 7 bombs drop into the targeted area. Each bombing run covers 125 meters towards the target direction. Each bomb does 10 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. Calls in a fighter air strike on a targeted zone. 7 bombs drop into the targeted area. Each bombing run covers 125 meters towards the target direction. Each bomb does 10 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. Priority_Air_Strike ADV AIR STRIKE ADV AIR STRIKE Priority_Air_Strike_desc Calls in a fighter air strike on a targeted zone. 7 bombs drop into the targeted area. Each bombing run covers 125 meters towards the target direction. Each bomb does 10 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. Calls in a fighter air strike on a targeted zone. 7 bombs drop into the targeted area. Each bombing run covers 125 meters towards the target direction. Each bomb does 10 damage on impact. Consumed on Use. ml_ECM ECM ECM ml_DAMAGEPerSecond DAMAGE/SEC DAMAGE/SEC ml_ShotsPerFire SHOTS/VOLLEY SHOTS/VOLLEY ml_DAMAGEPerShot DAMAGE/SHOT DAMAGE/SHOT op_High HIGH HIGH op_VeryHigh VERY HIGH VERY HIGH op_Low LOW LOW op_Medium MEDIUM MEDIUM op_Mono MONO MONO op_Stereo STEREO STEREO op_Quad QUAD QUAD op_Surround SURROUND SURROUND op_5.1 5.1 SURROUND 5.1 SURROUND op_7.1 7.1 SURROUND 7.1 SURROUND op_ProLogic PRO LOGIC PRO LOGIC op_Auto AUTO AUTO op_InvertY INVERT MOUSE Y-AXIS INVERT MOUSE Y-AXIS st_SaveConfig SAVE CONFIGURATION SAVE CONFIGURATION st_BuyConfig BUY CONFIGURATION BUY CONFIGURATION st_SaveConfigText Your 'Mech configuration has changed. Do you want to\nsave the changes? Your 'Mech configuration has changed. Do you want to\nsave the changes? st_BuyConfigText Your 'Mech configuration has changed, but there are items in the configuration that you do not own.\nDo you want to buy those items and save the configuration? Your 'Mech configuration has changed, but there are items in the configuration that you do not own.\nDo you want to buy those items and save the configuration? st_CantBuyConfigText Your 'Mech configuration has changed, but you do not have enough C Bills to purchase the items you do not own. Do you want to save the configuration as a template? Your 'Mech configuration has changed, but you do not have enough C Bills to purchase the items you do not own. Do you want to save the configuration as a template? st_SaveTemplate Save as Template Save as Template st_DiscardConfig Discard Changes Discard Changes st_ShoppingCart Shopping Cart Shopping Cart st_Buy Purchase Cart Purchase Cart st_ReallyBuy Are you sure you want to buy the selected items? Are you sure you want to buy the selected items? st_SelectCurrency One or more items in your cart can be bought with either Hard Currency or Soft Currency. Please select which you want to use for each item. One or more items in your cart can be bought with either Hard Currency or Soft Currency. Please select which you want to use for each item. st_NotEnoughHC You do not have enough MC to buy the item(s). You do not have enough MC to buy the item(s). st_NotEnoughHCShort Not enough MC Not enough MC st_WillBuyHC Do you want to buy MC (clicking Yes will take you to our website)? Do you want to buy MC (clicking Yes will take you to our website)? st_NotEnoughSC You do not have enough C-Bills to buy all item(s). You do not have enough C-Bills to buy all item(s). st_Discard Discard Changes Discard Changes st_ReallyDiscard Are you sure you want to discard the current configuration? Are you sure you want to discard the current configuration? st_Error Error Error st_BuyFailed There was an error in the attempt to buy the items in the cart. There was an error in the attempt to buy the items in the cart. st_EquipFailed Failed to equip item. Failed to equip item. st_BuyCart Purchase Cart Purchase Cart st_PC MC: MC: st_CB C-Bills: C-Bills: st_HC Price (MC) Price (MC) st_HCX Price Ext. (MC) Price Ext. (MC) st_SC Price (C-Bills) Price (C-Bills) st_SCX Price Ext. (CB) Price Ext. (CB) st_Number Number Number st_HCTotal Price Total (MC): Price Total (MC): st_SCTotal Price Total (C-Bills): Price Total (C-Bills): st_HCBalance Balance (MC): Balance (MC): st_SCBalance Balance (CB): Balance (CB): st_BuyHC Buy MC Buy MC st_BuyItem Buy Item Buy Item st_GiftItem Gift Item Gift Item st_Cart Cart Cart st_Appearance Appearance Appearance st_Modules Modules Modules st_Weapons Weapons Weapons st_Mechs Mechs 'Mechs st_All All All st_StoreItems Store Items Store Items st_InvItems Inventory Items Inventory Items st_Warning WARNING WARNING st_SkinConfirmation IMPORTANT: This purchase will ERASE the current camo spec on your BattleMech. Are you sure you want to proceed? IMPORTANT: This purchase will ERASE the current camo spec on your BattleMech. Are you sure you want to proceed? st_SellMechCamoWarning IMPORTANT: Selling this BattleMech will sell its visual customization items as well. Are you sure you want to proceed? IMPORTANT: Selling this BattleMech will sell its visual customization items as well. Are you sure you want to proceed? fl_friends FRIENDS FRIENDS fl_groups GROUP GROUP fl_invites INVITES INVITES fl_blocked BLOCKED BLOCKED fl_AddFriend ADD FRIEND ADD FRIEND fl_inviteFriend INVITE FRIEND INVITE FRIEND fl_acceptFriendInvitation ACCEPT FRIEND INVITATION ACCEPT FRIEND INVITATION fl_acceptGroupInvitation ACCEPT GROUP INVITATION ACCEPT GROUP INVITATION fl_accept ACCEPT ACCEPT fl_decline DECLINE DECLINE fl_name USERNAME: USERNAME: fl_email EMAIL EMAIL fl_search SEARCH SEARCH fl_invite INVITE INVITE fl_privatechat PRIVATE CHAT PRIVATE CHAT fl_groupchat GROUP CHAT GROUP CHAT fl_globalgroup GLOBAL GLOBAL fl_mercGroup MERC MERC fl_lance LANCE LANCE fl_chatList ACTIVE CHAT LIST ACTIVE CHAT LIST fl_chat SEND MESSAGE SEND MESSAGE fl_block BLOCK FRIEND BLOCK FRIEND fl_restorefriend UNBLOCK UNBLOCK fl_removeFriend REMOVE FRIEND REMOVE FRIEND fl_leave LEAVE CHAT LEAVE CHAT fl_conversation CHATTING WITH ... CHATTING WITH … fl_Ready READY READY fl_notReady NOT READY NOT READY fl_hasJoinedGroup HAS JOINED GROUP HAS JOINED GROUP fl_RemoveFromGroup REMOVE FROM GROUP REMOVE FROM GROUP fl_hasLeftGroup HAS LEFT THE GROUP HAS LEFT THE GROUP fl_hasClaimedOwnership HAS CLAIMED GROUP OWNERSHIP HAS CLAIMED GROUP OWNERSHIP fl_userUnavailable USER UNAVAILABLE USER UNAVAILABLE fl_SuccessTitle SUCCESS SUCCESS fl_FailTitle FAILED FAILED fl_NoticeTitle NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION fl_AddFriendSuccess Successfully invited: Successfully invited: fl_AcceptFriendSuccess Successfully accepted: Successfully accepted: fl_RemoveFriendSuccess Successfully removed: Successfully removed: fl_JoinGroupSuccess Successfully joined group: Successfully joined group: fl_CreateGroupSuccess Successfully created group Successfully created group fl_InviteToGroupSuccess Successfully sent invitation Successfully sent invitation fl_LeaveGroupSuccess Successfully left group Successfully left group fl_LaunchGroupSuccess Successfully launched group: Successfully launched group: fl_AddFriendFail Failed to add friend: Failed to add friend: fl_AcceptFriendFail Failed to accept friend: Failed to accept friend: fl_RemoveFriendFail Failed to remove friend: Failed to remove friend: fl_JoinGroupFail Failed to join group: Failed to join group: fl_LeaveGroupFail Failed to leave group: Failed to leave group: fl_CreateGroupFail Failed to create group: Failed to create group: fl_InviteToGroupFail Failed to send invitation Failed to send invitation fl_LaunchGroupFail Failed to launch group: Failed to launch group: fl_FriendInvitation Friend Invitation received from: Friend Invitation received from: fl_JoinGroupInvitation Group invitation received from: Group invitation received from: fl_SendGroupInvitation Group invitation sent Group invitation sent fl_friendExists Has already been added Has already been added fl_NoFriendExists Is not in Friends List Is not in Friends List fl_groupOwner GROUP OWNER GROUP OWNER fl_groupMember GROUP MEMBER GROUP MEMBER fl_creategroup CREATE GROUP CREATE GROUP fl_inviteToGroup INVITE TO GROUP INVITE TO GROUP fl_launchgroup LAUNCH GROUP LAUNCH GROUP fl_leavegroup LEAVE GROUP LEAVE GROUP fl_groupoptions GROUP OPTIONS GROUP OPTIONS fl_readyForLaunch READY TO LAUNCH READY TO LAUNCH fl_GroupMaxed Group Full Group Full fl_friendIsBlocked IS IN YOUR BLOCKED LIST IS IN YOUR BLOCKED LIST fl_groupNotReady NOT ALL GROUP MEMBERS ARE READY NOT ALL GROUP MEMBERS ARE READY fl_toofewforlaunch NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS TO GROUP LAUNCH NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS TO GROUP LAUNCH ui_doubleclicktochat DOUBLE CLICK PLAYER NAME TO INITIATE CHAT DOUBLE CLICK PLAYER NAME TO INITIATE CHAT tt_WarriorBB Your profile summary. Your profile summary. tt_MercBB Information about your mercenary status Information about your mercenary status tt_MechLabBB Customize your BattleMechs. Customize your BattleMechs. tt_PilotLabBB Enhance your 'Mech and pilot skills. Enhance your 'Mech and pilot skills. tt_StoreBB This is where you get the goods. This is where you get the goods. tt_BuyMechHC Select 'Mech and purchase with Hard Currency Select 'Mech and purchase with Hard Currency tt_BuyMechSC Select 'Mech and purchase with Soft Currency Select 'Mech and purchase with Soft Currency tt_SearchForGame Join a game now. Join a game now. tt_SearchingGame Searching for server. Searching for server. tt_WaitingForPatch Waiting for patch to complete. Waiting for patch to complete. tt_WaitingForReady Ready a Battlemech to enter a game. Ready a Battlemech to enter a game. tt_ReadyForGroup You are Ready for Group Launch You are Ready for Group Launch tt_NotReadyForGroup You are NOT Ready for Group Launch You are NOT Ready for Group Launch tt_ConfigScout Configure Scout Module Configure Scout Module tt_ConfigAttDef Configure AttDef Module. What is an AttDefModule Configure AttDef Module. What is an AttDefModule tt_ConfigCommand Configure Command Module Configure Command Module tt_ConfigWeapons CONFIGURE WEAPONS CONFIGURE WEAPONS tt_ConfigAmmo CONFIGURE AMMUNITION CONFIGURE AMMUNITION tt_ConfigArmor CONFIGURE ARMOR CONFIGURE ARMOR tt_ConfigEquipment CONFIGURE EQUIPMENT CONFIGURE EQUIPMENT tt_ConfigPaint Apply Paint Job Apply Paint Job tt_ConfigCamo Apply Camouflage Apply Camouflage tt_ConfigDecal Apply Decals Apply Decals tt_ConfigCockpit Cockpit Accessories Cockpit Accessories tt_FriendsList Your comrades Your comrades tt_GroupsList Your present group membership Your present group membership tt_InvitesList Your incoming invitations Incoming invitations tt_IgnoreList Your enemies Your enemies tt_ConfigSensor SENSOR MODULES SENSOR MODULES tt_ConfigSupport SUPPORT MODULES SUPPORT MODULES tt_ConfigTargeting TARGETING MODULES TARGETING MODULES tt_ConfigVision VISION MODULES VISION MODULES ui_specInfo SPECIFICATION INFO SPECIFICATION INFO ui_spec_effectsInfo Adjusts general game effects such as dynamic light instancing and persistency timers. Adjusts general game effects such as dynamic light instancing and persistency timers. ui_spec_detailInfo Adjusts geometric, ambient and material detail within the scene. Adjusts geometric, ambient and material detail within the scene. ui_spec_particleInfo Adjusts density, quality and behavior of particles within the scene. Adjusts density, quality and behavior of particles within the scene. ui_spec_postprocessInfo Adjusts quality of post processes such as Depth of Field, HDR lighting, and other screen effects. Adjusts quality of post processes such as Depth of Field, HDR lighting, and other screen effects. ui_spec_shadingInfo Adjusts cost of shader processing where possible. Varies per GPU. Adjusts cost of shader processing where possible. Varies per GPU. ui_spec_shadowsInfo Adjusts the visual quality of shadows in a scene. Adjusts the visual quality of shadows in a scene. ui_spec_textureInfo Adjusts resolutions, sampling densities and memory consumption of textures within a scene. Adjusts resolutions, sampling densities and memory consumption of textures within a scene. ui_spec_environmentInfo Adjusts general environmental influences such as ambient occlusion, reflections, detail distances and LODs. Adjusts general environmental influences such as ambient occlusion, reflections, detail distances and LODs. ui_spec_MSAAInfo Sets the desired Anti-aliasing mode. Dependent on DirectX version. Sets the desired Anti-aliasing mode. Dependent on DirectX version. tt_LaunchSelect Choose your game mode. Choose your game mode. tt_Menu Edit your graphics, sound and controller options. Edit your graphics, sound and controller options. tt_AddTime Purchase Premium Time. Purchase Premium Time. tt_ActivateTime Activate any stored Premium Time you have. Activate any stored Premium Time. tt_AddMC Buy more MechWarrior Credits (MC). Buy more MechWarrior Credits (MC). tt_Social Communicate with your friends here. Communicate with your friends. tt_QuickSelect Quick select a 'Mech to Launch with. Quick select a 'Mech to Launch with. tt_QuickSelectEmpty Add a 'Mech to the quick selector from MechLab. Add a 'Mech to the quick selector from Mech Lab. tt_Facebook Like us on Facebook. Like us on Facebook. tt_Twitter Follow us on Twitter. Follow us on Twitter. tt_YouTube Check out our videos on YouTube. Check out our videos on YouTube. tt_GXP General XP balance. Used in PilotLab. Your current General XP (GXP) balance. tt_Cbills Your current C-Bill balance. Your current C-Bill balance. tt_MC Your current MechWarrior Credit (MC) balance. Your current MechWarrior Credit (MC) balance. tt_TrialMechs Current Trial 'Mechs. Current Trial 'Mechs. tt_OwnedMechs Your purchased 'Mechs. Your purchased 'Mechs. tt_BuyBay Buy a 'Mech Bay. Non-reversible. Buy a 'Mech Bay. Non-reversible. tt_Loadout Customize weapon, ammo, armor and equipment. Customize weapon, ammo, armor and equipment. tt_Modules Purchase and equip Modules. Purchase and equip Modules. tt_Visuals Purchase patterns, colors and decals. Purchase patterns, colors and decals. tt_Cockpit In cockpit collectibles. In cockpit collectibles. tt_SaveConfig Saves all configuration changes made. Saves all configuration changes made. tt_CancelConfig Undo all changes and return to previous. Undo all changes and return to previous. tt_LeftLeg Left Leg Left Leg tt_RightLeg Right Leg Right Leg tt_LeftArm Left Arm Left Arm tt_RightArm Right Arm Right Arm tt_LeftTorso Left Torso Left Torso tt_RightTorso Right Torso Right Torso tt_CenterTorso Center Torso Center Torso tt_Head Head Head tt_LeftTorsoRear Left Torso Rear Left Torso Rear tt_RightTorsoRear Right Torso Rear Right Torso Rear tt_CenterTorsoRear Center Torso Rear Center Torso Rear tt_SaveCamo Saves your current selections. Saves your current selections. tt_ResetCamo Reset to your last saved selection. Reset to your last saved selection. tt_CancelCamo Cancels all changes and returns to previous. Cancels all changes and returns to previous. tt_ExchangeXP Convert your XP to GXP. Convert your XP to GXP. HUD_KPH KPH KPH HUD_adbv_North N N HUD_adbv_South S S HUD_adbv_East E E HUD_adbv_West W W HUD_adbv_North_East NE NE HUD_adbv_North_West NW NW HUD_adbv_South_East SE SE HUD_adbv_South_West SW SW HUD_Adbv_Meter M M HUD_Front Front Front HUD_Rear Rear Rear HUD_L L L HUD_R R R hud_NoPlayer No player No player HUD_friendly FRIENDLY FRIENDLY HUD_enemy ENEMY ENEMY HUD_Auto_Eject AUTO-EJECT AUTO-EJECT HUD_Critical_Damage CRITICAL DAMAGE CRITICAL DAMAGE HUD_Heat_Warning HEAT WARNING HEAT WARNING HUD_Incomming_Missile INCOMING MISSILE INCOMING MISSILE HUD_Target_Lock TARGET LOCK DETECTED TARGET LOCK DETECTED HUD_Collision_Warning COLLISION WARNING COLLISION WARNING HUD_Fall_Warning FALLING WARNING FALLING WARNING HUD_OoB_Warning OUT OF BOUNDS OUT OF BOUNDS HUD_Override_Engaged OVERRIDE ENGAGED OVERRIDE ENGAGED HUD_Shutdown SHUTDOWN ENGAGED SHUTDOWN ENGAGED HUD_Overheated HEAT LIMIT EXCEEDED HEAT LIMIT EXCEEDED HUD_Base_Capture BASE UNDER ATTACK BASE UNDER ATTACK HUD_SelectMech Select 'Mech Select 'Mech HUD_ExitGame Exit Game Exit Game HUD_ExitDialog Are you sure you want to exit the game? Are you sure you want to exit the game? HUD_QuitLevel Quit Match Quit Match HUD_QuitDialog Are you sure you want to quit the match? Are you sure you want to quit the match? HUD_All_Chat All All HUD_Team_Chat Team Team HUD_Lance_Chat Lance Lance SYSTEM_DiscconectMsg has disconnected. has disconnected. SYSTEM_KillMsg has killed has killed SYSTEM_ConnectMsg has connected. has connected. PGS_Waiting Waiting for Pilots Waiting for Pilots PGS_Connected Connected Connected PGS_Disconnected Disconnected Disconnected PGS_Joinning Joining Server Joining Server PGS_BeginMatch Match will begin in Match will begin in HUD_RewardCB CB CB HUD_RewardEXP XP XP HUD_KILL ENEMY DESTROYED ENEMY DESTROYED HUD_KILL_ASSIST KILL ASSIST KILL ASSIST HUD_OBJ_COMPLETE OBJECTIVE COMPLETE OBJECTIVE COMPLETE HUD_OBJ_ASSIST CAPTURE ASSIST CAPTURE ASSIST HUD_HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HUD_DFA DFA DFA HUD_SAVIOUR SAVIOUR KILL SAVIOUR KILL HUD_DEFENSIVE_KILL DEFENSIVE KILL DEFENSIVE KILL HUD_COMPONENT_DESTORYED COMPONENT DESTROYED COMPONENT DESTROYED HUD_TARGET_SPOT SPOT TARGET SPOT TARGET HUD_TARGET_SPOT_KILL_ASSIST SPOT KILL ASSIST SPOT KILL ASSIST HUD_INDIRECT_FIRE_KILL INDIRECT FIRE KILL INDIRECT FIRE KILL HUD_TEAM_WIN MATCH WIN MATCH WIN HUD_TEAM_LOSE MATCH LOSS MATCH LOSS HUD_LAST_MAN_STANDING LAST MAN STANDING LAST MAN STANDING HUD_TEAM_KILL TEAM KILL TEAM KILL HUD_CONTRACT_WIN CONTRACT WIN CONTRACT WIN HUD_CONTRACT_LOSS CONTRACT LOSS CONTRACT LOSS HUD_SPEC_MODE SPECTATOR MODE SPECTATOR MODE HUD_SPECTATING PLAYER: SPECTATING: HUD_SPEC_COUNT PLAYERS SPECTATING: PLAYERS SPECTATING: HUD_DEFENSIVEKILL_BONUS DEFENSIVE KILL DEFENSIVE KILL HUD_UAVKILL UAV KILL UAV KILL HUD_UAVDETECTION UAV DETECTION UAV DETECTION HUD_UAVASSIST UAV ASSIST UAV ASSIST mon_Heat_Sinks_Title HEAT SINK STATUS HEAT SINK STATUS mon_total_lable TOTAL TOTAL mon_Head_lable HEAD HEAD mon_LT_lable LEFT TORSO LEFT TORSO mon_CT_lable CENTER TORSO CENTER TORSO mon_engine_lable ENGINE ENGINE mon_RT_lable RIGHT TORSO RIGHT TORSO mon_LA_lable LEFT ARM LEFT ARM mon_RA_lable RIGHT ARM RIGHT ARM mon_LL_lable LEFT LEG LEFT LEG mon_RL_lable RIGHT LEG RIGHT LEG mon_Ammunition AMMUNITION AMMUNITION mon_No_Ammo NO AMMUNITION LOADED NO AMMUNITION LOADED mon_Misson_Kills MISSION KILLS MISSION KILLS hud_PAN PAN PAN hud_DRAG DRAG DRAG hud_ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM hud_STARTCOMMAND START COMMAND START COMMAND hud_TOGGLEBATTLEGRID TOGGLE BATTLEGRID TOGGLE BATTLEGRID ui_controlB B B hud_RemoveOrder REMOVE ORDER REMOVE ORDER HUD_Atk ATTACK ATTACK HUD_Def DEFEND DEFEND HUD_Hold HOLD HOLD HUD_Move MOVE MOVE HUD_FlankLeft FLANK LEFT FLANK LEFT HUD_FlankRight FLANK RIGHT FLANK RIGHT HUD_AlphaLance ALPHA ALPHA HUD_BetaLance BRAVO BRAVO HUD_CharlieLance CHARLIE CHARLIE HUD_AlphaLancePanelTitle ALPHA LANCE ALPHA LANCE HUD_BetaLancePanelTitle BRAVO LANCE BRAVO LANCE HUD_CharlieLancePanelTitle CHARLIE LANCE CHARLIE LANCE HUD_alpha_short A A HUD_Bravo_short B B HUD_Charlie_short C C HUD_COMMANDER COMMANDER COMMANDER HUD_RESIGNCOM RESIGN COMMAND RESIGN COMMAND HUD_TAKECOM TAKE COMPANY COMMAND TAKE COMPANY COMMAND HUD_TAKELANCECOM TAKE LANCE COMMAND TAKE LANCE COMMAND hud_TOGGLEINFOPANEL TOGGLE INFO PANEL TOGGLE INFO PANEL HUD_Millisec ms ms ui_TeamCommandRelinquished RELINQUISHED COMPANY COMMAND RELINQUISHED COMPANY COMMAND ui_TeamCommandAcquired ACQUIRED COMPANY COMMAND ACQUIRED COMPANY COMMAND ui_LanceCommandRelinquished RELINQUISHED LANCE COMMAND RELINQUISHED LANCE COMMAND ui_LanceCommandAcquired ACQUIRED LANCE COMMAND ACQUIRED LANCE COMMAND ui_orderreceived ORDER RECEIVED ORDER RECEIVED HUD_NORM_VIS NORM NORM HUD_NIGHT_VIS NIGHT NIGHT HUD_HEAT_VIS THERM THERM HUD_MAG_VIS MAG MAG HUD_CapPnt1 GAMMA GAMMA HUD_CapPnt2 EPSILON EPSILON HUD_CapPnt3 THETA THETA HUD_CapPnt4 KAPPA KAPPA HUD_CapPnt5 SIGMA SIGMA HUD_FRIENDLY_CAP_IN_PROGRESS FRIENDLY CAP IN PROGRESS FRIENDLY CAP IN PROGRESS HUD_ENEMY_CAP_IN_PROGRESS ENEMY CAP IN PROGRESS ENEMY CAP IN PROGRESS HUD_FRIEND_NEAR_WIN YOUR TEAM IS ABOUT TO WIN YOUR TEAM IS ABOUT TO WIN HUD_ENEMY_NEAR_WIN ENEMY TEAM IS ABOUT TO WIN ENEMY TEAM IS ABOUT TO WIN HUD_ECM_DISRUPT DISRUPT DISRUPT HUD_ECM_PASSIVE COUNTER COUNTER HUD_Active ACTIVE: ACTIVE: HUD_LOW_SIGNAL LOW SIGNAL LOW SIGNAL HUD_Weapon_Jammed WEAPON JAMMED WEAPON JAMMED ui_DeathByHead HEAD COMPONENT DESTROYED HEAD COMPONENT DESTROYED ui_DeathByEngine ENGINE DESTROYED ENGINE DESTROYED ui_DeathByLegs LEGS DESTROYED LEGS DESTROYED ui_destroyed DESTROYED DESTROYED ui_damaged_by DAMAGED BY DAMAGED BY ui_killed_by KILLED BY KILLED BY ui_timeinbattle TIME IN BATTLE TIME IN BATTLE HUD_TAGNARC_BONUS TAG/NARC BONUS TAG/NARC BONUS HUD_UAVDAMAGE_BONUS UAV DAMAGE UAV DAMAGE HUD_UAVDETECTION_BONUS UAV DETECTION UAV DETECTION ui_tospec CLICK TO SPECTATE CLICK TO SPECTATE hud_TEAMCOMMANDER COMPANY COMMAND COMPANY COMMAND hud_LANCECOMMANDER LANCE COMMAND LANCE COMMAND hud_TEAMCMD COMPANY COMMANDER ORDER COMPANY COMMANDER ORDER hud_LANCECMD LANCE COMMANDER ORDER LANCE COMMANDER ORDER hud_commands COMMANDS COMMANDS hud_lances LANCES LANCES hud_Battlegrid BATTLEGRID BATTLEGRID ui_SelectLanguage select language select language ui_English English English ui_German German Deutsch ui_Japanese Japanese 日本 ui_French French French ui_SelectLevel SELECT LEVEL SELECT LEVEL ui_GoSettings settings settings ui_ResumeGame Resume Resume ui_ExitGame Exit Exit ui_MainMenuTitle Main Menu Main Menu ui_Graphic Graphic Graphic ui_Fullscreen FULLSCREEN FULLSCREEN ui_Resolution Resolution Resolution ui_Hdr HDR HDR ui_Sound sounds sounds ui_Music music volume music volume ui_Sfx sfx volume sfx volume ui_SaveConfig apply apply ui_CancelConfig cancel cancel ui_LevelPage CryENGINE 3 CryENGINE 3 ui_SelLanguage language language ui_Profile PROFILE PROFILE ui_LATESTUPDATES LATEST UPDATES LATEST UPDATES ui_NewsFeed NEWS FEED NEWS FEED ui_Closed CLOSED CLOSED ui_Beta BETA BETA ui_Resume Resume Resume ui_Restart Restart Restart ui_QuickLoadGame Load Load ui_QuickSaveGame Save Save ui_GoMainmenu Mainmenu Mainmenu ui_Exit Exit Exit ui_Loading LOADING LOADING ui_Health Health Health ui_DeadMsg You are dead! You are dead! ui_PressRessurect Press "fire" to revive player Press "fire" to revive player ui_Objectives Objectives Objectives ui_dead DEAD DEAD ui_alive ALIVE ALIVE ui_status STATUS STATUS ui_BadUsername Bad Email Bad Email ui_BadPassword Bad Password Bad Password ui_UsernameSpecs Usernames must be greater than 3 characters Usernames must be greater than 3 characters ui_PasswordSpecs Passwords must be greater than 3 characters Passwords must be greater than 3 characters ui_Username MWO ACCOUNT EMAIL: MWO ACCOUNT EMAIL: ui_Password PASSWORD: PASSWORD: ui_Login LOGIN LOGIN ui_LoginBtn Log in Log in ui_FatalError Fatal Error Fatal Error ui_ProfileFail Failed to create or retrieve the player profile.\nThe game client may not have write access to the install directory. Failed to create or retrieve the player profile.\nThe game client may not have write access to the install directory. ui_CapLockOn Caps Lock is on! Caps Lock is on! ui_AccountLogin ACCOUNT LOGIN ACCOUNT LOGIN ui_OK OK OK ui_Cancel CANCEL CANCEL ui_Yes Yes Yes ui_No No No ui_Close CLOSE CLOSE ui_MechWarriorInfo HOME HOME ui_MechLab MECHLAB MECHLAB ui_MercHQ FACTION DETAILS FACTION DETAILS ui_Leaderboards Leaderboards Leaderboards ui_InnerSphere Inner Sphere Inner Sphere ui_CreateNewUser Create MWO Account Create MWO Account ui_LoginFailed Login Failed Login Failed ui_LoginFailedMessage The Email or Password was incorrect. The Email or Password was incorrect. ui_NoUserMessage The username does not exist, create a new user? The username does not exist, create a new user? ui_PlayerStats Player Stats Player Stats ui_Challenges Challenges Challenges ui_MercStats Merc Stats Merc Stats ui_EventCalendar Event Calendar Event Calendar ui_EventManagement Calendar Event Management Calendar Event Management ui_MemberManagement Member Management Member Management ui_PlanetaryInfluence Planetary Influence Assignment Map Planetary Influence Assignment Map ui_SetAllegiance Set Allegiance Set Allegiance ui_SetRank Set Member Rank Set Member Rank ui_CreateLance Create Lance Create Lance ui_CorpCreate Merc Corp Create Merc Corp Create ui_House House Affiliation: House Affiliation: ui_Rank Rank: Rank: ui_Merc Merc Corp: Merc Corp: ui_Level Level: Level: ui_Balance Account Balance: Account Balance: ui_JoinCreate Join or Create Join or Create ui_JoinCreateMessage Join a Merc Corp or Create a new one. Join a Merc Corp or Create a new one. ui_Join Join Join ui_SelectJoin Select the Merc Corp that you want to join. Select the Merc Corp that you want to join. ui_MercName Merc Corp Name: Merc Corp Name: ui_CreateMercCorp Create a Merc Corp Create a Merc Corp ui_MercColor Merc Corp Color: Merc Corp Color: ui_SelectAMech Select a 'Mech: Select a 'Mech: ui_Edit Edit Edit ui_Done Done Done ui_Weapons WEAPON SYSTEMS WEAPON SYSTEMS ui_Armor ARMOR DIS ARMOR DIS ui_Misc Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ui_MaximizeArmor Maximize Armor Distribution Maximize Armor Distribution ui_PurchaseArmor Purchase Additional Armor Purchase Additional Armor ui_Head HEAD HEAD ui_CenterTorso CENTER TORSO CENTER TORSO ui_BackTorso BACK TORSO BACK TORSO ui_LeftTorso LEFT TORSO LEFT TORSO ui_RightTorso RIGHT TORSO RIGHT TORSO ui_LeftArm LEFT ARM LEFT ARM ui_RightArm RIGHT ARM RIGHT ARM ui_LeftLeg LEFT LEG LEFT LEG ui_RightLeg RIGHT LEG RIGHT LEG ui_PilotLab PILOT LAB PILOT LAB ui_DropShipView Drop Deck Drop Deck ui_InnerSphereEvents News and Events News and Events ui_InnerSphereMap Map Map ui_MainPage Main Page Main Page ui_GameType Game Type: Game Type: ui_MapSelect Map: Map: ui_PublicPrivate Quick or Private: Quick or Private: ui_GameName MechWarrior Online MechWarrior Online ui_KeepEmail Remember Email Address Remember Email Address ui_Store STORE STORE ui_Support Support Support ui_ISNews NEWS NEWS ui_ISFeeds Feeds Feeds ui_QuickPlay LAUNCH LAUNCH ui_Searching SEARCHING SEARCHING ui_Chat CHAT CHAT ui_Message Messages MS ui_Friends Friends FR ui_Menu MENU MENU ui_MemberList Member List Member List ui_Name Username Username ui_LanceList Lances Lances ui_Invite Invite Player Invite Player ui_Remove Remove Remove ui_EditRank Edit Rank Edit Rank ui_NewLance New Lance New Lance ui_RemoveLance Remove Lance Remove Lance ui_AssignInfluence Assign Influence Assign Influence ui_EventInfo Events Events ui_AddEvent Add Event Add Event ui_RemoveEvent Remove Event Remove Event ui_EditEvent Edit Event Edit Event ui_JoinEvent Join Event Join Event ui_NumPlayers Number of Players Number of Players ui_confirmLogout Log Out Log Out ui_reallyLogout Are you sure you want to exit the game? Are you sure you want to exit the game? ui_PrivatePublic Match Match ui_Tutorials ACADEMY ACADEMY ui_Options Settings Settings ui_LogOut EXIT GAME EXIT GAME ui_Quit Quit Quit ui_CreateGame Create Create ui_NumKill Number of Kills Number of Kills ui_Refresh Refresh Refresh ui_ServerName Server ID Server ID ui_Ping PING PING ui_Wins WINS! WINS! ui_Name_Title NAME NAME ui_Kills_Title KILLS KILLS ui_Deaths_Title DEATHS DEATHS ui_GotoBetaPage ui_Stats PILOTLAB PILOTLAB ui_ForgotUsername Forgot Username? Forgot Username? ui_ForgotPassword Forgot Password? Forgot Password? ui_DontGiveLoginInfo Do not give your login info to anyone. Piranha Games Inc. will never need to ask you for this info. Do not give your login info to anyone. Piranha Games Inc. will never need to ask you for this info. ui_None Lone Wolf Lone Wolf ui_CreateContract Create Contract Create Contract ui_AcceptContract Accept Accept ui_DropCreator Drop Deck Creator Drop Deck Creator ui_JoinAsGroup Join as group Join as group ui_SelectHouse Select House Select House ui_CombatEarnings Combat Earnings Combat Earnings ui_TeamEarnings Team Earnings Team Earnings ui_MechStats Mech Stats 'Mech Stats ui_FPEarned FP Earned FP Earned ui_FactionRequirement Faction Requirement Faction Requirement ui_LPRequirement LP Requirement LP Requirement ui_CBReward C-Bills Reward C-Bills Reward ui_RepairsOnly Repairs only Repairs only ui_Issuer Issuer Issuer ui_ContractType Contract Type Contract Type ui_DropLeader Drop Leader Drop Leader ui_Location Location Location ui_LanceA Lance A Lance A ui_LanceB Lance B Lance B ui_LanceC Lance C Lance C ui_LanceD Lance D Lance D ui_InviteNonMember Invite Non-member Invite Non-member ui_DragOn << Drag member to place on a lance << Drag member to place on a lance ui_DragOff Drag a member off to remove from a lance >> Drag a member off to remove from a lance >> ui_ToSText Terms of Service Text Terms of Service Text ui_ToS Terms of Service Terms of Service ui_ToSAccept Do you accept the Terms of Service? Do you accept the Terms of Service? ui_Decline Decline Decline ui_Accept Accept Accept ui_Find Find Find ui_NoMechChosen Please Select a 'Mech Please Select a 'Mech ui_Save SAVE SAVE ui_pr_ready READY READY ui_pr_not_ready NOT READY NOT READY matchStart MATCH STARTS IN MATCH STARTS IN lob_Ready READY READY lob_Quit LEAVE LOBBY LEAVE LOBBY ui_MATCH_LOBBY MATCH LOBBY MATCH LOBBY ui_MY_TEAM YOUR TEAM YOUR TEAM ui_THEIR_TEAM YOUR ENEMY YOUR ENEMY ui_Gamemode GAMEMODE GAMEMODE ui_Players PLAYERS PLAYERS ui_MECHWARRIOR MECHWARRIOR MECHWARRIOR ui_Versus VS VS ui_Assault ASSAULT ASSAULT ui_Conquest CONQUEST CONQUEST ui_GameModes GAME MODES GAME MODES eGM_Assault ASSAULT ASSAULT eGM_Conquest CONQUEST CONQUEST ui_GM_Random RANDOM RANDOM eGM_NumGameModes ANY ANY ui_LaunchModes LAUNCH MODE LAUNCH MODE ui_Settings Settings Settings ui_ConfirmSaveSettings Save Settings? Save Settings? ui_cancelWithoutSaving Cancel Without Saving? Cancel Without Saving? ui_confirmExit Quit Quit ui_reallyExit Do you wish to exit the match? Do you wish to exit the match? ui_SPEAKERS Speakers Speakers ui_VIDEO VIDEO SETTINGS VIDEO SETTINGS ui_AUDIO AUDIO SETTINGS AUDIO SETTINGS ui_PROCESSING WHAT AM I? WHAT AM I? ui_Vsync V-SYNC V-SYNC ui_Windowed WINDOWED WINDOWED ui_FullWindow FULL WINDOW FULL WINDOW ui_CONTROLS CONFIGURE CONTROLS CONFIGURE CONTROLS ui_COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND ui_CONTROL Mapped Mapped ui_AlreadyMapped Already Mapped Already Mapped ui_ReplaceMapping Do you wish to remap your controls? Do you wish to remap your controls? is_3DVision 3D VISION MODE 3D VISION MODE is_DirectX DIRECT X VERSION DIRECT X VERSION is_MotionBlur MOTION BLUR MOTION BLUR ui_Advanced Advanced Options Advanced Options ui_DoubleClickControl Double click slot to assign key. Double click slot to assign key. ui_Effects EFFECTS EFFECTS ui_objectdetail OBJECT DETAIL OBJECT DETAIL ui_particles PARTICLES PARTICLES ui_postprocessing POST PROCESSING POST PROCESSING ui_shading SHADING SHADING ui_shadows SHADOWS SHADOWS ui_texture TEXTURING TEXTURING ui_environment ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT ui_C3VOIP ENABLE C3 VOIP ENABLE C3 VOIP ui_PostMSAA POST MSAA POST MSAA ui_advvideo ADVANCED VIDEO SETTINGS ADVANCED VIDEO SETTINGS ui_showFoundersTag SHOW FOUNDERS TAG SHOW FOUNDERS TAG ui_GameSettings GAME SETTINGS GAME SETTINGS ui_bindingrequired BIND KEY BIND KEY op_DX9 DX9 DX9 op_DX11 DX11 DX11 op_custom CUSTOM CUSTOM op_On ON ON op_Off OFF OFF ui_BattleMechs BATTLEMECHS BATTLEMECHS ui_Equipment EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT ui_Ammo AMMO AMMO ui_ArmorShort ARMOR ARMOR ui_Visual VISUAL VISUAL ui_InfoTech INFOTECH INFOTECH ui_Structure STRUCTURE STRUCTURE ui_HealthCap HEALTH HEALTH ui_Cost COST COST: ui_Scout Scout Scout ui_AttDef Attack/Defense Attack/Defense ui_Ton Ton Ton ui_Tons Ton(s) Ton(s) ui_NotEnoughTons Too heavy Too heavy ui_NotEnoughSlots Not enough slots Not enough slots ui_NotEnoughWeaponpoints Limit Reached Limit Reached ui_NotEnoughWeaponSlots Hardpoints full Hardpoints full ui_NotEnoughSC Not enough C-Bills Not enough C-Bills ui_CurrentCostCB Current Cost (C-Bills) Current Cost (C-Bills) ui_CurrentCostMC Current Cost (MC) Current Cost (MC) ui_LoneWolf LONE WOLF LONE WOLF ui_ReadyList READY LIST READY LIST ui_NA NA NA ui_Stage1 Checking Checking ui_Stage2 Downloading Downloading ui_Stage3 Extracting Extracting ui_Stage4 Patching Patching ui_Stage5 Applying Applying ui_Stage6 Complete Complete ui_Patching PATCHING PATCHING ui_UpToDate MECHWARRIOR ONLINE IS UP TO DATE MECHWARRIOR ONLINE IS UP TO DATE ui_Progress OVERALL PROGRESS OVERALL PROGRESS ui_NoSave Saving has been disabled in this build. Saving has been disabled in this build. ui_NoBuy Buying a Battlemech has been disabled in this build. Buying a Battlemech has been disabled in this build. ui_usersOnline Users Online: Users Online: ui_PlayerReady READY READY ui_PlayerNotReady NOT READY NOT READY ui_Warning WARNING WARNING ui_LaunchNotArmed You are about to launch into a game with a 'Mech that is not fully armed. Do you want to Continue? You are about to launch into a game with a 'Mech that is not fully armed. Do you want to Continue? ui_LaunchNotHealthly You are about to launch into a game with a 'Mech that is not at full health. Do you want to Continue? You are about to launch into a game with a 'Mech that is not at full health. Do you want to Continue? ui_ExclusiveItem Item Limit Reached Item Limit Reached ui_ReadyMechLocked This BattleMech is still in a match. This BattleMech is still in a match. ui_modules MODULES MODULES ui_chassis CHASSIS CHASSIS ui_chassishdr MECH CATEGORIES 'MECH CATEGORIES ui_class CLASS CLASS ui_tonnage TONNAGE TONNAGE ui_xp XP XP ui_basic BASIC BASIC ui_elite ELITE ELITE ui_master MASTER MASTER ui_exchangexp CONVERT XP CONVERT XP ui_specifications EFFICIENCY SPECIFICATIONS EFFICIENCY SPECIFICATIONS ui_costxp COST COST ui_usemechxp USE 'MECH XP USE 'MECH XP ui_usegeneralxp USE GENERAL XP USE GENERAL XP ui_coolrun COOLRUN COOLRUN ui_heatcontain HEAT CONTAINMENT HEAT CONTAINMENT ui_kineticburst KINETIC BURST KINETIC BURST ui_hardbrake HARD BRAKE HARD BRAKE ui_armreflex ARM REFLEX ARM REFLEX ui_twistX TWIST X TWIST X ui_twistSpeed TWIST SPEED TWIST SPEED ui_anchorTurn ANCHOR TURN ANCHOR TURN ui_coolrun_desc Increases Heat Dissipation by 7.5% Increases Heat Dissipation by 7.5% ui_heatcontain_desc Increases maximum heat threshold before a BattleMech shuts down by 10% Increases maximum heat threshold before a BattleMech shuts down by 10% ui_kineticburst_desc Increases BattleMech acceleration by 7.5% Increases BattleMech acceleration by 7.5% ui_hardbrake_desc Increases BattleMech deceleration by 7.5% Increases BattleMech deceleration by 7.5% ui_armreflex_desc Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can move its arms by 2.5% Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can move its arms by 2.5% ui_twistX_desc Increases the maximum amount a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% Increases the maximum amount a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% ui_twistSpeed_desc Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% ui_anchorTurn_desc Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. ui_quickIgnition QUICK IGNITION QUICK IGNITION ui_pinpoint PINPOINT PINPOINT ui_fastfire FAST FIRE FAST FIRE ui_speedtweak SPEED TWEAK SPEED TWEAK ui_quickIgnition_desc Start-up and shut-down sequences sped up by 33% Start-up and shut-down sequences sped up by 33% ui_pinpoint_desc Weapon convergence speed increased by 15% Weapon convergence speed increased by 15% ui_fastfire_desc Weapon cooldown rate increased by 5% Weapon cooldown rate increased by 5% ui_speedtweak_desc Increases top speed by 7.5% Increases top speed by 7.5% ui_MechModuleSlot MODULE SLOT MODULE SLOT ui_variantsunlocked VARIANTS UNLOCKED VARIANTS UNLOCKED ui_LightChassis LIGHT LIGHT ui_MediumChassis MEDIUM MEDIUM ui_HeavyChassis HEAVY HEAVY ui_AssaultChassis ASSAULT ASSAULT ui_HeroChassis HERO HERO ui_unlock UNLOCK UNLOCK ui_locked LOCKED LOCKED ui_unlocked UNLOCKED UNLOCKED ui_variantsOwned VARIANTS OWNED VARIANTS OWNED ui_mech MECH 'MECH ui_mechs 'MECHS 'MECHS ui_moduleSlot MODULE MODULE ui_moduleSlot_desc Adds 1 additional module slot to the BattleMech Adds 1 additional module slot to the BattleMech ui_mechefficiencies EFFICIENCIES EFFICIENCIES ui_TierRules Purchase these efficiencies by earning XP with this 'Mech variant. Purchase these efficiencies by earning XP with this 'Mech variant. ui_TierRulesElite Purchase all Basic Tier efficiencies for 3 variants of this chassis to unlock Elite Tier efficiencies. Purchase all Basic Tier efficiencies for 3 variants of this chassis to unlock Elite Tier efficiencies. ui_TierRulesMaster Purchase all Elite Tier efficiencies for 3 variants of this weight class to unlock Master Tier efficiencies. Purchase all Elite Tier efficiencies for 3 variants of this weight class to unlock Master Tier efficiencies. ui_quitmatch Exit Match Exit Match ui_tied TIED TIED eLV_OverTonnage INVALID LOADOUT - OVER TONNAGE INVALID LOADOUT - OVER TONNAGE eLV_SlotViolation INVALID LOADOUT - TOO MANY SLOTS USED INVALID LOADOUT - TOO MANY SLOTS USED eLV_ArmorViolation INVALID LOADOUT - ARMOR IS OVER MAX ALLOWABLE INVALID LOADOUT - ARMOR IS OVER MAX ALLOWABLE eLV_NoEngine INVALID LOADOUT - NO ENGINE EQUIPPED INVALID LOADOUT - NO ENGINE EQUIPPED eLV_UnknownError INVALID LOADOUT - UNKNOWN ISSUE INVALID LOADOUT - UNKNOWN ISSUE eLV_HardpointViolation INVALID LOADOUT - HARDPOINT LIMITATION INVALID LOADOUT - HARDPOINT LIMITATION ui_ConvertXPHdr CONVERT XP CONVERT XP ui_ConvertXPDesc Convert %0 XP to GXP for %1 MC? Convert %0 XP to GXP for %1 MC? ui_convertXPtoGXP CONVERT XP TO GXP CONVERT XP TO GXP ui_UnlockEfficiencyHdr UNLOCK EFFICIENCY UNLOCK EFFICIENCY ui_UnlockEfficiencyDesc Unlock this Efficiency? Unlock this Efficiency? ui_salvagebonus SALVUAGE BONUS SALVAGE BONUS ui_premiumbonus PREMIUM TIME BONUS PREMIUM TIME BONUS ui_foundersbonus FOUNDER'S BONUS FOUNDER'S BONUS ui_spottingassists SPOTTING ASSISTS SPOTTING ASSISTS ui_boosterpurchase PREMIUM ACCOUNT UPGRADE PREMIUM ACCOUNT UPGRADE ui_selectboosterduration SELECT UPGRADE DURATION SELECT UPGRADE DURATION ui_confirmBoosterPurchase CONTINUE WITH PURCHASE? CONTINUE WITH PURCHASE? ui_confirmation CONFIRMATION REQUIRED CONFIRMATION REQUIRED ui_premiumstatus_active PREMIUM ACCOUNT ACTIVE PREMIUM ACCOUNT ACTIVE ui_premiumstatus_inactive PREMIUM ACCOUNT INACTIVE PREMIUM ACCOUNT INACTIVE ui_Booster_1Day 1 DAY PREMIUM TIME 1 DAY PREMIUM TIME ui_Booster_3Day 3 DAYS PREMIUM TIME 3 DAYS PREMIUM TIME ui_Booster_7Day 7 DAYS PREMIUM TIME 7 DAYS PREMIUM TIME ui_Booster_30Day 30 DAYS ACTIVE PREMIUM TIME 30 DAYS ACTIVE PREMIUM TIME ui_Booster_180Day 180 DAYS PREMIUM TIME 180 DAYS PREMIUM TIME ui_Booster_360Day 360 DAYS PREMIUM TIME 360 DAYS PREMIUM TIME ui_Premium_1Day_desc Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 1 day Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 1 day ui_Premium_3Day_desc Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 3 days Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 3 days ui_Premium_7Day_desc Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 7 days Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 7 days ui_Premium_30Day_desc Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 30 days Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 30 days ui_Premium_180Day_desc Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 180 days Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 180 days ui_Premium_360Day_desc Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 360 days Apply an additional 50% of Gained XP and 50% of Gained C-Bill boosters for 360 days ui_premiumpurchase PREMIUM ACCOUNT PURCHASE OPTIONS PREMIUM ACCOUNT PURCHASE OPTIONS ui_resetControls Reset Controls Reset Controls ui_ConfirmResetControls Are you sure you want to restore default options? Are you sure you want to restore default options? tt_resetControls Set Default Key Bindings Set Default Key Bindings ui_ResetOptions RESET OPTIONS RESET OPTIONS ui_ResettingOptions RESETTING OPTIONS…PLEASE WAIT… RESETTING OPTIONS…PLEASE WAIT… ui_daysremaining DAYS REMAINING DAYS REMAINING ui_premiumaccountstatus PREMIUM ACCOUNT STATUS: PREMIUM ACCOUNT STATUS: ui_addtime ADD TIME ADD TIME ui_addMC ADD MC ADD MC ui_days Days Days ui_premiumaccount PREMIUM ACCOUNT PREMIUM ACCOUNT is_LP LP LP ui_social SOCIAL SOCIAL ui_mechreadylist MECH READY LIST 'MECH READY LIST ui_selectmechsinthemechlab Select 'Mechs in the MechLab Select 'Mechs in the MechLab ui_selecthardpoint SELECT HARDPOINT SELECT HARDPOINT ui_mechinventory MECH INVENTORY 'MECH INVENTORY ui_mechbays MECH BAYS 'MECH BAYS ui_newmechbay NEW 'MECH BAY NEW 'MECH BAY pl_MechTrees MECH TREES 'MECH TREES pl_PilotTrees PILOT TREES PILOT TREES tt_MechTreesBB Manage 'Mech Efficiency Bonuses Manage 'Mech Efficiency Bonuses tt_PilotTreesBB Manage Pilot Modules Manage Pilot Modules ui_componentselection COMPONENT SELECTION COMPONENT SELECTION ui_front FRONT FRONT ui_rear REAR REAR ui_details DETAILS DETAILS pt_capture_accelerator CAPTURE ACCELERATOR CAPTURE ACCELERATOR pt_capture_accelerator_desc Increases the rate of capture by 15%. Increases the rate of capture by 15%. pt_visionmode_disruptor VISIONMODE DISRUPTOR VISIONMODE DISRUPTOR pt_visionmode_disruptor_desc Overloads any vision mode based on its feature to effectively blind the pilot temporarily. Overloads any vision mode based on its feature to effectively blind the pilot temporarily. pt_hide_damage HIDE DAMAGE HIDE DAMAGE pt_hide_damage_desc Disrupts the enemy's damage information relating to the pilot's own 'Mech. Disrupts the enemy's damage information relating to the pilot's own 'Mech. pt_advanced_zoom ADVANCED ZOOM ADVANCED ZOOM pt_advanced_zoom_desc A Picture-in-Picture long range zoom with 4.4x magnification. A Picture-in-Picture long range zoom with 4.4x magnification. pt_friendly_defense FRIENDLY DEFENSE FRIENDLY DEFENSE pt_friendly_defense_desc Removes an enemy's lock off a friendly player and applies it to your own 'Mech. Removes an enemy's lock off a friendly player and applies it to your own 'Mech. pt_multi_target MULTI-TARGET MULTI-TARGET pt_multi_target_desc Allows targeting up to 2 enemy BattleMechs at one time. Allows targeting up to 2 enemy BattleMechs at one time. pt_adv_multi_target ADV. MULTI-TARGET ADV. MULTI-TARGET pt_adv_multi_target_desc Allows targeting up to 3 enemy BattleMechs at one time. Allows targeting up to 3 enemy BattleMechs at one time. pt_targeting_delay TARGETING DELAY TARGETING DELAY pt_targeting_delay_desc Causes a 3% slowdown in target acquisition for any enemy 'Mech targeting your 'Mech. Causes a 3% slowdown in target acquisition for any enemy 'Mech targeting your 'Mech. pt_instant_signal_loss SIGNAL LOSS SIGNAL LOSS pt_instant_signal_loss_desc All targeting information and lock-ons are removed the moment you leave line-of-sight. All targeting information and lock-ons are removed the moment you leave line-of-sight. pt_disrupt_hud DISRUPT HUD DISRUPT HUD pt_disrupt_hud_desc Static appears over enemy HUD and MFD displays while they are within close range of your 'Mech. Static appears over enemy HUD and MFD displays while they are within close range of your 'Mech. pt_disable_comms DISABLE COMMUNICATIONS DISABLE COMMUNICATIONS pt_disable_comms_desc Disables the BattleGrid, text chat, commands of an enemy that is within range. (Lance and company chat only) Disables the BattleGrid, text chat, commands of an enemy that is within range. (Lance and company chat only) pt_orbital_scan ORBITAL SCAN ORBITAL SCAN pt_orbital_scan_desc Allows the pilot to send a request for a full battlefield scan. Allows the pilot to send a request for a full battlefield scan. pt_target_decay TARGET DECAY TARGET DECAY pt_target_decay_desc Increases the amount of time a BattleMech is trackable when it leaves line of sight to 2.75 seconds. Increases the amount of time a BattleMech is trackable when it leaves line of sight to 2.75 seconds. pt_adv_target_decay ADV. TARGET DECAY ADV. TARGET DECAY pt_adv_target_decay_desc Increases the amount of time a BattleMech is trackable when it leaves line of sight to 3.5 seconds. Increases the amount of time a BattleMech is trackable when it leaves line of sight to 3.5 seconds. pt_s_unit_visionmodes SUPPORT UNIT VISION MODES SUPPORT UNIT VISION MODES pt_s_unit_visionmodes_desc Allows surveilance support units to use vision modes. Allows surveilance support units to use vision modes. pt_airstrike_accuracy AIR STRIKE ACCURACY AIR STRIKE ACCURACY pt_airstrike_accuracy_desc Decreases the area of bombardment by 20%. Decreases the area of bombardment by 20%. pt_artillery_accuracy ARTILLERY ACCURACY ARTILLERY ACCURACY pt_artillery_accuracy_desc Decreases the area of bombardment by 20%. Decreases the area of bombardment by 20%. pt_sensorrange SENSOR RANGE SENSOR RANGE pt_sensorrange_desc Boosts sensor range by 15%. Boosts sensor range by 15%. pt_adv_sensorrange ADV. SENSOR RANGE ADV. SENSOR RANGE pt_adv_sensorrange_desc Boosts sensor range by 25%. Boosts sensor range by 25%. pt_target_info_gathering TARGET INFO GATHERING TARGET INFO GATHERING pt_target_info_gathering_desc Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information by 25%. Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information by 25%. pt_adv_target_info_gathering ADV. TARGET INFO GATHERING ADV. TARGET INFO GATHERING pt_adv_target_info_gathering_desc Critical damage to components is displayed on the targeted BattleMech in 3D world space. Critical damage to components is displayed on the targeted BattleMech in 3D world space. pt_visionmode_enhance VISION MODE ENHANCEMENT VISION MODE ENHANCEMENT pt_visionmode_enhance_desc Decreases the noise of vision modes and increases the view distance by 10%. Decreases the noise of vision modes and increases the view distance by 10%. pt_seismic_sensor SEISMIC SENSOR SEISMIC SENSOR pt_seismic_sensor_desc Allows detection of enemy 'Mechs via vibrations in the ground. Must be stationary. (180m range) Allows detection of enemy 'Mechs via vibrations in the ground. Must be stationary. (180m range) pt_adv_seismic_sensor ADV. SEISMIC SENSOR ADV. SEISMIC SENSOR pt_adv_seismic_sensor_desc Allows detection and identification of enemy 'Mechs via vibrations in the ground. Must be stationary. (250m range) Allows detection and identification of enemy 'Mechs via vibrations in the ground. Must be stationary. (250m range) pt_magnetometer MAGNETOMETER MAGNETOMETER pt_magnetometer_desc Allows detection of enemy 'Mechs via metallic density. Allows detection of enemy 'Mechs via metallic density. pt_BFacing_targetretention 360 TARGET RETENTION 360 TARGET RETENTION pt_BFacing_targetretention_desc Allows retention of target information when the enemy moves behind the piloted 'Mech. (200m range) Allows retention of target information when the enemy moves behind the piloted 'Mech. (200m range) pt_controllink CONTROL LINK CONTROL LINK pt_controllink_desc Allows a pilot to take direct control over select support units such as Turrets/UAVs/Base Defenses/etc. Allows a pilot to take direct control over select support units such as Turrets/UAVs/Base Defenses/etc. pt_drone UAV UPGRADE UAV UPGRADE pt_drone_desc Permanently increases the range of all UAVs by 25%. Permanently increases the range of all UAVs by 25%. pt_adv_drone ADV. UAV ADV. UAV pt_adv_drone_desc Call in a surveilance UAV for 2 minutes and has a 300m range and has 3 assignable waypoints. Call in a surveilance UAV for 2 minutes and has a 300m range and has 3 assignable waypoints. pt_coolant_flush COOL SHOT COOL SHOT pt_coolant_flush_desc Flush your coolant to rapidly cool your 'Mech Flush your coolant to rapidly cool your 'Mech pt_Artillery_Strike ARTILLERY STRIKE ARTILLERY STRIKE pt_Air_Strike AIR STRIKE AIR STRIKE pt_Air_Strike_desc Aerial bombing along a vector. Aerial bombing along a vector. ArtemisIV ARTEMIS IV FCS ARTEMIS IV FCS ArtemisIV_desc Artemis IV Fire Control System Artemis IV Fire Control System ui_Avail AVAILABLE AVAILABLE ui_mechinfo MECH INFO 'MECH INFO ui_selectComponentToConfigure Select Component to Configure Select Component to Configure ui_purchaseSuccessful Purchase Successful Purchase Successful ui_Success Success Success ui_WontReplaceMapping KEY ALREADY MAPPED TO THIS CONTROL KEY ALREADY MAPPED TO THIS CONTROL ui_pilotmodules PILOT MODULES PILOT MODULES ui_modulesunlocked MODULES UNLOCKED MODULES UNLOCKED ui_visionmods VISION MODULES VISION MODULES ui_targetingmods TARGETING MODULES TARGETING MODULES ui_supportmods SUPPORT MODULES SUPPORT MODULES ui_sensormods SENSOR MODULES SENSOR MODULES ui_UnlockPilotSkillHdr UNLOCK MODULE UNLOCK MODULE ui_UnlockPilotSkillDesc Unlock this Pilot Module? Unlock this Pilot Module? ui_moduleCategories MODULE CATEGORIES MODULE CATEGORIES ui_efficiencyspecifications EFFICIENCY SPECIFICATIONS EFFICIENCY SPECIFICATIONS ui_modulespecifications MODULE SPECIFICATIONS MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ui_LockedItem This item has not been unlocked yet. This item has not been unlocked yet. ui_efficiencyDoubled Efficiency Doubled Efficiency Doubled ui_RestartRequired CLIENT RESTART REQUIRED CLIENT RESTART REQUIRED ui_WouldYouLikeToRestart Would you like to restart your client now to apply your changes? Would you like to restart your client now to apply your changes? ui_RestartToApplyChanges You will need to restart the client to apply your changes. You will need to restart the client to apply your changes. ui_SavingSettings Saving Settings… Please Wait… Saving Settings… Please Wait… ui_OptionsSaved Settings Saved. Settings Saved. ui_UnlockMechNodeFail Failed to unlock Efficiency Failed to unlock Efficiency ui_UnlockPilotNodeFail Failed to unlock Module Failed to unlock Module ui_ConvertXPFail Failed to convert XP Failed to convert XP nvidiadawn NVIDIA DAWN NVIDIA DAWN nvidiadawn_desc The infamous nVidia mascot. The infamous nVidia mascot. SnakeStatue SNAKE STATUE SNAKE STATUE SnakeStatue_desc Year of the Snake Statue A Year of the Snake Statue ChineseLantern LANTERN LANTERN ChineseLantern_desc Year of the Snake Lantern Chinese Lantern's ui_MCColorMode COLOR MODE COLOR MODE ui_MCSkinMode PATTERN MODE PATTERN MODE ui_MCDecalMode DECAL MODE DECAL MODE ui_MCCockpitMode COCKPIT MODE COCKPIT MODE tt_CustomColor CUSTOM COLORS CUSTOM COLORS tt_CustomSkin CUSTOM PATTERNS CUSTOM PATTERNS tt_CustomDecal CUSTOM DECALS CUSTOM DECALS ui_CPStanding STANDING STANDING ui_CPHanging HANGING HANGING ui_CPMounted MOUNTED MOUNTED tt_CockpitStandingItems STANDING ITEMS STANDING ITEMS tt_CockpitHangingItems HANGING ITEMS HANGING ITEMS tt_CockpitMountedItems MOUNTED ITEMS MOUNTED ITEMS ui_primary PRIMARY PRIMARY ui_secondary SECONDARY SECONDARY ui_tertiary TERTIARY TERTIARY ui_skin PATTERN PATTERN ui_ColorFilter_All ALL ALL ui_ColorFilter_Red RED RED ui_ColorFilter_Green GREEN GREEN ui_ColorFilter_Blue BLUE BLUE ui_ColorFilter_Gray GRAY GRAY ui_colorfilters COLOR FILTERS COLOR FILTERS ui_purchasesummary PURCHASE SUMMARY PURCHASE SUMMARY NoArtemisType STANDARD GUIDANCE STANDARD GUIDANCE NoArtemisType_desc Removes Artemis guidance systems. Removes Artemis guidance systems. ui_SkinPurchaseFailure FAILED TO PURCHASE PATTERN FAILED TO PURCHASE PATTERN ui_PrimaryPurchaseFailure FAILED TO PURCHASE PRIMARY COLOR FAILED TO PURCHASE PRIMARY COLOR ui_SecondaryPurchaseFailure FAILED TO PURCHASE SECONDARY COLOR FAILED TO PURCHASE SECONDARY COLOR ui_TertiaryPurchaseFailure FAILED TO PURCHASE TERTIARY COLOR FAILED TO PURCHASE TERTIARY COLOR ui_PurchaseFailed PURCHASE FAILED PURCHASE FAILED ui_UnknownFailure UNKNOWN FAILURE UNKNOWN FAILURE ui_Equipped EQUIPPED EQUIPPED ui_primaryColorChannel PRIMARY CHANNEL PRIMARY CHANNEL. CLICK TO SWAP. ui_secondaryColorChannel SECONDARY CHANNEL SECONDARY CHANNEL. CLICK TO SWAP. ui_tertiaryColorChannel TERTIARY CHANNEL TERTIARY CHANNEL. CLICK TO SWAP. ml_Cockpit COCKPIT COCKPIT ui_CUSTOM CUSTOM CUSTOM ui_Pal_All ALL ALL ui_Pal_Basic BASIC BASIC ui_Pal_Desert DESERT DESERT ui_Pal_Marine MARINE MARINE ui_Pal_Mountain MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN ui_Pal_Woodland WOODLAND WOODLAND ui_Pal_Winter WINTER WINTER ui_Pal_Urban URBAN URBAN ui_Pal_PCG PC GAMER PC GAMER ui_Pal_Premium PREMIUM PREMIUM ui_Pal_Phranken PHRANKEN PHRANKEN ui_Pal_Premium_Grey GREYS GREYS ui_Pal_Virus VIRUS VIRUS ui_Pal_Tiger TIGER TIGER ui_Pal_Hotrod HOTROD HOTROD ui_Pal_Phoenix PHOENIX PHOENIX ui_Pal_FangFlame DRAGONS DRAGONS ui_Pal_DeathNell DEATH'S KNELL DEATH'S KNELL ui_Pal_PrettyBaby PRETTY BABY PRETTY BABY ui_Pal_CicadaPrototype CICADA PROTO CICADA PROTO ui_Pal_YenLoWang YEN-LO-WANG YEN-LO-WANG ui_Pal_Ilyamuromets ILYA MUROMETS ILYA MUROMETS ui_Pal_Founders FOUNDERS FOUNDERS ui_Pal_Standard STANDARD STANDARD ui_Pal_Premium_Blue BLUES BLUES ui_Pal_Premium_Cyan CYANS CYANS ui_Pal_Premium_Lime LIMES LIMES ui_Pal_Premium_Green GREENS GREENS ui_Pal_Premium_Yellow YELLOWS YELLOWS ui_Pal_Premium_Orange ORANGES ORANGES ui_Pal_Premium_Red REDS REDS ui_Pal_Premium_Purple PURPLES PURPLES ui_Pal_Camo CAMO CAMO ui_Pal_Camo_Grey CAMO GREYS CAMO GREYS ui_Pal_Camo_Brown CAMO BROWNS CAMO BROWNS ui_Pal_Camo_Tan CAMO TANS CAMO TANS ui_Pal_Camo_Green CAMO GREENS CAMO GREENS ui_Pal_Camo_Blue CAMO BLUES CAMO BLUES ui_Pal_Camo_Pink CAMO PINKS CAMO PINKS ui_Pal_Vagabond VAGABOND VAGABOND ui_default DEFAULT DEFAULT ui_Reset RESET RESET ui_skincat_Special SPECIAL SPECIAL PCGamerPattern PC GAMER PC GAMER Dazzle DAZZLE DAZZLE UrbanBlock URBAN BLOCK URBAN BLOCK Phranken PHRANKEN PHRANKEN ui_Pal_Mountainline MOUNTAIN LINE MOUNTAIN LINE ui_Pal_Digital DIGITAL DIGITAL ui_Pal_Fractal FRACTAL FRACTAL ui_Pal_Buccaneer BUCCANEER BUCCANEER ui_Pal_Cobra COBRA COBRA ui_Pal_Sherman SHERMAN SHERMAN ui_Pal_Tartan TARTAN TARTAN ui_Pal_Applejack APPLEJACK APPLEJACK ui_standing STANDING STANDING ui_hanging HANGING HANGING ui_mounted MOUNTED MOUNTED ui_quantity QUANTITY QUANTITY ui_cockpit_category_standing STANDING STANDING ui_cockpit_category_hanging HANGING HANGING ui_cockpit_category_mounted MOUNTED MOUNTED ui_Col_Basic_Free_Red BASIC RED BASIC RED ui_Col_Basic_Free_Purple BASIC PURPLE BASIC PURPLE ui_Col_Basic_Free_Blue BASIC BLUE BASIC BLUE ui_Col_Marine_Blue MARINE BLUE MARINE BLUE ui_Col_Urban_Light_Blue URBAN LIGHT BLUE URBAN LIGHT BLUE ui_Col_Basic_Free_Green BASIC GREEN BASIC GREEN ui_Col_Woodland_Green WOODLAND GREEN WOODLAND GREEN ui_Col_Mountain_Green MOUNTAIN GREEN MOUNTAIN GREEN ui_Col_Yellow YELLOW YELLOW ui_Col_Basic_Free_Orange BASIC ORANGE BASIC ORANGE ui_Col_Black BLACK BLACK ui_Col_White WHITE WHITE ui_Col_Gray GRAY GRAY ui_Col_Marine_Light_Grey MARINE LIGHT GREY MARINE LIGHT GREY ui_Col_Marine_Dark_Grey MARINE DARK GREY MARINE DARK GREY ui_Col_Marine_Black MARINE BLACK MARINE BLACK ui_Col_Urban_Light_Grey URBAN LIGHT GREY URBAN LIGHT GREY ui_Col_Urban_Grey URBAN GREY URBAN GREY ui_Col_Urban_Dark_Grey URBAN DARK GREY URBAN DARK GREY ui_Col_Winter_Light_Grey WINTER LIGHT GREY WINTER LIGHT GREY ui_Col_Winter_Grey WINTER GREY WINTER GREY ui_Col_Winter_Dark_Grey WINTER DARK GREY WINTER DARK GREY ui_Col_Winter_Black WINTER BLACK WINTER BLACK ui_Col_Brown BROWN BROWN ui_Col_Woodland_Brown WOODLAND BROWN WOODLAND BROWN ui_Col_Woodland_Tan WOODLAND TAN WOODLAND TAN ui_Col_Woodland_Dark_Brown WOODLAND DARK BROWN WOODLAND DARK BROWN ui_Col_Desert_Light_Tan DESERT LIGHT TAN DESERT LIGHT TAN ui_Col_Desert_Tan DESERT TAN DESERT TAN ui_Col_Desert_Light_Brown DESERT LIGHT BROWN DESERT LIGHT BROWN ui_Col_Desert_Brown DESERT BROWN DESERT BROWN ui_Col_Mountain_Tan MOUNTAIN TAN MOUNTAIN TAN ui_Col_Mountain_Brown MOUNTAIN BROWN MOUNTAIN BROWN ui_Col_Mountain_Dark_Brown MOUNTAIN DARK BROWN MOUNTAIN DARK BROWN ui_Col_PCG_Black PC GAMER BLACK PC GAMER BLACK ui_Col_PCG_Gray PC GAMER GRAY PC GAMER GRAY ui_Col_PCG_Red PC GAMER RED PC GAMER RED ui_Col_Phranken_Black PHRANKEN BLACK PHRANKEN BLACK ui_Col_Phranken_Red PHRANKEN RED PHRANKEN RED ui_Col_Phranken_Yellow PHRANKEN YELLOW PHRANKEN YELLOW ui_Col_Camo_Black CAMO BLACK CAMO BLACK ui_Col_Camo_Grey CAMO GREY CAMO GREY ui_Col_Camo_Light_Grey CAMO LIGHT GREY CAMO LIGHT GREY ui_Col_Camo_Dark_Brown CAMO DARK BROWN CAMO DARK BROWN ui_Col_Camo_Brown CAMO BROWN CAMO BROWN ui_Col_Camo_Light_Brown CAMO LIGHT BROWN CAMO LIGHT BROWN ui_Col_Camo_Dark_Tan CAMO DARK TAN CAMO DARK TAN ui_Col_Camo_Tan CAMO TAN CAMO TAN ui_Col_Camo_Light_Tan CAMO LIGHT TAN CAMO LIGHT TAN ui_Col_Camo_Dark_Green CAMO DARK GREEN CAMO DARK GREEN ui_Col_Camo_Green CAMO GREEN CAMO GREEN ui_Col_Camo_Light_Green CAMO LIGHT GREEN CAMO LIGHT GREEN ui_Col_Camo_Dark_Blue CAMO DARK BLUE CAMO DARK BLUE ui_Col_Camo_Camo_Blue CAMO CAMO BLUE CAMO CAMO BLUE ui_Col_Camo_Light_Blue CAMO LIGHT BLUE CAMO LIGHT BLUE ui_Col_Camo_Dark_Pink CAMO DARK PINK CAMO DARK PINK ui_Col_Camo_Pink CAMO PINK CAMO PINK ui_Col_Camo_Light_Pink CAMO LIGHT PINK CAMO LIGHT PINK ui_Col_Greyscale_Obsidian_Black OBSIDIAN BLACK OBSIDIAN BLACK ui_Col_Greyscale_Gunmetal_Grey GUNMETAL GREY GUNMETAL GREY ui_Col_Greyscale_Battleship_Grey BATTLESHIP GREY BATTLESHIP GREY ui_Col_Greyscale_Grey GREY GREY ui_Col_Greyscale_Ash_Grey ASH GREY ASH GREY ui_Col_Greyscale_Titanium_White TITANIUM WHITE TITANIUM WHITE ui_Col_Basic_Gorm GORM GORM ui_Col_Basic_Goluboy GOLUBOY GOLUBOY ui_Col_Basic_Cyanotic CYANOTIC CYANOTIC ui_Col_Basic_Pine PINE PINE ui_Col_Basic_Zircon ZIRCON ZIRCON ui_Col_Basic_Windover WINDOVER WINDOVER ui_Col_Basic_Feldgrau FELDGRAU FELDGRAU ui_Col_Basic_Epidote EPIDOTE EPIDOTE ui_Col_Basic_Moss MOSS MOSS ui_Col_Basic_Tundra TUNDRA TUNDRA ui_Col_Basic_Hunter_Green HUNTER GREEN HUNTER GREEN ui_Col_Basic_Verona VERONA VERONA ui_Col_Basic_Quarantine QUARANTINE QUARANTINE ui_Col_Basic_Turmeric TURMERIC TURMERIC ui_Col_Basic_Tartrazine TARTRAZINE TARTRAZINE ui_Col_Basic_Pyramid PYRAMID PYRAMID ui_Col_Basic_Gamboge GAMBOGE GAMBOGE ui_Col_Basic_Kaolin_Tan KOLIN TAN KOLIN TAN ui_Col_Basic_Folly FOLLY FOLLY ui_Col_Basic_Amaranth AMARANTH AMARANTH ui_Col_Basic_Terra_Cotta TERRA COTTA TERRA COTTA ui_Col_Basic_Tyrian TYRIAN TYRIAN ui_Col_Basic_Bismuth BISMUTH BISMUTH ui_Col_Basic_Puce PUCE PUCE ui_Col_Basic_Modro MODRO MODRO ui_Col_Basic_Basalt BASALT BASALT ui_Col_Basic_Slate SLATE SLATE ui_Col_Basic_Prussian PRUSSIAN PRUSSIAN ui_Col_Basic_Alpine ALPINE ALPINE ui_Col_Basic_Methane METHANE METHANE ui_Col_Basic_Naitaka NAITAKA NAITAKA ui_Col_Basic_Olive OLIVE OLIVE ui_Col_Basic_Olive_Drab OLIVE DRAB OLIVE DRAB ui_Col_Basic_Ivory_Black IVORY BLACK IVORY BLACK ui_Col_Basic_Cold_Water COLD WATER COLD WATER ui_Col_Basic_Malachite MALACHITE MALACHITE ui_Col_Basic_Orpiment ORPIMENT ORPIMENT ui_Col_Basic_Kahki KAHKI KAHKI ui_Col_Basic_Antimony ANTIMONY ANTIMONY ui_Col_Basic_Cinnabar CINNABAR CINNABAR ui_Col_Basic_Braunocker BRAUNOCKER BRAUNOCKER ui_Col_Basic_Brazilin BRAZILIN BRAZILIN ui_Col_Basic_Rosewood ROSEWOOD ROSEWOOD ui_Col_Basic_Maroon MAROON MAROON ui_Col_Basic_Thulian THULIAN THULIAN ui_Col_Basic_Hematite HEMATITE HEMATITE ui_Col_Basic_Prunus PRUNUS PRUNUS ui_Col_Basic_Zi ZI ZI ui_Col_Basic_Mica MICA MICA ui_Col_Premium_Cobalt COBALT COBALT ui_Col_Premium_Manganese MANGANESE MANGANESE ui_Col_Premium_Hellblau HELLBLAU HELLBLAU ui_Col_Premium_Skobeloff SKOBELOFF SKOBELOFF ui_Col_Premium_Jungle JUNGLE JUNGLE ui_Col_Premium_Grue GRUE GRUE ui_Col_Premium_Epidote EPIDOTE EPIDOTE ui_Col_Premium_Xanh XANH XANH ui_Col_Premium_Mantis MANTIS MANTIS ui_Col_Premium_Zeleno ZELENOO ZELENOO ui_Col_Premium_Pigment PIGMENT PIGMENT ui_Col_Premium_lachani IANCHI IANCHI ui_Col_Premium_Kan K'AN K'AN ui_Col_Premium_Sulphur SULPHUR SULPHUR ui_Col_Premium_Maize MAIZE MAIZE ui_Col_Premium_Kurbis KÃœRBIS KÃœRBIS ui_Col_Premium_Blood_Orange BLOOD ORANGE BLOOD ORANGE ui_Col_Premium_Citrine CITRINE CITRINE ui_Col_Premium_Ox_Blood OX BLOOD OX BLOOD ui_Col_Premium_Crimson CRIMSON CRIMSON ui_Col_Premium_Cadmium CADMIUM CADMIUM ui_Col_Premium_Leon LEÓN LEÓN ui_Col_Premium_Edo EDO EDO ui_Col_Premium_Pleione PLEIONE PLEIONE ui_Col_Premium_Midnight_Blue MIDNIGHT BLUE MIDNIGHT BLUE ui_Col_Premium_Sapphire SAPPHIRE SAPPHIRE ui_Col_Premium_Azurite AZURITE AZURITE ui_Col_Premium_Sencha SENCHA SENCHA ui_Col_Premium_Sininen SININEN SININEN ui_Col_Premium_Viridian VIRIDIAN VIRIDIAN ui_Col_Premium_Ogopogo OGOPOGO OGOPOGO ui_Col_Premium_Volkonskoite VOLKONSKOITE VOLKONSKOITE ui_Col_Premium_Moegi MOEGI MOEGI ui_Col_Premium_Phthalo PHTHALO PHTHALO ui_Col_Premium_Evergreen EVERGREEN EVERGREEN ui_Col_Premium_Chrome_Oxide CHROME OXIDE CHROME OXIDE ui_Col_Premium_Sienna SIENNA SIENNA ui_Col_Premium_Amber AMBER AMBER ui_Col_Premium_Jarosite JAROSITE JAROSITE ui_Col_Premium_Chestnut CHESTNUT CHESTNUT ui_Col_Premium_Ochre PSIKEZ PSIKEZ ui_Col_Premium_Mahogany MAHOGANY MAHOGANY ui_Col_Premium_Caput_Mortuum CAPUT MORTUUM CAPUT MORTUUM ui_Col_Premium_Rust RUST RUST ui_Col_Premium_Black_Cherry BLACK CHERRY BLACK CHERRY ui_Col_Premium_Porphyro PORPHYRO PORPHYRO ui_Col_Premium_Indigo INDIGO INDIGO ui_Col_Premium_Umber UMBER UMBER ui_Col_Hero_FangFlame_Purple DRAGONS PURPLE DRAGONS PURPLE ui_Col_Hero_FangFlame_Red DRAGONS RED DRAGONS RED ui_Col_Hero_FangFlame_Grey DRAGONS GREY DRAGONS GREY ui_Col_Hero_Deathnell_Blue TDK BLUE TDK BLUE ui_Col_Hero_Prettybaby_Blue PB BLUE PB BLUE ui_Col_Hero_Prettybaby_Yellow PB YELLOW PB YELLOW ui_Col_Hero_Prettybaby_Red PB RED PB RED ui_Col_Hero_Cicada_RedPrimer CICADA RED CICADA RED ui_Col_Hero_Cicada_GreyPrimer CICADA GREY CICADA GREY ui_Col_Hero_Cicada_AmberPrimer CICADA AMBER CICADA AMBER ui_Col_Hero_YenloWang_White YLW WHITE YLW WHITE ui_Col_Hero_YenLoWang_Red YLW RED YLW RED ui_Col_Founders_Amber FOUNDER'S AMBER FOUNDER'S AMBER ui_Col_Hero_Ilyamuromets_Green MURO GREEN MURO GREEN ui_Col_Hero_Ilyamuromets_Tan MURO TAN MURO TAN ui_Col_Cobra_Lgt_Green COBRA LIGHT GREEN COBRA LIGHT GREEN ui_Col_Cobra_Drk_Green COBRA DARK GREEN COBRA DARK GREEN ui_Col_Cobra_Belly COBRA BELLY COBRA BELLY ui_Col_Buccaneer_Black BUCCANEER BLACK BUCCANEER BLACK ui_Col_Buccaneer_Red BUCCANEER RED BUCCANEER RED ui_Col_Buccaneer_White BUCCANEER WHITE BUCCANEER WHITE ui_Col_Tartan_Red TARTAN RED TARTAN RED ui_Col_Tartan_Blue TARTAN BLUE TARTAN BLUE ui_Col_Tartan_Green TARTAN GREEN TARTAN GREEN ui_Col_AJ_Cyan AJ CYAN AJ CYAN ui_Col_AJ_Drk_Orange AJ DARK ORANGE AJ DARK ORANGE ui_Col_AJ_Lgt_Orange AJ LIGHT ORANGE AJ LIGHT ORANGE ui_Col_Hotrod_Black HOTROD BLACK HOTROD BLACK ui_Col_Hotrod_Bright_Red HOTROD BRIGHT RED HOTROD BRIGHT RED ui_Col_Hotrod_Dark_Red HOTROD DARK RED HOTROD DARK RED ui_Col_Phoenix_Grey PHOENIX GREY PHOENIX GREY ui_Col_Phoenix_Black PHOENIX BLACK PHOENIX BLACK ui_Col_Phoenix_Red PHOENIX RED PHOENIX RED ui_skincat_Default DEFAULT DEFAULT ui_skincat_Stock STOCK STOCK ui_skincat_Camo CAMO CAMO ui_skincat_Unique CUSTOM CUSTOM hulagirl HULA GIRL HULA GIRL GazelleDropShip GAZELLE DROPSHIP GAZELLE DROPSHIP Banner01 HOUSE LIAO LIAO BANNER Banner02 HOUSE MARIK MARIK BANNER Banner03 HOUSE DAVION DAVION BANNER Banner04 HOUSE STEINER STEINER BANNER Banner05 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC FRR BANNER Banner06 HOUSE KURITA KURITA BANNER ui_ActivateTime ACTIVATE BANKED ACTIVATE BANKED ui_PremiumTimeActivation PREMIUM TIME ACTIVATION PREMIUM TIME ACTIVATION ui_PTA1 Confirm how much Banked Premium Time you wish to activate.\nAVAILABLE: %0 DAY(S) Confirm how much Banked Premium Time you wish to activate. \nAVAILABLE: %0 DAY(S) ui_PTA2 You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you wish to proceed? You cannot undo this action. Are you sure you wish to proceed? ui_selectgroupsize SELECT GROUP SIZE SELECT GROUP SIZE ui_pleaseSelectGroupSize Please select group size. Please select group size. ui_GroupSizeOfFour 4 PLAYER MAXIMUM 4 PLAYER MAXIMUM ui_GroupSizeOfEight 8 PLAYER REQUIRED 8 PLAYER REQUIRED ui_GroupSizeOfTwelve 12 PLAYERS REQUIRED 12 PLAYERS REQUIRED ui_groupSizeofFourDesc Group launch with up to 4 players maximum. Group launch with up to 4 players maximum. ui_groupSizeofEightDesc Group launch with 8 players. 8 players required. Group launch with 8 players. 8 players required. ui_groupSizeofTwelveDesc Group launch with 12 players. 12 players required. (1PV only) Group launch with 12 players. 12 players required. (1PV only) ui_Create CREATE CREATE ui_playersrequiredtolaunch Players required to launch. Players required to launch. DevKillBanner PIRANHA HUNT WINNER PIRANHA HUNT WINNER DevKillBanner_desc Awarded to those who have killed a developer in a Piranha Hunt event. Awarded to those who have killed a developer in a Piranha Hunt event. ui_GameModeSelect MODE SELECT MODE SELECT ContributorBanner FORUM CONTRIBUTOR FORUM CONTRIBUTOR ContributorBanner_desc Awarded to those who show exemplary community involvement. Awarded to those who show exemplary community involvement. ui_Bonus Bonus Bonus ui_Team_Stats TEAM STATS TEAM STATS ui_Player_Stats PLAYER STATS PLAYER STATS ui_Missed_PremBonus With PREMIUM TIME ENABLED you could have earned: With PREMIUM TIME ENABLED you could have earned: ui_SettingsSaved SETTINGS SAVED SETTINGS SAVED ui_LoggingIn CONNECTING CONNECTING is_Davion House Davion House Davion is_Kurita House Kurita House Kurita is_Steiner House Steiner House Steiner is_Liao House Liao House Liao is_Marik House Marik House Marik is_FRR Free Rasalhague Republic Free Rasalhague Republic ui_Merccorps Merc Corps Merc Corps ui_PGI Piranha Games Inc. Piranha Games Inc. ui_IGP Infinite Games Publishing Infinite Games Publishing ui_Staff Staff Staff ui_confirmLaunch Are you sure you want to launch Are you sure you want to launch ui_SelectMap SELECT MAP SELECT MAP ui_Random RANDOM RANDOM ui_TrainingGrounds TESTING GROUNDS TESTING GROUNDS ui_TrainingGrounds_Rules Test your BattleMechs's performance against practice targets\nPress F5 to toggle Freecam\nPress F7 to toggle HUD on/off\nPress Esc to Exit Test your BattleMechs's performance against practice targets\nPress F5 to toggle Freecam\nPress F7 to toggle HUD on/off\nPress Esc to Exit ui_Tutorial ACADEMY ACADEMY ui_Tutorial_Rules Learn to control and master your 'Mech\nPress ESC to exit Learn to control and master your 'Mech\nPress ESC to exit TournamentBanner TOURNAMENT BANNER WINNER TOURNAMENT WINNER TournamentBanner_desc Awarded to those who won in the tournament. Awarded to those who won in the tournament. atlas ATLAS ATLAS AS7-BH THE BOAR'S HEAD THE BOAR'S HEAD AS7-BH_desc The personal 'Mech of Rodney Van Kleven. The personal 'Mech of Rodney Van Kleven. AS7-BH_short AS7-BH AS7-BH AS7-D ATLAS AS7-D ATLAS AS7-D AS7-D_desc ATLAS AS7-D description ATLAS AS7-D AS7-D_short AS7-D AS7-D as7-d-founder ATLAS AS7-D(F) ATLAS AS7-D(F) AS7-D-Founder_short AS7-D(F) AS7-D(F) AS7-D-DC ATLAS AS7-D-DC ATLAS AS7-D-DC AS7-D-DC_desc ATLAS AS7-D-DC description ATLAS AS7-D-DC AS7-D-DC_short AS7-D-DC AS7-D-DC AS7-RS ATLAS AS7-RS ATLAS AS7-RS AS7-RS_desc ATLAS AS7-RS description ATLAS AS7-RS AS7-RS_short AS7-RS AS7-RS AS7-RSC ATLAS AS7-RS(C) ATLAS AS7-RS(C) AS7-RSC_desc ATLAS AS7-RS(C) description ATLAS AS7-RS(C) AS7-RSC_short AS7-RS(C) AS7-RS(C) AS7-K ATLAS AS7-K ATLAS AS7-K AS7-K_desc ATLAS AS7-K description ATLAS AS7-K AS7-K_short AS7-K AS7-K awesome AWESOME AWESOME AWS-8Q AWESOME AWS-8Q AWESOME AWS-8Q AWS-8Q_desc AWESOME AWS-8Q description AWESOME AWS-8Q AWS-8Q_short AWS-8Q AWS-8Q AWS-8R AWESOME AWS-8R AWESOME AWS-8R AWS-8R_desc AWESOME AWS-8R description AWESOME AWS-8R AWS-8R_short AWS-8R AWS-8R AWS-8T AWESOME AWS-8T AWESOME AWS-8T AWS-8T_desc AWESOME AWS-8T description AWESOME AWS-8T AWS-8T_short AWS-8T AWS-8T AWS-8V AWESOME AWS-8V AWESOME AWS-8V AWS-8V_desc AWESOME AWS-8V description AWESOME AWS-8V AWS-8V_short AWS-8V AWS-8V AWS-9M AWESOME AWS-9M AWESOME AWS-9M AWS-9M_desc AWESOME AWS-9M description AWESOME AWS-9M AWS-9M_short AWS-9M AWS-9M AWS-PB PRETTY BABY PRETTY BABY AWS-PB_desc The personal 'Mech of Danielle Peterson The personal 'Mech of Danielle Peterson AWS-PB_short AWS-PB AWS-PB battlemaster BATTLEMASTER BATTLEMASTER BLR-1GP BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(P) BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(P) BLR-1GP_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(P) description BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(P) BLR-1GP_short BLR-1G(P) BLR-1G(P) BLR-1G BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G BLR-1G_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G description BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G BLR-1G_short BLR-1G BLR-1G BLR-1D BATTLEMASTER BLR-1D BATTLEMASTER BLR-1D BLR-1D_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-1D description BATTLEMASTER BLR-1D BLR-1D_short BLR-1D BLR-1D BLR-1S BATTLEMASTER BLR-1S BATTLEMASTER BLR-1S BLR-1S_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-1S description BATTLEMASTER BLR-1S BLR-1S_short BLR-1S BLR-1S blackjack BLACKJACK BLACKJACK BJ-1 BLACKJACK BJ-1 BLACKJACK BJ-1 BJ-1_desc BLACKJACK BJ-1 description BLACKJACK BJ-1 BJ-1_short BJ-1 BJ-1 BJ-1C BLACKJACK BJ-1(C) BLACKJACK BJ-1(C) BJ-1C_desc BLACKJACK BJ-1(C) description BLACKJACK BJ-1(C) BJ-1C_short BJ-1(C) BJ-1(C) BJ-1DC BLACKJACK BJ-1DC BLACKJACK BJ-1DC BJ-1DC_desc BLACKJACK BJ-1DC description BLACKJACK BJ-1DC BJ-1DC_short BJ-1DC BJ-1DC BJ-1X BLACKJACK BJ-1X BLACKJACK BJ-1X BJ-1X_desc BLACKJACK BJ-1X description BLACKJACK BJ-1X BJ-1X_short BJ-1X BJ-1X BJ-3 BLACKJACK BJ-3 BLACKJACK BJ-3 BJ-3_desc BLACKJACK BJ-3 description BLACKJACK BJ-3 BJ-3_short BJ-3 BJ-3 cataphract CATAPHRACT CATAPHRACT CTF-3D CATAPHRACT CTF-3D CATAPHRACT CTF-3D CTF-3D_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-3D description CATAPHRACT CTF-3D CTF-3D_short CTF-3D CTF-3D CTF-3L CATAPHRACT CTF-3L CATAPHRACT CTF-3L CTF-3L_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-3L description CATAPHRACT CTF-3L CTF-3L_short CTF-3L CTF-3L CTF-1X CATAPHRACT CTF-1X CATAPHRACT CTF-1X CTF-1X_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-1X description CATAPHRACT CTF-1X CTF-1X_short CTF-1X CTF-1X CTF-2X CATAPHRACT CTF-2X CATAPHRACT CTF-2X CTF-2X_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-2X description CATAPHRACT CTF-2X CTF-2X_short CTF-2X CTF-2X CTF-4X CATAPHRACT CTF-4X CATAPHRACT CTF-4X CTF-4X_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-4X description CATAPHRACT CTF-4X CTF-4X_short CTF-4X CTF-4X CTF-im ILYA MUROMETS ILYA MUROMETS CTF-im_desc Named after a mythical Russian knight Named after a mythical Russian knight CTF-im_short CTF-IM CTF-IM catapult CATAPULT CATAPULT CPLT-A1 CATAPULT CPLT-A1 CATAPULT CPLT-A1 CPLT-A1_desc CATAPULT CPLT-A1 description CATAPULT CPLT-A1 CPLT-A1_short CPLT-A1 CPLT-A1 CPLT-A1C CATAPULT CPLT-A1(C) CATAPULT CPLT-A1(C) CPLT-A1C_desc CATAPULT CPLT-A1(C) description CATAPULT CPLT-A1(C) CPLT-A1C_short CPLT-A1(C) CPLT-A1(C) CPLT-C1 CATAPULT CPLT-C1 CATAPULT CPLT-C1 CPLT-C1_desc CATAPULT CPLT-C1 description CATAPULT CPLT-C1 CPLT-C1_short CPLT-C1 CPLT-C1 cplt-c1-founder CATAPULT CPLT-C1(F) CATAPULT CPLT-C1(F) cplt-c1-founder_short CPLT-C1(F) CPLT-C1(F) CPLT-K2 CATAPULT CPLT-K2 CATAPULT CPLT-K2 CPLT-K2_desc CATAPULT CPLT-K2 description CATAPULT CPLT-K2 CPLT-K2_short CPLT-K2 CPLT-K2 CPLT-C4 CATAPULT CPLT-C4 CATAPULT CPLT-C4 CPLT-C4_desc CATAPULT CPLT-C4 description CATAPULT CPLT-C4 CPLT-C4_short CPLT-C4 CPLT-C4 centurion CENTURION CENTURION CN9-A CENTURION CN9-A CENTURION CN9-A CN9-A_desc CENTURION CN9-A description CENTURION CN9-A CN9-A_short CN9-A CN9-A CN9-AC CENTURION CN9-A(C) CENTURION CN9-A(C) CN9-AC_desc CENTURION CN9-A(C) description CENTURION CN9-A(C) CN9-AC_short CN9-A(C) CN9-A(C) CN9-AH CENTURION CN9-AH(L) CENTURION CN9-AH(L) CN9-AH_desc CENTURION CN9-AH(L) description CENTURION CN9-AH(L) CN9-AH_short CN9-AH(L) CN9-AH(L) CN9-AL CENTURION CN9-AL CENTURION CN9-AL CN9-AL_desc CENTURION CN9-AL description CENTURION CN9-AL CN9-AL_short CN9-AL CN9-AL CN9-D CENTURION CN9-D CENTURION CN9-D CN9-D_desc CENTURION CN9-D description CENTURION CN9-D CN9-D_short CN9-D CN9-D cn9-ylw YEN-LO-WANG YEN-LO-WANG cn9-ylw_desc The infamous Yen-Lo-Wang Solaris 'Mech. The infamous Yen-Lo-Wang Solaris 'Mech. cn9-ylw_short CN9-YLW CN9-YLW cicada CICADA CICADA CDA-2A CICADA CDA-2A CICADA CDA-2A CDA-2A_desc CICADA CDA-2A description CICADA CDA-2A CDA-2A_short CDA-2A CDA-2A CDA-2B CICADA CDA-2B CICADA CDA-2B CDA-2B_desc CICADA CDA-2B description CICADA CDA-2B CDA-2B_short CDA-2B CDA-2B CDA-3C CICADA CDA-3C CICADA CDA-3C CDA-3C_desc CICADA CDA-3C description CICADA CDA-3C CDA-3C_short CDA-3C CDA-3C CDA-3M CICADA CDA-3M CICADA CDA-3M CDA-3M_desc CICADA CDA-3M description CICADA CDA-3M CDA-3M_short CDA-3M CDA-3M CDA-X5 THE X-5 THE X-5 CDA-X5_desc Gibson Federated BattleMechs’ X-5 Cicada prototype. Gibson Federated BattleMechs’ X-5 Cicada prototype. CDA-X5_short CDA-X5 CDA-X5 commando COMMANDO COMMANDO COM-2D COMMANDO COM-2D COMMANDO COM-2D COM-2D_desc COMMANDO COM-2D description COMMANDO COM-2D COM-2D_short COM-2D COM-2D COM-3A COMMANDO COM-3A COMMANDO COM-3A COM-3A_desc COMMANDO COM-3A description COMMANDO COM-3A COM-3A_short COM-3A COM-3A COM-1B COMMANDO COM-1B COMMANDO COM-1B COM-1B_desc COMMANDO COM-1B description COMMANDO COM-1B COM-1B_short COM-1B COM-1B COM-1D COMMANDO COM-1D COMMANDO COM-1D COM-1D_desc COMMANDO COM-1D description COMMANDO COM-1D COM-1D_short COM-1D COM-1D COM-TDK THE DEATH'S KNELL THE DEATH'S KNELL COM-TDK_desc The personal 'Mech of Komandant Bono Duganmare The personal 'Mech of Komandant Bono Duganmare COM-TDK_short COM-TDK COM-TDK dragon DRAGON DRAGON DRG-1C DRAGON DRG-1C DRAGON DRG-1C DRG-1C_desc DRAGON DRG-1C description DRAGON DRG-1C DRG-1C_short DRG-1C DRG-1C DRG-1N DRAGON DRG-1N DRAGON DRG-1N DRG-1N_desc DRAGON DRG-1N description DRAGON DRG-1N DRG-1N_short DRG-1N DRG-1N DRG-5N DRAGON DRG-5N DRAGON DRG-5N DRG-5N_desc DRAGON DRG-5N description DRAGON DRG-5N DRG-5N_short DRG-5N DRG-5N DRG-FANG FANG FANG DRG-FANG_desc One of the Dragon twins. One of the Dragon twins. DRG-FANG_short DRG-FANG DRG-FANG DRG-FLAME FLAME FLAME DRG-FLAME_desc One of the Dragon twins. One of the Dragon twins. DRG-FLAME_short DRG-FLAME DRG-FLAME DRG-5NC DRAGON DRG-5N(C) DRAGON DRG-5N(C) DRG-5NC_desc DRAGON DRG-5N(C) description DRAGON DRG-5N(C) DRG-5NC_short DRG-5N(C) DRG-5N(C) hunchback HUNCHBACK HUNCHBACK HBK-4G HUNCHBACK HBK-4G HUNCHBACK HBK-4G HBK-4G_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4G description HUNCHBACK HBK-4G HBK-4G_short HBK-4G HBK-4G hbk-4g-founder HUNCHBACK HBK-4G(F) HUNCHBACK HBK-4G(F) hbk-4g-founder_short HBK-4G(F) HBK-4G(F) HBK-4H HUNCHBACK HBK-4H HUNCHBACK HBK-4H HBK-4H_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4H description HUNCHBACK HBK-4H HBK-4H_short HBK-4H HBK-4H HBK-4P HUNCHBACK HBK-4P HUNCHBACK HBK-4P HBK-4P_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4P description HUNCHBACK HBK-4P HBK-4P_short HBK-4P HBK-4P HBK-4SP HUNCHBACK HBK-4SP HUNCHBACK HBK-4SP HBK-4SP_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4SP description HUNCHBACK HBK-4SP HBK-4SP_short HBK-4SP HBK-4SP HBK-4J HUNCHBACK HBK-4J HUNCHBACK HBK-4J HBK-4J_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4J description HUNCHBACK HBK-4J HBK-4J_short HBK-4J HBK-4J HBK-4PC HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(C) HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(C) HBK-4PC_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(C) description HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(C) HBK-4PC_short HBK-4P(C) HBK-4P(C) highlander HIGHLANDER HIGHLANDER HGN-HM HEAVY METAL HEAVY METAL HGN-HM_desc Rhonda Snord’s personal Highlander. Rhonda Snord’s personal Highlander. HGN-HM_short HGN-HM HGN-HM HGN-732 HIGHLANDER HGN-732 HIGHLANDER HGN-732 HGN-732_desc HIGHLANDER HGN-732 description HIGHLANDER HGN-732 HGN-732_short HGN-732 HGN-732 HGN-733 HIGHLANDER HGN-733 HIGHLANDER HGN-733 HGN-733_desc HIGHLANDER HGN-733 description HIGHLANDER HGN-733 HGN-733_short HGN-733 HGN-733 HGN-733C HIGHLANDER HGN-733C HIGHLANDER HGN-733C HGN-733C_desc HIGHLANDER HGN-733C description HIGHLANDER HGN-733C HGN-733C_short HGN-733C HGN-733C HGN-733P HIGHLANDER HGN-733P HIGHLANDER HGN-733P HGN-733P_desc HIGHLANDER HGN-733P description HIGHLANDER HGN-733P HGN-733P_short HGN-733P HGN-733P jagermech JAGERMECH JAGERMECH JM6-DD JAGERMECH JM6-DD JAGERMECH JM6-DD JM6-DD_desc JAGERMECH JM6-DD description JAGERMECH JM6-DD JM6-DD_short JM6-DD JM6-DD JM6-A JAGERMECH JM6-A JAGERMECH JM6-A JM6-A_desc JAGERMECH JM6-A description JAGERMECH JM6-A JM6-A_short JM6-A JM6-A JM6-S JAGERMECH JM6-S JAGERMECH JM6-S JM6-S_desc JAGERMECH JM6-S description JAGERMECH JM6-S JM6-S_short JM6-S JM6-S JM6-FB FIREBRAND FIREBRAND JM6-FB_desc The personal 'Mech of "Devil" Donald Vincent. The personal 'Mech of "Devil" Donald Vincent. JM6-FB_short JM6-FB JM6-FB jenner JENNER JENNER JR7-D JENNER JR7-D JENNER JR7-D JR7-D_desc JENNER JR7-D description JENNER JR7-D JR7-D_short JR7-D JR7-D jr7-d-founder JENNER JR7-D(F) JENNER JR7-D(F) jr7-d-founder_short JR7-D(F) JR7-D(F) JR7-DS JENNER JR7-D(S) JENNER JR7-D(S) JR7-DS_desc JENNER JR7-D(S) description JENNER JR7-D(S) JR7-DS_short JR7-D(S) JR7-D(S) JR7-F JENNER JR7-F JENNER JR7-F JR7-F_desc JENNER JR7-F description JENNER JR7-F JR7-F_short JR7-F JR7-F JR7-K JENNER JR7-K JENNER JR7-K JR7-K_desc JENNER JR7-K description JENNER JR7-K JR7-K_short JR7-K JR7-K JR7-FC JENNER JR7-F(C) JENNER JR7-F(C) JR7-FC_desc JENNER JR7-F(C) description JENNER JR7-F(C) JR7-FC_short JR7-F(C) JR7-F(C) kintaro KINTARO KINTARO KTO-20 KINTARO KTO-20 KINTARO KTO-20 KTO-20_desc KINTARO KTO-20 description KINTARO KTO-20 KTO-20_short KTO-20 KTO-20 KTO-18 KINTARO KTO-18 KINTARO KTO-18 KTO-18_desc KINTARO KTO-18 description KINTARO KTO-18 KTO-18_short KTO-18 KTO-18 KTO-19 KINTARO KTO-19 KINTARO KTO-19 KTO-19_desc KINTARO KTO-19 description KINTARO KTO-19 KTO-19_short KTO-19 KTO-19 KTO-GB GOLDEN BOY GOLDEN BOY KTO-GB_desc Named after the hero of Japanese folklore. Named after the hero of Japanese folklore. KTO-GB_short KTO-GB KTO-GB locust LOCUST LOCUST LCT-1VP LOCUST LCT-1V(P) LOCUST LCT-1V(P) LCT-1VP_desc LOCUST LCT-1V(P) description LOCUST LCT-1V(P) LCT-1VP_short LCT-1V(P) LCT-1V(P) LCT-1V LOCUST LCT-1V LOCUST LCT-1V LCT-1V_desc LOCUST LCT-1V description LOCUST LCT-1V LCT-1V_short LCT-1V LCT-1V LCT-3M LOCUST LCT-3M LOCUST LCT-3M LCT-3M_desc LOCUST LCT-3M description LOCUST LCT-3M LCT-3M_short LCT-3M LCT-3M LCT-3S LOCUST LCT-3S LOCUST LCT-3S LCT-3S_desc LOCUST LCT-3S description LOCUST LCT-3S LCT-3S_short LCT-3S LCT-3S orion ORION ORION ON1-HERO PROTECTOR PROTECTOR ON1-HERO_desc A BattleMech designed after Kerensky's own Orion. A BattleMech designed after Kerensky's own Orion. ON1-HERO_short ON1-P ON1-P ON1-M ORION ON1-M ORION ON1-M ON1-M_desc ORION ON1-M description ORION ON1-M ON1-M_short ON1-M ON1-M ON1-K ORION ON1-K ORION ON1-K ON1-K_desc ORION ON1-K description ORION ON1-K ON1-K_short ON1-K ON1-K ON1-V ORION ON1-V ORION ON1-V ON1-V_desc ORION ON1-V description ORION ON1-V ON1-V_short ON1-V ON1-V ON1-VA ORION ON1-VA ORION ON1-VA ON1-VA_desc ORION ON1-VA description ORION ON1-VA ON1-VA_short ON1-VA ON1-VA quickdraw QUICKDRAW QUICKDRAW QKD-4G QUICKDRAW QKD-4G QUICKDRAW QKD-4G QKD-4G_desc QUICKDRAW QKD-4G description QUICKDRAW QKD-4G QKD-4G_short QKD-4G QKD-4G QKD-4H QUICKDRAW QKD-4H QUICKDRAW QKD-4H QKD-4H_desc QUICKDRAW QKD-4H description QUICKDRAW QKD-4H QKD-4H_short QKD-4H QKD-4H QKD-5K QUICKDRAW QKD-5K QUICKDRAW QKD-5K QKD-5K_desc QUICKDRAW QKD-5K description QUICKDRAW QKD-5K QKD-5K_short QKD-5K QKD-5K raven RAVEN RAVEN RVN-3L RAVEN RVN-3L RAVEN RVN-3L RVN-3L_desc RAVEN RVN-3L description RAVEN RVN-3L RVN-3L_short RVN-3L RVN-3L RVN-2X RAVEN RVN-2X RAVEN RVN-2X RVN-2X_desc RAVEN RVN-2X description RAVEN RVN-2X RVN-2X_short RVN-2X RVN-2X RVN-4X RAVEN RVN-4X RAVEN RVN-4X RVN-4X_desc RAVEN RVN-4X description RAVEN RVN-4X RVN-4X_short RVN-4X RVN-4X shadowhawk SHADOW HAWK SHADOW HAWK SHD-2HP SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(P) SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(P) SHD-2HP_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(P) description SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(P) SHD-2HP_short SHD-2H(P) SHD-2H(P) SHD-2H SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H SHD-2H_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H description SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H SHD-2H_short SHD-2H SHD-2H SHD-2D2 SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D2 SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D2 SHD-2D2_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D2 description SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D2 SHD-2D2_short SHD-2D2 SHD-2D2 SHD-5M SHADOW HAWK SHD-5M SHADOW HAWK SHD-5M SHD-5M_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-5M description SHADOW HAWK SHD-5M SHD-5M_short SHD-5M SHD-5M stalker STALKER STALKER STK-3F STALKER STK-3F STALKER STK-3F STK-3F_desc STALKER STK-3F description STALKER STK-3F STK-3F_short STK-3F STK-3F STK-3H STALKER STK-3H STALKER STK-3H STK-3H_desc STALKER STK-3H description STALKER STK-3H STK-3H_short STK-3H STK-3H STK-4N STALKER STK-4N STALKER STK-4N STK-4N_desc STALKER STK-4N description STALKER STK-4N STK-4N_short STK-4N STK-4N STK-5M STALKER STK-5M STALKER STK-5M STK-5M_desc STALKER STK-5M description STALKER STK-5M STK-5M_short STK-5M STK-5M STK-5S STALKER STK-5S STALKER STK-5S STK-5S_desc STALKER STK-5S description STALKER STK-5S STK-5S_short STK-5S STK-5S STK-M MISERY MISERY STK-M_desc Colonel J. Elliot Jamison's personal Stalker. Colonel J. Elliot Jamison's personal Stalker. STK-M_short STK-M STK-M spider SPIDER SPIDER sdr-5d SPIDER SDR-5D SPIDER SDR-5D sdr-5d_short SDR-5D SDR-5D sdr-5d_desc SDR-5D description SDR-5D sdr-5k SPIDER SDR-5K SPIDER SDR-5K sdr-5k_short SDR-5K SDR-5K sdr-5k_desc SDR-5K description SDR-5K sdr-5kc SPIDER SDR-5K(C) SPIDER SDR-5K(C) sdr-5kc_short SDR-5K(C) SDR-5K(C) sdr-5kc_desc SDR-5K(C) description SDR-5K(C) sdr-5v SPIDER SDR-5V SPIDER SDR-5V sdr-5v_short SDR-5V SDR-5V sdr-5v_desc SDR-5V description SDR-5V thunderbolt THUNDERBOLT THUNDERBOLT TDR-5SP THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(P) THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(P) TDR-5SP_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(P) description THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(P) description TDR-5SP_short TDR-5S(P) TDR-5S(P) TDR-5S THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S TDR-5S_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S description THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S description TDR-5S_short TDR-5S TDR-5S TDR-5SS THUNDERBOLT TDR-5SS THUNDERBOLT TDR-5SS TDR-5SS_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-5SS description THUNDERBOLT TDR-5SS description TDR-5SS_short TDR-5SS TDR-5SS TDR-9SE THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE TDR-9SE_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE description THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE description TDR-9SE_short TDR-9SE TDR-9SE trebuchet TREBUCHET TREBUCHET tbt-3c TREBUCHET TBT-3C TREBUCHET TBT-3C tbt-3c_short TBT-3C TBT-3C tbt-3c_desc TBT-3C description TBT-3C tbt-5j TREBUCHET TBT-5J TREBUCHET TBT-5J tbt-5j_short TBT-5J TBT-5J tbt-5j_desc TBT-5J description TBT-5J tbt-5n TREBUCHET TBT-5N TREBUCHET TBT-5N tbt-5n_short TBT-5N TBT-5N tbt-5n_desc TBT-5N description TBT-5N tbt-7k TREBUCHET TBT-7K TREBUCHET TBT-7K tbt-7k_short TBT-7K TBT-7K tbt-7k_desc TBT-7K description TBT-7K tbt-7m TREBUCHET TBT-7M TREBUCHET TBT-7M tbt-7m_short TBT-7M TBT-7M tbt-7m_desc TBT-7M description TBT-7M victor VICTOR VICTOR VTR-9B VICTOR VTR-9B VICTOR VTR-9B VTR-9B_desc VICTOR VTR-9B description VICTOR VTR-9B VTR-9B_short VTR-9B VTR-9B VTR-9K VICTOR VTR-9K VICTOR VTR-9K VTR-9K_desc VICTOR VTR-9K description VICTOR VTR-9K VTR-9K_short VTR-9K VTR-9K VTR-9S VICTOR VTR-9S VICTOR VTR-9S VTR-9S_desc VICTOR VTR-9S description VICTOR VTR-9S VTR-9S_short VTR-9S VTR-9S VTR-DS DRAGON SLAYER DRAGON SLAYER VTR-DS_desc Ardan Sortek's personal Victor. Ardan Sortek's personal Victor. VTR-DS_short VTR-DS VTR-DS AC20 AC/20 AC/20 AC20_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. AC10 AC/10 AC/10 AC10_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. AC5 AC/5 AC/5 AC5_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. AC2 AC/2 AC/2 AC2_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. LB10-XAC LB 10-X AC LB 10-X AC LB10-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. UAC5 ULTRA AC/5 ULTRA AC/5 UAC5_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. SRM6 SRM 6 SRM 6 SRM6_desc Short range missile system firing 6 missiles. Short range missile system firing 6 missiles. SRM4 SRM 4 SRM 4 SRM4_desc Short range missile system firing 4 missiles. Short range missile system firing 4 missiles. SRM2 SRM 2 SRM 2 SRM2_desc Short range missile system firing 2 missiles. Short range missile system firing 2 missiles. STREAKSRM2 STREAK SRM 2 STREAK SRM 2 STREAKSRM2_desc Short range missile system that fires 2 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. Short range missile system that fires 2 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. LRM20 LRM 20 LRM 20 LRM20_desc Long range missile system firing 20 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 20 missiles that will track to their target. LRM15 LRM 15 LRM 15 LRM15_desc Long range missile system firing 15 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 15 missiles that will track to their target. LRM10 LRM 10 LRM 10 LRM10_desc Long range missile system firing 10 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 10 missiles that will track to their target. LRM5 LRM 5 LRM 5 LRM5_desc Long range missile system firing 5 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 5 missiles that will track to their target. LL LARGE LASER LARGE LASER LL_desc A maximum powered energy weapon with long range and high damage. A maximum powered energy weapon with long range and high damage. ML MEDIUM LASER MEDIUM LASER ML_desc A medium powered energy weapon with mid range and mid damage. A medium powered energy weapon with mid range and mid damage. SL SMALL LASER SMALL LASER SL_desc A low powered energy weapon with low range and low damage. A low powered energy weapon with low range and low damage. ERLL ER LARGE LASER ER LARGE LASER ERLL_desc High powered like the large laser but with extended range. High powered like the large laser but with extended range. SPL SML PULSE LASER SML PULSE LASER SPL_desc A low powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. A low powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. MPL MED PULSE LASER MED PULSE LASER MPL_desc A medium powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. A medium powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. LPL LRG PULSE LASER LRG PULSE LASER LPL_desc A high powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. A high powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. UAV UAV UAV UAV_desc An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used for reconnaissance with a 240m radius and lasts for 45 seconds. Consumed on use. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used for reconnaissance with a 240m radius and lasts for 45 seconds. Consumed on use. ArtStrike Artillery Strike Artillery Strike Strike ARTILLERY STRIKE ARTILLERY STRIKE Strike_desc Long range fire support from off map artillery. This does heavy damage in a large area on the map. Long range fire support from off map artillery. This does heavy damage in a large area on the map. pt_advanced_sensorrange ADV. SENSOR RANGE ADV. SENSOR RANGE pt_advanced_sensorrange_desc Boosts sensor range by 25%. Boosts sensor range by 25%. Advanced_UAV ADVANCED UAV ADVANCED UAV Advanced_UAV_desc An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used for reconnaissance with a 240m radius and lasts for 60 seconds. Consumed on use. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used for reconnaissance with a 240m radius and lasts for 60 seconds. Consumed on use. UAV_short UAV-S UAV-S UAV_Improved_short UAV-I UAV-I UAV_Advanced_short UAV-A UAV-A Improved_UAV IMPROVED UAV IMPROVED UAV Improved_UAV_desc An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used for reconnaissance with a 240m radius and lasts for 60 seconds. Consumed on use. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle used for reconnaissance with a 240m radius and lasts for 60 seconds. Consumed on use. PPC PPC PPC PPC_Desc A Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target. Standard PPCs have an exponential damage fall off under 90 meter range. A Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target. Standard PPCs have an exponential damage fall off under 90 meter range. ERPPC ER PPC ER PPC ERPPC_Desc A Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target at longer ranges. ER-PPCs do not have a minimum range. A Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target at longer ranges. ER-PPCs do not have a minimum range. MACHINEGUN MACHINE GUN MACHINE GUN MACHINEGUN_desc A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. FLAMER FLAMER FLAMER FLAMER_desc Increases it's target's heat to reduce the enemy's ability to fire heat generating weapons without shutting down. Increases it's target's heat to reduce the enemy's ability to fire heat generating weapons without shutting down. GAUSSRIFLE GAUSS RIFLE GAUSS RIFLE GAUSSRIFLE_desc A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. AMS AMS AMS AMS_desc A rapid fire ballistic weapon that tracks and shoots down missiles. A rapid fire ballistic weapon that tracks and shoots down missiles. CASE C.A.S.E. C.A.S.E. CASE_desc CASE Ammunition Containment prevents ammunition explosions from damaging components outside of the CASE equipped component. CASE Ammunition Containment prevents ammunition explosions from damaging components outside of the CASE equipped component. TAG TAG TAG TAG_desc Accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Must be held on target. Counters ECM. Accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Must be held on target. Counters ECM. NARC NARC NARC NARC_desc A fired projectile that accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Counters ECM. A fired projectile that accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Counters ECM. StandardArmor STANDARD ARMOR STANDARD ARMOR StandardArmor_desc Multi-layered composite armor that absorbs large amounts of kinetic and thermal energy. Multi-layered composite armor that absorbs large amounts of kinetic and thermal energy. FerroFibrous FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR FerroFibrous_desc Absorbs more damage energy and is lighter than Standard Armor but takes up more critical space. Absorbs more damage energy and is lighter than Standard Armor but takes up more critical space. AC20AMMO AC/20 AMMO AC/20 AMMO AC20AMMO_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/20. AC10AMMO AC/10 AMMO AC/10 AMMO AC10AMMO_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/10. AC5AMMO AC/5 AMMO AC/5 AMMO AC5AMMO_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/5. AC2AMMO AC/2 AMMO AC/2 AMMO AC2AMMO_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/2. ULTRAAC5AMMO U-AC/5 AMMO U-AC/5 AMMO ULTRAAC5AMMO_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/5. LB10-XACAmmo LB 10-X AMMO LB 10-X AMMO LB10-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by a LB 10-X. A splinter round that is fired by a LB 10-X. NARCAmmo NARC AMMO NARC AMMO NARCAmmo_desc A targeting projectile fired from a NARC cannon. A targeting projectile fired from a NARC cannon. MACHINEGUNAMMO MACHINE GUN AMMO MACHINE GUN AMMO MACHINEGUNAMMO_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Machine Gun Small caliber rounds fired from a Machine Gun GAUSSAMMO GAUSS AMMO GAUSS AMMO GAUSSAMMO_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Gauss Rifle. SRMAMMO SRM AMMO SRM AMMO SRMAMMO_desc A Short Range Missile A Short Range Missile STREAKSRMAMMO STREAK SRM AMMO STREAK SRM AMMO STREAKSRMAMMO_desc A Homing Short Range Missile A Homing Short Range Missile LRMAMMO LRM AMMO LRM AMMO LRMAMMO_desc A Long Range Missile A Long Range Missile AMSAMMO AMS AMMO AMS AMMO AMSAMMO_desc Anti-Missile System Ammunition Anti-Missile System Ammunition JumpJets_ClassI JUMP JETS - CLASS I JUMP JETS - CLASS I JumpJets_ClassI_desc Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. JumpJets_ClassII JUMP JETS - CLASS II JUMP JETS - CLASS II JumpJets_ClassII_desc Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class I version. Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class I version. JumpJets_ClassIII JUMP JETS - CLASS III JUMP JETS - CLASS III JumpJets_ClassIII_desc Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class II version. Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class II version. JumpJets_ClassIV JUMP JETS - CLASS IV JUMP JETS - CLASS IV JumpJets_ClassIV_desc Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class III version. Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class III version. JumpJets_ClassV JUMP JETS - CLASS V JUMP JETS - CLASS V JumpJets_ClassV_desc Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class IV version. Allows a 'Mech to briefly overcome gravity for a short distance. More powerful than the Class IV version. HeatSink_MkI STD HEAT SINK STD HEAT SINK HeatSink_MkI_desc Dissipates 1.0 heat over time. Dissipates 1.0 heat over time. DoubleHeatSink_Mkl DOUBLE HEAT SINK DOUBLE HEAT SINK DoubleHeatSink_Mkl_desc Dissipates heat 40% more efficiently than a Single Heat Sink (1.4 heat) but takes up 3 critical slots each. Dissipates heat 40% more efficiently than a Single Heat Sink (1.4 heat) but takes up 3 critical slots each. Engine_Standard_Fusion_10 STD ENGINE 10 STD ENGINE 10 Engine_Standard_Fusion_10_desc A standard engine with a 10 rating. A standard engine with a 10 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_100 STD ENGINE 100 STD ENGINE 100 Engine_Standard_Fusion_100_desc A standard engine with a 100 rating. A standard engine with a 100 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_105 STD ENGINE 105 STD ENGINE 105 Engine_Standard_Fusion_105_desc A standard engine with a 105 rating. A standard engine with a 105 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_110 STD ENGINE 110 STD ENGINE 110 Engine_Standard_Fusion_110_desc A standard engine with a 110 rating. A standard engine with a 110 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_115 STD ENGINE 115 STD ENGINE 115 Engine_Standard_Fusion_115_desc A standard engine with a 115 rating. A standard engine with a 115 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_120 STD ENGINE 120 STD ENGINE 120 Engine_Standard_Fusion_120_desc A standard engine with a 120 rating. A standard engine with a 120 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_125 STD ENGINE 125 STD ENGINE 125 Engine_Standard_Fusion_125_desc A standard engine with a 125 rating. A standard engine with a 125 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_130 STD ENGINE 130 STD ENGINE 130 Engine_Standard_Fusion_130_desc A standard engine with a 130 rating. A standard engine with a 130 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_135 STD ENGINE 135 STD ENGINE 135 Engine_Standard_Fusion_135_desc A standard engine with a 135 rating. A standard engine with a 135 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_140 STD ENGINE 140 STD ENGINE 140 Engine_Standard_Fusion_140_desc A standard engine with a 140 rating. A standard engine with a 140 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_145 STD ENGINE 145 STD ENGINE 145 Engine_Standard_Fusion_145_desc A standard engine with a 145 rating. A standard engine with a 145 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_150 STD ENGINE 150 STD ENGINE 150 Engine_Standard_Fusion_150_desc A standard engine with a 150 rating. A standard engine with a 150 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_155 STD ENGINE 155 STD ENGINE 155 Engine_Standard_Fusion_155_desc A standard engine with a 155 rating. A standard engine with a 155 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_160 STD ENGINE 160 STD ENGINE 160 Engine_Standard_Fusion_160_desc A standard engine with a 160 rating. A standard engine with a 160 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_165 STD ENGINE 165 STD ENGINE 165 Engine_Standard_Fusion_165_desc A standard engine with a 165 rating. A standard engine with a 165 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_170 STD ENGINE 170 STD ENGINE 170 Engine_Standard_Fusion_170_desc A standard engine with a 170 rating. A standard engine with a 170 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_175 STD ENGINE 175 STD ENGINE 175 Engine_Standard_Fusion_175_desc A standard engine with a 175 rating. A standard engine with a 175 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_180 STD ENGINE 180 STD ENGINE 180 Engine_Standard_Fusion_180_desc A standard engine with a 180 rating. A standard engine with a 180 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_185 STD ENGINE 185 STD ENGINE 185 Engine_Standard_Fusion_185_desc A standard engine with a 185 rating. A standard engine with a 185 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_190 STD ENGINE 190 STD ENGINE 190 Engine_Standard_Fusion_190_desc A standard engine with a 190 rating. A standard engine with a 190 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_195 STD ENGINE 195 STD ENGINE 195 Engine_Standard_Fusion_195_desc A standard engine with a 195 rating. A standard engine with a 195 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_200 STD ENGINE 200 STD ENGINE 200 Engine_Standard_Fusion_200_desc A standard engine with a 200 rating. A standard engine with a 200 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_205 STD ENGINE 205 STD ENGINE 205 Engine_Standard_Fusion_205_desc A standard engine with a 205 rating. A standard engine with a 205 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_210 STD ENGINE 210 STD ENGINE 210 Engine_Standard_Fusion_210_desc A standard engine with a 210 rating. A standard engine with a 210 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_215 STD ENGINE 215 STD ENGINE 215 Engine_Standard_Fusion_215_desc A standard engine with a 215 rating. A standard engine with a 215 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_220 STD ENGINE 220 STD ENGINE 220 Engine_Standard_Fusion_220_desc A standard engine with a 220 rating. A standard engine with a 220 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_225 STD ENGINE 225 STD ENGINE 225 Engine_Standard_Fusion_225_desc A standard engine with a 225 rating. A standard engine with a 225 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_230 STD ENGINE 230 STD ENGINE 230 Engine_Standard_Fusion_230_desc A standard engine with a 230 rating. A standard engine with a 230 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_235 STD ENGINE 235 STD ENGINE 235 Engine_Standard_Fusion_235_desc A standard engine with a 235 rating. A standard engine with a 235 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_240 STD ENGINE 240 STD ENGINE 240 Engine_Standard_Fusion_240_desc A standard engine with a 240 rating. A standard engine with a 240 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_245 STD ENGINE 245 STD ENGINE 245 Engine_Standard_Fusion_245_desc A standard engine with a 245 rating. A standard engine with a 245 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_250 STD ENGINE 250 STD ENGINE 250 Engine_Standard_Fusion_250_desc A standard engine with a 250 rating. A standard engine with a 250 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_255 STD ENGINE 255 STD ENGINE 255 Engine_Standard_Fusion_255_desc A standard engine with a 255 rating. A standard engine with a 255 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_260 STD ENGINE 260 STD ENGINE 260 Engine_Standard_Fusion_260_desc A standard engine with a 260 rating. A standard engine with a 260 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_265 STD ENGINE 265 STD ENGINE 265 Engine_Standard_Fusion_265_desc A standard engine with a 265 rating. A standard engine with a 265 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_270 STD ENGINE 270 STD ENGINE 270 Engine_Standard_Fusion_270_desc A standard engine with a 270 rating. A standard engine with a 270 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_275 STD ENGINE 275 STD ENGINE 275 Engine_Standard_Fusion_275_desc A standard engine with a 275 rating. A standard engine with a 275 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_280 STD ENGINE 280 STD ENGINE 280 Engine_Standard_Fusion_280_desc A standard engine with a 280 rating. A standard engine with a 280 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_285 STD ENGINE 285 STD ENGINE 285 Engine_Standard_Fusion_285_desc A standard engine with a 285 rating. A standard engine with a 285 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_290 STD ENGINE 290 STD ENGINE 290 Engine_Standard_Fusion_290_desc A standard engine with a 290 rating. A standard engine with a 290 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_295 STD ENGINE 295 STD ENGINE 295 Engine_Standard_Fusion_295_desc A standard engine with a 295 rating. A standard engine with a 295 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_300 STD ENGINE 300 STD ENGINE 300 Engine_Standard_Fusion_300_desc A standard engine with a 300 rating. A standard engine with a 300 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_305 STD ENGINE 305 STD ENGINE 305 Engine_Standard_Fusion_305_desc A standard engine with a 305 rating. A standard engine with a 305 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_310 STD ENGINE 310 STD ENGINE 310 Engine_Standard_Fusion_310_desc A standard engine with a 310 rating. A standard engine with a 310 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_315 STD ENGINE 315 STD ENGINE 315 Engine_Standard_Fusion_315_desc A standard engine with a 315 rating. A standard engine with a 315 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_320 STD ENGINE 320 STD ENGINE 320 Engine_Standard_Fusion_320_desc A standard engine with a 320 rating. A standard engine with a 320 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_325 STD ENGINE 325 STD ENGINE 325 Engine_Standard_Fusion_325_desc A standard engine with a 325 rating. A standard engine with a 325 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_330 STD ENGINE 330 STD ENGINE 330 Engine_Standard_Fusion_330_desc A standard engine with a 330 rating. A standard engine with a 330 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_335 STD ENGINE 335 STD ENGINE 335 Engine_Standard_Fusion_335_desc A standard engine with a 335 rating. A standard engine with a 335 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_340 STD ENGINE 340 STD ENGINE 340 Engine_Standard_Fusion_340_desc A standard engine with a 340 rating. A standard engine with a 340 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_345 STD ENGINE 345 STD ENGINE 345 Engine_Standard_Fusion_345_desc A standard engine with a 345 rating. A standard engine with a 345 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_350 STD ENGINE 350 STD ENGINE 350 Engine_Standard_Fusion_350_desc A standard engine with a 350 rating. A standard engine with a 350 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_355 STD ENGINE 355 STD ENGINE 355 Engine_Standard_Fusion_355_desc A standard engine with a 355 rating. A standard engine with a 355 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_360 STD ENGINE 360 STD ENGINE 360 Engine_Standard_Fusion_360_desc A standard engine with a 360 rating. A standard engine with a 360 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_365 STD ENGINE 365 STD ENGINE 365 Engine_Standard_Fusion_365_desc A standard engine with a 365 rating. A standard engine with a 365 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_370 STD ENGINE 370 STD ENGINE 370 Engine_Standard_Fusion_370_desc A standard engine with a 370 rating. A standard engine with a 370 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_375 STD ENGINE 375 STD ENGINE 375 Engine_Standard_Fusion_375_desc A standard engine with a 375 rating. A standard engine with a 375 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_380 STD ENGINE 380 STD ENGINE 380 Engine_Standard_Fusion_380_desc A standard engine with a 380 rating. A standard engine with a 380 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_385 STD ENGINE 385 STD ENGINE 385 Engine_Standard_Fusion_385_desc A standard engine with a 385 rating. A standard engine with a 385 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_390 STD ENGINE 390 STD ENGINE 390 Engine_Standard_Fusion_390_desc A standard engine with a 390 rating. A standard engine with a 390 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_395 STD ENGINE 395 STD ENGINE 395 Engine_Standard_Fusion_395_desc A standard engine with a 395 rating. A standard engine with a 395 rating. Engine_Standard_Fusion_400 STD ENGINE 400 STD ENGINE 400 Engine_Standard_Fusion_400_desc A standard engine with a 400 rating. A standard engine with a 400 rating. Engine_XL_Fusion_10 XL ENGINE 10 XL ENGINE 10 Engine_XL_Fusion_10_desc A XL engine with a 10 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 10 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_100 XL ENGINE 100 XL ENGINE 100 Engine_XL_Fusion_100_desc A XL engine with a 100 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 100 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_105 XL ENGINE 105 XL ENGINE 105 Engine_XL_Fusion_105_desc A XL engine with a 105 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 105 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_110 XL ENGINE 110 XL ENGINE 110 Engine_XL_Fusion_110_desc A XL engine with a 110 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 110 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_115 XL ENGINE 115 XL ENGINE 115 Engine_XL_Fusion_115_desc A XL engine with a 115 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 115 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_120 XL ENGINE 120 XL ENGINE 120 Engine_XL_Fusion_120_desc A XL engine with a 120 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 120 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_125 XL ENGINE 125 XL ENGINE 125 Engine_XL_Fusion_125_desc A XL engine with a 125 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 125 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_130 XL ENGINE 130 XL ENGINE 130 Engine_XL_Fusion_130_desc A XL engine with a 130 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 130 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_135 XL ENGINE 135 XL ENGINE 135 Engine_XL_Fusion_135_desc A XL engine with a 135 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 135 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_140 XL ENGINE 140 XL ENGINE 140 Engine_XL_Fusion_140_desc A XL engine with a 140 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 140 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_145 XL ENGINE 145 XL ENGINE 145 Engine_XL_Fusion_145_desc A XL engine with a 145 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 145 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_150 XL ENGINE 150 XL ENGINE 150 Engine_XL_Fusion_150_desc A XL engine with a 150 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 150 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_155 XL ENGINE 155 XL ENGINE 155 Engine_XL_Fusion_155_desc A XL engine with a 155 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 155 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_160 XL ENGINE 160 XL ENGINE 160 Engine_XL_Fusion_160_desc A XL engine with a 160 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 160 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_165 XL ENGINE 165 XL ENGINE 165 Engine_XL_Fusion_165_desc A XL engine with a 165 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 165 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_170 XL ENGINE 170 XL ENGINE 170 Engine_XL_Fusion_170_desc A XL engine with a 170 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 170 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_175 XL ENGINE 175 XL ENGINE 175 Engine_XL_Fusion_175_desc A XL engine with a 175 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 175 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_180 XL ENGINE 180 XL ENGINE 180 Engine_XL_Fusion_180_desc A XL engine with a 180 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 180 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_185 XL ENGINE 185 XL ENGINE 185 Engine_XL_Fusion_185_desc A XL engine with a 185 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 185 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_190 XL ENGINE 190 XL ENGINE 190 Engine_XL_Fusion_190_desc A XL engine with a 190 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 190 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_195 XL ENGINE 195 XL ENGINE 195 Engine_XL_Fusion_195_desc A XL engine with a 195 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 195 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_200 XL ENGINE 200 XL ENGINE 200 Engine_XL_Fusion_200_desc A XL engine with a 200 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 200 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_205 XL ENGINE 205 XL ENGINE 205 Engine_XL_Fusion_205_desc A XL engine with a 205 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 205 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_210 XL ENGINE 210 XL ENGINE 210 Engine_XL_Fusion_210_desc A XL engine with a 210 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 210 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_215 XL ENGINE 215 XL ENGINE 215 Engine_XL_Fusion_215_desc A XL engine with a 215 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 215 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_220 XL ENGINE 220 XL ENGINE 220 Engine_XL_Fusion_220_desc A XL engine with a 220 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 220 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_225 XL ENGINE 225 XL ENGINE 225 Engine_XL_Fusion_225_desc A XL engine with a 225 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 225 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_230 XL ENGINE 230 XL ENGINE 230 Engine_XL_Fusion_230_desc A XL engine with a 230 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 230 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_235 XL ENGINE 235 XL ENGINE 235 Engine_XL_Fusion_235_desc A XL engine with a 235 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 235 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_240 XL ENGINE 240 XL ENGINE 240 Engine_XL_Fusion_240_desc A XL engine with a 240 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 240 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_245 XL ENGINE 245 XL ENGINE 245 Engine_XL_Fusion_245_desc A XL engine with a 245 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 245 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_250 XL ENGINE 250 XL ENGINE 250 Engine_XL_Fusion_250_desc A XL engine with a 250 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 250 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_255 XL ENGINE 255 XL ENGINE 255 Engine_XL_Fusion_255_desc A XL engine with a 255 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 255 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_260 XL ENGINE 260 XL ENGINE 260 Engine_XL_Fusion_260_desc A XL engine with a 260 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 260 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_265 XL ENGINE 265 XL ENGINE 265 Engine_XL_Fusion_265_desc A XL engine with a 265 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 265 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_270 XL ENGINE 270 XL ENGINE 270 Engine_XL_Fusion_270_desc A XL engine with a 270 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 270 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_275 XL ENGINE 275 XL ENGINE 275 Engine_XL_Fusion_275_desc A XL engine with a 275 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 275 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_280 XL ENGINE 280 XL ENGINE 280 Engine_XL_Fusion_280_desc A XL engine with a 280 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 280 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_285 XL ENGINE 285 XL ENGINE 285 Engine_XL_Fusion_285_desc A XL engine with a 285 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 285 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_290 XL ENGINE 290 XL ENGINE 290 Engine_XL_Fusion_290_desc A XL engine with a 290 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 290 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_295 XL ENGINE 295 XL ENGINE 295 Engine_XL_Fusion_295_desc A XL engine with a 295 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 295 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_300 XL ENGINE 300 XL ENGINE 300 Engine_XL_Fusion_300_desc A XL engine with a 300 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 300 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_305 XL ENGINE 305 XL ENGINE 305 Engine_XL_Fusion_305_desc A XL engine with a 305 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 305 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_310 XL ENGINE 310 XL ENGINE 310 Engine_XL_Fusion_310_desc A XL engine with a 310 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 310 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_315 XL ENGINE 315 XL ENGINE 315 Engine_XL_Fusion_315_desc A XL engine with a 315 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 315 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_320 XL ENGINE 320 XL ENGINE 320 Engine_XL_Fusion_320_desc A XL engine with a 320 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 320 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_325 XL ENGINE 325 XL ENGINE 325 Engine_XL_Fusion_325_desc A XL engine with a 325 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 325 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_330 XL ENGINE 330 XL ENGINE 330 Engine_XL_Fusion_330_desc A XL engine with a 330 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 330 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_335 XL ENGINE 335 XL ENGINE 335 Engine_XL_Fusion_335_desc A XL engine with a 335 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 335 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_340 XL ENGINE 340 XL ENGINE 340 Engine_XL_Fusion_340_desc A XL engine with a 340 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 340 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_345 XL ENGINE 345 XL ENGINE 345 Engine_XL_Fusion_345_desc A XL engine with a 345 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 345 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_350 XL ENGINE 350 XL ENGINE 350 Engine_XL_Fusion_350_desc A XL engine with a 350 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 350 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_355 XL ENGINE 355 XL ENGINE 355 Engine_XL_Fusion_355_desc A XL engine with a 355 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 355 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_360 XL ENGINE 360 XL ENGINE 360 Engine_XL_Fusion_360_desc A XL engine with a 360 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 360 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_365 XL ENGINE 365 XL ENGINE 365 Engine_XL_Fusion_365_desc A XL engine with a 365 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 365 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_370 XL ENGINE 370 XL ENGINE 370 Engine_XL_Fusion_370_desc A XL engine with a 370 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 370 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_375 XL ENGINE 375 XL ENGINE 375 Engine_XL_Fusion_375_desc A XL engine with a 375 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 375 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_380 XL ENGINE 380 XL ENGINE 380 Engine_XL_Fusion_380_desc A XL engine with a 380 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 380 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_385 XL ENGINE 385 XL ENGINE 385 Engine_XL_Fusion_385_desc A XL engine with a 385 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 385 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_390 XL ENGINE 390 XL ENGINE 390 Engine_XL_Fusion_390_desc A XL engine with a 390 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 390 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_395 XL ENGINE 395 XL ENGINE 395 Engine_XL_Fusion_395_desc A XL engine with a 395 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 395 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_XL_Fusion_400 XL ENGINE 400 XL ENGINE 400 Engine_XL_Fusion_400_desc A XL engine with a 400 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 400 rating. Requires 3 critical slots in each side torso. Forest FOREST CAMOUFLAGE FOREST CAMOUFLAGE Forest_desc Camouflage designed for cover in evergreen forests. Camouflage designed for cover in evergreen forests. HappyFace HAPPY FACE DECAL HAPPY FACE DECAL HappyFace_desc A happy face decal. A happy face decal. Hippy HIPPY PAINT SCHEME HIPPY PAINT SCHEME Hippy_desc Short of tie-dying your BattleMech, this trippy hippy paint scheme will surely raise some eyebrows. Short of tie-dying your BattleMech, this trippy hippy paint scheme will surely raise some eyebrows. JennerTest JENNER TEST PAINT SCHEME JENNER TEST PAINT SCHEME JennerTest_desc JENNER TEST PAINT SCHEME Description JENNER TEST PAINT SCHEME Description HunchbackCamoTest HUNCHBACK TEST PAINT SCHEME HUNCHBACK TEST PAINT SCHEME HunchbackCamoTest_desc HUNCHBACK TEST PAINT SCHEME Description HUNCHBACK TEST PAINT SCHEME Description FoundersMechs FOUNDER'S 'MECH FOUNDER'S 'MECH FountersMechs_desc This unique skin can only be applied to Founder's 'Mechs. This unique skin can only be applied to Founder's 'Mechs. PCGamerSkin PC GAMER SKIN PC GAMER SKIN PCGamerSkin_desc PC GAMER SPECIAL EDITION SKIN PC GAMER SPECIAL EDITION SKIN coconutmonkey COCONUT MONKEY COCONUT MONKEY coconutmonkey_desc PC GAMER Coconut Monkey Bobblehead PC GAMER Coconut Monkey Bobblehead SRM6_Artemis SRM 6 + ARTEMIS SRM 6 + ARTEMIS SRM6_Artemis_desc Short Range Missile 6 with Artemis Target Assist Short Range Missile 6 with Artemis Target Assist SRM4_Artemis SRM 4 + ARTEMIS SRM 4 + ARTEMIS SRM4_Artemis_desc Short Range Missile 6 with Artemis Target Assist Short Range Missile 6 with Artemis Target Assist SRM2_Artemis SRM 2 + ARTEMIS SRM 2 + ARTEMIS SRM2_Artemis_desc Short Range Missile 6 with Artemis Target Assist Short Range Missile 6 with Artemis Target Assist LRM20_Artemis LRM 20 + ARTEMIS LRM 20 + ARTEMIS LRM20_Artemis_desc Long Range Missile 20 with Artemis Guidance Long Range Missile 20 with Artemis Guidance LRM15_Artemis LRM 15 + ARTEMIS LRM 15 + ARTEMIS LRM15_Artemis_desc Long Range Missile 15 with Artemis Guidance Long Range Missile 15 with Artemis Guidance LRM10_Artemis LRM 10 + ARTEMIS LRM 10 + ARTEMIS LRM10_Artemis_desc Long Range Missile 10 with Artemis Guidance Long Range Missile 10 with Artemis Guidance LRM5_Artemis LRM 5 + ARTEMIS LRM 5 + ARTEMIS LRM5_Artemis_desc Long Range Missile 5 with Artemis Guidance Long Range Missile 5 with Artemis Guidance SRM6_Artemis_Artemis SRM 6 + ARTEMIS SRM 6 + ARTEMIS SRM4_Artemis_Artemis SRM 4 + ARTEMIS SRM 4 + ARTEMIS SRM2_Artemis_Artemis SRM 2 + ARTEMIS SRM 2 + ARTEMIS LRM20_Artemis_Artemis LRM 20 + ARTEMIS LRM 20 + ARTEMIS LRM15_Artemis_Artemis LRM 15 + ARTEMIS LRM 15 + ARTEMIS LRM10_Artemis_Artemis LRM 10 + ARTEMIS LRM 10 + ARTEMIS LRM5_Artemis_Artemis LRM 5 + ARTEMIS LRM 5 + ARTEMIS SRMAMMO_Artemis SRM AMMO + ARTEMIS SRM AMMO + ARTEMIS SRMAMMO_Artemis_desc SRM AMMO with Artemis Target Assist SRM AMMO with Artemis Target Assist LRMAMMO_Artemis LRM AMMO + ARTEMIS LRM AMMO + ARTEMIS LRMAMMO_Artemis_desc LRM AMMO with Artemis Guidance LRM AMMO with Artemis Guidance XmasLights XMAS LIGHTS XMAS LIGHTS XmasLights_desc A set of Xmas lights for your cockpit. A set of Xmas lights for your cockpit. SantaBobbleHead SANTA BOBBLEHEAD SANTA BOBBLEHEAD SantaBobbleHead_desc A bobblehead of the jolly man himself! A bobblehead of the jolly man himself! SnowmanBobbleHead SNOWMAN BOBBLEHEAD SNOWMAN BOBBLEHEAD SnowmanBobbleHead_desc Thumpity-Thump-Thump look at him go! Thumpity-Thump-Thump look at him go! XmasWreath XMAS WREATH XMAS WREATH XmaxWreath_desc Nothing shows spirit like a bunch of sticks weaved into a ring. Nothing shows spirit like a bunch of sticks weaved into a ring. XmasTree XMAS TREE XMAS TREE XmasTree_desc A tree with festive lights and decorations on it. A tree with festive lights and decorations on it. LumpOfCoal LUMP OF COAL LUMP OF COAL LumpOfCoal_desc Apparently you weren't good this year, MechWarrior. Apparently you weren't good this year, MechWarrior. XmasGift GIFT BOXES GIFT BOXES XmasGift_desc A merrily wrapped Xmas present! Wonder what's inside? A merrily wrapped Xmas present! Wonder what's inside? XmasElf XMAS ELF XMAS ELF XmasElf_desc Keep well fed. Eats candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup. Keep well fed. Eats candy, candy canes, candy corn and syrup. NYBanner 3050 BANNER 3050 BANNER NYBanner_desc A Happy New Year banner! A Happy New Year banner! EtchedGlassMarik_desc House Marik Glass Medallion House Marik Glass Medallion NYChampagneGlass_desc A holographic pair of champagne glasses. A holographic pair of champagne glasses. NYHat HAT HAT NYHat_desc A New Years top hat! A New Years top hat! NYClassyMech CLASSY 'MECH CLASSY 'MECH NYClassyMech_desc A 'Mech with a top hat and cigar! A 'Mech with a top hat and cigar! NYIceBucket ICE BUCKET ICE BUCKET NYIceBucket_desc An ice bucket with a chilled bottle of champagne! An ice bucket with a chilled bottle of champagne! NYBalloon 3050 BALLOONS 3050 BALLOONS NYBalloon_desc Three New Year balloons! Three New Year balloons! NYHoloYear HOLO YEAR HOLO YEAR NYHoloYear_desc A holographic, spinning, "3050"! A holographic, spinning, "3050"! HoloKurita HOLO KURITA HOLO KURITA HoloKurita_desc A holographic Kurita emblem. A holographic Kurita emblem. HoloLiao HOLO LIAO HOLO LIAO HoloLiao_desc A holographic Liao emblem. A holographic Liao emblem. HoloMarik HOLO MARIK HOLO MARIK HoloMarik_desc A holographic Marik emblem. A holographic Marik emblem. HoloSteiner HOLO STEINER HOLO STEINER HoloSteiner_desc A holographic Steiner emblem. A holographic Steiner emblem. HoloRasalhague HOLO FRR HOLO FRR HoloRasalhague_desc A holographic FRR emblem. A holographic FRR emblem. HoloDavion HOLO DAVION HOLO DAVION HoloDavion_desc A holographic Davion emblem. A holographic Davion emblem. PeaceNecklace PEACE NECKLACE PEACE NECKLACE PeaceNecklace_desc Bring some peace to the battlefield. Bring some peace to the battlefield. IdTags DOG TAG DOG TAG IdTags_desc Metal ID tags. Metal ID tags. HangingDice DICE DICE HangingDice_desc As close to TT as you're gonna get. As close to TT as you're gonna get. AirFreshner AIR FRESHENER AIR FRESHENER AirFreshner_desc Air freshener for your funky smelling cockpit. Air freshener for your funky smelling cockpit. 50CalNecklace 50CAL NECKLACE 50CAL NECKLACE 50CalNecklace_desc A big bore bullet necklace. A big bore bullet necklace. CatapultStatue_name CATAPULT STATUE CATAPULT STATUE CatapultStatue_desc A mini Catapult statue! A mini Catapult statue! AtlasStatue_name ATLAS STATUE ATLAS STATUE AtlasStatue_desc A mini Atlas statue! A mini Atlas statue! HunchbackStatue_name HUNCHBACK STATUE HUNCHBACK STATUE HunchbackStatue_desc A mini Hunchback statue! A mini Hunchback statue! CenturionStatue_name CENTURION STATUE CENTURION STATUE CenturionStatue_desc A mini Centurion statue! A mini Centurion statue! JennerStatue_name JENNER STATUE JENNER STATUE JennerStatue_desc A mini Jenner statue! A mini Jenner statue! CataphractStatue_name CATAPHRACT STATUE CATAPHRACT STATUE CataphractStatue_desc A mini Cataphract statue! A mini Cataphract statue! RavenStatue_name RAVEN STATUE RAVEN STATUE RavenStatue_desc A mini Raven statue! A mini Raven statue! CommandoStatue_name COMMANDO STATUE COMMANDO STATUE CommandoStatue_desc A mini Commando statue! A mini Commando statue! StalkerStatue_name STALKER STATUE STALKER STATUE StalkerStatue_desc A mini Stalker statue! A mini Stalker statue! SquirrelBobblehead_name SECRET SQUIRREL SECRET SQUIRREL SquirrelBobblehead_desc Thank you for your help! Thank you for your help! AwesomeStatue_name AWESOME STATUE AWESOME STATUE AwesomeStatue_desc A mini Awesome statue! A mini Awesome statue! DragonStatue_name DRAGON STATUE DRAGON STATUE DragonStatue_desc A mini Dragon statue! A mini Dragon statue! CicadaStatue_name CICADA STATUE CICADA STATUE CicadaStatue_desc A mini Cicada statue! A mini Cicada statue! SpringCleanEmUpHulaGirl SPRING HULA GIRL SPRING HULA GIRL SpringCleanEmUpHulaGirl_desc A unique Hula Girl for the Spring Clean 'Em Up tournament winners. A unique Hula Girl for the Spring Clean 'Em Up tournament winners. MedallionKurita KURITA MEDALLION KURITA MEDALLION MedallionKurita_desc A medallion for House Kurita A medallion for House Kurita MedallionLiao LIAO MEDALLION LIAO MEDALLION MedallionLiao_desc A medallion for House Liao A medallion for House Liao MedallionMarik MARIK MEDALLION MARIK MEDALLION MedallionMarik_desc A medallion for House Marik A medallion for House Marik MedallionSteiner STEINER MEDALLION STEINER MEDALLION MedallionSteiner_desc A medallion for House Steiner A medallion for House Steiner MedallionRasalhague FRR MEDALLION FRR MEDALLION MedallionRasalhague_desc A medallion for the FRR A medallion for the FRR MedallionDavion DAVION MEDALLION DAVION MEDALLION MedallionDavion_desc A medallion for House Davion A medallion for House Davion MedallionVeteran_name VETERAN MEDALLION VETERAN MEDALLION MedallionVeteran_desc A medallion for Veteran Founders A medallion for Veteran Founders MedallionElite_name ELITE MEDALLION ELITE MEDALLION MedallionElite_desc A medallion for Elite Founders A medallion for Elite Founders MedallionLegendary_name LEGENDARY MEDALLION LEGENDARY MEDALLION MedallionLegendary_desc A medallion for Legendary Founders A medallion for Legendary Founders NewUserGift CADET MEDALLION CADET MEDALLION NewUserGift_desc A medallion for New Cadets! A medallion for New Cadets! SpiderStatue_name SPIDER STATUE SPIDER STATUE SpiderStatue_desc A mini Spider statue! A mini Spider statue! MedallionKillDev_name DEV KILL MEDALLION DEV KILL MEDALLION MedallionKillDev_desc A medallion for killing a dev. A medallion for killing a dev. Operation24_name OPERATION 24 MEDALLION OPERATION 24 MEDALLION Operation24_desc A medallion for playing a 24 player match. A medallion for playing a 24 player match. JagerMechStatue_name JAGERMECH STATUE JAGERMECH STATUE JagerMechStatue_desc A mini Jagermech statue! A mini Jagermech statue! TrebuchetStatue_name TREBUCHET STATUE TREBUCHET STATUE TrebuchetStatue_desc A mini Trebuchet statue! A mini Trebuchet statue! HighlanderStatue_name HIGHLANDER STATUE HIGHLANDER STATUE HIghlanderStatue_desc A mini Highlander statue! A mini Highlander statue! RazerDice_name RAZER DICE RAZER DICE RazerDice_desc Launch Event Razer Dice Launch Event Razer Dice MedallionAttendee LAUNCH EVENT ATTENDEE LAUNCH EVENT ATTENDEE MedallionAttendee_desc Launch Event Medallion Launch Event Medallion MedallionRunner LAUNCH EVENT RUNNER UP LAUNCH EVENT RUNNER UP MedallionRunner_desc Launch Event Medallion Launch Event Medallion MedallionWinner LAUNCH EVENT WINNER LAUNCH EVENT WINNER MedallionWinner_desc Launch Event Medallion Launch Event Medallion MedallionKurtaBronze_name KURITA LOYALTY KURITA LOYALTY MedallionKurtaBronze_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Kurita This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Kurita MedallionDavionBronze_name DAVION LOYALTY DAVION LOYALTY MedallionDavionBronze_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Davion This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Davion MedallionAsalhagueBronze_name FRR LOYALTY FRR LOYALTY MedallionAsalhagueBronze_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from FRR This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from FRR MedallionLiiaoBronze_name LIAO LOYALTY LIAO LOYALTY MedallionLiiaoBronze_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Liao This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Liao MedallionMarikBronze_name MARIK LOYALTY MARIK LOYALTY MedallionMarikBronze_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Marik This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Marik MedallionSteinerBronze_name STEINER LOYALTY STEINER LOYALTY MedallionSteinerBronze_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Steiner This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Steiner HalloweenLights_name HALLOWEEN LIGHTS HALLOWEEN LIGHTS HalloweenLights_desc Halloween lights. Halloween lights. Pumpkin_name PUMPKIN PUMPKIN PumpkinStatue_desc A Halloween pumpkin A Halloween pumpkin HangingPumpkin1_name STITCHED PUMPKIN STITCHED PUMPKIN HangingPumpkin1_desc A stitched pumpkin A stitched pumpkin HangingPumpkin2_name SMILING PUMPKIN SMILING PUMPKIN HangingPumpkin2_desc A smiling pumpkin A smiling pumpkin HangingPumpkin3_name SKULL PUMPKIN SKULL PUMPKIN HangingPumpkin3_desc A skull pumpkin A skull pumpkin HangingPumpkin4_name SCARED PUMPKIN SCARED PUMPKIN HangingPumpkin4_desc A scared pumpkin A scared pumpkin HangingPumpkin5_name NUKE PUMPKIN NUKE PUMPKIN HangingPumpkin5_desc A radioactive pumpkin A radioactive pumpkin MedallionGuardian_name GUARDIAN MEDALLION GUARDIAN MEDALLION MedallionGuardian_desc A Guardian Medallion A Guardian Medallion MedallionOverlord_name OVERLORD MEDALLION OVERLORD MEDALLION MedallionOverlord_desc An Overlord Medallion An Overlord Medallion MedallionStorm_name STORM MEDALLION STORM MEDALLION MedallionStorm_desc A Storm Medallion A Storm Medallion MedallionTalon_name TALON MEDALLION TALON MEDALLION MedallionTalon_desc A Talon Medallion A Talon Medallion ui_SplashScreen ©2012-2022 Piranha Games Inc. and/or their respective licensor. All Rights Reserved. Mechwarriorâ„¢ is a trade-mark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other jurisdictions and is used under license. ©2012-2022 Piranha Games Inc. and/or their respective licensor. All Rights Reserved. Mechwarriorâ„¢ is a trade-mark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other jurisdictions and is used under license. PressAnyKeyToContinue Press any key to continue. Press any key to continue. tut_greeting_title_01 Basic Movement Tutorial Basic Movement Tutorial tut_greeting_text_01 Greetings, and welcome to the MechWarrior Online tutorial system! This tutorial will teach you how to pilot your 'Mech using the basic movement controls. Greetings, and welcome to the MechWarrior Online tutorial system! This tutorial will teach you how to pilot your 'Mech using the basic movement controls. tut_throttledecay_title_01 Throttle Decay Throttle Decay tut_throttledecay_text_01 For this tutorial, the option ‘Throttle Decay' has been locked into the ‘on’ state.\n\nWhen Throttle Decay is on, your 'Mech will move forward for as long as you hold '&m_increaseThrottle*'. When you hold down '&m_decreaseThrottle*', your 'Mech will move backwards. When you don't hold a key, your 'Mech will slow down until it comes to a halt. For this tutorial, the option ‘Throttle Decay' has been locked into the ‘on’ state.\n\nWhen Throttle Decay is on, your 'Mech will move forward for as long as you hold '&m_increaseThrottle*'. When you hold down '&m_decreaseThrottle*', your 'Mech will move backwards. When you don't hold a key, your 'Mech will slow down until it comes to a halt. tut_armlock_title_01 Arm Lock Arm Lock tut_armlock_text_01 For this tutorial, the option 'Arm Lock' has been locked into the 'on' state.\n\nWhen Arm Lock is on, the weapons mounted on your 'Mech's arms will always aim at the same target as those mounted on your 'Mech's torso. You will be unable to move and aim your 'Mech's arms independently. For this tutorial, the option 'Arm Lock' has been locked into the 'on' state.\n\nWhen Arm Lock is on, the weapons mounted on your 'Mech's arms will always aim at the same target as those mounted on your 'Mech's torso. You will be unable to move and aim your 'Mech's arms independently. tut_viewpoint_title_01 Viewpoint Viewpoint tut_viewpoint_text_01 As you can see, you’re viewing your 'Mech from a third person view. That is because, for this tutorial, the 'Start In Third Person' option has been set to on. When that option is on, you will start each match in third person view (after the startup sequence ends). When it is off, you will start each match in first person view.\n\nRegardless of which view you start the match in, you can switch your view at any time as long as your 'Mech isn’t powered down. This is done by pressing '&thirdpersoncombatcam*'.\n\nTry switching to first person now. As you can see, you’re viewing your 'Mech from a third person view. That is because, for this tutorial, the 'Start In Third Person' option has been set to on. When that option is on, you will start each match in third person view (after the startup sequence ends). When it is off, you will start each match in first person view.\n\nRegardless of which view you start the match in, you can switch your view at any time as long as your 'Mech isn’t powered down. This is done by pressing '&thirdpersoncombatcam*'.\n\nTry switching to first person now. tut_viewpoint_text_02 In first person view, your view is more restricted but you receive more information on your HUD. Notice the minimap at the bottom of your screen.\n\nNow switch back to third person view. In first person view, your view is more restricted but you receive more information on your HUD. Notice the minimap at the bottom of your screen.\n\nNow switch back to third person view. tut_viewpoint_text_03 Good. One more thing to keep in mind during a real battle is that, while you are in third person view, there is a camera drone hovering behind your 'Mech. So, while you may be able to see a little bit more of the battlefield, your own position could be given away if your enemies see your drone. Good. One more thing to keep in mind during a real battle is that, while you are in third person view, there is a camera drone hovering behind your 'Mech. So, while you may be able to see a little bit more of the battlefield, your own position could be given away if your enemies see your drone. tut_look_title_01 Aiming and Turning Aiming and Turning tut_look_text_01 Now it’s time you learn how to move your 'Mech. Let’s begin by focusing on your 'Mech’s torso. The torso can rotate independently from the legs, allowing you to look around and aim. To twist the torso from side to side, and to pitch up and down, use your mouse.\n\nIf you need to recenter your torso, you can press '&m_torso_centre*' and your torso will match your legs’ alignment. Alternatively, you can press '&m_legs_centre*' and your legs will match your torso’s alignment. Now it’s time you learn how to move your 'Mech. Let’s begin by focusing on your 'Mech’s torso. The torso can rotate independently from the legs, allowing you to look around and aim. To twist the torso from side to side, and to pitch up and down, use your mouse.\n\nIf you need to recenter your torso, you can press '&m_torso_centre*' and your torso will match your legs’ alignment. Alternatively, you can press '&m_legs_centre*' and your legs will match your torso’s alignment. tut_look_text_02 Above your 'Mech you can see your compass. The triangles show the direction your 'Mech is facing. The upper triangle is the direction that your 'Mech’s torso is facing while the lower triangle is the direction your 'Mech’s legs are headed.\n\nTry moving your 'Mech’s torso and then recentering it. Above your 'Mech you can see your compass. The triangles show the direction your 'Mech is facing. The upper triangle is the direction that your 'Mech’s torso is facing while the lower triangle is the direction your 'Mech’s legs are headed.\n\nTry moving your 'Mech’s torso and then recentering it. tut_look_text_03 When you turn with your 'Mech’s legs, you turn the entire 'Mech; legs, torso, and all. To turn your 'Mech to the left, press '&m_turnleft*'. To turn your 'Mech to the right, press '&m_turnright*'.\n\nPractice turning your 'Mech in place. When you turn with your 'Mech’s legs, you turn the entire 'Mech; legs, torso, and all. To turn your 'Mech to the left, press '&m_turnleft*'. To turn your 'Mech to the right, press '&m_turnright*'.\n\nPractice turning your 'Mech in place. tut_look_text_04 Good job! Good job! tut_throttle_title_01 Throttle Throttle tut_throttle_text_01 As you've been told earlier, 'Throttle Decay' has been turned on. This means that your 'Mech will only move forward (or backward) when you hold down the control to increase (or decrease) your throttle.\n\nAt the bottom of your HUD is the throttle meter. You can use this to see where your throttle is set as well as your current speed. As you've been told earlier, 'Throttle Decay' has been turned on. This means that your 'Mech will only move forward (or backward) when you hold down the control to increase (or decrease) your throttle.\n\nAt the bottom of your HUD is the throttle meter. You can use this to see where your throttle is set as well as your current speed. tut_throttle_text_02 To move forward, hold '&m_increaseThrottle*'.\n\nTo move backward, hold '&m_decreaseThrottle*'. To move forward, hold '&m_increaseThrottle*'.\n\nTo move backward, hold '&m_decreaseThrottle*'. tut_throttle_text_03 Try out your navigation skills by proceeding to the first waypoint. Look for the waypoint icon on your compass and head towards it. The waypoint will appear in the world as a column of blue smoke. Try out your navigation skills by proceeding to the first waypoint. Look for the waypoint icon on your compass and head towards it. The waypoint will appear in the world as a column of blue smoke. tut_throttle_text_04 Good job. Remember that, as you pilot your 'Mech, its torso is capable of looking around independently of the direction the legs are walking.\n\nPractice your skills by traveling to three more waypoints. Good job. Remember that, as you pilot your 'Mech, its torso is capable of looking around independently of the direction the legs are walking.\n\nPractice your skills by traveling to three more waypoints. tut_throttle_text_05 Great! You've been making your first steps towards becoming an expert MechWarrior. Great! You've been making your first steps towards becoming an expert MechWarrior. tut_jumpjets_title_01 Jump Jets Jump Jets tut_jumpjets_text_01 Now you’ll learn about jump jets. Jump jets are thrusters that can be equipped on to certain 'Mechs, allowing them to fly into the air for short periods of time. The longer you fire the jump jets, the higher you'll go.\n\nFuel is limited, but will refill while you're on the ground. The meter to the right of the throttle is the jump jet meter, and it will show you how much fuel you have remaining. Now you’ll learn about jump jets. Jump jets are thrusters that can be equipped on to certain 'Mechs, allowing them to fly into the air for short periods of time. The longer you fire the jump jets, the higher you'll go.\n\nFuel is limited, but will refill while you're on the ground. The meter to the right of the throttle is the jump jet meter, and it will show you how much fuel you have remaining. tut_jumpjets_text_02 Jump jets are activated by pressing '&m_jump_jet*'. If you do so while your 'Mech is standing still, it will rise straight up. If you press it while moving forwards or backwards, the momentum will carry your 'Mech in the same direction while it rises into the air.\n\nNow, try jump jetting straight up. Remember to leave some fuel for the landing or you'll risk damage to your 'Mech's legs. Jump jets are activated by pressing '&m_jump_jet*'. If you do so while your 'Mech is standing still, it will rise straight up. If you press it while moving forwards or backwards, the momentum will carry your 'Mech in the same direction while it rises into the air.\n\nNow, try jump jetting straight up. Remember to leave some fuel for the landing or you'll risk damage to your 'Mech's legs. tut_jumpjets_text_03 That was easy. Now it's time to try something a little more difficult.\n\nUse your jump jets to maneuver onto a waypoint that you normally couldn't reach by walking. That was easy. Now it's time to try something a little more difficult.\n\nUse your jump jets to maneuver onto a waypoint that you normally couldn't reach by walking. tut_jumpjets_text_04 Excellent. Mastering jump jets will add an extra dimension to your tactics in the field. Excellent. Mastering jump jets will add an extra dimension to your tactics in the field. tut_presets_title_01 Throttle Presets Throttle Presets tut_presets_text_01 Now it's time to learn how to use preset throttle levels. These options are available to you even when Throttle Decay is turned on.\n\nIf you press '&m_throttle_set_10*', you'll set the throttle to 10%; if you press '&m_throttle_set_20*', you'll set it to 20%, and so on. '&m_throttle_set_100*' sets the throttle to 100%. These throttle settings will remain in place until you change them again. Also, you should note that your 'Mech won't actually move if your throttle setting would cause it to go less than 15 kph. Now it's time to learn how to use preset throttle levels. These options are available to you even when Throttle Decay is turned on.\n\nIf you press '&m_throttle_set_10*', you'll set the throttle to 10%; if you press '&m_throttle_set_20*', you'll set it to 20%, and so on. '&m_throttle_set_100*' sets the throttle to 100%. These throttle settings will remain in place until you change them again. Also, you should note that your 'Mech won't actually move if your throttle setting would cause it to go less than 15 kph. tut_presets_text_02 To bring your 'Mech to a full stop, press '&m_fullStop*' or, when Throttle Decay is on, press and release the button to increase or decrease your throttle. This will instantly set your throttle to zero and your 'Mech will naturally decelerate until it comes to a stop.\n\nPractice using these throttle presets. Use them to bring your Mech to 50% throttle, and then 100%. After you reach 100%, press '&m_fullStop*' to come to a stop. To bring your 'Mech to a full stop, press '&m_fullStop*' or, when Throttle Decay is on, press and release the button to increase or decrease your throttle. This will instantly set your throttle to zero and your 'Mech will naturally decelerate until it comes to a stop.\n\nPractice using these throttle presets. Use them to bring your 'Mech to 50% throttle, and then 100%. After you reach 100%, press '&m_fullStop*' to come to a stop. tut_presets_text_03 Terrific! Remember that in a real battle these presets are an easy way of quickly changing your throttle setting. Terrific! Remember that in a real battle these presets are an easy way of quickly changing your throttle setting. tut_conclusion_title_01 Tutorial Completed! Tutorial Completed! tut_conclusion_text_01 Congratulations! You've completed the tutorial. If you’d like to continue practicing, you can continue to do so here. When you are done, press 'Esc' and click on Quit Match. From the main menu you can try out the Testing Grounds feature by clicking on the Game Modes button in the upper right and selecting ‘Testing Grounds’. Congratulations! You've completed the tutorial. If you’d like to continue practicing, you can continue to do so here. Select Testing Grounds on the Home Menu and select a map to try out and click OK. tut_obj_view_text_01 Switch to First Person View Switch to First Person View tut_obj_view_helptext_01 Press '&thirdpersoncombatcam*' to switch to first person view. Press '&thirdpersoncombatcam*' to switch to first person view. tut_obj_view_text_02 Switch to Third Person View Switch to Third Person View tut_obj_view_helptext_02 Press '&thirdpersoncombatcam*' to switch to third person view. Press '&thirdpersoncombatcam*' to switch to third person view. tut_obj_look_text_01 Look Up Look Up tut_obj_look_helptext_01 Use the mouse to look around. Use the mouse to look around. tut_obj_look_text_02 Look Down Look Down tut_obj_look_helptext_02 Use the mouse to look around. Use the mouse to look around. tut_obj_look_text_03 Look Left Look Left tut_obj_look_helptext_03 Use the mouse to look around. Use the mouse to look around. tut_obj_look_text_04 Look Right Look Right tut_obj_look_helptext_04 Use the mouse to look around. Use the mouse to look around. tut_obj_look_text_05 Recenter your 'Mech's torso Recenter your 'Mech's torso tut_obj_look_helptext_05 Press '&m_torso_centre*' or '&m_legs_centre*' to recenter your 'Mech. Press '&m_torso_centre*' or '&m_legs_centre*' to recenter your 'Mech. tut_obj_look_text_06 Turn Left Turn Left tut_obj_look_helptext_06 Press '&m_turnleft*' to turn left. Press '&m_turnleft*' to turn left. tut_obj_look_text_07 Turn Right Turn Right tut_obj_look_helptext_07 Press '&m_turnright*' to turn right. Press '&m_turnright*' to turn right. tut_obj_throttle_text_01 Go to Waypoint 1 Go to Waypoint 1 tut_obj_throttle_helptext_01 Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. tut_obj_throttle_text_02 Go to Waypoint 2 Go to Waypoint 2 tut_obj_throttle_helptext_02 Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. tut_obj_throttle_text_03 Go to Waypoint 3 Go to Waypoint 3 tut_obj_throttle_helptext_03 Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. tut_obj_throttle_text_04 Go to Waypoint 4 Go to Waypoint 4 tut_obj_throttle_helptext_04 Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. Hold '&m_increaseThrottle*' to move forward and '&m_decreaseThrottle*' to move backward. tut_obj_jumpjets_text_01 Jump 10m up in the air Jump 10m up in the air tut_obj_jumpjets_helptext_01 Hold '&m_jump_jet*' to activate jump jets. Hold '&m_jump_jet*' to activate jump jets. tut_obj_jumpjets_text_02 Use jump jets to go to Waypoint 5 Use jump jets to go to Waypoint 5 tut_obj_jumpjets_helptext_02 Hold '&m_jump_jet*' to activate jump jets while moving forward. Hold '&m_jump_jet*' to activate jump jets while moving forward. tut_obj_presets_text_01 Set and reach 50% throttle using a preset Set and reach 50% throttle using a preset tut_obj_presets_helptext_01 Press '&m_throttle_set_50*' to set the throttle to 50%. Press '&m_throttle_set_50*' to set the throttle to 50%. tut_obj_presets_text_02 Set and reach 100% throttle using a preset Set and reach 100% throttle using a preset tut_obj_presets_helptext_02 Press '&m_throttle_set_100*' to set the throttle to 100%. Press '&m_throttle_set_100*' to set the throttle to 100%. tut_obj_presets_text_03 Stop, using the full stop command Stop, using the full stop command tut_obj_presets_helptext_03 Press '&m_fullStop*' to come to a full stop. Press '&m_fullStop*' to come to a full stop. ui_Credits Credits Credits ui_filter Filter Filter ui_Owned Owned Owned ui_Unowned Display all Purchasable ui_Compare Compare Compare ui_Skills Skills Skills ui_PlayNow Quick Play Quick Play ui_View View View ui_Speed Speed Speed ui_ArmorType Armor Type Armor Type ui_Variant Variant Variant ui_SelectMech Select 'Mech Select 'Mech ui_GoToWebsite ui_mechlab_Rules Loading 'Mech Lab assets Loading MECHLAB assets ui_Connecting CONNECTING CONNECTING ui_All All All ui_CARTTOTAL Cart Total Cart Total ui_Jump_Distance Jump Distance Jump Distance ui_CheckOut Check Out Check Out ui_AVAILABLE EMPTY EMPTY ui_Notification Notification Notification ui_ChooseMechName Enter a name for the 'Mech Enter a name for the 'Mech ui_EnterName < Enter Name > < Enter Name > ui_ConfirmMechBayPurchase Are you sure you want to purchase a 'Mech Bay Are you sure you want to purchase a 'Mech Bay ui_ConfirmMechPurchase Are you sure you want to purchase this 'Mech?\nBattleMech: %0\nCost: %1 %2 Are you sure you want to purchase this 'Mech?\nBattleMech: %0\nCost: %1 %2 ui_SelectPurchaseMethod Select Purchase Method Select Purchase Method ui_PurchaseMech Purchase 'Mech Purchase 'Mech ui_InsufficientMechBays You will need to purchase an additional 'Mech Bay You will need to purchase an additional 'Mech Bay err_ConfirmTitle Confirm Confirm ui_QuitGame Are you sure you want to quit? Are you sure you want to quit? ui_LeaveToWebsite This will open a page in your default web browser, are you sure you want to continue? This will open a page in your default web browser, are you sure you want to continue? ui_InsufficientFunds You do not have the required funds for purchase. You do not have the required funds for purchase. ui_ReallyQuit Are you sure you want to quit the application? Are you sure you want to quit the application? ui_Statistics Statistics Statistics ui_Redeem Redeem Code Redeem Code ui_TrialChassis Trial Trial ui_ChampionChassis Champion Champion ui_structure_Regular STANDARD STANDARD ui_structure_Endo ENDO-STEEL ENDO-STEEL ui_heatsink_Single SINGLE SINGLE ui_heatsink_Double DOUBLE DOUBLE ui_armor_Regular STANDARD STANDARD ui_armor_Ferror FERRO FIBROUS FERRO FIBROUS ui_KPH KPH KPH ui_TrialMech TRIAL 'MECH TRIAL 'MECH EMechModel_Jenner Jenner Jenner EMechModel_Hunchback Hunchback Hunchback EMechModel_Commando Commando Commando EMechModel_Centurion Centurion Centurion EMechModel_Dragon Dragon Dragon EMechModel_Catapult Catapult Catapult EMechModel_Awesome Awesome Awesome EMechModel_Atlas Atlas Atlas EMechModel_Raven Raven Raven EMechModel_Cicada Cicada Cicada EMechModel_Cataphract Cataphract Cataphract EMechModel_Stalker Stalker Stalker EMechModel_Spider Spider Spider EMechModel_Trebuchet Trebuchet Trebuchet EMechModel_JagerMech JagerMech JagerMech EMechModel_Highlander Highlander Highlander EMechModel_Blackjack Blackjack Blackjack EMechModel_Quickdraw Quickdraw Quickdraw EMechModel_Victor Victor Victor EMechModel_Kintaro Kintaro Kintaro ui_Col_Phranken_Light_Yellow PHRANKEN LGT YELLOW PHRANKEN LGT YELLOW ui_Col_Cobra_Light_Green COBRA LIGHT GREEN COBRA LIGHT GREEN ui_Col_Cobra_Dark_Green COBRA DARK GREEN COBRA DARK GREEN ui_Col_Applejack_Red APPLEJACK RED APPLEJACK RED ui_Col_Applejack_Blue APPLEJACK BLUE APPLEJACK BLUE ui_Col_Applejack_Green APPLEJACK GREEN APPLEJACK GREEN CTF-Hero01 ILYA MUROMETS ILYA MUROMETS CTF-Hero01_desc Named after a mythical Russian knight Named after a mythical Russian knight CTF-Hero01_short CTF-IM CTF-IM RazorDice_name RAZOR DICE RAZOR DICE RazorDice_desc Fluffy Razer MWO Launch Dice Fluffy Razer MWO Launch Dice ui_mechTrees MECH TREES 'MECH TREES ui_mechTree MECH TREE 'MECH TREE ui_pilotTrees PILOT TREES PILOT TREES ui_efficiencyLevel EFFICIENCY LEVEL EFFICIENCY LEVEL ui_efficiencyMultiplier EFFICIENCY MULTIPLIER EFFICIENCY MULTIPLIER ui_multiplierrules Unlock all Elite Tier efficiencies to apply a X2 multiplier to all Basic Tier efficiencies. Unlock all Elite Tier efficiencies to apply a X2 multiplier to all Basic Tier efficiencies. ui_nonapplicable N/A N/A ui_SelectEfficiencyPurchaseType Select xp type to spend to unlock: Select xp type to spend to unlock: ui_ConfirmUnlockEfficiency Are you sure you want to unlock: Are you sure you want to unlock this efficiency: ui_ConfirmUnlockForGXP Are you sure you want to unlock: %0 for %1 GXP? Are you sure you want to unlock: %0 for %1 GXP? ui_ConfirmUnlockForMXP Are you sure you want to unlock: %0 for %1 XP? Are you sure you want to unlock: %0 for %1 XP? ui_x2 X2 X2 ui_insufficientXP Insufficient XP Insufficient XP eMTBasic_CoolRun COOL RUN COOL RUN eMTBasic_KineticBurst KINETIC BURST KINETIC BURST eMTBasic_TwistX TWIST X TWIST X eMTBasic_HeatContainment HEAT CONTAINMENT HEAT CONTAINMENT eMTBasic_HardBrake HARD BRAKE HARD BRAKE eMTBasic_TwistSpeed TWIST SPEED TWIST SPEED eMTBasic_ArmReflex ARM REFLEX ARM REFLEX eMTBasic_AnchorTurn ANCHOR TURN ANCHOR TURN eMTElite_QuickIgnition QUICK IGNITION QUICK IGNITION eMTElite_FastFire FAST FIRE FAST FIRE eMTElite_PinPoint PINPOINT PINPOINT eMTElite_SpeedTweak SPEED TWEAK SPEED TWEAK eMTMaster_ModuleSlot MODULE SLOT MODULE SLOT eMTBasic_CoolRun_desc Increases Heat Dissipation by 7.5% Increases Heat Dissipation by 7.5% eMTBasic_KineticBurst_desc Increases BattleMech acceleration by 7.5% Increases BattleMech acceleration by 7.5% eMTBasic_TwistX_desc Increases the maximum amount a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% Increases the maximum amount a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% eMTBasic_HeatContainment_desc Increases maximum heat threshold before a BattleMech shuts down by 10% Increases maximum heat threshold before a BattleMech shuts down by 10% eMTBasic_HardBrake_desc Increases BattleMech deceleration by 7.5% Increases BattleMech deceleration by 7.5% eMTBasic_TwistSpeed_desc Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can twist its upper torso by 2.5% eMTBasic_ArmReflex_desc Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can move its arms by 2.5% Increases the speed at which a BattleMech can move its arms by 2.5% eMTBasic_AnchorTurn_desc Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech by 2.5% Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech by 2.5% eMTElite_QuickIgnition_desc Start-up and shut-down sequences sped up by 33% Start-up and shut-down sequences sped up by 33% eMTElite_FastFire_desc Weapon cooldown rate increased by 5% Weapon cooldown rate increased by 5% eMTElite_PinPoint_desc Weapon convergence speed increased by 15% Weapon convergence speed increased by 15% eMTElite_SpeedTweak_desc Increases top speed by 7.5% Increases top speed by 7.5% eMTMaster_ModuleSlot_desc Unlocks a 'Mech/Module module slot Unlocks a 'Mech/Module module slot ui_Back < Back Back Ballistic Ballistic Ballistic Missile Missile Missile Energy Energy Energy Omni Omni Omni ECM ECM ECM ui_AVL Avl Avl ui_MAX Max Max ui_Engines Engines Engines ui_ReallyLaunchTutorial Are you sure you want to launch\nTUTORIALS? Are you sure you want to launch\nTUTORIALS? ON1-P PROTECTOR PROTECTOR ON1-P_desc A BattleMech designed after Kerensky's own Orion. A BattleMech designed after Kerensky's own Orion. ON1-P_short ON1-P ON1-P ui_settings_game GAME GAME ui_settings_audio AUDIO AUDIO ui_settings_video VIDEO VIDEO ui_settings_keyboard KEYBOARD KEYBOARD ui_settings_controller CONTROLLER CONTROLLER ui_skillTrees SKILL TREES SKILL TREES ui_SaveMechTitle Save Battlemech Save Battlemech ui_SaveMechDesc You are about to save your Battlemech configuration.\nThis will cost you: You are about to save your Battlemech configuration.\nThis will cost you: ui_speedfr SPEED [F/R] SPEED [F/R] ui_maxengine MAX ENGINE MAX ENGINE ui_deg [°] [°] ui_pitchang PITCH ANG PITCH ANG ui_yawang YAW ANG YAW ANG ui_pitchspeed PITCH SPD PITCH SPD ui_yawspeed YAW SPD YAW SPD ui_degperS [°/s] [°/s] ui_torso TORSO TORSO ui_Arms ARMS ARMS ui_turnspeedDPS TURN RATE [°/s] TURN RATE [°/s] ui_AccelRateDPS ACCELERATION [M/S^2] ACCELERATION [m/s^2] ui_decelRateDPS DECELERATION [M/S^2] DECELERATION [m/s^2] ui_speedKPH SPEED [KM/H] SPEED [km/h] ui_Engine Engine Engine ui_Type Type Type ui_Slots Slots Slots ui_Rating Rating Rating ui_HeatSink Heat Sink Heat Sink ui_Cooling Cooling Cooling ui_Range Range Range ui_ShotsPerTon Shots Shots ui_Damage Damage Damage ui_Heat Heat Heat ui_Cooldown Cooldown Cooldown ui_Duration Duration Duration ui_HeatDamage Heat Damage Heat Damage ui_Distance Distance Distance ui_Restrictions Restrictions Restrictions ui_InternalHeatsinks Int. Heat Sinks Int. Heat Sinks ui_Ballistic Ballistic Ballistic ui_Energy Energy Energy ui_Missile Missile Missile ui_AMS AMS AMS ui_ECM ECM ECM ui_JumpJet Jump Jet Jump Jet ui_CASE C.A.S.E. C.A.S.E. ui_BAP Active Probe Active Probe ui_RangeBoost Range Boost Range Boost ml_WeaponGroups Weapon Groups Weapon Groups ml_SelectGroup Select Group Select Group ml_EnterSelection Enter Selection Enter Selection EMechModel_Locust Locust Locust EMechModel_Orion Orion Orion EMechModel_BattleMaster BattleMaster BattleMaster EMechModel_ThunderBolt ThunderBolt ThunderBolt ui_ErrorInSaving An error occurred while saving. An error occurred while saving. ui_NoDrag Invalid Invalid EMechModel_Shadowhawk Shadow Hawk Shadow Hawk ui_AchievementAwarded Achievement Awarded: Achievement Awarded: HUD_ACHIEVEMENT_AWARDED ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: ui_Saving Saving Battlemech loadout. Please Wait... Saving BattleMech loadout. Please Wait... ui_SaveBeforeEditWeaponGroup You must save your loadout before editing the Battlemechs weapon groups. Do you want to save now? You must save your loadout before editing the Battlemechs weapon groups. Do you want to save now? ui_InsufficientLoadout1 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_InsufficientLoadout2 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_InsufficientLoadout3 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_UnableToSave Unable to save due to critical loadout error. Unable to save due to critical loadout error. NoEngine No Engine No Engine HeatSinkViolation Not enough heat sinks. Not enough heat sinks. Hill_Climb_Module HILL CLIMB HILL CLIMB Hill_Climb_Module_desc Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes by 10%. Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes by 10%. Advanced_Gyro_Module IMPROVED GYROS IMPROVED GYROS Advanced_Gryo_Module_desc Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. ui_Pal_Raider RAIDER RAIDER CPLT-J JESTER JESTER CPLT-J_desc The grinning Catapult. The grinning Catapult. CPLT-J_short CPLT-J CPLT-J ui_currentMechXP AVAILABLE XP TYPES: AVAILABLE XP TYPES: ui_xpConversionInstruction DRAG TO CONVERT TO GXP DRAG TO CONVERT TO GXP ui_xpconversionsuccessful XP CONVERSION SUCCESSFUL XP Conversion Successful ui_CamoSpec Camo Spec Camo Spec ui_IllegalLoadout1 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0 ui_IllegalLoadout2 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1 ui_IllegalLoadout3 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2 ui_Purchasing Purchasing Purchasing ui_effUnlockSuccessful Efficiency successfully unlocked. Efficiency successfully unlocked. DefaultPattern Default Default ml_ArtemisAmmoSwitched When equipping ARTEMIS, all missile systems are removed from your BattleMech and must be replaced. Do you want to Continue? When equipping ARTEMIS, all missile systems are removed from your BattleMech and must be replaced. Do you want to Continue? err_NoLoadoutChanges There are no changes to the loadout to save. There are no changes to the loadout to save. ui_StorePriceChange Please Wait. Updating store data. Prices have changed... Please Wait. Updating store data. Prices have changed... Advanced_Gyro_Module_desc Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. HUD_ExitLevel Quit Match Quit Match HUD_QuitGame Exit Game Exit Game HUD_ECMASSIST C-ECM ASSIST C-ECM ASSIST HUD_ECMCOUNTER C-ECM C-ECM HGN-733CC HIGHLANDER HGN-733C(C) HIGHLANDER HGN-733C(C) HGN-733CC_desc HIGHLANDER HGN-733C(C) description HIGHLANDER HGN-733C(C) HGN-733CC_short HGN-733C(C) HGN-733C(C) ui_Online ONLINE ONLINE ui_Offline OFFLINE OFFLINE ui_Deployed DEPLOYED DEPLOYED ML_INSTALL INSTALL INSTALL ui_PermenencyStage0 Unlockable Unlockable ui_PermenencyStage1 One Shot One Shot ui_PermenencyStage2 Default Default ui_ResetCamo Reset Camo Spec Reset Camo Spec ui_SelectResetType Select reset type: Select reset type: ui_SavedCamo Reset to saved camo and colors Reset to saved camo and colors ui_DefaultCamo Reset to default camo and colors Reset to default camo and colors op_AntiAlias ANTI-ALIASING ANTI-ALIASING ui_UnableToLaunch Unable to launch into game due to critical loadout error. Unable to launch into game due to critical loadout error. ui_InsufficientLoadoutLauch1 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch2 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch3 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2 ui_freeMechbays Empty 'Mech Bays Empty 'Mech Bays ui_PurchaseItemTitle STORE PURCHASE STORE PURCHASE ui_PurchaseItem Are you sure you want to purchase %0 for %1 MC? Are you sure you want to purchase %0 for %1 MC? ui_social_invalidoperation Invalid Operation Invalid Operation ui_social_unabletoretrievefriends Unable to retrive friends list Unable to retrive friends list ui_social_unabletoretrievefriendinvites Unable to retrieve friend invites list Unable to retrieve friend invites list ui_social_unabletoretrieveblockeduserlist Unable to retrive blocked player list Unable to retrive blocked player list ui_social_unabletoretrieveuserdetails Unable to retrieve player details Unable to retrieve player details ui_social_unabletoretrieveuserstatus Unable to retrieve player status Unable to retrieve player status ui_social_unabletoremoveuser Unable to remove player from friends list Unable to remove player from friends list ui_social_unabletoblockuser Unable to block player Unable to block player ui_social_unabletounblockuser Unable to unblock player Unable to unblock player ui_social_unabletoacceptfriend Unable to accept friend invite Unable to accept friend invite ui_social_unabletodeclinefriend Unable to decline friend invite Unable to decline friend invite ui_social_addfriend Add Friend Add Friend @ui_social_btn_AddFriend Request Friend Request Friend ui_social_user User User ui_social_doesnotexist Player does not exist: %0 Player does not exist: %0 ui_social_invaliduser Invalid Player Invalid Player ui_social_wanttoremove Do you want to remove %0? Do you want to remove %0? ui_social_removefriend Remove Friend Remove Friend ui_social_wanttoblock Do you want to block %0? Do you want to block %0? ui_social_blockuser BLOCK PLAYER BLOCK PLAYER ui_social_unabletoaddfriend Unable to add friend Unable to add friend ui_social_message_player Send Message Send Message ui_social_invite_to_group Invite To Group Invite To Group ui_social_ignore_user Block Player Block Player ui_social_remove_user Remove Player Remove Player ui_social_accept_friend ACCEPT INVITE ACCEPT INVITE ui_social_decline_friend DECLINE INVITE DECLINE INVITE ui_social_unblock_user UNBLOCK PLAYER UNBLOCK PLAYER ui_social_friendrequest FRIEND REQUEST FRIEND REQUEST ui_social_blocked BLOCKED BLOCKED MCGlyph MC MC CBGlyph C-Bills C-Bills ui_StoreBooster BOOSTERS BOOSTERS ui_StoreMech BATTLEMECHS BATTLEMECHS ui_storeMechBay MECH BAY 'MECH BAY ui_Skirmish_Rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY ALL ENEMY PLAYERS\n • ON TIME OUT MOST KILLS WINS WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY ALL ENEMY PLAYERS\n • ON TIME OUT MOST KILLS WINS ui_Skirmish_PR SKIRMISH SKIRMISH ui_Skirmish_Rules_PR · Destroy all enemy 'Mechs\n· Time out with most kills · Destroy all enemy 'Mechs\n· Time out with most kills ui_GM_SkirmishHardcore SKIRMISH(HARDCORE) SKIRMISH(HARDCORE) ui_Skirmish SKIRMISH SKIRMISH eGM_Skirmish SKIRMISH SKIRMISH ui_Pal_snowfall SNOWFALL SNOWFALL JR7-O OXIDE OXIDE JR7-O_desc The rusted but deadly Jenner. The rusted but deadly Jenner. JR7-O_short JR7-O JR7-O Stocking_a HOLIDAY STOCKING HOLIDAY STOCKING Stocking_a_desc A Holiday Stocking A Holiday Stocking Snowman_b HOLIDAY SNOWMAN HOLIDAY SNOWMAN Snowman_b_desc A Holiday Snowman A Holiday Snowman Hulagirlelf HULA ELF HULA ELF Hulagirlelf_desc A Hula Girl Elf A Hula Girl Elf Gift_a GOLDEN PACKAGE GOLDEN PACKAGE Gift_a_desc A Golden Package A Golden Package Snowglobe SNOW GLOBE SNOW GLOBE Snowglobe_desc A Snow Globe A Snow Globe Candycane_name CANDY CANE CANDY CANE Candycane_desc A Candy Cane A Candy Cane Treebulb_a_name HOLIDAY BALL HOLIDAY BALL Treebulb_a_desc A MWO Hanging Decoration A MWO Hanging Decoration Mistletoe_a_name HOLIDAY MISTLETOE HOLIDAY MISTLETOE Mistletoe_a_desc A Holiday Mistletoe A Holiday Mistletoe Star_name HOLIDAY STAR HOLIDAY STAR Star_desc A Holiday Star A Holiday Star Snowflake_name SNOWFLAKE SNOWFLAKE Snowflake_desc A Blue Snowflake A Blue Snowflake XmasLightsBlue BLUE LIGHTS BLUE LIGHTS XmasLightsBlue_desc Blue Holiday Lights Blue Holiday Lights XmasLightsGreen GREEN LIGHTS GREEN LIGHTS XmasLightsGreen_desc Green Holiday Lights Green Holiday Lights XmasLightsRedandWhite RED AND WHITE LIGHTS RED AND WHITE LIGHTS XmasLightsRedandWhite_desc Red and White Holiday Lights Red and White Holiday Lights XmasLightsWhite WHITE LIGHTS WHITE LIGHTS XmasLightsWhite_desc White Holiday Lights White Holiday Lights XmasLightsYellow YELLOW LIGHTS YELLOW LIGHTS XmasLightsYellow_desc Yellow Holiday Lights Yellow Holiday Lights AlienWareHeadBlue_name BLUE ALIENWARE HEAD BLUE ALIENWARE HEAD AlienWareHeadBlue_desc A blue Alienware head A blue Alienware head AlienWareHeadGreen_name GREEN ALIENWARE HEAD GREEN ALIENWARE HEAD AlienWareHeadGreen_desc A green Alienware head A green Alienware head AlienWareHeadRed_name RED ALIENWARE HEAD RED ALIENWARE HEAD AlienWareHeadRed_desc A red Alienware head A red Alienware head XPGlyph XP XP ui_SelectGameMode Select Game Mode Select Game Modes ui_SelectGameModeText Region preference: Region preference: ui_D D D ui_M M M ui_H H H ui_PremiumTime Premium Time Premium Time ui_CurrentMech Current Battlemech Current Battlemech ui_SellConfirmationText You are about to sell\n%1\n%0\nfor\n%2 %3\nAre you sure you wish to proceed? You are about to sell\n%1\n%0\nfor\n%2 %3\nAre you sure you wish to proceed? @hulagirl_desc A Hula Girl A Hula Girl @GazelleDropShip_desc A Gazelle DropShip A Gazelle DropShip @XmasWreath_desc A Christmas Wreath A Christmas Wreath Banner01_desc House Liao Banner A House Liao Banner Banner02_desc House Marik Banner A House Marik Banner Banner03_desc House Davion Banner A House Davion Banner Banner04_desc House Steiner Banner A House Steiner Banner Banner05_desc Free Rasalhague Republic Banner A House FRR Banner Banner06_desc House Kurita Banner A House Kurita Banner ui_SellMechConfirmationText You are about to sell a\n%0\nfor\n%1 %2\nAre you sure you want to proceed? You are about to sell a\n%0\nfor\n%1 %2\nAre you sure you want to proceed? ui_Inventory Inventory INVENTORY ui_SellPrice Sell Price: Sell Price: ui_social_group_ldr LDR LDR ui_social_group_fac FAC FAC ui_social_group_pilotname PILOT NAME PILOT NAME ui_social_group_status STATUS STATUS ui_social_group_mechtype MECH TYPE 'MECH TYPE ui_social_group_btn_launch GROUP LAUNCH GROUP LAUNCH ui_social_group_btn_leave Leave Group Leave Group ui_social_group_btn_invite Invite Player Invite Player ui_social_btn_creategroup Create Group Create Group ui_social_group_groupsize Select Group Type\nNote: Groups with more than 3 Mechs of\none weight class are not able to launch! Select Group Type\nNote: Groups with more than 3 Mechs of\none weight class are not able to launch! ui_social_group_2to4players 2 - 4 Player Group 2 - 4 Player Group ui_social_group_12players 12 Player Group 12 Player Group ui_social_group_ready READY READY ui_social_group_notready NOT READY NOT READY ui_social_groupinvite GROUP INVITE GROUP INVITE ui_StoreHome HOME HOME ui_mechbayslot MECH BAY 'MECH BAY ui_sale SALE SALE ui_QtyOnHand Quantity OnHand: Quantity OnHand: ui_SellQty Sell Quantity: Sell Quantity: ui_CBGained :g_cb: Gained: :g_cb: Gained: ui_QtyRemaining Quantity Remaining: Quantity Remaining: ui_SellConfirmation Sell Item(s) Sell Item(s) ui_AlphaUp Alphabetical (Asc) Alphabetical (Asc) ui_AlphaDown Alphabetical (Desc) Alphabetical (Desc) ui_PriceUp Price (Asc) Price (Asc) ui_PriceDown Price (Desc) Price (Desc) ui_Sort Sort Sort ui_moduleUnlockSuccessful Module successfully unlocked. Module successfully unlocked. ui_moonbase_detail1 -69 C -69 C ui_moonbase_detail2 1.1 1.1 ui_moonbase_detail3 0% 0% ui_social_failedtofindmatch Failed to find match. Failed to find match. ui_Pal_Special Special Special ui_ConfirmCancelWeaponGroup All your changes will be lost. Are you sure? All your changes will be lost. Are you sure? ui_ConfirmSaveWeaponGroup Are you sure you want to save your weapon group changes? Are you sure you want to save your weapon group changes? ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch1 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0 ui_GM_Assault ASSAULT ASSAULT ui_GM_Conquest CONQUEST CONQUEST ui_GM_Skirmish SKIRMISH SKIRMISH ui_GM_Any ANY ANY griffin GRIFFIN GRIFFIN GRF-1NP GRIFFIN GRF-1N(P) GRIFFIN GRF-1N(P) GRF-1NP_desc GRIFFIN GRF-1N(P) description GRIFFIN GRF-1N(P) GRF-1NP_short GRF-1N(P) GRF-1N(P) GRF-1N GRIFFIN GRF-1N GRIFFIN GRF-1N GRF-1N_desc GRIFFIN GRF-1N description GRIFFIN GRF-1N GRF-1N_short GRF-1N GRF-1N GRF-1S GRIFFIN GRF-1S GRIFFIN GRF-1S GRF-1S_desc GRIFFIN GRF-1S description GRIFFIN GRF-1S GRF-1S_short GRF-1S GRF-1S GRF-3M GRIFFIN GRF-3M GRIFFIN GRF-3M GRF-3M_desc GRIFFIN GRF-3M description GRIFFIN GRF-3M GRF-3M_short GRF-3M GRF-3M wolverine WOLVERINE WOLVERINE WVR-6RP WOLVERINE WVR-6R(P) WOLVERINE WVR-6R(P) WVR-6RP_desc WOLVERINE WVR-6R(P) description WOLVERINE WVR-6R(P) WVR-6RP_short WVR-6R(P) WVR-6R(P) WVR-6R WOLVERINE WVR-6R WOLVERINE WVR-6R WVR-6R_desc WOLVERINE WVR-6R description WOLVERINE WVR-6R WVR-6R_short WVR-6R WVR-6R WVR-6K WOLVERINE WVR-6K WOLVERINE WVR-6K WVR-6K_desc WOLVERINE WVR-6K description WOLVERINE WVR-6K WVR-6K_short WVR-6K WVR-6K WVR-7K WOLVERINE WVR-7K WOLVERINE WVR-7K WVR-7K_desc WOLVERINE WVR-7K description WOLVERINE WVR-7K WVR-7K_short WVR-7K WVR-7K Pumpkin_desc A Halloween pumpkin A Halloween pumpkin Star_name_desc A Holiday Star A Holiday Star ui_social_FriendInviteSent Friend Invite Sent Friend Invite Sent ui_social_UnableToAddSelf Unable to add self as a friend. Unable to add self as a friend. ui_social_group_unabletocreategroup Unable to create group. Unable to create group. ui_social_group_unabletojoingroup Unable to join group. Unable to join group. ui_social_group_unabletoinviteuser Unable to invite player. Unable to invite player. CDA-2AC CICADA CDA-2A(C) CICADA CDA-2A(C) CDA-2AC_desc CICADA CDA-2A(C) description CICADA CDA-2A(C) CDA-2AC_short CDA-2A(C) CDA-2A(C) HBK-GI GRID IRON GRID IRON HBK-GI_desc Grid Iron description Grid Iron HBK-GI_short HBK-GI HBK-GI HBK-GI2 GRID IRON LTD GRID IRON LTD HBK-GI2_desc Grid Iron description Grid Iron HBK-GI2_short HBK-GI HBK-GI Cheerleader CHEERLEADER CHEERLEADER Cheerleader_desc A cheerleader A cheerleader ui_social_group_groupchat Group Chat Group Chat ui_SaveBeforeChangeTabs Your loadout has changed. If you continue, all changes will be lost.\n Continue? Your loadout has changed. If you continue, all changes will be lost.\nContinue? ui_LoadoutChanged Loadout Changed Loadout Changed ui_Activating Activating Activating ui_PTA3 Confirm how much Banked Premium Time you wish to activate.\nAVAILABLE: %0 DAY(S) %1 HOUR(S) Confirm how much Banked Premium Time you wish to activate. \nAVAILABLE: %0 DAY(S) %1 HOUR(S) HUD_TURRETKILL TURRET DESTROYED TURRET DESTROYED HUD_TURRETDISABLE TURRET DISABLED TURRET DISABLED HUD_TURRETDISABLECOMM TURRET COMS DISABLED TURRET COMS DISABLED HUD_STRUCTURES GRIDS NEUTRALIZED GRIDS NEUTRALIZED ui_Pal_crusader CRUSADER CRUSADER emechmodel_Griffin Griffin Griffin emechmodel_Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine ui_social_chat_group_unabletosend Unable to send message to group. Unable to send message to group. ui_social_chat_error_private_unabletosend Unable to send message to player. Unable to send message to player. ui_social_group_joined has joined the chat. has joined the chat. ui_social_group_quit has left the chat. has left the chat. ui_social_chat_isnowgroupleader is now the group leader. If the group was previously participating in the LFG queue, it may need to be re-added by the group leader. is now the group leader. If the group was previously participating in the LFG queue, it may need to be re-added by the group leader. ui_social_group_error Group Error Group Error ui_pattern Camo Pattern Camo Pattern ui_RegPrice Regular Price: Regular Price: ui_SalePrice Sale Price: Sale Price: ui_savings Savings: Savings: ui_RefreshPilotData Refreshing Data Refreshing Data ui_PurchaseItemSC Are you sure you want to purchase %0 for %1 C-Bills? Are you sure you want to purchase %0 for %1 C-Bills? ui_social_group_invitefriend Group Invite Group Invite ui_social_group_kickuser Group Kick Group Kick ui_social_group_kickuserdialog Do you wish to kick %0 from the group? Do you wish to kick %0 from the group? ui_social_group_unabletokickuser Unable to kick player. Unable to kick player. ui_social_group_youwerekicked You were removed from the group. You were removed from the group. ui_social_chat_youarenowgroupleader You are now the group leader. If your group was previously participating in the LFG queue it may need to be re-added. You are now the group leader. If your group was previously participating in the LFG queue it may need to be re-added. op_Axis CONFIGURE AXIS CONFIGURE AXIS op_Buttons CONFIGURE BUTTONS CONFIGURE BUTTONS ui_CONTROLJOYSTICK JOYSTICK JOYSTICK op_XAxisSensitivity X-AXIS SENSITIVITY X-AXIS SENSITIVITY op_YAxisSensitivity Y-AXIS SENSITIVITY Y-AXIS SENSITIVITY op_Deadzone DEADZONE DEADZONE op_ThrottleRange THROTTLE RANGE THROTTLE RANGE op_Half HALF HALF op_FULL FULL FULL op_InvertYaw INVERT YAW INVERT YAW op_controllersettings CONTROLLER SETTINGS CONTROLLER SETTINGS pt_longer_small_laser_1 IS S. LASER RANGE 1 IS S. LASER RANGE 1 pt_longer_small_laser_1_desc Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Longer_Small_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Small Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Increase the long range of a Small Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Longer_Small_Laser SMALL LASER RANGE 1 SMALL LASER RANGE 1 pt_longer_small_laser_2 IS S. LASER RANGE 2 IS S. LASER RANGE 2 pt_longer_small_laser_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. pt_longer_medium_laser_1 IS M. LASER RANGE 1 IS M. LASER RANGE 1 pt_longer_medium_laser_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 10.8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 10.8 meters. Longer_Medium_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Medium Laser by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 10.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Medium Laser by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 10.8 meters. Longer_Medium_Laser MEDIUM LASER RANGE 1 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 1 pt_longer_medium_laser_2 IS M. LASER RANGE 2 IS M. LASER RANGE 2 pt_longer_medium_laser_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 10.8 meters, increase maximum range by 21.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 10.8 meters, increase maximum range by 21.6 meters. pt_longer_large_laser_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. pt_longer_large_laser_1 IS L. LASER RANGE 1 IS L. LASER RANGE 1 Longer_Large_Laser LARGE LASER RANGE 1 LARGE LASER RANGE 1 Longer_Large_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Large Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Large Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. pt_longer_large_laser_2 IS L. LASER RANGE 2 IS L. LASER RANGE 2 pt_longer_large_laser_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. Longer_SRM6 SRM 6 RANGE 1 SRM 6 RANGE 1 Longer_SRM6_desc Increase the long range of a SRM 6 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of a SRM 6 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_srm6_1 IS SRM 6 RANGE 1 IS SRM 6 RANGE 1 pt_longer_srm6_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_srm6_2 IS SRM 6 RANGE 2 IS SRM 6 RANGE 2 pt_longer_srm6_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Longer_SRM2 IS SRM 2 RANGE 1 IS SRM 2 RANGE 1 Longer_SRM2_desc Increase the long range of a SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of a SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_srm2_1 IS SRM 2 RANGE 1 IS SRM 2 RANGE 1 pt_longer_srm2_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_srm2_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Longer_SRM4 IS SRM 4 RANGE 1 IS SRM 4 RANGE 1 Longer_SRM4_desc Increase the long range of a SRM 4 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of a SRM 4 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_srm4_1 IS SRM 4 RANGE 1 IS SRM 4 RANGE 1 pt_longer_srm4_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_srm4_2 IS SRM 4 RANGE 2 IS SRM 4 RANGE 2 pt_longer_srm4_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. ui_social_group_GROUP GROUP GROUP Longer_Streak_SRM2_desc Increase the long range of a Streak SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of a Streak SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_streaksrm2_1 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 1 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 1 pt_longer_streaksrm2_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. pt_longer_streaksrm2_2 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 2 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 2 pt_longer_streaksrm2_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser IS L. PULSE LASER RANGE 1 IS L. PULSE LASER RANGE 1 Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Large Pulse Laser by 6.6 meters, increase maximum range by 13.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Large Pulse Laser by 6.6 meters, increase maximum range by 13.2 meters. pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_1 IS LP LASER RANGE 1 IS LP LASER RANGE 1 pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 6.6 meters, increase maximum range by 13.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 6.6 meters, increase maximum range by 13.2 meters. pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_2 IS LP LASER RANGE 2 IS LP LASER RANGE 2 pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 13.2 meters, increase maximum range by 26.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 13.2 meters, increase maximum range by 26.2 meters. Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser IS M. PULSE LASER RANGE 1 IS M. PULSE LASER RANGE 1 Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Medium Pulse Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Increase the long range of a Medium Pulse Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_1 IS MP LASER RANGE 1 IS MP LASER RANGE 1 pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_2 IS MP LASER RANGE 2 IS MP LASER RANGE 2 pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. Longer_Small_Pulse_Laser IS S. PULSE LASER RANGE 1 IS S. PULSE LASER RANGE 1 Longer_Small_Pulse_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Small Pulse Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Increase the long range of a Small Pulse Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_1 IS SP LASER RANGE 1 IS SP LASER RANGE 1 pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_2 IS SP LASER RANGE 2 IS SP LASER RANGE 2 pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Longer_AC10 IS AC/10 RANGE 1 IS AC/10 RANGE 1 Longer_AC10_desc Increase the long range of a AC/10 by 9.5 meters, increase maximum range by 28.5 meters. Increase the long range of a AC/10 by 9.5 meters, increase maximum range by 28.5 meters. pt_longer_ac10_1 IS AC/10 RANGE 1 IS AC/10 RANGE 1 pt_longer_ac10_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 9.5 meters, increase maximum range by 28.5 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 9.5 meters, increase maximum range by 28.5 meters. pt_longer_ac10_2 IS AC/10 RANGE 2 IS AC/10 RANGE 2 pt_longer_ac10_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 19 meters, increase maximum range by 57 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 19 meters, increase maximum range by 57 meters. Longer_AC5_Laser IS AC/5 RANGE 1 IS AC/5 RANGE 1 Longer_AC5_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a AC/5 by 13 meters, increase maximum range by 39 meters. Increase the long range of a AC/5 by 13 meters, increase maximum range by 39 meters. pt_longer_ac5_1 IS AC/5 RANGE 1 IS AC/5 RANGE 1 pt_longer_ac5_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 13 meters, increase maximum range by 39 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 13 meters, increase maximum range by 39 meters. pt_longer_ac5_2 IS AC/5 RANGE 2 IS AC/5 RANGE 2 pt_longer_ac5_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 26 meters, increase maximum range by 78 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 26 meters, increase maximum range by 78 meters. Longer_AC2_Laser IS AC/2 RANGE 1 IS AC/2 RANGE 1 Longer_AC2_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a AC/2 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. Increase the long range of a AC/2 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. pt_longer_ac2_1 IS AC/2 RANGE 1 IS AC/2 RANGE 1 pt_longer_ac2_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. pt_longer_ac2_2 IS AC/2 RANGE 2 IS AC/2 RANGE 2 pt_longer_ac2_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 90 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 90 meters. Longer_AC20_Laser IS AC/20 RANGE 1 IS AC/20 RANGE 1 Longer_AC20_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a AC/20 by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.2 meters. Increase the long range of a AC/20 by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.2 meters. pt_longer_ac20_1 IS AC/20 RANGE 1 IS AC/20 RANGE 1 pt_longer_ac20_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 5.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.2 meters. pt_longer_ac20_2 IS AC/20 RANGE 2 IS AC/20 RANGE 2 pt_longer_ac20_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 10.8 meters, increase maximum range by 32.4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 10.8 meters, increase maximum range by 32.4 meters. Longer_Flamer IS FLAMER RANGE 1 IS FLAMER RANGE 1 Longer_Flamer_desc Increase the long range of a Flamer by 1 meters, increase maximum range by 1 meters. Increase the long range of a Flamer by 1 meters, increase maximum range by 1 meters. pt_longer_flamer_1 IS FLAMER RANGE 1 IS FLAMER RANGE 1 pt_longer_flamer_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 1 meters, increase maximum range by 1 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 1 meters, increase maximum range by 1 meters. pt_longer_flamer_2 IS FLAMER RANGE 2 IS FLAMER RANGE 2 pt_longer_flamer_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 2 meters. Longer_AMS IS AMS RANGE 1 IS AMS RANGE 1 Longer_AMS_desc Increase the long range of a AMS by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Increase the long range of a AMS by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. pt_longer_ams_1 IS AMS RANGE 1 IS AMS RANGE 1 pt_longer_ams_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. pt_longer_ams_2 IS AMS RANGE 2 IS AMS RANGE 2 pt_longer_ams_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. Longer_LB10XAutoCannon IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 1 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 1 Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_desc Increase the long range of a LB 10-X AC by 11 meters, increase maximum range by 33 meters. Increase the long range of a LB 10-X AC by 11 meters, increase maximum range by 33 meters. pt_longer_lbx10_1 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 1 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 1 pt_longer_lbx10_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 11 meters, increase maximum range by 33 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 11 meters, increase maximum range by 33 meters. pt_longer_lbx10_2 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 2 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 2 pt_longer_lbx10_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 22 meters, increase maximum range by 66 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 22 meters, increase maximum range by 66 meters. Longer_Machine_Gun IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 Longer_Machine_Gun_desc Increase the long range of a Machine Gun by 2.6 meters, increase maximum range by 5.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Machine Gun by 2.6 meters, increase maximum range by 5.2 meters. pt_longer_machine_gun_1 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 pt_longer_machine_gun_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 2.6 meters, increase maximum range by 5.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 2.6 meters, increase maximum range by 5.2 meters. ui_social_alreadyfriend Player already exists in your friends list. Player already exists in your friends list. pt_longer_machine_gun_2 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 2 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 2 pt_longer_machine_gun_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 5.2 meters, increase maximum range by 10.4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 5.2 meters, increase maximum range by 10.4 meters. Longer_NARC_Beacon NARC RANGE 1 NARC RANGE 1 Longer_NARC_Beacon_desc Increase the long range of a NARC Beacon by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase the long range of a NARC Beacon by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. pt_longer_narc_beacon_1 NARC RANGE 1 NARC RANGE 1 pt_longer_narc_beacon_1_desc Increase the long range of a NARC Beacon by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase the long range of a NARC Beacon by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. pt_longer_narc_beacon_2 NARC RANGE 2 NARC RANGE 2 pt_longer_narc_beacon_2_desc Increase the long range of a NARC Beacon by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of a NARC Beacon by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Longer_TAG TAG RANGE 1 TAG RANGE 1 Longer_TAG_desc Increase the long range of a TAG by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. Increase the long range of a TAG by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. pt_longer_tag_1 TAG RANGE 1 TAG RANGE 1 pt_longer_tag_1_desc Increase the long range of a TAG by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. Increase the long range of a TAG by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. pt_longer_tag_2 TAG RANGE 2 TAG RANGE 2 pt_longer_tag_2_desc Increase the long range of a TAG by 36 meters, increase maximum range by 36 meters. Increase the long range of a TAG by 36 meters, increase maximum range by 36 meters. firestarter FIRESTARTER FIRESTARTER FS9-A FIRESTARTER FS9-A FIRESTARTER FS9-A FS9-A_desc FIRESTARTER FS9-A FIRESTARTER FS9-A FS9-A_short FS9-A FS9-A FS9-H FIRESTARTER FS9-H FIRESTARTER FS9-H FS9-H_desc FIRESTARTER FS9-H FIRESTARTER FS9-H FS9-H_short FS9-H FS9-H FS9-K FIRESTARTER FS9-K FIRESTARTER FS9-K FS9-K_desc FIRESTARTER FS9-K FIRESTARTER FS9-K FS9-K_short FS9-K FS9-K FS9-S FIRESTARTER FS9-S FIRESTARTER FS9-S FS9-S_desc FIRESTARTER FS9-S FIRESTARTER FS9-S FS9-S_short FS9-S FS9-S FS9-E EMBER EMBER FS9-E_desc The personal Mech of Portia "Torrent" Ryan. The personal Mech of Portia "Torrent" Ryan. FS9-E_short FS9-E FS9-E STK-3FC STALKER STK-3F(C) STALKER STK-3F(C) STK-3FC_desc STALKER STK-3F(C) STALKER STK-3F(C) STK-3FC_short STK-3F(C) STK-3F(C) ui_BundlePrice Bundle Price: Bundle Price: ui_StoreBundles Bundles Bundles ui_social_chat_error_private_offline Player is currently offline, unable to deliver message! Player is currently offline, unable to deliver message! ui_purchase_mc Purchase MC Purchase MC ui_social_onlinepresence_searching SEARCHING SEARCHING ui_social_group_readyerror_configuring Unable to ready while configuring a 'Mech! Unable to ready while configuring a 'Mech! ui_showPhoenixTag SHOW PHOENIX TAG SHOW PHOENIX TAG ui_Training TRAINING TRAINING ui_ItemRedeem REDEEM ITEM REDEEM ITEM ui_RedeemComplete Successfully redeemed all pending items. Check your inventory for new Items and / or C-Bills. Successfully redeemed all pending items. Check your inventory for new Items and / or C-Bills. ui_RedeemingItems Redeeming Items ... Redeeming Items ... ui_PurchaseSelectCurrency Select currency for purchase of Select currency for purchase of ui_DEFENSETURRET DEFENSE TURRET DEFENSE TURRET ui_UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN pt_longer_srm2_2 IS SRM 2 RANGE 2 IS SRM 2 RANGE 2 Longer_Streak_SRM2 IS STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 1 IS STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 1 ml_RenameMech Rename 'Mech Rename 'Mech ui_NameMechSuccess Mech Name changed successfully. 'Mech Name changed successfully. ui_NameMechFailed Mech name change failed. 'Mech name change failed. ui_NameMechTitle Mech Name change 'Mech Name change emechmodel_Firestarter Firestarter Firestarter ui_social_unabletosearch_groupnotready Unable to search. Group is not ready. Unable to search. Group is not ready. _m_zoom_out Zoom Out Zoom Out _m_zoom_in Zoom In Zoom In _m_reset_zoom Reset Zoom Reset Zoom _m_set_zoom_1 Set Zoom Level 1 Set Zoom Level 1 _m_set_zoom_2 Set Zoom Level 2 Set Zoom Level 2 _m_set_max_zoom Set Max Zoom Level Set Max Zoom Level _m_toggle_zoom_1 Toggle Zoom Level 1 Toggle Zoom Level 1 _m_toggle_zoom_2 Toggle Zoom Level 2 Toggle Zoom Level 2 _m_toggle_max_zoom Toggle Max Zoom Level Toggle Max Zoom Level ui_social_chat_useringame Player is currently in game. They will receive this message when they return. Player is currently in game. They will receive this message when they return. ui_social_chat_useroffline Player is currently offline. They will not receive any sent messages. Player is currently offline. They will not receive any sent messages. ui_social_group_readyerror_inventory Unable to ready while modifying your inventory! Unable to ready while modifying your inventory! ui_social_group_readyerror_settings Unable to ready while changing your settings! Unable to ready while changing your settings! ui_social_group_readyerror_store Unable to ready while browsing the store! Unable to ready while browsing the store! ui_social_group_readyerror_mechtrees Unable to ready while modifying 'Mech Trees! Unable to ready while modifying 'Mech Trees! ui_social_group_readyerror_pilotskills Unable to ready while modifying the Pilot Tree! Unable to ready while modifying the Pilot Tree! ui_slot SLOT SLOT ui_LockedMechDialog Unable to launch. Current selected 'Mech is currently deployed. Unable to launch. Current selected 'Mech is currently deployed. ui_Premium_time_desc Premium time applies an additional 50% to XP and C-Bill gains, an additional 10% to Accolade gains in Solaris, and an additional 10% to Loyalty and Reputation gains in Faction Play. Premium time applies an additional 50% to XP and C-Bill gains, an additional 10% to Accolade gains in Solaris, and an additional 10% to Loyalty and Reputation gains in Faction Play. ui_unlocking Unlocking Unlocking ui_selling Transaction in progress. Transaction in progress. ui_Alert ALERT ALERT ui_loadout_warning_heatscale Firing more than %0 %1 simultaneously will result in a heat spike higher than normal. Firing more than %0 %1 simultaneously will result in a heat spike higher than normal. ui_loadout_warning_noammo No ammunition equipped for the %0. No ammunition equipped for the %0. ui_loadout_error_NoEngine No engine equipped. No engine equipped. ui_loadout_error_HeatSinkViolation You require %0 more HEAT SINKS. You require %0 more HEAT SINKS. ui_loadout_error_NoWeapons No valid offensive weapon equipped. No valid offensive weapon equipped. ui_loadout_warning_UnusedAmmo You have unused %0 equipped. You have unused %0 equipped. ui_loadout_warning_noarmor No armor on the %0 component. No armor on the %0 component. ui_loadout_error_desc1 *You cannot launch into a match until all *You cannot launch into a match until all ui_loadout_error_desc2 s have been fixed! s have been fixed! ui_loadout_errors_title LOADOUT ERRORS LOADOUT ERRORS ml_StripMech Strip 'Mech Strip 'Mech ui_WhatToStrip Select what to strip from your 'Mech. Select what to strip from your 'Mech. ui_MechStrip_Items Strip All Equipment Strip All Equipment ui_MechStrip_Modules Strip All Consumables Strip All Consumables ui_MechStrip_Armor Strip All Armor Strip All Armor ui_loadout_error_heatsinks Not enough heat sinks. Not enough heat sinks. ui_SelectAll Select All Select All ui_DeselectAll Deselect All Deselect All ui_option_achievementnotify ACHIEVEMENT NOTIFICATIONS ACHIEVEMENT NOTIFICATIONS ui_NotificationSettings NOTIFICATION SETTINGS NOTIFICATION SETTINGS ui_Part11 HEAD HEAD ui_AchievementsUnlocked ACHIEVEMENT(S) UNLOCKED! ACHIEVEMENT(S) UNLOCKED! ui_SeeAchievementPage SEE ACHIEVEMENT PAGE FOR DETAILS SEE ACHIEVEMENT PAGE FOR DETAILS DreamcatcherDavion_name DAVION DREAMCATCHER DAVION DREAMCATCHER DreamcatcherDavion_desc A Davion Dreamcatcher A Davion Dreamcatcher DreamcatcherKurita_desc A Kurita Dreamcatcher A Kurita Dreamcatcher DreamcatcherKurita_name KURITA DREAMCATCHER KURITA DREAMCATCHER DreamcatcherLiao_desc A Liao Dreamcatcher A Liao Dreamcatcher DreamcatcherLiao_name LIAO DREAMCATCHER LIAO DREAMCATCHER DreamcatcherMarik_desc A Marik Dreamcatcher A Marik Dreamcatcher DreamcatcherMarik_name MARIK DREAMCATCHER MARIK DREAMCATCHER DreamcatcherRasalhague_desc A FRR Dreamcatcher A FRR Dreamcatcher DreamcatcherRasalhague_name FRR DREAMCATCHER FRR DREAMCATCHER DreamcatcherSteiner_desc A Steiner Dreamcatcher A Steiner Dreamcatcher DreamcatcherSteiner_name STEINER DREAMCATCHER STEINER DREAMCATCHER DiscoBall_desc A Disco Ball A Disco Ball DiscoBall_name DISCO BALL DISCO BALL DiscoLightBall_desc A Disco Light A Disco Light DiscoLightBall_name DISCO LIGHT DISCO LIGHT PlasmaBall_desc A Plasma Ball A Plasma Ball PlasmaBall_name PLASMA BALL PLASMA BALL LavaLamp_desc A Lava Lamp A Lava Lamp LavaLamp_name LAVA LAMP LAVA LAMP Pug_desc A Pug in a Helmet A Pug in a Helmet Pug_name PUG IN A HELMET PUG IN A HELMET Fan_desc A Oscillating Fan A Oscillating Fan Fan_name OSCILLATING FAN OSCILLATING FAN ui_StoreConsumable CONSUMABLE CONSUMABLE LightStarterBundle_name LIGHT 'MECH STARTER LIGHT 'MECH STARTER LightStarterBundle_desc CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. MedStarterBundle_name MEDIUM 'MECH STARTER MEDIUM 'MECH STARTER MedStarterBundle_desc CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. HeavyStarterBundle_name HEAVY 'MECH STARTER HEAVY 'MECH STARTER HeavyStarterBundle_desc CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. AssaultStarterBundle_name ASSAULT 'MECH STARTER ASSAULT 'MECH STARTER AssaultStarterBundle_desc CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. CONTENTS: 1 'MECH BAY, 1 'MECH, 30 DAYS PREMIUM TIME,1 PREMIUM PATTERN UNLOCK, 3 PAINT COLORS, AND 3 COCKPIT ITEMS. ui_FirstTutorialLaunch Do you want to launch the tutorial? Do you want to launch the tutorial? ui_FirstTutorial TUTORIAL TUTORIAL ui_Achievements_AchievementWithName ACHIEVEMENT: %0 ACHIEVEMENT: %0 ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank1 Internal Injuries Internal Injuries ui_RetrievingAchievementData Retrieving Achievement Data Retrieving Achievement Data ui_Achievements_Completed Completed Completed ui_Achievements_Progress Progress Progress ui_Achievements_CBReward Reward: %0 C-Bills Reward: %0 C-Bills ui_Achievements_GXPReward Reward: %0 GXP Reward: %0 GXP ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank1_desc Destroy 10 Components Destroy 10 Components ui_Achievements_InProgress In Progress In Progress ui_Achievements ACHIEVEMENTS ACHIEVEMENTS banshee BANSHEE BANSHEE bnc-lm LA MALINCHE LA MALINCHE BNC-LM_desc The personal 'Mech of El Guapo. The personal 'Mech of El Guapo. BNC-LM_short BNC-LM BNC-LM BNC-3E BANSHEE BNC-3E BANSHEE BNC-3E BNC-3E_desc BANSHEE BNC-3E BANSHEE BNC-3E BNC-3E_short BNC-3E BNC-3E BNC-3M BANSHEE BNC-3M BANSHEE BNC-3M BNC-3M_desc BANSHEE BNC-3M BANSHEE BNC-3M BNC-3M_short BNC-3M BNC-3M BNC-3S BANSHEE BNC-3S BANSHEE BNC-3S BNC-3S_desc BANSHEE BNC-3S BANSHEE BNC-3S BNC-3S_short BNC-3S BNC-3S eMechModel_Banshee Banshee Banshee CTF-3DC CATAPHRACT CTF-3D(C) CATAPHRACT CTF-3D(C) CTF-3DC_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-3D(C) CATAPHRACT CTF-3D(C) CTF-3DC_short CTF-3D(C) CTF-3D(C) ui_RebindWarning Rebinding "%0" to %1 will leave %2 unbound. Do you wish to rebind your controls? Rebinding "%0" to %1 will leave %2 unbound. Do you wish to rebind your controls? ui_NoMissileHardpoint NO MISSILE HARDPOINT(S) NO MISSILE HARDPOINT(S) ui_SelectedMechIsLocked Your selected mech is locked and can not be taken into game. Your selected mech is locked and can not be taken into game. ui_ForcedCurrencyHC You have insufficient C-Bills for purchase. Would you like to use MC instead? You have insufficient C-Bills for purchase. Would you like to use MC instead? ui_ForcedCurrencySC You have insufficient MC for purchase. Would you like to use C-Bills instead? You have insufficient MC for purchase. Would you like to use C-Bills instead? ui_BindReplaceWarning "%0" is already bound to %2. Do you wish to rebind your controls? "%0" is aready bound to %2. Do you wish to rebind your controls? ui_ReseSelection Are you sure you want to reset to the last saved selection? Are you sure you want to reset to the last saved selection? ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank2 Breakin' Breakin' ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank2_desc Destroy 100 components Destroy 100 components ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank3 Mech SMASH! 'Mech SMASH! ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank3_desc Destroy 1,000 components Destroy 1,000 components ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank4 Shreddin' Shreddin' ach_ComponentsDestroyedRank4_desc Destroy 10,000 components Destroy 10,000 components ach_LastManStandingWin Pyrrhic Victory Pyrrhic Victory ach_LastManStandingWin_desc Win a match with only one person on your team alive Win a match with only one person on your team alive ach_LightAssistRank1 Light Assist Light Assist ach_LightAssistRank1_desc Get an assist in a Light 'Mech Get an assist in a Light 'Mech ach_LightAssistRank2 Little More Help Little More Help ach_LightAssistRank2_desc Get 50 assists in Light 'Mechs Get 50 assists in Light 'Mechs ach_LightAssistRank3 Little Helper Little Helper ach_LightAssistRank3_desc Get 500 assists in Light 'Mechs Get 500 assists in Light 'Mechs ach_LightAssistRank4 A Light Push A Light Push ach_LightAssistRank4_desc Get 2,500 assists in Light 'Mechs Get 2,500 assists in Light 'Mechs ach_LightAssistRank5 A Light Shove A Light Shove ach_LightAssistRank5_desc Get 10,000 assists in Light 'Mechs Get 10,000 assists in Light 'Mechs ach_LightAssistRank6 The Littlest Helper The Littlest Helper ach_LightAssistRank6_desc Get 20,000 assists in Light 'Mechs Get 20,000 assists in Light 'Mechs ach_MediumAssistRank1 Medium Assist Medium Assist ach_MediumAssistRank1_desc Get an assist in a Medium 'Mech Get an assist in a Medium 'Mech ach_MediumAssistRank2 Fair Helper Fair Helper ach_MediumAssistRank2_desc Get 50 assists in Medium 'Mechs Get 50 assists in Medium 'Mechs ach_MediumAssistRank3 A Moderate Giver A Moderate Giver ach_MediumAssistRank3_desc Get 500 assists in Medium 'Mechs Get 500 assists in Medium 'Mechs ach_MediumAssistRank4 Sharing in Moderation Sharing in Moderation ach_MediumAssistRank4_desc Get 2,500 assists in Medium 'Mechs Get 2,500 assists in Medium 'Mechs ach_MediumAssistRank5 A Fair Hand A Fair Hand ach_MediumAssistRank5_desc Get 10,000 assists in Medium 'Mechs Get 10,000 assists in Medium 'Mechs ach_MediumAssistRank6 The People's Hero The People's Hero ach_MediumAssistRank6_desc Get 20,000 assists in Medium 'Mechs Get 20,000 assists in Medium 'Mechs ach_HeavyAssistRank1 Heavy Assist Heavy Assist ach_HeavyAssistRank1_desc Get an assist in a Heavy 'Mech Get an assist in a Heavy 'Mech ach_HeavyAssistRank2 Big Helper Big Helper ach_HeavyAssistRank2_desc Get 50 assists in Heavy 'Mechs Get 50 assists in Heavy 'Mechs ach_HeavyAssistRank3 Big Brother Big Brother ach_HeavyAssistRank3_desc Get 500 assists in Heavy 'Mechs Get 500 assists in Heavy 'Mechs ach_HeavyAssistRank4 A Big Helping A Big Helping ach_HeavyAssistRank4_desc Get 2,500 assists in Heavy 'Mechs Get 2,500 assists in Heavy 'Mechs ach_HeavyAssistRank5 Accounting Heavy Accounting Heavy ach_HeavyAssistRank5_desc Get 10,000 assists in Heavy 'Mechs Get 10,000 assists in Heavy 'Mechs ach_HeavyAssistRank6 Heavy Lifter Heavy Lifter ach_HeavyAssistRank6_desc Get 20,000 assists in Heavy Mechs Get 20,000 assists in Heavy Mechs ach_AssaultAssistRank1 Assault Assist Assault Assist ach_AssaultAssistRank1_desc Get an assist in an Assault 'Mech Get an assist in an Assault 'Mech ach_AssaultAssistRank2 A Giant Helping A Giant Helping ach_AssaultAssistRank2_desc Get 50 assists in Assault 'Mechs Get 50 assists in Assault 'Mechs ach_AssaultAssistRank3 Giant Helper Giant Helper ach_AssaultAssistRank3_desc Get 500 assists in Assault 'Mechs Get 500 assists in Assault 'Mechs ach_AssaultAssistRank4 Friendly Giant Friendly Giant ach_AssaultAssistRank4_desc Get 2,500 assists in Assault 'Mechs Get 2,500 assists in Assault 'Mechs ach_AssaultAssistRank5 Jolly Giant Jolly Giant ach_AssaultAssistRank5_desc Get 10,000 assists in Assault 'Mechs Get 10,000 assists in Assault 'Mechs ach_AssaultAssistRank6 Big Daddy Big Daddy ach_AssaultAssistRank6_desc Get 20,000 assists in Assault 'Mechs Get 20,000 assists in Assault 'Mechs ach_All_Around_Helper All Around Helper All Around Helper ach_All_Around_Helper_desc Unlock 'The Littlest Helper', 'The People's Hero', 'Heavy Lifter', and 'Big Daddy' Unlock 'The Littlest Helper', 'The People's Hero', 'Heavy Lifter', and 'Big Daddy' ach_Phoenix_Down Phoenix Down Phoenix Down ach_Phoenix_Down_desc Kill a Phoenix 'Mech Variant in a Non-Phoenix 'Mech Variant Kill a Phoenix 'Mech Variant in a Non-Phoenix 'Mech Variant ach_Sharing_Is_Caring Sharing is Caring Sharing is Caring ach_Sharing_Is_Caring_desc Get five assists in 1 match Get five assists in 1 match ach_Share_the_Love Share the Love Share the Love ach_Share_the_Love_desc Get ten assists in 1 match Get ten assists in 1 match ach_Philanthropist Philanthropist Philanthropist ach_Philanthropist_desc Get twelve assists in 1 match Get twelve assists in 1 match ach_Hat_Trick_desc Get three kills in 1 match Get three kills in 1 match ach_Johnny_Five_desc Get five kills in 1 match Get five kills in 1 match ach_Ace_of_Spades_desc Get eight kills in 1 match Get eight kills in 1 match ach_Death_Star_desc Get twelve kills in 1 match Get twelve kills in 1 match ach_Creeping_Death_desc Get three kills in 1 match where your health never goes below 90% Get three kills in 1 match where your health never goes below 90% ach_Less_Green_More_Mean_desc Get your first five victories in Trial 'Mechs Get your first five victories in Trial 'Mechs ach_It_Has_Begun_desc Get your first victory Get your first victory ach_Then_You_Get_The_Winning_desc Get your first victory in a Non-Trial 'Mech Get your first victory in a Non-Trial 'Mech ach_A_Fistful_of_C_Bills_desc Earn 2,000,000 C-Bills Earn 2,000,000 C-Bills ach_A_Few_C_Bill_More_desc Earn 5,000,000 C-Bills Earn 5,000,000 C-Bills ach_Peace_Sells_desc Earn 7,000,000 C-Bills Earn 7,000,000 C-Bills ach_All_Youll_Ever_Need_desc Earn 11,328,987 C-Bills Earn 11,328,987 C-Bills ach_First_You_Get_The_C_Bills_desc Earn 25,000,000 C-Bills Earn 25,000,000 C-Bills ach_Richer_Than_Blake_desc Earn 250,000,000 C-Bills Earn 250,000,000 C-Bills ach_Knight_Errant_desc Complete 25 matches Complete 25 matches ach_Seriously_desc Do Top Damage out of all players in a single match and get zero kills Do Top Damage out of all players in a single match and get zero kills ach_Liquid_Metal_desc Lose five components, do top damage, and survive the match Lose five components, do top damage, and survive the match ach_Hhheadshot_desc Kill an opponent with a Headshot Kill an opponent with a Headshot ach_HeadHunter_desc Kill 10 opponents with Headshots Kill 10 opponents with Headshots ach_HeadShot_Machine_desc Kill 100 opponents with Headshots Kill 100 opponents with Headshots ach_Guillotine_desc Kill 1,000 opponents with Headshots Kill 1,000 opponents with Headshots ach_Crap_Im_Gonna_Die_desc End a match alive with less than 40% health End a match alive with less than 40% health ach_Seriously_Im_Dead_This_Time_desc End a match alive with less than 30% health End a match alive with less than 30% health ach_Yep_Dead_For_Sure_desc End a match alive with less than 20% health End a match alive with less than 20% health ach_A_Fistful_of_C_Bills A Fistful of C-Bills A Fistful of C-Bills ach_A_Few_C_Bill_More A Few C-Bills More A Few C-Bills More ach_Ace_of_Spades Ace of Spades Ace of Spades ach_All_Youll_Ever_Need All You'll Ever Need All You'll Ever Need ach_Crap_Im_Gonna_Die Crap, I'm Gonna Die Crap, I'm Gonna Die ach_Richer_Than_Blake Richer Than Blake Richer Than Blake ach_Creeping_Death Creeping Death Creeping Death ach_Death_star Death Star Death Star ach_First_You_Get_The_C_Bills First You Get The C-Bills First You Get The C-Bills ach_Guillotine Guillotine Guillotine ach_Hat_Trick Hat Trick Hat Trick ach_HeadHunter Head Hunter Head Hunter ach_HeadShot_Machine Headshot Machine Headshot Machine ach_Hhheadshot H-H-Headshot! H-H-Headshot! ach_It_Has_Begun It Has Begun It Has Begun ach_Johnny_Five Johnny Five Johnny Five ach_Knight_Errant Knight Errant Knight Errant ach_Less_Green_More_Mean Less Green More Mean Less Green More Mean ach_Liquid_Metal Liquid Metal Liquid Metal ach_Peace_Sells Peace Sells Peace Sells ach_Seriously Seriously?! Seriously?! ach_Seriously_Im_Dead_This_Time Seriously, I'm Dead This Time Seriously, I'm Dead This Time ach_Then_You_Get_The_Winning Then You Get The Winning Then You Get The Winning ach_Yep_Dead_For_Sure Yep, Dead for Sure Yep, Dead for Sure ui_MechDetails View in MechLab View in MechLab ui_RedeemRewards Redeem Rewards Redeem Rewards op_TXAAWarning TXAA requires you have a TXAA-capable GPU. If your GPU does not support TXAA, MSAA will be enabled instead. Please note that MSAA/TXAA are high performance features that require a modern PC to run effectively. TXAA requires you have a TXAA-capable GPU. If your GPU does not support TXAA, MSAA will be enabled instead. Please note that MSAA/TXAA are high performance features that require a modern PC to run effectively. ui_RedeemAchievements Redeem Achievements Redeem Achievements ui_Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations ui_YouHaveUnlockedTheFollowing You have unlocked the following achievements: You have unlocked the following achievements: ui_Achievement Achievement Achievement ui_achievement_unlocked Achievement Unlocked! Achievement Unlocked! HUD_ACHIEVEMENTUNLOCKED ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: ui_torsopitchspeed Torso Pitch Speed (°/s) Torso Pitch Speed (°/s) ui_armpitchspeed Arm Pitch Speed (°/s) Arm Pitch Speed (°/s) ui_torsoyawspeed Torso Yaw Speed (°/s) Torso Yaw Speed (°/s) ui_armyawspeed Arm Yaw Speed (°/s) Arm Yaw Speed (°/s) ui_title_Shredder Shredder Shredder ui_title_Survivor Survivor Survivor ui_title_LittleHelper Little Helper Little Helper ui_title_LittlestHelper Littlest Helper Littlest Helper ui_title_ModerateGiver Moderate Giver Moderate Giver ui_title_ThePeoplesHero The People's Hero The People's Hero ui_title_BigBrother Big Brother Big Brother ui_title_HeavyLifter Heavy Lifter Heavy Lifter ui_title_GiantHelper Giant Helper Giant Helper ui_title_BigDaddy Big Daddy Big Daddy Philanthropist Philanthropist Philanthropist ui_title_AceOfSpades Ace Of Spades Ace Of Spades ui_title_DeathStar Death Star Death Star ui_title_The1Percent The 1 Percent The 1 Percent ui_title_KnightErrant Knight Errant Knight Errant ui_title_Bridesmaid Bridesmaid Bridesmaid ui_title_LiquidMeta Liquid Metal Liquid Metal ui_title_Guillotine Guillotine Guillotine ui_title_BadCompany Bad Company Bad Company ui_reward_title Title Reward: %0 Title Reward: %0 ui_title_Shredder_desc Shredder Shredder ui_title_Survivor_desc Survivor Survivor ui_title_LittleHelper_desc Little Helper Little Helper ui_title_LittlestHelper_desc Littlest Helper Littlest Helper ui_title_ModerateGiver_desc Moderate Giver Moderate Giver ui_title_ThePeoplesHero_desc The People's Hero The People's Hero ui_title_BigBrother_desc Big Brother Big Brother ui_title_HeavyLifter_desc Heavy Lifter Heavy Lifter ui_title_GiantHelper_desc Giant Helper Giant Helper ui_title_BigDaddy_desc Big Daddy Big Daddy ui_title_AceOfSpades_desc Ace Of Spades Ace Of Spades ui_title_DeathStar_desc Death Star Death Star ui_title_The1Percent_desc The 1 Percent The 1 Percent ui_title_KnightErrant_desc Knight Errant Knight Errant ui_title_Bridesmaid_desc Bridesmaid Bridesmaid ui_title_LiquidMeta_desc Liquid Metal Liquid Metal ui_title_Guillotine_desc Guillotine Guillotine ui_title_BadCompany_desc Bad Company Bad Company ui_title_Philanthropist Philanthropist Philanthropist ach_Cadet_Bonus_01 Cadet Bonus 1 Cadet Bonus 1 ach_Cadet_Bonus_01_desc Complete 1 match Complete 1 match ach_Cadet_Bonus_02 Cadet Bonus 2 Cadet Bonus 2 ach_Cadet_Bonus_02_desc Complete 2 matches Complete 2 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_03 Cadet Bonus 3 Cadet Bonus 3 ach_Cadet_Bonus_03_desc Complete 3 matches Complete 3 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_04 Cadet Bonus 4 Cadet Bonus 4 ach_Cadet_Bonus_04_desc Complete 4 matches Complete 4 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_05 Cadet Bonus 5 Cadet Bonus 5 ach_Cadet_Bonus_05_desc Complete 5 matches Complete 5 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_06 Cadet Bonus 6 Cadet Bonus 6 ach_Cadet_Bonus_06_desc Complete 6 matches Complete 6 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_07 Cadet Bonus 7 Cadet Bonus 7 ach_Cadet_Bonus_07_desc Complete 7 matches Complete 7 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_08 Cadet Bonus 8 Cadet Bonus 8 ach_Cadet_Bonus_08_desc Complete 8 matches Complete 8 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_09 Cadet Bonus 9 Cadet Bonus 9 ach_Cadet_Bonus_09_desc Complete 9 matches Complete 9 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_10 Cadet Bonus 10 Cadet Bonus 10 ach_Cadet_Bonus_10_desc Complete 10 matches Complete 10 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_11 Cadet Bonus 11 Cadet Bonus 11 ach_Cadet_Bonus_11_desc Complete 11 matches Complete 11 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_12 Cadet Bonus 12 Cadet Bonus 12 ach_Cadet_Bonus_12_desc Complete 12 matches Complete 12 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_13 Cadet Bonus 13 Cadet Bonus 13 ach_Cadet_Bonus_13_desc Complete 13 matches Complete 13 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_14 Cadet Bonus 14 Cadet Bonus 14 ach_Cadet_Bonus_14_desc Complete 14 matches Complete 14 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_15 Cadet Bonus 15 Cadet Bonus 15 ach_Cadet_Bonus_15_desc Complete 15 matches Complete 15 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_16 Cadet Bonus 16 Cadet Bonus 16 ach_Cadet_Bonus_16_desc Complete 16 matches Complete 16 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_17 Cadet Bonus 17 Cadet Bonus 17 ach_Cadet_Bonus_17_desc Complete 17 matches Complete 17 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_18 Cadet Bonus 18 Cadet Bonus 18 ach_Cadet_Bonus_18_desc Complete 18 matches Complete 18 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_19 Cadet Bonus 19 Cadet Bonus 19 ach_Cadet_Bonus_19_desc Complete 19 matches Complete 19 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_20 Cadet Bonus 20 Cadet Bonus 20 ach_Cadet_Bonus_20_desc Complete 20 matches Complete 20 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_21 Cadet Bonus 21 Cadet Bonus 21 ach_Cadet_Bonus_21_desc Complete 21 matches Complete 21 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_22 Cadet Bonus 22 Cadet Bonus 22 ach_Cadet_Bonus_22_desc Complete 22 matches Complete 22 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_23 Cadet Bonus 23 Cadet Bonus 23 ach_Cadet_Bonus_23_desc Complete 23 matches Complete 23 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_24 Cadet Bonus 24 Cadet Bonus 24 ach_Cadet_Bonus_24_desc Complete 24 matches Complete 24 matches ach_Cadet_Bonus_25 Cadet Bonus 25 Cadet Bonus 25 ach_Cadet_Bonus_25_desc Complete 25 matches Complete 25 matches VTR-9SC VICTOR VTR-9S(C) VICTOR VTR-9S(C) VTR-9SC_desc VICTOR VTR-9S(C) VICTOR VTR-9S(C) VTR-9SC_short VTR-9S(C) VTR-9S(C) RVN-H HUGINN HUGINN RVN-H_desc A rare Rasalhagian Raven, named after one of Odin's own birds. A rare Rasalhagian Raven, named after one of Odin's own birds. RVN-H_short RVN-H RVN-H Kerensky_name KERENSKY HOLOGRAM KERENSKY HOLOGRAM Kerensky_desc A holographic Kerensky Statue A holographic Kerensky Statue ClanWatch_name CLAN WATCH CLAN WATCH ClanWatch_desc Clan Watch hanging item Clan Watch hanging item ClanBanner CLAN BANNER CLAN BANNER ClanBanner_desc A Clan Banner A Clan Banner ui_lobby_invite_error Lobby Invite Error Lobby Invite Error ui_lobby_invite_unabletoinvite An unknown error occurred. Unable to send lobby invite. An unknown error occurred. Unable to send lobby invite. ui_social_lobby_groupnotready Group is not ready. Group is not ready. ui_social_lobby_groupistoolarge Group is too large for the lobby. Group is too large for the lobby. ui_social_lobby_unabletoaccept Unable to accept lobby invite. Unable to accept lobby invite. ui_Lobby LOBBY LOBBY ui_social_lobbyinvitebyname Lobby Invite By Pilot Name Lobby Invite By Pilot Name ui_social_lobby_inviteuser Invite To Lobby Invite To Lobby ui_social_lobby_acceptinvite Accept Invite Accept Invite ui_social_lobby_declineinvite Decline Invite Decline Invite ui_lobby_kicked You have been kicked from the lobby. You have been kicked from the lobby. ui_SelectMatchTypeDialog Select Match Type Select Match Type ui_SelectMatchType Select Match Type: Select Match Type: ui_Public Quick Match Quick Match ui_Private Private Match Private Match ui_LeaveLobby Leave Lobby Leave Lobby ui_Social_SearchCancelled SEARCH CANCELED SEARCH CANCELED ui_social_matchmakingcancelled Matchmaking search has been canceled. Matchmaking search has been canceled. ui_ReallyLeaveLobby Do you really wish to leave the lobby? Do you really wish to leave the lobby? ui_PremiumOptions PREMIUM OPTIONS PREMIUM OPTIONS ui_TonnageRules TONNAGE RULES TONNAGE RULES ui_FullTeams FULL TEAMS FULL TEAMS ui_MechSelect Mech Select 'Mech Select ui_MatchTime MATCH TIME (MIN) MATCH TIME (MIN) ui_ViewMode VIEW MODE VIEW MODE ui_Launch Launch Launch ui_Both BOTH BOTH ui_Team1 Team 1 Team 1 ui_Team2 Team 2 Team 2 ui_ThirdPersonOnly THIRD PERSON ONLY THIRD PERSON ONLY ui_TotalTonnage Total Tonnage: Total Tonnage: ui_FirstPersonOnly FIRST PERSON ONLY FIRST PERSON ONLY ui_Empty Empty Empty ui_Kick Kick Kick ui_KickPlayerTitle Kick Player Kick Player ui_PrivateLobbyName %0's Match %0's Match ui_KickPlayer Do you really wish to kick %0? Do you really wish to kick %0? ui_To TO TO ui_AddFriend Send friend invite to %0? Send friend invite to %0? ui_MatchTypeDialog Select Match Type Select Match Type ui_YourWallet YOUR WALLET YOUR WALLET EResult_UpdateAvailable There is an update available. Please shutdown and run the patcher. There is an update available. Please shutdown and run the patcher. EResult_UndergoingMaintenance Servers are currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later. Check the website for more information. Servers are currently undergoing maintenance. Please try again later. Check the website for more information. ui_ClassUp Class (Asc) Class (Asc) ui_ClassDown Class (Desc) Class (Desc) ui_ChassisUp Chassis (Asc) Chassis (Asc) ui_ChassisDown Chassis (Desc) Chassis (Desc) ui_Loadout Loadout Loadout ui_Notice Notice Notice BLR-3M BATTLEMASTER BLR-3M BATTLEMASTER BLR-3M BLR-3M_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-3M BATTLEMASTER BLR-3M BLR-3M_short BLR-3M BLR-3M BLR-3S BATTLEMASTER BLR-3S BATTLEMASTER BLR-3S BLR-3S_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-3S BATTLEMASTER BLR-3S BLR-3S_short BLR-3S BLR-3S LCT-1E LOCUST LCT-1E LOCUST LCT-1E LCT-1E_desc LOCUST LCT-1E LOCUST LCT-1E LCT-1E_short LCT-1E LCT-1E LCT-1M LOCUST LCT-1M LOCUST LCT-1M LCT-1M_desc LOCUST LCT-1M LOCUST LCT-1M LCT-1M_short LCT-1M LCT-1M SHD-2D SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D SHD-2D_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D SHADOW HAWK SHD-2D SHD-2D_short SHD-2D SHD-2D SHD-2K SHADOW HAWK SHD-2K SHADOW HAWK SHD-2K SHD-2K_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-2K SHADOW HAWK SHD-2K SHD-2K_short SHD-2K SHD-2K TDR-9S THUNDERBOLT TDR-9S THUNDERBOLT TDR-9S TDR-9S_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-9S description THUNDERBOLT TDR-9S description TDR-9S_short TDR-9S TDR-9S sb_Connecting CONNECTING... CONNECTING... ui_Lvl Lvl Lvl ui_Ftn FAC FAC ui_Fdr Fdr Fdr ui_FESounds FRONTEND SOUNDS FRONTEND SOUNDS ui_ModifyConsumables Modify Consumables Modify Consumables ui_social_group_1to4players 1 - 4 Player Group ui_social_UnableToAddSelfAsFriend Unable to add self as a friend. Unable to add self as a friend. ui_social_chat_player_unabletosend Unable to send message to player. ui_social_groups_error Group Error ui_social_group_groupsize_title Select Group Type Select Group Type k_mwheel_up Mouse Wheel Up Mouse Wheel Up k_mwheel_down Mouse Wheel Down Mouse Wheel Down SmallC-BillBundle_name 1,100,000 C-Bills 1,100,000 C-Bills SmallC-BillBundle _desc 1,100,000 C-Bills 1,100,000 C-Bills MediumC-BillBundle_name 2,400,000 C-Bills 2,400,000 C-Bills MediumC-BillBundle_desc 2,400,000 C-Bills 2,400,000 C-Bills LargeC-BillBundle_name 6,500,000 C-Bills 6,500,000 C-Bills LargeC-BillBundle _desc 6,500,000 C-Bills 6,500,000 C-Bills ui_lobby_groupnotready The group is not ready. The group is not ready. @ui_lobby_lobbydoesnotexist The lobby does not exist anymore. The lobby does not exist anymore. ui_InvalidGroupComposition One of more of your group members have invalid drop decks. One of more of your group members have invalid drop decks. @ui_social_lobby_inagroupnotleader If in a group, the player has to be a group leader to be invited. If in a group, the player has to be a group leader to be invited. @ui_social_lobby_UserDoesNotExist The player does not exist. The player does not exist. ui_lobby_unknownerror An unknown error has occured. An unknown error has occured. ui_social_lobby_alreadyinlobby This player is already in a lobby. This player is already in a lobby. ui_social_lobby_useroffline The invited player is offline and cannot receive the invitation. The invited player is offline and cannot receive the invitation. ui_social_InviteUserToLobby Invite Player To Lobby By Name Invite Player To Lobby By Name ui_social_TypeUserNameToInvite Enter the Pilot Name of the player you wish to invite Enter the Pilot Name of the player you wish to invite ui_lobby_destroyed The lobby has been destroyed. The lobby has been destroyed. ui_CommandChangeFailed An unknown error occurred. Unable to change command status. An unknown error occurred. Unable to change command status. ui_SwapMovePlayerFailed An unknown error occurred. Unable to move player. An unknown error occurred. Unable to move player. ui_KickPlayerFailed An unknown error occurred. Unable to kick player. An unknown error occurred. Unable to kick player. ui_LobbyNoFreeServers Failed to find an available server. Failed to find an available server. @ui_WaitingForData Waiting for data Waiting for data ui_lobby_groupsizetoolarge Unable to accept invite. Not enough room on team. Unable to accept invite. Not enough room on team. ui_social_lobbyinvite LOBBY INVITE LOBBY INVITE ui_LobbyInvalidLoadout Your selected BattleMech has an invalid loadout. Please select another BattleMech. Your selected BattleMech has an invalid loadout.\nPlease select another BattleMech. ui_LobbyInvalidLoadoutTitle Invalid BattleMech Invalid BattleMech ui_LeavingLobby LEAVING LOBBY LEAVING LOBBY QKD-IV4 IV-FOUR IV-FOUR QKD-IV4_desc The personal 'Mech of Ivy Upsalom. The personal 'Mech of Ivy Upsalom. QKD-IV4_short QKD-IV4 QKD-IV4 ON1-KC ORION ON1-K(C) ORION ON1-K(C) ON1-KC_desc ORION ON1-K(C) description ORION ON1-K(C) ON1-KC_short ON1-K(C) ON1-K(C) ui_insufficientFundsShort Insufficient Funds Insufficient Funds ui_LobbyMembersNotReady Not all lobby members are ready. Not all lobby members are ready. ui_LobbyTeamsNotFull Current settings require full 12 players teams. Current settings require full 12 players teams. ui_LobbyTonnageViolation A team does not meet tonnage restriction. A team does not meet tonnage restriction. ui_LobbyGenericError The lobby has encountered an error.\nPlease contact Support.\nError code %0 The lobby has encountered an error.\nPlease contact Support.\nError code %0 ui_SelectMechError Failed to change selected 'Mech. Failed to change selected 'Mech. Candle_name SCENTED CANDLE SCENTED CANDLE Candle_desc A Scented Candle. A Scented Candle. Newtonscradle_name NEWTON'S CRADLE NEWTON'S CRADLE Newtonscradle_desc A Newton's Cradle. A Newton's Cradle. Horn MEAD HORN MEAD HORN Horn_desc A Mead Horn. A Mead Horn. Sundae_name SUNDAE SUNDAE Sundae_desc A Sundae with a cherry on top. A Sundae with a cherry on top. Punchingbag_name PUNCHING BAG PUNCHING BAG Punchingbag_desc A hanging Punching Bag. A hanging Punching Bag. FS9-SC FIRESTARTER FS9-S(C) FIRESTARTER FS9-S(C) FS9-SC_desc FIRESTARTER FS9-S(C) FIRESTARTER FS9-S(C) FS9-SC_short FS9-S(C) FS9-S(C) TBT-LG LOUP DE GUERRE LOUP DE GUERRE TBT-LG_desc The personal 'Mech of Peter Chandler. The personal 'Mech of Peter Chandler. TBT-LG_short TBT-LG TBT-LG ui_CT CT CT ui_RT RT RT ui_LT LT LT ui_RA RA RA ui_LA LA LA ui_RL RL RL ui_LL LL LL ui_HD HD HD FS9_MasteryLightBundle_name FIRESTARTER BUNDLE FIRESTARTER BUNDLE FS9_MasteryLightBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! CN9_MasteryMedBundle_name CENTURION BUNDLE CENTURION BUNDLE CN9_MasteryMedBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! CTF_MasteryHeavyBundle_name CATAPHRACT BUNDLE CATAPHRACT BUNDLE CTF_MasteryHeavyBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! STK_MasteryAssaultBundle_name STALKER BUNDLE STALKER BUNDLE STK_MasteryAssaultBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! @Shield_3_AMS_Ammo_Feed_desc Increases the damage of AMS from 3.5 to 6.0. Increases the damage of AMS from 3.5 to 6.0. @Shield_3_AMS_Ammo_Feed AMS OVERLOAD AMS OVERLOAD @shield_3_ams_ammo_feed_short AMS OVERLOAD AMS OVERLOAD @Tuned_Narc_desc Increases projectile speed by 20%, increases duration by 30%. Increases projectile speed by 20%, increases duration by 30%. @Tuned_Narc ENHANCED NARC ENHANCED NARC @tuned_narc_short ENHANCED NARC ENHANCED NARC BearClaw_name BEAR CLAW BEAR CLAW BearClaw_desc A hanging Bear Claw. A hanging Bear Claw. RabbitsFoot_name RABBIT'S FOOT RABBIT'S FOOT RabbitsFoot_desc A hanging Rabbit's Foot. A hanging Rabbit's Foot. SharkTooth_name SHARK TOOTH SHARK TOOTH SharkTooth_desc A hanging Shark Tooth. A hanging Shark Tooth. WishBone_name WISHBONE WISHBONE WishBone_desc A hanging Wishbone. A hanging Wishbone. FourleafClover_name FOUR-LEAF CLOVER FOUR-LEAF CLOVER FourleafClover_desc A hanging Four-Leaf Clover. A hanging Four-Leaf Clover. FlagAustralia_name FLAG: AUSTRALIA FLAG: AUSTRALIA FlagAustralia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagAustria_name FLAG: AUSTRIA FLAG: AUSTRIA FlagAustria_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagBelgium_name FLAG: BELGIUM FLAG: BELGIUM FlagBelgium_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagBrazil_name FLAG: BRAZIL FLAG: BRAZIL FlagBrazil_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagCanada_name FLAG: CANADA FLAG: CANADA FlagCanada_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagChina_name FLAG: CHINA FLAG: CHINA FlagChina_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagCzech_name FLAG: CZECH REPUBLIC FLAG: CZECH REPUBLIC FlagCzech_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagDenmark_name FLAG: DENMARK FLAG: DENMARK FlagDenmark_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagEngland_name FLAG: ENGLAND FLAG: ENGLAND FlagEngland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagEu_name FLAG: EUROPEAN UNION FLAG: EUROPEAN UNION FlagEu_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagFrance_name FLAG: FRANCE FLAG: FRANCE FlagFrance_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagGermany_name FLAG: GERMANY FLAG: GERMANY FlagGermany_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagGreece_name FLAG: GREECE FLAG: GREECE FlagGreece_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagHongKong_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagHongKong_name FLAG: HONG KONG FLAG: HONG KONG FlagIceland_name FLAG: ICELAND FLAG: ICELAND FlagIceland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagIndia_name FLAG: INDIA FLAG: INDIA FlagIndia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagIreland_name FLAG: IRELAND FLAG: IRELAND FlagIreland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagJapan_name FLAG: JAPAN FLAG: JAPAN FlagJapan_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagMexico_name FLAG: MEXICO FLAG: MEXICO FlagMexico_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagNetherlands_name FLAG: NETHERLANDS FLAG: NETHERLANDS FlagNetherlands_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagNewZealand_name FLAG: NEW ZEALAND FLAG: NEW ZEALAND FlagNewZealand_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagNorway_name FLAG: NORWAY FLAG: NORWAY FlagNorway_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagPoland_name FLAG: POLAND FLAG: POLAND FlagPoland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagPortugal_name FLAG: PORTUGAL FLAG: PORTUGAL FlagPortugal_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagRussia_name FLAG: RUSSIA FLAG: RUSSIA FlagRussia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagScotland_name FLAG: SCOTLAND FLAG: SCOTLAND FlagScotland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagSlovakia_name FLAG: SLOVAKIA FLAG: SLOVAKIA FlagSlovakia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagSouthKorea_name FLAG: SOUTH KOREA FLAG: SOUTH KOREA FlagSouthKorea_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagSpain_name FLAG: SPAIN FLAG: SPAIN FlagSpain_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagSweden_name FLAG: SWEDEN FLAG: SWEDEN FlagSweden_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagSwitzerland_name FLAG: SWITZERLAND FLAG: SWITZERLAND FlagSwitzerland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagUk_name FLAG: UNITED KINGDOM FLAG: UNITED KINGDOM FlagUk_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagUkraine_name FLAG: UKRAINE FLAG: UKRAINE FlagUkraine_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagUsa_name FLAG: USA FLAG: USA FlagUsa_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagItaly_name FLAG: ITALY FLAG: ITALY FlagItaly_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. ui_Canceling CANCELING CANCELING @ui_LightMech LIGHT LIGHT @ui_MediumMech MEDIUM MEDIUM @ui_HeavyMech HEAVY HEAVY @ui_AssaultMech ASSAULT ASSAULT @ui_MMStatus MM Status MM Status @ui_MatchMakingStatus MatchMaking Status MatchMaking Status @ui_WeightDropSuggestion To reduce wait times use %0 'Mechs To reduce wait times use %0 'Mechs ui_Lobby_Create_Failed Lobby creation failed. Lobby creation failed. ui_ArmorSlotMovable Dynamic Armor Slot Dynamic Armor Slot BJ-A THE ARROW THE ARROW BJ-A_desc The personal 'Mech of Michael Ubodo. The personal 'Mech of Michael Ubodo. BJ-A_short BJ-A BJ-A SHD-2HC SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(C) SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(C) SHD-2HC_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(C) description SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(C) SHD-2HC_short SHD-2H(C) SHD-2H(C) ui_SmokeJaguar_Adbv CSJ CSJ ui_JadeFalcon_Adbv CJF CJF ui_Wolf_Adbv CW CW ui_GhostBear_Adbv CGB CGB @Tuned_Narc_Clan ENHANCED NARC - LTD ENHANCED NARC - LTD @Tuned_Narc_Clan_desc Increases projectile speed by 20%, increases duration by 30%. Increases projectile speed by 20%, increases duration by 30%. @Shield_3_AMS_Ammo_Feed_Clan AMS OVERLOAD - LTD AMS OVERLOAD - LTD @Shield_3_AMS_Ammo_Feed_Clan_desc Increases the damage of AMS from 3.5 to 6.0. Increases the damage of AMS from 3.5 to 6.0. @Stealth_Decay RADAR DEPRIVATION RADAR DEPRIVATION @Stealth_Decay_desc When moving out of sight, an enemy loses target on you instantly. When moving out of sight, an enemy loses target on you instantly. @Stealth_Decay_Clan RADAR DEPRIVATION - LTD RADAR DEPRIVATION - LTD @Stealth_Decay_Clan_desc When moving out of sight, an enemy loses target on you instantly. When moving out of sight, an enemy loses target on you instantly. @Impulse_Electric_Field SHOCK ABSORBANCE SHOCK ABSORBANCE @Impulse_Electric_Field_desc Absorbs fall damage for:\n- Light 'Mechs by 35%.\n- Medium 'Mechs by 30%.\n- Heavy 'Mechs by 25%.\n- Assault 'Mechs by 20%. Absorbs fall damage for:\n- Light 'Mechs by 35%.\n- Medium 'Mechs by 30%.\n- Heavy 'Mechs by 25%.\n- Assault 'Mechs by 20%. @Impulse_Electric_Field_Clan SHOCK ABSORBANCE - LTD SHOCK ABSORBANCE - LTD @Impulse_Electric_Field_Clan_desc Absorbs fall damage for:\n- Light 'Mechs by 35%.\n- Medium 'Mechs by 30%.\n- Heavy 'Mechs by 25%.\n- Assault 'Mechs by 20%. Absorbs fall damage for:\n- Light 'Mechs by 35%.\n- Medium 'Mechs by 30%.\n- Heavy 'Mechs by 25%.\n- Assault 'Mechs by 20%. @Crippled_Performance SPEED RETENTION SPEED RETENTION @Crippled_Performance_desc 30% faster movement speed when having lost a leg.\nCapped at 50 kph. 30% faster movement speed when having lost a leg.\nCapped at 50 kph. @Crippled_Performance_Clan SPEED RETENTION - LTD SPEED RETENTION - LTD @Crippled_Performance_Clan_desc 30% faster movement speed when having lost a leg.\nCapped at 50 kph. 30% faster movement speed when having lost a leg.\nCapped at 50 kph. tbr-primei TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(I) TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(I) tbr-primei_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(I) description TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(I) tbr-primei_short TBR-PRIME(I) TBR-PRIME(I) tbr-prime TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME tbr-prime_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME description TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME tbr-prime_short TBR-PRIME TBR-PRIME adr-prime ADDER ADR-PRIME ADDER ADR-PRIME adr-prime_desc ADDER ADR-PRIME description ADDER ADR-PRIME adr-prime_short ADR-PRIME ADR-PRIME adr-a ADDER ADR-A ADDER ADR-A adr-a_desc ADDER ADR-A description ADDER ADR-A adr-a_short ADR-A ADR-A adr-d ADDER ADR-D ADDER ADR-D adr-d_desc ADDER ADR-D description ADDER ADR-D adr-d_short ADR-D ADR-D dwf-prime DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME dwf-prime_desc DIRE WOLF AWF-PRIME description DIRE WOLF AWF-PRIME dwf-prime_short DWF-PRIME DWF-PRIME dwf-a DIRE WOLF DWF-A DIRE WOLF DWF-A dwf-a_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-A description DIRE WOLF DWF-A dwf-a_short DWF-A DWF-A dwf-b DIRE WOLF DWF-B DIRE WOLF DWF-B dwf-b_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-B desription DIRE WOLF DWF-B dwf-b_short DWF-B DWF-B kfx-prime KIT FOX KFX-PRIME KIT FOX KFX-PRIME kfx-prime_desc KIT FOX KFX-PRIME description KIT FOX KFX-PRIME kfx-prime_short KFX-PRIME KFX-PRIME kfx-d KIT FOX KFX-D KIT FOX KFX-D kfx-d_desc KIT FOX KFX-D description KIT FOX KFX-D kfx-d_short KFX-D KFX-D kfx-s KIT FOX KFX-S KIT FOX KFX-S kfx-s_desc KIT FOX KFX-S description KIT FOX KFX-S kfx-s_short KFX-S KFX-S nva-prime NOVA NVA-PRIME NOVA NVA-PRIME nva-prime_desc NOVA NVA-PRIME description NOVA NVA-PRIME nva-prime_short NVA-PRIME NVA-PRIME scr-prime STORMCROW SCR-PRIME STORMCROW SCR-PRIME scr-prime_desc STORMCROW SCR-PRIME description STORMCROW SCR-PRIME scr-prime_short SCR-PRIME SCR-PRIME smn-prime SUMMONER SMN-PRIME SUMMONER SMN-PRIME smn-prime_desc SUMMONER SMN-PRIME description SUMMONER SMN-PRIME smn-prime_short SMN-PRIME SMN-PRIME whk-prime WARHAWK WHK-PRIME WARHAWK WHK-PRIME whk-prime_desc WARHAWK WHK-PRIME description WARHAWK WHK-PRIME whk-prime_short WHK-PRIME WHK-PRIME tbr-primeg TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(G) TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(G) tbr-primeg_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(G) decription TIMBER WOLF TBR-PRIME(G) tbr-primeg_short TBR-PRIME(G) TBR-PRIME(G) timberwolf TIMBER WOLF TIMBER WOLF adder ADDER ADDER direwolf DIRE WOLF DIRE WOLF kitfox KIT FOX KIT FOX nova NOVA NOVA stormcrow STORMCROW STORMCROW summoner SUMMONER SUMMONER warhawk WARHAWK WARHAWK tbr-c TIMBER WOLF TBR-C TIMBER WOLF TBR-C tbr-c_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-C description TIMBER WOLF TBR-C tbr-c_short TBR-C TBR-C tbr-s TIMBER WOLF TBR-S TIMBER WOLF TBR-S tbr-s_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-S description TIMBER WOLF TBR-S tbr-s_short TBR-S TBR-S adr-primei ADDER ADR-PRIME(I) ADDER ADR-PRIME(I) adr-primei_desc ADDER ADR-PRIME(I) description ADDER ADR-PRIME(I) adr-primei_short ADR-PRIME(I) ADR-PRIME(I) dwf-primei DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(I) DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(I) dwf-primei_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(I) description DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(I) dwf-primei_short DWF-PRIME(I) DWF-PRIME(I) kfx-primei KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(I) KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(I) kfx-primei_desc KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(I) description KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(I) kfx-primei_short KFX-PRIME(I) KFX-PRIME(I) nva-primei NOVA NVA-PRIME(I) NOVA NVA-PRIME(I) nva-primei_desc NOVA NVA-PRIME(I) description NOVA NVA-PRIME(I) nva-primei_short NVA-PRIME(I) NVA-PRIME(I) nva-b NOVA NVA-B NOVA NVA-B nva-b_desc NOVA NVA-B description NOVA NVA-B nva-b_short NVA-B NVA-B nva-s NOVA NVA-S NOVA NVA-S nva-s_desc NOVA NVA-S description NOVA NVA-S nva-s_short NVA-S NVA-S scr-primei STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(I) STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(I) scr-primei_desc STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(I) description STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(I) scr-primei_short SCR-PRIME(I) SCR-PRIME(I) scr-c STORMCROW SCR-C STORMCROW SCR-C scr-c_desc STORMCROW SCR-C description STORMCROW SCR-C scr-c_short SCR-C SCR-C scr-d STORMCROW SCR-D STORMCROW SCR-D scr-d_desc STORMCROW SCR-D description STORMCROW SCR-D scr-d_short SCR-D SCR-D smn-primei SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(I) SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(I) smn-primei_desc SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(I) description SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(I) smn-primei_short SMN-PRIME(I) SMN-PRIME(I) smn-b SUMMONER SMN-B SUMMONER SMN-B smn-b_desc SUMMONER SMN-B description SUMMONER SMN-B smn-b_short SMN-B SMN-B smn-d SUMMONER SMN-D SUMMONER SMN-D smn-d_desc SUMMONER SMN-D description SUMMONER SMN-D smn-d_short SMN-D SMN-D whk-primei WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(I) WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(I) whk-primei_desc WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(I) description WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(I) whk-primei_short WHK-PRIME(I) WHK-PRIME(I) whk-a WARHAWK WHK-A WARHAWK WHK-A whk-a_desc WARHAWK WHK-A description WARHAWK WHK-A whk-a_short WHK-A WHK-A whk-b WARHAWK WHK-B WARHAWK WHK-B whk-b_desc WARHAWK WHK-B description WARHAWK WHK-B whk-b_short WHK-B WHK-B adr-primeg ADDER ADR-PRIME(G) ADDER ADR-PRIME(G) adr-primeg_desc ADDER ADR-PRIME(G) description ADDER ADR-PRIME(G) adr-primeg_short ADR-PRIME(G) ADR-PRIME(G) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_100 CLAN XL ENGINE 100 CLAN XL ENGINE 100 dwf-primeg DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(G) DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(G) dwf-primeg_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(G) description DIRE WOLF DWF-PRIME(G) dwf-primeg_short DWF-PRIME(G) DWF-PRIME(G) kfx-primeg KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(G) KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(G) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_100_desc A Clan XL engine with a 100 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 100 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. kfx-primeg_desc KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(G) description KIT FOX KFX-PRIME(G) kfx-primeg_short KFX-PRIME(G) KFX-PRIME(G) nva-primeg NOVA NVA-PRIME(G) NOVA NVA-PRIME(G) nva-primeg_desc NOVA NVA-PRIME(G) description NOVA NVA-PRIME(G) nva-primeg_short NVA-PRIME(G) NVA-PRIME(G) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_105_desc A XL engine with a 100 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A XL engine with a 100 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. scr-primeg STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(G) STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(G) scr-primeg_desc STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(G) description STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(G) scr-primeg_short SCR-PRIME(G) SCR-PRIME(G) smn-primeg SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(G) SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(G) smn-primeg_desc SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(G) description SUMMONER SMN-PRIME(G) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_105 CLAN XL ENGINE 105 CLAN XL ENGINE 105 smn-primeg_short SMN-PRIME(G) SMN-PRIME(G) whk-primeg WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(G) WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(G) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_110 CLAN XL ENGINE 110 CLAN XL ENGINE 110 whk-primeg_desc WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(G) description WARHAWK WHK-PRIME(G) whk-primeg_short WHK-PRIME(G) WHK-PRIME(G) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_110_desc A Clan XL engine with a 110 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 110 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_115 CLAN XL ENGINE 115 CLAN XL ENGINE 115 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_115_desc A Clan XL engine with a 115 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 115 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_120 CLAN XL ENGINE 120 CLAN XL ENGINE 120 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_120_desc A Clan XL engine with a 120 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 120 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_125 CLAN XL ENGINE 125 CLAN XL ENGINE 125 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_125_desc A Clan XL engine with a 125 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 125 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_130 CLAN XL ENGINE 130 CLAN XL ENGINE 130 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_130_desc A Clan XL engine with a 130 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 130 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_135 CLAN XL ENGINE 135 CLAN XL ENGINE 135 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_135_desc A Clan XL engine with a 135 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 135 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_140 CLAN XL ENGINE 140 CLAN XL ENGINE 140 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_140_desc A Clan XL engine with a 140 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 140 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_145 CLAN XL ENGINE 145 CLAN XL ENGINE 145 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_145_desc A Clan XL engine with a 145 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 145 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_150 CLAN XL ENGINE 150 CLAN XL ENGINE 150 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_150_desc A Clan XL engine with a 150 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 150 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_155 CLAN XL ENGINE 155 CLAN XL ENGINE 155 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_155_desc A Clan XL engine with a 155 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 155 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_160 CLAN XL ENGINE 160 CLAN XL ENGINE 160 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_160_desc A Clan XL engine with a 160 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 160 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_165 CLAN XL ENGINE 165 CLAN XL ENGINE 165 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_165_desc A Clan XL engine with a 165 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 165 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_170 CLAN XL ENGINE 170 CLAN XL ENGINE 170 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_170_desc A Clan XL engine with a 170 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 170 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_175 CLAN XL ENGINE 175 CLAN XL ENGINE 175 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_175_desc A Clan XL engine with a 175 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 175 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_180 CLAN XL ENGINE 180 CLAN XL ENGINE 180 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_180_desc A Clan XL engine with a 180 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 180 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_185 CLAN XL ENGINE 185 CLAN XL ENGINE 185 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_185_desc A Clan XL engine with a 185 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 185 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_190 CLAN XL ENGINE 190 CLAN XL ENGINE 190 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_190_desc A Clan XL engine with a 190 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 190 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_195 CLAN XL ENGINE 195 CLAN XL ENGINE 195 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_195_desc A Clan XL engine with a 195 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 195 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_200 CLAN XL ENGINE 200 CLAN XL ENGINE 200 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_200_desc A Clan XL engine with a 200 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 200 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_205 CLAN XL ENGINE 205 CLAN XL ENGINE 205 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_205_desc A Clan XL engine with a 205 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 205 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_210 CLAN XL ENGINE 210 CLAN XL ENGINE 210 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_210_desc A Clan XL engine with a 210 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 210 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. AC20AmmoHalf AC/20 AMMO (1/2) AC/20 AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_215 CLAN XL ENGINE 215 CLAN XL ENGINE 215 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_215_desc A Clan XL engine with a 215 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 215 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. AC20AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/20. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_220 CLAN XL ENGINE 220 CLAN XL ENGINE 220 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_220_desc A Clan XL engine with a 220 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 220 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_225 CLAN XL ENGINE 225 CLAN XL ENGINE 225 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_225_desc A Clan XL engine with a 225 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 225 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_230 CLAN XL ENGINE 230 CLAN XL ENGINE 230 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_230_desc A Clan XL engine with a 230 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 230 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_235 CLAN XL ENGINE 235 CLAN XL ENGINE 235 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_235_desc A Clan XL engine with a 235 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 235 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_240 CLAN XL ENGINE 240 CLAN XL ENGINE 240 AMSAmmoHalf AMS AMMO (1/2) AMS AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_240_desc A Clan XL engine with a 240 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 240 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. AMSAmmoHalf_desc Anti-Missile System Ammunition Anti-Missile System Ammunition Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_245 CLAN XL ENGINE 245 CLAN XL ENGINE 245 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_245_desc A Clan XL engine with a 245 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 245 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. AC2AmmoHalf AC/2 AMMO (1/2) AC/2 AMMO (1/2) AC2AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/2. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_250 CLAN XL ENGINE 250 CLAN XL ENGINE 250 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_250_desc A Clan XL engine with a 250 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 250 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_255 CLAN XL ENGINE 255 CLAN XL ENGINE 255 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_255_desc A Clan XL engine with a 255 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 255 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_260 CLAN XL ENGINE 260 CLAN XL ENGINE 260 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_260_desc A Clan XL engine with a 260 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 260 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_265 CLAN XL ENGINE 265 CLAN XL ENGINE 265 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_265_desc A Clan XL engine with a 265 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 265 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_270 CLAN XL ENGINE 270 CLAN XL ENGINE 270 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_270_desc A Clan XL engine with a 270 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 270 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_275 CLAN XL ENGINE 275 CLAN XL ENGINE 275 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_275_desc A Clan XL engine with a 275 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 275 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_280 CLAN XL ENGINE 280 CLAN XL ENGINE 280 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_280_desc A Clan XL engine with a 280 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 280 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_285 CLAN XL ENGINE 285 CLAN XL ENGINE 285 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_285_desc A Clan XL engine with a 285 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 285 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. AC5AmmoHalf AC/5 AMMO (1/2) AC/5 AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_290 CLAN XL ENGINE 290 CLAN XL ENGINE 290 AC5AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/5. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_290_desc A Clan XL engine with a 290 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 290 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_295 CLAN XL ENGINE 295 CLAN XL ENGINE 295 AC10AmmoHalf AC/10 AMMO (1/2) AC/10 AMMO (1/2) AC10AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from an AC/10. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_295_desc A Clan XL engine with a 295 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 295 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_300 CLAN XL ENGINE 300 CLAN XL ENGINE 300 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_300_desc A Clan XL engine with a 300 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 300 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_305 CLAN XL ENGINE 305 CLAN XL ENGINE 305 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_305_desc A Clan XL engine with a 305 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 305 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_310 CLAN XL ENGINE 310 CLAN XL ENGINE 310 GaussAmmoHalf GAUSS AMMO (1/2) GAUSS AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_310_desc A Clan XL engine with a 310 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 310 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. GaussAmmoHalf_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Gauss Rifle. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_315 CLAN XL ENGINE 315 CLAN XL ENGINE 315 LB10-XACAmmoHalf LB 10-X AMMO (1/2) LB 10-X AMMO (1/2) LB10-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by a LB 10-X. A splinter round that is fired by a LB 10-X. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_315_desc A Clan XL engine with a 315 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 315 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_320 CLAN XL ENGINE 320 CLAN XL ENGINE 320 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_320_desc A Clan XL engine with a 320 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 320 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_325 CLAN XL ENGINE 325 CLAN XL ENGINE 325 MachineGunAmmoHalf MACHINE GUN AMMO (1/2) MACHINE GUN AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_325_desc A Clan XL engine with a 325 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 325 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. MachineGunAmmoHalf_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Machine Gun Small caliber rounds fired from a Machine Gun Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_330 CLAN XL ENGINE 330 CLAN XL ENGINE 330 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_330_desc A Clan XL engine with a 330 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 330 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_335 CLAN XL ENGINE 335 CLAN XL ENGINE 335 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_335_desc A Clan XL engine with a 335 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 335 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_340 CLAN XL ENGINE 340 CLAN XL ENGINE 340 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_340_desc A Clan XL engine with a 340 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 340 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_345 CLAN XL ENGINE 345 CLAN XL ENGINE 345 UltraAC5AmmoHalf U-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) U-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_345_desc A Clan XL engine with a 345 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 345 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. UltraAC5AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/5. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_350 CLAN XL ENGINE 350 CLAN XL ENGINE 350 NARCAmmoHalf NARC AMMO (1/2) NARC AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_350_desc A Clan XL engine with a 350 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 350 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_355 CLAN XL ENGINE 355 CLAN XL ENGINE 355 NARCAmmoHalf_desc A targeting projectile fired from a NARC cannon. A targeting projectile fired from a NARC cannon. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_355_desc A Clan XL engine with a 355 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 355 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_360 CLAN XL ENGINE 360 CLAN XL ENGINE 360 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_360_desc A Clan XL engine with a 360 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 360 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_365 CLAN XL ENGINE 365 CLAN XL ENGINE 365 LRMAmmoHalf LRM AMMO (1/2) LRM AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_365_desc A Clan XL engine with a 365 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 365 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. LRMAmmoHalf_desc A Long Range Missile A Long Range Missile Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_370 CLAN XL ENGINE 370 CLAN XL ENGINE 370 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_370_desc A Clan XL engine with a 370 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 370 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_375 CLAN XL ENGINE 375 CLAN XL ENGINE 375 SRMAmmoHalf SRM AMMO (1/2) SRM AMMO (1/2) SRMAmmoHalf_desc A Short Range Missile A Short Range Missile Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_375_desc A Clan XL engine with a 375 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 375 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_380 CLAN XL ENGINE 380 CLAN XL ENGINE 380 StreakSRMAmmoHalf STREAK SRM AMMO (1/2) STREAK SRM AMMO (1/2) Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_380_desc A Clan XL engine with a 380 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 380 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_385 CLAN XL ENGINE 385 CLAN XL ENGINE 385 StreakSRMAmmoHalf_desc A Homing Short Range Missile A Homing Short Range Missile Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_385_desc A Clan XL engine with a 385 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 385 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_390 CLAN XL ENGINE 390 CLAN XL ENGINE 390 LRMAmmoArtemisHalf LRM AMMO + ARTEMIS IV (1/2) LRM AMMO + ARTEMIS IV (1/2) LRMAmmoArtemisHalf_desc Artemis IV LRM Ammo Artemis IV LRM Ammo SRMAmmoArtemisHalf SRM AMMO + ART. IV (1/2) SRM AMMO + ART.S IV (1/2) SRMAmmoArtemisHalf_desc Artemis IV SRM Ammo Artemis IV SRM Ammo Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_390_desc A Clan XL engine with a 390 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 390 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_395 CLAN XL ENGINE 395 CLAN XL ENGINE 395 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_395_desc A Clan XL engine with a 395 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 395 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_400 CLAN XL ENGINE 400 CLAN XL ENGINE 400 Engine_Clan_XL_Fusion_400_desc A Clan XL engine with a 400 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A Clan XL engine with a 400 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. ClanLB2-XACAmmo C-LB 2-X AC AMMO C-LB 2-X AC AMMO ClanLB2-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 2-X AC. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 2-X AC. ClanAC2Ammo C-AC/2 AMMO C-AC/2 AMMO ClanAC2Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/2. ClanLB5-XACAmmo C-LB 5-X AC AMMO C-LB 5-X AC AMMO ClanLB5-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 5-X AC. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 5-X AC. ClanAC5Ammo C-AC/5 AMMO C-AC/5 AMMO ClanAC5Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/5. ClanLB10-XACAmmo C-LB 10-X AMMO C-LB 10-X AMMO ClanLB10-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 10-X. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 10-X. ClanAC10Ammo C-AC/10 AMMO C-AC/10 AMMO ClanAC10Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/10. ClanLB20-XACAmmo C-LB 20-X AMMO C-LB 20-X AMMO ClanLB20-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 20-X. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 20-X. ClanAC20Ammo C-AC/20 AMMO C-AC/20 AMMO ClanAC20Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/20. ClanUltraAC2Ammo C-U-AC/2 AMMO C-U-AC/2 AMMO ClanUltraAC2Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/2. omnipod_tbr-prime_head TBR-PRIME HEAD TBR-PRIME HEAD ClanUltraAC5Ammo C-U-AC/5 AMMO C-U-AC/5 AMMO ClanUltraAC5Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/5. ClanUltraAC10Ammo C-U-AC/10 AMMO C-U-AC/10 AMMO ClanUltraAC10Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/10. omnipod_tbr-prime_head_desc TBR-PRIME Head OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Head OmniPod. ClanUltraAC20Ammo C-U-AC/20 AMMO C-U-AC/20 AMMO ClanUltraAC20Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/20. ClanGaussAmmo C-GAUSS AMMO C-GAUSS AMMO ClanGaussAmmo_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Gauss Rifle. omnipod_tbr-prime_left_arm TBR-PRIME LEFT ARM TBR-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_tbr-prime_left_arm_desc TBR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. ClanMachineGunAmmo C-MG AMMO C-MG AMMO ClanMachineGunAmmo_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Machine Gun Small caliber rounds fired from a Machine Gun ClanLRMAmmo C-LRM AMMO C-LRM AMMO ClanLRMAmmo_desc A Long Range Missile A Long Range Missile ClanLRMAmmoArtemis C-LRM AMMO + ART. IV C-LRM AMMO + ART. IV omnipod_tbr-prime_left_torso TBR-PRIME LEFT TORSO TBR-PRIME LEFT TORSO ClanLRMAmmoArtemis_desc Clan Artemis IV LRM Ammo Clan Artemis IV LRM Ammo omnipod_tbr-prime_left_torso_desc TBR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. ClanSRMAmmo C-SRM AMMO C-SRM AMMO ClanSRMAmmo_desc A Short Range Missile A Short Range Missile ClanSRMAmmoArtemis C-SRM AMMO + ART. IV C-SRM AMMO + ART. IV ClanSRMAmmoArtemis_desc Clan Artemis IV SRM Ammo Clan Artemis IV SRM Ammo ClanStreakSRMAmmo C-S-SRM AMMO C-S-SRM AMMO ClanStreakSRMAmmo_desc A Homing Short Range Missile A Homing Short Range Missile ClanNARCAmmo C-NARC AMMO C-NARC AMMO ClanNARCAmmo_desc A targeting projectile fired from a Clan NARC cannon. A targeting projectile fired from a Clan NARC cannon. ClanAMSAmmo C-AMS AMMO C-AMS AMMO ClanAMSAmmo_desc Clan Anti-Missile System Ammunition Clan Anti-Missile System Ammunition omnipod_tbr-prime_right_torso TBR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO TBR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_tbr-prime_right_torso_desc TBR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. ClanLB2-XACAmmoHalf C-LB 2-X AC AMMO (1/2) C-LB 2-X AC AMMO (1/2) ClanLB2-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 2-X AC. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 2-X AC. omnipod_tbr-prime_centre_torso TBR-PRIME CENTER TORSO TBR-PRIME CENTER TORSO ClanAC2AmmoHalf C-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) C-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) ClanAC2AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/2. ClanLB5-XACAmmoHalf C-LB 5-X AC AMMO (1/2) C-LB 5-X AC AMMO (1/2) ClanLB5-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 5-X AC. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 5-X AC. ClanAC5AmmoHalf C-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) C-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) ClanAC5AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/5. omnipod_tbr-prime_centre_torso_desc TBR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. ClanLB10-XACAmmoHalf C-LB 10-X AMMO (1/2) C-LB 10-X AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-prime_right_arm TBR-PRIME RIGHT ARM TBR-PRIME RIGHT ARM ClanLB10-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 10-X. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 10-X. omnipod_tbr-prime_right_arm_desc TBR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. ClanAC10AmmoHalf C-AC/10 AMMO (1/2) C-AC/10 AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-prime_left_leg TBR-PRIME LEFT LEG TBR-PRIME LEFT LEG ClanAC10AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/10. omnipod_tbr-prime_left_leg_desc TBR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-prime_right_leg TBR-PRIME RIGHT LEG TBR-PRIME RIGHT LEG ClanLB20-XACAmmoHalf C-LB 20-X AMMO (1/2) C-LB 20-X AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-prime_right_leg_desc TBR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. TBR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. ClanLB20-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 20-X. A splinter round that is fired by a Clan LB 20-X. ClanAC20AmmoHalf C-AC/20 AMMO (1/2) C-AC/20 AMMO (1/2) ClanAC20AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from an Clan AC/20. omnipod_tbr-c_head TBR-C HEAD TBR-C HEAD omnipod_tbr-c_head_desc TBR-C Head OmniPod. TBR-C Head OmniPod. ClanUltraAC2AmmoHalf C-U-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) C-U-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) ClanUltraAC2AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/2. omnipod_tbr-c_left_arm TBR-C LEFT ARM TBR-C LEFT ARM omnipod_tbr-c_left_arm_desc TBR-C Left Arm OmniPod. TBR-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-c_left_torso TBR-C LEFT TORSO TBR-C LEFT TORSO ClanUltraAC5AmmoHalf C-U-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) C-U-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-c_left_torso_desc TBR-C Left Torso OmniPod. TBR-C Left Torso OmniPod. ClanUltraAC5AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/5. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/5. omnipod_tbr-c_centre_torso TBR-C CENTER TORSO TBR-C CENTER TORSO ClanUltraAC10AmmoHalf C-U-AC/10 AMMO (1/2) C-U-AC/10 AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-c_centre_torso_desc TBR-C Center Torso OmniPod. TBR-C Center Torso OmniPod. ClanUltraAC10AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/10. ClanUltraAC20AmmoHalf C-U-AC/20 AMMO (1/2) C-U-AC/20 AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-c_right_torso TBR-C RIGHT TORSO TBR-C RIGHT TORSO ClanUltraAC20AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from a Clan U-AC/20. omnipod_tbr-c_right_torso_desc TBR-C Right Torso OmniPod. TBR-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-c_right_arm TBR-C RIGHT ARM TBR-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_tbr-c_right_arm_desc TBR-C Right Arm OmniPod. TBR-C Right Arm OmniPod. ClanGaussAmmoHalf C-GAUSS AMMO (1/2) C-GAUSS AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-c_left_leg TBR-C LEFT LEG TBR-C LEFT LEG ClanGaussAmmoHalf_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Clan Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Clan Gauss Rifle. omnipod_tbr-c_left_leg_desc TBR-C Left Leg OmniPod. TBR-C Left Leg OmniPod. ClanMachineGunAmmoHalf C-MG AMMO (1/2) C-MG AMMO (1/2) ClanMachineGunAmmoHalf_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Machine Gun Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Machine Gun omnipod_tbr-c_right_leg TBR-C RIGHT LEG TBR-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_tbr-c_right_leg_desc TBR-C Right Leg OmniPod. TBR-C Right Leg OmniPod. ClanLRMAmmoHalf C-LRM AMMO (1/2) C-LRM AMMO (1/2) ClanLRMAmmoHalf_desc A Long Range Missile A Long Range Missile ClanLRMAmmoArtemisHalf C-LRM AMMO+ART. IV (1/2) C-LRM AMMO+ART. IV (1/2) ClanLRMAmmoArtemisHalf_desc Clan Artemis IV LRM Ammo (Half) Clan Artemis IV LRM Ammo (Half) omnipod_tbr-s_head TBR-S HEAD TBR-S HEAD omnipod_tbr-s_head_desc TBR-S Head OmniPod. TBR-S Head OmniPod. ClanSRMAmmoHalf C-SRM AMMO (1/2) C-SRM AMMO (1/2) ClanSRMAmmoHalf_desc A Short Range Missile A Short Range Missile omnipod_tbr-s_left_arm TBR-S LEFT ARM TBR-S LEFT ARM omnipod_tbr-s_left_arm_desc TBR-S Left Arm OmniPod. TBR-S Left Arm OmniPod. ClanSRMAmmoArtemisHalf C-SRM AMMO+ART. IV (1/2) C-SRM AMMO+ART. IV (1/2) omnipod_tbr-s_left_torso TBR-S LEFT TORSO TBR-S LEFT TORSO ClanSRMAmmoArtemisHalf_desc Clan Artemis IV SRM Ammo (Half) Clan Artemis IV SRM Ammo (Half) omnipod_tbr-s_left_torso_desc TBR-S Left Torso OmniPod. TBR-S Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-s_centre_torso TBR-S CENTER TORSO TBR-S CENTER TORSO ClanStreakSRMAmmoHalf C-S-SRM AMMO (1/2) C-S-SRM AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-s_centre_torso_desc TBR-S Center Torso OmniPod. TBR-S Center Torso OmniPod. ClanStreakSRMAmmoHalf_desc A Homing Short Range Missile A Homing Short Range Missile omnipod_tbr-s_right_torso TBR-S RIGHT TORSO TBR-S RIGHT TORSO ClanNARCAmmoHalf C-NARC AMMO (1/2) C-NARC AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-s_right_torso_desc TBR-S Right Torso OmniPod. TBR-S Right Torso OmniPod. ClanNARCAmmoHalf_desc A targeting projectile fired from a Clan NARC cannon. A targeting projectile fired from a Clan NARC cannon. ClanAMSAmmoHalf C-AMS AMMO (1/2) C-AMS AMMO (1/2) omnipod_tbr-s_right_arm TBR-S RIGHT ARM TBR-S RIGHT ARM ClanAMSAmmoHalf_desc Clan Anti-Missile System Ammunition Clan Anti-Missile System Ammunition omnipod_tbr-s_right_arm_desc TBR-S Right Arm OmniPod. TBR-S Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-s_left_leg TBR-S LEFT LEG TBR-S LEFT LEG omnipod_tbr-s_left_leg_desc TBR-S Left Leg OmniPod. TBR-S Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-s_right_leg TBR-S RIGHT LEG TBR-S RIGHT LEG omnipod_tbr-s_right_leg_desc TBR-S Right Leg OmniPod. TBR-S Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_head ADR-PRIME HEAD ADR-PRIME HEAD omnipod_adr-prime_head_desc ADR-PRIME Head OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_left_arm ADR-PRIME LEFT ARM ADR-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_adr-prime_left_arm_desc ADR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_left_torso ADR-PRIME LEFT TORSO ADR-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_adr-prime_left_torso_desc ADR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_centre_torso ADR-PRIME CENTER TORSO ADR-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_adr-prime_centre_torso_desc ADR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_right_torso ADR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO ADR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_adr-prime_right_torso_desc ADR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_right_arm ADR-PRIME RIGHT ARM ADR-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_adr-prime_right_arm_desc ADR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_left_leg ADR-PRIME LEFT LEG ADR-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_adr-prime_left_leg_desc ADR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-prime_right_leg ADR-PRIME RIGHT LEG ADR-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_adr-prime_right_leg_desc ADR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. ADR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_head ADR-A HEAD ADR-A HEAD omnipod_adr-a_head_desc ADR-A Head OmniPod. ADR-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_left_arm ADR-A LEFT ARM ADR-A LEFT ARM omnipod_adr-a_left_arm_desc ADR-A Left Arm OmniPod. ADR-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_left_torso ADR-A LEFT TORSO ADR-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_adr-a_left_torso_desc ADR-A Left Torso OmniPod. ADR-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_centre_torso ADR-A CENTER TORSO ADR-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_adr-a_centre_torso_desc ADR-A Center Torso OmniPod. ADR-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_right_torso ADR-A RIGHT TORSO ADR-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_adr-a_right_torso_desc ADR-A Right Torso OmniPod. ADR-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_right_arm ADR-A RIGHT ARM ADR-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_adr-a_right_arm_desc ADR-A Right Arm OmniPod. ADR-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_left_leg ADR-A LEFT LEG ADR-A LEFT LEG omnipod_adr-a_left_leg_desc ADR-A Left Leg OmniPod. ADR-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-a_right_leg ADR-A RIGHT LEG ADR-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_adr-a_right_leg_desc ADR-A Right Leg OmniPod. ADR-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-d_head ADR-D HEAD ADR-D HEAD omnipod_adr-d_head_desc ADR-D Head OmniPod. ADR-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_adr-d_left_arm ADR-D LEFT ARM ADR-D LEFT ARM omnipod_adr-d_left_arm_desc ADR-D Left Arm OmniPod. ADR-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-d_left_torso ADR-D LEFT TORSO ADR-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_adr-d_left_torso_desc ADR-D Left Torso OmniPod. ADR-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-d_centre_torso ADR-D CENTER TORSO ADR-D CENTER TORSO CFerroFibrous CLAN FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR CLAN FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR omnipod_adr-d_centre_torso_desc ADR-D Center Torso OmniPod. ADR-D Center Torso OmniPod. CFerroFibrous_desc Absorbs more damage energy and is lighter than Standard Armor but takes up more critical space. Absorbs more damage energy and is lighter than Standard Armor but takes up more critical space. omnipod_adr-d_right_torso ADR-D RIGHT TORSO ADR-D RIGHT TORSO CFerroFibrous_short Clan Ferro-Fibrous Clan Ferro-Fibrous omnipod_adr-d_right_torso_desc ADR-D Right Torso OmniPod. ADR-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-d_right_arm ADR-D RIGHT ARM ADR-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_adr-d_right_arm_desc ADR-D Right Arm OmniPod. ADR-D Right Arm OmniPod. CDoubleHeatSink_MkI CLAN DOUBLE HEAT SINK CLAN DOUBLE HEAT SINK omnipod_adr-d_left_leg ADR-D LEFT LEG ADR-D LEFT LEG omnipod_adr-d_left_leg_desc ADR-D Left Leg OmniPod. ADR-D Left Leg OmniPod. CDoubleHeatSink_MkI_desc Increases heat dissipation per ton but takes up 2 critical slots. Increases heat dissipation per ton but takes up 2 critical slots. omnipod_adr-d_right_leg ADR-D RIGHT LEG ADR-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_adr-d_right_leg_desc ADR-D Right Leg OmniPod. ADR-D Right Leg OmniPod. ClanActiveProbe CLAN ACTIVE PROBE CLAN ACTIVE PROBE ClanActiveProbe_desc Increases sensor range, Counters ECM, speeds up targeting data, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. Increases sensor range, Counters ECM, speeds up targeting data, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. ClanECM CLAN ECM CLAN ECM ClanECM_desc The Clan ECM protects friendly units within 120m from electronic targeting systems. The Clan ECM can also counter the effects of an enemy ECM within the same 120m radius. Clan ECM systems are lighter and more compact than their Inner Sphere counterparts. The Clan ECM protects friendly units within 120m from electronic targeting systems. The Clan ECM can also counter the effects of an enemy ECM within the same 120m radius. Clan ECM systems are lighter and more compact than their Inner Sphere counterparts. CFerroFibrousType CLAN FERRO FIBROUS ARMOR TYPE CLAN FERRO FIBROUS ARMOR TYPE CFerroFibrousType_desc 20% more protection per ton, occupies 7 critical slots but weighs less. 20% more protection per ton, occupies 7 critical slots but weighs less. ClanStandardArmorType CLAN STANDARD ARMOR TYPE CLAN STANDARD ARMOR TYPE ClanStandardArmorType_desc Standard BattleMech armor that provides 32 points of protection per ton. Standard BattleMech armor that provides 32 points of protection per ton. CEndoSteelType CLAN ENDO-STEEL STRUCTURE TYPE CLAN ENDO-STEEL STRUCTURE TYPE CEndoSteelType_desc Made from lighter endo-steel and weighing 5% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage but occupies 7 critical slots. Made from lighter endo-steel and weighing 5% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage but occupies 7 critical slots. ClanStandardStructureType CLAN STANDARD STRUCTURE TYPE CLAN STANDARD STRUCTURE TYPE CDoubleHeatSinkType CLAN DOUBLE HEAT SINK CLAN DOUBLE HEAT SINK CDoubleHeatSinkType_desc 40% more efficient than a Standard Heat Sink but weighing the same; requires double the amount of space. 40% more efficient than a Standard Heat Sink but weighing the same; requires double the amount of space. ClanStandardHeatSinkType CLAN STANDARD HEAT SINK TYPE CLAN STANDARD HEAT SINK TYPE ClanStandardHeatSinkType_desc A standard heat sink that dissipates heat generated by the 'Mech's engine, weapon systems and the environment's ambient temperature. A standard heat sink that dissipates heat generated by the 'Mech's engine, weapon systems and the environment's ambient temperature. omnipod_dwf-prime_head DWF-PRIME HEAD DWF-PRIME HEAD omnipod_dwf-prime_head_desc DWF-PRIME Head OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-prime_left_arm DWF-PRIME LEFT ARM DWF-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_dwf-prime_left_arm_desc DWF-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-prime_left_torso DWF-PRIME LEFT TORSO DWF-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_dwf-prime_left_torso_desc DWF-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-prime_centre_torso DWF-PRIME CENTER TORSO DWF-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_dwf-prime_centre_torso_desc DWF-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-prime_right_torso DWF-PRIME RIGHT TORSO DWF-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_dwf-prime_right_torso_desc DWF-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-prime_right_arm DWF-PRIME RIGHT ARM DWF-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_dwf-prime_right_arm_desc DWF-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-prime_left_leg DWF-PRIME LEFT LEG DWF-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_dwf-prime_left_leg_desc DWF-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-prime_right_leg DWF-PRIME RIGHT LEG DWF-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_dwf-prime_right_leg_desc DWF-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. DWF-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_head DWF-A HEAD DWF-A HEAD omnipod_dwf-a_head_desc DWF-A Head OmniPod. DWF-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_left_arm DWF-A LEFT ARM DWF-A LEFT ARM omnipod_dwf-a_left_arm_desc DWF-A Left Arm OmniPod. DWF-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_left_torso DWF-A LEFT TORSO DWF-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_dwf-a_left_torso_desc DWF-A Left Torso OmniPod. DWF-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_centre_torso DWF-A CENTER TORSO DWF-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_dwf-a_centre_torso_desc DWF-A Center Torso OmniPod. DWF-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_right_torso DWF-A RIGHT TORSO DWF-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_dwf-a_right_torso_desc DWF-A Right Torso OmniPod. DWF-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_right_arm DWF-A RIGHT ARM DWF-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_dwf-a_right_arm_desc DWF-A Right Arm OmniPod. DWF-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_left_leg DWF-A LEFT LEG DWF-A LEFT LEG omnipod_dwf-a_left_leg_desc DWF-A Left Leg OmniPod. DWF-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-a_right_leg DWF-A RIGHT LEG DWF-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_dwf-a_right_leg_desc DWF-A Right Leg OmniPod. DWF-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_head DWF-B HEAD DWF-B HEAD omnipod_dwf-b_head_desc DWF-B Head OmniPod. DWF-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_left_arm DWF-B LEFT ARM DWF-B LEFT ARM omnipod_dwf-b_left_arm_desc DWF-B Left Arm OmniPod. DWF-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_left_torso DWF-B LEFT TORSO DWF-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_dwf-b_left_torso_desc DWF-B Left Torso OmniPod. DWF-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_centre_torso DWF-B CENTER TORSO DWF-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_dwf-b_centre_torso_desc DWF-B Center Torso OmniPod. DWF-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_right_torso DWF-B RIGHT TORSO DWF-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_dwf-b_right_torso_desc DWF-B Right Torso OmniPod. DWF-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_right_arm DWF-B RIGHT ARM DWF-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_dwf-b_right_arm_desc DWF-B Right Arm OmniPod. DWF-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_left_leg DWF-B LEFT LEG DWF-B LEFT LEG omnipod_dwf-b_left_leg_desc DWF-B Left Leg OmniPod. DWF-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-b_right_leg DWF-B RIGHT LEG DWF-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_dwf-b_right_leg_desc DWF-B Right Leg OmniPod. DWF-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_head KFX-PRIME HEAD KFX-PRIME HEAD omnipod_kfx-prime_head_desc KFX-PRIME Head OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_left_arm KFX-PRIME LEFT ARM KFX-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_kfx-prime_left_arm_desc KFX-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_left_torso KFX-PRIME LEFT TORSO KFX-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_kfx-prime_left_torso_desc KFX-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_centre_torso KFX-PRIME CENTER TORSO KFX-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_kfx-prime_centre_torso_desc KFX-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_right_torso KFX-PRIME RIGHT TORSO KFX-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-prime_right_torso_desc KFX-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_right_arm KFX-PRIME RIGHT ARM KFX-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_kfx-prime_right_arm_desc KFX-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_left_leg KFX-PRIME LEFT LEG KFX-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_kfx-prime_left_leg_desc KFX-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-prime_right_leg KFX-PRIME RIGHT LEG KFX-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_kfx-prime_right_leg_desc KFX-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. KFX-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_head KFX-D HEAD KFX-D HEAD omnipod_kfx-d_head_desc KFX-D Head OmniPod. KFX-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_left_arm KFX-D LEFT ARM KFX-D LEFT ARM omnipod_kfx-d_left_arm_desc KFX-D Left Arm OmniPod. KFX-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_left_torso KFX-D LEFT TORSO KFX-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_kfx-d_left_torso_desc KFX-D Left Torso OmniPod. KFX-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_centre_torso KFX-D CENTER TORSO KFX-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_kfx-d_centre_torso_desc KFX-D Center Torso OmniPod. KFX-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_right_torso KFX-D RIGHT TORSO KFX-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-d_right_torso_desc KFX-D Right Torso OmniPod. KFX-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_right_arm KFX-D RIGHT ARM KFX-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_kfx-d_right_arm_desc KFX-D Right Arm OmniPod. KFX-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_left_leg KFX-D LEFT LEG KFX-D LEFT LEG omnipod_kfx-d_left_leg_desc KFX-D Left Leg OmniPod. KFX-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-d_right_leg KFX-D RIGHT LEG KFX-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_kfx-d_right_leg_desc KFX-D Right Leg OmniPod. KFX-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_head KFX-S HEAD KFX-S HEAD omnipod_kfx-s_head_desc KFX-S Head OmniPod. KFX-S Head OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_left_arm KFX-S LEFT ARM KFX-S LEFT ARM omnipod_kfx-s_left_arm_desc KFX-S Left Arm OmniPod. KFX-S Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_left_torso KFX-S LEFT TORSO KFX-S LEFT TORSO omnipod_kfx-s_left_torso_desc KFX-S Left Torso OmniPod. KFX-S Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_centre_torso KFX-S CENTER TORSO KFX-S CENTER TORSO omnipod_kfx-s_centre_torso_desc KFX-S Center Torso OmniPod. KFX-S Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_right_torso KFX-S RIGHT TORSO KFX-S RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-s_right_torso_desc KFX-S Right Torso OmniPod. KFX-S Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_right_arm KFX-S RIGHT ARM KFX-S RIGHT ARM omnipod_kfx-s_right_arm_desc KFX-S Right Arm OmniPod. KFX-S Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_left_leg KFX-S LEFT LEG KFX-S LEFT LEG omnipod_kfx-s_left_leg_desc KFX-S Left Leg OmniPod. KFX-S Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-s_right_leg KFX-S RIGHT LEG KFX-S RIGHT LEG omnipod_kfx-s_right_leg_desc KFX-S Right Leg OmniPod. KFX-S Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_head NVA-PRIME HEAD NVA-PRIME HEAD omnipod_nva-prime_head_desc NVA-PRIME Head OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_left_arm NVA-PRIME LEFT ARM NVA-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_nva-prime_left_arm_desc NVA-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_left_torso NVA-PRIME LEFT TORSO NVA-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_nva-prime_left_torso_desc NVA-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_centre_torso NVA-PRIME CENTER TORSO NVA-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_nva-prime_centre_torso_desc NVA-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_right_torso NVA-PRIME RIGHT TORSO NVA-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nva-prime_right_torso_desc NVA-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_right_arm NVA-PRIME RIGHT ARM NVA-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_nva-prime_right_arm_desc NVA-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_left_leg NVA-PRIME LEFT LEG NVA-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_nva-prime_left_leg_desc NVA-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-prime_right_leg NVA-PRIME RIGHT LEG NVA-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_nva-prime_right_leg_desc NVA-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. NVA-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_head NVA-B HEAD NVA-B HEAD omnipod_nva-b_head_desc NVA-B Head OmniPod. NVA-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_left_arm NVA-B LEFT ARM NVA-B LEFT ARM omnipod_nva-b_left_arm_desc NVA-B Left Arm OmniPod. NVA-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_left_torso NVA-B LEFT TORSO NVA-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_nva-b_left_torso_desc NVA-B Left Torso OmniPod. NVA-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_centre_torso NVA-B CENTER TORSO NVA-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_nva-b_centre_torso_desc NVA-B Center Torso OmniPod. NVA-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_right_torso NVA-B RIGHT TORSO NVA-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nva-b_right_torso_desc NVA-B Right Torso OmniPod. NVA-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_right_arm NVA-B RIGHT ARM NVA-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_nva-b_right_arm_desc NVA-B Right Arm OmniPod. NVA-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_left_leg NVA-B LEFT LEG NVA-B LEFT LEG omnipod_nva-b_left_leg_desc NVA-B Left Leg OmniPod. NVA-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-b_right_leg NVA-B RIGHT LEG NVA-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_nva-b_right_leg_desc NVA-B Right Leg OmniPod. NVA-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_head NVA-S HEAD NVA-S HEAD omnipod_nva-s_head_desc NVA-S Head OmniPod. NVA-S Head OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_left_arm NVA-S LEFT ARM NVA-S LEFT ARM omnipod_nva-s_left_arm_desc NVA-S Left Arm OmniPod. NVA-S Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_left_torso NVA-S LEFT TORSO NVA-S LEFT TORSO omnipod_nva-s_left_torso_desc NVA-S Left Torso OmniPod. NVA-S Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_centre_torso NVA-S CENTER TORSO NVA-S CENTER TORSO omnipod_nva-s_centre_torso_desc NVA-S Center Torso OmniPod. NVA-S Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_right_torso NVA-S RIGHT TORSO NVA-S RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nva-s_right_torso_desc NVA-S Right Torso OmniPod. NVA-S Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_right_arm NVA-S RIGHT ARM NVA-S RIGHT ARM omnipod_nva-s_right_arm_desc NVA-S Right Arm OmniPod. NVA-S Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_left_leg NVA-S LEFT LEG NVA-S LEFT LEG omnipod_nva-s_left_leg_desc NVA-S Left Leg OmniPod. NVA-S Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-s_right_leg NVA-S RIGHT LEG NVA-S RIGHT LEG omnipod_nva-s_right_leg_desc NVA-S Right Leg OmniPod. NVA-S Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_head SCR-PRIME HEAD SCR-PRIME HEAD omnipod_scr-prime_head_desc SCR-PRIME Head OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_left_arm SCR-PRIME LEFT ARM SCR-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_scr-prime_left_arm_desc SCR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_left_torso SCR-PRIME LEFT TORSO SCR-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_scr-prime_left_torso_desc SCR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_centre_torso SCR-PRIME CENTER TORSO SCR-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_scr-prime_centre_torso_desc SCR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_right_torso SCR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO SCR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_scr-prime_right_torso_desc SCR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_right_arm SCR-PRIME RIGHT ARM SCR-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_scr-prime_right_arm_desc SCR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_left_leg SCR-PRIME LEFT LEG SCR-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_scr-prime_left_leg_desc SCR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-prime_right_leg SCR-PRIME RIGHT LEG SCR-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_scr-prime_right_leg_desc SCR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. SCR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_head SCR-C HEAD SCR-C HEAD omnipod_scr-c_head_desc SCR-C Head OmniPod. SCR-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_left_arm SCR-C LEFT ARM SCR-C LEFT ARM omnipod_scr-c_left_arm_desc SCR-C Left Arm OmniPod. SCR-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_left_torso SCR-C LEFT TORSO SCR-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_scr-c_left_torso_desc SCR-C Left Torso OmniPod. SCR-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_centre_torso SCR-C CENTER TORSO SCR-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_scr-c_centre_torso_desc SCR-C Center Torso OmniPod. SCR-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_right_torso SCR-C RIGHT TORSO SCR-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_scr-c_right_torso_desc SCR-C Right Torso OmniPod. SCR-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_right_arm SCR-C RIGHT ARM SCR-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_scr-c_right_arm_desc SCR-C Right Arm OmniPod. SCR-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_left_leg SCR-C LEFT LEG SCR-C LEFT LEG omnipod_scr-c_left_leg_desc SCR-C Left Leg OmniPod. SCR-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-c_right_leg SCR-C RIGHT LEG SCR-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_scr-c_right_leg_desc SCR-C Right Leg OmniPod. SCR-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_head SCR-D HEAD SCR-D HEAD omnipod_scr-d_head_desc SCR-D Head OmniPod. SCR-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_left_arm SCR-D LEFT ARM SCR-D LEFT ARM omnipod_scr-d_left_arm_desc SCR-D Left Arm OmniPod. SCR-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_left_torso SCR-D LEFT TORSO SCR-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_scr-d_left_torso_desc SCR-D Left Torso OmniPod. SCR-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_centre_torso SCR-D CENTER TORSO SCR-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_scr-d_centre_torso_desc SCR-D Center Torso OmniPod. SCR-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_right_torso SCR-D RIGHT TORSO SCR-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_scr-d_right_torso_desc SCR-D Right Torso OmniPod. SCR-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_right_arm SCR-D RIGHT ARM SCR-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_scr-d_right_arm_desc SCR-D Right Arm OmniPod. SCR-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_left_leg SCR-D LEFT LEG SCR-D LEFT LEG omnipod_scr-d_left_leg_desc SCR-D Left Leg OmniPod. SCR-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-d_right_leg SCR-D RIGHT LEG SCR-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_scr-d_right_leg_desc SCR-D Right Leg OmniPod. SCR-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_head SMN-PRIME HEAD SMN-PRIME HEAD omnipod_smn-prime_head_desc SMN-PRIME Head OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_left_arm SMN-PRIME LEFT ARM SMN-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-prime_left_arm_desc SMN-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_left_torso SMN-PRIME LEFT TORSO SMN-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-prime_left_torso_desc SMN-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_centre_torso SMN-PRIME CENTER TORSO SMN-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-prime_centre_torso_desc SMN-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_right_torso SMN-PRIME RIGHT TORSO SMN-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-prime_right_torso_desc SMN-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_right_arm SMN-PRIME RIGHT ARM SMN-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-prime_right_arm_desc SMN-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_left_leg SMN-PRIME LEFT LEG SMN-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-prime_left_leg_desc SMN-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-prime_right_leg SMN-PRIME RIGHT LEG SMN-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-prime_right_leg_desc SMN-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_head SMN-B HEAD SMN-B HEAD omnipod_smn-b_head_desc SMN-B Head OmniPod. SMN-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_left_arm SMN-B LEFT ARM SMN-B LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-b_left_arm_desc SMN-B Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_left_torso SMN-B LEFT TORSO SMN-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-b_left_torso_desc SMN-B Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_centre_torso SMN-B CENTER TORSO SMN-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-b_centre_torso_desc SMN-B Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_right_torso SMN-B RIGHT TORSO SMN-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-b_right_torso_desc SMN-B Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_right_arm SMN-B RIGHT ARM SMN-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-b_right_arm_desc SMN-B Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_left_leg SMN-B LEFT LEG SMN-B LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-b_left_leg_desc SMN-B Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-b_right_leg SMN-B RIGHT LEG SMN-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-b_right_leg_desc SMN-B Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_head SMN-D HEAD SMN-D HEAD omnipod_smn-d_head_desc SMN-D Head OmniPod. SMN-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_left_arm SMN-D LEFT ARM SMN-D LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-d_left_arm_desc SMN-D Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_left_torso SMN-D LEFT TORSO SMN-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-d_left_torso_desc SMN-D Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_centre_torso SMN-D CENTER TORSO SMN-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-d_centre_torso_desc SMN-D Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_right_torso SMN-D RIGHT TORSO SMN-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-d_right_torso_desc SMN-D Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_right_arm SMN-D RIGHT ARM SMN-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-d_right_arm_desc SMN-D Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_left_leg SMN-D LEFT LEG SMN-D LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-d_left_leg_desc SMN-D Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-d_right_leg SMN-D RIGHT LEG SMN-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-d_right_leg_desc SMN-D Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_head WHK-PRIME HEAD WHK-PRIME HEAD omnipod_whk-prime_head_desc WHK-PRIME Head OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_left_arm WHK-PRIME LEFT ARM WHK-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_whk-prime_left_arm_desc WHK-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_left_torso WHK-PRIME LEFT TORSO WHK-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_whk-prime_left_torso_desc WHK-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_centre_torso WHK-PRIME CENTER TORSO WHK-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_whk-prime_centre_torso_desc WHK-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_right_torso WHK-PRIME RIGHT TORSO WHK-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_whk-prime_right_torso_desc WHK-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_right_arm WHK-PRIME RIGHT ARM WHK-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_whk-prime_right_arm_desc WHK-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_left_leg WHK-PRIME LEFT LEG WHK-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_whk-prime_left_leg_desc WHK-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-prime_right_leg WHK-PRIME RIGHT LEG WHK-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_whk-prime_right_leg_desc WHK-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. WHK-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_head WHK-A HEAD WHK-A HEAD omnipod_whk-a_head_desc WHK-A Head OmniPod. WHK-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_left_arm WHK-A LEFT ARM WHK-A LEFT ARM omnipod_whk-a_left_arm_desc WHK-A Left Arm OmniPod. WHK-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_left_torso WHK-A LEFT TORSO WHK-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_whk-a_left_torso_desc WHK-A Left Torso OmniPod. WHK-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_centre_torso WHK-A CENTER TORSO WHK-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_whk-a_centre_torso_desc WHK-A Center Torso OmniPod. WHK-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_right_torso WHK-A RIGHT TORSO WHK-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_whk-a_right_torso_desc WHK-A Right Torso OmniPod. WHK-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_right_arm WHK-A RIGHT ARM WHK-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_whk-a_right_arm_desc WHK-A Right Arm OmniPod. WHK-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_left_leg WHK-A LEFT LEG WHK-A LEFT LEG omnipod_whk-a_left_leg_desc WHK-A Left Leg OmniPod. WHK-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-a_right_leg WHK-A RIGHT LEG WHK-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_whk-a_right_leg_desc WHK-A Right Leg OmniPod. WHK-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_head WHK-B HEAD WHK-B HEAD omnipod_whk-b_head_desc WHK-B Head OmniPod. WHK-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_left_arm WHK-B LEFT ARM WHK-B LEFT ARM omnipod_whk-b_left_arm_desc WHK-B Left Arm OmniPod. WHK-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_left_torso WHK-B LEFT TORSO WHK-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_whk-b_left_torso_desc WHK-B Left Torso OmniPod. WHK-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_centre_torso WHK-B CENTER TORSO WHK-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_whk-b_centre_torso_desc WHK-B Center Torso OmniPod. WHK-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_right_torso WHK-B RIGHT TORSO WHK-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_whk-b_right_torso_desc WHK-B Right Torso OmniPod. WHK-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_right_arm WHK-B RIGHT ARM WHK-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_whk-b_right_arm_desc WHK-B Right Arm OmniPod. WHK-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_left_leg WHK-B LEFT LEG WHK-B LEFT LEG omnipod_whk-b_left_leg_desc WHK-B Left Leg OmniPod. WHK-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-b_right_leg WHK-B RIGHT LEG WHK-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_whk-b_right_leg_desc WHK-B Right Leg OmniPod. WHK-B Right Leg OmniPod. TargetingComputerMkI TARGETING COMP. MK I TARGETING COMP. MK I TargetingComputerMkI_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. TargetingComputerMkII TARGETING COMP. MK II TARGETING COMP. MK II TargetingComputerMkII_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. TargetingComputerMkIII TARGETING COMP. MK III TARGETING COMP. MK III TargetingComputerMkIII_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. TargetingComputerMkIV TARGETING COMP. MK IV TARGETING COMP. MK IV TargetingComputerMkIV_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. TargetingComputerMkV TARGETING COMP. MK V TARGETING COMP. MK V TargetingComputerMkV_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. TargetingComputerMkVI TARGETING COMP. MK VI TARGETING COMP. MK VI TargetingComputerMkVI_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. TargetingComputerMkVII TARGETING COMP. MK VII TARGETING COMP. MK VII TargetingComputerMkVII_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. @SpeakerA_PressureChamber PRESSURE CHAMBER PRESSURE CHAMBER @SpeakerA_PressureChamber_desc The air-raid siren: removing all doubt of the demise of another axis. The air-raid siren: removing all doubt of the demise of another axis. @SpeakerB_RecRoom REC. ROOM SPEAKER REC. ROOM SPEAKER @SpeakerB_RecRoom_desc One more detractor will be trounced in this din of the Rec. Room. One more detractor will be trounced in this din of the Rec. Room. @SpeakerC_Kickers KICKERS KICKERS @SpeakerC_Kickers_desc The declaration of demise is waiting at the twitch of your finger. The declaration of demise is waiting at the twitch of your finger. @SpeakerD_ClassicIsobaric CLASSIC ISOBARIC SPEAKER CLASSIC ISOBARIC SPEAKER @SpeakerD_ClassicIsobaric_desc This eruption is a sure sign that an opponent has fallen by your hand. This eruption is a sure sign that an opponent has fallen by your hand. @SpeakerE_LunchTruck LUNCH TRUCK SPEAKERS LUNCH TRUCK SPEAKERS @SpeakerE_LunchTruck_desc An excessive blast signaling the liberation of yet another adversary. An excessive blast signaling the liberation of yet another adversary. @SpeakerF_YardSale YARD SALE YARD SALE @SpeakerF_YardSale_desc A seismic wail echoes the annihilation of your rival. A seismic wail echoes the annihilation of your rival. @SpeakerG_EnviousEardrum ENVIOUS EARDRUM ENVIOUS EARDRUM @SpeakerG_EnviousEardrum_desc A euphonic reproach to your enemies as another meets the ground. A euphonic reproach to your enemies as another meets the ground. @SpeakerH_ScreamingSurat SCREAMING SURAT SCREAMING SURAT @SpeakerH_ScreamingSurat_desc From the shrill of the surat will chills crawl up the backs of your foes. From the shrill of the surat will chills crawl up the backs of your foes. @SpeakerI_GatlingHorn GATLING HORN GATLING HORN @SpeakerI_GatlingHorn_desc This rotating trio announces judgment day to your nemesis. This rotating trio announces judgment day to your nemesis. SpeakerJ_Rasalhague_desc Free Rasalhague Republic Warhorn Free Rasalhague Republic Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoom_desc This digital noise-maker is a forewarning to your next victim. This digital noise-maker is a forewarning to your next victim. ClanLB2-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. ClanLB2-XAC C-LB2-X AC C-LB2-X AC ClanLB5-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. ClanLB5-XAC C-LB5-X AC C-LB5-X AC ClanLB10-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. ClanLB10-XAC C-LB10-X AC C-LB10-X AC ClanLB20-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. ClanLB20-XAC C-LB20-X AC C-LB20-X AC ClanUAC2_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. ClanUAC2 C-ULTRA AC/2 C-ULTRA AC/2 ClanUAC5_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. ClanUAC5 C-ULTRA AC/5 C-ULTRA AC/5 ClanUAC10_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. ClanUAC10 C-ULTRA AC/10 C-ULTRA AC/10 ClanUAC20_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. ClanUAC20 C-ULTRA AC/20 C-ULTRA AC/20 ClanGaussRifle_desc A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. ClanGaussRifle C-GAUSS RIFLE C-GAUSS RIFLE ClanMachineGun_desc A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. ClanMachineGun C-MACHINE GUN C-MACHINE GUN ClanFlamer_desc Increases it's target's heat to reduce the enemy's ability to fire heat generating weapons without shutting down. Increases it's target's heat to reduce the enemy's ability to fire heat generating weapons without shutting down. ClanFlamer C-FLAMER C-FLAMER ClanERPPC_desc A Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical splash damage to the target at longer ranges. ER-PPCs do not have a minimum range. A Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical splash damage to the target at longer ranges. ER-PPCs do not have a minimum range. ClanERPPC C-ER PPC C-ER PPC ClanAC20_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. ClanAC20 C-AC/20 C-AC/20 ClanAC10_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage. ClanAC10 C-AC/10 C-AC/10 ClanAC5_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. ClanAC5 C-AC/5 C-AC/5 ClanAC2_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. ClanAC2 C-AC/2 C-AC/2 ClanAMS_desc A rapid fire ballistic weapon that tracks and shoots down missiles. A rapid fire ballistic weapon that tracks and shoots down missiles. ClanAMS C-AMS C-AMS ClanTAG_desc Accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Must be held on target. Counters ECM. Accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Must be held on target. Counters ECM. ClanTAG C-TAG C-TAG ClanNARC_desc A fired projectile that accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Counters ECM. A fired projectile that accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Counters ECM. ClanNARC C-NARC C-NARC ClanStreakSRM6_desc Short range missile system that fires 6 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. Short range missile system that fires 6 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. ClanStreakSRM6 C-STREAK SRM 6 C-STREAK SRM 6 ClanStreakSRM4_desc Short range missile system that fires 4 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. Short range missile system that fires 4 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. ClanStreakSRM4 C-STREAK SRM 4 C-STREAK SRM 4 ClanStreakSRM2_desc Short range missile system that fires 2 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. Short range missile system that fires 2 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. ClanStreakSRM2 C-STREAK SRM 2 C-STREAK SRM 2 ClanSRM6_Artemis C-SRM 6 + ARTEMIS C-SRM 6 + ARTEMIS ClanSRM4_Artemis C-SRM 4 + ARTEMIS C-SRM 4 + ARTEMIS ClanSRM2_Artemis C-SRM 2 + ARTEMIS C-SRM 2 + ARTEMIS ClanSRM6_desc Short range missile system firing 6 missiles. Short range missile system firing 6 missiles. ClanSRM6 C-SRM 6 C-SRM 6 ClanSRM4_desc Short range missile system firing 4 missiles. Short range missile system firing 4 missiles. ClanSRM4 C-SRM 4 C-SRM 4 ClanSRM2_desc Short range missile system firing 2 missiles. Short range missile system firing 2 missiles. ClanSRM2 C-SRM 2 C-SRM 2 ClanLRM20_Artemis C-LRM 20 + ARTEMIS C-LRM 20 + ARTEMIS ClanLRM15_Artemis C-LRM 15 + ARTEMIS C-LRM 15 + ARTEMIS ClanLRM10_Artemis C-LRM 10 + ARTEMIS C-LRM 10 + ARTEMIS ClanLRM5_Artemis C-LRM 5 + ARTEMIS C-LRM 5 + ARTEMIS ClanLRM20_desc Long range missile system firing 20 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 20 missiles that will track to their target. ClanLRM20 C-LRM 20 C-LRM 20 ClanLRM15_desc Long range missile system firing 15 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 15 missiles that will track to their target. ClanLRM15 C-LRM 15 C-LRM 15 ClanLRM10_desc Long range missile system firing 10 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 10 missiles that will track to their target. ClanLRM10 C-LRM 10 C-LRM 10 ClanLRM5_desc Long range missile system firing 5 missiles that will track to their target. Long range missile system firing 5 missiles that will track to their target. ClanLRM5 C-LRM 5 C-LRM 5 ClanERSL C-ER SML LASER C-ER SML LASER ClanERSL_desc Low powered laser with extended range. Low powered laser with extended range. ClanERML C-ER MED LASER C-ER MED LASER ClanERML_desc Medium powered laser with extended range. Medium powered laser with extended range. ClanERLL C-ER LRG LASER C-ER LRG LASER ClanERLL_desc High powered laser with extended range. High powered laser with extended range. ClanSPL C-SML PULSE LASER C-SML PULSE LASER ClanSPL_desc A low powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. A low powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. ClanMPL C-MED PULSE LASER C-MED PULSE LASER ClanMPL_desc A medium powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. A medium powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. ClanLPL C-LRG PULSE LASER C-LRG PULSE LASER ClanLPL_desc A high powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. A high powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. mdf_FixedArmorSlotDesc This slot is currently used by upgraded armor. This slot is currently used by upgraded armor. mdf_FixedArmorSlot FIXED ARMOR SLOT FIXED ARMOR SLOT mdf_FixedStructureSlot FIXED STRUCTURE SLOT FIXED STRUCTURE SLOT mdf_FixedStructureSlotDesc This slot is currently used by upgraded internal structure. This slot is currently used by upgraded internal structure. ui_quirk_speed_multiplier SPEED SPEED ui_quirk_turn_lerp_low_rate_multiplier TURN RATE (LOW SPEED) TURN RATE (LOW SPEED) ui_quirk_turn_lerp_mid_rate_multiplier TURN RATE (MED. SPEED) TURN RATE (MED. SPEED) ui_quirk_turn_lerp_high_rate_multiplier TURN RATE (HIGH SPEED) TURN RATE (HIGH SPEED) ui_quirk_accel_lerp_low_rate_multiplier ACCELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) ACCELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) ui_quirk_accel_lerp_mid_rate_multiplier ACCELERATION RATE (MED. SPEED) ACCELERATION RATE (MED. SPEED) ui_quirk_accel_lerp_high_rate_multiplier ACCELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) ACCELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) ui_quirk_decel_lerp_low_rate_multiplier DECELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) DECELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) ui_quirk_decel_lerp_mid_rate_multiplier DECELERATION RATE (MED. SPEED) DECELERATION RATE (MED. SPEED) ui_quirk_decel_lerp_high_rate_multiplier DECELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) DECELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) ui_quirk_torso_speed_yaw_multiplier TORSO TURN RATE (YAW) TORSO TURN RATE (YAW) ui_quirk_torso_speed_pitch_multiplier TORSO TURN RATE (PITCH) TORSO TURN RATE (PITCH) ui_quirk_arm_speed_yaw_multiplier ARM MOVEMENT RATE (YAW) ARM MOVEMENT RATE (YAW) ui_quirk_arm_speed_pitch_multiplier ARM MOVEMENT RATE (PITCH) ARM MOVEMENT RATE (PITCH) ui_quirk_reverse_speed_multiplier REVERSE SPEED REVERSE SPEED ui_quirk_torso_angle_yaw_additive TORSO TURN ANGLE (YAW) TORSO TURN ANGLE (YAW) ui_quirk_torso_angle_pitch_additive TORSO TURN ANGLE (PITCH) TORSO TURN ANGLE (PITCH) ui_quirk_arm_rotation_yaw_additive ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (YAW) ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (YAW) ui_quirk_arm_rotation_pitch_additive ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (PITCH) ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (PITCH) ui_quirk_armor_resist_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (FULL BODY) ARMOR STRENGTH (FULL BODY) ui_quirk_armor_resist_ct_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (CT) ARMOR STRENGTH (CT) ui_quirk_armor_resist_lt_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (LT) ARMOR STRENGTH (LT) ui_quirk_armor_resist_rt_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (RT) ARMOR STRENGTH (RT) ui_quirk_armor_resist_la_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (LA) ARMOR STRENGTH (LA) ui_quirk_armor_resist_ra_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (RA) ARMOR STRENGTH (RA) ui_quirk_armor_resist_ll_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (LL) ARMOR STRENGTH (LL) ui_quirk_armor_resist_rl_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (RL) ARMOR STRENGTH (RL) ui_quirk_armor_resist_hd_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (H) ARMOR STRENGTH (H) ui_quirk_armor_resist_ctr_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (CT REAR) ARMOR STRENGTH (CT REAR) ui_quirk_armor_resist_ltr_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (LT REAR) ARMOR STRENGTH (LT REAR) ui_quirk_armor_resist_rtr_multiplier ARMOR STRENGTH (RT REAR) ARMOR STRENGTH (RT REAR) ui_quirk_internal_resist_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (ALL) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (ALL) ui_quirk_internal_resist_ct_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (CT) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (CT) ui_quirk_internal_resist_lt_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LT) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LT) ui_quirk_internal_resist_rt_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RT) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RT) ui_quirk_internal_resist_la_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LA) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LA) ui_quirk_internal_resist_ra_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RA) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RA) ui_quirk_internal_resist_ll_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LL) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LL) ui_quirk_internal_resist_rl_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RL) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RL) ui_quirk_internal_resist_hd_multiplier STRUCTURE STRENGTH (H) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (H) ui_quirk_internal_resist_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (FULL BODY) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (FULL BODY) ui_quirk_internal_resist_ct_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (CT) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (CT) ui_quirk_internal_resist_lt_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (LT) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (LT) ui_quirk_internal_resist_rt_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (RT) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (RT) ui_quirk_internal_resist_la_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (LA) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (LA) ui_quirk_internal_resist_ra_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (RA) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (RA) ui_quirk_internal_resist_ll_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (LL) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (LL) ui_quirk_internal_resist_rl_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (RL) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (RL) ui_quirk_internal_resist_hd_additive ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (H) ADDITIONAL STURCTURE (H) ui_quirk_heat_limit_additive HEAT CAPACITY HEAT CAPACITY ui_quirk_overheat_damage_multiplier OVERHEAT DAMAGE OVERHEAT DAMAGE ui_quirk_external_heat_multiplier EXTERNAL HEAT TRANSFER EXTERNAL HEAT TRANSFER ui_quirk_heat_loss_multiplier RATE OF HEAT LOSS RATE OF HEAT LOSS ui_quirk_xp_bonus_multiplier XP BONUS XP BONUS ui_quirk_energy_heat_multiplier HEAT GENERATION (ENERGY) HEAT GENERATION (ENERGY) ui_quirk_missile_heat_multiplier HEAT GENERATION (MISSILE) HEAT GENERATION (MISSILE) ui_quirk_ballistic_heat_multiplier HEAT GENERATION (BALLISTIC) HEAT GENERATION (BALLISTIC) ui_quirk_energy_cooldown_multiplier ENERGY WEAPON COOLDOWN ENERGY WEAPON COOLDOWN ui_quirk_missile_cooldown_multiplier MISSILE WEAPON COOLDOWN MISSILE WEAPON COOLDOWN ui_quirk_ballistic_cooldown_multiplier BALLISTIC WEAPON COOLDOWN BALLISTIC WEAPON COOLDOWN ui_quirk_jump_jet_slots_additive JUMP JET CAPACITY JUMP JET CAPACITY ui_quirk_pilot_module_slots_additive MODULE SLOTS MODULE SLOTS ui_quirk_crit_chance_dealing_multiplier CRIT HIT CHANCE (DEALING) CRIT HIT CHANCE (DEALING) ui_quirk_crit_chance_receiving_multiplier CRIT HIT CHANCE (RECEIVING) CRIT HIT CHANCE (RECEIVING) ui_quirksummary QUIRKS SUMMARY QUIRKS SUMMARY ui_setbonus %0-PIECE OMNIPOD BONUS %0-PIECE OMNIPOD BONUS ml_quirks QUIRKS QUIRKS ml_omnipod OMNIPOD OMNIPOD ml_chassis CHASSIS CHASSIS ui_caseprotected C.A.S.E. PROTECTED C.A.S.E. PROTECTED emechmodel_adder ADDER ADDER emechmodel_direwolf DIRE WOLF DIRE WOLF emechmodel_kitfox KIT FOX KIT FOX emechmodel_nova NOVA NOVA emechmodel_stormcrow STORMCROW STORMCROW emechmodel_summoner SUMMONER SUMMONER emechmodel_timberwolf TIMBER WOLF TIMBER WOLF emechmodel_warhawk WARHAWK WARHAWK ui_omnipod OMNIPOD OMNIPOD ui_CommandConsole COMPUTER COMPUTER ui_lowerarmactuator TOGGLE LOWER ARM ACTUATOR TOGGLE LOWER ARM ACTUATOR ui_handactuator TOGGLE HAND ACTUATOR TOGGLE HAND ACTUATOR ml_OmniPodPrice OMNIPOD VALUE OMNIPOD VALUE MugGhostbear_name GHOST BEAR MUG GHOST BEAR MUG MugJadeFalcon_name JADE FALCON MUG JADE FALCON MUG MugSmokeJaguar_name SMOKE JAGUAR MUG SMOKE JAGUAR MUG MugWolf_name WOLF MUG WOLF MUG MugPhoenixGuardian_name PHOENIX GUARDIAN MUG PHOENIX GUARDIAN MUG MugPhoenixOverlord_name PHOENIX OVERLORD MUG PHOENIX OVERLORD MUG MugPhoenixStorm_name PHOENIX STORM MUG PHOENIX STORM MUG MugPhoenixTalon_name PHOENIX TALON MUG PHOENIX TALON MUG MugElite_name ELITE MUG ELITE MUG MugLegendary_name LEGENDARY MUG LEGENDARY MUG MugVeteran_name VETERAN MUG VETERAN MUG MugMwo_name MWO MUG MWO MUG MedallionGhostbear_name GHOST BEAR MEDALLION GHOST BEAR MEDALLION MedallionJadefalcon_name JADE FALCON MEDALLION JADE FALCON MEDALLION MedallionSmokejaguar_name SMOKE JAGUAR MEDALLION SMOKE JAGUAR MEDALLION MedallionWolf_name CLAN WOLF MEDALLION CLAN WOLF MEDALLION MugGhostbear_desc Ghost Bear Mug Ghost Bear Mug MugJadeFalcon_desc Jade Falcon Mug Jade Falcon Mug MugSmokeJaguar_desc Smoke Jaguar Mug Smoke Jaguar Mug MugWolf_desc Wolf Mug Wolf Mug MugPhoenixGuardian_desc Phoneix Guardian Mug Phoneix Guardian Mug MugPhoenixOverlord_desc Phoenix Overlord Mug Phoenix Overlord Mug MugPhoenixStorm_desc Phoenix Storm Mug Phoenix Storm Mug MugPhoenixTalon_desc Phoenix Talon Mug Phoenix Talon Mug MugElite_desc Elite Mug Elite Mug MugLegendary_desc Legendary Mug Legendary Mug MugVeteran_desc Veteran Mug Veteran Mug MugMwo_desc MWO Mug MWO Mug MedallionGhostbear_desc Ghost Bear Medallion Ghost Bear Medallion MedallionJadefalcon_desc Jade Falcon Medallion Jade Falcon Medallion MedallionSmokejaguar_desc Smoke Jaguar Medallion Smoke Jaguar Medallion MedallionWolf_desc Clan Wolf Medallion Clan Wolf Medallion ClanGoldingot_name CLAN GOLD INGOT CLAN GOLD INGOT ClanGoldingot_desc Clan Gold Ingot Clan Gold Ingot ui_notupgradable NOT UPGRADABLE NOT UPGRADABLE ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch4 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch5 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch6 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch7 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch8 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch9 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch10 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch11 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch12 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch13 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch14 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13 ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation Mech currently has 1 or more slot violations. 'Mech currently has 1 or more slot violations. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_Unknown Mech currently has an unknown slot violation. 'Mech currently has an unknown slot violation. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_CentreTorso Mech currently has a slot violation in the Centre Torso. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Centre Torso. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_RightTorso Mech currently has a slot violation in the Right Torso. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Right Torso. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_LeftTorso Mech currently has a slot violation in the Left Torso. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Left Torso. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_RightArm Mech currently has a slot violation in the Right Arm. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Right Arm. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_LeftArm Mech currently has a slot violation in the Left Arm. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Left Arm. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_RightLeg Mech currently has a slot violation in the Right Leg. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Right Leg. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_LeftLeg Mech currently has a slot violation in the Left Leg. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Left Leg. ui_loadout_error_SlotViolation_Head Mech currently has a slot violation in the Head. 'Mech currently has a slot violation in the Head. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_Unknown Mech has an empty Omni Slot. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_CentreTorso Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Centre Torso. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Centre Torso. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_RightTorso Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Right Torso. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Right Torso. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_LeftTorso Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Left Torso. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Left Torso. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_RightArm Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Right Arm. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Right Arm. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_LeftArm Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Left Arm. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Left Arm. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_RightLeg Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Right Leg. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Right Leg. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_LeftLeg Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Left Leg. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Left Leg. ui_loadout_error_EmptyOmniSlot_Head Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Head. 'Mech has an empty Omni Slot in the Head. @UI_PAL_INVASION INVASION INVASION @ui_Col_Polygon_Gray POLYGON GRAY POLYGON GRAY @ui_Col_Polygon_White POLYGON WHITE POLYGON WHITE @ui_Col_Polygon_Black POLYGON BLACK POLYGON BLACK @ui_Col_Invasion_Orange INVASION ORANGE INVASION ORANGE @ui_Col_Invasion_Green INVASION GREEN INVASION GREEN @ui_Col_Invasion_Gray INVASION GRAY INVASION GRAY ui_LoadoutSlotViolation LOADOUT SLOT VIOLATION LOADOUT SLOT VIOLATION ui_SlotViolationLoadoutReset This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment and modules will be stripped from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment and modules will be stripped from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation1 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following location will be stripped:\n%0\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following location will be stripped:\n%0\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation2 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation3 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation4 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation5 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation6 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation7 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_LoadoutSlotViolation8 This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical slot violation. All equipment in the following locations will be stripped:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\nThese changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_OmniPods Omnipods Omnipods ui_pal_polygon POLYGON POLYGON ui_loadout_warning_charging_limit %0 charging limit reached, 'Mech may only fire %1 at a time. %0 charging limit reached, 'Mech may only fire %1 at a time. ui_TonsUp Tons (ASC) Tons (ASC) ui_TonsDown Tons (DESC) Tons (DESC) ui_SlotsDown Slots (DESC) Slots (DESC) ui_SlotsUp Slots (ASC) Slots (ASC) ui_loadout_error_TooManyWeapons Too many weapons equipped. The max allowed is %0. Too many weapons equipped. The max allowed is %0. ui_loadout_error_WeaponCountExceeded Mech has exceeded the maximum number of weapons allowed. 'Mech has exceeded the maximum number of weapons allowed. ui_QuirkBonus OMNIPOD SET BONUS OMNIPOD SET BONUS omnipod_nva-a_right_torso_desc NVA-A Right Torso OmniPod. NVA-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_right_torso NVA-A RIGHT TORSO NVA-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-c_right_arm KFX-C RIGHT ARM KFX-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_kfx-c_right_arm_desc KFX-C Right Arm OmniPod. KFX-C Right Arm OmniPod. @ui_ClassMaxViolation Must be less than 4 Must be less than 4 ui_NotEnoughPlayers Not Enough Players Not Enough Players @ui_ElevenInPrivate Groups of 11 only valid in private matches Groups of 11 only valid in private matches HUD_Targeting_Computer_Destroyed TC DESTROYED TC DESTROYED HUD_Command_Console_Destroyed CC DESTROYED CC DESTROYED ui_InsufficientLoadout4 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_InsufficientLoadout5 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_InsufficientLoadout6 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_InsufficientLoadout7 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_InsufficientLoadout8 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n\nDo you still want to save? ui_InsufficientLoadout9 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n\nDo you still want to save? Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n\nDo you still want to save? KTO-18C KINTARO KTO-18(C) KINTARO KTO-18(C) KTO-18C_desc KINTARO KTO-18(C) description KINTARO KTO-18(C) KTO-18C_short KTO-18(C) KTO-18(C) VictoryPattern Victory Victory ui_CCC CCONS CCONS ui_TargetingComputerMkI TCOMP-I TCOMP-I ui_TargetingComputerMkII TCOMP-II TCOMP-II ui_TargetingComputerMkIII TCOMP-III TCOMP-III ui_TargetingComputerMkIV TCOMP-IV TCOMP-IV ui_TargetingComputerMkV TCOMP-V TCOMP-V ui_TargetingComputerMkVI TCOMP-VI TCOMP-VI ui_TargetingComputerMkVII TCOMP-VII TCOMP-VII ui_SaveBeforeExiting Save changes before exiting? Save changes before exiting? ui_CritChanceBoost Crit Chance Crit Chance ui_ProjectileSpeedBoost Projectile Speed Projectile Speed ui_HUDZoomBoost HUD Zoom HUD Zoom ui_SensorRangeBoost Sensor Range Sensor Range ui_TargetAquisitionBoost Targeting Time Targeting Time ui_BeamRangeBoost Beam Range Beam Range ui_Invalid Invalid Invalid ui_LobbyMechInUse Your selected BattleMech is in game. Please select another BattleMech. Your selected BattleMech is in game. Please select another BattleMech. ui_CockpitItem Cockpit Item Cockpit Item ml_ePTModule_WeaponMod WEAPON WEAPON @Clan_Longer_Small_Pulse_Laser CL SP-LASER RANGE 1 CL SP-LASER RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_Small_Pulse_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Small Pulse Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. Increase the long range of a Small Pulse Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. @Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Medium Pulse Laser by 5.6 meters, increase maximum range by 11.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Medium Pulse Laser by 5.6 meters, increase maximum range by 11.2 meters. @Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser CL MP-LASER RANGE 1 CL MP-LASER RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_desc Increase the long range of a Large Pulse Laser by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Large Pulse Laser by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. @Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser CL LP-LASER RANGE 1 CL LP-LASER RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_desc Increase the long range of an ER Small Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. Increase the long range of an ER Small Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. @Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser CL ERS-LASER RANGE 1 CL ERS-LASER RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_desc Increase the long range of an ER Medium Laser by 6.3 meters, increase maximum range by 12.3 meters. Increase the long range of an ER Medium Laser by 6.3 meters, increase maximum range by 12.3 meters. @Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser CL ERM-LASER RANGE 1 CL ERM-LASER RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_desc Increase the long range of an ER Large Laser by 12.4 meters, increase maximum range by 24.8 meters. Increase the long range of an ER Large Laser by 12.4 meters, increase maximum range by 24.8 meters. @Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser CL ERL-LASER RANGE 1 CL ERL-LASER RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_SRM2_desc Increase the long range of a SRM 2 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. Increase the long range of a SRM 2 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. @Clan_Longer_SRM2 CL SRM 2 RANGE 1 CL SRM 2 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_SRM4_desc Increase the long range of a SRM 4 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. Increase the long range of a SRM 4 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. @Clan_Longer_SRM4 CL SRM 4 RANGE 1 CL SRM 4 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_SRM6_desc Increase the long range of a SRM 6 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. Increase the long range of a SRM 6 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. @Clan_Longer_SRM6 CL SRM 6 RANGE 1 CL SRM 6 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_desc Increase the long range of a Streak SRM 6 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. Increase the long range of a Streak SRM 6 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. @Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6 CL S-SRM 6 RANGE 1 CL S-SRM 6 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_UAC2_desc Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 2 by 11.3 meters, increase maximum range by 22.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 2 by 11.3 meters, increase maximum range by 22.6 meters. @Clan_Longer_UAC2 CL UAC/2 RANGE 1 CL UAC/2 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_UAC5_desc Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 5 by 8.8 meters, increase maximum range by 17.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 5 by 8.8 meters, increase maximum range by 17.6 meters. @Clan_Longer_UAC5 CL UAC/5 RANGE 1 CL UAC/5 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_UAC10_desc Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 10 by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 10 by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. @Clan_Longer_UAC10 CL UAC/10 RANGE 1 CL UAC/10 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_UAC20_desc Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 20 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. Increase the long range of an Ultra AC 20 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. @Clan_Longer_UAC20 CL UAC/20 RANGE 1 CL UAC/20 RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_Flamer_desc Increase the long range of a Flamer by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Increase the long range of a Flamer by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. @Clan_Longer_Flamer CL FLAMER RANGE 1 CL FLAMER RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_AMS_desc Increase the long range of an AMS by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. Increase the long range of an AMS by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. @Clan_Longer_AMS CL AMS RANGE 1 CL AMS RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_desc Increase the long range of a Machine Gun by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. Increase the long range of a Machine Gun by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. @Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun CL MG RANGE 1 CL MG RANGE 1 @Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_desc Increase the long range of a LB 10-X AC by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. Increase the long range of a LB 10-X AC by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. @Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 1 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 1 @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_1 CL SP LASER RANGE 1 CL SP LASER RANGE 1 @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_2 CL SP LASER RANGE 2 CL SP LASER RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_1 CL MP LASER RANGE 1 CL MP LASER RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_2 CL MP LASER RANGE 2 CL MP LASER RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_1 CL LP LASER RANGE 1 CL LP LASER RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_2 CL LP LASER RANGE 2 CL LP LASER RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_1 CL ERS LASER RANGE 1 CL ERS LASER RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_2 CL ERS LASER RANGE 2 CL ERS LASER RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_1 CL ERM LASER RANGE 1 CL ERM LASER RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_2 CL ERM LASER RANGE 2 CL ERM LASER RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_1 CL ERL LASER RANGE 1 CL ERL LASER RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_2 CL ERL LASER RANGE 2 CL ERL LASER RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_1 CL SRM 2 RANGE 1 CL SRM 2 RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_2 CL SRM 2 RANGE 2 CL SRM 2 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_1 CL SRM 4 RANGE 1 CL SRM 4 RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_2 CL SRM 4 RANGE 2 CL SRM 4 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_1 CL SRM 6 RANGE 1 CL SRM 6 RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_2 CL SRM 6 RANGE 2 CL SRM 6 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_1 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 1 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_2 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 2 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_1 CL UAC/2 RANGE 1 CL UAC/2 RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_2 CL UAC/2 RANGE 2 CL UAC/2 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_1 CL UAC/5 RANGE 1 CL UAC/5 RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_2 CL UAC/5 RANGE 2 CL UAC/5 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_1 CL UAC/10 RANGE 1 CL UAC/10 RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_2 CL UAC/10 RANGE 2 CL UAC/10 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_1 CL UAC/20 RANGE 1 CL UAC/20 RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_2 CL UAC/20 RANGE 2 CL UAC/20 RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_1 CL FLAMER RANGE 1 CL FLAMER RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_2 CL FLAMER RANGE 2 CL FLAMER RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_1 CL AMS RANGE 1 CL AMS RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_2 CL AMS RANGE 2 CL AMS RANGE 2 @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_1 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_2 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 2 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 2 pt_small_laser_cooldown_1 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 1 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 1 @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_2 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 2 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 2 @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 5.6 meters, increase maximum range by 11.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 5.6 meters, increase maximum range by 11.2 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 11.2 meters, increase maximum range by 22.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 11.2 meters, increase maximum range by 22.4 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 16.8 meters, increase maximum range by 33.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 16.8 meters, increase maximum range by 33.6 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 2.5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 6.3 meters, increase maximum range by 12.3 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 6.3 meters, increase maximum range by 12.3 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 12.6 meters, increase maximum range by 24.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 12.6 meters, increase maximum range by 24.6 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 12.4 meters, increase maximum range by 24.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 12.4 meters, increase maximum range by 24.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 24.8 meters, increase maximum range by 49.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 24.8 meters, increase maximum range by 49.6 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 7.56 meters, increase maximum range by 7.56 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 7.56 meters, increase maximum range by 7.56 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 7.56 meters, increase maximum range by 7.56 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 7.56 meters, increase maximum range by 7.56 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 3.78 meters, increase maximum range by 3.78 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 7.56 meters, increase maximum range by 7.56 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 7.56 meters, increase maximum range by 7.56 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 11.3 meters, increase maximum range by 22.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 11.3 meters, increase maximum range by 22.6 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 22.6 meters, increase maximum range by 45.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 22.6 meters, increase maximum range by 45.2 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 8.8 meters, increase maximum range by 17.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 8.8 meters, increase maximum range by 17.6 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 17.6 meters, increase maximum range by 35.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 17.6 meters, increase maximum range by 35.2 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 2 meters, increase maximum range by 2 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 3.36 meters, increase maximum range by 6.72 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 3.36 meters, increase maximum range by 6.72 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 1.68 meters, increase maximum range by 3.36 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 3.36 meters, increase maximum range by 6.72 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 3.36 meters, increase maximum range by 6.72 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. ui_Rejoin Rejoin Rejoin ui_NoRewardSuicide Self destruction does not give rewards. Self destruction does not give rewards. ui_NoRewardLeftEarly Rejoins after 2 minutes do not give rewards. Rejoins after 2 minutes do not give rewards SYSTEM_ReconnectMsg has reconnected. has reconnected. ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_1 PPCs or Gauss Rifles PPCs or Gauss Rifles ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_2 LRMs LRMs ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_3 Large Lasers Large Lasers ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_4 SRMs, MRMs, or Rocket Launchers SRMs, MRMs, or Rocket Launchers ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_5 Streak SRM4s or Streak SRM6s Streak SRM4s or Streak SRM6s ui_connection_error Connection Error Connection Error ui_disconnected_from_game_server Disconnected from game server Disconnected from game server ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_6 Clan LRMs or ATMs Clan LRMs or ATMs ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_7 Clan SRM4s or Clan SRM6s Clan SRM4s or Clan SRM6s ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_8 AC/10s AC/10s ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_9 AC/20s AC/20s ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_10 Small Lasers or Medium Lasers Small Lasers or Medium Lasers ui_loadout_warning_ChargeLinkedLimit Cannot fire more than one PPC at a time while firing a charging weapon. Cannot fire more than one PPC at a time while firing a charging weapon. ui_loadout_warning_ChargeLinkedBlock Cannot fire PPCs while firing multiple charging weapon. Cannot fire PPCs while firing multiple charging weapon. ui_RankHeader Ranks (%0/32) Ranks (%0/32) ui_MemberHeader Members (%0) Members (%0) ui_CreateUnit Create Unit Create Unit ui_ReallyRemoveMember Do you really want to kick %0 from the unit? Do you really want to kick %0 from the unit? ml_ReallyRemoveRank Do you really want to remove the rank: %0? Do you really want to remove the rank: %0? ui_Autorefill AUTO REFILL AUTO REFILL ml_WeaponModules WEAPON MODULES WEAPON MODULES ml_PurchaseConsumable PURCHASE CONSUMABLE PURCHASE CONSUMABLE ml_QuantityToEquip QUANTITY TO EQUIP QUANTITY TO EQUIP ml_NewPurchases NEW PURCHASES NEW PURCHASES ui_ModuleViolationLoadoutReset This 'Mech has a critical module slot violation. All modules will be stripped from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a critical module slot violation. All modules will be stripped from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_loadout_error_ModuleSlotViolation Mech has a Consumable Slot violation. 'Mech has a Consumable Slot violation. ml_AutoRefill AUTO REFILL AUTO REFILL ui_Continue CONTINUE CONTINUE ui_AutoRefillFailed AUTO REFILL FAILED AUTO REFILL FAILED ui_AutoRefillFailedPrivate Consumable(s) have not been auto refilled. Would you like to ready or modify your 'Mech's consumables? Consumable(s) have not been auto refilled. Would you like to ready or modify your 'Mech's consumables? ui_AutoRefillFailedPublic Consumable(s) have not been auto refilled. Would you like to continue to search for a match or modify your 'Mech's consumables? Consumable(s) have not been auto refilled. Would you like to continue to search for a match or modify your 'Mech's consumables? ui_UnableToCreateUnit Unable to create unit. Unable to create unit. ui_RankChangeFailed Rank change failed. Rank change failed. ui_ISHome Inner Sphere Map Inner Sphere Map ui_RankManagement Rank Management Rank Management ui_ViewCoffers Coffer Management Coffer Management ui_Player_Information Player Information Player Information ui_Unit_Information Unit Information Unit Information ui_FactionStandings Faction Standings Faction Standings ui_SetMOTD Set MOTD Set MOTD ui_Disband Disband Disband ui_Members Members Members ui_Planets Planets Planets ui_AssignLeader Assign Leader Assign Leader ui_CreateNameRanks Create/Name Ranks Create/Name Ranks ui_EditDeleteRanks Edit/Delete Ranks Edit/Delete Ranks ui_OrderRanks Order Ranks Order Ranks ui_DisbandUnit Disband Unit Disband Unit ui_InviteMembers Invite Members Invite Members ui_KickMembers Kick Members Kick Members ui_AssignRanks Assign Ranks Assign Ranks ui_ViewCofferBalance View Coffer Balance View Coffer Balance ui_ViewCofferTransactions View Coffer Transactions View Coffer Transactions ui_ViewOfficerChat View Officer Chat View Officer Chat ui_InviteToUnit Invite To Unit Invite To Unit ui_AddRank Add Rank Add Rank ml_MechModules Mech Modules 'Mech Modules _m_consumable_slot_3 Activate Consumable 3 Activate Consumable 3 _m_consumable_slot_2 Activate Consumable 2 Activate Consumable 2 ui_SaveChanges Unsaved Changes Unsaved Changes ui_SaveChangesBody You have unsaved changes. If you continue, all changes will be lost.\nContinue? ui_AutorefillEnableFailedHC Not enough MC to enable auto refill. Not enough MC to enable auto refill. ui_AutorefillEnableFailedSC Not enough C-Bills to enable auto refill. Not enough C-Bills to enable auto refill. _m_armlock_toggle Toggle Arm Lock Toggle Arm Lock BLR-1GHE HELLSLINGER HELLSLINGER BLR-1GHE_desc Hero of the Martial Olympiad. Hero of the Martial Olympiad. BLR-1GHE_short BLR-1GHE BLR-1GHE sdr-a ANANSI ANANSI sdr-a_short SDR-A SDR-A sdr-a_desc Named after the African trickster god. Named after the African trickster god. ui_unable_to_set_motd Unable to set MotD. Unable to set MotD. ui_DonateTitle Donate Funds Donate Funds ui_DonateBody Do you really wish to donate %0 C-Bills to your unit?\n\nWarning: This is a 1-way transaction, C-Bill donations may not be withdrawn from the unit coffers. Do you really wish to donate %0 C-Bills to your unit?\n\nWarning: This is a 1-way transaction, C-Bill donations may not be withdrawn from the unit coffers. ui_ResignTitle Resign Command Resign Command ui_ResignBody Do you really wish to transfer command of the unit to %0? Do you really wish to transfer command of the unit to %0? sdr-hero ANANSI ANANSI sdr-hero_short SDR-A SDR-A sdr-hero_desc Named after the African trickster god. Named after the African trickster god. CarDecks_name CAR DECKS CAR DECKS CarDecks_desc Classic overcompensation for my stolen Blackjack deck Classic overcompensation for my stolen Blackjack deck Hamster_name HAMSTER HUEY HAMSTER HUEY Hamster_desc Sometimes your back-up generator is also your best friend Sometimes your back-up generator is also your best friend Pop_name CUP OF POP CUP OF POP Pop_desc Nothin' like a tall cool cup of soda pop Nothin' like a tall cool cup of soda pop BabyOnBoardSign_name BABY ON BOARD BABY ON BOARD BabyOnBoardSign_desc This sign will justify your slower driving pace This sign will justify your slower driving pace ForSaleSign_name FOR SALE FOR SALE ForSaleSign_desc Will take offers or interesting trades Will take offers or interesting trades ui_RemovePlayer Remove Player Remove Player ui_RemoveRank Remove Rank Remove Rank ui_DonateMinDonation Minimum donation amount is %0 C-Bills. Minimum donation amount is %0 C-Bills. ui_CofferTotal Coffer Total Coffer Total ui_Transaction_Date Transaction Date Transaction Date ui_Donation Amount Amount ui_DonateToUnit Donate funds to your unit Donate funds to your unit ui_Donate Donate Donate ui_Unit_Coffer Unit Coffer Unit Coffer ui_Rank_Privileges Rank Privileges Rank Privileges ui_Player_Rank Player Rank Player Rank ui_ResignCommand Resign Command Resign Command UI_ENTERUNITNAME Enter a name for your unit: Enter a name for your unit: UI_UNITNAMEMAXCHARACTERS Maximum of 35 characters. Maximum of 35 characters. UI_ENTERUNITTAG Enter a tag for your unit: Enter a tag for your unit: UI_UNITTAGMAXCHARACTERS Maximum of 4 characters. Maximum of 4 characters. UI_CREATEUNITRULES RULES:\n 1) Unit names and tags can only contain\nLatin Alphanumeric values and the\nfollowing special characters:\n - ( ) SPACE ' \n\n 2) Unit names must be unique and not one\nof the existing units in BattleTech lore.\n\n 3) Unit names and tags must not contain\nprofanity or objectionable language.\n\n 4) Unit names and tags cannot be changed\nafter the unit has been created. RULES:\n 1) Unit names and tags can only contain\nLatin Alphanumeric values and the\nfollowing special characters:\n - ( ) SPACE ' \n\n 2) Unit names must be unique and not one\nof the existing units in BattleTech lore.\n\n 3) Unit names and tags must not contain\nprofanity or objectionable language.\n\n 4) Unit names and tags cannot be changed\nafter the unit has been created. ml_NameTheRank Name the new rank: Name the new rank: UI_NAMERANK NAME RANK NAME RANK ui_ReallyDisband Are you sure you wish to disband the unit? All unit coffer funds, the unit name and tag, will be lost. Are you sure you wish to disband the unit? All unit coffer funds, the unit name and tag, will be lost. UI_SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT ui_unit_invite_sent Invite successfully sent. Invite successfully sent. ui_unit_already_exists A unit with this name already exists. A unit with this name already exists. ui_unable_to_create_unit Unable to create the unit. Unit Name or Tag is already taken. Unable to create the unit. Unit Name or Tag is already taken. ui_invalid_unit Unit information not found. Unit information not found. ui_unit_has_disbanded The unit has been disbanded. The unit has been disbanded. ui_unable_to_retrieve_unit_details An error has occurred trying to retrieve unit information. An error has occurred trying to retrieve unit information. ui_unable_to_retrieve_ranks An error has occurred trying to retrieve unit ranks. An error has occurred trying to retrieve unit ranks. ui_not_authorized_rank_create You do not have the permissions to create a rank. You do not have the permissions to create a rank. ui_invalid_rank_name The name %0 cannot be used for a rank name. The name %0 cannot be used for a rank name. ui_rank_limit_reached The maximum number of ranks available has been reached. The maximum number of ranks available has been reached. ui_unable_to_create_rank An error occurred trying to create rank %0. An error occurred trying to create rank %0. ui_not_authorized_rank_delete You do not have the permissions to delete a rank. You do not have the permissions to delete a rank. ui_no_valid_ranks_available There are no ranks available for deletion. There are no ranks available for deletion. ui_rank_not_empty Unable to delete rank %0 because it is not empty. Unable to delete rank %0 because it is not empty. ui_rank_does_not_exist Cannot delete rank %0 because it does not exist. Cannot delete rank %0 because it does not exist. ui_unable_to_delete_rank An error occurred trying to delete this rank. An error occurred trying to delete this rank. ui_not_authorized_rank_rename You do not have permission to change rank names. You do not have permission to change rank names. ui_invalid_rank_rename The name %0 is not a valid rank name. The name %0 is not a valid rank name. ui_unable_to_rename_rank An error occurred while trying to rename the rank. An error occurred while trying to rename the rank. ui_not_authorized_rank_permission You do not have authorization to change rank permissions. You do not have authorization to change rank permissions. ui_not_authorized_rank_reorder You are not authorized to change rank order. You are not authorized to change rank order. ui_unable_to_set_rank_order An error occurred trying to change rank order. An error occurred trying to change rank order. ui_user_already_in_unit The player is already in a unit. The player is already in a unit. ui_unable_to_send_unit_invite An error occurred while sending the unit invite. An error occurred while sending the unit invite. ui_unable_to_accept_unit_invite An error occurred while trying to accept the unit invite. An error occurred while trying to accept the unit invite. ui_unable_to_decline_unit_invite An error occured while declining the unit invite. An error occured while declining the unit invite. vindicator VINDICATOR VINDICATOR emechmodel_vindicator VINDICATOR VINDICATOR vnd-1r VINDICATOR VND-1R VINDICATOR VND-1R vnd-1r_desc VINDICATOR VND-1R description. VINDICATOR VND-1R description. vnd-1r_short VND-1R VND-1R vnd-1sib ST. IVES' BLUES ST. IVES' BLUES vnd-1sib_desc The personal Mech of Michael Jones. The personal Mech of Michael Jones. vnd-1sib_short VND-1SIB VND-1SIB vnd-1aa VINDICATOR VND-1AA VINDICATOR VND-1AA vnd-1aa_desc VINDICATOR VND-1AA description. VINDICATOR VND-1AA description. vnd-1aa_short VND-1AA VND-1AA vnd-1x VINDICATOR VND-1X VINDICATOR VND-1X vnd-1x_desc VINDICATOR VND-1X description. VINDICATOR VND-1X description. vnd-1x_short VND-1X VND-1X ui_unable_to_donate_minimum_donation Donations must be 50,000 C-Bills or higher. Donations must be 50,000 C-Bills or higher. ui_unable_to_donate_not_a_member_of_unit You must be in a unit to donate. You must be in a unit to donate. ui_unable_to_donate_insufficient_funds You do not have enough C-Bills to make this donation. You do not have enough C-Bills to make this donation. ui_unable_to_donate_invalid_unit The unit you are trying to dontate to is invalid. The unit you are trying to dontate to is invalid. ui_unable_to_donate An error occurred trying to process this donation. An error occurred trying to process this donation. ui_motd Message Of The Day Message Of The Day ui_disconnected_invalid_loadout Disconnected from game server due to invalid loadout Disconnected from game server due to invalid loadout pt_longer_small_laser_3 IS S. LASER RANGE 3 IS S. LASER RANGE 3 pt_longer_small_laser_4 IS S. LASER RANGE 4 IS S. LASER RANGE 4 pt_longer_small_laser_5 IS S. LASER RANGE 5 IS S. LASER RANGE 5 pt_longer_small_laser_3_desc Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. pt_longer_small_laser_4_desc Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. pt_longer_small_laser_5_desc Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase long range of an Inner Sphere Small Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. pt_longer_medium_laser_3 IS M. LASER RANGE 3 IS M. LASER RANGE 3 pt_longer_medium_laser_4 IS M. LASER RANGE 4 IS M. LASER RANGE 4 pt_longer_medium_laser_5 IS M. LASER RANGE 5 IS M. LASER RANGE 5 pt_longer_medium_laser_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 16.2 meters, increase maximum range by 32.4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 16.2 meters, increase maximum range by 32.4 meters. pt_longer_medium_laser_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 21.6 meters, increase maximum range by 43.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 21.6 meters, increase maximum range by 43.2 meters. pt_longer_medium_laser_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 27 meters, increase maximum range by 54 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 27 meters, increase maximum range by 54 meters. pt_longer_large_laser_3 IS L. LASER RANGE 3 IS L. LASER RANGE 3 pt_longer_large_laser_4 IS L. LASER RANGE 4 IS L. LASER RANGE 4 pt_longer_large_laser_5 IS L. LASER RANGE 5 IS L. LASER RANGE 5 pt_longer_large_laser_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 60 meters. pt_longer_large_laser_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 40 meters, increase maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 40 meters, increase maximum range by 80 meters. pt_longer_large_laser_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 50 meters, increase maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Large Laser by 50 meters, increase maximum range by 100 meters. pt_longer_srm6_3 IS SRM 6 RANGE 3 IS SRM 6 RANGE 3 pt_longer_srm6_4 IS SRM 6 RANGE 4 IS SRM 6 RANGE 4 pt_longer_srm6_5 IS SRM 6 RANGE 5 IS SRM 6 RANGE 5 pt_longer_srm6_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. pt_longer_srm6_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. pt_longer_srm6_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. pt_longer_srm2_3 IS SRM 2 RANGE 3 IS SRM 2 RANGE 3 pt_longer_srm2_4 IS SRM 2 RANGE 4 IS SRM 2 RANGE 4 pt_longer_srm2_5 IS SRM 2 RANGE 5 IS SRM 2 RANGE 5 pt_longer_srm2_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. pt_longer_srm2_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. pt_longer_srm2_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. pt_longer_srm4_3 IS SRM 4 RANGE 3 IS SRM 4 RANGE 3 pt_longer_srm4_4 IS SRM 4 RANGE 4 IS SRM 4 RANGE 4 pt_longer_srm4_5 IS SRM 4 RANGE 5 IS SRM 4 RANGE 5 pt_longer_srm4_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. pt_longer_srm4_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. pt_longer_srm4_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. pt_longer_streaksrm2_3 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 3 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 3 pt_longer_streaksrm2_4 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 4 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 4 pt_longer_streaksrm2_5 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 5 IS SSRM 2 RANGE 5 pt_longer_streaksrm2_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 18 meters, increase maximum range by 18 meters. pt_longer_streaksrm2_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. pt_longer_streaksrm2_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_3 IS LP LASER RANGE 3 IS LP LASER RANGE 3 pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_4 IS LP LASER RANGE 4 IS LP LASER RANGE 4 pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_5 IS LP LASER RANGE 5 IS LP LASER RANGE 5 pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 19.8 meters, increase maximum range by 39.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 19.8 meters, increase maximum range by 39.6 meters. pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 26.4 meters, increase maximum range by 52.8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 26.4 meters, increase maximum range by 52.8 meters. pt_longer_large_pulse_laser_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 33 meters, increase maximum range by 66 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 33 meters, increase maximum range by 66 meters. pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_3 IS MP LASER RANGE 3 IS MP LASER RANGE 3 pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_4 IS MP LASER RANGE 4 IS MP LASER RANGE 4 pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_5 IS MP LASER RANGE 5 IS MP LASER RANGE 5 pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 16 meters, increase maximum range by 32 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 16 meters, increase maximum range by 32 meters. pt_longer_medium_pulse_laser_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_3 IS SP LASER RANGE 3 IS SP LASER RANGE 3 pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_4 IS SP LASER RANGE 4 IS SP LASER RANGE 4 pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_5 IS SP LASER RANGE 5 IS SP LASER RANGE 5 pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 12 meters. pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 16 meters. pt_longer_small_pulse_laser_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. pt_longer_ac10_3 IS AC/10 RANGE 3 IS AC/10 RANGE 3 pt_longer_ac10_4 IS AC/10 RANGE 4 IS AC/10 RANGE 4 pt_longer_ac10_5 IS AC/10 RANGE 5 IS AC/10 RANGE 5 pt_longer_ac10_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 28.5 meters, increase maximum range by 85.5 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 28.5 meters, increase maximum range by 85.5 meters. pt_longer_ac10_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 38 meters, increase maximum range by 114 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 38 meters, increase maximum range by 114 meters. pt_longer_ac10_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 47.5 meters, increase maximum range by 142.5 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/10 by 47.5 meters, increase maximum range by 142.5 meters. pt_longer_ac5_3 IS AC/5 RANGE 3 IS AC/5 RANGE 3 pt_longer_ac5_4 IS AC/5 RANGE 4 IS AC/5 RANGE 4 pt_longer_ac5_5 IS AC/5 RANGE 5 IS AC/5 RANGE 5 pt_longer_ac5_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 39 meters, increase maximum range by 117 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 39 meters, increase maximum range by 117 meters. pt_longer_ac5_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 52 meters, increase maximum range by 156 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 52 meters, increase maximum range by 156 meters. pt_longer_ac5_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 65 meters, increase maximum range by 195 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/5 by 65 meters, increase maximum range by 195 meters. pt_longer_ac2_3 IS AC/2 RANGE 3 IS AC/2 RANGE 3 pt_longer_ac2_4 IS AC/2 RANGE 4 IS AC/2 RANGE 4 pt_longer_ac2_5 IS AC/2 RANGE 5 IS AC/2 RANGE 5 pt_longer_ac2_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 45 meters, increase maximum range by 135 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 45 meters, increase maximum range by 135 meters. pt_longer_ac2_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 60 meters, increase maximum range by 180 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 60 meters, increase maximum range by 180 meters. pt_longer_ac2_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 75 meters, increase maximum range by 225 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/2 by 75 meters, increase maximum range by 225 meters. pt_longer_ac20_3 IS AC/20 RANGE 3 IS AC/20 RANGE 3 pt_longer_ac20_4 IS AC/20 RANGE 4 IS AC/20 RANGE 4 pt_longer_ac20_5 IS AC/20 RANGE 5 IS AC/20 RANGE 5 pt_longer_ac20_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 16.2 meters, increase maximum range by 48.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 16.2 meters, increase maximum range by 48.6 meters. pt_longer_ac20_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 21.6 meters, increase maximum range by 64.8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 21.6 meters, increase maximum range by 64.8 meters. pt_longer_ac20_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 27 meters, increase maximum range by 81 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AC/20 by 27 meters, increase maximum range by 81 meters. pt_longer_flamer_3 IS FLAMER RANGE 3 IS FLAMER RANGE 3 pt_longer_flamer_4 IS FLAMER RANGE 4 IS FLAMER RANGE 4 pt_longer_flamer_5 IS FLAMER RANGE 5 IS FLAMER RANGE 5 pt_longer_flamer_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 3 meters, increase maximum range by 3 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 3 meters, increase maximum range by 3 meters. pt_longer_flamer_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 4 meters, increase maximum range by 4 meters. pt_longer_flamer_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Flamer by 5 meters, increase maximum range by 5 meters. pt_longer_ams_3 IS AMS RANGE 3 IS AMS RANGE 3 pt_longer_ams_4 IS AMS RANGE 4 IS AMS RANGE 4 pt_longer_ams_5 IS AMS RANGE 5 IS AMS RANGE 5 pt_longer_ams_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. pt_longer_ams_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 16 meters, increase maximum range by 32 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 16 meters, increase maximum range by 32 meters. pt_longer_ams_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere AMS by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. pt_longer_lbx10_3 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 3 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 3 pt_longer_lbx10_4 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 4 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 4 pt_longer_lbx10_5 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 5 IS LB 10-X AC RANGE 5 pt_longer_lbx10_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 33 meters, increase maximum range by 99 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 33 meters, increase maximum range by 99 meters. pt_longer_lbx10_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 44 meters, increase maximum range by 132 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 44 meters, increase maximum range by 132 meters. pt_longer_lbx10_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 55 meters, increase maximum range by 165 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LB 10-X AC by 55 meters, increase maximum range by 165 meters. pt_longer_machine_gun_3 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 3 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 3 pt_longer_machine_gun_4 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 4 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 4 pt_longer_machine_gun_5 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 5 IS MACHINE GUN RANGE 5 pt_longer_machine_gun_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 7.8 meters, increase maximum range by 15.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 7.8 meters, increase maximum range by 15.6 meters. pt_longer_machine_gun_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 10.4 meters, increase maximum range by 20.8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 10.4 meters, increase maximum range by 20.8 meters. pt_longer_machine_gun_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 13 meters, increase maximum range by 26 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 13 meters, increase maximum range by 26 meters. @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_3 CL SP LASER RANGE 3 CL SP LASER RANGE 3 @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_4 CL SP LASER RANGE 4 CL SP LASER RANGE 4 @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_5 CL SP LASER RANGE 5 CL SP LASER RANGE 5 @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. @pt_longer_clan_small_pulse_laser_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 12.5 meters, increase maximum range by 25 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Small Pulse Laser by 12.5 meters, increase maximum range by 25 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_3 CL MP LASER RANGE 3 CL MP LASER RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_4 CL MP LASER RANGE 4 CL MP LASER RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_5 CL MP LASER RANGE 5 CL MP LASER RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 16.8 meters, increase maximum range by 33.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 16.8 meters, increase maximum range by 33.6 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 22.4 meters, increase maximum range by 44.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 22.4 meters, increase maximum range by 44.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Medium_Pulse_Laser_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 28 meters, increase maximum range by 56 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 28 meters, increase maximum range by 56 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_3 CL LP LASER RANGE 3 CL LP LASER RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_4 CL LP LASER RANGE 4 CL LP LASER RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_5 CL LP LASER RANGE 5 CL LP LASER RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 25.2 meters, increase maximum range by 50.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 25.2 meters, increase maximum range by 50.4 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 33.6 meters, increase maximum range by 67.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 33.6 meters, increase maximum range by 67.2 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Large_Pulse_Laser_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 42 meters, increase maximum range by 84 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Large Pulse Laser by 42 meters, increase maximum range by 84 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_3 CL ERS LASER RANGE 3 CL ERS LASER RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_4 CL ERS LASER RANGE 4 CL ERS LASER RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_5 CL ERS LASER RANGE 5 CL ERS LASER RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 7.5 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Small_Laser_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 12.5 meters, increase maximum range by 25 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Small Laser by 12.5 meters, increase maximum range by 25 meters. ui_social_group_unitchat Unit Chat Unit Chat ui_notpermitted Not Permitted Not Permitted ui_SetMOTDBody Set the Message Of The Day Set the Message Of The Day @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_3 CL ERM LASER RANGE 3 CL ERM LASER RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_4 CL ERM LASER RANGE 4 CL ERM LASER RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_5 CL ERM LASER RANGE 5 CL ERM LASER RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 36.9 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 36.9 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 25.2 meters, increase maximum range by 49.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 25.2 meters, increase maximum range by 49.2 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Medium_Laser_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 31.5 meters, increase maximum range by 63 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Medium Laser by 31.5 meters, increase maximum range by 63 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_3 CL ERL LASER RANGE 3 CL ERL LASER RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_4 CL ERL LASER RANGE 4 CL ERL LASER RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_5 CL ERL LASER RANGE 5 CL ERL LASER RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 37.2 meters, increase maximum range by 74.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 37.2 meters, increase maximum range by 74.4 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 49.6 meters, increase maximum range by 99.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 49.6 meters, increase maximum range by 99.2 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_ER_Large_Laser_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 62 meters, increase maximum range by 124 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER Large Laser by 62 meters, increase maximum range by 124 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_3 CL SRM 2 RANGE 3 CL SRM 2 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_4 CL SRM 2 RANGE 4 CL SRM 2 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_5 CL SRM 2 RANGE 5 CL SRM 2 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 11.34 meters, increase maximum range by 11.34 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 11.34 meters, increase maximum range by 11.34 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 15.12 meters, increase maximum range by 15.12 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 15.12 meters, increase maximum range by 15.12 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM2_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 18.9 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 2 by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 18.9 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_3 CL SRM 4 RANGE 3 CL SRM 4 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_4 CL SRM 4 RANGE 4 CL SRM 4 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_5 CL SRM 4 RANGE 5 CL SRM 4 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 11.34 meters, increase maximum range by 11.34 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 11.34 meters, increase maximum range by 11.34 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 15.12 meters, increase maximum range by 15.12 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 15.12 meters, increase maximum range by 15.12 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM4_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 18.9 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 4 by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 18.9 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_3 CL SRM 6 RANGE 3 CL SRM 6 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_4 CL SRM 6 RANGE 4 CL SRM 6 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_5 CL SRM 6 RANGE 5 CL SRM 6 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 11.34 meters, increase maximum range by 11.34 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 11.34 meters, increase maximum range by 11.34 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 15.12 meters, increase maximum range by 15.12 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 15.12 meters, increase maximum range by 15.12 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_SRM6_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 18.9 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan SRM 6 by 18.9 meters, increase maximum range by 18.9 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_3 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 3 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_4 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 4 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_5 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 5 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 15 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 20 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Streak_SRM6_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 25 meters, increase maximum range by 25 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 25 meters, increase maximum range by 25 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_3 CL UAC/2 RANGE 3 CL UAC/2 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_4 CL UAC/2 RANGE 4 CL UAC/2 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_5 CL UAC/2 RANGE 5 CL UAC/2 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 33.9 meters, increase maximum range by 67.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 33.9 meters, increase maximum range by 67.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 45.2 meters, increase maximum range by 90.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 45.2 meters, increase maximum range by 90.4 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC2_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 56.5 meters, increase maximum range by 113 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 2 by 56.5 meters, increase maximum range by 113 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_3 CL UAC/5 RANGE 3 CL UAC/5 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_4 CL UAC/5 RANGE 4 CL UAC/5 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_5 CL UAC/5 RANGE 5 CL UAC/5 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 26.4 meters, increase maximum range by 52.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 26.4 meters, increase maximum range by 52.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 35.2 meters, increase maximum range by 70.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 35.2 meters, increase maximum range by 70.4 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC5_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 44 meters, increase maximum range by 88 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 5 by 44 meters, increase maximum range by 88 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_3 CL UAC/10 RANGE 3 CL UAC/10 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_4 CL UAC/10 RANGE 4 CL UAC/10 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_5 CL UAC/10 RANGE 5 CL UAC/10 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 22.5 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 22.5 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 60 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC10_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 37.5 meters, increase maximum range by 75 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 10 by 37.5 meters, increase maximum range by 75 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_3 CL UAC/20 RANGE 3 CL UAC/20 RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_4 CL UAC/20 RANGE 4 CL UAC/20 RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_5 CL UAC/20 RANGE 5 CL UAC/20 RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 15 meters, increase maximum range by 30 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 20 meters, increase maximum range by 40 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_UAC20_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 25 meters, increase maximum range by 50 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Ultra AC 20 by 25 meters, increase maximum range by 50 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_3 CL FLAMER RANGE 3 CL FLAMER RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_4 CL FLAMER RANGE 4 CL FLAMER RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_5 CL FLAMER RANGE 5 CL FLAMER RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 6 meters, increase maximum range by 6 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 8 meters, increase maximum range by 8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Flamer_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Flamer by 10 meters, increase maximum range by 10 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_3 CL AMS RANGE 3 CL AMS RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_4 CL AMS RANGE 4 CL AMS RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_5 CL AMS RANGE 5 CL AMS RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 5.04 meters, increase maximum range by 10.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 5.04 meters, increase maximum range by 10.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 6.72 meters, increase maximum range by 13.44 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 6.72 meters, increase maximum range by 13.44 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_AMS_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan AMS by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_3 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 3 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_4 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 4 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_5 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 5 CL MACHINE GUN RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 5.04 meters, increase maximum range by 10.08 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 5.04 meters, increase maximum range by 10.08 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 6.72 meters, increase maximum range by 13.44 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 6.72 meters, increase maximum range by 13.44 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_Machine_Gun_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Machine Gun by 8.4 meters, increase maximum range by 16.8 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_3 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 3 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 3 @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_4 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 4 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 4 @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_5 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 5 CL LB 10-X AC RANGE 5 @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 30 meters, increase maximum range by 60 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 22.5 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 22.5 meters, increase maximum range by 45 meters. @pt_Clan_Longer_LB10XAutoCannon_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 37.5 meters, increase maximum range by 75 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 10-X AC by 37.5 meters, increase maximum range by 75 meters. ui_social_group_officerchat Officer Chat Officer Chat ml_HybridModules MECH/WEAPON 'MECH/WEAPON ui_leaveunit LEAVE UNIT LEAVE UNIT ui_social_unit_sendinvite Invite To Unit Invite To Unit ui_social_unit_acceptinvite ACCEPT UNIT INVITE ACCEPT UNIT INVITE ui_social_unit_declineinvite DECLINE UNIT INVITE DECLINE UNIT INVITE ui_social_send_unit_invite SEND UNIT INVITE SEND UNIT INVITE ui_unable_to_kick_member Unable to kick member. Unable to kick member. ui_ReallyLeaveUnit Do you really wish to leave the Unit? Do you really wish to leave the Unit? ui_social_unit_join has joined the Unit. has joined the Unit. ui_social_unit_quit has left the Unit. has left the Unit. ui_UnitTag UNIT UNIT EHouse_None LONE WOLF LONE WOLF EHouse_PGI PGI PGI EHouse_IGP IGP IGP EHouse_Staff STAFF STAFF EHouse_Merccorps MERC CORPS MERC CORPS EHouse_Davion Davion Davion EHouse_Kurita Kurita Kurita EHouse_Liao Liao Liao EHouse_Marik Marik Marik EHouse_Rasalhague Rasalhague Rasalhague EHouse_Steiner Steiner Steiner EHouse_ClanSmokeJaguar CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR EHouse_ClanJadeFalcon CLAN JADE FALCON CLAN JADE FALCON EHouse_ClanWolf CLAN WOLF CLAN WOLF EHouse_ClanGhostBear CLAN GHOST BEAR CLAN GHOST BEAR EHouse_Clan CLAN CLAN ui_social_unitjoinfactionchangewarning Accepting this Unit invite will change your faction from %0 to %1\nDo you wish to continue? Accepting this Unit invite will change your faction from %0 to %1\nDo you wish to continue? ui_factionchange FACTION CHANGE FACTION CHANGE ui_friends_tab FRIENDS FRIENDS ui_unit_tab UNIT UNIT ui_invites_tab NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION ui_InvalidUnitName_InvalidString Unable to create unit "%0" due to an invalid name. Unable to create unit "%0" due to an invalid name. ui_InvalidUnitName_BadWord Unable to create the unit "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. Unable to create the unit "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. ui_invalid_rank_BadWord The rank name %0 cannot be used as it contains 1 or more filtered words. The rank name %0 cannot be used as it contains 1 or more filtered words. ui_DonateMaxDonation Donation amount must be less than %0 C-Bills. Donation amount must be less than %0 C-Bills. UI_CHANGERANK CHANGE RANK CHANGE RANK ml_SelectNewRank Select a new rank. Select a new rank. ui_InvalidRankName_InvalidString Unable to create add rank as it is an invalid rank name. Unable to create add rank as it is an invalid rank name. ui_InvalidRankName INVALID RANK NAME INVALID RANK NAME ui_unitinvite_invalidunit Unable to send invite to an invalid unit. Unable to send invite to an invalid unit. ui_not_authorized_unit_invite You do not have the required permissions to send unit invites. You do not have the required permissions to send unit invites. ui_error_unitinviteaccept_invalidunit Unable to accept the Unit invite. The invite is no longer valid as the Unit no longer exists or was disbanded. Unable to accept the Unit invite. The invite is no longer valid as the Unit no longer exists or was disbanded. ui_error_unitinviteaccept_unitdisbanded Unable to accept the unit invite. The unit has been disbanded and the unit invite has been deleted. Unable to accept the unit invite. The unit has been disbanded and the unit invite has been deleted. ui_error_unitinviteaccept_alreadyinunit Unable to accept the unit invite. You already belong to a unit. Unable to accept the unit invite. You already belong to a unit. ui_error_unitinviteaccept_unitfull Unable to accept the unit invite. The unit is currently full. Unable to accept the unit invite. The unit is currently full. ui_error_unitinviteaccept_generic Unable to accept the unit invite. Please try again, or contact support.\nError Code: %0 Unable to accept the unit invite. Please try again, or contact support.\nError Code: %0 ui_Error_KickMemberFromUnit_NotAuthorized You do not have the permissions to kick this member from the unit. You do not have the permissions to kick this member from the unit. ui_Error_KickMemberFromUnit_InvalidUnit Unable to kick member. The unit does not exist. Unable to kick member. The unit does not exist. ui_Error_KickMemberFromUnit_UnitDisbanded Unable to kick member. The unit has disbanded. Unable to kick member. The unit has disbanded. ui_Error_KickMemberFromUnit_Generic Unable to kick the member from the unit. Unable to kick the member from the unit. ui_Error_UnitResign_NotAuthorized You do not have the permissions to transfer unit leadership. You do not have the permissions to transfer unit leadership. ui_Error_UnitResign_InvalidUnit Unable to transfer unit leadership. The unit does not exist. Unable to transfer unit leadership. The unit does not exist. ui_Error_UnitResign_InvalidUnitMember Unable to transfer unit leadership. The player does not belong to the unit. Unable to transfer unit leadership. The player does not belong to the unit. ui_Error_UnitResign_Generic An error occrued while trying to transfer unit leadership. An error occrued while trying to transfer unit leadership. ui_Error_RankReassign_Leader You do not have permission to reassign the unit leader's rank. You do not have permission to reassign the unit leader's rank. ui_Error_RankReassign_InvalidUnitMember Unable to reassign player rank. The player does not belong in the unit. Unable to reassign player rank. The player does not belong in the unit. ui_Error_RankReassign_InvalidRankID Unable to reassign player rank. The rank does not exist. Unable to reassign player rank. The rank does not exist. ui_Error_RankReassign_AbovePromotionOther You may not promote other members to a rank higher than your own. You may not promote other members to a rank higher than your own. ui_Error_RankReassign_EqualRanks Unable to change the rank of someone who has the same or greater rank. Unable to change the rank of someone who has the same or greater rank. ui_Error_RankReassign_Generic Unable to reassign the player rank. Unable to reassign the player rank. ui_Error_DisbandUnit_NotEmpty Unable to disband the unit. The unit still has members in it. Unable to disband the unit. The unit still has members in it. ui_Error_DisbandUnit_Generic Unable to disband the unit. Unable to disband the unit. ui_Error_RankReassign_NoPermissionsOther You do not have the permissions to change another member's rank. You do not have the permissions to change another member's rank. ui_Error_RankReassign_NoPermissionsSelf You do not have the permissions to change your own rank. You do not have the permissions to change your own rank. ui_Error_RankReassign_AbovePromotionSelf You may not promote yourself to a higher rank. You may not promote yourself to a higher rank. ui_RemoveMember Remove Member Remove Member ui_Social_InviteToUnit Send unit invitation to %0? Send unit invitation to %0? ui_social_send_friendinvite SEND FRIEND INVITE SEND FRIEND INVITE ui_social_unitinvite UNIT INVITE UNIT INVITE QKD-4GC QUICKDRAW QKD-4G(C) QUICKDRAW QKD-4G(C) QKD-4GC_desc QUICKDRAW QKD-4G(C) description QUICKDRAW QKD-4G(C) QKD-4GC_short QKD-4G(C) QKD-4G(C) GRF-1E SPARKY SPARKY GRF-1E_desc The personal 'Mech of Elle Bennett. The personal 'Mech of Elle Bennett. GRF-1E_short GRF-1E GRF-1E ui_error_UnitInvite_AlreadyInvited Player already has an invitation to your unit. Player already has an invitation to your unit. ui_social_chat_group_notpartofgroup You no longer have access to this channel. You no longer have access to this channel. ui_social_unit_leader UNIT LEADER UNIT LEADER pt_small_laser_cooldown_2 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 2 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 2 pt_small_laser_cooldown_3 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 3 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 3 pt_small_laser_cooldown_4 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 4 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 4 pt_small_laser_cooldown_5 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 5 IS S. LASER COOLDOWN 5 pt_medium_laser_cooldown_1 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 1 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 1 pt_medium_laser_cooldown_2 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 2 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 2 pt_medium_laser_cooldown_3 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 3 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 3 pt_medium_laser_cooldown_4 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 4 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 4 pt_medium_laser_cooldown_5 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 5 IS M. LASER COOLDOWN 5 pt_large_laser_cooldown_1 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 1 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 1 pt_large_laser_cooldown_2 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 2 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 2 pt_large_laser_cooldown_3 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 3 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 3 pt_large_laser_cooldown_4 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 4 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 4 pt_large_laser_cooldown_5 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 5 IS L. LASER COOLDOWN 5 pt_er_large_laser_cooldown_1 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 1 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 1 pt_er_large_laser_cooldown_2 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 2 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 2 pt_er_large_laser_cooldown_3 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 3 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 3 pt_er_large_laser_cooldown_4 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 4 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 4 pt_er_large_laser_cooldown_5 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 5 IS ERL LASER COOLDOWN 5 pt_lrm20_cooldown_1 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 1 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 1 pt_lrm20_cooldown_2 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 2 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 2 pt_lrm20_cooldown_3 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 3 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 3 pt_lrm20_cooldown_4 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 4 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 4 pt_lrm20_cooldown_5 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 5 IS LRM 20 COOLDOWN 5 pt_lrm5_cooldown_1 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 1 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 1 pt_lrm5_cooldown_2 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 2 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 2 pt_lrm5_cooldown_3 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 3 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 3 pt_lrm5_cooldown_4 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 4 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 4 pt_lrm5_cooldown_5 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 5 IS LRM 5 COOLDOWN 5 pt_lrm10_cooldown_1 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 1 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 1 pt_lrm10_cooldown_2 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 2 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 2 pt_lrm10_cooldown_3 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 3 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 3 pt_lrm10_cooldown_4 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 4 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 4 pt_lrm10_cooldown_5 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 5 IS LRM 10 COOLDOWN 5 pt_lrm15_cooldown_1 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 1 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 1 pt_lrm15_cooldown_2 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 2 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 2 pt_lrm15_cooldown_3 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 3 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 3 pt_lrm15_cooldown_4 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 4 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 4 pt_lrm15_cooldown_5 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 5 IS LRM 15 COOLDOWN 5 pt_srm6_cooldown_1 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 pt_srm6_cooldown_2 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 pt_srm6_cooldown_3 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 pt_srm6_cooldown_4 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 pt_srm6_cooldown_5 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 IS SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 pt_srm2_cooldown_1 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 pt_srm2_cooldown_2 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 pt_srm2_cooldown_3 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 pt_srm2_cooldown_4 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 pt_srm2_cooldown_5 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 IS SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 pt_srm4_cooldown_1 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 pt_srm4_cooldown_2 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 pt_srm4_cooldown_3 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 pt_srm4_cooldown_4 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 pt_srm4_cooldown_5 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 IS SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 pt_streak_srm2_cooldown_1 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 pt_streak_srm2_cooldown_2 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 pt_streak_srm2_cooldown_3 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 pt_streak_srm2_cooldown_4 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 pt_streak_srm2_cooldown_5 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 IS SSRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 pt_ppc_cooldown_1 IS PPC COOLDOWN 1 IS PPC COOLDOWN 1 pt_ppc_cooldown_2 IS PPC COOLDOWN 2 IS PPC COOLDOWN 2 pt_ppc_cooldown_3 IS PPC COOLDOWN 3 IS PPC COOLDOWN 3 pt_ppc_cooldown_4 IS PPC COOLDOWN 4 IS PPC COOLDOWN 4 pt_ppc_cooldown_5 IS PPC COOLDOWN 5 IS PPC COOLDOWN 5 pt_er_ppc_cooldown_1 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 1 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 1 pt_er_ppc_cooldown_2 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 2 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 2 pt_er_ppc_cooldown_3 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 3 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 3 pt_er_ppc_cooldown_4 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 4 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 4 pt_er_ppc_cooldown_5 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 5 IS ER PPC COOLDOWN 5 pt_large_pulse_laser_cooldown_1 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 1 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 1 pt_large_pulse_laser_cooldown_2 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 2 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 2 pt_large_pulse_laser_cooldown_3 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 3 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 3 pt_large_pulse_laser_cooldown_4 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 4 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 4 pt_large_pulse_laser_cooldown_5 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 5 IS LP LASER COOLDOWN 5 pt_medium_pulse_laser_cooldown_1 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 1 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 1 pt_medium_pulse_laser_cooldown_2 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 2 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 2 pt_medium_pulse_laser_cooldown_3 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 3 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 3 pt_medium_pulse_laser_cooldown_4 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 4 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 4 pt_medium_pulse_laser_cooldown_5 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 5 IS MP LASER COOLDOWN 5 pt_small_pulse_laser_cooldown_1 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 1 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 1 pt_small_pulse_laser_cooldown_2 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 2 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 2 pt_small_pulse_laser_cooldown_3 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 3 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 3 pt_small_pulse_laser_cooldown_4 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 4 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 4 pt_small_pulse_laser_cooldown_5 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 5 IS SP LASER COOLDOWN 5 pt_ac10_cooldown_1 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 1 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 1 pt_ac10_cooldown_2 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 2 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 2 pt_ac10_cooldown_3 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 3 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 3 pt_ac10_cooldown_4 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 4 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 4 pt_ac10_cooldown_5 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 5 IS AC/10 COOLDOWN 5 pt_ac5_cooldown_1 IS AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 IS AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 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Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 7.2%. pt_Clan_streak_srm2_cooldown_4_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 9.6%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 9.6%. pt_Clan_streak_srm2_cooldown_5_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 12%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 12%. HUD_ResumeGame Resume Game Resume Game HUD_ActiveNoColon ACTIVE ACTIVE HUD_Inactive INACTIVE INACTIVE _m_toggle_ams Toggle AMS Toggle AMS ui_option_enableallchat ENABLE ALL CHAT ENABLE ALL CHAT ui_option_enableteamchat ENABLE TEAM CHAT ENABLE TEAM CHAT ui_option_enablelancechat ENABLE LANCE CHAT ENABLE LANCE CHAT Cupcake_name CUPCAKE CUPCAKE Cupcake_desc First year anniversary cupcake! First year anniversary cupcake! maddog Mad Dog Mad Dog mdd-primei MAD DOG MDD-PRIME(I) MAD DOG MDD-PRIME(I) mdd-primei_desc MAD DOG MDD-PRIME(I) description MAD DOG MDD-PRIME(I) description mdd-primei_short MDD-PRIME(I) MDD-PRIME(I) mdd-prime MAD DOG MDD-PRIME MAD DOG MDD-PRIME mdd-prime_desc MAD DOG MDD-PRIME description MAD DOG MDD-PRIME description mdd-prime_short MDD-PRIME MDD-PRIME mdd-a MAD DOG MDD-A MAD DOG MDD-A mdd-a_desc MAD DOG MDD-A description MAD DOG MDD-A description mdd-a_short MDD-A MDD-A mdd-b MAD DOG MDD-B MAD DOG MDD-B mdd-b_desc MAD DOG MDD-B description MAD DOG MDD-B description mdd-b_short MDD-B MDD-B emechmodel_maddog MAD DOG MAD DOG omnipod_mdd-prime_head MDD-PRIME HEAD MDD-PRIME HEAD omnipod_mdd-prime_head_desc MDD-PRIME Head OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-prime_left_arm MDD-PRIME LEFT ARM MDD-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_mdd-prime_left_arm_desc MDD-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-prime_left_torso MDD-PRIME LEFT TORSO MDD-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_mdd-prime_left_torso_desc MDD-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-prime_right_torso MDD-PRIME RIGHT TORSO MDD-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mdd-prime_right_torso_desc MDD-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-prime_centre_torso MDD-PRIME CENTER TORSO MDD-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_mdd-prime_centre_torso_desc MDD-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-prime_right_arm MDD-PRIME RIGHT ARM MDD-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_mdd-prime_right_arm_desc MDD-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-prime_left_leg MDD-PRIME LEFT LEG MDD-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_mdd-prime_left_leg_desc MDD-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-prime_right_leg MDD-PRIME RIGHT LEG MDD-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_mdd-prime_right_leg_desc MDD-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. MDD-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_head MDD-A HEAD MDD-A HEAD omnipod_mdd-a_head_desc MDD-A Head OmniPod. MDD-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_left_arm MDD-A LEFT ARM MDD-A LEFT ARM omnipod_mdd-a_left_arm_desc MDD-A Left Arm OmniPod. MDD-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_left_torso MDD-A LEFT TORSO MDD-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_mdd-a_left_torso_desc MDD-A Left Torso OmniPod. MDD-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_right_torso MDD-A RIGHT TORSO MDD-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mdd-a_right_torso_desc MDD-A Right Torso OmniPod. MDD-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_centre_torso MDD-A CENTER TORSO MDD-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_mdd-a_centre_torso_desc MDD-A Center Torso OmniPod. MDD-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_right_arm MDD-A RIGHT ARM MDD-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_mdd-a_right_arm_desc MDD-A Right Arm OmniPod. MDD-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_left_leg MDD-A LEFT LEG MDD-A LEFT LEG omnipod_mdd-a_left_leg_desc MDD-A Left Leg OmniPod. MDD-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-a_right_leg MDD-A RIGHT LEG MDD-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_mdd-a_right_leg_desc MDD-A Right Leg OmniPod. MDD-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_head MDD-B HEAD MDD-B HEAD omnipod_mdd-b_head_desc MDD-B Head OmniPod. MDD-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_left_arm MDD-B LEFT ARM MDD-B LEFT ARM omnipod_mdd-b_left_arm_desc MDD-B Left Arm OmniPod. MDD-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_left_torso MDD-B LEFT TORSO MDD-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_mdd-b_left_torso_desc MDD-B Left Torso OmniPod. MDD-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_right_torso MDD-B RIGHT TORSO MDD-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mdd-b_right_torso_desc MDD-B Right Torso OmniPod. MDD-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_centre_torso MDD-B CENTER TORSO MDD-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_mdd-b_centre_torso_desc MDD-B Center Torso OmniPod. MDD-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_right_arm MDD-B RIGHT ARM MDD-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_mdd-b_right_arm_desc MDD-B Right Arm OmniPod. MDD-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_left_leg MDD-B LEFT LEG MDD-B LEFT LEG omnipod_mdd-b_left_leg_desc MDD-B Left Leg OmniPod. MDD-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-b_right_leg MDD-B RIGHT LEG MDD-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_mdd-b_right_leg_desc MDD-B Right Leg OmniPod. MDD-B Right Leg OmniPod. pt_Longer_UAC5_1 IS UAC/5 RANGE 1 IS UAC/5 RANGE 1 pt_Longer_UAC5_2 IS UAC/5 RANGE 2 IS UAC/5 RANGE 2 pt_Longer_UAC5_3 IS UAC/5 RANGE 3 IS UAC/5 RANGE 3 pt_Longer_UAC5_4 IS UAC/5 RANGE 4 IS UAC/5 RANGE 4 pt_Longer_UAC5_5 IS UAC/5 RANGE 5 IS UAC/5 RANGE 5 pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_1 IS ERL LASER RANGE 1 IS ERL LASER RANGE 1 pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_2 IS ERL LASER RANGE 2 IS ERL LASER RANGE 2 pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_3 IS ERL LASER RANGE 3 IS ERL LASER RANGE 3 pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_4 IS ERL LASER RANGE 4 IS ERL LASER RANGE 4 pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_5 IS ERL LASER RANGE 5 IS ERL LASER RANGE 5 pt_Longer_LRM20_1 IS LRM 20 RANGE 1 IS LRM 20 RANGE 1 pt_Longer_LRM20_2 IS LRM 20 RANGE 2 IS LRM 20 RANGE 2 pt_Longer_LRM20_3 IS LRM 20 RANGE 3 IS LRM 20 RANGE 3 pt_Longer_LRM20_4 IS LRM 20 RANGE 4 IS LRM 20 RANGE 4 pt_Longer_LRM20_5 IS LRM 20 RANGE 5 IS LRM 20 RANGE 5 pt_Longer_LRM10_1 IS LRM 10 RANGE 1 IS LRM 10 RANGE 1 pt_Longer_LRM10_2 IS LRM 10 RANGE 2 IS LRM 10 RANGE 2 pt_Longer_LRM10_3 IS LRM 10 RANGE 3 IS LRM 10 RANGE 3 pt_Longer_LRM10_4 IS LRM 10 RANGE 4 IS LRM 10 RANGE 4 pt_Longer_LRM10_5 IS LRM 10 RANGE 5 IS LRM 10 RANGE 5 pt_Longer_LRM15_1 IS LRM 15 RANGE 1 IS LRM 15 RANGE 1 pt_Longer_LRM15_2 IS LRM 15 RANGE 2 IS LRM 15 RANGE 2 pt_Longer_LRM15_3 IS LRM 15 RANGE 3 IS LRM 15 RANGE 3 pt_Longer_LRM15_4 IS LRM 15 RANGE 4 IS LRM 15 RANGE 4 pt_Longer_LRM15_5 IS LRM 15 RANGE 5 IS LRM 15 RANGE 5 pt_Longer_ERPPC_1 IS ER PPC RANGE 1 IS ER PPC RANGE 1 pt_Longer_ERPPC_2 IS ER PPC RANGE 2 IS ER PPC RANGE 2 pt_Longer_ERPPC_3 IS ER PPC RANGE 3 IS ER PPC RANGE 3 pt_Longer_ERPPC_4 IS ER PPC RANGE 4 IS ER PPC RANGE 4 pt_Longer_ERPPC_5 IS ER PPC RANGE 5 IS ER PPC RANGE 5 pt_Longer_PPC_1 IS PPC RANGE 1 IS PPC RANGE 1 pt_Longer_PPC_2 IS PPC RANGE 2 IS PPC RANGE 2 pt_Longer_PPC_3 IS PPC RANGE 3 IS PPC RANGE 3 pt_Longer_PPC_4 IS PPC RANGE 4 IS PPC RANGE 4 pt_Longer_PPC_5 IS PPC RANGE 5 IS PPC RANGE 5 pt_Longer_Gauss_1 IS GAUSS RANGE 1 IS GAUSS RANGE 1 pt_Longer_Gauss_2 IS GAUSS RANGE 2 IS GAUSS RANGE 2 pt_Longer_Gauss_3 IS GAUSS RANGE 3 IS GAUSS RANGE 3 pt_Longer_Gauss_4 IS GAUSS RANGE 4 IS GAUSS RANGE 4 pt_Longer_Gauss_5 IS GAUSS RANGE 5 IS GAUSS RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_1 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 1 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_2 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 2 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_3 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 3 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_4 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 4 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_5 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 5 CL LB 2-X AC RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_1 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 1 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_2 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 2 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_3 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 3 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_4 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 4 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_5 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 5 CL LB 5-X AC RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_1 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 1 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_2 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 2 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_3 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 3 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_4 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 4 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_5 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 5 CL LB 20-X AC RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_1 CL GAUSS RANGE 1 CL GAUSS RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_2 CL GAUSS RANGE 2 CL GAUSS RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_3 CL GAUSS RANGE 3 CL GAUSS RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_4 CL GAUSS RANGE 4 CL GAUSS RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_5 CL GAUSS RANGE 5 CL GAUSS RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_1 CL ER PPC RANGE 1 CL ER PPC RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_2 CL ER PPC RANGE 2 CL ER PPC RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_3 CL ER PPC RANGE 3 CL ER PPC RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_4 CL ER PPC RANGE 4 CL ER PPC RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_5 CL ER PPC RANGE 5 CL ER PPC RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_1 CL LRM 5 RANGE 1 CL LRM 5 RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_2 CL LRM 5 RANGE 2 CL LRM 5 RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_3 CL LRM 5 RANGE 3 CL LRM 5 RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_4 CL LRM 5 RANGE 4 CL LRM 5 RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_5 CL LRM 5 RANGE 5 CL LRM 5 RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_1 CL LRM 10 RANGE 1 CL LRM 10 RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_2 CL LRM 10 RANGE 2 CL LRM 10 RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_3 CL LRM 10 RANGE 3 CL LRM 10 RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_4 CL LRM 10 RANGE 4 CL LRM 10 RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_5 CL LRM 10 RANGE 5 CL LRM 10 RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_1 CL LRM 15 RANGE 1 CL LRM 15 RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_2 CL LRM 15 RANGE 2 CL LRM 15 RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_3 CL LRM 15 RANGE 3 CL LRM 15 RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_4 CL LRM 15 RANGE 4 CL LRM 15 RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_5 CL LRM 15 RANGE 5 CL LRM 15 RANGE 5 pt_error / / pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_1 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 1 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_2 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 2 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_3 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 3 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_4 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 4 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_5 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 5 CL SSRM 4 RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_1 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 1 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_2 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 2 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_3 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 3 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_4 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 4 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_5 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 5 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 5 pt_Cooldown_UAC5_1 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 1 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 1 pt_Cooldown_UAC5_2 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 2 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 2 pt_Cooldown_UAC5_3 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 3 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 3 pt_Cooldown_UAC5_4 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 4 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 4 pt_Cooldown_UAC5_5 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 5 IS UAC/5 COOLDOWN 5 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_1 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 1 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 1 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_2 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 2 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 2 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_3 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 3 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 3 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_4 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 4 CL LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 4 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_5 CLAN LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 5 CLAN LB 2-X AC COOLDOWN 5 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_1 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 1 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 1 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_2 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 2 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 2 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_3 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 3 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 3 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_4 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 4 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 4 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_5 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 5 CL LB 5-X AC COOLDOWN 5 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_1 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 1 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 1 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_2 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 2 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 2 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_3 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 3 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 3 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_4 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 4 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 4 pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_5 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 5 CL LB 20-X AC COOLDOWN 5 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_1 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_2 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_3 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_4 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_5 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 CL SSRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_1 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_2 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_3 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_4 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_5 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 CL SSRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 pt_Longer_UAC5_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 12 meters, increase maximum range by 24 meters. pt_Longer_UAC5_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 48 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 24 meters, increase maximum range by 48 meters. pt_Longer_UAC5_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 36 meters, increase maximum range by 72 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 36 meters, increase maximum range by 72 meters. pt_Longer_UAC5_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 48 meters, increase maximum range by 96 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 48 meters, increase maximum range by 96 meters. pt_Longer_UAC5_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 60 meters, increase maximum range by 120 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 60 meters, increase maximum range by 120 meters. pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 13.5 meters, increase the maximum range by 27 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 13.5 meters, increase the maximum range by 27 meters. pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 27 meters, increase the maximum range by 54 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 27 meters, increase the maximum range by 54 meters. pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 40.5 meters, increase the maximum range by 81 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 40.5 meters, increase the maximum range by 81 meters. pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 54 meters, increase the maximum range by 108 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 54 meters, increase the maximum range by 108 meters. pt_Longer_ERLargeLaser_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 67.5 meters, increase the maximum range by 135 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 67.5 meters, increase the maximum range by 135 meters. pt_Longer_LRM20_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Longer_LRM20_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Longer_LRM20_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Longer_LRM20_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Longer_LRM20_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. pt_Longer_LRM10_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Longer_LRM10_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Longer_LRM10_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Longer_LRM10_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Longer_LRM10_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. pt_Longer_LRM15_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Longer_LRM15_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Longer_LRM15_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Longer_LRM15_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Longer_LRM15_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. pt_Longer_ERPPC_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 16.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 32.4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 16.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 32.4 meters. pt_Longer_ERPPC_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 32.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 64.8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 32.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 64.8 meters. pt_Longer_ERPPC_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 48.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 97.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 48.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 97.2 meters. pt_Longer_ERPPC_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 64.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 129.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 64.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 129.6 meters. pt_Longer_ERPPC_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 81 meters, increase the maximum range by 162 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere ER PPC by 81 meters, increase the maximum range by 162 meters. pt_Longer_PPC_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 10.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 32.4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 10.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 21.6 meters. pt_Longer_PPC_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 43.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 43.2 meters. pt_Longer_PPC_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 32.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 64.8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 32.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 64.8 meters. pt_Longer_PPC_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 43.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 86.4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 43.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 86.4 meters. pt_Longer_PPC_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 54 meters, increase the maximum range by 108 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere PPC by 54 meters, increase the maximum range by 108 meters. pt_Longer_Gauss_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 13.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 39.6 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 13.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 39.6 meters. pt_Longer_Gauss_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 26.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 79.2 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 26.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 79.2 meters. pt_Longer_Gauss_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 39.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 118.8 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 39.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 118.8 meters. pt_Longer_Gauss_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 52.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 158.4 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 52.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 158.4 meters. pt_Longer_Gauss_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 66 meters, increase the maximum range by 198 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 66 meters, increase the maximum range by 198 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 18 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 18 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 72 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 72 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 54 meters, increase the maximum range by 108 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 54 meters, increase the maximum range by 108 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 90 meters, increase the maximum range by 180 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 90 meters, increase the maximum range by 180 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB2XAutoCannon_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 72 meters, increase the maximum range by 144 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 2-X AC by 72 meters, increase the maximum range by 144 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 57.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 57.6 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 43.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 86.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 43.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 86.4 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 72 meters, increase the maximum range by 144 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 72 meters, increase the maximum range by 144 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB5XAutoCannon_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 57.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 115.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 5-X AC by 57.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 115.2 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 43.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 43.2 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 57.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 57.6 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LB20XAutoCannon_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 72 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LB 20-X AC by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 72 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 13.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 39.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 13.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 39.6 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 26.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 79.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 26.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 79.2 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 39.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 118.9 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 39.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 118.8 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 52.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 158.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 52.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 158.4 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_Gauss_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 66 meters, increase the maximum range by 198 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Gauss Rifle by 66 meters, increase the maximum range by 198 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 16.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 32.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 16.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 32.4 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 32.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 64.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 32.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 64.8 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 48.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 97.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 48.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 97.2 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 64.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 129.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 64.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 129.6 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_ERPPC_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 81 meters, increase the maximum range by 162 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan ER PPC by 81 meters, increase the maximum range by 162 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM5_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 5 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM10_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 10 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM15_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 15 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM20_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM20_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM20_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM20_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_LRM20_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan LRM 20 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 7.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 7.2 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 21.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 21.6 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM4_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 4 by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 7.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 7.2 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 21.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 21.6 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 6 by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. pt_Cooldown_UAC5_1_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 2.4%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 2.4%. pt_Cooldown_UAC5_2_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 4.8%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 4.8%. pt_Cooldown_UAC5_3_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 7.2%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 7.2%. pt_Cooldown_UAC5_4_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 9.6%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 9.6%. pt_Cooldown_UAC5_5_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 12%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Inner Sphere UAC/5 by 12%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_1_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 2.4%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 2.4%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_2_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 4.8%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 4.8%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_3_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 7.2%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 7.2%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_4_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 9.6%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 9.6%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB2X_5_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 12%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X AC by 12%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_1_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 2.4%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 2.4%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_2_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 4.8%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 4.8%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_3_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 7.2%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 7.2%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_4_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 9.6%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 9.6%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB5X_5_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 12%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X AC by 12%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_1_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 2.4%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 2.4%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_2_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 4.8%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 4.8%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_3_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 7.2%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 7.2%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_4_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 9.6%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 9.6%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_LB20X_5_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 12%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X AC by 12%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_1_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 2.4%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 2.4%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_2_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 4.8%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 4.8%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_3_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 7.2%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 7.2%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_4_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 9.6%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 9.6%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM4_5_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 12%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 12%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_1_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 2.4%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 2.4%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_2_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 4.8%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 4.8%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_3_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 7.2%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 7.2%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_4_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 9.6%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 9.6%. pt_Clan_Cooldown_SSRM6_5_desc Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 12%. Decreases the Cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 12%. ClappingSurat_name CLAPPING SURAT CLAPPING SURAT ClappingSurat_desc Your most enthusiastic supporter! Your most enthusiastic supporter! ui_mechfactory THE MINING COLLECTIVE THE MINING COLLECTIVE ui_mechfactory_detail1 11 C 11 C ui_mechfactory_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_mechfactory_detail3 23% 23% ui_gxpearned GXP EARNED GXP EARNED ui_NumOwnedUp Variants Owned (ASC) Variants Owned (ASC) ui_NumOwnedDown Variants Owned (DESC) Variants Owned (DESC) ui_option_RewardDisplayMode REWARD DISPLAY MODE REWARD DISPLAY MODE ui_reward_modern MODERN MODERN ui_reward_classic CLASSIC CLASSIC HUD_AWARD_Win WIN WIN HUD_AWARD_Loss LOSS LOSS HUD_AWARD_Tie TIE TIE HUD_AWARD_TeamKill TEAM KILL TEAM KILL HUD_AWARD_SpottingAssist SPOTTING ASSIST SPOTTING ASSIST HUD_AWARD_ComponentDestroyed COMPONENT DESTROYED COMPONENT DESTROYED HUD_AWARD_CaptureWin CAPTURE SUCCESS CAPTURE SUCCESS HUD_AWARD_CaptureAssist CAPTURE ASSIST CAPTURE ASSIST HUD_AWARD_ConquestWin CONQUEST WIN CONQUEST WIN HUD_AWARD_Suicide SUICIDE SUICIDE HUD_AWARD_SaviorKill SAVIOR KILL SAVIOR KILL HUD_AWARD_DefensiveKill DEFENSIVE KILL DEFENSIVE KILL HUD_AWARD_UAVKill UAV KILL UAV KILL HUD_AWARD_UAVLockedDamage UAV LOCKED DAMAGE UAV LOCKED DAMAGE HUD_AWARD_UAVDetection UAV DETECTION UAV DETECTION HUD_AWARD_CounterECM COUNTER ECM COUNTER ECM HUD_AWARD_CounterECMLockedDamage COUNTER ECM LOCKED DMG COUNTER ECM LOCKED DMG HUD_AWARD_TurretKill TURRET KILL TURRET KILL HUD_AWARD_TagNarc LOCK DAMAGE ASSIST LOCK DAMAGE ASSIST HUD_AWARD_KillBlow KILLING BLOW KILLING BLOW HUD_AWARD_KillAssist KILL ASSIST KILL ASSIST HUD_AWARD_TeamDamage TEAM DAMAGE TEAM DAMAGE HUD_AWARD_ConquestBonus CONQUEST BONUS CONQUEST BONUS HUD_AWARD_SalvageBonus SALVAGE BONUS SALVAGE BONUS HUD_AWARD_KillMostDamage KILL MOST DAMAGE DEALT KILL MOST DAMAGE DEALT HUD_AWARD_SoloKill SOLO KILL SOLO KILL HUD_AWARD_Scouting SCOUTING SCOUTING HUD_AWARD_Flanking FLANKING FLANKING HUD_AWARD_Capture CAPTURE CAPTURE HUD_AWARD_CapturePulse CAPTURING BASE CAPTURING BASE HUD_AWARD_FirstCapture FIRST CAPTURE FIRST CAPTURE HUD_AWARD_Brawling BRAWLING BRAWLING HUD_AWARD_TagDamage TAG DAMAGE TAG DAMAGE HUD_AWARD_TagKill TAG KILL TAG KILL HUD_AWARD_NarcKill NARC KILL NARC KILL HUD_AWARD_HitAndRun HIT AND RUN HIT AND RUN HUD_AWARD_TagStealth TAG STEALTH TAG STEALTH HUD_AWARD_LanceFormation LANCE IN FORMATION LANCE IN FORMATION HUD_AWARD_ProtectedMedium PROTECTED MEDIUM PROTECTED MEDIUM HUD_AWARD_ProtectedLight PROTECTED LIGHT PROTECTED LIGHT HUD_AWARD_ProtectProximity PROTECTION PROXIMITY PROTECTION PROXIMITY ui_NumVariants Variants: Variants: pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_1 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 1 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 1 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM6_2 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 2 CL SSRM 6 RANGE 2 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_3 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 3 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 3 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_4 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 4 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 4 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_5 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 5 CL SSRM 2 RANGE 5 pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_1_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 7.2 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 7.2 meters, increase the maximum range by 7.2 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_2_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 14.4 meters, increase the maximum range by 14.4 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_3_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 21.6 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 21.6 meters, increase the maximum range by 21.6 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_4_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 28.8 meters, increase the maximum range by 28.8 meters. pt_Clan_Longer_SSRM2_5_desc Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. Increase the long range of a Clan Streak SRM 2 by 36 meters, increase the maximum range by 36 meters. pt_clan_longer_lrm20_1 CL LRM 20 RANGE 1 CL LRM 20 RANGE 1 pt_clan_longer_lrm20_2 CL LRM 20 RANGE 2 CL LRM 20 RANGE 2 pt_clan_longer_lrm20_3 CL LRM 20 RANGE 3 CL LRM 20 RANGE 3 pt_clan_longer_lrm20_4 CL LRM 20 RANGE 4 CL LRM 20 RANGE 4 pt_clan_longer_lrm20_5 CL LRM 20 RANGE 5 CL LRM 20 RANGE 5 HUD_AWARD_HitAndRunChain HIT AND RUN CHAIN HIT AND RUN CHAIN HUD_Award_SoloKillChain SOLO KILL CHAIN SOLO KILL CHAIN HUD_Award_FirstCaptureChain FIRST CAPTURE CHAIN FIRST CAPTURE CHAIN HUD_AWARD_BrawlingChain BRAWLING CHAIN BRAWLING CHAIN HUD_Award_DamageDone DAMAGE DONE DAMAGE DONE tbt-7mc TREBUCHET TBT-7M(C) TREBUCHET TBT-7M(C) tbt-7mc_short TBT-7M(C) TBT-7M(C) tbt-7mc_desc TBT-7M(C) description TBT-7M(C) SDR_MasteryLightBundle_name SPIDER BUNDLE SPIDER BUNDLE SDR_MasteryLightBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! JR7_MasteryLightBundle_name JENNER BUNDLE JENNER BUNDLE JR7_MasteryLightBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! CDA_MasteryMedBundle_name CICADA BUNDLE CICADA BUNDLE CDA_MasteryMedBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! HBK_MasteryMedBundle_name HUNCHBACK BUNDLE HUNCHBACK BUNDLE HBK_MasteryMedBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! BJ_MasteryMedBundle_name BLACKJACK BUNDLE BLACKJACK BUNDLE BJ_MasteryMedBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! KTO_MasteryMedBundle_name KINTARO BUNDLE KINTARO BUNDLE KTO_MasteryMedBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! CPLT_MasteryHeavyBundle_name CATAPULT BUNDLE CATAPULT BUNDLE CPLT_MasteryHeavyBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! DRG_MasteryHeavyBundle_name DRAGON BUNDLE DRAGON BUNDLE DRG_MasteryHeavyBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! ON1_MasteryHeavyBundle_name ORION BUNDLE ORION BUNDLE ON1_MasteryHeavyBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! QKD_MasteryHeavyBundle_name QUICKDRAW BUNDLE QUICKDRAW BUNDLE QKD_MasteryHeavyBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! HGN_MasteryAssaultBundle_name HIGHLANDER BUNDLE HIGHLANDER BUNDLE HGN_MasteryAssaultBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! VTR_MasteryAssaultBundle_name VICTOR BUNDLE VICTOR BUNDLE VTR_MasteryAssaultBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! pt_Longer_LRM5_1 IS LRM 5 RANGE 1 IS LRM 5 RANGE 1 pt_Longer_LRM5_2 IS LRM 5 RANGE 2 IS LRM 5 RANGE 2 pt_Longer_LRM5_3 IS LRM 5 RANGE 3 IS LRM 5 RANGE 3 pt_Longer_LRM5_4 IS LRM 5 RANGE 4 IS LRM 5 RANGE 4 pt_Longer_LRM5_5 IS LRM 5 RANGE 5 IS LRM 5 RANGE 5 pt_Longer_LRM5_1_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 20 meters, increase the maximum range by 20 meters. pt_Longer_LRM5_2_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 40 meters, increase the maximum range by 40 meters. pt_Longer_LRM5_3_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 60 meters, increase the maximum range by 60 meters. pt_Longer_LRM5_4_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 80 meters, increase the maximum range by 80 meters. pt_Longer_LRM5_5_desc Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. Increase the long range of an Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 100 meters, increase the maximum range by 100 meters. ui_convertedXP Amount To Convert: Amount To Convert: ui_MechBaySlot_desc Mech Bays are required to store additional Battlemechs. 'Mech Bays are required to store additional Battlemechs. ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch15 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch16 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15 @Stein_o_name MWO logo Stein MWO logo Stein @Stein_o_desc A stein with a MechWarrior Online Logo A stein with a MechWarrior Online Logo Ismap_name Broken Inner Sphere Broken Inner Sphere Ismap_desc A broken inner sphere map with a dagger star hanging item. A broken inner sphere map with a dagger star hanging item. Banner07 Clan Wolf Banner Clan Wolf Banner Banner07_desc A Clan Wolf Banner A Clan Wolf Banner Banner08 Smoke Jaguar Banner Smoke Jaguar Banner Banner08_desc A Smoke Jaguar Banner A Smoke Jaguar Banner Banner09 Jade Falcon Banner Jade Falcon Banner Banner09_desc A Jade Falcon Banner A Jade Falcon Banner Banner10 Ghost Bear Banner Ghost Bear Banner Banner10_desc A Ghost Bear Banner A Ghost Bear Banner Bear_name Plush Bear Plush Bear Bear_desc A plush bear to decorate your cockpit A plush bear to decorate your cockpit Monkey_name Plush Monkey Plush Monkey Monkey_desc A plush monkey to decorate your cockpit A plush monkey to decorate your cockpit Lantern_name Hanging Lantern Hanging Lantern Lantern_desc A hanging lantern for your cockpit A hanging lantern for your cockpit ForRent_name For Rent Sign For Rent Sign ForRent_desc A hanging for rent sign for your cockpit A hanging for rent sign for your cockpit ui_JumpJetViolation_Removal This 'Mech has a Jump Jet violation. All excess Jump Jets will be removed from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a Jump Jet violation. All excess Jump Jets will be removed from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_JumpJetViolation Jump Jet Violation Jump Jet Violation ui_loadout_error_Overtonnage Mech is currently over tonnage 'Mech is currently over tonnage ui_loadout_error_JumpJetViolation Mech currently exceeds maximum number of Jump Jets 'Mech currently exceeds maximum number of Jump Jets ui_quirk_cb_bonus_multiplier C-BILLS BONUS C-BILLS BONUS AS7-S ATLAS AS7-S(L) ATLAS AS7-S(L) AS7-S_desc ATLAS AS7-S(L) description ATLAS AS7-S(L) AS7-S_short AS7-S(L) AS7-S(L) @ui_alreadyinlobby_solo You are already in another lobby. You are already in another lobby. @ui_alreadyinlobby_group A member of your group is already in another lobby. A member of your group is already in another lobby. TDR-9SEC THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(C) THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(C) TDR-9SEC_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(C) description THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(C) description TDR-9SEC_short TDR-9SE(C) TDR-9SE(C) ifr-primei ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME(I) ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME(I) ifr-primei_desc ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME(I) description ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME(I) ifr-primei_short IFR-PRIME(I) IFR-PRIME(I) ifr-prime ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME ifr-prime_desc ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME description ICE FERRET IFR-PRIME ifr-prime_short IFR-PRIME IFR-PRIME ifr-a ICE FERRET IFR-A ICE FERRET IFR-A ifr-a_desc ICE FERRET IFR-A description ICE FERRET IFR-A ifr-a_short IFR-A IFR-A ifr-c ICE FERRET IFR-C ICE FERRET IFR-C ifr-c_desc ICE FERRET IFR-C description ICE FERRET IFR-C ifr-c_short IFR-C IFR-C omnipod_ifr-prime_head IFR-PRIME HEAD IFR-PRIME HEAD omnipod_ifr-prime_head_desc IFR-PRIME Head OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_left_arm_desc IFR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_left_torso IFR-PRIME LEFT TORSO IFR-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_ifr-prime_left_torso_desc IFR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_right_torso IFR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO IFR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ifr-prime_right_torso_desc IFR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_centre_torso IFR-PRIME CENTER TORSO IFR-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_ifr-prime_centre_torso_desc IFR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_right_arm IFR-PRIME RIGHT ARM IFR-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_ifr-prime_right_arm_desc IFR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_left_leg IFR-PRIME LEFT LEG IFR-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_ifr-prime_left_leg_desc IFR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_right_leg IFR-PRIME RIGHT LEG IFR-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_ifr-prime_right_leg_desc IFR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. IFR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-prime_left_arm IFR-PRIME LEFT ARM IFR-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_ifr-a_head IFR-A HEAD IFR-A HEAD omnipod_ifr-a_head_desc IFR-A Head OmniPod. IFR-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-a_left_arm IFR-A LEFT ARM IFR-A LEFT ARM omnipod_ifr-a_left_arm_desc IFR-A Left Arm OmniPod. IFR-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-a_left_torso IFR-A LEFT TORSO IFR-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_ifr-a_left_torso_desc IFR-A Left Torso OmniPod. IFR-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-a_right_torso IFR-A RIGHT TORSO IFR-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ifr-a_right_torso_desc IFR-A Right Torso OmniPod. IFR-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-a_centre_torso IFR-A CENTER TORSO IFR-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_ifr-a_centre_torso_desc IFR-A Center Torso OmniPod. IFR-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-a_right_arm IFR-A RIGHT ARM IFR-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_ifr-a_right_arm_desc IFR-A Right Arm OmniPod. IFR-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-a_left_leg IFR-A LEFT LEG IFR-A LEFT LEG omnipod_ifr-a_left_leg_desc IFR-A Left Leg OmniPod. IFR-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-a_right_leg IFR-A RIGHT LEG IFR-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_ifr-a_right_leg_desc IFR-A Right Leg OmniPod. IFR-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_head IFR-C HEAD IFR-C HEAD omnipod_ifr-c_head_desc IFR-C Head OmniPod. IFR-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_left_arm IFR-C LEFT ARM IFR-C LEFT ARM omnipod_ifr-c_left_arm_desc IFR-C Left Arm OmniPod. IFR-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_left_torso IFR-C LEFT TORSO IFR-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_ifr-c_left_torso_desc IFR-C Left Torso OmniPod. IFR-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_right_torso IFR-C RIGHT TORSO IFR-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ifr-c_right_torso_desc IFR-C Right Torso OmniPod. IFR-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_centre_torso IFR-C CENTER TORSO IFR-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_ifr-c_centre_torso_desc IFR-C Center Torso OmniPod. IFR-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_right_arm IFR-C RIGHT ARM IFR-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_ifr-c_right_arm_desc IFR-C Right Arm OmniPod. IFR-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_left_leg IFR-C LEFT LEG IFR-C LEFT LEG omnipod_ifr-c_left_leg_desc IFR-C Left Leg OmniPod. IFR-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-c_right_leg IFR-C RIGHT LEG IFR-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_ifr-c_right_leg_desc IFR-C Right Leg OmniPod. IFR-C Right Leg OmniPod. emechmodel_iceferret ICE FERRET ICE FERRET iceferret ICE FERRET ICE FERRET @ui_Col_Ghost_Bear_Blue GHOST BEAR BLUE GHOST BEAR BLUE @ui_Col_Ghost_Bear_White GHOST BEAR WHITE GHOST BEAR WHITE @ui_Col_Ghost_Bear_Slate GHOST BEAR SLATE GHOST BEAR SLATE @ui_Col_Jade_Falcon_Green JADE FALCON GREEN JADE FALCON GREEN @ui_Col_Jade_Falcon_Lime JADE FALCON LIME JADE FALCON LIME @ui_Col_Jade_Falcon_Gold JADE FALCON GOLD JADE FALCON GOLD @ui_Col_Smoke_Jaguar_Grey SMOKE JAGUAR GREY SMOKE JAGUAR GREY @ui_Col_Smoke_Jaguar_Black SMOKE JAGUAR BLACK SMOKE JAGUAR BLACK @ui_Col_Smoke_Jaguar_Red SMOKE JAGUAR RED SMOKE JAGUAR RED @ui_Col_Wolf_Brown WOLF BROWN WOLF BROWN @ui_Col_Wolf_Green WOLF GREEN WOLF GREEN @ui_Col_Wolf_Silver WOLF SILVER WOLF SILVER @ui_Pal_Ghost_Bear GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR @ui_Pal_Jade_Falcon JADE FALCON JADE FALCON @ui_Pal_Smoke_Jaguar SMOKE JAGUAR SMOKE JAGUAR @ui_Pal_Wolf WOLF WOLF ui_TonnageFilter Tonnage Tonnage ui_TonnageFilterValue <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">Min: %0</font> <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">Min: %0 Current: %1 Max: %2</font> pt_shield_3_ams_ammo_feed_desc Increases the damage of AMS from 3.5 to 6.0. Increases the damage of AMS from 3.5 to 6.0. pt_tuned_narc_desc Increased speed to 600. \n Increased Tag Duration to 40. \n Increased EMP duration to 40. Increased speed to 600. \n Increased Tag Duration to 40. \n Increased EMP duration to 40. pt_shield_3_ams_ammo_feed AMS OVERLOAD AMS OVERLOAD pt_tuned_narc TUNED NARC TUNED NARC qrk_accellerp_lowrate_mult ACCELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) ACCELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_accellerp_midrate_mult ACCELERATION RATE (MED SPEED) ACCELERATION RATE (MED SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_accellerp_highrate_mult ACCELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) ACCELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_decellerp_lowrate_mult DECELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) DECELERATION RATE (LOW SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_decellerp_midrate_mult DECELERATION RATE (MED SPEED) DECELERATION RATE (MED SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_decellerp_highrate_mult DECELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) DECELERATION RATE (HIGH SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_turnlerp_lowrate_mult TURN RATE (LOW SPEED) TURN RATE (LOW SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_turnlerp_midrate_mult TURN RATE (MED SPEED) TURN RATE (MED SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_turnlerp_highrate_mult TURN RATE (HIGH SPEED) TURN RATE (HIGH SPEED) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_reversespeed_mult REVERSE SPEED REVERSE SPEED AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_speed_mult SPEED SPEED AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_all_add BASE ARMOR (FULL BODY) BASE ARMOR (FULL BODY) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ct_add BASE ARMOR (CT) BASE ARMOR (CT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_lt_add BASE ARMOR (LT) BASE ARMOR (LT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_rt_add BASE ARMOR (RT) BASE ARMOR (RT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_la_add BASE ARMOR (LA) BASE ARMOR (LA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ra_add BASE ARMOR (RA) BASE ARMOR (RA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ll_add BASE ARMOR (LL) BASE ARMOR (LL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_rl_add BASE ARMOR (RL) BASE ARMOR (RL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_hd_add BASE ARMOR (HD) BASE ARMOR (HD) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ctr_add BASE ARMOR (CTR) BASE ARMOR (CTR) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ltr_add BASE ARMOR (LTR) BASE ARMOR (LTR) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_rtr_add BASE ARMOR (RTR) BASE ARMOR (RTR) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_all_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (FULL BODY) ARMOR STRENGTH (FULL BODY) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ct_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (CT) ARMOR STRENGTH (CT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_lt_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (LT) ARMOR STRENGTH (LT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_rt_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (RT) ARMOR STRENGTH (RT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_la_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (LA) ARMOR STRENGTH (LA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ra_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (RA) ARMOR STRENGTH (RA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ll_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (LL) ARMOR STRENGTH (LL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_rl_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (RL) ARMOR STRENGTH (RL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_hd_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (HD) ARMOR STRENGTH (HD) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ctr_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (CTR) ARMOR STRENGTH (CTR) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_ltr_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (LTR) ARMOR STRENGTH (LTR) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armorresist_rtr_mult ARMOR STRENGTH (RTR) ARMOR STRENGTH (RTR) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_all_add BASE STRUCTURE (FULL BODY) BASE STRUCTURE (FULL BODY) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_ct_add BASE STRUCTURE (CT) BASE STRUCTURE (CT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_lt_add BASE STRUCTURE (LT) BASE STRUCTURE (LT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_rt_add BASE STRUCTURE (RT) BASE STRUCTURE (RT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_la_add BASE STRUCTURE (LA) BASE STRUCTURE (LA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_ra_add BASE STRUCTURE (RA) BASE STRUCTURE (RA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_ll_add BASE STRUCTURE (LL) BASE STRUCTURE (LL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_rl_add BASE STRUCTURE (RL) BASE STRUCTURE (RL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_hd_add BASE STRUCTURE (HD) BASE STRUCTURE (HD) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_all_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (ALL) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (ALL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_ct_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (CT) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (CT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_lt_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LT) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_rt_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RT) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RT) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_la_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LA) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_ra_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RA) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RA) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_ll_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LL) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (LL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_rl_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RL) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (RL) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_internalresist_hd_mult STRUCTURE STRENGTH (HD) STRUCTURE STRENGTH (HD) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_torsoangle_pitch_add TORSO TURN ANGLE (PITCH) TORSO TURN ANGLE (PITCH) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_torsoangle_yaw_add TORSO TURN ANGLE (YAW) TORSO TURN ANGLE (YAW) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_torsospeed_pitch_mult TORSO TURN RATE (PITCH) TORSO TURN RATE (PITCH) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_torsospeed_yaw_mult TORSO TURN RATE (YAW) TORSO TURN RATE (YAW) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armrotation_pitch_add ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (PITCH) ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (PITCH) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armrotation_yaw_add ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (YAW) ARM MOVEMENT ANGLE (YAW) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armspeed_pitch_mult ARM MOVEMENT RATE (PITCH) ARM MOVEMENT RATE (PITCH) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_armspeed_yaw_mult ARM MOVEMENT RATE (YAW) ARM MOVEMENT RATE (YAW) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_jumpjetslots_add JUMP JET CAPACITY JUMP JET CAPACITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_pilotmoduleslots_add MODULE SLOTS MODULE SLOTS AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_xpbonus_mult XP Bonus XP Bonus qrk_critchance_dealing_mult CRIT HIT CHANCE (DEALING) CRIT HIT CHANCE (DEALING) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_critchance_receiving_mult CRIT HIT CHANCE (RECEIVING) CRIT HIT CHANCE (RECEIVING) AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_externalheat_mult EXTERNAL HEAT TRANSFER EXTERNAL HEAT TRANSFER AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_heatlimit_add HEAT CAPACITY HEAT CAPACITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_heatloss_mult RATE OF HEAT LOSS RATE OF HEAT LOSS AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_overheatdamage_mult OVERHEAT DAMAGE OVERHEAT DAMAGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ballistic_range_add BALLISTIC RANGE BALLISTIC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ballistic_range_mult BALLISTIC RANGE BALLISTIC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ballistic_velocity_add BALLISTIC VELOCITY BALLISTIC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ballistic_velocity_mult BALLISTIC VELOCITY BALLISTIC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ballistic_cooldown_mult BALLISTIC COOLDOWN BALLISTIC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ballistic_heat_mult Ballistics Heat Ballistics Heat qrk_autocannon_range_add AC RANGE AC RANGE qrk_autocannon_range_mult AC RANGE AC RANGE qrk_autocannon_velocity_add AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY qrk_autocannon_velocity_mult AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY qrk_autocannon_cooldown_mult AC COOLDOWN AC COOLDOWN qrk_autocannon_heat_mult AC HEAT GENERATION AC HEAT GENERATION qrk_ac_range_add AC RANGE AC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ac_range_mult AC RANGE AC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ac_velocity_add AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ac_velocity_mult AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ac_cooldown_mult AC COOLDOWN AC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ac_heat_mult AC HEAT GENERATION AC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lbxac_range_add LB-X RANGE LB-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lbxac_range_mult LB-X RANGE LB-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lbxac_velocity_add LB-X VELOCITY LB-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lbxac_velocity_mult LB-X VELOCITY LB-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lbxac_cooldown_mult LB-X COOLDOWN LB-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lbxac_heat_mult LB-X HEAT GENERATION LB-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lbxac_spread_mult LB-X SPREAD LB-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_range_add UAC RANGE UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_range_mult UAC RANGE UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_velocity_add UAC VELOCITY UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_velocity_mult UAC VELOCITY UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_cooldown_mult UAC COOLDOWN UAC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_heat_mult UAC HEAT GENERATION UAC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_jamchance_mult UAC JAM CHANCE UAC JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_uac_jamtime_mult UAC JAM TIME UAC JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_energy_range_add ENERGY RANGE ENERGY RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_energy_range_mult ENERGY RANGE ENERGY RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_energy_velocity_add ENERGY VELOCITY ENERGY VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_energy_velocity_mult ENERGY VELOCITY ENERGY VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_energy_cooldown_mult ENERGY COOLDOWN ENERGY COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_energy_heat_mult Energy Heat Energy Heat qrk_laser_range_add LASER RANGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_laser_range_mult LASER RANGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_laser_cooldown_mult LASER COOLDOWN LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_laser_heat_mult LASER HEAT GENERATION LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_laser_duration_mult LASER DURATION LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_stdlaser_range_add STD LASER RANGE STD LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_stdlaser_range_mult STD LASER RANGE STD LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_stdlaser_cooldown_mult STD LASER COOLDOWN STD LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_stdlaser_heat_mult STD LASER HEAT GENERATION STD LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_stdlaser_duration_mult STD LASER DURATION STD LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_pulselaser_range_add PULSE LASER RANGE PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_pulselaser_range_mult PULSE LASER RANGE PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_pulselaser_cooldown_mult PULSE LASER COOLDOWN PULSE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_pulselaser_heat_mult PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_pulselaser_duration_mult PULSE LASER DURATION PULSE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_erlaser_range_add ER LASER RANGE ER LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_erlaser_range_mult ER LASER RANGE ER LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_erlaser_cooldown_mult ER LASER COOLDOWN ER LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_erlaser_heat_mult ER LASER HEAT GENERATION ER LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_erlaser_duration_mult ER LASER DURATION ER LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_missile_range_add MISSILE RANGE MISSILE RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_missile_range_mult MISSILE RANGE MISSILE RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_missile_velocity_add MISSILE VELOCITY MISSILE VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_missile_velocity_mult MISSILE VELOCITY MISSILE VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_missile_cooldown_mult MISSILE COOLDOWN MISSILE COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_missile_heat_mult MISSILE HEAT GENERATION MISSILE HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lrm_range_add LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lrm_range_mult LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lrm_velocity_add LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lrm_velocity_mult LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lrm_cooldown_mult LRM 5/10/15/20 COOLDOWN LRM 5/10/15/20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lrm_heat_mult LRM 5/10/15/20 HEAT GENERATION LRM 5/10/15/20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_lrm_spread_mult LRM 5/10/15/20 SPREAD LRM 5/10/15/20 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_srm_range_add SRM 2/4/6 RANGE SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_srm_range_mult SRM 2/4/6 RANGE SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_srm_velocity_add SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_srm_velocity_mult SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_srm_cooldown_mult SRM 2/4/6 COOLDOWN SRM 2/4/6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_srm_heat_mult SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_srm_spread_mult SRM 2/4/6 SPREAD SRM 2/4/6 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ssrm_range_add S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ssrm_range_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ssrm_velocity_add S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ssrm_velocity_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ssrm_cooldown_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 COOLDOWN S-SRM 2/4/6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ssrm_heat_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isacs_range_add AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isacs_range_mult AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isacs_velocity_add AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isacs_velocity_mult AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isacs_cooldown_mult AC/LB-X/UAC COOLDOWN AC/LB-X/UAC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isacs_heat_mult AC/LB-X/UAC HEAT GENERATION AC/LB-X/UAC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac_range_add AC RANGE AC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac_range_mult AC RANGE AC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac_velocity_add AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac_velocity_mult AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac_cooldown_mult AC COOLDOWN AC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac_heat_mult AC HEAT GENERATION AC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbxac_range_add LB-X RANGE LB-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbxac_range_mult LB-X RANGE LB-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbxac_velocity_add LB-X VELOCITY LB-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbxac_velocity_mult LB-X VELOCITY LB-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbxac_cooldown_mult LB-X COOLDOWN LB-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbxac_heat_mult LB-X HEAT GENERATION LB-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbxac_spread_mult LB-X SPREAD LB-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_range_add UAC RANGE UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_range_mult UAC RANGE UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_velocity_add UAC VELOCITY UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_velocity_mult UAC VELOCITY UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_cooldown_mult UAC COOLDOWN UAC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_heat_mult UAC HEAT GENERATION UAC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_jamchance_mult UAC JAM CHANCE UAC JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac_jamtime_mult UAC JAM TIME UAC JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac2_range_add AC/2 RANGE AC/2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac2_range_mult AC/2 RANGE AC/2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac2_velocity_add AC/2 VELOCITY AC/2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac2_velocity_mult AC/2 VELOCITY AC/2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac2_cooldown_mult AC/2 COOLDOWN AC/2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac2_heat_mult AC/2 HEAT GENERATION AC/2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac5_range_add AC/5 RANGE AC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac5_range_mult AC/5 RANGE AC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac5_velocity_add AC/5 VELOCITY AC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac5_velocity_mult AC/5 VELOCITY AC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac5_cooldown_mult AC/5 COOLDOWN AC/5 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac5_heat_mult AC/5 HEAT GENERATION AC/5 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac10_range_add AC/10 RANGE AC/10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac10_range_mult AC/10 RANGE AC/10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac10_velocity_add AC/10 VELOCITY AC/10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac10_velocity_mult AC/10 VELOCITY AC/10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac10_cooldown_mult AC/10 COOLDOWN AC/10 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac10_heat_mult AC/10 HEAT GENERATION AC/10 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac20_range_add AC/20 RANGE AC/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac20_range_mult AC/20 RANGE AC/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac20_velocity_add AC/20 VELOCITY AC/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac20_velocity_mult AC/20 VELOCITY AC/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac20_cooldown_mult AC/20 COOLDOWN AC/20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isac20_heat_mult AC/20 HEAT GENERATION AC/20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbx10_range_add LB 10-X RANGE LB 10-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbx10_range_mult LB 10-X RANGE LB 10-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbx10_velocity_add LB 10-X VELOCITY LB 10-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbx10_velocity_mult LB 10-X VELOCITY LB 10-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbx10_cooldown_mult LB 10-X COOLDOWN LB 10-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbx10_heat_mult LB 10-X HEAT GENERATION LB 10-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islbx10_spread_mult LB 10-X SPREAD LB 10-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_range_add UAC/5 RANGE UAC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_range_mult UAC/5 RANGE UAC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_velocity_add UAC/5 VELOCITY UAC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_velocity_mult UAC/5 VELOCITY UAC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_cooldown_mult UAC/5 COOLDOWN UAC/5 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_heat_mult UAC/5 HEAT GENERATION UAC/5 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_jamchance_mult UAC/5 JAM CHANCE UAC/5 JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isuac5_jamtime_mult UAC/5 JAM TIME UAC/5 JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isgauss_range_add GAUSS RIFLE RANGE GAUSS RIFLE RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isgauss_range_mult GAUSS RIFLE RANGE GAUSS RIFLE RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isgauss_velocity_add GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isgauss_velocity_mult GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isgauss_cooldown_mult GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isgauss_heat_mult GAUSS RIFLE HEAT GENERATION GAUSS RIFLE HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismg_range_add MACHINE GUN RANGE MACHINE GUN RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismg_range_mult MACHINE GUN RANGE MACHINE GUN RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismg_rof_mult MACHINE GUN ROF MACHINE GUN ROF AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isslf_range_add SL/SPL RANGE SL/SPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isslf_range_mult SL/SPL RANGE SL/SPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isslf_cooldown_mult SL/SPL COOLDOWN SL/SPL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isslf_heat_mult SL/SPL HEAT GENERATION SL/SPL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isslf_duration_mult SL/SPL DURATION SL/SPL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismlf_range_add ML/MPL RANGE ML/MPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismlf_range_mult ML/MPL RANGE ML/MPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismlf_cooldown_mult ML/MPL COOLDOWN ML/MPL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismlf_heat_mult ML/MPL HEAT GENERATION ML/MPL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismlf_duration_mult ML/MPL DURATION ML/MPL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isllf_range_add LL/LPL/ERLL RANGE LL/LPL/ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isllf_range_mult LL/LPL/ERLL RANGE LL/LPL/ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isllf_cooldown_mult LL/LPL/ERLL COOLDOWN LL/LPL/ERLL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isllf_heat_mult LL/LPL/ERLL HEAT GENERATION LL/LPL/ERLL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isllf_duration_mult LL/LPL/ERLL DURATION LL/LPL/ERLL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstdl_range_add STD LASER RANGE STD LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstdl_range_mult STD LASER RANGE STD LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstdl_cooldown_mult STD LASER COOLDOWN STD LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstdl_heat_mult STD LASER HEAT GENERATION STD LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstdl_duration_mult STD LASER DURATION STD LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ispl_range_add SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ispl_range_mult SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ispl_cooldown_mult SPL/MPL/LPL COOLDOWN SPL/MPL/LPL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ispl_heat_mult SPL/MPL/LPL HEAT GENERATION SPL/MPL/LPL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ispl_duration_mult SPL/MPL/LPL DURATION SPL/MPL/LPL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserl_range_add ERLL RANGE ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserl_range_mult ERLL RANGE ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserl_cooldown_mult ERLL COOLDOWN ERLL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserl_heat_mult ERLL HEAT GENERATION ERLL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserl_duration_mult ERLL DURATION ERLL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issl_range_add SMALL LASER RANGE SMALL LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issl_range_mult SMALL LASER RANGE SMALL LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issl_cooldown_mult SMALL LASER COOLDOWN SMALL LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issl_heat_mult SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issl_duration_mult SMALL LASER DURATION SMALL LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isml_range_add MEDIUM LASER RANGE MEDIUM LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isml_range_mult MEDIUM LASER RANGE MEDIUM LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isml_cooldown_mult MEDIUM LASER COOLDOWN MEDIUM LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isml_heat_mult MEDIUM LASER HEAT GENERATION MEDIUM LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isml_duration_mult MEDIUM LASER DURATION MEDIUM LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isll_range_add LARGE LASER RANGE LARGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isll_range_mult LARGE LASER RANGE LARGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isll_cooldown_mult LARGE LASER COOLDOWN LARGE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isll_heat_mult LARGE LASER HEAT GENERATION LARGE LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isll_duration_mult LARGE LASER DURATION LARGE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isspl_range_add SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isspl_range_mult SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isspl_cooldown_mult SMALL PULSE LASER COOLDOWN SMALL PULSE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isspl_heat_mult SMALL PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. SMALL PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isspl_duration_mult SMALL PULSE LASER DURATION SMALL PULSE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismpl_range_add MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismpl_range_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismpl_cooldown_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER COOLDOWN MEDIUM PULSE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismpl_heat_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. MEDIUM PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_ismpl_duration_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER DURATION MEDIUM PULSE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islpl_range_add LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islpl_range_mult LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islpl_cooldown_mult LARGE PULSE LASER COOLDOWN LARGE PULSE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islpl_heat_mult LARGE PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. LARGE PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islpl_duration_mult LARGE PULSE LASER DURATION LARGE PULSE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserll_range_add ER LARGE LASER RANGE ER LARGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserll_range_mult ER LARGE LASER RANGE ER LARGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserll_cooldown_mult ER LARGE LASER COOLDOWN ER LARGE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserll_heat_mult ER LARGE LASER HEAT GENERATION ER LARGE LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserll_duration_mult ER LARGE LASER DURATION ER LARGE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isppc_range_add IS PPC Range IS PPC Range AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isppc_range_mult IS PPC Range IS PPC Range qrk_isppc_velocity_add IS PPC VELOCITY IS PPC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isppc_velocity_mult IS PPC VELOCITY IS PPC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isppc_cooldown_mult IS PPC Cooldown IS PPC Cooldown qrk_isppc_heat_mult PPC HEAT GENERATION PPC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isppc_mhpl_add PPC MINIMUM HEAT THRESHOLD PPC MINIMUM HEAT THRESHOLD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserppc_range_add ER PPC RANGE ER PPC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserppc_range_mult ER PPC RANGE ER PPC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserppc_velocity_add IS ER PPC VELOCITY IS ER PPC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserppc_velocity_mult IS ER PPC VELOCITY IS ER PPC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserppc_cooldown_mult ER PPC COOLDOWN ER PPC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserppc_heat_mult ER PPC HEAT GENERATION ER PPC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_iserppc_mhpl_add ER PPC MINHEATPENALTYLEVEL ER PPC MINHEATPENALTYLEVEL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isflamer_range_add FLAMER RANGE FLAMER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isflamer_range_mult FLAMER RANGE FLAMER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isflamer_heat_mult FLAMER HEAT GENERATION FLAMER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isflamer_heatdealt_mult FLAMER HEATDEALT FLAMER HEATDEALT AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_istag_range_add TAG RANGE TAG RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_istag_range_mult TAG RANGE TAG RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm_range_add LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm_range_mult IS LRM Range IS LRM Range qrk_islrm_velocity_add LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm_velocity_mult IS LRM Velocity IS LRM Velocity qrk_islrm_cooldown_mult IS LRM Cooldown IS LRM Cooldown qrk_islrm_heat_mult LRM 5/10/15/20 HEAT GENERATION LRM 5/10/15/20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm_spread_mult IS LRM Spread IS LRM Spread qrk_issrm_range_add SRM 2/4/6 RANGE SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm_range_mult IS SRM Range IS SRM Range qrk_issrm_velocity_add SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm_velocity_mult IS SRM Velocity IS SRM Velocity qrk_issrm_cooldown_mult IS SRM Cooldown IS SRM Cooldown qrk_issrm_heat_mult SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm_spread_mult IS SRM Spread IS SRM Spread qrk_isssrm_range_add S-SRM 2 RANGE S-SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isssrm_range_mult S-SRM 2 RANGE S-SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isssrm_velocity_add S-SRM 2 VELOCITY S-SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isssrm_velocity_mult S-SRM 2 VELOCITY S-SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isssrm_cooldown_mult S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isssrm_heat_mult S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm5_range_add LRM 5 RANGE LRM 5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm5_range_mult LRM 5 RANGE LRM 5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm5_velocity_add LRM 5 VELOCITY LRM 5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm5_velocity_mult LRM 5 VELOCITY LRM 5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm5_cooldown_mult LRM 5 COOLDOWN LRM 5 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm5_heat_mult LRM 5 HEAT GENERATION LRM 5 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm5_spread_mult LRM 5 SPREAD LRM 5 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm10_range_add LRM 10 RANGE LRM 10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm10_range_mult LRM 10 RANGE LRM 10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm10_velocity_add LRM 10 VELOCITY LRM 10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm10_velocity_mult LRM 10 VELOCITY LRM 10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm10_cooldown_mult LRM 10 COOLDOWN LRM 10 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm10_heat_mult LRM 10 HEAT GENERATION LRM 10 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm10_spread_mult LRM 10 SPREAD LRM 10 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm15_range_add LRM 15 RANGE LRM 15 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm15_range_mult LRM 15 RANGE LRM 15 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm15_velocity_add LRM 15 VELOCITY LRM 15 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm15_velocity_mult LRM 15 VELOCITY LRM 15 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm15_cooldown_mult LRM 15 COOLDOWN LRM 15 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm15_heat_mult LRM 15 HEAT GENERATION LRM 15 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm15_spread_mult LRM 15 SPREAD LRM 15 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm20_range_add LRM 20 RANGE LRM 20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm20_range_mult LRM 20 RANGE LRM 20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm20_velocity_add LRM 20 VELOCITY LRM 20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm20_velocity_mult LRM 20 VELOCITY LRM 20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm20_cooldown_mult LRM 20 COOLDOWN LRM 20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm20_heat_mult LRM 20 HEAT GENERATION LRM 20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_islrm20_spread_mult LRM 20 SPREAD LRM 20 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm2_range_add SRM 2 RANGE SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm2_range_mult SRM 2 RANGE SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm2_velocity_add SRM 2 VELOCITY SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm2_velocity_mult SRM 2 VELOCITY SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm2_cooldown_mult SRM 2 COOLDOWN SRM 2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm2_heat_mult SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm2_spread_mult SRM 2 SPREAD SRM 2 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm4_range_add SRM 4 RANGE SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm4_range_mult SRM 4 RANGE SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm4_velocity_add SRM 4 VELOCITY SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm4_velocity_mult SRM 4 VELOCITY SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm4_cooldown_mult SRM 4 COOLDOWN SRM 4 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm4_heat_mult SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm4_spread_mult SRM 4 SPREAD SRM 4 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm6_range_add SRM 6 RANGE SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm6_range_mult SRM 6 RANGE SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm6_velocity_add SRM 6 VELOCITY SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm6_velocity_mult SRM 6 VELOCITY SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm6_cooldown_mult SRM 6 COOLDOWN SRM 6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm6_heat_mult SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issrm6_spread_mult SRM 6 SPREAD SRM 6 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm2_range_mult S-SRM 2 RANGE S-SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm2_velocity_mult S-SRM 2 VELOCITY S-SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm2_cooldown_mult S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm2_heat_mult S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_range_add NARC BEACON RANGE NARC BEACON RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_range_mult NARC BEACON RANGE NARC BEACON RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_velocity_add NARC BEACON VELOCITY NARC BEACON VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_velocity_mult NARC BEACON VELOCITY NARC BEACON VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_cooldown_mult NARC BEACON COOLDOWN NARC BEACON COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_heat_mult NARC BEACON HEAT GENERATION NARC BEACON HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_tagduration_add NARC BEACON DURATION NARC BEACON DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isnarc_tagduration_mult NARC BEACON DURATION NARC BEACON DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isams_range_add AMS RANGE AMS RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isams_range_mult AMS RANGE AMS RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isams_rof_mult AMS RATE OF FIRE AMS RATE OF FIRE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cacs_range_add AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cacs_range_mult AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AC/LB-X/UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cacs_velocity_add AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cacs_velocity_mult AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AC/LB-X/UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cacs_cooldown_mult AC/LB-X/UAC COOLDOWN AC/LB-X/UAC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cacs_heat_mult AC/LB-X/UAC HEAT GENERATION AC/LB-X/UAC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac_range_add AC RANGE AC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac_range_mult AC RANGE AC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac_velocity_add AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac_velocity_mult AC VELOCITY AC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac_cooldown_mult AC COOLDOWN AC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac_heat_mult AC HEAT GENERATION AC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbxac_range_add LB-X RANGE LB-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbxac_range_mult LB-X RANGE LB-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbxac_velocity_add LB-X VELOCITY LB-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbxac_velocity_mult LB-X VELOCITY LB-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbxac_cooldown_mult LB-X COOLDOWN LB-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbxac_heat_mult LB-X HEAT GENERATION LB-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbxac_spread_mult LB-X SPREAD LB-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_range_add UAC RANGE UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_range_mult UAC RANGE UAC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_velocity_add UAC VELOCITY UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_velocity_mult UAC VELOCITY UAC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_cooldown_mult UAC COOLDOWN UAC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_heat_mult UAC HEAT GENERATION UAC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_jamchance_mult UAC JAM CHANCE UAC JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac_jamtime_mult UAC JAM TIME UAC JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac2_range_add AC/2 RANGE AC/2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac2_range_mult AC/2 RANGE AC/2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac2_velocity_add AC/2 VELOCITY AC/2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac2_velocity_mult AC/2 VELOCITY AC/2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac2_cooldown_mult AC/2 COOLDOWN AC/2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac2_heat_mult AC/2 HEAT GENERATION AC/2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac5_range_add AC/5 RANGE AC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac5_range_mult AC/5 RANGE AC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac5_velocity_add AC/5 VELOCITY AC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac5_velocity_mult AC/5 VELOCITY AC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac5_cooldown_mult AC/5 COOLDOWN AC/5 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac5_heat_mult AC/5 HEAT GENERATION AC/5 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac10_range_add AC/10 RANGE AC/10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac10_range_mult AC/10 RANGE AC/10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac10_velocity_add AC/10 VELOCITY AC/10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac10_velocity_mult AC/10 VELOCITY AC/10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac10_cooldown_mult AC/10 COOLDOWN AC/10 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac10_heat_mult AC/10 HEAT GENERATION AC/10 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac20_range_add AC/20 RANGE AC/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac20_range_mult AC/20 RANGE AC/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac20_velocity_add AC/20 VELOCITY AC/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac20_velocity_mult AC/20 VELOCITY AC/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac20_cooldown_mult AC/20 COOLDOWN AC/20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cac20_heat_mult AC/20 HEAT GENERATION AC/20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx2_range_add LB 2-X RANGE LB 2-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx2_range_mult LB 2-X RANGE LB 2-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx2_velocity_add LB 2-X VELOCITY LB 2-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx2_velocity_mult LB 2-X VELOCITY LB 2-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx2_cooldown_mult LB 2-X COOLDOWN LB 2-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx2_heat_mult LB 2-X HEAT GENERATION LB 2-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx2_spread_mult LB 2-X SPREAD LB 2-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx5_range_add LB 5-X RANGE LB 5-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx5_range_mult LB 5-X RANGE LB 5-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx5_velocity_add LB 5-X VELOCITY LB 5-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx5_velocity_mult LB 5-X VELOCITY LB 5-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx5_cooldown_mult LB 5-X COOLDOWN LB 5-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx5_heat_mult LB 5-X HEAT GENERATION LB 5-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx5_spread_mult LB 5-X SPREAD LB 5-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx10_range_add LB 10-X RANGE LB 10-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx10_range_mult LB 10-X RANGE LB 10-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx10_velocity_add LB 10-X VELOCITY LB 10-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx10_velocity_mult LB 10-X VELOCITY LB 10-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx10_cooldown_mult LB 10-X COOLDOWN LB 10-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx10_heat_mult LB 10-X HEAT GENERATION LB 10-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx10_spread_mult LB 10-X SPREAD LB 10-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx20_range_add LB 20-X RANGE LB 20-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx20_range_mult LB 20-X RANGE LB 20-X RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx20_velocity_add LB 20-X VELOCITY LB 20-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx20_velocity_mult LB 20-X VELOCITY LB 20-X VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx20_cooldown_mult LB 20-X COOLDOWN LB 20-X COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx20_heat_mult LB 20-X HEAT GENERATION LB 20-X HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clbx20_spread_mult LB 20-X SPREAD LB 20-X SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_range_add UAC/2 RANGE UAC/2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_range_mult UAC/2 RANGE UAC/2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_velocity_add UAC/2 VELOCITY UAC/2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_velocity_mult UAC/2 VELOCITY UAC/2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_cooldown_mult UAC/2 COOLDOWN UAC/2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_heat_mult UAC/2 HEAT GENERATION UAC/2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_jamchance_mult UAC/2 JAM CHANCE UAC/2 JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac2_jamtime_mult UAC/2 JAM TIME UAC/2 JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_range_add UAC/5 RANGE UAC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_range_mult UAC/5 RANGE UAC/5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_velocity_add UAC/5 VELOCITY UAC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_velocity_mult UAC/5 VELOCITY UAC/5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_cooldown_mult UAC/5 COOLDOWN UAC/5 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_heat_mult UAC/5 HEAT GENERATION UAC/5 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_jamchance_mult UAC/5 JAM CHANCE UAC/5 JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac5_jamtime_mult UAC/5 JAM TIME UAC/5 JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_range_add UAC/10 RANGE UAC/10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_range_mult UAC/10 RANGE UAC/10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_velocity_add UAC/10 VELOCITY UAC/10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_velocity_mult UAC/10 VELOCITY UAC/10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_cooldown_mult UAC/10 COOLDOWN UAC/10 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_heat_mult UAC/10 HEAT GENERATION UAC/10 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_jamchance_mult UAC/10 JAM CHANCE UAC/10 JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac10_jamtime_mult UAC/10 JAM TIME UAC/10 JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_range_add UAC/20 RANGE UAC/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_range_mult UAC/20 RANGE UAC/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_velocity_add UAC/20 VELOCITY UAC/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_velocity_mult UAC/20 VELOCITY UAC/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_cooldown_mult UAC/20 COOLDOWN UAC/20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_heat_mult UAC/20 HEAT GENERATION UAC/20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_jamchance_mult UAC/20 JAM CHANCE UAC/20 JAM CHANCE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cuac20_jamtime_mult UAC/20 JAM TIME UAC/20 JAM TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cgauss_range_add GAUSS RIFLE RANGE GAUSS RIFLE RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cgauss_range_mult GAUSS RIFLE RANGE GAUSS RIFLE RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cgauss_velocity_add GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cgauss_velocity_mult GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY GAUSS RIFLE VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cgauss_cooldown_mult GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cgauss_heat_mult GAUSS RIFLE HEAT GENERATION GAUSS RIFLE HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmg_range_add MACHINE GUN RANGE MACHINE GUN RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmg_range_mult MACHINE GUN RANGE MACHINE GUN RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmg_rof_mult MACHINE GUN ROF MACHINE GUN ROF AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cslf_range_add SPL/ERSL RANGE SPL/ERSL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cslf_range_mult SPL/ERSL RANGE SPL/ERSL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cslf_cooldown_mult SPL/ERSL COOLDOWN SPL/ERSL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cslf_heat_mult SPL/ERSL HEAT GENERATION SPL/ERSL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cslf_duration_mult SPL/ERSL DURATION SPL/ERSL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmlf_range_add MPL/ERML RANGE MPL/ERML RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmlf_range_mult MPL/ERML RANGE MPL/ERML RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmlf_cooldown_mult MPL/ERML COOLDOWN MPL/ERML COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmlf_heat_mult MPL/ERML HEAT GENERATION MPL/ERML HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmlf_duration_mult MPL/ERML DURATION MPL/ERML DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cllf_range_add LPL/ERLL RANGE LPL/ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cllf_range_mult LPL/ERLL RANGE LPL/ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cllf_cooldown_mult LPL/ERLL COOLDOWN LPL/ERLL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cllf_heat_mult LPL/ERLL HEAT GENERATION LPL/ERLL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cllf_duration_mult LPL/ERLL DURATION LPL/ERLL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cpl_range_add SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cpl_range_mult SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE SPL/MPL/LPL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cpl_cooldown_mult SPL/MPL/LPL COOLDOWN SPL/MPL/LPL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cpl_heat_mult SPL/MPL/LPL HEAT GENERATION SPL/MPL/LPL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cpl_duration_mult SPL/MPL/LPL DURATION SPL/MPL/LPL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerl_range_add ERSL/ERML/ERLL RANGE ERSL/ERML/ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerl_range_mult ERSL/ERML/ERLL RANGE ERSL/ERML/ERLL RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerl_cooldown_mult ERSL/ERML/ERLL COOLDOWN ERSL/ERML/ERLL COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerl_heat_mult ERSL/ERML/ERLL HEAT GENERATION ERSL/ERML/ERLL HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerl_duration_mult ERSL/ERML/ERLL DURATION ERSL/ERML/ERLL DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cspl_range_add SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cspl_range_mult SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cspl_cooldown_mult SMALL PULSE LASER COOLDOWN SMALL PULSE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cspl_heat_mult SMALL PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. SMALL PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cspl_duration_mult SMALL PULSE LASER DURATION SMALL PULSE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmpl_range_add MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmpl_range_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE MEDIUM PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmpl_cooldown_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER COOLDOWN MEDIUM PULSE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmpl_heat_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. MEDIUM PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cmpl_duration_mult MEDIUM PULSE LASER DURATION MEDIUM PULSE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clpl_range_add LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clpl_range_mult LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE LARGE PULSE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clpl_cooldown_mult LARGE PULSE LASER COOLDOWN LARGE PULSE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clpl_heat_mult LARGE PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. LARGE PULSE LASER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clpl_duration_mult LARGE PULSE LASER DURATION LARGE PULSE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cersl_range_add ER SMALL LASER RANGE ER SMALL LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cersl_range_mult ER SMALL LASER RANGE ER SMALL LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cersl_cooldown_mult ER SMALL LASER COOLDOWN ER SMALL LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cersl_heat_mult ER SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION ER SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cersl_duration_mult ER SMALL LASER DURATION ER SMALL LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerml_range_add ER MEDIUM LASER RANGE ER MEDIUM LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerml_range_mult ER MEDIUM LASER RANGE ER MEDIUM LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerml_cooldown_mult ER MEDIUM LASER COOLDOWN ER MEDIUM LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerml_heat_mult ER MEDIUM LASER HEAT GENERATION ER MEDIUM LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerml_duration_mult ER MEDIUM LASER DURATION ER MEDIUM LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerll_range_add ER LARGE LASER RANGE ER LARGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerll_range_mult ER LARGE LASER RANGE ER LARGE LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerll_cooldown_mult ER LARGE LASER COOLDOWN ER LARGE LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerll_heat_mult ER LARGE LASER HEAT GENERATION ER LARGE LASER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cerll_duration_mult ER LARGE LASER DURATION ER LARGE LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanerppc_range_add ER PPC RANGE ER PPC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanerppc_range_mult ER PPC RANGE ER PPC RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanerppc_velocity_add CLAN ER PPC VELOCITY CLAN ER PPC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanerppc_velocity_mult CLAN ER PPC VELOCITY CLAN ER PPC VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanerppc_cooldown_mult ER PPC COOLDOWN ER PPC COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanerppc_heat_mult ER PPC HEAT GENERATION ER PPC HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanerppc_mhpl_add ER PPC MINHEATPENALTYLEVEL ER PPC MINHEATPENALTYLEVEL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanflamer_range_add FLAMER RANGE FLAMER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanflamer_range_mult FLAMER RANGE FLAMER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanflamer_heat_mult FLAMER HEAT GENERATION FLAMER HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanflamer_heatdealt_mult FLAMER HEATDEALT FLAMER HEATDEALT AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clantag_range_add TAG RANGE TAG RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clantag_range_mult TAG RANGE TAG RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm_range_add LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE LRM 5/10/15/20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm_range_mult Clan LRM Range Clan LRM Range qrk_clanlrm_velocity_add LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY LRM 5/10/15/20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm_velocity_mult Clan LRM Velocity Clan LRM Velocity qrk_clanlrm_cooldown_mult Clan LRM Cooldown Clan LRM Cooldown qrk_clanlrm_heat_mult LRM 5/10/15/20 HEAT GENERATION LRM 5/10/15/20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm_spread_mult Clan LRM Spread Clan LRM Spread qrk_clansrm_range_add SRM 2/4/6 RANGE SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm_range_mult Clan SRM Range Clan SRM Range qrk_clansrm_velocity_add SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm_velocity_mult Clan SRM Velocity Clan SRM Velocity qrk_clansrm_cooldown_mult Clan SRM Cooldown Clan SRM Cooldown qrk_clansrm_heat_mult SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm_spread_mult Clan SRM Spread Clan SRM Spread qrk_cssrm_range_add S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm_range_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE S-SRM 2/4/6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm_velocity_add S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm_velocity_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY S-SRM 2/4/6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm_cooldown_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 COOLDOWN S-SRM 2/4/6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm_heat_mult S-SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 2/4/6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm5_range_add LRM 5 RANGE LRM 5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm5_range_mult LRM 5 RANGE LRM 5 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm5_velocity_add LRM 5 VELOCITY LRM 5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm5_velocity_mult LRM 5 VELOCITY LRM 5 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm5_cooldown_mult LRM 5 COOLDOWN LRM 5 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm5_heat_mult LRM 5 HEAT GENERATION LRM 5 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm5_spread_mult LRM 5 SPREAD LRM 5 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm10_range_add LRM 10 RANGE LRM 10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm10_range_mult LRM 10 RANGE LRM 10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm10_velocity_add LRM 10 VELOCITY LRM 10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm10_velocity_mult LRM 10 VELOCITY LRM 10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm10_cooldown_mult LRM 10 COOLDOWN LRM 10 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm10_heat_mult LRM 10 HEAT GENERATION LRM 10 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm10_spread_mult LRM 10 SPREAD LRM 10 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm15_range_add LRM 15 RANGE LRM 15 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm15_range_mult LRM 15 RANGE LRM 15 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm15_velocity_add LRM 15 VELOCITY LRM 15 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm15_velocity_mult LRM 15 VELOCITY LRM 15 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm15_cooldown_mult LRM 15 COOLDOWN LRM 15 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm15_heat_mult LRM 15 HEAT GENERATION LRM 15 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm15_spread_mult LRM 15 SPREAD LRM 15 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm20_range_add LRM 20 RANGE LRM 20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm20_range_mult LRM 20 RANGE LRM 20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm20_velocity_add LRM 20 VELOCITY LRM 20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm20_velocity_mult LRM 20 VELOCITY LRM 20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm20_cooldown_mult LRM 20 COOLDOWN LRM 20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm20_heat_mult LRM 20 HEAT GENERATION LRM 20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlrm20_spread_mult LRM 20 SPREAD LRM 20 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm2_range_add SRM 2 RANGE SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm2_range_mult SRM 2 RANGE SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm2_velocity_add SRM 2 VELOCITY SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm2_velocity_mult SRM 2 VELOCITY SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm2_cooldown_mult SRM 2 COOLDOWN SRM 2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm2_heat_mult SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm2_spread_mult SRM 2 SPREAD SRM 2 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_range_add SRM 4 RANGE SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_range_mult SRM 4 RANGE SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_velocity_add SRM 4 VELOCITY SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_velocity_mult SRM 4 VELOCITY SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_cooldown_mult SRM 4 COOLDOWN SRM 4 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_heat_mult SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_spread_mult SRM 4 SPREAD SRM 4 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm6_range_add SRM 6 RANGE SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm6_range_mult SRM 6 RANGE SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm6_velocity_add SRM 6 VELOCITY SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm6_velocity_mult SRM 6 VELOCITY SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm6_cooldown_mult SRM 6 COOLDOWN SRM 6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm6_heat_mult SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm6_spread_mult SRM 6 SPREAD SRM 6 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm2_range_add S-SRM 2 RANGE S-SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm2_range_mult S-SRM 2 RANGE S-SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm2_velocity_add S-SRM 2 VELOCITY S-SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm2_velocity_mult S-SRM 2 VELOCITY S-SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm2_cooldown_mult S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm2_heat_mult S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm4_range_add S-SRM 4 RANGE S-SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm4_range_mult S-SRM 4 RANGE S-SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm4_velocity_add S-SRM 4 VELOCITY S-SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm4_velocity_mult S-SRM 4 VELOCITY S-SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm4_cooldown_mult S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm4_heat_mult S-SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm6_range_add S-SRM 6 RANGE S-SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm6_range_mult S-SRM 6 RANGE S-SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm6_velocity_add S-SRM 6 VELOCITY S-SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm6_velocity_mult S-SRM 6 VELOCITY S-SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm6_cooldown_mult S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cssrm6_heat_mult S-SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_range_add NARC BEACON RANGE NARC BEACON RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_range_mult NARC BEACON RANGE NARC BEACON RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_velocity_add NARC BEACON VELOCITY NARC BEACON VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_velocity_mult NARC BEACON VELOCITY NARC BEACON VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_cooldown_mult NARC BEACON COOLDOWN NARC BEACON COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_heat_mult NARC BEACON HEAT GENERATION NARC BEACON HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_tagduration_add NARC BEACON DURATION NARC BEACON DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cnarc_tagduration_mult NARC BEACON DURATION NARC BEACON DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cams_range_add AMS RANGE AMS RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cams_range_mult AMS RANGE AMS RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_cams_rof_mult AMS RATE OF FIRE AMS RATE OF FIRE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON pt_longer_is_slaser_1 SMALL LASER RANGE 1 SMALL LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_2 SMALL LASER RANGE 2 SMALL LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_3 SMALL LASER RANGE 3 SMALL LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_4 SMALL LASER RANGE 4 SMALL LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_5 SMALL LASER RANGE 5 SMALL LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_slaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_1 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 1 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_2 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 2 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_3 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 3 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_4 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 4 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_5 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 5 MEDIUM LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mlaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_1 LARGE LASER RANGE 1 LARGE LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_2 LARGE LASER RANGE 2 LARGE LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_3 LARGE LASER RANGE 3 LARGE LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_4 LARGE LASER RANGE 4 LARGE LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_5 LARGE LASER RANGE 5 LARGE LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_llaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_1 SP-LASER RANGE 1 SP-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_2 SP-LASER RANGE 2 SP-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_3 SP-LASER RANGE 3 SP-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_4 SP-LASER RANGE 4 SP-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_5 SP-LASER RANGE 5 SP-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_splaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_1 MP-LASER RANGE 1 MP-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_2 MP-LASER RANGE 2 MP-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_3 MP-LASER RANGE 3 MP-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_4 MP-LASER RANGE 4 MP-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_5 MP-LASER RANGE 5 MP-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mplaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_1 LP-LASER RANGE 1 LP-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_2 LP-LASER RANGE 2 LP-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_3 LP-LASER RANGE 3 LP-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_4 LP-LASER RANGE 4 LP-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_5 LP-LASER RANGE 5 LP-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lplaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_1 ERL-LASER RANGE 1 ERL-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_2 ERL-LASER RANGE 2 ERL-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_3 ERL-LASER RANGE 3 ERL-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_4 ERL-LASER RANGE 4 ERL-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_5 ERL-LASER RANGE 5 ERL-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erllaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_1 PPC RANGE 1 PPC RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_2 PPC RANGE 2 PPC RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_3 PPC RANGE 3 PPC RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_4 PPC RANGE 4 PPC RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_5 PPC RANGE 5 PPC RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ppc_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere PPC by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_1 ER PPC RANGE 1 ER PPC RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_2 ER PPC RANGE 2 ER PPC RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_3 ER PPC RANGE 3 ER PPC RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_4 ER PPC RANGE 4 ER PPC RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_5 ER PPC RANGE 5 ER PPC RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_erppc_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_1 FLAMER RANGE 1 FLAMER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_2 FLAMER RANGE 2 FLAMER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_3 FLAMER RANGE 3 FLAMER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_4 FLAMER RANGE 4 FLAMER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_5 FLAMER RANGE 5 FLAMER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_flamer_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_1 SRM 2 RANGE 1 SRM 2 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_2 SRM 2 RANGE 2 SRM 2 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_3 SRM 2 RANGE 3 SRM 2 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_4 SRM 2 RANGE 4 SRM 2 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_5 SRM 2 RANGE 5 SRM 2 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_1 SRM 4 RANGE 1 SRM 4 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_2 SRM 4 RANGE 2 SRM 4 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_3 SRM 4 RANGE 3 SRM 4 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_4 SRM 4 RANGE 4 SRM 4 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_5 SRM 4 RANGE 5 SRM 4 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm4_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_1 SRM 6 RANGE 1 SRM 6 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_2 SRM 6 RANGE 2 SRM 6 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_3 SRM 6 RANGE 3 SRM 6 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_4 SRM 6 RANGE 4 SRM 6 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_5 SRM 6 RANGE 5 SRM 6 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_srm6_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_1 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 1 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_2 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 2 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_3 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 3 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_4 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 4 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_5 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 5 STREAK SRM 2 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ssrm2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_1 LRM 5 RANGE 1 LRM 5 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_2 LRM 5 RANGE 2 LRM 5 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_3 LRM 5 RANGE 3 LRM 5 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_4 LRM 5 RANGE 4 LRM 5 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_5 LRM 5 RANGE 5 LRM 5 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm5_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_1 LRM 10 RANGE 1 LRM 10 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_2 LRM 10 RANGE 2 LRM 10 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_3 LRM 10 RANGE 3 LRM 10 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_4 LRM 10 RANGE 4 LRM 10 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_5 LRM 10 RANGE 5 LRM 10 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm10_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_1 LRM 15 RANGE 1 LRM 15 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_2 LRM 15 RANGE 2 LRM 15 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_3 LRM 15 RANGE 3 LRM 15 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_4 LRM 15 RANGE 4 LRM 15 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_5 LRM 15 RANGE 5 LRM 15 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm15_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_1 LRM 20 RANGE 1 LRM 20 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_2 LRM 20 RANGE 2 LRM 20 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_3 LRM 20 RANGE 3 LRM 20 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_4 LRM 20 RANGE 4 LRM 20 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_5 LRM 20 RANGE 5 LRM 20 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lrm20_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_1 AC/2 RANGE 1 AC/2 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_2 AC/2 RANGE 2 AC/2 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_3 AC/2 RANGE 3 AC/2 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_4 AC/2 RANGE 4 AC/2 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_5 AC/2 RANGE 5 AC/2 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_1 AC/5 RANGE 1 AC/5 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_2 AC/5 RANGE 2 AC/5 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_3 AC/5 RANGE 3 AC/5 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_4 AC/5 RANGE 4 AC/5 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_5 AC/5 RANGE 5 AC/5 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac5_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_1 AC/10 RANGE 1 AC/10 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_2 AC/10 RANGE 2 AC/10 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_3 AC/10 RANGE 3 AC/10 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_4 AC/10 RANGE 4 AC/10 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_5 AC/10 RANGE 5 AC/10 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac10_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_1 AC/20 RANGE 1 AC/20 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_2 AC/20 RANGE 2 AC/20 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_3 AC/20 RANGE 3 AC/20 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_4 AC/20 RANGE 4 AC/20 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_5 AC/20 RANGE 5 AC/20 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ac20_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_1 LB 10-X RANGE 1 LB 10-X RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_2 LB 10-X RANGE 2 LB 10-X RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_3 LB 10-X RANGE 3 LB 10-X RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_4 LB 10-X RANGE 4 LB 10-X RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_5 LB 10-X RANGE 5 LB 10-X RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_lbx10_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_1 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 1 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_2 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 2 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_3 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 3 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_4 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 4 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_5 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 5 ULTRA AC/5 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_uac5_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_1 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 1 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_2 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 2 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_3 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 3 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_4 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 4 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_5 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 5 GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_gauss_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_1 MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 MACHINE GUN RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_2 MACHINE GUN RANGE 2 MACHINE GUN RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_3 MACHINE GUN RANGE 3 MACHINE GUN RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_4 MACHINE GUN RANGE 4 MACHINE GUN RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_5 MACHINE GUN RANGE 5 MACHINE GUN RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_mg_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_1 AMS RANGE 1 AMS RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_2 AMS RANGE 2 AMS RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_3 AMS RANGE 3 AMS RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_4 AMS RANGE 4 AMS RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_5 AMS RANGE 5 AMS RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_is_ams_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Inner Sphere AMS by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_1 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 1 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_2 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 2 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_3 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 3 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_4 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 4 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_5 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 5 CL. SP-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_splaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_1 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 1 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_2 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 2 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_3 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 3 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_4 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 4 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_5 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 5 CL. MP-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mplaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_1 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 1 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_2 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 2 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_3 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 3 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_4 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 4 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_5 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 5 CL. LP-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lplaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_1 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 1 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_2 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 2 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_3 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 3 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_4 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 4 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_5 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 5 CL. ERS-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erslaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Small Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_1 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 1 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_2 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 2 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_3 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 3 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_4 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 4 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_5 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 5 CL. ERM-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ermlaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_1 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 1 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_2 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 2 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_3 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 3 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_4 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 4 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_5 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 5 CL. ERL-LASER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erllaser_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER Large Laser by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_1 CL. ER PPC RANGE 1 CL. ER PPC RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_2 CL. ER PPC RANGE 2 CL. ER PPC RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_3 CL. ER PPC RANGE 3 CL. ER PPC RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_4 CL. ER PPC RANGE 4 CL. ER PPC RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_5 CL. ER PPC RANGE 5 CL. ER PPC RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_erppc_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan ER PPC by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_1 CL. FLAMER RANGE 1 CL. FLAMER RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_2 CL. FLAMER RANGE 2 CL. FLAMER RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_3 CL. FLAMER RANGE 3 CL. FLAMER RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_4 CL. FLAMER RANGE 4 CL. FLAMER RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_5 CL. FLAMER RANGE 5 CL. FLAMER RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_flamer_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Flamer by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_1 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 1 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_2 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 2 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_3 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 3 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_4 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 4 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_5 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 5 CL. SRM 2 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 2 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_1 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 1 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_2 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 2 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_3 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 3 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_4 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 4 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_5 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 5 CL. SRM 4 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm4_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 4 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_1 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 1 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_2 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 2 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_3 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 3 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_4 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 4 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_5 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 5 CL. SRM 6 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_srm6_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan SRM 6 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_1 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 1 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_2 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 2 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_3 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 3 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_4 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 4 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_5 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 5 CL. S-SRM 2 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_1 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 1 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_2 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 2 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_3 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 3 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_4 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 4 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_5 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 5 CL. S-SRM 4 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm4_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_1 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 1 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_2 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 2 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_3 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 3 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_4 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 4 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_5 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 5 CL. S-SRM 6 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ssrm6_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_1 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 1 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_2 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 2 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_3 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 3 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_4 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 4 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_5 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 5 CL. LRM 5 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm5_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 5 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_1 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 1 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_2 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 2 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_3 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 3 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_4 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 4 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_5 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 5 CL. LRM 10 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm10_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 10 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_1 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 1 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_2 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 2 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_3 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 3 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_4 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 4 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_5 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 5 CL. LRM 15 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm15_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 15 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_1 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 1 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_2 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 2 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_3 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 3 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_4 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 4 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_5 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 5 CL. LRM 20 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lrm20_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LRM 20 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_1 CL. AC/2 RANGE 1 CL. AC/2 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_2 CL. AC/2 RANGE 2 CL. AC/2 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_3 CL. AC/2 RANGE 3 CL. AC/2 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_4 CL. AC/2 RANGE 4 CL. AC/2 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_5 CL. AC/2 RANGE 5 CL. AC/2 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/2 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_1 CL. AC/5 RANGE 1 CL. AC/5 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_2 CL. AC/5 RANGE 2 CL. AC/5 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_3 CL. AC/5 RANGE 3 CL. AC/5 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_4 CL. AC/5 RANGE 4 CL. AC/5 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_5 CL. AC/5 RANGE 5 CL. AC/5 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac5_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/5 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_1 CL. AC/10 RANGE 1 CL. AC/10 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_2 CL. AC/10 RANGE 2 CL. AC/10 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_3 CL. AC/10 RANGE 3 CL. AC/10 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_4 CL. AC/10 RANGE 4 CL. AC/10 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_5 CL. AC/10 RANGE 5 CL. AC/10 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac10_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/10 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_1 CL. AC/20 RANGE 1 CL. AC/20 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_2 CL. AC/20 RANGE 2 CL. AC/20 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_3 CL. AC/20 RANGE 3 CL. AC/20 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_4 CL. AC/20 RANGE 4 CL. AC/20 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_5 CL. AC/20 RANGE 5 CL. AC/20 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ac20_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AC/20 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_1 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 1 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_2 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 2 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_3 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 3 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_4 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 4 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_5 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 5 CL. LB 2-X RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 2-X by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_1 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 1 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_2 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 2 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_3 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 3 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_4 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 4 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_5 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 5 CL. LB 5-X RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx5_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 5-X by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_1 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 1 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_2 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 2 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_3 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 3 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_4 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 4 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_5 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 5 CL. LB 10-X RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx10_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 10-X by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_1 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 1 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_2 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 2 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_3 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 3 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_4 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 4 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_5 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 5 CL. LB 20-X RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_lbx20_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan LB 20-X by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_1 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 1 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_2 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 2 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_3 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 3 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_4 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 4 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_5 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 5 CL. UAC/2 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac2_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_1 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 1 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_2 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 2 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_3 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 3 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_4 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 4 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_5 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 5 CL. UAC/5 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac5_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_1 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 1 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_2 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 2 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_3 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 3 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_4 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 4 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_5 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 5 CL. UAC/10 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac10_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_1 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 1 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_2 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 2 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_3 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 3 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_4 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 4 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_5 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 5 CL. UAC/20 RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_uac20_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_1 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 1 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_2 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 2 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_3 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 3 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_4 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 4 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_5 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 5 CL. GAUSS RIFLE RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_gauss_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_1 CL. MG RANGE 1 CL. MG RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_2 CL. MG RANGE 2 CL. MG RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_3 CL. MG RANGE 3 CL. MG RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_4 CL. MG RANGE 4 CL. MG RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_5 CL. MG RANGE 5 CL. MG RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_mg_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan Machine Gun by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_1 CL. AMS RANGE 1 CL. AMS RANGE 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_1_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 2% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_2 CL. AMS RANGE 2 CL. AMS RANGE 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_2_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 4% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_3 CL. AMS RANGE 3 CL. AMS RANGE 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_3_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 6% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_4 CL. AMS RANGE 4 CL. AMS RANGE 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_4_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 8% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_5 CL. AMS RANGE 5 CL. AMS RANGE 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_longer_clan_ams_5_desc Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 10% Increases the long and maximum range of the Clan AMS by 10% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_1 S. LASER COOLDOWN 1 S. LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_2 S. LASER COOLDOWN 2 S. LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_3 S. LASER COOLDOWN 3 S. LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_4 S. LASER COOLDOWN 4 S. LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_5 S. LASER COOLDOWN 5 S. LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_slaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_1 M. LASER COOLDOWN 1 M. LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_2 M. LASER COOLDOWN 2 M. LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_3 M. LASER COOLDOWN 3 M. LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_4 M. LASER COOLDOWN 4 M. LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_5 M. LASER COOLDOWN 5 M. LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mlaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_1 L. LASER COOLDOWN 1 L. LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_2 L. LASER COOLDOWN 2 L. LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_3 L. LASER COOLDOWN 3 L. LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_4 L. LASER COOLDOWN 4 L. LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_5 L. LASER COOLDOWN 5 L. LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_llaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_1 SP LASER COOLDOWN 1 SP LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_2 SP LASER COOLDOWN 2 SP LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_3 SP LASER COOLDOWN 3 SP LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_4 SP LASER COOLDOWN 4 SP LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_5 SP LASER COOLDOWN 5 SP LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_splaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Small Pulse Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_1 MP LASER COOLDOWN 1 MP LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_2 MP LASER COOLDOWN 2 MP LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_3 MP LASER COOLDOWN 3 MP LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_4 MP LASER COOLDOWN 4 MP LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_5 MP LASER COOLDOWN 5 MP LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mplaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Medium Pulse Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_1 LP LASER COOLDOWN 1 LP LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_2 LP LASER COOLDOWN 2 LP LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_3 LP LASER COOLDOWN 3 LP LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_4 LP LASER COOLDOWN 4 LP LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_5 LP LASER COOLDOWN 5 LP LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lplaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Large Pulse Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_1 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 1 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_2 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 2 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_3 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 3 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_4 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 4 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_5 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 5 ERL LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erllaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER Large Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_1 PPC COOLDOWN 1 PPC COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_2 PPC COOLDOWN 2 PPC COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_3 PPC COOLDOWN 3 PPC COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_4 PPC COOLDOWN 4 PPC COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_5 PPC COOLDOWN 5 PPC COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ppc_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere PPC by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_1 ER PPC COOLDOWN 1 ER PPC COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_2 ER PPC COOLDOWN 2 ER PPC COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_3 ER PPC COOLDOWN 3 ER PPC COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_4 ER PPC COOLDOWN 4 ER PPC COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_5 ER PPC COOLDOWN 5 ER PPC COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_erppc_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere ER PPC by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_1 FLAMER COOLDOWN 1 FLAMER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_2 FLAMER COOLDOWN 2 FLAMER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_3 FLAMER COOLDOWN 3 FLAMER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_4 FLAMER COOLDOWN 4 FLAMER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_5 FLAMER COOLDOWN 5 FLAMER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_flamer_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Flamer by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_1 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_2 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_3 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_4 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_5 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 2 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_1 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_2 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_3 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_4 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_5 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm4_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 4 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_1 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_2 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_3 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_4 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_5 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_srm6_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere SRM 6 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_1 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_2 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_3 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_4 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_5 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ssrm2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Streak SRM 2 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_1 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 1 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_2 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 2 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_3 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 3 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_4 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 4 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_5 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 5 LRM 5 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm5_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 5 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_1 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 1 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_2 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 2 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_3 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 3 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_4 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 4 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_5 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 5 LRM 10 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm10_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 10 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_1 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 1 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_2 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 2 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_3 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 3 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_4 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 4 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_5 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 5 LRM 15 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm15_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 15 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_1 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 1 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_2 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 2 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_3 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 3 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_4 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 4 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_5 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 5 LRM 20 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lrm20_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LRM 20 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_1 AC/2 COOLDOWN 1 AC/2 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_2 AC/2 COOLDOWN 2 AC/2 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_3 AC/2 COOLDOWN 3 AC/2 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_4 AC/2 COOLDOWN 4 AC/2 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_5 AC/2 COOLDOWN 5 AC/2 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/2 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_1 AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_2 AC/5 COOLDOWN 2 AC/5 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_3 AC/5 COOLDOWN 3 AC/5 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_4 AC/5 COOLDOWN 4 AC/5 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_5 AC/5 COOLDOWN 5 AC/5 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac5_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/5 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_1 AC/10 COOLDOWN 1 AC/10 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_2 AC/10 COOLDOWN 2 AC/10 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_3 AC/10 COOLDOWN 3 AC/10 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_4 AC/10 COOLDOWN 4 AC/10 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_5 AC/10 COOLDOWN 5 AC/10 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac10_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/10 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_1 AC/20 COOLDOWN 1 AC/20 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_2 AC/20 COOLDOWN 2 AC/20 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_3 AC/20 COOLDOWN 3 AC/20 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_4 AC/20 COOLDOWN 4 AC/20 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_5 AC/20 COOLDOWN 5 AC/20 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ac20_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AC/20 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_1 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 1 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_2 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 2 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_3 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 3 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_4 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 4 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_5 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 5 LB 10-X COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_lbx10_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere LB 10-X by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_1 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_2 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 2 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_3 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 3 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_4 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 4 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_5 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 5 ULTRA AC/5 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_uac5_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Ultra AC/5 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_1 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 1 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_2 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 2 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_3 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 3 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_4 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 4 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_5 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 5 GAUSS RIFLE COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_gauss_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Gauss Rifle by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_1 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 1 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_2 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 2 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_3 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 3 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_4 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 4 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_5 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 5 MACHINE GUN COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_mg_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere Machine Gun by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_1 AMS COOLDOWN 1 AMS COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_2 AMS COOLDOWN 2 AMS COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_3 AMS COOLDOWN 3 AMS COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_4 AMS COOLDOWN 4 AMS COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_5 AMS COOLDOWN 5 AMS COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_is_ams_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Inner Sphere AMS by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_1 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 1 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_2 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 2 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_3 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 3 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_4 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 4 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_5 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 5 CL. SP-LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_splaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Small Pulse Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_1 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 1 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_2 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 2 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_3 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 3 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_4 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 4 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_5 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 5 CL. MP-LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mplaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Medium Pulse Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_1 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 1 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_2 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 2 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_3 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 3 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_4 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 4 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_5 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 5 CL. LP-LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lplaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Large Pulse Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_1 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 1 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_2 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 2 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_3 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 3 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_4 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 4 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_5 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 5 CL. ERS LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erslaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Small Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_1 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 1 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_2 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 2 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_3 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 3 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_4 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 4 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_5 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 5 CL. ERM LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ermlaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Medium Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_1 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 1 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_2 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 2 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_3 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 3 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_4 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 4 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_5 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 5 CL. ERL LASER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erllaser_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER Large Laser by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_1 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 1 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_2 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 2 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_3 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 3 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_4 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 4 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_5 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 5 CL. FLAMER COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_flamer_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Flamer by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_1 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 1 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_2 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 2 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_3 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 3 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_4 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 4 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_5 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 5 CL. ER PPC COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_erppc_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan ER PPC by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_1 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_2 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_3 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_4 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_5 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 CL. SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 2 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_1 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_2 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_3 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_4 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_5 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 CL. SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm4_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 4 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_1 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_2 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_3 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_4 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_5 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 CL. SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_srm6_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan SRM 6 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_1 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_2 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_3 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_4 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_5 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 CL. S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 2 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_1 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_2 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_3 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_4 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_5 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 CL. S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm4_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 4 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_1 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_2 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_3 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_4 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_5 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 CL. S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ssrm6_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Streak SRM 6 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_1 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 1 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_2 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 2 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_3 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 3 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_4 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 4 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_5 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 5 CL. LRM 5 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm5_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 5 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_1 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 1 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_2 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 2 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_3 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 3 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_4 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 4 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_5 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 5 CL. LRM 10 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm10_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 10 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_1 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 1 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_2 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 2 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_3 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 3 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_4 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 4 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_5 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 5 CL. LRM 15 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm15_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 15 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_1 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 1 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_2 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 2 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_3 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 3 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_4 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 4 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_5 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 5 CL. LRM 20 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lrm20_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LRM 20 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_1 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 1 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_2 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 2 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_3 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 3 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_4 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 4 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_5 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 5 CL. AC/2 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/2 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_1 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_2 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 2 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_3 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 3 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_4 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 4 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_5 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 5 CL. AC/5 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac5_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/5 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_1 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 1 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_2 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 2 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_3 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 3 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_4 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 4 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_5 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 5 CL. AC/10 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac10_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/10 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_1 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 1 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_2 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 2 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_3 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 3 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_4 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 4 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_5 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 5 CL. AC/20 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ac20_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AC/20 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_1 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 1 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_2 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 2 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_3 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 3 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_4 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 4 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_5 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 5 CL. LB 2-X COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 2-X by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_1 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 1 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_2 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 2 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_3 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 3 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_4 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 4 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_5 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 5 CL. LB 5-X COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx5_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 5-X by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_1 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 1 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_2 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 2 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_3 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 3 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_4 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 4 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_5 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 5 CL. LB 10-X COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx10_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 10-X by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_1 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 1 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_2 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 2 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_3 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 3 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_4 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 4 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_5 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 5 CL. LB 20-X COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_lbx20_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan LB 20-X by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_1 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 1 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_2 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 2 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_3 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 3 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_4 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 4 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_5 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 5 CL. UAC/2 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac2_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/2 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_1 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 1 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_2 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 2 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_3 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 3 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_4 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 4 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_5 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 5 CL. UAC/5 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac5_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/5 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_1 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 1 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_2 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 2 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_3 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 3 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_4 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 4 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_5 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 5 CL. UAC/10 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac10_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/10 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_1 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 1 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_2 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 2 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_3 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 3 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_4 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 4 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_5 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 5 CL. UAC/20 COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_uac20_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Ultra AC/20 by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_1 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 1 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_2 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 2 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_3 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 3 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_4 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 4 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_5 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 5 CL. GAUSS COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_gauss_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Gauss Rifle by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_1 CL. MG COOLDOWN 1 CL. MG COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_2 CL. MG COOLDOWN 2 CL. MG COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_3 CL. MG COOLDOWN 3 CL. MG COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_4 CL. MG COOLDOWN 4 CL. MG COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_5 CL. MG COOLDOWN 5 CL. MG COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_mg_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan Machine Gun by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_1 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 1 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 1 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_1_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 2.4% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 2.4% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_2 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 2 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 2 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_2_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 4.8% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 4.8% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_3 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 3 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 3 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_3_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 7.2% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 7.2% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_4 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 4 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 4 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_4_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 9.6% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 9.6% Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_5 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 5 CL. AMS COOLDOWN 5 Auto generated by brian buckton pt_cooldown_clan_ams_5_desc Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 12% Improves the cooldown of the Clan AMS by 12% Auto generated by brian buckton ui_TonnageFilterValueInvalid <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">Min: %0 Current:</font> <font color=\"#DF0B0C\">%1</font> <font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> Max: %2</font> <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">Min: %0 Current:</font> <font color=\"#DF0B0C\">%1</font> <font color=\"#FFFFFF\"> Max: %2</font> ui_Min Min Min ui_Max_Colon Max: Max: ui_Current Current Current ui_publicgrouptype QUICK PLAY GROUP QUICK PLAY GROUP ui_unitgrouptype FACTION PLAY GROUP FACTION PLAY GROUP ui_social_group_publicmmchat Quick Play Group Quick Play Group ui_social_group_unitmmchat FP Group FP Group ui_groupinvitesuccessful Group invite sent. Group invite sent. ui_social_unitgroupinvite FP GROUP INVITE FP GROUP INVITE ui_social_publicgroupinvite PUBLIC GROUP INVITE PUBLIC GROUP INVITE ui_social_invite_to_public_group Invite To Public Group Invite To Public Group ui_social_invite_to_unit_group Invite To FP Group Invite To FP Group ui_social_btn_createunitgroup CREATE FACTION GROUP CREATE FACTION GROUP ui_social_btn_createpublicgroup CREATE PUBLIC GROUP CREATE PUBLIC GROUP ui_terraceswamp VIRIDIAN BOG VIRIDIAN BOG ui_terraceswamp_detail1 23 C 23 C ui_terraceswamp_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_terraceswamp_detail3 68% 68% ui_PilotModulesNotUnique Mech has duplicate pilot modules installed. 'Mech has duplicate pilot modules installed. ui_ConsumablesNotUnique Mech has duplicate consumables installed. 'Mech has duplicate consumables installed. ui_WeaponModulesNotUnique Mech has duplicate weapon modules installed. 'Mech has duplicate weapon modules installed. ui_DuplicatteModuleViolation Duplicate Module Violation Duplicate Module Violation ui_DuplicateModules_Removal This 'Mech has a duplicate module violation. All excess modules will be removed from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. This 'Mech has a duplicate module violation. All excess modules will be removed from the 'Mech. These changes will not be saved until you check out. ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch17 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15\n%16 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15\n%16 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch18 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15\n%16\n%17 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15\n%16\n%17 ui_InsufficientLoadoutLaunch19 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15\n%16\n%17\n%18 Your current loadout can not be taken into game.\nReason:\n%0\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n%8\n%9\n%10\n%11\n%12\n%13\n%14\n%15\n%16\n%17\n%18 emechmodel_mistlynx MIST LYNX MIST LYNX mlx-primei MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(I) MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(I) mlx-primei_desc MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(I) description MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(I) mlx-primei_short MLX-PRIME(I) MLX-PRIME(I) mlx-prime MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME mlx-prime_desc MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME description MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME mlx-prime_short MLX-PRIME MLX-PRIME mlx-b MIST LYNX MLX-B MIST LYNX MLX-B mlx-b_desc MIST LYNX MLX-B description MIST LYNX MLX-B mlx-b_short MLX-B MLX-B mlx-c MIST LYNX MLX-C MIST LYNX MLX-C mlx-c_desc MIST LYNX MLX-C description MIST LYNX MLX-C mlx-c_short MLX-C MLX-C omnipod_mlx-prime_head MLX-PRIME HEAD MLX-PRIME HEAD omnipod_mlx-prime_head_desc MLX-PRIME Head OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-prime_left_arm MLX-PRIME LEFT ARM MLX-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_mlx-prime_left_arm_desc MLX-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-prime_left_torso MLX-PRIME LEFT TORSO MLX-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_mlx-prime_left_torso_desc MLX-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-prime_right_torso MLX-PRIME RIGHT TORSO MLX-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mlx-prime_right_torso_desc MLX-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-prime_centre_torso MLX-PRIME CENTER TORSO MLX-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_mlx-prime_centre_torso_desc MLX-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-prime_right_arm MLX-PRIME RIGHT ARM MLX-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_mlx-prime_right_arm_desc MLX-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-prime_left_leg MLX-PRIME LEFT LEG MLX-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_mlx-prime_left_leg_desc MLX-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-prime_right_leg MLX-PRIME RIGHT LEG MLX-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_mlx-prime_right_leg_desc MLX-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. MLX-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_head MLX-B HEAD MLX-B HEAD omnipod_mlx-b_head_desc MLX-B Head OmniPod. MLX-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_left_arm MLX-B LEFT ARM MLX-B LEFT ARM omnipod_mlx-b_left_arm_desc MLX-B Left Arm OmniPod. MLX-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_left_torso MLX-B LEFT TORSO MLX-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_mlx-b_left_torso_desc MLX-B Left Torso OmniPod. MLX-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_right_torso MLX-B RIGHT TORSO MLX-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mlx-b_right_torso_desc MLX-B Right Torso OmniPod. MLX-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_centre_torso MLX-B CENTER TORSO MLX-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_mlx-b_centre_torso_desc MLX-B Center Torso OmniPod. MLX-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_right_arm MLX-B RIGHT ARM MLX-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_mlx-b_right_arm_desc MLX-B Right Arm OmniPod. MLX-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_left_leg MLX-B LEFT LEG MLX-B LEFT LEG omnipod_mlx-b_left_leg_desc MLX-B Left Leg OmniPod. MLX-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-b_right_leg MLX-B RIGHT LEG MLX-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_mlx-b_right_leg_desc MLX-B Right Leg OmniPod. MLX-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_head MLX-C HEAD MLX-C HEAD omnipod_mlx-c_head_desc MLX-C Head OmniPod. MLX-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_left_arm MLX-C LEFT ARM MLX-C LEFT ARM omnipod_mlx-c_left_arm_desc MLX-C Left Arm OmniPod. MLX-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_left_torso MLX-C LEFT TORSO MLX-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_mlx-c_left_torso_desc MLX-C Left Torso OmniPod. MLX-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_right_torso MLX-C RIGHT TORSO MLX-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mlx-c_right_torso_desc MLX-C Right Torso OmniPod. MLX-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_centre_torso MLX-C CENTER TORSO MLX-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_mlx-c_centre_torso_desc MLX-C Center Torso OmniPod. MLX-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_right_arm MLX-C RIGHT ARM MLX-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_mlx-c_right_arm_desc MLX-C Right Arm OmniPod. MLX-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_left_leg MLX-C LEFT LEG MLX-C LEFT LEG omnipod_mlx-c_left_leg_desc MLX-C Left Leg OmniPod. MLX-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-c_right_leg MLX-C RIGHT LEG MLX-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_mlx-c_right_leg_desc MLX-C Right Leg OmniPod. MLX-C Right Leg OmniPod. SHD-GD THE GRAY DEATH THE GRAY DEATH SHD-GD_desc The Shadow Hawk used by Grayson and Lori Carlyle. The Shadow Hawk used by Grayson and Lori Carlyle. SHD-GD_short SHD-GD SHD-GD LCT-PB PIRATES' BANE PIRATES' BANE LCT-PB_desc The Locust used by Grayson and Lori Carlyle. The Locust used by Grayson and Lori Carlyle. LCT-PB_short LCT-PB LCT-PB AS7_MasteryAssaultBundle_Name ATLAS BUNDLE ATLAS BUNDLE AS7_MasteryAssaultBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! ui_CreateGroupError Group Creation Error Group Creation Error ui_AlreadyInGroup Currently already in a group of this type. Currently already in a group of this type. ui_UnableToCreateGroup Unable to create group Unable to create group ui_LeaveGroupError Leave Group Error Leave Group Error ui_NotInGroup Not a member of the group. Not a member of the group. ui_UnknownErrorOccurred Unknown error occurred Unknown error occurred ui_JoinGroupError Join Group Error Join Group Error ui_GroupFull Group is currently full Group is currently full ui_NonRegisteredGroup Group does not exist Group does not exist ui_ConcurrentGroupLimitExceeded Unable to join group. You already belong to a group. Unable to join group. You already belong to a group. ui_GroupInviteError Group Invite Error Group Invite Error ui_UserAlreadyInGroup Player is already in a group Player is already in a group ui_GroupKickError Group Kick Error Group Kick Error ui_UnableToKickUserFromGroup Player is not part of the group Player is not part of the group ui_NotGroupLeader Not the group leader Not the group leader ui_UnableToKickSelf Unable to kick yourself from a group Unable to kick yourself from a group tt_ResetMap Reset map to default position. Reset map to default position. @Star_b_name CAMERON STAR CAMERON STAR @Star_b_desc Silver Hanging Cameron Star Silver Hanging Cameron Star @HandicapSign_name Parking Permit Sign Parking Permit Sign @HandicapSign_desc Hanging Parking Permit Sign Hanging Parking Permit Sign @Bottle_name Sparkling Wine Bottle Sparkling Wine Bottle @Bottle_desc Standing Sparkling Wine Bottle Standing Sparkling Wine Bottle @LuckyCat_name Lucky Cat Lucky Cat @LuckyCat_desc Standing Lucky Cat Standing Lucky Cat @LuminGlass_name Luminglass Luminglass @LuminGlass_desc Standing Luminglass Standing Luminglass @StrawberryWaffles_name Strawberry Waffles Strawberry Waffles @StrawberryWaffles_desc Deilcious Strawberry Waffles Deilcious Strawberry Waffles @Island_name Island Island @Island_desc A relaxing Island A relaxing Island ui_UserAlreadyBelongsInGroupType Player already belongs to a group of that type. Player already belongs to a group of that type. ui_UnableToCreateMultipleGroups Unable to create multiple groups of the same type. Unable to create multiple groups of the same type. ui_social_joinunitgroup JOIN FP GROUP JOIN FP GROUP EHouse_IS_Davion House\nDavion House\nDavion EHouse_IS_Kurita House\nKurita House\nKurita EHouse_IS_Liao House\nLiao House\nLiao EHouse_IS_Marik House\nMarik House\nMarik EHouse_IS_Rasalhague Free Rasalhague\nRepublic Free Rasalhague\nRepublic EHouse_IS_Steiner House\nSteiner House\nSteiner EHouse_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Clan\nSmoke Jaguar Clan\nSmoke Jaguar EHouse_Clan_Wolf Clan\nWolf Clan\nWolf EHouse_Clan_Ghost_Bear Clan\nGhost Bear Clan\nGhost Bear EHouse_Clan_Jade_Falcon Clan\nJade Falcon Clan\nJade Falcon ui_planetinformation Detailed Information Detailed Information ui_population Population Population ui_temperature Temperature Temperature ui_gravity Gravity Gravity ui_Water Water Water ui_dropshiprange DropShip Range DropShip Range ui_planethistory Planet History Planet History ui_contracttitle Mission Mission ui_dropship DROP DECK DROP DECK ui_attackerwins Attacker wins Attacker wins ui_defenderwins Defender wins Defender wins ui_firstdrop First drop First drop ui_attack Attack Attack ui_waitingforteam Waiting for team Waiting for team ui_waitingforteamdesc Waiting for team members Waiting for team members ui_left Left Left ui_right Right Right ui_defend Defend Defend ui_occupyingunit Occupying Unit Occupying Unit RVN-3LC RAVEN RVN-3L(C) RAVEN RVN-3L(C) RVN-3LC_desc RAVEN RVN-3L(C) description RAVEN RVN-3L(C) RVN-3LC_short RVN-3L(C) RVN-3L(C) emechmodel_hellbringer HELLBRINGER HELLBRINGER hbr-primei HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME(I) HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME(I) hbr-primei_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME(I) description HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME(I) hbr-primei_short HBR-PRIME(I) HBR-PRIME(I) hbr-prime HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME hbr-prime_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME description HELLBRINGER HBR-PRIME hbr-prime_short HBR-PRIME HBR-PRIME hbr-a HELLBRINGER HBR-A HELLBRINGER HBR-A hbr-a_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-A description HELLBRINGER HBR-A hbr-a_short HBR-A HBR-A hbr-b HELLBRINGER HBR-B HELLBRINGER HBR-B hbr-b_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-B description HELLBRINGER HBR-B hbr-b_short HBR-B HBR-B omnipod_hbr-prime_head HBR-PRIME HEAD HBR-PRIME HEAD omnipod_hbr-prime_head_desc HBR-PRIME Head OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-prime_left_arm HBR-PRIME LEFT ARM HBR-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_hbr-prime_left_arm_desc HBR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-prime_left_torso HBR-PRIME LEFT TORSO HBR-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_hbr-prime_left_torso_desc HBR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-prime_right_torso HBR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO HBR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hbr-prime_right_torso_desc HBR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-prime_centre_torso HBR-PRIME CENTER TORSO HBR-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_hbr-prime_centre_torso_desc HBR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-prime_right_arm HBR-PRIME RIGHT ARM HBR-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_hbr-prime_right_arm_desc HBR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-prime_left_leg HBR-PRIME LEFT LEG HBR-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_hbr-prime_left_leg_desc HBR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-prime_right_leg HBR-PRIME RIGHT LEG HBR-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_hbr-prime_right_leg_desc HBR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. HBR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_head HBR-A HEAD HBR-A HEAD omnipod_hbr-a_head_desc HBR-A Head OmniPod. HBR-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_left_arm HBR-A LEFT ARM HBR-A LEFT ARM omnipod_hbr-a_left_arm_desc HBR-A Left Arm OmniPod. HBR-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_left_torso HBR-A LEFT TORSO HBR-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_hbr-a_left_torso_desc HBR-A Left Torso OmniPod. HBR-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_right_torso HBR-A RIGHT TORSO HBR-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hbr-a_right_torso_desc HBR-A Right Torso OmniPod. HBR-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_centre_torso HBR-A CENTER TORSO HBR-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_hbr-a_centre_torso_desc HBR-A Center Torso OmniPod. HBR-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_right_arm HBR-A RIGHT ARM HBR-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_hbr-a_right_arm_desc HBR-A Right Arm OmniPod. HBR-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_left_leg HBR-A LEFT LEG HBR-A LEFT LEG omnipod_hbr-a_left_leg_desc HBR-A Left Leg OmniPod. HBR-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-a_right_leg HBR-A RIGHT LEG HBR-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_hbr-a_right_leg_desc HBR-A Right Leg OmniPod. HBR-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_head HBR-B HEAD HBR-B HEAD omnipod_hbr-b_head_desc HBR-B Head OmniPod. HBR-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_left_arm HBR-B LEFT ARM HBR-B LEFT ARM omnipod_hbr-b_left_arm_desc HBR-B Left Arm OmniPod. HBR-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_left_torso HBR-B LEFT TORSO HBR-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_hbr-b_left_torso_desc HBR-B Left Torso OmniPod. HBR-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_right_torso HBR-B RIGHT TORSO HBR-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hbr-b_right_torso_desc HBR-B Right Torso OmniPod. HBR-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_centre_torso HBR-B CENTER TORSO HBR-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_hbr-b_centre_torso_desc HBR-B Center Torso OmniPod. HBR-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_right_arm HBR-B RIGHT ARM HBR-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_hbr-b_right_arm_desc HBR-B Right Arm OmniPod. HBR-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_left_leg HBR-B LEFT LEG HBR-B LEFT LEG omnipod_hbr-b_left_leg_desc HBR-B Left Leg OmniPod. HBR-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-b_right_leg HBR-B RIGHT LEG HBR-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_hbr-b_right_leg_desc HBR-B Right Leg OmniPod. HBR-B Right Leg OmniPod. _m_increaseThrottle Throttle Up Throttle Up sb_waitingtodrop WAITING TO DROP WAITING TO DROP ui_selectnextmech SELECT NEXT 'MECH SELECT NEXT 'MECH ui_dropshipmechselect DROP DECK 'MECH SELECT DROP DECK 'MECH SELECT ui_invasion SIEGE SIEGE hud_barrier GATE GATE Hud_generator POWER GRID POWER GRID hud_fieldbase BASE BASE ui_invasion_rules ATTACK TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE ORBITAL CANNON\nDEFEND TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY ALL ENEMY 'MECHS\n • PROTECT THE ORBITAL CANNON FOR 30 MINUTES ATTACK TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE ORBITAL CANNON\nDEFEND TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY ALL ENEMY 'MECHS\n • PROTECT THE ORBITAL CANNON FOR 30 MINUTES ui_LobbyGameDoesNotExist Connection to game server was lost Connection to game server was lost ui_pilot_ejection PILOT EJECTION PILOT EJECTION hud_ejectsequencetinitiated EJECT SEQUENCE INITIATED EJECT SEQUENCE INITIATED hud_seconds SECONDS SECONDS _m_eject Mech Eject Mech Eject sb_YourDropship Your Drop Deck Your Drop Deck ui_dropsremaining DROPS REMAINING DROPS REMAINING ui_watingforopponentdesc Waiting for the opposing team to form Waiting for the opposing team to form ui_selectfaction SELECT FACTION SELECT FACTION ui_matchprep MATCH PREPARATION MATCH PREPARATION ui_selectcontractlength SELECT CONTRACT LENGTH SELECT CONTRACT LENGTH ui_1_month 7 DAYS 7 DAYS ui_2_month 14 DAYS 14 DAYS ui_4_month 28 DAYS 28 DAYS ui_merccontract MERC CONTRACT MERC CONTRACT ui_loyalistcontract LOYALIST CONTRACT LOYALIST CONTRACT ui_selectcontract SELECT CONTRACT SELECT CONTRACT ui_joinfaction MORE INFORMATION MORE INFORMATION ui_matchprepdesc SELECT YOUR 'MECHS AND PREPARE FOR BATTLE SELECT YOUR 'MECHS AND PREPARE FOR BATTLE Click_here_to_accept CLICK HERE TO ACCEPT CLICK HERE TO ACCEPT ui_frost BOREAL VAULT BOREAL VAULT ui_waitingforopponent WAITING FOR OPPONENT WAITING FOR OPPONENT ui_IS_Davion_desc Federated Suns ruled by House Davion Federated Suns ruled by House Davion ui_IS_Kurita_desc Draconis Combine ruled by House Kurita Draconis Combine ruled by House Kurita ui_IS_Liao_desc Capellan Confederation ruled by House Liao Capellan Confederation ruled by House Liao ui_IS_Marik_desc Free Worlds League ruled by House Marik Free Worlds League ruled by House Marik ui_IS_Rasalhague_desc Born in the wake of the Fourth Succession War Born in the wake of the Fourth Succession War ui_IS_Steiner_desc Lyran Commonwealth ruled by House Steiner Lyran Commonwealth ruled by House Steiner ui_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar_desc Hard-hitting and totally unforgiving of the weakness of others Hard-hitting and totally unforgiving of the weakness of others ui_Clan_Jade_Falcon_desc Self-important traditionalists, focused on conquest and genetic purity Self-important traditionalists, focused on conquest and genetic purity ui_Clan_Wolf_desc Noted for their lack of formality and rigid adherence to tradition Noted for their lack of formality and rigid adherence to tradition ui_Clan_Ghost_Bear_desc Traditions reinforced through education and the military chain of command Traditions reinforced through education and the military chain of command Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Clan Smoke Jaguar Clan Smoke Jaguar ui_AcceptFactionContract Do you really wish to accept a %0 contract with %1?\nBreaking this contract will result in severe penalties. Do you really wish to accept a %0 contract with %1?\nBreaking this contract will result in severe penalties. Clan_Jade_Falcon Clan Jade Falcon Clan Jade Falcon Clan_Wolf Clan Wolf Clan Wolf Clan_Ghost_Bear Clan Ghost Bear Clan Ghost Bear ui_ContractLength1 7 day 7 day ui_ContractLength2 14 day 14 day ui_ContractLength3 28 day 28 day ui_ContractLength4 permanent permanent ui_AcceptContractTitle Accept Contract Accept Contract ui_badlands SULFUROUS RIFT SULFUROUS RIFT ui_ManageContracts MANAGE CONTRACTS MANAGE CONTRACTS pi_440 A rich world of sprawling cities and major space ports, the wealth has come from official (and not so official) trading with a myriad of back-water Combine worlds that almost completely surround it. A rich world of sprawling cities and major space ports, the wealth has come from official (and not so official) trading with a myriad of back-water Combine worlds that almost completely surround it. pi_1796 Covered extensively by the lush Solun Jungle, Jarett's primary claim to fame is as the third target of the mysterious Minnestoa Tribe that struck in early 2826. Covered extensively by the lush Solun Jungle, Jarett's primary claim to fame is as the third target of the mysterious Minnestoa Tribe that struck in early 2826. pi_548 Buckminster went from a relatively obscure agricultural world to instant power and strategic importance when it was made a Prefecture Capital in the early years of the 31st century. Buckminster went from a relatively obscure agricultural world to instant power and strategic importance when it was made a Prefecture Capital in the early years of the 31st century. pi_785 Three continents run north to south on Thule, creating one of bounty, one of scorching deserts, and the southernmost a continent of frigid ice. Three continents run north to south on Thule, creating one of bounty, one of scorching deserts, and the southernmost a continent of frigid ice. pi_1590 A frequent target of water raids for centuries, New Caledonia is dominated by rocky plains. Redfev, the capital, is also its industrial center and home to the planet's main spaceport. A frequent target of water raids for centuries, New Caledonia is dominated by rocky plains. Redfev, the capital, is also its industrial center and home to the planet's main spaceport. pi_927 Colonized in 2338 by the Rim Worlds Republic, this water-rich world was conquered by the Lyran Commonwealth at the fall of the Star League as the RWR was destroyed. Colonized in 2338 by the Rim Worlds Republic, this water-rich world was conquered by the Lyran Commonwealth at the fall of the Star League as the RWR was destroyed. pi_1627 Left relatively untouched from the horrors of the Succession Wars, Bessarabia is home to the Sirocco's Den, a massive meandering dune composed of unusual crystalline structures. Left relatively untouched from the horrors of the Succession Wars, Bessarabia is home to the Sirocco's Den, a massive meandering dune composed of unusual crystalline structures. pi_933 Relatively industrialized for a Periphery border world, Chateau retains remnants of Star League-era infrastructure in its vast transportation arteries linking the capital of Romul to its major industrial center. Relatively industrialized for a Periphery border world, Chateau retains remnants of Star League-era infrastructure in its vast transportation arteries linking the capital of Romul to its major industrial center. pi_1624 A frigid world of a perpetual twilight due to nuclear bombardment during the Succession Wars, native Dalkeithians have a natural resistance to the effects of some types of radiation. A frigid world of a perpetual twilight due to nuclear bombardment during the Succession Wars, native Dalkeithians have a natural resistance to the effects of some types of radiation. pi_1588 An Eden-like world--yet resource scarce--the Star League era saw the Cosmopolis megaplex arise, catering to the ultra rich that frequented Dell's brilliant beaches and flora/fauna rich islands. An Eden-like world--yet resource scarce--the Star League era saw the Cosmopolis megaplex arise, catering to the ultra rich that frequented Dell's brilliant beaches and flora/fauna rich islands. pi_1613 Of little strategic importance, Domain is a pastoral world of gently rolling hills and wide plains; the capital, Kusson, lies nestled in the foothills of the Kusson Mountains. Of little strategic importance, Domain is a pastoral world of gently rolling hills and wide plains; the capital, Kusson, lies nestled in the foothills of the Kusson Mountains. pi_851 Infamous within the Lyran Commonwealth, Duke Reynolds of Fatima's court was thrown into turmoil when one of his nobleman was responsible for the assassination of Archon Alister Steiner in 2467. Infamous within the Lyran Commonwealth, Duke Reynolds of Fatima's court was thrown into turmoil when one of his nobleman was responsible for the assassination of Archon Alister Steiner in 2467. pi_1614 A small-ish planet lacking in significant resources, the original colonists included "Fort" in the name due to the massive ranges of mountains that make any attempts at raids undesirable. A small-ish planet lacking in significant resources, the original colonists included "Fort" in the name due to the massive ranges of mountains that make any attempts at raids undesirable. pi_1645 Once a beautiful world during the heyday of the Star League, the planet has since moved into a volcanic phase rendering life on 3 of the 5 continents impossible and launching a nascent ice age. Once a beautiful world during the heyday of the Star League, the planet has since moved into a volcanic phase rendering life on 3 of the 5 continents impossible and launching a nascent ice age. pi_477 A world of very little land-mass, the economy of Maestu is based almost exclusively on fishing and ranching for those relatively rare stretches of good land on the various islands. A world of very little land-mass, the economy of Maestu is based almost exclusively on fishing and ranching for those relatively rare stretches of good land on the various islands. pi_985 Meacham is home to a large, continent-spanning desert where temperatures soar to near 70 degrees Celsius, making them virtually uninhabitable, even for a tech-heavy colony. Meacham is home to a large, continent-spanning desert where temperatures soar to near 70 degrees Celsius, making them virtually uninhabitable, even for a tech-heavy colony. pi_1592 A planet of modest wealth and means, Planting's main population centers are located aground the agro-industrial complexes of the Dantron-Sontor-Belex TriCities. A planet of modest wealth and means, Planting's main population centers are located aground the agro-industrial complexes of the Dantron-Sontor-Belex TriCities. pi_1610 Headquarters of Rastaban Agricultural Products, this colossal exporter of quick-growing grains--primarily to the Draconis Combine--own five trillion acres spread over five worlds. Headquarters of Rastaban Agricultural Products, this colossal exporter of quick-growing grains--primarily to the Draconis Combine--own five trillion acres spread over five worlds. pi_952 A quiet border world with the Free Rasalhague Republic, more well-off military personnel in the region are known to hop a planet on R&R just to visit Sally's Bar and Grill in the capital of Vesinur. A quiet border world with the Free Rasalhague Republic, more well-off military personnel in the region are known to hop a planet on R&R just to visit Sally's Bar and Grill in the capital of Vesinur. pi_8 In 3024 the LCAF pushed the last Kurita forces off this large industrialized world. Despite the decades, significant portions of the world still retain the scars of Succession Wars conflict. In 3024 the LCAF pushed the last Kurita forces off this large industrialized world. Despite the decades, significant portions of the world still retain the scars of Succession Wars conflict. pi_1616 Originally named Perrot when it was colonized during mankind's first diaspora to the stars, the Draconis Combine renamed the world after it was conquering during the Second Succession War. Originally named Perrot when it was colonized during mankind's first diaspora to the stars, the Draconis Combine renamed the world after it was conquering during the Second Succession War. pi_728 Suk II is home to several key, rare metal deposits that have solicited raids for centuries. Those same metals have tainted most of the worlds water, making the inhabitants a hardy stock. Suk II is home to several key, rare metal deposits that have solicited raids for centuries. Those same metals have tainted most of the worlds water, making the inhabitants a hardy stock. pi_1587 Svarstaad is volcanically active with only a few hardy settlers; descendants of migrants from the Principality of Rasalhague who were unable to return after it was conquered by the Draconis Combine. Svarstaad is volcanically active with only a few hardy settlers; descendants of migrants from the Principality of Rasalhague who were unable to return after it was conquered by the Draconis Combine. pi_706 Capital of the Tamar Pack, this world has been hotly contested with many conflicts over the centuries, including when House Kurita razed the War Academy of Tamar in 2915. Capital of the Tamar Pack, this world has been hotly contested with many conflicts over the centuries, including when House Kurita razed the War Academy of Tamar in 2915. pi_1142 Founded in 3019 by an ex-Captain in one of House Davion's 'Mech regiments, Santander's World boasts one of the most vicious pirate bands operating in the Periphery. Founded in 3019 by an ex-Captain in one of House Davion's 'Mech regiments, Santander's World boasts one of the most vicious pirate bands operating in the Periphery. pi_893 Star's End is known for its germanium deposits (essential for JumpShip construction), as well as its bandits (the infamous Morgan Fletcher and his Belt Pirates). Star's End is known for its germanium deposits (essential for JumpShip construction), as well as its bandits (the infamous Morgan Fletcher and his Belt Pirates). pi_1488 Occupied by the descendants of Stefan Amaris' supporters, it's a xenophobic world where the Von Strang family zealously keep the population in servitude repairing hundreds of fortifications. Occupied by the descendants of Stefan Amaris' supporters, it's a xenophobic world where the Von Strang family zealously keep the population in servitude repairing hundreds of fortifications. pi_1125 A lush, tropical planet maintained in its pristine wilderness state by the pacifist Inheritors. Rumors of a secret, ancient Star League facility has brought prospectors and raiders alike to clash with the inhabitants. A lush, tropical planet maintained in its pristine wilderness state by the pacifist Inheritors. Rumors of a secret, ancient Star League facility has brought prospectors and raiders alike to clash with the inhabitants. pi_1619 Home to a pacifist philosophical movement called the Inheritors, Manaringaine is kept in a pristine wilderness state, with inhabitants living in primitive villages for their cause. Home to a pacifist philosophical movement called the Inheritors, Manaringaine is kept in a pristine wilderness state, with inhabitants living in primitive villages for their cause. pi_1641 A planet with very little commercial or geological value, it's only occupied by members of the Inheritors who migrated from the nearby Manaringaine to spread their philosophy of pristine wildernesses. A planet with very little commercial or geological value, it's only occupied by members of the Inheritors who migrated from the nearby Manaringaine to spread their philosophy of pristine wildernesses. pi_1784 A colony of the Elysian Fields, the world takes the usual Inheritor pacifist ideals of this region to its logical conclusion with absolutely no weapons of any kind allowed. A colony of the Elysian Fields, the world takes the usual Inheritor pacifist ideals of this region to its logical conclusion with absolutely no weapons of any kind allowed. pi_1468 A desolate Periphery world, one of its main exports is an obsidian sand for industrial usage. A desolate Periphery world, one of its main exports is an obsidian sand for industrial usage. pi_1542 A barren, thinly populated arid world. Few settlements exist that aren't heavily fortified, sprinkled only lightly across vast deserts plains that cover most of its surface. Rumored home of a verbose robotic AI. A barren, thinly populated arid world. Few settlements exist that aren't heavily fortified, sprinkled only lightly across vast deserts plains that cover most of its surface. Rumored home of a verbose robotic AI. pi_921 A cold planet covered in layers of ice and snow, the few hardy souls on world scratch out a meager living in a thin belt of tundra near the equator. A cold planet covered in layers of ice and snow, the few hardy souls on world scratch out a meager living in a thin belt of tundra near the equator. pi_922 Colonized by the Rim Worlds Republic in 2338, its few, desperate citizens still lay claim to that ancient tie to greatness in every drunken brawl. Colonized by the Rim Worlds Republic in 2338, its few, desperate citizens still lay claim to that ancient tie to greatness in every drunken brawl. pi_941 Erewhon was colonized by a radical sect who believe that a fiction novel published on ancient Terra actually holds the key to a Utopian society; outsiders are routinely lynched for "corruption." Erewhon was colonized by a radical sect who believe that a fiction novel published on ancient Terra actually holds the key to a Utopian society; outsiders are routinely lynched for "corruption." pi_1489 Named "Last Chance" by inhabitants driven to the absolute edge of the Periphery trying to escape the Succession Wars, it's a volcanic heavy world with a tainted atmosphere requiring rebreathers. Named "Last Chance" by inhabitants driven to the absolute edge of the Periphery trying to escape the Succession Wars, it's a volcanic heavy world with a tainted atmosphere requiring rebreathers. pi_1141 A "world botany" science outpost of the Star League, the centuries since the fall of that empire has left Ferris with only a single claim to fame: large packs of Terran wolverines. A "world botany" science outpost of the Star League, the centuries since the fall of that empire has left Ferris with only a single claim to fame: large packs of Terran wolverines. pi_1583 Another of the few gems in the Oberon Confederation bandit kingdom, Gustrell features vast tracts of dense forests, the largest of which is the Pellembroke Woods. Another of the few gems in the Oberon Confederation bandit kingdom, Gustrell features vast tracts of dense forests, the largest of which is the Pellembroke Woods. pi_1140 One of the richest worlds in the Bandit Kingdoms, Oberon VI is warm and temperate, with large deposits of coal and gold. Since the 2900s, it has been heavily industrialized (for a Periphery world). One of the richest worlds in the Bandit Kingdoms, Oberon VI is warm and temperate, with large deposits of coal and gold. Since the 2900s, it has been heavily industrialized (for a Periphery world). pi_1539 A frozen world of towering glaciers and rock-hard seas, Sigurd is a stark, bleak wasteland covered in spires of ice and mounds of snow, whose inhabitants reside in thick-walled clay houses. A frozen world of towering glaciers and rock-hard seas, Sigurd is a stark, bleak wasteland covered in spires of ice and mounds of snow, whose inhabitants reside in thick-walled clay houses. pi_1563 A chaotic cluster of asteroids orbiting a star, The Rock is home to hardy souls looking to mine the dangerous-to-extract resources, or stay off of even Periphery realm's radars. A chaotic cluster of asteroids orbiting a star, The Rock is home to hardy souls looking to mine the dangerous-to-extract resources, or stay off of even Periphery realm's radars. pi_1515 Rumors of a Star League cache that allowed the Blackstone family to found Blackstone Industries on the planet Inarcs have left the Periphery world of Blackstone heavily raided for centuries. Rumors of a Star League cache that allowed the Blackstone family to found Blackstone Industries on the planet Inarcs have left the Periphery world of Blackstone heavily raided for centuries. pi_1562 Originally with the Rim Worlds Republic, Crellacor joined the Oberon Confederation after the Republic's destruction in hopes of upholding lost ideals, only to fall into banditry in the ensuing centuries. Originally with the Rim Worlds Republic, Crellacor joined the Oberon Confederation after the Republic's destruction in hopes of upholding lost ideals, only to fall into banditry in the ensuing centuries. pi_1560 Controlled by a petty tyrant, the ruler of the Oberon Confederation allows him to remain as the ex-DCMS officer is more depraved than most, making him useful. Controlled by a petty tyrant, the ruler of the Oberon Confederation allows him to remain as the ex-DCMS officer is more depraved than most, making him useful. pi_1572 Paulus Prime is a massive world; stretching scientific boundaries of what can be a planet and still retain an atmosphere. But its lack of significant resources has left it only a curiosity. Paulus Prime is a massive world; stretching scientific boundaries of what can be a planet and still retain an atmosphere. But its lack of significant resources has left it only a curiosity. pi_1524 A hostile world of extreme weather patterns, it has some of the most voracious tornados in human-occupied space. Only the large gem deposits keep migratory workers returning to this hellhole. A hostile world of extreme weather patterns, it has some of the most voracious tornados in human-occupied space. Only the large gem deposits keep migratory workers returning to this hellhole. pi_1516 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_476 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2053 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1342 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2232 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1368 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1206 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2028 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1330 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1842 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_526 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_661 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_215 Colonized before the start of the Age of War, Accrington would originally form part of the interstellar proto-nation of the Federation of Skye, which would eventually join the Lyran Commonwealth. Colonized before the start of the Age of War, Accrington would originally form part of the interstellar proto-nation of the Federation of Skye, which would eventually join the Lyran Commonwealth. pi_306 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_708 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1296 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_190 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2037 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1620 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1109 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_175 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1402 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2145 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1536 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1506 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2120 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1853 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1439 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_395 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2057 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1251 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_380 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_443 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1255 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_437 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1219 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_795 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_181 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_998 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_988 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_855 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1075 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1594 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2200 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_143 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_98 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_679 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_87 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_524 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2101 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1226 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_223 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2223 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1999 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_125 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1067 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_145 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_581 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_176 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_221 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_163 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_311 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_96 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_600 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1192 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1649 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_633 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_368 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_290 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1860 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_439 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_901 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_197 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_92 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_989 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_138 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_678 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_744 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1737 Capital of the Alshain Military District, this important world also boasts the Alshain Weapons factory, along with a military base and supply debot located in the Dabbateur Pleateau region. Capital of the Alshain Military District, this important world also boasts the Alshain Weapons factory, along with a military base and supply debot located in the Dabbateur Pleateau region. pi_2170 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_54 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_552 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2012 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_350 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_615 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1204 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2052 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1958 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2199 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_626 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_144 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_630 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_270 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1505 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1947 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1774 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1861 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_928 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1221 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_412 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_670 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_272 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2059 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1658 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1107 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1839 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_675 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_674 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1378 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_582 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_689 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2078 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2221 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1005 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1161 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_802 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_858 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1415 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1068 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_421 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_676 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_847 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1175 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_914 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1525 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_672 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_255 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1865 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_967 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_79 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1478 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_497 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_862 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_677 Colonized during the First Exodus from Terra, this small, realtively un-important world missed being annexed by the Tamar Pact; ultimately absorbed just by shifting borders into the Draconis Combine. Colonized during the First Exodus from Terra, this small, realtively un-important world missed being annexed by the Tamar Pact; ultimately absorbed just by shifting borders into the Draconis Combine. pi_257 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_172 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1872 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_273 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_572 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_369 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_330 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_407 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1383 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1798 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2088 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2217 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_897 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_56 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_218 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_344 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_654 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_709 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_132 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_558 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1012 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1521 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_40 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1096 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_966 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_107 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_227 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_814 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_820 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1458 Atreus became the capital of The Free Worlds League in 2271. It's single moon "Wendigo" is notable for being the location of the headquarters of "SAFE" the league's intelligence agency. Atreus became the capital of The Free Worlds League in 2271. It's single moon "Wendigo" is notable for being the location of the headquarters of "SAFE" the league's intelligence agency. pi_1916 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_95 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_860 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1577 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1263 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_201 Settled during the First Exodus from Terra, it has changed hands numerous times during the Succession Wars, leaving--even to this day--various wastelands and derelics across its surface. Settled during the First Exodus from Terra, it has changed hands numerous times during the Succession Wars, leaving--even to this day--various wastelands and derelics across its surface. pi_1869 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_920 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_283 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_99 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_229 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1361 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_83 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_620 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_248 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_650 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_499 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1845 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_254 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_510 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1228 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1247 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_733 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_225 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1503 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_766 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1083 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1117 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1854 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1047 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_578 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_958 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_866 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2227 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1389 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1232 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1564 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1699 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1120 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_841 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_148 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1870 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2163 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2121 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1628 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_940 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_701 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_531 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_596 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1688 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_335 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1797 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1300 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_57 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_905 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1609 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1435 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2225 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_623 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1060 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1273 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_147 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2102 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_327 Originally a bountiful agricultural world, a near miss with a rogue asteroid caused the moon's orbit to turn erratic, devastating the planet and leaving it a desolate wasteland where only a few dare stay. Originally a bountiful agricultural world, a near miss with a rogue asteroid caused the moon's orbit to turn erratic, devastating the planet and leaving it a desolate wasteland where only a few dare stay. pi_1409 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1692 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1843 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2219 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_579 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_610 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1880 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1820 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2013 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_313 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_832 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1014 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_784 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2114 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2007 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2147 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1937 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_583 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_754 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_916 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_372 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_191 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1176 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1940 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_199 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_514 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_949 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_993 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_127 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1836 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1460 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1939 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_160 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_561 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_115 Planetary information currently unknown. 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Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2032 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1625 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1851 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1873 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1553 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2137 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2239 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2188 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_931 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2191 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_934 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2110 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1391 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1656 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1167 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2070 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_611 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_75 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1046 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_289 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1336 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1043 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1234 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1683 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1884 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1512 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1534 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1830 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1362 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_239 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1962 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_846 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1279 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1197 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_351 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1028 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_385 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2127 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2132 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_48 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1495 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_765 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_721 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_688 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1903 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2030 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1372 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_741 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1066 Camlann was settled in the early years of the 25th century by the Azami, a fiercly independent people of Muslim culture that would eventually compose the infamous Arkab Legions. Camlann was settled in the early years of the 25th century by the Azami, a fiercly independent people of Muslim culture that would eventually compose the infamous Arkab Legions. pi_444 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_838 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_573 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1367 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1262 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1448 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1520 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1011 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1517 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_646 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_203 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_35 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_68 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2017 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_593 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1598 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1840 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_877 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1881 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1697 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_956 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_276 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1643 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_345 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_502 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_38 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1893 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2085 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_39 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1429 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_247 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1765 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1995 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_973 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_19 During the Amaris Civil War the SLS Nelson, a Black Lion Battlecruiser was scuttled in a long elliptical orbit. Later the Free worlds retrieved the SLS Nelson with the World of Blake and renamed it FWLS Xanthos. During the Amaris Civil War the SLS Nelson, a Black Lion Battlecruiser was scuttled in a long elliptical orbit. Later the Free worlds retrieved the SLS Nelson with the World of Blake and renamed it FWLS Xanthos. pi_604 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1139 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1742 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_657 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1149 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1114 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2016 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1016 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1274 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2079 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_457 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_739 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_955 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1975 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_768 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_249 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1256 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1723 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2136 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1969 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1414 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_167 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1989 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2076 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_867 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_735 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2216 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1925 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_142 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_36 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1307 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1258 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_555 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_681 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_801 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_788 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_806 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_361 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2011 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2014 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_341 Planetary information currently unknown. 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Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1443 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_713 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_696 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_220 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2176 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1054 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2234 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1980 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2130 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1211 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_839 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_716 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2034 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_381 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1584 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_303 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_761 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1764 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2077 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1344 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_992 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_84 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1650 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_915 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1793 When colonized in the late 24th century, it was one of the furthest-occupied planets from Terra. Having lost that title centuries ago, it remains an obscure, albiet pleasant world. When colonized in the late 24th century, it was one of the furthest-occupied planets from Terra. Having lost that title centuries ago, it remains an obscure, albiet pleasant world. pi_34 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2160 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1301 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_606 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_972 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_655 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1690 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_261 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_979 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_520 Lack of clean water almost destroyed the colony before a new filtration system saved the population and gave rise to the Commonwealth's large water purifier manufacturer, Water Pure Industries. Lack of clean water almost destroyed the colony before a new filtration system saved the population and gave rise to the Commonwealth's large water purifier manufacturer, Water Pure Industries. pi_1888 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_448 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_451 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_725 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1876 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1837 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1787 Courchevel is a temperate world with a good-sized population and industrial base. However, it's most famous for the Dragon's Rift, one of the largest canyons in known space. Courchevel is a temperate world with a good-sized population and industrial base. However, it's most famous for the Dragon's Rift, one of the largest canyons in known space. pi_1146 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_614 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1444 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2125 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1511 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_687 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2177 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_424 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_171 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1202 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1578 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2095 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1997 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1898 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_263 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1332 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1595 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_751 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_237 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_429 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_904 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1343 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_129 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1082 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_680 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1585 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1252 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1006 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2022 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1761 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_749 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_400 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_636 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1148 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1305 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1180 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1003 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1749 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_859 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1946 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1944 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_309 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2153 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1700 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_342 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2115 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1731 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1717 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2091 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_506 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1469 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2192 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1019 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_771 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1639 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2004 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2236 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_787 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_64 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_401 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_902 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1153 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_13 During the Fourth Succession War, Denebola was invaded from the Tikonov Free Republic in 3029. The System was abandoned by Janos Marik later on in the war only to find out the LCAF tricked him to commit forces elsewhere in the region. During the Fourth Succession War, Denebola was invaded from the Tikonov Free Republic in 3029. The System was abandoned by Janos Marik later on in the war only to find out the LCAF tricked him to commit forces elsewhere in the region. pi_1529 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_924 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2164 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1559 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_565 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1089 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_102 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1531 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_512 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_892 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_652 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_911 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2020 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_803 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1687 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1959 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1115 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_919 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_194 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_24 Most of the native lifeforms are tasty and nutritious and has provided much of the world's economy. Most of the native lifeforms are tasty and nutritious and has provided much of the world's economy. pi_2186 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2109 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1661 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_432 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2138 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_491 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_362 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1571 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_740 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_562 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_47 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1104 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1170 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1169 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2106 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1831 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1945 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_155 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1395 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1701 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_184 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_177 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1466 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1768 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1570 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_731 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1538 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_63 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_755 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1612 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1123 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_65 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1921 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2207 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1002 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1548 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1081 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1314 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_46 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1752 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1704 Eguilles was colonized late in the 26th century as the Star League created a boom economy allowing for even resource poor worlds to warrant opening; its population and economy remain small. Eguilles was colonized late in the 26th century as the Star League created a boom economy allowing for even resource poor worlds to warrant opening; its population and economy remain small. pi_322 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1432 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_703 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1579 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_308 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1157 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1038 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_500 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_872 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_174 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_612 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_288 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1322 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_837 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1685 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_60 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1270 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_128 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1931 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_519 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1972 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1195 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1686 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1298 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2098 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_570 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1257 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_328 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1345 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_30 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_41 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2157 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_712 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_112 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1438 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1976 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1493 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2065 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1260 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2029 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1130 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2131 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_537 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1971 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1552 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1331 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1647 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_243 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_807 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1565 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_829 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1964 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_621 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_397 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_404 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1523 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2205 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2081 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_527 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_560 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1635 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1249 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1694 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_887 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1501 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_833 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2171 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_492 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1377 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1231 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1052 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2240 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1878 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_196 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1144 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1041 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1208 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_406 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_72 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_166 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_90 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_794 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_317 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1887 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1714 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_316 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1828 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_6 Freedom was the spark that led to the collapse of the Terran Alliance. With their declaration of independence from the Terran authority Sevren, Morningside and Summit also withdrew membership in the Terran Alliance leading to the Outer Reaches Rebellion. Freedom was the spark that led to the collapse of the Terran Alliance. With their declaration of independence from the Terran authority Sevren, Morningside and Summit also withdrew membership in the Terran Alliance leading to the Outer Reaches Rebellion. pi_363 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_797 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1655 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_154 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_753 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_507 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_454 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_863 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_244 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2111 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_275 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_974 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_673 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_294 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_634 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_805 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1291 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_692 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_293 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1471 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_962 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_528 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1644 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2033 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_494 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1393 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_224 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_449 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_790 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_544 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1986 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_501 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1823 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_842 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1631 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1155 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1411 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2174 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_114 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_441 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_117 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1356 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1901 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_339 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1452 Gibbs III or known simply as Gibbs is the home of the Lockheed Corporation. In orbit above Gibbs is a major Manufacturing complex ran by Ioto Galactic Enterprises. Gibbs III or known simply as Gibbs is the home of the Lockheed Corporation. In orbit above Gibbs is a major Manufacturing complex ran by Ioto Galactic Enterprises. pi_951 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_415 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_540 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1186 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2167 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1532 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_518 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1698 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_304 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_529 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_824 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1445 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1791 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1496 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_375 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_936 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1718 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_923 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1596 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1622 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_212 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1178 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1327 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_338 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1027 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_398 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_85 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_459 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_977 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1721 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1547 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1580 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1543 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1978 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1015 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1465 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2122 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1425 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1165 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1323 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2139 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1984 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1960 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1044 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_742 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_796 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_717 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_945 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_647 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1708 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1678 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1785 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_898 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1936 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1384 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1834 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_409 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1833 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_282 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2198 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_843 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1703 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_996 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1198 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_27 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_277 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1513 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_139 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_122 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2229 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1173 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_118 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1275 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1949 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1863 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1024 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1106 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_388 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1463 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_472 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_564 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1502 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_465 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1640 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2000 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1586 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_959 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1963 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_699 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1057 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1223 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1059 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_241 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2010 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1848 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1282 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1668 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_76 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1778 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1919 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1709 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_819 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_542 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_357 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2128 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1499 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1693 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1912 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1073 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1353 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1518 Best known for its home of Defiance Industries BattleMech Factories in the Myoo Mountains, Herperus II is the largest remaining BattleMech Factory in the entire Inner Sphere and is the target of numerous attacks from other houses over the centuries. Best known for its home of Defiance Industries BattleMech Factories in the Myoo Mountains, Herperus II is the largest remaining BattleMech Factory in the entire Inner Sphere and is the target of numerous attacks from other houses over the centuries. pi_551 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2103 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1147 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_821 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1194 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_732 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_781 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2237 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1706 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_868 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1902 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_489 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2231 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1638 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_318 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1748 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_723 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_325 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_133 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_624 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1093 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_607 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2058 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_648 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1390 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2135 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1199 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1426 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1150 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2159 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1476 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_523 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1309 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1433 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2169 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_81 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2049 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_413 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_885 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2201 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_599 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_329 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1182 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1240 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1724 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1766 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_651 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1732 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_942 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_262 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1895 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1636 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1399 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_226 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_141 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1817 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1965 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_563 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1794 Planetary information currently unknown. 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Planetary information currently unknown. pi_100 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1720 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_598 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_773 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1952 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_906 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_730 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1118 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1225 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_618 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1674 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_234 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2154 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1623 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1679 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1803 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_756 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1889 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1882 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_281 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1365 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_419 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1908 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1341 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_918 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1392 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_891 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1781 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_704 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_595 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_428 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1807 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2165 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_455 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1071 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1858 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1315 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_97 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_873 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2068 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1899 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1740 Settled early in the 27th century, the planet is currently part of Duke Hassid Ricol's--governor of the Alshain Military District--personal duchy. Settled early in the 27th century, the planet is currently part of Duke Hassid Ricol's--governor of the Alshain Military District--personal duchy. pi_1809 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_825 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1973 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1758 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1918 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_715 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_332 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_642 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_251 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1158 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2025 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_656 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1168 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_750 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_616 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1654 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_390 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_969 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_817 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1359 Planetary information currently unknown. 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Planetary information currently unknown. pi_943 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1049 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_393 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2238 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_37 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_932 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_88 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_195 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2116 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1033 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_158 Planetary information currently unknown. 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Planetary information currently unknown. pi_130 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1771 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_433 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_386 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1216 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1866 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1007 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_33 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_222 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_343 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1292 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2080 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1172 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1413 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_545 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1156 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_323 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_119 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1482 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1877 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2045 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1364 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1421 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1267 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1993 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2044 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_447 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2179 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1376 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1735 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_536 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1485 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1653 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1276 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1134 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1626 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_182 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_209 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_822 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_685 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_149 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1328 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_900 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1397 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1236 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_315 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_231 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_205 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_208 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1398 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1835 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2194 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1126 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1244 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_67 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_55 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_474 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_543 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2074 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1229 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1871 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1207 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1805 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_450 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1108 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1769 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2209 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2062 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_929 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1479 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_340 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1599 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_475 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1896 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1900 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_533 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_391 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1569 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1982 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_597 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_782 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1711 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_975 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1266 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1606 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1676 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1555 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1347 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1101 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1990 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1576 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1983 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_168 Settled in 2189, Liao was a planet with wide expanses of grasslands and little else. The planet quickly grew into a major producer of livestock for the local star systems. The pride of Liao is Eridani Stallions that are very sought after from buyers. Settled in 2189, Liao was a planet with wide expanses of grasslands and little else. The planet quickly grew into a major producer of livestock for the local star systems. The pride of Liao is Eridani Stallions that are very sought after from buyers. pi_1634 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2090 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_487 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1100 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1447 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1152 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_584 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_884 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2019 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_26 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1846 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_360 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1337 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1507 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_632 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1098 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2001 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_126 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1933 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1601 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_666 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2184 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_965 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1099 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_793 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1215 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1941 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_479 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1074 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1621 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_939 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_577 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1968 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1181 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_336 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_233 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_286 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1410 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1669 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1097 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_458 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_913 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1133 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_776 Luthien is the capital of the Draconis Combine and is the empires largest industrial world. Called "Operation Dragon Slayer" in 2052 the combined forces from Clan Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat attacked Luthien. The Clan forces were forced to withdraw. Luthien is the capital of the Draconis Combine and is the empires largest industrial world. Called "Operation Dragon Slayer" in 2052 the combined forces from Clan Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat attacked Luthien. The Clan forces were forced to withdraw. pi_1092 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1819 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2097 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_420 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1166 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_93 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1250 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_963 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2035 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_658 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1950 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1127 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2018 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1306 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1235 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1756 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1420 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1037 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1261 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1308 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_575 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1023 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_777 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_957 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_51 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_641 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_849 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1360 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_930 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1782 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_434 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1400 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1725 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1271 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2063 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_870 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1885 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_146 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1404 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2181 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1745 Surviving the ravages of the Succession Wars by having little resources or industrial capacity, Marawi's capital is still a wonder as it seamlessly messes with the mighty forest surrounding it. Surviving the ravages of the Succession Wars by having little resources or industrial capacity, Marawi's capital is still a wonder as it seamlessly messes with the mighty forest surrounding it. pi_198 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_265 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1604 Only Star League-era terraforming managed to tame the atmosphere of this incredibly resource rich world, but with the loss of that technology the toxic atmosphere is slowly returning. Only Star League-era terraforming managed to tame the atmosphere of this incredibly resource rich world, but with the loss of that technology the toxic atmosphere is slowly returning. pi_131 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2183 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_21 Marik was settled in 2139 by Antonin Marik and is the ancestral landholder for the Marik family. Over the centuries the planet was spared the ravages of war due to its location. Marik served as the headquarters of the III Corps during the Star League. Marik was settled in 2139 by Antonin Marik and is the ancestral landholder for the Marik family. Over the centuries the planet was spared the ravages of war due to its location. Marik served as the headquarters of the III Corps during the Star League. pi_1551 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1189 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_111 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1907 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2166 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_242 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_486 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1970 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1739 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1859 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_151 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1929 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1857 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_653 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1767 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1954 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_836 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_722 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1480 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1549 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1113 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1265 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2071 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1977 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_417 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1914 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1909 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2008 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_62 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_864 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2203 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1010 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_961 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1396 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1473 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_631 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1741 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1894 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2061 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2144 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2041 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1430 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1671 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2206 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_980 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_200 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_298 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_724 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_101 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_590 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1806 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_639 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1241 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2175 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1036 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_594 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1242 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_383 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_299 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2189 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1289 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_207 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1070 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1069 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1072 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2036 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_937 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_416 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1926 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1310 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2149 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2123 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2235 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1382 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_668 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_442 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_43 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_589 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_770 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2143 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_285 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1879 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1381 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_258 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_183 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_874 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1111 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_513 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2173 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1427 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1801 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2152 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1911 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_815 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_53 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_828 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1486 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1440 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2094 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2134 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_691 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1808 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_376 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_334 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2069 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1927 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1589 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1062 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2027 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_86 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_608 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1905 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1138 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_370 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1283 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1615 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_252 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_830 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2113 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2193 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_983 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_935 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1607 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_659 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2040 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_292 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_16 The Star League established several Castles Brian's on Muphrid, but they were all but destroyed just after the fall of the Star League. Rumors persist for centuries that some are still intact and groups of explorers have sought to seek them out. The Star League established several Castles Brian's on Muphrid, but they were all but destroyed just after the fall of the Star League. Rumors persist for centuries that some are still intact and groups of explorers have sought to seek them out. pi_169 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1799 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_473 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_77 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1987 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2142 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1009 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_387 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1034 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_411 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_159 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_483 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_31 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1789 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_136 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_970 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2031 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_354 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1312 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1379 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_346 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2197 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1477 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2072 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1932 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1040 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_645 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_287 A virulent plague broke out in 2512 on the planet. One of the victims was First Prince William Davion who suffered for a week before dying. After his death, he passed the seal to Alexander Davion's Sister, Laura Davion. A virulent plague broke out in 2512 on the planet. One of the victims was First Prince William Davion who suffered for a week before dying. After his death, he passed the seal to Alexander Davion's Sister, Laura Davion. pi_718 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_269 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1401 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1948 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_326 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2 New Earth - formerly known as Tau Ceti IV was the destination of humanity's first manned mission to another star system when the TAS Pathfinder found Tau Ceti IV in 2108. New Earth - formerly known as Tau Ceti IV was the destination of humanity's first manned mission to another star system when the TAS Pathfinder found Tau Ceti IV in 2108. pi_295 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1890 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1137 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1135 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_157 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_28 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_601 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1193 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1915 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1813 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1514 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_525 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1874 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_104 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_605 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1136 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_707 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1652 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_188 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_748 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1086 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_736 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_161 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1886 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_948 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1188 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_235 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_622 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_865 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1994 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1424 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_644 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1269 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_734 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_535 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1810 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_264 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1988 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1663 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1076 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1077 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1078 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2073 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_10 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_665 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1733 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_684 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_515 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1354 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_256 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_495 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2009 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1955 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_17 Northwind was purchased by Clan Stuart during the first Exodus and named for the Clan's old home Scotland. In 2362 the Clan Elders elected to raise a standing army and created the Northwind Highlanders that became an elite mercenary unit to this day. Northwind was purchased by Clan Stuart during the first Exodus and named for the Clan's old home Scotland. In 2362 the Clan Elders elected to raise a standing army and created the Northwind Highlanders that became an elite mercenary unit to this day. pi_694 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1299 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1827 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1065 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1281 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_981 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1162 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1064 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1474 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2042 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_775 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_737 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_767 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1726 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1319 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1998 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_25 During the Amaris Civil War two, SLDF warships were so heavily damaged and crashed onto the surface of the planet during a desperate battle vs the defenders. During the Amaris Civil War two, SLDF warships were so heavily damaged and crashed onto the surface of the planet during a desperate battle vs the defenders. pi_1816 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_811 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1461 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_259 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_460 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_408 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_498 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2213 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1772 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_446 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_438 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_660 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2233 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_310 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_250 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_547 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_888 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_14 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1930 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_857 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1847 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_268 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1132 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_324 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1597 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1201 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2196 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1923 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_619 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_592 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1184 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2067 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1852 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_889 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_45 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_480 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1722 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_42 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1224 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2151 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_774 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1412 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1541 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_986 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_152 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_399 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1403 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1371 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_883 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1792 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_752 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1509 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_377 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_312 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_991 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2099 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1483 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2222 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_808 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1979 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1185 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1574 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1451 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_378 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_637 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_747 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1302 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1326 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2117 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1131 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_355 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_926 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_886 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_628 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1677 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_546 Utterly forgettable for half a millenium, Phalan instantly rose to prominence in 3013 when a large deposit of high-grade diamonds essential for the manufacture of BattleMech armor was discovered. Utterly forgettable for half a millenium, Phalan instantly rose to prominence in 3013 when a large deposit of high-grade diamonds essential for the manufacture of BattleMech armor was discovered. pi_105 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_418 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_769 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_74 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1029 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_4 Colonized in 2271 Pike IV was settled for its large mineral wealth, creating two societies. The "Highlanders" and the "lowlanders". Both Factions have a "us vs them" attitude that led to several conflicts on the planet fighting over resources. Colonized in 2271 Pike IV was settled for its large mineral wealth, creating two societies. The "Highlanders" and the "lowlanders". Both Factions have a "us vs them" attitude that led to several conflicts on the planet fighting over resources. pi_702 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1632 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_953 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_379 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1759 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2092 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1546 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1050 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1039 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_179 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_337 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_779 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1210 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2039 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1776 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1802 The people of Polcenigo live under the iron rule of a tyrannical and corrupt government, where every aspect of their lives is controlled. That, along with heavy bribery, keeps the ISF off world. The people of Polcenigo live under the iron rule of a tyrannical and corrupt government, where every aspect of their lives is controlled. That, along with heavy bribery, keeps the ISF off world. pi_214 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1734 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1121 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1021 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_649 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_760 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1091 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1981 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1001 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_588 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1320 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2195 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_881 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1280 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_305 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1710 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1665 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2083 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2146 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1667 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1705 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_15 During the Star League Procyon was home to a major naval base and several Castles Brion scattered throughout the planet. Most notable was a Battletech factory owned by the Brigadier Corporation. During the Star League Procyon was home to a major naval base and several Castles Brion scattered throughout the planet. Most notable was a Battletech factory owned by the Brigadier Corporation. pi_1363 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_585 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_430 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2124 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_669 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2046 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1264 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1996 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1318 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1143 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1617 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2155 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_120 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_22 Identified as a world rich with raw materials, corporations seeking to exploit the wealth of the planet. This made the planet a target during the Succession Wars for control of the planet. Identified as a world rich with raw materials, corporations seeking to exploit the wealth of the planet. This made the planet a target during the Succession Wars for control of the planet. pi_2141 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1338 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1773 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2026 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_792 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1227 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1691 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1736 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1355 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1712 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_995 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1268 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2230 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_333 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2060 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_568 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2161 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1664 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1237 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1743 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1102 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_758 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1220 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_382 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1602 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_697 Granted independence on March 13, 3034 by Comstar and the Draconis Combine was short lived after being overrun by the Clan invasion of Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear. Granted independence on March 13, 3034 by Comstar and the Draconis Combine was short lived after being overrun by the Clan invasion of Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear. pi_1380 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_682 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2126 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_854 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1850 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_453 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1867 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1991 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1755 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_490 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1788 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_137 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_903 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1713 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2210 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1682 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1230 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_667 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_917 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2086 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1829 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_772 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1032 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_3 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_947 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_210 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2156 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1464 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_91 During the Second Succession war, Robinson was invaded by Kurita forces to freeze up the Davion military on the border between the two realms. The assault was quickly repelled and had little effect on the war. During the Second Succession war, Robinson was invaded by Kurita forces to freeze up the Davion military on the border between the two realms. The assault was quickly repelled and had little effect on the war. pi_964 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1751 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_5 Rochelle is one of the first worlds settled during Terran Alliance. Its large amount of resources and infrastructure were all but destroyed during the Succession Wars and from then on the planet has seen a cycle of decline. Rochelle is one of the first worlds settled during Terran Alliance. Its large amount of resources and infrastructure were all but destroyed during the Succession Wars and from then on the planet has seen a cycle of decline. pi_314 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1844 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1090 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1642 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1459 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1051 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1294 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1556 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_219 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_463 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2220 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1385 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_812 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_493 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_140 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1456 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1004 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_844 With a dark, cold atmosphere and half its surface covered in ice, Rubigen is a hostile world, but home to a hardy people used to a tough life centered around the planet's two small seas. With a dark, cold atmosphere and half its surface covered in ice, Rubigen is a hostile world, but home to a hardy people used to a tough life centered around the planet's two small seas. pi_121 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2190 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_61 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1470 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2148 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_7 A helish world wracked by extreme cold and erupting volcanoes, its abundant resources created a thriving chemical industry, and also made it an priority target for raids during the Succession Wars. A helish world wracked by extreme cold and erupting volcanoes, its abundant resources created a thriving chemical industry, and also made it an priority target for raids during the Succession Wars. pi_982 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_727 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_461 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2107 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_987 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1246 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_170 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_103 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_894 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_445 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_20 When discovered and settled by humanity, Saffel was going through a bitter ice age. With no support from the core worlds after the Outer Reaches Rebellion many died of the harsh winters on the planet. When discovered and settled by humanity, Saffel was going through a bitter ice age. With no support from the core worlds after the Outer Reaches Rebellion many died of the harsh winters on the planet. pi_431 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_186 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_798 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_425 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1951 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1957 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_394 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2015 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2104 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1351 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_617 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_896 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1248 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_695 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_392 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1454 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1286 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1475 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1213 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1278 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1387 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_625 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1209 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1730 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_113 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_162 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_853 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_567 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_488 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_173 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1838 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_876 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1928 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1662 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_856 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_134 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_300 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1311 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1500 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1335 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1018 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1815 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1868 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1780 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_278 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1633 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1702 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_245 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1566 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1008 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_603 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1974 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1715 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_538 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2023 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_827 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1716 Though covered mostly in scorching deserts, Setubal was settled for access to abundant, clean subterranean water that could be mined and shipped off world to water-poor planets in the region. Though covered mostly in scorching deserts, Setubal was settled for access to abundant, clean subterranean water that could be mined and shipped off world to water-poor planets in the region. pi_1048 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1659 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1205 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1431 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_720 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_302 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1856 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2202 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1747 With little strategic value and minor resources, Sheliak's only claim-to-fame is its passionate support of the ancient Terran sport of North American-rules football, which draws some interplanetary tourists. With little strategic value and minor resources, Sheliak's only claim-to-fame is its passionate support of the ancient Terran sport of North American-rules football, which draws some interplanetary tourists. pi_180 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1550 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_73 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_319 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2208 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_852 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_799 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_18 After the First Exodus from Terra the planet attracted the religious group known as the Exituri. The Exituri was a blend of many religious sects who choose to leave Terra to create a theocratic society. After the First Exodus from Terra the planet attracted the religious group known as the Exituri. The Exituri was a blend of many religious sects who choose to leave Terra to create a theocratic society. pi_1786 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_232 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_587 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_554 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1657 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_374 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_705 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1684 Founded late in the Star League era, Shirotori is a verdant world of major island chains, with its three largest cities of Massona, Brusk and capital Meijer holding the majority of the planet's population. Founded late in the Star League era, Shirotori is a verdant world of major island chains, with its three largest cities of Massona, Brusk and capital Meijer holding the majority of the planet's population. pi_204 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1818 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2133 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_871 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_253 Sian is the capital of the Capellan Confederation, also is the political and industrial might of the empire. In 2367 the capital was transferred to Sian from Capella after it was devasted by planetary bombardment. Sian is the capital of the Capellan Confederation, also is the political and industrial might of the empire. In 2367 the capital was transferred to Sian from Capella after it was devasted by planetary bombardment. pi_1527 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_516 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1222 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_869 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1672 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_609 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1313 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_532 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_746 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2054 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1825 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_106 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_834 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_690 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_70 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2185 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1603 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_110 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1492 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_185 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2003 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1187 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_165 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_89 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_359 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_469 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2162 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_410 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_452 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_279 Solaris VII is the known for its six major arenas and mech gladiatorial games. Lives and fortunes are changed on a daily basis from gambling & mech games, once a year a Grand Tournament is held to crown a champion. Solaris VII is the known for its six major arenas and mech gladiatorial games. Lives and fortunes are changed on a daily basis from gambling & mech games, once a year a Grand Tournament is held to crown a champion. pi_971 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1212 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2006 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_211 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_693 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_662 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2050 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1779 While not heavily populated, Soverzene has been mined extensively for centuries, leaving it an environmental disaster. It still remains the backbone of raw materials for the Alshain Military District. While not heavily populated, Soverzene has been mined extensively for centuries, leaving it an environmental disaster. It still remains the backbone of raw materials for the Alshain Military District. pi_2021 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1088 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_627 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1738 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1906 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_352 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_217 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1191 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_990 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_402 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2105 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1110 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1217 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1243 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1680 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1904 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1967 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_909 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_482 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_899 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_539 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2178 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1746 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1129 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1160 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_109 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1349 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1304 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1179 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1087 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1321 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2180 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1675 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1920 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_396 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2084 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_187 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_44 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1924 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1561 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1122 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2087 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_246 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2082 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_29 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_267 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2002 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1554 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1729 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_414 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_307 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_150 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_804 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_638 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_384 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1288 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2089 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_466 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_371 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2158 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_52 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1022 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_698 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1284 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_301 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_240 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_11 Tall Trees is best known for a Virulent Plague that wiped out everyone in 2966. The plague was known as New Tierra del Fuego II. Tall Trees is best known for a Virulent Plague that wiped out everyone in 2966. The plague was known as New Tierra del Fuego II. pi_1811 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_228 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_816 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1660 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_462 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1035 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2226 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1357 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_743 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_764 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_602 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_238 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1795 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_763 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1375 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1824 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_613 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1942 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1423 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1775 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2043 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1897 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_683 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_356 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1891 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1366 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1422 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_576 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1985 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1058 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_997 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_59 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1388 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1826 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1883 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_950 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1 Terra is the home planet of humanity and home of the Star League from 2571 to 2781. Terra has been the capital of several interstellar nations and is the most advanced industrialized planet in the Inner Sphere. Terra is the home planet of humanity and home of the Star League from 2571 to 2781. Terra has been the capital of several interstellar nations and is the most advanced industrialized planet in the Inner Sphere. pi_69 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1450 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1804 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1218 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1116 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1651 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_984 Tharkad was spared the horrors of the Succession wars but was the final battle of the FedCom Civil War of Supporters of Victor Steiner-Davion and his sister Katherine. After months of fighting, Peter killed his great-aunt ending the Battle of Tharkad. Tharkad was spared the horrors of the Succession wars but was the final battle of the FedCom Civil War of Supporters of Victor Steiner-Davion and his sister Katherine. After months of fighting, Peter killed his great-aunt ending the Battle of Tharkad. pi_1611 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1233 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_496 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1762 Though Thessalonika boast abundent flora and fauna, it is better known for putting the People's Protection service on the map when they foiled an assassination attempt against the Planetary Chairman. Though Thessalonika boast abundent flora and fauna, it is better known for putting the People's Protection service on the map when they foiled an assassination attempt against the Planetary Chairman. pi_530 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2214 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_882 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_9 First colonized by the Terran Alliance in 2271, Thorin was a beautiful world with rich resources, but early efforts were thwarted by bull sized predators. Now zoning laws were passed to help preserve Thorin to its natural beauty. First colonized by the Terran Alliance in 2271, Thorin was a beautiful world with rich resources, but early efforts were thwarted by bull sized predators. Now zoning laws were passed to help preserve Thorin to its natural beauty. pi_1163 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1339 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1457 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_522 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1030 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_571 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_840 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_23 The Capellan Confederation annexed Tigress after the fall of the Star League. The planet has a well-educated population and also was a very highly industrialized economy. The Capellan Confederation annexed Tigress after the fall of the Star League. The planet has a well-educated population and also was a very highly industrialized economy. pi_153 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1324 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1196 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1394 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1455 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_389 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1358 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_835 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_464 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_553 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1910 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_274 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_850 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_556 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1094 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_875 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1177 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_629 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_135 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1259 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_826 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1063 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_156 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1821 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1966 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1481 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1530 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1526 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_946 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1528 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1800 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_643 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_296 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1352 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1303 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2211 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_470 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1405 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1519 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_485 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1000 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_759 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_938 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_331 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1490 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2118 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1295 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1408 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_348 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_403 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_271 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_574 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1417 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_999 The largest Mech engagement in history took place on May 1st 3052. Comstar forces clashed against 25 Galaxies of Clan Forces for domination of the Inner Sphere. With the defeat of the clans, lead to the Truce of Tukayyid that lasted for 15 years. The largest Mech engagement in history took place on May 1st 3052. Comstar forces clashed against 25 Galaxies of Clan Forces for domination of the Inner Sphere. With the defeat of the clans, lead to the Truce of Tukayyid that lasted for 15 years. pi_1689 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_320 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1849 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1934 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1533 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_216 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2096 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1992 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1646 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_436 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_559 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_426 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_789 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_509 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1026 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_778 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_178 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1666 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1434 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_591 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_890 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1214 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_710 Planetary information currently unknown. 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Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1777 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_714 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_557 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_284 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1508 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_123 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1862 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1600 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_213 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1487 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_80 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_878 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1864 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1696 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1832 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2056 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1467 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_230 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_978 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1340 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_353 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_78 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1350 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_757 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1145 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1446 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1753 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_58 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1055 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1568 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2182 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_206 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1119 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_517 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_164 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_12 Zurich IV is the fourth planet of a K5V primary star and was colonized during the First Exodus from Terra. In 2240 Zurich became independent from the Terran Alliance. Zurich IV is the fourth planet of a K5V primary star and was colonized during the First Exodus from Terra. In 2240 Zurich became independent from the Terran Alliance. pi_534 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1419 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1316 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. ui_UnableToSaveDropShip Unable to save DropShip. Unable to save DropShip. ui_SelectedPlanet PLANET: PLANET: ui_MinTonnage MIN TONNAGE: MIN TONNAGE: ui_MaxTonnage MAX TONNAGE: MAX TONNAGE: pi_1103 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1085 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1814 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1472 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1497 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1164 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_373 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1498 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_879 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2066 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2051 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1428 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1744 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1822 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1783 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_2215 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1913 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1095 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. pi_1575 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. ui_error_IncompatibleDurationFactionContract Unable to join the unit. Your current contract's duration is longer than the Unit's contract. Unable to join the unit. Your current contract's duration is longer than the Unit's contract. ui_dropdeckinvalid INVALID DROP DECK INVALID DROP DECK ui_LoyaltyPoints LOYALTY REPUTATION LOYALTY REPUTATION Efaction_none No faction No faction Efaction_ClanWolf Clan Wolf Clan Wolf Efaction_ClanGhostBear Clan Ghost Bear Clan Ghost Bear Efaction_ClanSmokeJaguar Clan Smoke Jaguar Clan Smoke Jaguar Efaction_Rasalhague Free Rasalhague Republic Free Rasalhague Republic Efaction_Steiner House Steiner House Steiner Efaction_Marik House Marik House Marik Efaction_Liao House Liao House Liao Efaction_Kurita House Kurita House Kurita ui_social_joinusergroup JOIN FP GROUP JOIN FP GROUP tt_SaveDropDeck Save drop deck Save drop deck ui_toDropship TO DROP DECK TO DROP DECK tt_AttackPlanet Attack Planet Attack Planet tt_DefendPlanet Defend Planet Defend Planet tt_EditDropDeck Edit Drop Deck Edit Drop Deck Efaction_ClanJadeFalcon Clan Jade Falcon Clan Jade Falcon _m_decreaseThrottle Throttle Down Throttle Down ui_ContractTimeLeft Time left on Contract: Time left on Contract: ui_ContractTimeLeftPermenent Permanent Permanent ui_ContractTime %0D %1H %2M %0D %1H %2M ui_factionloyalty FACTION REPUTATION FACTION REPUTATION ui_Davion HOUSE DAVION HOUSE DAVION ui_Kurita HOUSE KURITA HOUSE KURITA ui_Liao HOUSE LIAO HOUSE LIAO ui_Marik HOUSE MARIK HOUSE MARIK ui_Rasalhague FREE RASALHAGUE FREE RASALHAGUE ui_Steiner HOUSE STEINER HOUSE STEINER ui_ClanSmokeJaguar CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR ui_ClanJadeFalcon CLAN JADE FALCON CLAN JADE FALCON ui_ClanWolf CLAN WOLF CLAN WOLF ui_ClanGhostBear CLAN GHOST BEAR CLAN GHOST BEAR ach_davion_faction_rank_1 DAVION RANK 1 - RECRUIT DAVION RANK 1 - RECRUIT ach_davion_faction_rank_2 DAVION RANK 2 - PRIVATE DAVION RANK 2 - PRIVATE ach_davion_faction_rank_3 DAVION RANK 3 - CORPORAL DAVION RANK 3 - CORPORAL ach_davion_faction_rank_4 DAVION RANK 4 - SERGEANT DAVION RANK 4 - SERGEANT ach_davion_faction_rank_5 DAVION RANK 5 - SERGEANT-MAJOR DAVION RANK 5 - SERGEANT-MAJOR ach_davion_faction_rank_6 DAVION RANK 6 - COMMAND SERGEANT-MAJOR DAVION RANK 6 - COMMAND SERGEANT-MAJOR ach_davion_faction_rank_7 DAVION RANK 7 - SUBALTERN DAVION RANK 7 - SUBALTERN ach_davion_faction_rank_8 DAVION RANK 8 - LEFTENANT DAVION RANK 8 - LEFTENANT ach_davion_faction_rank_9 DAVION RANK 9 - CAPTAIN DAVION RANK 9 - CAPTAIN ach_davion_faction_rank_10 DAVION RANK 10 - MAJOR DAVION RANK 10 - MAJOR ach_davion_faction_rank_11 DAVION RANK 11 - LEFTENANT COLONEL DAVION RANK 11 - LEFTENANT COLONEL ach_davion_faction_rank_12 DAVION RANK 12 - COLONEL DAVION RANK 12 - COLONEL ach_davion_faction_rank_13 DAVION RANK 13 - LEFTENANT GENERAL DAVION RANK 13 - LEFTENANT GENERAL ach_davion_faction_rank_14 DAVION RANK 14 - MAJOR GENERAL DAVION RANK 14 - MAJOR GENERAL ach_davion_faction_rank_15 DAVION RANK 15 - GENERAL DAVION RANK 15 - GENERAL ach_davion_faction_rank_16 DAVION RANK 16 - GENERAL II DAVION RANK 16 - GENERAL II ach_davion_faction_rank_17 DAVION RANK 17 - GENERAL III DAVION RANK 17 - GENERAL III ach_davion_faction_rank_18 DAVION RANK 18 - MARSHAL DAVION RANK 18 - MARSHAL ach_davion_faction_rank_19 DAVION RANK 19 - MARSHAL II DAVION RANK 19 - MARSHAL II ach_davion_faction_rank_20 DAVION RANK 20 - FIELD MARSHAL DAVION RANK 20 - FIELD MARSHAL ach_kurita_faction_rank_1 KURITA RANK 1 - HOJUHEI KURITA RANK 1 - HOJUHEI ach_kurita_faction_rank_2 KURITA RANK 2 - HEISHI KURITA RANK 2 - HEISHI ach_kurita_faction_rank_3 KURITA RANK 3 - HEISHI-NI KURITA RANK 3 - HEISHI-NI ach_kurita_faction_rank_4 KURITA RANK 4 - GUNJIN KURITA RANK 4 - GUNJIN ach_kurita_faction_rank_5 KURITA RANK 5 - GO-CHO KURITA RANK 5 - GO-CHO ach_kurita_faction_rank_6 KURITA RANK 6 - GUNSHO KURITA RANK 6 - GUNSHO ach_kurita_faction_rank_7 KURITA RANK 7 - GUNSHO-NI KURITA RANK 7 - GUNSHO-NI ach_kurita_faction_rank_8 KURITA RANK 8 - SHUJIN KURITA RANK 8 - SHUJIN ach_kurita_faction_rank_9 KURITA RANK 9 - KASHIRA KURITA RANK 9 - KASHIRA ach_kurita_faction_rank_10 KURITA RANK 10 - SHO-KO KURITA RANK 10 - SHO-KO ach_kurita_faction_rank_11 KURITA RANK 11 - CHU-I KURITA RANK 11 - CHU-I ach_kurita_faction_rank_12 KURITA RANK 12 - TAI-I KURITA RANK 12 - TAI-I ach_kurita_faction_rank_13 KURITA RANK 13 - SHO-SA KURITA RANK 13 - SHO-SA ach_kurita_faction_rank_14 KURITA RANK 14 - SHO-SA-NI KURITA RANK 14 - SHO-SA-NI ach_kurita_faction_rank_15 KURITA RANK 15 - CHU-SA KURITA RANK 15 - CHU-SA ach_kurita_faction_rank_16 KURITA RANK 16 - TAI-SA KURITA RANK 16 - TAI-SA ach_kurita_faction_rank_17 KURITA RANK 17 - SHO-SHO KURITA RANK 17 - SHO-SHO ach_kurita_faction_rank_18 KURITA RANK 18 - TAI-SHO KURITA RANK 18 - TAI-SHO ach_kurita_faction_rank_19 KURITA RANK 19 - TAI-SHO-NI KURITA RANK 19 - TAI-SHO-NI ach_kurita_faction_rank_20 KURITA RANK 20 - TAI-SHU KURITA RANK 20 - TAI-SHU ach_liao_faction_rank_1 LIAO RANK 1 - RECRUIT LIAO RANK 1 - RECRUIT ach_liao_faction_rank_2 LIAO RANK 2 - CORPORAL LIAO RANK 2 - CORPORAL ach_liao_faction_rank_3 LIAO RANK 3 - LANCE CORPORAL LIAO RANK 3 - LANCE CORPORAL ach_liao_faction_rank_4 LIAO RANK 4 - SERGEANT LIAO RANK 4 - SERGEANT ach_liao_faction_rank_5 LIAO RANK 5 - LANCE SERGEANT LIAO RANK 5 - LANCE SERGEANT ach_liao_faction_rank_6 LIAO RANK 6 - MASTER SERGEANT LIAO RANK 6 - MASTER SERGEANT ach_liao_faction_rank_7 LIAO RANK 7 - ASSISTANT FORCE LEADER LIAO RANK 7 - ASSISTANT FORCE LEADER ach_liao_faction_rank_8 LIAO RANK 8 - FORCE LEADER LIAO RANK 8 - FORCE LEADER ach_liao_faction_rank_9 LIAO RANK 9 - SUBCOMMANDER LIAO RANK 9 - SUBCOMMANDER ach_liao_faction_rank_10 LIAO RANK 10 - COMMANDER LIAO RANK 10 - COMMANDER ach_liao_faction_rank_11 LIAO RANK 11 - CAPTAIN LIAO RANK 11 - CAPTAIN ach_liao_faction_rank_12 LIAO RANK 12 - SENIOR CAPTAIN LIAO RANK 12 - SENIOR CAPTAIN ach_liao_faction_rank_13 LIAO RANK 13 - MAJOR LIAO RANK 13 - MAJOR ach_liao_faction_rank_14 LIAO RANK 14 - SENIOR MAJOR LIAO RANK 14 - SENIOR MAJOR ach_liao_faction_rank_15 LIAO RANK 15 - LIEUTENANT COLONEL LIAO RANK 15 - LIEUTENANT COLONEL ach_liao_faction_rank_16 LIAO RANK 16 - COLONEL LIAO RANK 16 - COLONEL ach_liao_faction_rank_17 LIAO RANK 17 - COLONEL II LIAO RANK 17 - COLONEL II ach_liao_faction_rank_18 LIAO RANK 18 - SENIOR COLONEL LIAO RANK 18 - SENIOR COLONEL ach_liao_faction_rank_19 LIAO RANK 19 - GENERAL LIAO RANK 19 - GENERAL ach_liao_faction_rank_20 LIAO RANK 20 - SENIOR GENERAL LIAO RANK 20 - SENIOR GENERAL ach_marik_faction_rank_1 MARIK RANK 1 - RECRUIT MARIK RANK 1 - RECRUIT ach_marik_faction_rank_2 MARIK RANK 2 - PRIVATE MARIK RANK 2 - PRIVATE ach_marik_faction_rank_3 MARIK RANK 3 - PRIVATE, FIRST CLASS MARIK RANK 3 - PRIVATE, FIRST CLASS ach_marik_faction_rank_4 MARIK RANK 4 - CORPORAL MARIK RANK 4 - CORPORAL ach_marik_faction_rank_5 MARIK RANK 5 - SERGEANT MARIK RANK 5 - SERGEANT ach_marik_faction_rank_6 MARIK RANK 6 - STAFF SERGEANT MARIK RANK 6 - STAFF SERGEANT ach_marik_faction_rank_7 MARIK RANK 7 - MASTER SERGEANT MARIK RANK 7 - MASTER SERGEANT ach_marik_faction_rank_8 MARIK RANK 8 - SERGEANT-MAJOR MARIK RANK 8 - SERGEANT-MAJOR ach_marik_faction_rank_9 MARIK RANK 9 - LIEUTENANT, JUNIOR GRADE MARIK RANK 9 - LIEUTENANT, JUNIOR GRADE ach_marik_faction_rank_10 MARIK RANK 10 - LIEUTENANT, SENIOR GRADE MARIK RANK 10 - LIEUTENANT, SENIOR GRADE ach_marik_faction_rank_11 MARIK RANK 11 - CAPTAIN MARIK RANK 11 - CAPTAIN ach_marik_faction_rank_12 MARIK RANK 12 - FORCE COMMANDER MARIK RANK 12 - FORCE COMMANDER ach_marik_faction_rank_13 MARIK RANK 13 - SENIOR FORCE COMMANDER MARIK RANK 13 - SENIOR FORCE COMMANDER ach_marik_faction_rank_14 MARIK RANK 14 - MAJOR MARIK RANK 14 - MAJOR ach_marik_faction_rank_15 MARIK RANK 15 - LIEUTENANT COLONEL MARIK RANK 15 - LIEUTENANT COLONEL ach_marik_faction_rank_16 MARIK RANK 16 - COLONEL MARIK RANK 16 - COLONEL ach_marik_faction_rank_17 MARIK RANK 17 - GENERAL MARIK RANK 17 - GENERAL ach_marik_faction_rank_18 MARIK RANK 18 - GENERAL II MARIK RANK 18 - GENERAL II ach_marik_faction_rank_19 MARIK RANK 19 - GENERAL III MARIK RANK 19 - GENERAL III ach_marik_faction_rank_20 MARIK RANK 20 - MARSHAL MARIK RANK 20 - MARSHAL ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_1 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 1 - MENIG FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 1 - MENIG ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_2 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 2 - MENIG FØRSTE KLASSE FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 2 - MENIG FØRSTE KLASSE ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_3 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 3 - VISEKORPORAL FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 3 - VISEKORPORAL ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_4 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 4 - KORPRAL FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 4 - KORPRAL ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_5 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 5 - KAVELLRIST FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 5 - KAVELLRIST ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_6 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 6 - KORPRAL FØRSTE KLASSE FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 6 - KORPRAL FØRSTE KLASSE ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_7 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 7 - SERGEANT FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 7 - SERGEANT ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_8 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 8 - SERGEANT II FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 8 - SERGEANT II ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_9 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 9 - FANJUNKARE FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 9 - FANJUNKARE ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_10 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 10 - FENRIK FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 10 - FENRIK ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_11 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 11 - LÖJTNANT FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 11 - LÖJTNANT ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_12 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 12 - LÖJTNANT II FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 12 - LÖJTNANT II ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_13 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 13 - KAPTEN FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 13 - KAPTEN ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_14 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 14 - MAJOR FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 14 - MAJOR ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_15 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 15 - ÖVERSTE-LÖJTNANT FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 15 - ÖVERSTE-LÖJTNANT ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_16 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 16 - ÖVERSTE FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 16 - ÖVERSTE ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_17 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 17 - GENERALBRIGADER FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 17 - GENERALBRIGADER ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_18 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 18 - GENERALMAJOR FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 18 - GENERALMAJOR ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_19 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 19 - GENERALLØYTNANT FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 19 - GENERALLØYTNANT ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_20 FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 20 - GENERAL FREE RASALHAGUE REPUBLIC RANK 20 - GENERAL ach_steiner_faction_rank_1 STEINER RANK 1 - PRIVATE STEINER RANK 1 - PRIVATE ach_steiner_faction_rank_2 STEINER RANK 2 - PRIVATE FIRST CLASS STEINER RANK 2 - PRIVATE FIRST CLASS ach_steiner_faction_rank_3 STEINER RANK 3 - CORPORAL STEINER RANK 3 - CORPORAL ach_steiner_faction_rank_4 STEINER RANK 4 - SENIOR CORPORAL STEINER RANK 4 - SENIOR CORPORAL ach_steiner_faction_rank_5 STEINER RANK 5 - SERGEANT STEINER RANK 5 - SERGEANT ach_steiner_faction_rank_6 STEINER RANK 6 - STAFF SERGEANT STEINER RANK 6 - STAFF SERGEANT ach_steiner_faction_rank_7 STEINER RANK 7 - SERGEANT MAJOR STEINER RANK 7 - SERGEANT MAJOR ach_steiner_faction_rank_8 STEINER RANK 8 - STAFF SERGEANT MAJOR STEINER RANK 8 - STAFF SERGEANT MAJOR ach_steiner_faction_rank_9 STEINER RANK 9 - SENIOR SERGEANT MAJOR STEINER RANK 9 - SENIOR SERGEANT MAJOR ach_steiner_faction_rank_10 STEINER RANK 10 - LEUTNANT STEINER RANK 10 - LEUTNANT ach_steiner_faction_rank_11 STEINER RANK 11 - FIRST LEUTNANT STEINER RANK 11 - FIRST LEUTNANT ach_steiner_faction_rank_12 STEINER RANK 12 - HAUPTMANN STEINER RANK 12 - HAUPTMANN ach_steiner_faction_rank_13 STEINER RANK 13 - KOMMANDANT STEINER RANK 13 - KOMMANDANT ach_steiner_faction_rank_14 STEINER RANK 14 - HAUPTMANN-KOMMANDANT STEINER RANK 14 - HAUPTMANN-KOMMANDANT ach_steiner_faction_rank_15 STEINER RANK 15 - LEUTNANT-COLONEL STEINER RANK 15 - LEUTNANT-COLONEL ach_steiner_faction_rank_16 STEINER RANK 16 - COLONEL STEINER RANK 16 - COLONEL ach_steiner_faction_rank_17 STEINER RANK 17 - LEUTNANT-GENERAL STEINER RANK 17 - LEUTNANT-GENERAL ach_steiner_faction_rank_18 STEINER RANK 18 - HAUPTMANN-GENERAL STEINER RANK 18 - HAUPTMANN-GENERAL ach_steiner_faction_rank_19 STEINER RANK 19 - KOMMANDANT-GENERAL STEINER RANK 19 - KOMMANDANT-GENERAL ach_steiner_faction_rank_20 STEINER RANK 20 - GENERAL STEINER RANK 20 - GENERAL ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_1 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_2 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_3 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_4 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_5 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_6 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_7 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_8 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_9 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_10 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_11 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_12 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_13 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_14 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_15 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_16 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_17 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_18 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_19 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_20 SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III SMOKE JAGUAR RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_1 JADE FALCON RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 JADE FALCON RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_2 JADE FALCON RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 JADE FALCON RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_3 JADE FALCON RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 JADE FALCON RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_4 JADE FALCON RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 JADE FALCON RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_5 JADE FALCON RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 JADE FALCON RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_6 JADE FALCON RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER JADE FALCON RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_7 JADE FALCON RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER JADE FALCON RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_8 JADE FALCON RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER JADE FALCON RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_9 JADE FALCON RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN JADE FALCON RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_10 JADE FALCON RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN JADE FALCON RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_11 JADE FALCON RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN JADE FALCON RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_12 JADE FALCON RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN JADE FALCON RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_13 JADE FALCON RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL JADE FALCON RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_14 JADE FALCON RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II JADE FALCON RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_15 JADE FALCON RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III JADE FALCON RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_16 JADE FALCON RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV JADE FALCON RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_17 JADE FALCON RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V JADE FALCON RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_18 JADE FALCON RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER JADE FALCON RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_19 JADE FALCON RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II JADE FALCON RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_20 JADE FALCON RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III JADE FALCON RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_1 WOLF RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 WOLF RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_2 WOLF RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 WOLF RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_3 WOLF RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 WOLF RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_4 WOLF RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 WOLF RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_5 WOLF RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 WOLF RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_6 WOLF RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER WOLF RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_7 WOLF RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER WOLF RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_8 WOLF RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER WOLF RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_9 WOLF RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN WOLF RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_10 WOLF RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN WOLF RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_11 WOLF RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN WOLF RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_12 WOLF RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN WOLF RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_13 WOLF RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL WOLF RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_14 WOLF RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II WOLF RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_15 WOLF RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III WOLF RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_16 WOLF RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV WOLF RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_17 WOLF RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V WOLF RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_18 WOLF RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER WOLF RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_19 WOLF RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II WOLF RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_20 WOLF RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III WOLF RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_1 GHOST BEAR RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 GHOST BEAR RANK 1 - WARRIOR - POINT 1 ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_2 GHOST BEAR RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 GHOST BEAR RANK 2 - WARRIOR - POINT 2 ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_3 GHOST BEAR RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 GHOST BEAR RANK 3 - WARRIOR - POINT 3 ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_4 GHOST BEAR RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 GHOST BEAR RANK 4 - WARRIOR - POINT 4 ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_5 GHOST BEAR RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 GHOST BEAR RANK 5 - WARRIOR - POINT 5 ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_6 GHOST BEAR RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER GHOST BEAR RANK 6 - POINT COMMANDER ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_7 GHOST BEAR RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER GHOST BEAR RANK 7 - STAR COMMANDER ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_8 GHOST BEAR RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER GHOST BEAR RANK 8 - NOVA COMMANDER ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_9 GHOST BEAR RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN GHOST BEAR RANK 9 - STAR CAPTAIN ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_10 GHOST BEAR RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN GHOST BEAR RANK 10 - NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_11 GHOST BEAR RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN GHOST BEAR RANK 11 - TRINARY STAR CAPTAIN ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_12 GHOST BEAR RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN GHOST BEAR RANK 12 - TRINARY NOVA CAPTAIN ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_13 GHOST BEAR RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL GHOST BEAR RANK 13 - STAR COLONEL ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_14 GHOST BEAR RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II GHOST BEAR RANK 14 - STAR COLONEL II ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_15 GHOST BEAR RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III GHOST BEAR RANK 15 - STAR COLONEL III ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_16 GHOST BEAR RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV GHOST BEAR RANK 16 - STAR COLONEL IV ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_17 GHOST BEAR RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V GHOST BEAR RANK 17 - STAR COLONEL V ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_18 GHOST BEAR RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER GHOST BEAR RANK 18 - GALAXY COMMANDER ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_19 GHOST BEAR RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II GHOST BEAR RANK 19 - GALAXY COMMANDER II ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_20 GHOST BEAR RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III GHOST BEAR RANK 20 - GALAXY COMMANDER III ui_BreakContract Break Contract Break Contract hud_loyalty_points_earned LOYALTY REPUTATION EARNED LOYALTY REPUTATION EARNED hud_action ACTION ACTION ui_CostPerDay Cost Per Day: Cost Per Day: hud_loyalty_points LOYALTY REPUTATION LOYALTY REPUTATION ui_CostPerDayPerMember Cost Per Day Per Member: Cost Per Day Per Member: hud_award_total AWARD TOTAL AWARD TOTAL ui_AvailableCofferCB Available in Coffers: Available in Coffers: hud_mech_booster MECH / ITEM BONUS MECH / ITEM BONUS ui_AvailableCB Available C-Bills: Available C-Bills: hud_premium_Booster PREMIUM TIME BONUS PREMIUM TIME BONUS hud_contract_bonus CONTRACT BONUS CONTRACT BONUS ui_NumMembers Number of Members: Number of Members: ui_NumDays Number of Days Released: Number of Days Released: ui_faction_stats FACTION STATS FACTION STATS ui_UnableToBreakContract Failed to break contract. Failed to break contract. ui_BreakContractTitle BREAK CONTRACT BREAK CONTRACT ui_omega OMEGA OMEGA ui_alpha ALPHA ALPHA ui_gamma GAMMA GAMMA ui_error_AlreadyHaveFactionContract Unable to accept a new contract when you currently have one already. Unable to accept a new contract when you currently have one already. ui_error_IncompatibleFactionContract Unable to accept Unit invite. Your current contract prevents you from switching to a different faction. Unable to accept Unit invite. Your current contract prevents you from switching to a different faction. ui_factionloyalties FACTION REPUTATION FACTION REPUTATION BC_IS_Davion You are about to break your contract with @IS_Davion which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @IS_Davion which will incur the following penalties: BC_IS_Steiner You are about to break your contract with @IS_Steiner which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @IS_Steiner which will incur the following penalties: BC_IS_Rasalhague You are about to break your contract with @IS_Rasalhague which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @IS_Rasalhague which will incur the following penalties: BC_IS_Marik You are about to break your contract with @IS_Marik which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @IS_Marik which will incur the following penalties: BC_IS_Liao You are about to break your contract with @IS_Liao which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @IS_Liao which will incur the following penalties: BC_IS_Kurita You are about to break your contract with @IS_Kurita which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @IS_Kurita which will incur the following penalties: BC_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Smoke_Jaguar which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Smoke_Jaguar which will incur the following penalties: BC_Clan_Jade_Falcon You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Jade_Falcon which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Jade_Falcon which will incur the following penalties: BC_Clan_Ghost_Bear You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Ghost_Bear which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Ghost_Bear which will incur the following penalties: BC_Clan_Wolf You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Wolf which will incur the following penalties: You are about to break your contract with @Clan_Wolf which will incur the following penalties: ui_rejoinCWTitle Rejoin Faction Match Rejoin Faction Match ui_RejoinCWLobby Attempting to rejoin a Faction Play match. Attempting to rejoin a Faction Play match. SYSTEM_EjectedMsg Ejected Ejected hud_eject EJECT EJECT hud_sequencetinitiated SEQUENCE INITIATED SEQUENCE INITIATED BC_BelowMinimum Your contract has less than 3 days remaining and cannot be broken. Your contract has less than 3 days remaining and cannot be broken. ui_BreakContractContent Are you sure you want to break your contract? Are you sure you want to break your contract? ui_dropdeckinvalid_desc The 'Mechs in your Drop Deck do not meet tonnage or technology requirements. The 'Mechs in your Drop Deck do not meet tonnage or technology requirements. EMechModel_KingCrab King Crab King Crab kingcrab KING CRAB KING CRAB KGC-000 KING CRAB KGC-000 KING CRAB KGC-000 KGC-000_desc KING CRAB KGC-000 description KING CRAB KGC-000 KGC-000_short KGC-000 KGC-000 KGC-0000 KING CRAB KGC-0000 KING CRAB KGC-0000 KGC-0000_desc KING CRAB KGC-0000 description KING CRAB KGC-0000 KGC-0000_short KGC-0000 KGC-0000 KGC-000b KING CRAB KGC-000B KING CRAB KGC-000B KGC-000b_desc KING CRAB KGC-000B description KING CRAB KGC-000B KGC-000b_short KGC-000B KGC-000B KGC-000l KING CRAB KGC-000(L) KING CRAB KGC-000(L) KGC-000l_desc KING CRAB KGC-000(L) description KING CRAB KGC-000(L) KGC-000l_short KGC-000(L) KGC-000(L) emechmodel_gargoyle GARGOYLE GARGOYLE gar-primei GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME(I) GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME(I) gar-primei_desc GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME(I) description GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME(I) gar-primei_short GAR-PRIME(I) GAR-PRIME(I) gar-prime GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME gar-prime_desc GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME description GARGOYLE GAR-PRIME gar-prime_short GAR-PRIME GAR-PRIME gar-a GARGOYLE GAR-A GARGOYLE GAR-A gar-a_desc GARGOYLE GAR-A description GARGOYLE GAR-A gar-a_short GAR-A GAR-A gar-d GARGOYLE GAR-D GARGOYLE GAR-D gar-d_desc GARGOYLE GAR-D description GARGOYLE GAR-D gar-d_short GAR-D GAR-D omnipod_gar-prime_head GAR-PRIME HEAD GAR-PRIME HEAD omnipod_gar-prime_head_desc GAR-PRIME Head OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_gar-prime_left_arm GAR-PRIME LEFT ARM GAR-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_gar-prime_left_arm_desc GAR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-prime_left_torso GAR-PRIME LEFT TORSO GAR-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_gar-prime_left_torso_desc GAR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-prime_right_torso GAR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO GAR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_gar-prime_right_torso_desc GAR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-prime_centre_torso GAR-PRIME CENTER TORSO GAR-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_gar-prime_centre_torso_desc GAR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-prime_right_arm GAR-PRIME RIGHT ARM GAR-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_gar-prime_right_arm_desc GAR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-prime_left_leg GAR-PRIME LEFT LEG GAR-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_gar-prime_left_leg_desc GAR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-prime_right_leg GAR-PRIME RIGHT LEG GAR-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_gar-prime_right_leg_desc GAR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. GAR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_head GAR-A HEAD GAR-A HEAD omnipod_gar-a_head_desc GAR-A Head OmniPod. GAR-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_left_arm GAR-A LEFT ARM GAR-A LEFT ARM omnipod_gar-a_left_arm_desc GAR-A Left Arm OmniPod. GAR-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_left_torso GAR-A LEFT TORSO GAR-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_gar-a_left_torso_desc GAR-A Left Torso OmniPod. GAR-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_right_torso GAR-A RIGHT TORSO GAR-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_gar-a_right_torso_desc GAR-A Right Torso OmniPod. GAR-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_centre_torso GAR-A CENTER TORSO GAR-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_gar-a_centre_torso_desc GAR-A Center Torso OmniPod. GAR-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_right_arm GAR-A RIGHT ARM GAR-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_gar-a_right_arm_desc GAR-A Right Arm OmniPod. GAR-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_left_leg GAR-A LEFT LEG GAR-A LEFT LEG omnipod_gar-a_left_leg_desc GAR-A Left Leg OmniPod. GAR-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-a_right_leg GAR-A RIGHT LEG GAR-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_gar-a_right_leg_desc GAR-A Right Leg OmniPod. GAR-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_head GAR-D HEAD GAR-D HEAD omnipod_gar-d_head_desc GAR-D Head OmniPod. GAR-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_left_arm GAR-D LEFT ARM GAR-D LEFT ARM omnipod_gar-d_left_arm_desc GAR-D Left Arm OmniPod. GAR-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_left_torso GAR-D LEFT TORSO GAR-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_gar-d_left_torso_desc GAR-D Left Torso OmniPod. GAR-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_right_torso GAR-D RIGHT TORSO GAR-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_gar-d_right_torso_desc GAR-D Right Torso OmniPod. GAR-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_centre_torso GAR-D CENTER TORSO GAR-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_gar-d_centre_torso_desc GAR-D Center Torso OmniPod. GAR-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_right_arm GAR-D RIGHT ARM GAR-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_gar-d_right_arm_desc GAR-D Right Arm OmniPod. GAR-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_left_leg GAR-D LEFT LEG GAR-D LEFT LEG omnipod_gar-d_left_leg_desc GAR-D Left Leg OmniPod. GAR-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-d_right_leg GAR-D RIGHT LEG GAR-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_gar-d_right_leg_desc GAR-D Right Leg OmniPod. GAR-D Right Leg OmniPod. MC_IS_Davion The Department of Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract for your hire in the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller The Department of Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract for your hire in the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller LC_IS_Davion Congratulations from the Department of Mercenary Relations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your acumen and sensibilities are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. Congratulations from the Department of Mercenary Relations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your acumen and sensibilities are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. MC_IS_Kurita For the glory of the Dragon, you are honored with a short-term contract under the auspice of the Professional Soldiery Liaison to serve the Combine as needed alongside the Pillar of Steel. For the glory of the Dragon, you are honored with a short-term contract under the auspice of the Professional Soldiery Liaison to serve the Combine as needed alongside the Pillar of Steel. LC_IS_Kurita The Draconis Combine Professional Soldiery Liaison extends you privilege of a long-term contract. Your swords will be first among equals as you guard the borders of our great realm! The Draconis Combine Professional Soldiery Liaison extends you privilege of a long-term contract. Your swords will be first among equals as you guard the borders of our great realm! MC_IS_Liao Accept this short-term contract from the Capellan Command Council. Your sellswords will protect the Chancellor and his magnificent Capellan Confederation from his enemies. Accept this short-term contract from the Capellan Command Council. Your sellswords will protect the Chancellor and his magnificent Capellan Confederation from his enemies. LC_IS_Liao You are bestowed the high gift of a Charter you will accept for long-term employment for the greater good of the glorious Capellan Confederation.\n\nCapellan Command Council You are bestowed the high gift of a Charter you will accept for long-term employment for the greater good of the glorious Capellan Confederation.\n\nCapellan Command Council MC_IS_Marik Well-met accomplished soldier. The League Central Coordination And Command salutes your bravery in accepting a short-term contract to protect the peoples of the Free World League. Well-met accomplished soldier. The League Central Coordination And Command salutes your bravery in accepting a short-term contract to protect the peoples of the Free World League. LC_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command welcomes your acceptance of a long-term contract with the first Great House. Your reputation and service will be celebrated by the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command welcomes your acceptance of a long-term contract with the first Great House. Your reputation and service will be celebrated by the Free Worlds League. MC_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract. If you accept, you will adhere to all stipulations within the contract for the duration of your employment.\n\nWelcome. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract. If you accept, you will adhere to all stipulations within the contract for the duration of your employment.\n\nWelcome. LC_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations welcomes an acceptance of a long-term contract. As with our short-term contracts, you must adhere to all stipulations.\n\nJoin for freedom. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations welcomes an acceptance of a long-term contract. As with our short-term contracts, you must adhere to all stipulations.\n\nJoin for freedom. CR_DD_IS_Liao Swine! Your defeat at the hands of the Celestial Wisdom’s enemies is a disgrace. Capellan children would defend their homeland with more dedication and skill than your failed defense. Swine! Your defeat at the hands of the Celestial Wisdom’s enemies is a disgrace. Capellan children would defend their homeland with more dedication and skill than your failed defense. CR_AV_IS_Steiner Congratulations! Your victory is a testament to your battle acumen, and instills confidence in your abilities. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. Congratulations! Your victory is a testament to your battle acumen, and instills confidence in your abilities. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. MC_Is_Steiner A short-term contract for your hire is extended by the Department of Mercenary Relations for the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller A short-term contract for your hire is extended by the Department of Mercenary Relations for the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller LC_IS_Steiner The Department of Mercenary Relations offers congratulations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your sensibilities and acumen are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. The Department of Mercenary Relations offers congratulations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your sensibilities and acumen are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. MC_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis is watching and will mete out justice equal to your courage and prowess. Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis is watching and will mete out justice equal to your courage and prowess. LC_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar You are saabtakha, adopted to become a warrior of Clan Smoke Jaguar for the specified time frame. Jaguar springs; Jaguar claws; Jaguar tastes: may you emulate the Founder’s favorite totem. You are saabtakha, adopted to become a warrior of Clan Smoke Jaguar for the specified time frame. Jaguar springs; Jaguar claws; Jaguar tastes: may you emulate the Founder’s favorite totem. MC_Clan_Jade_Falcon Elias Crichell, Khan of Clan Jade Falcon, guardians of the Founder’s vision, offers you bondtroth of short-term service. The eyes of the Falcon are ever upon your battles. Elias Crichell, Khan of Clan Jade Falcon, guardians of the Founder’s vision, offers you bondtroth of short-term service. The eyes of the Falcon are ever upon your battles. LC_Clan_Jade_Falcon Embrace the fire of the first Falcon; put on the mantle of stubbornness. You are adopted, saabtakha, into Clan Jade Falcon. Accept the will to remember during your service and you shall fly with us above all others. Embrace the fire of the first Falcon; put on the mantle of stubbornness. You are adopted, saabtakha, into Clan Jade Falcon. Accept the will to remember during your service and you shall fly with us above all others. MC_Clan_Wolf Accept this bondtroth for short-term service in the Clan the Founder chose to mingle his blood. Khan Ulric Kerensky patiently awaits the record you will forge on future fields of battle. Accept this bondtroth for short-term service in the Clan the Founder chose to mingle his blood. Khan Ulric Kerensky patiently awaits the record you will forge on future fields of battle. LC_Clan_Wolf If you accept this adoption, saabtakha, for long-term service with Clan Wolf, you must be ever vigilant. Willing to lope for long miles, silent and patient. Yet strike in an instant when the time arrives for action. If you accept this adoption, saabtakha, for long-term service with Clan Wolf, you must be ever vigilant. Willing to lope for long miles, silent and patient. Yet strike in an instant when the time arrives for action. MC_Clan_Ghost_Bear By the hand of Bjorn Jorgensson, accept this bondtroth for short-term service with Clan Ghost Bear. May the ursus within arise as needed: for protection, for attack, for the family. By the hand of Bjorn Jorgensson, accept this bondtroth for short-term service with Clan Ghost Bear. May the ursus within arise as needed: for protection, for attack, for the family. LC_Clan_Ghost_Bear The courage of Tseng; the foresight of Jorgensson. You are saabtakha, adopted into Clan Ghost Bear. Bring these attributes to your long-term service and you will be honored among our warriors. The courage of Tseng; the foresight of Jorgensson. You are saabtakha, adopted into Clan Ghost Bear. Bring these attributes to your long-term service and you will be honored among our warriors. @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomGhostbear Ghost Bear Warhorn Ghost Bear Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomGhostbear_desc Clan Ghost Bear Warhorn Clan Ghost Bear Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomSmokeJaguar Smoke Jag. Warhorn Smoke Jag. Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomSmokeJaguar_desc Clan Smoke Jaguar Warhorn Clan Smoke Jaguar Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomJadeFalcon Jade Falcon Warhorn Jade Falcon Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomJadeFalcon_desc Clan Jade Falcon Warhorn Clan Jade Falcon Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomWolf Clan Wolf Warhorn Clan Wolf Warhorn @SpeakerJ_SonicBoomWolf_desc Clan Wolf Warhorn Clan Wolf Warhorn @Stein_g_name Phoenix Guardian Stein Phoenix Guardian Stein @Stein_h_name Phoenix Overlord Stein Phoenix Overlord Stein @Stein_h_desc Phoenix Overlord Stein Phoenix Overlord Stein @Stein_i_name Phoenix Storm Stein Phoenix Storm Stein @Stein_i_desc Phoenix Storm Stein Phoenix Storm Stein @Stein_j_name Phoenix Talon Stein Phoenix Talon Stein @Stein_j_desc Phoenix Talon Stein Phoenix Talon Stein @Stein_k_name Legendary Stein Legendary Stein @Stein_k_desc Founders Legendary Stein Founders Legendary Stein @Stein_g_desc Phoenix Guardian Stein Phoenix Guardian Stein @Stein_l_name Elite Stein Elite Stein @Stein_l_desc Founders Elite Stein Founders Elite Stein @Stein_m_name Veteran Stein Veteran Stein @Stein_m_desc Founders Veteran Stein Founders Veteran Stein @Stein_u_name Clan Dagger Star Stein Clan Dagger Star Stein @Stein_u_desc Clan Dagger Star Stein Clan Dagger Star Stein @StainglassGhostBear_name Ghost Bear Stained Glass Ghost Bear Stained Glass @StainglassGhostBear_desc Clan Ghost Bear Glass Medallion Clan Ghost Bear Glass Medallion @StainglassJadeFalcon_name Jade Falcon Glass Jade Falcon Glass @StainglassJadeFalcon_desc Clan Jade Falcon Stained Glass Medallion Clan Jade Falcon Stained Glass Medallion @StainglassSmokeJaguar_name Smoke Jaguar Glass Smoke Jaguar Glass @StainglassSmokeJaguar_desc Clan Smoke Jaguar Glass Medallion Clan Smoke Jaguar Glass Medallion @StainglassWolf_name Clan Wolf Stained Glass Clan Wolf Stained Glass @StainglassWolf_desc Clan Wolf Glass Medallion Clan Wolf Glass Medallion @MugCameronStar_name Cameron Star Mug Cameron Star Mug @MugCameronStar_desc Cameron Star Mug Cameron Star Mug @SpeakerJ_CameronStar Cameron Star Warhorn Cameron Star Warhorn @SpeakerJ_CameronStar_desc Cameron Star Warhorn Cameron Star Warhorn _planetinfo PLANET INFORMATION PLANET INFORMATION ui_planetfinder PLANET FINDER PLANET FINDER ui_hideaux HIDE OVERLAYS HIDE OVERLAYS ui_showaux SHOW OVERLAYS SHOW OVERLAYS ui_social_group_youwerekicked_unitgroup You were removed from the Faction Play Group. You were removed from the Faction Play Group. ui_AttackPhase CONFLICT PHASE CONFLICT PHASE ui_CeaseFirePhase CEASEFIRE CEASEFIRE ui_NoContract No mission is currently available for this planet. No mission is currently available for this planet. ui_unabletoready UNABLE TO READY UNABLE TO READY ui_currentlyinqueue Currently in a matchmaking queue. Currently in a matchmaking queue. ui_MercContractText <font color="#FFFFFF">Contract Duration Bonuses:<br><br>7 - Days: </font><font color="#FFBA31">0% Additional LR<br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">14 - Days: </font><font color="#FFBA31">15% Additional LR<br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">28 - Days: </font><font color="#FFBA31">30% Additional LP<br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">Loyalist: </font><font color="#FFBA31">50% Additional LR<br><br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">Note: Contract bonuses are applied to the base amount of the loyalty reputation earned and does not compound with other loyalty reputation bonuses.</font> <font color="#FFFFFF">Contract Duration Bonuses:<br><br>7 - Days: </font><font color="#FFBA31">0% Additional LR<br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">14 - Days: </font><font color="#FFBA31">15% Additional LR<br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">28 - Days: </font><font color="#FFBA31">30% Additional LP<br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">Loyalist: </font><font color="#FFBA31">50% Additional LR<br><br></font><font color="#FFFFFF">Note: Contract bonuses are applied to the base amount of the loyalty reputation earned and does not compound with other loyalty reputation bonuses.</font> ui_frost_detail1 -37 C -37 C ui_frost_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_frost_detail3 55% 55% ui_badlands_detail1 46 C 46 C ui_badlands_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_badlands_detail3 68% 68% ui_CBills C-Bills C-Bills CR_AV_IS_Davion Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. This is a testament to your battle acumen. Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. This is a testament to your battle acumen. CR_DV_IS_Davion The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense. The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense. CR_AD_IS_Davion The nature of your failed assault leads us to question your competency. Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack. We strongly urge a review of said footage and implementing necessary changes to ensure success in the future. The nature of your failed assault leads us to question your competency. Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack. We strongly urge a review of said footage and implementing necessary changes to ensure success in the future. CR_DD_IS_Davion Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls your abilities into question. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls your abilities into question. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. CR_AV_IS_Kurita Honor to you, for your glorious assault. The warriors of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery salute your attack and recognize a warrior worthy of respect. May the sun never set upon your battlefield acuity, nor your unflinching bravery to expand the might of the Dragon. Honor to you, for your glorious assault. The warriors of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery salute your attack and recognize a warrior worthy of respect. May the sun never set upon your battlefield acuity, nor your unflinching bravery to expand the might of the Dragon. CR_DV_IS_Kurita A staunch defense worthy of a haiku. The Professional Soldiery Liaison recognizes your exceptional service in defending the realm against enemies jealous of the Dragon’s might and majesty. May your blade always shine and your honor never fade as you continue in our service. A staunch defense worthy of a haiku. The Professional Soldiery Liaison recognizes your exceptional service in defending the realm against enemies jealous of the Dragon’s might and majesty. May your blade always shine and your honor never fade as you continue in our service. CR_AD_IS_Kurita The lack of discipline and battlefield awareness displayed in your failed assault is a stain upon your reputation and honor. The lack of discipline and battlefield awareness displayed in your failed assault is a stain upon your reputation and honor. CR_DD_IS_Kurita The blood of the Dragon was spilt this day in your abysmal defense. The cries of the innocent mock your honor and astuteness on the field of battle. Allowing our enemies one meter of ground is unacceptable. Future defenses must erase your stain, or risk a permanent black mark on your honor. The blood of the Dragon was spilt this day in your abysmal defense. The cries of the innocent mock your honor and astuteness on the field of battle. Allowing our enemies one meter of ground is unacceptable. Future defenses must erase your stain, or risk a permanent black mark on your honor. CR_AV_IS_Liao Under the Celestial Wisdom’s hand your assault was foreordained for victory! A testament to your skills. Long will your victories under the Chancellor’s hands be celebrated. Under the Celestial Wisdom’s hand your assault was foreordained for victory! A testament to your skills. Long will your victories under the Chancellor’s hands be celebrated. CR_DV_IS_Liao The prudence of the Celestial Wisdom shines forth in bringing your skills to the bulwark of the empire. Your intuitive defense saved Capellan blood and vaulted your name in reputation across the Inner Sphere. Continue such feats and you may receive a direct visit from his blessed personage! The prudence of the Celestial Wisdom shines forth in bringing your skills to the bulwark of the empire. Your intuitive defense saved Capellan blood and vaulted your name in reputation across the Inner Sphere. Continue such feats and you may receive a direct visit from his blessed personage! CR_AD_IS_Liao Inbred! Servitors would demonstrate greater acumen in an assault than your clumsy attempts at battle tactics. You shall lead the next assault and the results must be a victory or prepare for the consequences. Inbred! Servitors would demonstrate greater acumen in an assault than your clumsy attempts at battle tactics. You shall lead the next assault and the results must be a victory or prepare for the consequences. CR_DV_IS_Steiner The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extends their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense! The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective and reinforce the truth of your abilities. The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extends their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense! The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective and reinforce the truth of your abilities. CR_AD_IS_Steiner While Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack, the nature of your failed assault leads us to question your abilities. We strongly urge a review of your own orders and implement necessary changes to ensure success in the future. While Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack, the nature of your failed assault leads us to question your abilities. We strongly urge a review of your own orders and implement necessary changes to ensure success in the future. CR_DD_IS_Steiner When the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit a strong reaction. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired, and calls your abilities into question. We suggest in the strongest terms a reassessment of your battle strategies. When the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit a strong reaction. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired, and calls your abilities into question. We suggest in the strongest terms a reassessment of your battle strategies. ui_Lauch LAUNCH LAUNCH ui_Group_Planet_Selected PLANET SELECTED BY LEADER PLANET SELECTED BY LEADER ui_invasion_attack SIEGE - ATTACK TERRITORY SIEGE - ATTACK TERRITORY ui_counterattack_attack COUNTER ATTACK - RECAPTURE TERRITORY COUNTER ATTACK - RECAPTURE TERRITORY ui_invasion_defend SIEGE - DEFEND TERRITORY SIEGE - DEFEND TERRITORY ui_matchreservation PREPARING GAME SERVER PREPARING GAME SERVER ui_matchreservationdesc PLEASE WAIT ... PLEASE WAIT ... ui_PreparingForMatch Preparing for drop Preparing for drop ui_rejoincwlobbytitle CONFIRM REJOIN CONFIRM REJOIN hud_my_faction_loyalty_bonus FACTION REPUTATION BONUSES FACTION REPUTATION BONUSES ui_UnableToAcceptContract Unable to accept contract. Unable to accept contract. @Efaction_PGI PGI PGI CR_AV_IS_Marik Your victory in the scouting raid is a triumph for all the peoples of the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command commends your skill and dedication. Your victory in the scouting raid is a triumph for all the peoples of the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command commends your skill and dedication. CR_DV_IS_Marik Your spirited defense of the peoples of the Free Worlds League will be heralded from world to world as news of your victory spreads. The League Central Coordination And Command congratulates you for your valiant efforts in protecting the borders of the first Great House. Your spirited defense of the peoples of the Free Worlds League will be heralded from world to world as news of your victory spreads. The League Central Coordination And Command congratulates you for your valiant efforts in protecting the borders of the first Great House. CR_AD_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command postulates a need to review operational parameters due to your latest failed assault. Such a review will uncover compromising elements and allow you to ensure victory for the next assignment. While disappointed, we are confident in your future success. The League Central Coordination And Command postulates a need to review operational parameters due to your latest failed assault. Such a review will uncover compromising elements and allow you to ensure victory for the next assignment. While disappointed, we are confident in your future success. CR_DD_IS_Marik Your failed defense has left peoples of the Free Worlds League in harms way. The League Central Coordination And Command condemns your botched service and urges—in the strongest terms possible—a reevaluation of your combat doctrine to ensure future defenses will result in victory. Your failed defense has left peoples of the Free Worlds League in harms way. The League Central Coordination And Command condemns your botched service and urges—in the strongest terms possible—a reevaluation of your combat doctrine to ensure future defenses will result in victory. CR_AV_IS_Rasalhague The proof of your loyalty in successfully executing your assault is welcomed. If more of your brethren demonstrate such professionalism in their service, the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic may yet change their perspectives concerning your value. Well done. The proof of your loyalty in successfully executing your assault is welcomed. If more of your brethren demonstrate such professionalism in their service, the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic may yet change their perspectives concerning your value. Well done. CR_DV_IS_Rasalhague We are surprisingly pleased at your effective defense of the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic. Your skill and dedication to the Republic are traits to be emulated. May you continue such exemplary performance in all future battles. We are surprisingly pleased at your effective defense of the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic. Your skill and dedication to the Republic are traits to be emulated. May you continue such exemplary performance in all future battles. CR_AD_IS_Rasalhague We express deep—though unsurprised—disappointment at your lackluster assault. That you failed to achieve what our warriors accomplished while beset on all sides and under the aegis of a newly free nation…pray you are able to prove your abilities in future battles. We express deep—though unsurprised—disappointment at your lackluster assault. That you failed to achieve what our warriors accomplished while beset on all sides and under the aegis of a newly free nation…pray you are able to prove your abilities in future battles. CR_DD_IS_Rasalhague This is an outrage and the Free Rasalhague Republic citizens deserve better. Your botched defense mirrors a long line of failures of your so-called ‘professional’ soldier brethren. You will keep all personnel on reservation between deployments and your next defense will be a success. This is an outrage and the Free Rasalhague Republic citizens deserve better. Your botched defense mirrors a long line of failures of your so-called ‘professional’ soldier brethren. You will keep all personnel on reservation between deployments and your next defense will be a success. CR_AV_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Glory to you warrior for your triumphant assault! Your prowess matches the smoke jaguar, whom you emulate with claw and spring and blood. The Touman watches and grins the bared teeth of victory. You honor your blood this day…long may you be remembered for your service this day. Glory to you warrior for your triumphant assault! Your prowess matches the smoke jaguar, whom you emulate with claw and spring and blood. The Touman watches and grins the bared teeth of victory. You honor your blood this day…long may you be remembered for your service this day. CR_DV_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Seyla. Your brilliant defense of Clan Smoke Jaguar holdings is worthy of praise. You do your blood honor as the skills you espouse showcase your battlefield worthiness to fight alongside the warriors of our Touman. You may yet earn a line in The Remembrance for your great deeds this day. Seyla. Your brilliant defense of Clan Smoke Jaguar holdings is worthy of praise. You do your blood honor as the skills you espouse showcase your battlefield worthiness to fight alongside the warriors of our Touman. You may yet earn a line in The Remembrance for your great deeds this day. CR_AD_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Savashri! First year sibkin can execute a better assault than your travesty of a deployment. Your enemies rejoice at your defeat. Spurn your blood. Mock Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis will not accept weakness in any warriors, especially you. Seize the next victory, or you will be forgotten. Savashri! First year sibkin can execute a better assault than your travesty of a deployment. Your enemies rejoice at your defeat. Spurn your blood. Mock Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis will not accept weakness in any warriors, especially you. Seize the next victory, or you will be forgotten. CR_DD_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar You belittle the oaths you have taken in your failed defense. Solahma warriors ragged with their last breath in age show more spirit. Pray you are not called out in a Circle of Equals for your failure; as surely as The Founder forged the Clans you would be destroyed. Victory next time, warrior! You belittle the oaths you have taken in your failed defense. Solahma warriors ragged with their last breath in age show more spirit. Pray you are not called out in a Circle of Equals for your failure; as surely as The Founder forged the Clans you would be destroyed. Victory next time, warrior! CR_AV_Clan_Jade_Falcon Your brilliant assault is a testament to your skills and honors the blood that flows in your veins. Turkina’s eyes shine bright; her claws tear fresh; her wings fly high for you this day, warrior. The Founder’s vision sees an echo in your battlefield prowess. Long may your shadow join the Falcon’s wings. Your brilliant assault is a testament to your skills and honors the blood that flows in your veins. Turkina’s eyes shine bright; her claws tear fresh; her wings fly high for you this day, warrior. The Founder’s vision sees an echo in your battlefield prowess. Long may your shadow join the Falcon’s wings. CR_DV_Clan_Jade_Falcon Well bargained and done, warrior. You superbly orchestrated your cutdown, selected your battlefield, and executed a defense that sent your opponent fleeing in shame. The warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon Touman salute you for your prowess and the ease with which you let all enemies know of Falcon strength. Well bargained and done, warrior. You superbly orchestrated your cutdown, selected your battlefield, and executed a defense that sent your opponent fleeing in shame. The warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon Touman salute you for your prowess and the ease with which you let all enemies know of Falcon strength. CR_AD_Clan_Jade_Falcon Freebirth! You sully the mighty Clan Jade Falcon—the Founder’s dream incarnate—with your lackluster skills. Your assault was in shambles before the attack even began. You failed to grasp our nathaculor—the strike of the unswerving sword. Failure to heed Falcon tactics in the future will end in your misery. Freebirth! You sully the mighty Clan Jade Falcon—the Founder’s dream incarnate—with your lackluster skills. Your assault was in shambles before the attack even began. You failed to grasp our nathaculor—the strike of the unswerving sword. Failure to heed Falcon tactics in the future will end in your misery. CR_DD_Clan_Jade_Falcon Our enemies have poisoned Clan Jade Falcon soil with their mere presence, all due to your ineptitude! Fledgling warriors fresh into an Eyrie Cluster demonstrate greater acumen than you have today. Your failed defense is a stain on your blood you will long work to cleanse. Khan Elias Crichell is watching, and is most displeased with your service. Our enemies have poisoned Clan Jade Falcon soil with their mere presence, all due to your ineptitude! Fledgling warriors fresh into an Eyrie Cluster demonstrate greater acumen than you have today. Your failed defense is a stain on your blood you will long work to cleanse. Khan Elias Crichell is watching, and is most displeased with your service. CR_AV_Clan_Wolf Though freeborn, your blood sings true, trothkin. Your magnificent assault was filled with all the rage and fury of the best Wolf warriors. Yet tempered with the knowledge of when to relent, when to feint, and when to seize victory despite apparent defeat. A skill other Clan’s warriors sorely lack. Though freeborn, your blood sings true, trothkin. Your magnificent assault was filled with all the rage and fury of the best Wolf warriors. Yet tempered with the knowledge of when to relent, when to feint, and when to seize victory despite apparent defeat. A skill other Clan’s warriors sorely lack. CR_DV_Clan_Wolf The best defense is a better offense. A saying spoken by many, but few can execute. Honor to you trothkin, for a victorious defense that emulates the best of Clan tactics. The warriors of the Clan Wolf Touman howl in your honor this day as you let all Clansmen know not all of the best warriors are trueborn. The best defense is a better offense. A saying spoken by many, but few can execute. Honor to you trothkin, for a victorious defense that emulates the best of Clan tactics. The warriors of the Clan Wolf Touman howl in your honor this day as you let all Clansmen know not all of the best warriors are trueborn. CR_AD_Clan_Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky is disappointed in your failed assault. Bowing to the pressure of chaos and the fog of war that engulfs any battlefield. Your previous acuity, none-the-less, shows your skills remain true, though untapped for this battle. Seize upon your past victories to emulate them for the future. Khan Ulric Kerensky is disappointed in your failed assault. Bowing to the pressure of chaos and the fog of war that engulfs any battlefield. Your previous acuity, none-the-less, shows your skills remain true, though untapped for this battle. Seize upon your past victories to emulate them for the future. CR_DD_Clan_Wolf Wolf blood was spilled this day in your disastrous defense. Blood that calls for vengeance. But the Wolf does not cull from the pack in the heat of battle. Your history marks you as a warrior worthy of your service with our Clan. Remember that and seize victory on another day and the clamor for vengeance with slack. Wolf blood was spilled this day in your disastrous defense. Blood that calls for vengeance. But the Wolf does not cull from the pack in the heat of battle. Your history marks you as a warrior worthy of your service with our Clan. Remember that and seize victory on another day and the clamor for vengeance with slack. CR_AV_Clan_Ghost_Bear Ursus roars at your brilliant assault, warrior. The mighty ghost bear acknowledges battle acumen, regardless of its source. Your family in Clan Ghost Bear rejoice at your success and embrace the honor you bring. Long may the foresight of Jorgensson be found in your victories to come. Ursus roars at your brilliant assault, warrior. The mighty ghost bear acknowledges battle acumen, regardless of its source. Your family in Clan Ghost Bear rejoice at your success and embrace the honor you bring. Long may the foresight of Jorgensson be found in your victories to come. CR_DV_Clan_Ghost_Bear There is no greater glory than protecting the family. Your exemplar defense of Clan Ghost Bear holdings heralds your ristar status loud and clear. You are a warrior to be watched; a warrior to be tested; a warrior to fight alongside. You reflect back to our own Clansmen the courage of Tseng. Seyla. There is no greater glory than protecting the family. Your exemplar defense of Clan Ghost Bear holdings heralds your ristar status loud and clear. You are a warrior to be watched; a warrior to be tested; a warrior to fight alongside. You reflect back to our own Clansmen the courage of Tseng. Seyla. CR_AD_Clan_Ghost_Bear Such a debacle as this failed assault mocks the might of the bear. Khan Bjorn Jorgensson feels spurned after accepting your service, as do all warriors of the Clan Ghost Bear Touman. Accept again our embrace and the skills we offer and ensure victory for the family. Such a debacle as this failed assault mocks the might of the bear. Khan Bjorn Jorgensson feels spurned after accepting your service, as do all warriors of the Clan Ghost Bear Touman. Accept again our embrace and the skills we offer and ensure victory for the family. CR_DD_Clan_Ghost_Bear There is no greater shame, warrior. You spilled the blood of the family in your travesty of a defense. The great ghost bear is slow to move, yet when that moment arrives, erupts with terrible fury. Ensure your future defenses protect Clan Ghost Bear lest we bring that fury against you. There is no greater shame, warrior. You spilled the blood of the family in your travesty of a defense. The great ghost bear is slow to move, yet when that moment arrives, erupts with terrible fury. Ensure your future defenses protect Clan Ghost Bear lest we bring that fury against you. CT_A_IS_Davion The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. CT_D_IS_Davion The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. CT_A_IS_Kurita The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. CT_D_IS_Kurita The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. CT_A_IS_Liao The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a planetary assault against the designated world. The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a planetary assault against the designated world. CT_D_IS_Liao The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a defensive campaign on the designated world. The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a defensive campaign on the designated world. CT_A_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a planetary assault against the titled world. The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a planetary assault against the titled world. CT_D_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a defensive campaign on the titled world. The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a defensive campaign on the titled world. CT_A_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. CT_D_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. CT_A_IS_Steiner The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. CT_D_IS_Steiner The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. CT_A_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_D_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. CT_A_Clan_Jade_Falcon Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_D_Clan_Jade_Falcon Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. CT_A_Clan_Wolf Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to assault the targeted world for conquest. Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_D_Clan_Wolf Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to defend the targeted world from conquest. Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to defend the targeted world from conquest. CT_A_Clan_Ghost_Bear Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to assault the targeted world for conquest. Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_D_Clan_Ghost_Bear Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to defend the targeted world from conquest. Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to defend the targeted world from conquest. ui_social_group_youwerekicked_publicgroup You were removed from the group. You were removed from the group. ach_davion_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_davion_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_kurita_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_kurita_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_liao_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_liao_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_marik_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_marik_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation withFree Rasalhague Republic Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation withFree Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_rasalhague_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Free Rasalhague Republic ach_steiner_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_steiner_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clansmokejaguar_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanjadefalcon_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanwolf_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_clanghostbear_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ui_noplanetselected NO PLANET SELECTED NO PLANET SELECTED pi_0 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. ui_noplanetselected_desc You have not selected a planet. You have not selected a planet. ui_UnableToRetrieveContract Unable to retrieve contract data. Unable to retrieve contract data. hud_open OPEN OPEN ui_O_GEN_1 O-GEN 1 O-GEN 1 ui_O_GEN_2 O-GEN 2 O-GEN 2 ui_O_GEN_3 O-GEN 3 O-GEN 3 @ui_Att ATT ATT ui_def DEF DEF ui_WaitingForLobby WAITING FOR MATCH WAITING FOR MATCH ui_WaitingForLobbyDesc BUILDING MATCH BUILDING MATCH ui_Full PILOT RECEIVING ORDERS PILOT RECEIVING ORDERS ui_LeaderSelectsFaction Only the leader of your Unit can select your faction. Only the leader of your Unit can select your faction. ui_RejoinFail Failed to rejoin Failed to rejoin ui_InvalidRankName_InvalidLength The rank's name must contain at least 1 character. The rank's name must contain at least 1 character. ui_InvalidRankName_RankNameNotUnique The rank's name is not unique. The rank's name is not unique. ui_InvalidRankName_PrePostCharacters The rank's name may not begin or end with spaces. The rank's name may not begin or end with spaces. ui_UnableToCompleteTransaction Unable to complete transaction. Unable to complete transaction. ui_UnableToUnequipItems Unable to unequip items. Your 'Mech may be in an invalid state. Unable to unequip items. Your 'Mech may be in an invalid state. ui_UnableToSellMech An error occurred when selling this 'Mech. If this persists please contact support. Error Code: %0 An error occurred when selling this 'Mech. If this persists please contact support. Error Code: %0 ui_UnableToSellItem Unable to sell item(s). Unable to sell item(s). @ui_outofbounds OUT-OF-BOUNDS OUT-OF-BOUNDS gargoyle GARGOYLE GARGOYLE mistlynx MIST LYNX MIST LYNX hellbringer HELLBRINGER HELLBRINGER adr-b ADDER ADR-B ADDER ADR-B adr-b_desc ADDER ADR-B description ADDER ADR-B adr-b_short ADR-B ADR-B dwf-s DIRE WOLF DWF-S DIRE WOLF DWF-S dwf-s_desc DIRE WOLF AWF-S description DIRE WOLF AWF-S dwf-s_short DWF-S DWF-S gar-c GARGOYLE GAR-C GARGOYLE GAR-C gar-c_desc GARGOYLE GAR-C description GARGOYLE GAR-C gar-c_short GAR-C GAR-C ifr-d ICE FERRET IFR-D ICE FERRET IFR-D ifr-d_desc ICE FERRET IFR-D description ICE FERRET IFR-D ifr-d_short IFR-D IFR-D kfx-c KIT FOX KFX-C KIT FOX KFX-C kfx-c_desc KIT FOX KFX-C description KIT FOX KFX-C kfx-c_short KFX-C KFX-C mdd-c MAD DOG MDD-C MAD DOG MDD-C mdd-c_desc MAD DOG MDD-C description MAD DOG MDD-C description mdd-c_short MDD-C MDD-C mlx-a MIST LYNX MLX-A MIST LYNX MLX-A mlx-a_desc MIST LYNX MLX-A description MIST LYNX MLX-A mlx-a_short MLX-A MLX-A nva-a NOVA NVA-A NOVA NVA-A nva-a_desc NOVA NVA-A description NOVA NVA-A nva-a_short NVA-A NVA-A scr-a STORMCROW SCR-A STORMCROW SCR-A scr-a_desc STORMCROW SCR-A description STORMCROW SCR-A scr-a_short SCR-A SCR-A smn-c SUMMONER SMN-C SUMMONER SMN-C smn-c_desc SUMMONER SMN-C description SUMMONER SMN-C smn-c_short SMN-C SMN-C tbr-d TIMBER WOLF TBR-D TIMBER WOLF TBR-D tbr-d_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-D description TIMBER WOLF TBR-D tbr-d_short TBR-D TBR-D whk-c WARHAWK WHK-C WARHAWK WHK-C whk-c_desc WARHAWK WHK-C description WARHAWK WHK-C whk-c_short WHK-C WHK-C omnipod_adr-b_head ADR-B HEAD ADR-B HEAD omnipod_adr-b_head_desc ADR-B Head OmniPod. ADR-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_adr-b_left_arm ADR-B LEFT ARM ADR-B LEFT ARM omnipod_adr-b_left_arm_desc ADR-B Left Arm OmniPod. ADR-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-b_left_torso ADR-B LEFT TORSO ADR-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_adr-b_left_torso_desc ADR-B Left Torso OmniPod. ADR-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-b_centre_torso ADR-B CENTER TORSO ADR-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_adr-b_centre_torso_desc ADR-B Center Torso OmniPod. ADR-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-b_right_torso ADR-B RIGHT TORSO ADR-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_adr-b_right_torso_desc ADR-B Right Torso OmniPod. ADR-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-b_right_arm ADR-B RIGHT ARM ADR-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_adr-b_right_arm_desc ADR-B Right Arm OmniPod. ADR-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-b_left_leg ADR-B LEFT LEG ADR-B LEFT LEG omnipod_adr-b_left_leg_desc ADR-B Left Leg OmniPod. ADR-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-b_right_leg ADR-B RIGHT LEG ADR-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_adr-b_right_leg_desc ADR-B Right Leg OmniPod. ADR-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_head DWF-S HEAD DWF-S HEAD omnipod_dwf-s_head_desc DWF-S Head OmniPod. DWF-S Head OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_left_arm DWF-S LEFT ARM DWF-S LEFT ARM omnipod_dwf-s_left_arm_desc DWF-S Left Arm OmniPod. DWF-S Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_left_torso DWF-S LEFT TORSO DWF-S LEFT TORSO omnipod_dwf-s_left_torso_desc DWF-S Left Torso OmniPod. DWF-S Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_centre_torso DWF-S CENTER TORSO DWF-S CENTER TORSO omnipod_dwf-s_centre_torso_desc DWF-S Center Torso OmniPod. DWF-S Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_right_torso DWF-S RIGHT TORSO DWF-S RIGHT TORSO omnipod_dwf-s_right_torso_desc DWF-S Right Torso OmniPod. DWF-S Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_right_arm DWF-S RIGHT ARM DWF-S RIGHT ARM omnipod_dwf-s_right_arm_desc DWF-S Right Arm OmniPod. DWF-S Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_left_leg DWF-S LEFT LEG DWF-S LEFT LEG omnipod_dwf-s_left_leg_desc DWF-S Left Leg OmniPod. DWF-S Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-s_right_leg DWF-S RIGHT LEG DWF-S RIGHT LEG omnipod_dwf-s_right_leg_desc DWF-S Right Leg OmniPod. DWF-S Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_head GAR-C HEAD GAR-C HEAD omnipod_gar-c_head_desc GAR-C Head OmniPod. GAR-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_left_arm GAR-C LEFT ARM GAR-C LEFT ARM omnipod_gar-c_left_arm_desc GAR-C Left Arm OmniPod. GAR-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_left_torso GAR-C LEFT TORSO GAR-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_gar-c_left_torso_desc GAR-C Left Torso OmniPod. GAR-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_right_torso GAR-C RIGHT TORSO GAR-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_gar-c_right_torso_desc GAR-C Right Torso OmniPod. GAR-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_centre_torso GAR-C CENTER TORSO GAR-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_gar-c_centre_torso_desc GAR-C Center Torso OmniPod. GAR-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_right_arm GAR-C RIGHT ARM GAR-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_gar-c_right_arm_desc GAR-C Right Arm OmniPod. GAR-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_left_leg GAR-C LEFT LEG GAR-C LEFT LEG omnipod_gar-c_left_leg_desc GAR-C Left Leg OmniPod. GAR-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-c_right_leg GAR-C RIGHT LEG GAR-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_gar-c_right_leg_desc GAR-C Right Leg OmniPod. GAR-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_head IFR-D HEAD IFR-D HEAD omnipod_ifr-d_head_desc IFR-D Head OmniPod. IFR-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_left_arm IFR-D LEFT ARM IFR-D LEFT ARM omnipod_ifr-d_left_arm_desc IFR-D Left Arm OmniPod. IFR-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_left_torso IFR-D LEFT TORSO IFR-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_ifr-d_left_torso_desc IFR-D Left Torso OmniPod. IFR-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_right_torso IFR-D RIGHT TORSO IFR-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ifr-d_right_torso_desc IFR-D Right Torso OmniPod. IFR-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_centre_torso IFR-D CENTER TORSO IFR-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_ifr-d_centre_torso_desc IFR-D Center Torso OmniPod. IFR-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_right_arm IFR-D RIGHT ARM IFR-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_ifr-d_right_arm_desc IFR-D Right Arm OmniPod. IFR-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_left_leg IFR-D LEFT LEG IFR-D LEFT LEG omnipod_ifr-d_left_leg_desc IFR-D Left Leg OmniPod. IFR-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-d_right_leg IFR-D RIGHT LEG IFR-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_ifr-d_right_leg_desc IFR-D Right Leg OmniPod. IFR-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-c_head KFX-C HEAD KFX-C HEAD omnipod_kfx-c_head_desc KFX-C Head OmniPod. KFX-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-c_left_arm KFX-C LEFT ARM KFX-C LEFT ARM omnipod_kfx-c_left_arm_desc KFX-C Left Arm OmniPod. KFX-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-c_left_torso KFX-C LEFT TORSO KFX-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_kfx-c_left_torso_desc KFX-C Left Torso OmniPod. KFX-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-c_centre_torso KFX-C CENTER TORSO KFX-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_kfx-c_centre_torso_desc KFX-C Center Torso OmniPod. KFX-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-c_right_torso KFX-C RIGHT TORSO KFX-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-c_right_torso_desc KFX-C Right Torso OmniPod. KFX-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-c_left_leg KFX-C LEFT LEG KFX-C LEFT LEG omnipod_kfx-c_left_leg_desc KFX-C Left Leg OmniPod. KFX-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-c_right_leg KFX-C RIGHT LEG KFX-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_kfx-c_right_leg_desc KFX-C Right Leg OmniPod. KFX-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_head MDD-C HEAD MDD-C HEAD omnipod_mdd-c_head_desc MDD-C Head OmniPod. MDD-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_left_arm MDD-C LEFT ARM MDD-C LEFT ARM omnipod_mdd-c_left_arm_desc MDD-C Left Arm OmniPod. MDD-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_left_torso MDD-C LEFT TORSO MDD-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_mdd-c_left_torso_desc MDD-C Left Torso OmniPod. MDD-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_right_torso MDD-C RIGHT TORSO MDD-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mdd-c_right_torso_desc MDD-C Right Torso OmniPod. MDD-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_centre_torso MDD-C CENTER TORSO MDD-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_mdd-c_centre_torso_desc MDD-C Center Torso OmniPod. MDD-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_right_arm MDD-C RIGHT ARM MDD-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_mdd-c_right_arm_desc MDD-C Right Arm OmniPod. MDD-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_left_leg MDD-C LEFT LEG MDD-C LEFT LEG omnipod_mdd-c_left_leg_desc MDD-C Left Leg OmniPod. MDD-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-c_right_leg MDD-C RIGHT LEG MDD-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_mdd-c_right_leg_desc MDD-C Right Leg OmniPod. MDD-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_head MLX-A HEAD MLX-A HEAD omnipod_mlx-a_head_desc MLX-A Head OmniPod. MLX-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_left_arm MLX-A LEFT ARM MLX-A LEFT ARM omnipod_mlx-a_left_arm_desc MLX-A Left Arm OmniPod. MLX-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_left_torso MLX-A LEFT TORSO MLX-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_mlx-a_left_torso_desc MLX-A Left Torso OmniPod. MLX-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_right_torso MLX-A RIGHT TORSO MLX-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mlx-a_right_torso_desc MLX-A Right Torso OmniPod. MLX-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_centre_torso MLX-A CENTER TORSO MLX-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_mlx-a_centre_torso_desc MLX-A Center Torso OmniPod. MLX-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_right_arm MLX-A RIGHT ARM MLX-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_mlx-a_right_arm_desc MLX-A Right Arm OmniPod. MLX-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_left_leg MLX-A LEFT LEG MLX-A LEFT LEG omnipod_mlx-a_left_leg_desc MLX-A Left Leg OmniPod. MLX-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-a_right_leg MLX-A RIGHT LEG MLX-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_mlx-a_right_leg_desc MLX-A Right Leg OmniPod. MLX-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_head NVA-A HEAD NVA-A HEAD omnipod_nva-a_head_desc NVA-A Head OmniPod. NVA-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_left_arm NVA-A LEFT ARM NVA-A LEFT ARM omnipod_nva-a_left_arm_desc NVA-A Left Arm OmniPod. NVA-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_left_torso NVA-A LEFT TORSO NVA-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_nva-a_left_torso_desc NVA-A Left Torso OmniPod. NVA-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_centre_torso NVA-A CENTER TORSO NVA-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_nva-a_centre_torso_desc NVA-A Center Torso OmniPod. NVA-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_right_arm NVA-A RIGHT ARM NVA-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_nva-a_right_arm_desc NVA-A Right Arm OmniPod. NVA-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_left_leg NVA-A LEFT LEG NVA-A LEFT LEG omnipod_nva-a_left_leg_desc NVA-A Left Leg OmniPod. NVA-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-a_right_leg NVA-A RIGHT LEG NVA-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_nva-a_right_leg_desc NVA-A Right Leg OmniPod. NVA-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_head SCR-A HEAD SCR-A HEAD omnipod_scr-a_head_desc SCR-A Head OmniPod. SCR-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_left_arm SCR-A LEFT ARM SCR-A LEFT ARM omnipod_scr-a_left_arm_desc SCR-A Left Arm OmniPod. SCR-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_left_torso SCR-A LEFT TORSO SCR-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_scr-a_left_torso_desc SCR-A Left Torso OmniPod. SCR-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_centre_torso SCR-A CENTER TORSO SCR-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_scr-a_centre_torso_desc SCR-A Center Torso OmniPod. SCR-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_right_torso SCR-A RIGHT TORSO SCR-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_scr-a_right_torso_desc SCR-A Right Torso OmniPod. SCR-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_right_arm SCR-A RIGHT ARM SCR-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_scr-a_right_arm_desc SCR-A Right Arm OmniPod. SCR-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_left_leg SCR-A LEFT LEG SCR-A LEFT LEG omnipod_scr-a_left_leg_desc SCR-A Left Leg OmniPod. SCR-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-a_right_leg SCR-A RIGHT LEG SCR-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_scr-a_right_leg_desc SCR-A Right Leg OmniPod. SCR-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_head SMN-C HEAD SMN-C HEAD omnipod_smn-c_head_desc SMN-C Head OmniPod. SMN-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_left_arm SMN-C LEFT ARM SMN-C LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-c_left_arm_desc SMN-C Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_left_torso SMN-C LEFT TORSO SMN-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-c_left_torso_desc SMN-C Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_centre_torso SMN-C CENTER TORSO SMN-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-c_centre_torso_desc SMN-C Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_right_torso SMN-C RIGHT TORSO SMN-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-c_right_torso_desc SMN-C Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_right_arm SMN-C RIGHT ARM SMN-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-c_right_arm_desc SMN-C Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_left_leg SMN-C LEFT LEG SMN-C LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-c_left_leg_desc SMN-C Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-c_right_leg SMN-C RIGHT LEG SMN-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-c_right_leg_desc SMN-C Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_head TBR-D HEAD TBR-D HEAD omnipod_tbr-d_head_desc TBR-D Head OmniPod. TBR-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_left_arm TBR-D LEFT ARM TBR-D LEFT ARM omnipod_tbr-d_left_arm_desc TBR-D Left Arm OmniPod. TBR-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_left_torso TBR-D LEFT TORSO TBR-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_tbr-d_left_torso_desc TBR-D Left Torso OmniPod. TBR-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_centre_torso TBR-D CENTER TORSO TBR-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_tbr-d_centre_torso_desc TBR-D Center Torso OmniPod. TBR-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_right_torso TBR-D RIGHT TORSO TBR-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_tbr-d_right_torso_desc TBR-D Right Torso OmniPod. TBR-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_right_arm TBR-D RIGHT ARM TBR-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_tbr-d_right_arm_desc TBR-D Right Arm OmniPod. TBR-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_left_leg TBR-D LEFT LEG TBR-D LEFT LEG omnipod_tbr-d_left_leg_desc TBR-D Left Leg OmniPod. TBR-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-d_right_leg TBR-D RIGHT LEG TBR-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_tbr-d_right_leg_desc TBR-D Right Leg OmniPod. TBR-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_head WHK-C HEAD WHK-C HEAD omnipod_whk-c_head_desc WHK-C Head OmniPod. WHK-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_left_arm WHK-C LEFT ARM WHK-C LEFT ARM omnipod_whk-c_left_arm_desc WHK-C Left Arm OmniPod. WHK-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_left_torso WHK-C LEFT TORSO WHK-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_whk-c_left_torso_desc WHK-C Left Torso OmniPod. WHK-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_centre_torso WHK-C CENTER TORSO WHK-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_whk-c_centre_torso_desc WHK-C Center Torso OmniPod. WHK-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_right_torso WHK-C RIGHT TORSO WHK-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_whk-c_right_torso_desc WHK-C Right Torso OmniPod. WHK-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_right_arm WHK-C RIGHT ARM WHK-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_whk-c_right_arm_desc WHK-C Right Arm OmniPod. WHK-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_left_leg WHK-C LEFT LEG WHK-C LEFT LEG omnipod_whk-c_left_leg_desc WHK-C Left Leg OmniPod. WHK-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-c_right_leg WHK-C RIGHT LEG WHK-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_whk-c_right_leg_desc WHK-C Right Leg OmniPod. WHK-C Right Leg OmniPod. ui_EResult_InvalidFaction_Grouped One or more of your group members no longer belong to the same faction. Their contract has probably expired. One or more of your group members no longer belong to the same faction. Their contract has probably expired. ui_UnableToLeaveGroupWhileQueued Unable to leave a group while your currently in queue for a match. Unable to leave a group while your currently in queue for a match. ui_CeaseFireInEffect Ceasefire in effect Ceasefire in effect ui_gorge HELLEBORE SPRINGS HELLEBORE SPRINGS ui_ValueReward_CB %0 CB %0 CB ui_ValueReward_GXP %0 GXP %0 GXP ui_ValueReward_HC %0 MC %0 MC ui_TitleReward Title: "%0" Title: "%0" ui_Rewards Rewards: Rewards: ui_PlaceInQueue You are number %0 in line to deploy You are number %0 in line to deploy ui_gorge_detail1 19 C 19 C ui_gorge_detail2 1.2 1.2 ui_gorge_detail3 47% 47% ui_counterattack COUNTER ATTACK COUNTER ATTACK ui_counterattack_rules RECAPTURE TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS\n • DESTROY THE BASE AND GET THE MOST KILLS\nHOLD TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS\n • PROTECT THE BASE, OR\n • GET THE MOST KILLS RECAPTURE TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS\n • DESTROY THE BASE AND GET THE MOST KILLS\nHOLD TERRITORY WIN CONDITIONS\n • PROTECT THE BASE, OR\n • GET THE MOST KILLS ui_attackqueue ATTACK QUEUE ATTACK QUEUE ui_defendqueue DEFEND QUEUE DEFEND QUEUE ui_queueinfo QUEUE INFO QUEUE INFO ui_planetinfo PLANET INFO PLANET INFO ui_title_FounderVeteran Veteran Founder Veteran Founder ui_title_FounderElite Elite Founder Elite Founder ui_title_FounderLegendary Legendary Founder Legendary Founder ui_title_PhoenixTalon Talon Talon ui_title_PhoenixStorm Storm Storm ui_title_PhoenixGuardian Guardian Guardian ui_title_PhoenixOverlord Overlord Overlord ui_title_ClanUller The Bold The Bold ui_title_ClanBlackhawk The Partisan The Partisan ui_title_ClanThor The Resolute The Resolute ui_title_ClanDaishi Stone Cold Stone Cold ui_title_ClanPuma The Steadfast The Steadfast ui_title_ClanRyoken The Determined The Determined ui_title_ClanMadCat The Defiant The Defiant ui_title_ClanMasakari The Ironclad The Ironclad ui_title_ClanGoldKhan The Devoted The Devoted ui_title_ClanGargoyle The Ominous The Ominous ui_title_ClanHellbringer The Infernal The Infernal ui_title_ClanIceFerret The Merciless The Merciless ui_title_ClanMistLynx The Territorial The Territorial ui_title_ClanMadDog The Vicious The Vicious ui_title_Davion_Rank_1 Recruit Recruit ui_title_Davion_Rank_2 Private Private ui_title_Davion_Rank_3 Corporal Corporal ui_title_Davion_Rank_4 Sergeant Sergeant ui_title_Davion_Rank_5 Sergeant-Major Sergeant-Major ui_title_Davion_Rank_6 Command Sergeant-Major Command Sergeant-Major ui_title_Davion_Rank_7 Subaltern Subaltern ui_title_Davion_Rank_8 Leftenant Leftenant ui_title_Davion_Rank_9 Captain Captain ui_title_Davion_Rank_10 Major Major ui_title_Davion_Rank_11 Leftenant Colonel Leftenant Colonel ui_title_Davion_Rank_12 Colonel Colonel ui_title_Davion_Rank_13 Leftenant General Leftenant General ui_title_Davion_Rank_14 Major General Major General ui_title_Davion_Rank_15 General General ui_title_Davion_Rank_16 General II General II ui_title_Davion_Rank_17 General III General III ui_title_Davion_Rank_18 Marshal Marshal ui_title_Davion_Rank_19 Marshal II Marshal II ui_title_Davion_Rank_20 Field Marshal Field Marshal ui_title_Kurita_Rank_1 Hojuhei Hojuhei ui_title_Kurita_Rank_2 Heishi Heishi ui_title_Kurita_Rank_3 Heishi-ni Heishi-ni ui_title_Kurita_Rank_4 Gunjin Gunjin ui_title_Kurita_Rank_5 Go-cho Go-cho ui_title_Kurita_Rank_6 Gunsho Gunsho ui_title_Kurita_Rank_7 Gunsho-ni Gunsho-ni ui_title_Kurita_Rank_8 Shujin Shujin ui_title_Kurita_Rank_9 Kashira Kashira ui_title_Kurita_Rank_10 Sho-ko Sho-ko ui_title_Kurita_Rank_11 Chu-i Chu-i ui_title_Kurita_Rank_12 Tai-i Tai-i ui_title_Kurita_Rank_13 Sho-sa Sho-sa ui_title_Kurita_Rank_14 Sho-sa-ni Sho-sa-ni ui_title_Kurita_Rank_15 Chu-sa Chu-sa ui_title_Kurita_Rank_16 Tai-sa Tai-sa ui_title_Kurita_Rank_17 Sho-sho Sho-sho ui_title_Kurita_Rank_18 Tai-sho Tai-sho ui_title_Kurita_Rank_19 Tai-sho-ni Tai-sho-ni ui_title_Kurita_Rank_20 Tai-shu Tai-shu ui_title_Liao_Rank_1 Recruit Recruit ui_title_Liao_Rank_2 Corporal Corporal ui_title_Liao_Rank_3 Lance Corporal Lance Corporal ui_title_Liao_Rank_4 Sergeant Sergeant ui_title_Liao_Rank_5 Lance Sergeant Lance Sergeant ui_title_Liao_Rank_6 Master Sergeant Master Sergeant ui_title_Liao_Rank_7 Assistant Force Leader Assistant Force Leader ui_title_Liao_Rank_8 Force Leader Force Leader ui_title_Liao_Rank_9 Subcommander Subcommander ui_title_Liao_Rank_10 Commander Commander ui_title_Liao_Rank_11 Captain Captain ui_title_Liao_Rank_12 Senior Captain Senior Captain ui_title_Liao_Rank_13 Major Major ui_title_Liao_Rank_14 Senior Major Senior Major ui_title_Liao_Rank_15 Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel ui_title_Liao_Rank_16 Colonel Colonel ui_title_Liao_Rank_17 Colonel II Colonel II ui_title_Liao_Rank_18 Senior Colonel Senior Colonel ui_title_Liao_Rank_19 General General ui_title_Liao_Rank_20 Senior General Senior General ui_title_Marik_Rank_1 Recruit Recruit ui_title_Marik_Rank_2 Private Private ui_title_Marik_Rank_3 Private, First Class Private, First Class ui_title_Marik_Rank_4 Corporal Corporal ui_title_Marik_Rank_5 Sergeant Sergeant ui_title_Marik_Rank_6 Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant ui_title_Marik_Rank_7 Master Sergeant Master Sergeant ui_title_Marik_Rank_8 Sergeant-Major Sergeant-Major ui_title_Marik_Rank_9 Lieutenant, Junior Grade LIEUTENANT, JUNIOR GRADE ui_title_Marik_Rank_10 Lieutenant, Senior Grade Lieutenant, Senior Grade ui_title_Marik_Rank_11 Captain Captain ui_title_Marik_Rank_12 Force Commander Force Commander ui_title_Marik_Rank_13 Senior Force Commander Senior Force Commander ui_title_Marik_Rank_14 Major Major ui_title_Marik_Rank_15 Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel ui_title_Marik_Rank_16 Colonel Colonel ui_title_Marik_Rank_17 General General ui_title_Marik_Rank_18 General II General II ui_title_Marik_Rank_19 General III General III ui_title_Marik_Rank_20 Marshal Marshal ui_title_Steiner_Rank_1 Private Private ui_title_Steiner_Rank_2 Private First Class Private First Class ui_title_Steiner_Rank_3 Corporal Corporal ui_title_Steiner_Rank_4 Senior Corporal Senior Corporal ui_title_Steiner_Rank_5 Sergeant Sergeant ui_title_Steiner_Rank_6 Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant ui_title_Steiner_Rank_7 Sergeant Major Sergeant Major ui_title_Steiner_Rank_8 Staff Sergeant Major Staff Sergeant Major ui_title_Steiner_Rank_9 Senior Sergeant Major Senior Sergeant Major ui_title_Steiner_Rank_10 Leutnant Leutnant ui_title_Steiner_Rank_11 First Leutnant First Leutnant ui_title_Steiner_Rank_12 Hauptmann Hauptmann ui_title_Steiner_Rank_13 Kommandant Kommandant ui_title_Steiner_Rank_14 Hauptmann-Kommandant Hauptmann-Kommandant ui_title_Steiner_Rank_15 Leutnant-Colonel Leutnant-Colonel ui_title_Steiner_Rank_16 Colonel Colonel ui_title_Steiner_Rank_17 Leutnant-General Leutnant-General ui_title_Steiner_Rank_18 Hauptmann-General Hauptmann-General ui_title_Steiner_Rank_19 Kommandant-General Kommandant-General ui_title_Steiner_Rank_20 General General ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_1 Menig Menig ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_2 Menig Første Klasse Menig Første Klasse ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_3 Visekorporal Visekorporal ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_4 Korpral Korpral ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_5 Kavellrist Kavellrist ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_6 Korpral Første Klasse Korpral Første Klasse ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_7 Sergeant Sergeant ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_8 Sergeant II Sergeant II ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_9 Fanjunkare Fanjunkare ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_10 Fenrik Fenrik ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_11 Löjtnant Löjtnant ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_12 Löjtnant II Löjtnant II ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_13 Kapten Kapten ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_14 Major Major ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_15 Överste-Löjtnant Överste-Löjtnant ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_16 Överste Överste ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_17 Generalbrigader Generalbrigader ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_18 Generalmajor Generalmajor ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_19 Generalløytnant Generalløytnant ui_title_Rasalhague_Rank_20 General General ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_1 Warrior - Point 1 Warrior - Point 1 ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_2 Warrior - Point 2 Warrior - Point 2 ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_3 Warrior - Point 3 Warrior - Point 3 ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_4 Warrior - Point 4 Warrior - Point 4 ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_5 Warrior - Point 5 Warrior - Point 5 ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_6 Point Commander Point Commander ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_7 Star Commander Star Commander ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_8 Nova Commander Nova Commander ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_9 Star Captain Star Captain ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_10 Nova Captain Nova Captain ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_11 Trinary Star Captain Trinary Star Captain ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_12 Trinary Nova Captain Trinary Nova Captain ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_13 Star Colonel Star Colonel ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_14 Star Colonel II Star Colonel II ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_15 Star Colonel III Star Colonel III ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_16 Star Colonel IV Star Colonel IV ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_17 Star Colonel V Star Colonel V ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_18 Galaxy Commander Galaxy Commander ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_19 Galaxy Commander II Galaxy Commander II ui_title_ClanSmokeJaguar_Rank_20 Galaxy Commander III Galaxy Commander III ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_1 Warrior - Point 1 Warrior - Point 1 ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_2 Warrior - Point 2 Warrior - Point 2 ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_3 Warrior - Point 3 Warrior - Point 3 ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_4 Warrior - Point 4 Warrior - Point 4 ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_5 Warrior - Point 5 Warrior - Point 5 ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_6 Point Commander Point Commander ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_7 Star Commander Star Commander ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_8 Nova Commander Nova Commander ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_9 Star Captain Star Captain ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_10 Nova Captain Nova Captain ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_11 Trinary Star Captain Trinary Star Captain ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_12 Trinary Nova Captain Trinary Nova Captain ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_13 Star Colonel Star Colonel ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_14 Star Colonel II Star Colonel II ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_15 Star Colonel III Star Colonel III ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_16 Star Colonel IV Star Colonel IV ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_17 Star Colonel V Star Colonel V ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_18 Galaxy Commander Galaxy Commander ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_19 Galaxy Commander II Galaxy Commander II ui_title_ClanJadeFalcon_Rank_20 Galaxy Commander III Galaxy Commander III ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_1 Warrior - Point 1 Warrior - Point 1 ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_2 Warrior - Point 2 Warrior - Point 2 ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_3 Warrior - Point 3 Warrior - Point 3 ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_4 Warrior - Point 4 Warrior - Point 4 ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_5 Warrior - Point 5 Warrior - Point 5 ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_6 Point Commander Point Commander ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_7 Star Commander Star Commander ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_8 Nova Commander Nova Commander ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_9 Star Captain Star Captain ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_10 Nova Captain Nova Captain ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_11 Trinary Star Captain Trinary Star Captain ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_12 Trinary Nova Captain Trinary Nova Captain ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_13 Star Colonel Star Colonel ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_14 Star Colonel II Star Colonel II ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_15 Star Colonel III Star Colonel III ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_16 Star Colonel IV Star Colonel IV ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_17 Star Colonel V Star Colonel V ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_18 Galaxy Commander Galaxy Commander ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_19 Galaxy Commander II Galaxy Commander II ui_title_ClanWolf_Rank_20 Galaxy Commander III Galaxy Commander III ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_1 Warrior - Point 1 Warrior - Point 1 ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_2 Warrior - Point 2 Warrior - Point 2 ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_3 Warrior - Point 3 Warrior - Point 3 ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_4 Warrior - Point 4 Warrior - Point 4 ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_5 Warrior - Point 5 Warrior - Point 5 ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_6 Point Commander Point Commander ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_7 Star Commander Star Commander ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_8 Nova Commander Nova Commander ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_9 Star Captain Star Captain ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_10 Nova Captain Nova Captain ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_11 Trinary Star Captain Trinary Star Captain ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_12 Trinary Nova Captain Trinary Nova Captain ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_13 Star Colonel Star Colonel ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_14 Star Colonel II Star Colonel II ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_15 Star Colonel III Star Colonel III ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_16 Star Colonel IV Star Colonel IV ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_17 Star Colonel V Star Colonel V ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_18 Galaxy Commander Galaxy Commander ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_19 Galaxy Commander II Galaxy Commander II ui_title_ClanGhostBear_Rank_20 Galaxy Commander III Galaxy Commander III ui_title_CurrentFactionRank Current Faction Rank Current Faction Rank ui_MechPackageTitles Mech Packages 'Mech Packages ui_AchievementTitles Achievements Achievements ui_FactionLoyaltyTitles Faction Loyalties Faction Loyalties @ui_TitlesAndBadges Titles/Badges Titles/Badges ui_Titles Titles Titles ui_Badges Badges Badges ui_SetTitle SET TITLE SET TITLE ui_SetTitleConfirm Are you sure you want to set your Title to: %0? Are you sure you want to set your Title to: %0? ui_SetTitleFailed Failed to set Title. Failed to set title. ui_SetBadge SET BADGE SET BADGE ui_ClearTitle REMOVE TITLE REMOVE TITLE ui_ClearTitleConfirm Are you sure you want to remove your Title? Are you sure you want to remove your Title? ui_SetBadgeConfirm Are you sure you want to set your Badge to: %0? Are you sure you want to set your Badge to: %0? ui_ClearBadge REMOVE BADGE REMOVE BADGE ui_ClearBadgeConfirm Are you sure you want to remove your Badge? Are you sure you want to remove your Badge? ui_SetBadgeFailed Faile to set Badge. Failed to set Badge. ui_ApplyTitle SETTING TITLE SETTING TITLE ui_ApplyBadge SETTINGS BADGE SETTING BADGE ui_CeaseFireHasBegun Global Ceasefire Started – No further matches will start until the ceasefire has ended. You will now be returned to the Inner Sphere map. Global Ceasefire Started – No further matches will start until the ceasefire has ended. You will now be returned to the Inner Sphere map. AS7-S-STD ATLAS AS7-S ATLAS AS7-S AS7-S-STD_desc ATLAS AS7-S description ATLAS AS7-S AS7-S-STD_short AS7-S AS7-S CN9-AH-STD CENTURION CN9-AH CENTURION CN9-AH CN9-AH-STD_desc CENTURION CN9-AH description CENTURION CN9-AH CN9-AH-STD_short CN9-AH CN9-AH BNC-3MC BANSHEE BNC-3M(C) BANSHEE BNC-3M(C) BNC-3MC_desc BANSHEE BNC-3M(C) BANSHEE BNC-3M(C) BNC-3MC_short BNC-3M(C) BNC-3M(C) ui_Transferring TRANSFERRING PILOT AND 'MECHS TRANSFERRING PILOT AND 'MECHS ui_Recruiting PILOT RECEIVING ORDERS PILOT RECEIVING ORDERS ui_GroupQueueInfo Groups In Queue Groups In Queue ui_MechPackageBadges Mech Package Badges 'Mech Package Badges ui_AchievementBadges Achievement Badges Achievement Badges ui_FactionLoyaltyBadges Faction Loyalty Badges Faction Loyalty Badges RVN_MasteryLightBundle_name RAVEN BUNDLE RAVEN BUNDLE RVN_MasteryLightBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! SHD_MasteryMediumBundle_name SHADOWHAWK BUNDLE SHADOWHAWK BUNDLE SHD_MasteryMediumBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! EMechModel_Panther PANTHER PANTHER panther PANTHER PANTHER pnt-10k PANTHER PNT-10K PANTHER PNT-10K pnt-10k_desc PANTHER PNT-10K description PANTHER PNT-10K pnt-10k_short PNT-10K PNT-10K pnt-10kr PANTHER PNT-10K(R) PANTHER PNT-10K(R) pnt-10kr_desc PANTHER PNT-10K(R) description PANTHER PNT-10K(R) pnt-10kr_short PNT-10K(R) PNT-10K(R) pnt-8z PANTHER PNT-8Z PANTHER PNT-8Z pnt-8z_desc PANTHER PNT-8Z description PANTHER PNT-8Z pnt-8z_short PNT-8Z PNT-8Z pnt-9r PANTHER PNT-9R PANTHER PNT-9R pnt-9r_desc PANTHER PNT-9R description PANTHER PNT-9R pnt-9r_short PNT-9R PNT-9R EMechModel_Enforcer ENFORCER ENFORCER enforcer ENFORCER ENFORCER enf-5d ENFORCER ENF-5D ENFORCER ENF-5D enf-5d_desc ENFORCER ENF-5D description ENFORCER ENF-5D enf-5d_short ENF-5D ENF-5D enf-5dr ENFORCER ENF-5D(R) ENFORCER ENF-5D(R) enf-5dr_desc ENFORCER ENF-5D(R) description ENFORCER ENF-5D(R) enf-5dr_short ENF-5D(R) ENF-5D(R) enf-4r ENFORCER ENF-4R ENFORCER ENF-4R enf-4r_desc ENFORCER ENF-4R description ENFORCER ENF-4R enf-4r_short ENF-4R ENF-4R enf-5p ENFORCER ENF-5P ENFORCER ENF-5P enf-5p_desc ENFORCER ENF-5P description ENFORCER ENF-5P enf-5p_short ENF-5P ENF-5P ui_social_openchat OPEN CHAT OPEN CHAT ui_social_ignorechat IGNORE CHAT IGNORE CHAT ui_FactionChat FACTION CHAT FACTION CHAT ui_social_privatemessageinvite PRIVATE MESSAGE PRIVATE MESSAGE ui_AlreadyStripped All items already removed. All items already removed. ui_option_enablefactionchat ENABLE FACTION CHAT ENABLE FACTION CHAT ui_social_chat_banned Message not delivered. You have been banned from participating in this chat. Message not delivered. You have been banned from participating in this chat. ui_social_chat_notavailable Message not delivered. Sending messages to this group has been disabled. Message not delivered. Sending messages to this group has been disabled. ui_social_chat_throttled You are currently being throttled, you will be able to send another message in %0 seconds. You are currently being throttled, you will be able to send another message in %0 seconds. ui_option_playback_level PLAYBACK LEVEL PLAYBACK LEVEL ui_option_record_level RECORD LEVEL RECORD LEVEL ui_dB dB dB ui_option_voipplaybackmode Playback Mode Playback Mode ui_option_voipplaybackdevice Playback Device Playback Device ui_option_voipcapturemode Capture Mode Capture Mode ui_option_voipcapturedevice Capture Device Capture Device ui_option_voipreleasedelay Release Delay Release Delay hud_mute MUTE MUTE hud_unmute Unmute Unmute _m_VoipPushToTalk Push To Talk Push To Talk ui_Pal_Resistance RESISTANCE RESISTANCE @ui_Col_Resistance_Red RESISTANCE RED RESISTANCE RED @ui_Col_Resistance_White RESISTANCE WHITE RESISTANCE WHITE @ui_Col_Resistance_Black RESISTANCE BLACK RESISTANCE BLACK ui_ReportPlayer REPORT PLAYER REPORT PLAYER ui_ReportPlayer_SelectOption Please select an option that best describes the reason for the report.\nAbuse of the reporting feature may result in moderation action. Please select an option that best describes the reason for the report.\nAbuse of the reporting feature may result in moderation action. ui_ReportPlayer_Harrassment Harassment/Foul Language\n- Insulting, discriminatory, antagonistic, or otherwise offensive behavior outside the scope of or abusing the spirit of role-play. Harassment/Foul Language\n- Insulting, discriminatory, antagonistic, or otherwise offensive behavior outside the scope of or abusing the spirit of role-play. ui_ReportPlayer_PersonalDataDistribution Distribution of Personal Data\n- Non-sanctioned disclosure of other player names, locations, or other identifying information. Distribution of Personal Data\n- Non-sanctioned disclosure of other player names, locations, or other identifying information. ui_ReportPlayer_TeamKillingGriefing Team-Killing/Griefing\n- Encouraging or claiming to participate in team-killing and/or griefing. Team-Killing/Griefing\n- Encouraging or claiming to participate in team-killing and/or griefing. ui_ReportPlayer_Spamming Spamming\n- Excessive repetition of gibberish or text, and/or the advertising of personal services or media. Spamming\n- Excessive repetition of gibberish or text, and/or the advertising of personal services or media. ui_ReportPlayer_HackingCheatExploiting Hacking/Cheating/Exploiting\n- Encouraging or claiming to participate in hacking, cheating, or exploiting. Hacking/Cheating/Exploiting\n- Encouraging or claiming to participate in hacking, cheating, or exploiting. ui_ReportPlayer_SendSuccess REPORT SENT REPORT SENT ui_ReportPlayer_SendSuccess_desc Report sent successfully, no further action is required. Report sent successfully, no further action is required. ui_ReportPlayer_SendFailure REPORT NOT SENT REPORT NOT SENT ui_ReportPlayer_SendFailure_desc Your player report was not able to be sent. Please try again. Your player report was not able to be sent. Please try again. ui_ReportPlayer_NoOptionSelected The report failed to send because no reporting category was selected. The report failed to send because no reporting category was selected. ui_kick_from_unit KICK FROM UNIT KICK FROM UNIT ui_FactionChatGreeting Welcome to Faction Chat!\nFaction Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! Welcome to Faction Chat!\nFaction Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! @ui_damaged_Weapon_Exp WEAPON EXPLOSION WEAPON EXPLOSION @ui_explosion EXPLOSION EXPLOSION ui_enable_voip ENABLE VOIP ENABLE VOIP ui_option_voip VOIP SETTINGS VOIP SETTINGS ui_triplebuffering TRIPLE BUFFERING TRIPLE BUFFERING GRF-1SC GRIFFIN GRF-1S(C) GRIFFIN GRF-1S(C) GRF-1SC_desc GRIFFIN GRF-1S(C) description GRIFFIN GRF-1S(C) GRF-1SC_short GRF-1S(C) GRF-1S(C) ui_crystals GRIM PORTICO GRIM PORTICO ui_crystals_detail1 -5 C -5 C ui_crystals_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_crystals_detail3 NONE NONE EMechModel_Zeus ZEUS ZEUS zeus ZEUS ZEUS zeu-6s ZEUS ZEU-6S ZEUS ZEU-6S zeu-6s_desc ZEUS ZEU-6S description ZEUS ZEU-6S zeu-6s_short ZEU-6S ZEU-6S zeu-6sr ZEUS ZEU-6S(R) ZEUS ZEU-6S(R) zeu-6sr_desc ZEUS ZEU-6S(R) description ZEUS ZEU-6S(R) zeu-6sr_short ZEU-6S(R) ZEU-6S(R) zeu-6t ZEUS ZEU-6T ZEUS ZEU-6T zeu-6t_desc ZEUS ZEU-6T description ZEUS ZEU-6T zeu-6t_short ZEU-6T ZEU-6T zeu-9s ZEUS ZEU-9S ZEUS ZEU-9S zeu-9s_desc ZEUS ZEU-9S description ZEUS ZEU-9S zeu-9s_short ZEU-9S ZEU-9S EMechModel_Grasshopper GRASSHOPPER GRASSHOPPER grasshopper GRASSHOPPER GRASSHOPPER ghr-5j GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J ghr-5j_desc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J description GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J ghr-5j_short GHR-5J GHR-5J ghr-5jr GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J(R) GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J(R) ghr-5jr_desc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J(R) description GRASSHOPPER GHR-5J(R) ghr-5jr_short GHR-5J(R) GHR-5J(R) ghr-5h GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H ghr-5h_desc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H description GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H ghr-5h_short GHR-5H GHR-5H ghr-5n GRASSHOPPER GHR-5N GRASSHOPPER GHR-5N ghr-5n_desc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5N description GRASSHOPPER GHR-5N ghr-5n_short GHR-5N GHR-5N ui_Col_Davion_Red DAVION RED DAVION RED ui_Col_Davion_White DAVION WHITE DAVION WHITE ui_Col_Davion_Blue DAVION BLUE DAVION BLUE ui_Col_Kurita_White KURITA WHITE KURITA WHITE ui_Col_Kurita_Red KURITA RED KURITA RED ui_Col_Kurita_Green KURITA GREEN KURITA GREEN ui_Col_Liao_Dark_Green LIAO DARK GREEN LIAO DARK GREEN ui_Col_Liao_Light_Green LIAO LIGHT GREEN LIAO LIGHT GREEN ui_Col_Liao_Black LIAO BLACK LIAO BLACK ui_Col_Marik_White MARIK WHITE MARIK WHITE ui_Col_Marik_Purple MARIK PURPLE MARIK PURPLE ui_Col_Marik_Green MARIK GREEN MARIK GREEN ui_Col_Steiner_Light_Blue STEINER LIGHT BLUE STEINER LIGHT BLUE ui_Col_Steiner_Dark_Blue STEINER DARK BLUE STEINER DARK BLUE ui_Col_Steiner_Orange STEINER ORANGE STEINER ORANGE ui_Col_Rasalhague_Blue RASALHAGUE BLUE RASALHAGUE BLUE ui_Col_Rasalhague_Red RASALHAGUE RED RASALHAGUE RED ui_Col_Rasalhague_Orange RASALHAGUE ORANGE RASALHAGUE ORANGE ui_Pal_Davion DAVION DAVION ui_Pal_Kurita KURITA KURITA ui_Pal_Liao LIAO LIAO ui_Pal_Marik MARIK MARIK ui_Pal_Steiner STEINER STEINER ui_Pal_Rasalhague RASALHAGUE RASALHAGUE SpeakerJ_ClanDagger Clan Dagger Warhorn Clan Dagger Warhorn SpeakerJ_ClanDagger_desc Clan Dagger Warhorn Clan Dagger Warhorn SpeakerJ_Rasalhague Rasalhague Warhorn Rasalhague Warhorn SpeakerJ_Steiner Steiner Warhorn Steiner Warhorn SpeakerJ_Steiner_desc House Steiner Warhorn House Steiner Warhorn SpeakerJ_Marik Marik Warhorn Marik Warhorn SpeakerJ_Marik_desc House Marik Warhorn House Marik Warhorn SpeakerJ_Liao Liao Warhorn Liao Warhorn SpeakerJ_Liao_desc House Liao Warhorn House Liao Warhorn SpeakerJ_Kurita Kurita Warhorn Kurita Warhorn SpeakerJ_Kurita_desc House Kurita Warhorn House Kurita Warhorn SpeakerJ_Davion Davion Warhorn Davion Warhorn SpeakerJ_Davion_desc House Davion Warhorn House Davion Warhorn FlagFinland_name FLAG: FINLAND FLAG: FINLAND FlagFinland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. MugRasalhague_name FRR MUG FRR MUG MugRasalhague_desc Free Rasalhague Republic Mug Free Rasalhague Republic Mug MugSteiner_name STEINER MUG STEINER MUG MugSteiner_desc House Steiner Mug House Steiner Mug MugMarik_name MARIK MUG MARIK MUG MugMarik_desc House Marik Mug House Marik Mug MugLiao_name LIAO MUG LIAO MUG MugLiao_desc House Liao Mug House Liao Mug MugKurita_name KURITA MUG KURITA MUG MugKurita_desc House Kurita Mug House Kurita Mug MugDavion_name DAVION MUG DAVION MUG MugDavion_desc House Davion Mug House Davion Mug EtchedGlassRasalhague_name FRR Stained Glass FRR Stained Glass EtchedGlassRasalhague_desc Free Rasalhague Republic Glass Medallion Free Rasalhague Republic Glass Medallion EtchedGlassSteiner_name Steiner Stained Glass Steiner Stained Glass EtchedGlassSteiner_desc House Steiner Glass Medallion House Steiner Glass Medallion NYChampagneGlass CHAMPAGNE GLASS CHAMPAGNE GLASS EtchedGlassMarik_name Marik Stained Glass Marik Stained Glass EtchedGlassLiao_name Liao Stained Glass Liao Stained Glass EtchedGlassLiao_desc House Liao Glass Medallion House Liao Glass Medallion EtchedGlassKurita_name Kurita Stained Glass Kurita Stained Glass EtchedGlassKurita_desc House Kurita Glass Medallion House Kurita Glass Medallion EtchedGlassDavion_name Davion Stained Glass Davion Stained Glass EtchedGlassDavion_desc House Davion Glass Medallion House Davion Glass Medallion ui_title_ResistPanther The Spear The Spear ui_title_ResistEnforcer The Hammer The Hammer ui_title_ResistGrasshopper The Scythe The Scythe ui_title_ResistZeus The Blade The Blade ui_alerts_tab ALERTS ALERTS ui_LFG_tab LFG LFG ui_lfg_solo_public_queue Add me to the Quick Play looking for group queue Add me to the Quick Play looking for group queue ui_lfg_solo_cw_queue Add me to the Faction Play looking for group queue Add me to the Faction Play looking for group queue ui_lfg_group_open My group is open to anyone looking for a group My group is open to anyone looking for a group ui_lfg_group_invite My group is invite only My group is invite only ui_invitesavailable INVITES AVAILABLE INVITES AVAILABLE ui_lfg_abort LEAVE LFG LEAVE LFG ui_social_joinpublicgroup JOIN QUICK PLAY GROUP JOIN QUICK PLAY GROUP ui_social_mergegroups MERGE GROUPS MERGE GROUPS ui_lfginvite LOOKING FOR GROUP INVITE LOOKING FOR GROUP INVITE ui_lfginvite_details You have been invited to join a group by the player %0 You have been invited to join a group by the player %0 SpeakerJ_SonicBoom Sonic Boom Sonic Boom ui_CWGroup FACTION PLAY GROUP FACTION PLAY GROUP ui_creategroup_details What type of group do you wish to create? What type of group do you wish to create? ui_creategroup CREATE GROUP CREATE GROUP ui_FactionGroup FACTION PLAY GROUP FACTION PLAY GROUP ui_JoinLFG Add me to the Looking For Group queue Add me to the Looking For Group queue ui_JoinLFG_Title Join Looking For Group Join Looking For Group ui_JoinLFG_Details How do you wish to participate in the Looking For Group queue? How do you wish to participate in the Looking For Group queue? ui_JoinLFG_cw_group_details How should your group participate in the Faction Play Looking For Group? How should your group participate in the Faction Play Looking For Group? ui_JoinLFG_pub_group_details How should your group participate in the Quick Play matchmaking Looking For Group? How should your group participate in the Quick Play matchmaking Looking For Group? ui_JoinLFG_solo_details Which Looking For Group queue do you wish to participate in? Which Looking For Group queue do you wish to participate in? EMechModel_Urbanmech URBANMECH URBANMECH urbanmech URBANMECH URBANMECH um-r63 URBANMECH UM-R63 URBANMECH UM-R63 um-r63_desc URBANMECH UM-R63 description URBANMECH UM-R63 um-r63_short UM-R63 UM-R63 um-r63s URBANMECH UM-R63(S) URBANMECH UM-R63(S) um-r63s_desc URBANMECH UM-R63(S) description URBANMECH UM-R63(S) um-r63s_short UM-R63(S) UM-R63(S) um-r60 URBANMECH UM-R60 URBANMECH UM-R60 um-r60_desc URBANMECH UM-R60 description URBANMECH UM-R60 um-r60_short UM-R60 UM-R60 um-r60L URBANMECH UM-R60L URBANMECH UM-R60L um-r60L_desc URBANMECH UM-R60L description URBANMECH UM-R60L um-r60L_short UM-R60L UM-R60L WVR-6KC WOLVERINE WVR-6K(C) WOLVERINE WVR-6K(C) WVR-6KC_desc WOLVERINE WVR-6K(C) description WOLVERINE WVR-6K(C) WVR-6KC_short WVR-6K(C) WVR-6K(C) Engine_Standard_Fusion_60 STD ENGINE 60 STD ENGINE 60 Engine_Standard_Fusion_60_desc A standard engine with a 60 rating. A standard engine with a 60 rating. ui_title_UrbanMech Civil Servant Civil Servant ui_title_CollectorUrbanMech Urban Commando Urban Commando ui_title_HearingImpaired Hearing Impaired Hearing Impaired SpeakerK_UrbanSpeaker UrbanMech Warhorn UrbanMech Warhorn SpeakerK_UrbanSpeaker_desc UrbanMech Warhorn UrbanMech Warhorn Stein_urban_name UrbanMech Stein UrbanMech Stein Stein_urban_desc UrbanMech Stein Standing Item UrbanMech Stein Standing Item TrashcanUrbie_name Trash Can Trash Can TrashcanUrbie_desc Trash Can Standing Item Trash Can Standing Item DealWithIt_Glasses_name 8-bit Sunglasses 8-bit Sunglasses DealWithIt_Glasses_desc 8-bit Sunglasses Hanging Item 8-bit Sunglasses Hanging Item op_FXAA FXAA FXAA ui_mountainQP_detail1 17 C 17 C ui_mountain_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_mountain_detail3 72% 72% ui_UserIsCurrentlyBlocked Unable to send message. The receiving player is currently in your blocked list. Unable to send message. The receiving player is currently in your blocked list. ui_mountain EMERALD TAIGA EMERALD TAIGA ui_social_frienderror_inblocklist Unable to send friend request. The player is currently in your block list. Unable to send friend request. The player is currently in your block list. ui_title_CWBetaVeteran FP Veteran - Beta 1 FP Veteran - Beta 1 ui_ClearBinding UNBIND UNBIND ui_ConfirmClearBinding Are you sure you want to unbind "%0" from %1? Are you sure you want to unbind "%0" from %1? ui_CreateLobbyError CREATE LOBBY ERROR CREATE LOBBY ERROR ui_CreateLobbyError_InLobby Unable to create lobby. You currently belong to another lobby. Unable to create lobby. You currently belong to another lobby. ui_CreateLobbyError_InQueue Unable to create lobby while in queue for a match. Unable to create lobby while in queue for a match. @ui_social_btn_createprivatelobby Create Private Lobby Create Private Lobby GRF-2N GRIFFIN GRF-2N GRIFFIN GRF-2N GRF-2N_desc GRIFFIN GRF-2N description GRIFFIN GRF-2N GRF-2N_short GRF-2N GRF-2N HGN-732B HIGHLANDER HGN-732B HIGHLANDER HGN-732B HGN-732B_desc HIGHLANDER HGN-732B description HIGHLANDER HGN-732B HGN-732B_short HGN-732B HGN-732B LCT-3V LOCUST LCT-3V LOCUST LCT-3V LCT-3V_desc LOCUST LCT-3V description LOCUST LCT-3V LCT-3V_short LCT-3V LCT-3V dwf-W DIRE WOLF DWF-W DIRE WOLF DWF-W dwf-W_desc DIRE WOLF AWF-W description DIRE WOLF AWF-W dwf-W_short DWF-W DWF-W gar-B GARGOYLE GAR-B GARGOYLE GAR-B gar-B_desc GARGOYLE GAR-B description GARGOYLE GAR-B gar-B_short GAR-B GAR-B ifr-B ICE FERRET IFR-B ICE FERRET IFR-B ifr-B_desc ICE FERRET IFR-B description ICE FERRET IFR-B ifr-B_short IFR-B IFR-B mlx-D MIST LYNX MLX-D MIST LYNX MLX-D mlx-D_desc MIST LYNX MLX-D description MIST LYNX MLX-D mlx-D_short MLX-D MLX-D nva-C NOVA NVA-C NOVA NVA-C nva-C_desc NOVA NVA-C description NOVA NVA-C nva-C_short NVA-C NVA-C scr-B STORMCROW SCR-B STORMCROW SCR-B scr-B_desc STORMCROW SCR-B description STORMCROW SCR-B scr-B_short SCR-B SCR-B tbr-A TIMBER WOLF TBR-A TIMBER WOLF TBR-A tbr-A_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-A description TIMBER WOLF TBR-A tbr-A_short TBR-A TBR-A omnipod_dwf-w_head DWF-W HEAD DWF-W HEAD omnipod_dwf-w_head_desc DWF-W Head OmniPod. DWF-W Head OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-w_left_arm DWF-W LEFT ARM DWF-W LEFT ARM omnipod_dwf-w_left_arm_desc DWF-W Left Arm OmniPod. DWF-W Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-w_left_torso DWF-W LEFT TORSO DWF-W LEFT TORSO omnipod_dwf-w_left_torso_desc DWF-W Left Torso OmniPod. DWF-W Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-w_centre_torso DWF-W CENTER TORSO DWF-W CENTER TORSO omnipod_dwf-w_centre_torso_desc DWF-W Center Torso OmniPod. DWF-W Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-w_right_torso DWF-W RIGHT TORSO DWF-W RIGHT TORSO omnipod_dwf-w_right_torso_desc DWF-W Right Torso OmniPod. DWF-W Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-w_right_arm DWF-W RIGHT ARM DWF-W RIGHT ARM omnipod_dwf-w_right_arm_desc DWF-W Right Arm OmniPod. DWF-W Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-w_left_leg DWF-W LEFT LEG DWF-W LEFT LEG omnipod_dwf-w_left_leg_desc DWF-W Left Leg OmniPod. DWF-W Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-w_right_leg DWF-W RIGHT LEG DWF-W RIGHT LEG omnipod_dwf-w_right_leg_desc DWF-W Right Leg OmniPod. DWF-W Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_head GAR-B HEAD GAR-B HEAD omnipod_gar-b_head_desc GAR-B Head OmniPod. GAR-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_left_arm GAR-B LEFT ARM GAR-B LEFT ARM omnipod_gar-b_left_arm_desc GAR-B Left Arm OmniPod. GAR-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_left_torso GAR-B LEFT TORSO GAR-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_gar-b_left_torso_desc GAR-B Left Torso OmniPod. GAR-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_right_torso GAR-B RIGHT TORSO GAR-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_gar-b_right_torso_desc GAR-B Right Torso OmniPod. GAR-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_centre_torso GAR-B CENTER TORSO GAR-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_gar-b_centre_torso_desc GAR-B Center Torso OmniPod. GAR-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_right_arm GAR-B RIGHT ARM GAR-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_gar-b_right_arm_desc GAR-B Right Arm OmniPod. GAR-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_left_leg GAR-B LEFT LEG GAR-B LEFT LEG omnipod_gar-b_left_leg_desc GAR-B Left Leg OmniPod. GAR-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-b_right_leg GAR-B RIGHT LEG GAR-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_gar-b_right_leg_desc GAR-B Right Leg OmniPod. GAR-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_head IFR-B HEAD IFR-B HEAD omnipod_ifr-b_head_desc IFR-B Head OmniPod. IFR-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_left_arm IFR-B LEFT ARM IFR-B LEFT ARM omnipod_ifr-b_left_arm_desc IFR-B Left Arm OmniPod. IFR-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_left_torso IFR-B LEFT TORSO IFR-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_ifr-b_left_torso_desc IFR-B Left Torso OmniPod. IFR-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_right_torso IFR-B RIGHT TORSO IFR-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ifr-b_right_torso_desc IFR-B Right Torso OmniPod. IFR-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_centre_torso IFR-B CENTER TORSO IFR-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_ifr-b_centre_torso_desc IFR-B Center Torso OmniPod. IFR-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_right_arm IFR-B RIGHT ARM IFR-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_ifr-b_right_arm_desc IFR-B Right Arm OmniPod. IFR-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_left_leg IFR-B LEFT LEG IFR-B LEFT LEG omnipod_ifr-b_left_leg_desc IFR-B Left Leg OmniPod. IFR-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-b_right_leg IFR-B RIGHT LEG IFR-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_ifr-b_right_leg_desc IFR-B Right Leg OmniPod. IFR-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_head MLX-D HEAD MLX-D HEAD omnipod_mlx-d_head_desc MLX-D Head OmniPod. MLX-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_left_arm MLX-D LEFT ARM MLX-D LEFT ARM omnipod_mlx-d_left_arm_desc MLX-D Left Arm OmniPod. MLX-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_left_torso MLX-D LEFT TORSO MLX-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_mlx-d_left_torso_desc MLX-D Left Torso OmniPod. MLX-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_right_torso MLX-D RIGHT TORSO MLX-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mlx-d_right_torso_desc MLX-D Right Torso OmniPod. MLX-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_centre_torso MLX-D CENTER TORSO MLX-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_mlx-d_centre_torso_desc MLX-D Center Torso OmniPod. MLX-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_right_arm MLX-D RIGHT ARM MLX-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_mlx-d_right_arm_desc MLX-D Right Arm OmniPod. MLX-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_left_leg MLX-D LEFT LEG MLX-D LEFT LEG omnipod_mlx-d_left_leg_desc MLX-D Left Leg OmniPod. MLX-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-d_right_leg MLX-D RIGHT LEG MLX-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_mlx-d_right_leg_desc MLX-D Right Leg OmniPod. MLX-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_head NVA-C HEAD NVA-C HEAD omnipod_nva-c_head_desc NVA-C Head OmniPod. NVA-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_left_arm NVA-C LEFT ARM NVA-C LEFT ARM omnipod_nva-c_left_arm_desc NVA-C Left Arm OmniPod. NVA-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_left_torso NVA-C LEFT TORSO NVA-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_nva-c_left_torso_desc NVA-C Left Torso OmniPod. NVA-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_centre_torso NVA-C CENTER TORSO NVA-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_nva-c_centre_torso_desc NVA-C Center Torso OmniPod. NVA-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_right_torso NVA-C RIGHT TORSO NVA-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nva-c_right_torso_desc NVA-C Right Torso OmniPod. NVA-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_right_arm NVA-C RIGHT ARM NVA-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_nva-c_right_arm_desc NVA-C Right Arm OmniPod. NVA-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_left_leg NVA-C LEFT LEG NVA-C LEFT LEG omnipod_nva-c_left_leg_desc NVA-C Left Leg OmniPod. NVA-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-c_right_leg NVA-C RIGHT LEG NVA-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_nva-c_right_leg_desc NVA-C Right Leg OmniPod. NVA-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_head SCR-B HEAD SCR-B HEAD omnipod_scr-b_head_desc SCR-B Head OmniPod. SCR-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_left_arm SCR-B LEFT ARM SCR-B LEFT ARM omnipod_scr-b_left_arm_desc SCR-B Left Arm OmniPod. SCR-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_left_torso SCR-B LEFT TORSO SCR-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_scr-b_left_torso_desc SCR-B Left Torso OmniPod. SCR-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_centre_torso SCR-B CENTER TORSO SCR-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_scr-b_centre_torso_desc SCR-B Center Torso OmniPod. SCR-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_right_torso SCR-B RIGHT TORSO SCR-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_scr-b_right_torso_desc SCR-B Right Torso OmniPod. SCR-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_right_arm SCR-B RIGHT ARM SCR-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_scr-b_right_arm_desc SCR-B Right Arm OmniPod. SCR-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_left_leg SCR-B LEFT LEG SCR-B LEFT LEG omnipod_scr-b_left_leg_desc SCR-B Left Leg OmniPod. SCR-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-b_right_leg SCR-B RIGHT LEG SCR-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_scr-b_right_leg_desc SCR-B Right Leg OmniPod. SCR-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_head TBR-A HEAD TBR-A HEAD omnipod_tbr-a_head_desc TBR-A Head OmniPod. TBR-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_left_arm TBR-A LEFT ARM TBR-A LEFT ARM omnipod_tbr-a_left_arm_desc TBR-A Left Arm OmniPod. TBR-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_left_torso TBR-A LEFT TORSO TBR-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_tbr-a_left_torso_desc TBR-A Left Torso OmniPod. TBR-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_centre_torso TBR-A CENTER TORSO TBR-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_tbr-a_centre_torso_desc TBR-A Center Torso OmniPod. TBR-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_right_torso TBR-A RIGHT TORSO TBR-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_tbr-a_right_torso_desc TBR-A Right Torso OmniPod. TBR-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_right_arm TBR-A RIGHT ARM TBR-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_tbr-a_right_arm_desc TBR-A Right Arm OmniPod. TBR-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_left_leg TBR-A LEFT LEG TBR-A LEFT LEG omnipod_tbr-a_left_leg_desc TBR-A Left Leg OmniPod. TBR-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-a_right_leg TBR-A RIGHT LEG TBR-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_tbr-a_right_leg_desc TBR-A Right Leg OmniPod. TBR-A Right Leg OmniPod. BattleofTukayyidParticipant_name Tukayyid Participant Tukayyid Participant BattleofTukayyidParticipant_desc Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Participation Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Participation ComstarDefenderVictory_name IS Tukayyid Victory IS Tukayyid Victory ComstarDefenderVictory_desc Standing Banner for Inner Sphere Tukayyid Victory Standing Banner for Inner Sphere Tukayyid Victory ComstarDefenderDefeat_name IS Tukayyid Defeat IS Tukayyid Defeat ComstarDefenderDefeat_desc Standing Banner for Inner Sphere Tukayyid Defeat Standing Banner for Inner Sphere Tukayyid Defeat ClanAggressorVictory_name Clan Tukayyid Victory Clan Tukayyid Victory ClanAggressorVictory_desc Standing Banner for Clan Tukayyid Victory Standing Banner for Clan Tukayyid Victory ClanAggressorDefeat_name Clan Tukayyid Defeat Clan Tukayyid Defeat @ClanAggressorDefeat_desc Standing Banner for Clan Tukayyid Defeat Standing Banner for Clan Tukayyid Defeat @InnerSphereHouseRank1_name Tukayyid IS Faction 1st Tukayyid IS Faction 1st @InnerSphereHouseRank1_desc Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 1 IS Faction Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 1 IS Faction @InnerSphereHouseRank2_name Tukayyid IS Faction 2nd Tukayyid IS Faction 2nd @InnerSphereHouseRank2_desc Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 2 IS Faction Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 2 IS Faction @InnerSphereHouseRank3_name Tukayyid IS Faction 3rd Tukayyid IS Faction 3rd @InnerSphereHouseRank3_desc Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 3 IS Faction Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 3 IS Faction @ClanFactionRank1_name Tukayyid Clan Faction 1st Tukayyid Clan Faction 1st @ClanFactionRank1_desc Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 1 Clan Faction Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 1 Clan Faction @ClanFactionRank2_name Tukayyid Clan Faction 2nd Tukayyid Clan Faction 2nd @ClanFactionRank2_desc Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 2 Clan Faction Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 2 Clan Faction @ClanFactionRank3_name Tukayyid Clan Faction 3rd Tukayyid Clan Faction 3rd @ClanFactionRank3_desc Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 3 Clan Faction Standing Banner for Battle of Tukayyid Rank 3 Clan Faction @KuritaUnitRank1_name Kurita Rank 1 Unit Kurita Rank 1 Unit @KuritaUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for House Kurita Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for House Kurita Rank 1 Unit @KuritaUnitRank2_name Kurita Rank 2 Unit Kurita Rank 2 Unit @KuritaUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for House Kurita Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for House Kurita Rank 2 Unit @KuritaUnitRank3_name Kurita Rank 3 Unit Kurita Rank 3 Unit @KuritaUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for House Kurita Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for House Kurita Rank 3 Unit @LiaoUnitRank1_name Liao Rank 1 Unit Liao Rank 1 Unit @LiaoUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for House Liao Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for House Liao Rank 1 Unit @LiaoUnitRank2_name Liao Rank 2 Unit Liao Rank 2 Unit @LiaoUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for House Liao Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for House Liao Rank 2 Unit @LiaoUnitRank3_name Liao Rank 3 Unit Liao Rank 3 Unit @LiaoUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for House Liao Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for House Liao Rank 3 Unit @DavionUnitRank1_name Davion Rank 1 Unit Davion Rank 1 Unit @DavionUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for House Davion Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for House Davion Rank 1 Unit @DavionUnitRank2_name Davion Rank 2 Unit Davion Rank 2 Unit @DavionUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for House Davion Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for House Davion Rank 2 Unit @DavionUnitRank3_name Davion Rank 3 Unit Davion Rank 3 Unit @DavionUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for House Davion Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for House Davion Rank 3 Unit @SteinerUnitRank1_name Steiner Rank 1 Unit Steiner Rank 1 Unit @SteinerUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for House Steiner Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for House Steiner Rank 1 Unit @SteinerUnitRank2_name Steiner Rank 2 Unit Steiner Rank 2 Unit @SteinerUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for House Steiner Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for House Steiner Rank 2 Unit @SteinerUnitRank3_name Steiner Rank 3 Unit Steiner Rank 3 Unit @SteinerUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for House Steiner Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for House Steiner Rank 3 Unit @MarikUnitRank1_name Marik Rank 1 Unit Marik Rank 1 Unit @MarikUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for House Marik Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for House Marik Rank 1 Unit @MarikUnitRank2_name Marik Rank 2 Unit Marik Rank 2 Unit @MarikUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for House Marik Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for House Marik Rank 2 Unit @MarikUnitRank3_name Marik Rank 3 Unit Marik Rank 3 Unit @MarikUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for House Marik Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for House Marik Rank 3 Unit @FRRUnitRank1_name FRR Rank 1 Unit FRR Rank 1 Unit @FRRUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for House Rasalhague Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for House Rasalhague Rank 1 Unit @FRRUnitRank2_name FRR Rank 2 Unit FRR Rank 2 Unit @FRRUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for House Rasalhague Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for House Rasalhague Rank 2 Unit @FRRUnitRank3_name FRR Rank 3 Unit FRR Rank 3 Unit @FRRUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for House Rasalhague Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for House Rasalhague Rank 3 Unit @GhostBearUnitRank1_name Ghost Bear Rank 1 Unit Ghost Bear Rank 1 Unit @GhostBearUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for Clan Ghost Bear Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Ghost Bear Rank 1 Unit @GhostBearUnitRank2_name Ghost Bear Rank 2 Unit Ghost Bear Rank 2 Unit @GhostBearUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for Clan Ghost Bear Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Ghost Bear Rank 2 Unit @GhostBearUnitRank3_name Ghost Bear Rank 3 Unit Ghost Bear Rank 3 Unit @GhostBearUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for Clan Ghost Bear Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Ghost Bear Rank 3 Unit @JadeFalconUnitRank1_name Jade Falcon Rank 1 Unit Jade Falcon Rank 1 Unit @JadeFalconUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for Clan Jade Falcon Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Jade Falcon Rank 1 Unit @JadeFalconUnitRank2_name Jade Falcon Rank 2 Unit Jade Falcon Rank 2 Unit @JadeFalconUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for Clan Jade Falcon Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Jade Falcon Rank 2 Unit @JadeFalconUnitRank3_name Jade Falcon Rank 3 Unit Jade Falcon Rank 3 Unit @JadeFalconUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for Clan Jade Falcon Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Jade Falcon Rank 3 Unit @ClanWolfUnitRank1_name Clan Wolf Rank 1 Unit Clan Wolf Rank 1 Unit @ClanWolfUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for Clan Wolf Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Wolf Rank 1 Unit @ClanWolfUnitRank2_name Clan Wolf Rank 2 Unit Clan Wolf Rank 2 Unit @ClanWolfUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for Clan Wolf Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Wolf Rank 2 Unit @ClanWolfUnitRank3_name Clan Wolf Rank 3 Unit Clan Wolf Rank 3 Unit @ClanWolfUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for Clan Wolf Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Wolf Rank 3 Unit @SmokeJaguarUnitRank1_name Smoke Jaguar Rank 1 Unit Smoke Jaguar Rank 1 Unit @SmokeJaguarUnitRank1_desc Standing Banner for Clan Smoke Jaguar Rank 1 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Smoke Jaguar Rank 1 Unit @SmokeJaguarUnitRank2_name Smoke Jaguar Rank 2 Unit Smoke Jaguar Rank 2 Unit @SmokeJaguarUnitRank2_desc Standing Banner for Clan Smoke Jaguar Rank 2 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Smoke Jaguar Rank 2 Unit @SmokeJaguarUnitRank3_name Smoke Jaguar Rank 3 Unit Smoke Jaguar Rank 3 Unit @SmokeJaguarUnitRank3_desc Standing Banner for Clan Smoke Jaguar Rank 3 Unit Standing Banner for Clan Smoke Jaguar Rank 3 Unit JM6-AC JAGERMECH JM6-A(C) JAGERMECH JM6-A(C) JM6-AC_desc JAGERMECH JM6-A(C) description JAGERMECH JM6-A(C) JM6-AC_short JM6-A(C) JM6-A(C) ui_HP HARDPOINTS HARDPOINTS ui_Aux AUX AUX ml_Bonuses DESIGN MODIFIERS DESIGN MODIFIERS ml_NoWarnings No warnings No warnings ml_Level1Zoom ZOOM LEVEL 1 BOOST ZOOM LEVEL 1 BOOST ml_Level2Zoom ZOOM LEVEL 2 BOOST ZOOM LEVEL 2 BOOST ui_warehouse WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE ui_Amt AMT AMT ml_resetmech RESET 'MECH RESET 'MECH ml_optimalrange OPTIMAL RANGE OPTIMAL RANGE ml_swappable Must replace a similiar item Must replace a similiar item ml_dissipation DISSIPATION RATE DISSIPATION RATE ui_totalexceeded Item limit reached Item limit reached ui_configuretrialmech You may view Loadout and Skill information for Trial 'Mechs, but only owned 'Mechs can be customized and saved. You may view Loadout and Skill information for Trial 'Mechs, but only owned 'Mechs can be customized and saved. ml_pipzoomfactor ADV. ZOOM BOOST ADV. ZOOM BOOST ml_sensorrangeboost SENSOR RANGE BOOST SENSOR RANGE BOOST ml_targetingtimeboost TARGETING GAIN TIME BOOST TARGETING GAIN TIME BOOST ml_energyrangeboost BEAM RANGE BOOST BEAM RANGE BOOST ml_critchance CRITICAL CHANCE CRITICAL CHANCE ui_revert REVERT REVERT ui_resetmech RESET 'MECH RESET 'MECH ui_resetmechbody Are you sure you want to undo the changes you've made? Are you sure you want to undo the changes you've made? ui_turntwist TURN/TWIST SPEED TURN/TWIST SPEED ui_XL XL ENGINE XL ENGINE ml_costperton COST PER TON COST PER TON ml_requiredslots REQUIRED SLOTS REQUIRED SLOTS ml_locktimeboost LOCK TIME BOOST LOCK TIME BOOST ml_trackstrength TRACKING STRENGTH TRACKING STRENGTH ml_missilespread MISSILE SPREAD MISSILE SPREAD ml_Summary_FallDamage_Light Fall Damage -35% Fall Damage -35% ml_Summary_FallDamage_Medium Fall Damage -30% Fall Damage -30% ml_Summary_FallDamage_Heavy Fall Damage -25% Fall Damage -25% ml_Summary_FallDamage_Assault Fall Damage -20% Fall Damage -20% pt_summary_cooldown_rank1 Cooldown Time -2.4% Cooldown Time -2.4% pt_summary_cooldown_rank2 Cooldown Time -4.8% Cooldown Time -4.8% pt_summary_cooldown_rank3 Cooldown Time -7.2% Cooldown Time -7.2% pt_summary_cooldown_rank4 Cooldown Time -9.6% Cooldown Time -9.6% pt_summary_cooldown_rank5 Cooldown Time -12% Cooldown Time -12% pt_summary_range_rank1 Range Increase +2% Range Increase +2% pt_summary_range_rank2 Range Increase +4% Range Increase +4% pt_summary_range_rank3 Range Increase +6% Range Increase +6% pt_summary_range_rank4 Range Increase +8% Range Increase +8% pt_summary_range_rank5 Range Increase +10% Range Increase +10% pt_summary_narc_rank1 Speed +20% Dur. +30% Speed +20% Dur. +30% pt_summary_rof_rank1 Damage +2.5 Damage +2.5 pt_summary_crippleperformance_rank1 Crippled Speed +30% Crippled Speed +30% pt_summary_targetinfogather_rank1 Target Info Delay -25% Target Info Delay -25% pt_summary_stealthdecay_rank1 Instantly Hidden Instantly Hidden pt_summary_targetdecay_rank1 Hold Target +2.75sec Hold Target +2.75sec pt_summary_targetdecay_rank2 Hold Target +3.5sec Hold Target +3.5sec pt_summary_artillery_accuracy_rank1 Artillery Accuracy +20% Artillery Accuracy +20% pt_summary_airstrike_accuracy_rank1 Strike Accuracy +20% Strike Accuracy +20% pt_summary_sensorrange_rank1 Sensor Range +15% Sensor Range +15% pt_summary_sensorrange_rank2 Sensor Range +25% Sensor Range +25% pt_summary_seismicsensor_rank1 Seismic Sensors 180m Seismic Sensors 180m pt_summary_seismicsensor_rank2 Seismic Sensors 250m Seismic Sensors 250m pt_summary_hillclimb_rank1 Hill Climb +10% Hill Climb +10% pt_summary_advancedgyro_rank1 Reduced Screen Shake Reduced Screen Shake pt_summary_captureaccelerator_rank1 Capture Rate +15% Capture Rate +15% pt_summary_backfacingtarget_rank1 360 Degrees for 200m 360 Degrees for 200m pt_summary_advancedzoom_rank1 Advanced 4x Zoom Advanced 4x Zoom ui_option_mechlab_layout LAYOUT LAYOUT ui_MechLab_Column COLUMN COLUMN ui_MechLab_Full EXPANDED EXPANDED ui_noengine No Engine Equipped No Engine Equipped ui_screentoosmall The game's current resolution settings do not allow for the expanded 'MechLab layout. Please change resolution in the Settings Screen to 1280 X 720 or larger to use this feature. The game's current resolution settings do not allow for the expanded 'MechLab layout. Please change resolution in the Settings Screen to 1280 X 720 or larger to use this feature. ml_balanceexceed INSUFFICIENT FUNDS INSUFFICIENT FUNDS ml_continuecustomizing You may continue to configure the 'Mech but you will be unable to save while the cost exceeds your balance. You may continue to configure the 'Mech but you will be unable to save while the cost exceeds your balance. ui_NeedReinforcement REINFORCEMENT NEEDED REINFORCEMENT NEEDED ui_ErrorInvalidLoadout Invalid Loadout Invalid Loadout ui_missleguidance Missile Guidance Missile Guidance ui_HeatSinks Heat Sinks Heat Sinks ML_AMMOCONVERSIONCOST Cost to convert ammo Cost to convert ammo ml_armorconversioncost Cost to convert armor Cost to convert armor ui_spacebase VITRIC FORGE VITRIC FORGE ui_spacebase_detail1 83 C 83 C ui_spacebase_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_spacebase_detail3 0% 0% ui_Beta2 INVASION ERA - YEAR 3052 INVASION ERA - YEAR 3052 ui_AC AC AC ui_Gauss Gauss Gauss ui_Laser Laser Laser ui_Tag_Narc Tag/NARC Tag/NARC ui_LRM LRM LRM ui_SRM SRM SRM ui_mountedonly Mounted Weapons Mounted Weapons ui_OwnedOnly Owned Items Owned Items ui_UnlockedOnly Unlocked Items Unlocked Items ui_MiscShort Misc. Misc. MugClanStarA_name Clan Dagger Star Mug Clan Dagger Star Mug MugClanStarA_desc Clan Dagger Star Mug Standing item Clan Dagger Star Mug Standing item ClanStarA_name Clan Dagger Star Clan Dagger Star ClanStarA_desc Hanging Clan Dagger Star Item Hanging Clan Dagger Star Item ui_unable_to_retrieve_stats Failed to retrieve Achievement data. Failed to retrieve Achievement data. tt_MainMenu_HomeButton MWO landing page, news and community updates MWO landing page, news and community updates tt_MainMenu_MechLabButton Customize your 'Mech Customize your 'Mech tt_MainMenu_MechLabButtonDisabled Cannot customize Trial 'Mechs Cannot customize Trial 'Mechs tt_MainMenu_SkillsButton Unlock new Modules and 'Mech Efficiencies Unlock new Modules and 'Mech Efficiencies tt_MainMenu_FactionButton Fight with your faction Fight with your faction tt_MainMenu_StoreButton Buy things in the Store Buy things in the Store tt_HomeScreen_Select'MechButton Select a new 'Mech Select a new 'Mech tt_HomeScreen_InventoryButton Manage and sell items Manage and sell items tt_HomeScreen_AchievmentsButton View your Achievements View your Achievements tt_HomeScreen_StatisticsButton Transit to our website to view your Statistics Transit to our website to view your Statistics tt_HomeScreen_RedeemCodeButton Transit to our website to Redeem a Code Transit to our website to Redeem a Code tt_HomeScreen_TestingGroundsButton Test your 'Mech and explore maps Test your 'Mech and explore maps tt_HomeScreen_TutorialsButton Enter the MechWarrior Academy Enter the MechWarrior Academy tt_HomeScreen_TitlesBadgesButton Change the display title and image that others see Change the display title and image that others see tt_HomeScreen_ConfigureMechButton Customize your current 'Mech Customize your current 'Mech tt_HomeScreen_ConfigureMechButtonDisabled Cannot customize Trial 'Mechs Cannot customize Trial 'Mechs tt_HomeScreen_PurchaseMCButton Mech Credits are acquired using real money Mech Credits are acquired using real money tt_MainMenu_MCIcon Mech Credits are used to access premium content Mech Credits are used to access premium content tt_MainMenu_CBillsIcon ComStar Bills are the primary currency used to purchase most things ComStar Bills are the primary currency used to purchase most things tt_MainMenu_GEXPIcon General Experience that can be used to unlock skills General Experience that can be used to unlock skills tt_MainMenu_CurrentBattlemechHeader Your currently selected Battlemech Your currently selected Battlemech tt_MainMenu_PremiumTimeHeader Premium Time increases C-Bill and XP gain by 50% and 10% to Accolade, Loyalty, and Reputation Points awarded. Premium Time increases C-Bill and XP gain by 50% and 10% to Accolade, Loyalty, and Reputation Points awarded. tt_MainMenu_PremiumTimeActivate Begin using Premium Time Begin using Premium Time tt_MainMenu_PremiumTimeBuy Purchase Premium Time from the store Purchase Premium Time from the store tt_MainMenu_SettingsButton Modify your settings Modify your settings tt_MainMenu_SocialButton Add, chat, and form groups with friends Add, chat, and form groups with friends tt_MainMenu_LogOutButton Exit game or log out and return to the intro screen Exit game or log out and return to the intro screen tt_MainMenu_PlayNowSkirmish Two teams battle to the death Two teams battle to the death tt_MainMenu_PlayNowAssault Two teams attempt to destroy the opposition's field base Two teams attempt to destroy the opposition's field base tt_MainMenu_PlayNowConquest Two teams race for resources by capturing and holding objectives Two teams race for resources by capturing and holding objectives tt_SecondaryMenu_Back Return to the previous screen Return to the previous screen tt_MechSelect_Sort Organize the selection below Organize the selection below tt_MechSelect_Save Accept the currently selected 'Mech Accept the currently selected 'Mech tt_MechSelect_Cancel Cancel current progress Cancel current progress tt_MechSelect_MechSelectLight Show only Light 'Mechs (20-35 tons) Show only Light 'Mechs (20-35 tons) tt_MechSelect_MechSelectMedium Show only Medium 'Mechs (40-55 tons) Show only Medium 'Mechs (40-55 tons) tt_MechSelect_MechSelectHeavy Show only Heavy 'Mechs (60-75 tons) Show only Heavy 'Mechs (60-75 tons) tt_MechSelect_MechSelectAssault Show only Assault 'Mechs (80-100 tons) Show only Assault 'Mechs (80-100 tons) tt_MechSelect_MechSelectChampion Toggle filter for Champion 'Mechs Toggle filter for Champion 'Mechs tt_MechSelect_MechSelectHero Toggle filter for Hero 'Mechs Toggle filter for Hero 'Mechs tt_MechSelect_ModifyConsumables Change the currently equipped consumables Change the currently equipped consumables tt_Inventory_Sell Sell selected item for C-bills Sell selected item for C-bills tt_Inventory_BattleMechs View owned BattleMechs View owned BattleMechs tt_Inventory_WeaponSystems View owned weapons View owned weapons tt_Inventory_Equipment View owned equipment View owned equipment tt_Inventory_Modules View owned modules View owned modules tt_Inventory_Omnipods View owned Omnipods View owned Omnipods tt_Achievments_AchievmentsButton View your Achievements View your Achievements tt_Achievments_FactionLoyaltyButton View faction loyalties View faction loyalties tt_Achievments_Expand Click to see achievement details Click to see achievement details tt_Achievments_DavionButton House Davion aka Federated Suns ranks House Davion aka Federated Suns ranks tt_Achievments_KuritaButton House Kurita aka Draconis Combine ranks House Kurita aka Draconis Combine ranks tt_Achievments_LiaoButton House Liao aka Capellan Confederation ranks House Liao aka Capellan Confederation ranks tt_Achievments_MarikButton House Marik aka Free Worlds League ranks House Marik aka Free Worlds League ranks tt_Achievments_RasalhagueButton Free Rasalhague Republic ranks Free Rasalhague Republic ranks tt_Achievments_SteinerButton House Steiner aka Lyran Commonwealth ranks House Steiner aka Lyran Commonwealth ranks tt_Achievments_ClanSmokeJaguarButton Clan Smoke Jaguar ranks Clan Smoke Jaguar ranks tt_Achievments_ClanJadeFalconButton Clan Jade Falcon ranks Clan Jade Falcon ranks tt_Achievments_ClanWolfButton Clan Wolf ranks Clan Wolf ranks tt_Achievments_ClanGhostBearButton Clan Ghost Bear ranks Clan Ghost Bear ranks tt_TitlesBadges_TitlesButton Set your display title Set your display title tt_TitlesBadges_BadgesButton Select a display picture Select a display picture tt_TitlesBadges_SetTitle Select to set as display title Select to set as display title tt_TitlesBadges_SetBadge Select to set as display badge Select to set as display badge tt_MechLab_LoadOutWarning Indicates risks with the current loadout Indicates risks with the current loadout tt_MechLab_LoadOutErrors Indicates an unusable build Indicates an unusable build tt_MechLab_BuyMechBayButton Purchase 'Mech Bays to store more 'Mechs Purchase 'Mech Bays to store more 'Mechs tt_MechLab_MechBayHeader Mech Bays are required to own and store BattleMechs 'Mech Bays are required to own and store BattleMechs tt_MechLab_MechDetailsButton View detailed 'Mech information View detailed 'Mech information tt_MechSummary_ECMDetailsIcon Electronic Countermeasure equipped Electronic Countermeasure equipped tt_MechSummary_ECMDetailsIconDisabled No Electronic Countermeasures equipped No Electronic Countermeasures equipped tt_MechSummary_AMSDetailsIcon Anti-Missile System equipped Anti-Missile System equipped tt_MechSummary_ArtemisDetailsIcon Artemis Missile Guidance equipped Artemis Missile Guidance equipped tt_MechSummary_SpeedDetails Forward top speed / Reverse top speed Forward top speed / Reverse top speed tt_MechSummary_StructureDetails Current 'Mech structure type Current 'Mech structure type tt_MechSummary_HeatSinksDetails The type and ammount of heat sinks equipped to the 'Mech The type and ammount of heat sinks equipped to the 'Mech tt_MechSummary_ArmorTypeDetails Current 'Mech armor type Current 'Mech armor type tt_MechSummary_ArmorDetails Current equipped armor / Max armor limit Current equipped armor / Max armor limit tt_MechSummary_FirepowerDetails Max theoretical damage output from a single volley / Global highest possible output Max theoretical damage output from a single volley / Global highest possible output tt_MechSummary_HeatMGMTDetails The ratio between total heat dissipation and heat generated by firing all weapons simultaneously / Max efficiency ratio is 2.00 The ratio between total heat dissipation and heat generated by firing all weapons simultaneously / Max efficiency ratio is 2.00 tt_MechSummary_TonnageDetails Current tonnage / Maximum tonnage Current tonnage / Maximum tonnage tt_MechSummary_JumpDistaceDetails Current jump jet distance in meters Current jump jet distance in meters tt_Mechlab_SelectMechButton Select a new current 'Mech Select a new current 'Mech tt_MechLab_LoadoutButton Modify the equipment installed in your 'Mech Modify the equipment installed in your 'Mech tt_MechLab_ModulesButton Install new modules that can be unlocked in the Skills Screen Install new modules that can be unlocked in the Skills Screen tt_MechLab_CamoSpecButton Edit the external appearance of your 'Mech Edit the external appearance of your 'Mech tt_MechLab_CockpitButton Customize the look of your cockpit Customize the look of your cockpit tt_MechLab_WeaponGroupsButton Set weapon firing groups for current 'Mech Set weapon firing groups for current 'Mech tt_MechLab_RenameMechButton Change 'Mech name Change 'Mech name tt_MechLab_ResetMechButton Revert unsaved changes Revert unsaved changes tt_MechLab_StripMechButton Strip all Equipment, Modules or Armor off the current 'Mech Strip all Equipment, Modules or Armor off the current 'Mech tt_MechLab_ItemEquipButton Equip selected item Equip selected item tt_MechLab_TooHeavyItem This item is too heavy to equip This item is too heavy to equip tt_MechLab_ItemNotEnoughFunds You lack the required funds to purchase this item You lack the required funds to purchase this item tt_MechLab_ItemNotEnoughSlots There are not enough available slots to mount this item There are not enough available slots to mount this item tt_MechLab_ItemHardpointsFull No hardpoints are available to mount this item No hardpoints are available to mount this item tt_MechLab_HeadComponentPanelHeader Head Head tt_MechLab_RightTorsoComponentPanelHeader Right Torso Right Torso tt_MechLab_LeftTorsoComponentPanelHeader Left Torso Left Torso tt_MechLab_CenterTorsoComponentPanelHeader Center Torso Center Torso tt_MechLab_RightArmComponentPanel Right Arm Right Arm tt_MechLab_LeftArmComponenetPanel Left Arm Left Arm tt_MechLab_RightLegComponenetPanels Right Leg Right Leg tt_MechLab_LeftLegComponenetPanels Left Leg Left Leg tt_MechLab_SaveButton Confirm and save changes to the current 'Mech Confirm and save changes to the current 'Mech tt_MechLab_SaveButtonDisabled Cannot save current configuration Cannot save current configuration tt_MechLab_MechName Currently selected 'Mech Currently selected 'Mech tt_MechLab_MechMasteryIcon Displays your current mastery level in this 'Mech Displays your current mastery level in this 'Mech tt_MechLab_Sort Sort items Sort items tt_MechLab_WarehouseHeader The Warehouse contains a list of all 'Mech equipment The Warehouse contains a list of all 'Mech equipment tt_MechLab_BallisticHardpoint Ballistic Hardpoints Ballistic Hardpoints tt_MechLab_EnergyHardpoint Energy Hardpoints Energy Hardpoints tt_MechLab_MissileHardpoint Missile Hardpoints Missile Hardpoints tt_MechLab_AMSHardpoint AMS Hardpoints AMS Hardpoints tt_MechLab_ECMHardpoint ECM Hardpoints ECM Hardpoints tt_MechLab_FrontArmorAdjust Add or remove armor Add or remove armor tt_MechLab_FrontArmorAdjustDisabled Cannot add further armor Cannot add further armor tt_MechLab_RearArmorAdjust Add or remove armor Add or remove armor tt_MechLab_RearArmorAdjustDisabled Cannot add further armor Cannot add further armor tt_MechLab_ModulesAutoRefill Automatically refills the associated consumable after use in match Automatically refills the associated consumable after use in match tt_MechLab_EmptySlot Empty Slot Empty Slot tt_MechLab_DynamicStructureSlot This slot may be required for the Endo-Steel Structure if not used This slot may be required for the Endo-Steel Structure if not used tt_MechLab_DynamicArmorSlot This slot may be required to mount the Ferro-Fibrous Armor if not used This slot may be required to mount the Ferro-Fibrous Armor if not used tt_MechLab_ArmorSlot A panel of ultra light weight Ferro-Fibrous Armor A panel of ultra light weight Ferro-Fibrous Armor tt_MechLab_StructureSlot A segment of light weight Endo-Steel Structure A segment of light weight Endo-Steel Structure tt_MechLab_FixedArmorSlot Armor built into the 'Mech component Armor built into the 'Mech component tt_MechLab_FixedMechanicalSlot Fixed Equipment Fixed Equipment tt_MechLab_FixedStructureSlot Structural support for the component Structural support for the component tt_MechLab_OmniPod An interchangeable Omnipod An interchangeable Omnipod tt_MechLab_InternalHeatSinkSlotEmpty An empty engine Heat Sink slot An empty engine Heat Sink slot tt_MechLab_InternalHeatSinkSlot An engine Heat Sink An engine Heat Sink tt_MechLab_InternalDoubleHeatSinkSlotEmpty An empty engine Double Heat Sink slot An empty engine Double Heat Sink slot tt_MechLab_InternalDoubleHeatSinkSlot An internal engine Double Heat Sink An internal engine Double Heat Sink tt_MechLab_FilterEquipmentButton View Equipment View Equipment tt_MechLab_FilterAmmoButton View Ammunition View Ammunition tt_MechLab_FilterAllWeaponsButton Show All weapons Show All weapons tt_MechLab_FilterEnergyButton Show/Hide Energy Weapons Show/Hide Energy Weapons tt_MechLab_FilterBallisticButton Show/Hide Ballistic Weapons Show/Hide Ballistic Weapons tt_MechLab_FilterMissileButton Show/Hide Missile Weapons Show/Hide Missile Weapons tt_MechLab_ModulesAllButton Show all Modules Show all Modules tt_MechLab_ModulesMechButton Show 'Mech Modules Show 'Mech Modules tt_MechLab_ModulesConsumablesButton Show Consumable Modules Show Consumable Modules tt_MechLab_ItemModuleLocked This Module must first be unlocked in the Skills Screen This Module must first be unlocked in the Skills Screen tt_MechLab_ModuleMechAllButton Show/Hide 'Mech Modules Show/Hide 'Mech Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleMechVisionButton Show/Hide Vision Modules Show/Hide Vision Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleMechTargetButton Show/Hide Targeting Modules Show/Hide Targeting Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleMechSupportButton Show/Hide Support Modules Show/Hide Support Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleMechSensorButton Show/Hide Sensor Modules Show/Hide Sensor Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleConsumableAllButton Show/Hide Consumable Modules Show/Hide Consumable Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleWeaponAllButton Show/Hide Weapon Modules Show/Hide Weapon Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleWeaponRangeButton Show/Hide Weapon Range Modules Show/Hide Weapon Range Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleWeaponCooldownButton Show/Hide Weapon Cooldown Modules Show/Hide Weapon Cooldown Modules tt_MechLab_ModuleWeaponMiscButton Show/Hide 'Mech Modules Show/Hide 'Mech Modules tt_MechLab_ItemNotUpgradable Item not Upgradable Item not Upgradable tt_MechLab_ItemEquipped Item equipped Item equipped tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemFerroFibrous Ferro Fibrous Armor weighs less than standard armor but limits available slots Ferro Fibrous Armor weighs less than standard armor but limits available slots tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemStandardArmor Armor absorbs damage dealt to a 'Mech Armor absorbs damage dealt to a 'Mech tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemEndoSteel Endo-Steel weighs less than a standard structure but limits available slots Endo-Steel weighs less than a standard structure but limits available slots tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemStandardStructure Structural elements that act as a skeleton for the 'Mech Structural elements that act as a skeleton for the 'Mech tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemDoubleHeatSink Double Heat sinks are bulkier than Standard Heat Sinks but more effective Double Heat sinks are bulkier than Standard Heat Sinks but more effective tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemStandardHeatSink Heat Sinks cool a 'Mech Heat Sinks cool a 'Mech tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemStandardGuidance The default guidance systems for onboard missile weapons The default guidance systems for onboard missile weapons tt_MechLab_UpgradeItemArtemis Improves tracking and grouping size of missile weapons Improves tracking and grouping size of missile weapons tt_MechLab_UpgradeArmorHeader Armor type Armor type tt_MechLab_UpgradeStructureHeader Structure type Structure type tt_MechLab_UpgradeHeatSinksHeader Heat Sink system Heat Sink system tt_MechLab_UpgradeArtemisHeader Missile Guidance type Missile Guidance type tt_MechLab_CamoSpecPatternButton Set the current camouflage pattern Set the current camouflage pattern tt_MechLab_CamoSpecPatternSelection Select a new Pattern Select a new Pattern tt_MechLab_CamoSpecReset Revert unsaved changes Revert unsaved changes tt_MechLab_CamoSpecColorSelection Edit camouflage color Edit camouflage color tt_MechLab_CamoSpecSortLocked Show locked items only Show locked items only tt_MechLab_CamoSpecSortAll Show all items Show all items tt_MechLab_CamoSpecSortOwned Show only owned items Show only owned items tt_MechLab_CamoSpecSortBasic Show basic items Show basic items tt_MechLab_CamoSpecSortThemes Show items by selected theme Show items by selected theme tt_MechLab_CamoSpecSortUnlockable Show unlockable items Show unlockable items tt_MechLab_CamoSpecSortOneShot Show items that have a one-time use Show items that have a one-time use tt_MechLab_CockpitStandingButton Decorative items that stand on your cockpit dash Decorative items that stand on your cockpit dash tt_MechLab_CockpitHangingButton Decorative items that hang in your cockpit Decorative items that hang in your cockpit tt_MechLab_CockpitMountedButton Decorative items mounted to the cockpit window frame Decorative items mounted to the cockpit window frame tt_MechLab_WeaponGroupSave Accept and save the current weapon groupings Accept and save the current weapon groupings tt_MechLab_WeaponGroupSelection Weapon group number Weapon group number tt_MechLab_StripMechEquipment Remove all installed equipment and weapons Remove all installed equipment and weapons tt_MechLab_StripMechModules Remove all equipped consumables Remove all equipped consumables tt_MechLab_StripMechArmor Remove all armor from the 'Mech Remove all armor from the 'Mech tt_SkillsScreen_MechTreeButton View and unlock 'Mech Efficiencies View and unlock 'Mech Efficiencies tt_SkillsScreen_UnlockEfficiencyButton Unlock selected efficiency Unlock selected efficiency tt_SkillsScreen_PilotTreesButton View and unlock Modules View and unlock Modules tt_SkillsScreen_UnlockButton Unlock selected module Unlock selected module tt_SkillsScreen_UnlockButtonDisabled Cannot unlock this item Cannot unlock this item tt_SkillsScreen_SelectionUnlocked Item already unlocked Item already unlocked tt_SkillsScreen_MechTreeSelectButton Select chassis to master Select chassis to master tt_SkillsScreen_MechMasteryIcon This icon shows the current mastery level This icon shows the current mastery level tt_SkillsScreen_MechMasteryIconBasic Basic mastery Basic mastery tt_SkillsScreen_MechMasteryIconElite Elite mastery Elite mastery tt_SkillsScreen_MechMasteryIconMaster Master level Master level tt_SkillsScreen_ExchangeEXPButton Exchange Mech XP for GXP Exchange Mech XP for GXP tt_SkillsScreen_MechXPHeader Shows the current XP attached to the selected 'Mech Shows the current XP attached to the selected 'Mech tt_FactionScreen_InnerSphereHomeButton View the Map of the InnerSphere View the Map of the InnerSphere tt_FactionScreen_CreateUnitButton Create a new unit Create a new unit tt_FactionScreen_FactionLoyaltiesButton View faction loyalties View faction loyalties tt_FactionScreen_SelectFactionButton View background details for each Faction View background details for each Faction tt_FactionScreen_MemberManagement Add and remove unit members Add and remove unit members tt_FactionScreen_RankManagement Edit unit ranks and permissions Edit unit ranks and permissions tt_FactionScreen_ViewCoffers View the unit coffers View the unit coffers tt_FactionScreen_BreakContract Break your current faction contract Break your current faction contract tt_FactionScreen_SelectFactionBannerSelect Click to view faction details Click to view faction details tt_FactionScreen_SelectFactionMoreInformation Press to view faction details Press to view faction details tt_FactionScreen_SelectContract7Days Accept a 7 day contract with this faction Accept a 7 day contract with this faction tt_FactionScreen_SelectContract14Days Accept a 14 day contract with this faction Accept a 14 day contract with this faction tt_FactionScreen_SelectContract28Days Accept a 28 day contract with this faction Accept a 28 day contract with this faction tt_FactionScreen_SelectContractLoyalty Pledge loyalty to this faction Pledge loyalty to this faction tt_FactionScreen_PlanetFinderSelectDefend Click to view planet details Click to view planet details tt_FactionScreen_PlanetFinderSelect Planet available for attack Planet available for attack tt_FactionScreen_PlanetFinderSelectAttack Planet requires defense Planet requires defense tt_FactionScreen_PlanetFinderSelectDisabled This planet is not contested by your faction This planet is not contested by your faction tt_FactionScreen_AttkDefPlayerCount Number of players queued up to attack and defend Number of players queued up to attack and defend tt_MainMenu_ChatUnitTab Chat only to those in your unit Chat only to those in your unit tt_MainMenu_ChatOfficerTab Chat only to unit officers Chat only to unit officers tt_MainMenu_ChatFactionTab Chat with others in your faction Chat with others in your faction tt_FactionScreen_SetMOTDButton Set the unit Message of the Day Set the unit Message of the Day tt_FactionScreen_DisbandButton Disband your unit Disband your unit tt_FactionScreen_MemberMGTResignCommandButton Relinquish command of the unit Relinquish command of the unit tt_FactionScreen_MemberMGMTInvitePlayerButton Invite a new player to the unit Invite a new player to the unit tt_FactionScreen_MemberMGMTRemovePlayerButton Remove selected player from unit Remove selected player from unit tt_FactionScreen_RankMGMTRemoveRankButton Remove selected rank Remove selected rank tt_FactionScreen_RankMGMTAddRankButton Add new rank Add new rank tt_FactionScreen_RankMGMTPrivileges Enable or disable privileges for selected rank Enable or disable privileges for selected rank tt_FactionScreen_CoffersDonateButton Donate money to unit coffers Donate money to unit coffers tt_FactionScreen_HideOverlaysButton Toggle show/hide foreground windows Toggle show/hide foreground windows tt_FactionScreen_CallToArmsDefend Click to accept call Click to accept call tt_FactionScreen_CallToArsCounterAttack Click to accept call Click to accept call tt_FactionScreen_CallToArmsDefendUrgent Assistance urgently needed Assistance urgently needed tt_FactionScreen_CallToArmsCAUrgent Assistance urgently needed Assistance urgently needed tt_FactionScreen_PlanetInfoButton Show planet information Show planet information tt_FactionScreen_QueueInfoButton Show player queue information Show player queue information tt_FactionScreen_PlanetInfoGroupReady Currently not ready to launch as a unit Currently not ready to launch as a unit tt_FactionScreen_PlanetInfoGroupNotReady Currently ready to launch as a unit Currently ready to launch as a unit tt_FactionScreen_PlanetInfoGroupLaunch Launch as a unit Launch as a unit tt_StoreScreen_HomeButton Return to the store landing page Return to the store landing page tt_StoreScreen_BundlesButton View bundled items View bundled items tt_StoreScreen_BattleMechsButton View purchasable BattleMechs View purchasable BattleMechs tt_StoreScreen_MechBayButton Purchase 'Mech Bays Purchase 'Mech Bays tt_StoreScreen_BoostersButton View items to enhance progression View items to enhance progression tt_StoreScreen_ConsumableButton View consumable modules View consumable modules tt_StoreScreen_BuyMechButton Buy 'Mech Buy 'Mech tt_StoreScreen_WebButton Go to website Go to website tt_StoreScreen_BuyButton Purchase selected item Purchase selected item tt_SocialScreen_FriendsTab View friends View friends tt_SocialScreen_UnitTab View unit members View unit members tt_SocialScreen_NotificationTab View messages and invites View messages and invites tt_SocialScreen_FriendsSendMessage Send message to selected friend Send message to selected friend tt_SocialScreen_FriendsInviteToUnit Invite selected player to unit Invite selected player to unit tt_SocialScreen_FriendsBlockUser Block selected player Block selected player tt_SocialScreen_FriendsRemoveUser Remove selected player Remove selected player tt_SocialScreen_CreatePublicGroupButton Create a new Quick Play group Create a new Quick Play group tt_SocialScreen_CreateFactionGroupButton Create a new faction play group Create a new faction play group tt_SocialScreen_AddFriendButton Add a friend Add a friend tt_SocialScreen_PubGroupReadyButton Ready to enter match queue Ready to enter match queue tt_SocialScreen_PubGroupLeaveGroupButton Leave current play group Leave current play group tt_MainMenu_TakeCompanyCommandButton Assume company command Assume company command tt_MainMenu_TakeLanceCommandButton Take lance command Take lance command tt_SocialScreen_AcceptUnitInvite Accept this unit invite Accept this unit invite tt_SocialScreen_DeclineUnitInvite Reject this unit invite Reject this unit invite tt_SocialScreen_ChatAllButton Chat to all players in queue Chat to all players in queue tt_SocialScreen_ChatTeamButton Chat only with allied teammates Chat only with allied teammates tt_SocialScreen_ChatLanceButton Chat only with lancemates Chat only with lancemates tt_PrivateMatch_ReadyButton Ready to launch Ready to launch tt_PrivateMatch_NotReadyButton Not ready to launch Not ready to launch tt_PrivateMatch_GameMode Choose the desired game mode Choose the desired game mode tt_PrivateMatch_Map Choose the desired map Choose the desired map tt_PrivateMatch_TonnageRules Choose the desired tonnage restrictions Choose the desired tonnage restrictions tt_PrivateMatch_FullTeams Toggle the requirement for 12v12 Toggle the requirement for 12v12 tt_PrivateMatch_MatchTime Choose the desired match time Choose the desired match time tt_PrivateMatch_ViewMode Enable or disable 3rd person camera angle Enable or disable 3rd person camera angle tt_PrivateMatch_PlayerMove Click and drag to move player Click and drag to move player tt_PrivateMatch_LeaveLobby Leave the group lobby Leave the group lobby tt_Settings_ArmLock Lock arms and center torso. Lock arms and center torso. tt_Settings_ThrottleDecay Automatically decelerate when releasing the throttle. Automatically decelerate when releasing the throttle. tt_Settings_StartInThirdPerson Start matches with 3rd person camera. Start matches with 3rd person camera. tt_Settings_AchievmentNotifications Choose achievement notifications. Choose achievement notifications. tt_Settings_EnableTeamChat Enable or disable team chat. Enable or disable team chat. tt_Settings_EnableFactionChat Enable or disable faction chat. Enable or disable faction chat. tt_Settings_RewardDisplayMode Choose reward notifications style. Choose reward notifications style. tt_Settings_EnableAllChat Enable or disable all chat. Enable or disable all chat. tt_Settings_EnableLanceChat Enable or disable lance chat. Enable or disable lance chat. tt_Settings_FrontEndSounds Enable or disable sounds in menus. Enable or disable sounds in menus. tt_mechsummary_bapdetailsicon Active Probe Sensor equipped Active Probe Sensor equipped tt_mechsummary_amsdetailsicondisabled No Anti-Missile System equipped No Anti-Missile System equipped tt_mechsummary_bapdetailsicondisabled No Active Probe Sensor equipped No Active Probe Sensor equipped tt_mechsummary_artemisdetailsicondisabled No Artemis Missile Guidance equipped No Artemis Missile Guidance equipped tt_MechSummary_SlotDetails Currently used slots / Total available slots Currently used slots / Total available slots BLR-2C BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C BLR-2C_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C BLR-2C_short BLR-2C BLR-2C CTF-0XP CATAPHRACT CTF-0XP CATAPHRACT CTF-0XP CTF-0XP_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-0XP CATAPHRACT CTF-0XP CTF-0XP_short CTF-0XP CTF-0XP ui_matchchat MATCH CHAT MATCH CHAT MASCMkI MASC Mk I MASC Mk I ui_MASCMkI MASC Mk I MASC Mk I MASCMkI_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. MASCMkII MASC Mk II MASC Mk II ui_MASCMkII MASC Mk II MASC Mk II MASCMkII_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. MASCMkIII MASC Mk III MASC Mk III ui_MASCMkIII MASC Mk III MASC Mk III MASCMkIII_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. MASCMkIV MASC Mk IV MASC Mk IV ui_MASCMkIV MASC Mk IV MASC Mk IV MASCMkIV_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. MASCMkV MASC Mk V MASC Mk V ui_MASCMkV MASC Mk V MASC Mk V MASCMkV_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. ClanMASCMkI Clan MASC Mk I Clan MASC Mk I ui_ClanMASCMkI Clan MASC Mk I Clan MASC Mk I ClanMASCMkI_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. ClanMASCMkII Clan MASC Mk II Clan MASC Mk II ui_ClanMASCMkII Clan MASC Mk II Clan MASC Mk II ClanMASCMkII_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. ClanMASCMkIII Clan MASC Mk III Clan MASC Mk III ui_ClanMASCMkIII Clan MASC Mk III Clan MASC Mk III ClanMASCMkIII_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. ClanMASCMkIV Clan MASC Mk IV Clan MASC Mk IV ui_ClanMASCMkIV Clan MASC Mk IV Clan MASC Mk IV ClanMASCMkIV_desc When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. When activated, increases speed and maneuverability, at the risk of damaging your 'Mech's legs. _m_usemasc MASC MASC _m_togglemasc Toggle MASC Toggle MASC ui_fov FIRST PERSON FOV FIRST PERSON FOV tt_MechLabWarehouseLayout Select layout style for component panels Select layout style for component panels tt_MechLab_OwnedItemsButton Filter owned items only Filter owned items only tt_MechLab_FilterWeaponsButton View Weapons View Weapons tt_MechLab_WeaponAMSButton Show/Hide Anti Missle Systems Show/Hide Anti Missle Systems tt_MechLab_WeaponLaserButton Show/Hide Lasers Show/Hide Lasers tt_MechLab_WeaponPPCButton Show/Hide Particle Projector Cannons Show/Hide Particle Projector Cannons tt_MechLab_WeaponFlamerButton Show/Hide Flamers Show/Hide Flamers tt_MechLab_WeaponLRMButton Show/Hide Long Range Missiles Show/Hide Long Range Missiles tt_MechLab_WeaponSRMButton Show/Hide Short Range Missiles Show/Hide Short Range Missiles tt_MechLab_WeaponTagNarcButton Show/Hide Target Aquisition Gear and Narc Beacons Show/Hide Target Aquisition Gear and Narc Beacons tt_MechLab_AmmoMountedWeaponButton Filter ammo for mounted weapons only Filter ammo for mounted weapons only tt_Mechlab_AmmoAMSButton Show/Hide Anti Missile System Ammo Show/Hide Anti Missile System Ammo tt_MechLab_AmmoMissileButton Show/Hide Missile Ammo Show/Hide Missile Ammo tt_MechLab_AuxElectronicsButton Show/Hide Sensor Systems Show/Hide Sensor Systems tt_MechLab_AuxMiscButton Show/Hide Miscellaneous Equipment Show/Hide Miscellaneous Equipment tt_MechLab_FilterModulesButton View Modules View Modules tt_MechLab_ModuelWeaponUnlockedButton Filter unlocked Modules only Filter unlocked Modules only tt_MechLab_ModuleWeaponMountedButton Filter mounted Weapon Modules only Filter mounted Weapon Modules only tt_MechLab_FilterEngines View Engines View Engines tt_MechLab_EngineSTDButton Show/Hide Standard Engines Show/Hide Standard Engines tt_MechLab_EngineXLButton Show/Hide Extra Large Engines Show/Hide Extra Large Engines tt_MechLab_WeaponECMButton Show/Hide Electronic Countermeasures Show/Hide Electronic Countermeasures tt_MechLab_AmmoBallisticButton Show/Hide Ballistic Ammo Show/Hide Ballistic Ammo ui_BoostSpeed Speed Boost Speed Boost ui_BoostTurn Turn Rate Boost Turn Rate Boost ui_BoostAccel Acceleration Boost Acceleration Boost ui_BoostDecel Deceleration Boost Deceleration Boost tt_MechLab_WeaponACButton Show/Hide Auto Cannons Show/Hide Auto Cannons tt_MechLab_WeaponGaussButton Show/Hide Gauss Rifles Show/Hide Gauss Rifles tt_MechLab_WeaponMachineGunButton Show/Hide Machine Guns Show/Hide Machine Guns tt_MechLab_FilterOmnipods View Omnipods View Omnipods tt_MechLab_OmnipodHeadButton Show/Hide Head Omnipods Show/Hide Head Omnipods tt_MechLab_OmnipodRightTorsoButton Show/Hide Right Torso Omnipods Show/Hide Right Torso Omnipods tt_MechLab_OmnipodLeftTorsoButton Show/Hide Left Torso Omnipods Show/Hide Left Torso Omnipods tt_MechLab_OmnipodRightArmButton Show/Hide Right Arm Omnipods Show/Hide Right Arm Omnipods tt_MechLab_OmnipodLeftArmButton Show/Hide Left Arm Omnipods Show/Hide Left Arm Omnipods tt_MechLab_OmnipodRightLegButton Show/Hide Right Leg Omnipods Show/Hide Right Leg Omnipods tt_MechLab_OmnipodLeftLegButton Show/Hide Left Leg Omnipods Show/Hide Left Leg Omnipods ui_MechStrip_Cockpit Strip All Cockpit Items Strip All Cockpit Items tt_MechLab_StripMechCockpit Remove all cockpit items from the 'Mech Remove all cockpit items from the 'Mech ui_MASC MASC MASC tt_Mechlab_WeaponGroupReset Undo changes Undo changes zeu-5s ZEUS ZEU-5S ZEUS ZEU-5S zeu-5s_desc ZEUS ZEU-5S description ZEUS ZEU-5S zeu-5s_short ZEU-5S ZEU-5S ghr-5p GRASSHOPPER GHR-5P GRASSHOPPER GHR-5P ghr-5p_desc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5P description GRASSHOPPER GHR-5P ghr-5p_short GHR-5P GHR-5P enf-4p ENFORCER ENF-4P ENFORCER ENF-4P enf-4p_desc ENFORCER ENF-4P description ENFORCER ENF-4P enf-4p_short ENF-4P ENF-4P pnt-10p PANTHER PNT-10P PANTHER PNT-10P pnt-10p_desc PANTHER PNT-10P description PANTHER PNT-10P pnt-10p_short PNT-10P PNT-10P ui_StandardEngine Standard Engines Standard Engines ui_XLEngine XL Engines XL Engines ui_ShowCockpitGlass ENABLE COCKPIT GLASS ENABLE COCKPIT GLASS ui_electronics Sensors Sensors ui_ItemsReceived ITEMS RECEIVED ITEMS RECEIVED ui_PromoCode Promotion Promotion ui_Injection Account Injection Account Injection ui_GenericRedeem Redeemed Redeemed ui_Reason REASON REASON ui_YouHaveReceivedTheFollowing You have received the following items: You have received the following items: ui_ConfigurePurchasableMech You may view and edit equipment on an unowned 'Mech but will be unable to save changes until it is purchased. You may view and edit equipment on an unowned 'Mech but will be unable to save changes until it is purchased. ui_spectators SPECTATORS SPECTATORS ui_spec SPEC SPEC EResult_InvalidSession Connection to server lost Connection to server lost UI_RESETVIEW Reset View Reset View pt_summary_crippleperformance_rank0 Crippled Speed +30% Crippled Speed +30% tt_MechStatsExpandButton Expand/Collapse full 'Mech details Expand/Collapse full 'Mech details tt_MechLab_PreviewMechButton View this 'Mech in the MechLab View this 'Mech in the MechLab tt_Settings_InvertMouseYAxis Toggle inverted vertical direction for mouse input. Toggle inverted vertical direction for mouse input. tt_MainMenu_ResignCompanyCommandButton Relinquish company command Relinquish company command tt_MainMenu_ResignLanceCommandButton Relinquish lance command Relinquish lance command pt_summary_stealthdecay_rank0 Instantly Hidden Instantly Hidden pt_summary_narc_rank0 Speed +20% Dur. +30% Speed +20% Dur. +30% pt_summary_rof_rank0 Damage +2.5 Damage +2.5 tt_MainMenu_MechXP XP can be used to upgrade this particular 'Mech. It can only be used elsewhere if converted to GXP XP can be used to upgrade this particular 'Mech. It can only be used elsewhere if converted to GXP emechmodel_ebonjaguar EBON JAGUAR EBON JAGUAR ebj-primei EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(I) EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(I) ebj-primei_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(I) description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(I) ebj-primei_short EBJ-PRIME(I) EBJ-PRIME(I) ebj-prime EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME ebj-prime_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME ebj-prime_short EBJ-PRIME EBJ-PRIME ebj-a EBON JAGUAR EBJ-A EBON JAGUAR EBJ-A ebj-a_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-A description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-A ebj-a_short EBJ-A EBJ-A ebj-b EBON JAGUAR EBJ-B EBON JAGUAR EBJ-B ebj-b_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-B description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-B ebj-b_short EBJ-B EBJ-B ebj-c EBON JAGUAR EBJ-C EBON JAGUAR EBJ-C ebj-c_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-C description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-C ebj-c_short EBJ-C EBJ-C omnipod_ebj-prime_head EBJ-PRIME HEAD EBJ-PRIME HEAD omnipod_ebj-prime_head_desc EBJ-PRIME Head OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-prime_left_arm EBJ-PRIME LEFT ARM EBJ-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_ebj-prime_left_arm_desc EBJ-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-prime_left_torso EBJ-PRIME LEFT TORSO EBJ-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_ebj-prime_left_torso_desc EBJ-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-prime_right_torso EBJ-PRIME RIGHT TORSO EBJ-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ebj-prime_right_torso_desc EBJ-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-prime_centre_torso EBJ-PRIME CENTER TORSO EBJ-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_ebj-prime_centre_torso_desc EBJ-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-prime_right_arm EBJ-PRIME RIGHT ARM EBJ-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_ebj-prime_right_arm_desc EBJ-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-prime_left_leg EBJ-PRIME LEFT LEG EBJ-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_ebj-prime_left_leg_desc EBJ-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-prime_right_leg EBJ-PRIME RIGHT LEG EBJ-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_ebj-prime_right_leg_desc EBJ-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. EBJ-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_head EBJ-A HEAD EBJ-A HEAD omnipod_ebj-a_head_desc EBJ-A Head OmniPod. EBJ-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_left_arm EBJ-A LEFT ARM EBJ-A LEFT ARM omnipod_ebj-a_left_arm_desc EBJ-A Left Arm OmniPod. EBJ-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_left_torso EBJ-A LEFT TORSO EBJ-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_ebj-a_left_torso_desc EBJ-A Left Torso OmniPod. EBJ-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_right_torso EBJ-A RIGHT TORSO EBJ-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ebj-a_right_torso_desc EBJ-A Right Torso OmniPod. EBJ-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_centre_torso EBJ-A CENTER TORSO EBJ-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_ebj-a_centre_torso_desc EBJ-A Center Torso OmniPod. EBJ-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_right_arm EBJ-A RIGHT ARM EBJ-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_ebj-a_right_arm_desc EBJ-A Right Arm OmniPod. EBJ-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_left_leg EBJ-A LEFT LEG EBJ-A LEFT LEG omnipod_ebj-a_left_leg_desc EBJ-A Left Leg OmniPod. EBJ-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-a_right_leg EBJ-A RIGHT LEG EBJ-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_ebj-a_right_leg_desc EBJ-A Right Leg OmniPod. EBJ-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_head EBJ-B HEAD EBJ-B HEAD omnipod_ebj-b_head_desc EBJ-B Head OmniPod. EBJ-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_left_arm EBJ-B LEFT ARM EBJ-B LEFT ARM omnipod_ebj-b_left_arm_desc EBJ-B Left Arm OmniPod. EBJ-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_left_torso EBJ-B LEFT TORSO EBJ-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_ebj-b_left_torso_desc EBJ-B Left Torso OmniPod. EBJ-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_right_torso EBJ-B RIGHT TORSO EBJ-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ebj-b_right_torso_desc EBJ-B Right Torso OmniPod. EBJ-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_centre_torso EBJ-B CENTER TORSO EBJ-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_ebj-b_centre_torso_desc EBJ-B Center Torso OmniPod. EBJ-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_right_arm EBJ-B RIGHT ARM EBJ-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_ebj-b_right_arm_desc EBJ-B Right Arm OmniPod. EBJ-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_left_leg EBJ-B LEFT LEG EBJ-B LEFT LEG omnipod_ebj-b_left_leg_desc EBJ-B Left Leg OmniPod. EBJ-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-b_right_leg EBJ-B RIGHT LEG EBJ-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_ebj-b_right_leg_desc EBJ-B Right Leg OmniPod. EBJ-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_head EBJ-C HEAD EBJ-C HEAD omnipod_ebj-c_head_desc EBJ-C Head OmniPod. EBJ-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_left_arm EBJ-C LEFT ARM EBJ-C LEFT ARM omnipod_ebj-c_left_arm_desc EBJ-C Left Arm OmniPod. EBJ-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_left_torso EBJ-C LEFT TORSO EBJ-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_ebj-c_left_torso_desc EBJ-C Left Torso OmniPod. EBJ-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_right_torso EBJ-C RIGHT TORSO EBJ-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ebj-c_right_torso_desc EBJ-C Right Torso OmniPod. EBJ-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_centre_torso EBJ-C CENTER TORSO EBJ-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_ebj-c_centre_torso_desc EBJ-C Center Torso OmniPod. EBJ-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_right_arm EBJ-C RIGHT ARM EBJ-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_ebj-c_right_arm_desc EBJ-C Right Arm OmniPod. EBJ-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_left_leg EBJ-C LEFT LEG EBJ-C LEFT LEG omnipod_ebj-c_left_leg_desc EBJ-C Left Leg OmniPod. EBJ-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-c_right_leg EBJ-C RIGHT LEG EBJ-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_ebj-c_right_leg_desc EBJ-C Right Leg OmniPod. EBJ-C Right Leg OmniPod. emechmodel_executioner EXECUTIONER EXECUTIONER exe-primei EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME(I) EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME(I) exe-primei_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME(I) description EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME(I) exe-primei_short EXE-PRIME(I) EXE-PRIME(I) exe-prime EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME exe-prime_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME description EXECUTIONER EXE-PRIME exe-prime_short EXE-PRIME EXE-PRIME exe-a EXECUTIONER EXE-A EXECUTIONER EXE-A exe-a_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-A description EXECUTIONER EXE-A exe-a_short EXE-A EXE-A exe-b EXECUTIONER EXE-B EXECUTIONER EXE-B exe-b_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-B description EXECUTIONER EXE-B exe-b_short EXE-B EXE-B exe-d EXECUTIONER EXE-D EXECUTIONER EXE-D exe-d_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-D description EXECUTIONER EXE-D exe-d_short EXE-D EXE-D omnipod_exe-prime_head EXE-PRIME HEAD EXE-PRIME HEAD omnipod_exe-prime_head_desc EXE-PRIME Head OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_exe-prime_left_arm EXE-PRIME LEFT ARM EXE-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_exe-prime_left_arm_desc EXE-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-prime_left_torso EXE-PRIME LEFT TORSO EXE-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_exe-prime_left_torso_desc EXE-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-prime_right_torso EXE-PRIME RIGHT TORSO EXE-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_exe-prime_right_torso_desc EXE-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-prime_centre_torso EXE-PRIME CENTER TORSO EXE-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_exe-prime_centre_torso_desc EXE-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-prime_right_arm EXE-PRIME RIGHT ARM EXE-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_exe-prime_right_arm_desc EXE-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-prime_left_leg EXE-PRIME LEFT LEG EXE-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_exe-prime_left_leg_desc EXE-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-prime_right_leg EXE-PRIME RIGHT LEG EXE-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_exe-prime_right_leg_desc EXE-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. EXE-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_head EXE-A HEAD EXE-A HEAD omnipod_exe-a_head_desc EXE-A Head OmniPod. EXE-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_left_arm EXE-A LEFT ARM EXE-A LEFT ARM omnipod_exe-a_left_arm_desc EXE-A Left Arm OmniPod. EXE-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_left_torso EXE-A LEFT TORSO EXE-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_exe-a_left_torso_desc EXE-A Left Torso OmniPod. EXE-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_right_torso EXE-A RIGHT TORSO EXE-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_exe-a_right_torso_desc EXE-A Right Torso OmniPod. EXE-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_centre_torso EXE-A CENTER TORSO EXE-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_exe-a_centre_torso_desc EXE-A Center Torso OmniPod. EXE-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_right_arm EXE-A RIGHT ARM EXE-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_exe-a_right_arm_desc EXE-A Right Arm OmniPod. EXE-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_left_leg EXE-A LEFT LEG EXE-A LEFT LEG omnipod_exe-a_left_leg_desc EXE-A Left Leg OmniPod. EXE-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-a_right_leg EXE-A RIGHT LEG EXE-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_exe-a_right_leg_desc EXE-A Right Leg OmniPod. EXE-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_head EXE-B HEAD EXE-B HEAD omnipod_exe-b_head_desc EXE-B Head OmniPod. EXE-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_left_arm EXE-B LEFT ARM EXE-B LEFT ARM omnipod_exe-b_left_arm_desc EXE-B Left Arm OmniPod. EXE-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_left_torso EXE-B LEFT TORSO EXE-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_exe-b_left_torso_desc EXE-B Left Torso OmniPod. EXE-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_right_torso EXE-B RIGHT TORSO EXE-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_exe-b_right_torso_desc EXE-B Right Torso OmniPod. EXE-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_centre_torso EXE-B CENTER TORSO EXE-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_exe-b_centre_torso_desc EXE-B Center Torso OmniPod. EXE-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_right_arm EXE-B RIGHT ARM EXE-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_exe-b_right_arm_desc EXE-B Right Arm OmniPod. EXE-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_left_leg EXE-B LEFT LEG EXE-B LEFT LEG omnipod_exe-b_left_leg_desc EXE-B Left Leg OmniPod. EXE-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-b_right_leg EXE-B RIGHT LEG EXE-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_exe-b_right_leg_desc EXE-B Right Leg OmniPod. EXE-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_head EXE-D HEAD EXE-D HEAD omnipod_exe-d_head_desc EXE-D Head OmniPod. EXE-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_left_arm EXE-D LEFT ARM EXE-D LEFT ARM omnipod_exe-d_left_arm_desc EXE-D Left Arm OmniPod. EXE-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_left_torso EXE-D LEFT TORSO EXE-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_exe-d_left_torso_desc EXE-D Left Torso OmniPod. EXE-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_right_torso EXE-D RIGHT TORSO EXE-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_exe-d_right_torso_desc EXE-D Right Torso OmniPod. EXE-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_centre_torso EXE-D CENTER TORSO EXE-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_exe-d_centre_torso_desc EXE-D Center Torso OmniPod. EXE-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_right_arm EXE-D RIGHT ARM EXE-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_exe-d_right_arm_desc EXE-D Right Arm OmniPod. EXE-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_left_leg EXE-D LEFT LEG EXE-D LEFT LEG omnipod_exe-d_left_leg_desc EXE-D Left Leg OmniPod. EXE-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-d_right_leg EXE-D RIGHT LEG EXE-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_exe-d_right_leg_desc EXE-D Right Leg OmniPod. EXE-D Right Leg OmniPod. GRF_MasteryMediumBundle_name GRIFFIN BUNDLE GRIFFIN BUNDLE GRF_MasteryMediumBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! TBT_MasteryMediumBundle_name TREBUCHET BUNDLE TREBUCHET BUNDLE TBT_MasteryMediumBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! JM6_MasteryMediumBundle_name JAGERMECH BUNDLE JAGERMECH BUNDLE JM6_MasteryMediumBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! BNC_MasteryMediumBundle_name BANSHEE BUNDLE BANSHEE BUNDLE BNC_MasteryMediumBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! ClanLoyaltyJadeFalcon_name JADE FALCON LOYALTY JADE FALCON LOYALTY ClanLoyaltyJadeFalcon_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Jade Falcon This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Jade Falcon ClanLoyaltySmokeJaguar_name SMOKE JAGUAR LOYALTY SMOKE JAGUAR LOYALTY ClanLoyaltySmokeJaguar_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Smoke Jaguar This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Smoke Jaguar ClanLoyaltyWolf_name CLAN WOLF LOYALTY CLAN WOLF LOYALTY ClanLoyaltyWolf_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Clan Wolf This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Clan Wolf ClanLoyaltyGhostBear_name GHOST BEAR LOYALTY GHOST BEAR LOYALTY ClanLoyaltyGhostBear_desc This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Ghost Bear This Medallion earns a Loyalty Boost from Ghost Bear ui_NorthAmerica_Server N. AMERICAN N. AMERICAN ui_Europe_Server EUROPEAN EUROPEAN ui_MoreInfo MORE INFO MORE INFO ui_Dismiss DISMISS DISMISS ui_Regions REGIONS REGIONS tt_ERegion_NorthAmerica Play on North American servers Play on North American servers tt_ERegion_Europe Play on European servers Play on European servers ERegion_NorthAmerica N. American N. American ERegion_Europe European European ui_RegionSelect REGION REGION ui_PlayOptions_MoreInfo These options allow you to dictate which regional servers will host your matches. Playing in regions closest to you may help decrease server latency (Ping). These options allow you to dictate which regional servers will host your matches. Playing in regions closest to you may help decrease server latency (Ping). ui_Type_Title Type Type ui_RegionSelections_desc Reflects the total percentage of queued players who have selected that region. Reflects the total percentage of queued players who have selected that region. ui_RegionMotd Welcome to the MWO %1 servers. Welcome to the MWO %1 servers. tt_PlanetInfoCloseBox Close window Close window tt_matchtchat Chat with others in this match lobby Chat with others in this match lobby tt_PlanetFinderSearchBox Search for a planet by name Search for a planet by name ui_NoMechSelected No 'Mech Selected No 'Mech Selected tt_ERegion_NorthAmerica_disabled North American servers are currently offline North American servers are currently offline tt_ERegion_Europe_disabled European servers are currently offline European servers are currently offline tt_PrivateMatch_RegionSelect Available regions to play in Available regions to play in tt_PrivateMatch_RegionSelect_disabled All game servers are currently offline All game servers are currently offline EResult_UnavailableRegion The selected region is currently unavailable. Please check your region settings. The selected region is currently unavailable. Please check your region settings. tt_MechSummary_MASCDetailsIcon Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry equipped Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry equipped tt_MechSummary_MASCDetailsIconDisabled No Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry equipped No Myomer Accelerator Signal Circuitry equipped executioner EXECUTIONER EXECUTIONER ebonjaguar EBON JAGUAR EBON JAGUAR ui_time Time Time TDR-5S-T TOP DOG TOP DOG TDR-5S-T_desc The personal 'Mech of Leftenant-General Mary Tallman. The personal 'Mech of Leftenant-General Mary Tallman. TDR-5S-T_short TDR-5S-T TDR-5S-T WVR-Q QUARANTINE QUARANTINE WVR-Q_desc Quarantine description. Quarantine WVR-Q_short WVR-Q WVR-Q ui_SpecialTitles Special Special ui_Bal B: B: ui_Erg E: E: ui_Mis M: M: emechmodel_arcticcheetah ARCTIC CHEETAH ARCTIC CHEETAH ach-primei ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(I) ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(I) ach-primei_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(I) description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(I) ach-primei_short ACH-PRIME(I) ACH-PRIME(I) ach-prime ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME ach-prime_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME ach-prime_short ACH-PRIME ACH-PRIME ach-a ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-A ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-A ach-a_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-A description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-A ach-a_short ACH-A ACH-A ach-b ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-B ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-B ach-b_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-B description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-B ach-b_short ACH-B ACH-B ach-c ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-C ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-C ach-c_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-C description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-C ach-c_short ACH-C ACH-C omnipod_ach-prime_head ACH-PRIME HEAD ACH-PRIME HEAD omnipod_ach-prime_head_desc ACH-PRIME Head OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_ach-prime_left_arm ACH-PRIME LEFT ARM ACH-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_ach-prime_left_arm_desc ACH-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-prime_left_torso ACH-PRIME LEFT TORSO ACH-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_ach-prime_left_torso_desc ACH-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-prime_right_torso ACH-PRIME RIGHT TORSO ACH-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ach-prime_right_torso_desc ACH-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-prime_centre_torso ACH-PRIME CENTER TORSO ACH-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_ach-prime_centre_torso_desc ACH-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-prime_right_arm ACH-PRIME RIGHT ARM ACH-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_ach-prime_right_arm_desc ACH-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-prime_left_leg ACH-PRIME LEFT LEG ACH-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_ach-prime_left_leg_desc ACH-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-prime_right_leg ACH-PRIME RIGHT LEG ACH-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_ach-prime_right_leg_desc ACH-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. ACH-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_head ACH-A HEAD ACH-A HEAD omnipod_ach-a_head_desc ACH-A Head OmniPod. ACH-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_left_arm ACH-A LEFT ARM ACH-A LEFT ARM omnipod_ach-a_left_arm_desc ACH-A Left Arm OmniPod. ACH-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_left_torso ACH-A LEFT TORSO ACH-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_ach-a_left_torso_desc ACH-A Left Torso OmniPod. ACH-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_right_torso ACH-A RIGHT TORSO ACH-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ach-a_right_torso_desc ACH-A Right Torso OmniPod. ACH-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_centre_torso ACH-A CENTER TORSO ACH-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_ach-a_centre_torso_desc ACH-A Center Torso OmniPod. ACH-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_right_arm ACH-A RIGHT ARM ACH-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_ach-a_right_arm_desc ACH-A Right Arm OmniPod. ACH-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_left_leg ACH-A LEFT LEG ACH-A LEFT LEG omnipod_ach-a_left_leg_desc ACH-A Left Leg OmniPod. ACH-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-a_right_leg ACH-A RIGHT LEG ACH-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_ach-a_right_leg_desc ACH-A Right Leg OmniPod. ACH-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_head ACH-B HEAD ACH-B HEAD omnipod_ach-b_head_desc ACH-B Head OmniPod. ACH-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_left_arm ACH-B LEFT ARM ACH-B LEFT ARM omnipod_ach-b_left_arm_desc ACH-B Left Arm OmniPod. ACH-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_left_torso ACH-B LEFT TORSO ACH-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_ach-b_left_torso_desc ACH-B Left Torso OmniPod. ACH-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_right_torso ACH-B RIGHT TORSO ACH-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ach-b_right_torso_desc ACH-B Right Torso OmniPod. ACH-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_centre_torso ACH-B CENTER TORSO ACH-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_ach-b_centre_torso_desc ACH-B Center Torso OmniPod. ACH-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_right_arm ACH-B RIGHT ARM ACH-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_ach-b_right_arm_desc ACH-B Right Arm OmniPod. ACH-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_left_leg ACH-B LEFT LEG ACH-B LEFT LEG omnipod_ach-b_left_leg_desc ACH-B Left Leg OmniPod. ACH-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-b_right_leg ACH-B RIGHT LEG ACH-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_ach-b_right_leg_desc ACH-B Right Leg OmniPod. ACH-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_head ACH-C HEAD ACH-C HEAD omnipod_ach-c_head_desc ACH-C Head OmniPod. ACH-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_left_arm ACH-C LEFT ARM ACH-C LEFT ARM omnipod_ach-c_left_arm_desc ACH-C Left Arm OmniPod. ACH-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_left_torso ACH-C LEFT TORSO ACH-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_ach-c_left_torso_desc ACH-C Left Torso OmniPod. ACH-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_right_torso ACH-C RIGHT TORSO ACH-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ach-c_right_torso_desc ACH-C Right Torso OmniPod. ACH-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_centre_torso ACH-C CENTER TORSO ACH-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_ach-c_centre_torso_desc ACH-C Center Torso OmniPod. ACH-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_right_arm ACH-C RIGHT ARM ACH-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_ach-c_right_arm_desc ACH-C Right Arm OmniPod. ACH-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_left_leg ACH-C LEFT LEG ACH-C LEFT LEG omnipod_ach-c_left_leg_desc ACH-C Left Leg OmniPod. ACH-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-c_right_leg ACH-C RIGHT LEG ACH-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_ach-c_right_leg_desc ACH-C Right Leg OmniPod. ACH-C Right Leg OmniPod. emechmodel_shadowcat SHADOW CAT SHADOW CAT shc-primei SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(I) SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(I) shc-primei_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(I) description SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(I) shc-primei_short SHC-PRIME(I) SHC-PRIME(I) shc-prime SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME shc-prime_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME description SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME shc-prime_short SHC-PRIME SHC-PRIME shc-a SHADOW CAT SHC-A SHADOW CAT SHC-A shc-a_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-A description SHADOW CAT SHC-A shc-a_short SHC-A SHC-A shc-b SHADOW CAT SHC-B SHADOW CAT SHC-B shc-b_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-B description SHADOW CAT SHC-B shc-b_short SHC-B SHC-B shc-p SHADOW CAT SHC-P SHADOW CAT SHC-P shc-p_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-P description SHADOW CAT SHC-P shc-p_short SHC-P SHC-P omnipod_shc-prime_head SHC-PRIME HEAD SHC-PRIME HEAD omnipod_shc-prime_head_desc SHC-PRIME Head OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_shc-prime_left_arm SHC-PRIME LEFT ARM SHC-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_shc-prime_left_arm_desc SHC-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-prime_left_torso SHC-PRIME LEFT TORSO SHC-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_shc-prime_left_torso_desc SHC-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-prime_right_torso SHC-PRIME RIGHT TORSO SHC-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_shc-prime_right_torso_desc SHC-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-prime_centre_torso SHC-PRIME CENTER TORSO SHC-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_shc-prime_centre_torso_desc SHC-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-prime_right_arm SHC-PRIME RIGHT ARM SHC-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_shc-prime_right_arm_desc SHC-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-prime_left_leg SHC-PRIME LEFT LEG SHC-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_shc-prime_left_leg_desc SHC-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-prime_right_leg SHC-PRIME RIGHT LEG SHC-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_shc-prime_right_leg_desc SHC-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. SHC-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_head SHC-A HEAD SHC-A HEAD omnipod_shc-a_head_desc SHC-A Head OmniPod. SHC-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_left_arm SHC-A LEFT ARM SHC-A LEFT ARM omnipod_shc-a_left_arm_desc SHC-A Left Arm OmniPod. SHC-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_left_torso SHC-A LEFT TORSO SHC-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_shc-a_left_torso_desc SHC-A Left Torso OmniPod. SHC-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_right_torso SHC-A RIGHT TORSO SHC-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_shc-a_right_torso_desc SHC-A Right Torso OmniPod. SHC-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_centre_torso SHC-A CENTER TORSO SHC-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_shc-a_centre_torso_desc SHC-A Center Torso OmniPod. SHC-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_right_arm SHC-A RIGHT ARM SHC-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_shc-a_right_arm_desc SHC-A Right Arm OmniPod. SHC-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_left_leg SHC-A LEFT LEG SHC-A LEFT LEG omnipod_shc-a_left_leg_desc SHC-A Left Leg OmniPod. SHC-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-a_right_leg SHC-A RIGHT LEG SHC-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_shc-a_right_leg_desc SHC-A Right Leg OmniPod. SHC-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_head SHC-B HEAD SHC-B HEAD omnipod_shc-b_head_desc SHC-B Head OmniPod. SHC-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_left_arm SHC-B LEFT ARM SHC-B LEFT ARM omnipod_shc-b_left_arm_desc SHC-B Left Arm OmniPod. SHC-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_left_torso SHC-B LEFT TORSO SHC-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_shc-b_left_torso_desc SHC-B Left Torso OmniPod. SHC-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_right_torso SHC-B RIGHT TORSO SHC-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_shc-b_right_torso_desc SHC-B Right Torso OmniPod. SHC-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_centre_torso SHC-B CENTER TORSO SHC-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_shc-b_centre_torso_desc SHC-B Center Torso OmniPod. SHC-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_right_arm SHC-B RIGHT ARM SHC-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_shc-b_right_arm_desc SHC-B Right Arm OmniPod. SHC-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_left_leg SHC-B LEFT LEG SHC-B LEFT LEG omnipod_shc-b_left_leg_desc SHC-B Left Leg OmniPod. SHC-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-b_right_leg SHC-B RIGHT LEG SHC-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_shc-b_right_leg_desc SHC-B Right Leg OmniPod. SHC-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_head SHC-P HEAD SHC-P HEAD omnipod_shc-p_head_desc SHC-P Head OmniPod. SHC-P Head OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_left_arm SHC-P LEFT ARM SHC-P LEFT ARM omnipod_shc-p_left_arm_desc SHC-P Left Arm OmniPod. SHC-P Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_left_torso SHC-P LEFT TORSO SHC-P LEFT TORSO omnipod_shc-p_left_torso_desc SHC-P Left Torso OmniPod. SHC-P Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_right_torso SHC-P RIGHT TORSO SHC-P RIGHT TORSO omnipod_shc-p_right_torso_desc SHC-P Right Torso OmniPod. SHC-P Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_centre_torso SHC-P CENTER TORSO SHC-P CENTER TORSO omnipod_shc-p_centre_torso_desc SHC-P Center Torso OmniPod. SHC-P Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_right_arm SHC-P RIGHT ARM SHC-P RIGHT ARM omnipod_shc-p_right_arm_desc SHC-P Right Arm OmniPod. SHC-P Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_left_leg SHC-P LEFT LEG SHC-P LEFT LEG omnipod_shc-p_left_leg_desc SHC-P Left Leg OmniPod. SHC-P Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-p_right_leg SHC-P RIGHT LEG SHC-P RIGHT LEG omnipod_shc-p_right_leg_desc SHC-P Right Leg OmniPod. SHC-P Right Leg OmniPod. ui_title_ClanTrilogyReward The Ardent The Ardent ui_title_ClanTrilogyReward_short The Ardent The Ardent ui_title_ClanTrilogyReward_desc Clan Trilogy owner Reward Title Clan Trilogy owner Reward Title ui_title_ClanArcticCheetah The Nimble The Nimble ui_title_ClanArcticCheetah_short The Nimble The Nimble ui_title_ClanArcticCheetah_desc Wave 3 Arctic Cheetah Title Wave 3 Arctic Cheetah Title ui_title_ClanShadowCat The Covert The Covert ui_title_ClanShadowCat_short The Covert The Covert ui_title_ClanShadowCat_desc Wave 3 Shadow Cat Title Wave 3 Shadow Cat Title ui_title_ClanCauldronBorn Caladbolg Caladbolg ui_title_ClanCauldronBorn_short Caladbolg Caladbolg ui_title_ClanCauldronBorn_desc Wave 3 Ebon Jaguar Title Wave 3 Ebon Jaguar Title ui_title_ClanExecutioner The Slayer The Slayer ui_title_ClanExecutioner_short The Slayer The Slayer ui_title_ClanExecutioner_desc Wave 3 Clan Executioner Title Wave 3 Clan Executioner Title ui_title_ClanHardcoreUnit Clan Exemplar Clan Exemplar ui_title_ClanHardcoreUnit_short Clan Exemplar Clan Exemplar ui_title_ClanHardcoreUnit_desc Clan FP Event Title Clan FP Event Title ui_title_ISHardcoreUnit IS Exemplar IS Exemplar ui_title_ISHardcoreUnit_short IS Exemplar IS Exemplar ui_title_ISHardcoreUnit_desc Inner Sphere FP Event Title Inner Sphere FP Event Title DogTagUnit228_name 228 Dog Tag 228 Dog Tag DogTagUnit228_desc 228th IBR hanging unit dog tag 228th IBR hanging unit dog tag DogTagUnitKCom_name KCom Dog Tag KCom Dog Tag DogTagUnitKCom_desc Kell's Commandos hanging unit dog tag Kell's Commandos hanging unit dog tag DogTagUnitMS_name MS Dog Tag MS Dog Tag DogTagUnitMS_desc Mercstar Alliance hanging unit dog tag Mercstar Alliance hanging unit dog tag DogTagUnit12DG_name 12DG Dog Tag 12DG Dog Tag DogTagUnit12DG_desc 12th Donegal Guards hanging unit dog tag 12th Donegal Guards hanging unit dog tag DogTagUnitNS_name NS Dog Tag NS Dog Tag DogTagUnitNS_desc Night's Scorn hanging unit dog tag Night's Scorn hanging unit dog tag DogTagUnitTCAF_name TCAF Dog Tag TCAF Dog Tag DogTagUnitTCAF_desc Tikonov Commonality Armed Forces hanging unit dog tag Tikonov Commonality Armed Forces hanging unit dog tag arcticcheetah ARCTIC CHEETAH ARCTIC CHEETAH shadowcat SHADOW CAT SHADOW CAT ui_expand Expand All Expand All ui_Collapse Collapse All Collapse All ui_is Inner\nSphere Inner\nSphere ui_ShowAll Show All Show All ui_NoModules No Consumables Equipped No Consumables Equipped ui_Graphs Graphs Graphs tt_ERegion_Oceanic Play on Oceanic servers Play on Oceanic servers ERegion_Oceanic Oceanic Oceanic tt_ERegion_Oceanic_disabled Oceanic servers are currently offline Oceanic servers are currently offline ui_Oceanic_Server OCEANIC OCEANIC enf-4rc ENFORCER ENF-4R(C) ENFORCER ENF-4R(C) enf-4rc_desc ENFORCER ENF-4R(C) description ENFORCER ENF-4R(C) enf-4rc_short ENF-4R(C) ENF-4R(C) tbr-cc TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(C) TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(C) tbr-cc_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(C) description TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(C) tbr-cc_short TBR-C(C) TBR-C(C) ui_Count Count Count tt_MechSelect_MechSelectAll Show all 'Mechs Show all 'Mechs tt_MechSelect_ShowAll Remove all filters and show all Remove all filters and show all tt_MechSelect_ExpandAll Expand all sections Expand all sections tt_MechSelect_CollapseAll Collapse all sections Collapse all sections tt_MechSelect_InvertSort Invert sorting option Invert sorting option tt_MechSelect_SortClass Sort 'Mechs by weight class Sort 'Mechs by weight class tt_MechSelect_SortChassis Sort 'Mechs by chassis name Sort 'Mechs by chassis name tt_MechSelect_FactionSelect Filter by faction alignment Filter by faction alignment tt_MechSelect_OwnedTrialSelect Filter to display owned or trial 'Mechs only Filter to display owned or trial 'Mechs only tt_MechSelect_UsedBays Mech Bays in use 'Mech Bays in use tt_MechSelect_TotalBays Total 'Mech Bays owned Total 'Mech Bays owned ui_BlueBase BLUE BASE BLUE BASE ui_RedBase RED BASE RED BASE ui_NoQuirks No Quirks No Quirks ui_LoadingImage Loading\nImage Loading\nImage ui_LaunchTutorial LAUNCH TUTORIAL LAUNCH TUTORIAL ui_WelcomeTo WELCOME TO WELCOME TO ui_XLShort XL XL HUD_MatchPerformance MATCH PERFORMANCE MATCH PERFORMANCE ui_Lobby_MechSelect Select your 'Mech for battle. Select your 'Mech for battle. ui_MechSelect_Save Save your BattleMech. Save your BattleMech. ui_MechSelect_Cancel Keep your original BattleMech selection. Keep your original BattleMech selection. ui_MechSelect_ModifyConsumables Modify the Consumables on this 'Mech Modify the Consumables on this 'Mech grashopper GRASSHOPPER GRASSHOPPER tut_1_LeavingSafeZone Leaving Safe Zone Leaving Safe Zone tut_2_WarningIncomingMiss Warning: Incoming Missiles Warning: Incoming Missiles tut_3_DangerLeavingSafeZo Danger: Leaving Safe Zone Danger: Leaving Safe Zone tut_4_EventwAPilotChallen Event :w_A: Pilot Challenge I Event :w_A: Pilot Challenge I tut_5_EventwBBasicTargeti Event :w_B: Basic Targeting Event :w_B: Basic Targeting tut_6_StartingMarker Starting Marker Starting Marker tut_7_Followthearrows Follow the arrows Follow the arrows tut_8_Gothrougheachmarker Go through each marker before time runs out Go through each marker before time runs out tut_9_BattleMechRepaireda BattleMech Repaired and Resupplied BattleMech Repaired and Resupplied tut_10_ChangingTimeofDay Changing Time of Day Changing Time of Day tut_11_Proceedtothenextst Proceed to the next stage Proceed to the next stage tut_12_WalkthroughEventMa Walk through Event Marker :w_B: to start the next challenge Walk through Event Marker :w_B: to start the next challenge tut_13_ControlCheckComple Control Check Complete Control Check Complete tut_14_SwitchtoCockpitVie Switch to Cockpit View to see the map Switch to Cockpit View to see the map tut_15_UseF4 Press ^thirdpersoncombatcam* Press ^thirdpersoncombatcam* tut_16_ChangingTemperatur Changing Temperature Changing Temperature tut_17_CurrentTemperature Current Temperature is: XXXXX Current Temperature is: XXXXX tut_18_NoText No Text No Text tut_19_EventComplete Event Complete Event Complete tut_20_Targettoseeloadout Target to see loadout Target to see loadout tut_21_PressmejecttoSwap Press Eject ( ^m_eject* ) to Swap Press Eject ( ^m_eject* ) to Swap tut_22_PresstheSPACEBARto Press [SPACE] to skip Press [SPACE] to skip tut_23_HitEveryTargetbefo Hit Every Target before the Timer runs out Hit Every Target before the Timer runs out tut_24_TimerExpired Timer Expired Timer Expired tut_25_OneShotKill One Shot Kill! One Shot Kill! tut_26_BattleMechkilledby BattleMech killed by destroying both legs BattleMech killed by destroying both legs tut_27_BattleMechCrippled BattleMech Crippled BattleMech Crippled tut_28_BattleMechDisarmed BattleMech Dis-armed BattleMech Dis-armed tut_29_AlphaStrikeKill Alpha Strike Kill Alpha Strike Kill tut_30_LongDistanceKill Long Distance Kill Long Distance Kill tut_31_Headshot Headshot! Headshot! tut_32_HeadshotExecution Headshot Execution! Headshot Execution! tut_33_RaceComplete Race Complete Race Complete tut_34_OneGateRemaining One Gate Remaining One Gate Remaining tut_35_StarttheChallenge Start the Challenge Start the Challenge tut_36_bypassingthroughth by passing through the green smoke marker by passing through the green smoke marker tut_37_GothrougheachWayPo Go through each Waypoint in turn Go through each Waypoint in turn tut_38_GatePassed Gate Passed Gate Passed tut_39_WalkthroughanEvent Walk through an Event Marker to start a challenge Walk through an Event Marker to start a challenge tut_40_OrHitESCandchoosea Or Hit [ESC] and choose a challenge using the Command and Control Center Or Hit [ESC] and choose a challenge using the Command and Control Center tut_41_PressESCtoactivate Press [ESC] to activate Interactive Mode Press [ESC] to activate Interactive Mode tut_42_ExploretheHUD Explore the HUD Explore the HUD tut_43_ClickonHUDelements Click on HUD elements to popup the field manual entry Click on HUD elements to popup the field manual entry tut_44_PressandHOLDmHelpP Press and HOLD ^m_HelpPopup* Press and HOLD ^m_HelpPopup* tut_45_YourBattleMechisPo Your BattleMech is Powered Down Your BattleMech is Powered Down tut_46_PresspowerToggleto Press ^powerToggle* to Power-Up Press ^powerToggle* to Power-Up There needs to be a space after the * tut_47_PressESCtoreturn Press [ESC] to return Press [ESC] to return tut_48_UseF4totoggletheCo Press ^thirdpersoncombatcam* to toggle the Cockpit View Press ^thirdpersoncombatcam* to toggle the Cockpit View There needs to be a space after the * tut_49_BattleMechControlC BattleMech Control Check BattleMech Control Check tut_50_CheckyourHeatMeter Check your Heat Meter Check your Heat Meter tut_51_Lookdowntofindthef Look down to find the flashing arrow Look down to find the flashing arrow tut_52_InvertMouseintheES Invert Mouse in the [ESC] Menu through SETTINGS Invert Mouse in the [ESC] Menu through SETTINGS tut_53_ArmsUnlockedDualRe Arms Unlocked: Dual Reticle Enabled Arms Unlocked: Dual Reticle Enabled tut_54_TurningRightTurnun Turning Right: Turn until the objective completes Turning Right: Turn until the objective completes tut_55_TurningLeftTurnunt Turning Left: Turn until the objective completes Turning Left: Turn until the objective completes tut_56_LeftTurnObjectiveC Left Turn Objective: Complete Left Turn Objective: Complete tut_57_RightTurnObjective Right Turn Objective: Complete Right Turn Objective: Complete tut_58_FiringWeaponGroup1 Firing Weapon Group 1 Firing Weapon Group 1 tut_59_ArmMountedAutocann Arm-Mounted Autocannon - AC/10 Arm-Mounted Autocannon - AC/10 tut_60_FiringWeaponGroup2 Firing Weapon Group 2 Firing Weapon Group 2 tut_61_ArmMountedLargeLas Arm-Mounted Large Laser Arm-Mounted Large Laser tut_62_FiringWeaponGroup3 Firing Weapon Group 3 Firing Weapon Group 3 tut_63_MediumLasers Medium Lasers Medium Lasers tut_64_FiringWeaponGroup5 Firing Weapon Group 5 Firing Weapon Group 5 tut_65_ShortRangeMissiles Short Range Missiles Short Range Missiles tut_66_ThrottleToFullForw Throttle Set To Full Throttle Set To Full tut_67_ReverseThrottle Reverse Throttle Reverse Throttle tut_68_MaximumSpeedReache Maximum Speed Reached Maximum Speed Reached tut_69_AligningViewwithdi Aligning View with direction of travel Aligning View with direction of travel tut_70_AligningLegswithvi Aligning Legs with view Aligning Legs with view tut_71_FreeLookViewuncoup Free Look: View uncoupled to look around the cockpit Free Look: View uncoupled to look around the cockpit tut_72_AlphaStrikeAllWeap Alpha Strike: All Weapons Fired Alpha Strike: All Weapons Fired tut_73_FiringWeaponGroup4 Firing Weapon Group 4 Firing Weapon Group 4 tut_74_SmallLasers Small Lasers Small Lasers tut_75_Lookouttothesidebe Look out to the side before using ^m_torso_centre* or ^m_legs_centre* and keep an eye on your mini-map Look out to the side before using ^m_torso_centre* or ^m_legs_centre* and keep an eye on your mini-map There needs to be a space after the * tut_76_UsemincreaseThrott Use ^m_increaseThrottle* , ^m_decreaseThrottle* , ^m_turnleft* and ^m_turnright* to control your BattleMech Use ^m_increaseThrottle* , ^m_decreaseThrottle* , ^m_turnleft* and ^m_turnright* to control your BattleMech There needs to be a space after the * tut_77_Usemtorsocentreorm Use ^m_torso_centre* or ^m_legs_centre* to align torso and legs Use ^m_torso_centre* or ^m_legs_centre* to align torso and legs tut_78_GototheWaypointmov Go to the Waypoint - :moveorder: on the map and compass Go to the Waypoint - :moveorder: on the map and compass tut_79_Pressshowbattlegri Press ^show_battlegrid* to display the main BattleGrid Map Press ^show_battlegrid* to display the main BattleGrid Map tut_80_GototheWaypoint Go to the Waypoint Go to the Waypoint tut_81_SwitchtoCockpitVie Switch to Cockpit View to show BattleGrid Map and the marker Switch to Cockpit View to show BattleGrid Map and the marker tut_82_Lost Lost? Lost? tut_83_BattleZoneTraining Battle Zone Training: Battle Zone Training: tut_84_UsingtheTargetingH Using the Targeting HUD Using the Targeting HUD tut_85_SwitchtoCockpitVie Switch to Cockpit View Switch to Cockpit View tut_86_ToggleviewwithF4 Toggle view with ^thirdpersoncombatcam* Toggle view with ^thirdpersoncombatcam* There needs to be a space after the * tut_87_KilltheotherBattle Kill the other BattleMech Kill the other BattleMech tut_88_Sensorsonlycoveryo Sensors only cover your visual field - not behind you Sensors only cover your visual field - not behind you tut_89_Usemnexttargettota Use ^m_next_target* to target Use ^m_next_target* to target There needs to be a space after the * tut_90_FindTargetandDestr Find, Target and Destroy the Enemy BattleMechs Find, Target and Destroy the Enemy BattleMechs tut_91_Usethetargetingdis Use the targeting display to determine the best place to shoot Use the targeting display to determine the best place to shoot tut_92_ChangeZoomwiththez Change Zoom with the ^m_toggle_zoom_mode* Key Change Zoom with the ^m_toggle_zoom_mode* Key tut_93_ToggleThermalVisio Toggle Thermal Vision Mode with ^m_toggle_thermal_vision* Toggle Thermal Vision Mode with ^m_toggle_thermal_vision* tut_94_ThermalVisionModec Thermal Vision Mode can help spot long distance targets. Use ^m_toggle_thermal_vision* Thermal Vision Mode can help spot long distance targets. Use ^m_toggle_thermal_vision* tut_95_TargetandDestroy Target and Destroy Target and Destroy tut_96_Targetsfartheraway Targets farther away take longer to scan Targets farther away take longer to scan tut_97_FindTargetandDestr Find, Target and Destroy the Second BattleMech Find, Target and Destroy the Second BattleMech tut_98_FindTargetandDestr Find, Target and Destroy the last BattleMech Find, Target and Destroy the last BattleMech tut_99_ZoomintheZKey Zoom in with ^m_toggle_zoom_mode* Zoom in with ^m_toggle_zoom_mode* tut_100_ToggleThermalVisi Toggle Thermal Vision Mode with @m_toggle_thermal_vision* Key Toggle Thermal Vision Mode with @m_toggle_thermal_vision* Key tut_101_Theyearis3051 The year is 3051 The year is 3051 tut_102_Humanityhasspread Humanity has spread out amongst the stars - bringing their hopes, their fears, and their wars Humanity has spread out amongst the stars - bringing their hopes, their fears, and their wars tut_103_TheGreatHousesand The Great Houses and the Clans vie for territory and honor using gigantic fighting machines known as BattleMechs The Great Houses and the Clans vie for territory and honor using gigantic fighting machines known as BattleMechs tut_104_Youasachildofthat You, as a child of that conflict, You, as a child of that conflict, tut_105_Areabouttojointha Are about to join that war... Are about to join that war... tut_106_Thisissometext This is some text This is some text tut_107_OTHEROTHEROTHEROT OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER OTHER tut_108_InitializingMechW Re-Initializing Simulator Re-Initializing Simulator tut_109_BattleMechControl BattleMech Control Keys BattleMech Control Keys tut_110_Placeholder Placeholder Placeholder tut_111_FieldManualMenu Field Manual and Menu Field Manual and Menu tut_112_Informationisammu Information is ammunition Information is ammunition tut_113_CheatSheet Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet tut_114_buttonsbuttonsbut buttons, buttons, buttons buttons, buttons, buttons tut_115_HUDTour HUD Tour HUD Tour tut_116_Roadmap Roadmap Roadmap tut_117_CheckList CheckList CheckList tut_118_HelpYourself Help Yourself Help Yourself tut_119_Events Events Events tut_120_PoweringUp Powering Up Powering Up tut_121_OneShotKills10000 One Shot Kills One Shot Kills tut_122_TargetandKill Target and Kill Target and Kill tut_123_Disarming100000CB Dis-arming Dis-arming tut_124_KillbyLegging1000 Kill by Legging Kill by Legging tut_125_AlphaStrikeKill50 Alpha Strike Kill Alpha Strike Kill tut_126_LongShotKill15000 Long Shot Kill Long Shot Kill tut_127_From500mormore From 500m or more From 500m or more tut_128_UseHeatVisiontofi Use Heat Vision to find a hidden BattleMech Use Heat Vision to find a hidden BattleMech tut_129_HeadshotOnlyKill1 Headshot Only Kill Headshot Only Kill tut_130_FindthePoweredDow Find the Powered Down BattleMech and destroy it Find the Powered Down BattleMech and destroy it tut_131_HeadshotKill Headshot Kill Headshot Kill tut_132_AccesstheMenu Access the Menu Access the Menu tut_133_Find2FieldManualE Find 2 Field Manual Entries Find 2 Field Manual Entries tut_134_Clickonatleasttwo Click on at least two of… Click on at least two of… tut_135_ExploretheHUD Explore the HUD Explore the HUD tut_136_KeyboardControls Keyboard Controls Keyboard Controls tut_137_HitESCagain Hit [ESC] again Hit [ESC] again tut_138_Thisreturnsyoutoy This returns you to your BattleMech This returns you to your BattleMech tut_139_DisplaytheControl Display the Controls Display the Controls tut_140_HoldmHelpPopupKey Hold ^m_HelpPopup* Key Hold ^m_HelpPopup* Key tut_141_PressESC Press [ESC] Press [ESC] tut_142_PowerUp Power Up Power Up tut_143_LookAround Look Around Look Around tut_144_Weapons Weapons Weapons tut_145_FireWeaponGroup1 Fire Weapon Group 1 Fire Weapon Group 1 tut_146_Pressmwg1orLeftMo Press ^m_wg1* or [Left Mouse] Button Press ^m_wg1* or [Left Mouse] Button tut_147_FireWeaponGroup2 Fire Weapon Group 2 Fire Weapon Group 2 tut_148_Pressmwg2orRightM Press ^m_wg2* or [Right Mouse] Button Press ^m_wg2* or [Right Mouse] Button tut_149_ChainfiredWeapons Chainfired Weapons Chainfired Weapons tut_150_Holdmwg5for4secon Hold ^m_wg5* for 4 seconds Hold ^m_wg5* for 4 seconds tut_151_Switchto3rdPerson Switch to 3rd Person View Switch to 3rd Person View tut_152_Pressthirdpersonc Press ^thirdpersoncombatcam* Press ^thirdpersoncombatcam* tut_153_Vison Vison Vison tut_154_ToggleNightVision Toggle Night Vision Toggle Night Vision tut_155_NKey [N] Key [N] Key tut_156_ToggleHeatVision Toggle Heat Vision Toggle Heat Vision tut_157_HKey ^m_toggle_thermal_vision* Key ^m_toggle_thermal_vision* Key tut_158_ChangeZoomFactor Change Zoom Factor Change Zoom Factor tut_159_ZKey [Z] Key [Z] Key tut_160_LookaroundtheCock Look around the Cockpit Look around the Cockpit tut_161_LCtrlKey [L-Ctrl] Key [L-Ctrl] Key tut_162_Movement Movement Movement tut_163_TurnLeft Turn Left Turn Left tut_164_Holdmturnleft Hold ^m_turnleft* Hold ^m_turnleft* tut_165_TurnRight Turn Right Turn Right tut_166_Holdmturnright Hold ^m_turnright* Hold ^m_turnright* tut_167_MoveForward Move Forward Move Forward tut_168_HoldmincreaseThro Hold ^m_increaseThrottle* Hold ^m_increaseThrottle* tut_169_Reverse Reverse Reverse tut_170_HoldmdecreaseThro Hold ^m_decreaseThrottle* Hold ^m_decreaseThrottle* tut_171_CenterTorsoOverLe Center Torso Over Legs Center Torso Over Legs tut_172_Pressmtorsocentre Press ^m_torso_centre* Press ^m_torso_centre* tut_173_CenterLegsUnderTo Center Legs Under Torso Center Legs Under Torso tut_174_Pressmlegscentre Press ^m_legs_centre* Press ^m_legs_centre* tut_175_AllWeaponsAlphaSt All Weapons (Alpha Strike) All Weapons (Alpha Strike) tut_176_Pressmwgas Press ^m_wg_as* Press ^m_wg_as* tut_177_ReachMaxSpeed Reach Max Speed Reach Max Speed tut_178_FindtheLegIndicat Find the Leg Indicator Find the Leg Indicator tut_179_TheFlashingArrow The Flashing Arrow The Flashing Arrow tut_180_FireWeaponGroup3 Fire Weapon Group 3 Fire Weapon Group 3 tut_181_Pressmwg3 Press ^m_wg3* Press ^m_wg3* tut_182_FireWeaponGroup5 Fire Weapon Group 5 Fire Weapon Group 5 tut_183_Pressmwg5 Press ^m_wg5* Press ^m_wg5* tut_184_FireWeaponGroup4 Fire Weapon Group 4 Fire Weapon Group 4 tut_185_Pressmwg4 Press ^m_wg4* Press ^m_wg4* tut_186_UnlockArms Unlock Arms Unlock Arms tut_187_Holdmarmlockwhile Hold ^m_armlock* while firing Hold ^m_armlock* while firing There needs to be a space after the * tut_188_WeaponsPanel Weapons Panel Weapons Panel tut_189_GototheWaypointmo Go to the Waypoint :moveorder: Go to the Waypoint :moveorder: tut_190_Useyourcompassand Use your compass and map Use your compass and map tut_191_DisplaytheMap Display the Map Display the Map tut_192_Pressshowbattlegr Press ^show_battlegrid* Press ^show_battlegrid* tut_193_GOLD100000CBills GOLD - GOLD - tut_194_SILVER50000CBills SILVER - SILVER - tut_195_BRONZE25000CBills BRONZE - BRONZE - tut_196_CompletetheCourse Complete the Course Complete the Course tut_197_Beforethetimeexpi Before the time expires Before the time expires tut_198_BonusAwards Bonus Awards Bonus Awards tut_199_TargetusingR Target using ^m_next_target* Target using ^m_next_target* tut_200_Findthevulnerable Find the vulnerable component Find the vulnerable component tut_201_DestroytheEnemy Destroy the Enemy Destroy the Enemy tut_202_ProceedtotheExit Proceed to the Exit Proceed to the Exit tut_203_TotheAcademy To the Academy! To the Academy! tut_204_OneMoretoGo One More to Go One More to Go tut_205_FindTargetandDest Find, Target, and Destroy the second 'Mech Find, Target, and Destroy the second 'Mech tut_206_FindandKill Find and Kill Find and Kill tut_207_Avoiddamagingteam No friendly fire No friendly fire tut_208_ortherewillbearec or there will be a reckoning or there will be a reckoning tut_209_wBBasicTargeting :w_B: Basic Targeting :w_B: Basic Targeting tut_210_RapidFire :w_C: Rapid Fire :w_C: Rapid Fire tut_211_wERunningCored :w_E: Running Cored :w_F: Running Cored tut_212_wAPilotChallenge1 :w_A: Pilot Challenge I :w_A: Pilot Challenge I tut_213_wDRunningCored :w_D: Running Cored :w_F: Running Cored tut_214_wDTargeting :w_D: Targeting :w_D: Targeting tut_215_FieldManual Field Manual Field Manual tut_216_ESCandF1 [ESC] and [F1] [ESC] and [F1] tut_217_F1andESCthatsit [F1] and [ESC] [F1] and [ESC] tut_218_BasicControls Basic Controls Basic Controls tut_219_MovementandWeapon Movement and Weapons Movement and Weapons tut_220_BattleGridCompass BattleGrid and Compass BattleGrid and Compass tut_221_OnWaypoints On Waypoints On Waypoints tut_222_BattlefieldTraini Battlefield Training Battlefield Training tut_223_Usewhatyouvelearn Use what you've learned Use what you've learned tut_224_wAPilotChallengeI :w_A: Pilot Challenge I :w_A: Pilot Challenge I tut_225_100000CBillsleftt C-Bills left to win C-Bills left to win tut_226_Anobstaclecourset An obstacle course to test your piloting skills An obstacle course to test your piloting skills tut_227_wBBasicTargeting :w_B: Basic Targeting :w_B: Basic Targeting tut_228_Learnhowtokillqui Learn how to kill quickly Learn how to kill quickly tut_229_FiringRange Firing Range Firing Range tut_230_RapidFire Rapid Fire Rapid Fire tut_231_DuckHunt Duck Hunt Duck Hunt tut_232_BasicScouting Basic Scouting Basic Scouting tut_233_TheGauntlet The Gauntlet The Gauntlet tut_234_RunningCored Running Cored Running Cored tut_235_TheGaussGrind The Gauss Grind The Gauss Grind tut_236_BattleZoneII BattleZone II BattleZone II tut_237_UrbanMenace Urban Menace Urban Menace tut_238_Horde Horde Horde tut_239_BasicTraining Basic Training Basic Training tut_240_PilotChallengeI Pilot Challenge I Pilot Challenge I tut_241_BronzeBarAward100 Bronze Bar Award 100,000 C-Bills left to win Bronze Bar Award 100,000 C-Bills left to win tut_242_CadetIntro Cadet Intro Cadet Intro tut_243_Redofromthestart Re-do from the start Re-do from the start tut_244_Cinematicsandbasi Cinematics and basic training Cinematics and basic training tut_245_MechWarriorAcadem MechWarrior Academy MechWarrior Academy tut_246_LearnMoreSuckLess Learn More, Suck Less Learn More, Suck Less tut_247_Anopensandboxtoex An open sandbox to experiment and learn about BattleMechs An open sandbox to experiment and learn about BattleMechs tut_248_Introduction Introduction Introduction tut_249_IntrototrainingHU Intro to training HUD Intro to training HUD tut_250_TrainingRoadmap Training Roadmap Training Roadmap tut_251_CommandControl Command and Control Command and Control tut_252_WeaponControl Weapon Control Weapon Control tut_253_Objectives Objectives Objectives tut_254_AugmentedHeadsUpD Augmented Heads-Up Display Augmented Heads-Up Display tut_255_MakeaChoice Make a Choice Make a Choice tut_256_Walkintothelight Walk into the light Walk into the light tut_257_Explore Explore Explore tut_258_TargetingPractice Targeting Practice Targeting Practice Duplicate Objectives Objectives tut_259_Targeting Targeting Targeting tut_260_TrainingWheels Training Wheels... Training Wheels... tut_261_Findyourlegs Find your legs Find your legs tut_262_WeaponCheck Weapon Check Weapon Check tut_263_BattleGridandComp BattleGrid and Compass BattleGrid and Compass tut_264_BasicTargeting Basic Targeting Basic Targeting tut_265_SuccessRoundCompl Success: Round Complete Success: Round Complete tut_266_500000CBills 500,000 C-Bills 500,000 C-Bills tut_267_PilotChallengeIPa Pilot Challenge I Passed Pilot Challenge I Passed tut_268_PilotChallengeIFa Pilot Challenge I: Failed Pilot Challenge I: Failed tut_269_GoldStarPASSED Gold Star: PASSED Gold Star: PASSED tut_270_GoldStar Gold Star: 1 minute 30 seconds Gold Star: 1 minute 30 seconds tut_271_SilverCross Silver Cross: PASSED Silver Cross: PASSED tut_272_BronzeBarPASSED Bronze Bar: PASSED Bronze Bar: PASSED tut_273_BronzeBar Bronze Bar: 1 minute Bronze Bar: 1 minute tut_274_CourseComplete Course Complete Course Complete tut_275_ChallengeIncomple Challenge Incomplete Challenge Incomplete tut_276_PreviouslyComplet Previously Completed Previously Completed tut_277_0CBillsAwarded 0 C-Bills Awarded 1 C-Bills Awarded tut_278_500000CBillsAward 500,000 C-Bills Awarded 500,000 C-Bills Awarded tut_279_1000000CBillsAwar 1,000,000 C-Bills Awarded 1,000,000 C-Bills Awarded tut_280_1500000CBillsAwar 1,500,000 C-Bills Awarded 1,500,000 C-Bills Awarded tut_281_2000000CBillsAwar 2,000,000 C-Bills Awarded 2,000,000 C-Bills Awarded tut_comm_800 The year is 3051 The year is 3051 tut_comm_801 Humanity has spread out amongst the stars - bringing their hopes, their fears, and their wars Humanity has spread out amongst the stars - bringing their hopes, their fears, and their wars tut_comm_802 The Great Houses and Clans vie for territory and honor using gigantic fighting machines known as - BattleMechs The Great Houses and Clans vie for territory and honor using gigantic fighting machines known as - BattleMechs tut_comm_803 You, as a child of that conflict, You, as a child of that conflict, tut_comm_804 Are about to join that war... Are about to join that war... tut_comm_805 Sim Control to Captain Adams - Ready for another one? Sim Control to Captain Adams - Ready for another one? tut_comm_806 More meat for the grinder? - Just patch me through. More meat for the grinder? - Just patch me through. tut_comm_807 Welcome Recruit to your first taste of iron and steel. Welcome Recruit to your first taste of iron and steel. tut_comm_808 My job is to make it a little less likely for you to crash and burn the moment you step on the battlefield. My job is to make it a little less likely for you to crash and burn the moment you step on the battlefield. tut_comm_809 Doubt me not, you will be ripped to shreds until you master your 'Mech and learn to fight as part of a team. Doubt me not, you will be ripped to shreds until you master your 'Mech and learn to fight as part of a team. tut_comm_810 You're in hundreds of tons of steel and death on two legs. You're in hundreds of tons of steel and death on two legs. tut_comm_811 Prepare yourself. Prepare yourself. tut_comm_812 For now we'll run you through the basics. You can come back later for advanced training. For now we'll run you through the basics. You can come back later for advanced training. tut_comm_813 Let's drop you down here where you won't get your ass shot off right away. Let's drop you down here where you won't get your ass shot off right away. tut_comm_814 Yeah, that's me. I'm just gonna sit back here and make sure that.... hang on a sec... Yeah, that's me. I'm just gonna sit back here and make sure that.... hang on a sec... tut_comm_815 ... nobody sneaks up on you and spoils your day. ... nobody sneaks up on you and spoils your day. tut_comm_816 My name is Julias H. Adams. My name is Julias H. Adams. tut_comm_817 I am Captain Adams. I am Captain Adams. tut_comm_818 I am in charge of this Academy. I am in charge of this Academy. tut_comm_819 I am God in here. I am God in here. tut_comm_820 I am in charge of this training simulator. I am in charge of this training simulator. tut_comm_100 All right recruit, listen up. All right recruit, listen up. tut_comm_101 You're sitting on top of a fusion reactor in a multi-ton war machine the size of a building, time to learn how to use it. You're sitting on top of a fusion reactor in a multi-ton war machine the size of a building, time to learn how to use it. tut_comm_102 Right then! Let's power up that BattleMech. Right then! Let's power up that BattleMech. tut_comm_103 This is your augmented training HUD. On your right the Training Roadmap... it lets you know how you're progressing. This is your augmented training HUD. On your right the Training Roadmap... it lets you know how you're progressing. tut_comm_104 On your left, the Checklist. It shows your objectives and activities. On your left, the Checklist. It shows your objectives and activities. tut_comm_105 When an entry lights up, it means you're doing something right! carry on! When an entry lights up, it means you're doing something right! carry on! tut_comm_106 We'll deal with the rest of your display as we go along. We'll deal with the rest of your display as we go along. tut_comm_107 First things first - let's get that BattleMech moving! First things first - let's get that BattleMech moving! tut_comm_108 A BattleMech drives like a tank. The 'Mech goes where the legs are pointing, not where you're looking. A BattleMech drives like a tank. The 'Mech goes where the legs are pointing, not where you're looking. tut_comm_109 Ignore that fact and you'll find yourself jammed up wondering why you're not moving. Ignore that fact and you'll find yourself jammed up wondering why you're not moving. tut_comm_110 Now since you're a raw recruit, you get extra help to show where your legs are pointing. Now since you're a raw recruit, you get extra help to show where your legs are pointing. tut_comm_111 Look Down. That arrow shows where your legs are pointing. The 'Mech will move in that direction. Look Down. That arrow shows where your legs are pointing. The 'Mech will move in that direction. tut_comm_112 That's the same arrow that appears on the mini-map. That's the same arrow that appears on the mini-map. tut_comm_113 You'll figure it out eventually. You'll figure it out eventually. tut_comm_114 Not out to the side... Use your minimap to figure out where you're pointing. Not out to the side... Use your minimap to figure out where you're pointing. tut_comm_115 Will you look at that, you're jammed up and wondering why you're not moving. Will you look at that, you're jammed up and wondering why you're not moving. tut_comm_116 There it is! You found it. That arrow points forward for the 'Mech - no matter where you're looking. There it is! You found it. That arrow points forward for the 'Mech - no matter where you're looking. tut_comm_117 No, no.. Down, not up... Change your mouse controls in SETTINGS. No, no.. Down, not up... Change your mouse controls in SETTINGS. tut_comm_118 Yes, you're a little cramped for space... you're training to be a pilot are yea not? Well get on with it! Yes, you're a little cramped for space... you're training to be a pilot are yea not? Well get on with it! tut_comm_125 There's no strafing or sidestepping in a BattleMech - you've got to turn to change direction. There's no strafing or sidestepping in a BattleMech - you've got to turn to change direction. tut_comm_126 Well, off you go. Don't scratch the paint. Well, off you go. Don't scratch the paint. tut_comm_127 This brings your view over around on top of your legs and your direction of travel. This brings your view over around on top of your legs and your direction of travel. tut_comm_128 This shifts your legs so they line up with where you're looking. This shifts your legs so they line up with where you're looking. tut_comm_129 Look a little more to the side before trying to center your torso or legs so you can better see how the 'Mech reacts. Look a little more to the side before trying to center your torso or legs so you can better see how the 'Mech reacts. tut_comm_130 That’s it! That’s basically how to control all BattleMechs. That’s it! That’s basically how to control all BattleMechs. tut_comm_131 The throttle meter will tell you how fast you're going. The throttle meter will tell you how fast you're going. tut_comm_132 Every BattleMech has different limits to speed and turn rate. Every BattleMech has different limits to speed and turn rate. tut_comm_133 Looks like you're jammed up against something, turn your legs - no side strafing here! Looks like you're jammed up against something, turn your legs - no side strafing here! tut_comm_134 Remember: Drives like a tank - where are your legs pointed? Remember: Drives like a tank - where are your legs pointed? tut_comm_135 Some are faster, some are slower and more heavily armored - and some have jump jets to help you get around. Some are faster, some are slower and more heavily armored - and some have jump jets to help you get around. tut_comm_136 You'll have to experiment to find one that fits your style and temperament. You'll have to experiment to find one that fits your style and temperament. tut_comm_149 And now.... Let's look at your weapons.. And now.... Let's look at your weapons.. tut_comm_150 BattleMechs can be configured in hundreds of ways with dozens of different weapon combinations. BattleMechs can be configured in hundreds of ways with dozens of different weapon combinations. tut_comm_151 The status of each of your weapons is displayed in the lower right of your HUD. The status of each of your weapons is displayed in the lower right of your HUD. tut_comm_152 Mechs can be equipped with a variety of energy, ballistic and missile weapons. Mechs can be equipped with a variety of energy, ballistic and missile weapons. tut_comm_153 Weapons are clustered into groups that fire together when triggered. Weapons are clustered into groups that fire together when triggered. tut_comm_154 I'll just enable your weapons, and off you go! I'll just enable your weapons, and off you go! tut_comm_155 All weapons have a cooldown time, and won't re-fire immediately. All weapons have a cooldown time, and won't re-fire immediately. tut_comm_156 Don't be so impatient, there's important stuff to know here! Don't be so impatient, there's important stuff to know here! tut_comm_157 That's your Autocannon: A ballistic weapon. That's your Autocannon: A ballistic weapon. tut_comm_158 Ballistic weapons run cool and have higher rates of fire, but they can run out of ammo. Ballistic weapons run cool and have higher rates of fire, but they can run out of ammo. tut_comm_159 Ballistic weapons run cooler and have higher rates of fire compared to everything else, but they can run out of ammo. Ballistic weapons run cooler and have higher rates of fire compared to everything else, but they can run out of ammo. tut_comm_160 Energy weapons can't run out of ammo, but they do run hot. Energy weapons can't run out of ammo, but they do run hot. tut_comm_161 Those are medium lasers. Those are medium lasers. tut_comm_162 Every weapon generates heat, too much heat and you'll shut down, keep an eye on your heat meter. Every weapon generates heat, too much heat and you'll shut down, keep an eye on your heat meter. tut_comm_163 Those are Short Range Missiles. Those are Short Range Missiles. tut_comm_164 Heat limits the damage you do in a Battle. Heat limits the damage you do in a Battle. tut_comm_165 These weapons are set to chainfire - hold down the button to fire everything one after another - this keeps the heat down. These weapons are set to chainfire - hold down the button to fire everything one after another - this keeps the heat down. tut_comm_166 Chainfire weapons will also fire as fast as you can click the button. Be careful about over-heating. Chainfire weapons will also fire as fast as you can click the button. Be careful about over-heating. tut_comm_167 Try shooting your large laser as you move your controls around. Try shooting your large laser as you move your controls around. tut_comm_168 The extra reticle shows where your arms are aiming. The extra reticle shows where your arms are aiming. tut_comm_169 That group fires both your arms. That group fires both your arms. tut_comm_170 Your arms are now unlocked and can move freely. Your arms are now unlocked and can move freely. tut_comm_171 This group fires just the weapon mounted on the 'Mech's torso. This group fires just the weapon mounted on the 'Mech's torso. tut_comm_172 An Alpha Strike fires all weapons at once. Expect a lot of heat. An Alpha Strike fires all weapons at once. Expect a lot of heat. tut_comm_173 Be careful, you're overheating from all that weapon fire - fill your heat meter up and your 'Mech will shut down completely. Be careful, you're overheating from all that weapon fire - fill your heat meter up and your 'Mech will shut down completely. tut_comm_174 Ballistics and Missiles Launchers have limited ammo. Check your weapon display. Ballistics and Missiles Launchers have limited ammo. Check your weapon display. tut_comm_175 Missile Launchers are usually light and compact for their firepower, but tend to spread their damage. Missile Launchers are usually light and compact for their firepower, but tend to spread their damage. tut_comm_176 That's a large laser mounted on your right arm. That's a large laser mounted on your right arm. tut_comm_177 That's a PPC, a Particle Projector Cannon. That's a PPC, a Particle Projector Cannon. tut_comm_178 Medium lasers have moderate range, moderate damage. Medium lasers have moderate range, moderate damage. tut_comm_179 Large lasers have lots of range, do lots of damage, and generate lots of heat. Heavy and expensive too! Large lasers have lots of range, do lots of damage, and generate lots of heat. Heavy and expensive too! tut_comm_182 Weapons mounted on your arms can aim independently of other weapons - Hold Left-Shift to unlock your arms. Weapons mounted on your arms can aim independently of other weapons - Hold Left-Shift to unlock your arms. tut_comm_184 Go on! Blow some stuff up! Go on! Blow some stuff up! tut_comm_185 Hey, they're on your side! Hey, they're on your side! tut_comm_186 Leave those mechanics alone! They keep these BattleMechs running! Leave those mechanics alone! They keep these BattleMechs running! tut_comm_187 Sorry, control over weapon groups have been disabled for the moment. Sorry, control over weapon groups have been disabled for the moment. tut_comm_188 Oh well, You've overheated and shut down - now you'll have to wait for everything to cool off for a few moments before you can do anything. Oh well, You've overheated and shut down - now you'll have to wait for everything to cool off for a few moments before you can do anything. tut_comm_189 Well congratulations. I'm thoroughly convinced that, with minimal help, you seem to be fully capable of finding your own shiny brass backside. Well congratulations. I'm thoroughly convinced that, with minimal help, you seem to be fully capable of finding your own shiny brass backside. tut_comm_190 Energy weapons generate a lot of heat. Energy weapons generate a lot of heat. tut_comm_191 Not much to it is there? Not much to it is there? tut_comm_192 Every BattleMech has a different set of weapons it can mount. Every BattleMech has a different set of weapons it can mount. tut_comm_193 Once you own your own BattleMech, you can configure it however you want. Once you own your own BattleMech, you can configure it however you want. tut_comm_194 Now wiggle your controls around fire your arm lasers. Now wiggle your controls around fire your arm lasers. tut_comm_195 This give you extra range and speed. This give you extra range and speed. tut_comm_196 And... when you overheat, you take damage. And... when you overheat, you take damage. tut_comm_197 Those are small lasers - they recharge quickly.. Those are small lasers - they recharge quickly.. tut_comm_198 Ultimately, heat limits how much damage you do. Watch your temp gauge and learn how much heat each weapon generates. Ultimately, heat limits how much damage you do. Watch your temp gauge and learn how much heat each weapon generates. tut_comm_200 Now, if you're not happy with how the weapons are grouped, or what control they're assigned to. Now, if you're not happy with how the weapons are grouped, or what control they're assigned to. tut_comm_201 you can change them any time you like from here on in. Even during battle. you can change them any time you like from here on in. Even during battle. tut_comm_204 Press and Hold [F1] at any time if you need a reminder of what button does what. Try it now. Press and Hold [F1] at any time if you need a reminder of what button does what. Try it now. tut_comm_205 Nawww hold it down... like you mean it! Nawww hold it down... like you mean it! tut_comm_206 You're not a great one for following orders are yea? You're not a great one for following orders are yea? tut_comm_207 Now you know where to look, don't forget it's there. Use it! Now you know where to look, don't forget it's there. Use it! tut_comm_208 Your go to reference for everything is [ESC]. Your go to reference for everything is [ESC]. tut_comm_209 Hit [ESC] again to get back in control of your BattleMech. Hit [ESC] again to get back in control of your BattleMech. tut_comm_210 Here you've got buttons for game settings and such, but you can also click on HUD elements to display a field manual entry. Here you've got buttons for game settings and such, but you can also click on HUD elements to display a field manual entry. tut_comm_211 Here you've got buttons for game settings and such, but you can mouse over HUD elements to display a field manual entry. Here you've got buttons for game settings and such, but you can mouse over HUD elements to display a field manual entry. tut_comm_212 You can also change all the game settings, or exit the level or the game itself using the buttons in the lower left corner. You can also change all the game settings, or exit the level or the game itself using the buttons in the lower left corner. tut_comm_213 Now you have the tools to figure out how to customize your weapon groups, but let's leave that be for the moment. Now you have the tools to figure out how to customize your weapon groups, but let's leave that be for the moment. tut_comm_214 Now that one tells you how to alter your weapon groups. Now that one tells you how to alter your weapon groups. tut_comm_215 So that's a complicated HUD your looking at, and that's why we're giving you access to a field manual - Just hit [ESC]. So that's a complicated HUD your looking at, and that's why we're giving you access to a field manual - Just hit [ESC]. tut_comm_216 For access to a quick reference for all your controls - hit F1. For access to a quick reference for all your controls - hit F1. tut_comm_217 Click away at the display to pop up more information. Click away at the display to pop up more information. tut_comm_218 To help you learn the controls, your 'Mech comes equipped with a cheat sheet. To help you learn the controls, your 'Mech comes equipped with a cheat sheet. tut_comm_219 Have a look around your cockpit, and when you're ready - power-up your BattleMech. Have a look around your cockpit, and when you're ready - power-up your BattleMech. tut_comm_250 Next up: Your BattleGrid mini-map and compass. Next up: Your BattleGrid mini-map and compass. tut_comm_251 For this next bit, you'll need to be in your cockpit. For this next bit, you'll need to be in your cockpit. tut_comm_252 Really, I insist. Really, I insist. tut_comm_253 That's your compass flashing up there. That's your compass flashing up there. tut_comm_254 And that's your BattleGrid. And that's your BattleGrid. tut_comm_255 Make your way out of the landing zone to the next stage. Make your way out of the landing zone to the next stage. tut_comm_256 That's a waypoint, the blue smoke and :moveorder: symbol marks it as an objective to go to. That's a waypoint, the blue smoke and :moveorder: symbol marks it as an objective to go to. tut_comm_257 That symbol :moveorder: appears on your compass and BattleGrid mini-map. That symbol :moveorder: appears on your compass and BattleGrid mini-map. tut_comm_258 If you switch to the cockpit view, you'll have the BattleGrid to help you navigate your way to the objective. If you switch to the cockpit view, you'll have the BattleGrid to help you navigate your way to the objective. tut_comm_259 Off you go, Work your way over there and run through the smoke. Don't get lost. Off you go, Work your way over there and run through the smoke. Don't get lost. tut_comm_260 Ok, you know the waypoint is a waaaay over there, don't you? Ok, you know the waypoint is a waaaay over there, don't you? tut_comm_261 You're heading in the wrong direction. Use the BattleGrid map to figure out which way to go. You're heading in the wrong direction. Use the BattleGrid map to figure out which way to go. tut_comm_262 The icon also appears on the compass when you're pointed in roughly the right direction. The icon also appears on the compass when you're pointed in roughly the right direction. tut_comm_263 Well, off you go. Wake me up when you want to carry on. Well, off you go. Wake me up when you want to carry on. tut_comm_264 Are you wishing you could start over? Are you wishing you could start over? tut_comm_265 Alright, there you go - back to where you started. Alright, there you go - back to where you started. tut_comm_266 Try again. Try again. tut_comm_267 Pop up the main map to get the lay 'o the land. Pop up the main map to get the lay 'o the land. tut_comm_268 You can also switch to the Battle Camera and get a better look at your legs. You can also switch to the Battle Camera and get a better look at your legs. tut_comm_269 This is your main BattleGrid Map. This is your main BattleGrid Map. tut_comm_270 The BattleGrid is a MechWarrior’s key to strategic planning and execution. The BattleGrid is a MechWarrior’s key to strategic planning and execution. tut_comm_271 You're marked as a little yellow arrowhead - the waypoint has it's own icon. You're marked as a little yellow arrowhead - the waypoint has it's own icon. tut_comm_273 On this 'Mech, your medium and small lasers are mounted on the torso and always fire straight ahead. On this 'Mech, your medium and small lasers are mounted on the torso and always fire straight ahead. tut_comm_274 Small lasers have limited range but can do a lot of damage up close.. Small lasers have limited range but can do a lot of damage up close.. tut_comm_300 Right! You made it. Now let's see how well you drive that BattleMech. Right! You made it. Now let's see how well you drive that BattleMech. tut_comm_301 Start the challenge by going through the green start marker. Start the challenge by going through the green start marker. tut_comm_302 Follow the arrows. Follow the arrows. tut_comm_303 And make your way through each yellow marker as fast as you can, before the clock runs out. And make your way through each yellow marker as fast as you can, before the clock runs out. tut_comm_304 Green smoke marks the finish line. Green smoke marks the finish line. tut_comm_305 Be prepared for tight turns. Be prepared for tight turns. tut_comm_306 Oh, you missed it.... Oh, you missed it.... tut_comm_307 You've wandered off. You've wandered off. tut_comm_308 Ach, for the love of... Look at your compass and map, that's what they're for! Ach, for the love of... Look at your compass and map, that's what they're for! tut_comm_309 Almost there, just the finish ahead. Almost there, just the finish ahead. tut_comm_310 Do well to earn rewards that will bring you closer to buying your very own BattleMech. Do well to earn rewards that will bring you closer to buying your very own BattleMech. tut_comm_311 To your right. To your right. tut_comm_312 To your left. To your left. tut_comm_313 Make a choice. Make a choice. tut_comm_314 No, not that way. No, not that way. tut_comm_315 Look for the yellow smoke. Look for the yellow smoke. tut_comm_316 Oh... my grandmum did better than that... Oh... my grandmum did better than that... tut_comm_317 Don't worry, you can try again if you wish. Or not - your choice. Don't worry, you can try again if you wish. Or not - your choice. tut_comm_318 Better back up and swing your legs around. Better back up and swing your legs around. tut_comm_319 Excellent! Top Marks! Excellent! Top Marks! tut_comm_320 Not bad... Silver for you. Not bad... Silver for you. tut_comm_321 Not bad. Bronze is better than most first-timers. Not bad. Bronze is better than most first-timers. tut_comm_322 And you get a reward! And you get a reward! tut_comm_323 Well, it's fair to say you could have done better. But no matter - you can retry right now, or at any time later on. Well, it's fair to say you could have done better. But no matter - you can retry right now, or at any time later on. tut_comm_324 Congrats Recruit, you made it through! So let's see what's next on the agenda. Congrats Recruit, you made it through! So let's see what's next on the agenda. tut_comm_350 See those pillars of light? They mark the starting point for an Academy Challenge. See those pillars of light? They mark the starting point for an Academy Challenge. tut_comm_351 That one reruns the Pilot Challenge for a chance to earn any awards you missed. That one reruns the Pilot Challenge for a chance to earn any awards you missed. tut_comm_352 That one leads on to the next stage - Basic Targeting. That one leads on to the next stage - Basic Targeting. tut_comm_353 Just walk into the light. Just walk into the light. tut_comm_354 You can also jump to a new challenge at any time, hit [ESC] and double-click an entry from the Command and Control Panel. You can also jump to a new challenge at any time, hit [ESC] and double-click an entry from the Command and Control Panel. tut_comm_400 So let's get you dealing with the enemy. So let's get you dealing with the enemy. tut_comm_401 One of the most important skills to master is targeting. One of the most important skills to master is targeting. tut_comm_402 Enemies appear as red arrowheads on the map and as red diamonds on the compass. Enemies appear as red arrowheads on the map and as red diamonds on the compass. tut_comm_403 Friendly forces appear in blue. That's me on your map. Friendly forces appear in blue. That's me on your map. tut_comm_404 Don't shoot your team mates, it does damage - and they may shoot back! Don't shoot your team mates, it does damage - and they may shoot back! tut_comm_405 Don't even think about it. Don't even think about it. tut_comm_406 This is the enemy damage indicator. When you target a 'Mech, you get full scan of its weapons and health, front and back. This is the enemy damage indicator. When you target a 'Mech, you get full scan of its weapons and health, front and back. tut_comm_407 Each part of a BattleMech has separate health and armor. Each part of a BattleMech has separate health and armor. tut_comm_408 Gold is full health, orange is damaged, and red means dangerously low and about to go. Gold is full health, orange is damaged, and red means dangerously low and about to go. tut_comm_409 One way to kill a 'Mech is by destroying its center torso. One way to kill a 'Mech is by destroying its center torso. tut_comm_410 A BattleMech can also be taken out by destroying both legs. A BattleMech can also be taken out by destroying both legs. tut_comm_411 And that's to destroy the small vulnerable window protecting the cockpit. And that's to destroy the small vulnerable window protecting the cockpit. tut_comm_412 On 'Mechs with XL engines, a side torso will also kill the 'Mech. On 'Mechs with XL engines, a side torso will also kill the 'Mech. tut_comm_413 Clan XL engines are tougher, both sides must be destroyed. Clan XL engines are tougher, both sides must be destroyed. tut_comm_414 Enemy 'Mechs need to be in line-of-sight to show up on your radar, so keep a wary eye out. Enemy 'Mechs need to be in line-of-sight to show up on your radar, so keep a wary eye out. tut_comm_415 Always check your damage indicator! The center torso on this one is ready to blow. One shot may do it! Always check your damage indicator! The center torso on this one is ready to blow. One shot may do it! tut_comm_416 Check your damage indicator! A leg is gone and the other is ready to blow! One shot may do it! Check your damage indicator! A leg is gone and the other is ready to blow! One shot may do it! tut_comm_417 And by a great grand coincidence, this one has one leg gone - shoot the other to finish it off. And by a great grand coincidence, this one has one leg gone - shoot the other to finish it off. tut_comm_418 This one's cored - just shoot it in the chest. This one's cored - just shoot it in the chest. tut_comm_419 Stop playing with it - shoot the leg! Stop playing with it - shoot the leg! tut_comm_420 Stop playing with it - shoot the chest! Stop playing with it - shoot the chest! tut_comm_421 Bigger 'Mechs have more armor and health - it can take quite a while to get through it all. Bigger 'Mechs have more armor and health - it can take quite a while to get through it all. tut_comm_422 That's the way! But be careful - there's another BattleMech behind you. Anything out of view won't show up on your map. That's the way! But be careful - there's another BattleMech behind you. Anything out of view won't show up on your map. tut_comm_423 Use the targeting key. Use the targeting key. tut_comm_424 Targets farther away take longer to scan. Targets farther away take longer to scan. tut_comm_425 The damage indicator will show you the best place to shoot. The damage indicator will show you the best place to shoot. tut_comm_426 That's all there is to it. Target - find the weak spot - kill. Of course these ones aren't shooting back! That's all there is to it. Target - find the weak spot - kill. Of course these ones aren't shooting back! tut_comm_427 Now here's a few more for you to practice on. Now here's a few more for you to practice on. tut_comm_428 One arm's already gone on this one! One arm's already gone on this one! tut_comm_429 One leg is gone - go for the other one! One leg is gone - go for the other one! tut_comm_430 The armor on the cockpit is gone, but the vulnerable spot on most BattleMechs is quite small. The armor on the cockpit is gone, but the vulnerable spot on most BattleMechs is quite small. tut_comm_431 You can zoom in to get a better view. You can zoom in to get a better view. tut_comm_432 That one's hiding in the smoke. Try thermal vision to cut through the haze. That one's hiding in the smoke. Try thermal vision to cut through the haze. tut_comm_433 Only your large laser will do damage at this distance. Only your large laser will do damage at this distance. tut_comm_434 Headshot! Headshot! tut_comm_435 Good show! One shot! Good show! One shot! tut_comm_436 There's one off to the side you've missed. There's one off to the side you've missed. tut_comm_437 Hey, don't shoot friendlies! Hey, don't shoot friendlies! tut_comm_438 Take off an arm, and the weapons go with it. Take off an arm, and the weapons go with it. tut_comm_439 Target first. Or you won't know what's best to shoot at. Target first. Or you won't know what's best to shoot at. tut_comm_440 That's the way you do it! Find the weakest spot. That's the way you do it! Find the weakest spot. tut_comm_441 Congrats, that's tough to do - the cockpit is a small target. Congrats, that's tough to do - the cockpit is a small target. tut_comm_443 You don't need to move about for this. You don't need to move about for this. tut_comm_444 Well, you've run out of ammo for that weapon. Well, you've run out of ammo for that weapon. tut_comm_445 Overheating leaves you vulnerable - not a good idea to do in a fight. Overheating leaves you vulnerable - not a good idea to do in a fight. tut_comm_446 That's one. That's one. tut_comm_447 Just four more to go. Just four more to go. tut_comm_448 Just a couple more. Just a couple more. tut_comm_449 Just one left. Just one left. tut_comm_450 Hit the targeting key again to switch between available targets. Hit the targeting key again to switch between available targets. tut_comm_451 Medium lasers are no damn good at that range. But your large laser will do the trick. Medium lasers are no damn good at that range. But your large laser will do the trick. tut_comm_452 That's too far for medium lasers to do any damage. That's too far for medium lasers to do any damage. tut_comm_453 Take a closer look at the center reticle - it turns red when you hit your target. Take a closer look at the center reticle - it turns red when you hit your target. tut_comm_454 Any damage you do shows up on the display - so you can tell where you hit. Any damage you do shows up on the display - so you can tell where you hit. tut_comm_455 That's a big Assault 'Mech - it will take a long time to destroy if you don't target the already damaged components. That's a big Assault 'Mech - it will take a long time to destroy if you don't target the already damaged components. tut_comm_456 Well, you killed that one without targeting it. Lucky shot. Well, you killed that one without targeting it. Lucky shot. tut_comm_457 So, you do realize that there's a faster way? Use the damage panel! So, you do realize that there's a faster way? Use the damage panel! tut_comm_458 Arms are about gone on this one. You still have to take out the center torso, or legs or head. Arms are about gone on this one. You still have to take out the center torso, or legs or head. tut_comm_459 There's less armor and less protection on the back of a BattleMech. There's less armor and less protection on the back of a BattleMech. tut_comm_460 Thermal vision can help spot targets a long way off. Thermal vision can help spot targets a long way off. tut_comm_461 That one doesn't count, you have to target them first. That one doesn't count, you have to target them first. tut_comm_462 That's a Light BattleMech - they're fast but easier to kill. That's a Light BattleMech - they're fast but easier to kill. tut_comm_463 Can't find the targeting key? Or just going through the motions? Can't find the targeting key? Or just going through the motions? tut_comm_464 Ach, you're one of those. Very well - move along. I'm sure you're going to be a great asset to any team you join. Ach, you're one of those. Very well - move along. I'm sure you're going to be a great asset to any team you join. tut_comm_465 If you don't target, the kills don't count. It's as simple as that. If you don't target, the kills don't count. It's as simple as that. tut_comm_466 If you really like doing this, you can just go again once you reach the Academy. If you really like doing this, you can just go again once you reach the Academy. tut_comm_467 You know this is just a simulation don't yea? I can keep spawning these all day! You know this is just a simulation don't yea? I can keep spawning these all day! tut_comm_468 That's a Medium Class BattleMech. That's a Medium Class BattleMech. tut_comm_469 Listen closely, there's another, much harder way to take out a BattleMech. Listen closely, there's another, much harder way to take out a BattleMech. tut_comm_470 Get up close and see which window protects the cockpit. Get up close and see which window protects the cockpit. tut_comm_471 The cockpit is a very small part of the head. Miss... your shot just hits the torso. The cockpit is a very small part of the head. Miss... your shot just hits the torso. tut_comm_472 The armor on the head is gone, the cockpit is exposed and vulnerable. The armor on the head is gone, the cockpit is exposed and vulnerable. tut_comm_473 Two down, one to go. Find the last enemy BattleMech. Two down, one to go. Find the last enemy BattleMech. tut_comm_474 There's very little armor and structure on the cockpit - it doesn't take much to take it out. There's very little armor and structure on the cockpit - it doesn't take much to take it out. tut_comm_498 Well, we're just about done here, but there's way more to learn about piloting a BattleMech. Well, we're just about done here, but there's way more to learn about piloting a BattleMech. tut_comm_499 So let's proceed to the exit waypoint and introduce you to the MechWarrior Academy. So let's proceed to the exit waypoint and introduce you to the MechWarrior Academy. tut_comm_500 Congratulations Cadet, you made it through basic training. Congratulations Cadet, you made it through basic training. tut_comm_501 You've just scratched the surface of what you'll need to know to survive and thrive on the battlefield. You've just scratched the surface of what you'll need to know to survive and thrive on the battlefield. tut_comm_502 For that, we provide a playground to train and test yourself, and your BattleMechs. For that, we provide a playground to train and test yourself, and your BattleMechs. tut_comm_503 Welcome to the MechWarrior Academy. Welcome to the MechWarrior Academy. tut_comm_504 Test weapons and BattleMechs at the Firing Range. Test weapons and BattleMechs at the Firing Range. tut_comm_505 Survive the Gauntlet. Survive the Gauntlet. tut_comm_506 Improve your targeting skills. Improve your targeting skills. tut_comm_507 And try out new BattleMechs. And try out new BattleMechs. tut_comm_508 We'll be adding new training from time to time, so be sure to check back in. We'll be adding new training from time to time, so be sure to check back in. tut_comm_509 Welcome MechWarrior! Welcome MechWarrior! tut_comm_510 Now you get another choice: Continue onto the Academy, or exit. Don't worry, you can get back here at any time by selecting the Academy button from the home page. Now you get another choice: Continue onto the Academy, or exit. Don't worry, you can get back here at any time by selecting the Academy button from the home page. tut_comm_511 This is simple enough, use targeting to quickly kill your enemies. This is simple enough, use targeting to quickly kill your enemies. tut_comm_512 Ok, there's one last thing to learn. Ok, there's one last thing to learn. tut_comm_513 You can shortcut to any event by hitting [ESC] and double-clicking on the appropriate entry in the Roadmap - it will take you right there. You can shortcut to any event by hitting [ESC] and double-clicking on the appropriate entry in the Roadmap - it will take you right there. tut_comm_514 Welcome to MechWarrior Online. Welcome to MechWarrior Online. tut_comm_515 That's too far for an AC/10 to do any damage. That's too far for an AC/10 to do any damage. tut_comm_516 Shortly after targeting, a detailed scan appears. Targets farther away take longer to scan. Shortly after targeting, a detailed scan appears. Targets farther away take longer to scan. tut_comm_517 So go find the enemy! So go find the enemy! tut_comm_518 Targeting a 'Mech gives you a detailed scan of loadout and damage levels. Targeting a 'Mech gives you a detailed scan of loadout and damage levels. tut_comm_900 That's a Boar's Head Atlas - a big bad assault 'Mech - 100 tons of bad attitude. That's a Boar's Head Atlas - a big bad assault 'Mech - 100 tons of bad attitude. tut_comm_901 And that's a BattleMaster HellSlinger an 85 ton assault 'Mech with lots and lots of weapons. And that's a BattleMaster HellSlinger an 85 ton assault 'Mech with lots and lots of weapons. tut_comm_902 Hit eject and you'll switch into this BattleMech. Hit eject and you'll switch into this BattleMech. tut_comm_903 TBD - but important! TBD - but important! tut_comm_904 The torso on this one is untouched... but a BattleMech can also be taken out by destroying both legs. The torso on this one is untouched... but a BattleMech can also be taken out by destroying both legs. tut_comm_905 You may want to stay in 3rd person view to get the hang of it all. You may want to stay in 3rd person view to get the hang of it all. tut_comm_906 You may want to switch to 3rd person view to get the hang of it. You may want to switch to 3rd person view to get the hang of it. tut_comm_907 As this is your first attempt. As this is your first attempt. tut_comm_908 Stand here to have your BattleMech Repaired and Resupplied - you won't get this on the battlefield, only here in the simulator. Stand here to have your BattleMech Repaired and Resupplied - you won't get this on the battlefield, only here in the simulator. tut_comm_909 Stand here to change the time of day. Stand here to change the time of day. tut_comm_910 Stand here change the air temperature. Stand here change the air temperature. tut_comm_911 Allo? You there? Allo? You there? tut_comm_912 You know I can't protect you if you wander too far away? Don't you? You know I can't protect you if you wander too far away? Don't you? tut_comm_913 And that's a BattleMaster HellSlinger an 85 ton assault 'Mech with dual Particle Projector Cannons, 4 Medium Lasers and short range missiles. And that's a BattleMaster HellSlinger an 85 ton assault 'Mech with dual Particle Projector Cannons, 4 Medium Lasers and short range missiles. tut_comm_1000 Did yea think we'd do nothing? Did yea think we'd do nothing? tut_comm_1001 Ah, a perfect opportunity to show you what happens when you get shot! Ah, a perfect opportunity to show you what happens when you get shot! tut_comm_1002 That's your damage indicator. That's your damage indicator. tut_comm_1003 That's you losing an arm - and the weapons attached to it. That's you losing an arm - and the weapons attached to it. tut_comm_1004 That's you losing a leg, just one to go. That's you losing a leg, just one to go. tut_comm_1005 And that's you dying from a headshot. And that's you dying from a headshot. tut_comm_1006 That alarm tells you that long range missiles are homing in on you. That alarm tells you that long range missiles are homing in on you. tut_comm_1007 And that's what if feels like to be hit by a Class 20 Autocannon! And that's what if feels like to be hit by a Class 20 Autocannon! tut_comm_1008 You're in a simulation... did you think I'd let you inconvenience me in any way? You're in a simulation... did you think I'd let you inconvenience me in any way? tut_comm_1009 Shoot all the targets before the timer runs out. Shoot all the targets before the timer runs out. tut_comm_1010 Have a good long look. Have a good long look. tut_comm_1011 You get one for free... You get one for free... tut_comm_1012 I would seriously consider your options at this point. I would seriously consider your options at this point. tut_comm_1013 Ah well, live and learn... Ah well, live and learn... tut_comm_1014 I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I don't believe we've been properly introduced. tut_comm_1015 See how well you can do. See how well you can do. tut_comm_1016 Are you looking at me? Are you looking at me? tut_comm_1017 I highly recommend you don't use me as a target. I highly recommend you don't use me as a target. tut_comm_5000 This area is under construction, try again later. This area is under construction, try again later. tut_comm_5001 Running Cored:\nRun the Gauntlet while critically damaged. Running Cored:\nRun the Gauntlet while critically damaged. tut_comm_5002 The armor on your center torso has been removed and health reduced to a minimum. The armor on your center torso has been removed and health reduced to a minimum. tut_comm_5003 After each round, the strength and effectiveness of your enemies increases. After each round, the strength and effectiveness of your enemies increases. tut_comm_5004 Shoot an enemy BattleMech to temporarily stop their attack. Shoot an enemy BattleMech to temporarily stop their attack. tut_comm_5005 After each circuit, the strength and effectiveness of your enemies will be increased, and your 'Mech rearmed. After each circuit, the strength and effectiveness of your enemies will be increased, and your 'Mech rearmed. tut_comm_5010 The Gauntlet:\nRun through as many waypoints as you can before being destroyed. The Gauntlet:\nRun through as many waypoints as you can before being destroyed. tut_comm_5020 Shoot all the targets before the timer runs out\nAfter each round the damage required to kill each target increases. Shoot all the targets before the timer runs out\nAfter each round the damage required to kill each target increases. ui_TutorialSplashText1 A TACTICAL SIMULATION GAME INSPIRED BY THE BATTLETECH UNIVERSE. A TACTICAL SIMULATION GAME INSPIRED BY THE BATTLETECH UNIVERSE. ui_TutorialSplashText2 THE BATTLEFIELD IN THE 31ST CENTURY IS PERILOUS, DOMINATED BY MECHANIZED UNITS KNOWN AS BATTLEMECHS. THE BATTLEFIELD IN THE 31ST CENTURY IS PERILOUS, DOMINATED BY MECHANIZED UNITS KNOWN AS BATTLEMECHS. ui_TutorialSplashText3 PILOTING THESE WAR MACHINES ARE MECHWARRIORS, THE MOST ELITE SOLDIERS THE GALAXY HAS EVER SEEN. PILOTING THESE WAR MACHINES ARE MECHWARRIORS, THE MOST ELITE SOLDIERS THE GALAXY HAS EVER SEEN. ui_TutorialSplashText4 MECH COMBAT REQUIRES PILOTS MASTER POSITIONING, TEAMWORK AND FIRE DISCIPLINE TO SURVIVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD. 'MECH COMBAT REQUIRES PILOTS MASTER POSITIONING, TEAMWORK AND FIRE DISCIPLINE TO SURVIVE ON THE BATTLEFIELD. ui_TutorialSplashText5 THE INNER SPHERE HAS ERUPTED INTO WAR ON ALL FRONTS DRIVEN BY THE ARRIVAL OF THE CLANS. THE INNER SPHERE HAS ERUPTED INTO WAR ON ALL FRONTS DRIVEN BY THE ARRIVAL OF THE CLANS. ui_TutorialSplashQuote1 "A thinking person's shooter"\n-IGN "A thinking person's shooter"\n-IGN ui_TutorialSplashQuote2 "A stomping good time"\n-Gaming Trend "A stomping good time"\n-Gaming Trend ui_TutorialSplashQuote3 "Intricate combat that's deep, balanced, and most importantly satisfying" -PC Gamer "Intricate combat that's deep, balanced, and most importantly satisfying" -PC Gamer ui_TutorialSplashQuote4 "This is the best iteration of a long-neglected franchise that we've seen in years" -GameSpot "This is the best iteration of a long-neglected franchise that we've seen in years" -GameSpot ui_TutorialSplashQuote5 "Tinker away in pursuit of the perfect metal monster" -GameTrailers "Tinker away in pursuit of the perfect metal monster" -GameTrailers ui_TutorialSplashWelcome Welcome to Welcome to _m_HelpPopup Controls Reference Screen Controls Reference Screen ui_TutorialHowToPlay You may return to the Academy at any time from here You may return to the Academy at any time from here ui_LaunchTutorialTitle MechWarrior Academy MechWarrior Academy ui_LaunchTutorialConfirm Select the Academy training area you would like to enter Select the Academy training area you would like to enter ui_StartAtBeginning Basic Training Basic Training ui_StartAtAcademy Explore Academy Explore Academy ui_CongratulationsSubtitle You've completed basic training! You've completed basic training! ui_CompletedDescription You can continue exploring the Academy or return to the Main Menu to play a match. You can continue exploring the Academy or return to the Main Menu to play a match. ui_ExitTutorial QUIT QUIT ui_rivercity_tutorial MechWarrior Academy MechWarrior Academy ach_Academy_OneShotKiller One Shot Killer One Shot Killer ach_Academy_OneShotKiller_desc Destroy an enemy 'Mech with one shot in the tutorial Destroy an enemy 'Mech with one shot in the tutorial ach_Academy_DisArmingCountenance Disarming Countenance Disarming Countenance ach_Academy_DisArmingCountenance_desc Destroy both arms on an enemy 'Mech in the tutorial Destroy both arms on an enemy 'Mech in the tutorial ach_Academy_PegLeg Peg Leg Peg Leg ach_Academy_PegLeg_desc Destroy both legs on an enemy 'Mech in the tutorial Destroy both legs on an enemy 'Mech in the tutorial ach_Academy_AlphaKiller Alpha Killer Alpha Killer ach_Academy_AlphaKiller_desc Destroy an enemy 'Mech with an Alpha Strike in the tutorial Destroy an enemy 'Mech with an Alpha Strike in the tutorial ach_Academy_LongShot Long Shot Long Shot ach_Academy_LongShot_desc Destroy an enemy 'Mech from long range in the tutorial Destroy an enemy 'Mech from long range in the tutorial ach_Academy_HeadShotSharpShooter Headshot Sharpshooter Headshot Sharpshooter ach_Academy_HeadShotSharpShooter_desc Destroy an enemy 'Mech with a headshot in the tutorial Destroy an enemy 'Mech with a headshot in the tutorial ach_Academy_IShotTheCaptain I Shot the Captain I Shot the Captain ach_Academy_IShotTheCaptain_desc Shoot Captain Adams in the Mech Academy after the tutorial Shoot Captain Adams in the Mech Academy after the tutorial ach_Academy_KilledByCaptain Killed by Captain Adams Killed by Captain Adams ach_Academy_KilledByCaptain_desc Be destroyed by Captain Adams in the Mech Academy after the tutorial Be destroyed by Captain Adams in the Mech Academy after the tutorial ach_Academy_BasicTutorialComplete Basic Tutorial Complete Basic Tutorial Complete ach_Academy_BasicTutorialComplete_desc Complete the basic tutorial Complete the basic tutorial ach_Academy_ShinyBrassBackside Shiny Brass Backside Shiny Brass Backside ach_Academy_ShinyBrassBackside_desc Complete the introduction section in the tutorial Complete the introduction section in the tutorial ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Gold Pilot Challenge I - Gold Pilot Challenge I - Gold ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Gold_desc Beat the gold time in Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial Beat the gold time in Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Silver Pilot Challenge I - Silver Pilot Challenge I - Silver ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Silver_desc Beat the silver time in Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial Beat the silver time in Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Pass Pilot Challenge I - Passed Pilot Challenge I - Passed ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Pass_desc Pass Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial Pass Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Bronze Pilot Challenge I - Bronze Pilot Challenge I - Bronze ach_Academy_PilotChallenge1_Bronze_desc Beat the bronze time in Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial Beat the bronze time in Pilot Challenge I of the tutorial ui_CancelEvent Cancel Event Cancel Event ui_HRS HR HR uI_MINS MIN MIN ui_SECS SEC SEC ui_MS MS MS tut_DefaultKeyboard Default Keyboard Control Mapping Default Keyboard Control Mapping tut_TargetsRemaining Targets Remaining Targets Remaining tut_Doatleast Do at least Do at least tut_pointsofdamage points of damage points of damage tut_go Go! Go! tut_gauntleti Gauntlet I Gauntlet I tut_rapidfirewelcometitle Rapid Fire Challenge - Round: Rapid Fire Challenge - Round: tut_shootallthetargets Shoot all the Targets before the timer expires Shoot all the Targets before the timer expires tut_cumulativehits Cumulative Hits Cumulative Hits tut_rapidfirenextroundtitle Rapid Fire Round Completed - Next Round: Rapid Fire Round Completed - Next Round: tut_totaltargetsdisabled Total Targets Disabled Total Targets Disabled tut_currenttime Current Time: Current Time: tut_wellitsfairtosay Well, it's fair to say you could have done better. But no matter - you can retry right now, or at any time later on. Well, it's fair to say you could have done better. But no matter - you can retry right now, or at any time later on. tut_congratscadet Congrats Cadet, you made it through! So let's see what's next on the agenda. Congrats Cadet, you made it through! So let's see what's next on the agenda. tut_oneshot One Shot One Shot tut_more More More tut_left Left Left tut_blowbotharms Destroy the arms off Destroy the arms off tut_destroybothlegs Destroy both legs off Destroy both legs off tut_morebattlemechs More BattleMechs More BattleMechs tut_totalmechsdis Total BattleMechs Disabled: Total BattleMechs Disabled: tut_gauntletround The Gauntlet: Round The Gauntlet: Round tut_disabledfor Enemy 'Mech disabled for: Enemy 'Mech disabled for tut_seconds seconds seconds tut_cbills C-Bills C-Bills tut_enemybattlemechs Enemy BattleMechs Enemy BattleMechs tut_killsremaining Kills Remaining Kills Remaining tut_previouslycomplete Previously Completed Previously Completed tut_passed Passed Passed tut_failed Failed Failed tut_ChallengeComplete Challenge Complete Challenge Complete tut_ChallengeIncomplete Challenge Incomplete Challenge Incomplete tut_GoldStar Gold Star Gold Star tut_SilverCross Silver Cross: 1 minute 15 seconds Silver Cross: 1 minute 15 seconds tut_BronzeBar Bronze Bar Bronze Bar tut_CbillsAwarded C-Bills Awarded C-Bills Awarded ui_ConsumableSelect_Back Revert changes and return to the 'Mech Select screen. Revert changes and return to the 'Mech Select screen. ui_ConsumableSelect_Save Save changes and return to the 'Mech Select screen. Save changes and return to the 'Mech Select screen. ui_academy Academy Academy ui_academygeneral Basics Basics ui_academypilotchallenge Pilot Challenge I Pilot Challenge I ui_academytargetpractice Targeting Targeting tt_Achievements_AcademyButton View your MechWarrior Academy Achievements View your MechWarrior Academy Achievements tt_Achievements_AcademyGeneralButton View your Basic Training Achievements View your Basic Training Achievements tt_Achievements_AcademyPilotChallengeButton View your First Pilot Challenge Achievements View your First Pilot Challenge Achievements tt_Achievements_AcademyTargetPracticeButton View your Advanced Targeting Challenge Achievements View your Advanced Targeting Challenge Achievements EMechModel_Mauler MAULER MAULER mauler MAULER MAULER mal-1rr MAULER MAL-1R(R) MAULER MAL-1R(R) mal-1rr_desc MAULER MAL-1R(R) description MAULER MAL-1R(R) mal-1rr_short MAL-1R(R) MAL-1R(R) mal-1r MAULER MAL-1R MAULER MAL-1R mal-1r_desc MAULER MAL-1R description MAULER MAL-1R mal-1r_short MAL-1R MAL-1R mal-mx90 MAULER MAL-MX90 MAULER MAL-MX90 mal-mx90_desc MAULER MAL-MX90 description MAULER MAL-MX90 mal-mx90_short MAL-MX90 MAL-MX90 mal-1p MAULER MAL-1P MAULER MAL-1P mal-1p_desc MAULER MAL-1P description MAULER MAL-1P mal-1p_short MAL-1P MAL-1P mal-2p MAULER MAL-2P MAULER MAL-2P mal-2p_desc MAULER MAL-2P description MAULER MAL-2P mal-2p_short MAL-2P MAL-2P ui_PriceChange The purchase failed because the price has changed. The purchase failed because the price has changed. ui_QuitTutorial Quit Academy Quit Academy tt_Settings_EnableVoip Enable Voice Chat (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Enable Voice Chat (Voice Over Internet Protocol). tt_Settings_InvertPitch Toggle inverted vertical look input for controllers. Toggle inverted vertical look input for controllers. tt_Settings_InvertYaw Toggle inverted horizontal look input for controllers. Toggle inverted horizontal look input for controllers. tt_Settings_InvertTurning Toggle inverted turning input for controllers. Toggle inverted turning input for controllers. tt_Settings_ThrottleRange Sets the throttle range needed for specific controller types. Sets the throttle range needed for specific controller types. tt_Settings_SystemSpec Sets the overall graphical quality for different system specs. Lower settings are optimized for performance while the high settings increase visual fidelity. Sets the overall graphical quality for different system specs. Lower settings are optimized for performance while the high settings increase visual fidelity. tt_Settings_Resolution Adjusts the screen size and detail that are displayed. This should be similiar to your monitors default resolution. Adjusts the screen size and detail that are displayed. This should be similiar to your monitors default resolution. tt_Settings_WindowMode Select between a static full screen display and a movable, minimizable window. Select between a static full screen display and a movable, minimizable window. tt_Settings_DXVersion Select the version of installed DirectX drivers to use. Select the version of installed DirectX drivers to use. tt_Settings_MotionBlur Select the level of visual blur seen on moving objects. Select the level of visual blur seen on moving objects. tt_Settings_3DMode Enables or disables 3D rendering for use with 3D-enabled displays and peripherals. Enables or disables 3D rendering for use with 3D-enabled displays and peripherals. tt_Settings_VSync V-Sync mitigates screen-tearing by ensuring your screens refresh rate and FPS are the same. V-Sync mitigates screen-tearing by ensuring your screens refresh rate and FPS are the same. tt_Settings_DamageGlow Enables or disables glowing damage decals, turning these off may increase performance. Enables or disables glowing damage decals, turning these off may increase performance. tt_MainMenu_GameMode Set matchmaking preferences Set matchmaking preferences tt_Cockpit_Reset Reset unsaved changes Reset unsaved changes tt_SocialScreen_InviteToPublicGroup Invite player to your current Quick Play group Invite player to your current Quick Play group tt_SocialScreen_AcceptFriend Accept a pending friend request from this player Accept a pending friend request from this player tt_SocialScreen_DeclineFriend Decline a pending friend request from this player Decline a pending friend request from this player tt_SocialScreen_UnblockUser Unblock selected player Unblock selected player tt_SocialScreen_AcceptGroup Accept a group invite Accept a group invite tt_SocialScreen_DeclineGroup Reject a group invite Reject a group invite tt_SocialScreen_InviteToLobby Invite the selected player to a private lobby Invite the selected player to a private lobby tt_SocialScreen_AcceptLobby Accept an invite to a private lobby Accept an invite to a private lobby tt_SocialScreen_DeclineLobby Decline an invite to a private lobby Decline an invite to a private lobby tt_SocialScreen_InviteToUnit Invite the selected player to your unit Invite the selected player to your unit tt_SocialScreen_InviteFriend Invite the selected player to be your friend Invite the selected player to be your friend tt_SocialScreen_JoinUnitGroup Join a group with members of your unit only, required to play together in Faction Play Join a group with members of your unit only, required to play together in Faction Play tt_SocialScreen_JoinPublicGroup Join a group for Quick Play matches Join a group for Quick Play matches tt_SocialScreen_MergeGroups Merge your group with another Merge your group with another tt_SocialScreen_OpenChat Open chat window Open chat window tt_SocialScreen_IgnoreChat Ignore incoming chat messages Ignore incoming chat messages tt_FactionScreen_LeaveUnit Leave your current unit Leave your current unit tt_MainMenu_ChatPublicGroup Chat with your Quick Play group Chat with your Quick Play group tt_MainMenu_ChatCWGroup Chat with your Faction Play group Chat with your Faction Play group tt_SocialScreen_LFGTab Use the Looking For Group feature to find a play group Use the Looking For Group feature to find a play group tt_SocialScreen_CreateGroup Create a new group for Quick Play, Faction Play, Solaris, or Comp Play Create a new group for Quick Play, Faction Play, Solaris, or Comp Play tt_SocialScreen_CreatePrivateLobby Create a new private lobby Create a new private lobby ui_steam_redeemdlc REDEEM STEAM DLC REDEEM STEAM DLC ui_steam_notnow Not Now Not Now ui_steam_redeemdlc_desc Select the Steam DLC you wish to redeem.\nSteam DLC may only be redeemed once! Select the Steam DLC you wish to redeem.\nSteam DLC may only be redeemed once! ui_steam_autherror STEAM AUTHORIZATION ERROR STEAM AUTHORIZATION ERROR ui_steam_autherror_desc Unable to authorize with Steam. There may be a problem with the Steam Service. Do you want to try again?\nIf this problem persists, try again later a Unable to authorize with Steam. There may be a problem with the Steam Service. Do you want to try again? ui_steam_appassociationretrieveerror STEAM DLC ASSOCIATION ERROR STEAM DLC ASSOCIATION ERROR ui_steam_appassociationretrieveerror_desc Unable to verify Steam DLC associations with the MWO servers. If this problem persists, please contact support.\nDo you wish to try again? Unable to verify Steam DLC associations with the MWO servers. If this problem persists, please contact support.\nDo you wish to try again? ui_steam_appredeemerror STEAM DLC REDEEM ERROR STEAM DLC REDEEM ERROR ui_steam_appredeemerror_desc Unable to redeem one or more of the selected Steam DLC with the MWO servers. If this problem persists, please contact support.\nDo you wish to try again? Unable to redeem one or more of the selected Steam DLC with the MWO servers. If this problem persists, please contact support.\nDo you wish to try again? ui_RedeemingSteamDLC REDEEMING STEAM DLC ... REDEEMING STEAM DLC ... tt_Settings_InvertThrottle Toggle inverted throttle input for controllers. Toggle inverted throttle input for controllers. tt_SocialScreen_LeaveLFG Leave the Looking For Groups queue Leave the Looking For Groups queue HUD_QuitTutorialDialog Are you sure you want to quit the Academy? Are you sure you want to quit the Academy? ui_HideTier HIDE TIER IN FRONT END HIDE TIER IN FRONT END qrk_accellerp_all_mult ACCELERATION RATE ACCELERATION RATE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_decellerp_all_mult DECELERATION RATE DECELERATION RATE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_turnlerp_all_mult TURN RATE TURN RATE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_sensorrange_add SENSOR RANGE SENSOR RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_targetretentiontime_add TARGET RETENTION TIME TARGET RETENTION TIME AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_targetscantime_short_mult TARGET SCAN TIME Short Range TARGET SCAN TIME Short Range AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_targetscantime_medium_mult TARGET SCAN TIME Medium Range TARGET SCAN TIME Medium Range AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_targetscantime_long_mult TARGET SCAN TIME Long Range TARGET SCAN TIME Long Range AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_targetacquisitiondelay_add TARGET ACQUISITION DELAY TARGET ACQUISITION DELAY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON ingame_friend_invite_sent_success Friend invite sent Friend invite sent ingame_group_invite_success Group invite sent Group invite sent ingame_unit_invite_sent_success Unit invite sent Unit invite sent ingame_block_user Added player to block list Added player to block list ingame_unblock_user Removed player from block list Removed player from block list tut_TargetingReticle Targeting Reticle Targeting Reticle ui_ViewPatchNotes View Patch Notes View Patch Notes ui_social_FriendInvite FRIEND INVITE FRIEND INVITE ingame_friend_invite_accept_success Friend invite accepted Friend invite accepted ingame_friend_invite_decline_success Friend invite declined Friend invite declined ingame_group_invite_accept_success Group invite accepted Group invite accepted ingame_group_invite_decline Group invite declined Group invite declined ingame_unit_invite_accept_success Unit invite accepted Unit invite accepted ingame_unit_invite_decline_success Unit invite declined Unit invite declined tut_rapidfirewelcome Welcome to the Rapid Fire challenge. Destroy all 8 targets before the timer expires to complete each round. Each round the targets will become harder to destroy, how many rounds can you complete? Press 'Continue' to begin. Welcome to the Rapid Fire challenge. Destroy all 8 targets before the timer expires to complete each round. Each round the targets will become harder to destroy, how many rounds can you complete? Press 'Continue' to begin. tut_rapidfirenextround Round complete, good job! The targets will have their damage threshold increased for the next round. Press ‘Continue’ to begin. Round complete, good job! The targets will have their damage threshold increased for the next round. Press ‘Continue’ to begin. tut_rapidfireovertitle Rapid Fire Challenge Over - Rounds Completed: Rapid Fire Challenge Over - Rounds Completed: tut_rapidfireover The challenge is over, the last round's settings are displayed below. Come back again to test your skills. The challenge is over, the last round's settings are displayed below. Come back again to test your skills. tut_rapidfireround Rapid Fire: Round Rapid Fire: Round tut_rapidfirecomplete Rapid Fire: Completed Round Rapid Fire: Completed Round psr PILOT SKILL RATING CHANGE: PILOT SKILL RATING CHANGE: tut_guantletwaypoint Waypoints Passed Waypoints Passed tut_guantlettotaldisabled Total Enemies Disabled Total Enemies Disabled tut_guantletelapsedtime Elapsed Time Elapsed Time tut_guantletfinalthreshold Final Damage Needed to Disable Enemies Final Damage Needed to Disable Enemies tut_guantletfinalinterval Final Enemy Rate of Fire Final Enemy Rate of Fire tut_guantletfinaldisabletime Final Enemy Shutdown Time When Hit Final Enemy Shutdown Time When Hit tut_guantletnumenemies Max Simultaneous Enemies Max Simultaneous Enemies tut_guantletfiringinterval Enemy Rate of Fire Enemy Rate of Fire tut_guantletdamagethreshhold Damage Needed to Disable Enemies Damage Needed to Disable Enemies tut_guantletdisabletime Enemy Shutdown Time When Hit Enemy Shutdown Time When Hit tut_guantletstart Gauntlet - Round: 1 Gauntlet - Round: 1 tut_guantletstartdesc Welcome to the Gauntlet. In this challenge you will attempt to complete the course while enemy 'Mechs fire at you. Enemies can be temporarily disabled by damaging them. Complete as many rounds as possible without dying. Press 'Continue' to begin. Welcome to the Gauntlet. In this challenge you will attempt to complete the course while enemy 'Mechs fire at you. Enemies can be temporarily disabled by damaging them. Complete as many rounds as possible without dying. Press 'Continue' to begin. tut_guantletnextround Gauntlet Round Completed - Next Round: Gauntlet Round Completed - Next Round: tut_guantletnextrounddesc You've survived the round. Be careful, enemies in the next round will be more resilient and fire more often. Press 'Continue' to start the round. You've survived the round. Be careful, enemies in the next round will be more resilient and fire more often. Press 'Continue' to start the round. tut_guantletend Gauntlet Challenge Over - Rounds Completed: Gauntlet Challenge Over - Rounds Completed: tut_guantletenddesc The challenge has ended. The settings for the last round are shown below along with your statistics. Retry the challenge and attempt to survive more rounds. The challenge has ended. The settings for the last round are shown below along with your statistics. Retry the challenge and attempt to survive more rounds. tut_runningcoredstart Running Cored - Round: 1 Running Cored - Round: 1 tut_runningcoredstartdesc Welcome to the Running Cored challenge. Here you will attempt to complete the Gauntlet with a critically damaged center torso. As enemies fire at you twist your top half around to protect your center torso at all costs. Press 'Continue' to begin. Welcome to the Running Cored challenge. Here you will attempt to complete the Gauntlet with a critically damaged center torso. As enemies fire at you twist your top half around to protect your center torso at all costs. Press 'Continue' to begin. tut_runningcorednextround Running Cored Round Completed - Next Round: Running Cored Round Completed - Next Round: tut_runningcorednextrounddesc You've survived the round. Be careful, enemies in the next round will fire more often. Press 'Continue' to start the round. You've survived the round. Be careful, enemies in the next round will fire more often. Press 'Continue' to start the round. tut_runningcoredend Running Cored Over - Rounds Completed: Running Cored Over - Rounds Completed: tut_runningcoredenddesc The challenge has ended. The settings for the last round are shown below along with your statistics. Retry the challenge and attempt to survive more rounds. The challenge has ended. The settings for the last round are shown below along with your statistics. Retry the challenge and attempt to survive more rounds. ui_CallSign Pilot Name Pilot Name ui_Title Title Title ui_SkillLevel Pilot Skill Rating Pilot Skill Rating ui_Tier Tier Tier ui_UnitName Unit Name Unit Name ui_Unit_Tag Unit Tag Unit Tag ui_STDShort STD STD ui_CurrentBattlemech Currently Selected Battlemech Currently Selected Battlemech ui_PilotMastery Mech Efficiency 'Mech Efficiency ui_TransactionCost Transaction Cost Transaction Cost ui_PlayerInfo Pilot Info Pilot Info ui_UnitInfo Unit Info Unit Info ui_Minimize Minimize Minimize ui_Maximize Maximize Maximize tut_targetpracticeend Target Practice - Over Target Practice - Over tut_targetpracticeenddesc You have completed the optional objectives listed below. Come back to test your targeting skills again. You have completed the optional objectives listed below. Come back to test your targeting skills again. tut_oneshotobj Destroy three 'Mechs with one shot: Destroy three 'Mechs with one shot: tut_disarmedobj Remove the arms from three 'Mechs: Remove the arms from three 'Mechs: tut_leggedobj Remove the legs from three 'Mechs: Remove the legs from three 'Mechs: tut_alphastrikeobj Kill a 'Mech using an alpha strike: Kill a 'Mech using an alpha strike: tut_longshotobj Destroy a 'Mech from at least 500m: Destroy a 'Mech from at least 500m: tut_headshotonlyobj Kill a 'Mech while only damaging the head: Kill a 'Mech while only damaging the head: tut_headshotkillsobj Destroy three 'Mechs with headshots: Destroy three 'Mechs with headshots: tut_objnotfinished Not Finished Not Finished tut_objcomplete Complete Complete tut_pilotchallenge1end Pilot Challenge I - Time Remaining: Pilot Challenge I - Time Remaining: tut_pilotchallenge1enddesc The challenge is over, any optional objectives you've completed will be listed below. Try the challenge again to complete all optional objectives or test your piloting skills with other 'Mechs. The challenge is over, any optional objectives you've completed will be listed below. Try the challenge again to complete all optional objectives or test your piloting skills with other 'Mechs. ui_MechName Nickname Nickname tt_Settings_ShowCockpitGlass Toggle cockpit glass effects on and off. Toggle cockpit glass effects on and off. tt_Settings_HideTier Toggle the option to show or hide your tier on the Home screen. Toggle the option to show or hide your tier on the Home screen. tt_Settings_DisableToolTips Prevent tooltips like this from appearing. Prevent tooltips like this from appearing. ui_heatSinkStd STD Heat Sinks /(Eng) STD Heat Sinks /(Eng) ui_HeatSinkDbl Dbl Heat Sinks /(Eng) Dbl Heat Sinks /(Eng) EMechModel_BlackKnight BLACK KNIGHT BLACK KNIGHT blackknight BLACK KNIGHT BLACK KNIGHT bl-6-kntr BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT(R) BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT(R) bl-6-kntr_desc BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT(R) description BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT(R) bl-6-kntr_short BL-6-KNT(R) BL-6-KNT(R) bl-6-knt BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT bl-6-knt_desc BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT description BLACK KNIGHT BL-6-KNT bl-6-knt_short BL-6-KNT BL-6-KNT bl-6b-knt BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT bl-6b-knt_desc BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT description BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT bl-6b-knt_short BL-6B-KNT BL-6B-KNT bl-7-knt BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT bl-7-knt_desc BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT description BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT bl-7-knt_short BL-7-KNT BL-7-KNT bl-7-knt-l BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT-L BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT-L bl-7-knt-l_desc BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT-L description BLACK KNIGHT BL-7-KNT-L bl-7-knt-l_short BL-7-KNT-L BL-7-KNT-L ui_NoTitle CADET CADET ui_Mercenary Mercenary Mercenary tt_MechSummary_SensorRange The maximium distance in meters your sensors can detect enemy 'Mechs The maximium distance in meters your sensors can detect enemy 'Mechs tt_MechSummary_HeatSinks The type and number of Heat Sinks equipped on the 'Mech. Bracketed value represents engine heat sinks. The type and number of Heat Sinks equipped on the 'Mech. Bracketed value represents engine heat sinks. tt_MechSummary_Engine The engine currently equipped to this 'Mech The engine currently equipped to this 'Mech tt_MainMenu_ShowMarket This button displays MechWarrior news and promotions This button displays MechWarrior news and promotions tut_destroythehead Destroy the heads of Destroy the heads of tut_killamechalpha Use ^m_wg_as* to kill a 'Mech Use ^m_wg_as* to kill a 'Mech There needs to be a space after the * tut_killheadshotonly Damage only the head Damage only the head tut_targetstohit Targets To Hit Targets To Hit tut_timelimit Time Limit Time Limit tut_damagethreshold Damage to Destroy Turrets Damage to Destroy Turrets tut_finaldamagethresh Final Damage to Destroy Turrets Final Damage to Destroy Turrets ui_ingame_chatabuse_harrassment HARASSING / LANGUAGE HARASSING / LANGUAGE ui_ingame_teamkilling_griefing TEAM KILLING / GRIEFING TEAM KILLING / GRIEFING ui_ingame_cheating_exploiting EXPLOITING EXPLOITING tut_gatespassed Gates Passed: Gates Passed: ui_ingame_report_user_success Abuse report successfully sent. Abuse report successfully sent. ui_ingame_report_user_error Unable to send abuse report. Unable to send abuse report. ui_DirectionArrow DIRECTIONAL ARROW DIRECTIONAL ARROW ingame_friend_invite_sent_error Unable to send friend invite Unable to send friend invite ingame_friend_invite_accept_error Unable to accept friend invite Unable to accept friend invite ingame_friend_invite_decline_error Unable to decline friend invite Unable to decline friend invite ingame_group_invite_error Unable to send group invite Unable to send group invite ingame_group_invite_accept_error Unable to accept group invite Unable to accept group invite ingame_unit_invite_sent_error Unable to send unit invite Unable to send unit invite ingame_unit_invite_accept_error Unable to accept unit invite Unable to accept unit invite ingame_unit_invite_decline_error Unable to decline unit invite Unable to decline unit invite ui_TOTALS TOTALS TOTALS ui_eventbonus EVENT BONUS EVENT BONUS EMechModel_Crab CRAB CRAB crab CRAB CRAB crb-27r CRAB CRB-27(R) CRAB CRB-27(R) crb-27r_desc CRAB CRB-27(R) description CRAB CRB-27(R) crb-27r_short CRB-27(R) CRB-27(R) crb-27 CRAB CRB-27 CRAB CRB-27 crb-27_desc CRAB CRB-27 description CRAB CRB-27 crb-27_short CRB-27 CRB-27 crb-20 CRAB CRB-20 CRAB CRB-20 crb-20_desc CRAB CRB-20 description CRAB CRB-20 crb-20_short CRB-20 CRB-20 crb-27b CRAB CRB-27B CRAB CRB-27B crb-27b_desc CRAB CRB-27B description CRAB CRB-27B crb-27b_short CRB-27B CRB-27B crb-27sl CRAB CRB-27SL CRAB CRB-27SL crb-27sl_desc CRAB CRB-27SL description CRAB CRB-27SL crb-27sl_short CRB-27SL CRB-27SL ui_Mode Mode / Mode / cda-3fl CICADA CDA-3F(L) CICADA CDA-3F(L) cda-3fl_desc CICADA CDA-3F(L) description CICADA CDA-3F(L) cda-3fl_short CDA-3F(L) CDA-3F(L) wvr-7dl WOLVERINE WVR-7D(L) WOLVERINE WVR-7D(L) wvr-7dl_desc WOLVERINE WVR-7D(L) description WOLVERINE WVR-7D(L) wvr-7dl_short WVR-7D(L) WVR-7D(L) zeu-9s2l ZEUS ZEU-9S2(L) ZEUS ZEU-9S2(L) zeu-9s2l_desc ZEUS ZEU-9S2(L) description ZEUS ZEU-9S2(L) description zeu-9s2l_short ZEU-9S2(L) ZEU-9S2(L) nva-dl NOVA NVA-D(L) NOVA NVA-D(L) nva-dl_desc NOVA NVA-D(L) description NOVA NVA-D(L) nva-dl_short NVA-D(L) NVA-D(L) omnipod_nva-d_head NVA-D HEAD NVA-D HEAD omnipod_nva-d_head_desc NVA-D Head OmniPod. NVA-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_nva-d_left_arm NVA-D LEFT ARM NVA-D LEFT ARM omnipod_nva-d_left_arm_desc NVA-D Left Arm OmniPod. NVA-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-d_left_torso NVA-D LEFT TORSO NVA-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_nva-d_left_torso_desc NVA-D Left Torso OmniPod. NVA-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-d_centre_torso NVA-D CENTER TORSO NVA-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_nva-d_centre_torso_desc NVA-D Center Torso OmniPod. NVA-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-d_right_torso NVA-D RIGHT TORSO NVA-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nva-d_right_torso_desc NVA-D Right Torso OmniPod. NVA-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-d_right_arm NVA-D RIGHT ARM NVA-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_nva-d_right_arm_desc NVA-D Right Arm OmniPod. NVA-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-d_left_leg NVA-D LEFT LEG NVA-D LEFT LEG omnipod_nva-d_left_leg_desc NVA-D Left Leg OmniPod. NVA-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-d_right_leg NVA-D RIGHT LEG NVA-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_nva-d_right_leg_desc NVA-D Right Leg OmniPod. NVA-D Right Leg OmniPod. exe-cl EXECUTIONER EXE-C(L) EXECUTIONER EXE-C(L) exe-cl_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-C(L) description EXECUTIONER EXE-C(L) exe-cl_short EXE-C(L) EXE-C(L) omnipod_exe-c_head EXE-C HEAD EXE-C HEAD omnipod_exe-c_head_desc EXE-C Head OmniPod. EXE-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_exe-c_left_arm EXE-C LEFT ARM EXE-C LEFT ARM omnipod_exe-c_left_arm_desc EXE-C Left Arm OmniPod. EXE-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-c_left_torso EXE-C LEFT TORSO EXE-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_exe-c_left_torso_desc EXE-C Left Torso OmniPod. EXE-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-c_centre_torso EXE-C CENTER TORSO EXE-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_exe-c_centre_torso_desc EXE-C Center Torso OmniPod. EXE-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-c_right_torso EXE-C RIGHT TORSO EXE-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_exe-c_right_torso_desc EXE-C Right Torso OmniPod. EXE-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-c_right_arm EXE-C RIGHT ARM EXE-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_exe-c_right_arm_desc EXE-C Right Arm OmniPod. EXE-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-c_left_leg EXE-C LEFT LEG EXE-C LEFT LEG omnipod_exe-c_left_leg_desc EXE-C Left Leg OmniPod. EXE-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-c_right_leg EXE-C RIGHT LEG EXE-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_exe-c_right_leg_desc EXE-C Right Leg OmniPod. EXE-C Right Leg OmniPod. Cupcake2_name YEAR 2 CUPCAKE YEAR 2 CUPCAKE Cupcake2_desc Second year anniversary cupcake! Second year anniversary cupcake! ui_Move Move Move ui_Zoom Zoom Zoom ui_Rotate Rotate Rotate ui_ingame_report_user_throttled Cannot send anymore abuse reports today. Cannot send anymore abuse reports today. ui_currenttonnage Current Tonnage: Current Tonnage: ui_availabletonnage Available Tonnage: Available Tonnage: tt_Group_WithinTonnage Group is within tonnage limits Group is within tonnage limits tt_Group_UnderTonnage Group is under tonnage Group is under tonnage tt_Group_OverTonnage Group is over tonnage Group is over tonnage tt_Group_AvailableTonnage Available group tonnage Available group tonnage ui_group_tonnageviolation Group tonnage invalid! Please check the group tonnage requirements. Group tonnage invalid! Please check the group tonnage requirements. tt_Settings_DirectionArrow Toggles the leg direction help arrow on and off. Toggles the leg direction help arrow on and off. EMechModel_Wolfhound WOLFHOUND WOLFHOUND wolfhound WOLFHOUND WOLFHOUND wlf-2r WOLFHOUND WLF-2(R) WOLFHOUND WLF-2(R) wlf-2r_desc WOLFHOUND WLF-2(R) description WOLFHOUND WLF-2(R) wlf-2r_short WLF-2(R) WLF-2(R) wlf-2 WOLFHOUND WLF-2 WOLFHOUND WLF-2 wlf-2_desc WOLFHOUND WLF-2 description WOLFHOUND WLF-2 wlf-2_short WLF-2 WLF-2 wlf-1 WOLFHOUND WLF-1 WOLFHOUND WLF-1 wlf-1_desc WOLFHOUND WLF-1 description WOLFHOUND WLF-1 wlf-1_short WLF-1 WLF-1 wlf-1a WOLFHOUND WLF-1A WOLFHOUND WLF-1A wlf-1a_desc WOLFHOUND WLF-1A description WOLFHOUND WLF-1A wlf-1a_short WLF-1A WLF-1A wlf-1b WOLFHOUND WLF-1B WOLFHOUND WLF-1B wlf-1b_desc WOLFHOUND WLF-1B description WOLFHOUND WLF-1B wlf-1b_short WLF-1B WLF-1B tut_rapidfire_info Test your skill at rapidly acquiring and destroying targets Test your skill at rapidly acquiring and destroying targets ui_newline \n \n ui_pressspacetostart Press [SPACE] to start Press [SPACE] to start tut_roadmap_weaponry Weaponry Weaponry tut_roadmap_survival Survival Survival tut_roadmap_basics Basics Basics tut_roadmap_locomotion Locomotion Locomotion tut_roadmap_battlefield Battlefield Battlefield tut_roadmap_weaponry_tt Double-click to jump to the Firing Range Double-click to jump to the Firing Range tut_roadmap_survival_tt Double-click to jump to the Gauntlet staging area Double-click to jump to the Gauntlet staging area tut_roadmap_basics_tt Under Construction Under Construction tut_roadmap_locomotion_tt Under Construction Under Construction tut_roadmap_battlefield_tt Under Construction Under Construction ui_doubleclicktojump Double-click to jump to the Double-click to jump to the ui_doubleclicktostart Double-click to start event Double-click to start event ui_challenge Challenge Challenge tut_gauntlet_info Practice battlefield survival:\nProtect damaged components by twisting away from enemy fire Practice battlefield survival:\nProtect damaged components by twisting away from enemy fire tut_runningcored_info Practice battlefield survival:\nUse torso twisting to protect your critically damaged center torso Practice battlefield survival:\nUse torso twisting to protect your critically damaged center torso tut_targetpractice_info Learn to target and exploit weaknesses to quickly kill an enemy Learn to target and exploit weaknesses to quickly kill an enemy tut_pilotchallengei_info Re-run the basic Pilot Challenge using the current BattleMech Re-run the basic Pilot Challenge using the current BattleMech tut_usethunderbolt_info (Use a TDR-9S Chassis to qualify for achievements) (Use a TDR-9S Chassis to qualify for achievements) ui_Report_ChatAbuse CHAT ABUSE CHAT ABUSE tut_RapidFire_st Practice firing speed and accuracy Practice firing speed and accuracy tut_gauntleti_st Practice damage distribution Practice damage distribution tut_RunningCored_st Practice protecting your center torso Practice protecting your center torso ui_ingame_chatabuse_spamming SPAMMING / ADVERTISING SPAMMING / ADVERTISING tut_TargetingPractice_st Practice basic targeting Practice basic targeting tut_PilotChallengeI_st Retake the first piloting challenge Retake the first piloting challenge ui_ingame_chatabuse_nonconstructive NONCONSTRUCTIVE NONCONSTRUCTIVE ui_Report_VOIPAbuse VOIP ABUSE VOIP ABUSE ui_Report_Griefing GRIEFING GRIEFING ui_ingame_griefing_teamdamage TEAM DAMAGE TEAM DAMAGE ui_ingame_griefing_teamkilling TEAM KILLING TEAM KILLING ui_ingame_griefing_enemyassist ASSISTING THE ENEMY ASSISTING THE ENEMY ui_Report_Nonparticipation NONPARTICIPATION NONPARTICIPATION ui_ingame_nonp_suiciding SUICIDING SUICIDING ui_ingame_nonp_afk AFK AFK ui_ingame_nonp_disconnecting DISCONNECTING DISCONNECTING ui_Report_Cheating CHEATING CHEATING ui_ingame_inappropriatename INAPPROPRIATE NAME INAPPROPRIATE NAME ui_title_ResistWolf The Howl The Howl ui_title_ResistCrab The Clamps The Clamps ui_title_ResistKnight The Formidable The Formidable ui_title_ResistMauler The Butcher The Butcher ui_title_ResistBlood The Blood Bound The Blood Bound tt_MechLab_FilterCamoTypes Filter pattern types Filter pattern types tt_MechLab_FilterColorTypes Filter color types Filter color types tt_MechLab_FilterCamo View patterns View patterns tt_MechLab_FilterColors View colors View colors tt_MechLab_FilterDecal View decals View decals tt_MechLab_SelectedPattern Selected pattern Selected pattern tt_MechLab_ResetToLastSaved Reset to last saved Reset to last saved tt_MechLab_RestoreToDefault Restore to default Restore to default tt_MechLab_SelectedColor Selected color Selected color ui_Colors COLOR COLOR ui_Decal_teambanzai_factions_std TEAM BANZAI TEAM BANZAI ui_Pal_Owned OWNED OWNED tt_MechLab_AllItemsButton All items All items tt_MechLab_SaleItemsButton Filter items on sale Filter items on sale DogTagResistance2_name Resistance 2 Dog Tag Resistance 2 Dog Tag DogTagResistance2_desc Resistance 2 Dog Tag hanging item Resistance 2 Dog Tag hanging item MiniatureLeopard_name Leopard Dropship Leopard Dropship MiniatureLeopard_desc Leopard Dropship Standing Item Leopard Dropship Standing Item SpeakerJ_SonicBoomResistance2_name Resistance 2 Warhorn Resistance 2 Warhorn SpeakerJ_SonicBoomResistance2_Desc Mounted Resistance 2 Warhorn Mounted Resistance 2 Warhorn HologramCylinderDavion_name Davion Hologram Davion Hologram HologramCylinderDavion_desc Standing Davion Hologram Cylinder Standing Davion Hologram Cylinder HologramCylinderKurita_name Kurita Hologram Kurita Hologram HologramCylinderKurita_desc Standing Kurita Hologram Cylinder Standing Kurita Hologram Cylinder HologramCylinderLiao_name Liao Hologram Liao Hologram HologramCylinderLiao_desc Standing Liao Hologram Cylinder Standing Liao Hologram Cylinder HologramCylinderMarik_name Marik Hologram Marik Hologram HologramCylinderMarik_desc Standing Marik Hologram Cylinder Standing Marik Hologram Cylinder HologramCylinderSteiner_name Steiner Hologram Steiner Hologram HologramCylinderSteiner_desc Standing Steiner Hologram Cylinder Standing Steiner Hologram Cylinder HologramCylinderFRR_name FRR Hologram FRR Hologram HologramCylinderFRR_desc Standing FRR Hologram Cylinder Standing FRR Hologram Cylinder DogTagDavion_name Davion Dog Tag Davion Dog Tag DogTagDavion_Desc Hanging Davion Dog Tag Hanging Davion Dog Tag DogTagKurita_name Kurita Dog Tag Kurita Dog Tag DogTagKurita_desc Hanging Kurita Dog Tag Hanging Kurita Dog Tag DogTagLiao_name Liao Dog Tag Liao Dog Tag DogTagLiao_desc Hanging Liao Dog Tag Hanging Liao Dog Tag DogTagMarik_name Marik Dog Tag Marik Dog Tag DogTagMarik_desc Hanging Marik Dog Tag Hanging Marik Dog Tag DogTagSteiner_name Steiner Dog Tag Steiner Dog Tag DogTagSteiner_desc Hanging Steiner Dog Tag Hanging Steiner Dog Tag DogTagFRR_name FRR Dog Tag FRR Dog Tag DogTagFRR_desc Hanging FRR Dog Tag Hanging FRR Dog Tag BloodBrother_name Blood Pact Fist Blood Pact Fist BloodBrother_desc Standing Blood Pact Fist Standing Blood Pact Fist tt_Group_InvalidGroupSize Invalid group size Invalid group size ml_TAR T.A.R. T.A.R. tt_MechSummary_TargetAcquisitionRate Target Acquisition Rate (in milliseconds) Target Acquisition Rate (in milliseconds) ui_Col_RD_Green DAVION GREEN DAVION GREEN ui_Col_RD_Black DAVION BLACK DAVION BLACK ui_Col_RD_Orange DAVION ORANGE DAVION ORANGE ui_Col_RK_White KURITA PURE WHITE KURITA PURE WHITE ui_Col_RK_Red KURITA PURE RED KURITA PURE RED ui_Col_RK_Black KURITA BLACK KURITA BLACK ui_Col_RL_Brown LIAO BROWN LIAO BROWN ui_Col_RL_Green LIAO DRAB GREEN LIAO DRAB GREEN ui_Col_RL_Orange LIAO ORANGE LIAO ORANGE ui_Col_RM_Grey MARIK GREY MARIK GREY ui_Col_RM_Purple MARIK DARK PURPLE MARIK DARK PURPLE ui_Col_RM_Violet MARIK VIOLET MARIK VIOLET ui_Col_RS_Red STEINER RED STEINER RED ui_Col_RS_Purple STEINER PURPLE STEINER PURPLE ui_Col_RS_Orange STEINER LITE ORANGE STEINER LITE ORANGE ui_Col_RR_White FRR WHITE FRR WHITE ui_Col_RR_Red FRR LITE RED FRR LITE RED ui_Col_RR_Orange FRR PURE ORANGE FRR PURE ORANGE EHouse_SmokeJaguar SMOKE JAGUAR SMOKE JAGUAR EHouse_JadeFalcon JADE FALCON JADE FALCON EHouse_Wolf WOLF WOLF EHouse_GhostBear GHOST BEAR GHOST BEAR EHouse_House House House ui_Traditionally Traditionally Traditionally ui_Neutral Neutral Neutral ui_Allies Allies Allies ui_Rivals Rivals Rivals ui_Hostile Hostile Hostile ui_AtWar At War At War tt_LFG_Button Click to open the Looking For Group panel. Click to open the Looking For Group panel. ui_Allegiance Allegiance Allegiance ui_VotesInPercent Votes in % Votes in % ui_pal_blood BLOOD PACT BLOOD PACT ui_VoteToAttack Vote To Attack Vote To Attack ui_grouptonnagechanged GROUP TONNAGE LIMITS CHANGED GROUP TONNAGE LIMITS CHANGED ui_grouptonnagechanged_desc The group tonnage limits have been changed on the servers. Please ensure your group conforms to the new tonnage limits. The group tonnage limits have been changed on the servers. Please ensure your group conforms to the new tonnage limits. ui_error_IncompatibleUnitFaction Unable to join the unit. The current terms of your faction allegiance are incompatible with the Unit. Unable to join the unit. The current terms of your faction allegiance are incompatible with the Unit. @ui_ChooseAMap Choose A Map Choose A Map ui_ChooseAMode Choose A Game Mode Choose A Game Mode tt_HomeScreen_TestingGroundsDisabled Testing Grounds not available when in group. Testing Grounds not available when in group. tt_HomeScreen_TutorialsDisabled Tutorial not available when in group. Tutorial not available when in group. ui_solo_MatchmakingPenalty You have triggered the automated penalty system, either for leaving the match prematurely, racking up an excessive amount of Team Damage, or for committing a Team Kill. You must wait before you can re-enter the matchmaking queue You have triggered the automated penalty system, either for leaving the match prematurely, racking up an excessive amount of Team Damage, or for committing a Team Kill. You must wait before you can re-enter the matchmaking queue ui_group_MatchmakingPenalty One of your Group members (%0) triggered the automated penalty system, either for leaving the match prematurely, racking up an excessive amount of Team Damage, or for committing a Team Kill. You must wait before you can re-enter the matchmaking queue One of your Group members (%0) triggered the automated penalty system, either for leaving the match prematurely, racking up an excessive amount of Team Damage, or for committing a Team Kill. You must wait before you can re-enter the matchmaking queue ui_MatchmakingError MATCHMAKING ERROR MATCHMAKING ERROR ui_TutorialInvalidMech Your current 'Mech is invalid. Only the "Basic Training" tutorial will be available. Your current 'Mech is invalid. Only the "Basic Training" tutorial will be available. ui_MatchmakingSecondsRemaining Time Remaining: %0 seconds Time Remaining: %0 seconds ui_MatchmakingMinutesRemaining Time Remaining: %0 minutes %1 seconds Time Remaining: %0 minutes %1 seconds ui_MatchmakingHoursRemaining Time Remaining: %0 hours %1 minutes %2 seconds Time Remaining: %0 hours %1 minutes %2 seconds HUD_EarlyLeaverQuitDialog Quitting a match while your 'Mech is still alive may result in loss of rewards and a delay to subsequent matchmaking attempts. Are you sure you want to quit? Quitting a match while your 'Mech is still alive may result in loss of rewards and a delay to subsequent matchmaking attempts. Are you sure you want to quit? ui_lobby_destroyed_nofreeservers No available servers could be found at this time. Please try again later No available servers could be found at this time. Please try again later ui_PreparingServer INITIATING DROP INITIATING DROP ui_FactionPlay Faction Play Faction Play ui_Special Special Special ui_SpecialChassis Special Special ui_social_deatiled_tooltip The Social window is the main hub for engaging and organizing with other players.\n\n From here you can:\n\n- Manage your Friends list\n- Chat with friends, Unit members, and Group members\n- Invite a friend to your Unit\n- Create a Group or Private Lobby\n- Access the Looking For Group feature The Social window is the main hub for engaging and organizing with other players.\n\n From here you can:\n\n- Manage your Friends list\n- Chat with friends, Unit members, and Group members\n- Invite a friend to your Unit\n- Create a Group or Private Lobby\n- Access the Looking For Group feature ui_lfg_detailed_tooltip With the Looking For Group feature you can search for matchmaking Groups that are actively looking for members, or you can invite other LFG players into your own Group. \n\nThe Group Queue is often populated with more experienced players! If you are new to MechWarrior Online, consider developing your skills in the Solo Queue first by hitting the Quick Play button.\n\n Groups are temporary formations. If you want a more permanent group solution, consider forming or joining a Unit. With the Looking For Group feature you can search for matchmaking Groups that are actively looking for members, or you can invite other LFG players into your own Group. \n\nThe Group Queue is often populated with more experienced players! If you are new to MechWarrior Online, consider developing your skills in the Solo Queue first by hitting the Quick Play button.\n\n Groups are temporary formations. If you want a more permanent group solution, consider forming or joining a Unit. ui_camotype_desc_unlockable Unlockable:\nUnlockable Patterns can be applied to any variant of the associated 'Mech chassis.\nUnlockable Patterns are infinite-use items that exist in your inventory permanently, and can be removed and reapplied to any variant of the chassis as often as you like. Unlockable:\nUnlockable Patterns can be applied to any variant of the associated 'Mech chassis.\nUnlockable Patterns are infinite-use items that exist in your inventory permanently, and can be removed and reapplied to any variant of the chassis as often as you like. ui_camotype_desc_oneshot One Shot:\nOne Shot Patterns can only be applied to the specific variant that is currently selected; they cannot be applied to other variants of that chassis.\nOne Shot Patterns are single-use items that are removed from your inventory once you have applied them. If you replace a One Shot Pattern with another Pattern, the original One Shot must be re-purchased if you want to use it on that variant again. One Shot:\nOne Shot Patterns can only be applied to the specific variant that is currently selected; they cannot be applied to other variants of that chassis.\nOne Shot Patterns are single-use items that are removed from your inventory once you have applied them. If you replace a One Shot Pattern with another Pattern, the original One Shot must be re-purchased if you want to use it on that variant again. kgc-000bc KING CRAB KGC-000B(C) KING CRAB KGC-000B(C) kgc-000bc_desc KING CRAB KGC-000B(C) description KING CRAB KGC-000B(C) kgc-000bc_short KGC-000B(C) KGC-000B(C) kgc-000bs KING CRAB KGC-000B(S) KING CRAB KGC-000B(S) kgc-000bs_desc KING CRAB KGC-000B(S) description KING CRAB KGC-000B(S) kgc-000bs_short KGC-000B(S) KGC-000B(S) ach-primec ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(C) ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(C) ach-primec_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(C) description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(C) ach-primec_short ACH-PRIME(C) ACH-PRIME(C) ach-primes ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(S) ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(S) ach-primes_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(S) description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-PRIME(S) ach-primes_short ACH-PRIME(S) ACH-PRIME(S) scr-primec STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(C) STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(C) scr-primec_desc STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(C) description STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(C) scr-primec_short SCR-PRIME(C) SCR-PRIME(C) scr-primes STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(S) STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(S) scr-primes_desc STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(S) description STORMCROW SCR-PRIME(S) scr-primes_short SCR-PRIME(S) SCR-PRIME(S) dwf-wc DIRE WOLF DWF-W(C) DIRE WOLF DWF-W(C) dwf-wc_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-W(C) description DIRE WOLF DWF-W(C) dwf-wc_short DWF-W(C) DWF-W(C) dwf-ws DIRE WOLF DWF-W(S) DIRE WOLF DWF-W(S) dwf-ws_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-W(S) description DIRE WOLF DWF-W(S) dwf-ws_short DWF-W(S) DWF-W(S) rvn-3ls RAVEN RVN-3L(S) RAVEN RVN-3L(S) rvn-3ls_desc RAVEN RVN-3L(S) description RAVEN RVN-3L(S) rvn-3ls_short RVN-3L(S) RVN-3L(S) hbk-4ps HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(S) HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(S) hbk-4ps_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(S) description HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(S) hbk-4ps_short HBK-4P(S) HBK-4P(S) tdr-9ses THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(S) THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(S) tdr-9ses_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(S) description THUNDERBOLT TDR-9SE(S) description tdr-9ses_short TDR-9SE(S) TDR-9SE(S) tbr-cs TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(S) TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(S) tbr-cs_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(S) description TIMBER WOLF TBR-C(S) tbr-cs_short TBR-C(S) TBR-C(S) Steam_Light_Bundle_name Light 'Mech Pack Light 'Mech Pack Steam_Light_Bundle_desc Light 'Mech Performance Pack Light 'Mech Performance Pack Steam_Medium_Bundle_name Medium 'Mech Pack Medium 'Mech Pack Steam_Medium_Bundle_desc Medium 'Mech Performance Pack Medium 'Mech Performance Pack Steam_Heavy_Bundle_desc Heavy 'Mech Performance Pack Heavy 'Mech Performance Pack Steam_Heavy_Bundle_name Heavy 'Mech Pack Heavy 'Mech Pack Steam_Assault_Bundle_name Assault 'Mech Pack Assault 'Mech Pack Steam_Assault_Bundle_desc Assault 'Mech Performance Pack Assault 'Mech Performance Pack tut_shootinggallery Shooting Gallery Shooting Gallery tut_spawned Spawned Spawned tut_destroyed Destroyed Destroyed tut_killed Killed Killed tut_aggregateresults Aggregate Results Aggregate Results tut_round Round Round tut_summary Summary Summary tut_difficulty Difficulty Difficulty tut_easy Easy Easy tut_medium Medium Medium tut_hard Hard Hard tut_harder Harder Harder tut_hardest Hardest Hardest tut_shots Shots Shots tut_onslaught Onslaught Onslaught tut_bodycount Body Count Body Count tut_killrange Kill Range (meters) Kill Range (meters) tut_overall Overall Overall tut_killrate Kill Rate Kill Rate tut_thewalkingdead The Walking Dead The Walking Dead tut_thewalkingwounded The Walking Wounded The Walking Wounded tut_chargeofthelightbrigade Charge of the Light Brigade Charge of the Light Brigade tut_armageddon Armageddon Armageddon tut_talkthetalk Talk the Talk Talk the Talk tut_justafleshwound Just a Flesh Wound Just a Flesh Wound tut_noneshallpass None Shall Pass None Shall Pass tut_prepareyourself Prepare Yourself Prepare Yourself tut_walkthewalk Walk the Walk Walk the Walk tut_light Light Light tut_heavy Heavy Heavy tut_assault Assault Assault tut_difficultycolon Difficulty: Difficulty: tut_targetdamagestatecolon Target Damage State: Target Damage State: tut_topspeedreductioncolon Top Speed Reduction: Top Speed Reduction: tut_damaged Damaged Damaged tut_crippled Crippled Crippled tut_heavily Heavily Heavily tut_lightly Lightly Lightly tut_undamaged Undamaged Undamaged tut_fireatmovingtargets_st Fire at moving targets Fire at moving targets tut_theyrecomingforyou_st They’re coming for you They’re coming for you tut_shootinggallery_info Improve your skill at shooting moving targets Improve your skill at shooting moving targets tut_onslaught_info Stop waves of oncoming enemies Stop waves of oncoming enemies tut_airbornekills Airborne Kills Airborne Kills tut_shotstaken “Shots†Taken “Shots†Taken tut_efficiencyshotskill Efficiency: Shots/Kill Efficiency: Shots/Kill ui_lookingforgroup Looking for Group Looking for Group ui_ChampionInitial C C ui_HeroInitial H H ui_SpecialInitial S S ui_CannotLaunchTutorial Cannot Launch Tutorial Cannot Launch Tutorial ui_InvalidTutorialBindings These keys must be bound before continuing: These keys must be bound before continuing: ui_VoipFailed VOIP services unavailable for this match VOIP services unavailable for this match ui_EnableCockpitMonitors ENABLE COCKPIT MONITORS ENABLE COCKPIT MONITORS tt_Settings_EnableCockpitScreens Toggle cockpit monitors on and off. Toggle cockpit monitors on and off. is_masterVolume MASTER VOLUME MASTER VOLUME ui_BonusSuffix Bonuses: Bonuses: tt_MechSelect_MechSelectSpecial Toggle filter for Special 'Mechs Toggle filter for Special 'Mechs ui_MCReward MC Reward MC Reward ui_MCRewardDesc MC Reward MC Reward ui_MapVoteMultiplier Map Vote Multiplier Map Vote Multiplier ui_ModeVoteMultiplier Game Mode Vote Multiplier Game Mode Vote Multiplier SteamUpdateAvailable There is an update available. Please update through your Steam client. There is an update available. Please update through your Steam client. ui_GroupLeaderMapMultiplier Map Vote Multiplier for Group Map Vote Multiplier for Group ui_GroupLeaderModeMultiplier Game Mode Vote Multiplier for Group Game Mode Vote Multiplier for Group ui_GroupLeaderMapVote Leader Choosing Map Leader Choosing Map ui_GroupLeaderModeVote Leader Choosing Game Mode Leader Choosing Game Mode ui_MapVote Choose a Map Choose a Map ui_ModeVote Choose a Game Mode Choose a Game Mode tt_VotingScreenMapMultiplier To ensure your voice is heard, each time your desired map is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. To ensure your voice is heard, each time your desired map is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. tt_VotingScreenModeMultiplier To ensure your voice is heard, each time your desired game mode is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. To ensure your voice is heard, each time your desired game mode is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. tt_VotingScreenModeMultGroup To ensure your voice is heard, each time your group's desired game mode is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. To ensure your voice is heard, each time your group's desired game mode is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. tt_VotingScreenMapMultGroup To ensure your voice is heard, each time your group's desired map is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. To ensure your voice is heard, each time your group's desired map is not chosen the weighting of your next vote is increased. ui_LoginQueue Login Queue Login Queue ui_leavequeue Leave Queue Leave Queue ui_loginqueue_desc The servers are currently busy and you've been placed in queue.\nYou will automatically connect to the servers once space becomes available.\n\nLeaving the queue will forfeit your position. The servers are currently busy and you've been placed in queue.\nYou will automatically connect to the servers once space becomes available.\n\nLeaving the queue will forfeit your position. ui_loginqueue_position Your current queue position: Your current queue position: ui_loginqueue_time Time waiting in queue: Time waiting in queue: EMechModel_Marauder MARAUDER MARAUDER marauder MARAUDER MARAUDER mad-3rs MARAUDER MAD-3R(S) MARAUDER MAD-3R(S) mad-3rs_desc MARAUDER MAD-3R(S) description MARAUDER MAD-3R(S) mad-3rs_short MAD-3R(S) MAD-3R(S) mad-3r MARAUDER MAD-3R MARAUDER MAD-3R mad-3r_desc MARAUDER MAD-3R description MARAUDER MAD-3R mad-3r_short MAD-3R MAD-3R mad-5d MARAUDER MAD-5D MARAUDER MAD-5D mad-5d_desc MARAUDER MAD-5D description MARAUDER MAD-5D mad-5d_short MAD-5D MAD-5D mad-5m MARAUDER MAD-5M MARAUDER MAD-5M mad-5m_desc MARAUDER MAD-5M description MARAUDER MAD-5M mad-5m_short MAD-5M MAD-5M mad-bh2 BOUNTY HUNTER II BOUNTY HUNTER II mad-bh2_desc The second Marauder configuration used by the mysterious Bounty Hunter. The second Marauder configuration used by the mysterious Bounty Hunter. mad-bh2_short MAD-BH2 MAD-BH2 ui_MechBonuses Mech Bonuses 'Mech Bonuses ui_title_MarauderStand The Raider The Raider ui_title_MarauderColl The Money Maker The Money Maker ui_title_CWBetaVeteran2 FP Veteran - Beta 2 FP Veteran - Beta 2 FlagArgentina_name FLAG: ARGENTINA FLAG: ARGENTINA FlagBelarus_name FLAG: BELARUS FLAG: BELARUS FlagChile_name FLAG: CHILE FLAG: CHILE FlagCroatia_name FLAG: CROATIA FLAG: CROATIA FlagCuba_name FLAG: CUBA FLAG: CUBA FlagHungary_name FLAG: HUNGARY FLAG: HUNGARY FlagIndonesia_name FLAG: INDONESIA FLAG: INDONESIA FlagLithuania_name FLAG: LITHUANIA FLAG: LITHUANIA FlagMalaysia_name FLAG: MALAYSIA FLAG: MALAYSIA FlagNorthernIreland_name FLAG: NORTHERN IRELAND FLAG: NORTHERN IRELAND FlagPhilippines_name FLAG: PHILIPPINES FLAG: PHILIPPINES FlagSingapore_name FLAG: SINGAPORE FLAG: SINGAPORE FlagSlovenia_name FLAG: SLOVENIA FLAG: SLOVENIA FlagThailand_name FLAG: THAILAND FLAG: THAILAND FlagUruguay_name FLAG: URUGUAY FLAG: URUGUAY FlagWales_name FLAG: WALES FLAG: WALES FlagArgentina_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagBelarus_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagChile_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagCroatia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagCuba_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagHungary_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. ui_FactionPlayFirstViewTitle Welcome to Faction Play! Welcome to Faction Play! FlagIndonesia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagLithuania_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. ui_FactionPlayFirstView Faction Play is a highly-competitive game mode where players fight for control over the territory of the Inner Sphere. Forge a Contract with one of seven invading Clans or one of six Inner Sphere Houses to fight under their banner and earn Faction rewards.\n\nFaction Play has a strong emphasis on team cohesion and specialized 'Mech loadouts, and unlike Quick Play there is no skill-based matchmaking system in place! Faction Play matches are often comprised of experienced and organized MechWarriors running well-stocked and heavily customized 'Mech loadouts. \n\nIf you are new to MechWarrior Online we strongly recommend honing your skills in Quick Play and building up a stock of at least four customized and familiar 'Mechs before joining the fight for the Inner Sphere. Faction Play is a highly-competitive game mode where players fight for control over the territory of the Inner Sphere. Forge a Contract with one of seven invading Clans or one of six Inner Sphere Houses to fight under their banner and earn Faction rewards.\n\nFaction Play has a strong emphasis on team cohesion and specialized 'Mech loadouts, and unlike Quick Play there is no skill-based matchmaking system in place! Faction Play matches are often comprised of experienced and organized MechWarriors running well-stocked and heavily customized 'Mech loadouts. \n\nIf you are new to MechWarrior Online we strongly recommend honing your skills in Quick Play and building up a stock of at least four customized and familiar 'Mechs before joining the fight for the Inner Sphere. FlagMalaysia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagNorthernIreland_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagPhilippines_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagSingapore_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagSlovenia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagThailand_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagUruguay_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. FlagWales_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. ui_title_ResistFire Fire Fire ui_title_ResistFury Fury Fury ui_title_ResistRage Rage Rage ui_title_ResistWrath Wrath Wrath Gasmask_name Gas Mask Gas Mask Gasmask_desc Standing Gas Mask Item Standing Gas Mask Item BonsaiTree_a_name Bonsai Tree Bonsai Tree Bonsaitree_a_desc Standing Bonsai Tree Standing Bonsai Tree Locket_name Locket Locket Locket_desc Hanging Locket Hanging Locket Phoenix_name Phoenix Gold Phoenix Gold Phoenix_desc Phoenix Gold Standing Item Phoenix Gold Standing Item PhoenixAmber_name Phoenix Gold Phoenix Gold PhoenixAmber_desc Phoenix Gold Hanging Item Phoenix Gold Hanging Item SpeakerM_Phoenix Phoenix Gold Phoenix Gold SpeakerM_Phoenix_desc Phoenix Gold Warhorn Phoenix Gold Warhorn Cbill_hanging_name C-Bill Medallion C-Bill Medallion Cbill_hanging_desc C-Bill Medallion Hanging Item C-Bill Medallion Hanging Item tt_MechLab_SelectedItem Equipped Item Equipped Item tt_MechLab_PreviewCockpitItemEffect Preview item effect Preview item effect ui_Preview Preview Preview tt_MechLab_FilterStanding View standing items View standing items tt_MechLab_FilterHanging View hanging items View hanging items tt_MechLab_FilterMounted View mounted items View mounted items tt_MechLab_RemoveItem Remove item Remove item ui_scouting_rules GATHER INTEL WIN CONDITIONS:\n • COLLECT INTEL\n • BE IN THE EXTRACTION ZONE WHEN THE DROPSHIP DEPARTS\nPROTECT INTEL WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE SCOUTS GATHER INTEL WIN CONDITIONS:\n • COLLECT INTEL\n • BE IN THE EXTRACTION ZONE WHEN THE DROPSHIP DEPARTS\nPROTECT INTEL WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE SCOUTS hud_intel INTEL INTEL hud_DownloadingIntel DOWNLOADING DOWNLOADING hud_DownloadComplete DOWNLOAD COMPLETE DOWNLOAD COMPLETE hud_DownloadFailed DOWNLOAD FAILED DOWNLOAD FAILED ui_IntelCollected INTEL COLLECTED INTEL COLLECTED ui_IntelRecovered INTEL COLLECTED INTEL COLLECTED ui_IntelLost INTEL LOST INTEL LOST hud_TransitInbound DROPSHIP INBOUND DROPSHIP INBOUND hud_TimeToScouting DROPSHIP DEPARTS DROPSHIP DEPARTS ui_ColorBlindOptions COLOR BLIND OPTIONS COLOR BLIND OPTIONS ui_HitMarkerType COLOR BLIND FRIENDLY RETICULE COLOR BLIND FRIENDLY RETICULE tt_Settings_HitMarkerType Enable color blind friendly reticule. Enable color blind friendly reticule. ui_EquippedOnOtherMech Equipped on other 'Mech(s) Equipped on other 'Mech(s) Lamp_a_name Desk Lamp Desk Lamp lamp_a_desc Standing Desk Lamp Standing Desk Lamp Jackinthebox_name Mech in a Box Mech in a Box Jackinthebox_desc Standing Jack in the Box with Kill Animation Standing Jack in the Box with Kill Animation HoloGlobe_Clan_name Clan Holo Globe Clan Holo Globe HoloGlobe_Clan_desc Standing Clan Holo Globe Standing Clan Holo Globe HoloGlobe_GhostBear_name Ghost bear Holo Globe Ghost bear Holo Globe HoloGlobe_GhostBear_desc Standing Ghost Bear Holo Globe Standing Ghost Bear Holo Globe HoloGlobe_SmokeJaguar_name Smoke Jaguar Holo Globe Smoke Jaguar Holo Globe HoloGlobe_SmokeJaguar_desc Standing Smoke Jaguar Holo Globe Standing Smoke Jaguar Holo Globe HoloGlobe_JadeFalcon_name Jade Falcon Holo Globe Jade Falcon Holo Globe HoloGlobe_JadeFalcon_desc Standing Jade Falcon Holo Globe Standing Jade Falcon Holo Globe HoloGlobe_Wolf_name Clan Wolf Holo Globe Clan Wolf Holo Globe HoloGlobe_Wolf_desc Standing Clan Wolf Holo Globe Standing Clan Wolf Holo Globe SpeakerL_Clan Clan Hex Warhorn Clan Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_Clan_desc Mounted Clan Hex Warhorn Mounted Clan Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_GhostBear Ghost Bear Hex Warhorn Ghost Bear Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_GhostBear_desc Mounted Ghost Bear Hex Warhorn Mounted Ghost Bear Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_SmokeJaguar Smoke Jaguar Hex Warhorn Smoke Jaguar Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_SmokeJaguar_desc Mounted Smoke Jaguar Hex Warhorn Mounted Smoke Jaguar Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_JadeFalcon Jade Falcon Hex Warhorn Jade Falcon Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_JadeFalcon_desc Mounted Jade Falcon Hex Warhorn Mounted Jade Falcon Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_Wolf Clan Wolf Hex Warhorn Clan Wolf Hex Warhorn SpeakerL_Wolf_desc Mounted Clan Wolf Hex Warhorn Mounted Clan Wolf Hex Warhorn DNAStrand_a_name Double Helix Double Helix DNAStrand_a_desc Hanging Double Helix Hanging Double Helix DNAStrand_GhostBear_name Ghost Bear DNA Ghost Bear DNA DNAStrand_GhostBear_desc Hanging Ghost Bear DNA Strand Hanging Ghost Bear DNA Strand DNAStrand_SmokeJaguar_name Smoke Jaguar DNA Smoke Jaguar DNA DNAStrand_SmokeJaguar_desc Hanging Smoke Jaguar DNA Strand Hanging Smoke Jaguar DNA Strand DNAStrand_JadeFalcon_name Jade Falcon DNA Jade Falcon DNA DNAStrand_JadeFalcon_desc Hanging Jade Falcon DNA Strand Hanging Jade Falcon DNA Strand DNAStrand_Clan_Wolf_name Clan Wolf DNA Clan Wolf DNA DNAStrand_Clan_Wolf_desc Hanging Clan Wolf DNA Strand Hanging Clan Wolf DNA Strand @ui_title_IIcJenner The Messenger The Messenger @ui_title_IIcHunchback The Boombox The Boombox @ui_title_IIcOrion The Hunter The Hunter @ui_title_IIcHighlander The Undertaker The Undertaker ui_Col_OGB_White GHOST BEAR WHITE 2 GHOST BEAR WHITE 2 ui_Col_OGB_Grey GHOST BEAR GREY GHOST BEAR GREY ui_Col_OGB_Light_Blue GHOST BEAR LIGHT BLUE GHOST BEAR LIGHT BLUE ui_Col_OJF_Forest_Green J. F. FOREST GREEN J. F. FOREST GREEN ui_Col_OJF_Jade J. FALCON JADE GREEN J. FALCON JADE GREEN ui_Col_OJF_Leaf_Green J. FALCON LEAF GREEN J. FALCON LEAF GREEN ui_Col_OSJ_Black SMOKE JAGUAR BLACK 2 SMOKE JAGUAR BLACK 2 ui_Col_OSJ_Oliver_Grey S. JAGUAR OLIVE GREY S. JAGUAR OLIVE GREY ui_Col_OSJ_Red S. JAGUAR DARK RED S. JAGUAR DARK RED ui_Col_OW_Tan CLAN WOLF TAN CLAN WOLF TAN ui_Col_OW_DarkTan CLAN WOLF DARK TAN CLAN WOLF DARK TAN ui_Col_OW_Grey CLAN WOLF GREY CLAN WOLF GREY WVR_MasteryMediumBundle_name WOLVERINE BUNDLE WOLVERINE BUNDLE WVR_MasteryMediumBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! @TDR_MasteryHeavyBundle_name THUNDERBOLT BUNDLE THUNDERBOLT BUNDLE TDR_MasteryHeavyBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! EMechModel_JennerIIC JENNER IIC JENNER IIC jenneriic JENNER IIC JENNER IIC jr7-iico JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(O) JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(O) jr7-iico_desc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(O) description JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(O) jr7-iico_short JR7-IIC(O) JR7-IIC(O) jr7-iic JENNER IIC JR7-IIC JENNER IIC JR7-IIC jr7-iic_desc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC description JENNER IIC JR7-IIC jr7-iic_short JR7-IIC JR7-IIC jr7-iic-2 JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-2 JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-2 jr7-iic-2_desc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-2 description JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-2 jr7-iic-2_short JR7-IIC-2 JR7-IIC-2 jr7-iic-3 JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-3 JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-3 jr7-iic-3_desc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-3 description JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-3 jr7-iic-3_short JR7-IIC-3 JR7-IIC-3 jr7-iic-a JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A jr7-iic-a_desc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A description JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A jr7-iic-a_short JR7-IIC-A JR7-IIC-A EMechModel_HunchbackIIC HUNCHBACK IIC HUNCHBACK IIC hunchbackiic HUNCHBACK IIC HUNCHBACK IIC hbk-iico HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(O) HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(O) hbk-iico_desc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(O) description HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(O) hbk-iico_short HBK-IIC(O) HBK-IIC(O) hbk-iic HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC hbk-iic_desc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC description HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC hbk-iic_short HBK-IIC HBK-IIC hbk-iic-a HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-A HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-A hbk-iic-a_desc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-A description HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-A hbk-iic-a_short HBK-IIC-A HBK-IIC-A hbk-iic-b HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B hbk-iic-b_desc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B description HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B hbk-iic-b_short HBK-IIC-B HBK-IIC-B hbk-iic-c HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-C HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-C hbk-iic-c_desc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-C description HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-C hbk-iic-c_short HBK-IIC-C HBK-IIC-C EMechModel_OrionIIC ORION IIC ORION IIC orioniic ORION IIC ORION IIC on1-iico ORION IIC ON1-IIC(O) ORION IIC ON1-IIC(O) on1-iico_desc ORION IIC ON1-IIC(O) description ORION IIC ON1-IIC(O) on1-iico_short ON1-IIC(O) ON1-IIC(O) on1-iic ORION IIC ON1-IIC ORION IIC ON1-IIC on1-iic_desc ORION IIC ON1-IIC description ORION IIC ON1-IIC on1-iic_short ON1-IIC ON1-IIC on1-iic-a ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A on1-iic-a_desc ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A description ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A on1-iic-a_short ON1-IIC-A ON1-IIC-A on1-iic-b ORION IIC ON1-IIC-B ORION IIC ON1-IIC-B on1-iic-b_desc ORION IIC ON1-IIC-B description ORION IIC ON1-IIC-B on1-iic-b_short ON1-IIC-B ON1-IIC-B on1-iic-c ORION IIC ON1-IIC-C ORION IIC ON1-IIC-C on1-iic-c_desc ORION IIC ON1-IIC-C description ORION IIC ON1-IIC-C on1-iic-c_short ON1-IIC-C ON1-IIC-C EMechModel_HighlanderIIC HIGHLANDER IIC HIGHLANDER IIC highlanderiic HIGHLANDER IIC HIGHLANDER IIC hgn-iico HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC(O) HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC(O) hgn-iico_desc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC(O) description HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC(O) hgn-iico_short HGN-IIC(O) HGN-IIC(O) hgn-iic HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC hgn-iic_desc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC description HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC hgn-iic_short HGN-IIC HGN-IIC hgn-iic-a HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-A HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-A hgn-iic-a_desc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-A description HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-A hgn-iic-a_short HGN-IIC-A HGN-IIC-A hgn-iic-b HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B hgn-iic-b_desc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B description HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B hgn-iic-b_short HGN-IIC-B HGN-IIC-B hgn-iic-c HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C hgn-iic-c_desc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C description HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C hgn-iic-c_short HGN-IIC-C HGN-IIC-C ui_Employment_Contracts EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS ui_faction_contracts FACTION CONTRACTS FACTION CONTRACTS ui_population_per Population\n(%) Population\n(%) ui_bonus_per Bonus\n(%) Bonus\n(%) ui_Current_Contract CURRENT CONTRACT CURRENT CONTRACT ui_take_contract TAKE\nCONTRACT TAKE\nCONTRACT ui_Invasion_Missions INVASION MISSIONS INVASION MISSIONS @ui_cwrewards REWARDS REWARDS ui_Base_Payout BASE PAYOUT BASE PAYOUT ui_adjusted_payout ADJUSTED PAYOUT ADJUSTED PAYOUT ui_Scouting_Missions SCOUTING MISSIONS SCOUTING MISSIONS ClanStandardStructureType_desc The internal “bones†of a 'Mech, uses standard materials and weighs 10% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage. The internal “bones†of a 'Mech, uses standard materials and weighs 10% of the 'Mech’s maximum tonnage. ui_Inner_Sphere INNER SPHERE INNER SPHERE ui_Clans CLANS CLANS ui_pal_origins ORIGINS ORIGINS ui_no_contract No Contract No Contract ui_unit_no_contract_loyalist Your unit may not take employment contracts while loyal to a faction. Your unit may not take employment contracts while loyal to a faction. ui_unit_no_contract Your unit currently does not have an employment contract, please consider choosing one. Your unit currently does not have an employment contract, please consider choosing one. ui_unit_no_contract_no_permissions Your unit currently does not have an employment contract and your rank does not permit you accepting any. Your unit currently does not have an employment contract and your rank does not permit you accepting any. ui_nounit_loyalist You may not take any employment contracts without being in a unit and while loyal to a faction. You may not take any employment contracts without being in a unit and while loyal to a faction. ui_nounit_no_contract You must be in a unit and have sufficient unit permissions before taking any employment contracts. You must be in a unit and have sufficient unit permissions before taking any employment contracts. _screenshot Screenshot Screenshot ui_AccountCreation Account Creation Account Creation ui_unit_loyalist_deserter Your unit may not take employment contracts while deserting from a faction. Your unit may not take employment contracts while deserting from a faction. ui_MASCDam MASC Damage MASC Damage ui_MWDropshipTurret DROPSHIP TURRET DROPSHIP TURRET ui_polarhighlands POLAR HIGHLANDS POLAR HIGHLANDS ui_PolarHighlands_detail1 -29 C -29 C ui_PolarHighlands_detail2 1.2 1.2 ui_PolarHighlands_detail3 78% 78% ui_LoginGenericError There was an error during the login process.\nPlease try again or contact support.\nError code %0 There was an error during the login process.\nPlease try again or contact support.\nError code %0 ui_GeneralsAlert_PlanetNotChosen Due to a swift tactical reevaluation by our ranking commanders our invasion forces will not conform to the wishes of our loyalists. This adjustment will be temporary and War Planning will continue as planned for the next cycle. Due to a swift tactical reevaluation by our ranking commanders our invasion forces will not conform to the wishes of our loyalists. This adjustment will be temporary and War Planning will continue as planned for the next cycle. ui_GeneralsAlert_UpcomingEvent Due to an Upcoming Special Operation the War Planning system has been disabled. You may cast your vote again on the last day of the operation. Due to an Upcoming Special Operation the War Planning system has been disabled. You may cast your vote again on the last day of the operation. ui_GeneralsAlert_ActiveEvent Due to the active Special Operation the War Planning system has been disabled. You may cast your vote again on the last day of the operation. Due to the active Special Operation the War Planning system has been disabled. You may cast your vote again on the last day of the operation. ui_warplanning_desc Each day loyalists may cast a vote for the faction they would most like to invade. At the beginning of each day the votes are tabulated from the previous day drive the Each day loyalists may cast a vote for the faction they would most like to invade. At the beginning of each day the votes are tabulated from the previous day drive the ui_VoteTimeRemaining Vote Time Remaining Vote Time Remaining ui_VoteNow Vote Now Vote Now ui_Planet PLANET PLANET ui_Invading INVADING INVADING ui_VoteTitle War Planning War Planning ui_NumPlanets Planets Held by Your Faction Planets Held by Your Faction ui_NumEnemyPlanets Planets Held by This Faction Planets Held by This Faction ui_DeclareHostilities Declare Hostilities Declare Hostilities ui_VoteCast Vote Cast Vote Cast ui_VoteCastSubtext Vote Again Tomorrow Vote Again Tomorrow ui_Faction_Warfare Faction Play Faction Play ui_NoMatchmaking_NoMercy No Matchmaking No Mercy No Matchmaking No Mercy ui_Choose_Your_Role CHOOSE YOUR ROLE CHOOSE YOUR ROLE ui_Freelancer_desc Freelancers are loyal to no one and are only eligible to participate in Faction Play matches if a Freelance Call to Arms has been sent to them.\n\nCreate a Unit or pledge loyalty to choose when and where you play. Freelancers are loyal to no one and are only eligible to participate in Faction Play matches if a Freelance Call to Arms has been sent to them.\n\nCreate a Unit or pledge loyalty to choose when and where you play. ui_Loyalist_desc Loyalists look to ascend in rank and earn rewards and bonus payouts as they gain reputation with a faction.\n\nEnlisted MechWarriors command the respect of their faction which will declare war on the opposing side its loyalists most want to invade using the War Planning system. Loyalists look to ascend in rank and earn rewards and bonus payouts as they gain reputation with a faction.\n\nEnlisted MechWarriors command the respect of their faction which will declare war on the opposing side its loyalists most want to invade using the War Planning system. ui_ShowContracts Select Career Select Career ui_DecideLater Select Career Select Career faction_designation Government Designation: Government Designation: faction_government Political System: Political System: faction_capital Capital: Capital: faction_rulers Ruler: Ruler: faction_languages Dominant Languages: Dominant Languages: faction_formed Date Formed: Date Formed: davion_designation Federated Suns Federated Suns kurita_designation Draconis Combine Draconis Combine liao_designation Capellan Confederation Capellan Confederation marik_designation Free Worlds League Free Worlds League rasalhague_designation Free Rasalhague Republic Free Rasalhague Republic steiner_designation Lyran Commonwealth Lyran Commonwealth smokejaguar_designation Crusader Clan Crusader Clan jadefalcon_designation Crusader Clan Crusader Clan wolf_designation Warden Clan Warden Clan ghostbear_designation Crusader Clan Crusader Clan davion_government Constitutional Aristocracy Constitutional Aristocracy kurita_government Autocracy Autocracy liao_government Dictatorship Dictatorship marik_government Parliamentary Confederacy Parliamentary Confederacy rasalhague_government Representative Parliament Representative Parliament steiner_government Constitutional Monarchy Constitutional Monarchy smokejaguar_government Caste-driven Warrior Society Caste-driven Warrior Society jadefalcon_government Caste-driven Warrior Society Caste-driven Warrior Society wolf_government Caste-driven Warrior Society Caste-driven Warrior Society ghostbear_government Caste-driven Warrior Society Caste-driven Warrior Society davion_capital New Avalon City, New Avalon New Avalon City, New Avalon kurita_capital Imperial City, Luthien Imperial City, Luthien liao_capital Zi-jin Cheng, Sian Zi-jin Cheng, Sian marik_capital Atreus City, Atreus Atreus City, Atreus rasalhague_capital Reyljavik, Rasalhague Reyljavik, Rasalhague steiner_capital Tharkad City, Tharkad Tharkad City, Tharkad smokejaguar_capital Huntress Huntress jadefalcon_capital Ironhold Ironhold wolf_capital Strana Mechty Strana Mechty ghostbear_capital Arcadia Arcadia davion_rulers First Prince Hanse Davion First Prince Hanse Davion kurita_rulers Coordinator Takashi Kurita Coordinator Takashi Kurita liao_rulers Chancellor Romano Liao Chancellor Romano Liao marik_rulers Captain-General Thomas Marik Captain-General Thomas Marik rasalhague_rulers Elected Prince Haakon Magnusson Elected Prince Haakon Magnusson steiner_rulers Archon Melissa Steiner Davion Archon Melissa Steiner Davion smokejaguar_rulers Khan Lincoln Osis Khan Lincoln Osis jadefalcon_rulers Khan Elias Crichell Khan Elias Crichell wolf_rulers Khan Ulric Kerensky Khan Ulric Kerensky ghostbear_rulers Khan Bjorn Jorgensson Khan Bjorn Jorgensson davion_languages English, French, German English, French, German kurita_languages Japanese, Arabic, English Japanese, Arabic, English liao_languages Chinese, Russian, English, Hindi Chinese, Russian, English, Hindi marik_languages English, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Urdu English, Spanish, Greek, Romanian, Urdu rasalhague_languages Swedish, Japanese, Swedenese, German, English Swedish, Japanese, Swedenese, German, English steiner_languages German, English, Scottish Gaelic, Italian, French German, English, Scottish Gaelic, Italian, French smokejaguar_languages English English jadefalcon_languages English English wolf_languages English English ghostbear_languages English English davion_formation_date 2317 2317 kurita_formation_date 2319 2319 liao_formation_date 2366 2366 marik_formation_date 2271 2271 rasalhague_formation_date 3034 3034 steiner_formation_date 2341 2341 smokejaguar_formation_date 2810 2810 jadefalcon_formation_date 2810 2810 wolf_formation_date 2810 2810 ghostbear_formation_date 2810 2810 davion_long_history The largest of the successor states, the Federated Suns is often considered the preeminent military power in the Inner Sphere. Davion society is fixated on martial prowess and has a reputation for being hawkish and bellicose.\n\nStrongly influenced by pre-first exodus Great Britain, United States and France, it often boasts of its high minded values and civil liberties. Despite these claims it is first-and-foremost a constitutional monarchy, ruled over by the Davion bloodline and various aristocrats.\n\nMuch of its territorial expansion over the years have come at the expense of the Capellans creating an ever-lasting animosity with House Liao. An alliance was struck with House Steiner of the Lyran Alliance in the face of similar conflicts with the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League. The largest of the successor states, the Federated Suns is often considered the preeminent military power in the Inner Sphere. Davion society is fixated on martial prowess and has a reputation for being hawkish and bellicose.\n\nStrongly influenced by pre-first exodus Great Britain, United States and France, it often boasts of its high minded values and civil liberties. Despite these claims it is first-and-foremost a constitutional monarchy, ruled over by the Davion bloodline and various aristocrats.\n\nMuch of its territorial expansion over the years have come at the expense of the Capellans creating an ever-lasting animosity with House Liao. An alliance was struck with House Steiner of the Lyran Alliance in the face of similar conflicts with the Draconis Combine and Free Worlds League. kurita_long_history Possessing one of the best trained armies in the Inner Sphere, House Kurita believes it is destined to one day rule over the other Houses and aggressively pursues this end.\n\nFollowing the ancient tenants of Bushido, Draconis Combine society follows the Five Pillars and values honor, duty and conquest above all else. House Kurita rules their people with complete dictatorial power in the style of feudal Japan on ancient Terra.\n\nShortly after the collapse of the Star League the Combine conquered the peaceful people of Rasalhague leading to a long and bloody occupation. Kurita's continued hostility to its neighbors drew ire from both the Lyrans and Federated Suns whom established an alliance to combat the machinations of the advancing Draconis forces. Possessing one of the best trained armies in the Inner Sphere, House Kurita believes it is destined to one day rule over the other Houses and aggressively pursues this end.\n\nFollowing the ancient tenants of Bushido, Draconis Combine society follows the Five Pillars and values honor, duty and conquest above all else. House Kurita rules their people with complete dictatorial power in the style of feudal Japan on ancient Terra.\n\nShortly after the collapse of the Star League the Combine conquered the peaceful people of Rasalhague leading to a long and bloody occupation. Kurita's continued hostility to its neighbors drew ire from both the Lyrans and Federated Suns whom established an alliance to combat the machinations of the advancing Draconis forces. liao_long_history Considered a repressive dictatorship by most, the Capellan Confederation's relatively small territory hosts the most loyal and civic minded society in the Inner Sphere.\n\nRuled over by a Chancellor wielding absolute power, citizenship must be earned with each person evaluated to determine their contributions to the whole. House Liao can trace its traditions back to its strong Chinese and Russian influences.\n\nMuch of its size has been diminished after years of successive defeats at the hands of the Federated Suns. It was this constant barrage that led the Capellans to eventually seek out an ally in their former enemy the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine. Considered a repressive dictatorship by most, the Capellan Confederation's relatively small territory hosts the most loyal and civic minded society in the Inner Sphere.\n\nRuled over by a Chancellor wielding absolute power, citizenship must be earned with each person evaluated to determine their contributions to the whole. House Liao can trace its traditions back to its strong Chinese and Russian influences.\n\nMuch of its size has been diminished after years of successive defeats at the hands of the Federated Suns. It was this constant barrage that led the Capellans to eventually seek out an ally in their former enemy the Free Worlds League and the Draconis Combine. marik_long_history The Free Worlds League has the distinction of being the oldest of the successor states. While its society is multicultural and has historically offered great autonomy to its regions it now exists in a perpetual state of martial law.\n\nOriginally a loose alliance between early states of European, American and Indian roots, the League functions as a representative democracy ruled by a parliament. Despite the democratic nature of the government House Marik still wields supreme control over the armed forces and has the final word on most issues.\n\nHouse Marik was at war with Steiner almost immediately after the fall of the Star League and continued throughout the following wars of succession. Once House Steiner and Davion had declared their alliance the Free Worlds League turned to Kurita and Liao for support re-balancing the forces of the Inner Sphere. The Free Worlds League has the distinction of being the oldest of the successor states. While its society is multicultural and has historically offered great autonomy to its regions it now exists in a perpetual state of martial law.\n\nOriginally a loose alliance between early states of European, American and Indian roots, the League functions as a representative democracy ruled by a parliament. Despite the democratic nature of the government House Marik still wields supreme control over the armed forces and has the final word on most issues.\n\nHouse Marik was at war with Steiner almost immediately after the fall of the Star League and continued throughout the following wars of succession. Once House Steiner and Davion had declared their alliance the Free Worlds League turned to Kurita and Liao for support re-balancing the forces of the Inner Sphere. rasalhague_long_history The youngest among the successor states, the Free Rasalhague Republic's ultimate goal is simply to survive as a nation amongst the larger warlike Great Houses around them.\n\nThe FRR is not ruled by a noble House and is one of a few true democratic states in the Inner Sphere. Due to Rasalhague's location between the Great Houses Steiner and Kurita its Scandinavian background is now intertwined with that of those two nations.\n\nOnce an early interplanetary state, Rasalhague was completely absorbed into the Draconis Combine during an invasion centuries ago. Its sovereignty was only recently granted by an agreement between Great Houses Steiner and Kurita. Each ceded control of several planets to Rasalhague whom would act as a buffer state and remain neutral to both parties. The youngest among the successor states, the Free Rasalhague Republic's ultimate goal is simply to survive as a nation amongst the larger warlike Great Houses around them.\n\nThe FRR is not ruled by a noble House and is one of a few true democratic states in the Inner Sphere. Due to Rasalhague's location between the Great Houses Steiner and Kurita its Scandinavian background is now intertwined with that of those two nations.\n\nOnce an early interplanetary state, Rasalhague was completely absorbed into the Draconis Combine during an invasion centuries ago. Its sovereignty was only recently granted by an agreement between Great Houses Steiner and Kurita. Each ceded control of several planets to Rasalhague whom would act as a buffer state and remain neutral to both parties. steiner_long_history One of the largest successor states, the Lyran Commonwealth is renowned for its unparalleled wealth, advanced industries and complete lack of military cunning.\n\nOstensibly a hereditary monarchy, House Steiner is largely careful to ensure the rights and freedoms of their people are upheld. It is common for nobility to be gifted high ranking posts in the military leaving the Lyran command structure historically inept, hampering many of their intergalactic ambitions.\n\nThe Lyran Commonwealth was eager to capitalize on the chaos after the fall of the Star League and began a push to capture world belonging to the Free Worlds League. They soon found themselves surrounded by enemies as the Draconis Combine initiated their own campaigns against the Commonwealth. It was with this in mind that Steiner and Davion would form an alliance between their two powerful Houses. One of the largest successor states, the Lyran Commonwealth is renowned for its unparalleled wealth, advanced industries and complete lack of military cunning.\n\nOstensibly a hereditary monarchy, House Steiner is largely careful to ensure the rights and freedoms of their people are upheld. It is common for nobility to be gifted high ranking posts in the military leaving the Lyran command structure historically inept, hampering many of their intergalactic ambitions.\n\nThe Lyran Commonwealth was eager to capitalize on the chaos after the fall of the Star League and began a push to capture world belonging to the Free Worlds League. They soon found themselves surrounded by enemies as the Draconis Combine initiated their own campaigns against the Commonwealth. It was with this in mind that Steiner and Davion would form an alliance between their two powerful Houses. smokejaguar_long_history Brutal, cunning, and savage, Clan Smoke Jaguar pay only minimal respect to tradition and leave nothing but bloodshed in their wake. As the founders of the Crusader ideology they seek conquest above all other goals.\n\nSmoke Jaguar society is completely subservient to those in the warrior caste. They despise freeborn and hold very little esteem for those outside of the military. Therefore, much of the Jaguars resources and scientific capacity is provided solely from raids on its neighboring Clans.\n\nJaguar's cruelty and ambition often put them at odds with other Clans. While Wolf remains the key target of their ire, Smoke Jaguar does not always enjoy sharing control of the Crusaders with Jade Falcon and will often look for ways to overshadow their rivals. Brutal, cunning, and savage, Clan Smoke Jaguar pay only minimal respect to tradition and leave nothing but bloodshed in their wake. As the founders of the Crusader ideology they seek conquest above all other goals.\n\nSmoke Jaguar society is completely subservient to those in the warrior caste. They despise freeborn and hold very little esteem for those outside of the military. Therefore, much of the Jaguars resources and scientific capacity is provided solely from raids on its neighboring Clans.\n\nJaguar's cruelty and ambition often put them at odds with other Clans. While Wolf remains the key target of their ire, Smoke Jaguar does not always enjoy sharing control of the Crusaders with Jade Falcon and will often look for ways to overshadow their rivals. jadefalcon_long_history Well known for a stubborn adherence to tradition, Clan Jade Falcon is also known for it's arrogance and impulsiveness on the battlefield. Their petulance and Crusader nature make the Falcons a dangerous and unpredictable foe.\n\nMuch of the Clan's society is fixated on tradition, genetic purity, and conquest. Advancement and personal pride are of paramount importance in all facets of Jade Falcon life. Their strong will to dominate is often offset by hasty actions that have a habit of costing them victory on the battlefield.\n\nJade Falcon abhors deviation from tradition and often derides the Warden's vision of Clan conduct. The Falcons have a long standing hatred of Clan Wolf stemming back to their mutual formation when Wolf was appointed the holders of the founder's Bloodname. Well known for a stubborn adherence to tradition, Clan Jade Falcon is also known for it's arrogance and impulsiveness on the battlefield. Their petulance and Crusader nature make the Falcons a dangerous and unpredictable foe.\n\nMuch of the Clan's society is fixated on tradition, genetic purity, and conquest. Advancement and personal pride are of paramount importance in all facets of Jade Falcon life. Their strong will to dominate is often offset by hasty actions that have a habit of costing them victory on the battlefield.\n\nJade Falcon abhors deviation from tradition and often derides the Warden's vision of Clan conduct. The Falcons have a long standing hatred of Clan Wolf stemming back to their mutual formation when Wolf was appointed the holders of the founder's Bloodname. wolf_long_history Clan Wolf, Leader of the Warden Clans, is known for its deliberate and balanced approach to both society and warfare. Wolf's successes can be attributed to the value they place on collecting intelligence, logistics and seizing opportunities.\n\nWolf society is much less formal than that of other Clans. Warriors are expected to make political decisions and all their castes tend to receive relatively fair treatment. Wolf is one of the most tolerant of the Clan cultures, openly allowing freeborn to hold prestigious positions within its ranks.\n\nAs keepers of the Kerensky Bloodname, Clan Wolf's voice is often heard the loudest amongst the Clans. Sadly this does not shield them from their rivals. Wolf must stay ever vigilant against constant Crusader plots to usurp them. Clan Wolf, Leader of the Warden Clans, is known for its deliberate and balanced approach to both society and warfare. Wolf's successes can be attributed to the value they place on collecting intelligence, logistics and seizing opportunities.\n\nWolf society is much less formal than that of other Clans. Warriors are expected to make political decisions and all their castes tend to receive relatively fair treatment. Wolf is one of the most tolerant of the Clan cultures, openly allowing freeborn to hold prestigious positions within its ranks.\n\nAs keepers of the Kerensky Bloodname, Clan Wolf's voice is often heard the loudest amongst the Clans. Sadly this does not shield them from their rivals. Wolf must stay ever vigilant against constant Crusader plots to usurp them. ghostbear_long_history Ghost Bear values Strength, family, and patience above all else. Known for their detailed planning and patience, they are much less likely to rush to battle than other Crusader minded Clans.\n\nPutting special emphasis on training and discipline, the Bears pride themselves on their preparedness and forward thinking tactics. The significance of family and relatively good treatment of freeborn in Ghost Bear society does not conform with usual Crusader attitudes.\n\nWhile ostensibly a Crusader state, Clan Ghost Bear does not share their tenancy towards hot-headedness, often leading to friction with other Crusaders. The Bears fought against Clan Wolf for the right to launch the invasion of the Inner Sphere but tend to remain more-or-less neutral to most disputes amongst the Clans. Ghost Bear values Strength, family, and patience above all else. Known for their detailed planning and patience, they are much less likely to rush to battle than other Crusader minded Clans.\n\nPutting special emphasis on training and discipline, the Bears pride themselves on their preparedness and forward thinking tactics. The significance of family and relatively good treatment of freeborn in Ghost Bear society does not conform with usual Crusader attitudes.\n\nWhile ostensibly a Crusader state, Clan Ghost Bear does not share their tenancy towards hot-headedness, often leading to friction with other Crusaders. The Bears fought against Clan Wolf for the right to launch the invasion of the Inner Sphere but tend to remain more-or-less neutral to most disputes amongst the Clans. davion_short_history The largest of the successor states, the Federated Suns is often considered the preeminent military power in the Inner Sphere. Davion society is fixated on martial prowess and has a reputation for being hawkish and bellicose. The largest of the successor states, the Federated Suns is often considered the preeminent military power in the Inner Sphere. Davion society is fixated on martial prowess and has a reputation for being hawkish and bellicose. kurita_short_history Possessing one of the best trained armies in the Inner Sphere, House Kurita believes it is destined to one day rule over the other Houses and aggressively pursues this end. Possessing one of the best trained armies in the Inner Sphere, House Kurita believes it is destined to one day rule over the other Houses and aggressively pursues this end. liao_short_history Considered a repressive dictatorship by most, the Capellan Confederation's relatively small territory hosts the most loyal and civic minded society in the Inner Sphere. Considered a repressive dictatorship by most, the Capellan Confederation's relatively small territory hosts the most loyal and civic minded society in the Inner Sphere. marik_short_history The Free Worlds League has the distinction of being the oldest of the successor states. While its society is multicultural and has historically offered great autonomy to its regions it now exists in a perpetual state of martial law. The Free Worlds League has the distinction of being the oldest of the successor states. While its society is multicultural and has historically offered great autonomy to its regions it now exists in a perpetual state of martial law. rasalhague_short_history The youngest among the successor states, the Free Rasalhague Republic's ultimate goal is simply to survive as a nation amongst the larger warlike Great Houses around them. The youngest among the successor states, the Free Rasalhague Republic's ultimate goal is simply to survive as a nation amongst the larger warlike Great Houses around them. steiner_short_history One of the largest successor states, the Lyran Commonwealth is renowned for its unparalleled wealth, advanced industries and complete lack of military cunning. One of the largest successor states, the Lyran Commonwealth is renowned for its unparalleled wealth, advanced industries and complete lack of military cunning. smokejaguar_short_history Brutal, cunning, and savage, Clan Smoke Jaguar pay only minimal respect to tradition and leave nothing but bloodshed in their wake. As the founders of the Crusader ideology they seek conquest above all other goals. Brutal, cunning, and savage, Clan Smoke Jaguar pay only minimal respect to tradition and leave nothing but bloodshed in their wake. As the founders of the Crusader ideology they seek conquest above all other goals. jadefalcon_short_history Well known for a stubborn adherence to tradition, Clan Jade Falcon is also known for it's arrogance and impulsiveness on the battlefield. Their petulance and Crusader nature make the Falcons a dangerous and unpredictable foe. Well known for a stubborn adherence to tradition, Clan Jade Falcon is also known for it's arrogance and impulsiveness on the battlefield. Their petulance and Crusader nature make the Falcons a dangerous and unpredictable foe. wolf_short_history Clan Wolf, Leader of the Warden Clans, is known for its deliberate and balanced approach to both society and warfare. Wolf's successes can be attributed to the value they place on collecting intelligence, logistics and seizing opportunities. Clan Wolf, Leader of the Warden Clans, is known for its deliberate and balanced approach to both society and warfare. Wolf's successes can be attributed to the value they place on collecting intelligence, logistics and seizing opportunities. ghostbear_short_history Ghost Bear values Strength, family, and patience above all else. Known for their detailed planning and patience, they are much less likely to rush to battle than other Crusader minded Clans. Ghost Bear values Strength, family, and patience above all else. Known for their detailed planning and patience, they are much less likely to rush to battle than other Crusader minded Clans. ui_pledge_loyalty Pledge Loyalty Pledge Loyalty davion_pledge_loyalty_desc Congratulations from the Department of Mercenary Relations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your acumen and sensibilities are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. Congratulations from the Department of Mercenary Relations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your acumen and sensibilities are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. kurita_pledge_loyalty_desc The Draconis Combine Professional Soldiery Liaison extends you privilege of a long-term contract. Your swords will be first among equals as you guard the borders of our great realm! The Draconis Combine Professional Soldiery Liaison extends you privilege of a long-term contract. Your swords will be first among equals as you guard the borders of our great realm! liao_pledge_loyalty_desc You are bestowed the high gift of a Charter you will accept for long-term employment for the greater good of the glorious Capellan Confederation.\n\nCapellan Command Council You are bestowed the high gift of a Charter you will accept for long-term employment for the greater good of the glorious Capellan Confederation.\n\nCapellan Command Council marik_pledge_loyalty_desc The League Central Coordination And Command welcomes your acceptance of a long-term contract with the first Great House. Your reputation and service will be celebrated by the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command welcomes your acceptance of a long-term contract with the first Great House. Your reputation and service will be celebrated by the Free Worlds League. rasalhague_pledge_loyalty_desc The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations welcomes an acceptance of a long-term contract. As with our short-term contracts, you must adhere to all stipulations.\n\nJoin for freedom. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations welcomes an acceptance of a long-term contract. As with our short-term contracts, you must adhere to all stipulations.\n\nJoin for freedom. steiner_pledge_loyalty_desc The Department of Mercenary Relations offers congratulations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your sensibilities and acumen are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. The Department of Mercenary Relations offers congratulations on passing muster for this offer of a long-term contract. Your sensibilities and acumen are an asset that will greatly aid the Federated Commonwealth. smokejaguar_pledge_loyalty_desc You are saabtakha, adopted to become a warrior of Clan Smoke Jaguar for the specified time frame. Jaguar springs; Jaguar claws; Jaguar tastes: may you emulate the Founder’s favorite totem. You are saabtakha, adopted to become a warrior of Clan Smoke Jaguar for the specified time frame. Jaguar springs; Jaguar claws; Jaguar tastes: may you emulate the Founder’s favorite totem. jadefalcon_pledge_loyalty_desc Embrace the fire of the first Falcon; put on the mantle of stubbornness. You are adopted, saabtakha, into Clan Jade Falcon. Accept the will to remember during your service and you shall fly with us above all others. Embrace the fire of the first Falcon; put on the mantle of stubbornness. You are adopted, saabtakha, into Clan Jade Falcon. Accept the will to remember during your service and you shall fly with us above all others. wolf_pledge_loyalty_desc If you accept this adoption, saabtakha, for long-term service with Clan Wolf, you must be ever vigilant. Willing to lope for long miles, silent and patient. Yet strike in an instant when the time arrives for action. If you accept this adoption, saabtakha, for long-term service with Clan Wolf, you must be ever vigilant. Willing to lope for long miles, silent and patient. Yet strike in an instant when the time arrives for action. ghostbear_pledge_loyalty_desc The courage of Tseng; the foresight of Jorgensson. You are saabtakha, adopted into Clan Ghost Bear. Bring these attributes to your long-term service and you will be honored among our warriors. The courage of Tseng; the foresight of Jorgensson. You are saabtakha, adopted into Clan Ghost Bear. Bring these attributes to your long-term service and you will be honored among our warriors. ui_loyalty_probation Probation Period Probation Period ui_loyalty_probation_desc The pledge of loyalty should not be made lightly. The Newly Recruited Loyalist probation period lasts ten invasion matches, during that time you are unable to collect mission payouts or use loyalist-only features. The pledge of loyalty should not be made lightly. The Newly Recruited Loyalist probation period lasts ten invasion matches, during that time you are unable to collect mission payouts or use loyalist-only features. ui_matches Matches Matches ui_invasionwage Invasion Rewards Invasion Rewards ui_scoutingwage Scouting Rewards Scouting Rewards ui_Iagree I Agree I Agree ui_ViewCurrentContracts Current Contracts Current Contracts ui_NoMercenaryContract_NoLoyaltyPledged No Primary Contract No Primary Contract ui_MercenaryContract Mercenary Contract Mercenary Contract bonus Bonus Bonus ui_TimeRemaing Time Remaining Time Remaining ui_TakeContract Take Contract Take Contract ui_MercenaryContractUnit_Desc On behalf of your unit, do you swear to carry out the duties and obligations requested for the length of time stipulated by the contract? On behalf of your unit, do you swear to carry out the duties and obligations requested for the length of time stipulated by the contract? ui_LoyalistAgreement_Probation Loyalist Agreement - Probation Period Loyalist Agreement - Probation Period ui_FactionState_Probation Matches Matches break_loyalty Break Loyalty Break Loyalty ui_LoyalistAgreement_Active Loyalist Agreement Loyalist Agreement ui_LoyalistAgreement_Deserting Loyalist Agreement - Deserting Loyalist Agreement - Deserting ui_FactionState_Deserting Days Days davion_contract_desc The Department of Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract for your hire in the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller The Department of Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract for your hire in the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller kurita_contract_desc For the glory of the Dragon, you are honored with a short-term contract under the auspice of the Professional Soldiery Liaison to serve the Combine as needed alongside the Pillar of Steel. For the glory of the Dragon, you are honored with a short-term contract under the auspice of the Professional Soldiery Liaison to serve the Combine as needed alongside the Pillar of Steel. liao_contract_desc Accept this short-term contract from the Capellan Command Council. Your sellswords will protect the Chancellor and his magnificent Capellan Confederation from his enemies. Accept this short-term contract from the Capellan Command Council. Your sellswords will protect the Chancellor and his magnificent Capellan Confederation from his enemies. marik_contract_desc Well-met accomplished soldier. The League Central Coordination And Command salutes your bravery in accepting a short-term contract to protect the peoples of the Free World League. Well-met accomplished soldier. The League Central Coordination And Command salutes your bravery in accepting a short-term contract to protect the peoples of the Free World League. rasalhague_contract_desc The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract. If you accept, you will adhere to all stipulations within the contract for the duration of your employment.\n\nWelcome. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations extends a short-term contract. If you accept, you will adhere to all stipulations within the contract for the duration of your employment.\n\nWelcome. steiner_contract_desc A short-term contract for your hire is extended by the Department of Mercenary Relations for the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller A short-term contract for your hire is extended by the Department of Mercenary Relations for the defense of the free peoples of the Federated Commonwealth.\n\nField Marshal Grissom Miller smokejaguar_contract_desc Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis is watching and will mete out justice equal to your courage and prowess. Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis is watching and will mete out justice equal to your courage and prowess. jadefalcon_contract_desc Elias Crichell, Khan of Clan Jade Falcon, guardians of the Founder’s vision, offers you bondtroth of short-term service. The eyes of the Falcon are ever upon your battles. Elias Crichell, Khan of Clan Jade Falcon, guardians of the Founder’s vision, offers you bondtroth of short-term service. The eyes of the Falcon are ever upon your battles. wolf_contract_desc Accept this bondtroth for short-term service in the Clan the Founder chose to mingle his blood. Khan Ulric Kerensky patiently awaits the record you will forge on future fields of battle. Accept this bondtroth for short-term service in the Clan the Founder chose to mingle his blood. Khan Ulric Kerensky patiently awaits the record you will forge on future fields of battle. ghostbear_contract_desc By the hand of Bjorn Jorgensson, accept this bondtroth for short-term service with Clan Ghost Bear. May the ursus within arise as needed: for protection, for attack, for the family. By the hand of Bjorn Jorgensson, accept this bondtroth for short-term service with Clan Ghost Bear. May the ursus within arise as needed: for protection, for attack, for the family. ui_Scouting SCOUTING SCOUTING ui_ScoutingInfo Scouting Info Scouting Info ui_Attackers Attackers Attackers ui_Defenders Defenders Defenders ui_BattlefieldScan Combat Identification Combat Identification ui_OrbitalRecon Satellite Sweep Satellite Sweep ui_GroundArtillary Ground Artillery Ground Artillery ui_InvalidDropDeck Invalid Drop Deck Invalid Drop Deck CT_A_I_Clan_Ghost_Bear Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to assault the targeted world for conquest. Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_A_I_Clan_Jade_Falcon Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_A_I_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_A_I_Clan_Wolf Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to assault the targeted world for conquest. Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to assault the targeted world for conquest. CT_A_I_IS_Davion The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. CT_A_I_IS_Kurita The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. CT_A_I_IS_Liao The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a planetary assault against the designated world. The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a planetary assault against the designated world. CT_A_I_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a planetary assault against the titled world. The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a planetary assault against the titled world. CT_A_I_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a planetary assault against the stipulated world. CT_A_I_IS_Steiner The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a planetary assault against the named world. CT_D_I_Clan_Ghost_Bear Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to defend the targeted world from conquest. Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to defend the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_I_Clan_Jade_Falcon Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_I_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to defend the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_I_Clan_Wolf Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to defend the targeted world from conquest. Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to defend the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_I_IS_Davion The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. CT_D_I_IS_Kurita The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. CT_D_I_IS_Liao The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a defensive campaign on the designated world. The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a defensive campaign on the designated world. CT_D_I_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a defensive campaign on the titled world. The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a defensive campaign on the titled world. CT_D_I_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a defensive campaign on the stipulated world. CT_D_I_IS_Steiner The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a defensive campaign on the named world. CT_A_S_Clan_Ghost_Bear Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. CT_A_S_Clan_Jade_Falcon Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. CT_A_S_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. CT_A_S_Clan_Wolf Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to scout the targeted world to assist our invasion forces. CT_A_S_IS_Davion The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the named world. CT_A_S_IS_Kurita The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the stipulated world. The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the stipulated world. CT_A_S_IS_Liao The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the designated world. The Capellan Command Council—under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation—grants a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the designated world. CT_A_S_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the titled world. The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the titled world. CT_A_S_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the stipulated world. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations—under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé—offers a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the stipulated world. CT_A_S_IS_Steiner The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a scout to assist our invasion forces on the named world. CR_AD_I_Clan_Ghost_Bear Such a debacle as this failed assault mocks the might of the bear. Khan Bjorn Jorgensson feels spurned after accepting your service, as do all warriors of the Clan Ghost Bear Touman. Accept again our embrace and the skills we offer and ensure victory for the family. Such a debacle as this failed assault mocks the might of the bear. Khan Bjorn Jorgensson feels spurned after accepting your service, as do all warriors of the Clan Ghost Bear Touman. Accept again our embrace and the skills we offer and ensure victory for the family. CR_AD_I_Clan_Jade_Falcon Freebirth! You sully the mighty Clan Jade Falcon—the Founder’s dream incarnate—with your lackluster skills. Your assault was in shambles before the attack even began. You failed to grasp our nathaculor—the strike of the unswerving sword. Failure to heed Falcon tactics in the future will end in your misery. Freebirth! You sully the mighty Clan Jade Falcon—the Founder’s dream incarnate—with your lackluster skills. Your assault was in shambles before the attack even began. You failed to grasp our nathaculor—the strike of the unswerving sword. Failure to heed Falcon tactics in the future will end in your misery. CR_AD_I_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Savashri! First year sibkin can execute a better assault than your travesty of a deployment. Your enemies rejoice at your defeat. Spurn your blood. Mock Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis will not accept weakness in any warriors, especially you. Seize the next victory, or you will be forgotten. Savashri! First year sibkin can execute a better assault than your travesty of a deployment. Your enemies rejoice at your defeat. Spurn your blood. Mock Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis will not accept weakness in any warriors, especially you. Seize the next victory, or you will be forgotten. CR_AD_I_Clan_Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky is disappointed in your failed assault. Bowing to the pressure of chaos and the fog of war that engulfs any battlefield. Your previous acuity, none-the-less, shows your skills remain true, though untapped for this battle. Seize upon your past victories to emulate them for the future. Khan Ulric Kerensky is disappointed in your failed assault. Bowing to the pressure of chaos and the fog of war that engulfs any battlefield. Your previous acuity, none-the-less, shows your skills remain true, though untapped for this battle. Seize upon your past victories to emulate them for the future. CR_AD_I_IS_Davion The nature of your failed assault leads us to question your competency. Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack. We strongly urge a review of said footage and implementing necessary changes to ensure success in the future. The nature of your failed assault leads us to question your competency. Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack. We strongly urge a review of said footage and implementing necessary changes to ensure success in the future. CR_AD_I_IS_Kurita The lack of discipline and battlefield awareness displayed in your failed assault is a stain upon your reputation and honor. The lack of discipline and battlefield awareness displayed in your failed assault is a stain upon your reputation and honor. CR_AD_I_IS_Liao Inbred! Servitors would demonstrate greater acumen in an assault than your clumsy attempts at battle tactics. You shall lead the next assault and the results must be a victory or prepare for the consequences. Inbred! Servitors would demonstrate greater acumen in an assault than your clumsy attempts at battle tactics. You shall lead the next assault and the results must be a victory or prepare for the consequences. CR_AD_I_IS_Rasalhague We express deep—though unsurprised—disappointment at your lackluster assault. That you failed to achieve what our warriors accomplished while beset on all sides and under the aegis of a newly free nation…pray you are able to prove your abilities in future battles. We express deep—though unsurprised—disappointment at your lackluster assault. That you failed to achieve what our warriors accomplished while beset on all sides and under the aegis of a newly free nation…pray you are able to prove your abilities in future battles. CR_AD_I_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command postulates a need to review operational parameters due to your latest failed assault. Such a review will uncover compromising elements and allow you to ensure victory for the next assignment. While disappointed, we are confident in your future success. The League Central Coordination And Command postulates a need to review operational parameters due to your latest failed assault. Such a review will uncover compromising elements and allow you to ensure victory for the next assignment. While disappointed, we are confident in your future success. CR_AD_I_IS_Steiner While Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack, the nature of your failed assault leads us to question your abilities. We strongly urge a review of your own orders and implement necessary changes to ensure success in the future. While Intel is pouring over the battleroms from your attack, the nature of your failed assault leads us to question your abilities. We strongly urge a review of your own orders and implement necessary changes to ensure success in the future. CR_AV_I_Clan_Ghost_Bear Ursus roars at your brilliant assault, warrior. The mighty ghost bear acknowledges battle acumen, regardless of its source. Your family in Clan Ghost Bear rejoice at your success and embrace the honor you bring. Long may the foresight of Jorgensson be found in your victories to come. Ursus roars at your brilliant assault, warrior. The mighty ghost bear acknowledges battle acumen, regardless of its source. Your family in Clan Ghost Bear rejoice at your success and embrace the honor you bring. Long may the foresight of Jorgensson be found in your victories to come. CR_AV_I_Clan_Jade_Falcon Your brilliant assault is a testament to your skills and honors the blood that flows in your veins. Turkina’s eyes shine bright; her claws tear fresh; her wings fly high for you this day, warrior. The Founder’s vision sees an echo in your battlefield prowess. Long may your shadow join the Falcon’s wings. Your brilliant assault is a testament to your skills and honors the blood that flows in your veins. Turkina’s eyes shine bright; her claws tear fresh; her wings fly high for you this day, warrior. The Founder’s vision sees an echo in your battlefield prowess. Long may your shadow join the Falcon’s wings. CR_AV_I_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Glory to you warrior for your triumphant assault! Your prowess matches the smoke jaguar, whom you emulate with claw and spring and blood. The Touman watches and grins the bared teeth of victory. You honor your blood this day…long may you be remembered for your service this day. Glory to you warrior for your triumphant assault! Your prowess matches the smoke jaguar, whom you emulate with claw and spring and blood. The Touman watches and grins the bared teeth of victory. You honor your blood this day…long may you be remembered for your service this day. CR_AV_I_Clan_Wolf Though freeborn, your blood sings true, trothkin. Your magnificent assault was filled with all the rage and fury of the best Wolf warriors. Yet tempered with the knowledge of when to relent, when to feint, and when to seize victory despite apparent defeat. A skill other Clan’s warriors sorely lack. Though freeborn, your blood sings true, trothkin. Your magnificent assault was filled with all the rage and fury of the best Wolf warriors. Yet tempered with the knowledge of when to relent, when to feint, and when to seize victory despite apparent defeat. A skill other Clan’s warriors sorely lack. CR_AV_I_IS_Davion Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. This is a testament to your battle acumen. Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. This is a testament to your battle acumen. CR_AV_I_IS_Kurita Honor to you, for your glorious assault. The warriors of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery salute your attack and recognize a warrior worthy of respect. May the sun never set upon your battlefield acuity, nor your unflinching bravery to expand the might of the Dragon. Honor to you, for your glorious assault. The warriors of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery salute your attack and recognize a warrior worthy of respect. May the sun never set upon your battlefield acuity, nor your unflinching bravery to expand the might of the Dragon. CR_AV_I_IS_Liao Under the Celestial Wisdom’s hand your assault was foreordained for victory! A testament to your skills. Long will your victories under the Chancellor’s hands be celebrated. Under the Celestial Wisdom’s hand your assault was foreordained for victory! A testament to your skills. Long will your victories under the Chancellor’s hands be celebrated. CR_AV_I_IS_Rasalhague The proof of your loyalty in successfully executing your assault is welcomed. If more of your brethren demonstrate such professionalism in their service, the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic may yet change their perspectives concerning your value. Well done. The proof of your loyalty in successfully executing your assault is welcomed. If more of your brethren demonstrate such professionalism in their service, the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic may yet change their perspectives concerning your value. Well done. CR_AV_I_IS_Marik Your victory in the assault is a triumph for all the peoples of the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command commends your skill and dedication. Your victory in the assault is a triumph for all the peoples of the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command commends your skill and dedication. CR_AV_I_IS_Steiner Congratulations! Your victory is a testament to your battle acumen, and instills confidence in your abilities. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. Congratulations! Your victory is a testament to your battle acumen, and instills confidence in your abilities. Your tactics during the initial attack were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. CR_DD_I_Clan_Ghost_Bear There is no greater shame, warrior. You spilled the blood of the family in your travesty of a defense. The great ghost bear is slow to move, yet when that moment arrives, erupts with terrible fury. Ensure your future defenses protect Clan Ghost Bear lest we bring that fury against you. There is no greater shame, warrior. You spilled the blood of the family in your travesty of a defense. The great ghost bear is slow to move, yet when that moment arrives, erupts with terrible fury. Ensure your future defenses protect Clan Ghost Bear lest we bring that fury against you. CR_DD_I_Clan_Jade_Falcon Our enemies have poisoned Clan Jade Falcon soil with their presence, all due to your ineptitude! Fledgling warriors fresh into an Eyrie Cluster demonstrate greater acumen than you have today. Your failed defense is a stain on your blood you will long work to cleanse. Khan Elias Crichell is watching, and is most displeased with your service. Our enemies have poisoned Clan Jade Falcon soil with their presence, all due to your ineptitude! Fledgling warriors fresh into an Eyrie Cluster demonstrate greater acumen than you have today. Your failed defense is a stain on your blood you will long work to cleanse. Khan Elias Crichell is watching, and is most displeased with your service. CR_DD_I_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar You belittle the oaths you have taken in your failed defense. Solahma warriors ragged with their last breath in age show more spirit. Pray you are not called out in a Circle of Equals for your failure; as surely as The Founder forged the Clans you would be destroyed. Victory next time, warrior! You belittle the oaths you have taken in your failed defense. Solahma warriors ragged with their last breath in age show more spirit. Pray you are not called out in a Circle of Equals for your failure; as surely as The Founder forged the Clans you would be destroyed. Victory next time, warrior! CR_DD_I_Clan_Wolf Wolf blood was spilled this day in your disastrous defense. Blood that calls for vengeance. But the Wolf does not cull from the pack in the heat of battle. Your history marks you as a warrior worthy of your service with our Clan. Remember that and seize victory on another day and the clamor for vengeance with slack. Wolf blood was spilled this day in your disastrous defense. Blood that calls for vengeance. But the Wolf does not cull from the pack in the heat of battle. Your history marks you as a warrior worthy of your service with our Clan. Remember that and seize victory on another day and the clamor for vengeance with slack. CR_DD_I_IS_Davion Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls your abilities into question. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls your abilities into question. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. CR_DD_I_IS_Kurita The blood of the Dragon was spilt this day in your abysmal defense. The cries of the innocent mock your honor and astuteness on the field of battle. Allowing our enemies one meter of ground is unacceptable. Future defenses must erase your stain, or risk a permanent black mark on your honor. The blood of the Dragon was spilt this day in your abysmal defense. The cries of the innocent mock your honor and astuteness on the field of battle. Allowing our enemies one meter of ground is unacceptable. Future defenses must erase your stain, or risk a permanent black mark on your honor. CR_DD_I_IS_Liao Swine! Your defeat at the hands of the Celestial Wisdom’s enemies is a disgrace. Capellan children would defend their homeland with more dedication and skill than your failed defense. Swine! Your defeat at the hands of the Celestial Wisdom’s enemies is a disgrace. Capellan children would defend their homeland with more dedication and skill than your failed defense. CR_DD_I_IS_Rasalhague This is an outrage and the Free Rasalhague Republic citizens deserve better. Your botched defense mirrors a long line of failures of your so-called ‘professional’ soldier brethren. You will keep all personnel on reservation between deployments and your next defense will be a success. This is an outrage and the Free Rasalhague Republic citizens deserve better. Your botched defense mirrors a long line of failures of your so-called ‘professional’ soldier brethren. You will keep all personnel on reservation between deployments and your next defense will be a success. CR_DD_I_IS_Marik Your failed defense has left peoples of the Free Worlds League in harms way. The League Central Coordination And Command condemns your botched service and urges—in the strongest terms possible—a reevaluation of your combat doctrine to ensure future defenses will result in victory. Your failed defense has left peoples of the Free Worlds League in harms way. The League Central Coordination And Command condemns your botched service and urges—in the strongest terms possible—a reevaluation of your combat doctrine to ensure future defenses will result in victory. CR_DD_I_IS_Steiner When the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit a strong reaction. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired, and calls your abilities into question. We suggest in the strongest terms a reassessment of your battle strategies. When the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies grounding on their worlds, it cannot but elicit a strong reaction. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired, and calls your abilities into question. We suggest in the strongest terms a reassessment of your battle strategies. CR_DV_I_Clan_Ghost_Bear There is no greater glory than protecting the family. Your exemplar defense of Clan Ghost Bear holdings heralds your ristar status loud and clear. You are a warrior to be watched; a warrior to be tested; a warrior to fight alongside. You reflect back to our own Clansmen the courage of Tseng. Seyla. There is no greater glory than protecting the family. Your exemplar defense of Clan Ghost Bear holdings heralds your ristar status loud and clear. You are a warrior to be watched; a warrior to be tested; a warrior to fight alongside. You reflect back to our own Clansmen the courage of Tseng. Seyla. CR_DV_I_Clan_Jade_Falcon Well bargained and done, warrior. You superbly orchestrated your cutdown, selected your battlefield, and executed a defense that sent your opponent fleeing in shame. The warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon Touman salute you for your prowess and the ease with which you let all enemies know of Falcon strength. Well bargained and done, warrior. You superbly orchestrated your cutdown, selected your battlefield, and executed a defense that sent your opponent fleeing in shame. The warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon Touman salute you for your prowess and the ease with which you let all enemies know of Falcon strength. CR_DV_I_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Seyla. Your brilliant defense of Clan Smoke Jaguar holdings is worthy of praise. You do your blood honor as the skills you espouse showcase your battlefield worthiness to fight alongside the warriors of our Touman. You may yet earn a line in The Remembrance for your great deeds this day. Seyla. Your brilliant defense of Clan Smoke Jaguar holdings is worthy of praise. You do your blood honor as the skills you espouse showcase your battlefield worthiness to fight alongside the warriors of our Touman. You may yet earn a line in The Remembrance for your great deeds this day. CR_DV_I_Clan_Wolf The best defense is a better offense. A saying spoken by many, but few can execute. Honor to you trothkin, for a victorious defense that emulates the best of Clan tactics. The warriors of the Clan Wolf Touman howl in your honor this day as you let all Clansmen know not all of the best warriors are trueborn. The best defense is a better offense. A saying spoken by many, but few can execute. Honor to you trothkin, for a victorious defense that emulates the best of Clan tactics. The warriors of the Clan Wolf Touman howl in your honor this day as you let all Clansmen know not all of the best warriors are trueborn. CR_DV_I_IS_Davion The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense. The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense. CR_DV_I_IS_Kurita A staunch defense worthy of a haiku. The Professional Soldiery Liaison recognizes your exceptional service in defending the realm against enemies jealous of the Dragon’s might and majesty. May your blade always shine and your honor never fade as you continue in our service. A staunch defense worthy of a haiku. The Professional Soldiery Liaison recognizes your exceptional service in defending the realm against enemies jealous of the Dragon’s might and majesty. May your blade always shine and your honor never fade as you continue in our service. CR_DV_I_IS_Liao The prudence of the Celestial Wisdom shines forth in bringing your skills to the bulwark of the empire. Your intuitive defense saved Capellan blood and vaulted your name in reputation across the Inner Sphere. Continue such feats and you may receive a direct visit from his blessed personage! The prudence of the Celestial Wisdom shines forth in bringing your skills to the bulwark of the empire. Your intuitive defense saved Capellan blood and vaulted your name in reputation across the Inner Sphere. Continue such feats and you may receive a direct visit from his blessed personage! CR_DV_I_IS_Rasalhague We are surprisingly pleased at your effective defense of the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic. Your skill and dedication to the Republic are traits to be emulated. May you continue such exemplary performance in all future battles. We are surprisingly pleased at your effective defense of the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic. Your skill and dedication to the Republic are traits to be emulated. May you continue such exemplary performance in all future battles. CR_DV_I_IS_Marik Your spirited defense of the peoples of the Free Worlds League will be heralded from world to world as news of your victory spreads. The League Central Coordination And Command congratulates you for your valiant efforts in protecting the borders of the first Great House. Your spirited defense of the peoples of the Free Worlds League will be heralded from world to world as news of your victory spreads. The League Central Coordination And Command congratulates you for your valiant efforts in protecting the borders of the first Great House. CR_DV_I_IS_Steiner The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extends their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense! The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective and reinforce the truth of your abilities. The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extends their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense! The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective and reinforce the truth of your abilities. CR_S_AD_Clan_Ghost_Bear Those whom saw you swear your oath also bore witness to your failed attempt to scout the enemy. Khan Bjorn Jorgensson feels spurned after accepting your service, as do all warriors of the Clan Ghost Bear Touman. Accept again our embrace and the skills we offer and ensure victory for the family. Those whom saw you swear your oath also bore witness to your failed attempt to scout the enemy. Khan Bjorn Jorgensson feels spurned after accepting your service, as do all warriors of the Clan Ghost Bear Touman. Accept again our embrace and the skills we offer and ensure victory for the family. CR_S_AD_Clan_Jade_Falcon Freebirth! You sully the mighty Clan Jade Falcon—the Founder’s dream incarnate—with your lackluster skills. The failed outcome of your scouting mission was unbefitting a warrior under the wing of the falcon. You failed to grasp our nathaculor—the strike of the unswerving sword. Failure to heed Falcon tactics in the future will end in your misery. Freebirth! You sully the mighty Clan Jade Falcon—the Founder’s dream incarnate—with your lackluster skills. The failed outcome of your scouting mission was unbefitting a warrior under the wing of the falcon. You failed to grasp our nathaculor—the strike of the unswerving sword. Failure to heed Falcon tactics in the future will end in your misery. CR_S_AD_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Savashri! You failed to silently stalk like the jaguar, thus your scouting team found only failure. Your enemies rejoice at your defeat. Spurn your blood. Mock Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis will not accept weakness in any warriors, especially you. Seize the next victory, or you will be forgotten. Savashri! You failed to silently stalk like the jaguar, thus your scouting team found only failure. Your enemies rejoice at your defeat. Spurn your blood. Mock Clan Smoke Jaguar. Khan Lincoln Osis will not accept weakness in any warriors, especially you. Seize the next victory, or you will be forgotten. CR_S_AD_Clan_Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky is disappointed in your failed reconnaissance mission. You lacked awareness of the enemy and disregarded the teachings of the Wolf. Your previous acuity, none-the-less, shows your skills remain true, though untapped for this battle. Seize upon your past victories to emulate them for the future. Khan Ulric Kerensky is disappointed in your failed reconnaissance mission. You lacked awareness of the enemy and disregarded the teachings of the Wolf. Your previous acuity, none-the-less, shows your skills remain true, though untapped for this battle. Seize upon your past victories to emulate them for the future. CR_S_AD_IS_Davion The nature of your failed scouting mission leads us to question your abilities. Your probing rendered us little useful intel beyond the video battle logs of your failure. We strongly urge a review of said footage and implementing necessary changes to ensure success in the future. The nature of your failed scouting mission leads us to question your abilities. Your probing rendered us little useful intel beyond the video battle logs of your failure. We strongly urge a review of said footage and implementing necessary changes to ensure success in the future. CR_S_AD_IS_Kurita Your lack of discipline and awareness during the scouting mission has cost us valuable information. Your lack of discipline and awareness during the scouting mission has cost us valuable information. CR_S_AD_IS_Liao Servitors would demonstrate greater acumen scouting behind enemy lines than you and your team. If you are to lead another mission, find victory or face the consequences. Servitors would demonstrate greater acumen scouting behind enemy lines than you and your team. If you are to lead another mission, find victory or face the consequences. CR_S_AD_IS_Rasalhague We express deep—though unsurprised—disappointment at the lack of information provided by your scouting mission. That you failed to achieve what our warriors accomplished while beset on all sides and under the aegis of a newly free nation…pray you are able to prove your abilities in future battles. We express deep—though unsurprised—disappointment at the lack of information provided by your scouting mission. That you failed to achieve what our warriors accomplished while beset on all sides and under the aegis of a newly free nation…pray you are able to prove your abilities in future battles. CR_S_AD_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command will begin a full review of the failed scouting mission. Such a review will uncover compromising elements and allow you to ensure victory for the next assignment. While disappointed, we are confident in your future success. The League Central Coordination And Command will begin a full review of the failed scouting mission. Such a review will uncover compromising elements and allow you to ensure victory for the next assignment. While disappointed, we are confident in your future success. CR_S_AD_IS_Steiner Little to no intel was recovered and the nature of your failed scouting objective leaves us questioning your abilities. We strongly urge a review of your own orders and implement necessary changes to ensure success in the future. Little to no intel was recovered and the nature of your failed scouting objective leaves us questioning your abilities. We strongly urge a review of your own orders and implement necessary changes to ensure success in the future. CR_S_AV_Clan_Ghost_Bear Ursus roars at your brilliant tactics while scouting, warrior. The mighty ghost bear acknowledges battle acumen, regardless of its source. Your family in Clan Ghost Bear rejoice at your success and embrace the honor you bring. Long may the foresight of Jorgensson be found in your victories to come. Ursus roars at your brilliant tactics while scouting, warrior. The mighty ghost bear acknowledges battle acumen, regardless of its source. Your family in Clan Ghost Bear rejoice at your success and embrace the honor you bring. Long may the foresight of Jorgensson be found in your victories to come. CR_S_AV_Clan_Jade_Falcon Your brilliant scouting mission is a testament to the intellect, prowess, and blood that flows in your veins. Turkina’s eyes shine bright; her claws tear fresh; her wings fly high for you this day, warrior. The Founder’s vision sees an echo in your cunning. Long may your shadow join the Falcon’s wings. Your brilliant scouting mission is a testament to the intellect, prowess, and blood that flows in your veins. Turkina’s eyes shine bright; her claws tear fresh; her wings fly high for you this day, warrior. The Founder’s vision sees an echo in your cunning. Long may your shadow join the Falcon’s wings. CR_S_AV_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Glory to you and your courageous scouting party! Your prowess matches the smoke jaguar, whom you emulate with claw and spring and blood. The Touman watches and grins the bared teeth of victory. You honor your blood this day…long may you be remembered for your service this day. Glory to you and your courageous scouting party! Your prowess matches the smoke jaguar, whom you emulate with claw and spring and blood. The Touman watches and grins the bared teeth of victory. You honor your blood this day…long may you be remembered for your service this day. CR_S_AV_Clan_Wolf Though freeborn, your blood sings true, trothkin. Your successful scouting mission was tempered with the knowledge of when to relent, when to feint, and when to seize victory despite apparent defeat. A skill other Clan’s warriors sorely lack. Though freeborn, your blood sings true, trothkin. Your successful scouting mission was tempered with the knowledge of when to relent, when to feint, and when to seize victory despite apparent defeat. A skill other Clan’s warriors sorely lack. CR_S_AV_IS_Davion Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the scouting mission were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. This is a testament to your battle acumen. Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the scouting mission were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess under adverse conditions. This is a testament to your battle acumen. CR_S_AV_IS_Kurita Honor to you, for the intel you recovered while scouting. The warriors of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery salute your skills and recognize a warrior worthy of respect. May the sun never set upon your battlefield acuity, nor your unflinching bravery to expand the might of the Dragon. Honor to you, for the intel you recovered while scouting. The warriors of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery salute your skills and recognize a warrior worthy of respect. May the sun never set upon your battlefield acuity, nor your unflinching bravery to expand the might of the Dragon. CR_S_AV_IS_Liao Under the Celestial Wisdom’s hand your scouting mission was foreordained for victory! Long will your victories under the Chancellor’s hands be celebrated. Under the Celestial Wisdom’s hand your scouting mission was foreordained for victory! Long will your victories under the Chancellor’s hands be celebrated. CR_S_AV_IS_Rasalhague The proof of your loyalty in successfully executing your scouting raid is welcomed. If more of your brethren demonstrate such professionalism in their service, the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic may yet change their perspectives concerning your value. Well done. The proof of your loyalty in successfully executing your scouting raid is welcomed. If more of your brethren demonstrate such professionalism in their service, the citizens of the Free Rasalhague Republic may yet change their perspectives concerning your value. Well done. CR_S_AV_IS_Marik Your victory in the scouting raid is a triumph for all the peoples of the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command commends your skill and dedication. Your victory in the scouting raid is a triumph for all the peoples of the Free Worlds League. The League Central Coordination And Command commends your skill and dedication. CR_S_AV_IS_Steiner Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the scouting mission were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess behind enemy lines. This is all a testament to your battle acumen and further reminds us of your abilities. Congratulations on your victory. Your tactics during the scouting mission were particularly effective and will be studied at great depth in acknowledgement of your skill and prowess behind enemy lines. This is all a testament to your battle acumen and further reminds us of your abilities. CR_S_DD_Clan_Ghost_Bear There is no greater shame, warrior. You spilled the blood of the family in your travesty of a defense. The great ghost bear is slow to move, yet when that moment arrives, erupts with terrible fury. Ensure your future defenses protect Clan Ghost Bear lest we bring that fury against you. There is no greater shame, warrior. You spilled the blood of the family in your travesty of a defense. The great ghost bear is slow to move, yet when that moment arrives, erupts with terrible fury. Ensure your future defenses protect Clan Ghost Bear lest we bring that fury against you. CR_S_DD_Clan_Jade_Falcon Our enemies have poisoned Clan Jade Falcon soil with their mere presence, all due to your ineptitude! Fledgling warriors fresh into an Eyrie Cluster demonstrate greater acumen than you have today. Your failed defense is a stain on your blood you will long work to cleanse. Khan Elias Crichell is watching, and is most displeased with your service. Our enemies have poisoned Clan Jade Falcon soil with their mere presence, all due to your ineptitude! Fledgling warriors fresh into an Eyrie Cluster demonstrate greater acumen than you have today. Your failed defense is a stain on your blood you will long work to cleanse. Khan Elias Crichell is watching, and is most displeased with your service. CR_S_DD_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar You belittle the oaths you have taken in your failed defense against a simple scouting party. Solahma warriors ragged with their last breath in age show more spirit. Pray you are not called out in a Circle of Equals for your failure; as surely as The Founder forged the Clans you would be destroyed. Victory next time, warrior! You belittle the oaths you have taken in your failed defense against a simple scouting party. Solahma warriors ragged with their last breath in age show more spirit. Pray you are not called out in a Circle of Equals for your failure; as surely as The Founder forged the Clans you would be destroyed. Victory next time, warrior! CR_S_DD_Clan_Wolf Wolf blood was spilled this day in your disastrous defense. Blood that calls for vengeance. But the Wolf does not cull from the pack in the heat of battle. Your history marks you as a warrior worthy of your service with our Clan. Remember that and seize victory on another day and the clamor for vengeance with slack. Wolf blood was spilled this day in your disastrous defense. Blood that calls for vengeance. But the Wolf does not cull from the pack in the heat of battle. Your history marks you as a warrior worthy of your service with our Clan. Remember that and seize victory on another day and the clamor for vengeance with slack. CR_S_DD_IS_Davion Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls into question your abilities as a warrior. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies behind their lines, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls into question your abilities as a warrior. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies behind their lines, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. CR_S_DD_IS_Kurita Vital data was lost this day in your abysmal defense. The cries of the innocent mock your honor and astuteness on the field of battle. Allowing our enemies success into our computer systems is unacceptable. Future defenses must erase your stain, or risk a permanent black mark on your honor. Vital data was lost this day in your abysmal defense. The cries of the innocent mock your honor and astuteness on the field of battle. Allowing our enemies success into our computer systems is unacceptable. Future defenses must erase your stain, or risk a permanent black mark on your honor. CR_S_DD_IS_Liao Swine! Your defeat at the hands of the Celestial Wisdom’s enemies is a disgrace. Capellan children would defend their homeland with more dedication and skill than your failed defense of our data networks. Swine! Your defeat at the hands of the Celestial Wisdom’s enemies is a disgrace. Capellan children would defend their homeland with more dedication and skill than your failed defense of our data networks. CR_S_DD_IS_Rasalhague This is an outrage and the Free Rasalhague Republic citizens deserve better. Your botched defense mirrors a long line of failures of your so-called ‘professional’ soldier brethren. You will keep all personnel on reservation between deployments and your next defense will be a success. This is an outrage and the Free Rasalhague Republic citizens deserve better. Your botched defense mirrors a long line of failures of your so-called ‘professional’ soldier brethren. You will keep all personnel on reservation between deployments and your next defense will be a success. CR_S_DD_IS_Marik Your failed defense has left peoples of the Free Worlds League in harms way. The League Central Coordination And Command condemns your botched service and urges—in the strongest terms possible—a reevaluation of your combat doctrine to ensure future defenses will result in victory. Your failed defense has left peoples of the Free Worlds League in harms way. The League Central Coordination And Command condemns your botched service and urges—in the strongest terms possible—a reevaluation of your combat doctrine to ensure future defenses will result in victory. CR_S_DD_IS_Steiner Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls into question the true depth of your abilities. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies behind their lines, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. Your failed defense leaves much to be desired and calls into question the true depth of your abilities. After all, when the peoples of the Federated Commonwealth feel the sting of enemies behind their lines, it cannot but elicit such a reaction. In the strongest terms we suggest a reassessment of your battle strategies. CR_S_DV_Clan_Ghost_Bear There is no greater glory than protecting the family. Your exemplar defense of Clan Ghost Bear holdings heralds your ristar status loud and clear. You are a warrior to be watched; a warrior to be tested; a warrior to fight alongside. You reflect back to our own Clansmen the courage of Tseng. Seyla. There is no greater glory than protecting the family. Your exemplar defense of Clan Ghost Bear holdings heralds your ristar status loud and clear. You are a warrior to be watched; a warrior to be tested; a warrior to fight alongside. You reflect back to our own Clansmen the courage of Tseng. Seyla. CR_S_DV_Clan_Jade_Falcon Well bargained and done, warrior. You superbly executed a defense that sent your opponent fleeing in shame. The warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon Touman salute you for your prowess and the ease with which you let all enemies know of Falcon strength. Well bargained and done, warrior. You superbly executed a defense that sent your opponent fleeing in shame. The warriors of the Clan Jade Falcon Touman salute you for your prowess and the ease with which you let all enemies know of Falcon strength. CR_S_DV_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Seyla. Your brilliant defense of Clan Smoke Jaguar holdings is worthy of praise. You do your blood honor as the skills you espouse showcase your battlefield worthiness to defend our most vital territory. You may yet earn a line in The Remembrance for your great deeds this day. Seyla. Your brilliant defense of Clan Smoke Jaguar holdings is worthy of praise. You do your blood honor as the skills you espouse showcase your battlefield worthiness to defend our most vital territory. You may yet earn a line in The Remembrance for your great deeds this day. CR_S_DV_Clan_Wolf The best defense is a better offense. A saying spoken by many, but few can execute. Honor to you trothkin, for a victorious defense that emulates the best of Clan tactics. The warriors of the Clan Wolf Touman howl in your honor this day as you let all Clansmen know not all of the best warriors are trueborn. The best defense is a better offense. A saying spoken by many, but few can execute. Honor to you trothkin, for a victorious defense that emulates the best of Clan tactics. The warriors of the Clan Wolf Touman howl in your honor this day as you let all Clansmen know not all of the best warriors are trueborn. CR_S_DV_IS_Davion The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense. The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend their heart-felt thanks for your successful defense. CR_S_DV_IS_Kurita A staunch defense worthy of a haiku. The Professional Soldiery Liaison recognizes your exceptional service in defending our base against enemies jealous of the Dragon’s might and majesty. May your blade always shine and your honor never fade as you continue in our service. A staunch defense worthy of a haiku. The Professional Soldiery Liaison recognizes your exceptional service in defending our base against enemies jealous of the Dragon’s might and majesty. May your blade always shine and your honor never fade as you continue in our service. CR_S_DV_IS_Liao The prudence of the Celestial Wisdom shines forth in bringing your skills to the bulwark of the empire. Your intuitive defense saved Capellan blood and vaulted your name in reputation across the Inner Sphere. Continue such feats and you may receive a direct visit from his blessed personage! The prudence of the Celestial Wisdom shines forth in bringing your skills to the bulwark of the empire. Your intuitive defense saved Capellan blood and vaulted your name in reputation across the Inner Sphere. Continue such feats and you may receive a direct visit from his blessed personage! CR_S_DV_IS_Rasalhague We are surprisingly pleased at your effective defense of the information in our networks. Your skill and dedication to the Republic are traits to be emulated. May you continue such exemplary performance in all future battles. We are surprisingly pleased at your effective defense of the information in our networks. Your skill and dedication to the Republic are traits to be emulated. May you continue such exemplary performance in all future battles. CR_S_DV_IS_Marik Your spirited defense of the peoples of the Free Worlds League will be heralded from world to world as news of your victory spreads. The League Central Coordination And Command congratulates you for your valiant efforts in protecting the borders of the first Great House. Your spirited defense of the peoples of the Free Worlds League will be heralded from world to world as news of your victory spreads. The League Central Coordination And Command congratulates you for your valiant efforts in protecting the borders of the first Great House. CR_S_DV_IS_Steiner The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend to you heart-felt thanks for your successful defense! The tactics and strategies employed were exceptionally effective! The peoples of the Federated Commonwealth extend to you heart-felt thanks for your successful defense! ui_IntelPoints Intel Intel ui_Invaders Invaders Invaders ui_Reputation Reputation Reputation ui_BaseReputation Base Reputation Base Reputation ui_ContractBonus CONTRACT BONUS CONTRACT BONUS ui_BaseCBills Base C-Bills Base C-Bills ui_BaseXP Base EXP Base EXP ui_TrialPeriod Probation Period Probation Period ui_TrialPeriodDesc The Newly Recruited Loyalist probation period lasts ten invasion matches, during that time you are unable to collect contract rewards or use the Loyalist War Planning feature. The Newly Recruited Loyalist probation period lasts ten invasion matches, during that time you are unable to collect contract rewards or use the Loyalist War Planning feature. ui_Freelancer Freelancer Freelancer hud_sensor_sweep Satellite Sweep Satellite Sweep hud_long_tom_artillery Radar Jammer System Radar Jammer System ui_DropshipScanEnabled Allied Combat ID System Online Allied Combat ID System Online ui_DropshipScanEnemyEnabled Enemy Combat ID System Online Enemy Combat ID System Online ui_DropshipScanDisabled Combat Identification Systems Offline Combat Identification Systems Offline ui_SensorEnabled Allied Satellite Sweep Online Allied Satellite Sweep Online ui_SensorEnemyEnabled Enemy Satellite Sweep Online Enemy Satellite Sweep Online ui_SensorDisabled Satellite Sweeps Offline Satellite Sweeps Offline ui_ArtilleryScanEnabled Radar Jammer System Online Radar Jammer System Online ui_ArtilleryScanEnemyEnabled Enemy Radar Jammer Online Enemy Radar Jammer Online ui_ArtilleryScanDisabled Radar Jammer System Offline Radar Jammer System Offline ui_Scouted Enemy Units Identified Enemy Units Identified ui_Unscouted Enemy Units Unknown Enemy Units Unknown UI_Factions FACTION DETAILS FACTION DETAILS UI_UnitManagement Unit Unit UI_CWIntro SELECT FACTION SELECT FACTION UI_View_Contracts View Contracts View Contracts UI_Employment Mercenary Mercenary UI_FactionDetails Faction Details Faction Details ui_contracts Contracts Contracts tt_contracts View available contracts and modify currently held contracts. View available contracts and modify currently held contracts. tt_CWIntro View and select Roles and Factions for the current Conflict View and select Roles and Factions for the current Conflict tt_FactionScreen_UnitManagement Create and manage your unit. Create and manage your unit. ui_OtherFactionActivity Other Activity Other Activity ui_nounit Not part of a unit Not part of a unit ui_configure Configure Configure ui_ready Ready Ready ui_costpermember Cost Per Member Cost Per Member ui_rememberemail Remember Email Remember Email ui_Loyalist Loyalist Loyalist ui_Mercenary_desc Mercenaries can look forward to higher wages than enlisted soldiers as factions compete to attract help from elite units.\n\nWith no stake in the battles and no pledge of allegiance, mercenaries take contracts and switch factions without penalty but lack control over the faction's decisions. Mercenaries can look forward to higher wages than enlisted soldiers as factions compete to attract help from elite units.\n\nWith no stake in the battles and no pledge of allegiance, mercenaries take contracts and switch factions without penalty but lack control over the faction's decisions. ui_TimeRemaning Time Remaining Time Remaining ui_scouting_attack SCOUTING - GATHER INTEL SCOUTING - GATHER INTEL ui_scouting_defend SCOUTING - PROTECT INTEL SCOUTING - PROTECT INTEL EMechModel_Warhammer WARHAMMER WARHAMMER warhammer WARHAMMER WARHAMMER whm-6rs WARHAMMER WHM-6R(S) WARHAMMER WHM-6R(S) whm-6rs_desc WARHAMMER WHM-6R(S) description WARHAMMER WHM-6R(S) whm-6rs_short WHM-6R(S) WHM-6R(S) whm-6r WARHAMMER WHM-6R WARHAMMER WHM-6R whm-6r_desc WARHAMMER WHM-6R description WARHAMMER WHM-6R whm-6r_short WHM-6R WHM-6R whm-6d WARHAMMER WHM-6D WARHAMMER WHM-6D whm-6d_desc WARHAMMER WHM-6D description WARHAMMER WHM-6D whm-6d_short WHM-6D WHM-6D whm-7s WARHAMMER WHM-7S WARHAMMER WHM-7S whm-7s_desc WARHAMMER WHM-7S description WARHAMMER WHM-7S whm-7s_short WHM-7S WHM-7S whm-bw BLACK WIDOW BLACK WIDOW whm-bw_desc Natasha Kerensky's famous Warhammer. Natasha Kerensky's famous Warhammer. whm-bw_short WHM-BW WHM-BW ui_TimeofDay TIME OF DAY TIME OF DAY tt_PrivateMatch_TimeofDay Choose the Time of Day Choose the Time of Day ui_Dawn Dawn Dawn ui_Day Day Day ui_Dusk Dusk Dusk ui_Night Night Night ui_title_WarhammerStand The Bludgeon The Bludgeon ui_title_WarhammerColl The Widow Maker The Widow Maker Blackwidow_name Black Widow Black Widow Blackwidow_desc Black Widow Hanging Item Black Widow Hanging Item PhoenixWidow_name Phoenix Black Phoenix Black PhoenixWidow_desc Phoenix Black Standing Item Phoenix Black Standing Item PhoenixRubyWidow_name Phoenix Black Phoenix Black PhoenixRubyWidow_desc Phoenix Black Hanging Item Phoenix Black Hanging Item SpeakerM_Phoenix_widow Phoenix Black Phoenix Black SpeakerM_Phoenix_widow_desc Phoenix Black Warhorn Phoenix Black Warhorn ui_settings_category_chat CHAT CHAT ui_settings_category_spectator SPECTATOR SPECTATOR ui_settings_category_mech MECH MECH ui_private_1v1_a [S7] STEINER COLISEUM [S7] STEINER COLISEUM ui_private_1v1_a_detail1 15 C 15 C ui_private_1v1_a_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_private_1v1_a_detail3 0% 0% ui_private_2v2_a [S7] BOREAL REACH [S7] BOREAL REACH ui_private_2v2_a_detail1 -21 C -21 C ui_private_2v2_a_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_private_2v2_a_detail3 78% 78% ui_private_4v4_a [S7] Test A [S7] Test A ui_private_4v4_a_detail1 30 C 30 C ui_private_4v4_a_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_private_4v4_a_detail3 0% 0% ui_private_ffa8p_a [S7] Test B [S7] Test B ui_private_ffa8p_a_detail1 30 C 30 C ui_private_ffa8p_a_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_private_ffa8p_a_detail3 0% 0% ui_level_detail_T1 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE ui_level_detail_T2 SURFACE GRAVITY SURFACE GRAVITY ui_level_detail_T3 SURFACE WATER SURFACE WATER ui_LobbyTeamTooBig One or more teams are too large to play this map. Please update your team sizes and try again. One or more teams are too large to play this map. Please update your team sizes and try again. ui_LobbyTeamTooBig_1v1 Your current map selection only supports team sizes of 1. Please update your team sizes and try again. Your current map selection only supports team sizes of 1. Please update your team sizes and try again. ui_LobbyTeamTooBig_2v2 Your current map selection only supports team sizes of 2. Please update your team sizes and try again. Your current map selection only supports team sizes of 2. Please update your team sizes and try again. ui_LobbyTeamTooBig_4v4 Your current map selection only supports team sizes of 4. Please update your team sizes and try again. Your current map selection only supports team sizes of 4. Please update your team sizes and try again. ui_JumpToRank Jump To Rank Jump To Rank ui_settings_category_misc MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ui_settings_category_movement MOVEMENT MOVEMENT ui_settings_category_vision VISION VISION ui_settings_category_weapon WEAPON WEAPON _commentator_show_teams Show/Hide Teams Show/Hide Teams _commentator_mech_nameplates Show/Hide Mech Nameplates Show/Hide Mech Nameplates _commentator_mech_details Show/Hide Mech Details Show/Hide Mech Details _commentator_battlegrid Show/Hide Battlegrid Show/Hide Battlegrid _commentator_gametimer Show/Hide Game Timer Show/Hide Game Timer _commentator_toggle_spectate Toggle Mech/Freecam Spectate Toggle Mech/Freecam Spectate _commentator_mech_deadnameplates Show/Hide Dead Mech Nameplates Show/Hide Dead Mech Nameplates _comm_mech_spectate_teamtoggle Spectate Mech Team Toggle Spectate Mech Team Toggle _comm_mech_spectate_1 Spectate Mech 1 Spectate Mech 1 _comm_mech_spectate_2 Spectate Mech 2 Spectate Mech 2 _comm_mech_spectate_3 Spectate Mech 3 Spectate Mech 3 _comm_mech_spectate_4 Spectate Mech 4 Spectate Mech 4 _comm_mech_spectate_5 Spectate Mech 5 Spectate Mech 5 _comm_mech_spectate_6 Spectate Mech 6 Spectate Mech 6 _comm_mech_spectate_7 Spectate Mech 7 Spectate Mech 7 _comm_mech_spectate_8 Spectate Mech 8 Spectate Mech 8 _comm_mech_spectate_9 Spectate Mech 9 Spectate Mech 9 _comm_mech_spectate_10 Spectate Mech 10 Spectate Mech 10 _comm_mech_spectate_11 Spectate Mech 11 Spectate Mech 11 _comm_mech_spectate_12 Spectate Mech 12 Spectate Mech 12 ui_UnitInvitePlayerDetails Are you sure you wish to invite %0 to your unit?\n\nUnits coffers are charged a recruitment fee upon confirming a recruitment.\n\nAnticipated confirmation cost:\n%1 C-Bills Are you sure you wish to invite %0 to your unit?\n\nUnits coffers are charged a recruitment fee upon confirming a recruitment.\n\nAnticipated confirmation cost:\n%1 C-Bills ui_NotInUnit Not In A Unit Not In A Unit ui_social_unitinviteaccepted INVITE ACCEPTED INVITE ACCEPTED ui_social_AwaitingResponse INVITE PENDING INVITE PENDING ui_social_AwaitingConfirm CONFIRM PENDING CONFIRM PENDING ui_social_unit_confirminvite CONFIRM MEMBER CONFIRM MEMBER ui_social_unit_retractinvite RETRACT INVITE RETRACT INVITE ui_UnitInviteConfirmPlayerDetails Are you sure you wish to confirm %0 membership to your unit?\n\nUnits coffers are charged a recruitment fee upon confirming a recruitment.\n\nAnticipated confirmation cost:\n%1 C-Bills Are you sure you wish to confirm %0 membership to your unit?\n\nUnits coffers are charged a recruitment fee upon confirming a recruitment.\n\nAnticipated confirmation cost:\n%1 C-Bills ui_UnitPlayerInviteConfirm CONFIRM UNIT MEMBERSHIP CONFIRM UNIT MEMBERSHIP ui_UnitPlayerInvite SEND UNIT INVITE SEND UNIT INVITE tt_SocialScreen_ConfirmUnitInvite Confirm player's membership Confirm player's membership tt_SocialScreen_RetractUnitInvite Reject player's invite Reject player's invite HUD_CONQUEST_CAMERA CAMERA MODE CAMERA MODE HUD_CAMERA CAMERA: CAMERA: ui_UnitInviteReject_NoPermissions You do not have permissions to accept or retract unit invitations. You do not have permissions to accept or retract unit invitations. ui_UnitInviteReject_UnitDisbanded Unable to retract invite. Your unit has been disbanded. Unable to retract invite. Your unit has been disbanded. ui_UnitInviteReject_InvalidUnit Unable to retract unit invite. The unit has been marked as inactive. Unable to retract unit invite. The unit has been marked as inactive. ui_GenericError An error occurred processing your request. If this persists please contact support.\nError Code: %0 An error occurred processing your request. If this persists please contact support.\nError Code: %0 _show_commentator_cursor Show/Hide Cursor Show/Hide Cursor _start_cycle_spectate Start Spectate Cycling Start Spectate Cycling _leave_spectate Leave Mech Spectate Leave Mech Spectate _enable_spectate Enable Spectate Enable Spectate _prev_spectator_target Previous Spectator Target Previous Spectator Target _next_spectator_target Next Spectator Target Next Spectator Target _toggle_spectator_circle Toggle Spectator Circle Toggle Spectator Circle _toggle_spectator_silhouette Toggle Spectator Silhouette Toggle Spectator Silhouette _enable_spectator_select Enable Spectator Select Enable Spectator Select ui_UnitInviteComplete_UnitDisbanded Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Your unit has been disbanded. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Your unit has been disbanded. ui_UnitInviteComplete_NotAuthorized Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Your rank does not have invite permission. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Your rank does not have invite permission. ui_UnitInviteComplete_NotEnoughRanks Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. There are no valid ranks in your unit available. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. There are no valid ranks in your unit available. ui_UnitInviteComplete_InvalidRequest Unable to confirm %0 to our unit. %0 hasn't accepted the invite yet. Unable to confirm %0 to our unit. %0 hasn't accepted the invite yet. ui_UnitInviteComplete_InsufficientFunds Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. The unit coffers have insufficient funds. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. The unit coffers have insufficient funds. ui_UnitInviteComplete_PriceMismatch Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. The anticipated cost has changed, please try again. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. The anticipated cost has changed, please try again. ui_UnitInviteComplete_AlreadyInUnit Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. They already belong to another unit. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. They already belong to another unit. ui_UnitInviteComplete_UnitFull Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Your unit is full. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Your unit is full. ui_UnitInviteComplete_IncompatibleFaction Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. They do not belong to the same faction as your unit. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. They do not belong to the same faction as your unit. ui_UnitInviteComplete_IncompatibleFactionTerm Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Either %1 or your unit are currently deserting. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. Either %1 or your unit are currently deserting. ach_Mercenary_Rank_1 MERCENARY RANK 1 MERCENARY RANK 1 ach_Mercenary_Rank_2 MERCENARY RANK 2 MERCENARY RANK 2 ach_Mercenary_Rank_3 MERCENARY RANK 3 MERCENARY RANK 3 ach_Mercenary_Rank_4 MERCENARY RANK 4 MERCENARY RANK 4 ach_Mercenary_Rank_5 MERCENARY RANK 5 MERCENARY RANK 5 ach_Mercenary_Rank_6 MERCENARY RANK 6 MERCENARY RANK 6 ach_Mercenary_Rank_7 MERCENARY RANK 7 MERCENARY RANK 7 ach_Mercenary_Rank_8 MERCENARY RANK 8 MERCENARY RANK 8 ach_Mercenary_Rank_9 MERCENARY RANK 9 MERCENARY RANK 9 ach_Mercenary_Rank_10 MERCENARY RANK 10 MERCENARY RANK 10 ach_Mercenary_Rank_1_desc Obtain 2,120 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 2,120 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_2_desc Obtain 10,600 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 10,600 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_3_desc Obtain 31,800 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 31,800 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_4_desc Obtain 79,500 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 79,500 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_5_desc Obtain 145,750 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 145,750 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_6_desc Obtain 225,250 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 225,250 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_7_desc Obtain 318,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 318,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_8_desc Obtain 477,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 477,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_9_desc Obtain 689,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 689,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ach_Mercenary_Rank_10_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit Obtain 1,060,000 Reputation Points with a Mercenary Unit ui_title_RiflemanStand The Sureshot The Sureshot ui_title_RiflemanColl The Bullneck The Bullneck Phoenix_c_name Phoenix Purple Phoenix Purple Phoenix_c_Desc Phoenix Purple Standing Item Phoenix Purple Standing Item SpeakerM_Phoenix_c Phoenix Purple Phoenix Purple SpeakerM_Phoenix_c_desc Phoenix Purple Warhorn Phoenix Purple Warhorn PhoenixAlexandrite_name Phoenix Purple Phoenix Purple PhoenixAlexandrite_desc Phoenix Purple Hanging Item Phoenix Purple Hanging Item Solaris7_Medal_name Solaris Medal Solaris Medal Solaris7_Medal_desc Solaris Medal Hanging Item Solaris Medal Hanging Item ui_Coffer_Donation Donation Donation ui_Coffer_CSRInjection CSR Transaction CSR Transaction ui_Coffer_Credit CREDIT CREDIT ui_Coffer_Debit DEBIT DEBIT ui_Coffer_PlanetReinforcement Reinforced Planet: %0 Reinforced Planet: %0 ui_Coffer_RecruitmentCost Unit Invite Ticket: %0 Unit Invite Ticket: %0 ui_Coffer_TransferMC Transferred MC to %0 Transferred MC to %0 ui_Coffer_ReceivePlanetMC Spoils of war Spoils of war EMechModel_Rifleman RIFLEMAN RIFLEMAN rifleman RIFLEMAN RIFLEMAN rfl-3ns RIFLEMAN RFL-3N(S) RIFLEMAN RFL-3N(S) rfl-3ns_desc RIFLEMAN RFL-3N(S) description RIFLEMAN RFL-3N(S) rfl-3ns_short RFL-3N(S) RFL-3N(S) rfl-3n RIFLEMAN RFL-3N RIFLEMAN RFL-3N rfl-3n_desc RIFLEMAN RFL-3N description RIFLEMAN RFL-3N rfl-3n_short RFL-3N RFL-3N rfl-3c RIFLEMAN RFL-3C RIFLEMAN RFL-3C rfl-3c_desc RIFLEMAN RFL-3C description RIFLEMAN RFL-3C rfl-3c_short RFL-3C RFL-3C rfl-5d RIFLEMAN RFL-5D RIFLEMAN RFL-5D rfl-5d_desc RIFLEMAN RFL-5D description RIFLEMAN RFL-5D rfl-5d_short RFL-5D RFL-5D rfl-lk LEGEND-KILLER LEGEND-KILLER rfl-lk_desc Gray Noton's Solaris Championship winning 'Mech. Gray Noton's Solaris Championship winning 'Mech. rfl-lk_short RFL-LK RFL-LK ui_Probation Probation Probation ui_ContractState_Freelancer Freelancer Freelancer ui_ContractState_Loyalist Permanent Loyalist Permanent Loyalist ui_ContractState_Probation Probation matches remaining: Probation matches remaining: ui_ContractState_Deserter Desertion time remaining: Desertion time remaining: ui_ContractState_Contracted Contracted Contracted ui_Pledge_UnitDesertingSameFaction Cannot pledge loyalty, your unit is currently deserting from this faction. Cannot pledge loyalty, your unit is currently deserting from this faction. ui_Pledge_MercenaryWithFaction Your unit has already taken a mercenary contract with this faction Your unit has already taken a mercenary contract with this faction ui_Pledge_UnitProbationSameFaction Your unit has pledged loyalty to this faction, and are currently in probation. Your unit has pledged loyalty to this faction, and are currently in probation. ui_Pledge_UnitLoyalSameFaction Your unit has already pledged loyalty with this faction. Your unit has already pledged loyalty with this faction. ui_Pledge_UserDesertingSameFaction Cannot pledge loyalty, you are currently deserting from this faction. Cannot pledge loyalty, you are currently deserting from this faction. ui_Pledge_UserLoyalSameFaction You have already pledged loyalty with this faction. You have already pledged loyalty with this faction. ui_Pledge_MercenaryDiffFaction Your unit has already taken a mercenary contract with a different faction. Your unit has already taken a mercenary contract with a different faction. ui_Pledge_UnitLoyalDiffFaction Your unit has already pledged loyalty with a different faction. Your unit has already pledged loyalty with a different faction. ui_Pledge_UserLoyalDiffFaction You have already pledged loyalty with a different faction. You have already pledged loyalty with a different faction. ui_Pledge_UnitDesertingDiffFaction Cannot pledge loyalty, your unit is currently deserting from a different faction. Cannot pledge loyalty, your unit is currently deserting from a different faction. ui_Pledge_UserDesertingDiffFaction Cannot pledge loyalty, you are currently deserting from a different faction. Cannot pledge loyalty, you are currently deserting from a different faction. ui_Pledge_UnitProbationDiffFaction Your unit has pledged loyalty with a different faction. Your unit has pledged loyalty with a different faction. ui_Pledge_UserProbationSameFaction You have already pledged loyalty with this faction and are currently in probation. You have already pledged loyalty with this faction and are currently in probation. ui_Pledge_UserProbationDiffFaction You have already pledged loyalty with a different faction. You have already pledged loyalty with a different faction. Expires Expires Expires ui_ManageReinforcement Reinforce Territory Reinforce Territory ui_TransferCofferHC Transfer Coffer MC Transfer Coffer MC ui_Clan Clan Clan ui_counterattack_noattackers_rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n\n • DESTROY ALL INVADER LANDING BEACONS WIN CONDITIONS:\n\n • DESTROY ALL INVADER LANDING BEACONS ui_invasion_noattackers_rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n\n • DESTROY ALL INVADER LANDING BEACONS WIN CONDITIONS:\n\n • DESTROY ALL INVADER LANDING BEACONS faction Faction Faction ui_UnitLeader Unit Leader Unit Leader DesertionPeriod Desertion Period Desertion Period ui_Loyalist_Deserter Loyalist - Deserting Loyalist - Deserting ui_AcceptUnitInvite ACCEPT UNIT INVITE ACCEPT UNIT INVITE ui_NoLoyalties_NoContract No loyalties or contract accepted No loyalties or contract accepted ui_Permanent Permanent Permanent ui_UnitInviteAccept_desc Are you sure you wish to accept an invite to this unit? Are you sure you wish to accept an invite to this unit? ui_Postpone Postpone Postpone ui_ReinforceTerritories +%0 Territories ( %1 :g_cb: ) +%0 Territories ( %1 :g_cb: ) ui_option_enablechatfilter ENABLE CHAT FILTER ENABLE CHAT FILTER ui_Upgrade Upgrade Upgrade ui_Reinforce Reinforce Reinforce tt_Achievments_MercenaryButton Mercenary ranks Mercenary ranks tt_FactionScreen_ScoutingInfoButton Show scouting intellegence level Show scouting intellegence level tt_Leaderboards View the Faction Leaderboards View the Faction Leaderboards tt_FactionLoyalty View the Faction Loyalty ranks and progress View the Faction Loyalty ranks and progress tt_Employment View available mercenary contracts View available mercenary contracts tt_FactionScreen_ViewContracts View your current contract View your current contract ui_all_systems_nominal All Systems Nominal All Systems Nominal ui_Domination_Rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n • HOLD THE BEACON FOR THE SPECIFIED TIME\n • ON TIME OUT LEAST TIME REMAINING WINS\n • DESTROYING ALPHA/BETA WILL ADD 15 SECONDS TO THE ENEMY TIMER. WIN CONDITIONS:\n • HOLD THE BEACON FOR THE SPECIFIED TIME\n • ON TIME OUT LEAST TIME REMAINING WINS\n • DESTROYING ALPHA/BETA WILL ADD 15 SECONDS TO THE ENEMY TIMER. ui_GM_Domination DOMINATION DOMINATION ui_dominationwin DOMINATION WIN DOMINATION WIN ui_ReallyGiveMc Do you really want to give %0MC to each of %1 unit members? Do you really want to give %0MC to each of %1 unit members? ui_system_downtime_message The servers will be going down for maintenance on %0 at %1 local time. Estimated downtime: %2 %3. The servers will be going down for maintenance on %0 at %1 local time. Estimated downtime: %2 %3. ui_PlanetValueDesc Amount given to controlling unit per conflict phase Amount given to controlling unit per conflict phase LCT_MasteryLightBundle_name LOCUST BUNDLE LOCUST BUNDLE LCT_MasteryLightBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! COM_MasteryLightBundle_name COMMANDO BUNDLE COMMANDO BUNDLE COM_MasteryLightBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! VND_MasteryMediumBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! AWS_MasteryAssaultBundle_Name AWESOME BUNDLE AWESOME BUNDLE AWS_MasteryAssaultBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! BLR_MasteryAssaultBundle_desc A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! A 50% savings compared to buying each item separately! BLR_MasteryAssaultBundle_name BATTLEMASTER BUNDLE BATTLEMASTER BUNDLE VND_MasteryMediumBundle_name VINDICATOR BUNDLE VINDICATOR BUNDLE ui_numMembersSelected Number of Members Selected (max. 10): Number of Members Selected (max. 10): ui_AmtPerMember MC Per Member: MC Per Member: ui_GiveMC Distribute MC Distribute MC ui_GiveMCLong Distribute MC to Unit Members Distribute MC to Unit Members ui_overlay_control Overlay Control Overlay Control EMechModel_Archer ARCHER ARCHER archer ARCHER ARCHER arc-2rs ARCHER ARC-2R(S) ARCHER ARC-2R(S) arc-2rs_desc ARCHER ARC-2R(S) description ARCHER ARC-2R(S) arc-2rs_short ARC-2R(S) ARC-2R(S) arc-2r ARCHER ARC-2R ARCHER ARC-2R arc-2r_desc ARCHER ARC-2R description ARCHER ARC-2R arc-2r_short ARC-2R ARC-2R arc-5s ARCHER ARC-5S ARCHER ARC-5S arc-5s_desc ARCHER ARC-5S description ARCHER ARC-5S arc-5s_short ARC-5S ARC-5S arc-5w ARCHER ARC-5W ARCHER ARC-5W arc-5w_desc ARCHER ARC-5W description ARCHER ARC-5W arc-5w_short ARC-5W ARC-5W arc-t TEMPEST TEMPEST arc-t_desc Morgan Kell's legendary "Phantom 'Mech". Morgan Kell's legendary "Phantom 'Mech". arc-t_short ARC-T ARC-T lct-1ec LOCUST LCT-1E(C) LOCUST LCT-1E(C) lct-1ec_desc LOCUST LCT-1E(C) description LOCUST LCT-1E(C) lct-1ec_short LCT-1E(C) LCT-1E(C) com-1dc COMMANDO COM-1D(C) COMMANDO COM-1D(C) com-1dc_desc COMMANDO COM-1D(C) description COMMANDO COM-1D(C) com-1dc_short COM-1D(C) COM-1D(C) vnd-1aac VINDICATOR VND-1AA(C) VINDICATOR VND-1AA(C) vnd-1aac_desc VINDICATOR VND-1AA(C) description VINDICATOR VND-1AA(C) vnd-1aac_short VND-1AA(C) VND-1AA(C) aws-9mc AWESOME AWS-9M(C) AWESOME AWS-9M(C) aws-9mc_desc AWESOME AWS-9M(C) description AWESOME AWS-9M(C) aws-9mc_short AWS-9M(C) AWS-9M(C) blr-2cc BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C(C) BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C(C) blr-2cc_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C(C) description BATTLEMASTER BLR-2C(C) blr-2cc_short BLR-2C(C) BLR-2C(C) mlx-primec MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(C) MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(C) mlx-primec_desc MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(C) description MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(C) mlx-primec_short MLX-PRIME(C) MLX-PRIME(C) shc-primec SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(C) SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(C) shc-primec_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(C) description SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(C) shc-primec_short SHC-PRIME(C) SHC-PRIME(C) ebj-primec EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(C) EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(C) ebj-primec_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(C) description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(C) ebj-primec_short EBJ-PRIME(C) EBJ-PRIME(C) whk-cc WARHAWK WHK-C(C) WARHAWK WHK-C(C) whk-cc_desc WARHAWK WHK-C(C) description WARHAWK WHK-C(C) whk-cc_short WHK-C(C) WHK-C(C) ui_title_ArcherColl The Bowman The Bowman ui_title_ArcherStand The Bolt The Bolt SYSTEM_ServersDown1HourMsg Servers going down for maintenance in 1 hour. Servers going down for maintenance in 1 hour. SYSTEM_ServersDown30MinsMsg Servers going down for maintenance in 30 minutes. Servers going down for maintenance in 30 minutes. SYSTEM_ServersDown15MinsMsg Servers going down for maintenance in 15 minutes. Servers going down for maintenance in 15 minutes. SYSTEM_ServersDown10MinsMsg Servers going down for maintenance in 10 minutes. Servers going down for maintenance in 10 minutes. SYSTEM_ServersDown5MinsMsg Servers going down for maintenance in 5 minutes. Servers going down for maintenance in 5 minutes. SYSTEM_ServersDown1MinMsg Servers going down for maintenance in 1 minute. Servers going down for maintenance in 1 minute. ui_GiveMCFail_NotAuthorized Unable to transfer MC, you do not have permissions to perform this operation. Unable to transfer MC, you do not have permissions to perform this operation. ui_GiveMCFail_NoFunds Unable to transfer MC, your coffers do not have enough MC available to complete this transaction. Unable to transfer MC, your coffers do not have enough MC available to complete this transaction. ui_GiveMCFail_Generic An error occurred while trying to transfer MC. Please try again or contact support.\nError code: %0 An error occurred while trying to transfer MC. Please try again or contact support.\nError code: %0 ui_GiveMCFail_Success Transfer of MC was completed successfully! Transfer of MC was completed successfully! ui_theta THETA THETA ui_kappa KAPPA KAPPA ui_sigma SIGMA SIGMA ui_epsilon EPSILON EPSILON ui_domination DOMINATION DOMINATION PhantomArcher_hanging_name Phantom Archer Phantom Archer PhantomArcher_hanging_desc Phantom Archer Hanging Item Phantom Archer Hanging Item easteregg_a_name Easter Egg in a Basket Easter Egg in a Basket easteregg_a_desc Easter Egg in a Basket Standing Item Easter Egg in a Basket Standing Item stpatrick_a_name Green Beer Green Beer stpatrick_a_desc Green Beer Standing Item Green Beer Standing Item PhoenixEmerald_name Phoenix Silver Phoenix Silver PhoenixEmerald_desc Phoenix Silver Hanging Item Phoenix Silver Hanging Item SpeakerM_Phoenix_d Phoenix Silver Phoenix Silver Phoenix_Phantom Phoenix Silver Phoenix Silver Phoenix_Phantom_desc Phoenix Silver Standing Item Phoenix Silver Standing Item SpeakerM_Phoenix_d_desc Phoenix Silver Warhorn Phoenix Silver Warhorn _freecam_moveforward Camera Move Foward Camera Move Foward _freecam_moveleft Camera Move Left Camera Move Left _freecam_moveback Camera Move Back Camera Move Back _freecam_moveright Camera Move Right Camera Move Right _freecam_crane_up Camera Crane Up Camera Crane Up _freecam_crane_down Camera Crane Down Camera Crane Down _freecam_speedboost Camera Speed Boost Camera Speed Boost _freecam_toggledollymode Toggle Dolly/Free Camera Toggle Dolly/Free Camera ui_CreateUnitQueueWarning Being part of a unit enables you to compete with a team of players for the rights to occupy MC rewarding worlds.\n\nBe wary, your path to galactic conquest will not be easy. Some units are highly skilled and famous throughout the Inner Sphere. Being part of a unit enables you to compete with a team of players for the rights to occupy MC rewarding worlds.\n\nBe wary, your path to galactic conquest will not be easy. Some units are highly skilled and famous throughout the Inner Sphere. ui_NotInUnitWarning You are not currently part of a unit You are not currently part of a unit ui_transmitter TRANSMITTER TRANSMITTER ui_system_downtime_less_than_hour less than 1 less than 1 ui_system_downtime_hour hour hour ui_system_downtime_hours hours hours ui_title_PiranhaGames Developer Developer ui_title_PiranhaGames_desc Developer Developer ui_oneTimePremiumBonusLabel Buy This Bonus Buy This Bonus ui_ActiveTags Active Tags Active Tags ui_Income Income Income ui_MaxCap Max Cap Max Cap ui_PlanetIncome Planetary MC Income Per Conflict Phase Planetary MC Income Per Conflict Phase ui_Confirm Confirm Confirm ui_premium_purchase_description The transaction will purchase: The transaction will purchase: tt_ScoutPlanet Scout Planet Scout Planet tt_AttackPlanetUnit Attack Planet Attack Planet tt_DefendPlanetUnit Defend Planet Defend Planet tt_ScoutPlanetUnit Scout Planet Scout Planet ui_AllIS All IS Factions All IS Factions ui_AllClan All Clans All Clans ui_NumWins Total Wins Total Wins ui_NumLosses Total Losses Total Losses ui_WLRation W/L RATIO W/L RATIO ui_CapturedPlanets Planets Controlled (+/-) Planets Controlled (+/-) ui_ControlledPlanets Planets Controlled Planets Controlled ui_NumKills Total Kills Total Kills ui_NumDeaths Total Deaths Total Deaths ui_KDRatio K/D Ratio K/D Ratio ui_WLRatio W/L RATIO W/L RATIO ui_KillsMostDamage Kills Most Damage Kills Most Damage ui_CWGamesPlayed FP Games Played FP Games Played ui_ISGames Total Games\nas IS Total Games\nas IS ui_ClanGames Total Games\nas Clan Total Games\nas Clan ui_ISKills IS Kills IS Kills ui_ClanKills Clan Kills Clan Kills ui_UnitTagsOnMap Unit Tags on Map Unit Tags on Map ui_ContractRewards Contract Rewards Earned Contract Rewards Earned ui_ContractsTaken Total Contracts Taken Total Contracts Taken ui_ISContractsTaken IS Contracts Taken IS Contracts Taken ui_ClanContractsTaken Clan Contracts Taken Clan Contracts Taken ui_SalvageTaken Total Salvage Collected Total Salvage Collected ui_DamageDealt Total Damage Dealt Total Damage Dealt ui_UnitSize Unit Size Unit Size ui_TotalPlanetaryWins Total Planetary Wins Total Planetary Wins ui_PlanetaryAttackWins Planetary Attack Wins Planetary Attack Wins ui_PlanetaryDefenseWins Planetary Defense Wins Planetary Defense Wins ui_FactionSummary Faction Summary Faction Summary ui_Pilots Pilots Pilots ui_MercUnits Merc Units Merc Units ui_LoyalistUnits Loyalist Units Loyalist Units ui_AverageLP Average Member LP Average Member LP ui_BattlesFought Battles Fought Battles Fought ui_DaysLoyal Days Loyal Days Loyal tt_FactionSummary Statistics for each Faction Statistics for each Faction tt_MercUnits Mercenary Unit Statistics Mercenary Unit Statistics tt_LoyalistUnits Loyalist Unit Statistics Loyalist Unit Statistics ui_CurrentRank Current Rank Current Rank ui_Version Season Season ui_UpdatePeriod LEADERBOARD UPDATED EVERY HOUR. 10 MATCHES REQUIRED FOR PLACEMENT. LEADERBOARD UPDATED EVERY HOUR. 10 MATCHES REQUIRED FOR PLACEMENT. ui_AllMercs All Mercenaries All Mercenaries ui_FreeLancers Freelancer Pilots Freelancer Pilots ui_AllLoyalists All Loyalists All Loyalists ui_SoloLoyalists Solo Loyalists Solo Loyalists ui_TotalLP Total LP with Faction Total LP with Faction ui_FactionShort Fac. Fac. ui_LeaderboardNA NOT RANKED ON THIS BOARD NOT RANKED ON THIS BOARD tt_PilotTree_All View all modules View all modules tt_PilotTree_Mech View 'Mech modules View 'Mech modules tt_PilotTree_Consumable View consumable modules View consumable modules tt_PilotTree_Weapon View weapon modules View weapon modules ui_endmatch_IntelCapture_win SUCCESS - INTEL RETRIEVED SUCCESS - INTEL RETRIEVED ui_endmatch_IntelCapture_loss UNSUCCESSFUL - INTEL NOT RETRIEVED UNSUCCESSFUL - INTEL NOT RETRIEVED ui_bismuth GRIM PLEXUS GRIM PLEXUS ui_bismuth_detail1 -9 C -9 C ui_bismuth_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_bismuth_detail3 15% 15% ui_premium_bonus_response_title Premium Time Bonus Response Premium Time Bonus Response ui_error_pledgeloyalty An error occurred when trying to pledge loyalty. Please try again or contact support.\nError Code: %0 An error occurred when trying to pledge loyalty. Please try again or contact support.\nError Code: %0 destroyed Has Destroyed Has Destroyed selfdestruction Self Destruction By Self Destruction By _commentator_show_kills Show/Hide Kill Events Show/Hide Kill Events _commentator_toggle_nightvision Toggle Night Vision Toggle Night Vision _commentator_toggle_thermalvision Toggle Thermal Vision Toggle Thermal Vision tt_SocialScreen_FactionGroupButton_Disabled Unable to create a Faction Play group if you don't belong to a unit Unable to create a Faction Play group if you don't belong to a unit ui_social_InvalidFactionPlayType Failed to find a match. You or one of your Faction Play group members do not belong to a unit. Failed to find a match. You or one of your Faction Play group members do not belong to a unit. tt_SocialScreen_InviteToFWGroup Invite player to your Faction Play group Invite player to your Faction Play group tt_SocialScreen_InviteToFWGroup_NoUnit Cannot invite player to your group, they do not belong to a unit Cannot invite player to your group, they do not belong to a unit ui_PlanetValue Planet Value Planet Value ui_SetFirstDrop Set First Drop Set First Drop hud_enemy_sensor_sweep Satellite Sweep Satellite Sweep hud_enemy_long_tom_artillery Radar Jammer Radar Jammer ui_longtom LONG TOM ARTILLERY LONG TOM ARTILLERY tt_FactionScreen_FreelanceCallToArmsAttack Click to accept freelance call Click to accept freelance call tt_FactionScreen_FreelanceCallToArmsDefend Click to accept freelance call Click to accept freelance call ui_DropDeckDescription A Drop Deck is required for participating in Faction Play matches, and must meet the following conditions:\n\n• The chosen 'Mechs must be compatible with your given Contract. For example, you cannot use a Clan 'Mech in your Drop Deck if you are aligned with an Inner Sphere Faction\n • Your Drop Deck must be comprised of four 'Mechs (1 for Scouting)\n • The combined tonnage of your four chosen ‘Mechs must fall within the current Tonnage restrictions. A Drop Deck is required for participating in Faction Play matches, and must meet the following conditions:\n\n• The chosen 'Mechs must be compatible with your given Contract. For example, you cannot use a Clan 'Mech in your Drop Deck if you are aligned with an Inner Sphere Faction\n • Your Drop Deck must be comprised of four 'Mechs (1 for Scouting)\n • The combined tonnage of your four chosen ‘Mechs must fall within the current Tonnage restrictions. ui_CannotAcceptCallToArms CONFLICT HAS ENDED CONFLICT HAS ENDED ui_CannotAcceptCallToArmsCeaseFire The current conflict has ended while you were preparing to drop. Mission terminated. The current conflict has ended while you were preparing to drop. Mission terminated. ui_premiumtournamentbonus TOURNAMENT SUPPORTER TOURNAMENT SUPPORTER tt_FactionScreen_DismissNotification Dismiss this call to arms. Dismiss this call to arms. ui_CallToArmsCWIntroTitle CAREER SELECTION CAREER SELECTION ui_CallToArmsCWIntroDesc You must select a career path before being able to respond to a Call To Arms. Please select one here before proceeding. You must select a career path before being able to respond to a Call To Arms. Please select one here before proceeding. CT_D_S_Clan_Ghost_Bear Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. Present your batchall of forces and, from among the warriors of Clan Ghost Bear, lay claim to the right to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_S_Clan_Jade_Falcon Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. Trumpet your batchall of forces and wrest the right from all Clan Jade Falcon warriors to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_S_Clan_Smoke_Jaguar Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. Proclaim your batchall of forces to win the right from among all Clan Smoke Jaguar warriors to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_S_Clan_Wolf Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. Declare your batchall of forces and seize the right from the Clan Wolf Touman to counter-scout the targeted world from conquest. CT_D_S_IS_Davion The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the named world. CT_D_S_IS_Kurita The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the stipulated world. The Professional Soldiery Liaison, under the aegis of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, rewards a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the stipulated world. CT_D_S_IS_Liao The Capellan Command Council - under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation - grants a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the designated world. The Capellan Command Council - under the hand of the Celestial Wisdom, Chancellor of the Confederation - grants a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the designated world. CT_D_S_IS_Marik The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the titled world. The League Central Coordination And Command, on behalf of the Free Worlds League Military, allocates a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the titled world. CT_D_S_IS_Rasalhague The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations - under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé - offers a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the stipulated world. The KungsArmé Mercenary Relations - under the authority of the Elected Prince and in service to the Rasalhague KungsArmé - offers a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the stipulated world. CT_D_S_IS_Steiner The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the named world. The Department of Mercenary Relations of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth extends a mission for a counter-scouting campaign on the named world. ui_FullyUpgraded Planetary defenses have been fully reinforced. Planetary defenses have been fully reinforced. ui_InReinforceTimeout Planetary defenses can no longer be reinforced against invasion. Planetary defenses can no longer be reinforced against invasion. ui_ReinforceTitle Planetary Reinforcement Planetary Reinforcement ui_Pledge_UnitLoyalNotPermitted Your rank does not have permission to pledge loyalty to a faction. Your rank does not have permission to pledge loyalty to a faction. UI DROPDECKDESCRIPTIONTITLE Drop Deck Description Drop Deck Description ui_DropDeckDescriptionTitle Drop Deck Description Drop Deck Description ui_ReallyLeavingLobbyCallToArms You will not receive any Call To Arms for three minutes if you leave. Do you really wish to leave the queue? You will not receive any Call To Arms for three minutes if you leave. Do you really wish to leave the queue? ui_ReinforceTerritoryFailed Planetary reinforcement failed! Planetary reinforcement failed! ui_FactionWarefare_Desc Faction Play is where highly-competitive MechWarriors fight for control over the Inner Sphere through distinct game modes. It places a strong emphasis on team cohesion and specialized 'Mech loadouts. Faction Play matches are thus often comprised of experienced and well-organized Units of players running heavily customized 'Mechs.\n\nWhether you choose to forge a temporary Contract as a Mercenary, pledge allegiance as a Loyalist, or act as a Freelancer under no consistent banner, you will band together with other players to shift the balance of power and conquer the Inner Sphere. Faction Play is where highly-competitive MechWarriors fight for control over the Inner Sphere through distinct game modes. It places a strong emphasis on team cohesion and specialized 'Mech loadouts. Faction Play matches are thus often comprised of experienced and well-organized Units of players running heavily customized 'Mechs.\n\nWhether you choose to forge a temporary Contract as a Mercenary, pledge allegiance as a Loyalist, or act as a Freelancer under no consistent banner, you will band together with other players to shift the balance of power and conquer the Inner Sphere. ui_FreelancerRoleDescription The Freelancer MechWarrior participates in a neutral capacity where C-Bill contracts are the only motivation. Faction loyalty means nothing to them and they focus completely on earning revenue.\n\nWhile it may seem that these MechWarriors don't matter in the grand scheme of the battle, they are imperative for logistical force enhancement.\n\nFreelancers are essentially the hired guns who crave the thrill of battle. Choosing the Freelancer path provides a slight XP boost for every match played. The Freelancer MechWarrior participates in a neutral capacity where C-Bill contracts are the only motivation. Faction loyalty means nothing to them and they focus completely on earning revenue.\n\nWhile it may seem that these MechWarriors don't matter in the grand scheme of the battle, they are imperative for logistical force enhancement.\n\nFreelancers are essentially the hired guns who crave the thrill of battle. Choosing the Freelancer path provides a slight XP boost for every match played. ui_MercenaryRoleDescription Mercenary Units are the core workhorses in a conflict. They bring experienced and organized companies to the battlefield. These forces come at a cost to those who hire them as the all mighty C-Bill is the only source of negotiation.\n\nChoosing the Mercenary path provides a slight C-Bill boost for every match played. Mercenary Units are the core workhorses in a conflict. They bring experienced and organized companies to the battlefield. These forces come at a cost to those who hire them as the all mighty C-Bill is the only source of negotiation.\n\nChoosing the Mercenary path provides a slight C-Bill boost for every match played. ui_LoyalistRoleDescription Loyalists bring dedicated forces who will fight to the last combatant standing in order to bring victory and pride to the Faction they are aligned with. In turn, Factions will reward Loyalists with extras that cannot be gained in any other manner.\n\nChoosing the Loyalist path provides Loyalty Points for Loyalist titles and rewards. Loyalists bring dedicated forces who will fight to the last combatant standing in order to bring victory and pride to the Faction they are aligned with. In turn, Factions will reward Loyalists with extras that cannot be gained in any other manner.\n\nChoosing the Loyalist path provides Loyalty Points for Loyalist titles and rewards. ui_contract_unitinvalidorinactive Unable to accept employment contract. The unit is invalid and no longer exists. Unable to accept employment contract. The unit is invalid and no longer exists. ui_contract_nopermissions Unable to accept employment contract. Your rank does not have permissions for this operation. Unable to accept employment contract. Your rank does not have permissions for this operation. CT_A_Freelancer The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a planetary assault against the targeted world. The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a planetary assault against the targeted world. CT_D_Freelancer The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a defensive campaign on the targeted world. The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a defensive campaign on the targeted world. CT_A_I_Freelancer The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a planetary assault against the targeted world. The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a planetary assault against the targeted world. CT_D_I_Freelancer The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a defensive campaign on the targeted world. The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a defensive campaign on the targeted world. CT_A_S_Freelancer The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a scout to assist an invasion on the targeted world. The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a scout to assist an invasion on the targeted world. CT_D_S_Freelancer The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a counter-scouting campaign on the targeted world. The Mercenary Review Board offers a single mission contract for a counter-scouting campaign on the targeted world. eGM_Domination DOMINATION DOMINATION 2016TournamentMedal_name WC 2016 Medallion WC 2016 Medallion 2016TournamentMedal_desc MWO World Championships 2016 Supporter Medallion MWO World Championships 2016 Supporter Medallion 2016t_Overlord_name WC 2016 Dropship WC 2016 Dropship 2016t_Overlord_desc MWO World Championships 2016 Overlord Dropship MWO World Championships 2016 Overlord Dropship 2016_Tournament_Warhorn WC 2016 Warhorn WC 2016 Warhorn 2016_Tournament_Warhorn_desc MWO World Championships 2016 Warhorn MWO World Championships 2016 Warhorn ui_counterattack_defend COUNTER ATTACK - HOLD TERRITORY COUNTER ATTACK - HOLD TERRITORY ui_InvadeShort Inv Inv ui_ScoutShort Sct Sct ui_UnableToDisband_MCBalance_value Unable to disband the unit while the coffers have an MC balance available.\nThe coffers currently have %0 MC. Unable to disband the unit while the coffers have an MC balance available.\nThe coffers currently have %0 MC. ui_UnableToDisband_MCBalance Unable to disband the unit while the coffers have an MC balance available. Unable to disband the unit while the coffers have an MC balance available. ui_Unclaimed Unclaimed Unclaimed ContractLength Contract Length Contract Length ui_AcceptFactionContract_title Accept Faction Contract? Accept Faction Contract? ui_PlayerQueueInfo Mechwarriors in queue Mechwarriors in queue ui_ConfirmFactionContract_desc Do you wish to accept this employment contract for your unit? Do you wish to accept this employment contract for your unit? ui_WC_2016_Tournament WC 2016 Tournament Booster WC 2016 Tournament Booster ui_WC_2016_Tournament_desc Apply an additional 10% of Gained XP booster Apply an additional 10% of Gained XP booster ui_UnitInviteComplete_MercToLoyalist Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. They have pledged loyalty to a faction and cannot join your mercenary unit until they break their loyalty. Unable to confirm %0 to your unit. They have pledged loyalty to a faction and cannot join your mercenary unit until they break their loyalty. ui_ContractModifier Contract Modifier Contract Modifier ui_BuyUpgrade CONFIRMATION REQUIRED CONFIRMATION REQUIRED ui_BuyUpgradeBody Are you sure you want to reinforce this planet?\nAccepting will result in a withdrawal from your Unit's C-Bill coffers. Are you sure you want to reinforce this planet?\nAccepting will result in a withdrawal from your Unit's C-Bill coffers. ui_MyFaction My Faction: My Faction: ui_TotalMatches Total FP Matches Played: Total FP Matches Played: ui_BaseLoyaltyPoints Base Loyalty Reputation Base Loyalty Reputation ui_title_2016Tournament The Patron The Patron ui_title_2016Tournament _short The Patron The Patron ui_title_2016Tournament _desc The Patron 2016 MWO World Cup Supporter The Patron 2016 MWO World Cup Supporter hud_reputation_points_earned REPUTATION POINTS EARNED REPUTATION POINTS EARNED hud_reputation_points REPUTATION POINTS REPUTATION POINTS hud_my_reputation_bonus REPUTATION POINTS BONUSES REPUTATION POINTS BONUSES CockpitLight_Default Default Cockpit Light Default Cockpit Light ui_GXPReward GXP Reward GXP Reward Davion1_Bundle Davion Faction Rank 1 Award Bundle Davion Faction Rank 1 Award Bundle ui_CofferTransaction Coffer Transaction Coffer Transaction UI_FreelancePenaltyDesc Freelancers are unable to earn loyalty and cannot use loyalist-only features. Freelancers are unable to earn loyalty and cannot use loyalist-only features. CR_AV_Freelancer Good work. Clients rarely come to us expecting anything more than meat in a tin can to fill out the front-line when they’re on the offensive. With today’s victory you’ve not only bought another day of freedom on your own terms, you’ve strengthened your reputation with a valuable client. When it comes to Freelancing, no payout is worth more than your reputation. Good work. Clients rarely come to us expecting anything more than meat in a tin can to fill out the front-line when they’re on the offensive. With today’s victory you’ve not only bought another day of freedom on your own terms, you’ve strengthened your reputation with a valuable client. When it comes to Freelancing, no payout is worth more than your reputation. CR_AD_I_Freelancer Your mission was a failure. They took you on expecting meat for the front-line, and meat is what they got. At least you made it out alive, and there’s value in survival. Just don’t make losing a habit, and you might still get some work. Your mission was a failure. They took you on expecting meat for the front-line, and meat is what they got. At least you made it out alive, and there’s value in survival. Just don’t make losing a habit, and you might still get some work. CR_AV_I_Freelancer Good work. Clients rarely come to us expecting anything more than meat in a tin can to fill out the front-line when they’re on the offensive. With today’s victory you’ve not only bought another day of freedom on your own terms, you’ve strengthened your reputation with a valuable client. When it comes to Freelancing, no payout is worth more than your reputation. Good work. Clients rarely come to us expecting anything more than meat in a tin can to fill out the front-line when they’re on the offensive. With today’s victory you’ve not only bought another day of freedom on your own terms, you’ve strengthened your reputation with a valuable client. When it comes to Freelancing, no payout is worth more than your reputation. CR_DD_Freelancer Your mission was a failure. When a client looks to you for defense they aren’t doing it because they believe in you. They know a Freelancer isn’t going to care about some long-forgotten planet that hasn’t meant something for a hundred years. They come to you because their ranks are thin and they’re up against the wall, taking whatever they can get with the hope they’ll get lucky. From the looks of these results, the only luck out there today went toward getting you out alive and intact. Don’t let that be for nothing. Your mission was a failure. When a client looks to you for defense they aren’t doing it because they believe in you. They know a Freelancer isn’t going to care about some long-forgotten planet that hasn’t meant something for a hundred years. They come to you because their ranks are thin and they’re up against the wall, taking whatever they can get with the hope they’ll get lucky. From the looks of these results, the only luck out there today went toward getting you out alive and intact. Don’t let that be for nothing. CR_DD_I_Freelancer Your mission was a failure. When a client looks to you for defense they aren’t doing it because they believe in you. They know a Freelancer isn’t going to care about some long-forgotten planet that hasn’t meant something for a hundred years. They come to you because their ranks are thin and they’re up against the wall, taking whatever they can get with the hope they’ll get lucky. From the looks of these results, the only luck out there today went toward getting you out alive and intact. Don’t let that be for nothing. Your mission was a failure. When a client looks to you for defense they aren’t doing it because they believe in you. They know a Freelancer isn’t going to care about some long-forgotten planet that hasn’t meant something for a hundred years. They come to you because their ranks are thin and they’re up against the wall, taking whatever they can get with the hope they’ll get lucky. From the looks of these results, the only luck out there today went toward getting you out alive and intact. Don’t let that be for nothing. CR_DV_Freelancer Outstanding work. It’s not often that a Freelancer can distinguish themselves in a defensive action; the Loyalists and career Mercs are usually fighting each other for glory just as much as they fight the enemy. Make no mistake, that planet stands intact because you met the call to action and made it happen. You’ve more than earned your pay, but before you head off to Solaris and blow it all on a fight I’d recommend you head back down planetside. You won’t find a more ‘welcoming’ populous than one you just saved. Outstanding work. It’s not often that a Freelancer can distinguish themselves in a defensive action; the Loyalists and career Mercs are usually fighting each other for glory just as much as they fight the enemy. Make no mistake, that planet stands intact because you met the call to action and made it happen. You’ve more than earned your pay, but before you head off to Solaris and blow it all on a fight I’d recommend you head back down planetside. You won’t find a more ‘welcoming’ populous than one you just saved. CR_DV_I_Freelancer Outstanding work. It’s not often that a Freelancer can distinguish themselves in a defensive action; the Loyalists and career Mercs are usually fighting each other for glory just as much as they fight the enemy. Make no mistake, that planet stands intact because you met the call to action and made it happen. You’ve more than earned your pay, but before you head off to Solaris and blow it all on a fight I’d recommend you head back down planetside. You won’t find a more ‘welcoming’ populous than one you just saved. Outstanding work. It’s not often that a Freelancer can distinguish themselves in a defensive action; the Loyalists and career Mercs are usually fighting each other for glory just as much as they fight the enemy. Make no mistake, that planet stands intact because you met the call to action and made it happen. You’ve more than earned your pay, but before you head off to Solaris and blow it all on a fight I’d recommend you head back down planetside. You won’t find a more ‘welcoming’ populous than one you just saved. CR_S_AD_Freelancer You failed to complete your mission. Without the intel you were tasked with acquiring the client will no longer have a tactical advantage in their impending offensive. When you were first called to arms they made it clear it was out of necessity; with this defeat your next job may arise only out of desperation. If you continue to engage in losing battles, even the most desperate of prospective clients may hesitate to call upon you at all. You failed to complete your mission. Without the intel you were tasked with acquiring the client will no longer have a tactical advantage in their impending offensive. When you were first called to arms they made it clear it was out of necessity; with this defeat your next job may arise only out of desperation. If you continue to engage in losing battles, even the most desperate of prospective clients may hesitate to call upon you at all. CR_S_AV_Freelancer The client was pleased with your performance. Now that they possess the necessary intel acquired from your victory they can proceed with launching their full offensive in confidence. Whether it’s from your last client or their intended target, keep your eyes open; after today there’s bound to be more work headed your way. The client was pleased with your performance. Now that they possess the necessary intel acquired from your victory they can proceed with launching their full offensive in confidence. Whether it’s from your last client or their intended target, keep your eyes open; after today there’s bound to be more work headed your way. CR_S_DD_Freelancer You were unable to ensure the security of our client's vital intel. They took a great risk in trusting an outsider with such sensitive data, and with this defeat that trust may have been permanently eroded. Sharpen up or we’ll find it increasingly difficult to find clients willing to take you on, even when they’re short on options. You were unable to ensure the security of our client's vital intel. They took a great risk in trusting an outsider with such sensitive data, and with this defeat that trust may have been permanently eroded. Sharpen up or we’ll find it increasingly difficult to find clients willing to take you on, even when they’re short on options. CR_S_DV_Freelancer You were able to ensure the security of our client's vital intel. They took a great risk in trusting an outsider with such sensitive data, but your performance in this fight reflects the degree of professionalism and ability expected from our contractors. Whatever debts or desires hold you to the life of a Freelancer will be satisfied for one day more at least, and you will be called upon again. Good work. You were able to ensure the security of our client's vital intel. They took a great risk in trusting an outsider with such sensitive data, but your performance in this fight reflects the degree of professionalism and ability expected from our contractors. Whatever debts or desires hold you to the life of a Freelancer will be satisfied for one day more at least, and you will be called upon again. Good work. ui_FollowUnit Follow Unit Follow Unit ui_ExtractionPoint EXTRACTION POINT EXTRACTION POINT ui_MercenaryPilots Merc Pilots Merc Pilots ui_LoyalistPilots Loyalist Pilots Loyalist Pilots tt_MercenaryPilots Individual Merc Pilot Statistics Individual Merc Pilot Statistics tt_LoyalistPilots Individual Loyalist Pilot Statistics Individual Loyalist Pilot Statistics ui_InvalidUnitName_BadTag Unable to create the unit with tag "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. Unable to create the unit with tag "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. ui_MyUnit My Unit: My Unit: ui_DaysLeftInContract Days Left In Contract: Days Left In Contract: ui_nopermissions You do not have permission for this operation. You do not have permission for this operation. ui_LeaderboardEntryNotExist The leaderboard entry requested does not exist. The leaderboard entry requested does not exist. ui_Deserted Deserted Deserted ui_Seconds Seconds Seconds ui_Minutes Minutes Minutes ui_Hours Hours Hours ui_SortedBy LEADERBOARD UPDATED EVERY HOUR. 10 MATCHES REQUIRED FOR PLACEMENT. LEADERBOARD UPDATED EVERY HOUR. 10 MATCHES REQUIRED FOR PLACEMENT. hud_dropship_transit_attack_IS Dropship is inbound, get to the extraction zone shown on your Battlegrid. Dropship is inbound, get to the extraction zone shown on your Battlegrid. hud_dropship_transit_attack_Clan Dropship in transit, be ready at the extraction site shown on your Battlegrid. Dropship in transit, be ready at the extraction site shown on your Battlegrid. hud_dropship_transit_defend_IS Enemy dropship in transit. Find their extraction zone and stop them. Enemy dropship in transit. Find their extraction zone and stop them. hud_dropship_transit_defend_Clan The dropship has returned. Find their extraction zone. The dropship has returned. Find their extraction zone. hud_dropship_arrive_attack_IS Dropship at the extraction site shown on your Battlegrid. Prepare for departure! Dropship at the extraction site shown on your Battlegrid. Prepare for departure! hud_dropship_arrive_attack_Clan Dropship has arrived at the site shown on your Battlegrid. Stand by for departure. Dropship has arrived at the site shown on your Battlegrid. Stand by for departure. hud_dropship_arrive_defend_IS The dropship has arrived, stop the scouts from escaping. The dropship has arrived, stop the scouts from escaping. hud_dropship_arrive_defend_Clan The dropship is here, stop the scouts from escaping. The dropship is here, stop the scouts from escaping. ui_NoPrivilege Insufficient Privileges Insufficient Privileges ui_ReinforceTerritoryInsufficientFunds You do not have enough funds in the coffers for this transaction. You do not have enough funds in the coffers for this transaction. ui_ReinforceTerritoryInvalidUnit Your unit no longer owns this planet. Your unit no longer owns this planet. ui_Active Active Active ui_ViewContracts_CreatUnit_desc Employment contracts are only available to mercenary units. To take on an employment contract you need to first create or join a unit.\n\nClick the "Create Unit" button to create a new unit for yourself. After your unit has been created you will be taken to the employment contracts page.\n\nTo view the employment contracts at anytime click the "Mercenary" sub menu under the "Contracts" button. Employment contracts are only available to mercenary units. To take on an employment contract you need to first create or join a unit.\n\nClick the "Create Unit" button to create a new unit for yourself. After your unit has been created you will be taken to the employment contracts page.\n\nTo view the employment contracts at anytime click the "Mercenary" sub menu under the "Contracts" button. ui_KickedFromUnit_desc You have been removed from the unit. You have been removed from the unit. ui_KickedFromUnit_title Removed from unit Removed from unit ui_UnitInvite_PurchaseTicketCost_desc Are you sure you wish to invite %0 to your Unit?\n\nThe cost of this invitation will be taken from your Unit Coffers.\n\nIf %1 rejects this invitation, or if the invitation is revoked before it is accepted, the initial C-Bill Cost will be refunded to the Unit Coffers.\n\nInvite cost: %2 C-Bills Are you sure you wish to invite %0 to your Unit?\n\nThe cost of this invitation will be taken from your Unit Coffers.\n\nIf %1 rejects this invitation, or if the invitation is revoked before it is accepted, the initial C-Bill Cost will be refunded to the Unit Coffers.\n\nInvite cost: %2 C-Bills ui_UnitInvite_PurchaseTicketFree_desc Are you sure you wish to invite %0 to your Unit?\n\nYou have an existing Invite Ticket available, which will be used to Invite %1 to your Unit.\n\nIf %2 rejects this Invite, or if the Invite is revoked before it is accepted, your Unit will retain this Invite Ticket for later use. Are you sure you wish to invite %0 to your Unit?\n\nYou have an existing Invite Ticket available, which will be used to Invite %1 to your Unit.\n\nIf %2 rejects this Invite, or if the Invite is revoked before it is accepted, your Unit will retain this Invite Ticket for later use. ui_error_UnitInvite_PriceMismatch Unable to invite %0 to the unit, a price mismatch was detected. This can occur when multiple invitations are sent at the same time. Please try again or contact support if the error persists.\n\nRequested Price: %1 C-Bills\nActual Price: %2 C-Bills Unable to invite %0 to the unit, a price mismatch was detected. This can occur when multiple invitations are sent at the same time. Please try again or contact support if the error persists.\n\nRequested Price: %1 C-Bills\nActual Price: %2 C-Bills tt_BreakLoyaltyBtn Allows you to desert your current faction. Allows you to desert your current faction. ui_UnitFactionState_CBoxText I understand my choices I understand my choices ui_LeaderboardError There was an error retrieving the leaderboard data. There was an error retrieving the leaderboard data. ui_UnitCreditMC Unit Credit Unit Credit ui_attacking ATTACKING ATTACKING ui_defending DEFENDING DEFENDING ui_invasion_defend_territory DEFEND TERRITORY DEFEND TERRITORY ui_invasion_attack_territory ATTACK TERRITORY ATTACK TERRITORY ui_scouting_gather_intel GATHER INTEL GATHER INTEL ui_scouting_protect_intel PROTECT INTEL PROTECT INTEL ui_counterattack_recapture RECAPTURE TERRITORY RECAPTURE TERRITORY ui_counterattack_hold HOLD TERRITORY HOLD TERRITORY ui_desertionpenalty To join this unit you agree to break loyalty with your faction and incur any penalties. To join this unit you agree to break loyalty with your faction and incur any penalties. ui_GameModeAudio GAME MODE DIALOGUE GAME MODE DIALOGUE ui_factionstatechange_unitleader As the unit leader you are unable to leave the unit. As the unit leader you are unable to leave the unit. ui_MercenaryUnit Mercenary Unit Mercenary Unit ui_ContractState_UnContracted Uncontracted Mercenary Uncontracted Mercenary ui_error_UnitInviteTicketRetrieve An error occurred retrieving the cost of a unit invite ticket.\nPlease try again or contact support if the issue persists.\n\nError Code:%0 An error occurred retrieving the cost of a unit invite ticket.\nPlease try again or contact support if the issue persists.\n\nError Code:%0 ui_error_unitinvite_nofunds Unable to invite %0. Your Unit Coffer does not have sufficient funds.\n\nInvite Cost: %1 C-Bills Unable to invite %0. Your Unit Coffer does not have sufficient funds.\n\nInvite Cost: %1 C-Bills tt_BreakLoyaltyBtn_Disabled Your rank does not have permissions to break loyalty. Your rank does not have permissions to break loyalty. ui_CLAN_uppercase CLAN CLAN ui_payout PAYOUT PAYOUT EGameMode_Assault Assault Assault EGameMode_Conquest Conquest Conquest EGameMode_Skirmish Skirmish Skirmish EGameMode_Invasion Siege Siege EGameMode_CounterAttack Counter Attack Counter Attack EGameMode_Domination Domination Domination EGameMode_Scouting Scouting Scouting EMapType_ForestColony Forest Colony Forest Colony EMapType_FrozenCity Frozen City Frozen City EMapType_CausticValley Caustic Valley Caustic Valley EMapType_RiverCity River City River City EMapType_EmeraldTaiga Emerald Taiga Emerald Taiga EMapType_FrozenCityNight Frozen City Night (Classic) Frozen City Night (Classic) EMapType_VitricForge Vitric Forge Vitric Forge EMapType_AlpinePeaks Alpine Peaks Alpine Peaks EMapType_TourmalineDesert Tourmaline Desert Tourmaline Desert EMapType_CanyonNetwork Canyon Network Canyon Network EMapType_TerraTherma Terra Therma Terra Therma EMapType_CrimsonStrait Crimson Strait Crimson Strait EMapType_HPGManifold HPG Manifold HPG Manifold EMapType_MiningCollective Mining Collective Mining Collective EMapType_ViridianBog Viridian Bog Viridian Bog EMapType_BorealVault Boreal Vault Boreal Vault EMapType_SulfurousRift Sulfurous Rift Sulfurous Rift EMapType_HelleboreSprings Hellebore Springs Hellebore Springs EMapType_GrimPortico Grim Portico Grim Portico EMapType_PolarHighlands Polar Highlands Polar Highlands EMapType_GrimPlexus Grim Plexus Grim Plexus EGameType_Public Public Match Public Match EGameType_Private Private Match Private Match EGameType_Faction Faction Play Faction Play ui_TrialPeriodLastMatch Last Probation Period Match Last Probation Period Match ui_NoSwitchLobby You are not able to join a lobby when already in another lobby. You are not able to join a lobby when already in another lobby. Ui_CareerBreakUnitLoyalty Are you sure you wish to break your Unit's Loyalty? Are you sure you wish to break your Unit's Loyalty? Ui_CareerPledgeLoyalty Are you sure you wish to become a Loyalist? Are you sure you wish to become a Loyalist? ui_PleaseWait Please Wait Please Wait ui_FactionFilter Faction Filter: Faction Filter: tt_Freelancers Individual Freelance Pilot Statistics Individual Freelance Pilot Statistics Spectator Spectator Spectator REGION REGION REGION LOBBY_TYPE LOBBY TYPE LOBBY TYPE MODE MODE MODE MECH MECH 'MECH GAMES_IN_PROGRESS GAME IN PROGRESS GAME IN PROGRESS @REJOIN_SELECTED_MATCH REJOIN SELECTED MATCH REJOIN SELECTED MATCH @QUICK_PLAY_AS_SELECTED_MECH QUICK PLAY WITH CURRENT 'MECH QUICK PLAY WITH CURRENT 'MECH ui_ViewVotes View Votes View Votes ui_CurrentTarget Current\nTarget Current\nTarget HUD_AWARD_IntelCollected INTEL COLLECTED INTEL COLLECTED EMechModel_Kodiak KODIAK KODIAK kodiak KODIAK KODIAK kdk-1s KODIAK KDK-1(S) KODIAK KDK-1(S) kdk-1s_desc KODIAK KDK-1(S) description KODIAK KDK-1(S) kdk-1s_short KDK-1(S) KDK-1(S) kdk-1 KODIAK KDK-1 KODIAK KDK-1 kdk-1_desc KODIAK KDK-1 description KODIAK KDK-1 kdk-1_short KDK-1 KDK-1 kdk-2 KODIAK KDK-2 KODIAK KDK-2 kdk-2_desc KODIAK KDK-2 description KODIAK KDK-2 kdk-2_short KDK-2 KDK-2 kdk-3 KODIAK KDK-3 KODIAK KDK-3 kdk-3_desc KODIAK KDK-3 description KODIAK KDK-3 kdk-3_short KDK-3 KDK-3 kdk-4 KODIAK KDK-4 KODIAK KDK-4 kdk-4_desc KODIAK KDK-4 description KODIAK KDK-4 kdk-4_short KDK-4 KDK-4 kdk-5 KODIAK KDK-5 KODIAK KDK-5 kdk-5_desc KODIAK KDK-5 description KODIAK KDK-5 kdk-5_short KDK-5 KDK-5 kdk-sb SPIRIT BEAR SPIRIT BEAR kdk-sb_desc The Kodiak of Ghost Bear Loremaster Laurie Tseng. The Kodiak of Ghost Bear Loremaster Laurie Tseng. kdk-sb_short KDK-SB KDK-SB hud_Scouting_Attack Escape through the Extraction Zone with at least 1 Intel Point in your team's possession. Escape through the Extraction Zone with at least 1 Intel Point in your team's possession. hud_Scouting_Defend Eliminate all Attackers or prevent their escape via the Extraction Zone. Eliminate all Attackers or prevent their escape via the Extraction Zone. ui_ContractUpdate Population and contract bonuses update every hour Population and contract bonuses update every hour ui_ScoutingQueue Scouting Queue Data Scouting Queue Data ui_InvasionQueue Invasion Queue Data Invasion Queue Data hud_Attack ATTACK ATTACK hud_Protect PROTECT PROTECT hud_Follow FOLLOW FOLLOW hud_Scout SCOUT SCOUT hud_Capture CAPTURE CAPTURE hud_AirStrike REQUEST AIRSTRIKE REQUEST AIRSTRIKE hud_Artillery REQUEST ARTILLERY REQUEST ARTILLERY hud_UAV REQUEST UAV REQUEST UAV hud_Help HELP HELP hud_Spotted ENEMY SPOTTED ENEMY SPOTTED hud_Affirmative AFFIRMATIVE AFFIRMATIVE hud_Negative NEGATIVE NEGATIVE hud_Sorry SORRY SORRY hud_Thankyou THANK YOU THANK YOU AttackVsEntity_CmdUserReward TEAM COMPLETED ATTACK ORDER TEAM COMPLETED ATTACK ORDER AttackVsEntity_LanceMemberReward COMPLETED ATTACK ORDER COMPLETED ATTACK ORDER SpottedVsEntity_CmdUserReward SPOTTED TARGET SPOTTED TARGET ProtectVsEntity_LanceMemberReward PROTECTED TARGET PROTECTED TARGET FollowVsEntity_LanceMemberReward FOLLOWED TARGET FOLLOWED TARGET ScoutVsTerrain_CmdUserReward TEAM SCOUTED TARGET AREA TEAM SCOUTED TARGET AREA ScoutVsTerrain_LanceMemberReward SCOUTED TARGET AREA SCOUTED TARGET AREA MoveVsTerrain_CmdUserReward TEAM REACHED TARGET AREA TEAM REACHED TARGET AREA MoveVsTerrain_LanceMemberReward REACHED TARGET AREA REACHED TARGET AREA HoldVsTerrain_LanceMemberReward HELD POSITION HELD POSITION AirStrikeVsTerrain_CmdUserReward AIR STRIKE DAMAGE BY TEAM ON TARGET AIR STRIKE DAMAGE BY TEAM ON TARGET AirStrikeVsTerrain_LanceMemberReward AIR STRIKE DAMAGE ON TARGET AIR STRIKE DAMAGE ON TARGET ArtilleryStrikeVsTerrain_CmdUserReward ARTILLERY STRIKE DAMAGE BY TEAM ON TARGET ARTILLERY STRIKE DAMAGE BY TEAM ON TARGET ArtilleryStrikeVsTerrain_LanceMemberReward ARTILLERY STRIKE DAMAGE ON TARGET ARTILLERY STRIKE DAMAGE ON TARGET UAVVsTerrain_CmdUserReward ENEMY DISCOVERED BY TEAM UAV ENEMY DISCOVERED BY TEAM UAV UAVVsTerrain_LanceMemberReward ENEMY DISCOVERED BY UAV ENEMY DISCOVERED BY UAV AffirmativeSocial_UserReward RESPONDED TO LEADER’S COMMAND RESPONDED TO LEADER’S COMMAND AffirmativeSocial_CommanderReward COMMAND RESPONSE FROM TEAM COMMAND RESPONSE FROM TEAM NegativeSocial_UserReward RESPONDED TO LEADER’S COMMAND RESPONDED TO LEADER’S COMMAND NegativeSocial_CommanderReward COMMAND RESPONSE FROM TEAM COMMAND RESPONSE FROM TEAM CaptureVsTerrain_LanceMemberReward CAPTURED TARGET AREA CAPTURED TARGET AREA CommandMarker_Attack Attack the target. Attack the target. CommandMarker_Protect Protect the target. Protect the target. CommandMarker_Follow Follow the target. Follow the target. CommandMarker_Move Move to the target area. Move to the target area. CommandMarker_Scout Scout the target area. Scout the target area. CommandMarker_Hold Hold position. Hold position. CommandMarker_Capture Capture the target area. Capture the target area. CommandMarker_ArtilleryStrike Launch Artillery Strike on target. Launch Artillery Strike on target. CommandMarker_AirStrike Launch Air Strike on target. Launch Air Strike on target. CommandMarker_UAVRequest Launch UAV on target area. Launch UAV on target area. CommandMarker_Spotted Spotted the enemy. Spotted the enemy. CommandMarker_Help Help! Help! SocialCommand_Affirmative Affirmative. Affirmative. SocialCommand_Negative Negative. Negative. SocialCommand_Sorry Sorry. Sorry. SocialCommand_Thankyou Thank you. Thank you. ClawNecklace_name Claw Necklace Claw Necklace ClawNecklace_desc Hanging Claw Necklace Hanging Claw Necklace SpeakerO_name Kodiak Warhorn Kodiak Warhorn SpeakerO_desc Mounted Kodiak Warhorn Mounted Kodiak Warhorn KodiakClaw_name Kodiak Claw Kodiak Claw KodiakClaw_desc Standing Kodiak Claw Standing Kodiak Claw Spirit_Bear_name Spirit Bear Spirit Bear Spirit_Bear_desc Hanging Spirit Bear Medallion Hanging Spirit Bear Medallion ui_title_KodiakStand The Cub The Cub ui_title_KodiakColl The Grizzly The Grizzly _ToggleInfoVis Toggle BattleGrid Info Panel Toggle BattleGrid Info Panel ui_GamesPlayed Games Played Games Played ui_GotoTop Go To Top Go To Top ui_FindMe My Ranking My Ranking ui_Leaderboard Leaderboard Leaderboard ui_avgMatchScore Average Match Score Average Match Score ui_Global Global Overview Global Overview tt_Settings_OrderDialogue Enable or disable command dialogue. Enable or disable command dialogue. ui_OrderDialogue Command Dialogue Command Dialogue tt_Settings_GameModeAudio Enable or disable game mode dialogue. Enable or disable game mode dialogue. ui_RankBy Rank By: Rank By: ERegion_MAX None None ui_lobby_error_mechlocked Unable to create the private lobby. Your current selected mech is locked. Unable to create the private lobby. Your current selected mech is locked. EMapType_PrivateTest1v1 1v1 Steiner Coliseum 1v1 Steiner Coliseum EMapType_PrivateTest2v2 2v2 Test 2v2 Test EMapType_PrivateTest4v4 4v4 Test A 4v4 Test A EMapType_PrivateTest8ffa 4v4 Test B 4v4 Test B ui_FindPilot Find Pilot Find Pilot tt_GlobalLeaderboard Global Pilot Statistics Global Pilot Statistics tt_LightLeaderboard Pilot Statistics - Light Class Pilot Statistics - Light Class tt_MediumLeaderboard Pilot Statistics - Medium Class Pilot Statistics - Medium Class tt_HeavyLeaderboard Pilot Statistics - Heavy Class Pilot Statistics - Heavy Class tt_AssaultLeaderboard Pilot Statistics - Assault Class Pilot Statistics - Assault Class _m_show_cmd_wheel Invoke Command Wheel Invoke Command Wheel ui_GroupTooLargeForScouting Your Group is too large to enter a Scouting Mission.\n\nIn order to launch a Scouting Mission your Group must be comprised of no more than 4 members. Your Group is too large to enter a Scouting Mission.\n\nIn order to launch a Scouting Mission your Group must be comprised of no more than 4 members. CommandMarker_FlankLeft Flank Left. Flank Left. CommandMarker_FlankRight Flank Right. Flank Right. CommandMarker_AttackArea Attack the area. Attack the area. CommandMarker_ProtectArea Protect the area. Protect the area. ui_tournament_Rejoin_Error REJOIN ERROR REJOIN ERROR ui_tournament_Rejoin_NoGames_desc You currently have no games available to rejoin. You currently have no games available to rejoin. ui_AttackPhaseEnd Ceasefire Approaching Ceasefire Approaching ui_MatchesMustEnd Matches must end prior to ceasefire to affect planet status Matches must end prior to ceasefire to affect planet status ui_NoMatchesLaunched Matches cannot be launched until ceasefire ends Matches cannot be launched until ceasefire ends ui_PhaseTime %0H %1M %0H %1M ui_PhaseTimeEnd %0M %0M EMechModel_Phoenixhawk PHOENIX HAWK PHOENIX HAWK phoenixhawk PHOENIX HAWK PHOENIX HAWK pxh-1s PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1(S) PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1(S) pxh-1s_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1(S) description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1(S) pxh-1s_short PXH-1(S) PXH-1(S) pxh-1 PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1 PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1 pxh-1_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1 description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1 pxh-1_short PXH-1 PXH-1 pxh-1b PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1B PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1B pxh-1b_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1B description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1B pxh-1b_short PXH-1B PXH-1B pxh-1k PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1K PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1K pxh-1k_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1K description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-1K pxh-1k_short PXH-1K PXH-1K pxh-2 PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2 PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2 pxh-2_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2 description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2 pxh-2_short PXH-2 PXH-2 pxh-3s PHOENIX HAWK PXH-3S PHOENIX HAWK PXH-3S pxh-3s_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-3S description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-3S pxh-3s_short PXH-3S PXH-3S pxh-r ROC ROC pxh-r_desc The Phoenix Hawk of Paul Masters. The Phoenix Hawk of Paul Masters. pxh-r_short PXH-R PXH-R pxh-kk KUROI KIRI KUROI KIRI pxh-kk_desc Shin Yodama's "Black Mist" Phoenix Hawk. Shin Yodama's "Black Mist" Phoenix Hawk. pxh-kk_short PXH-KK PXH-KK cplt-bb BUTTERBEE BUTTERBEE cplt-bb_desc MechWarrior Jenny Templeton's Catapult. MechWarrior Jenny Templeton's Catapult. cplt-bb_short CPLT-BB CPLT-BB ui_UncontestedVictory Uncontested Victory Uncontested Victory CR_AutoWin Your enemy failed to meet you on the battlefield. Their absence has led to an uncontested victory for your forces. Your enemy failed to meet you on the battlefield. Their absence has led to an uncontested victory for your forces. hud_AttackArea ATTACK AREA ATTACK AREA hud_ProtectArea PROTECT AREA PROTECT AREA tt_HomeScreen_LeaderdoardButton View Public Leaderboard Statistics View Public Leaderboard Statistics tt_LeaderboardGotoTop View the top ranked Pilots on this leaderboard View the top ranked Pilots on this leaderboard tt_LeaderboardFindMe View your ranking on this leaderboard View your ranking on this leaderboard tt_LeaderboardFindByName Find the rank of a Pilot by name Find the rank of a Pilot by name tt_LeaderboardFindByRank Find pilot stats by rank Find pilot stats by rank tt_NextPage View next page View next page tt_PrevPage View previous page View previous page endmatch_comm_tie TIE GAME TIE GAME Phoenix_blu_name Phoenix Blue Phoenix Blue Phoenix_blu_desc Phoenix Blue Standing Item Phoenix Blue Standing Item Phoenix_blu_2_name Phoenix Blue Phoenix Blue Phoenix_blu_2_desc Phoenix Blue Hanging Item Phoenix Blue Hanging Item SpeakerM_Phoenix_e Phoenix Blue Phoenix Blue SpeakerM_Phoenix_e_desc Phoenix Blue Warhorn Phoenix Blue Warhorn ui_title_PhawkStand The Flame The Flame ui_title_PhawkStand_desc Phoenix Hawk Standard Title Phoenix Hawk Standard Title ui_title_PhawkColl The Phoenix The Phoenix ui_title_PhawkColl_desc Phoenix Hawk Collecters Title Phoenix Hawk Collecters Title ui_SupplyCacheAwarded You have been rewarded with a Supply Cache You have been rewarded with a Supply Cache ui_SupplyCacheAwardDetails Supply caches can be viewed through your inventory. To unlock a supply cache, a key must be purchased from the store. Supply caches can be viewed through your inventory. To unlock a supply cache, a key must be purchased from the store. ui_SupplyCache Supply Cache Supply Cache ui_SupplyCaches Supply Caches Supply Caches ui_YouWon You Won You Won ui_KeysAvailable Keys Available: Keys Available: ui_CachesAvailable Caches Available: Caches Available: tt_inventory_SupplyCaches View owned Supply Caches View owned Supply Caches ui_SupplyCacheKey Supply Cache Key Supply Cache Key ui_SupplyCacheContents This Supply Cache contains one of the following This Supply Cache contains one of the following ui_UnlockCache Unlock Supply Cache Unlock Supply Cache ui_UnlockCacheContent Do you really wish to unlock this Supply Cache? Do you really wish to unlock this Supply Cache? ui_BuyKeyContent Do you really want to buy a Supply Cache Key for %0:g_mc:? Do you really want to buy a Supply Cache Key for %0:g_mc:? ui_BuyKey Buy Key Buy Key ui_PreviousCache Previous Cache Previous Cache ui_NextCache Next Cache Next Cache ui_KeyPurchaseFail An error occurred when attempting to purchase the Supply Cache Key. An error occurred when attempting to purchase the Supply Cache Key. rook_name Rook Rook rook_desc Rook Hanging Item Rook Hanging Item blackmist_name Blackmist Blackmist blackmist_Desc Blackmist Hanging Item Blackmist Hanging Item tt_StoreScreen_SupplyCacheButton Purchase Supply Cache Keys Purchase Supply Cache Keys ui_QuirkArmorBonus Armor Enhancement Armor Enhancement ui_jamming_generator JAMMING GEN JAMMING GEN ui_radar_generator RADAR GEN RADAR GEN ui_air_control_generator AIR CONTROL GEN AIR CONTROL GEN ui_jamming_generator_short JAMMING JAMMING ui_radar_generator_short RADAR RADAR ui_air_control_generator_short AIR CONTROL AIR CONTROL _send_chat Send Chat Send Chat _scroll_chat_up Scroll Chat Log Up Scroll Chat Log Up _scroll_chat_down Scroll Chat Log Down Scroll Chat Log Down _scroll_chat_to_bottom Jump to Newest Chat Message Jump to Newest Chat Message ui_not_authorized_rank You do not have authorization to change ranks. You do not have authorization to change ranks. ui_unable_to_update_rank An error occurred when trying to update ranks. Please try again or contact support.\nError code %0 An error occurred when trying to update ranks. Please try again or contact support.\nError code %0 ui_not_empty_rank One or more ranks could not be removed because there are still members assigned to them. One or more ranks could not be removed because there are still members assigned to them. ui_option_enablecalltoarms Call To Arms Notifications Call To Arms Notifications tt_social_lobbyinvitebyname Invite Pilot by Name to Lobby Invite Pilot by Name to Lobby ui_CallToArms Call To Arms Call To Arms k_escape Escape Escape ui_title_ViperStand The Serpent The Serpent ui_title_ViperStand_desc Viper Standard Title Viper Standard Title ui_title_ViperColl The Venom The Venom ui_title_ViperColl_desc Viper Collectors Title Viper Collectors Title ui_Favorites Favorites Favorites emechmodel_viper VIPER VIPER viper VIPER VIPER vpr-primes VIPER VPR-PRIME(S) VIPER VPR-PRIME(S) vpr-primes_desc VIPER VPR-PRIME(S) description VIPER VPR-PRIME(S) vpr-primes_short VPR-PRIME(S) VPR-PRIME(S) vpr-prime VIPER VPR-PRIME VIPER VPR-PRIME vpr-prime_desc VIPER VPR-PRIME description VIPER VPR-PRIME vpr-prime_short VPR-PRIME VPR-PRIME vpr-a VIPER VPR-A VIPER VPR-A vpr-a_desc VIPER VPR-A description VIPER VPR-A vpr-a_short VPR-A VPR-A vpr-b VIPER VPR-B VIPER VPR-B vpr-b_desc VIPER VPR-B description VIPER VPR-B vpr-b_short VPR-B VPR-B vpr-c VIPER VPR-C VIPER VPR-C vpr-c_desc VIPER VPR-C description VIPER VPR-C vpr-c_short VPR-C VPR-C vpr-d VIPER VPR-D VIPER VPR-D vpr-d_desc VIPER VPR-D description VIPER VPR-D vpr-d_short VPR-D VPR-D vpr-m MEDUSA MEDUSA vpr-m_desc Dwillt Radick's Personal Viper Dwillt Radick's Personal Viper vpr-m_short VPR-M VPR-M omnipod_vpr-prime_head VPR-PRIME HEAD VPR-PRIME HEAD omnipod_vpr-prime_head_desc VPR-PRIME Head OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-prime_left_arm VPR-PRIME LEFT ARM VPR-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_vpr-prime_left_arm_desc VPR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-prime_left_torso VPR-PRIME LEFT TORSO VPR-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_vpr-prime_left_torso_desc VPR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-prime_right_torso VPR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO VPR-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_vpr-prime_right_torso_desc VPR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-prime_centre_torso VPR-PRIME CENTER TORSO VPR-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_vpr-prime_centre_torso_desc VPR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-prime_right_arm VPR-PRIME RIGHT ARM VPR-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_vpr-prime_right_arm_desc VPR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-prime_left_leg VPR-PRIME LEFT LEG VPR-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_vpr-prime_left_leg_desc VPR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-prime_right_leg VPR-PRIME RIGHT LEG VPR-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_vpr-prime_right_leg_desc VPR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. VPR-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_head VPR-A HEAD VPR-A HEAD omnipod_vpr-a_head_desc VPR-A Head OmniPod. VPR-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_left_arm VPR-A LEFT ARM VPR-A LEFT ARM omnipod_vpr-a_left_arm_desc VPR-A Left Arm OmniPod. VPR-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_left_torso VPR-A LEFT TORSO VPR-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_vpr-a_left_torso_desc VPR-A Left Torso OmniPod. VPR-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_right_torso VPR-A RIGHT TORSO VPR-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_vpr-a_right_torso_desc VPR-A Right Torso OmniPod. VPR-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_centre_torso VPR-A CENTER TORSO VPR-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_vpr-a_centre_torso_desc VPR-A Center Torso OmniPod. VPR-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_right_arm VPR-A RIGHT ARM VPR-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_vpr-a_right_arm_desc VPR-A Right Arm OmniPod. VPR-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_left_leg VPR-A LEFT LEG VPR-A LEFT LEG omnipod_vpr-a_left_leg_desc VPR-A Left Leg OmniPod. VPR-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-a_right_leg VPR-A RIGHT LEG VPR-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_vpr-a_right_leg_desc VPR-A Right Leg OmniPod. VPR-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_head VPR-B HEAD VPR-B HEAD omnipod_vpr-b_head_desc VPR-B Head OmniPod. VPR-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_left_arm VPR-B LEFT ARM VPR-B LEFT ARM omnipod_vpr-b_left_arm_desc VPR-B Left Arm OmniPod. VPR-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_left_torso VPR-B LEFT TORSO VPR-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_vpr-b_left_torso_desc VPR-B Left Torso OmniPod. VPR-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_right_torso VPR-B RIGHT TORSO VPR-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_vpr-b_right_torso_desc VPR-B Right Torso OmniPod. VPR-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_centre_torso VPR-B CENTER TORSO VPR-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_vpr-b_centre_torso_desc VPR-B Center Torso OmniPod. VPR-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_right_arm VPR-B RIGHT ARM VPR-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_vpr-b_right_arm_desc VPR-B Right Arm OmniPod. VPR-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_left_leg VPR-B LEFT LEG VPR-B LEFT LEG omnipod_vpr-b_left_leg_desc VPR-B Left Leg OmniPod. VPR-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-b_right_leg VPR-B RIGHT LEG VPR-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_vpr-b_right_leg_desc VPR-B Right Leg OmniPod. VPR-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_head VPR-C HEAD VPR-C HEAD omnipod_vpr-c_head_desc VPR-C Head OmniPod. VPR-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_left_arm VPR-C LEFT ARM VPR-C LEFT ARM omnipod_vpr-c_left_arm_desc VPR-C Left Arm OmniPod. VPR-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_left_torso VPR-C LEFT TORSO VPR-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_vpr-c_left_torso_desc VPR-C Left Torso OmniPod. VPR-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_right_torso VPR-C RIGHT TORSO VPR-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_vpr-c_right_torso_desc VPR-C Right Torso OmniPod. VPR-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_centre_torso VPR-C CENTER TORSO VPR-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_vpr-c_centre_torso_desc VPR-C Center Torso OmniPod. VPR-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_right_arm VPR-C RIGHT ARM VPR-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_vpr-c_right_arm_desc VPR-C Right Arm OmniPod. VPR-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_left_leg VPR-C LEFT LEG VPR-C LEFT LEG omnipod_vpr-c_left_leg_desc VPR-C Left Leg OmniPod. VPR-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-c_right_leg VPR-C RIGHT LEG VPR-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_vpr-c_right_leg_desc VPR-C Right Leg OmniPod. VPR-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_head VPR-D HEAD VPR-D HEAD omnipod_vpr-d_head_desc VPR-D Head OmniPod. VPR-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_left_arm VPR-D LEFT ARM VPR-D LEFT ARM omnipod_vpr-d_left_arm_desc VPR-D Left Arm OmniPod. VPR-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_left_torso VPR-D LEFT TORSO VPR-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_vpr-d_left_torso_desc VPR-D Left Torso OmniPod. VPR-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_right_torso VPR-D RIGHT TORSO VPR-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_vpr-d_right_torso_desc VPR-D Right Torso OmniPod. VPR-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_centre_torso VPR-D CENTER TORSO VPR-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_vpr-d_centre_torso_desc VPR-D Center Torso OmniPod. VPR-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_right_arm VPR-D RIGHT ARM VPR-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_vpr-d_right_arm_desc VPR-D Right Arm OmniPod. VPR-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_left_leg VPR-D LEFT LEG VPR-D LEFT LEG omnipod_vpr-d_left_leg_desc VPR-D Left Leg OmniPod. VPR-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-d_right_leg VPR-D RIGHT LEG VPR-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_vpr-d_right_leg_desc VPR-D Right Leg OmniPod. VPR-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_head VPR-M HEAD VPR-M HEAD omnipod_vpr-m_head_desc VPR-M Head OmniPod. VPR-M Head OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_left_arm VPR-M LEFT ARM VPR-M LEFT ARM omnipod_vpr-m_left_arm_desc VPR-M Left Arm OmniPod. VPR-M Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_left_torso VPR-M LEFT TORSO VPR-M LEFT TORSO omnipod_vpr-m_left_torso_desc VPR-M Left Torso OmniPod. VPR-M Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_right_torso VPR-M RIGHT TORSO VPR-M RIGHT TORSO omnipod_vpr-m_right_torso_desc VPR-M Right Torso OmniPod. VPR-M Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_centre_torso VPR-M CENTER TORSO VPR-M CENTER TORSO omnipod_vpr-m_centre_torso_desc VPR-M Center Torso OmniPod. VPR-M Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_right_arm VPR-M RIGHT ARM VPR-M RIGHT ARM omnipod_vpr-m_right_arm_desc VPR-M Right Arm OmniPod. VPR-M Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_left_leg VPR-M LEFT LEG VPR-M LEFT LEG omnipod_vpr-m_left_leg_desc VPR-M Left Leg OmniPod. VPR-M Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-m_right_leg VPR-M RIGHT LEG VPR-M RIGHT LEG omnipod_vpr-m_right_leg_desc VPR-M Right Leg OmniPod. VPR-M Right Leg OmniPod. cda-3f CICADA CDA-3F CICADA CDA-3F cda-3f_desc CICADA CDA-3F description CICADA CDA-3F cda-3f_short CDA-3F CDA-3F wvr-7d WOLVERINE WVR-7D WOLVERINE WVR-7D wvr-7d_desc WOLVERINE WVR-7D description WOLVERINE WVR-7D wvr-7d_short WVR-7D WVR-7D zeu-9s2 ZEUS ZEU-9S2 ZEUS ZEU-9S2 zeu-9s2_desc ZEUS ZEU-9S2 description ZEUS ZEU-9S2 description zeu-9s2_short ZEU-9S2 ZEU-9S2 nva-d NOVA NVA-D NOVA NVA-D nva-d_desc NOVA NVA-D description NOVA NVA-D nva-d_short NVA-D NVA-D exe-c EXECUTIONER EXE-C EXECUTIONER EXE-C exe-c_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-C description EXECUTIONER EXE-C exe-c_short EXE-C EXE-C Medusashield_name Medusa Shield Medusa Shield Medusashield_desc Medusa Shield Hanging Item Medusa Shield Hanging Item ViperStanding_name Viper Statue Viper Statue ViperStanding_desc Viper Statue Standing Item Viper Statue Standing Item SpeakerP Viper Warhorn Viper Warhorn SpeakerP_desc Viper Warhorn Mounted Item Viper Warhorn Mounted Item ViperHanging_name Viper Viper ViperHanging_desc Viper Hanging Item Viper Hanging Item ui_DecalSlots Decal Slots Decal Slots tt_MechLab_EquippedDecalColor Equipped Decal Color Equipped Decal Color EMechDecalSlot_1 Slot 1 Slot 1 EMechDecalSlot_2 Slot 2 Slot 2 EMechDecalSlot_3 Slot 3 Slot 3 EMechDecalSlot_4 Slot 4 Slot 4 EMechDecalSlot_5 Slot 5 Slot 5 EMechDecalSlot_6 Slot 6 Slot 6 _enter_decal_edit Edit Decal Edit Decal tt_MechLab_SelectedDecal Selected Decal Selected Decal _apply_decal Apply Decal Apply Decal _dec_decal_scale SCALE - SCALE - _inc_decal_scale SCALE + SCALE + _rot_decal_left Rotate Left Rotate Left _rot_decal_right Rotate Right Rotate Right _flip_decal Flip Flip _cancel_decal_edit Cancel Edit Cancel Edit ui_decalcolors Decal Colors Decal Colors tt_MechLab_InvalidDecalWarning Decal is not visible Decal is not visible _remove_decal Remove Decal Remove Decal ui_EditColors Edit Colors Edit Colors tt_MechLab_EditDecalColors Edit decal colors Edit decal colors @ui_ManageDropDecks MANAGE DROP DECKS MANAGE DROP DECKS @tt_ManageDropDecks Edit and purchase drop decks Edit and purchase drop decks EDIT_DROP_DECK EDIT DROP DECK EDIT DROP DECK CLEAR_DROP_DECK CLEAR DROP DECK CLEAR DROP DECK EMPTYMECHCARD SLOT IS CURRENTLY EMPTY SLOT IS CURRENTLY EMPTY MECHINVALID INVALID 'MECH INVALID 'MECH BUY_DROPDECK BUY DROP DECK BUY DROP DECK total_dd_available TOTAL DROP DECKS AVAILABLE TOTAL DROP DECKS AVAILABLE InvasionDropDeck INVASION DROP DECKS INVASION DROP DECKS ScoutingDropDeck SCOUTING DROP DECKS SCOUTING DROP DECKS ui_ScreenGenericError There was a problem while loading some of your account data.\nIf this problem persists please contact support.\nError code: %0 There was a problem while loading some of your account data.\nIf this problem persists please contact support.\nError code: %0 ui_SelectedDropDeckName SELECTED DROP DECK SELECTED DROP DECK ui_dropdeckerrors_reason1 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1 ui_Faction_InvalidLaunchFactionMisMatch The selected drop deck "%0" contains 1 or more 'Mech's that are incompatible for Faction Play. The selected drop deck "%0" contains 1 or more 'Mech's that are incompatible for Faction Play. SELECT SELECT SELECT Scouting_DropDeck SCOUTING DROP DECK SCOUTING DROP DECK Invasion_DropDeck INVASION DROP DECK INVASION DROP DECK ui_PurchaseDropDeck PURCHASE DROP DECK PURCHASE DROP DECK ui_PurchaseDropDeck_desc Please confirm you wish to purchase another drop deck. Please confirm you wish to purchase another drop deck. Scouting_DropDeck_desc SCOUTING DROP DECK SCOUTING DROP DECK Invasion_DropDeck_desc INVASION DROP DECK INVASION DROP DECK ui_lobbymech_tonnageviolation Unable to select drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has a tonnage violation. Unable to select drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has a tonnage violation. ui_lobbymech_invalidlobby Unable to select drop deck for Faction Play. The lobby is invalid or no longer exists. Unable to select drop deck for Faction Play. The lobby is invalid or no longer exists. ui_lobbymech_genericerror An error occurred trying to update the lobby. Please try again.\nIf this error persists please contact Support.\nError code %0 An error occurred trying to update the lobby. Please try again.\nIf this error persists please contact Support.\nError code %0 ui_NotEnoughKeys You need to purchase a Supply Cache Key to unlock this Supply Cache. You need to purchase a Supply Cache Key to unlock this Supply Cache. ui_SeasonLong Season %0 (Ends on %1 %2) Season %0 (Ends on %1 %2) ui_Season Season %0 Season %0 ui_DropDeckPurchaseError PURCHASE ERROR PURCHASE ERROR ui_DropDeckPurchaseError_InsufficientFunds Unable to purchase another drop deck, you do not have enough funds available. Unable to purchase another drop deck, you do not have enough funds available. ui_DropDeckPurchaseError_ItemNotAvailable Unable to purchase another drop deck, the item is currently unavailable for purchase Unable to purchase another drop deck, the item is currently unavailable for purchase ui_DropDeckPurchaseError_genericerror An error occured trying to purchase another drop deck, please try again.\nIf this problem persists please contact support. Error Code: %0 An error occured trying to purchase another drop deck, please try again.\nIf this problem persists please contact support. Error Code: %0 tt_AvailableDropDecks Your available drop decks for this Faction Play type. Your available drop decks for this Faction Play type. ui_DecalLighting Environmental lighting may affect Decal appearance. Environmental lighting may affect Decal appearance. ui_HowToApplyDecal Move cursor to 'mech to apply decal. Move cursor to 'mech to apply decal. UI_NOMECH NO 'MECH NO 'MECH UI_CLEAR CLEAR CLEAR FIRSTDROP FIRST DROP FIRST DROP ui_DDType Drop Deck Type: Drop Deck Type: ui_CamoColors Pattern Colors Pattern Colors ui_editdecals Edit Decals Edit Decals tt_MechLab_GotoDecals Edit Decals Edit Decals tt_MechLab_FilterDecalTypes Filter decal types Filter decal types tt_Mechlab_EditDecal Modify this decal Modify this decal k_DoubleClick Double Click Double Click ui_ComesWithMechBay Includes 'Mech Bay Includes 'Mech Bay ui_MustUnlock The relevant Pilot Module must be unlocked to use this item. The relevant Pilot Module must be unlocked to use this item. ui_GoesWithChassis For use with all %0 chassis. For use with all %0 chassis. ui_supplycacherewardtext1 Has been rewarded with a Supply Cache! Has been rewarded with a Supply Cache! ui_Decal_piranhalogo PGI LOGO PGI LOGO ui_Decal_freelancer FREELANCER FREELANCER ui_Decal_loyalist LOYALIST LOYALIST ui_Decal_mercenary MERCENARY MERCENARY ui_Decal_davion HOUSE DAVION HOUSE DAVION ui_Decal_ghostbear CLAN GHOST BEAR CLAN GHOST BEAR ui_Decal_jadefalcon CLAN JADE FALCON CLAN JADE FALCON ui_Decal_kurita HOUSE KURITA HOUSE KURITA ui_Decal_liao HOUSE LIAO HOUSE LIAO ui_Decal_marik HOUSE MARIK HOUSE MARIK ui_Decal_smokejaguar CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR ui_Decal_steiner HOUSE STEINER HOUSE STEINER ui_Decal_wolf CLAN WOLF CLAN WOLF ui_Decal_rasalhague HOUSE RASALHAGUE HOUSE RASALHAGUE ui_SupplyCacheKey_desc Used to open Supply Caches that are awarded randomly at the end of a successful battle. Used to open Supply Caches that are awarded randomly at the end of a successful battle. ui_3SupplyCacheKeys 3 Supply Cache Keys 3 Supply Cache Keys ui_5SupplyCacheKeys 5 Supply Cache Keys 5 Supply Cache Keys ui_10SupplyCacheKeys 10 Supply Cache Keys 10 Supply Cache Keys ui_Decal_acesdarwinswhipits ACE DARWIN'S WHIPITS ACE DARWIN'S WHIPITS ui_Decal_alwaysfaithful ALWAYS FAITHFUL ALWAYS FAITHFUL ui_Decal_arcadians ARCADIANS ARCADIANS ui_Decal_avantisangels AVANTI'S ANGELS AVANTI'S ANGELS ui_Decal_baddream BAD DREAM BAD DREAM ui_Decal_blackhearts BLACKHEARTS BLACKHEARTS ui_Decal_blackomen BLACK OMEN BLACK OMEN ui_Decal_bluestarirregulars BLUE STAR IRREGULARS BLUE STAR IRREGULARS ui_Decal_camanchoscaballeros CAMACHO'S CABALLEROS CAMACHO'S CABALLEROS ui_Decal_groupw GROUP W GROUP W ui_Decal_anchor ANCHOR ANCHOR ui_Decal_angryface ANGRY FACE ANGRY FACE ui_Decal_banksy BANKSY BANKSY ui_Decal_bomb BOMB BOMB ui_Decal_chaos CHAOS CHAOS ui_Decal_dollar DOLLAR DOLLAR ui_Decal_peace PEACE SIGN PEACE SIGN ui_Decal_shockedface SHOCKED FACE SHOCKED FACE ui_Decal_smileyface SMILEY FACE SMILEY FACE ui_Decal_sneakyface SNEAKY FACE SNEAKY FACE ui_Decal_yinyang YIN YANG YIN YANG ui_Decal_atlas ATLAS ATLAS ui_Decal_bomb1 BOMB BOMB ui_Decal_earth EARTH EARTH ui_Decal_eyeofprovidence EYE OF PROVIDENCE EYE OF PROVIDENCE @ui_Decal_global GLOBAL GLOBAL ui_Decal_jollyroger JOLLY ROGER JOLLY ROGER ui_Decal_jupiter JUPITER JUPITER ui_Decal_kaoshex KAOS HEX KAOS HEX ui_Decal_lips LIPS LIPS ui_Decal_mars MARS MARS ui_Decal_mercury MERCURY MERCURY ui_Decal_missile MISSILE MISSILE ui_Decal_moon MOON MOON ui_Decal_neptune NEPTUNE NEPTUNE ui_Decal_omega OMEGA OMEGA ui_Decal_omnimech OMNIMECH OMNIMECH @ui_Decal_pluto PLUTO PLUTO ui_Decal_saturn SATURN SATURN ui_Decal_scope1 SCOPE 1 SCOPE 1 ui_Decal_scope2 SCOPE 2 SCOPE 2 ui_Decal_shieldwings SHIELD WINGS SHIELD WINGS ui_Decal_skull1 SKULL SKULL ui_Decal_splat SPLAT SPLAT ui_Decal_starmilitary MILITARY STAR MILITARY STAR ui_Decal_sun SUN SUN ui_Decal_target TARGET 1 TARGET 1 ui_Decal_target1 TARGET 2 TARGET 2 ui_Decal_uranus URANUS URANUS ui_Decal_venus VENUS VENUS ui_Decal_woodcutknife WOODCUT KNIFE WOODCUT KNIFE ui_dropdeckerrors_reason2 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2 ui_dropdeckerrors_reason3 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3 ui_dropdeckerrors_reason4 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4 ui_dropdeckerrors_reason5 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5 ui_dropdeckerrors_reason6 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6 ui_dropdeckerrors_reason7 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7 The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7 ui_dropdeckerror_incomplete Drop deck is incomplete Drop deck is incomplete ui_dropdeckerror_techmismatch Contains a mix of IS and Clan technology Contains a mix of IS and Clan technology ui_dropdeckerror_loadouterrors Contains 'Mech's with loadout errors Contains 'Mech's with loadout errors ui_dropdeckerror_mechingame Contains a 'Mech currently in game Contains a 'Mech currently in game ui_dropdeckerror_tonnageviolation Drop deck has a tonnage violation Drop deck has a tonnage violation ui_dropdeckerror_factioninvalid Drop deck isn't valid for your conflict. Drop deck isn't valid for your conflict. ui_dropdeckerror_duplicatemech Contains a duplicate 'Mech Contains a duplicate 'Mech ui_Decal_alien_head_a ALIEN HEAD - A ALIEN HEAD - A ui_Decal_alien_head_b ALIEN HEAD - B ALIEN HEAD - B ui_Decal_ams_01_a AMS - A AMS - A ui_Decal_ams_01_b AMS - B AMS - B ui_Decal_shield01 SHIELD 1 SHIELD 1 ui_Decal_shield02 SHIELD 2 SHIELD 2 ui_Decal_squarehalf HALF SQUARE HALF SQUARE ui_Decal_squarehazard HAZARD SQUARE HAZARD SQUARE ui_Decal_squarex X SQUARE X SQUARE ui_Decal_starburst STAR BURST STAR BURST ui_Decal_starcutout CUTOUT STAR CUTOUT STAR ui_Decal_starfill FILLED STAR FILLED STAR ui_Decal_staroutline OUTLINED STAR OUTLINED STAR ui_Decal_toonbomb TOON BOMB TOON BOMB ui_Decal_toonskull TOON SKULL TOON SKULL ui_Decal_triangle3line TRIANGLE LINES TRIANGLE LINES ui_Decal_trianglereactor RADIOACTIVE TRIANGLE SIGN RADIOACTIVE TRIANGLE SIGN ui_Decal_triangletech TECH TRIANGLE TECH TRIANGLE ui_Decal_triangletips TRIANGLE TIPS TRIANGLE TIPS ui_Decal_warningblank BLANK WARNING BLANK WARNING ui_Decal_warningexcite EXCLAMATION WARNING EXCLAMATION WARNING ui_Decal_warningexplosive EXPLOSIVE WARNING EXPLOSIVE WARNING ui_Decal_warningfire FIRE WARNING FIRE WARNING ui_Decal_warninglaser LASER WARNING LASER WARNING ui_Decal_warninglightning LIGHTNING WARNING LIGHTNING WARNING ui_Decal_warningreactor REACTOR WARNING REACTOR WARNING ui_Decal_xstrike X STRIKE X STRIKE ui_UseKeyToUnlock Use a Supply Cache Key to unlock Use a Supply Cache Key to unlock ui_Decal_2wrenches TWO WRENCHES TWO WRENCHES ui_Decal_ammoac5 AC5 AMMO AC5 AMMO ui_Decal_beepboop BEEP BOOP BEEP BOOP ui_Decal_combatknives COMBAT KNIVES COMBAT KNIVES ui_Decal_coolant COOLANT COOLANT ui_Decal_diamondrrow DIAMOND ARROW DIAMOND ARROW ui_Decal_diamondsun DIAMOND SUN DIAMOND SUN ui_Decal_dropbombs DROPPING BOMBS DROPPING BOMBS ui_Decal_heartbroken BROKEN HEART BROKEN HEART ui_Decal_heartfull FULL HEART FULL HEART ui_Decal_killsecured KILL SECURED KILL SECURED ui_Decal_misslielock MISSILE LOCK MISSILE LOCK ui_Decal_ninjastripes NINJA STRIPES NINJA STRIPES ui_Decal_radioctive RADIOACTIVE RADIOACTIVE tt_ModifyDropDeck Modify the drop deck Modify the drop deck tt_SetActiveDropDeck Set as the active drop deck Set as the active drop deck tt_Settings_EnableCallToArms Enable or disable Call To Arms notifications. Enable or disable Call To Arms notifications. tt_RenameDropDeck Rename drop deck Rename drop deck ui_ClearDropDeck CLEAR DROP DECK CLEAR DROP DECK ui_ClearDropDeck_desc Are you sure you wish to clear this drop deck: %0 Are you sure you wish to clear this drop deck: %0 ui_highlight_up Highlight Up Highlight Up ui_highlight_down Highlight Down Highlight Down ui_highlight_left Highlight Left Highlight Left ui_highlight_right Highlight Right Highlight Right ui_dropdeck DROP DECK DROP DECK tt_SupplyCache_Previous View previous Supply Cache View previous Supply Cache tt_SupplyCache_Next View next Supply Cache View next Supply Cache tt_SupplyCache_Unlock Unlock this Supply Cache Unlock this Supply Cache tt_SupplyCache_Sell Sell this Supply Cache Sell this Supply Cache ui_AddToFavorites Add to Favorites Add to Favorites ui_RemoveFromFavorites Remove from Favorites Remove from Favorites emechmodel_cyclops CYCLOPS CYCLOPS cyclops CYCLOPS CYCLOPS cp-11-as CYCLOPS CP-11-A(S) CYCLOPS CP-11-A(S) cp-11-as_desc CYCLOPS CP-11-A(S) description CYCLOPS CP-11-A(S) cp-11-as_short CP-11-A(S) CP-11-A(S) cp-11-a CYCLOPS CP-11-A CYCLOPS CP-11-A cp-11-a_desc CYCLOPS CP-11-A description CYCLOPS CP-11-A cp-11-a_short CP-11-A CP-11-A cp-11-p CYCLOPS CP-11-P CYCLOPS CP-11-P cp-11-p_desc CYCLOPS CP-11-P description CYCLOPS CP-11-P cp-11-p_short CP-11-P CP-11-P cp-11-a-dc CYCLOPS CP-11-A-DC CYCLOPS CP-11-A-DC cp-11-a-dc_desc CYCLOPS CP-11-A-DC description CYCLOPS CP-11-A-DC cp-11-a-dc_short CP-11-A-DC CP-11-A-DC cp-10-z CYCLOPS CP-10-Z CYCLOPS CP-10-Z cp-10-z_desc CYCLOPS CP-10-Z description CYCLOPS CP-10-Z cp-10-z_short CP-10-Z CP-10-Z cp-10-q CYCLOPS CP-10-Q CYCLOPS CP-10-Q cp-10-q_desc CYCLOPS CP-10-Q description CYCLOPS CP-10-Q cp-10-q_short CP-10-Q CP-10-Q cp-s SLEIPNIR SLEIPNIR cp-s_desc Ariana Winston's Personal Cyclops Ariana Winston's Personal Cyclops cp-s_short CP-S CP-S mdf_CyclopsSensors Tacticon B-2000 Battle Comp. Tacticon B-2000 Battle Comp. ui_ItemAdded Item added to the cart:\n%0 Item added to the cart:\n%0 ui_HideCart Hide Cart Hide Cart ui_ShowCart Show Cart Show Cart tt_DropDeck_SelectCurrentlyDisabled Unable to change drop decks this close to launch. Unable to change drop decks this close to launch. tt_DropDeckInvalid_FactionInvalid Drop deck invalid, it's not valid for your faction. Drop deck invalid, it's not valid for your faction. tt_DropDeckInvalid_Incomplete Drop deck invalid, it's incomplete. Drop deck invalid, it's incomplete. tt_DropDeckInvalid_TechnologyMismatch Drop deck invalid, it contains IS and Clan 'Mechs. Drop deck invalid, it contains IS and Clan 'Mechs. tt_DropDeckInvalid_LoadoutErrors Drop deck invalid, one or more 'Mech's have invalid loadouts. Drop deck invalid, one or more 'Mech's have invalid loadouts. tt_DropDeckInvalid_MechInGame Drop deck invalid, one or more 'Mech's are currently in game. Drop deck invalid, one or more 'Mech's are currently in game. tt_DropDeckInvalid_DuplicateMech Drop deck invalid, duplicate 'Mech's detected. Drop deck invalid, duplicate 'Mech's detected. tt_DropDeckInvalid_TonnageViolation Drop deck invalid due to a tonnage violation Drop deck invalid due to a tonnage violation tt_DropDeckIsSelected Drop deck is currently selected. Drop deck is currently selected. ui_AddToCart Add To Cart Add To Cart ui_Cart Cart Cart ui_CurrencySelect Currency Select Currency Select ui_ItemName Item Name Item Name ui_dropdeckselectionunavailable DROP DECK SELECTION UNAVAILABLE\nWHILE SEARCHING FOR A MATCH DROP DECK SELECTION UNAVAILABLE\nWHILE SEARCHING FOR A MATCH ui_ItemsInCart Items In Cart Items In Cart ui_Career Career Career ui_Colorable Colorable Colorable ui_Faces Faces Faces ui_Warnings Warnings Warnings ui_Banners Banners Banners ui_CountryFlags Country Flags Country Flags ui_MechStatues Mech Statues 'Mech Statues ui_Dreamcatchers Dreamcatchers Dreamcatchers ui_Medallions Medallions Medallions ui_Lights Lights Lights ui_WarHorns War Horns War Horns ui_EditingDropDeckName EDITING DROP DECK EDITING DROP DECK ui_QuantityToBuy Quantity To Buy Quantity To Buy ui_PurchaseItemQty Purchase Item Purchase Item ui_PurchaseCartContent Are you sure you want to purchase the %0 item(s) in the Cart? Are you sure you want to purchase the %0 item(s) in the Cart? ui_PurchaseStoreItem Are you sure you want to purchase %0? Are you sure you want to purchase %0? ui_MechAlreadyInCart You already have that 'Mech chassis in your cart. You already have that 'Mech chassis in your cart. ui_WillAddMechBay You do not have enough Mechbays. Adding this 'Mech to your cart will also add a Mechbay.\nDo you wish to continue? You do not have enough Mechbays. Adding this 'Mech to your cart will also add a Mechbay.\nDo you wish to continue? ui_Common Common Common ui_Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon ui_Rare Rare Rare ui_UltraRare Ultra Rare Ultra Rare @dropdeck_locked DROP DECK LOCKED DROP DECK LOCKED ui_ItemAlreadyInCart You already have that item in your cart. You already have that item in your cart. tt_MechSelect_Favorites Toggle filter for 'Mechs marked as Favorite Toggle filter for 'Mechs marked as Favorite ui_standard Standard Standard ui_Decal_8ball_misc_clr 8 BALL 8 BALL ui_Decal_angler_misc_std ANGLER ANGLER ui_Decal_bot_misc_clr BOT BOT ui_Decal_centurion1_misc_std CENTURION CENTURION ui_Decal_chicken1_misc_clr CHICKEN 1 CHICKEN 1 ui_Decal_chicken2_misc_clr CHICKEN 2 CHICKEN 2 ui_Decal_chopsticks_misc_clr GIRL WITH CHOPSTICKS IN HAIR GIRL WITH CHOPSTICKS IN HAIR ui_Decal_clanghostbear2_misc_std CLAN GHOST BEAR - ALTERNATE CLAN GHOST BEAR - ALTERNATE ui_Decal_clanjadefalcon_misc_std CLAN JADE FALCON - ALTERNATE CLAN JADE FALCON - ALTERNATE ui_Decal_clansmokejaguar_misc_std CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR - ALTERNATE CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR - ALTERNATE ui_Decal_clanwolf2_misc_std CLAN WOLF - ALTERNATE CLAN WOLF - ALTERNATE ui_Decal_cloud_misc_clr STORM CLOUD STORM CLOUD ui_Decal_corvidae_misc_clr CORVIDAE CORVIDAE ui_Decal_dancingrat_misc_clr DANCING RAT DANCING RAT ui_Decal_diadelosmuertos1_misc_clr DIA DE LOS MUERTOS DIA DE LOS MUERTOS ui_Decal_doughhead_misc_clr DOUGH HEAD DOUGH HEAD ui_Decal_dragonfly_misc_clr DRAGONFLY DRAGONFLY ui_Decal_dragon_misc_std DRAGON DRAGON ui_Decal_eyeball1_misc_clr EYE 1 EYE 1 ui_Decal_eyeball2_misc_clr EYE 2 EYE 2 ui_Decal_frog_misc_clr FROG FROG ui_Decal_ghoul_misc_clr GHOUL GHOUL ui_Decal_girl1_misc_clr GIRL 1 GIRL 1 ui_Decal_girl2_misc_clr GIRL 2 GIRL 2 ui_Decal_gloves_misc_clr BOXING GLOVES BOXING GLOVES ui_Decal_goblin_misc_clr GOBLIN GOBLIN ui_Decal_horse_misc_std HORSE HORSE ui_Decal_hydrogen_misc_clr HYDROGEN HYDROGEN ui_Decal_lucky7_misc_clr LUCKY 7 LUCKY 7 ui_Decal_mace_misc_clr MACE MACE ui_Decal_marilyn_misc_clr GIRL 3 GIRL 3 ui_Decal_nymph1_misc_clr NYMPH 1 NYMPH 1 ui_Decal_nymph2_misc_clr NYMPH 2 NYMPH 2 ui_Decal_onfire_misc_clr ON FIRE ON FIRE ui_Decal_owl_misc_clr OWL OWL ui_Decal_piranha1_misc_clr PIRANHA - SIMPLE PIRANHA - SIMPLE ui_Decal_piranha2_misc_clr PIRANHA - DETAILED PIRANHA - DETAILED ui_Decal_piranha4_misc_clr PIRANHA - STEAMPUNK PIRANHA - STEAMPUNK ui_Decal_pug2_misc_clr PUG 2 PUG 2 ui_Decal_pug_misc_clr PUG 1 PUG 1 ui_Decal_rescueleft_misc_clr RESCUE LEFT RESCUE LEFT ui_Decal_rescueright_misc_clr RESCUE RIGHT RESCUE RIGHT ui_Decal_rhino_misc_clr RHINO RHINO ui_Decal_rorschach1_misc_clr RORSCHACH 1 RORSCHACH 1 ui_Decal_rorschach2_misc_clr RORSCHACH 2 RORSCHACH 2 ui_Decal_shark1_misc_clr SHARK #2 SHARK #2 ui_Decal_skeleton_misc_clr SKELETON SKELETON ui_Decal_skull2_misc_clr SKULL SKULL ui_Decal_skullbone_misc_clr SKULL AND BONE SKULL AND BONE ui_Decal_snail_misc_clr SNAIL SNAIL ui_Decal_spooked_misc_clr SPOOKED SPOOKED ui_Decal_surat_misc_clr SCREAMING SURAT SCREAMING SURAT ui_Decal_sword10_misc_clr CLANS DAGGER CLANS DAGGER ui_Decal_sword1_misc_clr KRIS DAGGER KRIS DAGGER ui_Decal_sword2_misc_clr MORO DAGGER MORO DAGGER ui_Decal_sword3_misc_clr PIRAH KNIFE PIRAH KNIFE ui_Decal_sword4_misc_clr TABAS SWORD TABAS SWORD ui_Decal_sword5_misc_clr PANABAS SWORD PANABAS SWORD ui_Decal_sword6_misc_clr BOLO SWORD BOLO SWORD ui_Decal_sword7_misc_clr AXE SWORD AXE SWORD ui_Decal_sword8_misc_clr KRIS SWORD KRIS SWORD ui_Decal_sword9_misc_clr PARANG MACHETE PARANG MACHETE ui_Decal_sworda_misc_std CLANS DAGGER CLANS DAGGER ui_Decal_tattoobug1_misc_clr TATTOO BEETLE TATTOO BEETLE ui_Decal_tattoobug2_misc_clr TATTOO WASP TATTOO WASP ui_Decal_tattoobug3_misc_clr TATTOO LADY BUG TATTOO LADY BUG ui_Decal_tattoobug4_misc_clr TATTOO MAY BUG TATTOO MAY BUG ui_Decal_tattoofish_misc_clr TATTOO FISH TATTOO FISH ui_Decal_teddy_misc_clr TEDDY BEAR TEDDY BEAR ui_Decal_teeth1_misc_clr TEETH TEETH ui_Decal_thought_misc_clr THOUGHT BUBBLE THOUGHT BUBBLE ui_Decal_unclekerensky_misc_clr UNCLE KERENSKY UNCLE KERENSKY ui_Decal_widow_misc_clr BLACK WIDOW SPIDER BLACK WIDOW SPIDER ui_Decal_wrong_misc_clr YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG ui_Decal_21stcentaurilancers_factions_std 21ST CENTAURI LANCERS 21ST CENTAURI LANCERS ui_Decal_blackstonehighlanders_factions_std BLACKSTONE HIGHLANDERS BLACKSTONE HIGHLANDERS ui_Decal_burrsblackcobras_factions_std BURR'S BLACK COBRAS BURR'S BLACK COBRAS ui_Decal_caesarscohorts_factions_std CAESAR'S COHORTS CAESAR'S COHORTS ui_Decal_canopianhighlanders_factions_std CANOPIAN HIGHLANDERS CANOPIAN HIGHLANDERS ui_Decal_carsonsrenegades_factions_std CARSON'S RENEGADES CARSON'S RENEGADES ui_Decal_clans_factions_std CLANS CLANS ui_Decal_comstar_factions_std COMSTAR COMSTAR ui_Decal_crescenthawks_factions_std CRESCENT HAWKS CRESCENT HAWKS ui_Decal_gravewalkers_factions_std GRAVE WALKERS GRAVE WALKERS ui_Decal_kellhounds_factions_std KELL HOUNDS KELL HOUNDS ui_Decal_magistracyofcanopus_factions_std MAGISTRACY OF CANOPUS MAGISTRACY OF CANOPUS ui_Decal_marianhegemony_factions_std MARIAN HEGEMONY MARIAN HEGEMONY ui_Decal_mobilefire_factions_std MOBILE FIRE MOBILE FIRE ui_Decal_oberonconfederation_factions_std OBERON CONFEDERATION OBERON CONFEDERATION ui_Decal_outworldsalliance_factions_std OUTWORLDS ALLIANCE OUTWORLDS ALLIANCE ui_Decal_solaris7_factions_std SOLARIS 7 SOLARIS 7 ui_Decal_starleague_factions_std STAR LEAGUE STAR LEAGUE ui_Decal_stives_factions_std ST. IVES COMPACT ST. IVES COMPACT ui_Decal_taurianconcordat_factions_std TAURIAN CONCORDAT TAURIAN CONCORDAT ui_CartError An error occurred when attempting to buy the cart. An error occurred when attempting to buy the cart. ui_MustHaveMechBays You need to buy at least %0 additional Mechbays in order to buy the 'Mechs that you have in your cart. You need to buy at least %0 additional Mechbays in order to buy the 'Mechs that you have in your cart. ui_MaxAlreadyInCart You already have the maximum number of this item in your cart. You already have the maximum number of this item in your cart. tt_MechStats_Hardpoints Displays total number of hardpoints and their locations on this ‘Mech Displays total number of hardpoints and their locations on this ‘Mech tt_Hardpoint_Ballistic Total number of Ballistic weapon hardpoints on this ‘Mech Total number of Ballistic weapon hardpoints on this ‘Mech tt_Hardpoint_Energy Total number of Energy weapon hardpoints on this ‘Mech Total number of Energy weapon hardpoints on this ‘Mech tt_Hardpoint_Missile Total number of Missile weapon hardpoints on this ‘Mech Total number of Missile weapon hardpoints on this ‘Mech tt_Hardpoint_AMS Total number of Anti Missile System hardpoints on this ‘Mech Total number of Anti Missile System hardpoints on this ‘Mech tt_Hardpoint_ECM Total number of Electronic Counter Measure hardpoints on this ‘Mech Total number of Electronic Counter Measure hardpoints on this ‘Mech tt_MechStats_Modules Displays Modules equipped on this ‘Mech Displays Modules equipped on this ‘Mech tt_MechStats_Quirks Displays Quirks that provide bonuses to this ‘Mech Displays Quirks that provide bonuses to this ‘Mech tt_MechStats_Cockpit Displays Cockpit Items equipped on this ‘Mech Displays Cockpit Items equipped on this ‘Mech tt_MechStats_Graphs Displays mobility related statistics for this ‘Mech Displays mobility related statistics for this ‘Mech tt_MechStats_AccelGraph Graph showing acceleration, turning, and deceleration speeds for this ‘Mech Graph showing acceleration, turning, and deceleration speeds for this ‘Mech tt_MechStats_PitchAngle Graph showing pitch angle range and speed for this ‘Mech Graph showing pitch angle range and speed for this ‘Mech tt_MechStats_YawAngle Graph showing yaw angle range and speed for this ‘Mech Graph showing yaw angle range and speed for this ‘Mech ui_title_CyclopsStand The Ogre The Ogre ui_title_CyclopsColl The All Seeing The All Seeing ui_title_CyclopsStand_desc Cyclops Standard Title Cyclops Standard Title ui_title_CyclopsColl_desc Cyclops Collectors Title Cyclops Collectors Title ArmillaryGlobe_name Armillary Globe Armillary Globe ArmillaryGlobe_desc Armillary Globe Hanging Item Armillary Globe Hanging Item SpeakerQ Cyclops Warhorn Cyclops Warhorn SpeakerQ_desc Cyclops Warhorn Mounted Item Cyclops Warhorn Mounted Item cyclopsbobble_name Cyclops Bobblehead Cyclops Bobblehead cyclopsbobble_desc Cyclops Bobblehead Standing Item Cyclops Bobblehead Standing Item chessknight_name Chess Knight Chess Knight chessknight_desc Chess Knight Hanging Item Chess Knight Hanging Item cn9-ancix CENTURION CN9-A(NCIX) CENTURION CN9-A(NCIX) cn9-ancix_desc CENTURION CN9-A(NCIX) description CENTURION CN9-A(NCIX) cn9-ancix_short CN9-A(NCIX) CN9-A(NCIX) mdf_CyclopsSensorsDesc The advanced sensor suite installed on the Cyclops BattleMechs. Nearby friendly 'Mechs receive a boost to their sensor range. The advanced sensor suite installed on the Cyclops BattleMechs. Nearby friendly 'Mechs receive a boost to their sensor range. ml_effectiveradius Effective Radius (m) Effective Radius (m) ml_sensorrangeboostm Sensor Range Boost (m) Sensor Range Boost (m) ui_ConsumablesEquipped Equipped / Max Equipped / Max ui_QantityToAddToCart Quantity To Add Quantity To Add ui_CurrentlyInCart Currently In Cart / Max Currently In Cart / Max ui_MaxMechBaysInCart In order to buy this 'Mech you also need to buy a Mechbay, but you already have the maximum number of Mechbays in your cart. In order to buy this 'Mech you also need to buy a Mechbay, but you already have the maximum number of Mechbays in your cart. ui_ChangeCurrency Change currency type Change currency type tt_MCOnly This item can only be bought with MC This item can only be bought with MC tt_CBOnly This item can only be bought with CB This item can only be bought with CB tt_PurchaseCart Purchase the items in the cart. Purchase the items in the cart. tt_RemoveItem Remove this item from the cart Remove this item from the cart tt_SetNickname Set the name of your 'Mech Set the name of your 'Mech tt_AdjustQuantity Adjust the quantity of this item Adjust the quantity of this item tt_ShowCart Show the shopping cart Show the shopping cart tt_HideCart Hide the shopping cart Hide the shopping cart ui_TooManyGaussRifles Mech has too many Gauss Rifles installed. 'Mech has too many Gauss Rifles installed. ui_Celestial Celestial Celestial ui_Combat_Military Combat and Military Combat and Military ui_Creatures Creatures Creatures ui_Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Miscellaneous ui_Signage_Icons Signage and Icons Signage and Icons ui_non_colorable Non-Colorable Non-Colorable ui_StockLoadout STOCK LOADOUTS STOCK LOADOUTS ui_IgnoreQuirks IGNORE QUIRKS IGNORE QUIRKS ui_IgnoreEfficiencies IGNORE EFFICIENCIES IGNORE EFFICIENCIES tt_PrivateMatch_StockLoadout Choose for all 'Mechs to use their default loadouts (Champion and Special 'Mechs use their base variant's loadout) Choose for all 'Mechs to use their default loadouts (Champion and Special 'Mechs use their base variant's loadout) tt_PrivateMatch_IgnoreQuirks Choose to ignore quirks on all 'Mechs Choose to ignore quirks on all 'Mechs tt_PrivateMatch_IgnoreEfficiencies Choose to ignore 'Mech Tree efficiencies Choose to ignore 'Mech Tree efficiencies ui_Decal_12thstarguards_factions_std 12TH STAR GUARDS 12TH STAR GUARDS ui_Decal_7thkommandos_factions_std SEVENTH KOMMANDO SEVENTH KOMMANDO ui_Decal_ablesaces_factions_std ABLE'S ACES ABLE'S ACES ui_Decal_banditkingdoms_factions_std BANDIT KINGDOMS BANDIT KINGDOMS ui_Decal_blackwindlancers_factions_std BLACKWIND LANCERS BLACKWIND LANCERS ui_Decal_capellanhussars_factions_std CAPELLAN HUSSARS CAPELLAN HUSSARS ui_Decal_fedsunsarmoredcavalry_factions_std 1ST FEDERATED SUNS ARMORED CAVALRY 1ST FEDERATED SUNS ARMORED CAVALRY ui_Decal_genyosha_factions_std GENYOSHA GENYOSHA ui_Decal_hansensroughriders_factions_std HANSEN'S ROUGHRIDERS HANSEN'S ROUGHRIDERS ui_Decal_herotraininginstitute_factions_std HERO TRAINING INSTITUTE HERO TRAINING INSTITUTE ui_Decal_knightsoftheinnersphere_factions_std KNIGHTS OF THE INNER SPHERE KNIGHTS OF THE INNER SPHERE ui_Decal_millersmarauders_factions_std MILLER'S MARAUDERS MILLER'S MARAUDERS ui_Decal_northwindhighlanders_factions_std NORTHWIND HIGHLANDERS NORTHWIND HIGHLANDERS ui_Decal_siams_factions_std SIAMS SIAMS ui_Decal_skyerangers_factions_std SKYE RANGERS SKYE RANGERS ui_Decal_somersetacademy_factions_std MILITARY ACADEMY OF SOMERSET MILITARY ACADEMY OF SOMERSET ui_Decal_universityofproserpina_factions_std UNIVERSITY OF PROSERPINA UNIVERSITY OF PROSERPINA ui_Decal_wacorangers_factions_std WACO RANGERS WACO RANGERS ui_Decal_warriorshall_factions_std THE WARRIOR'S HALL THE WARRIOR'S HALL ui_Decal_wolfsdragoons_factions_std WOLF'S DRAGOONS WOLF'S DRAGOONS ui_TooManyItemsInCart Unable to complete purchase, there are too many items are in the cart. Unable to complete purchase, there are too many items are in the cart. ui_MaxInCart Unable to add the item to the cart, you already have the maximum number of items in the cart. Unable to add the item to the cart, you already have the maximum number of items in the cart. ui_DropDeckChanged DROP DECK CHANGED DROP DECK CHANGED ui_DropDeckChanged_desc Changes were made to the drop deck, do you wish to save or discard the changes? Changes were made to the drop deck, do you wish to save or discard the changes? ui_discardchanges DISCARD CHANGES DISCARD CHANGES ui_FactionBoosterText %0% %1 LP BONUS %0% %1 LP BONUS ge_Jan Jan Jan ge_feb Feb Feb ge_Mar Mar Mar ge_Apr Apr Apr ge_Jun Jun Jun ge_Jul Jul Jul ge_Aug Aug Aug ge_Sep Sep Sep ge_Oct Oct Oct ge_Nov Nov Nov ge_Dec Dec Dec ui_LoginKickedFromUnit While offline, you were removed from the unit, %0. While offline, you were removed from the unit, %0. ge_AM AM AM ge_PM PM PM ui_LastOnline Last Online: %0 %1 Last Online: %0 %1 ui_CreatorPrivileges Privileges reserved only for unit leader Privileges reserved only for unit leader ui_RankPrivileges Assignable rank privileges Assignable rank privileges ui_ViewLastOnline View Last Online Time View Last Online Time ui_LoginKickedFromUnitGeneric While offline, you were removed from your unit. While offline, you were removed from your unit. ui_Coffer_MemberInvite Invitation Sent: %0 Invitation Sent: %0 ui_Coffer_MemberInviteReject Invitation Declined: %0 Invitation Declined: %0 ui_Coffer_MemberInviteRetract Invitation Retracted: %0 Invitation Retracted: %0 ui_Page PAGE PAGE tt_SocialScreen_BlockedTab View blocked players View blocked players _m_next_wheel_cmd Next Command Wheel Order Next Command Wheel Order _m_prev_wheel_cmd Previous Command Wheel Order Previous Command Wheel Order emechmodel_nightgyr NIGHT GYR NIGHT GYR nightgyr NIGHT GYR NIGHT GYR ntg-primes NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME(S) NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME(S) ntg-primes_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME(S) description NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME(S) ntg-primes_short NTG-PRIME(S) NTG-PRIME(S) ntg-prime NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME ntg-prime_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME description NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME ntg-prime_short NTG-PRIME NTG-PRIME ntg-a NIGHT GYR NTG-A NIGHT GYR NTG-A ntg-a_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-A description NIGHT GYR NTG-A ntg-a_short NTG-A NTG-A ntg-b NIGHT GYR NTG-B NIGHT GYR NTG-B ntg-b_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-B description NIGHT GYR NTG-B ntg-b_short NTG-B NTG-B ntg-c NIGHT GYR NTG-C NIGHT GYR NTG-C ntg-c_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-C description NIGHT GYR NTG-C ntg-c_short NTG-C NTG-C ntg-d NIGHT GYR NTG-D NIGHT GYR NTG-D ntg-d_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-D description NIGHT GYR NTG-D ntg-d_short NTG-D NTG-D ntg-jk JADE KITE JADE KITE ntg-jk_desc The personal 'Mech of Timur Malthus. The personal 'Mech of Timur Malthus. ntg-jk_short NTG-JK NTG-JK ui_EnergyDraw Energy Draw Energy Draw pnt-10kc PANTHER PNT-10K(C) PANTHER PNT-10K(C) pnt-10kc_desc PANTHER PNT-10K(C) description PANTHER PNT-10K(C) pnt-10kc_short PNT-10K(C) PNT-10K(C) crb-27bc CRAB CRB-27B(C) CRAB CRB-27B(C) crb-27bc_desc CRAB CRB-27B(C) description CRAB CRB-27B(C) crb-27bc_short CRB-27B(C) CRB-27B(C) ghr-5hc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(C) GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(C) ghr-5hc_desc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(C) description GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(C) ghr-5hc_short GHR-5H(C) GHR-5H(C) zeu-6tc ZEUS ZEU-6T(C) ZEUS ZEU-6T(C) zeu-6tc_desc ZEUS ZEU-6T(C) description ZEUS ZEU-6T(C) zeu-6tc_short ZEU-6T(C) ZEU-6T(C) jr7-iicc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(C) JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(C) jr7-iicc_desc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(C) description JENNER IIC JR7-IIC(C) jr7-iicc_short JR7-IIC(C) JR7-IIC(C) hbk-iicc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(C) HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(C) hbk-iicc_desc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(C) description HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC(C) hbk-iicc_short HBK-IIC(C) HBK-IIC(C) on1-iic-ac ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(C) ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(C) on1-iic-ac_desc ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(C) description ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(C) on1-iic-ac_short ON1-IIC-A(C) ON1-IIC-A(C) hgn-iic-cc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C(C) HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C(C) hgn-iic-cc_desc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C(C) description HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-C(C) hgn-iic-cc_short HGN-IIC-C(C) HGN-IIC-C(C) tt_MechSummary_EnergyDraw Total energy draw for all weapons if alpha strike is used / Max energy draw Total energy draw for all weapons if alpha strike is used / Max energy draw ui_PendingDate %0 %1 %0 %1 ui_Today Today Today ui_1yr 1 yr 1 yr ui_InvitedBy Invited By Invited By ui_invite_Date Date Date ui_invite_cost Cost Cost ui_Retract Retract Retract ui_PendingInvites Pending Invitations Pending Invitations ui_Decal_12thveganrangers_factions_std 12TH VEGAN RANGERS 12TH VEGAN RANGERS ui_Decal_albionmilitaryacademy_factions_std ALBION MILITARY ACADEMY ALBION MILITARY ACADEMY ui_Decal_allisonmwinstitute_factions_std ALLISON MECHWARRIOR INSTITUTE ALLISON MECHWARRIOR INSTITUTE ui_Decal_amacadre_factions_std AMA TRAINING CADRE AMA TRAINING CADRE ui_Decal_amphigeanlag_factions_std AMPHIGEAN LIGHT ASSAULT GROUP AMPHIGEAN LIGHT ASSAULT GROUP ui_Decal_bannerarms_misc_clr BANNER - ARMS BANNER - ARMS ui_Decal_bannerdexterstepped_misc_clr BANNER - EXTER STEPPED BANNER - EXTER STEPPED ui_Decal_bannerflamedag_misc_clr BANNER - FLAME DAG BANNER - FLAME DAG ui_Decal_bannerpronged_misc_clr BANNER - PRONGED BANNER - PRONGED ui_Decal_bannersinisterstepped_misc_clr BANNER - SINISTER STEPPED BANNER - SINISTER STEPPED ui_Decal_bannersquaredag_misc_clr BANNER - SQUARE DAG BANNER - SQUARE DAG ui_Decal_bannersteppedin_misc_clr BANNER - STEPPED IN BANNER - STEPPED IN ui_Decal_bannersteppedout_misc_clr BANNER - STEPPED OUT BANNER - STEPPED OUT ui_Decal_bannerswallowtail_misc_clr BANNER - SWALLOW TAIL BANNER - SWALLOW TAIL ui_Decal_bannerwinged_misc_clr BANNER - WINGED BANNER - WINGED ui_Decal_blackjackschool_factions_std BLACKJACK SCHOOL OF CONFLICT BLACKJACK SCHOOL OF CONFLICT ui_Decal_capellanwarcollege_factions_std CAPELLA WAR COLLEGE CAPELLA WAR COLLEGE ui_Decal_cherry_misc_clr CHERRY CHERRY ui_Decal_circle_misc_clr CIRCLE CIRCLE ui_Decal_compass_misc_clr COMPASS COMPASS ui_Decal_cross_misc_clr CROSS CROSS ui_Decal_elk1_misc_clr ELK ELK ui_Decal_fightingurakhai_factions_std FIGHTING URAKHAI FIGHTING URAKHAI ui_Decal_flagburgee_misc_clr FLAG - BURGEE FLAG - BURGEE ui_Decal_flagdescate_misc_clr FLAG - DESCATE FLAG - DESCATE ui_Decal_flagdoubledescate_misc_clr FLAG - DOUBLE DESCATE FLAG - DOUBLE DESCATE ui_Decal_flagdoublepavon_misc_clr FLAG - DOUBLE PAVON FLAG - DOUBLE PAVON ui_Decal_flagfanion_misc_clr FLAG - FANION FLAG - FANION ui_Decal_flaghussarcut_misc_clr FLAG - HUSSAR CUT FLAG - HUSSAR CUT ui_Decal_flaglanceolate_misc_clr FLAG - LANCEOLATE FLAG - LANCEOLATE ui_Decal_flagpennant_misc_clr FLAG - PENNANT FLAG - PENNANT ui_Decal_flagsquare_misc_clr FLAG - SQUARE FLAG - SQUARE ui_Decal_flagstreamer_misc_clr FLAG - STREAMER FLAG - STREAMER ui_Decal_flagswallowtailandtoungue_misc_clr FLAG - SWALLOWTAIL AND TONGUE FLAG - SWALLOWTAIL AND TONGUE ui_Decal_flagswallowtail_misc_clr FLAG - SWALLOWTAIL FLAG - SWALLOWTAIL ui_Decal_flagumajirushi_misc_clr FLAG - UMAJIRUSHI FLAG - UMAJIRUSHI ui_Decal_graydeathlegion_factions_std GRAY DEATH LEGION GRAY DEATH LEGION ui_Decal_grenade_misc_clr GRENADE GRENADE ui_Decal_illicianlancers_factions_std ILLICIAN LANCERS ILLICIAN LANCERS ui_Decal_lonewolves_factions_std LONE WOLVES LONE WOLVES ui_Decal_minorukuritauniversity_factions_std MINORU KURITA UNIVERSITY MINORU KURITA UNIVERSITY ui_Decal_nagelring_factions_std THE NAGELRING THE NAGELRING ui_Decal_naiscadre_factions_std NAIS CADRE NAIS CADRE ui_Decal_nais_factions_std NAIS COLLEGE OF MILITARY SCIENCE NAIS COLLEGE OF MILITARY SCIENCE ui_Decal_orloffmilitaryacademy_factions_std ORLOFF MILITARY ACADEMY ORLOFF MILITARY ACADEMY ui_Decal_pagodaluthienofficers_factions_std PAGODA FOR LUTHIEN OFFICERS PAGODA FOR LUTHIEN OFFICERS ui_Decal_pentagon_misc_clr PENTAGON #1 PENTAGON #1 ui_Decal_pfmilitaryacademy_factions_std PRINCEFIELD MILITARY ACADEMY PRINCEFIELD MILITARY ACADEMY ui_Decal_refereewhistle_misc_clr REFEREE WHISTLE REFEREE WHISTLE ui_Decal_rhombus_misc_clr RHOMBUS RHOMBUS ui_Decal_robinsonbattleacademy_factions_std ROBINSON BATTLE ACADEMY ROBINSON BATTLE ACADEMY ui_Decal_sanglamore_factions_std SANGLAMORE ON SKYE SANGLAMORE ON SKYE ui_Decal_sarnamartialacademy_factions_std SARNA MARTIAL ACADEMY SARNA MARTIAL ACADEMY ui_Decal_sianuniversity_factions_std SIAN UNIVERSITY SIAN UNIVERSITY ui_Decal_sunzhang_factions_std SUN ZHANG ACADEMY SUN ZHANG ACADEMY ui_Decal_trefoil_misc_clr TREFOIL TREFOIL ui_Decal_triangle_misc_clr TRIANGLE #1 TRIANGLE #1 ui_Decal_triquetra_misc_clr TRIQUETRA TRIQUETRA ui_Skip Skip Skip EResult_UnknownCharacter Unknown Error. Unknown Error. ui_Decal_federatedsunsarmoredcavalry_factions 1ST FEDERATED SUNS ARMORED CAVALRY 1ST FEDERATED SUNS ARMORED CAVALRY omnipod_ntg-prime_head NTG-PRIME HEAD NTG-PRIME HEAD omnipod_ntg-prime_head_desc NTG-PRIME Head OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-prime_left_arm NTG-PRIME LEFT ARM NTG-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_ntg-prime_left_arm_desc NTG-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-prime_left_torso NTG-PRIME LEFT TORSO NTG-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_ntg-prime_left_torso_desc NTG-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-prime_right_torso NTG-PRIME RIGHT TORSO NTG-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ntg-prime_right_torso_desc NTG-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-prime_centre_torso NTG-PRIME CENTER TORSO NTG-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_ntg-prime_centre_torso_desc NTG-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-prime_right_arm NTG-PRIME RIGHT ARM NTG-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_ntg-prime_right_arm_desc NTG-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-prime_left_leg NTG-PRIME LEFT LEG NTG-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_ntg-prime_left_leg_desc NTG-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-prime_right_leg NTG-PRIME RIGHT LEG NTG-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_ntg-prime_right_leg_desc NTG-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. NTG-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_head NTG-A HEAD NTG-A HEAD omnipod_ntg-a_head_desc NTG-A Head OmniPod. NTG-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_left_arm NTG-A LEFT ARM NTG-A LEFT ARM omnipod_ntg-a_left_arm_desc NTG-A Left Arm OmniPod. NTG-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_left_torso NTG-A LEFT TORSO NTG-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_ntg-a_left_torso_desc NTG-A Left Torso OmniPod. NTG-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_right_torso NTG-A RIGHT TORSO NTG-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ntg-a_right_torso_desc NTG-A Right Torso OmniPod. NTG-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_centre_torso NTG-A CENTER TORSO NTG-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_ntg-a_centre_torso_desc NTG-A Center Torso OmniPod. NTG-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_right_arm NTG-A RIGHT ARM NTG-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_ntg-a_right_arm_desc NTG-A Right Arm OmniPod. NTG-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_left_leg NTG-A LEFT LEG NTG-A LEFT LEG omnipod_ntg-a_left_leg_desc NTG-A Left Leg OmniPod. NTG-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-a_right_leg NTG-A RIGHT LEG NTG-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_ntg-a_right_leg_desc NTG-A Right Leg OmniPod. NTG-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_head NTG-B HEAD NTG-B HEAD omnipod_ntg-b_head_desc NTG-B Head OmniPod. NTG-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_left_arm NTG-B LEFT ARM NTG-B LEFT ARM omnipod_ntg-b_left_arm_desc NTG-B Left Arm OmniPod. NTG-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_left_torso NTG-B LEFT TORSO NTG-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_ntg-b_left_torso_desc NTG-B Left Torso OmniPod. NTG-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_right_torso NTG-B RIGHT TORSO NTG-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ntg-b_right_torso_desc NTG-B Right Torso OmniPod. NTG-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_centre_torso NTG-B CENTER TORSO NTG-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_ntg-b_centre_torso_desc NTG-B Center Torso OmniPod. NTG-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_right_arm NTG-B RIGHT ARM NTG-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_ntg-b_right_arm_desc NTG-B Right Arm OmniPod. NTG-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_left_leg NTG-B LEFT LEG NTG-B LEFT LEG omnipod_ntg-b_left_leg_desc NTG-B Left Leg OmniPod. NTG-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-b_right_leg NTG-B RIGHT LEG NTG-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_ntg-b_right_leg_desc NTG-B Right Leg OmniPod. NTG-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_head NTG-C HEAD NTG-C HEAD omnipod_ntg-c_head_desc NTG-C Head OmniPod. NTG-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_left_arm NTG-C LEFT ARM NTG-C LEFT ARM omnipod_ntg-c_left_arm_desc NTG-C Left Arm OmniPod. NTG-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_left_torso NTG-C LEFT TORSO NTG-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_ntg-c_left_torso_desc NTG-C Left Torso OmniPod. NTG-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_right_torso NTG-C RIGHT TORSO NTG-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ntg-c_right_torso_desc NTG-C Right Torso OmniPod. NTG-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_centre_torso NTG-C CENTER TORSO NTG-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_ntg-c_centre_torso_desc NTG-C Center Torso OmniPod. NTG-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_right_arm NTG-C RIGHT ARM NTG-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_ntg-c_right_arm_desc NTG-C Right Arm OmniPod. NTG-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_left_leg NTG-C LEFT LEG NTG-C LEFT LEG omnipod_ntg-c_left_leg_desc NTG-C Left Leg OmniPod. NTG-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-c_right_leg NTG-C RIGHT LEG NTG-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_ntg-c_right_leg_desc NTG-C Right Leg OmniPod. NTG-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_head NTG-D HEAD NTG-D HEAD omnipod_ntg-d_head_desc NTG-D Head OmniPod. NTG-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_left_arm NTG-D LEFT ARM NTG-D LEFT ARM omnipod_ntg-d_left_arm_desc NTG-D Left Arm OmniPod. NTG-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_left_torso NTG-D LEFT TORSO NTG-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_ntg-d_left_torso_desc NTG-D Left Torso OmniPod. NTG-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_right_torso NTG-D RIGHT TORSO NTG-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ntg-d_right_torso_desc NTG-D Right Torso OmniPod. NTG-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_centre_torso NTG-D CENTER TORSO NTG-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_ntg-d_centre_torso_desc NTG-D Center Torso OmniPod. NTG-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_right_arm NTG-D RIGHT ARM NTG-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_ntg-d_right_arm_desc NTG-D Right Arm OmniPod. NTG-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_left_leg NTG-D LEFT LEG NTG-D LEFT LEG omnipod_ntg-d_left_leg_desc NTG-D Left Leg OmniPod. NTG-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-d_right_leg NTG-D RIGHT LEG NTG-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_ntg-d_right_leg_desc NTG-D Right Leg OmniPod. NTG-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_head NTG-JK HEAD NTG-JK HEAD omnipod_ntg-jk_head_desc NTG-JK Head OmniPod. NTG-JK Head OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_left_arm NTG-JK LEFT ARM NTG-JK LEFT ARM omnipod_ntg-jk_left_arm_desc NTG-JK Left Arm OmniPod. NTG-JK Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_left_torso NTG-JK LEFT TORSO NTG-JK LEFT TORSO omnipod_ntg-jk_left_torso_desc NTG-JK Left Torso OmniPod. NTG-JK Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_right_torso NTG-JK RIGHT TORSO NTG-JK RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ntg-jk_right_torso_desc NTG-JK Right Torso OmniPod. NTG-JK Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_centre_torso NTG-JK CENTER TORSO NTG-JK CENTER TORSO omnipod_ntg-jk_centre_torso_desc NTG-JK Center Torso OmniPod. NTG-JK Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_right_arm NTG-JK RIGHT ARM NTG-JK RIGHT ARM omnipod_ntg-jk_right_arm_desc NTG-JK Right Arm OmniPod. NTG-JK Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_left_leg NTG-JK LEFT LEG NTG-JK LEFT LEG omnipod_ntg-jk_left_leg_desc NTG-JK Left Leg OmniPod. NTG-JK Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-jk_right_leg NTG-JK RIGHT LEG NTG-JK RIGHT LEG omnipod_ntg-jk_right_leg_desc NTG-JK Right Leg OmniPod. NTG-JK Right Leg OmniPod. tt_FactionScreen_PendingInvites View pending unit invitations View pending unit invitations ui_lobbymech_tonnageviolation_restore Unable to change drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has a tonnage violation. The previous drop deck will now be restored. Unable to change drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has a tonnage violation. The previous drop deck will now be restored. ui_lobbymech_invalidlobby_restore Unable to change drop deck for Faction Play. The lobby is invalid or no longer exists. The previous drop deck will be restored. Unable to change drop deck for Faction Play. The lobby is invalid or no longer exists. The previous drop deck will be restored. ui_lobbymech_invalidtechnology_restore Unable to change drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has invalid technology. The previous drop deck will now be restored. Unable to change drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has invalid technology. The previous drop deck will now be restored. ui_lobbymech_genericerror_restore An error occurred trying to update the lobby. Please try again.\nIf this error persists please contact Support.\nError code %0\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored. An error occurred trying to update the lobby. Please try again.\nIf this error persists please contact Support.\nError code %0\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored. ui_lobbymech_invalidtechnology Unable to select drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has invalid technology. Unable to select drop deck for Faction Play. The drop deck has invalid technology. ui_mechweightclass MECH WEIGHT CLASS 'MECH WEIGHT CLASS tt_FactionScreen_RankMGMTRetractButton Retract this invitation Retract this invitation ui_dropdeckerrors_reason1_restore The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored. The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored. ui_dropdeckerrors_reason2_restore The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored ui_dropdeckerrors_reason3_restore The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored ui_dropdeckerrors_reason4_restore The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored ui_dropdeckerrors_reason5_restore The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored ui_dropdeckerrors_reason6_restore The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored ui_dropdeckerrors_reason7_restore The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored The current selected drop deck "%0" is not valid for Faction Play for the following reasons:\n\n%1\n%2\n%3\n%4\n%5\n%6\n%7\n\nThe previous drop deck will now be restored ui_UnitInviteReject_InvalidRequest Unable to retract the invitation because the invitation no longer exists. Unable to retract the invitation because the invitation no longer exists. ui_title_NightGStand The Sickle The Sickle ui_title_NightGStand_desc Night Gyr standard title Night Gyr standard title ui_title_NightGColl The Nocturnal The Nocturnal ui_title_NightGColl_desc Night Gyr Collectors Title Night Gyr Collectors Title ui_unable_to_leave_unit Leave unit request failed. Leave unit request failed. ui_factionplay_invaliddropdecks Unable to search. One of more of your group members have invalid drop decks. Unable to search. One of more of your group members have invalid drop decks. ui_group_invalidmech Unable to search. One or more of your group members has an invalid 'Mech. Unable to search. One or more of your group members has an invalid 'Mech. ui_solo_invalidmech Unable to search, your current selected 'Mech is invalid. Unable to search, your current selected 'Mech is invalid. ui_title_RefereeStand The Referee The Referee ui_title_RefereeStand_desc Referee standard title Referee standard title SteelTalons_name Steel Talons Steel Talons SteelTalons_desc Steel Talons Hanging Item Steel Talons Hanging Item SpeakerR Night Gyr Warhorn Night Gyr Warhorn SpeakerR_desc Night Gyr Warhorn Mounted Item Night Gyr Warhorn Mounted Item MalteseGyrfalcon_name Maltese Gyrfalcon Maltese Gyrfalcon MalteseGyrfalcon_desc Maltese Gyrfalcon Standing Item Maltese Gyrfalcon Standing Item FalconFeathers_name Falcon Feathers Falcon Feathers FalconFeathers_desc Falcon Feathers Hanging Item Falcon Feathers Hanging Item refwhistle_name Referee Whistle Referee Whistle refwhistle_desc Referee Whistle Hanging Item Referee Whistle Hanging Item ui_settings_keybinds Keybindings Keybindings tt_Settings_MasterVolume This controls the volume of all sounds in the game. This controls the volume of all sounds in the game. tt_Settings_EffectsVolume Adjusts the sound effect volume. Adjusts the sound effect volume. tt_Settings_MusicVolume Adjusts the music volume. Adjusts the music volume. tt_Settings_DialogVolume Adjusts the voice dialogue volume. Adjusts the voice dialogue volume. tt_Settings_VoipPlaybackVolume Adjusts the VoIP playback volume. Adjusts the VoIP playback volume. tt_Settings_VoipCaptureVolume Adjusts the VoIP capture volume. Adjusts the VoIP capture volume. tt_Settings_VoipReleaseDelay Adjusts the VoIP release delay. Adjusts the VoIP release delay. tt_Settings_Effects Adjusts the effect level of quality. Adjusts the effect level of quality. tt_Settings_oBjectDetail Adjusts the object detail level of quality. Adjusts the object detail level of quality. tt_Settings_Particles Adjusts the particles level of quality. Adjusts the particles level of quality. tt_Settings_PostProcessings Adjusts the post processing level of quality. Adjusts the post processing level of quality. tt_Settings_Shading Adjusts the shader level of quality. Adjusts the shader level of quality. tt_Settings_Shadows Adjusts the shadow level of quality. Adjusts the shadow level of quality. tt_Settings_Textures Adjusts the texture level of quality. Adjusts the texture level of quality. tt_Settings_Environment Adjusts the environment level of quality. Adjusts the environment level of quality. tt_Settings_AntiAliasing Choose what type of anti-aliasing. Choose what type of anti-aliasing. tt_Settings_PlaybackMode Choose VoIP playback mode. Choose VoIP playback mode. tt_Settings_PlaybackDevice Choose VoIP playback device. Choose VoIP playback device. tt_Settings_CaptureMode Choose VoIP capture mode. Choose VoIP capture mode. tt_Settings_CaptureDevice Choose VoIP capture device. Choose VoIP capture device. ui_lobbymech_dropdecklocked Unable to update the drop deck and lobby, your drop deck has been locked for deployment. Unable to update the drop deck and lobby, your drop deck has been locked for deployment. ui_new NEW NEW ui_heraldry HERALDRY HERALDRY ui_shapes SHAPES SHAPES emechmodel_huntsman HUNTSMAN HUNTSMAN huntsman HUNTSMAN HUNTSMAN hmn-primes HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME(S) HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME(S) hmn-primes_desc HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME(S) description NIGHT GYR NTG-PRIME(S) hmn-primes_short HMN-PRIME(S) HMN-PRIME(S) hmn-prime HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME hmn-prime_desc HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME description HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME hmn-prime_short HMN-PRIME HMN-PRIME hmn-a HUNTSMAN HMN-A HUNTSMAN HMN-A hmn-a_desc HUNTSMAN HMN-A description HUNTSMAN HMN-A hmn-a_short HMN-A HMN-A hmn-b HUNTSMAN HMN-B HUNTSMAN HMN-B hmn-b_desc HUNTSMAN HMN-B description HUNTSMAN HMN-B hmn-b_short HMN-B HMN-B hmn-c HUNTSMAN HMN-C HUNTSMAN HMN-C hmn-c_desc HUNTSMAN HMN-C description HUNTSMAN HMN-C hmn-c_short HMN-C HMN-C hmn-p HUNTSMAN HMN-P HUNTSMAN HMN-P hmn-p_desc HUNTSMAN HMN-P description HUNTSMAN HMN-P hmn-p_short HMN-P HMN-P hmn-pa PAKHET PAKHET hmn-pa_desc The personal 'Mech of Star Captain Calvin Deleportas The personal 'Mech of Star Captain Calvin Deleportas hmn-pa_short HMN-PA HMN-PA omnipod_hmn-prime_head HMN-PRIME HEAD HMN-PRIME HEAD omnipod_hmn-prime_head_desc HMN-PRIME Head OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-prime_left_arm HMN-PRIME LEFT ARM HMN-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_hmn-prime_left_arm_desc HMN-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-prime_left_torso HMN-PRIME LEFT TORSO HMN-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_hmn-prime_left_torso_desc HMN-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-prime_right_torso HMN-PRIME RIGHT TORSO HMN-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hmn-prime_right_torso_desc HMN-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-prime_centre_torso HMN-PRIME CENTER TORSO HMN-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_hmn-prime_centre_torso_desc HMN-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-prime_right_arm HMN-PRIME RIGHT ARM HMN-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_hmn-prime_right_arm_desc HMN-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-prime_left_leg HMN-PRIME LEFT LEG HMN-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_hmn-prime_left_leg_desc HMN-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-prime_right_leg HMN-PRIME RIGHT LEG HMN-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_hmn-prime_right_leg_desc HMN-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. HMN-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_head HMN-A HEAD HMN-A HEAD omnipod_hmn-a_head_desc HMN-A Head OmniPod. HMN-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_left_arm HMN-A LEFT ARM HMN-A LEFT ARM omnipod_hmn-a_left_arm_desc HMN-A Left Arm OmniPod. HMN-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_left_torso HMN-A LEFT TORSO HMN-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_hmn-a_left_torso_desc HMN-A Left Torso OmniPod. HMN-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_right_torso HMN-A RIGHT TORSO HMN-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hmn-a_right_torso_desc HMN-A Right Torso OmniPod. HMN-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_centre_torso HMN-A CENTER TORSO HMN-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_hmn-a_centre_torso_desc HMN-A Center Torso OmniPod. HMN-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_right_arm HMN-A RIGHT ARM HMN-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_hmn-a_right_arm_desc HMN-A Right Arm OmniPod. HMN-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_left_leg HMN-A LEFT LEG HMN-A LEFT LEG omnipod_hmn-a_left_leg_desc HMN-A Left Leg OmniPod. HMN-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-a_right_leg HMN-A RIGHT LEG HMN-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_hmn-a_right_leg_desc HMN-A Right Leg OmniPod. HMN-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_head HMN-B HEAD HMN-B HEAD omnipod_hmn-b_head_desc HMN-B Head OmniPod. HMN-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_left_arm HMN-B LEFT ARM HMN-B LEFT ARM omnipod_hmn-b_left_arm_desc HMN-B Left Arm OmniPod. HMN-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_left_torso HMN-B LEFT TORSO HMN-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_hmn-b_left_torso_desc HMN-B Left Torso OmniPod. HMN-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_right_torso HMN-B RIGHT TORSO HMN-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hmn-b_right_torso_desc HMN-B Right Torso OmniPod. HMN-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_centre_torso HMN-B CENTER TORSO HMN-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_hmn-b_centre_torso_desc HMN-B Center Torso OmniPod. HMN-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_right_arm HMN-B RIGHT ARM HMN-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_hmn-b_right_arm_desc HMN-B Right Arm OmniPod. HMN-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_left_leg HMN-B LEFT LEG HMN-B LEFT LEG omnipod_hmn-b_left_leg_desc HMN-B Left Leg OmniPod. HMN-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-b_right_leg HMN-B RIGHT LEG HMN-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_hmn-b_right_leg_desc HMN-B Right Leg OmniPod. HMN-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_head HMN-C HEAD HMN-C HEAD omnipod_hmn-c_head_desc HMN-C Head OmniPod. HMN-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_left_arm HMN-C LEFT ARM HMN-C LEFT ARM omnipod_hmn-c_left_arm_desc HMN-C Left Arm OmniPod. HMN-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_left_torso HMN-C LEFT TORSO HMN-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_hmn-c_left_torso_desc HMN-C Left Torso OmniPod. HMN-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_right_torso HMN-C RIGHT TORSO HMN-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hmn-c_right_torso_desc HMN-C Right Torso OmniPod. HMN-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_centre_torso HMN-C CENTER TORSO HMN-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_hmn-c_centre_torso_desc HMN-C Center Torso OmniPod. HMN-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_right_arm HMN-C RIGHT ARM HMN-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_hmn-c_right_arm_desc HMN-C Right Arm OmniPod. HMN-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_left_leg HMN-C LEFT LEG HMN-C LEFT LEG omnipod_hmn-c_left_leg_desc HMN-C Left Leg OmniPod. HMN-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-c_right_leg HMN-C RIGHT LEG HMN-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_hmn-c_right_leg_desc HMN-C Right Leg OmniPod. HMN-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_head HMN-P HEAD HMN-P HEAD omnipod_hmn-p_head_desc HMN-P Head OmniPod. HMN-P Head OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_left_arm HMN-P LEFT ARM HMN-P LEFT ARM omnipod_hmn-p_left_arm_desc HMN-P Left Arm OmniPod. HMN-P Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_left_torso HMN-P LEFT TORSO HMN-P LEFT TORSO omnipod_hmn-p_left_torso_desc HMN-P Left Torso OmniPod. HMN-P Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_right_torso HMN-P RIGHT TORSO HMN-P RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hmn-p_right_torso_desc HMN-P Right Torso OmniPod. HMN-P Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_centre_torso HMN-P CENTER TORSO HMN-P CENTER TORSO omnipod_hmn-p_centre_torso_desc HMN-P Center Torso OmniPod. HMN-P Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_right_arm HMN-P RIGHT ARM HMN-P RIGHT ARM omnipod_hmn-p_right_arm_desc HMN-P Right Arm OmniPod. HMN-P Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_left_leg HMN-P LEFT LEG HMN-P LEFT LEG omnipod_hmn-p_left_leg_desc HMN-P Left Leg OmniPod. HMN-P Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-p_right_leg HMN-P RIGHT LEG HMN-P RIGHT LEG omnipod_hmn-p_right_leg_desc HMN-P Right Leg OmniPod. HMN-P Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_head HMN-PA HEAD HMN-PA HEAD omnipod_hmn-pa_head_desc HMN-PA Head OmniPod. HMN-PA Head OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_left_arm HMN-PA LEFT ARM HMN-PA LEFT ARM omnipod_hmn-pa_left_arm_desc HMN-PA Left Arm OmniPod. HMN-PA Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_left_torso HMN-PA LEFT TORSO HMN-PA LEFT TORSO omnipod_hmn-pa_left_torso_desc HMN-PA Left Torso OmniPod. HMN-PA Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_right_torso HMN-PA RIGHT TORSO HMN-PA RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hmn-pa_right_torso_desc HMN-PA Right Torso OmniPod. HMN-PA Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_centre_torso HMN-PA CENTER TORSO HMN-PA CENTER TORSO omnipod_hmn-pa_centre_torso_desc HMN-PA Center Torso OmniPod. HMN-PA Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_right_arm HMN-PA RIGHT ARM HMN-PA RIGHT ARM omnipod_hmn-pa_right_arm_desc HMN-PA Right Arm OmniPod. HMN-PA Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_left_leg HMN-PA LEFT LEG HMN-PA LEFT LEG omnipod_hmn-pa_left_leg_desc HMN-PA Left Leg OmniPod. HMN-PA Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hmn-pa_right_leg HMN-PA RIGHT LEG HMN-PA RIGHT LEG omnipod_hmn-pa_right_leg_desc HMN-PA Right Leg OmniPod. HMN-PA Right Leg OmniPod. BJ-2L BLACKJACK BJ-2(L) BLACKJACK BJ-2(L) BJ-2L_desc BLACKJACK BJ-2(L) description BLACKJACK BJ-2(L) BJ-2L_short BJ-2(L) BJ-2(L) STK-3FBL STALKER STK-3FB(L) STALKER STK-3FB(L) STK-3FBL_desc STALKER STK-3FB(L) description STALKER STK-3FB(L) STK-3FBL_short STK-3FB(L) STK-3FB(L) hbr-fl HELLBRINGER HBR-F(L) HELLBRINGER HBR-F(L) hbr-fl_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-F(L) description HELLBRINGER HBR-F(L) hbr-fl_short HBR-F(L) HBR-F(L) smn-ml SUMMONER SMN-M(L) SUMMONER SMN-M(L) smn-ml_desc SUMMONER SMN-M(L) description SUMMONER SMN-M(L) smn-ml_short SMN-M(L) SMN-M(L) smn-fl SUMMONER SMN-F(L) SUMMONER SMN-F(L) smn-fl_desc SUMMONER SMN-F(L) description SUMMONER SMN-F(L) smn-fl_short SMN-F(L) SMN-F(L) ui_Decal_4thtaucetirangers_factions_std 4TH TAU CETI RANGERS 4TH TAU CETI RANGERS ui_Decal_eridanilighthorse_factions_std ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE ui_Decal_fightingshamrocks_factions_std FIGHTING SHAMROCKS FIGHTING SHAMROCKS ui_Decal_filthylucre_factions_std THE FILTHY LUCRE THE FILTHY LUCRE ui_Decal_harlockswarriors_factions_std HARLOCK'S WARRIORS HARLOCK'S WARRIORS ui_Decal_khasparovsknights_factions_std KHASPAROV'S KNIGHTS KHASPAROV'S KNIGHTS ui_Decal_lexingtoncombatgroup_factions_std LEXINGTON COMBAT GROUP LEXINGTON COMBAT GROUP ui_Decal_lindonscompany_factions_std LINDON'S COMPANY LINDON'S COMPANY ui_Decal_lrpanzerbrigade_factions_std LITTLE RICHARD'S PANZER BRIGADE LITTLE RICHARD'S PANZER BRIGADE ui_Decal_lonestarregiment_factions_std LONE STAR REGIMENT LONE STAR REGIMENT ui_Decal_narhalsraiders_factions_std NARHAL'S RAIDERS NARHAL'S RAIDERS ui_Decal_reedsbrew_factions_std REED'S BREW REED'S BREW ui_Decal_rivaldishussars_factions_std RIVALDI'S HUSSARS RIVALDI'S HUSSARS ui_Decal_smithsonschinesebandits_factions_std SMITHSON'S CHINESE BANDITS SMITHSON'S CHINESE BANDITS ui_Decal_snordsirregulars_factions_std SNORD'S IRREGULARS SNORD'S IRREGULARS ui_Decal_stcyrsarmoredcavalry_factions_std ST. CYR'S ARMORED GRENADIERS ST. CYR'S ARMORED GRENADIERS ui_Decal_stormsmetalthunder_factions_std STORM'S METAL THUNDER STORM'S METAL THUNDER Decal_toothofymir_factions_std TOOTH OF YMIR TOOTH OF YMIR ui_Decal_wilsonshussars_factions_std WILSON'S HUSSARS WILSON'S HUSSARS ui_HeatManagement Heat Management Heat Management huntersknife_name Hunters Knife Hunters Knife huntersknife_desc Hunters Knife Hanging Item Hunters Knife Hanging Item SpeakerPyramid Pyramid Warhorn Pyramid Warhorn SpeakerPyramid_desc Mounted Pyramid Warhorn Mounted Pyramid Warhorn nobori_name Nobori Standard Bearer Nobori Standard Bearer nobori_desc Nobori Standard Bearer Standing Item Nobori Standard Bearer Standing Item pakhetidol_name Pakhet Idol Pakhet Idol pakhetidol_desc Pakhet Idol Hanging Item Pakhet Idol Hanging Item cupcake3_name YEAR 3 CUPCAKE YEAR 3 CUPCAKE cupcake3_desc Third year anniversary cupcake! Third year anniversary cupcake! ui_WPN_GRP Wpn Grp Wpn Grp kodiakhead_name Kodiak Head Ultimate Kodiak Head Ultimate kodiakhead_desc 2016 Appreciation Program Ultimate Reward 2016 Appreciation Program Ultimate Reward atlashead_name Atlas Head Ultimate Atlas Head Ultimate atlashead_desc 2016 Appreciation Program Ultimate Reward 2016 Appreciation Program Ultimate Reward SpeakerI_Silver Gatling Ultimate Reward Gatling Ultimate Reward SpeakerI_Silver_desc 2016 Appreciation Program Ultimate Reward 2016 Appreciation Program Ultimate Reward speaker_pumpkin Jack-O'-Lantern Warhorn Jack-O'-Lantern Warhorn speaker_pumpkin_desc Mounted Jack-O'-Lantern Warhorn Mounted Jack-O'-Lantern Warhorn zombieatlas_name Zombie Mech Zombie Mech zombieatlas_desc Zombie Mech Standing Item Zombie Mech Standing Item CTF-3LL CATAPHRACT CTF-3L(L) CATAPHRACT CTF-3L(L) CTF-3LL_desc CATAPHRACT CTF-3L(L) description CATAPHRACT CTF-3L(L) CTF-3LL_short CTF-3L(L) CTF-3L(L) omnipod_hbr-fl_head HBR-F HEAD HBR-F HEAD omnipod_hbr-fl_head_desc HBR-F Head OmniPod. HBR-F Head OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-fl_left_arm HBR-F LEFT ARM HBR-F LEFT ARM omnipod_hbr-fl_left_arm_desc HBR-F Left Arm OmniPod. HBR-F Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-fl_left_torso HBR-F LEFT TORSO HBR-F LEFT TORSO omnipod_hbr-fl_left_torso_desc HBR-F Left Torso OmniPod. HBR-F Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-fl_right_torso HBR-F RIGHT TORSO HBR-F RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hbr-fl_right_torso_desc HBR-F Right Torso OmniPod. HBR-F Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-fl_centre_torso HBR-F CENTER TORSO HBR-F CENTER TORSO omnipod_hbr-fl_centre_torso_desc HBR-F Center Torso OmniPod. HBR-F Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-fl_right_arm HBR-F RIGHT ARM HBR-F RIGHT ARM omnipod_hbr-fl_right_arm_desc HBR-F Right Arm OmniPod. HBR-F Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-fl_left_leg HBR-F LEFT LEG HBR-F LEFT LEG omnipod_hbr-fl_left_leg_desc HBR-F Left Leg OmniPod. HBR-F Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-fl_right_leg HBR-F RIGHT LEG HBR-F RIGHT LEG omnipod_hbr-fl_right_leg_desc HBR-F Right Leg OmniPod. HBR-F Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_head SMN-F HEAD SMN-F HEAD omnipod_smn-fl_head_desc SMN-F Head OmniPod. SMN-F Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_left_arm SMN-F LEFT ARM SMN-F LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-fl_left_arm_desc SMN-F Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-F Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_left_torso SMN-F LEFT TORSO SMN-F LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-fl_left_torso_desc SMN-F Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-F Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_right_torso SMN-F RIGHT TORSO SMN-F RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-fl_right_torso_desc SMN-F Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-F Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_centre_torso SMN-F CENTER TORSO SMN-F CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-fl_centre_torso_desc SMN-F Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-F Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_right_arm SMN-F RIGHT ARM SMN-F RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-fl_right_arm_desc SMN-F Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-F Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_left_leg SMN-F LEFT LEG SMN-F LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-fl_left_leg_desc SMN-F Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-F Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-fl_right_leg SMN-F RIGHT LEG SMN-F RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-fl_right_leg_desc SMN-F Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-F Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_head SMN-M HEAD SMN-M HEAD omnipod_smn-ml_head_desc SMN-M Head OmniPod. SMN-M Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_left_arm SMN-M LEFT ARM SMN-M LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-ml_left_arm_desc SMN-M Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-M Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_left_torso SMN-M LEFT TORSO SMN-M LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-ml_left_torso_desc SMN-M Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-M Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_right_torso SMN-M RIGHT TORSO SMN-M RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-ml_right_torso_desc SMN-M Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-M Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_centre_torso SMN-M CENTER TORSO SMN-M CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-ml_centre_torso_desc SMN-M Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-M Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_right_arm SMN-M RIGHT ARM SMN-M RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-ml_right_arm_desc SMN-M Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-M Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_left_leg SMN-M LEFT LEG SMN-M LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-ml_left_leg_desc SMN-M Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-M Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-ml_right_leg SMN-M RIGHT LEG SMN-M RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-ml_right_leg_desc SMN-M Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-M Right Leg OmniPod. ui_Decal_executioner_misc_clr EXECUTIONER EXECUTIONER ui_Decal_goat_misc_clr GOAT GOAT ui_Decal_mempo1_misc_clr SAMURAI FACE MASK SAMURAI FACE MASK ui_Decal_mempo2_misc_clr SAMURAI FACE MASK SAMURAI FACE MASK ui_Decal_support_misc_std FEEDING THE KITTY FEEDING THE KITTY ui_Decal DECAL DECAL ui_Decal_toothofymir_factions_std TOOTH OF YMIR TOOTH OF YMIR ui_CurrentBattles Battles Currently in Progress: %0 Battles Currently in Progress: %0 ui_title_HuntsmanStand The Tracker The Tracker ui_title_HuntsmanStand_desc Huntsman standard title Huntsman standard title ui_title_HuntsmanColl The Seeker The Seeker ui_title_HuntsmanColl_desc Huntsman Collectors Title Huntsman Collectors Title regchamptrophy_name WC 2016 Supporter Trophy WC 2016 Supporter Trophy regchamptrophy_desc Regional Champion Supporter Trophy Standing Item Regional Champion Supporter Trophy Standing Item Speaker_RegChamp WC 2016 Supporter Warhorn WC 2016 Supporter Warhorn Speaker_RegChamp_desc Regional Champion Warhorn Mounted Item Regional Champion Warhorn Mounted Item regionchamps_steelj_name Team Item Steel JaguaR Team Item Steel JaguaR regionchamps_steelj_desc Regional Champions Steel JaguaR Hanging Item Regional Champions Steel JaguaR Hanging Item regionchamps_empy_name Team Item EmpyreaL Team Item EmpyreaL regionchamps_empy_desc Regional Champions EmpyreaL Hanging Item Regional Champions EmpyreaL Hanging Item regionchamps_lordsna_name Team Item Lords_NA Team Item Lords_NA regionchamps_lordsna_desc Regional Champions Lords_NA Hanging Item Regional Champions Lords_NA Hanging Item regionchamps_stormj_name Team Item Storm Jaguar Team Item Storm Jaguar regionchamps_stormj_desc Regional Champions Storm Jaguar Hanging Item Regional Champions Storm Jaguar Hanging Item regionchamps_228bw_name Team Item 228th BW Team Item 228th BW regionchamps_228bw_desc Regional Champions 228th BW Hanging Item Regional Champions 228th BW Hanging Item regionchamps_eon_name Team Item EON Synergy Team Item EON Synergy regionchamps_eon_desc Regional Champions EON Synergy Hanging Item Regional Champions EON Synergy Hanging Item regionchamps_ruscjf_name Team Russian CJF Team Russian CJF regionchamps_ruscjf_desc Regional Champions Russian CJF Hanging Item Regional Champions Russian CJF Hanging Item regionchamps_bs_name Team Item Black Spikes Team Item Black Spikes regionchamps_bs_desc Regional Champions Black Spikes Hanging Item Regional Champions Black Spikes Hanging Item regionchamps_lordseu_name Team Item Lords_EU Team Item Lords_EU regionchamps_lordseu_desc Regional Champions Lords_EU Hanging Item Regional Champions Lords_EU Hanging Item regionchamps_9sts_name Team Item 9STS Team Item 9STS regionchamps_9sts_desc Regional Champions 9STS Hanging Item Regional Champions 9STS Hanging Item regionchamps_228wo_name Team Item 228-WildOnes Team Item 228-WildOnes regionchamps_228wo_desc Regional Champions 228-WildOnes Hanging Item Regional Champions 228-WildOnes Hanging Item regionchamps_isrc_name Team Item ISRC Team Item ISRC regionchamps_isrc_desc Regional Champions ISRC Hanging Item Regional Champions ISRC Hanging Item regionchamps_foxtrot_name Team Item SquadFoxtrot Team Item SquadFoxtrot regionchamps_foxtrot_desc Regional Champions SquadFoxtrot Hanging Item Regional Champions SquadFoxtrot Hanging Item regionchamps_coma_name Team Item C0MA Team Item C0MA regionchamps_coma_desc Regional Champions C0MA Hanging Item Regional Champions C0MA Hanging Item atlashead_b_name Atlas Head Atlas Head atlashead_b_desc An Atlas head, featuring a Kill animation An Atlas head, featuring a Kill animation kodiakhead_b_name Kodiak Head Kodiak Head kodiakhead_b_desc A Kodiak head, featuring a Kill animation A Kodiak head, featuring a Kill animation ui_event EVENT EVENT ui_ClanFactionChat CLAN CHAT CLAN CHAT ui_InnerSphereFactionChat IS CHAT IS CHAT tt_MainMenu_ChatClanFactionTab Chat with other Clan factions Chat with other Clan factions tt_MainMenu_ChatInnerSphereFactionTab Chat with other InnerSphere factions Chat with other InnerSphere factions ui_ClanChatGreeting Welcome to Clan Chat!\nClan Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! Welcome to Clan Chat!\nClan Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! ui_InnerSphereChatGreeting Welcome to Inner Sphere Chat!\nInner Sphere Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! Welcome to Inner Sphere Chat!\nInner Sphere Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! ui_ConflictName %0 vs %1 %0 vs %1 tt_MainMenu_ChatGroup Chat with your group Chat with your group ui_social_group_chat Group Chat Group Chat ui_playgrouptype GROUP GROUP tt_SocialScreen_InviteToGroup Invite player to your current group Invite player to your current group ui_social_joingroup JOIN GROUP JOIN GROUP tt_SocialScreen_JoinGroup Join a group to play matches Join a group to play matches regionchamps_ebonk_name Team Item Ebon Keshik Team Item Ebon Keshik regionchamps_ebonk_desc Regional Champions Ebon Keshik Hanging Item Regional Champions Ebon Keshik Hanging Item HUD_Disabled_Chat Disabled Disabled kfx-pr PURIFIER PURIFIER kfx-pr_desc The personal 'Mech of Brett Andrews. The personal 'Mech of Brett Andrews. kfx-pr_short KFX-PR KFX-PR adr-cn CINDER CINDER adr-cn_desc The personal 'Mech of Dirk Radick. The personal 'Mech of Dirk Radick. adr-cn_short ADR-CN ADR-CN nva-bk BREAKER BREAKER nva-bk_desc The personal 'Mech of Mar Helmer. The personal 'Mech of Mar Helmer. nva-bk_short NVA-BK NVA-BK scr-lc LACERATOR LACERATOR scr-lc_desc The personal 'Mech of Barbara Sennet. The personal 'Mech of Barbara Sennet. scr-lc_short SCR-LC SCR-LC smn-pd PRIDE PRIDE smn-pd_desc The personal 'Mech of Aidan Pryde. The personal 'Mech of Aidan Pryde. smn-pd_short SMN-PD SMN-PD tbr-war WARRANT WARRANT tbr-war_desc The personal 'Mech of Vlad Ward. The personal 'Mech of Vlad Ward. tbr-war_short TBR-WAR TBR-WAR whk-nq NANUQ NANUQ whk-nq_desc The personal 'Mech of Hunter Tseng. The personal 'Mech of Hunter Tseng. whk-nq_short WHK-NQ WHK-NQ dwf-uv ULTRAVIOLET ULTRAVIOLET dwf-uv_desc The personal 'Mech of Jin Mehta. The personal 'Mech of Jin Mehta. dwf-uv_short DWF-UV DWF-UV omnipod_kfx-pr_head KFX-PR HEAD KFX-PR HEAD omnipod_kfx-pr_head_desc KFX-PR Head OmniPod. KFX-PR Head OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-pr_left_arm KFX-PR LEFT ARM KFX-PR LEFT ARM omnipod_kfx-pr_left_arm_desc KFX-PR Left Arm OmniPod. KFX-PR Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-pr_left_torso KFX-PR LEFT TORSO KFX-PR LEFT TORSO omnipod_kfx-pr_left_torso_desc KFX-PR Left Torso OmniPod. KFX-PR Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-pr_right_torso KFX-PR RIGHT TORSO KFX-PR RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-pr_right_torso_desc KFX-PR Right Torso OmniPod. KFX-PR Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-pr_centre_torso KFX-PR CENTER TORSO KFX-PR CENTER TORSO omnipod_kfx-pr_centre_torso_desc KFX-PR Center Torso OmniPod. KFX-PR Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-pr_right_arm KFX-PR RIGHT ARM KFX-PR RIGHT ARM omnipod_kfx-pr_right_arm_desc KFX-PR Right Arm OmniPod. KFX-PR Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-pr_left_leg KFX-PR LEFT LEG KFX-PR LEFT LEG omnipod_kfx-pr_left_leg_desc KFX-PR Left Leg OmniPod. KFX-PR Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-pr_right_leg KFX-PR RIGHT LEG KFX-PR RIGHT LEG omnipod_kfx-pr_right_leg_desc KFX-PR Right Leg OmniPod. KFX-PR Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_head ADR-CN HEAD ADR-CN HEAD omnipod_adr-cn_head_desc ADR-CN Head OmniPod. ADR-CN Head OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_left_arm ADR-CN LEFT ARM ADR-CN LEFT ARM omnipod_adr-cn_left_arm_desc ADR-CN Left Arm OmniPod. ADR-CN Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_left_torso ADR-CN LEFT TORSO ADR-CN LEFT TORSO omnipod_adr-cn_left_torso_desc ADR-CN Left Torso OmniPod. ADR-CN Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_right_torso ADR-CN RIGHT TORSO ADR-CN RIGHT TORSO omnipod_adr-cn_right_torso_desc ADR-CN Right Torso OmniPod. ADR-CN Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_centre_torso ADR-CN CENTER TORSO ADR-CN CENTER TORSO omnipod_adr-cn_centre_torso_desc ADR-CN Center Torso OmniPod. ADR-CN Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_right_arm ADR-CN RIGHT ARM ADR-CN RIGHT ARM omnipod_adr-cn_right_arm_desc ADR-CN Right Arm OmniPod. ADR-CN Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_left_leg ADR-CN LEFT LEG ADR-CN LEFT LEG omnipod_adr-cn_left_leg_desc ADR-CN Left Leg OmniPod. ADR-CN Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_adr-cn_right_leg ADR-CN RIGHT LEG ADR-CN RIGHT LEG omnipod_adr-cn_right_leg_desc ADR-CN Right Leg OmniPod. ADR-CN Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_head NVA-BK HEAD NVA-BK HEAD omnipod_nva-bk_head_desc NVA-BK Head OmniPod. NVA-BK Head OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_left_arm NVA-BK LEFT ARM NVA-BK LEFT ARM omnipod_nva-bk_left_arm_desc NVA-BK Left Arm OmniPod. NVA-BK Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_left_torso NVA-BK LEFT TORSO NVA-BK LEFT TORSO omnipod_nva-bk_left_torso_desc NVA-BK Left Torso OmniPod. NVA-BK Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_right_torso NVA-BK RIGHT TORSO NVA-BK RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nva-bk_right_torso_desc NVA-BK Right Torso OmniPod. NVA-BK Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_centre_torso NVA-BK CENTER TORSO NVA-BK CENTER TORSO omnipod_nva-bk_centre_torso_desc NVA-BK Center Torso OmniPod. NVA-BK Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_right_arm NVA-BK RIGHT ARM NVA-BK RIGHT ARM omnipod_nva-bk_right_arm_desc NVA-BK Right Arm OmniPod. NVA-BK Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_left_leg NVA-BK LEFT LEG NVA-BK LEFT LEG omnipod_nva-bk_left_leg_desc NVA-BK Left Leg OmniPod. NVA-BK Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nva-bk_right_leg NVA-BK RIGHT LEG NVA-BK RIGHT LEG omnipod_nva-bk_right_leg_desc NVA-BK Right Leg OmniPod. NVA-BK Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_head SCR-LC HEAD SCR-LC HEAD omnipod_scr-lc_head_desc SCR-LC Head OmniPod. SCR-LC Head OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_left_arm SCR-LC LEFT ARM SCR-LC LEFT ARM omnipod_scr-lc_left_arm_desc SCR-LC Left Arm OmniPod. SCR-LC Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_left_torso SCR-LC LEFT TORSO SCR-LC LEFT TORSO omnipod_scr-lc_left_torso_desc SCR-LC Left Torso OmniPod. SCR-LC Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_right_torso SCR-LC RIGHT TORSO SCR-LC RIGHT TORSO omnipod_scr-lc_right_torso_desc SCR-LC Right Torso OmniPod. SCR-LC Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_centre_torso SCR-LC CENTER TORSO SCR-LC CENTER TORSO omnipod_scr-lc_centre_torso_desc SCR-LC Center Torso OmniPod. SCR-LC Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_right_arm SCR-LC RIGHT ARM SCR-LC RIGHT ARM omnipod_scr-lc_right_arm_desc SCR-LC Right Arm OmniPod. SCR-LC Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_left_leg SCR-LC LEFT LEG SCR-LC LEFT LEG omnipod_scr-lc_left_leg_desc SCR-LC Left Leg OmniPod. SCR-LC Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_scr-lc_right_leg SCR-LC RIGHT LEG SCR-LC RIGHT LEG omnipod_scr-lc_right_leg_desc SCR-LC Right Leg OmniPod. SCR-LC Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_head SMN-PD HEAD SMN-PD HEAD omnipod_smn-pd_head_desc SMN-PD Head OmniPod. SMN-PD Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_left_arm SMN-PD LEFT ARM SMN-PD LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-pd_left_arm_desc SMN-PD Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-PD Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_left_torso SMN-PD LEFT TORSO SMN-PD LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-pd_left_torso_desc SMN-PD Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-PD Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_right_torso SMN-PD RIGHT TORSO SMN-PD RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-pd_right_torso_desc SMN-PD Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-PD Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_centre_torso SMN-PD CENTER TORSO SMN-PD CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-pd_centre_torso_desc SMN-PD Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-PD Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_right_arm SMN-PD RIGHT ARM SMN-PD RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-pd_right_arm_desc SMN-PD Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-PD Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_left_leg SMN-PD LEFT LEG SMN-PD LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-pd_left_leg_desc SMN-PD Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-PD Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-pd_right_leg SMN-PD RIGHT LEG SMN-PD RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-pd_right_leg_desc SMN-PD Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-PD Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_head TBR-WAR HEAD TBR-WAR HEAD omnipod_tbr-war_head_desc TBR-WAR Head OmniPod. TBR-WAR Head OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_left_arm TBR-WAR LEFT ARM TBR-WAR LEFT ARM omnipod_tbr-war_left_arm_desc TBR-WAR Left Arm OmniPod. TBR-WAR Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_left_torso TBR-WAR LEFT TORSO TBR-WAR LEFT TORSO omnipod_tbr-war_left_torso_desc TBR-WAR Left Torso OmniPod. TBR-WAR Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_right_torso TBR-WAR RIGHT TORSO TBR-WAR RIGHT TORSO omnipod_tbr-war_right_torso_desc TBR-WAR Right Torso OmniPod. TBR-WAR Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_centre_torso TBR-WAR CENTER TORSO TBR-WAR CENTER TORSO omnipod_tbr-war_centre_torso_desc TBR-WAR Center Torso OmniPod. TBR-WAR Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_right_arm TBR-WAR RIGHT ARM TBR-WAR RIGHT ARM omnipod_tbr-war_right_arm_desc TBR-WAR Right Arm OmniPod. TBR-WAR Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_left_leg TBR-WAR LEFT LEG TBR-WAR LEFT LEG omnipod_tbr-war_left_leg_desc TBR-WAR Left Leg OmniPod. TBR-WAR Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-war_right_leg TBR-WAR RIGHT LEG TBR-WAR RIGHT LEG omnipod_tbr-war_right_leg_desc TBR-WAR Right Leg OmniPod. TBR-WAR Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_head WHK-NQ HEAD WHK-NQ HEAD omnipod_whk-nq_head_desc WHK-NQ Head OmniPod. WHK-NQ Head OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_left_arm WHK-NQ LEFT ARM WHK-NQ LEFT ARM omnipod_whk-nq_left_arm_desc WHK-NQ Left Arm OmniPod. WHK-NQ Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_left_torso WHK-NQ LEFT TORSO WHK-NQ LEFT TORSO omnipod_whk-nq_left_torso_desc WHK-NQ Left Torso OmniPod. WHK-NQ Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_right_torso WHK-NQ RIGHT TORSO WHK-NQ RIGHT TORSO omnipod_whk-nq_right_torso_desc WHK-NQ Right Torso OmniPod. WHK-NQ Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_centre_torso WHK-NQ CENTER TORSO WHK-NQ CENTER TORSO omnipod_whk-nq_centre_torso_desc WHK-NQ Center Torso OmniPod. WHK-NQ Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_right_arm WHK-NQ RIGHT ARM WHK-NQ RIGHT ARM omnipod_whk-nq_right_arm_desc WHK-NQ Right Arm OmniPod. WHK-NQ Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_left_leg WHK-NQ LEFT LEG WHK-NQ LEFT LEG omnipod_whk-nq_left_leg_desc WHK-NQ Left Leg OmniPod. WHK-NQ Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_whk-nq_right_leg WHK-NQ RIGHT LEG WHK-NQ RIGHT LEG omnipod_whk-nq_right_leg_desc WHK-NQ Right Leg OmniPod. WHK-NQ Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_head DWF-UV HEAD DWF-UV HEAD omnipod_dwf-uv_head_desc DWF-UV Head OmniPod. DWF-UV Head OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_left_arm DWF-UV LEFT ARM DWF-UV LEFT ARM omnipod_dwf-uv_left_arm_desc DWF-UV Left Arm OmniPod. DWF-UV Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_left_torso DWF-UV LEFT TORSO DWF-UV LEFT TORSO omnipod_dwf-uv_left_torso_desc DWF-UV Left Torso OmniPod. DWF-UV Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_right_torso DWF-UV RIGHT TORSO DWF-UV RIGHT TORSO omnipod_dwf-uv_right_torso_desc DWF-UV Right Torso OmniPod. DWF-UV Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_centre_torso DWF-UV CENTER TORSO DWF-UV CENTER TORSO omnipod_dwf-uv_centre_torso_desc DWF-UV Center Torso OmniPod. DWF-UV Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_right_arm DWF-UV RIGHT ARM DWF-UV RIGHT ARM omnipod_dwf-uv_right_arm_desc DWF-UV Right Arm OmniPod. DWF-UV Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_left_leg DWF-UV LEFT LEG DWF-UV LEFT LEG omnipod_dwf-uv_left_leg_desc DWF-UV Left Leg OmniPod. DWF-UV Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-uv_right_leg DWF-UV RIGHT LEG DWF-UV RIGHT LEG omnipod_dwf-uv_right_leg_desc DWF-UV Right Leg OmniPod. DWF-UV Right Leg OmniPod. emechmodel_linebacker LINEBACKER LINEBACKER linebacker LINEBACKER LINEBACKER lbk-primes LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME(S) LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME(S) lbk-primes_desc LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME(S) description LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME(S) lbk-primes_short LBK-PRIME(S) LBK-PRIME(S) lbk-prime LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME lbk-prime_desc LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME description LINEBACKER LBK-PRIME lbk-prime_short LBK-PRIME LBK-PRIME lbk-a LINEBACKER LBK-A LINEBACKER LBK-A lbk-a_desc LINEBACKER LBK-A description LINEBACKER LBK-A lbk-a_short LBK-A LBK-A lbk-b LINEBACKER LBK-B LINEBACKER LBK-B lbk-b_desc LINEBACKER LBK-B description LINEBACKER LBK-B lbk-b_short LBK-B LBK-B lbk-c LINEBACKER LBK-C LINEBACKER LBK-C lbk-c_desc LINEBACKER LBK-C description LINEBACKER LBK-C lbk-c_short LBK-C LBK-C lbk-d LINEBACKER LBK-D LINEBACKER LBK-D lbk-d_desc LINEBACKER LBK-D description LINEBACKER LBK-D lbk-d_short LBK-D LBK-D lbk-rl REDLINE REDLINE lbk-rl_desc The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Shistu Sradac The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Shistu Sradac lbk-rl_short LBK-RL LBK-RL omnipod_lbk-prime_head LBK-PRIME HEAD LBK-PRIME HEAD omnipod_lbk-prime_head_desc LBK-PRIME Head OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-prime_left_arm LBK-PRIME LEFT ARM LBK-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_lbk-prime_left_arm_desc LBK-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-prime_left_torso LBK-PRIME LEFT TORSO LBK-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_lbk-prime_left_torso_desc LBK-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-prime_right_torso LBK-PRIME RIGHT TORSO LBK-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_lbk-prime_right_torso_desc LBK-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-prime_centre_torso LBK-PRIME CENTER TORSO LBK-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_lbk-prime_centre_torso_desc LBK-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-prime_right_arm LBK-PRIME RIGHT ARM LBK-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_lbk-prime_right_arm_desc LBK-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-prime_left_leg LBK-PRIME LEFT LEG LBK-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_lbk-prime_left_leg_desc LBK-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-prime_right_leg LBK-PRIME RIGHT LEG LBK-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_lbk-prime_right_leg_desc LBK-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. LBK-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_head LBK-A HEAD LBK-A HEAD omnipod_lbk-a_head_desc LBK-A Head OmniPod. LBK-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_left_arm LBK-A LEFT ARM LBK-A LEFT ARM omnipod_lbk-a_left_arm_desc LBK-A Left Arm OmniPod. LBK-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_left_torso LBK-A LEFT TORSO LBK-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_lbk-a_left_torso_desc LBK-A Left Torso OmniPod. LBK-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_right_torso LBK-A RIGHT TORSO LBK-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_lbk-a_right_torso_desc LBK-A Right Torso OmniPod. LBK-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_centre_torso LBK-A CENTER TORSO LBK-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_lbk-a_centre_torso_desc LBK-A Center Torso OmniPod. LBK-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_right_arm LBK-A RIGHT ARM LBK-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_lbk-a_right_arm_desc LBK-A Right Arm OmniPod. LBK-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_left_leg LBK-A LEFT LEG LBK-A LEFT LEG omnipod_lbk-a_left_leg_desc LBK-A Left Leg OmniPod. LBK-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-a_right_leg LBK-A RIGHT LEG LBK-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_lbk-a_right_leg_desc LBK-A Right Leg OmniPod. LBK-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_head LBK-B HEAD LBK-B HEAD omnipod_lbk-b_head_desc LBK-B Head OmniPod. LBK-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_left_arm LBK-B LEFT ARM LBK-B LEFT ARM omnipod_lbk-b_left_arm_desc LBK-B Left Arm OmniPod. LBK-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_left_torso LBK-B LEFT TORSO LBK-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_lbk-b_left_torso_desc LBK-B Left Torso OmniPod. LBK-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_right_torso LBK-B RIGHT TORSO LBK-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_lbk-b_right_torso_desc LBK-B Right Torso OmniPod. LBK-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_centre_torso LBK-B CENTER TORSO LBK-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_lbk-b_centre_torso_desc LBK-B Center Torso OmniPod. LBK-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_right_arm LBK-B RIGHT ARM LBK-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_lbk-b_right_arm_desc LBK-B Right Arm OmniPod. LBK-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_left_leg LBK-B LEFT LEG LBK-B LEFT LEG omnipod_lbk-b_left_leg_desc LBK-B Left Leg OmniPod. LBK-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-b_right_leg LBK-B RIGHT LEG LBK-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_lbk-b_right_leg_desc LBK-B Right Leg OmniPod. LBK-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_head LBK-C HEAD LBK-C HEAD omnipod_lbk-c_head_desc LBK-C Head OmniPod. LBK-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_left_arm LBK-C LEFT ARM LBK-C LEFT ARM omnipod_lbk-c_left_arm_desc LBK-C Left Arm OmniPod. LBK-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_left_torso LBK-C LEFT TORSO LBK-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_lbk-c_left_torso_desc LBK-C Left Torso OmniPod. LBK-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_right_torso LBK-C RIGHT TORSO LBK-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_lbk-c_right_torso_desc LBK-C Right Torso OmniPod. LBK-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_centre_torso LBK-C CENTER TORSO LBK-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_lbk-c_centre_torso_desc LBK-C Center Torso OmniPod. LBK-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_right_arm LBK-C RIGHT ARM LBK-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_lbk-c_right_arm_desc LBK-C Right Arm OmniPod. LBK-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_left_leg LBK-C LEFT LEG LBK-C LEFT LEG omnipod_lbk-c_left_leg_desc LBK-C Left Leg OmniPod. LBK-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-c_right_leg LBK-C RIGHT LEG LBK-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_lbk-c_right_leg_desc LBK-C Right Leg OmniPod. LBK-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_head LBK-D HEAD LBK-D HEAD omnipod_lbk-d_head_desc LBK-D Head OmniPod. LBK-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_left_arm LBK-D LEFT ARM LBK-D LEFT ARM omnipod_lbk-d_left_arm_desc LBK-D Left Arm OmniPod. LBK-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_left_torso LBK-D LEFT TORSO LBK-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_lbk-d_left_torso_desc LBK-D Left Torso OmniPod. LBK-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_right_torso LBK-D RIGHT TORSO LBK-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_lbk-d_right_torso_desc LBK-D Right Torso OmniPod. LBK-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_centre_torso LBK-D CENTER TORSO LBK-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_lbk-d_centre_torso_desc LBK-D Center Torso OmniPod. LBK-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_right_arm LBK-D RIGHT ARM LBK-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_lbk-d_right_arm_desc LBK-D Right Arm OmniPod. LBK-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_left_leg LBK-D LEFT LEG LBK-D LEFT LEG omnipod_lbk-d_left_leg_desc LBK-D Left Leg OmniPod. LBK-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-d_right_leg LBK-D RIGHT LEG LBK-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_lbk-d_right_leg_desc LBK-D Right Leg OmniPod. LBK-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_head LBK-RL HEAD LBK-RL HEAD omnipod_lbk-rl_head_desc LBK-RL Head OmniPod. LBK-RL Head OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_left_arm LBK-RL LEFT ARM LBK-RL LEFT ARM omnipod_lbk-rl_left_arm_desc LBK-RL Left Arm OmniPod. LBK-RL Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_left_torso LBK-RL LEFT TORSO LBK-RL LEFT TORSO omnipod_lbk-rl_left_torso_desc LBK-RL Left Torso OmniPod. LBK-RL Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_right_torso LBK-RL RIGHT TORSO LBK-RL RIGHT TORSO omnipod_lbk-rl_right_torso_desc LBK-RL Right Torso OmniPod. LBK-RL Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_centre_torso LBK-RL CENTER TORSO LBK-RL CENTER TORSO omnipod_lbk-rl_centre_torso_desc LBK-RL Center Torso OmniPod. LBK-RL Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_right_arm LBK-RL RIGHT ARM LBK-RL RIGHT ARM omnipod_lbk-rl_right_arm_desc LBK-RL Right Arm OmniPod. LBK-RL Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_left_leg LBK-RL LEFT LEG LBK-RL LEFT LEG omnipod_lbk-rl_left_leg_desc LBK-RL Left Leg OmniPod. LBK-RL Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-rl_right_leg LBK-RL RIGHT LEG LBK-RL RIGHT LEG omnipod_lbk-rl_right_leg_desc LBK-RL Right Leg OmniPod. LBK-RL Right Leg OmniPod. ui_RetrievingDetails Retrieving details Retrieving details ui_Decal_0_01_number_fill NUMBER - 0 NUMBER - 0 ui_Decal_1_01_number_fill NUMBER - 1 NUMBER - 1 ui_Decal_2_01_number_fill NUMBER - 2 NUMBER - 2 ui_Decal_3_01_number_fill NUMBER - 3 NUMBER - 3 ui_Decal_4_01_number_fill NUMBER - 4 NUMBER - 4 ui_Decal_5_01_number_fill NUMBER - 5 NUMBER - 5 ui_Decal_6_01_number_fill NUMBER - 6 NUMBER - 6 ui_Decal_7_01_number_fill NUMBER - 7 NUMBER - 7 ui_Decal_8_01_number_fill NUMBER - 8 NUMBER - 8 ui_Decal_9_01_number_fill Number - 9 Number - 9 ui_Decal_alphastrike_01_word_clr ALPHA STRIKE ALPHA STRIKE ui_Decal_aluminum_sym_01_clr ALUMINUM SYMBOL ALUMINUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_a_01_letter_fill LETTER A LETTER A ui_Decal_barium_sym_01_clr BARIUM SYMBOL BARIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_beryllium_sym_01_clr BERYLLIUM SYMBOL BERYLLIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_b_01_letter_fill LETTER B LETTER B ui_Decal_calcium_sym_01_clr CALCIUM SYMBOL CALCIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_carbon_sym_01_clr CARBON SYMBOL CARBON SYMBOL ui_Decal_c_01_letter_fill LETTER C LETTER C ui_Decal_davion_01_word_clr WORD - DAVION WORD - DAVION ui_Decal_dummy_01_sign_clr DUMMY SIGN DUMMY SIGN ui_Decal_d_01_letter_fill LETTER D LETTER D ui_Decal_e_01_letter_fill LETTER E LETTER E ui_Decal_frr_01_word_clr WORD - FRR WORD - FRR ui_Decal_f_01_letter_fill LETTER F LETTER F ui_Decal_ghostbear_01_word_clr WORD - GHOST BEAR WORD - GHOST BEAR ui_Decal_g_01_letter_fill LETTER G LETTER G ui_Decal_hazard_01_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #1 HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #1 ui_Decal_hazard_02_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #2 HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #2 ui_Decal_hazard_03_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #3 HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #3 ui_Decal_hazard_04_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #4 HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #4 ui_Decal_hazard_05_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #5 HAZARD SIGN - DIAGONAL LINE #5 ui_Decal_hazard_06_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #1 HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #1 ui_Decal_hazard_07_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #2 HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #2 ui_Decal_hazard_08_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #3 HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #3 ui_Decal_hazard_09_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #4 HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #4 ui_Decal_hazard_10_sign_clr HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #5 HAZARD SIGN - ARROW #5 ui_Decal_hydrogen_sym_01_clr HYDROGEN SYMBOL HYDROGEN SYMBOL ui_Decal_h_01_letter_fill LETTER H LETTER H ui_Decal_i_01_letter_fill LETTER I LETTER I ui_Decal_jadefalcon_01_word_clr WORD - JADE FALCON WORD - JADE FALCON ui_Decal_j_01_letter_fill LETTER J LETTER J ui_Decal_kurita_01_word_clr WORD - KURITA WORD - KURITA ui_Decal_k_01_letter_fill LETTER K LETTER K ui_Decal_liao_01_word_clr WORD - LIAO WORD - LIAO ui_Decal_l_01_letter_fill LETTER L LETTER L ui_Decal_magnesium_sym_01_clr MAGNESIUM SYMBOL MAGNESIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_marik_01_word_clr WORD - MARIK WORD - MARIK ui_Decal_mercury_sym_01_clr MERCURY SYMBOL MERCURY SYMBOL ui_Decal_m_01_letter_fill LETTER M LETTER M ui_Decal_nitrogen_sym_01_clr NITROGEN SYMBOL NITROGEN SYMBOL ui_Decal_nostep_01_sign_clr NO STEP SIGN NO STEP SIGN ui_Decal_oxygen_sym_01_clr OXYGEN SYMBOL OXYGEN SYMBOL ui_Decal_n_01_letter_fill LETTER N LETTER N ui_Decal_o_01_letter_fill LETTER O LETTER O ui_Decal_phosphorous_sym_01_clr PHOSPHOROUS SYMBOL PHOSPHOROUS SYMBOL ui_Decal_potassium_sym_01_clr POTASSIUM SYMBOL POTASSIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_p_01_letter_fill LETTER P LETTER P ui_Decal_q_01_letter_fill LETTER Q LETTER Q ui_Decal_r_01_letter_fill LETTER R LETTER R ui_Decal_silicon_sym_01_clr SILICON SYMBOL SILICON SYMBOL ui_Decal_smokejaguar_01_word_clr WORD - SMOKE JAGUAR WORD - SMOKE JAGUAR ui_Decal_sodium_sym_01_clr SODIUM SYMBOL SODIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_steiner_01_word_clr WORD - STEINER WORD - STEINER ui_Decal_strontium_sym_01_clr STRONTIUM SYMBOL STRONTIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_sulphur_sym_01_clr SULPHUR SYMBOL SULPHUR SYMBOL ui_Decal_s_01_letter_fill LETTER S LETTER S ui_Decal_t_01_letter_fill LETTER T LETTER T ui_Decal_u_01_letter_fill LETTER U LETTER U ui_Decal_v_01_letter_fill LETTER V LETTER V ui_Decal_wideload_01_sign_clr WIDE LOAD SIGN WIDE LOAD SIGN ui_Decal_wolf_01_word_clr WORD - WOLF WORD - WOLF ui_Decal_w_01_letter_fill LETTER W LETTER W ui_Decal_x_01_letter_fill LETTER X LETTER X ui_Decal_yttrium_sym_01_clr YTTRIUM SYMBOL YTTRIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_y_01_letter_fill LETTER Y LETTER Y ui_Decal_zirconium_sym_01_clr ZIRCONIUM SYMBOL ZIRCONIUM SYMBOL ui_Decal_z_01_letter_fill LETTER Z LETTER Z ui_Decal_15thdracon_factions_std 15TH DRACON REGIMENT 15TH DRACON REGIMENT ui_Decal_blackheartroses_factions_std BLACK HEART ROSES BLACK HEART ROSES ui_Decal_brionslegion_factions_std BRION'S LEGION BRION'S LEGION ui_Decal_cliftonsrangers_factions_std CLIFTON'S RANGERS CLIFTON'S RANGERS ui_Decal_dioscuri_factions_std THE DIOSCURI THE DIOSCURI ui_Decal_dismaldisinherited_factions_std DISMAL DISINHERITED DISMAL DISINHERITED ui_Decal_dragonsbreath_factions_std DRAGON'S BREATH DRAGON'S BREATH ui_Decal_federatedfreemen_factions_std FEDERATED FREEMEN FEDERATED FREEMEN ui_Decal_garmoredcavalry_factions_std GORDON'S ARMORED CAVALRY GORDON'S ARMORED CAVALRY ui_Decal_greenburgsgodzillas_factions_std GREENBURG'S GODZILLAS GREENBURG'S GODZILLAS ui_Decal_greggslongstriders_factions_std GREGG'S LONG STRIDERS GREGG'S LONG STRIDERS ui_Decal_harcourtsdestructors_factions_std HARCOURTS DESTRUCTORS HARCOURTS DESTRUCTORS ui_Decal_killerbees_factions_std KILLER BEES KILLER BEES ui_Decal_knightsofstcameron_factions_std KNIGHTS OF ST. CAMERON KNIGHTS OF ST. CAMERON ui_Decal_langendorflancers_factions_std LANGENDORF LANCERS LANGENDORF LANCERS ui_Decal_simonsonscutthroats_factions_std SIMONSON'S CUTTHROATS SIMONSON'S CUTTHROATS ui_Decal_stealthytigers_factions_std THE STEALTHY TIGERS THE STEALTHY TIGERS ui_Decal_swannscavaliers_factions_std SWANN'S CAVALIERS SWANN'S CAVALIERS ui_Decal_thumpers_factions_std THUMPERS THUMPERS ui_Decal_widowmakers_factions_std WANNAMAKER'S WIDOWMAKERS WANNAMAKER'S WIDOWMAKERS ui_SetDefaultPublicDropDeck Default Public Drop Deck Default Public Drop Deck ui_SetDefaultScoutingDropDeck Default Scouting Drop Deck Default Scouting Drop Deck ui_SetDefaultInvasionDropDeck Default Invasion Drop Deck Default Invasion Drop Deck ui_title_LinebackerStand The Defender The Defender ui_title_LinebackerColl The Kicker The Kicker ui_title_LinebackerStand_desc Linebacker Standard Title Linebacker Standard Title ui_title_LinebackerColl_desc Linebacker Collectors Title Linebacker Collectors Title footballhelmets_name Football Helmets Football Helmets footballhelmets_desc Rear View Mirror Football Helmets Hanging Item Rear View Mirror Football Helmets Hanging Item SpeakerRadial Radial Warhorn Radial Warhorn SpeakerRadial_desc Radial Warhorn Mounted Item Radial Warhorn Mounted Item redlinehelmet_name Redline Helmet Redline Helmet redlinehelmet_desc Redline Racing Helmet Standing Item Redline Racing Helmet Standing Item wolfjaw_name Wolf's Jawbone Wolf's Jawbone wolfjaw_desc Wolf's Jawbone Hanging Item Wolf's Jawbone Hanging Item postcard_name WC 2016 Postcard WC 2016 Postcard postcard_desc MWOWC 2016 participation postcard from Canyon Network MWOWC 2016 participation postcard from Canyon Network ui_Decal_3rdreconcoelh_factions_std 3RD RECON 3RD RECON ui_ISShort IS IS ui_EndsIn Ends In: Ends In: pnt-10ks PANTHER PNT-10K(S) PANTHER PNT-10K(S) pnt-10ks_desc PANTHER PNT-10K(S) description PANTHER PNT-10K(S) pnt-10ks_short PNT-10K(S) PNT-10K(S) mlx-primes MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(S) MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(S) mlx-primes_desc MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(S) description MIST LYNX MLX-PRIME(S) mlx-primes_short MLX-PRIME(S) MLX-PRIME(S) crb-27bs CRAB CRB-27B(S) CRAB CRB-27B(S) crb-27bs_desc CRAB CRB-27B(S) description CRAB CRB-27B(S) crb-27bs_short CRB-27B(S) CRB-27B(S) shc-primes SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(S) SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(S) shc-primes_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(S) description SHADOW CAT SHC-PRIME(S) shc-primes_short SHC-PRIME(S) SHC-PRIME(S) ghr-5hs GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(S) GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(S) ghr-5hs_desc GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(S) description GRASSHOPPER GHR-5H(S) ghr-5hs_short GHR-5H(S) GHR-5H(S) ebj-primes EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(S) EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(S) ebj-primes_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(S) description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-PRIME(S) ebj-primes_short EBJ-PRIME(S) EBJ-PRIME(S) zeu-6ts ZEUS ZEU-6T(S) ZEUS ZEU-6T(S) zeu-6ts_desc ZEUS ZEU-6T(S) description ZEUS ZEU-6T(S) zeu-6ts_short ZEU-6T(S) ZEU-6T(S) whk-cs WARHAWK WHK-C(S) WARHAWK WHK-C(S) whk-cs_desc WARHAWK WHK-C(S) description WARHAWK WHK-C(S) whk-cs_short WHK-C(S) WHK-C(S) ui_letters LETTERS LETTERS ui_numbers NUMBERS NUMBERS ui_signs SIGNAGE AND ICONS SIGNAGE AND ICONS ui_symbols SYMBOLS SYMBOLS ui_words WORDS WORDS ui_ISCaptureThresholdTitle IS Capture Threshold IS Capture Threshold ui_ClanCaptureThresholdTitle Clan Capture Threshold Clan Capture Threshold ui_ISCaptureThresholdDesc If the Inner Sphere has control past this point at the end of the conflict phase, they will seize the contested Clan planets. If the Inner Sphere has control past this point at the end of the conflict phase, they will seize the contested Clan planets. ui_ClanCaptureThresholdDesc If the Clans have control past this point at the end of the conflict phase, they will seize the contested Inner Sphere planets. If the Clans have control past this point at the end of the conflict phase, they will seize the contested Inner Sphere planets. ui_FightNow Fight Now Fight Now ui_ScoutNow Scout Now Scout Now ui_CaptureThresholdTitle %0 Capture Threshold %0 Capture Threshold ui_CaptureThresholdDesc If %0 pushes forward past this point, they will take %1 planets at the end of the conflict phase. If %0 pushes forward past this point, they will take %1 planets at the end of the conflict phase. ui_SmokeJaguar_Short Smoke Jaguar Smoke Jaguar ui_JadeFalcon_Short Jade Falcon Jade Falcon ui_Wolf_Short Wolf Wolf ui_GhostBear_Short Ghost Bear Ghost Bear ui_Mission Mission Mission ui_Percent Percent Percent ui_Next Next Next ui_Prev Previous Previous ui_GM_Scouting Scouting Scouting ui_GM_Invasion Siege Siege ui_Decal_228thbw_champion_std 228TH BW - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 228TH BW - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_228thwildones_champion_std 228-WILDONES - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 228-WILDONES - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_9sts_champion_std 9STS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 9STS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_blackspikes_champion_std BLACK SPIKES - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 BLACK SPIKES - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_c0ma_champion_std C0MA - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 C0MA - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_empyreal_champion_std EMPYREAL - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 EMPYREAL - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_eonsynergy_champion_std EON SYNERGY - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 EON SYNERGY - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_isrc_champion_std ISRC - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ISRC - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_lordseu_champion_std LORDS_EU - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 LORDS_EU - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_lordsna_champion_std LORDS_NA - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 LORDS_NA - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_russiancjf_champion_std RUSSIAN CJF - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 RUSSIAN CJF - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_squadfoxtrot_champion_std SQUADFOXTROT - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 SQUADFOXTROT - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_steeljaguar_champion_std STEEL JAGUAR - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 STEEL JAGUAR - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_stormjaguar_champion_std STORM JAGUAR - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 STORM JAGUAR - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_ek_champion_std EBON KESHIK - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 EBON KESHIK - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_256bearcav_champion_std 256 BEAR CAV - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 256 BEAR CAV - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_54thtsunami_champion_std 54TH TSUNAMI - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 54TH TSUNAMI - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_angrybears_champion_std ANGRY BEARS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ANGRY BEARS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_armd_champion_std ARMD - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ARMD - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_d5_champion_std -D5- - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 -D5- - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_isengrim_champion_std ISENGRIM - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ISENGRIM - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_kbkpboys_champion_std KBKP BOYS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 KBKP BOYS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_kcom_champion_std KCOM - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 KCOM - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_msredshirts_champion_std MS REDSHIRTS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 MS REDSHIRTS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_rcgb_champion_std RCGB - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 RCGB - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_sig_champion_std -SIG- - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 -SIG- - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_smokeadders_champion_std SMOKE ADDERS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 SMOKE ADDERS - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_tier9_champion_std TIER9 - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 TIER9 - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_wdmc_champion_std WDMC - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 WDMC - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_331strbmd_champion_std 331ST-RBMD - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 331ST-RBMD - WC 2016 - REGIONAL TOP 10 ui_Decal_dsarangers_champion_std DSA RANGERS - WC 2016 DSA RANGERS - WC 2016 time_d d d Days in timestamp time_h h h time_m m m Minutes in timestamp time_s s s Secondss in timestamp ui_ChooseCareerForContract Choose a career to take on a contract Choose a career to take on a contract ui_ChooseCareerDesc Become a Mercenary to take on contracts. Become a Mercenary to take on contracts. ui_WarLog War Log War Log ui_ClanDetails Clan Details Clan Details ui_InnerSphereDetails IS Details IS Details ui_GotoEmployment Choose Contract Choose Contract ui_UnableToSellMech_Item Unable to sell 'Mech because equipped item '%0' cannot be sold. Please unequip this item and then try again Unable to sell 'Mech because equipped item '%0' cannot be sold. Please unequip this item and then try again ui_noconfiguremech You may view and edit equipment on this 'Mech, but no changes may be saved. You may view and edit equipment on this 'Mech, but no changes may be saved. ui_SelectTeam Select Side Select Side ui_vote Vote Vote ui_ChooseContract Choose Mercenary Contract Choose Mercenary Contract ui_ChooseContractDesc Take on a mercenary contract with one of the factions. Take on a mercenary contract with one of the factions. ui_choosefaction View\nFactions View\nFactions innersphere_long_history From the remnants of the once unified Star League, six Great Houses make up what is known as the Inner Sphere. Each of the Great Houses has ties to different cultures and nations from its Earthbound past. \n\nA far cry from the prosperity and relative peace of their days in the Star League, the great houses have been embroiled in centuries of endless war and infighting. \n\nPressured by the Clan Invasion, the Great Houses must form an uneasy alliance under their shared Inner Sphere banner in order to push back the ceaseless invaders. From the remnants of the once unified Star League, six Great Houses make up what is known as the Inner Sphere. Each of the Great Houses has ties to different cultures and nations from its Earthbound past. \n\nA far cry from the prosperity and relative peace of their days in the Star League, the great houses have been embroiled in centuries of endless war and infighting. \n\nPressured by the Clan Invasion, the Great Houses must form an uneasy alliance under their shared Inner Sphere banner in order to push back the ceaseless invaders. clan_long_history After patiently waiting in the depths of space, the Clans have emerged from the darkness to pounce upon the Inner Sphere. After embarking on a self-imposed exile, the Star League Defense Force, their descendants have emerged in the forms of the Clans. \n\nDriven by generations of genetic alteration and a warlike society, the Clans have transformed themselves into a vicous tribe of warriors. Fueled by their desire to establish their genetic supremacy over the Inner Sphere, the Clans won't stop until they've achieved their ultimate goal. After patiently waiting in the depths of space, the Clans have emerged from the darkness to pounce upon the Inner Sphere. After embarking on a self-imposed exile, the Star League Defense Force, their descendants have emerged in the forms of the Clans. \n\nDriven by generations of genetic alteration and a warlike society, the Clans have transformed themselves into a vicous tribe of warriors. Fueled by their desire to establish their genetic supremacy over the Inner Sphere, the Clans won't stop until they've achieved their ultimate goal. tt_FactionScreen_SelectTeamBannerSelect Click to view details of this side Click to view details of this side ui_InnerSphere_Desc An uneasy alliance working to push back a new threat. An uneasy alliance working to push back a new threat. ui_Clan_Desc Warlike tribes hellbent on conquering the Inner Sphere. Warlike tribes hellbent on conquering the Inner Sphere. clansidearm_name Clan Sidearm Clan Sidearm clansidearm_desc Clan Sidearm Standing Item Clan Sidearm Standing Item egm_escort ESCORT ESCORT ui_escort ESCORT ESCORT ui_escort_rules ATTACKER WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE VIP 'MECH\n • PREVENT THE VIP 'MECH FROM REACHING THE EXTRACTION POINT IN TIME\n DEFENDER WIN CONDITIONS:\n • ENSURE THE VIP 'MECH REACHES THE EXTRACTION POINT IN TIME \n ATTACKER WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE VIP 'MECH\n • PREVENT THE VIP 'MECH FROM REACHING THE EXTRACTION POINT IN TIME\n DEFENDER WIN CONDITIONS:\n • ENSURE THE VIP 'MECH REACHES THE EXTRACTION POINT IN TIME \n hud_escort_defend PROTECT THE VIP 'MECH UNTIL IT REACHES THE EXTRACTION POINT PROTECT THE VIP 'MECH UNTIL IT REACHES THE EXTRACTION POINT hud_escort_health VIP 'MECH HEALTH VIP 'MECH HEALTH as7-d-dc-escort ATLAS AS7-D-DC ATLAS AS7-D-DC hud_escort_target_damaged VIP UNDER ATTACK VIP UNDER ATTACK hud_escort_attack FIND AND DESTROY THE VIP 'MECH BEFORE IT REACHES THE EXTRACTION POINT FIND AND DESTROY THE VIP 'MECH BEFORE IT REACHES THE EXTRACTION POINT hud_capturing CAPTURING CAPTURING hud_neutralizing NEUTRALIZING NEUTRALIZING escortspawnerpilot VIP 'MECH VIP 'MECH hud_vip_mech_health VIP 'MECH HEALTH VIP 'MECH HEALTH ui_EscortSpawner_01_Spawn VIP 'MECH VIP 'MECH hud_CT CT CT hud_RT RT RT hud_LT LT LT hud_LA LA LA hud_RA RA RA hud_LL LL LL hud_RL RL RL hud_H H H VipMechName VIP 'MECH VIP 'MECH ui_NoData Insufficient Data Insufficient Data AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON hud_CaptureComplete CAPTURE COMPLETE CAPTURE COMPLETE ui_Decal_blackwidowco_factions_std BLACK WIDOW COMPANY BLACK WIDOW COMPANY ui_Decal_elh151lighthorse_factions_std ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE - 151ST LIGHT HORSE ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE - 151ST LIGHT HORSE ui_Decal_elh21ststriker_factions_std ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE - 21ST STRIKER ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE - 21ST STRIKER ui_Decal_elh71stlighthorse_factions_std ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE - 71ST LIGHT HORSE ERIDANI LIGHT HORSE - 71ST LIGHT HORSE ui_Decal_gunzburgeagles_factions_std GUNZBURG EAGLES GUNZBURG EAGLES ui_Decal_headhunters_factions_std HEAD HUNTERS HEAD HUNTERS ui_Decal_hsienhotheads_factions_std HSIEN HOTHEADS HSIEN HOTHEADS ui_Decal_lex32ndrecon_factions_std 32ND RECON COMBAT GROUP 32ND RECON COMBAT GROUP ui_Decal_marksonsmarauders_factions_std MARKSON'S MARAUDERS MARKSON'S MARAUDERS ui_Decal_marshigamaslegionnaires_factions_std MARSHIGAMA'S LEGIONNAIRES MARSHIGAMA'S LEGIONNAIRES ui_Decal_mccarronsac_factions_std MCCARRON'S ARMORED CAVALRY MCCARRON'S ARMORED CAVALRY ui_Decal_redfieldsrenegades_factions_std REDFIELD'S RENEGADES REDFIELD'S RENEGADES ui_Decal_sathenssnipers_factions_std SATHEN'S SNIPERS SATHEN'S SNIPERS ui_Decal_screamingeagles_factions_std SCREAMING EAGLES SCREAMING EAGLES ui_Decal_vinsonsvigilantes_factions_std VINSON'S VIGILANTES VINSON'S VIGILANTES ui_Decal_staradder_package_std CLAN STAR ADDER CLAN STAR ADDER emechmodel_marauderiic MARAUDER IIC MARAUDER IIC marauderiic MARAUDER IIC MARAUDER IIC mad-iics MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(S) MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(S) mad-iics_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(S) description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(S) mad-iics_short MAD-IIC(S) MAD-IIC(S) mad-iic MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC mad-iic_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC mad-iic_short MAD-IIC MAD-IIC mad-iic-8 MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-8 MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-8 mad-iic-8_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-8 description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-8 mad-iic-8_short MAD-IIC-8 MAD-IIC-8 mad-iic-a MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A mad-iic-a_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A mad-iic-a_short MAD-IIC-A MAD-IIC-A mad-iic-b MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-B MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-B mad-iic-b_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-B description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-B mad-iic-b_short MAD-IIC-B MAD-IIC-B mad-iic-c MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-C MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-C mad-iic-c_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-C description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-C mad-iic-c_short MAD-IIC-C MAD-IIC-C mad-iic-d MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-D MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-D mad-iic-d_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-D description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-D mad-iic-d_short MAD-IIC-D MAD-IIC-D mad-iic-sc SCORCH SCORCH mad-iic-s_desc The personal 'Mech of The personal 'Mech of mad-iic-sc_short MAD-IIC-SC MAD-IIC-SC morningstar_name Marauder's Flail Marauder's Flail morningstar_desc Marauder's Flail Hanging Item Marauder's Flail Hanging Item Speaker_ramshorn Ram's Horn Warhorn Ram's Horn Warhorn Speaker_ramshorn_desc Ram's Horn Warhorn Mounted Item Ram's Horn Warhorn Mounted Item vibroblade_name Vibroblade Vibroblade vibroblade_desc Vibroblade Standing Item Vibroblade Standing Item marauderemblem_name Marauder Medallion Marauder Medallion marauderemblem_desc Marauder Medallion Hanging Item Marauder Medallion Hanging Item centrepiece_name Holiday Centerpiece Holiday Centerpiece centrepiece_desc Perfect for any holiday celebration Perfect for any holiday celebration ui_Conflict Conflict Conflict ui_Team Side: Side: ui_SpecialEvents Special Events: Special Events: ui_title_IIcMarauderStand The Blazing The Blazing ui_title_IIcMarauderStand_desc Marauder IIC standard title Marauder IIC standard title ui_title_IIcMarauderColl The Icon The Icon ui_title_IIcMarauderColl_desc Marauder IIC Collectors Title Marauder IIC Collectors Title ui_Conflicts Conflicts Conflicts ui_VotePanel Voting Voting ui_ConflictsPanel Conflicts Panel Conflicts Panel ui_friendsList Friends List Friends List ui_noChatTabsOpen You have no chat tabs open. You have no chat tabs open. ui_CurrentMechEnhancements Current 'Mech Enhancements Current 'Mech Enhancements ui_SpSpent Spent: Spent: ui_SpAvailable Available: Available: ui_EarnedOverTotal Earned/Max: Earned/Max: ui_Enhancement Enhancement Enhancement ui_Allocated Allocated Allocated ui_Respec_SkillTree Respec Skill Tree Respec Skill Tree ui_Revert_Changes Revert Changes Revert Changes ui_ApplyPoints Apply Changes Apply Changes ui_TotalNodesActive Nodes Active Nodes Active ui_SP SP SP ui_HistoricMechXp %0 Historic XP %0 Historic XP ui_SpecificMechXp %0 XP %0 XP ui_TransferXp Transfer XP Transfer XP ui_RevertChangesTitle Revert Changes Revert Changes ui_PurchaseMechSkillsTitle Confirm 'Mech Skills Confirm 'Mech Skills ui_CurrentValues Current Value: Current Value: ui_ValuesAfterUpgrades New Value: New Value: ui_Sp_conversion (%0 :g_sp: PER %1 XP) (%0 :g_sp: PER %1 XP) EMechTreeCategory_FirePower Firepower Firepower EMechTreeCategory_Survival Survival Survival EMechTreeCategory_Mobility Mobility Mobility EMechTreeCategory_Operations Operations Operations EMechTreeCategory_Infotech Infotech Infotech EMechTreeCategory_Ballistic Ballistic Ballistic EMechTreeCategory_Energy Energy Energy EMechTreeCategory_Missile Missile Missile EMechTreeCategory_Armor Armor Bonus Armor Bonus EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange1 AC Range 1 AC Range 1 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity1 AC Velocity 1 AC Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown1 AC Cooldown 1 AC Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange2 AC Range 2 AC Range 2 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity2 AC Velocity 2 AC Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown2 AC Cooldown 2 AC Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange3 AC Range 3 AC Range 3 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity3 AC Velocity 3 AC Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown3 AC Cooldown 3 AC Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange4 AC Range 4 AC Range 4 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity4 AC Velocity 4 AC Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown4 AC Cooldown 4 AC Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange5 AC Range 5 AC Range 5 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity5 AC Velocity 5 AC Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown5 AC Cooldown 5 AC Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange1 UAC Range 1 UAC Range 1 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity1 UAC Velocity 1 UAC Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown1 UAC Cooldown 1 UAC Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance1 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 1 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 1 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange2 UAC Range 2 UAC Range 2 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity2 UAC Velocity 2 UAC Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown2 UAC Cooldown 2 UAC Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance2 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 2 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 2 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange3 UAC Range 3 UAC Range 3 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity3 UAC Velocity 3 UAC Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown3 UAC Cooldown 3 UAC Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance3 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 3 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 3 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange4 UAC Range 4 UAC Range 4 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity4 UAC Velocity 4 UAC Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown4 UAC Cooldown 4 UAC Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance4 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 4 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 4 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange5 UAC Range 5 UAC Range 5 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity5 UAC Velocity 5 UAC Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown5 UAC Cooldown 5 UAC Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance5 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 5 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 5 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange1 LBX Range 1 LBX Range 1 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity1 LBX Velocity 1 LBX Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown1 LBX Cooldown 1 LBX Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread1 LBX Spread 1 LBX Spread 1 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange2 LBX Range 2 LBX Range 2 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity2 LBX Velocity 2 LBX Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown2 LBX Cooldown 2 LBX Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread2 LBX Spread 2 LBX Spread 2 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange3 LBX Range 3 LBX Range 3 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity3 LBX Velocity 3 LBX Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown3 LBX Cooldown 3 LBX Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread3 LBX Spread 3 LBX Spread 3 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange4 LBX Range 4 LBX Range 4 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity4 LBX Velocity 4 LBX Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown4 LBX Cooldown 4 LBX Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread4 LBX Spread 4 LBX Spread 4 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange5 LBX Range 5 LBX Range 5 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread5 LBX Spread 5 LBX Spread 5 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity5 LBX Velocity 5 LBX Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown5 LBX Cooldown 5 LBX Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange1 Gauss Range 1 Gauss Range 1 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity1 Gauss Velocity 1 Gauss Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown1 Gauss Cooldown 1 Gauss Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCharge1 Gauss Extd. Charge 1 Gauss Extd. Charge 1 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange2 Gauss Range 2 Gauss Range 2 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity2 Gauss Velocity 2 Gauss Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown2 Gauss Cooldown 2 Gauss Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCharge2 Gauss Extd. Charge 2 Gauss Extd. Charge 2 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange3 Gauss Range 3 Gauss Range 3 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity3 Gauss Velocity 3 Gauss Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown3 Gauss Cooldown 3 Gauss Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCharge3 Gauss Extd. Charge 3 Gauss Extd. Charge 3 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange4 Gauss Range 4 Gauss Range 4 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity4 Gauss Velocity 4 Gauss Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown4 Gauss Cooldown 4 Gauss Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCharge4 Gauss Extd. Charge 4 Gauss Extd. Charge 4 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange5 Gauss Range 5 Gauss Range 5 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCharge5 Gauss Extd. Charge 5 Gauss Extd. Charge 5 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity5 Gauss Velocity 5 Gauss Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown5 Gauss Cooldown 5 Gauss Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_LaserRange1 Laser Range 1 Laser Range 1 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration1 Laser Duration 1 Laser Duration 1 EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown1 Laser Cooldown 1 Laser Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_LaserRange2 Laser Range 2 Laser Range 2 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration2 Laser Duration 2 Laser Duration 2 EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown2 Laser Cooldown 2 Laser Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_LaserRange3 Laser Range 3 Laser Range 3 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration3 Laser Duration 3 Laser Duration 3 EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown3 Laser Cooldown 3 Laser Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_LaserRange4 Laser Range 4 Laser Range 4 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration4 Laser Duration 4 Laser Duration 4 EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown4 Laser Cooldown 4 Laser Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_LaserRange5 Laser Range 5 Laser Range 5 EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat1 Laser Heat 1 Laser Heat 1 EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat2 Laser Heat 2 Laser Heat 2 EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat3 Laser Heat 3 Laser Heat 3 EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat4 Laser Heat 4 Laser Heat 4 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration5 Laser Duration 5 Laser Duration 5 EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown5 Laser Cooldown 5 Laser Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat5 Laser Heat 5 Laser Heat 5 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange1 Pulse Laser Range 1 Pulse Laser Range 1 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration1 Pulse Laser Duration 1 Pulse Laser Duration 1 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown1 Pulse Laser Cooldown 1 Pulse Laser Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange2 Pulse Laser Range 2 Pulse Laser Range 2 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration2 Pulse Laser Duration 2 Pulse Laser Duration 2 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown2 Pulse Laser Cooldown 2 Pulse Laser Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange3 Pulse Laser Range 3 Pulse Laser Range 3 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration3 Pulse Laser Duration 3 Pulse Laser Duration 3 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown3 Pulse Laser Cooldown 3 Pulse Laser Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange4 Pulse Laser Range 4 Pulse Laser Range 4 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration4 Pulse Laser Duration 4 Pulse Laser Duration 4 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown4 Pulse Laser Cooldown 4 Pulse Laser Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange5 Pulse Laser Range 5 Pulse Laser Range 5 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat1 Pulse Laser Heat 1 Pulse Laser Heat 1 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat2 Pulse Laser Heat 2 Pulse Laser Heat 2 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat3 Pulse Laser Heat 3 Pulse Laser Heat 3 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat4 Pulse Laser Heat 4 Pulse Laser Heat 4 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration5 Pulse Laser Duration 5 Pulse Laser Duration 5 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown5 Pulse Laser Cooldown 5 Pulse Laser Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat5 Pulse Laser Heat 5 Pulse Laser Heat 5 EMechTreeNode_PPCRange1 PPC Range 1 PPC Range 1 EMechTreeNode_PPCDuration1 PPC Duration 1 PPC Duration 1 EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown1 PPC Cooldown 1 PPC Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_PPCRange2 PPC Range 2 PPC Range 2 EMechTreeNode_PPCDuration2 PPC Duration 2 PPC Duration 2 EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown2 PPC Cooldown 2 PPC Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_PPCRange3 PPC Range 3 PPC Range 3 EMechTreeNode_PPCDuration3 PPC Duration 3 PPC Duration 3 EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown3 PPC Cooldown 3 PPC Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_PPCRange4 PPC Range 4 PPC Range 4 EMechTreeNode_PPCDuration4 PPC Duration 4 PPC Duration 4 EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown4 PPC Cooldown 4 PPC Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_PPCRange5 PPC Range 5 PPC Range 5 EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat1 PPC Heat 1 PPC Heat 1 EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat2 PPC Heat 2 PPC Heat 2 EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat3 PPC Heat 3 PPC Heat 3 EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat4 PPC Heat 4 PPC Heat 4 EMechTreeNode_PPCDuration5 PPC Duration 5 PPC Duration 5 EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown5 PPC Cooldown 5 PPC Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat5 PPC Heat 5 PPC Heat 5 EMechTreeNode_LRMRange1 LRM Range 1 LRM Range 1 EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity1 LRM Velocity 1 LRM Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown1 LRM Cooldown 1 LRM Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_LRMRange2 LRM Range 2 LRM Range 2 EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread1 LRM Spread 1 LRM Spread 1 EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity2 LRM Velocity 2 LRM Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown2 LRM Cooldown 2 LRM Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_LRMRange3 LRM Range 3 LRM Range 3 EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread2 LRM Spread 2 LRM Spread 2 EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity3 LRM Velocity 3 LRM Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown3 LRM Cooldown 3 LRM Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_LRMRange4 LRM Range 4 LRM Range 4 EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread3 LRM Spread 3 LRM Spread 3 EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity4 LRM Velocity 4 LRM Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown4 LRM Cooldown 4 LRM Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_LRMRange5 LRM Range 5 LRM Range 5 EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread4 LRM Spread 4 LRM Spread 4 EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread5 LRM Spread 5 LRM Spread 5 EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity5 LRM Velocity 5 LRM Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown5 LRM Cooldown 5 LRM Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_SRMRange1 SRM Range 1 SRM Range 1 EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity1 SRM Velocity 1 SRM Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown1 SRM Cooldown 1 SRM Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_SRMRange2 SRM Range 2 SRM Range 2 EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread1 SRM Spread 1 SRM Spread 1 EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity2 SRM Velocity 2 SRM Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown2 SRM Cooldown 2 SRM Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_SRMRange3 SRM Range 3 SRM Range 3 EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread2 SRM Spread 2 SRM Spread 2 EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity3 SRM Velocity 3 SRM Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown3 SRM Cooldown 3 SRM Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_SRMRange4 SRM Range 4 SRM Range 4 EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread3 SRM Spread 3 SRM Spread 3 EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity4 SRM Velocity 4 SRM Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown4 SRM Cooldown 4 SRM Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_SRMRange5 SRM Range 5 SRM Range 5 EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread4 SRM Spread 4 SRM Spread 4 EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread5 SRM Spread 5 SRM Spread 5 EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity5 SRM Velocity 5 SRM Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown5 SRM Cooldown 5 SRM Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange1 Streak SRM Range 1 Streak SRM Range 1 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity1 Streak SRM Velocity 1 Streak SRM Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown1 Streak SRM Cooldown 1 Streak SRM Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange2 Streak SRM Range 2 Streak SRM Range 2 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread1 Streak SRM Spread 1 Streak SRM Spread 1 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity2 Streak SRM Velocity 2 Streak SRM Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown2 Streak SRM Cooldown 2 Streak SRM Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange3 Streak SRM Range 3 Streak SRM Range 3 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread2 Streak SRM Spread 2 Streak SRM Spread 2 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity3 Streak SRM Velocity 3 Streak SRM Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown3 Streak SRM Cooldown 3 Streak SRM Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange4 Streak SRM Range 4 Streak SRM Range 4 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread3 Streak SRM Spread 3 Streak SRM Spread 3 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity4 Streak SRM Velocity 4 Streak SRM Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown4 Streak SRM Cooldown 4 Streak SRM Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange5 Streak SRM Range 5 Streak SRM Range 5 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread4 Streak SRM Spread 4 Streak SRM Spread 4 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread5 Streak SRM Spread 5 Streak SRM Spread 5 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity5 Streak SRM Velocity 5 Streak SRM Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown5 Streak SRM Cooldown 5 Streak SRM Cooldown 5 qrk_isautocannon_range_mult IS AC Range IS AC Range qrk_isautocannon_velocity_mult IS AC Velocity IS AC Velocity qrk_isautocannon_cooldown_mult IS AC Cooldown IS AC Cooldown qrk_isgaussrifle_range_mult IS Gauss Range IS Gauss Range qrk_isgaussrifle_velocity_mult IS Gauss Velocity IS Gauss Velocity qrk_isgaussrifle_cooldown_mult IS Gauss Cooldown IS Gauss Cooldown qrk_islbxautocannon_range_mult IS LBX Range IS LBX Range qrk_islbxautocannon_spread_mult IS LBX Spread IS LBX Spread qrk_islbxautocannon_velocity_mult IS LBX Velocity IS LBX Velocity qrk_islbxautocannon_cooldown_mult IS LBX Cooldown IS LBX Cooldown qrk_isultraautocannon_range_mult IS UAC Range IS UAC Range qrk_isultraautocannon_velocity_mult IS UAC Velocity IS UAC Velocity qrk_isultraautocannon_cooldown_mult IS UAC Cooldown IS UAC Cooldown qrk_isultraautocannon_jamchance_add IS UAC Jam Chance IS UAC Jam Chance qrk_clanautocannon_range_mult Clan AC Range Clan AC Range qrk_clanautocannon_velocity_mult Clan AC Velocity Clan AC Velocity qrk_clanautocannon_cooldown_mult Clan AC Cooldown Clan AC Cooldown qrk_clangaussrifle_range_mult Clan Gauss Range Clan Gauss Range qrk_clangaussrifle_velocity_mult Clan Gauss Velocity Clan Gauss Velocity qrk_clangaussrifle_cooldown_mult Clan Gauss Cooldown Clan Gauss Cooldown qrk_clanlbxautocannon_range_mult Clan LBX Range Clan LBX Range qrk_clanlbxautocannon_spread_mult Clan LBX Spread Clan LBX Spread qrk_clanlbxautocannon_velocity_mult Clan LBX Velocity Clan LBX Velocity qrk_clanlbxautocannon_cooldown_mult Clan LBX Cooldown Clan LBX Cooldown qrk_clanultraautocannon_range_mult Clan UAC Range Clan UAC Range qrk_clanultraautocannon_velocity_mult Clan UAC Velocity Clan UAC Velocity qrk_clanultraautocannon_cooldown_mult Clan UAC Cooldown Clan UAC Cooldown qrk_ammocapacity_ac2_add AC2 Ammo Capacity AC2 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_ac5_add AC5 Ammo Capacity AC5 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_ac10_add AC10 Ammo Capacity AC10 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_ac20_add AC20 Ammo Capacity AC20 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_lb10x_add LB10-X Ammo Capacity LB10-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_gauss_add Gauss Ammo Capacity Gauss Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_ultraac5_add UAC5 Ammo Capacity UAC5 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_clb2x_add Clan LB2-X Ammo Capacity Clan LB2-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_clb5x_add Clan LB5-X Ammo Capacity Clan LB5-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_clb10x_add Clan LB10-X Ammo Capacity Clan LB10-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_clb20x_add Clan LB20-X Ammo Capacity Clan LB20-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cultraac2_add Clan UAC2 Ammo Capacity Clan UAC2 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cultraac5_add Clan UAC5 Ammo Capacity Clan UAC5 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cultraac10_add Clan UAC10 Ammo Capacity Clan UAC10 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cultraac20_add Clan UAC20 Ammo Capacity Clan UAC20 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cgauss_add Clan Gauss Ammo Capacity Clan Gauss Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cac2_add Clan AC2 Ammo Capacity Clan AC2 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cac5_add Clan AC5 Ammo Capacity Clan AC5 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cac10_add Clan AC10 Ammo Capacity Clan AC10 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cac20_add Clan AC20 Ammo Capacity Clan AC20 Ammo Capacity qrk_gaussextendedcharge_add Gauss Extended Charge Gauss Extended Charge qrk_isnonpulselaser_range_mult STD and ER Laser Range STD and ER Laser Range qrk_isnonpulselaser_duration_mult STD and ER Laser Duration STD and ER Laser Duration qrk_isnonpulselaser_cooldown_mult STD and ER Laser Cooldown STD and ER Laser Cooldown qrk_ispulselaser_range_mult Pulse Laser Range Pulse Laser Range qrk_ispulselaser_duration_mult Pulse Laser Duration Pulse Laser Duration qrk_ispulselaser_cooldown_mult Pulse Laser Cooldown Pulse Laser Cooldown qrk_clanerlaser_range_mult Clan ER Laser Range Clan ER Laser Range qrk_clanerlaser_duration_mult Clan ER Laser Duration Clan ER Laser Duration qrk_clanerlaser_cooldown_mult Clan ER Laser Cooldown Clan ER Laser Cooldown qrk_clanpulselaser_range_mult Clan Pulse Laser Range Clan Pulse Laser Range qrk_clanpulselaser_duration_mult Clan Pulse Laser Duration Clan Pulse Laser Duration qrk_clanpulselaser_cooldown_mult Clan Pulse Laser Cooldown Clan Pulse Laser Cooldown qrk_clanppc_range_mult Clan PPC Range Clan PPC Range qrk_clanppc_cooldown_mult Clan PPC Cooldown Clan PPC Cooldown qrk_isstreaksrm_range_mult IS Streak SRM Range IS Streak SRM Range qrk_isstreaksrm_spread_mult IS Streak SRM Spread IS Streak SRM Spread qrk_isstreaksrm_velocity_mult IS Streak SRM Velocity IS Streak SRM Velocity qrk_isstreaksrm_cooldown_mult IS Streak SRM Cooldown IS Streak SRM Cooldown qrk_clanstreaksrm_range_mult Clan Streak SRM Range Clan Streak SRM Range qrk_clanstreaksrm_spread_mult Clan Streak SRM Spread Clan Streak SRM Spread qrk_clanstreaksrm_velocity_mult Clan Streak SRM Velocity Clan Streak SRM Velocity qrk_clanstreaksrm_cooldown_mult Clan Streak SRM Cooldown Clan Streak SRM Cooldown qrk_increasedarmor_mult Armor Bonus Armor Bonus qrk_increasedstructure_mult Structure Bonus Structure Bonus qrk_falldamage_mult Fall Damage Fall Damage qrk_antimissilesystem_damage_add AMS Damage AMS Damage qrk_narcbeacon_velocity_mult NARC Beacon Velocity NARC Beacon Velocity qrk_narcbeacon_narcduration_mult NARC Beacon Duration NARC Beacon Duration qrk_torso_twistspeed_mult Torso Twist Speed Torso Twist Speed qrk_torso_yawangle_mult Torso Yaw Angle Torso Yaw Angle qrk_torso_pitchspeed_mult Torso Pitch Speed Torso Pitch Speed qrk_torso_pitchangle_mult Torso Pitch Angle Torso Pitch Angle qrk_arm_speed_mult Arm Speed Arm Speed qrk_arm_pitchangle_mult Arm Pitch Angle Arm Pitch Angle qrk_turnrate_mult Turn Rate Turn Rate qrk_mechacceleration_mult Mech Acceleration Mech Acceleration qrk_mechdeceleration_mult Mech Deceleration Mech Deceleration qrk_mechtopspeed_mult Mech Top Speed Mech Top Speed qrk_jumpjets_initialthrust_mult Initial Thrust of Jump Jets Initial Thrust of Jump Jets qrk_jumpjets_forwardthrust_mult Forward Thrust of Jump Jets Forward Thrust of Jump Jets qrk_jumpjets_burntime_mult Jump Jet Burn Time Jump Jet Burn Time qrk_startupduration_mult Startup Duration Startup Duration qrk_maxheat_mult Max Heat Max Heat qrk_heatdissipation_mult Heat Dissipation Heat Dissipation qrk_hillclimb_mult Hill Climb Hill Climb qrk_screenshake_mult Screen Shake Screen Shake qrk_speedretention_mult Speed Retention (50 km/h cap) Speed Retention (50 km/h cap) qrk_sensorrange_mult Sensor Range Sensor Range qrk_targetinfogathering_mult Target Info Gathering Target Info Gathering qrk_targetdecayduration_add Target Decay Duration Target Decay Duration qrk_radardeprivation_mult Radar Deprivation Radar Deprivation qrk_seismicsensorrange_add Seismic Sensor Range Seismic Sensor Range qrk_backfacetargetretentionrange_add 360 Target Retention Range 360 Target Retention Range qrk_uavrange_mult UAV Range UAV Range qrk_uavtimeonstation_add UAV Duration UAV Duration qrk_captureaccelerator_mult Capture Accelerator Capture Accelerator ui_VoteDesc Vote on which planet you'd like your side to attack. The planets with the most votes will be targeted for invasion! Vote on which planet you'd like your side to attack. The planets with the most votes will be targeted for invasion! ui_RadarJammer Radar Jammer Radar Jammer ui_InvalidFactionForGroup Your faction is not compatible with the selected conflict and side chosen for this group. Your faction is not compatible with the selected conflict and side chosen for this group. hud_CaptureCancel CAPTURE FAILED CAPTURE FAILED hud_NeutralizeCancel NEUTRALIZE FAILED NEUTRALIZE FAILED EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening1 Armor Hardening 1 Armor Hardening 1 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity1 Skeletal Density 1 Skeletal Density 1 EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance1 Shock Absorbance 1 Shock Absorbance 1 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening2 Armor Hardening 2 Armor Hardening 2 EMechTreeNode_AMSOverload1 AMS Overload 1 AMS Overload 1 EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance2 Shock Absorbance 2 Shock Absorbance 2 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity2 Skeletal Density 2 Skeletal Density 2 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening3 Armor Hardening 3 Armor Hardening 3 EMechTreeNode_EnhancedNARC1 Enhanced NARC 1 Enhanced NARC 1 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity3 Skeletal Density 3 Skeletal Density 3 EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance3 Shock Absorbance 3 Shock Absorbance 3 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening4 Armor Hardening 4 Armor Hardening 4 EMechTreeNode_AMSOverload2 AMS Overload 2 AMS Overload 2 EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance4 Shock Absorbance 4 Shock Absorbance 4 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity4 Skeletal Density 4 Skeletal Density 4 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening5 Armor Hardening 5 Armor Hardening 5 EMechTreeNode_EnhancedNARC2 Enhanced NARC 2 Enhanced NARC 2 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity5 Skeletal Density 5 Skeletal Density 5 EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance5 Shock Absorbance 5 Shock Absorbance 5 EMechTreeNode_TorsoAngle1 Torso Angle 1 Torso Angle 1 EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed1 Arm Speed 1 Arm Speed 1 EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch1 Arm Pitch 1 Arm Pitch 1 EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed2 Arm Speed 2 Arm Speed 2 EMechTreeNode_TorsoAngle2 Torso Angle 2 Torso Angle 2 EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch2 Arm Pitch 2 Arm Pitch 2 EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed1 Torso Speed 1 Torso Speed 1 EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch1 Torso Pitch 1 Torso Pitch 1 EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed3 Arm Speed 3 Arm Speed 3 EMechTreeNode_TorsoAngle3 Torso Angle 3 Torso Angle 3 EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch3 Arm Pitch 3 Arm Pitch 3 EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed2 Torso Speed 2 Torso Speed 2 EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch2 Torso Pitch 2 Torso Pitch 2 EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch3 Torso Pitch 3 Torso Pitch 3 EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed3 Torso Speed 3 Torso Speed 3 EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed4 Arm Speed 4 Arm Speed 4 EMechTreeNode_TorsoAngle4 Torso Angle 4 Torso Angle 4 EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch4 Arm Pitch 4 Arm Pitch 4 EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed4 Torso Speed 4 Torso Speed 4 EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed5 Arm Speed 5 Arm Speed 5 EMechTreeNode_TorsoAngle5 Torso Angle 5 Torso Angle 5 EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch5 Arm Pitch 5 Arm Pitch 5 EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch4 Torso Pitch 4 Torso Pitch 4 EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch5 Torso Pitch 5 Torso Pitch 5 EMechTreeNode_TurnRate1 Turn Rate 1 Turn Rate 1 EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst1 Kinetic Burst 1 Kinetic Burst 1 EMechTreeNode_HardBrake1 Hard Brake 1 Hard Brake 1 EMechTreeNode_TurnRate2 Turn Rate 2 Turn Rate 2 EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak1 Speed Tweak 1 Speed Tweak 1 EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst2 Kinetic Burst 2 Kinetic Burst 2 EMechTreeNode_HardBrake2 Hard Brake 2 Hard Brake 2 EMechTreeNode_TurnRate3 Turn Rate 3 Turn Rate 3 EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak2 Speed Tweak 2 Speed Tweak 2 EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst3 Kinetic Burst 3 Kinetic Burst 3 EMechTreeNode_HardBrake3 Hard Brake 3 Hard Brake 3 EMechTreeNode_TurnRate4 Turn Rate 4 Turn Rate 4 EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak3 Speed Tweak 3 Speed Tweak 3 EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst4 Kinetic Burst 4 Kinetic Burst 4 EMechTreeNode_HardBrake4 Hard Brake 4 Hard Brake 4 EMechTreeNode_TurnRate5 Turn Rate 5 Turn Rate 5 EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak4 Speed Tweak 4 Speed Tweak 4 EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak5 Speed Tweak 5 Speed Tweak 5 EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst5 Kinetic Burst 5 Kinetic Burst 5 EMechTreeNode_HardBrake5 Hard Brake 5 Hard Brake 5 EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed1 Lift Speed 1 Lift Speed 1 EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration1 Vent Calibration 1 Vent Calibration 1 EMechTreeNode_Vectoring1 Vectoring 1 Vectoring 1 EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed2 Lift Speed 2 Lift Speed 2 EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration2 Vent Calibration 2 Vent Calibration 2 EMechTreeNode_Vectoring2 Vectoring 2 Vectoring 2 EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed3 Lift Speed 3 Lift Speed 3 EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration3 Vent Calibration 3 Vent Calibration 3 EMechTreeNode_Vectoring3 Vectoring 3 Vectoring 3 EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed4 Lift Speed 4 Lift Speed 4 EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration4 Vent Calibration 4 Vent Calibration 4 EMechTreeNode_Vectoring4 Vectoring 4 Vectoring 4 EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed5 Lift Speed 5 Lift Speed 5 EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration5 Vent Calibration 5 Vent Calibration 5 EMechTreeNode_Vectoring5 Vectoring 5 Vectoring 5 EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition1 Quick Ignition 1 Quick Ignition 1 EMechTreeNode_HillClimb1 Hill Climb 1 Hill Climb 1 EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment1 Heat Containment 1 Heat Containment 1 EMechTreeNode_HillClimb2 Hill Climb 2 Hill Climb 2 EMechTreeNode_CoolRun1 Cool Run 1 Cool Run 1 EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment2 Heat Containment 2 Heat Containment 2 EMechTreeNode_SpeedRetention1 Speed Retention 1 Speed Retention 1 EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition2 Quick Ignition 2 Quick Ignition 2 EMechTreeNode_SpeedRetention2 Speed Retention 2 Speed Retention 2 EMechTreeNode_CoolRun2 Cool Run 2 Cool Run 2 EMechTreeNode_CoolRun3 Cool Run 3 Cool Run 3 EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment3 Heat Containment 3 Heat Containment 3 EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition4 Quick Ignition 4 Quick Ignition 4 EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment4 Heat Containment 4 Heat Containment 4 EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition3 Quick Ignition 3 Quick Ignition 3 EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros1 Improved Gyros 1 Improved Gyros 1 EMechTreeNode_SpeedRetention3 Speed Retention 3 Speed Retention 3 EMechTreeNode_CoolRun4 Cool Run 4 Cool Run 4 EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition5 Quick Ignition 5 Quick Ignition 5 EMechTreeNode_CoolRun5 Cool Run 5 Cool Run 5 EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment5 Heat Containment 5 Heat Containment 5 EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering1 Target Info Gathering 1 Target Info Gathering 1 EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay1 Target Decay 1 Target Decay 1 EMechTreeNode_SensorRange1 Sensor Range 1 Sensor Range 1 EMechTreeNode_SeismicSensor1 Seismic Sensor 1 Seismic Sensor 1 EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay2 Target Decay 2 Target Decay 2 EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering2 Target Info Gathering 2 Target Info Gathering 2 EMechTreeNode_SensorRange2 Sensor Range 2 Sensor Range 2 EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation1 Radar Deprivation 1 Radar Deprivation 1 EMechTreeNode_SeismicSensor2 Seismic Sensor 2 Seismic Sensor 2 EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay3 Target Decay 3 Target Decay 3 EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering3 Target Info Gathering 3 Target Info Gathering 3 EMechTreeNode_SensorRange3 Sensor Range 3 Sensor Range 3 EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation2 Radar Deprivation 2 Radar Deprivation 2 EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation3 Radar Deprivation 3 Radar Deprivation 3 EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay4 Target Decay 4 Target Decay 4 EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering4 Target Info Gathering 4 Target Info Gathering 4 EMechTreeNode_SensorRange4 Sensor Range 4 Sensor Range 4 EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation4 Radar Deprivation 4 Radar Deprivation 4 EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay5 Target Decay 5 Target Decay 5 EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering5 Target Info Gathering 5 Target Info Gathering 5 EMechTreeNode_SensorRange5 Sensor Range 5 Sensor Range 5 EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation5 Radar Deprivation 5 Radar Deprivation 5 EMechTreeNode_AdvancedZoom1 Advanced Zoom Advanced Zoom EMechTreeNode_TargetRetention1 Target Retention 1 Target Retention 1 EMechTreeNode_TargetRetention2 Target Retention 2 Target Retention 2 EMechTreeNode_UAVRange1 UAV Range 1 UAV Range 1 EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation1 UAV Duration 1 UAV Duration 1 EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist1 Capture Assist 1 Capture Assist 1 EMechTreeNode_UAVRange2 UAV Range 2 UAV Range 2 EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation2 UAV Duration 2 UAV Duration 2 EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist2 Capture Assist 2 Capture Assist 2 EMechTreeNode_UAVRange3 UAV Range 3 UAV Range 3 EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation3 UAV Duration 3 UAV Duration 3 EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist3 Capture Assist 3 Capture Assist 3 EMechTreeNode_UAVRange4 UAV Range 4 UAV Range 4 EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation4 UAV Duration 4 UAV Duration 4 EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist4 Capture Assist 4 Capture Assist 4 EMechTreeNode_UAVRange5 UAV Range 5 UAV Range 5 EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation5 UAV Duration 5 UAV Duration 5 EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist5 Capture Assist 5 Capture Assist 5 krampus_name Krampus Krampus krampus_desc Greetings from Krampus Greetings from Krampus ui_HistoricXpToTransfer Historic XP to Transfer Historic XP to Transfer ui_HistoricXpTransfer Transfer Historic XP Transfer Historic XP ui_RevertSkillTreeChangesText Are you sure you want to revert your Skill Tree changes? Are you sure you want to revert your Skill Tree changes? ui_PurchaseMechSkillDesc Are you sure you want to purchase these Skills? Are you sure you want to purchase these Skills? tt_MechLab_HistoricXpTransfer Total Historic XP earned for this 'Mech chassis Total Historic XP earned for this 'Mech chassis tt_MechLab_TransferHistoricXp Confirm and transfer Historic XP for the current 'Mech Confirm and transfer Historic XP for the current 'Mech tt_MechLab_ApplySkillPoints Confirm and apply changes to the current 'Mech Confirm and apply changes to the current 'Mech tt_MechLab_RespecSkillTree Confirm and reset Skill Tree for the current 'Mech Confirm and reset Skill Tree for the current 'Mech tt_MechLab_Skills Modify the skills of your 'Mech to suit your own play style Modify the skills of your 'Mech to suit your own play style tt_HomeScreen_XPConversion Convert the XP earned using your 'Mech into GXP for its Skill Tree Convert the XP earned using your 'Mech into GXP for its Skill Tree ui_XpConversion Convert XP Convert XP ui_GeneralXpConversion Convert :g_mx: to :g_xp: Convert :g_mx: to :g_xp: ui_TotalMxpToConvert Total :g_mx: to Convert Total :g_mx: to Convert ui_McCostToConvert :g_mc: Cost to Convert :g_mc: Cost to Convert ui_ForConversion Amount Converting Into :g_xp: Amount Converting Into :g_xp: ui_ConvertToGXP Convert to GXP Convert to GXP tt_MechLab_ExpandHistoricXp Click to expand or minimize Historic XP Transfer Widget Click to expand or minimize Historic XP Transfer Widget ui_EscortMech VIP 'MECH VIP 'MECH EGameMode_Escort Escort Escort eGM_Invasion SIEGE SIEGE eGM_Scouting SCOUTING SCOUTING ui_RespecPurchaseMethodDesc Are you sure you want to reset the Skill Tree for the current 'Mech? Are you sure you want to reset the Skill Tree for the current 'Mech? ui_Refund Refund Refund ui_GroupType Group Type: Group Type: ui_TransferHistoricXpDesc Are you sure you want to transfer %0 Historic XP to this %1?\nThis will draw from the Historic XP pool shared\nby all %2 variants.\nThis Historic XP transfer cannot be reversed! Are you sure you want to transfer %0 Historic XP to this %1?\nThis will draw from the Historic XP pool shared\nby all %2 variants.\nThis Historic XP transfer cannot be reversed! HUD_DROPSHIP_TRANSIT_DEFEND_NONE DEFENDER DROPSHIP INBOUND DEFENDER DROPSHIP INBOUND HUD_DROPSHIP_ARRIVE_DEFEND_NONE DEFENDER DROPSHIP DEPARTING DEFENDER DROPSHIP DEPARTING ui_TheInnerSphere THE INNER SPHERE THE INNER SPHERE ui_TheClans THE CLANS THE CLANS EMechTreeCategory_UpperChassis Upper Chassis Upper Chassis EMechTreeCategory_LowerChassis Lower Chassis Lower Chassis EMechTreeCategory_JumpJets Jump Jets Jump Jets EMechTreeCategory_MechOperations OPERATIONS OPERATIONS EMechTreeCategory_Sensors Sensors Sensors EMechTreeCategory_Auxiliary Auxiliary Auxiliary EMechTreeCategory_Defensive Defensive Defensive ui_MaxMembersExceeded The maximum number of members for the group (%0) has been exceeded. The maximum number of members for the group (%0) has been exceeded. ui_LaunchParamSelect SELECT GROUP TYPE SELECT GROUP TYPE ui_IncompatibleFaction One or more group members belongs to a faction that is incompatible with the selected conflict. One or more group members belongs to a faction that is incompatible with the selected conflict. ui_InvalidTechnology One or more group members has a drop deck that is using incompatible technology. One or more group members has a drop deck that is using incompatible technology. HUD_AWARD_TowerCaptured RADAR FLIP RADAR FLIP tt_SocialScreen_QuickPlayOnly Only available in Quick Play. Only available in Quick Play. tt_FactionScreen_SelectISMoreInformation Press to view Inner Sphere Details Press to view Inner Sphere Details tt_FactionScreen_SelectClanMoreInformation Press to view Clan details Press to view Clan details tt_ConflictPanel_Conflicts View and participate in all active conflicts within the Inner Sphere View and participate in all active conflicts within the Inner Sphere tt_ConflictPanel_WarLog View the attack history of a conflict View the attack history of a conflict tt_ConflictPanel_WarLogNoConflict Select a conflict to view its attack history Select a conflict to view its attack history tt_ConflictPanel_VotePanel Vote on which planets to attack Vote on which planets to attack CT_IS A mission to fend off the invading Clans is available. A mission to fend off the invading Clans is available. CT_Clan A mission to invade and conquer the Inner Sphere has been made available. A mission to invade and conquer the Inner Sphere has been made available. CT_S_IS An Inner Sphere contract is available for a scouting mission. An Inner Sphere contract is available for a scouting mission. CT_S_Clan A scouting mission has been made available by the allied Clans. A scouting mission has been made available by the allied Clans. CT_Faction A mission to participate in an inter-faction conflict has become available. A mission to participate in an inter-faction conflict has become available. CT_S_Faction A scouting mission for an inter-faction conflict is available. A scouting mission for an inter-faction conflict is available. HUD_DROPSHIP_TRANSIT_ATTACK_NONE The attacking dropship is inbound The attacking dropship is inbound HUD_DROPSHIP_ARRIVE_ATTACK_NONE The attacking drop ship is departing The attacking drop ship is departing hud_escort_target VIP 'MECH VIP 'MECH No_Pilot VIP 'MECH VIP 'MECH ui_TimeLeft Time Left: Time Left: ui_CurrentMode Game Mode: Game Mode: emechmodel_bushwacker BUSHWACKER BUSHWACKER bushwacker BUSHWACKER BUSHWACKER bsw-x1s BUSHWACKER BSW-X1(S) BUSHWACKER BSW-X1(S) bsw-x1s_desc BUSHWACKER BSW-X1(S) description BUSHWACKER BSW-X1(S) bsw-x1s_short BSW-X1(S) BSW-X1(S) bsw-x1 BUSHWACKER BSW-X1 BUSHWACKER BSW-X1 bsw-x1_desc BUSHWACKER BSW-X1 description BUSHWACKER BSW-X1 bsw-x1_short BSW-X1 BSW-X1 bsw-x2 BUSHWACKER BSW-X2 BUSHWACKER BSW-X2 bsw-x2_desc BUSHWACKER BSW-X2 description BUSHWACKER BSW-X2 bsw-x2_short BSW-X2 BSW-X2 bsw-s2 BUSHWACKER BSW-S2 BUSHWACKER BSW-S2 bsw-s2_desc BUSHWACKER BSW-S2 description BUSHWACKER BSW-S2 bsw-s2_short BSW-S2 BSW-S2 bsw-p1 BUSHWACKER BSW-P1 BUSHWACKER BSW-P1 bsw-p1_desc BUSHWACKER BSW-P1 description BUSHWACKER BSW-P1 bsw-p1_short BSW-P1 BSW-P1 bsw-p2 BUSHWACKER BSW-P2 BUSHWACKER BSW-P2 bsw-p2_desc BUSHWACKER BSW-P2 description BUSHWACKER BSW-P2 bsw-p2_short BSW-P2 BSW-P2 bsw-hr HIGH ROLLER HIGH ROLLER bsw-hr_desc The personal 'Mech of Valten Ryder The personal 'Mech of Valten Ryder bsw-hr_short BSW-HR BSW-HR ducttapehanging_name Duct Tape Dangler Duct Tape Dangler ducttapehanging_desc Duct Tape Hanging Item Duct Tape Hanging Item Speaker_combatradio Combat Radio Warhorn Combat Radio Warhorn Speaker_combatradio_desc Mounted Combat Radio Warhorn Mounted Combat Radio Warhorn firstaidkit_name Med Kit Med Kit firstaidkit_desc Medical Supplies Medical Supplies brassknuckles_name Brass Knuckles Brass Knuckles brassknuckles_desc Brass Knuckles Hanging Item Brass Knuckles Hanging Item hansedavionglass_name Hanse Davion Memento Hanse Davion Memento hansedavionglass_desc Hanse Davion Memento Hanse Davion Memento mwowcgold_name WC 2016 Gold Medal WC 2016 Gold Medal mwowcgold_desc MWO: World Championships Gold Medal MWO: World Championships Gold Medal mwowcsilver_name WC 2016 Silver Medal WC 2016 Silver Medal mwowcsilver_desc MWO: World Championships Silver Medal MWO: World Championships Silver Medal mwowcbronze_name WC 2016 Bronze Medal WC 2016 Bronze Medal mwowcbronze_desc MWO: World Championships Bronze Medal MWO: World Championships Bronze Medal ducttapestanding_name Duct Tape Duct Tape ducttapestanding_desc Duct Tape Duct Tape ui_GroupConflictEnded The selected conflict has ended. The selected conflict has ended. _m_show_friendly_mech_icons Toggle Friendly 'Mech Icons Toggle Friendly 'Mech Icons ui_Decal_bushwackerace_clr ACE ACE ui_Decal_bushwackerdice_clr DICE DICE ui_title_BushwackerStand The Guide The Guide ui_title_BushwackerStand_desc Bushwacker Standard Title Bushwacker Standard Title ui_title_BushwackerColl The Machete The Machete ui_title_BushwackerColl_desc Bushwacker Collectors Title Bushwacker Collectors Title ui_System System Name System Name ui_GenericErrorEx An error occurred processing your request. If this persists please contact support.\nError Code: %0\nRequest Id: %1 An error occurred processing your request. If this persists please contact support.\nError Code: %0\nRequest Id: %1 tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege1 Allows members to send out unit invites Allows members to send out unit invites tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege2 Allows members to kick other members of the unit Allows members to kick other members of the unit tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege3 Allows members to assign ranks to other members Allows members to assign ranks to other members tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege4 Allows members to view the balance of the unit coffer Allows members to view the balance of the unit coffer tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege5 Allows members to view the transactions of the unit coffer Allows members to view the transactions of the unit coffer tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege6 Allows members to view the unit officer chat Allows members to view the unit officer chat tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege7 Allows members to update the Message of the Day Allows members to update the Message of the Day tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege8 Allows members to manage Faction Contracts Allows members to manage Faction Contracts tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege10 Allows members to transfer MC from the unit coffer Allows members to transfer MC from the unit coffer tt_FactionScreen_RankPrivilege11 Allows members to view members' last login time Allows members to view members' last login time ui_AlreadyInGroup_Details You are already in a group. You are already in a group. ui_PerSec /s /s ui_BitchinBettyAudio Bitchin' Betty Dialogue Bitchin' Betty Dialogue tt_Settings_BitchinBettyAudio Enable or disable Bitchin' Betty dialogue. Enable or disable Bitchin' Betty dialogue. tt_MechLab_UnlockWithMXP Unlock node with XP Unlock node with XP tt_MechLab_UnlockWithGXP Unlock node with GXP Unlock node with GXP tt_MechLab_LockWithCB Refund node with C-Bills Refund node with C-Bills tt_MechLab_LockWithMC Refund node with MC Refund node with MC tt_MechLab_UndoLastAction Undo last action Undo last action ui_Mastered MASTERED MASTERED ui_ConvertAll Convert All Convert All tt_MechLab_ConvertAll Max out XP to be converted for every 'Mech Max out XP to be converted for every 'Mech ui_Enhancements QUIRKS + SKILLS QUIRKS + SKILLS tt_MechStats_Enhancements Quirks and Skills unlocked for the current 'Mech Quirks and Skills unlocked for the current 'Mech ui_NoEnhancements NO ENHANCEMENTS NO ENHANCEMENTS ui_Side Side Side tt_MainMenu_XPIcon Experience that can be used to unlock skills on this BattleMech. Experience that can be used to unlock skills on this BattleMech. ge_February February February qrk_isnonpulselaser_heat_mult STD and ER Laser Heat STD and ER Laser Heat EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed5 Torso Speed 5 Torso Speed 5 ui_SkillLoadoutIncompatibility One or more of these Skills do not apply to your Loadout. One or more of these Skills do not apply to your Loadout. EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity1 PPC Velocity 1 PPC Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity2 PPC Velocity 2 PPC Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity3 PPC Velocity 3 PPC Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity4 PPC Velocity 4 PPC Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity5 PPC Velocity 5 PPC Velocity 5 qrk_ispulselaser_heat_mult Pulse Laser Heat Pulse Laser Heat ui_AutoRenewContract Auto-renew Contract Auto-renew Contract tt_AutoRenew If this option is selected, the contract will be automatically renewed. If this option is selected, the contract will be automatically renewed. ui_AutoRenewDesc If this option is selected, the contract will automatically be renewed when it expires. This can be changed at any time. If this option is selected, the contract will automatically be renewed when it expires. This can be changed at any time. ui_LastOnlineLbl Last Online Last Online ui_AlertType Type Type ui_AutoRenewOn Are you sure you would like to automatically renew this contract? Are you sure you would like to automatically renew this contract? ui_AutoRenewOff Are you sure you'd like to disable automatic renewal of this contract? Are you sure you'd like to disable automatic renewal of this contract? ui_Decal_mushroomcloud_clr MUSHROOM CLOUD MUSHROOM CLOUD ui_Decal_orbit_clr ORBIT ORBIT qrk_torso_yawspeed_mult Torso Yaw Speed Torso Yaw Speed qrk_clannonpulselaser_range_mult Clan STD and ER Laser Range Clan STD and ER Laser Range qrk_clannonpulselaser_cooldown_mult Clan STD and ER Laser Cooldown Clan STD and ER Laser Cooldown qrk_clannonpulselaser_heat_mult Clan STD and ER Laser Heat Clan STD and ER Laser Heat qrk_clanpulselaser_heat_mult Clan Pulse Laser Heat Clan Pulse Laser Heat qrk_clanppc_velocity_mult Clan PPC Velocity Clan PPC Velocity qrk_clanppc_heat_mult Clan PPC Heat Clan PPC Heat qrk_clanmachinegun_rof_mult Clan Machine Gun ROF Clan Machine Gun ROF st_SaveConfigText_HTML <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Your 'Mech configuration has changed. Do you want to <br> save the changes? </font>%0</p> <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Your 'Mech configuration has changed. Do you want to <br> save the changes? </font>%0</p> st_BuyConfigText_HTML <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Your 'Mech configuration has changed, but there are items in the configuration that you do not own.<br>Do you want to buy those items and save the configuration?</font>%0</p> <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Your 'Mech configuration has changed, but there are items in the configuration that you do not own.<br>Do you want to buy those items and save the configuration?</font>%0</p> st_SkillTree_SkillWarning <font color="#FFBD35">\n\nOne or more of these Skills do not apply to your current Loadout.</font> <font color="#FFBD35">\n\nOne or more of these Skills do not apply to your current Loadout.</font> st_SkillTree_SkillError <font color="#E61B23">\n\nOne or more of these Skills do not apply to your current Loadout.</font> <font color="#E61B23">\n\nOne or more of these Skills do not apply to your current Loadout.</font> ui_PurchaseMechSkillDesc_HTML <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Are you sure you want to purchase these Skills? </font>%0</p> <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Are you sure you want to purchase these Skills? </font>%0</p> tt_Mechlab_HistoricXpToolTip Historic XP shared between all %0's Historic XP shared between all %0's ui_TransferingHistoricXp Transfering Historic XP Transfering Historic XP ui_AutoCannon Autocannon Autocannon ui_UltraAutoCannon Ultra Autocannon Ultra Autocannon ui_LBXAutoCannon LBX Autocannon LBX Autocannon ui_PulseLaser Pulse Laser Pulse Laser ui_StreakSRM Streak SRM Streak SRM ui_SaveBeforeChangeTabs_SkillTree Your 'Mech's Skill Tree has changed. If you continue, all changes will be lost.\n Continue? Your 'Mech's Skill Tree has changed. If you continue, all changes will be lost.\n Continue? emechmodel_supernova SUPERNOVA SUPERNOVA supernova SUPERNOVA SUPERNOVA snv-1s SUPERNOVA SNV-1(S) SUPERNOVA SNV-1(S) snv-1s_desc SUPERNOVA SNV-1(S) description SUPERNOVA SNV-1(S) snv-1s_short SNV-1(S) SNV-1(S) snv-1 SUPERNOVA SNV-1 SUPERNOVA SNV-1 snv-1_desc SUPERNOVA SNV-1 description SUPERNOVA SNV-1 snv-1_short SNV-1 SNV-1 snv-3 SUPERNOVA SNV-3 SUPERNOVA SNV-3 snv-3_desc SUPERNOVA SNV-3 description SUPERNOVA SNV-3 snv-3_short SNV-3 SNV-3 snv-a SUPERNOVA SNV-A SUPERNOVA SNV-A snv-a_desc SUPERNOVA SNV-A description SUPERNOVA SNV-A snv-a_short SNV-A SNV-A snv-b SUPERNOVA SNV-B SUPERNOVA SNV-B snv-b_desc SUPERNOVA SNV-B description SUPERNOVA SNV-B snv-b_short SNV-B SNV-B snv-c SUPERNOVA SNV-C SUPERNOVA SNV-C snv-c_desc SUPERNOVA SNV-C description SUPERNOVA SNV-C snv-c_short SNV-C SNV-C snv-br BOILER BOILER snv-br_desc Supernova Hero Variant 'Mech Supernova Hero Variant 'Mech snv-br_short SNV-BR SNV-BR BJ-2 BLACKJACK BJ-2 BLACKJACK BJ-2 BJ-2_desc BLACKJACK BJ-2 description BLACKJACK BJ-2 BJ-2_short BJ-2 BJ-2 STK-3FB STALKER STK-3FB STALKER STK-3FB STK-3FB_desc STALKER STK-3FB description STALKER STK-3FB STK-3FB_short STK-3FB STK-3FB hbr-f HELLBRINGER HBR-F HELLBRINGER HBR-F hbr-f_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-F description HELLBRINGER HBR-F hbr-f_short HBR-F HBR-F smn-m SUMMONER SMN-M SUMMONER SMN-M smn-m_desc SUMMONER SMN-M description SUMMONER SMN-M smn-m_short SMN-M SMN-M smn-f SUMMONER SMN-F SUMMONER SMN-F smn-f_desc SUMMONER SMN-F description SUMMONER SMN-F smn-f_short SMN-F SMN-F tt_MechLab_SkillIncompatible This Skill Tree is disabled due to its incompatibility with your current 'Mech's loadout This Skill Tree is disabled due to its incompatibility with your current 'Mech's loadout tt_Mechlab_SkillRequiresItem This Skill Tree contains some nodes that have no effect on your current 'Mech's loadout This Skill Tree contains some nodes that have no effect on your current 'Mech's loadout ui_CurrentMXP Available XP Types: Available XP Types: qrk_clannonpulselaser_duration_mult Clan STD and ER Laser Duration Clan STD and ER Laser Duration qrk_isnarcbeacon_range_add IS Narc Beacon Range IS Narc Beacon Range qrk_isnarcbeacon_tagduration_add IS Narc Beacon Tag Duration IS Narc Beacon Tag Duration qrk_torso_twistangle_mult Torso Twist Angle Torso Twist Angle ui_incompatible Incompatible Incompatible emechtreenode_torsoyaw1 Torso Yaw 1 Torso Yaw 1 emechtreenode_torsoyaw2 Torso Yaw 2 Torso Yaw 2 emechtreenode_torsoyaw3 Torso Yaw 3 Torso Yaw 3 emechtreenode_torsoyaw4 Torso Yaw 4 Torso Yaw 4 emechtreenode_torsoyaw5 Torso Yaw 5 Torso Yaw 5 qrk_ecmtargetrangereduction_mult ECM Target Range Reduction ECM Target Range Reduction emechtreenode_enhancedecm1 Enhanced ECM Systems 1 Enhanced ECM Systems 1 emechtreenode_enhancedecm2 Enhanced ECM Systems 2 Enhanced ECM Systems 2 qrk_advancedzoom_add Advanced Zoom Advanced Zoom qrk_torso_yawangle_add Torso Yaw Angle Torso Yaw Angle qrk_torso_pitchangle_add Torso Pitch Angle Torso Pitch Angle qrk_arm_pitchspeed_mult Arm Pitch Speed Arm Pitch Speed qrk_arm_yawspeed_mult Arm Yaw Speed Arm Yaw Speed qrk_ultraautocannon_jamchance_mult UAC Jam Chance UAC Jam Chance qrk_ultraautocannon_velocity_mult UAC Velocity UAC Velocity qrk_lbxautocannon_cooldown_mult LBX Cooldown LBX Cooldown qrk_lbxautocannon_spread_mult LBX Spread LBX Spread qrk_lbxautocannon_velocity_mult LBX Velocity LBX Velocity qrk_ismachinegun_rof_mult IS Machine Gun ROF IS Machine Gun ROF qrk_clannarcbeacon_range_add Clan Narc Beacon Range Clan Narc Beacon Range qrk_clannarcbeacon_tagduration_add Clan Narc Tag Duration Clan Narc Tag Duration qrk_clanantimissilesystem_range_mult Clan AMS Range Clan AMS Range qrk_clanantimissilesystem_rof_mult Clan AMS ROF Clan AMS ROF qrk_clanermediumlaser_heat_mult Clan ER Medium Laser Heat Clan ER Medium Laser Heat qrk_clanmediumpulselaser_heat_mult Clan Medium Pulse Laser Heat Clan Medium Pulse Laser Heat qrk_islargelaser_cooldown_mult IS Large Laser Cooldown IS Large Laser Cooldown qrk_isautocannon20_cooldown_mult IS AC20 Cooldown IS AC20 Cooldown qrk_iserlargelaser_heat_mult IS ER Large Laser Heat IS ER Large Laser Heat qrk_isantimissilesystem_range_mult IS AMS Range IS AMS Range qrk_isautocannon10_cooldown_mult IS AC10 Cooldown IS AC10 Cooldown qrk_ismediumpulselaser_cooldown_mult IS Medium Pulse Laser Cooldown IS Medium Pulse Laser Cooldown qrk_ismediumlaser_duration_mult IS Medium Laser Duration IS Medium Laser Duration qrk_isstdlaser_duration_mult IS STD Laser Duration IS STD Laser Duration qrk_isstdlaser_heat_mult IS STD Laser Heat IS STD Laser Heat qrk_isstdlaser_range_mult IS STD Laser Range IS STD Laser Range qrk_isultraautocannon5_jamchance_mult IS UAC5 Jam Chance IS UAC5 Jam Chance qrk_isultraautocannon5_cooldown_mult IS UAC5 Cooldown IS UAC5 Cooldown qrk_islargelaser_range_mult IS Large Laser Range IS Large Laser Range ui_CheckMechStats Check 'Mech stats for complete list Check 'Mech stats for complete list qrk_isautocannon2_cooldown_mult IS AC2 Cooldown IS AC2 Cooldown qrk_isautocannon5_cooldown_mult IS AC5 Cooldown IS AC5 Cooldown qrk_isautocannon10_range_mult IS AC10 Range IS AC10 Range qrk_isautocannon20_velocity_mult IS AC20 Velocity IS AC20 Velocity qrk_islbxautocannon10_cooldown_mult IS LB10-X Cooldown IS LB10-X Cooldown qrk_ismediumpulselaser_range_mult IS Medium Pulse Laser Range IS Medium Pulse Laser Range qrk_ismediumlaser_heat_mult IS Medium Laser Heat IS Medium Laser Heat qrk_ismediumlaser_cooldown_mult IS Medium Laser Cooldown IS Medium Laser Cooldown qrk_ismediumlaser_range_mult IS Medium Laser Range IS Medium Laser Range qrk_ultraautocannon_range_mult UAC Range UAC Range qrk_ultraautocannon_cooldown_mult UAC Cooldown UAC Cooldown qrk_ultraautocannon_jamchance_add UAC Jam Chance UAC Jam Chance qrk_lbxautocannon_range_mult LBX Range LBX Range qrk_gaussrifle_range_mult Gauss Range Gauss Range qrk_gaussrifle_velocity_mult Gauss Velocity Gauss Velocity qrk_gaussrifle_cooldown_mult Gauss Cooldown Gauss Cooldown qrk_nonpulselaser_range_mult STD and ER Laser Range STD and ER Laser Range qrk_nonpulselaser_duration_mult STD and ER Laser Duration STD and ER Laser Duration qrk_nonpulselaser_cooldown_mult STD and ER Laser Cooldown STD and ER Laser Cooldown qrk_nonpulselaser_heat_mult STD and ER Laser Heat STD and ER Laser Heat qrk_ppc_cooldown_mult PPC Cooldown PPC Cooldown qrk_ppc_range_mult PPC Range PPC Range qrk_ppc_heat_mult PPC HEAT GENERATION PPC HEAT GENERATION qrk_ppc_velocity_mult PPC VELOCITY PPC VELOCITY qrk_streaksrm_range_mult Streak SRM Range Streak SRM Range qrk_streaksrm_spread_mult Streak SRM Spread Streak SRM Spread qrk_streaksrm_velocity_mult Streak SRM Velocity Streak SRM Velocity qrk_streaksrm_cooldown_mult Streak SRM Cooldown Streak SRM Cooldown qrk_islargepulselaser_cooldown_mult IS Large Pulse Laser Cooldown IS Large Pulse Laser Cooldown qrk_islargepulselaser_heat_mult IS Large Pulse Laser Heat IS Large Pulse Laser Heat qrk_islargepulselaser_range_mult IS Large Pulse Laser Range IS Large Pulse Laser Range qrk_iserlargelaser_cooldown_mult IS ER Large Laser Cooldown IS ER Large Laser Cooldown qrk_clanultraautocannon2_heat_mult Clan UAC 2 Heat Clan UAC 2 Heat ui_RefundMechSkillDesc_HTML <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Are you sure you want to unequip these Skills?</p> <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Are you sure you want to unequip these Skills?</p> ui_title_SupernovaStand The Star The Star ui_title_SupernovaStand_desc Supernova Standard Title Supernova Standard Title ui_title_SupernovaColl_desc Supernova Collectors Title Supernova Collectors Title ui_title_SupernovaColl The Universe The Universe potofgold_name Pot 'o' Gold Pot 'o' Gold potofgold_Desc It's a Pot 'o' Gold It's a Pot 'o' Gold satellite_name Satellite Satellite satellite_desc Satellite Hanging Item, released with the Supernova. Satellite Hanging Item, released with the Supernova. Speaker_dish Dish Warhorn Dish Warhorn Speaker_dish_desc Dish Warhorn, released with the Supernova. Dish Warhorn, released with the Supernova. spacerover_name Rover Rover spacerover_desc Rover Standing Item, released with the Supernova. Rover Standing Item, released with the Supernova. Supernova_name Planet Planet Supernova_desc Planet Hanging Item, released with the Supernova. Planet Hanging Item, released with the Supernova. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity1_desc Increases AC projectile velocity. Increases AC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity2_desc Increases AC projectile velocity. Increases AC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange1_desc Increases AC projectile range. Increases AC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown1_desc Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity3_desc Increases AC projectile velocity. Increases AC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange2_desc Increases AC projectile range. Increases AC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown2_desc Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity4_desc Increases AC projectile velocity. Increases AC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange3_desc Increases AC projectile range. Increases AC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown3_desc Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonVelocity5_desc Increases AC projectile velocity. Increases AC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange4_desc Increases AC projectile range. Increases AC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown4_desc Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonCooldown5_desc Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces AC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_AutoCannonRange5_desc Increases AC projectile range. Increases AC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity1_desc Increases UAC projectile velocity. Increases UAC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity2_desc Increases UAC projectile velocity. Increases UAC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange1_desc Increases UAC projectile range. Increases UAC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown1_desc Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity3_desc Increases UAC projectile velocity. Increases UAC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange2_desc Increases UAC projectile range. Increases UAC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance1_desc Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown2_desc Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity4_desc Increases UAC projectile velocity. Increases UAC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange3_desc Increases UAC projectile range. Increases UAC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance2_desc Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown3_desc Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance3_desc Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonVelocity5_desc Increases UAC projectile velocity. Increases UAC projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange4_desc Increases UAC projectile range. Increases UAC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown4_desc Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonCooldown5_desc Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces UAC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance4_desc Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonJamchance5_desc Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. Reduces Jam time on UACs and Jam bar dissipation for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UltraAutoCannonRange5_desc Increases UAC projectile range. Increases UAC projectile range. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity1_desc Increases LBX projectile velocity. Increases LBX projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity2_desc Increases LBX projectile velocity. Increases LBX projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange1_desc Increases LBX projectile range. Increases LBX projectile range. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity3_desc Increases LBX projectile velocity. Increases LBX projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown1_desc Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange2_desc Increases LBX projectile range. Increases LBX projectile range. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread1_desc Reduces LBX projectile spread. Reduces LBX projectile spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown2_desc Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange3_desc Increases LBX projectile range. Increases LBX projectile range. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread2_desc Reduces LBX projectile spread. Reduces LBX projectile spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown3_desc Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread3_desc Reduces LBX projectile spread. Reduces LBX projectile spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity4_desc Increases LBX projectile velocity. Increases LBX projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange4_desc Increases LBX projectile range. Increases LBX projectile range. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown4_desc Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonRange5_desc Increases LBX projectile range. Increases LBX projectile range. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread5_desc Reduces LBX projectile spread. Reduces LBX projectile spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonSpread4_desc Reduces LBX projectile spread. Reduces LBX projectile spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonVelocity5_desc Increases LBX projectile velocity. Increases LBX projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_LBXAutoCannonCooldown5_desc Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LBX weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge1_desc Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge2_desc Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity1_desc Increases Gauss projectile velocity. Increases Gauss projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge3_desc Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange1_desc Increases Gauss projectile range. Increases Gauss projectile range. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity2_desc Increases Gauss projectile velocity. Increases Gauss projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown1_desc Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange2_desc Increases Gauss projectile range. Increases Gauss projectile range. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity3_desc Increases Gauss projectile velocity. Increases Gauss projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown2_desc Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange3_desc Increases Gauss projectile range. Increases Gauss projectile range. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown3_desc Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge4_desc Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity4_desc Increases Gauss projectile velocity. Increases Gauss projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange4_desc Increases Gauss projectile range. Increases Gauss projectile range. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleRange5_desc Increases Gauss projectile range. Increases Gauss projectile range. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown5_desc Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleCooldown4_desc Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Gauss weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_GaussRifleVelocity5_desc Increases Gauss projectile velocity. Increases Gauss projectile velocity. EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge5_desc Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. Increases duration of time a Gauss Rifle charge can be held before it depletes. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration1_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration2_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserRange1_desc Increases STD and ER Laser range. Increases STD and ER Laser range. EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown1_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration3_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserRange2_desc Increases STD and ER Laser range. Increases STD and ER Laser range. EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown2_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration4_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserRange3_desc Increases STD and ER Laser range. Increases STD and ER Laser range. EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown3_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration5_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserRange4_desc Increases STD and ER Laser range. Increases STD and ER Laser range. EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat1_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown4_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat2_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_LaserCooldown5_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces STD and ER Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserRange5_desc Increases STD and ER Laser range. Increases STD and ER Laser range. EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat3_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat4_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_LaserHeat5_desc Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. Reduces STD and ER Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration1_desc Reduces Pulse Laser duration. Reduces Pulse Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration2_desc Reduces Pulse Laser duration. Reduces Pulse Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange1_desc Increases Pulse Laser range. Increases Pulse Laser range. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown1_desc Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration3_desc Reduces Pulse Laser duration. Reduces Pulse Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange2_desc Increases Pulse Laser range. Increases Pulse Laser range. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown2_desc Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration4_desc Reduces Pulse Laser duration. Reduces Pulse Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange3_desc Increases Pulse Laser range. Increases Pulse Laser range. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown3_desc Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserDuration5_desc Reduces Pulse Laser duration. Reduces Pulse Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange4_desc Increases Pulse Laser range. Increases Pulse Laser range. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat1_desc Reduces Pulse Laser heat. Reduces Pulse Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown4_desc Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat2_desc Reduces Pulse Laser heat. Reduces Pulse Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserCooldown5_desc Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. Reduces Pulse Laser weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserRange5_desc Increases Pulse Laser range. Increases Pulse Laser range. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat3_desc Reduces Pulse Laser heat. Reduces Pulse Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat4_desc Reduces Pulse Laser heat. Reduces Pulse Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_PulseLaserHeat5_desc Reduces Pulse Laser heat. Reduces Pulse Laser heat. EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity1_desc Increases PPC velocity. Increases PPC velocity. EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity2_desc Increases PPC velocity. Increases PPC velocity. EMechTreeNode_PPCRange1_desc Increases PPC range. Increases PPC range. EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown1_desc Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity3_desc Increases PPC velocity. Increases PPC velocity. EMechTreeNode_PPCRange2_desc Increases PPC range. Increases PPC range. EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown2_desc Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity4_desc Increases PPC velocity. Increases PPC velocity. EMechTreeNode_PPCRange3_desc Increases PPC range. Increases PPC range. EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown3_desc Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PPCVelocity5_desc Increases PPC velocity. Increases PPC velocity. EMechTreeNode_PPCRange4_desc Increases PPC range. Increases PPC range. EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat1_desc Reduces PPC heat. Reduces PPC heat. EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown4_desc Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat2_desc Reduces PPC heat. Reduces PPC heat. EMechTreeNode_PPCCooldown5_desc Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. Reduces PPC weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_PPCRange5_desc Increases PPC range. Increases PPC range. EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat3_desc Reduces PPC heat. Reduces PPC heat. EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat4_desc Reduces PPC heat. Reduces PPC heat. EMechTreeNode_PPCHeat5_desc Reduces PPC heat. Reduces PPC heat. EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity1_desc Increases LRM velocity. Increases LRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity2_desc Increases LRM velocity. Increases LRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_LRMRange1_desc Increases LRM range. Increases LRM range. EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity3_desc Increases LRM velocity. Increases LRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown1_desc Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LRMRange2_desc Increases LRM range. Increases LRM range. EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread1_desc Reduces LRM spread. Reduces LRM spread. EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown2_desc Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread2_desc Reduces LRM spread. Reduces LRM spread. EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity4_desc Increases LRM velocity. Increases LRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_LRMRange3_desc Increases LRM range. Increases LRM range. EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread3_desc Reduces LRM spread. Reduces LRM spread. EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown3_desc Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LRMVelocity5_desc Increases LRM velocity. Increases LRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_LRMRange4_desc Increases LRM range. Increases LRM range. EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown4_desc Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LRMCooldown5_desc Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces LRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread4_desc Reduces LRM spread. Reduces LRM spread. EMechTreeNode_LRMSpread5_desc Reduces LRM spread. Reduces LRM spread. EMechTreeNode_LRMRange5_desc Increases LRM range. Increases LRM range. EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity1_desc Increases SRM velocity. Increases SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity2_desc Increases SRM velocity. Increases SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_SRMRange1_desc Increases SRM range. Increases SRM range. EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity3_desc Increases SRM velocity. Increases SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown1_desc Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_SRMRange2_desc Increases SRM range. Increases SRM range. EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread1_desc Reduces SRM spread. Reduces SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown2_desc Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread2_desc Reduces SRM spread. Reduces SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity4_desc Increases SRM velocity. Increases SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_SRMRange3_desc Increases SRM range. Increases SRM range. EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread3_desc Reduces SRM spread. Reduces SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown3_desc Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_SRMVelocity5_desc Increases SRM velocity. Increases SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_SRMRange4_desc Increases SRM range. Increases SRM range. EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown4_desc Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_SRMCooldown5_desc Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. Reduces SRM weapon cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread4_desc Reduces SRM spread. Reduces SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_SRMSpread5_desc Reduces SRM spread. Reduces SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_SRMRange5_desc Increases SRM range. Increases SRM range. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity1_desc Increases Streak SRM velocity. Increases Streak SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity2_desc Increases Streak SRM velocity. Increases Streak SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange1_desc Increases Streak SRM range. Increases Streak SRM range. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity3_desc Increases Streak SRM velocity. Increases Streak SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown1_desc Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange2_desc Increases Streak SRM range. Increases Streak SRM range. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread1_desc Reduces Streak SRM spread. Reduces Streak SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown2_desc Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread2_desc Reduces Streak SRM spread. Reduces Streak SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity4_desc Increases Streak SRM velocity. Increases Streak SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange3_desc Increases Streak SRM range. Increases Streak SRM range. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread3_desc Reduces Streak SRM spread. Reduces Streak SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown3_desc Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMVelocity5_desc Increases Streak SRM velocity. Increases Streak SRM velocity. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange4_desc Increases Streak SRM range. Increases Streak SRM range. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown4_desc Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMCooldown5_desc Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. Reduces Streak SRM cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread4_desc Reduces Streak SRM spread. Reduces Streak SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMSpread5_desc Reduces Streak SRM spread. Reduces Streak SRM spread. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMRange5_desc Increases Streak SRM range. Increases Streak SRM range. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity1_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_AMSOverload1_desc Increases the damage of AMS. Increases the damage of AMS. EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance1_desc Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening1_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance2_desc Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance3_desc Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening2_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity2_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity3_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_AMSOverload2_desc Increases the damage of AMS. Increases the damage of AMS. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity4_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening3_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance4_desc Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. EMechTreeNode_ShockAbsorbance5_desc Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. Absorbs fall damage for 'Mechs. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity5_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening4_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening5_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed1_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch1_desc Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch2_desc Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. EMechTreeNode_TorsoYaw1_desc Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch1_desc Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed2_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch2_desc Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch3_desc Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed1_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch4_desc Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch4_desc Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed2_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch3_desc Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. EMechTreeNode_TorsoYaw2_desc Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. EMechTreeNode_TorsoPitch5_desc Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. Increases a 'Mech's torso pitch. EMechTreeNode_TorsoYaw3_desc Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. EMechTreeNode_ArmPitch5_desc Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. Increases a 'Mech's arm pitch. EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed3_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. EMechTreeNode_TorsoYaw4_desc Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed3_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed4_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. EMechTreeNode_ArmSpeed5_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can move its arms. EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed4_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. EMechTreeNode_TorsoYaw5_desc Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. Increases the maximum amount a 'Mech can twist its torso. EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed5_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. EMechTreeNode_HardBrake1_desc Increases 'Mech deceleration. Increases 'Mech deceleration. EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst1_desc Increases 'Mech acceleration. Increases 'Mech acceleration. EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst2_desc Increases 'Mech acceleration. Increases 'Mech acceleration. EMechTreeNode_TurnRate1_desc Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. EMechTreeNode_HardBrake2_desc Increases 'Mech deceleration. Increases 'Mech deceleration. EMechTreeNode_TurnRate2_desc Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst3_desc Increases 'Mech acceleration. Increases 'Mech acceleration. EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst4_desc Increases 'Mech acceleration. Increases 'Mech acceleration. EMechTreeNode_TurnRate3_desc Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. EMechTreeNode_HardBrake3_desc Increases 'Mech deceleration. Increases 'Mech deceleration. EMechTreeNode_HardBrake4_desc Increases 'Mech deceleration. Increases 'Mech deceleration. EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst5_desc Increases 'Mech acceleration. Increases 'Mech acceleration. EMechTreeNode_HardBrake5_desc Increases 'Mech deceleration. Increases 'Mech deceleration. EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak1_desc Increases 'Mech top speed. Increases 'Mech top speed. EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak2_desc Increases 'Mech top speed. Increases 'Mech top speed. EMechTreeNode_TurnRate4_desc Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. EMechTreeNode_TurnRate5_desc Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. Increases the turning speed of a 'Mech. EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak3_desc Increases 'Mech top speed. Increases 'Mech top speed. EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak4_desc Increases 'Mech top speed. Increases 'Mech top speed. EMechTreeNode_SpeedTweak5_desc Increases 'Mech top speed. Increases 'Mech top speed. EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed1_desc Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration1_desc Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_Vectoring1_desc Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed2_desc Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration2_desc Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_Vectoring2_desc Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed3_desc Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration3_desc Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_Vectoring3_desc Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed4_desc Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration4_desc Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_Vectoring4_desc Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_LiftSpeed5_desc Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases initial boost of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_VentCalibration5_desc Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases burn time of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_Vectoring5_desc Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. Increases forward thrust of a 'Mech's Jump Jets. EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition1_desc Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment1_desc Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment2_desc Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. EMechTreeNode_CoolRun1_desc Increases heat dissipation. Increases heat dissipation. EMechTreeNode_HillClimb1_desc Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes. Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes. EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition2_desc Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. EMechTreeNode_SpeedRetention1_desc Maintains 'Mech's speed after being legged. Capped at 50 km/h. Maintains 'Mech's speed after being legged. Capped at 50 km/h. EMechTreeNode_HillClimb2_desc Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes. Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes. EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition3_desc Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros1_desc Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. EMechTreeNode_CoolRun2_desc Increases heat dissipation. Increases heat dissipation. EMechTreeNode_CoolRun3_desc Increases heat dissipation. Increases heat dissipation. EMechTreeNode_CoolRun4_desc Increases heat dissipation. Increases heat dissipation. EMechTreeNode_SpeedRetention2_desc Maintains 'Mech's speed after being legged. Capped at 50 km/h. Maintains 'Mech's speed after being legged. Capped at 50 km/h. EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition4_desc Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment3_desc Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment4_desc Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. EMechTreeNode_HeatContainment5_desc Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. Increases maximum heat threshold before a 'Mech shuts down. EMechTreeNode_QuickIgnition5_desc Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. Speeds up start-up and shut-down sequences. EMechTreeNode_SpeedRetention3_desc Maintains 'Mech's speed after being legged. Capped at 50 km/h. Maintains 'Mech's speed after being legged. Capped at 50 km/h. EMechTreeNode_CoolRun5_desc Increases heat dissipation. Increases heat dissipation. EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering1_desc Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay1_desc Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. EMechTreeNode_SensorRange1_desc Boost sensor range. Boost sensor range. EMechTreeNode_TargetRetention1_desc Allows retention of target information when the enemy moves behind the piloted 'Mech. Allows retention of target information when the enemy moves behind the piloted 'Mech. EMechTreeNode_SensorRange2_desc Boost sensor range. Boost sensor range. EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering2_desc Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering3_desc Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. EMechTreeNode_SensorRange3_desc Boost sensor range. Boost sensor range. EMechTreeNode_AdvancedZoom1_desc A Picture-in-Picture long range zoom with 4x magnification. A Picture-in-Picture long range zoom with 4x magnification. EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay2_desc Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering4_desc Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. EMechTreeNode_TargetRetention2_desc Allows retention of target information when the enemy moves behind the piloted 'Mech. Allows retention of target information when the enemy moves behind the piloted 'Mech. EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation1_desc Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay3_desc Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. EMechTreeNode_SensorRange4_desc Boost sensor range. Boost sensor range. EMechTreeNode_SensorRange5_desc Boost sensor range. Boost sensor range. EMechTreeNode_SeismicSensor1_desc Allows detection and identification of enemy 'Mechs via ground vibrations. Must be stationary. Allows detection and identification of enemy 'Mechs via ground vibrations. Must be stationary. EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation2_desc Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay4_desc Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation3_desc Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. EMechTreeNode_EnhancedECM1_desc Decreases the Max Range at which an ECM-protected 'Mech can be targeted, and decreases the Cooldown Duration required before Stealth Armor can be re-activated. Decreases the Max Range at which an ECM-protected 'Mech can be targeted, and decreases the Cooldown Duration required before Stealth Armor can be re-activated. EMechTreeNode_TargetInfoGathering5_desc Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. Decreases the amount of time required for detailed target information. EMechTreeNode_TargetDecay5_desc Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. Increases amount of time a 'Mech is trackable when its leaves line of sight. EMechTreeNode_EnhancedECM2_desc Decreases the Max Range at which an ECM-protected 'Mech can be targeted, and decreases the Cooldown Duration required before Stealth Armor can be re-activated. Decreases the Max Range at which an ECM-protected 'Mech can be targeted, and decreases the Cooldown Duration required before Stealth Armor can be re-activated. EMechTreeNode_SeismicSensor2_desc Allows detection and identification of enemy 'Mechs via ground vibrations. Must be stationary. Allows detection and identification of enemy 'Mechs via ground vibrations. Must be stationary. EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation4_desc Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. EMechTreeNode_RadarDeprivation5_desc Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. Reduces the duration of time you remain targeted after breaking the enemy's line of sight. EMechTreeNode_UAVRange1_desc Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation1_desc Increases UAV duration. Increases UAV duration. EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist1_desc Increases the rate of capture. Increases the rate of capture. EMechTreeNode_UAVRange2_desc Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation2_desc Increases UAV duration. Increases UAV duration. EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist2_desc Increases the rate of capture. Increases the rate of capture. EMechTreeNode_EnhancedNARC1_desc Increases projectile speed and duration. Increases projectile speed and duration. EMechTreeNode_UAVRange3_desc Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation3_desc Increases UAV duration. Increases UAV duration. EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist3_desc Increases the rate of capture. Increases the rate of capture. EMechTreeNode_UAVRange4_desc Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation4_desc Increases UAV duration. Increases UAV duration. EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist4_desc Increases the rate of capture. Increases the rate of capture. EMechTreeNode_UAVRange5_desc Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. Permanently increases the range of all UAVs. EMechTreeNode_EnhancedNARC2_desc Increases projectile speed and duration. Increases projectile speed and duration. EMechTreeNode_UAVTimeOnStation5_desc Increases UAV duration. Increases UAV duration. EMechTreeNode_CaptureAssist5_desc Increases the rate of capture. Increases the rate of capture. qrk_narcbeacon_narcduration_add Narc Beacon Tag Duration Narc Beacon Tag Duration EMechTreeNode_MagazineCapacity1 Magazine Capacity 1 Magazine Capacity 1 EMechTreeNode_MagazineCapacity1_desc Provides extra ammo (per-ton equipped) for Ballistic weapons. Provides extra ammo (per-ton equipped) for Ballistic weapons. tt_MechStats_Consumables Displays Consumables equipped on this ‘Mech Displays Consumables equipped on this ‘Mech ui_NoConsumables No Consumables Equipped No Consumables Equipped qrk_clanmachinegun_range_mult Clan Machine Gun Range Clan Machine Gun Range qrk_ismachinegun_range_mult IS Machine Gun Range IS Machine Gun Range EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat1 Streak SRM Heat 1 Streak SRM Heat 1 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat2 Streak SRM Heat 2 Streak SRM Heat 2 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat3 Streak SRM Heat 3 Streak SRM Heat 3 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat4 Streak SRM Heat 4 Streak SRM Heat 4 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat5 Streak SRM Heat 5 Streak SRM Heat 5 EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat1_desc Reduces Streak SRM heat. Reduces Streak SRM heat. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat2_desc Reduces Streak SRM heat. Reduces Streak SRM heat. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat3_desc Reduces Streak SRM heat. Reduces Streak SRM heat. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat4_desc Reduces Streak SRM heat. Reduces Streak SRM heat. EMechTreeNode_StreakSRMHeat5_desc Reduces Streak SRM heat. Reduces Streak SRM heat. qrk_streaksrm_heat_mult Streak SRM Heat Streak SRM Heat qrk_clanstreaksrm_heat_mult Clan Streak SRM Heat Clan Streak SRM Heat qrk_isstreaksrm_heat_mult IS Streak SRM Heat IS Streak SRM Heat ui_IgnoreEnhancements Ignore Enhancements Ignore Enhancements tt_PrivateMatch_IgnoreEnhancements Choose to ignore enhancements on all 'Mechs Choose to ignore enhancements on all 'Mechs st_Loadout_SkillWarning <br/><font color="#FFBD35">One or more of your current Skills do not apply to this new Loadout.</font> <br/><font color="#FFBD35">One or more of your current Skills do not apply to this new Loadout.</font> st_Loadout_SkillError <br/><font color="#E61B23">One or more of your current Skills do not apply to this new Loadout.</font> <br/><font color="#E61B23">One or more of your current Skills do not apply to this new Loadout.</font> ui_invasionType INVASION INVASION ui_Incursion INCURSION INCURSION ui_Incursion_Rules_PR WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY ENEMY BASE\n • ON TIME OUT MOST DAMAGE TO BASE WINS WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY ENEMY BASE\n • ON TIME OUT MOST DAMAGE TO BASE WINS ui_incursionbuilding MOBILE BASE MOBILE BASE ui_Incursion_PR INCURSION INCURSION ui_Incursion_Rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE ENEMY BASE WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DESTROY THE ENEMY BASE hud_UploadIntel TRANSFERRING POWER TRANSFERRING POWER hud_UploadFailed TRANSFER FAILED TRANSFER FAILED hud_UploadComplete TRANSFER COMPLETE TRANSFER COMPLETE ui_RADAR_TOWER RADAR TOWER RADAR TOWER ui_JAMMING_TOWER JAMMING TOWER JAMMING TOWER ui_AIR_CONTROL_TOWER AIR CONTROL TOWER AIR CONTROL TOWER hud_act ACT ACT hud_rad RAD RAD hud_jam JAM JAM ui_Decal_assassinbug ASSASSIN BUG ASSASSIN BUG ui_Decal_assassinkatar KATAR DAGGER KATAR DAGGER ui_km_per_hr_per_s [KPH/s] [KPH/s] ui_Deceleration Deceleration Deceleration ui_torso_turn_rate Torso Turn Rate Torso Turn Rate emechmodel_assassin ASSASSIN ASSASSIN assassin ASSASSIN ASSASSIN asn-21s ASSASSIN ASN-21(S) ASSASSIN ASN-21(S) asn-21s_desc ASSASSIN ASN-21(S) description ASSASSIN ASN-21(S) asn-21s_short ASN-21(S) ASN-21(S) asn-21 ASSASSIN ASN-21 ASSASSIN ASN-21 asn-21_desc ASSASSIN ASN-21 description ASSASSIN ASN-21 asn-21_short ASN-21 ASN-21 asn-23 ASSASSIN ASN-23 ASSASSIN ASN-23 asn-23_desc ASSASSIN ASN-23 description ASSASSIN ASN-23 asn-23_short ASN-23 ASN-23 asn-101 ASSASSIN ASN-101 ASSASSIN ASN-101 asn-101_desc ASSASSIN ASN-101 description ASSASSIN ASN-101 asn-101_short ASN-101 ASN-101 asn-26 ASSASSIN ASN-26 ASSASSIN ASN-26 asn-26_desc ASSASSIN ASN-26 description ASSASSIN ASN-26 asn-26_short ASN-26 ASN-26 asn-27 ASSASSIN ASN-27 ASSASSIN ASN-27 asn-27_desc ASSASSIN ASN-27 description ASSASSIN ASN-27 asn-27_short ASN-27 ASN-27 asn-dd DARKDEATH DARKDEATH asn-dd_desc The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Dale Sandstorm The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Dale Sandstorm asn-dd_short ASN-DD ASN-DD ui_TooManyConsumablesOfGivenType Mech has too many consumables of the same type installed. 'Mech has too many consumables of the same type installed. ui_Unequipped Unequipped Unequipped tt_MechLab_EquipWithGXP Equip node with GXP Equip node with GXP tt_MechLab_EquipWithMXP Equip node with XP Equip node with XP tt_MechLab_UnequipNode Unequip node Unequip node katar_name Katar Katar katar_desc Katar Standing Item, released with the Assassin. Katar Standing Item, released with the Assassin. garotte_name Garotte Garotte garotte_desc Garotte Hanging Item, released with the Assassin. Garotte Hanging Item, released with the Assassin. easter_clan_name Easter Chocolate Madcat Easter Chocolate Madcat easter_clan_desc Easter Chocolate Madcat Standing Item Easter Chocolate Madcat Standing Item easter_is_name Easter Chocolate Catapult Easter Chocolate Catapult easter_is_desc Easter Chocolate Catapult Standing Item Easter Chocolate Catapult Standing Item april_fools Fools Warhorn Fools Warhorn april_fools_desc Fools Warhorn Mounted Item Fools Warhorn Mounted Item speaker_blades Blades Warhorn Blades Warhorn speaker_blades_desc Blades Warhorn, released with the Assassin. Blades Warhorn, released with the Assassin. pushdagger_name Pushdagger Pushdagger pushdagger_desc Pushdagger Hanging Item, released with the Assassin. Pushdagger Hanging Item, released with the Assassin. FlagSerbia_name FLAG: SERBIA FLAG: SERBIA FlagSerbia_desc Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. Carry the flag of your forefathers into battle with honor and pride. EMechTreeNode_Range1 Range 1 Range 1 EMechTreeNode_Velocity1 Velocity 1 Velocity 1 EMechTreeNode_Range2 Range 2 Range 2 EMechTreeNode_Velocity2 Velocity 2 Velocity 2 EMechTreeNode_Range3 Range 3 Range 3 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown1 Cooldown 1 Cooldown 1 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen1 Heat Gen 1 Heat Gen 1 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown2 Cooldown 2 Cooldown 2 EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive1 High Explosive 1 High Explosive 1 EMechTreeNode_Velocity3 Velocity 3 Velocity 3 EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge1 Gauss Charge 1 Gauss Charge 1 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown3 Cooldown 3 Cooldown 3 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown4 Cooldown 4 Cooldown 4 EMechTreeNode_Velocity4 Velocity 4 Velocity 4 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown5 Cooldown 5 Cooldown 5 EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge2 Gauss Charge 2 Gauss Charge 2 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen2 Heat Gen 2 Heat Gen 2 EMechTreeNode_MissileRack1 Missile Rack 1 Missile Rack 1 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen3 Heat Gen 3 Heat Gen 3 EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread1 Missile Spread 1 Missile Spread 1 EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread2 Missile Spread 2 Missile Spread 2 EMechTreeNode_Range4 Range 4 Range 4 EMechTreeNode_Range5 Range 5 Range 5 EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge3 Gauss Charge 3 Gauss Charge 3 EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge4 Gauss Charge 4 Gauss Charge 4 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown6 Cooldown 6 Cooldown 6 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown9 Cooldown 9 Cooldown 9 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown7 Cooldown 7 Cooldown 7 EMechTreeNode_Velocity5 Velocity 5 Velocity 5 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen4 Heat Gen 4 Heat Gen 4 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown8 Cooldown 8 Cooldown 8 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration6 Laser Duration 6 Laser Duration 6 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen7 Heat Gen 7 Heat Gen 7 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen5 Heat Gen 5 Heat Gen 5 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen6 Heat Gen 6 Heat Gen 6 EMechTreeNode_GaussCharge5 Gauss Charge 5 Gauss Charge 5 EMechTreeNode_Range7 Range 7 Range 7 EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread1 LBX Spread 1 LBX Spread 1 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration9 Laser Duration 9 Laser Duration 9 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration7 Laser Duration 7 Laser Duration 7 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration8 Laser Duration 8 Laser Duration 8 EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive2 High Explosive 2 High Explosive 2 EMechTreeNode_Range8 Range 8 Range 8 EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread3 Missile Spread 3 Missile Spread 3 EMechTreeNode_Range9 Range 9 Range 9 EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive3 High Explosive 3 High Explosive 3 EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread3 LBX Spread 3 LBX Spread 3 EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread2 LBX Spread 2 LBX Spread 2 EMechTreeNode_Range10 Range 10 Range 10 EMechTreeNode_MagazineCapacity2 Magazine Capacity 2 Magazine Capacity 2 EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance1 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 1 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 1 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen8 Heat Gen 8 Heat Gen 8 EMechTreeNode_Range6 Range 6 Range 6 EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration10 Laser Duration 10 Laser Duration 10 EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread4 Missile Spread 4 Missile Spread 4 EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive4 High Explosive 4 High Explosive 4 EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive5 High Explosive 5 High Explosive 5 EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread5 Missile Spread 5 Missile Spread 5 EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread4 LBX Spread 4 LBX Spread 4 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown10 Cooldown 10 Cooldown 10 EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance2 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 2 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 2 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown11 Cooldown 11 Cooldown 11 EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance3 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 3 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 3 EMechTreeNode_MissileRack2 Missile Rack 2 Missile Rack 2 EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread5 LBX Spread 5 LBX Spread 5 EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance4 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 4 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 4 EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance5 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 5 ENHANCED UAC/RAC 5 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing1 Reinforced Casing 1 Reinforced Casing 1 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing2 Reinforced Casing 2 Reinforced Casing 2 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing3 Reinforced Casing 3 Reinforced Casing 3 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing4 Reinforced Casing 4 Reinforced Casing 4 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing5 Reinforced Casing 5 Reinforced Casing 5 EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn1 Anchor Turn 1 Anchor Turn 1 EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn2 Anchor Turn 2 Anchor Turn 2 EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn3 Anchor Turn 3 Anchor Turn 3 EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn4 Anchor Turn 4 Anchor Turn 4 EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn5 Anchor Turn 5 Anchor Turn 5 EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding1 Heat Shielding 1 Heat Shielding 1 EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding2 Heat Shielding 2 Heat Shielding 2 EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding3 Heat Shielding 3 Heat Shielding 3 EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding4 Heat Shielding 4 Heat Shielding 4 EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding5 Heat Shielding 5 Heat Shielding 5 EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros2 Improved Gyros 2 Improved Gyros 2 EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros3 Improved Gyros 3 Improved Gyros 3 EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros4 Improved Gyros 4 Improved Gyros 4 EMechTreeNode_HillClimb3 Hill Climb 3 Hill Climb 3 EMechTreeNode_AdvancedZoom Advanced Zoom Advanced Zoom EMechTreeNode_RadarDepravation1 Radar Deprivation 1 Radar Deprivation 1 EMechTreeNode_RadarDepravation2 Radar Deprivation 2 Radar Deprivation 2 EMechTreeNode_RadarDepravation3 Radar Deprivation 3 Radar Deprivation 3 EMechTreeNode_RadarDepravation4 Radar Deprivation 4 Radar Deprivation 4 EMechTreeNode_RadarDepravation5 Radar Deprivation 5 Radar Deprivation 5 EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot1 Consumable Slot 1 Consumable Slot 1 EMechTreeNode_UAVTime UAV Duration UAV Duration EMechTreeNode_ExtendedBombardment1 Adv. Salvos 1 Adv. Salvos 1 EMechTreeNode_ExtraUAV Extra UAV Extra UAV EMechTreeNode_EnhancedCoolshot1 Enhanced Coolshot 1 Enhanced Coolshot 1 EMechTreeNode_ExtendedBombardment2 Adv. Salvos 2 Adv. Salvos 2 EMechTreeNode_ExpandedReserves Expanded Reserves Expanded Reserves EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot2 Consumable Slot 2 Consumable Slot 2 EMechTreeNode_EnhancedCoolshot2 Enhanced Coolshot 2 Enhanced Coolshot 2 EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot3 Consumable Slot 3 Consumable Slot 3 EMechTreeNode_EnhancedSpotting Enhanced Spotting Enhanced Spotting EMechTreeNode_CoolshotCooldown Coolshot Cooldown Coolshot Cooldown EMechTreeNode_CoolantReserves Coolant Reserves Coolant Reserves EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot4 Consumable Slot 4 Consumable Slot 4 qrk_all_cooldown_mult COOLDOWN COOLDOWN qrk_all_duration_mult DURATION DURATION qrk_all_heat_mult HEAT HEAT qrk_all_jamchance_mult JAM CHANCE JAM CHANCE qrk_all_range_mult RANGE RANGE qrk_all_spread_mult SPREAD SPREAD qrk_all_velocity_mult VELOCITY VELOCITY qrk_ammocapacity_narc_add NARC AMMO CAPACITY NARC AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_lrm_add LRM AMMO CAPACITY LRM AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_srm_add SRM AMMO CAPACITY SRM AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_streaksrm_add STREAK SRM AMMO CAPACITY STREAK SRM AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_lrm_artemis_add LRM ARTEMIS AMMO CAPACITY LRM ARTEMIS AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_srm_artemis_add SRM ARTEMIS AMMO CAPACITY SRM ARTEMIS AMMO CAPACITY qrk_missile_critchance_mult MISSILE CRIT CHANCE MISSILE CRIT CHANCE qrk_jumpjets_heat_mult JUMP JETS HEAT JUMP JETS HEAT qrk_extraconsumableslot_add EXTRA CONSUMABLE SLOT EXTRA CONSUMABLE SLOT qrk_uavcapacity_add UAV CAPACITY UAV CAPACITY qrk_coolshotcapacity_add COOLSHOT CAPACITY COOLSHOT CAPACITY qrk_coolshotcooling_mult COOLSHOT COOLING COOLSHOT COOLING qrk_coolshotcooldown_mult COOLSHOT COOLDOWN COOLSHOT COOLDOWN qrk_strategicstrikecapacity_add STRATEGIC STRIKE CAPACITY STRATEGIC STRIKE CAPACITY qrk_strategicstrikenumshells_mult STRATEGIC STRIKE NO. OF SHELLS STRATEGIC STRIKE NO. OF SHELLS qrk_strategicstrikespread_mult STRATEGIC STRIKE SPREAD STRATEGIC STRIKE SPREAD HUD_AWARD_BatteryPickup FUEL CELL PICKUP FUEL CELL PICKUP HUD_AWARD_BatteryDroppedOff FUEL CELL DROPPED OFF FUEL CELL DROPPED OFF eGM_Incursion INCURSION INCURSION wlf-1c WOLFHOUND WLF-1(C) WOLFHOUND WLF-1(C) wlf-1c_desc WOLFHOUND WLF-1(C) description WOLFHOUND WLF-1(C) wlf-1c_short WLF-1(C) WLF-1(C) pxh-2c PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2(C) PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2(C) pxh-2c_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2(C) description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-2(C) pxh-2c_short PXH-2(C) PXH-2(C) whm-6dc WARHAMMER WHM-6D(C) WARHAMMER WHM-6D(C) whm-6dc_desc WARHAMMER WHM-6D(C) description WARHAMMER WHM-6D(C) whm-6dc_short WHM-6D(C) WHM-6D(C) mal-mx90c MAULER MAL-MX90(C) MAULER MAL-MX90(C) mal-mx90c_desc MAULER MAL-MX90(C) description MAULER MAL-MX90(C) mal-mx90c_short MAL-MX90(C) MAL-MX90(C) adr-primec ADDER ADR-PRIME(C) ADDER ADR-PRIME(C) adr-primec_desc ADDER ADR-PRIME(C) description ADDER ADR-PRIME(C) adr-primec_short ADR-PRIME(C) ADR-PRIME(C) nva-sc NOVA NVA-S(C) NOVA NVA-S(C) nva-sc_desc NOVA NVA-S(C) description NOVA NVA-S(C) nva-sc_short NVA-S(C) NVA-S(C) hbr-fc HELLBRINGER HBR-F(C) HELLBRINGER HBR-F(C) hbr-fc_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-F(C) description HELLBRINGER HBR-F(C) hbr-fc_short HBR-F(C) HBR-F(C) kdk-3c KODIAK KDK-3(C) KODIAK KDK-3(C) kdk-3c_desc KODIAK KDK-3(C) description KODIAK KDK-3(C) kdk-3c_short KDK-3(C) KDK-3(C) @ui_title_AssassinStand The Hitman The Hitman @ui_title_AssassinStand_desc Assassin Standard Title Assassin Standard Title @ui_title_AssassinColl The Professional The Professional @ui_title_AssassinColl_desc Assassin Collectors Title Assassin Collectors Title ui_Experience_and_skills Experience and Skills Experience and Skills ui_unspent_mxp Unspent :g_mx: Unspent :g_mx: ui_skill_nodes_unlocked Skill Nodes Unlocked Skill Nodes Unlocked emechtreecategory_weapons FIREPOWER FIREPOWER emechtreecategory_armorstructure SURVIVAL SURVIVAL emechtreecategory_agility MOBILITY MOBILITY emechtreecategory_jumpcapabilities JUMP JETS JUMP JETS emechtreecategory_sensorsystems SENSORS SENSORS emechtreecategory_miscellaneous AUXILIARY AUXILIARY ui_coolantflush Coolant Flush Coolant Flush ui_strategicstrike Strategic Strike Strategic Strike ui_uav UAV UAV EMechTreeNode_Range1_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range2_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range3_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range4_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range5_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range6_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range7_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range8_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range9_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range10_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration6_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration7_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration8_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration9_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_LaserDuration10_desc Reduces Laser duration. Reduces Laser duration. EMechTreeNode_Velocity1_desc Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Velocity2_desc Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Velocity3_desc Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Velocity4_desc Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Velocity5_desc Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. Increases velocity of all Ballistic, Missile, and PPC weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown1_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown2_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown3_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown4_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown5_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown6_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown7_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown8_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown9_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown10_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown11_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread1_desc Reduces LBX spread. Reduces LBX spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread2_desc Reduces LBX spread. Reduces LBX spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread3_desc Reduces LBX spread. Reduces LBX spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread4_desc Reduces LBX spread. Reduces LBX spread. EMechTreeNode_LBXSpread5_desc Reduces LBX spread. Reduces LBX spread. EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive1_desc Increases critical damage if a missile crits. Increases critical damage if a missile crits. EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive2_desc Increases critical damage if a missile crits. Increases critical damage if a missile crits. EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive3_desc Increases critical damage if a missile crits. Increases critical damage if a missile crits. EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive4_desc Increases critical damage if a missile crits. Increases critical damage if a missile crits. EMechTreeNode_HighExplosive5_desc Increases critical damage if a missile crits. Increases critical damage if a missile crits. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen1_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen2_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen3_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen4_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen5_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen6_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen7_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen8_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_MagazineCapacity2_desc Provides extra ammo (per-ton equipped) for Ballistic weapons. Provides extra ammo (per-ton equipped) for Ballistic weapons. EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance1_desc Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance2_desc Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance3_desc Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance4_desc Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. EMechTreeNode_UACJamChance5_desc Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. Reduces Jam Duration for UACs and improves Jam Bar Dissipation Rate for RACs. EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread1_desc Reduces missile spread. Reduces missile spread. EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread2_desc Reduces missile spread. Reduces missile spread. EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread3_desc Reduces missile spread. Reduces missile spread. EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread4_desc Reduces missile spread. Reduces missile spread. EMechTreeNode_MissileSpread5_desc Reduces missile spread. Reduces missile spread. EMechTreeNode_MissileRack1_desc Provides extra missiles (per-ton equipped) for Missile weapons. Provides extra missiles (per-ton equipped) for Missile weapons. EMechTreeNode_MissileRack2_desc Provides extra missiles (per-ton equipped) for Missile weapons. Provides extra missiles (per-ton equipped) for Missile weapons. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing1_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing2_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing3_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing4_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing5_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn1_desc Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn2_desc Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn3_desc Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn4_desc Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. EMechTreeNode_AnchorTurn5_desc Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. Increases the turning speed of a BattleMech. EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding1_desc Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding2_desc Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding3_desc Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding4_desc Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. EMechTreeNode_HeatShielding5_desc Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. Reduces the amount of heat generated while Jump Jetting. EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros2_desc Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros3_desc Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. EMechTreeNode_ImprovedGyros4_desc Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. Reduces the amount of screen shake when being hit by enemy fire. EMechTreeNode_AdvancedZoom_desc A Picture-in-Picture long range zoom with 4x magnification. A Picture-in-Picture long range zoom with 4x magnification. EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot1_desc Adds an extra Consumable Slot. Adds an extra Consumable Slot. EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot2_desc Adds an extra Consumable Slot. Adds an extra Consumable Slot. EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot3_desc Adds an extra Consumable Slot. Adds an extra Consumable Slot. EMechTreeNode_ConsumableSlot4_desc Adds an extra Consumable Slot. Adds an extra Consumable Slot. EMechTreeNode_ExtendedBombardment1_desc Increases the duration of Air/Artillery Strikes. Increases the duration of Air/Artillery Strikes. EMechTreeNode_ExtendedBombardment2_desc Increases the duration of Air/Artillery Strikes. Increases the duration of Air/Artillery Strikes. EMechTreeNode_ExpandedReserves_desc Allows an additional Air/Artillery Strike to be carried into battle. Allows an additional Air/Artillery Strike to be carried into battle. EMechTreeNode_EnhancedSpotting_desc Increases the accuracy of Air/Artillery Strikes. Increases the accuracy of Air/Artillery Strikes. EMechTreeNode_UAVTime_desc Increases the amount of time a UAV is present by 10 seconds. Increases the amount of time a UAV is present by 10 seconds. EMechTreeNode_EnhancedCoolshot1_desc Increases CoolShot efficiency. Increases CoolShot efficiency. EMechTreeNode_EnhancedCoolshot2_desc Increases CoolShot efficiency. Increases CoolShot efficiency. EMechTreeNode_ExtraUAV_desc Allows an additional UAV to be carried into battle. Allows an additional UAV to be carried into battle. qrk_uavduration_add UAV Duration UAV Duration qrk_ammocapacity_machinegun_add MG Ammo Capacity MG Ammo Capacity qrk_missile_spread_mult MISSILE SPREAD MISSILE SPREAD qrk_ammocapacity_streak_srm_add STREAK SRM AMMO CAPACITY STREAK SRM AMMO CAPACITY qrk_strategicstrikeduration_mult STRATEGIC STRIKE DURATION STRATEGIC STRIKE DURATION qrk_ammocapacity_cnarc_add CLAN NARC AMMO CAPACITY CLAN NARC AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_clrm_add Clan LRM Ammo Capacity Clan LRM Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_csrm_add Clan SRM Ammo Capacity Clan SRM Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cstreak_srm_add Clan S-SRM Ammo Capacity Clan S-SRM Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_clrm_artemis_add CLAN LRM ART. AMMO CAPACITY CLAN LRM ART. AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_csrm_artemis_add CLAN SRM ART. AMMO CAPACITY CLAN SRM ART. AMMO CAPACITY qrk_missile_critdamage_mult MISSILE CRIT DAMAGE MISSILE CRIT DAMAGE qrk_ammocapacity_cmachinegun_add Clan MG Ammo Capacity Clan MG Ammo Capacity EMechTreeNode_CoolshotCooldown_desc Reduces Cool Shot cooldown duration. Reduces Cool Shot cooldown duration. EMechTreeNode_CoolantReserves_desc Allows an additional Cool Shot to be brought into the match. Allows an additional Cool Shot to be brought into the match. tt_MainMenu_ChatButton Toggle Chat Visibility Toggle Chat Visibility ui_Decal_hardhattools_misc_clr Hard Hat and Tools Hard Hat and Tools ui_Decal_skullwings_misc_clr Skull with Wings Skull with Wings ui_ReallyLeaveUnitContract Do you really wish to leave the Unit?\n Leaving the unit will be effective immediately. Do you really wish to leave the Unit?\n Leaving the unit will be effective immediately. ui_ReallyDisbandContract Are you sure you wish to disband the unit? All unit coffer funds, the unit name and tag, will be lost. Are you sure you wish to disband the unit? All unit coffer funds, the unit name and tag, will be lost. _m_consumable_slot_1 Activate Consumable 1 Activate Consumable 1 _m_consumable_slot_4 Activate Consumable 4 Activate Consumable 4 _m_consumable_slot_5 Activate Consumable 5 Activate Consumable 5 HUD_AWARD_DestroyedBase DESTROYED BASE DESTROYED BASE ui_IsInCoolDown Pending Release From Contract Pending Release From Contract EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity6 Skeletal Density 6 Skeletal Density 6 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity7 Skeletal Density 7 Skeletal Density 7 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity8 Skeletal Density 8 Skeletal Density 8 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity9 Skeletal Density 9 Skeletal Density 9 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity10 Skeletal Density 10 Skeletal Density 10 EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity6_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity7_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity8_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity9_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_SkeletalDensity10_desc Increases a 'Mech's structure. Increases a 'Mech's structure. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening6 Armor Hardening 6 Armor Hardening 6 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening7 Armor Hardening 7 Armor Hardening 7 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening8 Armor Hardening 8 Armor Hardening 8 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening9 Armor Hardening 9 Armor Hardening 9 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening10 Armor Hardening 10 Armor Hardening 10 EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening6_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening7_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening8_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening9_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ArmorHardening10_desc Increases a 'Mech's armor. Increases a 'Mech's armor. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing6 Reinforced Casing 6 Reinforced Casing 6 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing7 Reinforced Casing 7 Reinforced Casing 7 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing8 Reinforced Casing 8 Reinforced Casing 8 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing9 Reinforced Casing 9 Reinforced Casing 9 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing10 Reinforced Casing 10 Reinforced Casing 10 EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing6_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing7_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing8_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing9_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. EMechTreeNode_ReinforcedCasing10_desc Reduces the chance of critical hits. Reduces the chance of critical hits. qrk_clanlbxautocannon10_cooldown_mult Clan LB10-X Cooldown Clan LB10-X Cooldown cranehook_name Crane Hook Crane Hook cranehook_desc Crane Hook Hanging Item, released with the Roughneck. Crane Hook Hanging Item, released with the Roughneck. workstereo_name Worksite Stereo Warhorn Worksite Stereo Warhorn workstereo_desc Worksite Stereo Warhorn, released with the Roughneck. Worksite Stereo Warhorn, released with the Roughneck. oilderrick_name Oil Derrick Oil Derrick oilderrick_desc Oil Derrick Standing Item, released with the Roughneck. Oil Derrick Standing Item, released with the Roughneck 'Mech. doubloon_name Doubloon Doubloon doubloon_desc Doubloon Hanging Item, released with the Roughneck. Doubloon Hanging Item, released with the Roughneck. j_xi_a A A j_xi_b B B j_xi_x X X j_xi_y Y Y j_xi_thumbl Left Stick Left Stick j_xi_thumbr Right Stick Right Stick j_xi_shoulderl Left Bumper Left Bumper j_xi_shoulderr Right Bumper Right Bumper j_xi_triggerl_btn Left Trigger Left Trigger j_xi_triggerr_btn Right Trigger Right Trigger j_xi_start Start Start j_xi_back Back Back j_xi_dpad_up Dpad Up Dpad Up j_xi_dpad_down Dpad Down Dpad Down j_xi_dpad_left Dpad Left Dpad Left j_xi_dpad_right Dpad Right Dpad Right ml_InitialThrust Initial Thrust (kNs) Initial Thrust (kNs) ml_ForwardThrust Forward Thurst (kNs) Forward Thurst (kNs) ui_TargetRangeReduction Target Range Reduction Target Range Reduction ui_SpecialEvent Special Event Special Event ui_EventDetails Event Details Event Details ui_GoNow Go Now Go Now ui_col_CW_RoyalBlue ROYAL BLUE ROYAL BLUE ui_col_CW_RoyalRed ROYAL RED ROYAL RED ui_col_CW_TanYellow TAN YELLOW TAN YELLOW ui_col_CW_LimeGreen LIME GREEN LIME GREEN ui_col_CW_SubtleGrey SUBTLE GREY SUBTLE GREY ui_col_CW_SunYellow SUN YELLOW SUN YELLOW ui_col_CW_TameGreen TAME GREEN TAME GREEN ui_col_CW_ModernBlue MODERN BLUE MODERN BLUE ui_col_CW_DeepPurple DEEP PURPLE DEEP PURPLE ui_col_CW_DeepTeal DEEP TEAL DEEP TEAL ui_col_CW_StrifeTeal STRIFE TEAL STRIFE TEAL ui_col_CW_WashedBlue WASHED BLUE WASHED BLUE ui_social_btn_openchat Open Chat Open Chat ui_unit_tag_already_exists A unit with this tag already exists. A unit with this tag already exists. ui_option_enableChatNotifications Enable Chat Notifications Enable Chat Notifications tt_Settings_EnableChatNotifications Enable or disable chat notifications in the Mech Lab. Enable or disable chat notifications in the Mech Lab. emechmodel_roughneck ROUGHNECK ROUGHNECK roughneck ROUGHNECK ROUGHNECK rgh-1as ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(S) ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(S) rgh-1as_desc ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(S) description ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(S) rgh-1as_short RGH-1A(S) RGH-1A(S) rgh-1a ROUGHNECK RGH-1A ROUGHNECK RGH-1A rgh-1a_desc ROUGHNECK RGH-1A description ROUGHNECK RGH-1A rgh-1a_short RGH-1A RGH-1A rgh-1b ROUGHNECK RGH-1B ROUGHNECK RGH-1B rgh-1b_desc ROUGHNECK RGH-1B description ROUGHNECK RGH-1B rgh-1b_short RGH-1B RGH-1B rgh-1c ROUGHNECK RGH-1C ROUGHNECK RGH-1C rgh-1c_desc ROUGHNECK RGH-1C description ROUGHNECK RGH-1C rgh-1c_short RGH-1C RGH-1C rgh-2a ROUGHNECK RGH-2A ROUGHNECK RGH-2A rgh-2a_desc ROUGHNECK RGH-2A description ROUGHNECK RGH-2A rgh-2a_short RGH-2A RGH-2A rgh-3a ROUGHNECK RGH-3A ROUGHNECK RGH-3A rgh-3a_desc ROUGHNECK RGH-3A description ROUGHNECK RGH-3A rgh-3a_short RGH-3A RGH-3A rgh-r REAVER REAVER rgh-r_desc The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Anaya Kone The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Anaya Kone rgh-r_short RGH-R RGH-R ui_system_downtime_message_no_duration The servers will be going down for maintenance on %0 at %1 local time. The servers will be going down for maintenance on %0 at %1 local time. @ui_title_RNeckStand The Wrench The Wrench @ui_title_RNeckStand_desc RNeck Standard Title RNeck Standard Title @ui_title_RNeckColl The Roughneck The Roughneck @ui_title_RNeckColl_desc RNeck Collectors Title RNeck Collectors Title ui_home_base HOME BASE HOME BASE HUD_AWARD_KillPowerCellCarrier KILLED FUEL CELL CARRIER KILLED FUEL CELL CARRIER ui_Decal_hithere_misc_clr HI THERE! HI THERE! ui_Decal_skullglasses_misc_clr SKULL WITH SUNGLASSES SKULL WITH SUNGLASSES ui_RefundConsumables Refund from Consumables: Refund from Consumables: ui_RefundModules Refund from Modules (GSP): Refund from Modules (GSP): ui_RefundMastery Refund from 'Mech Mastery: Refund from 'Mech Mastery: ui_SPTotal Total Refund: Total Refund: ui_ConsumableBreakdownCB Consumable Breakdown (CB) Consumable Breakdown (CB) ui_ConsumableBreakdownMC Consumable Breakdown (MC) Consumable Breakdown (MC) ui_ModuleBreakdown Module Breakdown (GSP) Module Breakdown (GSP) ui_MasteryBreakdown Mech Mastery Breakdown 'Mech Mastery Breakdown ui_CostPer Cost Per Cost Per ui_Value Value Value ui_RefundLedger Refund Ledger Refund Ledger ui_RefundCB Refund (CB) Refund (CB) ui_RefundMC Refund (MC) Refund (MC) ui_CostPerCB Cost Per (CB) Cost Per (CB) ui_CostPerMC Cost (MC) Cost (MC) ui_ValueCB Value (CB) Value (CB) ui_ValueMC Value (MC) Value (MC) ui_RefundSP Refund (GSP) Refund (GSP) EGameMode_Incursion Incursion Incursion ui_NoConflictsAvailable There are no active conflicts at this moment. There are no active conflicts at this moment. ui_Col_Hazard_Yellow HAZARD YELLOW HAZARD YELLOW ui_Col_Reaver_Red REAVER RED REAVER RED ui_Col_Oilslick_Grey OIL SLICK GREY OIL SLICK GREY ui_Col_Splat_Green SPLAT GREEN SPLAT GREEN ui_Col_Stamp_Blue STAMP BLUE STAMP BLUE ui_Col_Punk_Purple PUNK PURPLE PUNK PURPLE UI_PAL_ROUGHNECK ROUGHNECK ROUGHNECK ui_RefundGXP Refund (GXP) Refund (GXP) ui_NodeLevel Node Level Node Level ui_PilotNodeBreakdown Pilot Node Breakdown Pilot Node Breakdown ui_ModuleBreakdownCB Module Breakdown (CB) Module Breakdown (CB) ui_RefundModulesCB Refund from Modules (CB): Refund from Modules (CB): ui_RefundConsumablesCB Refund from Consumables (CB): Refund from Consumables (CB): ui_RefundConsumablesMC Refund from Consumables (MC): Refund from Consumables (MC): ui_RefundPilotTree Refund From Pilot Nodes: Refund From Pilot Nodes: ui_SPPER Amount Per (HSP) Amount Per (HSP) ui_ItemBreakdown Item Breakdown Item Breakdown ui_CreateUnitInCooldown You cannot create a unit while you are still serving the remainder of an existing contract. You cannot create a unit while you are still serving the remainder of an existing contract. HUD_AWARD_AMSMissileDestroyed AMS MISSILE DESTROYED AMS MISSILE DESTROYED ui_ViewLedger View Ledger View Ledger _AddOnToggle Add On Toggle Add On Toggle emechmodel_javelin JAVELIN JAVELIN javelin JAVELIN JAVELIN jvn-10ns JAVELIN JVN-10N(S) JAVELIN JVN-10N(S) jvn-10ns_desc JAVELIN JVN-10N(S) description JAVELIN JVN-10N(S) jvn-10ns_short JVN-10N(S) JVN-10N(S) jvn-10n JAVELIN JVN-10N JAVELIN JVN-10N jvn-10n_desc JAVELIN JVN-10N description JAVELIN JVN-10N jvn-10n_short JVN-10N JVN-10N jvn-10f JAVELIN JVN-10F JAVELIN JVN-10F jvn-10f_desc JAVELIN JVN-10F description JAVELIN JVN-10F jvn-10f_short JVN-10F JVN-10F jvn-10p JAVELIN JVN-10P JAVELIN JVN-10P jvn-10p_desc JAVELIN JVN-10P description JAVELIN JVN-10P jvn-10p_short JVN-10P JVN-10P jvn-11a JAVELIN JVN-11A JAVELIN JVN-11A jvn-11a_desc JAVELIN JVN-11A description JAVELIN JVN-11A jvn-11a_short JVN-11A JVN-11A jvn-11b JAVELIN JVN-11B JAVELIN JVN-11B jvn-11b_desc JAVELIN JVN-11B description JAVELIN JVN-11B jvn-11b_short JVN-11B JVN-11B jvn-ht HI THERE! HI THERE! jvn-ht_desc The personal 'Mech of Lt. "Wildman" Bill Wilkes The personal 'Mech of Lt. "Wildman" Bill Wilkes jvn-ht_short JVN-HT JVN-HT _freecam_gamepad_rotatepitch Freecam Rotate Pitch Freecam Rotate Pitch _freecam_gamepad_rotateyaw Freecam Rotate Yaw Freecam Rotate Yaw _freecam_gamepad_moveforward Freecam Forward/Backward Freecam Forward/Backward _freecam_gamepad_movestrafe Freecam Strafe Freecam Strafe javelinhead_name Javelin Head Javelin Head javelinhead_desc Javelin Head Hanging Item, released with the Javelin Javelin Head Hanging Item, released with the Javelin helmet_name Helmet Helmet helmet_desc Helmet Standing Item, released with the Javelin Helmet Standing Item, released with the Javelin shield_name Shield Shield shield_desc Shield Warhorn, released with the Javelin Shield Warhorn, released with the Javelin javelinthebox_name Javelin In The Box Javelin In The Box javelinthebox_desc Javelin In The Box Standing Item, released with the Javelin Javelin In The Box Standing Item, released with the Javelin ui_title_JavelinStand The Tip of the Spear The Tip of the Spear ui_title_JavelinStand_desc Javelin Standard Title Javelin Standard Title ui_title_JavelinColl The Olympian The Olympian ui_title_JavelinColl_desc Javelin Collectors Title Javelin Collectors Title ui_AddSp Add SP Add SP ui_ChoosePurchaseMethod Choose Method Choose Method ui_UseGlobalSkillPoints Use Available Skill Points Use Available Skill Points ui_PurchaseSkillPointsWithXp Purchase Skill Points Purchase Skill Points ui_SkillPointMigration Skill Point Migration Skill Point Migration ui_ConfirmSkillPointMigration Are you sure you want to migrate General and Historic Skill Points to 'Mech Skill Points? Are you sure you want to migrate General and Historic Skill Points to 'Mech Skill Points? ui_SpConversionInfo *Adjust value to spend %0 (%1) on %2 (%3) *Adjust value to spend %0 (%1) on %2 (%3) ui_totalSkillPointAllocation Total Skill Points Allocated Total Skill Points Allocated ui_PurchaseSpWithXp Purchase Skill Points Purchase Skill Points ui_ConfirmPurchaseSpWithXp Are you sure you want to purchase 'Mech Skill Points? Are you sure you want to purchase 'Mech Skill Points? ui_SpPurchaseAssistant Skill Point Purchase Assistant Skill Point Purchase Assistant ui_PurchasingSp Purchasing SP Purchasing SP ui_MigratingSP Migrating SP Migrating SP ui_SpPriceInfo 1 :g_sp: = %0 :g_cb:and %1 :g_mx:or :g_xp: 1 :g_sp: = %0 :g_cb:and %1 :g_mx:or :g_xp: ui_msp SP SP ui_gsp GSP GSP ui_hsp HSP HSP ui_mxp XP XP ui_gxp GXP GXP ui_hxp HXP HXP ui_msp_long Mech Skill Points 'Mech Skill Points ui_gsp_long General Skill Points General Skill Points ui_hsp_long Historic Skill Points Historic Skill Points ui_mxp_long Mech Experience Points 'Mech Experience Points ui_gxp_long General Experience Points General Experience Points ui_hxp_long Historic Experience Points Historic Experience Points tt_MechLab_AvailableSp Available Skill Points for this 'Mech Available Skill Points for this 'Mech tt_MechLab_NodesActive Nodes active on this 'Mech Nodes active on this 'Mech tt_MechLab_SkillNodesUnlocked Nodes unlocked on this 'Mech Nodes unlocked on this 'Mech tt_MechLab_EquippedUnlockedTotal Equipped/Unlocked/Total Equipped/Unlocked/Total tt_MechLab_UnlockWithSP Unlock Skill Node with SP Unlock Skill Node with SP tt_LedgerInfoButton Learn more about the Refund Ledger Learn more about the Refund Ledger tt_RefundConsumableCB Shows your total C-Bill refund for Consumables Shows your total C-Bill refund for Consumables tt_RefundConsumableMC Shows your total MC refund for Consumables Shows your total MC refund for Consumables tt_RefundModuleSP Shows your total SP refund for Modules Shows your total SP refund for Modules tt_RefundModuleCB Shows your total C-Bill refund for Modules Shows your total C-Bill refund for Modules tt_RefundPilotTree Shows your total GXP refund for Pilot Nodes unlocked in the old Skill Tree Shows your total GXP refund for Pilot Nodes unlocked in the old Skill Tree tt_ConsumableBreakdownCB Shows a breakdown of your C-Bill refund for Consumables Shows a breakdown of your C-Bill refund for Consumables tt_ConsumableBreakdownMC Shows a breakdown of your MC refund for Consumables Shows a breakdown of your MC refund for Consumables tt_ModuleBreakdownSP Shows a breakdown of your SP refund for Modules Shows a breakdown of your SP refund for Modules tt_ModuleBreakdownCB Shows a breakdown of your CB refund for Modules Shows a breakdown of your CB refund for Modules tt_PilotNodeBreakdown Shows a breakdown of your GXP refund for Pilot Nodes unlocked in the old Skill Tree Shows a breakdown of your GXP refund for Pilot Nodes unlocked in the old Skill Tree tt_MasteryBreakdown Shows a breakdown of your SP refund for 'Mech Mastery unlocked in the old Skill Tree Shows a breakdown of your SP refund for 'Mech Mastery unlocked in the old Skill Tree EMechTreeNode_HillClimb3_desc Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes. Reduces the deceleration rate of slowdown when navigating slopes. ui_Ledgerinfo Welcome to your Skill Tree Refund Ledger! \nWithin this Ledger you'll find a complete, itemized rundown covering the transfer of your existing Skill progress and Skill-related currencies into the new Skill Tree system. \nWe've taken great care to ensure that none of your Skill progress is lost and that your existing Module inventory has been accounted for. You can find explanations for each refund component in the summaries below. Welcome to your Skill Tree Refund Ledger! \nWithin this Ledger you'll find a complete, itemized rundown covering the transfer of your existing Skill progress and Skill-related currencies into the new Skill Tree system. \nWe've taken great care to ensure that none of your Skill progress is lost and that your existing Module inventory has been accounted for. You can find explanations for each refund component in the summaries below. ui_TeamInviteDialogBody %0 invited you to join [%2] %1 %0 invited you to join [%2] %1 ui_RefundHSP Refund (HSP) Refund (HSP) ui_RefundModulesCB_Info This is the total refund in C-Bills you are receiving for all of the Owned (Non-Consumable) Modules in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch (if they were acquired after December 3rd 2016). These Modules are being refunded as C-Bills due to our original intent to provide full C-Bill refunds for all Owned Modules. We understand some players made Module purchasing decisions based on that original statement, so all purchases made after that statement are being refunded as C-Bills.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of the original C-Bill purchase value of your Owned Modules acquired after December 3rd 2016! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value C-Bill 'refunds' for any Owned Modules you acquired without purchase, such as through special events. This is the total refund in C-Bills you are receiving for all of the Owned (Non-Consumable) Modules in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch (if they were acquired after December 3rd 2016). These Modules are being refunded as C-Bills due to our original intent to provide full C-Bill refunds for all Owned Modules. We understand some players made Module purchasing decisions based on that original statement, so all purchases made after that statement are being refunded as C-Bills.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of the original C-Bill purchase value of your Owned Modules acquired after December 3rd 2016! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value C-Bill 'refunds' for any Owned Modules you acquired without purchase, such as through special events. ui_RefundConsumablesCB_Info This is the total refund in C-Bills you are receiving for all of the Owned C-Bill Consumables present in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch. Due to changes we've made to Consumables in the new Skill Tree any Consumables in your Inventory have been removed.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of the original C-Bill purchase value for all your Owned C-Bill Consumables! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value C-Bill 'refunds' for any Owned C-Bill Consumables you acquired without purchase, such as through special events. This is the total refund in C-Bills you are receiving for all of the Owned C-Bill Consumables present in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch. Due to changes we've made to Consumables in the new Skill Tree any Consumables in your Inventory have been removed.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of the original C-Bill purchase value for all your Owned C-Bill Consumables! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value C-Bill 'refunds' for any Owned C-Bill Consumables you acquired without purchase, such as through special events. ui_RefundConsumablesMC_Info This is the total refund in MC you are receiving for all of the Owned MC Consumables present in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch. Due to changes we've made to Consumables in the new Skill Tree any Consumables in your Inventory have been removed.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of the original MC purchase value for all your Owned MC Consumables! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value MC 'refunds' for any Owned MC Consumables you acquired without purchase, such as through special events. This is the total refund in MC you are receiving for all of the Owned MC Consumables present in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch. Due to changes we've made to Consumables in the new Skill Tree any Consumables in your Inventory have been removed.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of the original MC purchase value for all your Owned MC Consumables! If applicable you'll also receive purchase value MC 'refunds' for any Owned MC Consumables you acquired without purchase, such as through special events. ui_RefundModules_Info This is the total refund in General Skill Points (GSP) you are receiving for all of the Owned (Non-Consumable) Modules in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch (if they were acquired prior to December 3rd 2016). Modules acquired after that date are being refunded to you in full in the form of C-Bills.\nThe amount of GSP you receive for your Owned Modules is determined by the Total Purchase Value of all your Owned Modules divided by 45,000. For example, a total Purchase Value for all your Owned Modules of 50,000,000 C-Bills would result in you receiving 1,111 General Skill Points.\nGeneral Skill Points can be consumed to unlock Skill Nodes for any 'Mech you wish. This is the total refund in General Skill Points (GSP) you are receiving for all of the Owned (Non-Consumable) Modules in your Inventory at the time of the May 16th patch (if they were acquired prior to December 3rd 2016). Modules acquired after that date are being refunded to you in full in the form of C-Bills.\nThe amount of GSP you receive for your Owned Modules is determined by the Total Purchase Value of all your Owned Modules divided by 45,000. For example, a total Purchase Value for all your Owned Modules of 50,000,000 C-Bills would result in you receiving 1,111 General Skill Points.\nGeneral Skill Points can be consumed to unlock Skill Nodes for any 'Mech you wish. ui_RefundPilotTree_Info This is the total refund in GXP you are receiving for all Pilot Nodes you unlocked with GXP under the previous Skill system.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of all your invested GXP! This is the total refund in GXP you are receiving for all Pilot Nodes you unlocked with GXP under the previous Skill system.\nThis is a 1:1 refund of all your invested GXP! ui_MasteryBreakdown_Info This is the transfer of Skill Progress from all of your 'Mechs under the previous Skill system. The 'Overall Progress' column in your Refund Ledger refers to the total number of Skills you had unlocked for a listed 'Mech.\nPut simply, the Skill status of a 'Mech under the previous system is converted into an associated number of Historic Skill Points (HSP). You can then assign any amount of HSP to a specific variant or its duplicates for use in the Skill Tree.\nEach Skill from the previous system is converted into a specific HSP value. For example, Cool Run (Basic) equates to 1 HSP, while Fast Fire (Elite) equates to 10 HSP.\nThe HSP value is determined according to the XP investment required to unlock the Skill under the previous system. Full Basic status equates to 23 HSP. Full Elite status equates to an additional 34 HSP. Full Master status equates to an additional 34 HSP. This is the transfer of Skill Progress from all of your 'Mechs under the previous Skill system. The 'Overall Progress' column in your Refund Ledger refers to the total number of Skills you had unlocked for a listed 'Mech.\nPut simply, the Skill status of a 'Mech under the previous system is converted into an associated number of Historic Skill Points (HSP). You can then assign any amount of HSP to a specific variant or its duplicates for use in the Skill Tree.\nEach Skill from the previous system is converted into a specific HSP value. For example, Cool Run (Basic) equates to 1 HSP, while Fast Fire (Elite) equates to 10 HSP.\nThe HSP value is determined according to the XP investment required to unlock the Skill under the previous system. Full Basic status equates to 23 HSP. Full Elite status equates to an additional 34 HSP. Full Master status equates to an additional 34 HSP. ui_ConfirmSkillPointMigration_GspOnly Are you sure you want to migrate General Skill Points to 'Mech Skill Points? Are you sure you want to migrate General Skill Points to 'Mech Skill Points? ui_ConfirmSkillPointMigration_HspOnly Are you sure you want to migrate Historic Skill Points to 'Mech Skill Points? Are you sure you want to migrate Historic Skill Points to 'Mech Skill Points? ui_Decal_mechcon_misc_clr MECH_CON 2017 MECH_CON 2017 ui_MasteryBreakdown_Info2 A fully Mastered 'Mech therefore receives a base amount of 91 HSP in return. Those 91 points can then be used to acquire full 'Master' status under the new Skill system without needing to spend any C-Bills or XP to unlock the Skill Nodes.\nAdditionally, the amount of HSP received from the Skill status of a 'Mech under the previous Skill system is multiplied by the number of duplicate variants you own of that 'Mech.\nFor example: A player owns three GRF-2N 'Mechs, and had achieved full Elite status for the GRF-2N chassis under the previous Skill system. As part of their transition and refund process they would thus receive a total of 171 HSP for use with their GRF-2N 'Mechs (57 HSP * 3 variants). A fully Mastered 'Mech therefore receives a base amount of 91 HSP in return. Those 91 points can then be used to acquire full 'Master' status under the new Skill system without needing to spend any C-Bills or XP to unlock the Skill Nodes.\nAdditionally, the amount of HSP received from the Skill status of a 'Mech under the previous Skill system is multiplied by the number of duplicate variants you own of that 'Mech.\nFor example: A player owns three GRF-2N 'Mechs, and had achieved full Elite status for the GRF-2N chassis under the previous Skill system. As part of their transition and refund process they would thus receive a total of 171 HSP for use with their GRF-2N 'Mechs (57 HSP * 3 variants). ui_Decal_clancoyote_factions_std CLAN COYOTE CLAN COYOTE ui_Decal_clandiamondshark_factions_std CLAN DIAMOND SHARK CLAN DIAMOND SHARK ui_Decal_clangoliathscorpion_factions_std CLAN GOLIATH SCORPION CLAN GOLIATH SCORPION ui_Decal_clanhellshorses_factions_std CLAN HELL'S HORSES CLAN HELL'S HORSES ui_Decal_clannovacat_factions_std CLAN NOVA CAT CLAN NOVA CAT ui_Decal_clansteelviper_factions_std CLAN STEEL VIPER CLAN STEEL VIPER ui_Decal_clansnowraven_factions_std CLAN SNOW RAVEN CLAN SNOW RAVEN ui_Decal_coyote_01_word_clr WORD - COYOTE WORD - COYOTE ui_Decal_diamondshark_01_word_clr WORD - DIAMOND SHARK WORD - DIAMOND SHARK ui_Decal_goliathscorpion_01_word_clr WORD - GOLIATH SCORPION WORD - GOLIATH SCORPION ui_Decal_hellshorses_word_clr WORD - HELL'S HORSES WORD - HELL'S HORSES ui_Decal_novacat_01_word_clr WORD - NOVA CAT WORD - NOVA CAT ui_Decal_steelviper_01_word_clr WORD - STEEL VIPER WORD - STEEL VIPER ui_Decal_snowraven_01_word_clr WORD - SNOW RAVEN WORD - SNOW RAVEN UI_PAL_JAVELIN JAVELIN JAVELIN qrk_mediumpulselaser_cooldown_mult Medium Pulse Laser Cooldown Medium Pulse Laser Cooldown qrk_mediumlaser_duration_mult Medium Laser Duration Medium Laser Duration qrk_mediumpulselaser_range_mult Medium Pulse Laser Range Medium Pulse Laser Range qrk_mediumlaser_heat_mult Medium Laser Heat Medium Laser Heat qrk_mediumlaser_cooldown_mult Medium Laser Cooldown Medium Laser Cooldown qrk_mediumlaser_range_mult Medium Laser Range Medium Laser Range ui_current_sp_requirement :g_sp: Current Tree SP Requirement: :g_sp: Current Tree SP Requirement: ui_sp_available SP Available: SP Available: ui_sp_required SP Required: SP Required: ui_sp_requirement_hint *Showing skill points needed to unlock currently selected nodes *Showing skill points needed to unlock currently selected nodes qrk_clanerlaser_heat_mult CLAN ER LASER HEAT GENERATION CLAN ER LASER HEAT GENERATION ui_LoginThrottled Access to this account has been temporarily restricted due to multiple failed login attempts. Please ensure your login credentials have been entered correctly.\n\nRestricted for: %0 seconds Access to this account has been temporarily restricted due to multiple failed login attempts. Please ensure your login credentials have been entered correctly.\n\nRestricted for: %0 seconds EMechTreeNode_HeatGen9 Heat Gen 9 Heat Gen 9 EMechTreeNode_Range11 Range 11 Range 11 EMechTreeNode_Range12 Range 12 Range 12 EMechTreeNode_Range13 Range 13 Range 13 EMechTreeNode_Range14 Range 14 Range 14 EMechTreeNode_Range15 Range 15 Range 15 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown12 Cooldown 12 Cooldown 12 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown13 Cooldown 13 Cooldown 13 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown14 Cooldown 14 Cooldown 14 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown15 Cooldown 15 Cooldown 15 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown16 Cooldown 16 Cooldown 16 EMechTreeNode_Cooldown12_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown13_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown14_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown15_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Cooldown16_desc Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces cooldown duration of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range11_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range12_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range13_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range14_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_Range15_desc Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Increases range of all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen9_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen10 Heat Gen 10 Heat Gen 10 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen10_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen11 Heat Gen 11 Heat Gen 11 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen11_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen12 Heat Gen 12 Heat Gen 12 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen12_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen13 Heat Gen 13 Heat Gen 13 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen13_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. EMechTreeNode_HeatGen14 Heat Gen 14 Heat Gen 14 EMechTreeNode_HeatGen14_desc Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. Reduces heat generated by all Ballistic, Energy, and Missile weaponry. hud_trialmechnoxpexplanation You must own this 'Mech to earn XP for it You must own this 'Mech to earn XP for it EMechTreeNode_HardBrake6 Hard Brake 6 Hard Brake 6 EMechTreeNode_HardBrake7 Hard Brake 7 Hard Brake 7 EMechTreeNode_HardBrake6_desc Increases 'Mech deceleration. Increases 'Mech deceleration. EMechTreeNode_HardBrake7_desc Increases 'Mech deceleration. Increases 'Mech deceleration. EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed6 Torso Speed 6 Torso Speed 6 EMechTreeNode_TorsoSpeed6_desc Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. Increases the speed at which a 'Mech can twist its upper torso. EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst6 Kinetic Burst 6 Kinetic Burst 6 EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst6_desc Increases 'Mech acceleration. Increases 'Mech acceleration. EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst7 Kinetic Burst 7 Kinetic Burst 7 ui_CompetitivePlay/ Competitive Play / Competitive Play / ui_MatchResults Match Results Match Results ui_TeamRegistration Team Registration Team Registration ui_TeamNameDesc Must be between 5 to 24 characters length. Can only contain alphanumerics (A-Z 0-9),\nspaces, underscores, dashes, soft brackets, and apostrophes. Must adhere to Code of Conduct. Must be between 5 to 24 characters length. Can only contain alphanumerics (A-Z 0-9),\nspaces, underscores, dashes, soft brackets, and apostrophes. Must adhere to Code of Conduct. ui_TeamTagDesc Must be between 2 to 4 characters length. Can only contain alphanumerics (A-Z 0-9),\nspaces, underscores, dashes, soft brackets, and apostrophes. Must adhere to Code of Conduct. Must be between 2 to 4 characters length. Can only contain alphanumerics (A-Z 0-9),\nspaces, underscores, dashes, soft brackets, and apostrophes. Must adhere to Code of Conduct. ui_ConductAgreement By submitting my Team for registration I agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service provided by Piranha Games Inc. I further understand that my participation in this feature - along with the participation of my Team as a whole - is subject to my adherence to those agreements.\nI also understand that all statistics and information associated with the participation of myself and my Team in the Competitive Play feature will be publicly accessible By submitting my Team for registration I agree to adhere to the Code of Conduct, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Service provided by Piranha Games Inc. I further understand that my participation in this feature - along with the participation of my Team as a whole - is subject to my adherence to those agreements.\nI also understand that all statistics and information associated with the participation of myself and my Team in the Competitive Play feature will be publicly accessible ui_EnterTeamName Enter Your Team Name Enter Your Team Name ui_EnterTeamTag Enter a Tag for your Team Enter a Tag for your Team ui_SelectRegion Select Your Region Select Your Region ui_TeamRegistationBtn Register Register EMechTreeNode_KineticBurst7_desc Increases 'Mech acceleration. Increases 'Mech acceleration. ui_Decal_heptagon_01_shapes_clr HEPTAGON #1 HEPTAGON #1 ui_Decal_heptagon_02_shapes_clr HEPTAGON #2 HEPTAGON #2 ui_Decal_heptagon_03_shapes_clr HEPTAGON #3 HEPTAGON #3 ui_Decal_hexagon_01_shapes_clr HEXAGON #1 HEXAGON #1 ui_Decal_hexagon_02_shapes_clr HEXAGON #2 HEXAGON #2 ui_Decal_hexagon_03_shapes_clr HEXAGON #3 HEXAGON #3 ui_Decal_octagon_01_shapes_clr OCTAGON #1 OCTAGON #1 ui_Decal_octagon_02_shapes_clr OCTAGON #2 OCTAGON #2 ui_Decal_octagon_03_shapes_clr OCTAGON #3 OCTAGON #3 ui_Decal_pentagon_02_shapes_clr PENTAGON #2 PENTAGON #2 ui_Decal_pentagon_03_shapes_clr PENTAGON #3 PENTAGON #3 ui_Decal_rhombus_02_shapes_clr RHOMBUS #2 RHOMBUS #2 ui_Decal_rhombus_03_shapes_clr RHOMBUS #3 RHOMBUS #3 ui_Decal_square_01_shapes_clr SQUARE #1 SQUARE #1 ui_Decal_square_02_shapes_clr SQUARE #2 SQUARE #2 ui_Decal_square_03_shapes_clr SQUARE #3 SQUARE #3 ui_Decal_triangle_02_shapes_clr TRIANGLE #2 TRIANGLE #2 ui_Decal_triangle_03_shapes_clr TRIANGLE #3 TRIANGLE #3 ui_Decal_alpha_01_word_clr WORD - ALPHA WORD - ALPHA ui_Decal_ams_01_word_clr WORD - AMS WORD - AMS ui_Decal_assault_01_word_clr WORD - ASSAULT WORD - ASSAULT ui_Decal_backoff_01_word_clr WORD - BACK OFF WORD - BACK OFF ui_Decal_ballistic_01_word_clr WORD - BALLISTIC WORD - BALLISTIC ui_Decal_battle_01_word_clr WORD - BATTLE WORD - BATTLE ui_Decal_battlemech_01_word_clr WORD - BATTLEMECH WORD - BATTLEMECH ui_Decal_blood_01_word_clr WORD - BLOOD WORD - BLOOD ui_Decal_boat_01_word_clr WORD - BOAT WORD - BOAT ui_Decal_boom_01_word_clr WORD - BOOM WORD - BOOM ui_Decal_boomstick_01_word_clr WORD - BOOM STICK WORD - BOOM STICK ui_Decal_brawler_01_word_clr WORD - BRAWLER WORD - BRAWLER ui_Decal_breaker_01_word_clr WORD - BREAKER WORD - BREAKER ui_Decal_clan_01_word_clr WORD - CLAN WORD - CLAN ui_Decal_claw_01_word_clr WORD - CLAW WORD - CLAW ui_Decal_crusader_01_word_clr WORD - CRUSADER WORD - CRUSADER ui_Decal_death_01_word_clr WORD - DEATH WORD - DEATH ui_Decal_deathbringer_01_word_clr WORD - DEATH BRINGER WORD - DEATH BRINGER ui_Decal_deathdealer_01_word_clr WORD - DEATH DEALER WORD - DEATH DEALER ui_Decal_destroyer_01_word_clr WORD - DESTROYER WORD - DESTROYER ui_Decal_energy_01_word_clr WORD - ENERGY WORD - ENERGY ui_Decal_epsilon_01_word_clr WORD - EPSILON WORD - EPSILON ui_Decal_fire_01_word_clr WORD - FIRE WORD - FIRE ui_Decal_freeborn_01_word_clr WORD - FREEBORN WORD - FREEBORN ui_Decal_freelancer_01_word_clr WORD - FREELANCER WORD - FREELANCER ui_Decal_frontline_01_word_clr WORD - FRONTLINE WORD - FRONTLINE ui_Decal_gamma_01_word_clr WORD - GAMMA WORD - GAMMA ui_Decal_greetings_01_word_clr WORD - GREETINGS WORD - GREETINGS ui_Decal_guard_01_word_clr WORD - GUARD WORD - GUARD ui_Decal_heavy_01_word_clr WORD - HEAVY WORD - HEAVY ui_Decal_holdlocks_01_word_clr WORD - HOLD LOCKS WORD - HOLD LOCKS ui_Decal_house_01_word_clr WORD - HOUSE WORD - HOUSE ui_Decal_ifyoucanreadthis_01_word_clr WORD - IF YOU CAN READ THIS WORD - IF YOU CAN READ THIS ui_Decal_innersphere_01_word_clr WORD - INNER SPHERE WORD - INNER SPHERE ui_Decal_kappa_01_word_clr WORD - KAPPA WORD - KAPPA ui_Decal_laser_01_word_clr WORD - LASER WORD - LASER ui_Decal_light_01_word_clr WORD - LIGHT WORD - LIGHT ui_Decal_loyalist_01_word_clr WORD - LOYALIST WORD - LOYALIST ui_Decal_lrm_01_word_clr WORD - LRM WORD - LRM ui_Decal_medium_01_word_clr WORD - MEDIUM WORD - MEDIUM ui_Decal_mercenary_01_word_clr WORD - MERCENARY WORD - MERCENARY ui_Decal_merc_01_word_clr WORD - MERC WORD - MERC ui_Decal_metal_01_word_clr WORD - METAL WORD - METAL ui_Decal_missile_01_word_clr WORD - MISSILE WORD - MISSILE ui_Decal_narc_01_word_clr WORD - NARC WORD - NARC ui_Decal_omega_01_word_clr WORD - OMEGA WORD - OMEGA ui_Decal_omnimech_01_word_clr WORD - OMNIMECH WORD - OMNIMECH ui_Decal_pointtowardenemy_01_word_clr WORD - POINT TOWARD ENEMY WORD - POINT TOWARD ENEMY ui_Decal_scout_01_word_clr WORD - SCOUT WORD - SCOUT ui_Decal_sigma_01_word_clr WORD - SIGMA WORD - SIGMA ui_Decal_sniper_01_word_clr WORD - SNIPER WORD - SNIPER ui_Decal_srm_01_word_clr WORD - SRM WORD - SRM ui_Decal_streak_01_word_clr WORD - STREAK WORD - STREAK ui_Decal_support_01_word_clr WORD - SUPPORT WORD - SUPPORT ui_Decal_tag_01_word_clr WORD - TAG WORD - TAG ui_Decal_theta_01_word_clr WORD - THETA WORD - THETA ui_Decal_trueborn_01_word_clr WORD - TRUEBORN WORD - TRUEBORN ui_Decal_unit_01_word_clr WORD - UNIT WORD - UNIT ui_Decal_warrior_01_word_clr WORD - WARRIOR WORD - WARRIOR ui_Decal_war_01_word_clr WORD - WAR WORD - WAR ui_Decal_mech_01_word_clr WORD - MECH WORD - MECH ui_Decal_strike_01_word_clr WORD - STRIKE WORD - STRIKE ui_Decal_boomboom_01_word_clr WORD - BOOM BOOM WORD - BOOM BOOM molotovcocktail_name Molotov Cocktail Molotov Cocktail molotovcocktail_desc Molotov Cocktail Standing Item Molotov Cocktail Standing Item Priority_Artillery_Strike_Short ADV ARTY STRIKE ADV ARTY STRIKE QRK_ISANTIMISSILESYSTEM_ROF_MULT AMS ROF AMS ROF ui_Decal_clancloudcobra_factions_std CLAN CLOUD COBRA CLAN CLOUD COBRA ui_Decal_clanbloodspirit_factions_std CLAN BLOOD SPIRIT CLAN BLOOD SPIRIT ui_Decal_clanburrock_factions_std CLAN BURROCK CLAN BURROCK ui_Decal_clanfiremandrill_factions_std CLAN FIRE MANDRILL CLAN FIRE MANDRILL ui_Decal_clanicehellion_factions_std CLAN ICE HELLION CLAN ICE HELLION ui_Decal_cloudcobra_word_clr WORD - CLOUD COBRA WORD - CLOUD COBRA ui_Decal_bloodspirit_word_clr WORD - BLOOD SPIRIT WORD - BLOOD SPIRIT ui_Decal_burrock_word_clr WORD - BURROCK WORD - BURROCK ui_Decal_firemandrill_word_clr WORD - FIRE MANDRILL WORD - FIRE MANDRILL ui_Decal_icehellion_word_clr WORD - ICE HELLION WORD - ICE HELLION ui_Decal_staradder_word_clr WORD - STAR ADDER WORD - STAR ADDER ui_Decal_policebadge_misc_clr K-9 POLICE BADGE K-9 POLICE BADGE ui_system_downtime_msg The servers will be going down for maintenance %0 local time. Estimated downtime: %1 hour(s). The servers will be going down for maintenance %0 local time. Estimated downtime: %1 hour(s). ui_Comp_Button_Stack COMP PLAY COMP PLAY ui_Comp_Home HOME HOME tt_CompPlay_Home Fight with your competitive team Fight with your competitive team ui_Comp_my_team Team Roster Team Roster tt_CompPlay_MyTeam Manage your competitive team Manage your competitive team ui_comp_create_team CREATE TEAM CREATE TEAM tt_CompPlay_CreateTeam Create your competitive team Create your competitive team ui_Comp_leaderboard LEADERBOARD LEADERBOARD tt_CompPlay_Leaderboard View competitive leaderboard statistics View competitive leaderboard statistics ui_CompHome HOME HOME ui_NextMatch NEXT MATCH WINDOW: NEXT MATCH WINDOW: ui_TeamsInQueue TEAMS IN QUEUE: TEAMS IN QUEUE: ui_UTCTime UTC TIME: UTC TIME: ui_LocalTime LOCAL TIME: LOCAL TIME: ui_CurrentCompPlayState TEAM ROSTER & REGION EDITING: TEAM ROSTER & REGION EDITING: ui_Open OPEN OPEN ui_CompPlayDesc Competitive Play is a ranked gameplay feature that pits competitive teams against each other in 8v8 engagements.\n\nTo participate in Competitive Play you must be part of a Competitive Team and your account must have completed the Cadet phase. Competitive Play is a ranked gameplay feature that pits competitive teams against each other in 8v8 engagements.\n\nTo participate in Competitive Play you must be part of a Competitive Team and your account must have completed the Cadet phase. ui_TeamName TEAM NAME TEAM NAME ui_TeamTag TAG TAG ui_ELO ELO ELO ui_MatchTeams MATCH TEAMS MATCH TEAMS ui_Team1Score TEAM 1 SCORE TEAM 1 SCORE ui_Team2Score TEAM 2 SCORE TEAM 2 SCORE ui_Team1Kills TEAM 1 KILLS TEAM 1 KILLS ui_Team2Kills TEAM 2 KILLS TEAM 2 KILLS ui_MatchDuration MATCH DURATION MATCH DURATION ui_TeamDetail TEAM DETAILS TEAM DETAILS ui_PlayerRoster PLAYER ROSTER PLAYER ROSTER ui_Leader CAPTAIN CAPTAIN ui_Alternate ALTERNATE ALTERNATE ui_OpenSlot OPEN SLOT OPEN SLOT ui_DisbandGroup DISBAND GROUP DISBAND GROUP ui_EditRoster EDIT ROSTER EDIT ROSTER ui_Present PRESENT PRESENT ui_Role ROLE ROLE ui_MMR TSR TSR Ui_Social_group_compTeamChat COMP TEAM COMP TEAM Ui_Social_group_compGeneralChat COMP CHAT COMP CHAT ui_social_comp_team_invite TEAM INVITE TEAM INVITE tt_SocialScreen_SendComTeamInvite Send Comp Play team invite to friend Send Comp Play team invite to friend ui_Social_compTeamInviteSent TEAM INVITE SENT TEAM INVITE SENT ui_Social_compTeamInvite TEAM INVITE TEAM INVITE ui_social_team_acceptInvite ACCEPT INVITE ACCEPT INVITE tt_SocialScreen_AcceptTeamInvite Accept Comp Play team invite from friend Accept Comp Play team invite from friend ui_social_team_declineInvite DECLINE INVITE DECLINE INVITE tt_SocialScreen_DeclineTeamInvite Decline Comp Play team invite from friend Decline Comp Play team invite from friend ui_CompTeamInvite TEAM INVITE TEAM INVITE ui_Player: PLAYER: PLAYER: ui_compteaminviteDesc has invited you to join the Comp Play team has invited you to join the Comp Play team ui_teamTag: TAG TAG ui_teamName: TEAM NAME TEAM NAME ui_CompteamAcceptNotice Remember that you can only be registered to one team at any given time Remember that you can only be registered to one team at any given time ui_Social_NotQualifiedForTeam You are not qualified to join a Competitive Team. To qualify for participation you must earn the Cadet Bonus 25 achievement (complete 25 matches). You are not qualified to join a Competitive Team. To qualify for participation you must earn the Cadet Bonus 25 achievement (complete 25 matches). ui_CompPlayGroupCreated COMP PLAY GROUP CREATED COMP PLAY GROUP CREATED ui_TeamCreationSuccess TEAM CREATED SUCCESSFULLY TEAM CREATED SUCCESSFULLY ui_TeamCreationFailed TEAM CREATION FAILED TEAM CREATION FAILED um-k9 K-9 K-9 um-k9_desc The personal 'Mech of an Unknown Pilot The personal 'Mech of an Unknown Pilot um-k9_short UM-K9 UM-K9 wlf-gr GRINNER GRINNER wlf-gr_desc The personal 'Mech of Phelan Kell The personal 'Mech of Phelan Kell wlf-gr_short WLF-GR WLF-GR pnt-kk KATANA KAT KATANA KAT pnt-kk_desc The personal 'Mech of Minobu Tetsuhara The personal 'Mech of Minobu Tetsuhara pnt-kk_short PNT-KK PNT-KK crb-fl FLORENTINE FLORENTINE crb-fl_desc The personal 'Mech of Judith Faber The personal 'Mech of Judith Faber crb-fl_short CRB-FL CRB-FL enf-gh GHILLIE GHILLIE enf-gh_short ENF-GH ENF-GH enf-gh_desc The personal 'Mech of Daniel Waylen The personal 'Mech of Daniel Waylen ghr-mj MJÖLNIR MJÖLNIR ghr-mj_short GHR-MJ GHR-MJ ghr-mj_desc The personal 'Mech of Tor Miraborg The personal 'Mech of Tor Miraborg bl-p-knt PARTISAN PARTISAN bl-p-knt_short BL-P-KNT BL-P-KNT bl-p-knt_desc The personal 'Mech of Ian McKinnon The personal 'Mech of Ian McKinnon zeu-sk SKOKOMISH SKOKOMISH zeu-sk_short ZEU-SK ZEU-SK zeu-sk_desc The personal 'Mech of Stealth The personal 'Mech of Stealth mal-ko KNOCKOUT KNOCKOUT mal-ko_short MAL-KO MAL-KO mal-ko_desc The personal 'Mech of Zachary Miles Hawkins The personal 'Mech of Zachary Miles Hawkins kgc-kj KAIJU KAIJU kgc-kj_short KGC-KJ KGC-KJ kgc-kj_desc The personal 'Mech of Ivo Greenburg The personal 'Mech of Ivo Greenburg ui_TeamsWaitingInQueue There are %0 other teams waiting for deployment There are %0 other teams waiting for deployment ui_TimeToLaunch TIME TO LAUNCH: TIME TO LAUNCH: ui_PrioritySolarisGroup Your team is next in queue! Please note that if you leave the Launch Queue now you will lose your priority spot. Your team is next in queue! Please note that if you leave the Launch Queue now you will lose your priority spot. ui_CompPlay COMP PLAY COMP PLAY ui_NotOnTeam NOT ON TEAM NOT ON TEAM ui_Region REGION REGION ui_NumMatches MATCHES MATCHES ui_LaunchPermit LAUNCH MATCHES LAUNCH MATCHES ui_ApplyChanges APPLY CHANGES APPLY CHANGES ui_Leave LEAVE LEAVE tt_MainMenu_CompPlayButton Fight with your competitive team Fight with your competitive team ui_TeamRank Rank Rank ui_TermsOfService Terms Of Use Terms Of Use ui_PrivacyStatement Privacy Policy Privacy Policy ui_CodeOfConduct Code of Conduct Code of Conduct ui_WrongNumberOfCaptains Only one Captain can be assigned. Only one Captain can be assigned. ui_MechNotAllowed MECH NOT ALLOWED MECH NOT ALLOWED ui_OC OC OC Ui_ExitQueue EXIT QUEUE EXIT QUEUE ui_AddMember ADD MEMBER ADD MEMBER ui_Reinstate REINSTATE REINSTATE ui_ActiveTeams ACTIVE TEAMS ACTIVE TEAMS ui_RecentMatches PAST MATCHES PAST MATCHES ui_8v8 8 VS. 8 8 VS. 8 ui_LDR LDR LDR ui_MechComposition MECH COMPOSITION MECH COMPOSITION ui_MapBanning MAP BANNING MAP BANNING ui_temp TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE EGameType_Comp Competitive Match Competitive Match ui_NameExists This team name already exists. Please choose another one. This team name already exists. Please choose another one. ui_TagExists This tag already exists. Please choose another one. This tag already exists. Please choose another one. ui_NotQualified You are not qualified to participate in Competitive Play. To qualify for participation you must earn the Cadet Bonus 25 achievement (complete 25 matches). You are not qualified to participate in Competitive Play. To qualify for participation you must earn the Cadet Bonus 25 achievement (complete 25 matches). ui_UnknownError Unknown error. Please contact Support. Unknown error. Please contact Support. ui_CompLeaderBoardDesc Leaderboard updated at 0:00 UTC. Leaderboard updated at 0:00 UTC. ui_Decal_hellshorses_01_word_clr WORD - HELL'S HORSES WORD - HELL'S HORSES ui_RegionDesc This setting determines which of the three Server Regions your Team prefers to play on. When matched against a Team with a different Server of preference, the Server used for the match will be automatically chosen based on the Team with the fewest number matches played on their preferred server.\n\nFor example: A European team is matched against a North American team. The European Team has run fewer Competitive Matches on their preferred European server than the opposing Team has on their preferred North American server. As a result, the European server will be chosen for that match.\n\nYour preferred Server Region can be changed at any time up until October 22nd 2019 at 4:59 PM UTC. On the aforementioned date all Team Roster and Region states will be locked in and will not be eligible for any further changes, so make sure your Roster and Region are finalized and set correctly prior to that date. This setting determines which of the three Server Regions your Team prefers to play on. When matched against a Team with a different Server of preference, the Server used for the match will be automatically chosen based on the Team with the fewest number matches played on their preferred server.\n\n For example: A European team is matched against a North American team. The European Team has run fewer Competitive Matches on their preferred European server than the opposing Team has on their preferred North American server. As a result, the European server will be chosen for that match.\n\n Your preferred Server Region can be changed at any time up until October 22nd 2019 at 4:59 PM UTC. On the aforementioned date all Team Roster and Region states will be locked in and will not be eligible for any further changes, so make sure your Roster and Region are finalized and set correctly prior to that date. ui_EU EU EU ui_NextMatchShort NEXT MATCH: NEXT MATCH: ui_TeamOne TEAM ONE TEAM ONE ui_TeamTwo TEAM TWO TEAM TWO ui_selectamaptoban SELECT A MAP TO BAN SELECT A MAP TO BAN ui_Pick PICKS PICKS ui_PrepareForDrop PREPARE FOR DROP PREPARE FOR DROP ui_SelectMechError_CbillOnly This 'Mech is not eligible for use in Competitive Play. This 'Mech is not eligible for use in Competitive Play. ui_KDR KDR KDR ui_MechClassViolation WEIGHT CLASS VIOLATION WEIGHT CLASS VIOLATION ui_GroupSizeViolation NOT A GROUP OF 8 NOT A GROUP OF 8 ui_MembersNotReady PLAYER(S) NOT IN READY STATUS PLAYER(S) NOT IN READY STATUS ui_TooManyPrimary Too many team members assigned to PRIMARY role. Too many team members assigned to PRIMARY role. ui_TooManyAlternates Too many team members assigned to ALTERNATE role. Too many team members assigned to ALTERNATE role. ui_NotInCompPlayGroup NOT IN A VALID GROUP NOT IN A VALID GROUP ui_InvitePlayer INVITE FRIEND INVITE FRIEND ui_Banned BANNED BANNED ui_MatchID MATCH ID MATCH ID ui_info INFO INFO ui_Pri PRI PRI ui_Alt ALT ALT ui_CompPlay_Info Welcome to the Competitive Play feature!\n\nCompetitive Play is an Elo-ranked competitive mode pitting organized Teams against each other in fierce 8v8 engagements.\n\nTo join or form a Competitive Team you must have earned the Cadet Bonus 25 Achievement (complete 25 public matches).\n\nThe Competitive Play feature is intended for players and Teams operating at the highest levels of skill and organization. Join the fight if you're up for the challenge, but participation should not be taken lightly! Welcome to the Competitive Play feature!\n\nCompetitive Play is an Elo-ranked competitive mode pitting organized Teams against each other in fierce 8v8 engagements.\n\nTo join or form a Competitive Team you must have earned the Cadet Bonus 25 Achievement (complete 25 public matches).\n\nThe Competitive Play feature is intended for players and Teams operating at the highest levels of skill and organization. Join the fight if you're up for the challenge, but participation should not be taken lightly! ui_NotValidForCompPlay This 'Mech is not eligible for use in Competitive Play. This 'Mech is not eligible for use in Competitive Play. ui_DisbandTeamWarning You are currently the only member of this Team. This Team will be disbanded if you leave. You are currently the only member of this Team. This Team will be disbanded if you leave. ui_LeaderShort CAPT CAPT ui_primaryShort PRIM PRIM ui_AlternateShort ALT ALT ui_OpenSlotShort OPEN OPEN ui_LeaveTeam LEAVE TEAM LEAVE TEAM tt_CompInviteFriend Invite a Friend to your team Invite a Friend to your team tt_CompMatches Shows total competitive matches played by team members Shows total competitive matches played by team members tt_CompSelectRole Select a role for each team member Select a role for each team member tt_CompLaunchPermit Provides team member with permission to launch group into a competitive match Provides team member with permission to launch group into a competitive match tt_CompLeave Leave your competitive team Leave your competitive team tt_CompRemove Remove team member from your competitive team Remove team member from your competitive team tt_CompReinstate Reinstate team member to your competitive team Reinstate team member to your competitive team tt_InactiveMember Team member is inactive Team member is inactive tt_ActiveMember Team member is active Team member is active tt_CompGroupLeader Comp Play Group Leader Comp Play Group Leader tt_InCompGroup Team member is in Comp Play group Team member is in Comp Play group ui_ReallyLeaveTeam Do you really wish to leave the Team? Do you really wish to leave the Team? ui_TeamNameViolation The name you have chosen is not allowed. Team names must contain only alphanumeric characters, space and underscore, and must not begin or end with a space. The name you have chosen is not allowed. Team names must contain only alphanumeric characters, space and underscore, and must not begin or end with a space. ui_TeamTagViolation The tag you have chosen is not allowed. Team tags must contain only alphanumeric characters, space and underscore, and must not begin or end with a space. The tag you have chosen is not allowed. Team tags must contain only alphanumeric characters, space and underscore, and must not begin or end with a space. ui_LeaveGroup LEAVE GROUP LEAVE GROUP ui_OtherTeamsInQueue OTHER COMPETITORS IN QUEUE: OTHER COMPETITORS IN QUEUE: ui_RegionChangeNotice Your preferred Server Region can be changed at any time up until October 22nd 2019 at 4:59 PM UTC. On the aforementioned date all Team Roster and Region states will be locked in and will not be eligible for any further changes, so make sure your Roster and Region are finalized and set correctly prior to that date. Your preferred Server Region can be changed at any time up until October 22nd 2019 at 4:59 PM UTC On the aforementioned date all Team Roster and Region states will be locked in and will not be eligible for any further changes, so make sure your Roster and Region are finalized and set correctly prior to that date. ui_TeamMustBeEmpty As the current Team Captain you must either remove all other members from this Team before you can leave it, or assign another member as Captain. As the current Team Captain you must either remove all other members from this Team before you can leave it, or assign another member as Captain. ui_social_AlreadyOnAnotherTeam You cannot accept this invite because you are currently on another Team. You cannot accept this invite because you are currently on another Team. ui_social_UnknownError Unknown error. Please contact Support. Unknown error. Please contact Support. ui_LeaderInNonCompPlayGroup You are already the Leader of a Quick Play or Faction Play Group. As Group Leader you can easily switch to the Comp Play Group Type through the Social > Group screen. You are already the Leader of a Quick Play or Faction Play Group. As Group Leader you can easily switch to the Comp Play Group Type through the Social > Group screen. ui_InNonCompPlayGroup You are already part of a Quick Play or Faction Play Group. Your Group Leader can either switch your Group to the Comp Play Group Type through the Social > Group screen, or you can leave your current Group and form your own. You are already part of a Quick Play or Faction Play Group. Your Group Leader can either switch your Group to the Comp Play Group Type through the Social > Group screen, or you can leave your current Group and form your own. ui_Server Server: Server: ui_Date Date: Date: ui_MatchLength Duration: Duration: ui_S S S ui_LightShort Light Light ui_davion_affiliation Federated Suns Federated Suns ui_kurita_affiliation Draconis Combine Draconis Combine ui_liao_affiliation Capellan Confederation Capellan Confederation ui_marik_affiliation Free Worlds League Free Worlds League ui_steiner_affiliation Lyran Commonwealth Lyran Commonwealth ui_smokejaguar_affiliation Clan Clan ui_jadefalcon_affiliation Clan Clan ui_wolf_affiliation Clan Clan ui_ghostbear_affiliation Clan Clan ui_rasalhague_affiliation Free Rasalhague Republic Free Rasalhague Republic InnerSphere Inner Sphere Inner Sphere Clan Clan Clan ui_social_chat_group_doesnotexist Chat group does not exist. Chat group does not exist. ui_InvalidTeamName_BadWord Unable to create the team "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. Unable to create the team "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. ui_InvalidTeamTag_BadWord Unable to create the team with tag "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. Unable to create the team with tag "%0" as it contains 1 or more filtered words. ui_AddedToCompPlayGroup You have been added to a Comp Play Group. You have been added to a Comp Play Group. ui_CompPlayGroupInvitesSent Group invite sent to %0 team members. Group invite sent to %0 team members. ui_CompPlayGroupCreatedInvitesSent Group created and invite sent to %0 team members. Group created and invite sent to %0 team members. ui_Player PLAYER PLAYER ui_UserNameAlreadyInGroup %0 is already in a group %0 is already in a group ui_InviteUserNameOffline Group invite failed because %0 is offline. Group invite failed because %0 is offline. ui_Region: Region: Region: ui_TeamCreationClosed The Team Roster modification and Region selection phase is now closed. The Team Roster modification and Region selection phase is now closed. ui_CompClosedMessage Competitive Play Team Creation is currently unavailable. Competitive Play Team Creation is currently unavailable. LightFerroFibrous LIGHT FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR LIGHT FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR LightFerroFibrous_desc Moderately lighter than Standard Armor while taking up less critical space than Ferro-Fibrous Armor. Moderately lighter than Standard Armor while taking up less critical space than Ferro-Fibrous Armor. LightFerroFibrous_short Light Ferro Light Ferro Stealth STEALTH ARMOR STEALTH ARMOR Stealth_desc The same protection as Standard Armor, but takes up critical space and allows the use of Stealth Mode. The same protection as Standard Armor, but takes up critical space and allows the use of Stealth Mode. Stealth_short Stealth Stealth LB2-XACAmmo LB 2-X AMMO LB 2-X AMMO LB2-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by an LB 2-X. A splinter round that is fired by an LB 2-X. LB5-XACAmmo LB 5-X AMMO LB 5-X AMMO LB5-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by an LB 5-X. A splinter round that is fired by an LB 5-X. LB20-XACAmmo LB 20-X AMMO LB 20-X AMMO LB20-XACAmmo_desc A splinter round that is fired by an LB 20-X. A splinter round that is fired by an LB 20-X. UltraAC2Ammo U-AC/2 AMMO U-AC/2 AMMO UltraAC2Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/2. UltraAC10Ammo U-AC/10 AMMO U-AC/10 AMMO UltraAC10Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/10. UltraAC20Ammo U-AC/20 AMMO U-AC/20 AMMO UltraAC20Ammo_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/20. LightGaussAmmo LIGHT GAUSS AMMO LIGHT GAUSS AMMO LightGaussAmmo_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Light Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Light Gauss Rifle. HeavyGaussAmmo HEAVY GAUSS AMMO HEAVY GAUSS AMMO HeavyGaussAmmo_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Heavy Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Heavy Gauss Rifle. RotaryAC2Ammo R-AC/2 AMMO R-AC/2 AMMO RotaryAC2Ammo_desc Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/2. Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/2. RotaryAC5Ammo R-AC/5 AMMO R-AC/5 AMMO RotaryAC5Ammo_desc Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/5. Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/5. LightMachineGunAmmo LMG AMMO LMG AMMO LightMachineGunAmmo_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Light Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Light Machine Gun. HeavyMachineGunAmmo HMG AMMO HMG AMMO HeavyMachineGunAmmo_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Heavy Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Heavy Machine Gun. MRMAmmo MRM AMMO MRM AMMO MRMAmmo_desc A Medium Range Missile. A Medium Range Missile. LB2-XACAmmoHalf LB 2-X AMMO (1/2) LB 2-X AMMO (1/2) LB2-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by an LB 2-X. A splinter round that is fired by an LB 2-X. LB5-XACAmmoHalf LB 5-X AMMO (1/2) LB 5-X AMMO (1/2) LB5-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by an LB 5-X. A splinter round that is fired by an LB 5-X. LB20-XACAmmoHalf LB 20-X AMMO (1/2) LB 20-X AMMO (1/2) LB20-XACAmmoHalf_desc A splinter round that is fired by an LB 20-X. A splinter round that is fired by an LB 20-X. UltraAC2AmmoHalf U-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) U-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) UltraAC2AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/2. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/2. UltraAC10AmmoHalf U-AC/10 AMMO (1/2) U-AC/10 AMMO (1/2) UltraAC10AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/10. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/10. UltraAC20AmmoHalf U-AC/20 AMMO (1/2) U-AC/20 AMMO (1/2) UltraAC20AmmoHalf_desc A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/20. A large caliber slug fired from an U-AC/20. LightGaussAmmoHalf LIGHT GAUSS AMMO (1/2) LIGHT GAUSS AMMO (1/2) LightGaussAmmoHalf_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Light Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Light Gauss Rifle. HeavyGaussAmmoHalf HEAVY GAUSS AMMO (1/2) HEAVY GAUSS AMMO (1/2) HeavyGaussAmmoHalf_desc A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Heavy Gauss Rifle. A ferrous nickle-iron slug that is electromagnetically fired from a Heavy Gauss Rifle. RotaryAC2AmmoHalf R-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) R-AC/2 AMMO (1/2) RotaryAC2AmmoHalf_desc Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/2. Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/2. RotaryAC5AmmoHalf R-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) R-AC/5 AMMO (1/2) RotaryAC5AmmoHalf_desc Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/5. Rapid-fire rounds for the R-AC/5. LightMachineGunAmmoHalf LMG AMMO (1/2) LMG AMMO (1/2) LightMachineGunAmmoHalf_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Light Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Light Machine Gun. HeavyMachineGunAmmoHalf HMG AMMO (1/2) HMG AMMO (1/2) HeavyMachineGunAmmoHalf_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Heavy Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Heavy Machine Gun. MRMAmmoHalf MRM AMMO (1/2) MRM AMMO (1/2) MRMAmmoHalf_desc A Medium Range Missile. A Medium Range Missile. ClanLightMachineGunAmmo C-LMG AMMO C-LMG AMMO ClanLightMachineGunAmmo_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Light Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Light Machine Gun. ClanHeavyMachineGunAmmo C-HMG AMMO C-HMG AMMO ClanHeavyMachineGunAmmo_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Heavy Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Heavy Machine Gun. ClanATMAmmo C-ATM AMMO C-ATM AMMO ClanATMAmmo_desc An Advanced Tactical Missile. An Advanced Tactical Missile. ClanLightMachineGunAmmoHalf C-LMG AMMO (1/2) C-LMG AMMO (1/2) ClanLightMachineGunAmmoHalf_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Light Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Light Machine Gun. ClanHeavyMachineGunAmmoHalf C-HMG AMMO (1/2) C-HMG AMMO (1/2) ClaHeavynMachineGunAmmoHalf_desc Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Heavy Machine Gun. Small caliber rounds fired from a Clan Heavy Machine Gun. ClanATMAmmoHalf C-ATM AMMO (1/2) C-ATM AMMO (1/2) ClanATMAmmoHalf_desc An Advanced Tactical Missile. An Advanced Tactical Missile. Engine_Light_Fusion_100 LIGHT ENGINE 100 LIGHT ENGINE 100 Engine_Light_Fusion_100_desc A light engine with a 100 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 100 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_105 LIGHT ENGINE 105 LIGHT ENGINE 105 Engine_Light_Fusion_105_desc A light engine with a 105 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 105 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_110 LIGHT ENGINE 110 LIGHT ENGINE 110 Engine_Light_Fusion_110_desc A light engine with a 110 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 110 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_115 LIGHT ENGINE 115 LIGHT ENGINE 115 Engine_Light_Fusion_115_desc A light engine with a 115 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 115 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_120 LIGHT ENGINE 120 LIGHT ENGINE 120 Engine_Light_Fusion_120_desc A light engine with a 120 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 120 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_125 LIGHT ENGINE 125 LIGHT ENGINE 125 Engine_Light_Fusion_125_desc A light engine with a 125 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 125 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_130 LIGHT ENGINE 130 LIGHT ENGINE 130 Engine_Light_Fusion_130_desc A light engine with a 130 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 130 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_135 LIGHT ENGINE 135 LIGHT ENGINE 135 Engine_Light_Fusion_135_desc A light engine with a 135 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 135 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_140 LIGHT ENGINE 140 LIGHT ENGINE 140 Engine_Light_Fusion_140_desc A light engine with a 140 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 140 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_145 LIGHT ENGINE 145 LIGHT ENGINE 145 Engine_Light_Fusion_145_desc A light engine with a 145 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 145 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_150 LIGHT ENGINE 150 LIGHT ENGINE 150 Engine_Light_Fusion_150_desc A light engine with a 150 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 150 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_155 LIGHT ENGINE 155 LIGHT ENGINE 155 Engine_Light_Fusion_155_desc A light engine with a 155 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 155 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_160 LIGHT ENGINE 160 LIGHT ENGINE 160 Engine_Light_Fusion_160_desc A light engine with a 160 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 160 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_165 LIGHT ENGINE 165 LIGHT ENGINE 165 Engine_Light_Fusion_165_desc A light engine with a 165 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 165 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_170 LIGHT ENGINE 170 LIGHT ENGINE 170 Engine_Light_Fusion_170_desc A light engine with a 170 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 170 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_175 LIGHT ENGINE 175 LIGHT ENGINE 175 Engine_Light_Fusion_175_desc A light engine with a 175 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 175 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_180 LIGHT ENGINE 180 LIGHT ENGINE 180 Engine_Light_Fusion_180_desc A light engine with a 180 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 180 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_185 LIGHT ENGINE 185 LIGHT ENGINE 185 Engine_Light_Fusion_185_desc A light engine with a 185 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 185 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_190 LIGHT ENGINE 190 LIGHT ENGINE 190 Engine_Light_Fusion_190_desc A light engine with a 190 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 190 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_195 LIGHT ENGINE 195 LIGHT ENGINE 195 Engine_Light_Fusion_195_desc A light engine with a 195 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 195 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_200 LIGHT ENGINE 200 LIGHT ENGINE 200 Engine_Light_Fusion_200_desc A light engine with a 200 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 200 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_205 LIGHT ENGINE 205 LIGHT ENGINE 205 Engine_Light_Fusion_205_desc A light engine with a 205 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 205 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_210 LIGHT ENGINE 210 LIGHT ENGINE 210 Engine_Light_Fusion_210_desc A light engine with a 210 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 210 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_215 LIGHT ENGINE 215 LIGHT ENGINE 215 Engine_Light_Fusion_215_desc A light engine with a 215 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 215 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_220 LIGHT ENGINE 220 LIGHT ENGINE 220 Engine_Light_Fusion_220_desc A light engine with a 220 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 220 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_225 LIGHT ENGINE 225 LIGHT ENGINE 225 Engine_Light_Fusion_225_desc A light engine with a 225 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 225 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_230 LIGHT ENGINE 230 LIGHT ENGINE 230 Engine_Light_Fusion_230_desc A light engine with a 230 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 230 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_235 LIGHT ENGINE 235 LIGHT ENGINE 235 Engine_Light_Fusion_235_desc A light engine with a 235 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 235 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_240 LIGHT ENGINE 240 LIGHT ENGINE 240 Engine_Light_Fusion_240_desc A light engine with a 240 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 240 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_245 LIGHT ENGINE 245 LIGHT ENGINE 245 Engine_Light_Fusion_245_desc A light engine with a 245 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 245 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_250 LIGHT ENGINE 250 LIGHT ENGINE 250 Engine_Light_Fusion_250_desc A light engine with a 250 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 250 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_255 LIGHT ENGINE 255 LIGHT ENGINE 255 Engine_Light_Fusion_255_desc A light engine with a 255 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 255 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_260 LIGHT ENGINE 260 LIGHT ENGINE 260 Engine_Light_Fusion_260_desc A light engine with a 260 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 260 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_265 LIGHT ENGINE 265 LIGHT ENGINE 265 Engine_Light_Fusion_265_desc A light engine with a 265 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 265 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_270 LIGHT ENGINE 270 LIGHT ENGINE 270 Engine_Light_Fusion_270_desc A light engine with a 270 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 270 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_275 LIGHT ENGINE 275 LIGHT ENGINE 275 Engine_Light_Fusion_275_desc A light engine with a 275 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 275 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_280 LIGHT ENGINE 280 LIGHT ENGINE 280 Engine_Light_Fusion_280_desc A light engine with a 280 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 280 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_285 LIGHT ENGINE 285 LIGHT ENGINE 285 Engine_Light_Fusion_285_desc A light engine with a 285 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 285 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_290 LIGHT ENGINE 290 LIGHT ENGINE 290 Engine_Light_Fusion_290_desc A light engine with a 290 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 290 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_295 LIGHT ENGINE 295 LIGHT ENGINE 295 Engine_Light_Fusion_295_desc A light engine with a 295 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 295 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_300 LIGHT ENGINE 300 LIGHT ENGINE 300 Engine_Light_Fusion_300_desc A light engine with a 300 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 300 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_305 LIGHT ENGINE 305 LIGHT ENGINE 305 Engine_Light_Fusion_305_desc A light engine with a 305 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 305 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_310 LIGHT ENGINE 310 LIGHT ENGINE 310 Engine_Light_Fusion_310_desc A light engine with a 310 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 310 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_315 LIGHT ENGINE 315 LIGHT ENGINE 315 Engine_Light_Fusion_315_desc A light engine with a 315 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 315 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_320 LIGHT ENGINE 320 LIGHT ENGINE 320 Engine_Light_Fusion_320_desc A light engine with a 320 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 320 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_325 LIGHT ENGINE 325 LIGHT ENGINE 325 Engine_Light_Fusion_325_desc A light engine with a 325 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 325 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_330 LIGHT ENGINE 330 LIGHT ENGINE 330 Engine_Light_Fusion_330_desc A light engine with a 330 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 330 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_335 LIGHT ENGINE 335 LIGHT ENGINE 335 Engine_Light_Fusion_335_desc A light engine with a 335 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 335 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_340 LIGHT ENGINE 340 LIGHT ENGINE 340 Engine_Light_Fusion_340_desc A light engine with a 340 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 340 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_345 LIGHT ENGINE 345 LIGHT ENGINE 345 Engine_Light_Fusion_345_desc A light engine with a 345 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 345 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_350 LIGHT ENGINE 350 LIGHT ENGINE 350 Engine_Light_Fusion_350_desc A light engine with a 350 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 350 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_355 LIGHT ENGINE 355 LIGHT ENGINE 355 Engine_Light_Fusion_355_desc A light engine with a 355 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 355 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_360 LIGHT ENGINE 360 LIGHT ENGINE 360 Engine_Light_Fusion_360_desc A light engine with a 360 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 360 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_365 LIGHT ENGINE 365 LIGHT ENGINE 365 Engine_Light_Fusion_365_desc A light engine with a 365 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 365 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_370 LIGHT ENGINE 370 LIGHT ENGINE 370 Engine_Light_Fusion_370_desc A light engine with a 370 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 370 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_375 LIGHT ENGINE 375 LIGHT ENGINE 375 Engine_Light_Fusion_375_desc A light engine with a 375 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 375 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_380 LIGHT ENGINE 380 LIGHT ENGINE 380 Engine_Light_Fusion_380_desc A light engine with a 380 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 380 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_385 LIGHT ENGINE 385 LIGHT ENGINE 385 Engine_Light_Fusion_385_desc A light engine with a 385 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 385 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_390 LIGHT ENGINE 390 LIGHT ENGINE 390 Engine_Light_Fusion_390_desc A light engine with a 390 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 390 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_395 LIGHT ENGINE 395 LIGHT ENGINE 395 Engine_Light_Fusion_395_desc A light engine with a 395 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 395 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. Engine_Light_Fusion_400 LIGHT ENGINE 400 LIGHT ENGINE 400 Engine_Light_Fusion_400_desc A light engine with a 400 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. A light engine with a 400 rating. Requires 2 critical slots in each side torso. ClanLightActiveProbe C-LIGHT ACTIVE PROBE C-LIGHT ACTIVE PROBE ClanLightActiveProbe_desc Increases sensor range, Counters ECM, speeds up targeting data, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. Increases sensor range, Counters ECM, speeds up targeting data, and can detect shut down 'Mechs at close range. ISTargetingComputerMkI IS TARGETING COMP. MK I IS TARGETING COMP. MK I ui_ISTargetingComputerMkI IS-TCOMP-I IS-TCOMP-I ISTargetingComputerMkI_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ISTargetingComputerMkII IS TARGETING COMP. MK II IS TARGETING COMP. MK II ui_ISTargetingComputerMkII IS-TCOMP-II IS-TCOMP-II ISTargetingComputerMkII_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ISTargetingComputerMkIII IS TARGETING COMP. MK III IS TARGETING COMP. MK III ui_ISTargetingComputerMkIII IS-TCOMP-III IS-TCOMP-III ISTargetingComputerMkIII_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ISTargetingComputerMkIV IS TARGETING COMP. MK IV IS TARGETING COMP. MK IV ui_ISTargetingComputerMkIV IS-TCOMP-IV IS-TCOMP-IV ISTargetingComputerMkIV_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ISTargetingComputerMkV IS TARGETING COMP. MK V IS TARGETING COMP. MK V ui_ISTargetingComputerMkV IS-TCOMP-V IS-TCOMP-V ISTargetingComputerMkV_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ISTargetingComputerMkVI IS TARGETING COMP. MK VI IS TARGETING COMP. MK VI ui_ISTargetingComputerMkVI IS-TCOMP-VI IS-TCOMP-VI ISTargetingComputerMkVI_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ISTargetingComputerMkVII IS TARGETING COMP. MK VII IS TARGETING COMP. MK VII ui_ISTargetingComputerMkVII IS-TCOMP-VII IS-TCOMP-VII ISTargetingComputerMkVII_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. ISTargetingComputerMkVIII IS TARGETING COMP. MK VIII IS TARGETING COMP. MK VIII ui_ISTargetingComputerMkVIII IS-TCOMP-VIII IS-TCOMP-VIII ISTargetingComputerMkVIII_desc Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. Increases AC (except LBX) and PPC projectile speeds; laser ranges; AC (except LBX), PPC, and laser crit chances. Increases sensor range, zoom, and speeds up targeting data. LightFerroFibrousType LIGHT FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR TYPE LIGHT FERRO-FIBROUS ARMOR TYPE LightFerroFibrousType_desc 6% more protection per ton, occupies 7 critical slots but weighs less. 6% more protection per ton, occupies 7 critical slots but weighs less. StealthFibrousType STEALTH ARMOR TYPE STEALTH ARMOR TYPE StealthType_desc Same protection as standard armor, occupies 12 specific critical slots, allows your 'Mech to toggle Stealth Mode. Same protection as standard armor, occupies 12 specific critical slots, allows your 'Mech to toggle Stealth Mode. ERSL ER SML LASER ER SML LASER ERSL_desc Low powered laser with extended range. Low powered laser with extended range. ERML ER MED LASER ER MED LASER ERML_desc Medium powered laser with extended range. Medium powered laser with extended range. LightPPC LIGHT PPC LIGHT PPC LightPPC_desc A Light Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target. Light PPCs do not have a minimum range. A Light Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target. Light PPCs do not have a minimum range. HeavyPPC HEAVY PPC HEAVY PPC HeavyPPC_desc A Heavy Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target. Heavy PPCs have a 90 meter minimum range. A Heavy Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical damage to the target. Heavy PPCs have a 90 meter minimum range. SnubNosePPC SNUB-NOSE PPC SNUB-NOSE PPC SnubNosePPC_desc A Snub-Nose Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical and splash damage to the target at longer ranges. Snub-Nose PPCs do not have a minimum range. A Snub-Nose Particle Projector Cannon that fires energy particles dealing physical and splash damage to the target at longer ranges. Snub-Nose PPCs do not have a minimum range. LB2-XAC LB 2-X AC LB 2-X AC LB2-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage. LB5-XAC LB 5-X AC LB 5-X AC LB5-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 5 damage. LB20-XAC LB 20-X AC LB 20-X AC LB20-XAC_desc A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. A spread fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage. UAC2 ULTRA AC/2 ULTRA AC/2 UAC2_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 2 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. UAC10 ULTRA AC/10 ULTRA AC/10 UAC10_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 10 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. UAC20 ULTRA AC/20 ULTRA AC/20 UAC20_desc A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. A direct fire ballistic weapon that deals 20 damage that allows a faster rate of fire. Has a chance of jamming. LightGaussRifle LIGHT GAUSS RIFLE LIGHT GAUSS RIFLE LightGaussRifle_desc A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. HeavyGaussRifle HEAVY GAUSS RIFLE HEAVY GAUSS RIFLE HeavyGaussRifle_desc A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. Powerful enough to shake a 'Mech's cockpit when fired. A magnetically fired nickel-iron alloy slug which travels at extremely high velocity. Powerful enough to shake a 'Mech's cockpit when fired. RAC2 ROTARY AC/2 ROTARY AC/2 RAC2_desc A large, rapid-fire autocannon. Can jam if fired for too long. A large, rapid-fire autocannon. Can jam if fired for too long. RAC5 ROTARY AC/5 ROTARY AC/5 RAC5_desc A large, rapid-fire autocannon. Can jam if fired for too long. A large, rapid-fire autocannon. Can jam if fired for too long. LightMachineGun LIGHT MACHINE GUN LIGHT MACHINE GUN LightMachineGun_desc A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. HeavyMachineGun HEAVY MACHINE GUN HEAVY MACHINE GUN HeavyMachineGun_desc A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. StreakSRM4 STREAK SRM 4 STREAK SRM 4 StreakSRM4_desc Short range missile system that fires 4 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. Short range missile system that fires 4 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. StreakSRM6 STREAK SRM 6 STREAK SRM 6 StreakSRM6_desc Short range missile system that fires 6 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. Short range missile system that fires 6 tracking missiles that will always hit their intended target. MRM10 MRM 10 MRM 10 MRM10_desc Medium range missile system that fires 10 unguided missiles. Medium range missile system that fires 10 unguided missiles. MRM20 MRM 20 MRM 20 MRM20_desc Medium range missile system that fires 20 unguided missiles. Medium range missile system that fires 20 unguided missiles. MRM30 MRM 30 MRM 30 MRM30_desc Medium range missile system that fires 30 unguided missiles. Medium range missile system that fires 30 unguided missiles. MRM40 MRM 40 MRM 40 MRM40_desc Medium range missile system that fires 40 unguided missiles. Medium range missile system that fires 40 unguided missiles. RocketLauncher10 ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 RocketLauncher10_desc A single shot Rocket Launcher with built in ammo. Fire 10 unguided rockets. A single shot Rocket Launcher with built in ammo. Fire 10 unguided rockets. RocketLauncher15 ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 RocketLauncher15_desc A single shot Rocket Launcher with built in ammo. Fire 15 unguided rockets. A single shot Rocket Launcher with built in ammo. Fire 15 unguided rockets. RocketLauncher20 ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 RocketLauncher20_desc A single shot Rocket Launcher with built in ammo. Fire 20 unguided rockets. Rockets deal reduced damage under 50 meter arming range. A single shot Rocket Launcher with built in ammo. Fire 20 unguided rockets. Rockets deal reduced damage under 50 meter arming range. LAMS LASER AMS LASER AMS LAMS_desc A laser-based AMS system that doesn't use ammo but generates heat while it fires. A laser-based AMS system that doesn't use ammo but generates heat while it fires. ClanLightMachineGun C-LIGHT MACHINE GUN C-LIGHT MACHINE GUN ClanLightMachineGun_desc A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. ClanHeavyMachineGun C-HVY MACHINE GUN C-HVY MACHINE GUN ClanHeavyMachineGun_desc A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. A rapid fire, high caliber, automatic gun system. This weapon is most useful when targeting internal structure after armor has been removed from a component. ClanERMicroL C-ER MICRO LASER C-ER MICRO LASER ClanERMicroL_desc Very low powered laser with extended range. Very low powered laser with extended range. ClanMicroPL C-MICRO PULSE LASER C-MICRO PULSE LASER ClanMicroPL_desc A very low powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. A very low powered energy weapon that pulses to focus damage onto the targeted location. ClanHSL C-HEAVY SML LASER C-HEAVY SML LASER ClanHSL_desc A high powered Small Laser that deals more damage at the cost of heat and range. A high powered Small Laser that deals more damage at the cost of heat and range. ClanHML C-HEAVY MED LASER C-HEAVY MED LASER ClanHML_desc A high powered Medium Laser that deals more damage at the cost of heat and range. A high powered Medium Laser that deals more damage at the cost of heat and range. ClanHLL C-HEAVY LRG LASER C-HEAVY LRG LASER ClanHLL_desc A high powered Large Laser that deals more damage at the cost of heat and range. A high powered Large Laser that deals more damage at the cost of heat and range. ClanATM3 C-ATM 3 C-ATM 3 ClanATM3_desc Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 3 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 3 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. ClanATM6 C-ATM 6 C-ATM 6 ClanATM6_desc Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 6 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 6 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. ClanATM9 C-ATM 9 C-ATM 9 ClanATM9_desc Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 9 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 9 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. ClanATM12 C-ATM 12 C-ATM 12 ClanATM12_desc Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 12 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. Advanced Tactical Missile system firing 12 missiles. Missiles have three different damage stages depending on distance traveled. ClanLightTAG C-LIGHT TAG C-LIGHT TAG ClanLightTAG_desc Accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Must be held on target. Counters ECM. Accelerates missile lock, keeps lock longer and increases missile accuracy. Must be held on target. Counters ECM. ClanLAMS C-LASER AMS C-LASER AMS ClanLAMS_desc A laser-based AMS system that doesn't use ammo but generates heat while it fires. A laser-based AMS system that doesn't use ammo but generates heat while it fires. UI_Armor_Light_Ferro LIGHT FERRO-FIBROUS LIGHT FERRO-FIBROUS UI_Armor_Stealth STEALTH STEALTH ui_MatchSettings MATCH SETTINGS MATCH SETTINGS ui_option_EnablePrivateChatAlert DIRECT MESSAGE ALERTS DIRECT MESSAGE ALERTS ui_option_EnableISClanChatAlert IS/CLAN CHAT ALERTS IS/CLAN CHAT ALERTS ui_option_EnableFactionChatAlert FACTION CHAT ALERTS FACTION CHAT ALERTS ui_option_EnableUnitChatAlert UNIT CHAT ALERTS UNIT CHAT ALERTS ui_option_EnableOfficerChatAlert OFFICER CHAT ALERTS OFFICER CHAT ALERTS tt_Settings_EnablePrivateChatAlert Toggle blink alert messsages when receiving direct messages. Toggle blink alert messsages when receiving direct messages. tt_Settings_EnableISClanChatAlert Toggle blink alert messages when receiving IS/Clan chat messages. Toggle blink alert messages when receiving IS/Clan chat messages. tt_Settings_EnableFactionChatAlert Toggle blink alert when receiving Faction Chat messages. Toggle blink alert when receiving Faction Chat messages. tt_Settings_EnableUnitChatAlert Toggle blink alert when receiving Unit Chat messages. Toggle blink alert when receiving Unit Chat messages. tt_Settings_EnableOfficerChatAlert Toggle blink alert when receiving Officer Chat messages. Toggle blink alert when receiving Officer Chat messages. ui_XPWarning Mech XP and Skill Tree progress on this 'Mech will be lost. 'Mech XP and Skill Tree progress on this 'Mech will be lost. EMechTreeNode_FlamerVentilation1 FLAMER VENTILATION 1 FLAMER VENTILATION 1 EMechTreeNode_FlamerVentilation2 FLAMER VENTILATION 2 FLAMER VENTILATION 2 EMechTreeNode_FlamerVentilation1_desc Increases the rate at which ramped heat dissipates. Increases the rate at which ramped heat dissipates. EMechTreeNode_FlamerVentilation2_desc Increases the rate at which ramped heat dissipates. Increases the rate at which ramped heat dissipates. qrk_flamer_rampdownduration_mult FLAMER RAMP DOWN DURATION FLAMER RAMP DOWN DURATION qrk_ammocapacity_mrm_add MRM AMMO CAPACITY MRM AMMO CAPACITY qrk_ammocapacity_lb5x_add LB5-X Ammo Capacity LB5-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_lb20x_add LB20-X Ammo Capacity LB20-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_lightmachinegun_add Light MG Ammo Capacity Light MG Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_ultraac20_add UAC20 Ammo Capacity UAC20 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_ultraac10_add UAC10 Ammo Capacity UAC10 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_rotary_ac2_add Rotary AC2 Ammo Capacity Rotary AC2 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_rotary_ac5_add Rotary AC5 Ammo Capacity Rotary AC5 Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_lb2x_add LB2-X Ammo Capacity LB2-X Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_heavymachinegun_add Heavy MG Ammo Capacity Heavy MG Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_heavygauss_add Heavy Gauss Ammo Capacity Heavy Gauss Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_ultraac2_add UAC2 Ammo Capacity UAC2 Ammo Capacity qrk_rotaryautocannon_jamrampdownduration_mult RAC JAM RAMP DOWN DURATION RAC JAM RAMP DOWN DURATION qrk_ammocapacity_clightmachinegun_add Clan Light MG Ammo Capacity Clan Light MG Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_cheavymachinegun_add Clan Heavy MG Ammo Capacity Clan Heavy MG Ammo Capacity qrk_ammocapacity_catm_add CLAN ATM AMMO CAPACITY CLAN ATM AMMO CAPACITY ui_LightEngine Light Engines Light Engines ui_AvgDmgPerMatch AVG DMG\nPER MATCH AVG DMG\nPER MATCH StealthArmour STEALTH ARMOR STEALTH ARMOR ui_RankCap RANK RANK ui_loadout_error_StealthArmourWithoutECM Stealth Armor equipped without ECM equipped. Stealth Armor equipped without ECM equipped. _m_toggle_stealth_armour Toggle Stealth Armor Toggle Stealth Armor ui_ReportName Report Name Report Name emechmodel_uziel UZIEL UZIEL uziel UZIEL UZIEL uzl-3ss UZIEL UZL-3S(S) UZIEL UZL-3S(S) uzl-3ss_desc UZIEL UZL-3S(S) description UZIEL UZL-3S(S) uzl-3ss_short UZL-3S(S) UZL-3S(S) uzl-3s UZIEL UZL-3S UZIEL UZL-3S uzl-3s_desc UZIEL UZL-3S description UZIEL UZL-3S uzl-3s_short UZL-3S UZL-3S uzl-2S UZIEL UZL-2S UZIEL UZL-2S uzl-2S_desc UZIEL UZL-2S description UZIEL UZL-2S uzl-2S_short UZL-2S UZL-2S uzl-3P UZIEL UZL-3P UZIEL UZL-3P uzl-3P_desc UZIEL UZL-3P description UZIEL UZL-3P uzl-3P_short UZL-3P UZL-3P uzl-5P UZIEL UZL-5P UZIEL UZL-5P uzl-5P_desc UZIEL UZL-5P description UZIEL UZL-5P uzl-5P_short UZL-5P UZL-5P uzl-6P UZIEL UZL-6P UZIEL UZL-6P uzl-6P_desc UZIEL UZL-6P description UZIEL UZL-6P uzl-6P_short UZL-6P UZL-6P uzl-BE BELIAL BELIAL uzl-BE_desc The personal 'Mech of Lt. Col. Devon Lestrade The personal 'Mech of Lt. Col. Devon Lestrade uzl-BE_short UZL-BE UZL-BE emechmodel_annihilator ANNIHILATOR ANNIHILATOR annihilator ANNIHILATOR ANNIHILATOR anh-2as ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A(S) ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A(S) anh-2as_desc ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A(S) description ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A(S) anh-2as_short ANH-2A(S) ANH-2A(S) anh-2a ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A anh-2a_desc ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A description ANNIHILATOR ANH-2A anh-2a_short ANH-2A ANH-2A anh-1a ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A anh-1a_desc ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A description ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A anh-1a_short ANH-1A ANH-1A anh-1e ANNIHILATOR ANH-1E ANNIHILATOR ANH-1E anh-1e_desc ANNIHILATOR ANH-1E description ANNIHILATOR ANH-1E anh-1e_short ANH-1E ANH-1E anh-1X ANNIHILATOR ANH-1X ANNIHILATOR ANH-1X anh-1X_desc ANNIHILATOR ANH-1X description ANNIHILATOR ANH-1X anh-1X_short ANH-1X ANH-1X anh-1P ANNIHILATOR ANH-1P ANNIHILATOR ANH-1P anh-1P_desc ANNIHILATOR ANH-1P description ANNIHILATOR ANH-1P anh-1P_short ANH-1P ANH-1P anh-MB MEAN BABY MEAN BABY anh-MB_desc The personal 'Mech of Stephanie Peterson The personal 'Mech of Stephanie Peterson anh-MB_short ANH-MB ANH-MB emechmodel_cougar COUGAR COUGAR cougar COUGAR COUGAR cou-PRIMEs COUGAR COU-PRIME(S) COUGAR COU-PRIME(S) cou-PRIMEs_desc COUGAR COU-PRIME(S) description COUGAR COU-PRIME(S) cou-PRIMEs_short COU-PRIME(S) COU-PRIME(S) cou-PRIME COUGAR COU-PRIME COUGAR COU-PRIME cou-PRIME_desc COUGAR COU-PRIME description COUGAR COU-PRIME cou-PRIME_short COU-PRIME COU-PRIME cou-C COUGAR COU-C COUGAR COU-C cou-C_desc COUGAR COU-C description COUGAR COU-C cou-C_short COU-C COU-C cou-D COUGAR COU-D COUGAR COU-D cou-D_desc COUGAR COU-D description COUGAR COU-D cou-D_short COU-D COU-D cou-E COUGAR COU-E COUGAR COU-E cou-E_desc COUGAR COU-E description COUGAR COU-E cou-E_short COU-E COU-E cou-H COUGAR COU-H COUGAR COU-H cou-H_desc COUGAR COU-H description COUGAR COU-H cou-H_short COU-H COU-H cou-BA BLOOD ADDER BLOOD ADDER cou-BA_desc The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Malhar The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Malhar cou-BA_short COU-BA COU-BA emechmodel_madcatmkii MAD CAT MK II MAD CAT MK II madcatmkii MAD CAT MK II MAD CAT MK II MCII-1s MAD CAT MK II MCII-1(S) MAD CAT MK II MCII-1(S) MCII-1s_desc MAD CAT MK II MCII-1(S) description MAD CAT MK II MCII-1(S) MCII-1s_short MCII-1(S) MCII-1(S) MCII-1 MAD CAT MK II MCII-1 MAD CAT MK II MCII-1 MCII-1_desc MAD CAT MK II MCII-1 description MAD CAT MK II MCII-1 MCII-1_short MCII-1 MCII-1 M2II-2 MAD 2AT MK II M2II-2 MAD 2AT MK II M2II-2 M2II-2_des2 MAD 2AT MK II M2II-2 des2ription MAD 2AT MK II M2II-2 M2II-2_short M2II-2 M2II-2 MCII-4 MAD CAT MK II MCII-4 MAD CAT MK II MCII-4 MCII-4_desc MAD CAT MK II MCII-4 description MAD CAT MK II MCII-4 MCII-4_short MCII-4 MCII-4 MCII-A MAD CAT MK II MCII-A MAD CAT MK II MCII-A MCII-A_desc MAD CAT MK II MCII-A description MAD CAT MK II MCII-A MCII-A_short MCII-A MCII-A MCII-B MAD CAT MK II MCII-B MAD CAT MK II MCII-B MCII-B_desc MAD CAT MK II MCII-B description MAD CAT MK II MCII-B MCII-B_short MCII-B MCII-B MCII-DS DEATHSTRIKE DEATHSTRIKE MCII-DS_desc The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Jasmine Yung The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Jasmine Yung MCII-DS_short MCII-DS MCII-DS tt_Lobby_AssignToAlpha Assign to Alpha lance Assign to Alpha lance tt_Lobby_AssignToBeta Assign to Beta lance Assign to Beta lance tt_Lobby_AssignToCharlie Assign to Charlie lance Assign to Charlie lance xpboosthangingis_name XP Medallion - IS Only XP Medallion - IS Only xpboosthangingis_desc This Glass Medallion earns a 5% XP Boost for IS 'Mechs only This Glass Medallion earns a 5% XP Boost for IS 'Mechs only cboosthangingis_name C-Bill Medallion - IS Only C-Bill Medallion - IS Only cboosthangingis_desc This Glass Medallion earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for IS 'Mechs only This Glass Medallion earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for IS 'Mechs only xpbooststandingis_name XP Hologram - IS Only XP Hologram - IS Only xpbooststandingis_desc This Hologram earns a 5% XP Boost for IS 'Mechs only This Hologram earns a 5% XP Boost for IS 'Mechs only cbooststandingis_name C-Bill Hologram - IS Only C-Bill Hologram - IS Only cbooststandingis_desc This Hologram earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for IS 'Mechs only This Hologram earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for IS 'Mechs only xpboosthangingclan_name XP Medallion - Clan Only XP Medallion - Clan Only xpboosthangingclan_desc This Glass Medallion earns a 5% XP Boost for Clan 'Mechs only This Glass Medallion earns a 5% XP Boost for Clan 'Mechs only cboosthangingclan_name C-Bill Medallion - Clan Only C-Bill Medallion - Clan Only cboosthangingclan_desc This Glass Medallion earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for Clan 'Mechs only This Glass Medallion earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for Clan 'Mechs only xpbooststandingclan_name XP Hologram - Clan Only XP Hologram - Clan Only xpbooststandingclan_desc This Hologram earns a 5% XP Boost for Clan 'Mechs only This Hologram earns a 5% XP Boost for Clan 'Mechs only cbooststandingclan_name C-Bill Hologram - Clan Only C-Bill Hologram - Clan Only cbooststandingclan_desc This Hologram earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for Clan 'Mechs only This Hologram earns a 5% C-Bill Boost for Clan 'Mechs only holoarmis_name Hologram Arm IS Hologram Arm IS holoarmis_desc Hologram Arm IS Hanging Item Hologram Arm IS Hanging Item magneticspeakeris_name Magnetic Speaker IS Magnetic Speaker IS magneticspeakeris_desc Magnetic Speaker IS Warhorn Magnetic Speaker IS Warhorn tabletis_name Tablet IS Tablet IS tabletis_desc Tablet IS Standing Item Tablet IS Standing Item holoarmclan_name Hologram Arm Clan Hologram Arm Clan holoarmclan_desc Hologram Arm Clan Hanging Item Hologram Arm Clan Hanging Item magneticspeakerclan_name Magnetic Speaker Clan Magnetic Speaker Clan magneticspeakerclan_desc Magnetic Speaker Clan Warhorn Magnetic Speaker Clan Warhorn tabletclan_name Tablet Clan Tablet Clan tabletclan_desc Tablet Clan Standing Item Tablet Clan Standing Item uziel_walk_name Uziel Walk Uziel Walk uziel_walk_desc Uziel Walk Standing Item Uziel Walk Standing Item annihilator_walk_name Annihilator Walk Annihilator Walk annihilator_walk_desc Annihilator Walk Standing Item Annihilator Walk Standing Item cougar_walk_name Cougar Walk Cougar Walk cougar_walk_desc Cougar Walk Standing Item Cougar Walk Standing Item madcatmkii_walk_name MadCat MK II Walk MadCat MK II Walk madcatmkii_walk_desc MadCat MK II Walk Standing Item MadCat MK II Walk Standing Item hangingglobe_name WC 2017 Globe Ornament WC 2017 Globe Ornament hangingglobe_desc WC 2017 Globe Ornament Hanging Item WC 2017 Globe Ornament Hanging Item globe2017_name WC 2017 Globe WC 2017 Globe globe2017_desc WC 2017 Globe Standing Item WC 2017 Globe Standing Item speaker2017_name WC 2017 Speaker WC 2017 Speaker speaker2017_desc WC 2017 Speaker Warhorn WC 2017 Speaker Warhorn Banner11 Steel Viper Banner Steel Viper Banner Banner11_desc A Steel Viper Banner A Steel Viper Banner Banner12 Nova Cat Banner Nova Cat Banner Banner12_desc A Nova Cat Banner A Nova Cat Banner MedallionSteelViper Steel Viper Medallion Steel Viper Medallion MedallionSteelViper_desc Steel Viper Medallion Hanging Item Steel Viper Medallion Hanging Item MedallionNovaCat Nova Cat Medallion Nova Cat Medallion MedallionNovaCat_desc Nova Cat Medallion Hanging Item Nova Cat Medallion Hanging Item @ui_title_UzielStand The Angel The Angel @ui_title_UzielStand_desc Uziel Standard Title Uziel Standard Title @ui_title_UzielColl The Fallen The Fallen @ui_title_UzielColl_desc Uziel Collectors Title Uziel Collectors Title @ui_title_AnnihilatorStand The God The God @ui_title_AnnihilatorStand_desc Annihilator Standard Title Annihilator Standard Title @ui_title_AnnihilatorColl The Decimator The Decimator @ui_title_AnnihilatorColl_desc Annihilator Collectors Title Annihilator Collectors Title @ui_title_CougarStand The Solitary The Solitary @ui_title_CougarStand_desc Cougar Standard Title Cougar Standard Title @ui_title_CougarColl The Carnivore The Carnivore @ui_title_CougarColl_desc Cougar Collectors Title Cougar Collectors Title @ui_title_MadCatMKIIStand The Jaws The Jaws @ui_title_MadCatMKIIStand_desc MadCatMKIIStand Standard Title MadCatMKIIStand Standard Title @ui_title_MadCatMKIIColl The Predator The Predator @ui_title_MadCatMKIIColl_desc MadCatMKIIColl Collectors Title MadCatMKIIColl Collectors Title @ui_title_2017TournamentStand The Altruist The Altruist @ui_title_2017TournamentStand_desc WC 2017 Tournament Standard Title WC 2017 Tournament Standard Title @ui_title_2017TournamentPatron The Patron Saint The Patron Saint @ui_title_2017TournamentPatron_desc WC 2017 Tournament Patron Title WC 2017 Tournament Patron Title tt_CompGoToTop View the top ranked teams on this leaderboard View the top ranked teams on this leaderboard ui_ReportTeamNameViolation REPORT TEAM NAME REPORT TEAM NAME omnipod_cou-prime_head COU-PRIME HEAD COU-PRIME HEAD omnipod_cou-prime_head_desc COU-PRIME Head OmniPod. COU-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_left_arm_desc COU-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. COU-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_left_torso COU-PRIME LEFT TORSO COU-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_cou-prime_left_torso_desc COU-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. COU-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_right_torso COU-PRIME RIGHT TORSO COU-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_cou-prime_right_torso_desc COU-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. COU-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_centre_torso COU-PRIME CENTER TORSO COU-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_cou-prime_centre_torso_desc COU-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. COU-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_right_arm COU-PRIME RIGHT ARM COU-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_cou-prime_right_arm_desc COU-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. COU-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_left_leg COU-PRIME LEFT LEG COU-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_cou-prime_left_leg_desc COU-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. COU-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_right_leg COU-PRIME RIGHT LEG COU-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_cou-prime_right_leg_desc COU-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. COU-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-prime_left_arm COU-PRIME LEFT ARM COU-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_cou-c_head COU-C HEAD COU-C HEAD omnipod_cou-c_head_desc COU-C Head OmniPod. COU-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_left_arm_desc COU-C Left Arm OmniPod. COU-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_left_torso COU-C LEFT TORSO COU-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_cou-c_left_torso_desc COU-C Left Torso OmniPod. COU-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_right_torso COU-C RIGHT TORSO COU-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_cou-c_right_torso_desc COU-C Right Torso OmniPod. COU-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_centre_torso COU-C CENTER TORSO COU-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_cou-c_centre_torso_desc COU-C Center Torso OmniPod. COU-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_right_arm COU-C RIGHT ARM COU-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_cou-c_right_arm_desc COU-C Right Arm OmniPod. COU-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_left_leg COU-C LEFT LEG COU-C LEFT LEG omnipod_cou-c_left_leg_desc COU-C Left Leg OmniPod. COU-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_right_leg COU-C RIGHT LEG COU-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_cou-c_right_leg_desc COU-C Right Leg OmniPod. COU-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-c_left_arm COU-C LEFT ARM COU-C LEFT ARM omnipod_cou-d_head COU-D HEAD COU-D HEAD omnipod_cou-d_head_desc COU-D Head OmniPod. COU-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_left_arm_desc COU-D Left Arm OmniPod. COU-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_left_torso COU-D LEFT TORSO COU-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_cou-d_left_torso_desc COU-D Left Torso OmniPod. COU-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_right_torso COU-D RIGHT TORSO COU-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_cou-d_right_torso_desc COU-D Right Torso OmniPod. COU-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_centre_torso COU-D CENTER TORSO COU-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_cou-d_centre_torso_desc COU-D Center Torso OmniPod. COU-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_right_arm COU-D RIGHT ARM COU-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_cou-d_right_arm_desc COU-D Right Arm OmniPod. COU-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_left_leg COU-D LEFT LEG COU-D LEFT LEG omnipod_cou-d_left_leg_desc COU-D Left Leg OmniPod. COU-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_right_leg COU-D RIGHT LEG COU-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_cou-d_right_leg_desc COU-D Right Leg OmniPod. COU-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-d_left_arm COU-D LEFT ARM COU-D LEFT ARM omnipod_cou-e_head COU-E HEAD COU-E HEAD omnipod_cou-e_head_desc COU-E Head OmniPod. COU-E Head OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_left_arm_desc COU-E Left Arm OmniPod. COU-E Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_left_torso COU-E LEFT TORSO COU-E LEFT TORSO omnipod_cou-e_left_torso_desc COU-E Left Torso OmniPod. COU-E Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_right_torso COU-E RIGHT TORSO COU-E RIGHT TORSO omnipod_cou-e_right_torso_desc COU-E Right Torso OmniPod. COU-E Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_centre_torso COU-E CENTER TORSO COU-E CENTER TORSO omnipod_cou-e_centre_torso_desc COU-E Center Torso OmniPod. COU-E Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_right_arm COU-E RIGHT ARM COU-E RIGHT ARM omnipod_cou-e_right_arm_desc COU-E Right Arm OmniPod. COU-E Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_left_leg COU-E LEFT LEG COU-E LEFT LEG omnipod_cou-e_left_leg_desc COU-E Left Leg OmniPod. COU-E Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_right_leg COU-E RIGHT LEG COU-E RIGHT LEG omnipod_cou-e_right_leg_desc COU-E Right Leg OmniPod. COU-E Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-e_left_arm COU-E LEFT ARM COU-E LEFT ARM omnipod_cou-h_head COU-H HEAD COU-H HEAD omnipod_cou-h_head_desc COU-H Head OmniPod. COU-H Head OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_left_arm_desc COU-H Left Arm OmniPod. COU-H Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_left_torso COU-H LEFT TORSO COU-H LEFT TORSO omnipod_cou-h_left_torso_desc COU-H Left Torso OmniPod. COU-H Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_right_torso COU-H RIGHT TORSO COU-H RIGHT TORSO omnipod_cou-h_right_torso_desc COU-H Right Torso OmniPod. COU-H Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_centre_torso COU-H CENTER TORSO COU-H CENTER TORSO omnipod_cou-h_centre_torso_desc COU-H Center Torso OmniPod. COU-H Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_right_arm COU-H RIGHT ARM COU-H RIGHT ARM omnipod_cou-h_right_arm_desc COU-H Right Arm OmniPod. COU-H Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_left_leg COU-H LEFT LEG COU-H LEFT LEG omnipod_cou-h_left_leg_desc COU-H Left Leg OmniPod. COU-H Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_right_leg COU-H RIGHT LEG COU-H RIGHT LEG omnipod_cou-h_right_leg_desc COU-H Right Leg OmniPod. COU-H Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-h_left_arm COU-H LEFT ARM COU-H LEFT ARM omnipod_cou-ba_head COU-BA HEAD COU-BA HEAD omnipod_cou-ba_head_desc COU-BA Head OmniPod. COU-BA Head OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_left_arm_desc COU-BA Left Arm OmniPod. COU-BA Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_left_torso COU-BA LEFT TORSO COU-BA LEFT TORSO omnipod_cou-ba_left_torso_desc COU-BA Left Torso OmniPod. COU-BA Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_right_torso COU-BA RIGHT TORSO COU-BA RIGHT TORSO omnipod_cou-ba_right_torso_desc COU-BA Right Torso OmniPod. COU-BA Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_centre_torso COU-BA CENTER TORSO COU-BA CENTER TORSO omnipod_cou-ba_centre_torso_desc COU-BA Center Torso OmniPod. COU-BA Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_right_arm COU-BA RIGHT ARM COU-BA RIGHT ARM omnipod_cou-ba_right_arm_desc COU-BA Right Arm OmniPod. COU-BA Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_left_leg COU-BA LEFT LEG COU-BA LEFT LEG omnipod_cou-ba_left_leg_desc COU-BA Left Leg OmniPod. COU-BA Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_right_leg COU-BA RIGHT LEG COU-BA RIGHT LEG omnipod_cou-ba_right_leg_desc COU-BA Right Leg OmniPod. COU-BA Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_cou-ba_left_arm COU-BA LEFT ARM COU-BA LEFT ARM ui_Decal_mwo2017_std WC 2017 Tournament Supporter WC 2017 Tournament Supporter ui_Decal_milf_std MECH I WOULD LIKE TO FIGHT MECH I WOULD LIKE TO FIGHT ui_Decal_snake_std SNAKE SNAKE ui_Decal_rumble_std RUMBLE SEAT EQUIPPED RUMBLE SEAT EQUIPPED ui_Decal_kaiju_std KAIJU KAIJU ui_Decal_rawr_std RAWR RAWR ui_Decal_thrust_std JUMPJET THRUST JUMPJET THRUST ui_Decal_squid_std SQUID SQUID hud_publish_match_stats PUBLISH MATCH STATS PUBLISH MATCH STATS hud_publish_stats PUBLISH STATS PUBLISH STATS hud_publishing_stats PUBLISHING STATS PUBLISHING STATS hud_match_stats_published MATCH STATS PUBLISHED MATCH STATS PUBLISHED MCII-2 MAD CAT MK II MCII-2 MAD CAT MK II MCII-2 MCII-2_desc MAD CAT MK II MCII-2 description MAD CAT MK II MCII-2 MCII-2_short MCII-2 MCII-2 tt_LeaderboardFindByTeamRank Find team stats by rank Find team stats by rank Efaction_ClanSteelViper Clan Steel Viper Clan Steel Viper EHouse_ClanSteelViper CLAN STEEL VIPER CLAN STEEL VIPER Ehouse_Clan_Steel_Viper Clan\nSteel Viper Clan\nSteel Viper Ehouse_SteelViper STEEL VIPER STEEL VIPER ui_SteelViper_Adbv CSV CSV steelviper_designation Warden Clan Warden Clan steelviper_government Caste-driven Warrior Society Caste-driven Warrior Society steelviper_capital New Kent New Kent steelviper_rulers Perigard Zalman Perigard Zalman steelviper_languages English English steelviper_formation_date 2810 2810 steelviper_long_history Steel Viper hold a deep conviction that they alone understand Nicholas Kerensky's original vision, and view as destiny their eventual ascension to the status of ilClan. They are staunch believers in the reformation of the Star League through cooperation, not destruction. Though traditionally a Warden Clan, their military forces are known to undergo one of the most rigorous and demanding training regimens in all the Clan Toumans.\n\nWhile they did not earn a place in the initial stages of the Clan Invasion, the forces of Steel Viper were later bound by Clan Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky to share an invasion corridor with Clan Jade Falcon - their bitter rivals - in an ultimately futile attempt by Ulric to stall the Falcon invasion efforts.\n\nTheir capacity for negotiation, coupled with their own perceived destiny, instills Steel Viper with the potential for claiming a dominant presence in the unpredictable future of the Inner Sphere. Steel Viper hold a deep conviction that they alone understand Nicholas Kerensky's original vision, and view as destiny their eventual ascension to the status of ilClan. They are staunch believers in the reformation of the Star League through cooperation, not destruction. Though traditionally a Warden Clan, their military forces are known to undergo one of the most rigorous and demanding training regimens in all the Clan Toumans.\n\nWhile they did not earn a place in the initial stages of the Clan Invasion, the forces of Steel Viper were later bound by Clan Wolf Khan Ulric Kerensky to share an invasion corridor with Clan Jade Falcon - their bitter rivals - in an ultimately futile attempt by Ulric to stall the Falcon invasion efforts.\n\nTheir capacity for negotiation, coupled with their own perceived destiny, instills Steel Viper with the potential for claiming a dominant presence in the unpredictable future of the Inner Sphere. Appears in Faction Details screen ui_Clan_Steel_Viper_desc Known for their arrogant and self-serving politics as much as their tenacity in combat Known for their arrogant and self-serving politics as much as their tenacity in combat Appears in War Planning screen (2-3 sentences in length) ui_steelviper_affilation Clan Clan Clan_Steel_Viper Clan Steel Viper Clan Steel Viper ui_ClanSteelViper CLAN STEEL VIPER CLAN STEEL VIPER StainglassSteelViper_name Steel Viper Glass Steel Viper Glass StainglassSteelViper_desc Steel Viper Glass Medallion Steel Viper Glass Medallion tt_Achievments_ClanSteelViperButton Clan Steel Viper ranks Clan Steel Viper ranks ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_1 Warrior - Point 1 Warrior - Point 1 ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_2 Warrior - Point 2 Warrior - Point 2 ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_3 Warrior - Point 3 Warrior - Point 3 ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_4 Warrior - Point 4 Warrior - Point 4 ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_5 Warrior - Point 5 Warrior - Point 5 ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_6 Point Commander Point Commander ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_7 Star Commander Star Commander ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_8 Nova Commander Nova Commander ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_9 Star Captain Star Captain ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_10 Nova Captain Nova Captain ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_11 Trinary Star Captain Trinary Star Captain ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_12 Trinary Nova Captain Trinary Nova Captain ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_13 Star Colonel Star Colonel ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_14 Star Colonel II Star Colonel II ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_15 Star Colonel III Star Colonel III ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_16 Star Colonel IV Star Colonel IV ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_17 Star Colonel V Star Colonel V ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_18 Galaxy Commander Galaxy Commander ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_19 Galaxy Commander II Galaxy Commander II ui_title_ClanSteelViper_Rank_20 Galaxy Commander III Galaxy Commander III ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_1 Steel Viper Rank 1 - Warrior - Point 1 Steel Viper Rank 1 - Warrior - Point 1 ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_2 Steel Viper Rank 2 - Warrior - Point 2 Steel Viper Rank 2 - Warrior - Point 2 ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_3 Steel Viper Rank 3 - Warrior - Point 3 Steel Viper Rank 3 - Warrior - Point 3 ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_4 Steel Viper Rank 4 - Warrior - Point 4 Steel Viper Rank 4 - Warrior - Point 4 ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_5 Steel Viper Rank 5 - Warrior - Point 5 Steel Viper Rank 5 - Warrior - Point 5 ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_6 Steel Viper Rank 6 - Point Commander Steel Viper Rank 6 - Point Commander ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_7 Steel Viper Rank 7 - Star Commander Steel Viper Rank 7 - Star Commander ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_8 Steel Viper Rank 8 - Nova Commander Steel Viper Rank 8 - Nova Commander ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_9 Steel Viper Rank 9 - Star Captain Steel Viper Rank 9 - Star Captain ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_10 Steel Viper Rank 10 - Nova Captain Steel Viper Rank 10 - Nova Captain ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_11 Steel Viper Rank 11 - Trinary Star Captain Steel Viper Rank 11 - Trinary Star Captain ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_12 Steel Viper Rank 12 - Trinary Nova Captain Steel Viper Rank 12 - Trinary Nova Captain ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_13 Steel Viper Rank 13 - Star Colonel Steel Viper Rank 13 - Star Colonel ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_14 Steel Viper Rank 14 - Star Colonel II Steel Viper Rank 14 - Star Colonel II ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_15 Steel Viper Rank 15 - Star Colonel III Steel Viper Rank 15 - Star Colonel III ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_16 Steel Viper Rank 16 - Star Colonel IV Steel Viper Rank 16 - Star Colonel IV ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_17 Steel Viper Rank 17 - Star Colonel V Steel Viper Rank 17 - Star Colonel V ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_18 Steel Viper Rank 18 - Galaxy Commander Steel Viper Rank 18 - Galaxy Commander ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_19 Steel Viper Rank 19 - Galaxy Commander II Steel Viper Rank 19 - Galaxy Commander II ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_20 Steel Viper Rank 20 - Galaxy Commander III Steel Viper Rank 20 - Galaxy Commander III ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_clansteelviper_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper SteelViperUnitRank1_name Steel Viper Rank 1 Unit Steel Viper Rank 1 Unit SteelViperUnitRank2_name Steel Viper Rank 2 Unit Steel Viper Rank 2 Unit SteelViperUnitRank3_name Steel Viper Rank 3 Unit Steel Viper Rank 3 Unit Efaction_ClanNovaCat Clan Nova Cat Clan Nova Cat EHouse_ClanNovaCat CLAN NOVA CAT CLAN NOVA CAT Ehouse_Clan_Nova_Cat Clan\nNova Cat Clan\nNova Cat Ehouse_NovaCat NOVA CAT NOVA CAT ui_NovaCat_Adbv CNC CNC novacat_designation Crusader Clan Crusader Clan novacat_government Caste-driven Warrior Society Caste-driven Warrior Society novacat_capital New Barcella New Barcella novacat_rulers Severen Leroux Severen Leroux novacat_languages English English novacat_formation_date 2810 2810 novacat_long_history Nova Cat society is one heavily informed by a tradition of mysticism. They are unique among the Clans in their use of an Oathmaster; keepers of the sacred prophecies of the Nova Cat mystic tradition, responsible for ensuring the spiritual well-being of the Clan. The military forces of Clan Nova Cat are known for placing great priority on the value of accuracy and marksmanship.\n\nWhile they did not earn a place in the initial stages of the Clan Invasion, Nova Cat were later activated to share an invasion corridor into Draconis Combine territory with Clan Smoke Jaguar, their traditional rivals. The relative successes of Nova Cat’s initial participation through the Invasion were tempered by the dire visions of Oathmaster Biccon Winters, who foretold the defeat of the Clans and doom for Nova Cat itself.\n\nNova Cat forge their unique path through dusky visions, toward a future guided by prophecy and sacred tradition. They will follow it wherever it leads. Nova Cat society is one heavily informed by a tradition of mysticism. They are unique among the Clans in their use of an Oathmaster; keepers of the sacred prophecies of the Nova Cat mystic tradition, responsible for ensuring the spiritual well-being of the Clan. The military forces of Clan Nova Cat are known for placing great priority on the value of accuracy and marksmanship.\n\nWhile they did not earn a place in the initial stages of the Clan Invasion, Nova Cat were later activated to share an invasion corridor into Draconis Combine territory with Clan Smoke Jaguar, their traditional rivals. The relative successes of Nova Cat’s initial participation through the Invasion were tempered by the dire visions of Oathmaster Biccon Winters, who foretold the defeat of the Clans and doom for Nova Cat itself.\n\nNova Cat forge their unique path through dusky visions, toward a future guided by prophecy and sacred tradition. They will follow it wherever it leads. Appears in Faction Details screen ui_Clan_Nova_Cat_desc Led by visions of conquest and salvation, they seek to protect that which was lost Led by visions of conquest and salvation, they seek to protect that which was lost Appears in War Planning screen (2-3 sentences in length) ui_novacat_affilation Clan Clan Clan_Nova_Cat Clan Nova Cat Clan Nova Cat ui_ClanNovaCat CLAN NOVA CAT CLAN NOVA CAT StainglassNovaCat_name Nova Cat Glass Nova Cat Glass StainglassNovaCat_desc Nova Cat Glass Medallion Nova Cat Glass Medallion tt_Achievments_ClanNovaCatButton Clan Nova Cat ranks Clan Nova Cat ranks ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_1 Warrior - Point 1 Warrior - Point 1 ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_2 Warrior - Point 2 Warrior - Point 2 ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_3 Warrior - Point 3 Warrior - Point 3 ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_4 Warrior - Point 4 Warrior - Point 4 ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_5 Warrior - Point 5 Warrior - Point 5 ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_6 Point Commander Point Commander ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_7 Star Commander Star Commander ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_8 Nova Commander Nova Commander ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_9 Star Captain Star Captain ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_10 Nova Captain Nova Captain ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_11 Trinary Star Captain Trinary Star Captain ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_12 Trinary Nova Captain Trinary Nova Captain ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_13 Star Colonel Star Colonel ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_14 Star Colonel II Star Colonel II ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_15 Star Colonel III Star Colonel III ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_16 Star Colonel IV Star Colonel IV ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_17 Star Colonel V Star Colonel V ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_18 Galaxy Commander Galaxy Commander ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_19 Galaxy Commander II Galaxy Commander II ui_title_ClanNovaCat_Rank_20 Galaxy Commander III Galaxy Commander III ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_1 Nova Cat Rank 1 - Warrior - Point 1 Nova Cat Rank 1 - Warrior - Point 1 ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_2 Nova Cat Rank 2 - Warrior - Point 2 Nova Cat Rank 2 - Warrior - Point 2 ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_3 Nova Cat Rank 3 - Warrior - Point 3 Nova Cat Rank 3 - Warrior - Point 3 ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_4 Nova Cat Rank 4 - Warrior - Point 4 Nova Cat Rank 4 - Warrior - Point 4 ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_5 Nova Cat Rank 5 - Warrior - Point 5 Nova Cat Rank 5 - Warrior - Point 5 ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_6 Nova Cat Rank 6 - Point Commander Nova Cat Rank 6 - Point Commander ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_7 Nova Cat Rank 7 - Star Commander Nova Cat Rank 7 - Star Commander ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_8 Nova Cat Rank 8 - Nova Commander Nova Cat Rank 8 - Nova Commander ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_9 Nova Cat Rank 9 - Star Captain Nova Cat Rank 9 - Star Captain ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_10 Nova Cat Rank 10 - Nova Captain Nova Cat Rank 10 - Nova Captain ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_11 Nova Cat Rank 11 - Trinary Star Captain Nova Cat Rank 11 - Trinary Star Captain ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_12 Nova Cat Rank 12 - Trinary Nova Captain Nova Cat Rank 12 - Trinary Nova Captain ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_13 Nova Cat Rank 13 - Star Colonel Nova Cat Rank 13 - Star Colonel ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_14 Nova Cat Rank 14 - Star Colonel II Nova Cat Rank 14 - Star Colonel II ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_15 Nova Cat Rank 15 - Star Colonel III Nova Cat Rank 15 - Star Colonel III ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_16 Nova Cat Rank 16 - Star Colonel IV Nova Cat Rank 16 - Star Colonel IV ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_17 Nova Cat Rank 17 - Star Colonel V Nova Cat Rank 17 - Star Colonel V ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_18 Nova Cat Rank 18 - Galaxy Commander Nova Cat Rank 18 - Galaxy Commander ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_19 Nova Cat Rank 19 - Galaxy Commander II Nova Cat Rank 19 - Galaxy Commander II ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_20 Nova Cat Rank 20 - Galaxy Commander III Nova Cat Rank 20 - Galaxy Commander III ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_clannovacat_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat NovaCatUnitRank1_name Nova Cat Rank 1 Unit Nova Cat Rank 1 Unit NovaCatUnitRank2_name Nova Cat Rank 2 Unit Nova Cat Rank 2 Unit NovaCatUnitRank3_name Nova Cat Rank 3 Unit Nova Cat Rank 3 Unit ui_publish_match_stats_success MATCH ID: %0 published successfully and copied to clipboard. MATCH ID: %0 published successfully and copied to clipboard. ui_publish_match_stats_failed Publishing of match stats failed. Please try again. Publishing of match stats failed. Please try again. steelviper_contract_desc Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Steel Viper. Let the wisdom of Kerensky guide your mission, and your opponents will learn to fear the fangs of the Steel Vipers. Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Steel Viper. Let the wisdom of Kerensky guide your mission, and your opponents will learn to fear the fangs of the Steel Vipers. Appears in Contracts screen when you place cursor over a contract CR_S_AV_Clan_Steel_Viper Your success in this scouting mission is a testament to the tenacity and strength of our namesake. The intelligence your forces gathered today brings us one step closer toward a re-united Star League. Your success in this scouting mission is a testament to the tenacity and strength of our namesake. The intelligence your forces gathered today brings us one step closer toward a re-united Star League. For scouting missions ending in victory CR_S_AD_Clan_Steel_Viper Your failure to acquire vital intelligence in this scouting offensive brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your failure to acquire vital intelligence in this scouting offensive brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For scouting missions ending in failure CR_S_DV_Clan_Steel_Viper Thanks to you, our enemies failed to rend vital intelligence from our strengthened grasp. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Thanks to you, our enemies failed to rend vital intelligence from our strengthened grasp. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For scouting defense missions ending in victory CR_S_DD_Clan_Steel_Viper You have allowed our enemies to escape our grasp with vital intelligence. Your weakness brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. You have allowed our enemies to escape our grasp with vital intelligence. Your weakness brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For scouting defense mission ending in failure CR_AV_Clan_Steel_Viper Your strike against the enemy was swift, precise, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your strike against the enemy was swift, precise, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion attack missions ending in victory CR_AV_I_Clan_Steel_Viper Your strike against the enemy was swift, precise, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your strike against the enemy was swift, precise, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion attack missions ending in victory CR_AD_Clan_Steel_Viper Your strike against the enemy was listless, imprecise, and ineffectual. Your failure today brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your strike against the enemy was listless, imprecise, and ineffectual. Your failure today brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion attack missions ending in failure CR_AD_I_Clan_Steel_Viper Your strike against the enemy was listless, imprecise, and ineffectual. Your failure today brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your strike against the enemy was listless, imprecise, and ineffectual. Your failure today brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion attack missions ending in failure CR_DV_Clan_Steel_Viper Your defense against the enemy was patient, calculated, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your defense against the enemy was patient, calculated, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion defense missions ending in victory CR_DV_I_Clan_Steel_Viper Your defense against the enemy was patient, calculated, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your defense against the enemy was patient, calculated, and deadly. Your success today brings honour to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion defense missions ending in victory CR_DD_Clan_Steel_Viper Your failure to seize upon the enemy attack brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your failure to seize upon the enemy attack brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion defense mission ending in failure CR_DD_I_Clan_Steel_Viper Your failure to seize upon the enemy attack brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. Your failure to seize upon the enemy attack brings shame to the legacy and rightful destiny of our Clan. For invasion defense mission ending in failure novacat_contract_desc Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Nova Cat. May your successes and rewards fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Nova Cat. May your successes and rewards fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Appears in Contracts screen when you place cursor over a contract. CR_S_AV_Clan_Nova_Cat Your success in this scouting mission will ensure the accuracy and integrity of future engagements. May your continued successes fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Your success in this scouting mission will ensure the accuracy and integrity of future engagements. May your continued successes fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. For scouting missions ending in victory CR_S_AD_Clan_Nova_Cat Your failure to acquire vital intelligence in this scouting offensive brings shame to the Clan for which you fight, and bode ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. Your failure to acquire vital intelligence in this scouting offensive brings shame to the Clan for which you fight, and bode ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. For scouting missions ending in failure CR_S_DV_Clan_Nova_Cat Your success in this scouting mission has ensured the enemy will walk blind into future engagements. May your continued successes fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Your success in this scouting mission has ensured the enemy will walk blind into future engagements. May your continued successes fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. For scouting defense missions ending in victory CR_S_DD_Clan_Nova_Cat Your failure to prevent the enemy from acquiring vital intelligence will blind our forces in future engagements with the dusky smoke of indecision and doubt. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. Your failure to prevent the enemy from acquiring vital intelligence will blind our forces in future engagements with the dusky smoke of indecision and doubt. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. For scouting defense mission ending in failure CR_AV_Clan_Nova_Cat Your attack against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Your attack against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. For invasion attack missions ending in victory CR_AV_I_Clan_Nova_Cat Your attack against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Your attack against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. For invasion attack missions ending in victory CR_AD_Clan_Nova_Cat Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. For invasion attack missions ending in failure CR_AD_I_Clan_Nova_Cat Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. For invasion attack missions ending in failure CR_DV_Clan_Nova_Cat Your defense against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Your defense against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. For invasion defense missions ending in victory CR_DV_I_Clan_Nova_Cat Your defense against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. Your defense against the enemy fulfills the storied destiny of our foretold successes. May your continued victories fulfill the auspicious visions of the Oathmasters. For invasion defense missions ending in victory CR_DD_Clan_Nova_Cat Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. For invasion defense mission ending in failure CR_DD_I_Clan_Nova_Cat Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat bodes ill of the visions for which you were not destined to fulfill. For invasion defense mission ending in failure qrk_atm_spread_mult ATM SPREAD ATM SPREAD ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_11 Rotary Autocannons Rotary Autocannons qrk_ultraautocannon20_cooldown_mult UAC20 Cooldown UAC20 Cooldown ui_Decal_shark_std SHARK #1 SHARK #1 ui_pal_civilwar CIVIL WAR CIVIL WAR qrk_stealtharmorcooldown_mult STEALTH ARMOR COOLDOWN STEALTH ARMOR COOLDOWN ui_WC_2017_Tournament WC 2017 Tournament Booster WC 2017 Tournament Booster ui_WC_2017_Tournament_desc Apply an additional 10% of Gained XP booster Apply an additional 10% of Gained XP booster qrk_ammocapacity_lightgauss_add Light Gauss Ammo Capacity Light Gauss Ammo Capacity ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_12 Medium Lasers Medium Lasers qrk_ultraautocannon_jamduration_mult UAC Jam Duration UAC Jam Duration qrk_ultraautocannon_jamduration_add UAC Jam Duration UAC Jam Duration ui_novacat_affiliation Clan Clan ui_steelviper_affiliation Clan Clan ui_NovaCat_short Nova Cat Nova Cat ui_SteelViper_short Steel Viper Steel Viper ui_projectile_spread Projectile Spread Projectile Spread ml_GainTimeBoost Targeting Gain Time Boost Targeting Gain Time Boost ml_MechDetectionRangeBoost Mech Detection Range Boost Mech Detection Range Boost ui_ProgressValues <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">%0</font> <font color=\"#29ABE2\">/%1</font> <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">%0</font> <font color=\"#29ABE2\">/%1</font> ui_option_enable_comp_team_alerts Comp Team Chat Alerts Comp Team Chat Alerts ui_option_enable_comp_general_alerts Comp General Chat Alerts Comp General Chat Alerts ui_option_enable_group_chat_alerts Group Chat Alerts Group Chat Alerts tt_Settings_EnableCompTeamAlerts Enable Comp Team Chat Alerts Enable Comp Team Chat Alerts tt_Settings_EnableCompGeneralAlerts Enable Comp General Chat Alerts Enable Comp General Chat Alerts tt_Settings_EnableGroupChatAlerts Enable Group Chat Alerts Enable Group Chat Alerts grenade_name Grenade Grenade grenade_desc Grenade Standing Item Grenade Standing Item walkietalkieblack_name Black Radio Warhorn Black Radio Warhorn walkietalkieblack_desc "Tango Down" Black Radio Warhorn "Tango Down" Black Radio Warhorn walkietalkiecamouflage_name Camouflaged Radio Warhorn Camouflaged Radio Warhorn walkietalkiecamouflage_desc "Kill Confirmed" Camouflaged Radio Warhorn "Kill Confirmed" Camouflaged Radio Warhorn walkietalkieyellow_name Yellow Radio Warhorn Yellow Radio Warhorn walkietalkieyellow_desc "Nice Shot!" Yellow Radio Warhorn "Nice Shot!" Yellow Radio Warhorn retroarcade_name Retro Arcade Warhorn Retro Arcade Warhorn retroarcade_desc Retro Arcade Warhorn Retro Arcade Warhorn retrohandheld_name Retro Handheld Warhorn Retro Handheld Warhorn retrohandheld_desc Retro Handheld Warhorn Retro Handheld Warhorn SpeakerJ_SonicBoomSteelViper Steel Viper Warhorn Steel Viper Warhorn SpeakerJ_SonicBoomSteelViper_desc Clan Steel Viper Warhorn Clan Steel Viper Warhorn SpeakerJ_SonicBoomNovaCat Nova Cat Warhorn Nova Cat Warhorn SpeakerJ_SonicBoomNovaCat_desc Clan Nova Cat Warhorn Clan Nova Cat Warhorn ui_SkipTutorial Skip Tutorial Skip Tutorial ui_SkipTutorialMessage WARNING!\nYou must complete the Basic Tutorial before you can launch into live matches! If you skip the Tutorial now you can access it again from the Home screen. WARNING!\nYou must complete the Basic Tutorial before you can launch into live matches! If you skip the Tutorial now you can access it again from the Home screen. HUD_Cannot_Capture_Stealth_Armour STEALTH PREVENTS INTERACTION STEALTH PREVENTS INTERACTION mlx-g MIST LYNX MLX-G MIST LYNX MLX-G mlx-g_desc MIST LYNX MLX-B description MIST LYNX MLX-G mlx-g_short MLX-G MLX-G mlx-ed EBON DRAGOON EBON DRAGOON mlx-ed_desc The personal 'Mech of Sumner Osis The personal 'Mech of Sumner Osis mlx-ed_short MLX-ED MLX-ED ach-e ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-E ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-E ach-e_desc ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-E description ARCTIC CHEETAH ACH-E ach-e_short ACH-E ACH-E ach-sh SHARD SHARD ach-sh_desc The personal 'Mech of Eva Hordwon The personal 'Mech of Eva Hordwon ach-sh_short ACH-SH ACH-SH ifr-p ICE FERRET IFR-P ICE FERRET IFR-P ifr-p_desc ICE FERRET IFR-P description ICE FERRET IFR-P ifr-p_short IFR-P IFR-P ifr-rc RAINBOW CROW RAINBOW CROW ifr-rc_desc The personal 'Mech of Karl Devalis The personal 'Mech of Karl Devalis ifr-rc_short IFR-RC IFR-RC shc-h SHADOW CAT SHC-H SHADOW CAT SHC-H shc-h_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-H description SHADOW CAT SHC-H shc-h_short SHC-H SHC-H shc-mi MISHIPESHU MISHIPESHU shc-mi_desc The personal 'Mech of Lucian Carns The personal 'Mech of Lucian Carns shc-mi_short SHC-MI SHC-MI mdd-h MAD DOG MDD-H MAD DOG MDD-H mdd-h_desc MAD DOG MDD-H description MAD DOG MDD-H description mdd-h_short MDD-H MDD-H mdd-ba BANDIT BANDIT mdd-ba_desc The personal 'Mech of Russou Howell The personal 'Mech of Russou Howell mdd-ba_short MDD-BA MDD-BA ebj-d EBON JAGUAR EBJ-D EBON JAGUAR EBJ-D ebj-d_desc EBON JAGUAR EBJ-D description EBON JAGUAR EBJ-D ebj-d_short EBJ-D EBJ-D ebj-ec ESPRIT DE CORPS ESPRIT DE CORPS ebj-ec_desc The personal 'Mech of Vesper Beckett The personal 'Mech of Vesper Beckett ebj-ec_short EBJ-EC EBJ-EC hbr-p HELLBRINGER HBR-P HELLBRINGER HBR-P hbr-p_desc HELLBRINGER HBR-P description HELLBRINGER HBR-P hbr-p_short HBR-P HBR-P hbr-vi VIRAGO VIRAGO hbr-vi_desc The personal 'Mech of Joanna The personal 'Mech of Joanna hbr-vi_short HBR-VI HBR-VI gar-e GARGOYLE GAR-E GARGOYLE GAR-E gar-e_desc GARGOYLE GAR-E description GARGOYLE GAR-E gar-e_short GAR-E GAR-E gar-kw KIN WOLF KIN WOLF gar-kw_desc The personal 'Mech of Ulric Kerensky The personal 'Mech of Ulric Kerensky gar-kw_short GAR-KW GAR-KW exe-e EXECUTIONER EXE-E EXECUTIONER EXE-E exe-e_desc EXECUTIONER EXE-E description EXECUTIONER EXE-E exe-e_short EXE-E EXE-E exe-ch CHERBI CHERBI exe-ch_desc The personal 'Mech of Gorman Bekker The personal 'Mech of Gorman Bekker exe-ch_short EXE-CH EXE-CH omnipod_mlx-ed_head MLX-ED HEAD MLX-ED HEAD omnipod_mlx-ed_head_desc MLX-ED Head OmniPod. MLX-ED Head OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-ed_left_arm MLX-ED LEFT ARM MLX-ED LEFT ARM omnipod_mlx-ed_left_arm_desc MLX-ED Left Arm OmniPod. MLX-ED Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-ed_left_torso MLX-ED LEFT TORSO MLX-ED LEFT TORSO omnipod_mlx-ed_left_torso_desc MLX-ED Left Torso OmniPod. MLX-ED Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-ed_right_torso MLX-ED RIGHT TORSO MLX-ED RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mlx-ed_right_torso_desc MLX-ED Right Torso OmniPod. MLX-ED Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-ed_centre_torso MLX-ED CENTER TORSO MLX-ED CENTER TORSO omnipod_mlx-ed_centre_torso_desc MLX-ED Center Torso OmniPod. MLX-ED Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-ed_right_arm MLX-ED RIGHT ARM MLX-ED RIGHT ARM omnipod_mlx-ed_right_arm_desc MLX-ED Right Arm OmniPod. MLX-ED Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-ed_left_leg MLX-ED LEFT LEG MLX-ED LEFT LEG omnipod_mlx-ed_left_leg_desc MLX-ED Left Leg OmniPod. MLX-ED Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-ed_right_leg MLX-ED RIGHT LEG MLX-ED RIGHT LEG omnipod_mlx-ed_right_leg_desc MLX-ED Right Leg OmniPod. MLX-ED Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_head MLX-G HEAD MLX-G HEAD omnipod_mlx-g_head_desc MLX-G Head OmniPod. MLX-G Head OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_left_arm MLX-G LEFT ARM MLX-G LEFT ARM omnipod_mlx-g_left_arm_desc MLX-G Left Arm OmniPod. MLX-G Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_left_torso MLX-G LEFT TORSO MLX-G LEFT TORSO omnipod_mlx-g_left_torso_desc MLX-G Left Torso OmniPod. MLX-G Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_right_torso MLX-G RIGHT TORSO MLX-G RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mlx-g_right_torso_desc MLX-G Right Torso OmniPod. MLX-G Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_centre_torso MLX-G CENTER TORSO MLX-G CENTER TORSO omnipod_mlx-g_centre_torso_desc MLX-G Center Torso OmniPod. MLX-G Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_right_arm MLX-G RIGHT ARM MLX-G RIGHT ARM omnipod_mlx-g_right_arm_desc MLX-G Right Arm OmniPod. MLX-G Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_left_leg MLX-G LEFT LEG MLX-G LEFT LEG omnipod_mlx-g_left_leg_desc MLX-G Left Leg OmniPod. MLX-G Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mlx-g_right_leg MLX-G RIGHT LEG MLX-G RIGHT LEG omnipod_mlx-g_right_leg_desc MLX-G Right Leg OmniPod. MLX-G Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_head ACH-SH HEAD ACH-SH HEAD omnipod_ach-SH_head_desc ACH-SH Head OmniPod. ACH-SH Head OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_left_arm ACH-SH LEFT ARM ACH-SH LEFT ARM omnipod_ach-SH_left_arm_desc ACH-SH Left Arm OmniPod. ACH-SH Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_left_torso ACH-SH LEFT TORSO ACH-SH LEFT TORSO omnipod_ach-SH_left_torso_desc ACH-SH Left Torso OmniPod. ACH-SH Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_right_torso ACH-SH RIGHT TORSO ACH-SH RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ach-SH_right_torso_desc ACH-SH Right Torso OmniPod. ACH-SH Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_centre_torso ACH-SH CENTER TORSO ACH-SH CENTER TORSO omnipod_ach-SH_centre_torso_desc ACH-SH Center Torso OmniPod. ACH-SH Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_right_arm ACH-SH RIGHT ARM ACH-SH RIGHT ARM omnipod_ach-SH_right_arm_desc ACH-SH Right Arm OmniPod. ACH-SH Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_left_leg ACH-SH LEFT LEG ACH-SH LEFT LEG omnipod_ach-SH_left_leg_desc ACH-SH Left Leg OmniPod. ACH-SH Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-SH_right_leg ACH-SH RIGHT LEG ACH-SH RIGHT LEG omnipod_ach-SH_right_leg_desc ACH-SH Right Leg OmniPod. ACH-SH Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_head ACH-E HEAD ACH-E HEAD omnipod_ach-e_head_desc ACH-E Head OmniPod. ACH-E Head OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_left_arm ACH-E LEFT ARM ACH-E LEFT ARM omnipod_ach-e_left_arm_desc ACH-E Left Arm OmniPod. ACH-E Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_left_torso ACH-E LEFT TORSO ACH-E LEFT TORSO omnipod_ach-e_left_torso_desc ACH-E Left Torso OmniPod. ACH-E Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_right_torso ACH-E RIGHT TORSO ACH-E RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ach-e_right_torso_desc ACH-E Right Torso OmniPod. ACH-E Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_centre_torso ACH-E CENTER TORSO ACH-E CENTER TORSO omnipod_ach-e_centre_torso_desc ACH-E Center Torso OmniPod. ACH-E Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_right_arm ACH-E RIGHT ARM ACH-E RIGHT ARM omnipod_ach-e_right_arm_desc ACH-E Right Arm OmniPod. ACH-E Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_left_leg ACH-E LEFT LEG ACH-E LEFT LEG omnipod_ach-e_left_leg_desc ACH-E Left Leg OmniPod. ACH-E Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ach-e_right_leg ACH-E RIGHT LEG ACH-E RIGHT LEG omnipod_ach-e_right_leg_desc ACH-E Right Leg OmniPod. ACH-E Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_head IFR-P HEAD IFR-P HEAD omnipod_ifr-P_head_desc IFR-P Head OmniPod. IFR-P Head OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_left_arm IFR-P LEFT ARM IFR-P LEFT ARM omnipod_ifr-P_left_arm_desc IFR-P Left Arm OmniPod. IFR-P Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_left_torso IFR-P LEFT TORSO IFR-P LEFT TORSO omnipod_ifr-P_left_torso_desc IFR-P Left Torso OmniPod. IFR-P Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_right_torso IFR-P RIGHT TORSO IFR-P RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ifr-P_right_torso_desc IFR-P Right Torso OmniPod. IFR-P Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_centre_torso IFR-P CENTER TORSO IFR-P CENTER TORSO omnipod_ifr-P_centre_torso_desc IFR-P Center Torso OmniPod. IFR-P Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_right_arm IFR-P RIGHT ARM IFR-P RIGHT ARM omnipod_ifr-P_right_arm_desc IFR-P Right Arm OmniPod. IFR-P Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_left_leg IFR-P LEFT LEG IFR-P LEFT LEG omnipod_ifr-P_left_leg_desc IFR-P Left Leg OmniPod. IFR-P Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-P_right_leg IFR-P RIGHT LEG IFR-P RIGHT LEG omnipod_ifr-P_right_leg_desc IFR-P Right Leg OmniPod. IFR-P Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_head IFR-RC HEAD IFR-RC HEAD omnipod_ifr-RC_head_desc IFR-RC Head OmniPod. IFR-RC Head OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_left_arm IFR-RC LEFT ARM IFR-RC LEFT ARM omnipod_ifr-RC_left_arm_desc IFR-RC Left Arm OmniPod. IFR-RC Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_left_torso IFR-RC LEFT TORSO IFR-RC LEFT TORSO omnipod_ifr-RC_left_torso_desc IFR-RC Left Torso OmniPod. IFR-RC Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_right_torso IFR-RC RIGHT TORSO IFR-RC RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ifr-RC_right_torso_desc IFR-RC Right Torso OmniPod. IFR-RC Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_centre_torso IFR-RC CENTER TORSO IFR-RC CENTER TORSO omnipod_ifr-RC_centre_torso_desc IFR-RC Center Torso OmniPod. IFR-RC Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_right_arm IFR-RC RIGHT ARM IFR-RC RIGHT ARM omnipod_ifr-RC_right_arm_desc IFR-RC Right Arm OmniPod. IFR-RC Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_left_leg IFR-RC LEFT LEG IFR-RC LEFT LEG omnipod_ifr-RC_left_leg_desc IFR-RC Left Leg OmniPod. IFR-RC Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ifr-RC_right_leg IFR-RC RIGHT LEG IFR-RC RIGHT LEG omnipod_ifr-RC_right_leg_desc IFR-RC Right Leg OmniPod. IFR-RC Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_head SHC-H HEAD SHC-H HEAD omnipod_shc-H_head_desc SHC-H Head OmniPod. SHC-H Head OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_left_arm SHC-H LEFT ARM SHC-H LEFT ARM omnipod_shc-H_left_arm_desc SHC-H Left Arm OmniPod. SHC-H Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_left_torso SHC-H LEFT TORSO SHC-H LEFT TORSO omnipod_shc-H_left_torso_desc SHC-H Left Torso OmniPod. SHC-H Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_right_torso SHC-H RIGHT TORSO SHC-H RIGHT TORSO omnipod_shc-H_right_torso_desc SHC-H Right Torso OmniPod. SHC-H Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_centre_torso SHC-H CENTER TORSO SHC-H CENTER TORSO omnipod_shc-H_centre_torso_desc SHC-H Center Torso OmniPod. SHC-H Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_right_arm SHC-H RIGHT ARM SHC-H RIGHT ARM omnipod_shc-H_right_arm_desc SHC-H Right Arm OmniPod. SHC-H Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_left_leg SHC-H LEFT LEG SHC-H LEFT LEG omnipod_shc-H_left_leg_desc SHC-H Left Leg OmniPod. SHC-H Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-H_right_leg SHC-H RIGHT LEG SHC-H RIGHT LEG omnipod_shc-H_right_leg_desc SHC-H Right Leg OmniPod. SHC-H Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_head SHC-MI HEAD SHC-MI HEAD omnipod_shc-MI_head_desc SHC-MI Head OmniPod. SHC-MI Head OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_left_arm SHC-MI LEFT ARM SHC-MI LEFT ARM omnipod_shc-MI_left_arm_desc SHC-MI Left Arm OmniPod. SHC-MI Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_left_torso SHC-MI LEFT TORSO SHC-MI LEFT TORSO omnipod_shc-MI_left_torso_desc SHC-MI Left Torso OmniPod. SHC-MI Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_right_torso SHC-MI RIGHT TORSO SHC-MI RIGHT TORSO omnipod_shc-MI_right_torso_desc SHC-MI Right Torso OmniPod. SHC-MI Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_centre_torso SHC-MI CENTER TORSO SHC-MI CENTER TORSO omnipod_shc-MI_centre_torso_desc SHC-MI Center Torso OmniPod. SHC-MI Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_right_arm SHC-MI RIGHT ARM SHC-MI RIGHT ARM omnipod_shc-MI_right_arm_desc SHC-MI Right Arm OmniPod. SHC-MI Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_left_leg SHC-MI LEFT LEG SHC-MI LEFT LEG omnipod_shc-MI_left_leg_desc SHC-MI Left Leg OmniPod. SHC-MI Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-MI_right_leg SHC-MI RIGHT LEG SHC-MI RIGHT LEG omnipod_shc-MI_right_leg_desc SHC-MI Right Leg OmniPod. SHC-MI Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_head MDD-H HEAD MDD-H HEAD omnipod_mdd-H_head_desc MDD-H Head OmniPod. MDD-H Head OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_left_arm MDD-H LEFT ARM MDD-H LEFT ARM omnipod_mdd-H_left_arm_desc MDD-H Left Arm OmniPod. MDD-H Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_left_torso MDD-H LEFT TORSO MDD-H LEFT TORSO omnipod_mdd-H_left_torso_desc MDD-H Left Torso OmniPod. MDD-H Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_right_torso MDD-H RIGHT TORSO MDD-H RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mdd-H_right_torso_desc MDD-H Right Torso OmniPod. MDD-H Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_centre_torso MDD-H CENTER TORSO MDD-H CENTER TORSO omnipod_mdd-H_centre_torso_desc MDD-H Center Torso OmniPod. MDD-H Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_right_arm MDD-H RIGHT ARM MDD-H RIGHT ARM omnipod_mdd-H_right_arm_desc MDD-H Right Arm OmniPod. MDD-H Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_left_leg MDD-H LEFT LEG MDD-H LEFT LEG omnipod_mdd-H_left_leg_desc MDD-H Left Leg OmniPod. MDD-H Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-H_right_leg MDD-H RIGHT LEG MDD-H RIGHT LEG omnipod_mdd-H_right_leg_desc MDD-H Right Leg OmniPod. MDD-H Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_head MDD-BA HEAD MDD-BA HEAD omnipod_mdd-BA_head_desc MDD-BA Head OmniPod. MDD-BA Head OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_left_arm MDD-BA LEFT ARM MDD-BA LEFT ARM omnipod_mdd-BA_left_arm_desc MDD-BA Left Arm OmniPod. MDD-BA Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_left_torso MDD-BA LEFT TORSO MDD-BA LEFT TORSO omnipod_mdd-BA_left_torso_desc MDD-BA Left Torso OmniPod. MDD-BA Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_right_torso MDD-BA RIGHT TORSO MDD-BA RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mdd-BA_right_torso_desc MDD-BA Right Torso OmniPod. MDD-BA Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_centre_torso MDD-BA CENTER TORSO MDD-BA CENTER TORSO omnipod_mdd-BA_centre_torso_desc MDD-BA Center Torso OmniPod. MDD-BA Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_right_arm MDD-BA RIGHT ARM MDD-BA RIGHT ARM omnipod_mdd-BA_right_arm_desc MDD-BA Right Arm OmniPod. MDD-BA Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_left_leg MDD-BA LEFT LEG MDD-BA LEFT LEG omnipod_mdd-BA_left_leg_desc MDD-BA Left Leg OmniPod. MDD-BA Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-BA_right_leg MDD-BA RIGHT LEG MDD-BA RIGHT LEG omnipod_mdd-BA_right_leg_desc MDD-BA Right Leg OmniPod. MDD-BA Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_head EBJ-D HEAD EBJ-D HEAD omnipod_ebj-D_head_desc EBJ-D Head OmniPod. EBJ-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_left_arm EBJ-D LEFT ARM EBJ-D LEFT ARM omnipod_ebj-D_left_arm_desc EBJ-D Left Arm OmniPod. EBJ-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_left_torso EBJ-D LEFT TORSO EBJ-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_ebj-D_left_torso_desc EBJ-D Left Torso OmniPod. EBJ-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_right_torso EBJ-D RIGHT TORSO EBJ-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ebj-D_right_torso_desc EBJ-D Right Torso OmniPod. EBJ-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_centre_torso EBJ-D CENTER TORSO EBJ-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_ebj-D_centre_torso_desc EBJ-D Center Torso OmniPod. EBJ-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_right_arm EBJ-D RIGHT ARM EBJ-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_ebj-D_right_arm_desc EBJ-D Right Arm OmniPod. EBJ-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_left_leg EBJ-D LEFT LEG EBJ-D LEFT LEG omnipod_ebj-D_left_leg_desc EBJ-D Left Leg OmniPod. EBJ-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-D_right_leg EBJ-D RIGHT LEG EBJ-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_ebj-D_right_leg_desc EBJ-D Right Leg OmniPod. EBJ-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_head EBJ-EC HEAD EBJ-EC HEAD omnipod_ebj-EC_head_desc EBJ-EC Head OmniPod. EBJ-EC Head OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_left_arm EBJ-EC LEFT ARM EBJ-EC LEFT ARM omnipod_ebj-EC_left_arm_desc EBJ-EC Left Arm OmniPod. EBJ-EC Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_left_torso EBJ-EC LEFT TORSO EBJ-EC LEFT TORSO omnipod_ebj-EC_left_torso_desc EBJ-EC Left Torso OmniPod. EBJ-EC Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_right_torso EBJ-EC RIGHT TORSO EBJ-EC RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ebj-EC_right_torso_desc EBJ-EC Right Torso OmniPod. EBJ-EC Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_centre_torso EBJ-EC CENTER TORSO EBJ-EC CENTER TORSO omnipod_ebj-EC_centre_torso_desc EBJ-EC Center Torso OmniPod. EBJ-EC Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_right_arm EBJ-EC RIGHT ARM EBJ-EC RIGHT ARM omnipod_ebj-EC_right_arm_desc EBJ-EC Right Arm OmniPod. EBJ-EC Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_left_leg EBJ-EC LEFT LEG EBJ-EC LEFT LEG omnipod_ebj-EC_left_leg_desc EBJ-EC Left Leg OmniPod. EBJ-EC Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ebj-EC_right_leg EBJ-EC RIGHT LEG EBJ-EC RIGHT LEG omnipod_ebj-EC_right_leg_desc EBJ-EC Right Leg OmniPod. EBJ-EC Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_head HBR-P HEAD HBR-P HEAD omnipod_hbr-P_head_desc HBR-P Head OmniPod. HBR-P Head OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_left_arm HBR-P LEFT ARM HBR-P LEFT ARM omnipod_hbr-P_left_arm_desc HBR-P Left Arm OmniPod. HBR-P Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_left_torso HBR-P LEFT TORSO HBR-P LEFT TORSO omnipod_hbr-P_left_torso_desc HBR-P Left Torso OmniPod. HBR-P Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_right_torso HBR-P RIGHT TORSO HBR-P RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hbr-P_right_torso_desc HBR-P Right Torso OmniPod. HBR-P Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_centre_torso HBR-P CENTER TORSO HBR-P CENTER TORSO omnipod_hbr-P_centre_torso_desc HBR-P Center Torso OmniPod. HBR-P Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_right_arm HBR-P RIGHT ARM HBR-P RIGHT ARM omnipod_hbr-P_right_arm_desc HBR-P Right Arm OmniPod. HBR-P Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_left_leg HBR-P LEFT LEG HBR-P LEFT LEG omnipod_hbr-P_left_leg_desc HBR-P Left Leg OmniPod. HBR-P Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-P_right_leg HBR-P RIGHT LEG HBR-P RIGHT LEG omnipod_hbr-P_right_leg_desc HBR-P Right Leg OmniPod. HBR-P Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_head HBR-VI HEAD HBR-VI HEAD omnipod_hbr-VI_head_desc HBR-VI Head OmniPod. HBR-VI Head OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_left_arm HBR-VI LEFT ARM HBR-VI LEFT ARM omnipod_hbr-VI_left_arm_desc HBR-VI Left Arm OmniPod. HBR-VI Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_left_torso HBR-VI LEFT TORSO HBR-VI LEFT TORSO omnipod_hbr-VI_left_torso_desc HBR-VI Left Torso OmniPod. HBR-VI Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_right_torso HBR-VI RIGHT TORSO HBR-VI RIGHT TORSO omnipod_hbr-VI_right_torso_desc HBR-VI Right Torso OmniPod. HBR-VI Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_centre_torso HBR-VI CENTER TORSO HBR-VI CENTER TORSO omnipod_hbr-VI_centre_torso_desc HBR-VI Center Torso OmniPod. HBR-VI Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_right_arm HBR-VI RIGHT ARM HBR-VI RIGHT ARM omnipod_hbr-VI_right_arm_desc HBR-VI Right Arm OmniPod. HBR-VI Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_left_leg HBR-VI LEFT LEG HBR-VI LEFT LEG omnipod_hbr-VI_left_leg_desc HBR-VI Left Leg OmniPod. HBR-VI Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_hbr-VI_right_leg HBR-VI RIGHT LEG HBR-VI RIGHT LEG omnipod_hbr-VI_right_leg_desc HBR-VI Right Leg OmniPod. HBR-VI Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_head GAR-E HEAD GAR-E HEAD omnipod_gar-E_head_desc GAR-E Head OmniPod. GAR-E Head OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_left_arm GAR-E LEFT ARM GAR-E LEFT ARM omnipod_gar-E_left_arm_desc GAR-E Left Arm OmniPod. GAR-E Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_left_torso GAR-E LEFT TORSO GAR-E LEFT TORSO omnipod_gar-E_left_torso_desc GAR-E Left Torso OmniPod. GAR-E Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_right_torso GAR-E RIGHT TORSO GAR-E RIGHT TORSO omnipod_gar-E_right_torso_desc GAR-E Right Torso OmniPod. GAR-E Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_centre_torso GAR-E CENTER TORSO GAR-E CENTER TORSO omnipod_gar-E_centre_torso_desc GAR-E Center Torso OmniPod. GAR-E Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_right_arm GAR-E RIGHT ARM GAR-E RIGHT ARM omnipod_gar-E_right_arm_desc GAR-E Right Arm OmniPod. GAR-E Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_left_leg GAR-E LEFT LEG GAR-E LEFT LEG omnipod_gar-E_left_leg_desc GAR-E Left Leg OmniPod. GAR-E Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-E_right_leg GAR-E RIGHT LEG GAR-E RIGHT LEG omnipod_gar-E_right_leg_desc GAR-E Right Leg OmniPod. GAR-E Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_head GAR-KW HEAD GAR-KW HEAD omnipod_gar-KW_head_desc GAR-KW Head OmniPod. GAR-KW Head OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_left_arm GAR-KW LEFT ARM GAR-KW LEFT ARM omnipod_gar-KW_left_arm_desc GAR-KW Left Arm OmniPod. GAR-KW Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_left_torso GAR-KW LEFT TORSO GAR-KW LEFT TORSO omnipod_gar-KW_left_torso_desc GAR-KW Left Torso OmniPod. GAR-KW Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_right_torso GAR-KW RIGHT TORSO GAR-KW RIGHT TORSO omnipod_gar-KW_right_torso_desc GAR-KW Right Torso OmniPod. GAR-KW Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_centre_torso GAR-KW CENTER TORSO GAR-KW CENTER TORSO omnipod_gar-KW_centre_torso_desc GAR-KW Center Torso OmniPod. GAR-KW Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_right_arm GAR-KW RIGHT ARM GAR-KW RIGHT ARM omnipod_gar-KW_right_arm_desc GAR-KW Right Arm OmniPod. GAR-KW Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_left_leg GAR-KW LEFT LEG GAR-KW LEFT LEG omnipod_gar-KW_left_leg_desc GAR-KW Left Leg OmniPod. GAR-KW Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_gar-KW_right_leg GAR-KW RIGHT LEG GAR-KW RIGHT LEG omnipod_gar-KW_right_leg_desc GAR-KW Right Leg OmniPod. GAR-KW Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_head EXE-E HEAD EXE-E HEAD omnipod_exe-E_head_desc EXE-E Head OmniPod. EXE-E Head OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_left_arm EXE-E LEFT ARM EXE-E LEFT ARM omnipod_exe-E_left_arm_desc EXE-E Left Arm OmniPod. EXE-E Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_left_torso EXE-E LEFT TORSO EXE-E LEFT TORSO omnipod_exe-E_left_torso_desc EXE-E Left Torso OmniPod. EXE-E Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_right_torso EXE-E RIGHT TORSO EXE-E RIGHT TORSO omnipod_exe-E_right_torso_desc EXE-E Right Torso OmniPod. EXE-E Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_centre_torso EXE-E CENTER TORSO EXE-E CENTER TORSO omnipod_exe-E_centre_torso_desc EXE-E Center Torso OmniPod. EXE-E Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_right_arm EXE-E RIGHT ARM EXE-E RIGHT ARM omnipod_exe-E_right_arm_desc EXE-E Right Arm OmniPod. EXE-E Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_left_leg EXE-E LEFT LEG EXE-E LEFT LEG omnipod_exe-E_left_leg_desc EXE-E Left Leg OmniPod. EXE-E Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-E_right_leg EXE-E RIGHT LEG EXE-E RIGHT LEG omnipod_exe-E_right_leg_desc EXE-E Right Leg OmniPod. EXE-E Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_head EXE-CH HEAD EXE-CH HEAD omnipod_exe-CH_head_desc EXE-CH Head OmniPod. EXE-CH Head OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_left_arm EXE-CH LEFT ARM EXE-CH LEFT ARM omnipod_exe-CH_left_arm_desc EXE-CH Left Arm OmniPod. EXE-CH Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_left_torso EXE-CH LEFT TORSO EXE-CH LEFT TORSO omnipod_exe-CH_left_torso_desc EXE-CH Left Torso OmniPod. EXE-CH Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_right_torso EXE-CH RIGHT TORSO EXE-CH RIGHT TORSO omnipod_exe-CH_right_torso_desc EXE-CH Right Torso OmniPod. EXE-CH Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_centre_torso EXE-CH CENTER TORSO EXE-CH CENTER TORSO omnipod_exe-CH_centre_torso_desc EXE-CH Center Torso OmniPod. EXE-CH Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_right_arm EXE-CH RIGHT ARM EXE-CH RIGHT ARM omnipod_exe-CH_right_arm_desc EXE-CH Right Arm OmniPod. EXE-CH Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_left_leg EXE-CH LEFT LEG EXE-CH LEFT LEG omnipod_exe-CH_left_leg_desc EXE-CH Left Leg OmniPod. EXE-CH Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_exe-CH_right_leg EXE-CH RIGHT LEG EXE-CH RIGHT LEG omnipod_exe-CH_right_leg_desc EXE-CH Right Leg OmniPod. EXE-CH Right Leg OmniPod. qrk_ppcfamily_cooldown_mult PPC Cooldown PPC Cooldown qrk_ppcfamily_range_mult PPC Range PPC Range qrk_ppcfamily_heat_mult PPC Heat Generation PPC Heat Generation qrk_ppcfamily_velocity_mult PPC Velocity PPC Velocity qrk_clanmediumpulselaser_cooldown_mult Clan Medium Pulse Laser Cooldown Clan Medium Pulse Laser Cooldown qrk_heavylaser_duration_mult Heavy Laser Duration Heavy Laser Duration qrk_clanmediumpulselaser_range_mult Clan Medium Pulse Laser Range Clan Medium Pulse Laser Range qrk_atm_healt_mult ATM HEAT GENERATION ATM HEAT GENERATION qrk_clanlaser_duration_mult CLAN LASER DURATION CLAN LASER DURATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_atm_heat_mult ATM HEAT GENERATION ATM HEAT GENERATION ui_DateRange %0 To %1 %0 To %1 QRK_HEAVYLASER_HEAT_MULT HEAVY LASER HEAT GENERATION HEAVY LASER HEAT GENERATION qrk_atm_cooldown_mult ATM Cooldown ATM Cooldown qrk_heavylaser_range_mult HEAVY LASER RANGE HEAVY LASER RANGE qrk_torso_yawspeed_add TORSO YAW SPEED TORSO YAW SPEED qrk_ultraautocannon20_jamchance_mult UAC/20 JAM CHANCE UAC/20 JAM CHANCE rocketgirl_name Rocket Girl Rocket Girl rocketgirl_desc Rocket Girl Standing Item Rocket Girl Standing Item SpeakerJ_SonicBoomDiamondShark Diamond Shark Warhorn Diamond Shark Warhorn SpeakerJ_SonicBoomDiamondShark_desc Clan Diamond Shark Warhorn Clan Diamond Shark Warhorn MedallionDiamondShark Diamond Shark Medallion Diamond Shark Medallion MedallionDiamondShark_desc Diamond Shark Medallion Hanging Item Diamond Shark Medallion Hanging Item Banner13 Diamond Shark Banner Diamond Shark Banner Banner13_desc A Diamond Shark Banner A Diamond Shark Banner ui_EventRedeem REDEEM REWARDS REDEEM REWARDS ui_FutureEvents FUTURE EVENTS FUTURE EVENTS ui_CurrentEvents ACTIVE EVENTS ACTIVE EVENTS ui_RecentEvents PAST EVENTS PAST EVENTS ui_EventNews EVENT NEWS EVENT NEWS ui_EventWinner EVENT WINNER EVENT WINNER ui_EndedOn ENDED ON ENDED ON ui_StartsIn STARTS IN STARTS IN ui_EventData EVENT DETAILS EVENT DETAILS ui_ObjectiveRewards OBJECTIVE REWARDS OBJECTIVE REWARDS ui_VictoryRewards VICTORY REWARDS VICTORY REWARDS ui_ViewProgress VIEW DETAILS VIEW DETAILS ui_Criteria CRITERIA CRITERIA ui_DefeatRewards DEFEAT REWARDS DEFEAT REWARDS ui_eventEnd END OF EVENT END OF EVENT ui_Loser LOSS LOSS ui_Winner WIN WIN ui_SystemsCaptured SYSTEMS CAPTURED SYSTEMS CAPTURED ui_YourRewards YOUR REWARDS YOUR REWARDS ui_EventDescription EVENT DESCRIPTION EVENT DESCRIPTION ui_ISClanConflictName INNER SPHERE VS. CLANS INNER SPHERE VS. CLANS ui_EventReward EVENT REWARD EVENT REWARD ui_Participants PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS ui_winThreshold WIN THRESHOLD WIN THRESHOLD ui_PlanetsGained PLANETS GAINED PLANETS GAINED ui_ValueReward_SCKey %0 SUPPLY CACHE KEY(S) %0 SUPPLY CACHE KEY(S) ui_ValueReward_Premium %0 DAY(S) OF ACTIVE PREMIUM TIME %0 DAY(S) OF ACTIVE PREMIUM TIME ui_WarHistory WAR HISTORY WAR HISTORY tt_WarHistory View details of past conflict phases and events View details of past conflict phases and events ui_ISClanConflictDesc Ongoing conflict between the Inner Sphere and the Clans. Ongoing conflict between the Inner Sphere and the Clans. ui_HideProgress Hide Details Hide Details Efaction_ClanDiamondShark Clan Diamond Shark Clan Diamond Shark EHouse_ClanDiamondShark CLAN DIAMOND SHARK CLAN DIAMOND SHARK Ehouse_Clan_Diamond_Shark Clan\nDiamond Shark Clan\nDiamond Shark Ehouse_DiamondShark DIAMOND SHARK DIAMOND SHARK ui_DiamondShark_Adbv CDS CDS diamondshark_designation Crusader Clan Crusader Clan diamondshark_government Caste-driven Warrior/Merchant Society Caste-driven Warrior/Merchant Society diamondshark_capital Strana Mechty Strana Mechty diamondshark_rulers Barbara Sennet Barbara Sennet diamondshark_languages English English diamondshark_formation_date 2810 2810 diamondshark_long_history Diamond Shark maintain a distinctly liberal society compared to more stringent traditions seen in other Clans. On the battlefield, Diamond Shark leadership empower their commanders to adapt and operate as they deem necessary, unimpeded by limitations of more austere chains of command. Their unique philosophies exist off the battlefield in the form of a powerful Merchant class, the result of a drastically less-restrictive caste system.\n\nThese approaches to firmly-entrenched Clan ideals are a constant point of conflict with other Clans, but their invention and monopoly of HarJel – an invaluable resource and system for protecting Clan WarShips and Elementals – has helped them secure an almost unassailable position in Clan power structure.\n\nThough their approach to the invasion differs greatly from the ferocious methods of Jade Falcon or Smoke Jaguar, Diamond Shark strongly believe in the moral necessity of toppling the Great Houses and rending back control of the Inner Sphere. Diamond Shark maintain a distinctly liberal society compared to more stringent traditions seen in other Clans. On the battlefield, Diamond Shark leadership empower their commanders to adapt and operate as they deem necessary, unimpeded by limitations of more austere chains of command. Their unique philosophies exist off the battlefield in the form of a powerful Merchant class, the result of a drastically less-restrictive caste system.\n\n These approaches to firmly-entrenched Clan ideals are a constant point of conflict with other Clans, but their invention and monopoly of HarJel – an invaluable resource and system for protecting Clan WarShips and Elementals – has helped them secure an almost unassailable position in Clan power structure.\n\n Though their approach to the invasion differs greatly from the ferocious methods of Jade Falcon or Smoke Jaguar, Diamond Shark strongly believe in the moral necessity of toppling the Great Houses and rending back control of the Inner Sphere. Appears in Faction Details screen ui_Clan_Diamond_Shark_desc Merchants as much as Warriors, unique in their adaptability and tactful in their approach Merchants as much as Warriors, unique in their adaptability and tactful in their approach Appears in War Planning screen (2-3 sentences in length) ui_diamondshark_affilation Clan Clan Clan_Diamond_Shark Clan Diamond Shark Clan Diamond Shark ui_ClanDiamondShark CLAN DIAMOND SHARK CLAN DIAMOND SHARK StainglassDiamondShark_name Diamond Shark Glass Diamond Shark Glass StainglassDiamondShark_desc Clan Diamond Shark Glass Medallion Clan Diamond Shark Glass Medallion diamondshark_pledge_loyalty_desc As each warrior plays their role in battle, so each caste plays its role for the Clan. Forge this bond of Loyalty with our Clan as a Warrior, and reap the dividends of our inevitable success. As each warrior plays their role in battle, so each caste plays its role for the Clan. Forge this bond of Loyalty with our Clan as a Warrior, and reap the dividends of our inevitable success. Appears in Faction Details screen diamondshark_contract_desc Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Diamond Shark. May the blood of our enemies redden the tides of the Inner Sphere as you aid us in our just cause. Accept this bondtroth of short-term service with the Touman of Clan Diamond Shark. May the blood of our enemies redden the tides of the Inner Sphere as you aid us in our just cause. Appears in Contracts screen when you place cursor over a contract tt_Achievments_DiamondSharkButton Clan Diamond Shark ranks Clan Diamond Shark ranks ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_1 Warrior - Point 1 Warrior - Point 1 ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_2 Warrior - Point 2 Warrior - Point 2 ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_3 Warrior - Point 3 Warrior - Point 3 ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_4 Warrior - Point 4 Warrior - Point 4 ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_5 Warrior - Point 5 Warrior - Point 5 ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_6 Point Commander Point Commander ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_7 Star Commander Star Commander ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_8 Nova Commander Nova Commander ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_9 Star Captain Star Captain ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_10 Nova Captain Nova Captain ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_11 Trinary Star Captain Trinary Star Captain ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_12 Trinary Nova Captain Trinary Nova Captain ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_13 Star Colonel Star Colonel ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_14 Star Colonel II Star Colonel II ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_15 Star Colonel III Star Colonel III ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_16 Star Colonel IV Star Colonel IV ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_17 Star Colonel V Star Colonel V ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_18 Galaxy Commander Galaxy Commander ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_19 Galaxy Commander II Galaxy Commander II ui_title_ClanDiamondShark_Rank_20 Galaxy Commander III Galaxy Commander III ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_1 Diamond Shark Rank 1 - Warrior - Point 1 Diamond Shark Rank 1 - Warrior - Point 1 ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_2 Diamond Shark Rank 2 - Warrior - Point 2 Diamond Shark Rank 2 - Warrior - Point 2 ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_3 Diamond Shark Rank 3 - Warrior - Point 3 Diamond Shark Rank 3 - Warrior - Point 3 ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_4 Diamond Shark Rank 4 - Warrior - Point 4 Diamond Shark Rank 4 - Warrior - Point 4 ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_5 Diamond Shark Rank 5 - Warrior - Point 5 Diamond Shark Rank 5 - Warrior - Point 5 ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_6 Diamond Shark Rank 6 - Point Commander Diamond Shark Rank 6 - Point Commander ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_7 Diamond Shark Rank 7 - Star Commander Diamond Shark Rank 7 - Star Commander ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_8 Diamond Shark Rank 8 - Nova Commander Diamond Shark Rank 8 - Nova Commander ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_9 Diamond Shark Rank 9 - Star Captain Diamond Shark Rank 9 - Star Captain ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_10 Diamond Shark Rank 10 - Nova Captain Diamond Shark Rank 10 - Nova Captain ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_11 Diamond Shark Rank 11 - Trinary Star Captain Diamond Shark Rank 11 - Trinary Star Captain ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_12 Diamond Shark Rank 12 - Trinary Nova Captain Diamond Shark Rank 12 - Trinary Nova Captain ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_13 Diamond Shark Rank 13 - Star Colonel Diamond Shark Rank 13 - Star Colonel ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_14 Diamond Shark Rank 14 - Star Colonel II Diamond Shark Rank 14 - Star Colonel II ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_15 Diamond Shark Rank 15 - Star Colonel III Diamond Shark Rank 15 - Star Colonel III ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_16 Diamond Shark Rank 16 - Star Colonel IV Diamond Shark Rank 16 - Star Colonel IV ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_17 Diamond Shark Rank 17 - Star Colonel V Diamond Shark Rank 17 - Star Colonel V ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_18 Diamond Shark Rank 18 - Galaxy Commander Diamond Shark Rank 18 - Galaxy Commander ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_19 Diamond Shark Rank 19 - Galaxy Commander II Diamond Shark Rank 19 - Galaxy Commander II ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_20 Diamond Shark Rank 20 - Galaxy Commander III Diamond Shark Rank 20 - Galaxy Commander III ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_1_desc Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 530 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_2_desc Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 2,120 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_3_desc Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 5,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_4_desc Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 10,600 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_5_desc Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 21,200 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_6_desc Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 31,800 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_7_desc Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 53,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_8_desc Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 79,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_9_desc Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 111,300 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_10_desc Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 145,750 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_11_desc Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 182,850 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_12_desc Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 225,250 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_13_desc Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 265,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_14_desc Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 318,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_15_desc Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 397,500 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_16_desc Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 477,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_17_desc Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 583,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_18_desc Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 689,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_19_desc Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 848,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ach_clandiamondshark_faction_rank_20_desc Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain 1,060,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark DiamondSharkUnitRank1_name Diamond Shark Rank 1 Unit Diamond Shark Rank 1 Unit DiamondSharkUnitRank2_name Diamond Shark Rank 2 Unit Diamond Shark Rank 2 Unit DiamondSharkUnitRank3_name Diamond Shark Rank 3 Unit Diamond Shark Rank 3 Unit CR_S_AV_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your success in this scouting mission will ensure the accuracy and integrity of future engagements. May your continued success pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. Your success in this scouting mission will ensure the accuracy and integrity of future engagements. May your continued success pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. For scouting missions ending in victory CR_S_AD_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your failure to acquire vital intelligence in this scouting offensive marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. Your failure to acquire vital intelligence in this scouting offensive marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. For scouting missions ending in failure CR_S_DV_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your success in this scouting mission has ensured the enemy will be ill-equipped in future engagements. May your continued success pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. Your success in this scouting mission has ensured the enemy will be ill-equipped in future engagements. May your continued success pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. For scouting defense missions ending in victory CR_S_DD_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your failure to prevent the enemy from acquiring vital intelligence will be ill-equipped in future engagements. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. Your failure to prevent the enemy from acquiring vital intelligence will be ill-equipped in future engagements. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. For scouting defense mission ending in failure CR_AV_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your attack against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. Your attack against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. For invasion attack missions ending in victory CR_AV_I_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your attack against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. Your attack against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. For invasion attack missions ending in victory CR_AD_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. For invasion attack missions ending in failure CR_AD_I_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. Your attack against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. For invasion attack missions ending in failure CR_DV_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your defense against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. Your defense against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. For invasion defense missions ending in victory CR_DV_I_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your defense against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. Your defense against the enemy was a success. May all your future engagements continue to pay dividends for our Clan, and your bottom line. For invasion defense missions ending in victory CR_DD_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. For invasion defense mission ending in failure CR_DD_I_Clan_Diamond_Shark Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. Your defense against the enemy was a dismal failure. This defeat marks a stain in the ledger of your contract. For invasion defense mission ending in failure as7-d-dc-escort_short AS7-D-DC AS7-D-DC UI_NOEQUIVALENT INVALID ENGINE SIZE INVALID ENGINE SIZE jr7-iic-fy FURY FURY jr7-iic-fy_desc The personal 'Mech of Zane Nova Cat The personal 'Mech of Zane Nova Cat jr7-iic-fy_short JR7-IIC-FY JR7-IIC-FY hbk-iic-dw DEATHWISH DEATHWISH hbk-iic-dw_desc The Star of Rage Unit 'Mech The Star of Rage Unit 'Mech hbk-iic-dw_short HBK-IIC-DW HBK-IIC-DW on1-iic-sk SKÖLL SKÖLL on1-iic-sk_desc The personal 'Mech of Jaela Ward The personal 'Mech of Jaela Ward on1-iic-sk_short ON1-IIC-SK ON1-IIC-SK hgn-iic-kp KEEPER KEEPER hgn-iic-kp_desc The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Hazel The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Hazel hgn-iic-kp_short HGN-IIC-KP HGN-IIC-KP ui_StartMapVoting Start Map Voting Start Map Voting ui_SwapTeams Swap Teams Swap Teams ui_diamondshark_affiliation Clan Clan hud_TypeAMessage Type a message Type a message hud_scroll_up Scroll Up Scroll Up hud_scroll_down Scroll Down Scroll Down hud_jump_to_newest Scroll To Newest Scroll To Newest ui_PersonalObjectivesCompleted Personal Objectives Completed Personal Objectives Completed ui_ObjectivesComplete <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">%0</font> <font color=\"#00AEEF\">/%1</font> <font color=\"#FFFFFF\">%0</font> <font color=\"#00AEEF\">/%1</font> ui_Item ITEM ITEM hud_command_wheel_on_cooldown You have been blocked from issuing orders for You have been blocked from issuing orders for ui_second second second tut_roadmap_basicsTT Double-click to resume game Double-click to resume game ui_Mode: Mode: Mode: ui_Type: Type: Type: ui_completion COMPLETION COMPLETION ui_activeevent ACTIVE EVENT ACTIVE EVENT ui_specialconflict SPECIAL CONFLICT SPECIAL CONFLICT ui_conflictrewards CONFLICT REWARDS CONFLICT REWARDS ui_conflictplanets CONFLICT PLANETS CONFLICT PLANETS ui_claimreward Claim Claim ui_RewardLocked Locked Locked ui_objectiveprogress OBJECTIVE PROGRESS OBJECTIVE PROGRESS ui_EventName EVENT NAME EVENT NAME ui_EventMode EVENT MODE EVENT MODE ui_EventType EVENT TYPE EVENT TYPE ui_EventFactions EVENT FACTIONS EVENT FACTIONS ui_ExpiresIn REWARDS EXPIRE IN: REWARDS EXPIRE IN: ui_EventDesc Special Events are limited-time events during which you can earn awesome rewards for completing unique objectives. Select an event below to view its details, then jump into the action when the event is active and earn your loot!\n\nTo participate in a Quick Play Event you need to play standard Quick Play matches in the Solo or Group queue. To participate in a Faction Play Event jump into any Faction Play Conflict.\n\nFaction Play Special Conflicts are unique Conflicts between two Factions; to participate you must be aligned with one of the participating Factions. Special Events are limited-time events during which you can earn awesome rewards for completing unique objectives. Select an event below to view its details, then jump into the action when the event is active and earn your loot! \n\nTo participate in a Quick Play Event you need to play standard Quick Play matches in the Solo or Group queue. To participate in a Faction Play Event jump into any Faction Play Conflict. \n\nFaction Play Special Conflicts are unique Conflicts between two Factions; to participate you must be aligned with one of the participating Factions. ui_Victor VICTOR VICTOR ui_RecentEvent Recent Event Recent Event tt_MainMenu_ShowEvents Participate in Special Events and Conflicts to earn additional rewards. Participate in Special Events and Conflicts to earn additional rewards. ui_MainConflict MAIN CONFLICT MAIN CONFLICT ui_FactionConflicts FACTION CONFLICTS FACTION CONFLICTS ui_Expired EXPIRED EXPIRED ui_option_enable_event_alerts ENABLE EVENT ALERTS ENABLE EVENT ALERTS emechmodel_osiris OSIRIS OSIRIS osiris OSIRIS OSIRIS OSR-3DS OSIRIS OSR-3D(S) OSIRIS OSR-3D(S) OSR-3DS_desc OSIRIS OSR-3D(S) description OSIRIS OSR-3D(S) OSR-3DS_short OSR-3D(S) OSR-3D(S) OSR-3D OSIRIS OSR-3D OSIRIS OSR-3D OSR-3D_desc OSIRIS OSR-3D description OSIRIS OSR-3D OSR-3D_short OSR-3D OSR-3D OSR-4D OSIRIS OSR-4D OSIRIS OSR-4D OSR-4D_desc OSIRIS OSR-4D description OSIRIS OSR-4D OSR-4D_short OSR-4D OSR-4D OSR-1V OSIRIS OSR-1V OSIRIS OSR-1V OSR-1V_desc OSIRIS OSR-1V description OSIRIS OSR-1V OSR-1V_short OSR-1V OSR-1V OSR-2V OSIRIS OSR-2V OSIRIS OSR-2V OSR-2V_desc OSIRIS OSR-2V description OSIRIS OSR-2V OSR-2V_short OSR-2V OSR-2V OSR-1P OSIRIS OSR-1P OSIRIS OSR-1P OSR-1P_desc OSIRIS OSR-1P description OSIRIS OSR-1P OSR-1P_short OSR-1P OSR-1P OSR-SE SEKHMET SEKHMET OSR-SE_desc The personal 'Mech of Leutnant-Colonel Luther Steiner-Brewer. The personal 'Mech of Leutnant-Colonel Luther Steiner-Brewer. OSR-SE_short OSR-SE OSR-SE emechmodel_nightstar NIGHTSTAR NIGHTSTAR nightstar NIGHTSTAR NIGHTSTAR NSR-9JS NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J(S) NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J(S) NSR-9JS_desc NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J(S) description NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J(S) NSR-9JS_short NSR-9J(S) NSR-9J(S) NSR-9J NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J NSR-9J_desc NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J description NIGHTSTAR NSR-9J NSR-9J_short NSR-9J NSR-9J NSR-9FC NIGHTSTAR NSR-9FC NIGHTSTAR NSR-9FC NSR-9FC_desc NIGHTSTAR NSR-9FC description NIGHTSTAR NSR-9FC NSR-9FC_short NSR-9FC NSR-9FC NSR-9S NIGHTSTAR NSR-9S NIGHTSTAR NSR-9S NSR-9S_desc NIGHTSTAR NSR-9S description NIGHTSTAR NSR-9S NSR-9S_short NSR-9S NSR-9S NSR-9P NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P NSR-9P_desc NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P description NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P NSR-9P_short NSR-9P NSR-9P NSR-10P NIGHTSTAR NSR-10P NIGHTSTAR NSR-10P NSR-10P_desc NIGHTSTAR NSR-10P description NIGHTSTAR NSR-10P NSR-10P_short NSR-10P NSR-10P NSR-WP WOLF PHOENIX WOLF PHOENIX NSR-WP_desc The personal 'Mech of Colonel Shelly Brubaker. The personal 'Mech of Colonel Shelly Brubaker. NSR-WP_short NSR-WP NSR-WP ui_NotAcchieved OBJECTIVE NOT COMPLETE OBJECTIVE NOT COMPLETE ui_NoRewardsRedeemed An error occurred when attempting to redeem rewards. Please try again. An error occurred when attempting to redeem rewards. Please try again. ui_RewardIsRedeemed Redeemed Redeemed ui_FutureEvent FUTURE EVENT FUTURE EVENT ui_FactionLoyalistsOnly Career Restrictions: Loyalists Only Career Restrictions: Loyalists Only ui_FactionContractorsOnly Career Restrictions: Mercs Only Career Restrictions: Mercs Only ui_Redeemed Redeemed! Redeemed! ui_RewardIsUnlocked Reward Available! Reward Available! ui_RewardReport %0 %1 %0 %1 ui_ValueReward_MechBays %0 'Mech Bay(s) %0 'Mech Bay(s) ui_CockpitReward Cockpit Item: Cockpit Item: ui_DecalReward Decal: Decal: ui_ColorReward Color: Color: ui_SkinReward Skin: Skin: _freecam Toggle Freecam Toggle Freecam _toggle_hud_visuals Toggle UI Toggle UI tt_Achievments_ClanDiamondSharkButton Clan Diamond Shark ranks Clan Diamond Shark ranks flashbanggrenade_name Flash Bang Grenade Flash Bang Grenade flashbanggrenade_desc Flash Bang Grenade Standing Item Flash Bang Grenade Standing Item emechmodel_arcticwolf ARCTIC WOLF ARCTIC WOLF arcticwolf ARCTIC WOLF ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIMES ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME(S) ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME(S) ACW-PRIMES_desc ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME(S) description ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME(S) ACW-PRIMES_short ACW-PRIME(S) ACW-PRIME(S) ACW-PRIME ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME ACW-PRIME_desc ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME description ARCTIC WOLF ACW-PRIME ACW-PRIME_short ACW-PRIME ACW-PRIME ACW-A ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A ACW-A_desc ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A description ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A ACW-A_short ACW-A ACW-A ACW-P ARCTIC WOLF ACW-P ARCTIC WOLF ACW-P ACW-P_desc ARCTIC WOLF ACW-P description ARCTIC WOLF ACW-P ACW-P_short ACW-P ACW-P ACW-1 ARCTIC WOLF ACW-1 ARCTIC WOLF ACW-1 ACW-1_desc ARCTIC WOLF ACW-1 description ARCTIC WOLF ACW-1 ACW-1_short ACW-1 ACW-1 ACW-2 ARCTIC WOLF ACW-2 ARCTIC WOLF ACW-2 ACW-2_desc ARCTIC WOLF ACW-2 description ARCTIC WOLF ACW-2 ACW-2_short ACW-2 ACW-2 ACW-BK BLOOD KIT BLOOD KIT ACW-BK_desc The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Alexa The personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Alexa ACW-BK_short ACW-BK ACW-BK emechmodel_novacat NOVA CAT NOVA CAT novacat NOVA CAT NOVA CAT NCT-PRIMES NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME(S) NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME(S) NCT-PRIMES_desc NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME(S) description NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME(S) NCT-PRIMES_short NCT-PRIME(S) NCT-PRIME(S) NCT-PRIME NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME NCT-PRIME_desc NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME description NOVA CAT NCT-PRIME NCT-PRIME_short NCT-PRIME NCT-PRIME NCT-A NOVA CAT NCT-A NOVA CAT NCT-A NCT-A_desc NOVA CAT NCT-A description NOVA CAT NCT-A NCT-A_short NCT-A NCT-A NCT-B NOVA CAT NCT-B NOVA CAT NCT-B NCT-B_desc NOVA CAT NCT-B description NOVA CAT NCT-B NCT-B_short NCT-B NCT-B NCT-C NOVA CAT NCT-C NOVA CAT NCT-C NCT-C_desc NOVA CAT NCT-C description NOVA CAT NCT-C NCT-C_short NCT-C NCT-C NCT-D NOVA CAT NCT-D NOVA CAT NCT-D NCT-D_desc NOVA CAT NCT-D description NOVA CAT NCT-D NCT-D_short NCT-D NCT-D NCT-CC COBRA CAT COBRA CAT NCT-CC_desc The personal 'Mech of Star Captain Jal Steiner The personal 'Mech of Star Captain Jal Steiner NCT-CC_short NCT-CC NCT-CC tt_Settings_EnableEventAlerts Enable Event Alerts Enable Event Alerts ui_col_ES_Teal ESCALATION TEAL ESCALATION TEAL ui_col_ES_Sand ESCALATION SAND ESCALATION SAND ui_col_ES_Tan ESCALATION TAN ESCALATION TAN ui_col_ES_LightBlue ESCALATION LIGHT BLUE ESCALATION LIGHT BLUE ui_col_ES_DeepBlue ESCALATION DEEP BLUE ESCALATION DEEP BLUE ui_col_ES_Yellow ESCALATION YELLOW ESCALATION YELLOW ui_col_ES_Grey ESCALATION GREY ESCALATION GREY ui_col_ES_SkyBlue ESCALATION SKY BLUE ESCALATION SKY BLUE ui_col_ES_Orange ESCALATION ORANGE ESCALATION ORANGE ui_col_ES_Green ESCALATION GREEN ESCALATION GREEN ui_col_ES_Neon ESCALATION NEON ESCALATION NEON ui_col_ES_Brown ESCALATION BROWN ESCALATION BROWN ui_DiamondShark_short Diamond Shark Diamond Shark ui_Decal_osirishorse_misc_std LYRAN GUARDS LYRAN GUARDS ui_Decal_osirislightning_misc_std LIGHTNING LIGHTNING ui_Decal_nightstarphoenix_misc_std PHOENIX PHOENIX ui_Decal_nightstarwolfeye_misc_std WOLF EYE WOLF EYE ui_Decal_novacatcobra_misc_std COBRA COBRA ui_Decal_novacatneedle_misc_std MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS ui_Decal_arcticwolfbloodkit_misc_std BLOOD KIT BLOOD KIT ui_Decal_arcticwolfwhitewolf_misc_std ARCTIC WOLF HEAD ARCTIC WOLF HEAD ui_pal_escalation ESCALATION ESCALATION gravestone_name Gravestone Gravestone gravestone_desc Gravestone Halloween 2017 Warhorn Gravestone Halloween 2017 Warhorn chandelier_name Chandelier Chandelier chandelier_desc Chandelier Halloween 2017 Hanging Item Chandelier Halloween 2017 Hanging Item skull_name Skull Skull skull_desc Skull Halloween 2017 Standing Item Skull Halloween 2017 Standing Item speaker2017green_name WC 2017 Speaker Green WC 2017 Speaker Green speaker2017green_desc WC 2017 Speaker Green Warhorn WC 2017 Speaker Green Warhorn speaker2017red_name WC 2017 Speaker Red WC 2017 Speaker Red speaker2017red_desc WC 2017 Speaker Red Warhorn WC 2017 Speaker Red Warhorn speaker2017blue_name WC 2017 Speaker Blue WC 2017 Speaker Blue speaker2017blue_desc WC 2017 Speaker Blue Warhorn WC 2017 Speaker Blue Warhorn novacat_walk_name Novacat Walk Novacat Walk novacat_walk_desc Novacat Walk Standing Item Novacat Walk Standing Item arcticwolf_walk_name Arcticwolf Walk Arcticwolf Walk arcticwolf_walk_desc Arcticwolf Walk Standing Item Arcticwolf Walk Standing Item osiris_walk_name Osiris Walk Osiris Walk osiris_walk_desc Osiris Walk Standing Item Osiris Walk Standing Item nightstar_walk_name Nightstar Walk Nightstar Walk nightstar_walk_desc Nightstar Walk Standing Item Nightstar Walk Standing Item ui_ShowEligible Show Only Eligible Objectives Show Only Eligible Objectives ui_OwnerUnknown UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE ui_Normal REGULAR REGULAR ui_Regional REGIONAL CAPITAL REGIONAL CAPITAL ui_District DISTRICT CAPITAL DISTRICT CAPITAL ui_National FACTION CAPITAL FACTION CAPITAL omnipod_acw-prime_head ACW-PRIME HEAD ACW-PRIME HEAD omnipod_acw-prime_head_desc ACW-PRIME Head OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_acw-prime_left_arm ACW-PRIME LEFT ARM ACW-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_acw-prime_left_arm_desc ACW-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_acw-prime_left_torso ACW-PRIME LEFT TORSO ACW-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_acw-prime_left_torso_desc ACW-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-prime_right_torso ACW-PRIME RIGHT TORSO ACW-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_acw-prime_right_torso_desc ACW-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-prime_centre_torso ACW-PRIME CENTER TORSO ACW-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_acw-prime_centre_torso_desc ACW-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-prime_right_arm ACW-PRIME RIGHT ARM ACW-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_acw-prime_right_arm_desc ACW-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_acw-prime_left_leg ACW-PRIME LEFT LEG ACW-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_acw-prime_left_leg_desc ACW-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_acw-prime_right_leg ACW-PRIME RIGHT LEG ACW-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_acw-prime_right_leg_desc ACW-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. ACW-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_head ACW-A HEAD ACW-A HEAD omnipod_acw-a_head_desc ACW-A Head OmniPod. ACW-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_left_arm ACW-A LEFT ARM ACW-A LEFT ARM omnipod_acw-a_left_arm_desc ACW-A Left Arm OmniPod. ACW-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_left_torso ACW-A LEFT TORSO ACW-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_acw-a_left_torso_desc ACW-A Left Torso OmniPod. ACW-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_right_torso ACW-A RIGHT TORSO ACW-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_acw-a_right_torso_desc ACW-A Right Torso OmniPod. ACW-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_centre_torso ACW-A CENTER TORSO ACW-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_acw-a_centre_torso_desc ACW-A Center Torso OmniPod. ACW-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_right_arm ACW-A RIGHT ARM ACW-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_acw-a_right_arm_desc ACW-A Right Arm OmniPod. ACW-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_left_leg ACW-A LEFT LEG ACW-A LEFT LEG omnipod_acw-a_left_leg_desc ACW-A Left Leg OmniPod. ACW-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_acw-a_right_leg ACW-A RIGHT LEG ACW-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_acw-a_right_leg_desc ACW-A Right Leg OmniPod. ACW-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_head ACW-P HEAD ACW-P HEAD omnipod_acw-p_head_desc ACW-P Head OmniPod. ACW-P Head OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_left_arm ACW-P LEFT ARM ACW-P LEFT ARM omnipod_acw-p_left_arm_desc ACW-P Left Arm OmniPod. ACW-P Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_left_torso ACW-P LEFT TORSO ACW-P LEFT TORSO omnipod_acw-p_left_torso_desc ACW-P Left Torso OmniPod. ACW-P Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_right_torso ACW-P RIGHT TORSO ACW-P RIGHT TORSO omnipod_acw-p_right_torso_desc ACW-P Right Torso OmniPod. ACW-P Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_centre_torso ACW-P CENTER TORSO ACW-P CENTER TORSO omnipod_acw-p_centre_torso_desc ACW-P Center Torso OmniPod. ACW-P Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_right_arm ACW-P RIGHT ARM ACW-P RIGHT ARM omnipod_acw-p_right_arm_desc ACW-P Right Arm OmniPod. ACW-P Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_left_leg ACW-P LEFT LEG ACW-P LEFT LEG omnipod_acw-p_left_leg_desc ACW-P Left Leg OmniPod. ACW-P Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_acw-p_right_leg ACW-P RIGHT LEG ACW-P RIGHT LEG omnipod_acw-p_right_leg_desc ACW-P Right Leg OmniPod. ACW-P Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_head NCT-PRIME HEAD NCT-PRIME HEAD omnipod_nct-prime_head_desc NCT-PRIME Head OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_left_arm NCT-PRIME LEFT ARM NCT-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_nct-prime_left_arm_desc NCT-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_left_torso NCT-PRIME LEFT TORSO NCT-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_nct-prime_left_torso_desc NCT-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_right_torso NCT-PRIME RIGHT TORSO NCT-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nct-prime_right_torso_desc NCT-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_centre_torso NCT-PRIME CENTER TORSO NCT-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_nct-prime_centre_torso_desc NCT-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_right_arm NCT-PRIME RIGHT ARM NCT-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_nct-prime_right_arm_desc NCT-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_left_leg NCT-PRIME LEFT LEG NCT-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_nct-prime_left_leg_desc NCT-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-prime_right_leg NCT-PRIME RIGHT LEG NCT-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_nct-prime_right_leg_desc NCT-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. NCT-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_head NCT-A HEAD NCT-A HEAD omnipod_nct-a_head_desc NCT-A Head OmniPod. NCT-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_left_arm NCT-A LEFT ARM NCT-A LEFT ARM omnipod_nct-a_left_arm_desc NCT-A Left Arm OmniPod. NCT-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_left_torso NCT-A LEFT TORSO NCT-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_nct-a_left_torso_desc NCT-A Left Torso OmniPod. NCT-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_right_torso NCT-A RIGHT TORSO NCT-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nct-a_right_torso_desc NCT-A Right Torso OmniPod. NCT-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_centre_torso NCT-A CENTER TORSO NCT-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_nct-a_centre_torso_desc NCT-A Center Torso OmniPod. NCT-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_right_arm NCT-A RIGHT ARM NCT-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_nct-a_right_arm_desc NCT-A Right Arm OmniPod. NCT-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_left_leg NCT-A LEFT LEG NCT-A LEFT LEG omnipod_nct-a_left_leg_desc NCT-A Left Leg OmniPod. NCT-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-a_right_leg NCT-A RIGHT LEG NCT-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_nct-a_right_leg_desc NCT-A Right Leg OmniPod. NCT-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_head NCT-B HEAD NCT-B HEAD omnipod_nct-b_head_desc NCT-B Head OmniPod. NCT-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_left_arm NCT-B LEFT ARM NCT-B LEFT ARM omnipod_nct-b_left_arm_desc NCT-B Left Arm OmniPod. NCT-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_left_torso NCT-B LEFT TORSO NCT-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_nct-b_left_torso_desc NCT-B Left Torso OmniPod. NCT-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_right_torso NCT-B RIGHT TORSO NCT-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nct-b_right_torso_desc NCT-B Right Torso OmniPod. NCT-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_centre_torso NCT-B CENTER TORSO NCT-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_nct-b_centre_torso_desc NCT-B Center Torso OmniPod. NCT-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_right_arm NCT-B RIGHT ARM NCT-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_nct-b_right_arm_desc NCT-B Right Arm OmniPod. NCT-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_left_leg NCT-B LEFT LEG NCT-B LEFT LEG omnipod_nct-b_left_leg_desc NCT-B Left Leg OmniPod. NCT-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-b_right_leg NCT-B RIGHT LEG NCT-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_nct-b_right_leg_desc NCT-B Right Leg OmniPod. NCT-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_head NCT-C HEAD NCT-C HEAD omnipod_nct-c_head_desc NCT-C Head OmniPod. NCT-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_left_arm NCT-C LEFT ARM NCT-C LEFT ARM omnipod_nct-c_left_arm_desc NCT-C Left Arm OmniPod. NCT-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_left_torso NCT-C LEFT TORSO NCT-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_nct-c_left_torso_desc NCT-C Left Torso OmniPod. NCT-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_right_torso NCT-C RIGHT TORSO NCT-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nct-c_right_torso_desc NCT-C Right Torso OmniPod. NCT-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_centre_torso NCT-C CENTER TORSO NCT-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_nct-c_centre_torso_desc NCT-C Center Torso OmniPod. NCT-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_right_arm NCT-C RIGHT ARM NCT-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_nct-c_right_arm_desc NCT-C Right Arm OmniPod. NCT-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_left_leg NCT-C LEFT LEG NCT-C LEFT LEG omnipod_nct-c_left_leg_desc NCT-C Left Leg OmniPod. NCT-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-c_right_leg NCT-C RIGHT LEG NCT-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_nct-c_right_leg_desc NCT-C Right Leg OmniPod. NCT-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_head NCT-D HEAD NCT-D HEAD omnipod_nct-d_head_desc NCT-D Head OmniPod. NCT-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_left_arm NCT-D LEFT ARM NCT-D LEFT ARM omnipod_nct-d_left_arm_desc NCT-D Left Arm OmniPod. NCT-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_left_torso NCT-D LEFT TORSO NCT-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_nct-d_left_torso_desc NCT-D Left Torso OmniPod. NCT-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_right_torso NCT-D RIGHT TORSO NCT-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nct-d_right_torso_desc NCT-D Right Torso OmniPod. NCT-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_centre_torso NCT-D CENTER TORSO NCT-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_nct-d_centre_torso_desc NCT-D Center Torso OmniPod. NCT-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_right_arm NCT-D RIGHT ARM NCT-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_nct-d_right_arm_desc NCT-D Right Arm OmniPod. NCT-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_left_leg NCT-D LEFT LEG NCT-D LEFT LEG omnipod_nct-d_left_leg_desc NCT-D Left Leg OmniPod. NCT-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-d_right_leg NCT-D RIGHT LEG NCT-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_nct-d_right_leg_desc NCT-D Right Leg OmniPod. NCT-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_head NCT-CC HEAD NCT-CC HEAD omnipod_nct-cc_head_desc NCT-CC Head OmniPod. NCT-CC Head OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_left_arm NCT-CC LEFT ARM NCT-CC LEFT ARM omnipod_nct-cc_left_arm_desc NCT-CC Left Arm OmniPod. NCT-CC Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_left_torso NCT-CC LEFT TORSO NCT-CC LEFT TORSO omnipod_nct-cc_left_torso_desc NCT-CC Left Torso OmniPod. NCT-CC Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_right_torso NCT-CC RIGHT TORSO NCT-CC RIGHT TORSO omnipod_nct-cc_right_torso_desc NCT-CC Right Torso OmniPod. NCT-CC Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_centre_torso NCT-CC CENTER TORSO NCT-CC CENTER TORSO omnipod_nct-cc_centre_torso_desc NCT-CC Center Torso OmniPod. NCT-CC Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_right_arm NCT-CC RIGHT ARM NCT-CC RIGHT ARM omnipod_nct-cc_right_arm_desc NCT-CC Right Arm OmniPod. NCT-CC Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_left_leg NCT-CC LEFT LEG NCT-CC LEFT LEG omnipod_nct-cc_left_leg_desc NCT-CC Left Leg OmniPod. NCT-CC Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_nct-cc_right_leg NCT-CC RIGHT LEG NCT-CC RIGHT LEG omnipod_nct-cc_right_leg_desc NCT-CC Right Leg OmniPod. NCT-CC Right Leg OmniPod. @ui_title_ArcticwolfStand The Howl The Howl @ui_title_ArcticwolfStand_desc Arcticwolf Standard Title Arcticwolf Standard Title @ui_title_ArcticwolfColl The Wolf The Wolf @ui_title_ArcticwolfColl_desc Arcticwolf Collectors Title Arcticwolf Collectors Title @ui_title_NightstarStand The Moon The Moon @ui_title_NightstarStand_desc Nightstar Standard Title Nightstar Standard Title @ui_title_NightstarColl The Star The Star @ui_title_NightstarColl_desc Nightstar Collectors Title Nightstar Collectors Title @ui_title_NovacatStand The Clan Cat The Clan Cat @ui_title_NovacatStand_desc Novacat Standard Title Novacat Standard Title @ui_title_NovacatColl The Paw The Paw @ui_title_NovacatColl_desc Novacat Collectors Title Novacat Collectors Title @ui_title_OsirisStand The Pharaoh The Pharaoh @ui_title_OsirisStand_desc Osiris Standard Title Osiris Standard Title @ui_title_OsirisColl The Sekhmet The Sekhmet @ui_title_OsirisColl_desc Osiris Collectors Title Osiris Collectors Title ui_NoContestedPlanets NO CONTESTED PLANETS NO CONTESTED PLANETS ui_Owner OWNER OWNER ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_13 AC/5s, Clan AC/5s, UAC/5s, or Clan UAC/5s AC/5s, Clan AC/5s, UAC/5s, or Clan UAC/5s ui_MatchInProgress PREPARING GAME SERVER PREPARING GAME SERVER ui_MatchInProgressDesc PLEASE WAIT ... PLEASE WAIT ... ui_RedeemWrongFaction You are not currently aligned with the correct Faction required to redeem these rewards. You are not currently aligned with the correct Faction required to redeem these rewards. ui_NoEventsInCategory No events announced or currently running. No events announced or currently running. ui_Col_Tranquil_Teal TRANQUIL TEAL TRANQUIL TEAL ui_Col_Dungeon_Brown DUNGEON BROWN DUNGEON BROWN ui_Col_Sunrise_Orange SUNRISE ORANGE SUNRISE ORANGE ui_Decal_thanatosdeath_clr DEATH DEATH ui_Decal_thanatostomb_clr GRAVESTONE GRAVESTONE emechmodel_thanatos THANATOS THANATOS thanatos THANATOS THANATOS TNS-4SS THANATOS TNS-4S(S) THANATOS TNS-4S(S) TNS-4SS_desc THANATOS TNS-4S(S) description THANATOS TNS-4S(S) TNS-4SS_short TNS-4S(S) TNS-4S(S) TNS-4S THANATOS TNS-4S THANATOS TNS-4S TNS-4S_desc THANATOS TNS-4S description THANATOS TNS-4S TNS-4S_short TNS-4S TNS-4S TNS-4P THANATOS TNS-4P THANATOS TNS-4P TNS-4P_desc THANATOS TNS-4P description THANATOS TNS-4P TNS-4P_short TNS-4P TNS-4P TNS-5P THANATOS TNS-5P THANATOS TNS-5P TNS-5P_desc THANATOS TNS-5P description THANATOS TNS-5P TNS-5P_short TNS-5P TNS-5P TNS-5S THANATOS TNS-5S THANATOS TNS-5S TNS-5S_desc THANATOS TNS-5S description THANATOS TNS-5S TNS-5S_short TNS-5S TNS-5S TNS-5T THANATOS TNS-5T THANATOS TNS-5T TNS-5T_desc THANATOS TNS-5T description THANATOS TNS-5T TNS-5T_short TNS-5T TNS-5T TNS-HA HANGOVER HANGOVER TNS-HA_desc The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Felix Grimstead. The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Felix Grimstead. TNS-HA_short TNS-HA TNS-HA UM-R68L URBANMECH UM-R68(L) URBANMECH UM-R68(L) UM-R68L_desc URBANMECH UM-R68(L) description URBANMECH UM-R68(L) UM-R68L_short UM-R68(L) UM-R68(L) GRF-5ML GRIFFIN GRF-5M(L) GRIFFIN GRF-5M(L) GRF-5ML_desc GRIFFIN GRF-5M(L) description GRIFFIN GRF-5M(L) GRF-5ML_short GRF-5M(L) GRF-5M(L) VTR-9A1L VICTOR VTR-9A1(L) VICTOR VTR-9A1(L) VTR-9A1L_desc VICTOR VTR-9A1(L) description VICTOR VTR-9A1(L) VTR-9A1L_short VTR-9A1(L) VTR-9A1(L) KFX-GL KIT FOX KFX-G(L) KIT FOX KFX-G(L) KFX-GL_desc KIT FOX KFX-G(L) description KIT FOX KFX-G(L) KFX-GL_short KFX-G(L) KFX-G(L) LBK-HL LINEBACKER LBK-H(L) LINEBACKER LBK-H(L) LBK-HL_desc LINEBACKER LBK-H(L) description LINEBACKER LBK-H(L) LBK-HL_short LBK-H(L) LBK-H(L) omnipod_kfx-g_head KFX-G HEAD KFX-G HEAD omnipod_kfx-g_head_desc KFX-G Head OmniPod. KFX-G Head OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-g_left_arm KFX-G LEFT ARM KFX-G LEFT ARM omnipod_kfx-g_left_arm_desc KFX-G Left Arm OmniPod. KFX-G Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-g_left_torso KFX-G LEFT TORSO KFX-G LEFT TORSO omnipod_kfx-g_left_torso_desc KFX-G Left Torso OmniPod. KFX-G Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-g_centre_torso KFX-G CENTER TORSO KFX-G CENTER TORSO omnipod_kfx-g_centre_torso_desc KFX-G Center Torso OmniPod. KFX-G Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-g_right_torso KFX-G RIGHT TORSO KFX-G RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-g_right_torso_desc KFX-G Right Torso OmniPod. KFX-G Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-g_right_arm KFX-G RIGHT ARM KFX-G RIGHT ARM omnipod_kfx-g_right_arm_desc KFX-G Right Arm OmniPod. KFX-G Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-g_left_leg KFX-G LEFT LEG KFX-G LEFT LEG omnipod_kfx-g_left_leg_desc KFX-G Left Leg OmniPod. KFX-G Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-g_right_leg KFX-G RIGHT LEG KFX-G RIGHT LEG omnipod_kfx-g_right_leg_desc KFX-G Right Leg OmniPod. KFX-G Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_head LBK-H HEAD LBK-H HEAD omnipod_lbk-h_head_desc LBK-H Head OmniPod. LBK-H Head OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_left_arm LBK-H LEFT ARM LBK-H LEFT ARM omnipod_lbk-h_left_arm_desc LBK-H Left Arm OmniPod. LBK-H Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_left_torso LBK-H LEFT TORSO LBK-H LEFT TORSO omnipod_lbk-h_left_torso_desc LBK-H Left Torso OmniPod. LBK-H Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_right_torso LBK-H RIGHT TORSO LBK-H RIGHT TORSO omnipod_lbk-h_right_torso_desc LBK-H Right Torso OmniPod. LBK-H Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_centre_torso LBK-H CENTER TORSO LBK-H CENTER TORSO omnipod_lbk-h_centre_torso_desc LBK-H Center Torso OmniPod. LBK-H Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_right_arm LBK-H RIGHT ARM LBK-H RIGHT ARM omnipod_lbk-h_right_arm_desc LBK-H Right Arm OmniPod. LBK-H Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_left_leg LBK-H LEFT LEG LBK-H LEFT LEG omnipod_lbk-h_left_leg_desc LBK-H Left Leg OmniPod. LBK-H Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_lbk-h_right_leg LBK-H RIGHT LEG LBK-H RIGHT LEG omnipod_lbk-h_right_leg_desc LBK-H Right Leg OmniPod. LBK-H Right Leg OmniPod. ui_crater2 RUBELLITE OASIS RUBELLITE OASIS EMapType_Crater2 Rubellite Oasis Rubellite Oasis ui_Pal_Mechcon MECH_CON MECH_CON ui_NoEventsInFuture NO UPCOMING EVENTS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED. NO UPCOMING EVENTS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED. ui_NoEventsInCurrent NO EVENTS CURRENTLY RUNNING. NO EVENTS CURRENTLY RUNNING. ui_NoEventsInPast NO PAST EVENTS LISTED. NO PAST EVENTS LISTED. ui_Decal_pinupelfgirl_std ELF GIRL ELF GIRL ui_crater2_detail1 59 C 59 C ui_crater2_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_crater2_detail3 0% 0% drill_name DRILL POWER TOOL DRILL POWER TOOL drill_desc Standing Drill Power Tool Standing Item Standing Drill Power Tool Standing Item worklamp_name WORK LAMP WORK LAMP worklamp_desc Work Lamp Hanging Item Work Lamp Hanging Item speakerpipe_name METAL PIPE WARHORN METAL PIPE WARHORN speakerpipe_desc Mounted Metal Pipe Warhorn Mounted Metal Pipe Warhorn torch_name FLAME TORCH FLAME TORCH torch_desc Flame Torch Standing Item Flame Torch Standing Item mechanicalhorse_name LOYALTY MECHANICAL HORSE STATUE LOYALTY MECHANICAL HORSE STATUE mechanicalhorse_desc Loyalty Version of Mechanical Horse Statue Standing Item Loyalty Version of Mechanical Horse Statue Standing Item mechanicalwolf_name LOYALTY MECH. WOLF STATUE LOYALTY MECH. WOLF STATUE mechanicalwolf_desc Loyalty Version of Mechanical Wolf Statue Standing Item Loyalty Version of Mechanical Wolf Statue Standing Item speakerbagpipes_name LOYALTY BAGPIPE WARHORN LOYALTY BAGPIPE WARHORN speakerbagpipes_desc Loyalty Version of Mounted Bagpipe Warhorn Loyalty Version of Mounted Bagpipe Warhorn vitricforgestaris_name VITRIC FORGE RED STAR VITRIC FORGE RED STAR vitricforgestaris_desc Vitric Forge Red Star Standing Item Vitric Forge Red Star Standing Item vitricforgestarclan_name VITRIC FORGE BLUE STAR VITRIC FORGE BLUE STAR vitricforgestarclan_desc Vitric Forge Blue Star Standing Item Vitric Forge Blue Star Standing Item mcmedallion_name MC MEDALLION MC MEDALLION mcmedallion_desc MC Medallion Hanging Item MC Medallion Hanging Item cupcake4_name YEAR 4 CUPCAKE YEAR 4 CUPCAKE cupcake4_desc Fourth year anniversary cupcake! Fourth year anniversary cupcake! ui_SolarisDivision1 Division 1 Division 1 ui_SolarisDivision2 Division 2 Division 2 ui_SolarisDivision3 Division 3 Division 3 ui_SolarisDivision4 Division 4 Division 4 ui_SolarisDivision5 Division 5 Division 5 ui_SolarisDivision6 Division 6 Division 6 ui_SolarisDivision7 Division 7 Division 7 @ui_title_ThanatosStand The Death Wish The Death Wish @ui_title_ThanatosStand_Desc Thanatos Standard Title Thanatos Standard Title @ui_title_ThanatosColl The God of Death The God of Death @ui_title_ThanatosColl_desc Thanatos Collectors Title Thanatos Collectors Title ui_S7 S7 S7 ui_Div D%0 D%0 ui_SelectPatron Select Patron Select Patron ui_Escort_VIPSpawner_spawn VIP 'MECH VIP 'MECH ui_TierLevel Level %0 Level %0 EMapType_RubelliteOasis Rubellite Oasis Rubellite Oasis emechmodel_hellspawn HELLSPAWN HELLSPAWN hellspawn HELLSPAWN HELLSPAWN HSN-7DS HELLSPAWN HSN-7D(S) HELLSPAWN HSN-7D(S) HSN-7DS_desc HELLSPAWN HSN-7D(S) description HELLSPAWN HSN-7D(S) HSN-7DS_short HSN-7D(S) HSN-7D(S) HSN-7D HELLSPAWN HSN-7D HELLSPAWN HSN-7D HSN-7D_desc HELLSPAWN HSN-7D description HELLSPAWN HSN-7D HSN-7D_short HSN-7D HSN-7D HSN-8E HELLSPAWN HSN-8E HELLSPAWN HSN-8E HSN-8E_desc HELLSPAWN HSN-8E description HELLSPAWN HSN-8E HSN-8E_short HSN-8E HSN-8E HSN-9F HELLSPAWN HSN-9F HELLSPAWN HSN-9F HSN-9F_desc HELLSPAWN HSN-9F description HELLSPAWN HSN-9F HSN-9F_short HSN-9F HSN-9F HSN-7P HELLSPAWN HSN-7P HELLSPAWN HSN-7P HSN-7P_desc HELLSPAWN HSN-7P description HELLSPAWN HSN-7P HSN-7P_short HSN-7P HSN-7P HSN-8P HELLSPAWN HSN-8P HELLSPAWN HSN-8P HSN-8P_desc HELLSPAWN HSN-8P description HELLSPAWN HSN-8P HSN-8P_short HSN-8P HSN-8P HSN-7D2 PARALYZER PARALYZER HSN-7D2_desc The personal 'Mech of Greta Halperin. The personal 'Mech of Greta Halperin. HSN-7D2_short HSN-7D2 HSN-7D2 ui_Division Division Division ui_Sponser Sponser Sponser ui_Sponsers Sponsers Sponsers ui_Col_HardShell_Blue HARD SHELL BLUE HARD SHELL BLUE ui_Col_Fireball_Orange FIREBALL ORANGE FIREBALL ORANGE ui_Col_Wasp_Yellow WASP YELLOW WASP YELLOW bell_name Christmas Bell Christmas Bell bell_desc Christmas Bell Warhorn for Winter Holiday Event Christmas Bell Warhorn for Winter Holiday Event demongirl_name Demon Girl Demon Girl demongirl_desc Demon Girl Standing Item Demon Girl Standing Item pitchfork_name Pitchfork Pitchfork pitchfork_desc Pitchfork Standing Item Pitchfork Standing Item cauldron_name Cauldron Cauldron cauldron_desc Cauldron Warhorn Cauldron Warhorn wasp_name Wasp Wasp wasp_desc Wasp Hanging Item Wasp Hanging Item @ui_title_HellspawnStand The Demon The Demon @ui_title_HellspawnStand_desc Hellspawn Standard Title Hellspawn Standard Title @ui_title_HellspawnColl The Nightmare The Nightmare @ui_title_HellspawnColl_desc Hellspawn Collectors Title Hellspawn Collectors Title ui_Private_1v1_c [S7] LIAO JUNGLE [S7] LIAO JUNGLE ui_Private_1v1_c_detail1 51 C 51 C ui_Private_1v1_c_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_Private_1V1_c_detail3 68% 68% ui_Private_1v1_b [S7] MECH FACTORY [S7] MECH FACTORY ui_Private_1v1_b_detail1 39 C 39 C ui_Private_1v1_b_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_Private_1V1_b_detail3 23% 23% qrk_mrm_velocity_Mult MRM Velocity MRM Velocity @ui_Decal_helleye_std HELL EYE HELL EYE @ui_Decal_hellfire_std HELL FIRE HELL FIRE @ui_Decal_pinupmistletoegirl_std MISTLETOE GIRL MISTLETOE GIRL ui_Pal_Thanatos THANATOS THANATOS ui_Pal_Hellspawn HELLSPAWN HELLSPAWN @ui_Decal_pinupsantagirl_std SANTA GIRL SANTA GIRL ui_SolarisHome Solaris Home Solaris Home ui_SolarisPatrons PATRONS PATRONS ui_SolarisLeaderboards LEADERBOARDS LEADERBOARDS ui_TierProgression PROGRESSION PROGRESSION ui_SolarisOverview SOLARIS OVERVIEW SOLARIS OVERVIEW ui_PatronProgress PATRON PROGRESS PATRON PROGRESS ui_WatchList WATCH LIST WATCH LIST ui_Solo SOLO SOLO ui_Group GROUP GROUP ui_Acolade ACCOLADES ACCOLADES ui_Divisions DIVISIONS DIVISIONS ui_ClickToSpectate CLICK TO SPECTATE CLICK TO SPECTATE ui_NoSlots NO SPECTATOR SLOTS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME NO SPECTATOR SLOTS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME horn_name HORN HORN shoulderpad_right_name SHOULDER PAD - RIGHT SHOULDER PAD - RIGHT shoulderpad_left_name SHOULDER PAD - LEFT SHOULDER PAD - LEFT axe_saw_right_name SAW AXE - RIGHT SAW AXE - RIGHT axe_propeller_left_name PROPELLER AXE - LEFT PROPELLER AXE - LEFT blade_left_name BLADE - LEFT BLADE - LEFT @carbonfiber_shield_left_name CARBON FIBER SHIELD - LEFT CARBON FIBER SHIELD - LEFT airplane_blade_name AIRPLANE BLADE AIRPLANE BLADE @spike_name SPIKE SPIKE pauldron_right_name PAULDRON - RIGHT PAULDRON - RIGHT pauldron_left_name PAULDRON - LEFT PAULDRON - LEFT ui_Solaris Solaris Solaris tt_SolarisButton Fight for your Patrons and Sponsors in the Solaris 7 Games Fight for your Patrons and Sponsors in the Solaris 7 Games tt_SolarisDivisions View performance in each divison and manage contracts with Patrons View performance in each divison and manage contracts with Patrons tt_Solaris_Leaderboard View Solaris Leaderboards View Solaris Leaderboards ui_bolton BOLT-ON BOLT-ON tt_MechLab_FilterBoltOns View bolt-ons View bolt-ons emechboltonslot_1 ITEM 1 ITEM 1 emechboltonslot_2 ITEM 2 ITEM 2 emechboltonslot_3 ITEM 3 ITEM 3 emechboltonslot_4 ITEM 4 ITEM 4 emechboltonslot_5 ITEM 5 ITEM 5 @czech_hedgehogs_left_name CZECH HEDGEHOG - LEFT CZECH HEDGEHOG - LEFT @shield_ibeam_right_name I-BEAM SHIELD - RIGHT I-BEAM SHIELD - RIGHT ui_boltons BOLT-ON BOLT-ON @ui_boltoncolors BOLT-ON COLORS BOLT-ON COLORS tt_MechLab_FilterBoltOnSlot Filter bolt-on slot types Filter bolt-on slot types tt_MechLab_FilterBoltOnSet Filter bolt-on set types Filter bolt-on set types @ui_CanSwapBoltOn Replace currently equipped bolt-on with this one. Replace currently equipped bolt-on with this one. @ui_NoValidBoltOnSlot Cannot equip this item. Cannot equip this item. @ui_shoulder SHOULDER SHOULDER @ui_elbow ELBOW ELBOW @ui_spine SPINE SPINE @ui_availableslots AVAILABLE SLOTS AVAILABLE SLOTS @ui_centre_torso CENTER TORSO CENTER TORSO @ui_hand HAND HAND @ui_left_arm LEFT ARM LEFT ARM @ui_right_arm RIGHT ARM RIGHT ARM ui_skipintro SKIP INTRO SKIP INTRO ui_Page0Title ARENA BASED COMBAT FOR REWARDS & FAME ARENA BASED COMBAT FOR REWARDS & FAME ui_Page0Subtitle OVERVIEW OVERVIEW ui_Page0Text A competitive 1v1 and 2v2 arena expansion for MWO. A competitive 1v1 and 2v2 arena expansion for MWO. ui_Page0Body Solaris is an Elo-ranked competitive mode pitting MechWarriors against each other in fierce 1v1 and 2v2 combat that takes place within exclusive Solaris-only arenas. Any player can participate in Solaris. Choose your division, sign with a Patron, and compete in the Solaris Games for accolades, sponsors and unique rewards. Become the ultimate Solaris champion this season! Solaris is an Elo-ranked competitive mode pitting MechWarriors against each other in fierce 1v1 and 2v2 combat that takes place within exclusive Solaris-only arenas. Any player can participate in Solaris. Choose your division, sign with a Patron, and compete in the Solaris Games for accolades, sponsors and unique rewards. Become the ultimate Solaris champion this season! ui_Page1Title WHEN IT COMES TO PERFORMANCE, NOT ALL MECHS ARE CREATED EQUAL WHEN IT COMES TO PERFORMANCE, NOT ALL MECHS ARE CREATED EQUAL ui_Page1Subtitle DIVISIONS DIVISIONS ui_Page1Text Fight on more equal footing using 'Mechs in the same division. Fight on more equal footing using 'Mechs in the same division. ui_Page1Body Every season starts with the Solaris oversight committee dividing every known ‘Mech variant into seven divisions. Each division is based on a number of properties ranging from loadouts and profiles to flat out battlefield viability. Every MechWarrior has the choice to participate in whichever division they want to as each division has its own leaderboard. Every season starts with the Solaris oversight committee dividing every known ‘Mech variant into seven divisions. Each division is based on a number of properties ranging from loadouts and profiles to flat out battlefield viability. Every MechWarrior has the choice to participate in whichever division they want to as each division has its own leaderboard. ui_Page2Title GO IT ALONE – OR WITH A FRIEND GO IT ALONE – OR WITH A FRIEND ui_Page2Subtitle SOLO/GROUP SOLO/GROUP ui_Page2Text Fight in 1v1 and 2v2 ranked matches with separate stat tracking. Fight in 1v1 and 2v2 ranked matches with separate stat tracking. ui_Page2Body MechWarriors have the ability to fight solo or group with another MechWarrior to fight in a 2v2 scenario. MechWarrior stats are tracked separately by solo and group matches. Match making is done based on the highest MechWarrior’s ranking in group matches and special calculations are performed on the lower ranking MechWarriors. MechWarriors have the ability to fight solo or group with another MechWarrior to fight in a 2v2 scenario. MechWarrior stats are tracked separately by solo and group matches. Match making is done based on the highest MechWarrior’s ranking in group matches and special calculations are performed on the lower ranking MechWarriors. ui_Page3Title THE BEST OF THE BEST, YOURSELF…AND ALL THE REST THE BEST OF THE BEST, YOURSELF…AND ALL THE REST ui_Page3Subtitle LEADERBOARDS LEADERBOARDS ui_Page3Text Divisional leaderboards split between 1v1 and 2v2 ranked matches. Divisional leaderboards split between 1v1 and 2v2 ranked matches. ui_Page3Body Each division has their own leaderboard. The leaderboards are broken down into single and dual combatants. MechWarriors can team up with an ally and compete in 2v2 ranked matches as well. At the end of a Season, the leaderboards are reset. Each division has their own leaderboard. The leaderboards are broken down into single and dual combatants. MechWarriors can team up with an ally and compete in 2v2 ranked matches as well. At the end of a Season, the leaderboards are reset. ui_Page4Title SEASONS CHANGE, HEROES ARE REMEMBERED SEASONS CHANGE, HEROES ARE REMEMBERED ui_Page4Subtitle SEASONS SEASONS ui_Page4Text End-of-season recognition and rewards for top performers. End-of-season recognition and rewards for top performers. ui_Page4Body A Solaris Games Season lasts for 3 months. At the end of a season, the best performing MechWarriors are rewarded and all stats are backed up in the Solaris archives. A Solaris Games Season lasts for 3 months. At the end of a season, the best performing MechWarriors are rewarded and all stats are backed up in the Solaris archives. ui_Page5Title PERFORMANCE DRIVEN REWARDS COURTESY OF YOUR PATRON PERFORMANCE DRIVEN REWARDS COURTESY OF YOUR PATRON ui_Page5Subtitle PATRONS PATRONS ui_Page5Text Get paid and move your career forward through your Patron. Get paid and move your career forward through your Patron. ui_Page5Body ’BattleMech combat is serious business. Along with the serious combat experience comes serious expenses. This is where Patrons come into play. Patrons take on contracts with all MechWarriors participating in the Solaris Games. Different Patrons provide different payment structures which grow over the course of a season. ’BattleMech combat is serious business. Along with the serious combat experience comes serious expenses. This is where Patrons come into play. Patrons take on contracts with all MechWarriors participating in the Solaris Games. Different Patrons provide different payment structures which grow over the course of a season. ui_Page6Title EVEN MORE REWARDS FOR YOU, PROVIDING YOU PERFORM EVEN MORE REWARDS FOR YOU, PROVIDING YOU PERFORM ui_Page6Subtitle SPONSORS SPONSORS ui_Page6Text Perform well to attract Sponsors and earn extra income. Perform well to attract Sponsors and earn extra income. ui_Page6Body Patrons aren’t the only ones providing a source of income during the games. MechWarriors also have the ability to gain Sponsors throughout their seasonal run. Unlike contracted Patrons, Sponsors can be gained and lost and their loyalty completely depends on a MechWarrior’s skill on the battlefield. Patrons aren’t the only ones providing a source of income during the games. MechWarriors also have the ability to gain Sponsors throughout their seasonal run. Unlike contracted Patrons, Sponsors can be gained and lost and their loyalty completely depends on a MechWarrior’s skill on the battlefield. ui_Page7Title FINALLY – THERE’S LOOT FINALLY – THERE’S LOOT ui_Page7Subtitle REWARDS REWARDS ui_Page7Text Obtain Bolt-ons and Supply Caches full of rewards. Obtain Bolt-ons and Supply Caches full of rewards. ui_Page7Body One unusual aspect of a Solaris tuned BattleMech is its outward appearance. Solaris is home to ‘Mechs that have unique bolt-on cosmetic equipment. Patrons are the primary means of gaining these bolt-on cosmetics, which are awarded to MechWarriors each time they rank up in a Division. These bolt-ons are awarded either directly or through Supply Caches that also contain a variety of other rewards. One unusual aspect of a Solaris tuned BattleMech is its outward appearance. Solaris is home to ‘Mechs that have unique bolt-on cosmetic equipment. Patrons are the primary means of gaining these bolt-on cosmetics, which are awarded to MechWarriors each time they rank up in a Division. These bolt-ons are awarded either directly or through Supply Caches that also contain a variety of other rewards. SupplyCache_Common_Name Common Supply Cache Common Supply Cache SupplyCache_Uncommon_Name Uncommon Supply Cache Uncommon Supply Cache SupplyCache_Rare_Name Rare Supply Cache Rare Supply Cache SupplyCache_UltaRare_Name Ultra Rare Supply Cache Ultra Rare Supply Cache SupplyCache_Common_Desc A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment, currency, and a guaranteed decal. A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment, currency, and a guaranteed decal. SupplyCache_Uncommon_Desc A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment, currency, and a guaranteed decal. A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment, currency, and a guaranteed decal. SupplyCache_Rare_Desc A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment and a guaranteed cockpit item. A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment and a guaranteed cockpit item. SupplyCache_UltaRare_Desc A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment, currency, and up to two cockpit items. A Supply Cache that can contain 'Mech equipment, currency, and up to two cockpit items. ui_Shop SHOP SHOP ui_openanothersupplycache Open Another Supply Cache Open Another Supply Cache ui_Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate ui_Color Color Color ui_Equip Equip Equip ui_TimeLeftInMatch Time Left In Match Time Left In Match ui_SpectatorSlotsAvailable Spectator Slots Available Spectator Slots Available @ui_NotEnoughItems Not enough items. Not enough items. fishbowl_name Bruce The Piranha Bruce The Piranha fishbowl_desc Standing Item in honor of Bruce, the PGI studio’s late Piranha fish (2000-2016) Standing Item in honor of Bruce, the PGI studio’s late Piranha fish (2000-2016) scout_name Piranha Scout Piranha Scout scout_desc Piranha Scout Standing Item Piranha Scout Standing Item piranha_speaker_name Piranha Speakers Piranha Speakers piranha_speaker_desc Piranha Speaker Mounted Warhorns Piranha Speaker Mounted Warhorns piranha_name Bundle Of Piranhas Bundle Of Piranhas piranha_desc Piranha Hanging Item, released with the Piranha Piranha Hanging Item, released with the Piranha hexagonwc2017_bronze_name WC 2017 Bronze Warhorn WC 2017 Bronze Warhorn hexagonwc2017_bronze_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Bronze Warhorn MWO: World Championships 2017 Bronze Warhorn hexagonwc2017_silver_name WC 2017 Silver Warhorn WC 2017 Silver Warhorn hexagonwc2017_silver_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Silver Warhorn MWO: World Championships 2017 Silver Warhorn hexagonwc2017_gold_name WC 2017 Gold Warhorn WC 2017 Gold Warhorn hexagonwc2017_gold_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Gold Warhorn MWO: World Championships 2017 Gold Warhorn trophywc2017_bronze_name WC 2017 Bronze Trophy WC 2017 Bronze Trophy trophywc2017_bronze_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Bronze Trophy MWO: World Championships 2017 Bronze Trophy trophywc2017_silver_name WC 2017 Silver Trophy WC 2017 Silver Trophy trophywc2017_silver_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Silver Trophy MWO: World Championships 2017 Silver Trophy trophywc2017_gold_name WC 2017 Gold Trophy WC 2017 Gold Trophy trophywc2017_gold_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Gold Trophy MWO: World Championships 2017 Gold Trophy medalwc2017_bronze_name WC 2017 Bronze Medal WC 2017 Bronze Medal medalwc2017_bronze_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Bronze Medal MWO: World Championships 2017 Bronze Medal medalwc2017_silver_name WC 2017 Silver Medal WC 2017 Silver Medal medalwc2017_silver_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Silver Medal MWO: World Championships 2017 Silver Medal medalwc2017_gold_name WC 2017 Gold Medal WC 2017 Gold Medal medalwc2017_gold_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Gold Medal MWO: World Championships 2017 Gold Medal hearts_name Two Hearts Two Hearts hearts_desc Two Hearts Hanging Item Two Hearts Hanging Item 4to12wc2017_name WC 2017 Trophy (4-12th) WC 2017 Trophy (4-12th) 4to12wc2017_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Trophy for 4th – 12th Place Qualifying Players MWO: World Championships 2017 Trophy for 4th – 12th Place Qualifying Players mechanicalhorse_standard_name STANDARD MECHANICAL HORSE STATUE STANDARD MECHANICAL HORSE STATUE mechanicalhorse_standard_desc Standard Version of Mechanical Horse Statue Standing Item Standard Version of Mechanical Horse Statue Standing Item mechanicalwolf_standard_name STANDARD MECH. WOLF STATUE STANDARD MECH. WOLF STATUE mechanicalwolf_standard_desc Standard Version of Mechanical Wolf Statue Standing Item Standard Version of Mechanical Wolf Statue Standing Item speakerbagpipes_standard_name STANDARD BAGPIPE WARHORN STANDARD BAGPIPE WARHORN speakerbagpipes_standard_desc Standard Version of Mounted Bagpipe Warhorn Standard Version of Mounted Bagpipe Warhorn vitricforgestaris_standard_name VITRIC FORGE GREEN STAR VITRIC FORGE GREEN STAR vitricforgestaris_standard_desc Vitric Forge Green Star Standing Item Vitric Forge Green Star Standing Item vitricforgestarclan_standard_name VITRIC FORGE PURPLE STAR VITRIC FORGE PURPLE STAR vitricforgestarclan_standard_desc Vitric Forge Purple Star Standing Item Vitric Forge Purple Star Standing Item ribbon_name WC 2017 Competitor Ribbon WC 2017 Competitor Ribbon ribbon_desc MWO: World Championships 2017 Ribbon for Participants MWO: World Championships 2017 Ribbon for Participants @ui_Decal_bullets_std BULLETS BULLETS @ui_Decal_largebulletholes_std LARGE BULLET HOLES LARGE BULLET HOLES @ui_Decal_smallbulletholes_std SMALL BULLET HOLES SMALL BULLET HOLES emechmodel_piranha PIRANHA PIRANHA piranha PIRANHA PIRANHA PIR-1S PIRANHA PIR-1(S) PIRANHA PIR-1(S) PIR-1S_desc PIRANHA PIR-1(S) description PIRANHA PIR-1(S) PIR-1S_short PIR-1(S) PIR-1(S) PIR-1 PIRANHA PIR-1 PIRANHA PIR-1 PIR-1_desc PIRANHA PIR-1 description PIRANHA PIR-1 PIR-1_short PIR-1 PIR-1 PIR-2 PIRANHA PIR-2 PIRANHA PIR-2 PIR-2_desc PIRANHA PIR-2 description PIRANHA PIR-2 PIR-2_short PIR-2 PIR-2 PIR-3 PIRANHA PIR-3 PIRANHA PIR-3 PIR-3_desc PIRANHA PIR-3 description PIRANHA PIR-3 PIR-3_short PIR-3 PIR-3 PIR-4 PIRANHA PIR-4 PIRANHA PIR-4 PIR-4_desc PIRANHA PIR-4 description PIRANHA PIR-4 PIR-4_short PIR-4 PIR-4 PIR-A PIRANHA PIR-A PIRANHA PIR-A PIR-A_desc PIRANHA PIR-A description PIRANHA PIR-A PIR-A_short PIR-A PIR-A PIR-B PIRANHA PIR-B PIRANHA PIR-B PIR-B_desc PIRANHA PIR-B description PIRANHA PIR-B PIR-B_short PIR-B PIR-B PIR-CI CIPHER CIPHER PIR-CI_desc The Piranha hero 'Mech. The Piranha hero 'Mech. PIR-CI_short PIR-CI PIR-CI @ui_title_PiranhaStand The Hungry The Hungry @ui_title_PiranhaStand_desc Piranha Standard Title Piranha Standard Title @ui_title_PiranhaColl The Deadly The Deadly @ui_title_PiranhaColl_desc Piranha Collectors Title Piranha Collectors Title ui_Col_Piranha_Teal PIRANHA TEAL PIRANHA TEAL ui_Col_Piranha_Green PIRANHA GREEN PIRANHA GREEN ui_Col_Piranha_Yellow PIRANHA YELLOW PIRANHA YELLOW ui_Pal_Piranha PIRANHA PIRANHA @ui_title_MWOWC2017Gold WC 2017 Gold Champ WC 2017 Gold Champ @ui_title_MWOWC2017Gold_desc WC 2017 Gold Title WC 2017 Gold Title @ui_title_MWOWC2017Silver WC 2017 Silver Champ WC 2017 Silver Champ @ui_title_MWOWC2017Silver_desc WC 2017 Silver Title WC 2017 Silver Title @ui_title_MWOWC2017Bronze WC 2017 Bronze Champ WC 2017 Bronze Champ @ui_title_MWOWC2017Bronze_desc WC 2017 Bronze Title WC 2017 Bronze Title @ui_title_MWOWC2017Qualifier WC 2017 Qualifier WC 2017 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOWC2017Qualifier_desc WC 2017 Qualifier Title WC 2017 Qualifier Title @ui_title_MWOWC2017Participant WC 2017 Participant WC 2017 Participant @ui_title_MWOWC2017Participant_desc WC 2017 Participant Title WC 2017 Participant Title @ui_title_MWOWC2017Shoutcaster WC 2017 Shoutcaster WC 2017 Shoutcaster @ui_title_MWOWC2017Shoutcaster_desc WC 2017 Shoutcaster Title WC 2017 Shoutcaster Title ui_Decal_pinupgirl_valentine_std GIRL IN RED DRESS GIRL IN RED DRESS ui_Decal_pinupgirl_valentine_pink_std GIRL IN PINK DRESS GIRL IN PINK DRESS ui_Decal_cardsuit_spade_clr SPADE SPADE ui_Decal_cardsuit_club_clr CLUB CLUB ui_Decal_cardsuit_diamond_clr DIAMOND DIAMOND ui_acc ACC ACC ui_CompPlayDisabledBody Competitive Play is closed for this season. Results from the most recent season are available on Competitive Play is closed for this season. Results from the most recent season are available on ui_CompPlayDisabled Comp Play Inactive Comp Play Inactive ui_Solaris_ContractTime CONTRACT TIME LEFT: CONTRACT TIME LEFT: bird_pendant_name Bird Pendant Bird Pendant bird_pendant_desc Bird Pendant Hanging Item Bird Pendant Hanging Item nest_name Nest Nest nest_desc Nest Standing Item Nest Standing Item lanner_falcon_name Lanner Falcon Lanner Falcon lanner_falcon_desc Lanner Falcon Standing Item Lanner Falcon Standing Item cuckoo_name Cuckoo Warhorn Cuckoo Warhorn cuckoo_desc Cuckoo Warhorn Mounted Cockpit Item Cuckoo Warhorn Mounted Cockpit Item triskelion_name Triskelion Warhorn Triskelion Warhorn triskelion_desc Triskelion Warhorn - Saint Patrick's Day Cockpit Item Triskelion Warhorn - Saint Patrick's Day Cockpit Item ui_Base Base Base ui_Sponsor0 Meers-Skobel Defense Corp. Meers-Skobel Defense Corp. ui_Sponsor1 Solaris Arms Solaris Arms ui_Sponsor2 Norse-Storm Technologies Inc. Norse-Storm Technologies Inc. ui_Sponsor3 Silver Wyrm Ltd. Silver Wyrm Ltd. ui_Sponsor4 OmniTech Industries OmniTech Industries ui_Sponsor5 O’Niel BattleMechs O’Niel BattleMechs ui_Sponsor6 Triple-F Restaurants Triple-F Restaurants ui_Sponsor7 Blue Shot Weapons Blue Shot Weapons ui_Sponsor8 VEST VEST emechmodel_blacklanner BLACK LANNER BLACK LANNER bkl-primes BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME(S) BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME(S) bkl-primes_desc BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME(S) description BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME(S) bkl-primes_short BKL-PRIME(S) BKL-PRIME(S) bkl-prime BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME bkl-prime_desc BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME description BLACK LANNER BKL-PRIME bkl-prime_short BKL-PRIME BKL-PRIME bkl-a BLACK LANNER BKL-A BLACK LANNER BKL-A bkl-a_desc BLACK LANNER BKL-A description BLACK LANNER BKL-A bkl-a_short BKL-A BKL-A bkl-c BLACK LANNER BKL-C BLACK LANNER BKL-C bkl-c_desc BLACK LANNER BKL-C description BLACK LANNER BKL-C bkl-c_short BKL-C BKL-C bkl-d BLACK LANNER BKL-D BLACK LANNER BKL-D bkl-d_desc BLACK LANNER BKL-D description BLACK LANNER BKL-D bkl-d_short BKL-D BKL-D bkl-e BLACK LANNER BKL-E BLACK LANNER BKL-E bkl-e_desc BLACK LANNER BKL-E description BLACK LANNER BKL-E bkl-e_short BKL-E BKL-E bkl-bl BELLONARIUS BELLONARIUS bkl-bl_desc The Personal 'Mech of Samantha Clees The Personal 'Mech of Samantha Clees bkl-bl_short BKL-BL BKL-BL omnipod_bkl-prime_head BKL-PRIME HEAD BKL-PRIME HEAD omnipod_bkl-prime_head_desc BKL-PRIME Head OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-prime_left_arm BKL-PRIME LEFT ARM BKL-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_bkl-prime_left_arm_desc BKL-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-prime_left_torso BKL-PRIME LEFT TORSO BKL-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_bkl-prime_left_torso_desc BKL-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-prime_right_torso BKL-PRIME RIGHT TORSO BKL-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_bkl-prime_right_torso_desc BKL-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-prime_centre_torso BKL-PRIME CENTER TORSO BKL-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_bkl-prime_centre_torso_desc BKL-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-prime_right_arm BKL-PRIME RIGHT ARM BKL-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_bkl-prime_right_arm_desc BKL-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-prime_left_leg BKL-PRIME LEFT LEG BKL-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_bkl-prime_left_leg_desc BKL-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-prime_right_leg BKL-PRIME RIGHT LEG BKL-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_bkl-prime_right_leg_desc BKL-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. BKL-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_head BKL-A HEAD BKL-A HEAD omnipod_bkl-A_head_desc BKL-A Head OmniPod. BKL-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_left_arm BKL-A LEFT ARM BKL-A LEFT ARM omnipod_bkl-A_left_arm_desc BKL-A Left Arm OmniPod. BKL-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_left_torso BKL-A LEFT TORSO BKL-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_bkl-A_left_torso_desc BKL-A Left Torso OmniPod. BKL-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_right_torso BKL-A RIGHT TORSO BKL-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_bkl-A_right_torso_desc BKL-A Right Torso OmniPod. BKL-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_centre_torso BKL-A CENTER TORSO BKL-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_bkl-A_centre_torso_desc BKL-A Center Torso OmniPod. BKL-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_right_arm BKL-A RIGHT ARM BKL-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_bkl-A_right_arm_desc BKL-A Right Arm OmniPod. BKL-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_left_leg BKL-A LEFT LEG BKL-A LEFT LEG omnipod_bkl-A_left_leg_desc BKL-A Left Leg OmniPod. BKL-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-A_right_leg BKL-A RIGHT LEG BKL-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_bkl-A_right_leg_desc BKL-A Right Leg OmniPod. BKL-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_head BKL-C HEAD BKL-C HEAD omnipod_bkl-C_head_desc BKL-C Head OmniPod. BKL-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_left_arm BKL-C LEFT ARM BKL-C LEFT ARM omnipod_bkl-C_left_arm_desc BKL-C Left Arm OmniPod. BKL-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_left_torso BKL-C LEFT TORSO BKL-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_bkl-C_left_torso_desc BKL-C Left Torso OmniPod. BKL-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_right_torso BKL-C RIGHT TORSO BKL-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_bkl-C_right_torso_desc BKL-C Right Torso OmniPod. BKL-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_centre_torso BKL-C CENTER TORSO BKL-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_bkl-C_centre_torso_desc BKL-C Center Torso OmniPod. BKL-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_right_arm BKL-C RIGHT ARM BKL-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_bkl-C_right_arm_desc BKL-C Right Arm OmniPod. BKL-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_left_leg BKL-C LEFT LEG BKL-C LEFT LEG omnipod_bkl-C_left_leg_desc BKL-C Left Leg OmniPod. BKL-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-C_right_leg BKL-C RIGHT LEG BKL-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_bkl-C_right_leg_desc BKL-C Right Leg OmniPod. BKL-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_head BKL-D HEAD BKL-D HEAD omnipod_bkl-D_head_desc BKL-D Head OmniPod. BKL-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_left_arm BKL-D LEFT ARM BKL-D LEFT ARM omnipod_bkl-D_left_arm_desc BKL-D Left Arm OmniPod. BKL-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_left_torso BKL-D LEFT TORSO BKL-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_bkl-D_left_torso_desc BKL-D Left Torso OmniPod. BKL-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_right_torso BKL-D RIGHT TORSO BKL-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_bkl-D_right_torso_desc BKL-D Right Torso OmniPod. BKL-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_centre_torso BKL-D CENTER TORSO BKL-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_bkl-D_centre_torso_desc BKL-D Center Torso OmniPod. BKL-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_right_arm BKL-D RIGHT ARM BKL-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_bkl-D_right_arm_desc BKL-D Right Arm OmniPod. BKL-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_left_leg BKL-D LEFT LEG BKL-D LEFT LEG omnipod_bkl-D_left_leg_desc BKL-D Left Leg OmniPod. BKL-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-D_right_leg BKL-D RIGHT LEG BKL-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_bkl-D_right_leg_desc BKL-D Right Leg OmniPod. BKL-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_head BKL-E HEAD BKL-E HEAD omnipod_bkl-E_head_desc BKL-E Head OmniPod. BKL-E Head OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_left_arm BKL-E LEFT ARM BKL-E LEFT ARM omnipod_bkl-E_left_arm_desc BKL-E Left Arm OmniPod. BKL-E Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_left_torso BKL-E LEFT TORSO BKL-E LEFT TORSO omnipod_bkl-E_left_torso_desc BKL-E Left Torso OmniPod. BKL-E Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_right_torso BKL-E RIGHT TORSO BKL-E RIGHT TORSO omnipod_bkl-E_right_torso_desc BKL-E Right Torso OmniPod. BKL-E Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_centre_torso BKL-E CENTER TORSO BKL-E CENTER TORSO omnipod_bkl-E_centre_torso_desc BKL-E Center Torso OmniPod. BKL-E Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_right_arm BKL-E RIGHT ARM BKL-E RIGHT ARM omnipod_bkl-E_right_arm_desc BKL-E Right Arm OmniPod. BKL-E Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_left_leg BKL-E LEFT LEG BKL-E LEFT LEG omnipod_bkl-E_left_leg_desc BKL-E Left Leg OmniPod. BKL-E Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-E_right_leg BKL-E RIGHT LEG BKL-E RIGHT LEG omnipod_bkl-E_right_leg_desc BKL-E Right Leg OmniPod. BKL-E Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_head BKL-BL HEAD BKL-BL HEAD omnipod_bkl-BL_head_desc BKL-BL Head OmniPod. BKL-BL Head OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_left_arm BKL-BL LEFT ARM BKL-BL LEFT ARM omnipod_bkl-BL_left_arm_desc BKL-BL Left Arm OmniPod. BKL-BL Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_left_torso BKL-BL LEFT TORSO BKL-BL LEFT TORSO omnipod_bkl-BL_left_torso_desc BKL-BL Left Torso OmniPod. BKL-BL Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_right_torso BKL-BL RIGHT TORSO BKL-BL RIGHT TORSO omnipod_bkl-BL_right_torso_desc BKL-BL Right Torso OmniPod. BKL-BL Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_centre_torso BKL-BL CENTER TORSO BKL-BL CENTER TORSO omnipod_bkl-BL_centre_torso_desc BKL-BL Center Torso OmniPod. BKL-BL Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_right_arm BKL-BL RIGHT ARM BKL-BL RIGHT ARM omnipod_bkl-BL_right_arm_desc BKL-BL Right Arm OmniPod. BKL-BL Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_left_leg BKL-BL LEFT LEG BKL-BL LEFT LEG omnipod_bkl-BL_left_leg_desc BKL-BL Left Leg OmniPod. BKL-BL Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_bkl-BL_right_leg BKL-BL RIGHT LEG BKL-BL RIGHT LEG omnipod_bkl-BL_right_leg_desc BKL-BL Right Leg OmniPod. BKL-BL Right Leg OmniPod. ui_SolarisDivision Division %0 Division %0 UM-R68 URBANMECH UM-R68 URBANMECH UM-R68 UM-R68_desc URBANMECH UM-R68 description URBANMECH UM-R68 UM-R68_short UM-R68 UM-R68 GRF-5M GRIFFIN GRF-5M GRIFFIN GRF-5M GRF-5M_desc GRIFFIN GRF-5M description GRIFFIN GRF-5M GRF-5M_short GRF-5M GRF-5M VTR-9A1 VICTOR VTR-9A1 VICTOR VTR-9A1 VTR-9A1_desc VICTOR VTR-9A1 description VICTOR VTR-9A1 VTR-9A1_short VTR-9A1 VTR-9A1 KFX-G KIT FOX KFX-G KIT FOX KFX-G KFX-G_desc KIT FOX KFX-G description KIT FOX KFX-G KFX-G_short KFX-G KFX-G LBK-H LINEBACKER LBK-H LINEBACKER LBK-H LBK-H_desc LINEBACKER LBK-H description LINEBACKER LBK-H LBK-H_short LBK-H LBK-H @ui_title_BlackLannerStand The Lanner The Lanner @ui_title_BlackLannerStand_desc Black Lanner Standard Title Black Lanner Standard Title @ui_title_BlackLannerColl The Raptor The Raptor @ui_title_BlackLannerColl_desc Black Lanner Collectors Title Black Lanner Collectors Title ui_PatronRankChange You have ranked up in Division %0 with %1. You have ranked up in Division %0 with %1. ui_Patron1 Kallon Industries Kallon Industries ui_Patron2 StarCorps Industries StarCorps Industries ui_Patron3 Earthwerks Incorporated Earthwerks Incorporated ui_Col_Dead_Grey DEAD GREY DEAD GREY ui_Col_Low_Yellow LOW YELLOW LOW YELLOW ui_Col_Mundane_Brown MUNDANE BROWN MUNDANE BROWN ui_Decal_falcon_face_clr FALCON FACE FALCON FACE ui_Decal_falcon_strike_clr FALCON STRIKE FALCON STRIKE ui_disconnect_abbr DISC DISC ui_Has_Been_Banned has been banned. has been banned. ui_pal_blacklanner BLACK LANNER BLACK LANNER blacklanner Black Lanner Black Lanner ui_cancelMercenaryContract Cancel Contract Cancel Contract ui_PatronSelect PATRON SELECT PATRON SELECT ui_NameFilter SEARCH BY NAME: SEARCH BY NAME: ui_Select SELECT SELECT ui_NumInQueue IN QUEUE: IN QUEUE: ui_MatchTimeElapsed Match Time Elapsed: Match Time Elapsed: ui_PatronPerformance PATRON PERFORMANCE PATRON PERFORMANCE ui_CurrentSponsers CURRENT SPONSORS CURRENT SPONSORS ui_SponsorDesc Sponsors provide short-term income during the games and, unlike Patrons, can be lost. Their loyalty depends on a MechWarrior's skill on the battlefield. Sponsors provide short-term income during the games and, unlike Patrons, can be lost. Their loyalty depends on a MechWarrior's skill on the battlefield. tt_SolarisNoMech You need to select a 'Mech before you can launch. You need to select a 'Mech before you can launch. ui_UpdateContract UPDATE CONTRACT UPDATE CONTRACT ui_NoPatronSelected NO PATRON SELECTED NO PATRON SELECTED tt_SolarisReadyToLaunch Ready to search for a match Ready to search for a match ui_WinLossRatio WIN/LOSS RATIO WIN/LOSS RATIO ui_KillDeathRatio KILL/DEATH RATIO KILL/DEATH RATIO ui_AvgDamagePerMatch AVG DMG PER MATCH AVG DMG PER MATCH ui_MatchCount MATCH COUNT MATCH COUNT ui_Accolade ACCOLADES ACCOLADES tt_SolarisNoPatron You need to select a Patron before you can launch. You need to select a Patron before you can launch. tt_SolarisGroupNotReady Your group member is not ready yet Your group member is not ready yet tt_SolarisBadGroup Your Solaris Group is invalid Your Solaris Group is invalid tt_SolarisBadGroupSize Your Solaris Group size is invalid Your Solaris Group size is invalid tt_SolarisContractExpired Your Patron contract is expired. You need to select another Patron before you can launch. Your Patron contract is expired. You need to select another Patron before you can launch. tt_SolarisGroupLeaderNotReady You have not set your Solaris Group to 'Ready" You have not set your Solaris Group to 'Ready" ui_BadSolarisMech You need to select a valid 'Mech for this Solaris division. You need to select a valid 'Mech for this Solaris division. ui_RenewContract RENEW CONTRACT RENEW CONTRACT ui_SwapPatron SWAP PATRON SWAP PATRON ui_PatronSelectConfirm Are you sure want to sign with this Patron? Are you sure want to sign with this Patron? ui_Rank: RANK: RANK: ui_RenewPatron RENEW PATRON RENEW PATRON ui_Patron1_desc Founded in 2808, Kallon Industries is a military manufacturing corporation covering all types of product lines including BattleMechs, Aerospace Fighters, DropShips, and vehicles. Founded in 2808, Kallon Industries is a military manufacturing corporation covering all types of product lines including BattleMechs, Aerospace Fighters, DropShips, and vehicles. ui_Patron2_desc Manufacturer of the highly sought after GM 270 standard fusion engine, StarCorps Industries is a part supplier and tuner for BattleMechs throughout the Inner Sphere. Manufacturer of the highly sought after GM 270 standard fusion engine, StarCorps Industries is a part supplier and tuner for BattleMechs throughout the Inner Sphere. ui_Patron3_desc With a wide ranging line of products from consumer to military, Earthwerks Incorporated is one of the most diverse manufacturers in the Inner Sphere. With a wide ranging line of products from consumer to military, Earthwerks Incorporated is one of the most diverse manufacturers in the Inner Sphere. steel_spider_name Steel Spider Steel Spider steel_spider_desc Steel Spider Standing Item Steel Spider Standing Item crested_sun_name Crested Sun Crested Sun crested_sun_desc Crested Sun Hanging Item Crested Sun Hanging Item er_large_speaker_name ER Large Speaker Warhorn ER Large Speaker Warhorn er_large_speaker_desc Extra Range Large Speaker Warhorn - Mounted Cockpit Item Extra Range Large Speaker Warhorn - Mounted Cockpit Item sun_spider_walk_name Sun Spider Walk Sun Spider Walk sun_spider_walk_desc Sun Spider Walk Standing Item Sun Spider Walk Standing Item urbie_bunny_name Urbie Bunny Urbie Bunny urbie_bunny_desc Urbie Bunny - Easter 2018 Standing Item Urbie Bunny - Easter 2018 Standing Item corgi_mech_standard_name Corgi Mech Standard Corgi Mech Standard corgi_mech_special_name Corgi Mech Special Corgi Mech Special corgi_mech_hero_name Corgi Mech Hero Corgi Mech Hero corgi_mech_standard_desc Corgi Mech Standard - April Fools 2018 Standing Item Corgi Mech Standard - April Fools 2018 Standing Item corgi_mech_special_desc Corgi Mech Special - April Fools 2018 Standing Item Corgi Mech Special - April Fools 2018 Standing Item corgi_mech_hero_desc Corgi Mech Hero - April Fools 2018 Standing Item Corgi Mech Hero - April Fools 2018 Standing Item ui_SSR SSR SSR ui_BackToMWO BACK TO MWO BACK TO MWO ui_SolarisDivisions DIVISIONS DIVISIONS ui_SolarisLaunch LAUNCH LAUNCH ui_SolarisLeaderboard LEADERBOARDS LEADERBOARDS ui_NumTies TOTAL TIES TOTAL TIES ui_Col_Stinger_Brown STINGER BROWN STINGER BROWN ui_Col_Washed_Teal WASHED TEAL WASHED TEAL ui_Col_Healing_White HEALING WHITE HEALING WHITE ui_Pal_Sunspider SUN SPIDER SUN SPIDER tt_MechLab_SelectedBoltOn Equipped Bolt-on for this slot Equipped Bolt-on for this slot tt_MechLab_Equip Equip node Equip node emechmodel_sunspider SUN SPIDER SUN SPIDER sns-primes SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME(S) SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME(S) sns-primes_desc SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME(S) description SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME(S) sns-primes_short SNS-PRIME(S) SNS-PRIME(S) sns-prime SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME sns-prime_desc SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME description SUN SPIDER SNS-PRIME sns-prime_short SNS-PRIME SNS-PRIME sns-a SUN SPIDER SNS-A SUN SPIDER SNS-A sns-a_desc SUN SPIDER SNS-A description SUN SPIDER SNS-A sns-a_short SNS-A SNS-A sns-b SUN SPIDER SNS-B SUN SPIDER SNS-B sns-b_desc SUN SPIDER SNS-B description SUN SPIDER SNS-B sns-b_short SNS-B SNS-B sns-c SUN SPIDER SNS-C SUN SPIDER SNS-C sns-c_desc SUN SPIDER SNS-C description SUN SPIDER SNS-C sns-c_short SNS-C SNS-C sns-d SUN SPIDER SNS-D SUN SPIDER SNS-D sns-d_desc SUN SPIDER SNS-D description SUN SPIDER SNS-D sns-d_short SNS-D SNS-D sns-ml MANUL MANUL sns-ml_desc The Personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Tabok The Personal 'Mech of Star Colonel Tabok sns-ml_short SNS-ML SNS-ML sns-vg VANGUARD VANGUARD sns-vg_desc Sun Spider Vanguard Sun Spider Vanguard sns-vg_short SNS-VG SNS-VG omnipod_SNS-PRIME_head SNS-PRIME HEAD SNS-PRIME HEAD omnipod_SNS-PRIME_head_desc SNS-PRIME Head OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-PRIME_left_arm SNS-PRIME LEFT ARM SNS-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-PRIME_left_arm_desc SNS-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-PRIME_left_torso SNS-PRIME LEFT TORSO SNS-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-PRIME_left_torso_desc SNS-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-PRIME_right_torso SNS-PRIME RIGHT TORSO SNS-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-PRIME_right_torso_desc SNS-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-PRIME_centre_torso SNS-PRIME CENTER TORSO SNS-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-PRIME_centre_torso_desc SNS-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-PRIME_right_arm SNS-PRIME RIGHT ARM SNS-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-PRIME_right_arm_desc SNS-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-PRIME_left_leg SNS-PRIME LEFT LEG SNS-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-PRIME_left_leg_desc SNS-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-PRIME_right_leg SNS-PRIME RIGHT LEG SNS-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-PRIME_right_leg_desc SNS-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_head SNS-A HEAD SNS-A HEAD omnipod_SNS-A_head_desc SNS-A Head OmniPod. SNS-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_left_arm SNS-A LEFT ARM SNS-A LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-A_left_arm_desc SNS-A Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_left_torso SNS-A LEFT TORSO SNS-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-A_left_torso_desc SNS-A Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_right_torso SNS-A RIGHT TORSO SNS-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-A_right_torso_desc SNS-A Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_centre_torso SNS-A CENTER TORSO SNS-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-A_centre_torso_desc SNS-A Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_right_arm SNS-A RIGHT ARM SNS-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-A_right_arm_desc SNS-A Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_left_leg SNS-A LEFT LEG SNS-A LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-A_left_leg_desc SNS-A Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-A_right_leg SNS-A RIGHT LEG SNS-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-A_right_leg_desc SNS-A Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_head SNS-B HEAD SNS-B HEAD omnipod_SNS-B_head_desc SNS-B Head OmniPod. SNS-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_left_arm SNS-B LEFT ARM SNS-B LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-B_left_arm_desc SNS-B Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_left_torso SNS-B LEFT TORSO SNS-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-B_left_torso_desc SNS-B Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_right_torso SNS-B RIGHT TORSO SNS-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-B_right_torso_desc SNS-B Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_centre_torso SNS-B CENTER TORSO SNS-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-B_centre_torso_desc SNS-B Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_right_arm SNS-B RIGHT ARM SNS-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-B_right_arm_desc SNS-B Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_left_leg SNS-B LEFT LEG SNS-B LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-B_left_leg_desc SNS-B Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-B_right_leg SNS-B RIGHT LEG SNS-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-B_right_leg_desc SNS-B Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_head SNS-C HEAD SNS-C HEAD omnipod_SNS-C_head_desc SNS-C Head OmniPod. SNS-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_left_arm SNS-C LEFT ARM SNS-C LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-C_left_arm_desc SNS-C Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_left_torso SNS-C LEFT TORSO SNS-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-C_left_torso_desc SNS-C Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_right_torso SNS-C RIGHT TORSO SNS-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-C_right_torso_desc SNS-C Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_centre_torso SNS-C CENTER TORSO SNS-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-C_centre_torso_desc SNS-C Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_right_arm SNS-C RIGHT ARM SNS-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-C_right_arm_desc SNS-C Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_left_leg SNS-C LEFT LEG SNS-C LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-C_left_leg_desc SNS-C Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-C_right_leg SNS-C RIGHT LEG SNS-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-C_right_leg_desc SNS-C Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_head SNS-D HEAD SNS-D HEAD omnipod_SNS-D_head_desc SNS-D Head OmniPod. SNS-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_left_arm SNS-D LEFT ARM SNS-D LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-D_left_arm_desc SNS-D Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_left_torso SNS-D LEFT TORSO SNS-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-D_left_torso_desc SNS-D Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_right_torso SNS-D RIGHT TORSO SNS-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-D_right_torso_desc SNS-D Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_centre_torso SNS-D CENTER TORSO SNS-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-D_centre_torso_desc SNS-D Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_right_arm SNS-D RIGHT ARM SNS-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-D_right_arm_desc SNS-D Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_left_leg SNS-D LEFT LEG SNS-D LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-D_left_leg_desc SNS-D Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-D_right_leg SNS-D RIGHT LEG SNS-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-D_right_leg_desc SNS-D Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_head SNS-ML HEAD SNS-ML HEAD omnipod_SNS-ML_head_desc SNS-ML Head OmniPod. SNS-ML Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_left_arm SNS-ML LEFT ARM SNS-ML LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-ML_left_arm_desc SNS-ML Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-ML Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_left_torso SNS-ML LEFT TORSO SNS-ML LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-ML_left_torso_desc SNS-ML Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-ML Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_right_torso SNS-ML RIGHT TORSO SNS-ML RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-ML_right_torso_desc SNS-ML Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-ML Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_centre_torso SNS-ML CENTER TORSO SNS-ML CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-ML_centre_torso_desc SNS-ML Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-ML Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_right_arm SNS-ML RIGHT ARM SNS-ML RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-ML_right_arm_desc SNS-ML Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-ML Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_left_leg SNS-ML LEFT LEG SNS-ML LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-ML_left_leg_desc SNS-ML Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-ML Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-ML_right_leg SNS-ML RIGHT LEG SNS-ML RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-ML_right_leg_desc SNS-ML Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-ML Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_head SNS-VG HEAD SNS-VG HEAD omnipod_SNS-VG_head_desc SNS-VG Head OmniPod. SNS-VG Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_left_arm SNS-VG LEFT ARM SNS-VG LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-VG_left_arm_desc SNS-VG Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-VG Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_left_torso SNS-VG LEFT TORSO SNS-VG LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-VG_left_torso_desc SNS-VG Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-VG Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_right_torso SNS-VG RIGHT TORSO SNS-VG RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-VG_right_torso_desc SNS-VG Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-VG Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_centre_torso SNS-VG CENTER TORSO SNS-VG CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-VG_centre_torso_desc SNS-VG Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-VG Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_right_arm SNS-VG RIGHT ARM SNS-VG RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-VG_right_arm_desc SNS-VG Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-VG Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_left_leg SNS-VG LEFT LEG SNS-VG LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-VG_left_leg_desc SNS-VG Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-VG Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-VG_right_leg SNS-VG RIGHT LEG SNS-VG RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-VG_right_leg_desc SNS-VG Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-VG Right Leg OmniPod. rgh-ph POWERHOUSE POWERHOUSE rgh-ph_desc Roughneck Powerhouse Roughneck Powerhouse rgh-ph_short RGH-PH RGH-PH tt_MechLab_RevertBoltOns Remove all Bolt-Ons Remove all Bolt-Ons ui_Decal_sun_spider_col SUN SPIDER SUN SPIDER ui_Decal_sun_spider_nope_col NOPE NOPE @ui_title_SunSpiderStand The Spider's Web The Spider's Web @ui_title_SunSpiderStand_desc Sun Spider Standard Title Sun Spider Standard Title @ui_title_SunSpiderColl The Manul The Manul @ui_title_SunSpiderColl_desc Sun Spider Collectors Title Sun Spider Collectors Title ui_CurrentPatron CURRENT PATRON CURRENT PATRON ui_Social_ShowSolarisCard VIEW SOLARIS PLAYER CARD VIEW SOLARIS PLAYER CARD ui_ResetBoltOnsConfirm Are you sure you want to reset the Bolt-ons back to the last saved configuration? Are you sure you want to reset the Bolt-ons back to the last saved configuration? ui_ContractExpired Your Patron contract has expired. Your Patron contract has expired. axe_saw_left_name SAW AXE - LEFT SAW AXE - LEFT axe_propeller_right_name PROPELLER AXE - RIGHT PROPELLER AXE - RIGHT blade_right_name BLADE - RIGHT BLADE - RIGHT wood_mohawk_name HOPLITE COMB HOPLITE COMB crown_name CROWN CROWN laurels_name LAURELS LAURELS @carbonfiber_shield_right_name CARBON FIBER SHIELD - RIGHT CARBON FIBER SHIELD - RIGHT @shield_ibeam_left_name I-BEAM SHIELD - LEFT I-BEAM SHIELD - LEFT @czech_hedgehogs_right_name CZECH HEDGEHOG - RIGHT CZECH HEDGEHOG - RIGHT ui_Ties TIES TIES ui_Losses LOSSES LOSSES ui_CompatibleVariants COMPATIBLE 'MECHS: COMPATIBLE 'MECHS: ui_SolarisFirstBlurb Solaris VII is known across the galaxy for its 'Mech fights. Gamblers place exorbitant amounts of money on longshot bets, and fortunes are won and lost daily. Solaris City, in particular, hosts six major arenas and numerous MechWarrior stables.\n\nEvery year there is a Grand Tournament, which culminates with the naming of the year’s champion (notable champions include Gray Noton and Kai Allard-Liao). However, the games were all but suspended following the breakout of inter-House hostilities within Solaris City in 3063, resulting in numerous casualties and precipitating the FedCom Civil War. Solaris VII is known across the galaxy for its 'Mech fights. Gamblers place exorbitant amounts of money on longshot bets, and fortunes are won and lost daily. Solaris City, in particular, hosts six major arenas and numerous MechWarrior stables. \n\nEvery year there is a Grand Tournament, which culminates with the naming of the year’s champion (notable champions include Gray Noton and Kai Allard-Liao). However, the games were all but suspended following the breakout of inter-House hostilities within Solaris City in 3063, resulting in numerous casualties and precipitating the FedCom Civil War. ui_EquipMechSkillDesc_HTML <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Are you sure you want to re-equip these Skills?</p> <p align="center"><font color="#FFFFFF">Are you sure you want to re-equip these Skills?</p> ui_FirstTime Are you a first time user? Are you a first time user? ui_DivisionNum Division %0 Division %0 @Sunspider SUN SPIDER SUN SPIDER @ui_SupplyCachesUnopened UNOPENED SUPPLY CACHES UNOPENED SUPPLY CACHES spike_name SPIKE SPIKE royal_shield_back_a_name ROYAL SHIELD 1 - BACK ROYAL SHIELD 1 - BACK royal_sword_back_a_name ROYAL SWORD - BACK ROYAL SWORD - BACK royal_shield_a_name ROYAL SHIELD 2 - BACK ROYAL SHIELD 2 - BACK royal_sword_hand_a_right_name ROYAL SWORD - RIGHT ROYAL SWORD - RIGHT royal_sword_hand_a_left_name ROYAL SWORD - LEFT ROYAL SWORD - LEFT back_supplies_name BACKPACK BACKPACK head_trophies_name HEAD TROPHIES HEAD TROPHIES tire_spikes_shoulder_right_name TIRE PAULDRON - RIGHT TIRE PAULDRON - RIGHT tire_spikes_shoulder_left_name TIRE PAULDRON - LEFT TIRE PAULDRON - LEFT tire_spikes_elbow_right_name TIRE ELBOW GUARDS - RIGHT TIRE ELBOW GUARDS - RIGHT tire_spikes_elbow_left_name TIRE ELBOW GUARDS - LEFT TIRE ELBOW GUARDS - LEFT @ui_NoSkipIntro No - Skip Intro No - Skip Intro ui_AnnouncerDialogue Announcer Dialogue Announcer Dialogue HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronWinXP PATRON WIN XP BONUS PATRON WIN XP BONUS HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronWinACC PATRON WIN ACC BONUS PATRON WIN ACC BONUS HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronWinCB PATRON WIN CB BONUS PATRON WIN CB BONUS HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronLossXP PATRON LOSS XP BONUS PATRON LOSS XP BONUS HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronLossCB PATRON LOSS CB BONUS PATRON LOSS CB BONUS HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronLossACC PATRON LOSS ACC BONUS PATRON LOSS ACC BONUS UI_LAUNCHING_IN LAUNCHING IN LAUNCHING IN ui_Exiting_In EXITING IN EXITING IN ui_HealthRemaining HEALTH REMAINING HEALTH REMAINING ui_AccEarned ACC EARNED ACC EARNED ui_MatchNoLongerAvailable Match no longer available. Match no longer available. ui_Solaris_Defeat_2v2 YOUR TEAM HAS BEEN DEFEATED YOUR TEAM HAS BEEN DEFEATED ui_Solaris_Victory_2v2 YOUR TEAM HAS WON YOUR TEAM HAS WON ui_SupplyCacheProgression SUPPLY CACHE PROGRESSION SUPPLY CACHE PROGRESSION tt_SolarisInvalidMech Unable to launch. Your selected 'Mech is not valid for use in Solaris. Unable to launch. Your selected 'Mech is not valid for use in Solaris. @EMechDecalSlot_7 Slot 7 Slot 7 @EMechDecalSlot_8 Slot 8 Slot 8 @EMechDecalSlot_9 Slot 9 Slot 9 HUD_AWARD_SolarisFirstShotOnTarget FIRST SHOT ON TARGET FIRST SHOT ON TARGET ui_Solaris_Tie_2v2 NEITHER TEAM HAS WON NEITHER TEAM HAS WON EMapType_SteinerColiseum Steiner Coliseum Steiner Coliseum EMapType_BorealReach Boreal Reach Boreal Reach EMapType_LiaoJungle Liao Jungle Liao Jungle EMapType_MechFactory Mech Factory Mech Factory EMapType_IshiyamaCaves Ishiyama Caves Ishiyama Caves ui_private_1v1_d [S7] ISHIYAMA CAVES [S7] ISHIYAMA CAVES ui_Private_1v1_d_detail1 -9 C -9 C ui_Private_1v1_d_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_Private_1V1_d_detail3 23% 23% ach_Solaris_TheDebutante The Debutante The Debutante ach_Solaris_TheDebutante_desc Complete a 1V1 match in Solaris Complete a 1V1 match in Solaris ach_Solaris_Pairs Pairs Pairs ach_Solaris_Pairs_desc Complete a 2V2 match in Solaris Complete a 2V2 match in Solaris ach_Solaris_TheyLoveMe They Love Me They Love Me ach_Solaris_TheyLoveMe_desc Earn a sponsor in 1v1 Solaris Earn a sponsor in 1v1 Solaris ach_Solaris_TheyReallyLoveMe They Really Love Me They Really Love Me ach_Solaris_Featherweight Featherweight Featherweight ach_Solaris_Featherweight_desc Win 5 1V1 matches in Solaris Win 5 1V1 matches in Solaris ach_Solaris_Lightweight Lightweight Lightweight ach_Solaris_Lightweight_desc Win 15 1V1 matches in Solaris Win 15 1V1 matches in Solaris ach_Solaris_Middleweight Middleweight Middleweight ach_Solaris_Middleweight_desc Win 50 1V1 matches in Solaris Win 50 1V1 matches in Solaris ach_Solaris_Heavyweight Heavyweight Heavyweight ach_Solaris_Heavyweight_desc Win 100 1V1 matches in Solaris Win 100 1V1 matches in Solaris ach_Solaris_SolarisChampion Solaris Champion Solaris Champion ach_Solaris_SolarisChampion_desc Be #1 in any Solaris division after 50 1v1 matches Be #1 in any Solaris division after 50 1v1 matches ach_Solaris_SoVain So Vain So Vain ach_Solaris_SoVain_desc Equip a bolt-on to any 'Mech Equip a bolt-on to any 'Mech ach_Solaris_MirrorMirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror ach_Solaris_MirrorMirror_desc Equip a bolt-on in every bolt-on slot of a single 'Mech Equip a bolt-on in every bolt-on slot of a single 'Mech EGameType_Solaris Solaris Solaris EGameMode_Solaris Solaris Solaris tt_SolarisMechInUse Unable to launch. Your selected 'Mech is currently in a match. Unable to launch. Your selected 'Mech is currently in a match. tt_SocialScreen_ShowSolarisCard View selected player's Solaris Player Card View selected player's Solaris Player Card shouldercage_right_name SHOULDER CAGE - RIGHT SHOULDER CAGE - RIGHT shouldercage_left_name SHOULDER CAGE - LEFT SHOULDER CAGE - LEFT mouthcage_name FACE CAGE FACE CAGE centre_torso_rear_cage_name REAR CAGE REAR CAGE armcage_left_name ARM CAGE - LEFT ARM CAGE - LEFT armcage_right_name ARM CAGE - RIGHT ARM CAGE - RIGHT elbowcage_left_name ELBOW CAGE - LEFT ELBOW CAGE - LEFT elbowcage_right_name ELBOW CAGE - RIGHT ELBOW CAGE - RIGHT submarine_bridge_name SUBMARINE BRIDGE SUBMARINE BRIDGE excavator_left_name EXCAVATOR - LEFT EXCAVATOR - LEFT excavator_right_name EXCAVATOR - RIGHT EXCAVATOR - RIGHT battery_cells_shoulder_left_name SHOULDER BATTERY CELLS - LEFT SHOULDER BATTERY CELLS - LEFT battery_cells_shoulder_right_name SHOULDER BATTERY CELLS - RIGHT SHOULDER BATTERY CELLS - RIGHT battery_cells_forearm_left_name BATTERY CELLS FOREARM - LEFT BATTERY CELLS FOREARM - LEFT battery_cells_forearm_right_name BATTERY CELLS FOREARM - RIGHT BATTERY CELLS FOREARM - RIGHT elbow_armor_left_name ELBOW ARMOR - LEFT ELBOW ARMOR - LEFT elbow_armor_right_name ELBOW ARMOR - RIGHT ELBOW ARMOR - RIGHT fatman_nuke_name NUCLEAR BOMB NUCLEAR BOMB horn_ibex_a_name IBEX HORN 1 IBEX HORN 1 horn_ibex_b_name IBEX HORN 2 IBEX HORN 2 horn_ibex_d_name IBEX HORN 4 IBEX HORN 4 horn_ibex_c_name IBEX HORN 3 IBEX HORN 3 horn_ibex_e_name IBEX HORN 5 IBEX HORN 5 horn_ibex_f_name IBEX HORN 6 IBEX HORN 6 ui_YouHaveEarnedA YOU HAVE EARNED A YOU HAVE EARNED A ESupplyCacheItemPool_1 ITEM POOL 1 ITEM POOL 1 ESupplyCacheItemPool_2 ITEM POOL 2 ITEM POOL 2 ESupplyCacheItemPool_3 ITEM POOL 3 ITEM POOL 3 ESupplyCacheItemPool_4 ITEM POOL 4 ITEM POOL 4 ui_SupplyCacheInfo_Title SUPPLY CACHE CONTENT BREAKDOWN SUPPLY CACHE CONTENT BREAKDOWN ui_SupplyCacheInfo_Desc This Supply Cache contains 1 item from each of the 4 pools shown below. Each item has an equal chance of being selected in its respective pool. This Supply Cache contains 1 item from each of the 4 pools shown below. Each item has an equal chance of being selected in its respective pool. tt_Inventory_SupplyCacheInfo Shows the breakdown of items that can be won in this Supply Cache Shows the breakdown of items that can be won in this Supply Cache tt_EndofRound_ShowDetailedStats Show breakdown of rewards Show breakdown of rewards ui_ErrorHasOccurred An error has occurred. An error has occurred. solaris7trophy_name Solaris 7 Trophy Solaris 7 Trophy solaris7trophy_desc Solaris 7 Trophy Standing Item Solaris 7 Trophy Standing Item solaris7warhorn_a_name Solaris 7 Warhorn A Solaris 7 Warhorn A solaris7warhorn_a_desc Solaris Heroes Pack Warhorn 1 Solaris Heroes Pack Warhorn 1 solaris7warhorn_b_name Solaris 7 Warhorn B Solaris 7 Warhorn B solaris7warhorn_b_desc Solaris Heroes Pack Warhorn 2 Solaris Heroes Pack Warhorn 2 solaris7warhorn_c_name Solaris 7 Warhorn C Solaris 7 Warhorn C solaris7warhorn_c_desc Solaris Heroes Pack Warhorn 3 Solaris Heroes Pack Warhorn 3 beating_heart_name Beating Heart Beating Heart beating_heart_desc Beating Heart Hanging Item Beating Heart Hanging Item cyclone_subwoofer_name Cyclone Subwoofer Cyclone Subwoofer cyclone_subwoofer_desc Cyclone Subwoofer Warhorn - Mounted Cockpit Item Cyclone Subwoofer Warhorn - Mounted Cockpit Item pool_of_wealth_name Pool of Wealth Pool of Wealth pool_of_wealth_desc Pool of Wealth Standing Item Pool of Wealth Standing Item fafnir_walk_name Fafnir Walk Fafnir Walk fafnir_walk_desc Fafnir Walk Early Adopter Standing Item Fafnir Walk Early Adopter Standing Item horn_prong_a_name PRONG HORN 1 PRONG HORN 1 horn_prong_b_name PRONG HORN 2 PRONG HORN 2 horn_prong_c_name PRONG HORN 3 PRONG HORN 3 horn_prong_d_name PRONG HORN 4 PRONG HORN 4 horn_prong_e_name PRONG HORN 5 PRONG HORN 5 horn_prong_f_name PRONG HORN 6 PRONG HORN 6 horn_ram_a_name SHORT RAM HORN 1 SHORT RAM HORN 1 horn_ram_b_name SHORT RAM HORN 2 SHORT RAM HORN 2 horn_ram_c_name SHORT RAM HORN 3 SHORT RAM HORN 3 horn_ram_d_name SHORT RAM HORN 4 SHORT RAM HORN 4 horn_ram_e_name SHORT RAM HORN 5 SHORT RAM HORN 5 horn_ram_f_name SHORT RAM HORN 6 SHORT RAM HORN 6 horn_ram_long_a_name LONG RAM HORN 1 LONG RAM HORN 1 horn_ram_long_b_name LONG RAM HORN 2 LONG RAM HORN 2 horn_ram_long_c_name LONG RAM HORN 3 LONG RAM HORN 3 horn_ram_long_d_name LONG RAM HORN 4 LONG RAM HORN 4 horn_ram_long_e_name LONG RAM HORN 5 LONG RAM HORN 5 horn_ram_long_f_name LONG RAM HORN 6 LONG RAM HORN 6 horn_blackbuck_a_name BLACKBUCK HORN 1 BLACKBUCK HORN 1 horn_blackbuck_b_name BLACKBUCK HORN 2 BLACKBUCK HORN 2 horn_blackbuck_c_name BLACKBUCK HORN 3 BLACKBUCK HORN 3 horn_blackbuck_d_name BLACKBUCK HORN 4 BLACKBUCK HORN 4 horn_blackbuck_e_name BLACKBUCK HORN 5 BLACKBUCK HORN 5 horn_blackbuck_f_name BLACKBUCK HORN 6 BLACKBUCK HORN 6 ui_accbreakdown ACCOLADE BREAKDOWN ACCOLADE BREAKDOWN UI_NotReady NOT READY NOT READY ui_RewardsBreakdown REWARDS BREAKDOWN REWARDS BREAKDOWN ui_EloDelta ELO CHANGE ELO CHANGE ui_ViewSponsors CURRENT SPONSORS CURRENT SPONSORS ui_Pal_Fafnir FAFNIR FAFNIR ui_Col_Crystal_Blue CRYSTAL BLUE CRYSTAL BLUE ui_Col_Searing_Orange SEARING ORANGE SEARING ORANGE ui_Col_Angelic_Yellow ANGELIC YELLOW ANGELIC YELLOW ui_SelectDivision Division: Division: ui_AllSolarisDivisions All Divisions All Divisions ui_RewardsBreakdown_Text Each tab shows a breakdown of the rewards you earned from this match. Each tab shows a breakdown of the rewards you earned from this match. ui_loadout_warning_SolarisFlamer Flamers have reduced effectiveness when used in Solaris matches. Flamers have reduced effectiveness when used in Solaris matches. ui_loadout_error_WeaponArrayInvalidForSolaris Combinations of any 7 or more H-PPCs, CL ER-PPCs, CL LPLs, CL ER-LLs, and CL H-LLs are not allowed in Solaris. Combinations of any 7 or more H-PPCs, CL ER-PPCs, CL LPLs, CL ER-LLs, and CL H-LLs are not allowed in Solaris. tt_SolarisNotReady You are not ready yet You are not ready yet ui_WaitingForMatch WAITING FOR MATCH WAITING FOR MATCH emechmodel_fafnir FAFNIR FAFNIR fafnir FAFNIR FAFNIR fnr-5s FAFNIR FNR-5(S) FAFNIR FNR-5(S) fnr-5s_desc FAFNIR FNR-5(S) description FAFNIR FNR-5(S) fnr-5s_short FNR-5(S) FNR-5(S) fnr-5 FAFNIR FNR-5 FAFNIR FNR-5 fnr-5_desc FAFNIR FNR-5 description FAFNIR FNR-5 fnr-5_short FNR-5 FNR-5 fnr-5b FAFNIR FNR-5B FAFNIR FNR-5B fnr-5b_desc FAFNIR FNR-5B description FAFNIR FNR-5B fnr-5b_short FNR-5B FNR-5B fnr-6u FAFNIR FNR-6U FAFNIR FNR-6U fnr-6u_desc FAFNIR FNR-6U description FAFNIR FNR-6U fnr-6u_short FNR-6U FNR-6U fnr-5e FAFNIR FNR-5E FAFNIR FNR-5E fnr-5e_desc FAFNIR FNR-5E description FAFNIR FNR-5E fnr-5e_short FNR-5E FNR-5E fnr-6r FAFNIR FNR-6R FAFNIR FNR-6R fnr-6r_desc FAFNIR FNR-6R description FAFNIR FNR-6R fnr-6r_short FNR-6R FNR-6R fnr-wr WRATH WRATH fnr-wr_desc The personal 'Mech of Archon Peter Steiner-Davion The personal 'Mech of Archon Peter Steiner-Davion fnr-wr_short FNR-WR FNR-WR AS7-KR KRAKEN KRAKEN AS7-KR_desc The personal 'Mech of Jason Bloch. The personal 'Mech of Jason Bloch. AS7-KR_short AS7-KR AS7-KR GRF-AR ARES ARES GRF-AR_desc The personal 'Mech of Peter Armstrong. The personal 'Mech of Peter Armstrong. GRF-AR_short GRF-AR GRF-AR rfl-db DAO BREAKER DAO BREAKER rfl-db_desc The personal 'Mech of Philip Capet The personal 'Mech of Philip Capet rfl-db_short RFL-DB RFL-DB um-sc STREET CLEANER STREET CLEANER um-sc_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown Capellan Mafia Pilot The personal 'Mech of an unknown Capellan Mafia Pilot um-sc_short UM-SC UM-SC mdd-rv_short MDD-RV MDD-RV mdd-rv REVENANT REVENANT mdd-rv_desc The personal 'Mech of Mechwarrior Garret The personal 'Mech of Mechwarrior Garret FS9-FS FIRESTORM FIRESTORM FS9-FS_short FS9-FS FS9-FS FS9-FS_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown Capellan Mafia Pilot The personal 'Mech of an unknown Capellan Mafia Pilot bnc-sr SIREN SIREN bnc-sr_short BNC-SR BNC-SR bnc-sr_desc The personal 'Mech of Victor Vandergriff The personal 'Mech of Victor Vandergriff omnipod_mdd-rv_head MDD-RV HEAD MDD-RV HEAD omnipod_mdd-rv_head_desc MDD-RV Head OmniPod. MDD-RV Head OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-rv_left_arm MDD-RV LEFT ARM MDD-RV LEFT ARM omnipod_mdd-rv_left_arm_desc MDD-RV Left Arm OmniPod. MDD-RV Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-rv_left_torso MDD-RV LEFT TORSO MDD-RV LEFT TORSO omnipod_mdd-rv_left_torso_desc MDD-RV Left Torso OmniPod. MDD-RV Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-rv_right_torso MDD-RV RIGHT TORSO MDD-RV RIGHT TORSO omnipod_mdd-rv_right_torso_desc MDD-RV Right Torso OmniPod. MDD-RV Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-rv_centre_torso MDD-RV CENTER TORSO MDD-RV CENTER TORSO omnipod_mdd-rv_centre_torso_desc MDD-RV Center Torso OmniPod. MDD-RV Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-rv_right_arm MDD-RV RIGHT ARM MDD-RV RIGHT ARM omnipod_mdd-rv_right_arm_desc MDD-RV Right Arm OmniPod. MDD-RV Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-rv_left_leg MDD-RV LEFT LEG MDD-RV LEFT LEG omnipod_mdd-rv_left_leg_desc MDD-RV Left Leg OmniPod. MDD-RV Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_mdd-rv_right_leg MDD-RV RIGHT LEG MDD-RV RIGHT LEG omnipod_mdd-rv_right_leg_desc MDD-RV Right Leg OmniPod. MDD-RV Right Leg OmniPod. NSR-9Pc NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P(C) NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P(C) rgh-1ac ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(C) ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(C) rgh-1ac_desc ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(C) description ROUGHNECK RGH-1A(C) rgh-1ac_short RGH-1A(C) RGH-1A(C) bsw-s2c BUSHWACKER BSW-S2(C) BUSHWACKER BSW-S2(C) bsw-s2c_desc BUSHWACKER BSW-S2(C) description BUSHWACKER BSW-S2(C) bsw-s2c_short BSW-S2(C) BSW-S2(C) asn-101c ASSASSIN ASN-101(C) ASSASSIN ASN-101(C) asn-101c_desc ASSASSIN ASN-101(C) description ASSASSIN ASN-101(C) asn-101c_short ASN-101(C) ASN-101(C) OSR-1VC OSIRIS OSR-1V(C) OSIRIS OSR-1V(C) OSR-1VC_desc OSIRIS OSR-1V(C) description OSIRIS OSR-1V(C) OSR-1VC_short OSR-1V(C) OSR-1V(C) uzl-3PC UZIEL UZL-3P(C) UZIEL UZL-3P(C) uzl-3PC_desc UZIEL UZL-3P(C) description UZIEL UZL-3P(C) uzl-3PC_short UZL-3P(C) UZL-3P(C) mdd-cc MAD DOG MDD-C(C) MAD DOG MDD-C(C) mdd-cc_desc MAD DOG MDD-C(C) description MAD DOG MDD-C(C) description mdd-cc_short MDD-C(C) MDD-C(C) NSR-9PC_desc NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P(C) description NIGHTSTAR NSR-9P(C) NSR-9Pc_short NSR-9P(C) NSR-9P(C) tt_Settings_AnnouncerDialogue Enable or disable announcer dialogue. Enable or disable announcer dialogue. @ui_title_FafnirStand The Fearless The Fearless @ui_title_FafnirStand_desc Fafnir Standard Title Fafnir Standard Title @ui_title_FafnirColl The Wrath The Wrath @ui_title_FafnirColl_desc Fafnir Collectors Title Fafnir Collectors Title ui_Decal_fafnir_gold_std GOLD BARS GOLD BARS ui_Decal_fafnir_std FAFNIR THE DRAGON FAFNIR THE DRAGON ui_Decal_bullhead_clr BULLHEAD ARMOR BULLHEAD ARMOR ui_Decal_enhanced_clr ENHANCED GUIDANCE SYSTEMS ENHANCED GUIDANCE SYSTEMS ui_Decal_impact_clr HIGH IMPACT BALLISTICS HIGH IMPACT BALLISTICS ui_Decal_jumpjuice_clr JUMP JET FUEL JUMP JET FUEL ui_Decal_myomar_clr MUSCLEBOUND MUSCLEBOUND ui_Decal_savior_clr SAVIOR AMS SYSTEMS SAVIOR AMS SYSTEMS ui_loadout_warning_SolarisNoConsumables Consumables are prohibited from use in Solaris matches. Consumables are prohibited from use in Solaris matches. ui_SponsorLevelSoloIncrease You gained the following Sponsor(s) in Solo Division %0: You gained the following Sponsor(s) in Solo Division %0: ui_SponsorLevelGroupIncrease You gained the following Sponsor(s) in Group Division %0: You gained the following Sponsor(s) in Group Division %0: ui_SponsorLevelSoloDecrease You lost the following Sponsor(s) in Solo Division %0: You lost the following Sponsor(s) in Solo Division %0: ui_SponsorLevelGroupDecrease You lost the following Sponsor(s) in Group Division %0: You lost the following Sponsor(s) in Group Division %0: ui_SupplyCacheProgress Supply Cache Progress Supply Cache Progress horn_yak_a_name YAK HORN 1 YAK HORN 1 horn_yak_b_name YAK HORN 2 YAK HORN 2 horn_yak_c_name YAK HORN 3 YAK HORN 3 horn_yak_d_name YAK HORN 4 YAK HORN 4 horn_yak_e_name YAK HORN 5 YAK HORN 5 horn_yak_f_name YAK HORN 6 YAK HORN 6 tusk_boar_a_name BOAR TUSK 1 BOAR TUSK 1 tusk_boar_b_name BOAR TUSK 2 BOAR TUSK 2 tusk_boar_c_name BOAR TUSK 3 BOAR TUSK 3 tusk_boar_d_name BOAR TUSK 4 BOAR TUSK 4 tusk_boar_e_name BOAR TUSK 5 BOAR TUSK 5 tusk_boar_f_name BOAR TUSK 6 BOAR TUSK 6 tusk_elephant_a_name ELEPHANT TUSK 1 ELEPHANT TUSK 1 tusk_elephant_b_name ELEPHANT TUSK 2 ELEPHANT TUSK 2 tusk_elephant_c_name ELEPHANT TUSK 3 ELEPHANT TUSK 3 tusk_elephant_d_name ELEPHANT TUSK 4 ELEPHANT TUSK 4 tusk_elephant_e_name ELEPHANT TUSK 5 ELEPHANT TUSK 5 tusk_elephant_f_name ELEPHANT TUSK 6 ELEPHANT TUSK 6 tusk_mammoth_a_name MAMMOTH TUSK 1 MAMMOTH TUSK 1 tusk_mammoth_b_name MAMMOTH TUSK 2 MAMMOTH TUSK 2 tusk_mammoth_c_name MAMMOTH TUSK 3 MAMMOTH TUSK 3 tusk_mammoth_d_name MAMMOTH TUSK 4 MAMMOTH TUSK 4 tusk_mammoth_e_name MAMMOTH TUSK 5 MAMMOTH TUSK 5 tusk_mammoth_f_name MAMMOTH TUSK 6 MAMMOTH TUSK 6 nails_a_left_name NAILS 1 - LEFT NAILS 1 - LEFT nails_a_right_name NAILS 1 - RIGHT NAILS 1 - RIGHT nails_b_left_name NAILS 2 - LEFT NAILS 2 - LEFT nails_b_right_name NAILS 2 - RIGHT NAILS 2 - RIGHT nails_c_left_name NAILS 3 - LEFT NAILS 3 - LEFT nails_c_right_name NAILS 3 - RIGHT NAILS 3 - RIGHT nails_d_left_name NAILS 4 - LEFT NAILS 4 - LEFT nails_d_right_name NAILS 4 - RIGHT NAILS 4 - RIGHT nails_centurion_a_name CENTURION NAILS 1 CENTURION NAILS 1 nails_centurion_b_name CENTURION NAILS 2 CENTURION NAILS 2 nails_centurion_c_name CENTURION NAILS 3 CENTURION NAILS 3 nails_centurion_d_name CENTURION NAILS 4 CENTURION NAILS 4 nails_curved_a_left_name CURVED NAILS 1 - LEFT CURVED NAILS 1 - LEFT nails_curved_a_right_name CURVED NAILS 1 - RIGHT CURVED NAILS 1 - RIGHT nails_curved_b_left_name CURVED NAILS 2 - LEFT CURVED NAILS 2 - LEFT nails_curved_b_right_name CURVED NAILS 2 - RIGHT CURVED NAILS 2 - RIGHT nails_curved_c_left_name CURVED NAILS 3 - LEFT CURVED NAILS 3 - LEFT nails_curved_c_right_name CURVED NAILS 3 - RIGHT CURVED NAILS 3 - RIGHT nails_curved_d_left_name CURVED NAILS 4 - LEFT CURVED NAILS 4 - LEFT nails_curved_d_right_name CURVED NAILS 4 - RIGHT CURVED NAILS 4 - RIGHT nails_straight_a_right_name STRAIGHT NAILS 1 - RIGHT STRAIGHT NAILS 1 - RIGHT nails_straight_b_left_name STRAIGHT NAILS 2 - LEFT STRAIGHT NAILS 2 - LEFT nails_straight_b_right_name STRAIGHT NAILS 2 - RIGHT STRAIGHT NAILS 2 - RIGHT nails_straight_c_left_name STRAIGHT NAILS 3 - LEFT STRAIGHT NAILS 3 - LEFT nails_straight_c_right_name STRAIGHT NAILS 3 - RIGHT STRAIGHT NAILS 3 - RIGHT nails_straight_d_right_name STRAIGHT NAILS 4 - RIGHT STRAIGHT NAILS 4 - RIGHT kabuki_mask_name KABUKI MASK KABUKI MASK angel_wing_a_name ANGEL WINGS 1 ANGEL WINGS 1 angel_wing_b_name ANGEL WINGS 2 ANGEL WINGS 2 angel_wing_c_name ANGEL WINGS 3 ANGEL WINGS 3 angel_wing_collapsed_a_name COLLAPSED ANGEL WINGS 1 COLLAPSED ANGEL WINGS 1 angel_wing_collapsed_b_name COLLAPSED ANGEL WINGS 2 COLLAPSED ANGEL WINGS 2 angel_wing_collapsed_c_name COLLAPSED ANGEL WINGS 3 COLLAPSED ANGEL WINGS 3 @hedgehogs_rear_name CZECH HEDGEHOGS - REAR CZECH HEDGEHOGS - REAR hedgehogs_forearm_left_name CZECH HEDGEHOGS - LEFT CZECH HEDGEHOGS - LEFT antenna_camera_name ANTENNA CAMERA ANTENNA CAMERA antenna_radar_name ANTENNA RADAR ANTENNA RADAR antenna_pentagon_name ANTENNA PENTAGON ANTENNA PENTAGON antenna_solar_name ANTENNA SOLAR ANTENNA SOLAR power_coil_rear_name POWER COIL - REAR POWER COIL - REAR power_coil_shoulder_left_name POWER COIL - LEFT SHOULDER POWER COIL - LEFT SHOULDER power_coil_shoulder_right_name POWER COIL - RIGHT SHOULDER POWER COIL - RIGHT SHOULDER nails_straight_a_left_name STRAIGHT NAILS 1 - LEFT STRAIGHT NAILS 1 - LEFT nails_straight_d_left_name STRAIGHT NAILS 4 - LEFT STRAIGHT NAILS 4 - LEFT ui_PrioritySolarisSolo You are next in queue! Please note that if you leave the Launch Queue now you will lose your priority spot. You are next in queue! Please note that if you leave the Launch Queue now you will lose your priority spot. ui_MustSelectPatron You need to select a Patron before you can launch. You need to select a Patron before you can launch. ui_SolarisAccBonusText %0% SOLARIS ACC BONUS %0% SOLARIS ACC BONUS ui_forearm FOREARM FOREARM ui_LeaderboardRank Leaderboard Rank Leaderboard Rank ui_PatronAtMaximum Division Rank 10 Achieved Division Rank 10 Achieved tt_SolarisReady Ready Group to search for a match Ready Group to search for a match ui_UnableToSellMech_Items Unable to sell 'Mech because equipped items cannot be sold. Please unequip these item and then try again. Unable to sell 'Mech because equipped items cannot be sold. Please unequip these item and then try again. HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronCB PATRON CB REWARD PATRON CB REWARD HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronXP PATRON XP REWARD PATRON XP REWARD HUD_AWARD_SolarisPatronACC PATRON ACC REWARD PATRON ACC REWARD ui_SolarisLeaderBoardDesc Leaderboard updated every 15 minutes Leaderboard updated every 15 minutes tt_SolarisRegionSelect Select your preferred region Select your preferred region tt_SolarisLeaderboards View the Solaris Leaderboards View the Solaris Leaderboards tt_ShowPlayerCardPlayer View your Player Card View your Player Card tt_SolarisLaunch Search for a Solaris match Search for a Solaris match tt_SolarisInfo Learn more about Solaris 7 Learn more about Solaris 7 tt_1pv View your 'Mech in first person view View your 'Mech in First-Person view tt_ShowPlayerCard View Player Card View Player Card tt_SolarisHome Solaris 7 landing page, news and community updates Solaris 7 landing page, news and community updates ui_ClickToRejoin CLICK TO REJOIN MATCH CLICK TO REJOIN MATCH tt_ShowPlayerCardPartner View your group member's Player Card View your group member's Player Card tt_SolarisReadyButton Click to ready your group Click to ready your group ui_EquippingSupplyCacheItemWarning You will not be able to return to view the other content in the opened Supply Cache if you leave to equip this item. You will not be able to return to view the other content in the opened Supply Cache if you leave to equip this item. ui_Sponsor9 Defiance Industries Defiance Industries ui_Proceed PROCEED PROCEED ui_PlayerOne Player One Player One ui_PlayerTwo Player Two Player Two ui_Solaris_Defeat_1v1 YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED ui_Solaris_Victory_1v1 YOU HAVE WON YOU HAVE WON ui_Solaris_Tie_1v1 NEITHER PLAYER HAVE WON NEITHER PLAYER HAVE WON ui_ProgressionStatus Progression Status: Progression Status: ui_Rank10Achieved Rank 10 Achieved Rank 10 Achieved ach_Solaris_TheyReallyLoveMe_desc Earn all 10 sponsors in a single divison in 1v1 Solaris Earn all 10 sponsors in a single divison in 1v1 Solaris ui_SolarisSponsorBonus SPONSOR BONUS SPONSOR BONUS ui_SolarisSeason Season %0 Season %0 ui_non-colorable Non-Colorable Non-Colorable um_police_light_a_name POLICE LIGHT POLICE LIGHT ui_PatronRankUp You have reached Rank %0 in Division %1 and have been awarded with a Supply Cache! You have reached Rank %0 in Division %1 and have been awarded with a Supply Cache! SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier1 Solaris Level 2 Supply Cache Solaris Level 2 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier2 Solaris Level 3 Supply Cache Solaris Level 3 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier3 Solaris Level 4 Supply Cache Solaris Level 4 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier4 Solaris Level 5 Supply Cache Solaris Level 5 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier5 Solaris Level 6 Supply Cache Solaris Level 6 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier6 Solaris Level 7 Supply Cache Solaris Level 7 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier7 Solaris Level 8 Supply Cache Solaris Level 8 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier8 Solaris Level 9 Supply Cache Solaris Level 9 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier9 Solaris Level 10 Supply Cache Solaris Level 10 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier10 Solaris Level 11 Supply Cache Solaris Level 11 Supply Cache SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier1_Desc Awarded for reaching level 2 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 2 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier2_Desc Awarded for reaching level 3 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 3 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier3_Desc Awarded for reaching level 4 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 4 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier4_Desc Awarded for reaching level 5 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 5 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier5_Desc Awarded for reaching level 6 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 6 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier6_Desc Awarded for reaching level 7 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 7 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier7_Desc Awarded for reaching level 8 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 8 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier8_Desc Awarded for reaching level 9 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 9 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier9_Desc Awarded for reaching level 10 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 10 in Solaris 7. SupplyCache_Solaris_Tier10_Desc Awarded for reaching level 11 in Solaris 7. Awarded for reaching level 11 in Solaris 7. tt_Achievements_Solaris View your Solaris Achievements View your Solaris Achievements ui_Solaris_Rules WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DEFEAT ALL COMPETITORS BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT WIN CONDITIONS:\n • DEFEAT ALL COMPETITORS BEFORE TIME RUNS OUT ui_Col_Mystic_Purple MYSTIC PURPLE MYSTIC PURPLE ui_Col_Flash_Blue FLASH BLUE FLASH BLUE ui_Col_Gravel_Brown GRAVEL BROWN GRAVEL BROWN ui_Pal_Bloodasp BLOOD ASP BLOOD ASP _boltontoggle Toggle Bolt-On Toggle Bolt-On @ui_title_BloodAspStand The Blood-Eye The Blood-Eye @ui_title_BloodAspStand_desc Blood Asp Standard Title Blood Asp Standard Title @ui_title_BloodAspColl The Fang The Fang @ui_title_BloodAspColl_desc Blood Asp Collectors Title Blood Asp Collectors Title bas-primes BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME(S) BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME(S) bas-primes_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME(S) description BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME(S) bas-primes_short BAS-PRIME(S) BAS-PRIME(S) bas-prime BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME bas-prime_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME description BLOOD ASP BAS-PRIME bas-prime_short BAS-PRIME BAS-PRIME bas-a BLOOD ASP BAS-A BLOOD ASP BAS-A bas-a_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-A description BLOOD ASP BAS-A bas-a_short BAS-A BAS-A bas-b BLOOD ASP BAS-B BLOOD ASP BAS-B bas-b_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-B description BLOOD ASP BAS-B bas-b_short BAS-B BAS-B bas-c BLOOD ASP BAS-C BLOOD ASP BAS-C bas-c_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-C description BLOOD ASP BAS-C bas-c_short BAS-C BAS-C bas-d BLOOD ASP BAS-D BLOOD ASP BAS-D bas-d_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-D description BLOOD ASP BAS-D bas-d_short BAS-D BAS-D bas-ra RANCOR RANCOR bas-ra_desc The Personal 'Mech of Khan Stanislov N'Buta The Personal 'Mech of Khan Stanislov N'Buta bas-ra_short BAS-RA BAS-RA omnipod_BAS-PRIME_head BAS-PRIME HEAD BAS-PRIME HEAD omnipod_BAS-PRIME_head_desc BAS-PRIME Head OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Head OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-PRIME_left_arm BAS-PRIME LEFT ARM BAS-PRIME LEFT ARM omnipod_BAS-PRIME_left_arm_desc BAS-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-PRIME_left_torso BAS-PRIME LEFT TORSO BAS-PRIME LEFT TORSO omnipod_BAS-PRIME_left_torso_desc BAS-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-PRIME_right_torso BAS-PRIME RIGHT TORSO BAS-PRIME RIGHT TORSO omnipod_BAS-PRIME_right_torso_desc BAS-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-PRIME_centre_torso BAS-PRIME CENTER TORSO BAS-PRIME CENTER TORSO omnipod_BAS-PRIME_centre_torso_desc BAS-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-PRIME_right_arm BAS-PRIME RIGHT ARM BAS-PRIME RIGHT ARM omnipod_BAS-PRIME_right_arm_desc BAS-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-PRIME_left_leg BAS-PRIME LEFT LEG BAS-PRIME LEFT LEG omnipod_BAS-PRIME_left_leg_desc BAS-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-PRIME_right_leg BAS-PRIME RIGHT LEG BAS-PRIME RIGHT LEG omnipod_BAS-PRIME_right_leg_desc BAS-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. BAS-PRIME Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_head BAS-A HEAD BAS-A HEAD omnipod_BAS-A_head_desc BAS-A Head OmniPod. BAS-A Head OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_left_arm BAS-A LEFT ARM BAS-A LEFT ARM omnipod_BAS-A_left_arm_desc BAS-A Left Arm OmniPod. BAS-A Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_left_torso BAS-A LEFT TORSO BAS-A LEFT TORSO omnipod_BAS-A_left_torso_desc BAS-A Left Torso OmniPod. BAS-A Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_right_torso BAS-A RIGHT TORSO BAS-A RIGHT TORSO omnipod_BAS-A_right_torso_desc BAS-A Right Torso OmniPod. BAS-A Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_centre_torso BAS-A CENTER TORSO BAS-A CENTER TORSO omnipod_BAS-A_centre_torso_desc BAS-A Center Torso OmniPod. BAS-A Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_right_arm BAS-A RIGHT ARM BAS-A RIGHT ARM omnipod_BAS-A_right_arm_desc BAS-A Right Arm OmniPod. BAS-A Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_left_leg BAS-A LEFT LEG BAS-A LEFT LEG omnipod_BAS-A_left_leg_desc BAS-A Left Leg OmniPod. BAS-A Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-A_right_leg BAS-A RIGHT LEG BAS-A RIGHT LEG omnipod_BAS-A_right_leg_desc BAS-A Right Leg OmniPod. BAS-A Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_head BAS-B HEAD BAS-B HEAD omnipod_BAS-B_head_desc BAS-B Head OmniPod. BAS-B Head OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_left_arm BAS-B LEFT ARM BAS-B LEFT ARM omnipod_BAS-B_left_arm_desc BAS-B Left Arm OmniPod. BAS-B Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_left_torso BAS-B LEFT TORSO BAS-B LEFT TORSO omnipod_BAS-B_left_torso_desc BAS-B Left Torso OmniPod. BAS-B Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_right_torso BAS-B RIGHT TORSO BAS-B RIGHT TORSO omnipod_BAS-B_right_torso_desc BAS-B Right Torso OmniPod. BAS-B Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_centre_torso BAS-B CENTER TORSO BAS-B CENTER TORSO omnipod_BAS-B_centre_torso_desc BAS-B Center Torso OmniPod. BAS-B Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_right_arm BAS-B RIGHT ARM BAS-B RIGHT ARM omnipod_BAS-B_right_arm_desc BAS-B Right Arm OmniPod. BAS-B Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_left_leg BAS-B LEFT LEG BAS-B LEFT LEG omnipod_BAS-B_left_leg_desc BAS-B Left Leg OmniPod. BAS-B Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-B_right_leg BAS-B RIGHT LEG BAS-B RIGHT LEG omnipod_BAS-B_right_leg_desc BAS-B Right Leg OmniPod. BAS-B Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_head BAS-C HEAD BAS-C HEAD omnipod_BAS-C_head_desc BAS-C Head OmniPod. BAS-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_left_arm BAS-C LEFT ARM BAS-C LEFT ARM omnipod_BAS-C_left_arm_desc BAS-C Left Arm OmniPod. BAS-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_left_torso BAS-C LEFT TORSO BAS-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_BAS-C_left_torso_desc BAS-C Left Torso OmniPod. BAS-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_right_torso BAS-C RIGHT TORSO BAS-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_BAS-C_right_torso_desc BAS-C Right Torso OmniPod. BAS-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_centre_torso BAS-C CENTER TORSO BAS-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_BAS-C_centre_torso_desc BAS-C Center Torso OmniPod. BAS-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_right_arm BAS-C RIGHT ARM BAS-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_BAS-C_right_arm_desc BAS-C Right Arm OmniPod. BAS-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_left_leg BAS-C LEFT LEG BAS-C LEFT LEG omnipod_BAS-C_left_leg_desc BAS-C Left Leg OmniPod. BAS-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-C_right_leg BAS-C RIGHT LEG BAS-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_BAS-C_right_leg_desc BAS-C Right Leg OmniPod. BAS-C Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_head BAS-D HEAD BAS-D HEAD omnipod_BAS-D_head_desc BAS-D Head OmniPod. BAS-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_left_arm BAS-D LEFT ARM BAS-D LEFT ARM omnipod_BAS-D_left_arm_desc BAS-D Left Arm OmniPod. BAS-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_left_torso BAS-D LEFT TORSO BAS-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_BAS-D_left_torso_desc BAS-D Left Torso OmniPod. BAS-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_right_torso BAS-D RIGHT TORSO BAS-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_BAS-D_right_torso_desc BAS-D Right Torso OmniPod. BAS-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_centre_torso BAS-D CENTER TORSO BAS-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_BAS-D_centre_torso_desc BAS-D Center Torso OmniPod. BAS-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_right_arm BAS-D RIGHT ARM BAS-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_BAS-D_right_arm_desc BAS-D Right Arm OmniPod. BAS-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_left_leg BAS-D LEFT LEG BAS-D LEFT LEG omnipod_BAS-D_left_leg_desc BAS-D Left Leg OmniPod. BAS-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-D_right_leg BAS-D RIGHT LEG BAS-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_BAS-D_right_leg_desc BAS-D Right Leg OmniPod. BAS-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_head BAS-RA HEAD BAS-RA HEAD omnipod_BAS-RA_head_desc BAS-RA Head OmniPod. BAS-RA Head OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_left_arm BAS-RA LEFT ARM BAS-RA LEFT ARM omnipod_BAS-RA_left_arm_desc BAS-RA Left Arm OmniPod. BAS-RA Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_left_torso BAS-RA LEFT TORSO BAS-RA LEFT TORSO omnipod_BAS-RA_left_torso_desc BAS-RA Left Torso OmniPod. BAS-RA Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_right_torso BAS-RA RIGHT TORSO BAS-RA RIGHT TORSO omnipod_BAS-RA_right_torso_desc BAS-RA Right Torso OmniPod. BAS-RA Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_centre_torso BAS-RA CENTER TORSO BAS-RA CENTER TORSO omnipod_BAS-RA_centre_torso_desc BAS-RA Center Torso OmniPod. BAS-RA Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_right_arm BAS-RA RIGHT ARM BAS-RA RIGHT ARM omnipod_BAS-RA_right_arm_desc BAS-RA Right Arm OmniPod. BAS-RA Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_left_leg BAS-RA LEFT LEG BAS-RA LEFT LEG omnipod_BAS-RA_left_leg_desc BAS-RA Left Leg OmniPod. BAS-RA Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-RA_right_leg BAS-RA RIGHT LEG BAS-RA RIGHT LEG omnipod_BAS-RA_right_leg_desc BAS-RA Right Leg OmniPod. BAS-RA Right Leg OmniPod. @ui_title_2018TournamentStand The Benefactor The Benefactor @ui_title_2018TournamentStand_desc WC 2018 Tournament Supporter Standard Title WC 2018 Tournament Supporter Standard Title emechmodel_bloodasp BLOOD ASP BLOOD ASP car_damaged_rear_name DAMAGED CAR - BACK DAMAGED CAR - BACK car_front_shoulder_left_name FRONT OF CAR - LEFT FRONT OF CAR - LEFT car_front_shoulder_right_name FRONT OF CAR - RIGHT FRONT OF CAR - RIGHT car_back_shoulder_left_name BACK OF CAR - LEFT BACK OF CAR - LEFT car_back_shoulder_right_name BACK OF CAR - RIGHT BACK OF CAR - RIGHT tree_pike_rear_name TREE PIKE - BACK TREE PIKE - BACK tree_club_rear_name TREE CLUB - BACK TREE CLUB - BACK tree_hammer_rear_name TREE HAMMER - BACK TREE HAMMER - BACK tree_staff_rear_name TREE STAFF - BACK TREE STAFF - BACK ghillie_head_name GHILLIE - HEAD GHILLIE - HEAD ghillie_rear_name GHILLIE - BACK GHILLIE - BACK ghillie_shoulder_left_name GHILLIE - LEFT GHILLIE - LEFT ghillie_shoulder_right_name GHILLIE - RIGHT GHILLIE - RIGHT ghillie_forearm_left_name GHILLIE FOREARM - LEFT GHILLIE FOREARM - LEFT ghillie_forearm_right_name GHILLIE FOREARM - RIGHT GHILLIE FOREARM - RIGHT spare_fueltanks_forearm_left_name FUEL TANKS - LEFT FUEL TANKS - LEFT spare_fueltanks_forearm_right_name FUEL TANKS - RIGHT FUEL TANKS - RIGHT fuelpack_forearm_left_name FUEL PACK - LEFT FUEL PACK - LEFT fuelpack_forearm_right_name FUEL PACK - RIGHT FUEL PACK - RIGHT tire_hammer_left_name TIRE HAMMER - LEFT TIRE HAMMER - LEFT tire_hammer_right_name TIRE HAMMER - RIGHT TIRE HAMMER - RIGHT helipad_forearm_left_name HELIPAD - LEFT HELIPAD - LEFT tree_pike_hand_left_name TREE PIKE - LEFT TREE PIKE - LEFT tree_pike_hand_right_name TREE PIKE - RIGHT TREE PIKE - RIGHT tree_club_hand_left_name TREE CLUB - LEFT TREE CLUB - LEFT tree_club_hand_right_name TREE CLUB - RIGHT TREE CLUB - RIGHT tree_staff_hand_left_name TREE STAFF - LEFT TREE STAFF - LEFT tree_staff_hand_right_name TREE STAFF - RIGHT TREE STAFF - RIGHT tree_hammer_hand_left_name TREE HAMMER - LEFT TREE HAMMER - LEFT tree_hammer_hand_right_name TREE HAMMER - RIGHT TREE HAMMER - RIGHT helipad_forearm_right_name HELIPAD - RIGHT HELIPAD - RIGHT junk_head_name JUNK - HEAD JUNK - HEAD junk_rear_name JUNK - BACK JUNK - BACK junk_shoulder_left_name JUNK - LEFT JUNK - LEFT junk_shoulder_right_name JUNK - RIGHT JUNK - RIGHT stonehenge_name Stonehenge Stonehenge stonehenge_desc Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2018 Standing Item Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2018 Standing Item 2018tsp_warhorn_name 2018 Tournament Warhorn 2018 Tournament Warhorn 2018tsp_warhorn_desc 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Warhorn 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Warhorn 2018tsp_standing_name 2018 Tournament Standing 2018 Tournament Standing 2018tsp_standing_desc 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Standing Item 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Standing Item 2018tsp_hanging_name 2018 Tournament Hanging 2018 Tournament Hanging 2018tsp_hanging_desc 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Hanging Item 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Hanging Item bloodasp_walk_name Blood Asp Walk Blood Asp Walk bloodasp_walk_desc Blood Asp Walk Early Adopter Standing Item Blood Asp Walk Early Adopter Standing Item steel_asp_name Steel Asp Steel Asp steel_asp_desc Steel Asp Standing Item Steel Asp Standing Item star_adder_name Star Adder Star Adder star_adder_desc Star Adder Hanging Item Star Adder Hanging Item snake_charmer_name Snake Charmer Snake Charmer snake_charmer_desc Snake Charmer Warhorn Snake Charmer Warhorn ui_capitolcity SOLARIS CITY SOLARIS CITY ui_capitolcity_detail1 19 C 19 C ui_capitolcity_detail2 1.0 1.0 ui_capitolcity_detail3 65% 65% EMapType_CapitolCity Solaris City Solaris City ui_SSRAvg Avg SSR Avg SSR ui_OtherGroupsInQueue OTHER GROUPS IN QUEUE: OTHER GROUPS IN QUEUE: tt_SolarisTrainingGrounds Test your 'Mech and explore Solaris maps Test your 'Mech and explore Solaris maps ui_Decal_gold_champions_std WC 2017 GOLD CHAMP WC 2017 GOLD CHAMP ui_Decal_silver_champions_std WC 2017 SILVER CHAMP WC 2017 SILVER CHAMP ui_Decal_bronze_champions_std WC 2017 BRONZE CHAMP WC 2017 BRONZE CHAMP ui_Decal_emp_name_clr WORD - EMPYREAL WORD - EMPYREAL ui_Decal_eon_name_clr WORD - EON SYNERGY WORD - EON SYNERGY ui_Decal_228_name_clr WORD - 228TH BW WORD - 228TH BW ui_Decal_snake_eye_std SNAKE EYE SNAKE EYE ui_Decal_fang_std SNAKE FANGS SNAKE FANGS ui_Decal_corgi_std CORGI CORGI ui_Decal_hotdog_std HOT DOG HOT DOG ui_Decal_benifactor_clr THE BENEFACTOR THE BENEFACTOR ui_Decal_qualifier_std WC 2017 QUALIFIER WC 2017 QUALIFIER @BloodAsp BLOOD ASP BLOOD ASP ui_PlayOptions_MoreInfoSolaris These options allow you to set your preferred regional servers to host your matches. Playing in regions closest to you may help decrease server latency (Ping). These options allow you to set your preferred regional servers to host your matches. Playing in regions closest to you may help decrease server latency (Ping). ui_WC_2018_Tournament WC 2018 Tournament Booster WC 2018 Tournament Booster ui_WC_2018_Tournament_desc Apply an additional 10% of Gained XP booster Apply an additional 10% of Gained XP booster sr_raptor_skull_bone_name MEGASAUR SKULL 1 - RIGHT MEGASAUR SKULL 1 - RIGHT sr_raptor_skull_hull_name MEGASAUR SKULL 3 - RIGHT MEGASAUR SKULL 3 - RIGHT sr_raptor_skull_painted_name MEGASAUR SKULL 2 - RIGHT MEGASAUR SKULL 2 - RIGHT sr_raptor_skull_rusted_name MEGASAUR SKULL 4 - RIGHT MEGASAUR SKULL 4 - RIGHT b_raptor_skull_bone_name MEGASAUR SKULL 1 - BACK MEGASAUR SKULL 1 - BACK b_raptor_skull_hull_name MEGASAUR SKULL 3 - BACK MEGASAUR SKULL 3 - BACK b_raptor_skull_painted_name MEGASAUR SKULL 2 - BACK MEGASAUR SKULL 2 - BACK b_raptor_skull_rusted_name MEGASAUR SKULL 4 - BACK MEGASAUR SKULL 4 - BACK ui_RenameFile Rename File Rename File ui_DeleteFile Delete File Delete File ui_DeleteFileBody Do you really wish to delete the file "%0" for the %1 'Mech? Do you really wish to delete the file "%0" for the %1 'Mech? ui_RenameFileBody Enter the new name for the file "%0" (for the %1 'Mech): Enter the new name for the file "%0" (for the %1 'Mech): sl_raptor_skull_bone_name MEGASAUR SKULL 1 - LEFT MEGASAUR SKULL 1 - LEFT sl_raptor_skull_painted_name MEGASAUR SKULL 2 - LEFT MEGASAUR SKULL 2 - LEFT sl_raptor_skull_hull_name MEGASAUR SKULL 3 - LEFT MEGASAUR SKULL 3 - LEFT sl_raptor_skull_rusted_name MEGASAUR SKULL 4 - LEFT MEGASAUR SKULL 4 - LEFT ui_SaveFileExists The file "%0" already exists for the %1 'Mech. Do you want to overwrite the file? The file "%0" already exists for the %1 'Mech. Do you want to overwrite the file? ui_Col_Jaundice_Yellow JAUNDICE YELLOW JAUNDICE YELLOW ui_Col_Flea_Brown FLEA BROWN FLEA BROWN ui_Col_Bloodbite_Red BLOODBITE RED BLOODBITE RED ui_Pal_Flea FLEA FLEA ui_Export EXPORT EXPORT ui_import IMPORT IMPORT ui_load LOAD LOAD tt_ExportLoadout Copy build code to your clipboard Copy build code to your clipboard tt_ImportLoadout Paste and import build code from your clipboard Paste and import build code from your clipboard tt_SaveLoadout Save build code to your local drive Save build code to your local drive tt_LoadLoadout Load build code from your local drive Load build code from your local drive ui_ExportTitle EXPORT BUILD EXPORT BUILD ui_ExportBody This %0 build code has been copied to your clipboard. You can send this code to friends to import into their MechLab where this 'Mech's loadout will be reconstructed. This %0 build code has been copied to your clipboard. You can send this code to friends to import into their MechLab where this 'Mech's loadout will be reconstructed. emechmodel_flea FLEA FLEA flea FLEA FLEA fle-17s FLEA FLE-17(S) FLEA FLE-17(S) fle-17s_desc FLEA FLE17(S) description FLEA FLE-17(S) fle-17s_short FLE-17(S) FLE-17(S) fle-17 FLEA FLE-17 FLEA FLE-17 fle-17_desc FLEA FLE-17 FLEA FLE-17 fle-17_short FLE-17 FLE-17 fle-15 FLEA FLE-15 FLEA FLE-15 fle-15_desc FLEA FLE-15 description FLEA FLE-15 fle-15_short FLE-15 FLE-15 fle-19 FLEA FLE-19 FLEA FLE-19 fle-19_desc FLEA FLE-19 description FLEA FLE-19 fle-19_short FLE-19 FLE-19 fle-20 FLEA FLE-20 FLEA FLE-20 fle-20_desc FLEA FLE-20 description FLEA FLE-20 fle-20_short FLE-20 FLE-20 fle-fa FLEA FLE-FA FLEA FLE-FA fle-fa_desc FLEA FLE-FA description FLEA FLE-FA fle-fa_short FLE-FA FLE-FA fle-r5k ROMEO 5000 ROMEO 5000 fle-r5k_desc The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Phoenix Marik-Steiner The personal 'Mech of MechWarrior Phoenix Marik-Steiner fle-r5k_short FLE-R5K FLE-R5K ui_ImportTitle IMPORT BUILD IMPORT BUILD ui_ImportText Paste a build code below to build it in your MechLab (CTRL + V to paste). Paste a build code below to build it in your MechLab (CTRL + V to paste). ui_ImportTextDifferentMech This build code is for a different 'Mech: %0. Proceed? This build code is for a different 'Mech: %0. Proceed? ui_ImportTextCurrentMech This build code is compatible with the currently selected 'Mech: %0 . Proceed? This build code is compatible with the currently selected 'Mech: %0 . Proceed? ui_SaveLoadoutTitle SAVE BUILD SAVE BUILD ui_SaveLoadoutBody Save your favourite %0 'Mech builds to your local drive.\n\nNOTE: Consumables and Cosmetic items will not be saved with the build data. Save your favourite %0 'Mech builds to your local drive.\n\nNOTE: Consumables and Cosmetic items will not be saved with the build data. ui_SaveFile SAVE SAVE ui_NewFolder NEW FOLDER NEW FOLDER ui_FilterCurrentMechType CURRENT 'MECH ONLY CURRENT 'MECH ONLY ui_LoadLoadoutTitle LOAD BUILD LOAD BUILD ui_LoadLoadoutBody Load a saved build from your local drive.\n\nNOTE: Any unsaved changes to your current build will be lost and changes from the load cannot be reverted. Load a saved build from your local drive.\n\nNOTE: Any unsaved changes to your current build will be lost and changes from the load cannot be reverted. ui_LoadFile LOAD LOAD ui_LoadLoadoutInvalid This build file is invalid. This build file is invalid. ui_LoadLoadoutCurrentMech Load a saved build from your local drive.\n\nThis build file is for the currently selected 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Any unsaved changes to your current build will be lost and changes from the load cannot be reverted. Load a saved build from your local drive.\n\nThis build file is for the currently selected 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Any unsaved changes to your current build will be lost and changes from the load cannot be reverted. ui_LoadLoadoutDifferentMech Load a saved build from your local drive.\n\nThis build file is for a different 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Any unsaved changes to your current build will be lost and changes from the load cannot be reverted. Load a saved build from your local drive.\n\nThis build file is for a different 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Any unsaved changes to your current build will be lost and changes from the load cannot be reverted. tt_UpLevel Move up a level in folder directory Move up a level in folder directory tt_MechTypeFilter Filter for currently selected 'Mech only Filter for currently selected 'Mech only tt_NewFolder Create a new folder Create a new folder tt_RenameFile Rename build file Rename build file tt_DeleteFile Delete build file Delete build file tt_LoadFile Load build file Load build file tt_SaveFile Save the current build Save the current build ui_FileLoadFailed The file "%0" failed to load. The file "%0" failed to load. ui_WillSpawnNewMech Loading this build file will result in unsaved changes being lost for the currently selected 'Mech.\n\nProceed? Loading this build file will result in unsaved changes being lost for the currently selected 'Mech.\n\nProceed? ui_SaveSkillTreeTitle SAVE SKILL TREE LAYOUT SAVE SKILL TREE LAYOUT ui_LoadSkillTreeTitle LOAD SKILL TREE LAYOUT LOAD SKILL TREE LAYOUT ui_InvalidSkillTreeString This Skill Tree layout code is invalid. This Skill Tree layout code is invalid. ui_IncompatibleSkillTreeString This Skill Tree layout code is invalid because it has nodes incompatible with the currently selected 'Mech. This Skill Tree layout code is invalid because it has nodes incompatible with the currently selected 'Mech. flea_walk_name Flea Walk Flea Walk flea_walk_desc Flea Walk Early Adopter Cockpit Item Flea Walk Early Adopter Cockpit Item flea_park_name Flea Park Flea Park flea_park_desc Flea Park Standing Cockpit Item Flea Park Standing Cockpit Item meep_warhorn_name Meep Warhorn Meep Warhorn meep_warhorn_desc Meep Warhorn Cockpit Item Meep Warhorn Cockpit Item flea_galleon_name Flea Galleon Flea Galleon flea_galleon_desc Flea Galleon Hanging Cockpit Item Flea Galleon Hanging Cockpit Item ui_PreviewMech Preview 'Mech Preview 'Mech ui_NewFolderBody Create new folder: Create new folder: ui_GenericEvent ALL ALL b_propane_tank_name PROPANE TANK - BACK PROPANE TANK - BACK @ui_title_FleaStand The Pest The Pest @ui_title_FleaStand_desc Flea Standard Title Flea Standard Title @ui_title_FleaColl The Bite The Bite @ui_title_FleaColl_desc Flea Collectors Title Flea Collectors Title ui_SkillTree Skill Tree Skill Tree ui_TOSChangeTitle Changes to Terms of Service Changes to Terms of Service ui_TOSChangeBody Our Terms of Service (TOS) have recently changed and acceptance is required in order to continue using our Services.\n\nClicking OK will take you to our Website where you must login with your MWO account to view and accept the new TOS. You will be able to login to the game and play after you have accepted the new TOS.\n\nProceed? Our Terms of Service (TOS) have recently changed and acceptance is required in order to continue using our Services.\n\nClicking OK will take you to our Website where you must login with your MWO account to view and accept the new TOS. You will be able to login to the game and play after you have accepted the new TOS.\n\nProceed? ui_Decal_flea_clr FLEA FLEA ui_Decal_meepmeep_clr MEEP MEEP MEEP MEEP ui_Decal_empyrealteamlogo_std EMPYREAL EMPYREAL ui_Decal_eonsynergyteamlogo_std EON SYNERGY EON SYNERGY ui_Decal_228thteamlogo_std 228TH BLACK WATCH 228TH BLACK WATCH ui_Badge_Short BGE BGE ui_CreateFolderFailed Failed to create a folder. Failed to create a folder. ui_FileSaveFailed Failed to save file. Failed to save file. ui_Rename Rename Rename ui_Overwrite Overwrite Overwrite ui_OverwriteFile Overwrite File Overwrite File ui_LoadBuildFile Load file Load file ui_BackslashNotAllowed The backslash character is not allowed in file/folder names. The backslash character is not allowed in file/folder names. ui_LoadBuildFileDifferentMech You are about to load the file "%0" for a different 'Mech: %1. Proceed? You are about to load the file "%0" for a different 'Mech: %1. Proceed? ui_LoadBuildFileCurrentMech You are about to load the file "%0" for the currently selected 'Mech: %1. Proceed? You are about to load the file "%0" for the currently selected 'Mech: %1. Proceed? ui_FileInUse File currently in use. File currently in use. ui_InvalidBuildFile Build file is invalid. Build file is invalid. ui_CompPlayInactiveWarning Comp Play is currently inactive due to blackout period. Comp Play is currently inactive due to blackout period. ui_CompPlayAvailableIn Comp Play available in: Comp Play available in: ui_CompVariantViolation DUPLICATE 'MECH CHASSIS NOT ALLOWED DUPLICATE 'MECH CHASSIS NOT ALLOWED ui_CompWeightViolation GROUP TONNAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED GROUP TONNAGE LIMIT EXCEEDED ui_CompPlayAvailableFor Comp Play available for: Comp Play available for: ui_LoadSaveLoadoutTitle LOADOUT PROFILE LOADOUT PROFILE ui_LoadSaveSkillsTitle SKILL TREE PROFILE SKILL TREE PROFILE ui_ImportTitle_SkillTree IMPORT SKILL TREE BUILD IMPORT SKILL TREE BUILD tt_ExportLoadout_SkillTree Copy a Skill Tree build code to your clipboard Copy a Skill Tree build code to your clipboard tt_SaveLoadout_SkillTree Save a Skill Tree build code to your local drive Save a Skill Tree build code to your local drive tt_ImportLoadout_SkillTree Paste and import a Skill Tree build code from your clipboard Paste and import a Skill Tree build code from your clipboard tt_LoadLoadout_SkillTree Load a Skill Tree build code from your local drive Load a Skill Tree build code from your local drive ui_ImportText_SkillTree Paste a Skill Tree build code below to build it in your MechLab (CTRL + V to paste). Paste a Skill Tree build code below to build it in your MechLab (CTRL + V to paste). ui_ExportTitle_SkillTree EXPORT SKILL TREE BUILD EXPORT SKILL TREE BUILD ui_ExportBody_SkillTree This Skill Tree build code has been copied to your clipboard. You can send this code to friends to import into their MechLab where the Skill Tree build will be reconstructed. This Skill Tree build code has been copied to your clipboard. You can send this code to friends to import into their MechLab where the Skill Tree build will be reconstructed. ui_SaveLoadoutBody_SkillTree Save your favourite Skill Tree builds to your local drive. Save your favourite Skill Tree builds to your local drive. ui_LoadLoadoutBody_SkillTree Load a saved Skill Tree build from your local drive. Load a saved Skill Tree build from your local drive. ui_SaveFileExists_SkillTree The file "%0" already exists. Do you want to overwrite the file? The file "%0" already exists. Do you want to overwrite the file? head_trophies_clan_name HEAD TROPHIES - CLAN HEAD TROPHIES - CLAN jet_engine_single_name JET ENGINE 1 JET ENGINE 1 jet_engine_dual_name JET ENGINE 2 JET ENGINE 2 jet_engine_triple_name JET ENGINE 3 JET ENGINE 3 ui_PriorityStatus Your team is next in queue! Please note that if you leave the Launch Queue now you will lose your priority spot. Your team is next in queue! Please note that if you leave the Launch Queue now you will lose your priority spot. stacks_chr_name EXHAUST PIPES CHROME EXHAUST PIPES CHROME stacks_blk_name EXHAUST PIPES BLACK EXHAUST PIPES BLACK dorsal_fins_name DORSAL FINS DORSAL FINS ui_InvalidBuildFile_MechId The 'Mech ID in the build code is invalid. The 'Mech ID in the build code is invalid. ui_UnableToOpenFile Failed to open file. Failed to open file. ui_InvalidBuildFile_SkillTree Failed to import/load 'Mech build code. This is a Skill Tree build code. Failed to import/load 'Mech build code. This is a Skill Tree build code. ui_InvalidSkillTreeString_Loadout Failed to import/load Skill Tree build code. This is a 'Mech build code. Failed to import/load Skill Tree build code. This is a 'Mech build code. ui_DeleteFileBody_SkillTree Do you really wish to delete the file "%0"? Do you really wish to delete the file "%0"? ui_RenameFileBody_SkillTree Enter the new name for the file "%0": Enter the new name for the file "%0": ui_TOSTitle TERMS OF SERVICE TERMS OF SERVICE ui_AcceptTOS ACCEPT TOS ACCEPT TOS ui_PrivacyPolicy PRIVACY POLICY PRIVACY POLICY ui_MailTo MAIL TO MAIL TO ui_SaveLoadoutCurrentMech Overwrite this file with the current build.\n\nThis file is for the currently selected 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Consumables and Cosmetic items will not be saved with the build data. Overwrite this file with the current build.\n\nThis file is for the currently selected 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Consumables and Cosmetic items will not be saved with the build data. ui_SaveLoadoutDifferentMech Overwrite this file with the current build.\n\nThis file is currently for a different 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Consumables and Cosmetic items will not be saved with the build data. Overwrite this file with the current build.\n\nThis file is currently for a different 'Mech: %0 .\n\nNOTE: Consumables and Cosmetic items will not be saved with the build data. hellfire_walk_name Hellfire Walk Hellfire Walk hellfire_walk_desc Hellfire Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item Hellfire Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item hellfire_missiles_name Hellfire Missiles Hellfire Missiles hellfire_missiles_desc Hellfire Missiles Hanging Cockpit Item Hellfire Missiles Hanging Cockpit Item hotrod_warhorn_name Hotrod Warhorn Hotrod Warhorn hotrod_warhorn_desc Hotrod Warhorn Cockpit Item Hotrod Warhorn Cockpit Item blazer_sidearm_name Blazer Sidearm Blazer Sidearm blazer_sidearm_desc Blazer Sidearm Standing Cockpit Item Blazer Sidearm Standing Cockpit Item emerald_cicada_name Emerald Cicada Emerald Cicada emerald_cicada_desc Emerald Cicada Summer 2018 Event Warhorn Emerald Cicada Summer 2018 Event Warhorn ui_VersionNumber Version Number %0 Version Number %0 @ui_title_HellfireStand Hell Fork Hell Fork @ui_title_HellfireStand_desc Hellfire Standard Title Hellfire Standard Title @ui_title_HellfireColl Little Devil Little Devil @ui_title_HellfireColl_desc Hellfire Collectors Title Hellfire Collectors Title ui_ViewInTG Enter Testing Grounds Enter Testing Grounds knuckles_left_name KNUCKLES - LEFT KNUCKLES - LEFT knuckles_right_name KNUCKLES - RIGHT KNUCKLES - RIGHT hand_chainsaw_left_name CHAINSAW HAND - LEFT CHAINSAW HAND - LEFT hand_chainsaw_right_name CHAINSAW HAND - RIGHT CHAINSAW HAND - RIGHT forearm_chainsaw_left_name CHAINSAW FOREARM - LEFT CHAINSAW FOREARM - LEFT forearm_chainsaw_right_name CHAINSAW FOREARM - RIGHT CHAINSAW FOREARM - RIGHT tt_MechLab_TrainingGroundsButton Take this 'Mech into Testing Grounds Take this 'Mech into Testing Grounds ui_ErrorNotPurchasable This loadout build cannot be saved because it contains items that you do not own and are not available for sale. This loadout build cannot be saved because it contains items that you do not own and are not available for sale. ui_MechLabCart MECHLAB CART MECHLAB CART ui_mechlabCartBody Equipment and costs for using this loadout: Equipment and costs for using this loadout: ui_CBTotal TOTAL C-BILL COST: TOTAL C-BILL COST: ui_MCTotal TOTAL MC COST: TOTAL MC COST: qrk_clanermediumlaser_cooldown_mult Clan ER Medium Laser Cooldown Clan ER Medium Laser Cooldown qrk_clanermediumlaser_range_mult Clan ER Medium Laser Range Clan ER Medium Laser Range qrk_clanermediumlaser_duration_mult Clan ER Medium Laser Duration Clan ER Medium Laser Duration ui_SaveFileExistsDifferentMech The file %0 already exists for a different 'Mech: %1 . Do you want to overwrite the file? The file %0 already exists for a different 'Mech: %1 . Do you want to overwrite the file? ui_Pal_Hellfire HELLFIRE HELLFIRE ui_Col_Pulsar_Purple PULSAR PURPLE PULSAR PURPLE ui_Col_Proto_Blue PROTO BLUE PROTO BLUE ui_Col_Nova_Red NOVA RED NOVA RED emechmodel_hellfire HELLFIRE HELLFIRE hellfire HELLFIRE HELLFIRE hlf-1s HELLFIRE HLF-1(S) HELLFIRE HLF-1(S) hlf-1s_desc HELLFIRE HLF-1(S) description HELLFIRE HLF-1(S) hlf-1s_short HLF-1(S) HLF-1(S) hlf-1 HELLFIRE HLF-1 HELLFIRE HLF-1 hlf-1_desc HELLFIRE HLF-1 HELLFIRE HLF-1 hlf-1_short HLF-1 HLF-1 hlf-2 HELLFIRE HLF-2 HELLFIRE HLF-2 hlf-2_desc HELLFIRE HLF-2 description HELLFIRE HLF-2 hlf-2_short HLF-2 HLF-2 hlf-a HELLFIRE HLF-A HELLFIRE HLF-A hlf-a_desc HELLFIRE HLF-A description HELLFIRE HLF-A hlf-a_short HLF-A HLF-A hlf-b HELLFIRE HLF-B HELLFIRE HLF-B hlf-b_desc HELLFIRE HLF-B description HELLFIRE HLF-B hlf-b_short HLF-B HLF-B hlf-c HELLFIRE HLF-C HELLFIRE HLF-C hlf-c_desc HELLFIRE HLF-C description HELLFIRE HLF-C hlf-c_short HLF-C HLF-C hlf-vo VOID VOID hlf-vo_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior hlf-vo_short HLF-VO HLF-VO ui_ViewCart VIEW CART VIEW CART ui_InvalidConsumables Current 'Mech has Consumables equipped in Slots other than Consumable Slot 1. Current 'Mech has Consumables equipped in Slots other than Consumable Slot 1. ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S1_Vet_std VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S1_Vet_std VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S1_Vet_std VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S1_Vet_std VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S1_Vet_std VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S1_Vet_std VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S1_Vet_std VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 1 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S1_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 ui_Decal_S7G_S1_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 ui_Decal_S7G_S1_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 ui_Decal_S7G_S1_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 1 ui_loadout_error_NoWeaponsWithAmmo No ammunition equipped. No ammunition equipped. ui_Decal_heavy_laser_std HEAVY LASER HEAVY LASER ui_Decal_hot_stuff_std HOT STUFF HOT STUFF ui_Decal_tournament_std WC 2018 TOURNAMENT SUPPORTER WC 2018 TOURNAMENT SUPPORTER s7s1_participant_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Participant S7 Se 1 Participant s7s1_participant_warhorn_desc Participant in S7 Season 1 Warhorn Participant in S7 Season 1 Warhorn gold_s7s1d1_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 1 Gold S7 Se 1 Div 1 Gold gold_s7s1d1_warhorn_desc 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 1 Warhorn 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 1 Warhorn silver_s7s1d1_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 1 Silver S7 Se 1 Div 1 Silver silver_s7s1d1_warhorn_desc 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 1 Warhorn 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 1 Warhorn bronze_s7s1d1_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 1 Bronze S7 Se 1 Div 1 Bronze bronze_s7s1d1_warhorn_desc 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 1 Warhorn 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 1 Warhorn gold_s7s1d2_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 2 Gold S7 Se 1 Div 2 Gold gold_s7s1d3_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 3 Gold S7 Se 1 Div 3 Gold gold_s7s1d4_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 4 Gold S7 Se 1 Div 4 Gold gold_s7s1d5_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 5 Gold S7 Se 1 Div 5 Gold gold_s7s1d6_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 6 Gold S7 Se 1 Div 6 Gold gold_s7s1d7_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 7 Gold S7 Se 1 Div 7 Gold bronze_s7s1d2_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 2 Bronze S7 Se 1 Div 2 Bronze bronze_s7s1d3_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 3 Bronze S7 Se 1 Div 3 Bronze bronze_s7s1d4_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 4 Bronze S7 Se 1 Div 4 Bronze bronze_s7s1d5_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 5 Bronze S7 Se 1 Div 5 Bronze bronze_s7s1d6_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 6 Bronze S7 Se 1 Div 6 Bronze bronze_s7s1d7_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 7 Bronze S7 Se 1 Div 7 Bronze silver_s7s1d2_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 2 Silver S7 Se 1 Div 2 Silver silver_s7s1d3_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 3 Silver S7 Se 1 Div 3 Silver silver_s7s1d4_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 4 Silver S7 Se 1 Div 4 Silver silver_s7s1d5_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 5 Silver S7 Se 1 Div 5 Silver silver_s7s1d6_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 6 Silver S7 Se 1 Div 6 Silver silver_s7s1d7_warhorn_name S7 Se 1 Div 7 Silver S7 Se 1 Div 7 Silver gold_s7s1d2_warhorn_desc 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 2 Warhorn 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 2 Warhorn gold_s7s1d3_warhorn_desc 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 3 Warhorn 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 3 Warhorn gold_s7s1d4_warhorn_desc 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 4 Warhorn 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 4 Warhorn gold_s7s1d5_warhorn_desc 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 5 Warhorn 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 5 Warhorn gold_s7s1d6_warhorn_desc 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 6 Warhorn 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 6 Warhorn gold_s7s1d7_warhorn_desc 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 7 Warhorn 1st in S7 Season 1 Division 7 Warhorn silver_s7s1d2_warhorn_desc 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 2 Warhorn 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 2 Warhorn silver_s7s1d3_warhorn_desc 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 3 Warhorn 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 3 Warhorn silver_s7s1d4_warhorn_desc 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 4 Warhorn 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 4 Warhorn silver_s7s1d5_warhorn_desc 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 5 Warhorn 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 5 Warhorn silver_s7s1d6_warhorn_desc 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 6 Warhorn 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 6 Warhorn silver_s7s1d7_warhorn_desc 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 7 Warhorn 2nd in S7 Season 1 Division 7 Warhorn bronze_s7s1d2_warhorn_desc 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 2 Warhorn 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 2 Warhorn bronze_s7s1d3_warhorn_desc 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 3 Warhorn 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 3 Warhorn bronze_s7s1d4_warhorn_desc 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 4 Warhorn 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 4 Warhorn bronze_s7s1d5_warhorn_desc 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 5 Warhorn 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 5 Warhorn bronze_s7s1d6_warhorn_desc 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 6 Warhorn 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 6 Warhorn bronze_s7s1d7_warhorn_desc 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 7 Warhorn 3rd in S7 Season 1 Division 7 Warhorn ui_XPBonus Chassis XP Bonus Chassis XP Bonus ui_CBBonus Chassis C-Bill Bonus Chassis C-Bill Bonus ui_AccBonus Chassis Acc Bonus Chassis Acc Bonus @ironjaw_name IRON JAW IRON JAW tt_MechLab_ViewCart View items in cart View items in cart @ui_title_VulcanStand The Scarecrow The Scarecrow @ui_title_VulcanColl The Bloodlust The Bloodlust @ui_title_VulcanStand_desc Vulcan Standard Title Vulcan Standard Title @ui_title_VulcanColl_desc Vulcan Collectors Title Vulcan Collectors Title emechmodel_vulcan VULCAN VULCAN vulcan VULCAN VULCAN vl-2ts VULCAN VL-2T(S) VULCAN VL-2T(S) vl-2ts_desc VULCAN VL-2T(S) description VULCAN VL-2T(S) vl-2ts_short VL-2T(S) VL-2T(S) vl-2t VULCAN VL-2T VULCAN VL-2T vl-2t_desc VULCAN VL-2T description VULCAN VL-2T vl-2t_short VL-2T VL-2T vl-5t VULCAN VL-5T VULCAN VL-5T vl-5t_desc VULCAN VL-5T description VULCAN VL-5T vl-5t_short VL-5T VL-5T vt-5m VULCAN VT-5M VULCAN VT-5M vt-5m_desc VULCAN VT-5M description VULCAN VT-5M vt-5m_short VT-5M VT-5M vt-5S VULCAN VT-5S VULCAN VT-5S vt-5S_desc VULCAN VT-5S description VULCAN VT-5S vt-5S_short VT-5S VT-5S vt-6M VULCAN VT-6M VULCAN VT-6M vt-6M_desc VULCAN VT-6M description VULCAN VT-6M vt-6M_short VT-6M VT-6M vl-bl BLOODLUST BLOODLUST vl-bl_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior vl-bl_short VL-BL VL-BL vulcan_fighter_name Vulcan Fighter Vulcan Fighter vulcan_fighter_desc Vulcan Aerospace Fighter Hanging Item Vulcan Aerospace Fighter Hanging Item power_hammer_name Power Hammer Power Hammer power_hammer_desc Power Hammer Mounted Cockpit Item Power Hammer Mounted Cockpit Item volcano_name Volcano Volcano volcano_desc Volcano Standing Cockpit Item Volcano Standing Cockpit Item vulcan_walk_name Vulcan Walk Vulcan Walk vulcan_walk_desc Vulcan Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item Vulcan Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item cupcake5_name YEAR 5 CUPCAKE YEAR 5 CUPCAKE cupcake5_desc Fifth year anniversary cupcake! Fifth year anniversary cupcake! 2018tsp_warhorn_b_name 2018 TSP Warhorn Blue 2018 TSP Warhorn Blue 2018tsp_hanging_b_name 2018 TSP Hanging Blue 2018 TSP Hanging Blue 2018tsp_hanging_b_desc 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Hanging Item Blue ver. 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Hanging Item Blue ver. 2018tsp_standing_b_name 2018 TSP Holo Blue 2018 TSP Holo Blue 2018tsp_standing_b_desc 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Standing Item Blue ver. 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Standing Item Blue ver. b_repair_platform_name REPAIR PLATFORM REPAIR PLATFORM enyo_club_left_name ENYO CLUB - LEFT ENYO CLUB - LEFT enyo_club_right_name ENYO CLUB - RIGHT ENYO CLUB - RIGHT sl_buzzsaw_name BUZZSAWS - LEFT BUZZSAWS - LEFT sr_buzzsaw_name BUZZSAWS - RIGHT BUZZSAWS - RIGHT utility_club_left_name UTILITY CLUB - LEFT UTILITY CLUB - LEFT utility_club_right_name UTILITY CLUB - RIGHT UTILITY CLUB - RIGHT sl_blood_asp_blades_name BLOOD ASP BLADES - LEFT BLOOD ASP BLADES - LEFT sr_blood_asp_blades_name BLOOD ASP BLADES - RIGHT BLOOD ASP BLADES - RIGHT ui_Decal_bloody_knife_std BLOODY KNIFE BLOODY KNIFE ui_Decal_scarecrow_std SCARECROW SCARECROW ui_Decal_star_5_years_col MWO ANNIVERSARY - 5 YEARS MWO ANNIVERSARY - 5 YEARS ui_Decal_v_years_col MWO ANNIVERSARY - YEAR V MWO ANNIVERSARY - YEAR V ui_Col_Burlap_Brown BURLAP BROWN BURLAP BROWN ui_Col_Hayyall_Yellow HAYYALL YELLOW HAYYALL YELLOW ui_Col_Cornstalk_green CORNSTALK GREEN CORNSTALK GREEN ui_Pal_Vulcan VULCAN VULCAN 2018tsp_warhorn_b_desc 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Warhorn Blue Ver. 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack Warhorn Blue Ver. ml_MaxReached Maximum Quantity Reached Maximum Quantity Reached ui_TopLeaderboard Leaderboard Top 12 Leaderboard Top 12 ui_CompLeaderBoardMatchDesc Leaderboard and Match list updated at 0:00 UTC. Leaderboard and Match list updated at 0:00 UTC. @h_datemono_name DATEMONO CREST DATEMONO CREST @ui_title_IncubusStand The Terror The Terror @ui_title_IncubusStand_desc Incubus Standard Title Incubus Standard Title @ui_title_IncubusColl The Handsome Devil The Handsome Devil @ui_title_IncubusColl_desc Incubus Collectors Title Incubus Collectors Title steel_dreamcatcher_name Steel Dreamcatcher Steel Dreamcatcher steel_dreamcatcher_desc Steel Dreamcatcher Hanging Item Steel Dreamcatcher Hanging Item duelist_revolvers_name Duelist Revolvers Duelist Revolvers duelist_revolvers_desc Duelist Revolvers Warhorn Duelist Revolvers Warhorn demon_name Demon Demon demon_desc Demon Standing Item Demon Standing Item incubus_walk_name Incubus Walk Incubus Walk incubus_walk_desc Incubus Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item Incubus Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item ui_MechInfoErrors Your current loadout contains errors and can not be taken into game. Your current loadout contains errors and can not be taken into game. emechmodel_incubus INCUBUS INCUBUS incubus INCUBUS INCUBUS inc-1s INCUBUS INC-1(S) INCUBUS INC-1(S) inc-1s_desc INCUBUS INC-1(S) description INCUBUS INC-1(S) inc-1s_short INC-1(S) INC-1(S) inc-1 INCUBUS INC-1 INCUBUS INC-1 inc-1_desc INCUBUS INC-1 description INCUBUS INC-1 inc-1_short INC-1 INC-1 inc-2 INCUBUS INC-2 INCUBUS INC-2 inc-2_desc INCUBUS INC-2 description INCUBUS INC-2 inc-2_short INC-2 INC-2 inc-3 INCUBUS INC-3 INCUBUS INC-3 inc-3_desc INCUBUS INC-3 description INCUBUS INC-3 inc-3_short INC-3 INC-3 inc-4 INCUBUS INC-4 INCUBUS INC-4 inc-4_desc INCUBUS INC-4 description INCUBUS INC-4 inc-4_short INC-4 INC-4 inc-5 INCUBUS INC-5 INCUBUS INC-5 inc-5_desc INCUBUS INC-5 description INCUBUS INC-5 inc-5_short INC-5 INC-5 inc-sa SABRE SABRE inc-sa_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior inc-sa_short INC-SA INC-SA ui_Pal_Incubus INCUBUS INCUBUS ui_Col_Demonshade_Purple DEMON SHADE PURPLE DEMON SHADE PURPLE ui_Col_Envy_Green ENVY GREEN ENVY GREEN ui_Col_Training_Yellow TRAINING YELLOW TRAINING YELLOW ui_LPBonus Chassis LP Bonus Chassis LP Bonus ui_Fav Fav Fav ui_Msg Msg Msg ui_GroupSize Size Size ui_Decal_Goat_Eye_Decal_std GOAT EYE GOAT EYE ui_Decal_hazard_01_std HAZARD RESPONSE TEAM HAZARD RESPONSE TEAM ui_Decal_mechanic_01_std MECHANIC MECHANIC ui_Decal_Mech_Abs_std MECH ABS MECH ABS ui_Decal_security_01_std SECURITY TEAM MEMBER SECURITY TEAM MEMBER ui_Sort_GroupStatus Sort by Group Status Sort by Group Status ui_Sort_Faction Sort by Faction Sort by Faction ui_Sort_PilotName Sort by Pilot Name Sort by Pilot Name ui_Sort_OnlineStatus Sort by Online Status Sort by Online Status ui_Sort_PendingMessage Sort by Message Pending Sort by Message Pending ui_Sort_Favorite Sort by Favorite Sort by Favorite ui_Sort_AlertType Sort by Alert Type Sort by Alert Type ui_Sort_GroupSize Sort by Group Size Sort by Group Size ui_Sort_Status Sort by Status Sort by Status qrk_autocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add Autocannon HSL Autocannon HSL qrk_nonpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Non-Pulse Laser HSL Non-Pulse Laser HSL qrk_gaussrifle_minheatpenaltylevel_add Gauss Rifle HSL Gauss Rifle HSL qrk_lbxautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add LBX Autocannon HSL LBX Autocannon HSL qrk_ultraautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add Ultra Autocannon HSL Ultra Autocannon HSL qrk_isautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Autocannon HSL IS Autocannon HSL qrk_isgaussrifle_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Gauss Rifle HSL IS Gauss Rifle HSL qrk_islbxautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LBX Autocannon HSL IS LBX Autocannon HSL qrk_isultraautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Ultra Autocannon HSL IS Ultra Autocannon HSL qrk_clanautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Autocannon HSL Clan Autocannon HSL qrk_clangaussrifle_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Gauss Rifle HSL Clan Gauss Rifle HSL qrk_clanlbxautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan LBX Autocannon HSL Clan LBX Autocannon HSL qrk_clanultraautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_a Clan UAC HSL Clan UAC HSL qrk_pulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Pulse Laser HSL Pulse Laser HSL qrk_ppcfamily_minheatpenaltylevel_add PPC Family HSL PPC Family HSL qrk_isnonpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Non-Pulse Laser HSL IS Non-Pulse Laser HSL qrk_ispulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Pulse Laser HSL IS Pulse Laser HSL qrk_clannonpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Non-Pulse Laser HSL Clan Non-Pulse Laser HSL qrk_clanpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Pulse Laser HSL Clan Pulse Laser HSL qrk_clanppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan PPC HSL Clan PPC HSL qrk_energy_minheatpenaltylevel_add Energy Weapon HSL Energy Weapon HSL qrk_lrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add LRM HSL LRM HSL qrk_srm_minheatpenaltylevel_add SRM HSL SRM HSL qrk_mrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add MRM HSL MRM HSL qrk_streaksrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add Streak SRM HSL Streak SRM HSL qrk_islrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LRM HSL IS LRM HSL qrk_issrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS SRM HSL IS SRM HSL qrk_isstreaksrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Streak SRM HSL IS Streak SRM HSL qrk_clanlrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan LRM HSL Clan LRM HSL qrk_clansrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan SRM HSL Clan SRM HSL qrk_clanstreaksrm_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Streak SRM HSL Clan Streak SRM HSL qrk_missile_minheatpenaltylevel_add Missile HSL Missile HSL qrk_flamer_minheatpenaltylevel_add Flamer HSL Flamer HSL qrk_rotaryautocannon_minheatpenaltylevel_add Rotary Autocannon HSL Rotary Autocannon HSL qrk_laser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Laser HSL Laser HSL qrk_erlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add ER Laser HSL ER Laser HSL qrk_heavylaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Heavy Laser HSL Heavy Laser HSL qrk_isautocannon2_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Autocannon 2 HSL IS Autocannon 2 HSL qrk_isautocannon5_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Autocannon 5 HSL IS Autocannon 5 HSL qrk_isautocannon10_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Autocannon 10 HSL IS Autocannon 10 HSL qrk_isautocannon20_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Autocannon 20 HSL IS Autocannon 20 HSL qrk_islbxautocannon10_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LB10-X Autocannon HSL IS LB10-X Autocannon HSL qrk_clanlbxautocannon10_minheatpenaltylevel_a Clan LB10-X Autocannon HSL Clan LB10-X Autocannon HSL qrk_isultraautocannon5_minheatpenaltylevel_ad IS Ultra Autocannon 5 HSL IS Ultra Autocannon 5 HSL qrk_clanultraautocannon2_minheatpenaltylevel_ Clan UAC 2 HSL Clan UAC 2 HSL qrk_ultraautocannon20_minheatpenaltylevel_add Ultra Autocannon 20 HSL Ultra Autocannon 20 HSL qrk_ismachinegun_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Machine Gun HSL IS Machine Gun HSL qrk_clanmachinegun_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Machine Gun HSL Clan Machine Gun HSL qrk_isflamer_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Flamer HSL IS Flamer HSL qrk_isantimissilesystem_minheatpenaltylevel_a IS Anti-Missile System HSL IS Anti-Missile System HSL qrk_clanantimissilesystem_minheatpenaltylevel Clan Anti-Missile System HSL Clan Anti-Missile System HSL qrk_isstdlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Std Laser HSL IS Std Laser HSL qrk_clanlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Laser HSL Clan Laser HSL qrk_clanerlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan ER Laser HSL Clan ER Laser HSL qrk_ismediumlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Medium Laser HSL IS Medium Laser HSL qrk_clanmediumlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Medium Laser HSL Clan Medium Laser HSL qrk_clanermediumlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan ER Medium Laser HSL Clan ER Medium Laser HSL qrk_mediumpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Medium Pulse Laser HSL Medium Pulse Laser HSL qrk_ismediumpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_ad IS Medium Puse Laser HSL IS Medium Puse Laser HSL qrk_clanmediumpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel Clan Medium Pulse Laser HSL Clan Medium Pulse Laser HSL qrk_islargelaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Large Laser HSL IS Large Laser HSL qrk_islargepulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Large Pulse Laser HSL IS Large Pulse Laser HSL qrk_iserlargelaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS ER Large Laser HSL IS ER Large Laser HSL qrk_clanerlargelaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan ER Large Laser HSL Clan ER Large Laser HSL qrk_erppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add ER PPC HSL ER PPC HSL qrk_isppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS PPC HSL IS PPC HSL qrk_iserppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS ER PPC HSL IS ER PPC HSL qrk_clanerppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan ER PPC HSL Clan ER PPC HSL qrk_ac_minheatpenaltylevel_add Autocannon HSL Autocannon HSL qrk_islrm10_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LRM 10 HSL IS LRM 10 HSL qrk_islrm15_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LRM 15 HSL IS LRM 15 HSL qrk_islrm20_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LRM 20 HSL IS LRM 20 HSL qrk_clanlrm20_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan LRM 20 HSL Clan LRM 20 HSL qrk_clansrm2_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan SRM 2 HSL Clan SRM 2 HSL qrk_issrm4_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS SRM 4 HSL IS SRM 4 HSL ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S2_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S2_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S2_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S2_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S2_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S2_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S2_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 ui_Decal_S7G_S2_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 ui_Decal_S7G_S2_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 ui_Decal_S7G_S2_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 2 ui_Col_Honey_Yellow HONEY YELLOW HONEY YELLOW ui_Col_Haze_Blue HAZY BLUE HAZY BLUE ui_Col_Moss_Green MOSS GREEN MOSS GREEN ui_Pal_Champion CHAMPION CHAMPION ui_UniqueInitial U U @ui_title_ChampionStand The Undisputed The Undisputed @ui_title_ChampionStand_desc Champion Standard Title Champion Standard Title @ui_title_ChampionColl The King The King @ui_title_ChampionColl_desc Champion Collector's Title Champion Collector's Title ui_loadout_warning_heatscale_group_14 Micro Lasers Micro Lasers @hl_drill_name DRILL - LEFT DRILL - LEFT @hr_drill_name DRILL - RIGHT DRILL - RIGHT @sr_pauldron_armor_name ARMOR PAULDRON - RIGHT ARMOR PAULDRON - RIGHT @sl_pauldron_armor_name ARMOR PAULDRON - LEFT ARMOR PAULDRON - LEFT ui_MechInGame_Consumables You can not remove consumables from this BattleMech since it is still in a match. You can not remove consumables from this BattleMech since it is still in a match. emechmodel_champion CHAMPION CHAMPION champion CHAMPION CHAMPION chp-1ns CHAMPION CHP-1N(S) CHAMPION CHP-1N(S) chp-1ns_desc CHAMPION CHP-1N(S) description CHAMPION CHP-1N(S) chp-1ns_short CHP-1N(S) CHP-1N(S) chp-1n CHAMPION CHP-1N CHAMPION CHP-1N chp-1n_desc CHAMPION CHP-1N CHAMPION CHP-1N chp-1n_short CHP-1N CHP-1N chp-2n CHAMPION CHP-2N CHAMPION CHP-2N chp-2n_desc CHAMPION CHP-2N description CHAMPION CHP-2N chp-2n_short CHP-2N CHP-2N chp-3n CHAMPION CHP-3N CHAMPION CHP-3N chp-3n_desc CHAMPION CHP-3N description CHAMPION CHP-3N chp-3n_short CHP-3N CHP-3N chp-1n2 CHAMPION CHP-1N2 CHAMPION CHP-1N2 chp-1n2_desc CHAMPION CHP-1N2 description CHAMPION CHP-1N2 chp-1n2_short CHP-1N2 CHP-1N2 chp-1nb CHAMPION CHP-1NB CHAMPION CHP-1NB chp-1nb_desc CHAMPION CHP-1NB description CHAMPION CHP-1NB chp-1nb_short CHP-1NB CHP-1NB chp-inv INVICTUS INVICTUS chp-inv_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior chp-inv_short CHP-INV CHP-INV champion_walk_name Champion Walk Champion Walk champion_walk_desc Walking Champion cockpit item Walking Champion cockpit item champion_belt_name Champion Belt Champion Belt champion_belt_desc Champion Belt Standing Item Champion Belt Standing Item champion_bell_name Champion Bell Champion Bell champion_bell_desc Champion Bell Warhorn Champion Bell Warhorn champion_microphone_name Champion Microphone Champion Microphone champion_microphone_desc Champion Microphone Hanging Item Champion Microphone Hanging Item s7s2_participant_warhorn_name S7 S2 Participant Warhorn S7 S2 Participant Warhorn s7s2_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s2d1_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 1 Gold S7 S2 Div 1 Gold gold_s7s2d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 1 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 1 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s2d1_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 1 Silver S7 S2 Div 1 Silver silver_s7s2d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 1 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 1 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s2d1_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 1 Bronze S7 S2 Div 1 Bronze bronze_s7s2d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 1 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 1 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s2d2_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 2 Gold S7 S2 Div 2 Gold gold_s7s2d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 2 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 2 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s2d2_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 2 Silver S7 S2 Div 2 Silver silver_s7s2d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 2 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 2 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s2d2_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 2 Bronze S7 S2 Div 2 Bronze bronze_s7s2d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 2 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 2 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s2d3_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 3 Gold S7 S2 Div 3 Gold gold_s7s2d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 3 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 3 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s2d3_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 3 Silver S7 S2 Div 3 Silver silver_s7s2d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 3 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 3 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s2d3_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 3 Bronze S7 S2 Div 3 Bronze bronze_s7s2d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 3 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 3 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s2d4_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 4 Gold S7 S2 Div 4 Gold gold_s7s2d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 4 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 4 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s2d4_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 4 Silver S7 S2 Div 4 Silver silver_s7s2d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 4 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 4 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s2d4_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 4 Bronze S7 S2 Div 4 Bronze bronze_s7s2d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 4 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 4 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s2d5_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 5 Gold S7 S2 Div 5 Gold gold_s7s2d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 5 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 5 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s2d5_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 5 Silver S7 S2 Div 5 Silver silver_s7s2d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 5 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 5 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s2d5_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 5 Bronze S7 S2 Div 5 Bronze bronze_s7s2d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 5 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 5 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s2d6_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 6 Gold S7 S2 Div 6 Gold gold_s7s2d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 6 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 6 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s2d6_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 6 Silver S7 S2 Div 6 Silver silver_s7s2d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 6 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 6 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s2d6_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 6 Bronze S7 S2 Div 6 Bronze bronze_s7s2d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 6 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 6 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s2d7_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 7 Gold S7 S2 Div 7 Gold gold_s7s2d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 7 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 7 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s2d7_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 7 Silver S7 S2 Div 7 Silver silver_s7s2d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 7 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 7 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s2d7_warhorn_name S7 S2 Div 7 Bronze S7 S2 Div 7 Bronze bronze_s7s2d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 7 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 2 Division 7 Bronze Warhorn jackolantern_2018_name Spooky Pumpkin Spooky Pumpkin jackolantern_2018_desc Halloween 2018 Standing Item Halloween 2018 Standing Item wob_book_name Word of Blake Word of Blake wob_book_desc Word of Blake Book Standing Item Word of Blake Book Standing Item ui_Decal_champion_belt_std CHAMPION BELT CHAMPION BELT ui_Decal_warthog_teeth_std WARTHOG TEETH WARTHOG TEETH ui_Decal_bat_wing_std BAT WING BAT WING ui_Decal_blue_moon_std WITCH OVER BLUE MOON WITCH OVER BLUE MOON ui_Decal_cat_eye_std CAT EYE CAT EYE ui_Decal_creeper_eye_std CREEPER EYE CREEPER EYE ui_Decal_ghosturbie_std GHOST URBIE GHOST URBIE ui_Decal_owl_face_std OWL FACE OWL FACE ui_Decal_pink_skull_std PINK SKULL FACE PINK SKULL FACE ui_Decal_pumpkin_face_std PUMPKIN FACE PUMPKIN FACE ui_Decal_robot_face_std ROBOT FACE ROBOT FACE ui_Decal_white_moon_std WITCH OVER WHITE MOON WITCH OVER WHITE MOON ui_Decal_yellow_moon_std WITCH OVER YELLOW MOON WITCH OVER YELLOW MOON @b_flag_mechcon_name FLAG MECHCON - BACK FLAG MECHCON - BACK @sl_flag_mechcon_name FLAG MECHCON - LEFT FLAG MECHCON - LEFT @sr_flag_mechcon_name FLAG MECHCON - RIGHT FLAG MECHCON - RIGHT @ui_title_VaporEagleStand The Hawk The Hawk @ui_title_VaporEagleStand_desc Vapor Eagle Standard Title Vapor Eagle Standard Title @ui_title_VaporEagleColl The Fighter The Fighter @ui_title_VaporEagleColl_desc Vapor Eagle Collectors Title Vapor Eagle Collectors Title @b_katana_sheathed_name KATANA - BACK KATANA - BACK @hl_katana_name KATANA - LEFT KATANA - LEFT @hr_katana_name KATANA - RIGHT KATANA - RIGHT @sl_searchlight_name SEARCHLIGHT - LEFT SEARCHLIGHT - LEFT @sr_searchlight_name SEARCHLIGHT - RIGHT SEARCHLIGHT - RIGHT ui_Decal_S7D2_S2_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 2 DIV 2 qrk_isstandardppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS STD PPC HSL IS STD PPC HSL flintlock_pistol_name Flintlock Pistol Flintlock Pistol flintlock_pistol_desc Flintlock Pistol Standing Item Flintlock Pistol Standing Item goshawk_hanging_name Goshawk Charm Goshawk Charm goshawk_hanging_desc Goshawk Hanging Item Goshawk Hanging Item vapor_eagle_warhorn_name Vapor Eagle Warhorn Vapor Eagle Warhorn vapor_eagle_walk_desc Vapor Eagle Walk Vapor Eagle Walk mechcon2018_lanyard_name Mech_Con 2018: Lanyard Mech_Con 2018: Lanyard mechcon2018_lanyard_desc Mech_Con 2018 Hanging Item Mech_Con 2018 Hanging Item mechcon2018_mug_name Mech_Con 2018: Mug Mech_Con 2018: Mug mechcon2018_mug_desc Mech_Con 2018 Standing Item Mech_Con 2018 Standing Item mechcon2018_warhorn_name Mech_Con 2018: Hex Speakers Mech_Con 2018: Hex Speakers mechcon2018_warhorn_desc Mech_Con 2018 Warhorn Mech_Con 2018 Warhorn turkey_warhorn_name Battle of Turkeyyid Warhorn Battle of Turkeyyid Warhorn turkey_warhorn_desc American Thanksgiving 2018 Reward Item American Thanksgiving 2018 Reward Item nutcracker_standing_name Nutcracker Nutcracker nutcracker_standing_desc Winter 2018 Event Reward Item Winter 2018 Event Reward Item ui_Decal_Viper_Star_std STEEL VIPER AIRFORCE STEEL VIPER AIRFORCE ui_Decal_no_step_clr NO STEP NO STEP ui_Decal_jet_intake_right_std JET INTAKE - RIGHT JET INTAKE - RIGHT ui_Decal_jet_intake_left_std JET INTAKE - LEFT JET INTAKE - LEFT ui_Decal_danger_jet_blast_right_std DANGER JET BLAST - RIGHT DANGER JET BLAST - RIGHT ui_Decal_danger_jet_blast_left_std DANGER JET BLAST - LEFT DANGER JET BLAST - LEFT jvn-11fl JAVELIN JVN-11F(L) JAVELIN JVN-11F(L) jvn-11fl_desc JAVELIN JVN-11F(L) description JAVELIN JVN-11F(L) jvn-11fl_short JVN-11F(L) JVN-11F(L) rfl-8dl RIFLEMAN RFL-8D(L) RIFLEMAN RFL-8D(L) rfl-8dl_desc RIFLEMAN RFL-8D(L) description RIFLEMAN RFL-8D(L) rfl-8dl_short RFL-8D(L) RFL-8D(L) whm-4ll WARHAMMER WHM-4L(L) WARHAMMER WHM-4L(L) whm-4ll_desc WARHAMMER WHM-4L(L) description WARHAMMER WHM-4L(L) whm-4ll_short WHM-4L(L) WHM-4L(L) ntg-hl NIGHT GYR NTG-H(L) NIGHT GYR NTG-H(L) ntg-hl_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-H(L) description NIGHT GYR NTG-H(L) ntg-hl_short NTG-H(L) NTG-H(L) omnipod_ntg-hl_head NTG-H HEAD NTG-H HEAD omnipod_ntg-hl_head_desc NTG-H Head OmniPod. NTG-H Head OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-hl_left_arm NTG-H LEFT ARM NTG-H LEFT ARM omnipod_ntg-hl_left_arm_desc NTG-H Left Arm OmniPod. NTG-H Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-hl_left_torso NTG-H LEFT TORSO NTG-H LEFT TORSO omnipod_ntg-hl_left_torso_desc NTG-H Left Torso OmniPod. NTG-H Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-hl_right_torso NTG-H RIGHT TORSO NTG-H RIGHT TORSO omnipod_ntg-hl_right_torso_desc NTG-H Right Torso OmniPod. NTG-H Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-hl_centre_torso NTG-H CENTER TORSO NTG-H CENTER TORSO omnipod_ntg-hl_centre_torso_desc NTG-H Center Torso OmniPod. NTG-H Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-hl_right_arm NTG-H RIGHT ARM NTG-H RIGHT ARM omnipod_ntg-hl_right_arm_desc NTG-H Right Arm OmniPod. NTG-H Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-hl_left_leg NTG-H LEFT LEG NTG-H LEFT LEG omnipod_ntg-hl_left_leg_desc NTG-H Left Leg OmniPod. NTG-H Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_ntg-hl_right_leg NTG-H RIGHT LEG NTG-H RIGHT LEG omnipod_ntg-hl_right_leg_desc NTG-H Right Leg OmniPod. NTG-H Right Leg OmniPod. mad-iic2l MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2(L) MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2(L) mad-iic2l_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2(L) description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2(L) mad-iic2l_short MAD-IIC-2(L) MAD-IIC-2(L) ui_SalePercent %0% Off! %0% Off! emechmodel_vaporeagle VAPOR EAGLE VAPOR EAGLE vaporeagle VAPOR EAGLE VAPOR EAGLE vgl-1s VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1(S) VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1(S) vgl-1s_desc VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1(S) description VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1(S) vgl-1s_short VGL-1(S) VGL-1(S) vgl-1 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1 vgl-1_desc VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-1 vgl-1_short VGL-1 VGL-1 vgl-2 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2 vgl-2_desc VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2 description VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2 vgl-2_short VGL-2 VGL-2 vgl-3 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-3 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-3 vgl-3_desc VAPOR EAGLE VGL-3 description VAPOR EAGLE VGL-3 vgl-3_short VGL-3 VGL-3 vgl-4 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-4 VAPOR EAGLE VGL-4 vgl-4_desc VAPOR EAGLE VGL-4 description VAPOR EAGLE VGL-4 vgl-4_short VGL-4 VGL-4 vgl-a VAPOR EAGLE VGL-A VAPOR EAGLE VGL-A vgl-a_desc VAPOR EAGLE VGL-A description VAPOR EAGLE VGL-A vgl-a_short VGL-A VGL-A vgl-ri RIVAL RIVAL vgl-ri_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior vgl-ri_short VGL-RI VGL-RI ui_Col_BloodStain_Red BLOOD STAIN RED BLOOD STAIN RED ui_Col_Desert_Yellow DESERT YELLOW DESERT YELLOW ui_Col_SlipStream_Blue SLIP STREAM BLUE SLIP STREAM BLUE ui_Pal_Vaporeagle VAPOR EAGLE VAPOR EAGLE vapor_eagle_walk_name Vapor Eagle Walk Vapor Eagle Walk vapor_eagle_warhorn_desc Vapor Eagle Warhorn Vapor Eagle Warhorn pollux_ada_is_name 2018 IS Loyalty Tank 2018 IS Loyalty Tank pollux_ada_is_desc 2018 Loyalty Program Inner Sphere Ultimate Tier Reward 2018 Loyalty Program Inner Sphere Ultimate Tier Reward pollux_ada_clan_name 2018 Clan Loyalty Tank 2018 Clan Loyalty Tank pollux_ada_clan_desc 2018 Loyalty Program Clan Ultimate Tier Reward 2018 Loyalty Program Clan Ultimate Tier Reward manei_domini_warhorn_name Manei Domini Warhorn Manei Domini Warhorn manei_domini_warhorn_desc 2018 Loyalty Program Ultimate Reward Tier 2018 Loyalty Program Ultimate Reward Tier oots_medal_name Order of The Sword Medal Order of The Sword Medal oots_medal_desc 2018 Loyalty Program Top Tier Inner Sphere Reward 2018 Loyalty Program Top Tier Inner Sphere Reward elemental_keychain_name Elemenetal Keychain Elemental Keychain elemental_keychain_desc 2018 Loyalty Program Top Tier Clan Reward 2018 Loyalty Program Top Tier Clan Reward int_ex_badge_name IE Junior Membership Card IE Junior Membership Card int_ex_badge_desc 2018 MC Reward Item 2018 MC Reward Item tsp_2018_cloud_name Rain Cloud Rain Cloud tsp_2018_cloud_desc 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack November Reward Item 2018 Tournament Supporter Pack November Reward Item pi_71 Planetary information currently unknown. Planetary information currently unknown. @ui_title_ChargerStand The Charge The Charge @ui_title_ChargerStand_desc Charger Standard Title Charger Standard Title @ui_title_ChargerColl Lucky Seven Lucky Seven @ui_title_ChargerColl_desc Charger Collector's Title Charger Collector's Title @ui_title_HatamotoChiStand The Bushido The Bushido @ui_title_HatamotoChiStand_desc Hatamoto-Chi Standard Title Hatamoto-Chi Standard Title @ui_title_HatamotoChiColl The Shogun The Shogun @ui_title_HatamotoChiColl_desc Hatamoto-Chi Collector's Title Hatamoto-Chi Collector's Title qrk_clanlargepulselsr_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan Large Pulse Laser HSL Clan Large Pulse Laser HSL qrk_clanheavylargelsr_minheatpenaltylevel_add Heavy Laser HSL Heavy Laser HSL @ui_Decal_100percent_std 100 PERCENT 100 PERCENT @ui_Decal_batteryflat_std FLAT BATTERY FLAT BATTERY @ui_Decal_Charge_pop_std CHARGE! CHARGE! @ui_Decal_Chi_std CHI CHI @ui_Decal_Ku_std KU KU @ui_Decal_Sorenson_Sabers_std SORENSON SABERS SORENSON SABERS emechmodel_charger CHARGER CHARGER charger CHARGER CHARGER cgr-1a1s CHARGER CGR-1A1(S) CHARGER CGR-1A1(S) cgr-1a1s_desc CHARGER CGR-1A1(S) description CHARGER CGR-1A1(S) cgr-1a1s_short CGR-1A1(S) CGR-1A1(S) cgr-1a1 CHARGER CGR-1A1 CHARGER CGR-1A1 cgr-1a1_desc CHARGER CGR-1A1 description CHARGER CGR-1A1 cgr-1a1_short CGR-1A1 CGR-1A1 cgr-1a5 CHARGER CGR-1A5 CHARGER CGR-1A5 cgr-1a5_desc CHARGER CGR-1A5 description CHARGER CGR-1A5 cgr-1a5_short CGR-1A5 CGR-1A5 cgr-3k CHARGER CGR-3K CHARGER CGR-3K cgr-3k_desc CHARGER CGR-3K description CHARGER CGR-3K cgr-3k_short CGR-3K CGR-3K cgr-n7 NUMBER SEVEN NUMBER SEVEN cgr-n7_desc The personal 'Mech of Terry Ford The personal 'Mech of Terry Ford cgr-n7_short CGR-N7 CGR-N7 emechmodel_hatamotochi HATAMOTO-CHI HATAMOTO-CHI hatamotochi HATAMOTO-CHI HATAMOTO-CHI htm-27ts HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T(S) HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T(S) htm-27ts_desc HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T(S) description HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T(S) htm-27ts_short HTM-27T(S) HTM-27T(S) htm-27t HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T htm-27t_desc HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T description HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-27T htm-27t_short HTM-27T HTM-27T htm-27w HATAMOTO-KU HTM-27W HATAMOTO-KU HTM-27W htm-27w_desc HATAMOTO-KU HTM-27W description HATAMOTO-KU HTM-27W htm-27w_short HTM-27W HTM-27W htm-28tr HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-28TR HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-28TR htm-28tr_desc HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-28TR description HATAMOTO-CHI HTM-28TR htm-28tr_short HTM-28TR HTM-28TR htm-sg SHUGO SHUGO htm-sg_desc The personal 'Mech of Daniel Sorenson The personal 'Mech of Daniel Sorenson htm-sg_short HTM-SG HTM-SG ui_Col_Tomatosoup_Rouge TOMATO SOUP ROUGE TOMATO SOUP ROUGE ui_Col_Butternutsquash_Yellow BUTTERNUT SQUASH YELLOW BUTTERNUT SQUASH YELLOW ui_Col_Dirtydirt_Brown DIRTY DIRT BROWN DIRTY DIRT BROWN @ui_Pal_Charger CHARGER CHARGER ui_Col_Probably_Purple PROBABLY PURPLE PROBABLY PURPLE ui_Col_Mintflake_Green MINT FLAKE GREEN MINT FLAKE GREEN ui_Col_Grapejuice_Purple GRAPE JUICE PURPLE GRAPE JUICE PURPLE @ui_Pal_Hatamotochi HATAMOTO-CHI HATAMOTO-CHI charger_walk_name Charger Walk Charger Walk charger_walk_desc Walking Charger cockpit item Walking Charger cockpit item hatamotochi_walk_name Hatamoto-Chi Walk Hatamoto-Chi Walk hatamotochi_walk_desc Hatamoto-Chi Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item Walking Hatamoto-Chi cockpit item field_cannon_name Field Cannon Field Cannon field_cannon_desc Field Cannon Standing Item Field Cannon Standing Item snare_drum_name Snare Drum Snare Drum snare_drum_desc Snare Drum Hanging Item Snare Drum Hanging Item fancy_bugle_name Charger Bugle Charger Bugle fancy_bugle_desc Charger Bugle Warhorn Charger Bugle Warhorn samurai_kabuto_name Samurai Kabuto Samurai Kabuto samurai_kabuto_desc Samurai Kabuto Standing Item Samurai Kabuto Standing Item draconis_charm_name Draconis Charm Draconis Charm draconis_charm_desc Draconis Charm Hanging Item Draconis Charm Hanging Item hata_biwa_name Biwa Biwa hata_biwa_desc Biwa Warhorn Biwa Warhorn pollux_ada_standard_name Pollux ADA Heavy Tank Pollux ADA Heavy Tank pollux_ada_standard_desc Pollux ADA Heavy Tank Standing Item Pollux ADA Heavy Tank Standing Item pollux_ada_arctic_name Pollux Tank - Arctic Camo Pollux Tank - Arctic Camo pollux_ada_arctic_desc Pollux ADA Heavy Tank Arctic Camo Standing Item Pollux ADA Heavy Tank Arctic Camo Standing Item tsp_vuvuzela_a_name Vuvuzela: TSP 2018 Vuvuzela: TSP 2018 tsp_vuvuzela_a_desc Vuvuzela: TSP 2018 Warhorn Vuvuzela: TSP 2018 Warhorn ui_MustCompleteTutorial You must complete the Basic Tutorial before you can participate in live matches. You must complete the Basic Tutorial before you can participate in live matches. @ui_Decal_Blue_Light_Std BLUE HOLIDAY LIGHT BLUE HOLIDAY LIGHT @ui_Decal_Gingerbread_Atlas_Std GINGERBREAD ATLAS GINGERBREAD ATLAS @ui_Decal_Green_Light_Std GREEN HOLIDAY LIGHT GREEN HOLIDAY LIGHT @ui_Decal_Holiday_Corgi_Std HOLIDAY CORGI HOLIDAY CORGI @ui_Decal_Holiday_Pug_Std HOLIDAY PUG HOLIDAY PUG @ui_Decal_Lite_Blue_Light_Std LIGHT BLUE HOLIDAY LIGHT LIGHT BLUE HOLIDAY LIGHT @ui_Decal_Orange_Light_Std ORANGE HOLIDAY LIGHT ORANGE HOLIDAY LIGHT @ui_Decal_Purple_Light_Std PURPLE HOLIDAY LIGHT PURPLE HOLIDAY LIGHT @ui_Decal_Red_Light_Std RED HOLIDAY LIGHT RED HOLIDAY LIGHT @ui_Decal_Snowflake_Std SNOWFLAKE SNOWFLAKE @ui_Decal_Yellow_Light_Std YELLOW HOLIDAY LIGHT YELLOW HOLIDAY LIGHT ui_social_togglefavorite FAVORITE PLAYER FAVORITE PLAYER tt_SocialScreen_ToggleFavorite Set friend as favorite Set friend as favorite ui_ChooseVariants CHOOSE VARIANTS CHOOSE VARIANTS ui_BoltonVariants BOLT-ON VARIANTS: BOLT-ON VARIANTS: ui_RefreshFriends Refresh Friends List Refresh Friends List valentines_2019_a_name Teddy Bear Teddy Bear valentines_2019_a_desc Valentine's Day 2019 Reward Item Valentine's Day 2019 Reward Item s7s3_participant_warhorn_name S7 S3 Participant Warhorn S7 S3 Participant Warhorn s7s3_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s3d1_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 1 Gold Warhorn S7 S3 Div 1 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 1 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 1 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d2_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 2 Gold Warhorn S7 S3 Div 2 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d3_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 3 Gold Warhorn S7 S3 Div 3 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d4_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 4 Gold Warhorn S7 S3 Div 4 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d5_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 5 Gold Warhorn S7 S3 Div 5 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d6_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 6 Gold Warhorn S7 S3 Div 6 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d7_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 7 Gold Warhorn S7 S3 Div 7 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 2 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 2 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 3 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 3 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 4 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 4 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 5 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 5 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 6 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 6 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s3d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 7 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 7 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s3d1_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 1 Silver Warhorn S7 S3 Div 1 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d2_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 2 Silver Warhorn S7 S3 Div 2 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d3_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 3 Silver Warhorn S7 S3 Div 3 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d4_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 4 Silver Warhorn S7 S3 Div 4 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d5_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 5 Silver Warhorn S7 S3 Div 5 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d6_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 6 Silver Warhorn S7 S3 Div 6 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d7_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 7 Silver Warhorn S7 S3 Div 7 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 1 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 1 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 2 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 2 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 3 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 3 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 4 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 4 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 5 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 5 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 6 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 6 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s3d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 7 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 7 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s3d1_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 1 Bronze Warhorn S7 S3 Div 1 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d2_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 2 Bronze Warhorn S7 S3 Div 2 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d3_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 3 Bronze Warhorn S7 S3 Div 3 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d4_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 4 Bronze Warhorn S7 S3 Div 4 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d5_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 5 Bronze Warhorn S7 S3 Div 5 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d6_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 6 Bronze Warhorn S7 S3 Div 6 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d7_warhorn_name S7 S3 Div 7 Bronze Warhorn S7 S3 Div 7 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 1 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 1 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 2 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 2 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 3 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 3 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 4 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 4 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 5 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 5 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 6 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 6 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s3d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 7 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 3 Division 7 Bronze Warhorn @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S3_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S3_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S3_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S3_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S3_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S3_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S3_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 3 DIV 7 ui_social_SetFavorite ADD TO FAVORITES ADD TO FAVORITES tt_SocialScreen_SetFavorite Set friend as favorite Set friend as favorite tt_SocialScreen_UnsetFavorite Unset friend as favorite Unset friend as favorite ui_social_UnsetFavorite REMOVE FROM FAVORITES REMOVE FROM FAVORITES @ui_title_MWOWC2018Gold WC 2018 Gold Champ WC 2018 Gold Champ @ui_title_MWOWC2018Gold_desc WC 2018 Gold Title WC 2018 Gold Title @ui_title_MWOWC2018Silver WC 2018 Silver Champ WC 2018 Silver Champ @ui_title_MWOWC2018Silver_desc WC 2018 Silver Title WC 2018 Silver Title @ui_title_MWOWC2018Bronze WC 2018 Bronze Champ WC 2018 Bronze Champ @ui_title_MWOWC2018Bronze_desc WC 2018 Bronze Title WC 2018 Bronze Title @ui_title_MWOWC2018Qualifier WC 2018 Top 12 Qualifier WC 2018 Top 12 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOWC2018Qualifier_desc WC 2018 Top 12 Qualifier WC 2018 Top 12 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOWC2018Participant WC 2018 Participant WC 2018 Participant @ui_title_MWOWC2018Participant_desc WC 2018 Participant Title WC 2018 Participant Title @ui_title_MWOWC2018Referee WC 2018 Referee WC 2018 Referee @ui_title_MWOWC2018Referee_desc WC 2018 Referee Title WC 2018 Referee Title @ui_Decal_JGX_Team_Logo_std 1ST JAGUAR GUARDS 1ST JAGUAR GUARDS ui_Decal_S7G_S3_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 ui_Decal_S7G_S3_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 ui_Decal_S7G_S3_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 ui_Decal_S7G_S3_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 3 ui_forestcolony_classic FOREST COLONY (CLASSIC) FOREST COLONY (CLASSIC) warhammeriic_walk_desc Walking Warhammer IIC cockpit item Walking Warhammer IIC cockpit item warhammeriic_walk_name Warhammer IIC Walk Warhammer IIC Walk whiic_anvil_name Hammer and Anvil Hammer and Anvil whiic_anvil_desc Standing item released with the Warhammer IIC Standing item released with the Warhammer IIC whiic_warhorn_name Warhammer Warhorn Warhammer Warhorn whiic_wahorn_desc Warhorn released with the Warhammer IIC Warhorn released with the Warhammer IIC whiic_iron_vat_name Iron Vat Iron Vat whiic_iron_vat_desc Hanging item released with the Warhammer IIC Hanging item released with the Warhammer IIC @ui_title_WarhammeriicStand_desc Warhammer IIC Standard Title Warhammer IIC Standard Title @ui_title_WarhammeriicStand The Thumper The Thumper @ui_title_WarhammeriicColl_desc Warhammer IIC Collector's Title Warhammer IIC Collector's Title @ui_title_WarhammeriicColl The Medieval The Medieval qrk_islargelaser_heat_mult IS LARGE LASER HEAT IS LARGE LASER HEAT whiic_walk_name Warhammer IIC Walk Warhammer IIC Walk whiic_walk_desc Warhammer IIC Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item Warhammer IIC Walk Early Adopters Cockpit Item mwowc2018_gold_trophy_name MWOWC 2018 Gold Trophy MWOWC 2018 Gold Trophy mwowc2018_gold_trophy_desc Trophy awarded to members of the winning team of the 2018 MWOWC Trophy awarded to members of the winning team of the 2018 MWOWC mwowc2018_silver_trophy_name MWOWC 2018 Silver Trophy MWOWC 2018 Silver Trophy mwowc2018_silver_trophy_desc Trophy awarded to members of the second place team of the 2018 MWOWC Trophy awarded to members of the second place team of the 2018 MWOWC mwowc2018_bronze_trophy_name MWOWC 2018 Bronze Trophy MWOWC 2018 Bronze Trophy mwowc2018_bronze_trophy_desc Trophy awarded to members of the third place team of the 2018 MWOWC Trophy awarded to members of the third place team of the 2018 MWOWC mwowc2018_participation_name MWOWC 2018 Salver MWOWC 2018 Salver mwowc2018_participation_desc A salver awarded to players who participated in the 2018 MWOWC A salver awarded to players who participated in the 2018 MWOWC battery_cells_back_name BATTERY CELLS - BACK BATTERY CELLS - BACK h_glowingeyes_name GLOWING EYES GLOWING EYES @b_flag_smokejaguar_name FLAG SMOKE JAGUAR - BACK FLAG SMOKE JAGUAR - BACK @b_flag_davion_name FLAG DAVION - BACK FLAG DAVION - BACK @b_flag_diamondshark_name FLAG DIAMOND SHARK - BACK FLAG DIAMOND SHARK - BACK @b_flag_ghostbear_name FLAG GHOST BEAR - BACK FLAG GHOST BEAR - BACK @b_flag_jadefalcon_name FLAG JADE FALCON - BACK FLAG JADE FALCON - BACK @b_flag_kurita_name FLAG KURITA - BACK FLAG KURITA - BACK @b_flag_liao_name FLAG LIAO - BACK FLAG LIAO - BACK @b_flag_marik_name FLAG MARIK - BACK FLAG MARIK - BACK @b_flag_novacat_name FLAG NOVA CAT - BACK FLAG NOVA CAT - BACK @b_flag_rasalhague_name FLAG RASALHAGUE - BACK FLAG RASALHAGUE - BACK @b_flag_steelviper_name FLAG STEEL VIPER - BACK FLAG STEEL VIPER - BACK @b_flag_steiner_name FLAG STEINER - BACK FLAG STEINER - BACK @b_flag_wolf_name FLAG WOLF - BACK FLAG WOLF - BACK @sl_flag_davion_name FLAG DAVION - LEFT FLAG DAVION - LEFT @sl_flag_diamondshark_name FLAG DIAMOND SHARK - LEFT FLAG DIAMOND SHARK - LEFT @sl_flag_ghostbear_name FLAG GHOST BEAR- LEFT FLAG GHOST BEAR - LEFT @sl_flag_jadefalcon_name FLAG JADE FALCON - LEFT FLAG JADE FALCON - LEFT @sl_flag_kurita_name FLAG KURITA - LEFT FLAG KURITA - LEFT @sl_flag_liao_name FLAG LIAO - LEFT FLAG LIAO - LEFT @sl_flag_marik_name FLAG MARIK - LEFT FLAG MARIK - LEFT @sl_flag_novacat_name FLAG NOVA CAT - LEFT FLAG NOVA CAT - LEFT @sl_flag_rasalhague_name FLAG RASALHAGUE - LEFT FLAG RASALHAGUE - LEFT @sl_flag_smokejaguar_name FLAG SMOKE JAGUAR - LEFT FLAG SMOKE JAGUAR - LEFT @sl_flag_steelviper_name FLAG STEEL VIPER - LEFT FLAG STEEL VIPER - LEFT @sl_flag_steiner_name FLAG STEINER - LEFT FLAG STEINER - LEFT @sl_flag_wolf_name FLAG WOLF - LEFT FLAG WOLF - LEFT @sr_flag_davion_name FLAG DAVION - RIGHT FLAG DAVION - RIGHT @sr_flag_diamondshark_name FLAG DIAMOND SHARK - RIGHT FLAG DIAMOND SHARK - RIGHT @sr_flag_ghostbear_name FLAG GHOST BEAR - RIGHT FLAG GHOST BEAR - RIGHT @sr_flag_jadefalcon_name FLAG JADE FALCON - RIGHT FLAG JADE FALCON - RIGHT @sr_flag_kurita_name FLAG KURITA - RIGHT FLAG KURITA - RIGHT @sr_flag_liao_name FLAG LIAO - RIGHT FLAG LIAO - RIGHT @sr_flag_marik_name FLAG MARIK - RIGHT FLAG MARIK - RIGHT @sr_flag_novacat_name FLAG NOVA CAT - RIGHT FLAG NOVA CAT - RIGHT @sr_flag_rasalhague_name FLAG RASALHAGUE - RIGHT FLAG RASALHAGUE - RIGHT @sr_flag_smokejaguar_name FLAG SMOKE JAGUAR - RIGHT FLAG SMOKE JAGUAR - RIGHT @sr_flag_steelviper_name FLAG STEEL VIPER - RIGHT FLAG STEEL VIPER - RIGHT @sr_flag_steiner_name FLAG STEINER - RIGHT FLAG STEINER - RIGHT @sr_flag_wolf_name FLAG WOLF - RIGHT FLAG WOLF - RIGHT ui_Col_Dirtycopper_Green DIRTY COPPER DIRTY COPPER ui_Col_Lovepotion_Purple LOVE POTION PURPLE LOVE POTION PURPLE ui_Col_Firelight_Yellow FIRE LIGHT YELLOW FIRE LIGHT YELLOW ui_Pal_Warhammeriic WARHAMMER IIC WARHAMMER IIC lucky_charms_2019_name Leprechaun! Leprechaun! lucky_charms_2019_desc Awarded to players who participated in the 2019 Lucky Charms event. Awarded to players who participated in the 2019 Lucky Charms event. chloes_cavaliers_warhorn_name Chloe's Cavaliers Warhorn Chloe's Cavaliers Warhorn chloes_cavaliers_warhorn_desc Awarded to players who pre-ordered the community edition of MechWarrior 5 Awarded to players who pre-ordered the community edition of MechWarrior 5 mw5_preorder_igor_name Igor VTOL Igor VTOL mw5_preorder_igor_desc Awarded to players who pre-ordered the community edition of MechWarrior 5 Awarded to players who pre-ordered the community edition of MechWarrior 5 mw5_preorder_turret_name Ballistic Turret Ballistic Turret mw5_preorder_turret_desc Awarded to players who pre-ordered the community edition of MechWarrior 5 Awarded to players who pre-ordered the community edition of MechWarrior 5 EMechModel_Warhammeriic WARHAMMER IIC WARHAMMER IIC warhammeriic WARHAMMER IIC WARHAMMER IIC whm-iics WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC(S) WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC(S) whm-iics_desc WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC(S) description WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC(S) whm-iics_short WHM-IIC(S) WHM-IIC(S) whm-iic WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC whm-iic_desc WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC description WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC whm-iic_short WHM-IIC WHM-IIC whm-iic-2 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-2 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-2 whm-iic-2_desc WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-2 description WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-2 whm-iic-2_short WHM-IIC-2 WHM-IIC-2 whm-iic-3 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-3 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-3 whm-iic-3_desc WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-3 description WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-3 whm-iic-3_short WHM-IIC-3 WHM-IIC-3 whm-iic-4 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-4 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-4 whm-iic-4_desc WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-4 description WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-4 whm-iic-4_short WHM-IIC-4 WHM-IIC-4 whm-iic-10 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-10 WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-10 whm-iic-10_desc WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-10 description WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-10 whm-iic-10_short WHM-IIC-10 WHM-IIC-10 whm-iic-bl BLUDGEON BLUDGEON whm-iic-bl_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown pilot. The personal 'Mech of an unknown pilot. whm-iic-bl_short WHM-IIC-BL WHM-IIC-BL whm-iic-ml MAUL MAUL whm-iic-ml_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown pilot. The personal 'Mech of an unknown pilot. whm-iic-ml_short WHM-IIC-ML WHM-IIC-ML whm-iic-a WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-A WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-A whm-iic-a_desc WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-A description WARHAMMER IIC WHM-IIC-A whm-iic-a_short WHM-IIC-A WHM-IIC-A @ui_title_MW5PreorderStand The Privateer The Privateer @ui_title_MW5PreorderColl The Warrior The Warrior @ui_title_MW5PreorderUlt The Mercenary The Mercenary jvn-11f JAVELIN JVN-11F JAVELIN JVN-11F jvn-11f_desc JAVELIN JVN-11F description JAVELIN JVN-11F jvn-11f_short JVN-11F JVN-11F rfl-8d RIFLEMAN RFL-8D RIFLEMAN RFL-8D rfl-8d_desc RIFLEMAN RFL-8D description RIFLEMAN RFL-8D rfl-8d_short RFL-8D RFL-8D whm-4l WARHAMMER WHM-4L WARHAMMER WHM-4L whm-4l_desc WARHAMMER WHM-4L description WARHAMMER WHM-4L whm-4l_short WHM-4L WHM-4L ntg-h NIGHT GYR NTG-H NIGHT GYR NTG-H ntg-h_desc NIGHT GYR NTG-H description NIGHT GYR NTG-H ntg-h_short NTG-H NTG-H mad-iic2 MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2 MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2 mad-iic2_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2 description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-2 mad-iic2_short MAD-IIC-2 MAD-IIC-2 ui_InvalidArmorOrStructure The Armor or Structure in the 'Mech build code is invalid. The Armor or Structure in the 'Mech build code is invalid. ui_Decal_228_BW_clr WORD - 228th BLACKWATCH WORD - 228th BLACKWATCH ui_Decal_228_SF_clr WORD - 228th SWAMP FOXES WORD - 228th SWAMP FOXES ui_Decal_228_WO_clr WORD - 228th WILD ONES WORD - 228th WILD ONES ui_Decal_Answer_clr WORD - THE ANSWER WORD - THE ANSWER ui_Decal_Clover_std CLOVER CHARM CLOVER CHARM ui_Decal_Dude_clr WORD - DUDE DUDES CLUB WORD - DUDE DUDES CLUB ui_Decal_EMP_clr WORD - EMP EMPYREAL WORD - EMP EMPYREAL ui_Decal_Eon_clr WORD - EON SYNERGY WORD - EON SYNERGY ui_Decal_Hammer_Time_std HAMMER TIME HAMMER TIME ui_Decal_Hearing_Protection_Decal_std HEARING PROTECTION HEARING PROTECTION ui_Decal_Heart_std HEART CHARM HEART CHARM ui_Decal_ISEN_clr WORD - ISEN ISENGRIM WORD - ISEN ISENGRIM ui_Decal_JGX_clr WORD - JGX 1ST JAGUAR GUARD WORD - JGX 1ST JAGUAR GUARD ui_Decal_PHL_clr WORD - PHL PHOENIX LEGION WORD - PHL PHOENIX LEGION ui_Decal_Qualifier_2018_std MWOWC 2018 QUALIFIER MWOWC 2018 QUALIFIER ui_Decal_Rainbow_std RAINBOW CHARM RAINBOW CHARM ui_Decal_RJF_clr WORD - RUSSIAN CLAN JADE FALCON WORD - RUSSIAN CLAN JADE FALCON ui_Decal_S373_clr WORD - SMOKE ADDERS - 373RD WORD - SMOKE ADDERS - 373RD ui_Decal_Second_2018_std MWOWC 2018 SECOND PLACE MWOWC 2018 SECOND PLACE ui_Decal_Shoe_std HORSESHOE CHARM HORSESHOE CHARM ui_Decal_Third_2018_std MWOWC 2018 THIRD PLACE MWOWC 2018 THIRD PLACE ui_Decal_Top_12_2018_std MWOWC 2018 TOP 12 MWOWC 2018 TOP 12 ui_Decal_U_Star_std U STAR CHARM U STAR CHARM ui_Decal_First_2018_std MWOWC 2018 FIRST PLACE MWOWC 2018 FIRST PLACE ui_Decal_Moon_std MOON CHARM MOON CHARM ui_loadout_error_JumpJetMismatch Your current loadout cannot be taken into game because it has the wrong type of Jump Jets equipped. Your current loadout cannot be taken into game because it has the wrong type of Jump Jets equipped. ui_Decal_Ultimate_Edition_clr THE MERCENARY THE MERCENARY ui_Decal_Standard_Edition_clr THE PRIVATEER THE PRIVATEER ui_Decal_Collectors_Edition_clr THE WARRIOR THE WARRIOR qrk_heavylaser_cooldown_mult HEAVY LASER COOLDOWN HEAVY LASER COOLDOWN ui_forestcolony_classic_detail1 21 C 21 C ui_forestcolony_classic_detail2 0.8 0.8 ui_forestcolony_classic_detail3 62% 62% ui_frozencity_classic FROZEN CITY (CLASSIC) FROZEN CITY (CLASSIC) ui_frozencity_classic_detail1 -45 C -45 C ui_frozencity_classic_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_frozencity_classic_detail3 72% 72% EMapType_ForestColonyClassic Forest Colony (Classic) Forest Colony (Classic) EMapType_ForestColonySnow Forest Colony Snow (Classic) Forest Colony Snow (Classic) EMapType_FrozenCityClassic Frozen City (Classic) Frozen City (Classic) @ui_title_MW5PreorderStand_desc Awarded to players who pre-ordered the standard community edition of MechWarrior 5. Awarded to players who pre-ordered the standard community edition of MechWarrior 5. @ui_title_MW5PreorderColl_desc Awarded to players who pre-ordered the collectors community edition of MechWarrior 5. Awarded to players who pre-ordered the collectors community edition of MechWarrior 5. @ui_title_MW5PreorderUlt_desc Awarded to players who pre-ordered the ultimate community edition of MechWarrior 5. Awarded to players who pre-ordered the ultimate community edition of MechWarrior 5. corsair_walk_a_desc Walking Corsair cockpit item Walking Corsair cockpit item corsair_walk_a_name Corsair Walk Corsair Walk corsair_ship_name Corsair Ship Corsair Ship corsair_ship_desc Corsair Ship standing item Corsair Ship standing item captains_compass_name Captain's Compass Captain's Compass dad_bot_name Dad Bot Dad Bot dad_bot_desc 2019 Autism Awareness Event reward item 2019 Autism Awareness Event reward item qrk_isermediumlaser_range_mult ER MEDIUM LASER RANGE ER MEDIUM LASER RANGE qrk_isultraautocannon_jamchance_mult IS UAC Jam Chance IS UAC Jam Chance qrk_isultraautocannon_heat_mult IS UAC Heat Generation IS UAC Heat Generation qrk_clanultraautocannon_jamchance_mult Clan UAC Jam Chance Clan UAC Jam Chance qrk_clanultraautocannon_heat_mult Clan UAC Heat Generation Clan UAC Heat Generation qrk_flamer_heat_mult Flamer Heat Generation Flamer Heat Generation qrk_clanflamer_minheatpenaltylevel_add Flamer HSL Flamer HSL qrk_islrm5_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LRM 5 HSL IS LRM 5 HSL qrk_clanlrm5_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan LRM 5 HSL Clan LRM 5 HSL qrk_clanlrm10_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan LRM 10 HSL Clan LRM 10 HSL qrk_clanlrm15_minheatpenaltylevel_add LRM 15 HSL LRM 15 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clansrm4_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan SRM 4 HSL Clan SRM 4 HSL qrk_clansrm6_minheatpenaltylevel_add Clan SRM 6 HSL Clan SRM 6 HSL qrk_issrm2_minheatpenaltylevel_add SRM 2 HSL SRM 2 HSL qrk_issrm6_minheatpenaltylevel_add SRM 6 HSL SRM 6 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_atm_range_mult ATM Range ATM Range qrk_atm_velocity_mult ATM Velocity ATM Velocity qrk_atm3_spread_mult ATM 3 SPREAD ATM 3 SPREAD qrk_atm3_heat_mult ATM 3 HEAT GENERATION ATM 3 HEAT GENERATION qrk_atm3_cooldown_mult ATM 3 Cooldown ATM 3 Cooldown qrk_atm3_range_mult ATM 3 Range ATM 3 Range qrk_atm3_velocity_mult ATM 3 Velocity ATM 3 Velocity qrk_atm6_spread_mult ATM 6 SPREAD ATM 6 SPREAD qrk_atm6_heat_mult ATM 6 HEAT GENERATION ATM 6 HEAT GENERATION qrk_atm6_cooldown_mult ATM 6 Cooldown ATM 6 Cooldown qrk_atm6_range_mult ATM 6 Range ATM 6 Range qrk_atm6_velocity_mult ATM 6 Velocity ATM 6 Velocity qrk_atm9_spread_mult ATM 9 SPREAD ATM 9 SPREAD qrk_atm9_heat_mult ATM 9 HEAT GENERATION ATM 9 HEAT GENERATION qrk_atm9_cooldown_mult ATM 9 Cooldown ATM 9 Cooldown qrk_atm9_range_mult ATM 9 Range ATM 9 Range qrk_atm9_velocity_mult ATM 9 Velocity ATM 9 Velocity qrk_atm12_spread_mult ATM 12 SPREAD ATM 12 SPREAD qrk_atm12_heat_mult ATM 12 HEAT GENERATION ATM 12 HEAT GENERATION qrk_atm12_cooldown_mult ATM 12 Cooldown ATM 12 Cooldown qrk_atm12_range_mult ATM 12 Range ATM 12 Range qrk_atm12_velocity_mult ATM 12 Velocity ATM 12 Velocity qrk_islightgaussrifle_range_mult IS Light Gauss Range IS Light Gauss Range qrk_islightgaussrifle_velocity_mult IS Light Gauss Velocity IS Light Gauss Velocity qrk_islightgaussrifle_cooldown_mult IS Light Gauss Cooldown IS Light Gauss Cooldown qrk_islightgaussrifle_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Light Gauss Rifle HSL IS Lights Gauss Rifle HSL qrk_islightgaussrifle_heat_mult IS Light Gauss Rifle Heat Generation IS Light Gauss Rifle Heat Generation qrk_isheavygaussrifle_range_mult IS Heavy Gauss Range IS Heavy Gauss Range qrk_isheavygaussrifle_velocity_mult IS Heavy Gauss Velocity IS Heavy Gauss Velocity qrk_isheavygaussrifle_cooldown_mult IS Heavy Gauss Cooldown IS Heavy Gauss Cooldown qrk_isheavygaussrifle_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Heavy Gauss Rifle HSL IS Heavy Gauss Rifle HSL qrk_gaussrifle_heat_mult IS Gauss Heat Generation IS Gauss Heat Generation qrk_isheavygaussrifle_heat_mult IS Heavy Gauss Heat Generation IS Heavy Gauss Heat Generation qrk_islbxautocannon_heat_mult IS LBX Heat Generation IS LBX Heat Generation qrk_islbxautocannon2_range_mult IS LB2-X Range IS LB2-X Range qrk_islbxautocannon2_spread_mult IS LB2-X Spread IS LB2-X Spread qrk_islbxautocannon2_velocity_mult IS LB2-X Velocity IS LB2-X Velocity qrk_islbxautocannon2_cooldown_mult IS LB2-X Cooldown IS LB2-X Cooldown qrk_islbxautocannon2_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LB2-X Autocannon HSL IS LB2-X Autocannon HSL qrk_islbxautocannon2_heat_mult IS LB2-X Heat Generation IS LB2-X Heat Generation qrk_islbxautocannon5_range_mult IS LB5-X Range IS LB5-X Range qrk_islbxautocannon5_spread_mult IS LB5-X Spread IS LB5-X Spread qrk_islbxautocannon5_velocity_mult IS LB5-X Velocity IS LB5-X Velocity qrk_islbxautocannon5_cooldown_mult IS LB5-X Cooldown IS LB5-X Cooldown qrk_islbxautocannon5_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS LB5-X Autocannon HSL IS LB5-X Autocannon HSL qrk_islbxautocannon5_heat_mult IS LB5-X Heat Generation IS LB5-X Heat Generation qrk_islbxautocannon10_range_mult IS LB10-X Range IS LB0-X Range qrk_islbxautocannon10_spread_mult IS LB10-X Spread IS LB10-X Spread qrk_islbxautocannon10_velocity_mult IS LB10-X Velocity IS LB10-X Velocity qrk_islbxautocannon10_heat_mult IS LB10-X Heat Generation IS LB10-X Heat Generation qrk_islbxautocannon20_cooldown_mult IS LB20-X Cooldown IS LB20-X Cooldown qrk_islbxautocannon20_range_mult IS LB20-X Range IS LB20-X Range qrk_islbxautocannon20_spread_mult IS LB20-X Spread IS LB20-X Spread qrk_islbxautocannon20_velocity_mult IS LB20-X Velocity IS LB20-X Velocity qrk_islbxautocannon20_heat_mult IS LB20-X Heat Generation IS LB20-X Heat Generation qrk_clanlbxautocannon5_range_mult Clan LB5-X Range Clan LB5-X Range qrk_clanlbxautocannon5_spread_mult Clan LB5-X Spread Clan LB5-X Spread qrk_clanlbxautocannon5_velocity_mult Clan LB5-X Velocity Clan LB5-X Velocity qrk_clanlbxautocannon5_cooldown_mult Clan LB5-X Cooldown Clan LB5-X Cooldown qrk_clanlbxautocannon5_minheatpenaltylevel_a Clan LB5-X Autocannon HSL Clan LB5-X Autocannon HSL qrk_clanlbxautocannon10_range_mult Clan LB10-X Range Clan LB10-X Range qrk_clanlbxautocannon10_spread_mult Clan LB10-X Spread Clan LB10-X Spread qrk_clanlbxautocannon10_velocity_mult Clan LB10-X Velocity Clan LB10-X Velocity qrk_clanlbxautocannon10_heat_mult Clan LB10-X Heat Generation Clan LB10-X Heat Generation qrk_clanlbxautocannon20_cooldown_mult Clan LB20-X Cooldown Clan LB20-X Cooldown qrk_clanlbxautocannon20_minheatpenaltylevel_a Clan LB20-X Autocannon HSL Clan LB20-X Autocannon HSL qrk_clanlbxautocannon20_range_mult Clan LB20-X Range Clan LB20-X Range qrk_clanlbxautocannon20_spread_mult Clan LB20-X Spread Clan LB20-X Spread qrk_clanlbxautocannon20_velocity_mult Clan LB20-X Velocity Clan LB20-X Velocity qrk_clanlbxautocannon20_heat_mult Clan LB20-X Heat Generation Clan LB20-X Heat Generation qrk_clanlbxautocannon2_cooldown_mult Clan LB2-X Cooldown Clan LB2-X Cooldown qrk_clanlbxautocannon2_minheatpenaltylevel_a Clan LB2-X Autocannon HSL Clan LB2-X Autocannon HSL qrk_clanlbxautocannon2_range_mult Clan LB2-X Range Clan LB2-X Range qrk_clanlbxautocannon2_spread_mult Clan LB2-X Spread Clan LB2-X Spread qrk_clanlbxautocannon2_velocity_mult Clan LB2-X Velocity Clan LB2-X Velocity qrk_clanlbxautocannon2_heat_mult Clan LB2-X Heat Generation Clan LB2-X Heat Generation qrk_clanultraautocannon2_range_mult Clan UAC 2 Range Clan UAC 2 Range qrk_clanultraautocannon2_velocity_mult Clan UAC 2 Velocity Clan UAC 2 Velocity qrk_clanultraautocannon2_cooldown_mult Clan UAC 2 Cooldown Clan UAC 2 Cooldown qrk_clanultraautocannon2_jamchance_mult Clan UAC 2 Jam Chance Clan UAC 2 Jam Chance qrk_clanultraautocannon5_minheatpenaltylevel_ Clan UAC 5 HSL Clan UAC 5 HSL qrk_clanultraautocannon5_range_mult Clan UAC 5 Range Clan UAC 5 Range qrk_clanultraautocannon5_velocity_mult Clan UAC 5 Velocity Clan UAC 5 Velocity qrk_clanultraautocannon5_cooldown_mult Clan UAC 5 Cooldown Clan UAC 5 Cooldown qrk_clanultraautocannon5_jamchance_mult Clan UAC 5 Jam Chance Clan UAC 5 Jam Chance qrk_clanultraautocannon5_heat_mult Clan UAC 5 Heat Clan UAC 5 Heat qrk_clanultraautocannon10_minheatpenaltylevel Clan UAC 10 HSL Clan UAC 10 HSL qrk_clanultraautocannon10_range_mult Clan UAC 10 Range Clan UAC 10 Range qrk_clanultraautocannon10_velocity_mult Clan UAC 10 Velocity Clan UAC 10 Velocity qrk_clanultraautocannon10_cooldown_mult Clan UAC 10 Cooldown Clan UAC 10 Cooldown qrk_clanultraautocannon10_jamchance_mult Clan UAC 10 Jam Chance Clan UAC 10 Jam Chance qrk_clanultraautocannon10_heat_mult Clan UAC 10 Heat Clan UAC 10 Heat qrk_clanultraautocannon20_minheatpenaltylevel Clan UAC 20 HSL Clan UAC 20 HSL qrk_clanultraautocannon20_range_mult Clan UAC 20 Range Clan UAC 20 Range qrk_clanultraautocannon20_velocity_mult Clan UAC 20 Velocity Clan UAC 20 Velocity qrk_clanultraautocannon20_cooldown_mult Clan UAC 20 Cooldown Clan UAC 20 Cooldown qrk_clanultraautocannon20_jamchance_mult Clan UAC 20 Jam Chance Clan UAC 20 Jam Chance qrk_clanultraautocannon20_heat_mult Clan UAC 20 Heat Clan UAC 20 Heat qrk_isersmalllaser_heat_mult IS ER Small Laser Heat IS ER Small Laser Heat qrk_isersmalllaser_range_mult IS ER Small Laser Range IS ER Small Laser Range qrk_isersmalllaser_duration_mult IS ER Small Laser Duration IS ER Small Laser Duration qrk_isersmalllaser_cooldown_mult IS ER Small Laser Cooldown IS ER Small Laser Cooldown qrk_isermediumlaser_heat_mult IS ER Medium Laser Heat IS ER Medium Laser Heat qrk_isermediumlaser_duration_mult IS ER Medium Laser Duration IS ER Medium Laser Duration qrk_isermediumlaser_cooldown_mult IS ER Medium Laser Cooldown IS ER Medium Laser Cooldown qrk_issmalllaser_duration_mult IS Small Laser Duration IS Small Laser Duration qrk_issmalllaser_heat_mult IS Small Laser Heat IS Small Laser Heat qrk_issmalllaser_range_mult IS Small Laser Range IS Small Laser Range qrk_issmalllaser_cooldown_mult IS Small Laser Cooldown IS Small Laser Cooldown qrk_issmallpulselaser_duration_mult IS Small Pulse Laser Duration IS Small Pulse Laser Duration qrk_issmallpulselaser_heat_mult IS Small Pulse Laser Heat IS Small Pulse Laser Heat qrk_issmallpulselaser_range_mult IS Small Pulse Laser Range IS Small Pulse Laser Range qrk_issmallpulselaser_cooldown_mult IS Small Pulse Laser Cooldown IS Small Pulse Laser Cooldown emechmodel_CORSAIR CORSAIR CORSAIR CORSAIR CORSAIR CORSAIR COR-5RS CORSAIR COR-5R(S) CORSAIR COR-5R(S) COR-5RS_desc CORSAIR COR-5R(S) description CORSAIR COR-5R(S) COR-5RS_short COR-5R(S) COR-5R(S) COR-5R CORSAIR COR-5R CORSAIR COR-5R COR-5R_desc CORSAIR COR-5R description CORSAIR COR-5R COR-5R_short COR-5R COR-5R COR-6R CORSAIR COR-6R CORSAIR COR-6R COR-6R_desc CORSAIR COR-6R description CORSAIR COR-6R COR-6R_short COR-6R COR-6R COR-7A CORSAIR COR-7A CORSAIR COR-7A COR-7A_desc CORSAIR COR-7A description CORSAIR COR-7A COR-7A_short COR-7A COR-7A COR-5T CORSAIR COR-5T CORSAIR COR-5T COR-5T_desc CORSAIR COR-5T description CORSAIR COR-5T COR-5T_short COR-5T COR-5T COR-7R CORSAIR COR-7R CORSAIR COR-7R COR-7R_desc CORSAIR COR-7R description CORSAIR COR-7R COR-7R_short COR-7R COR-7R COR-RA RAVAGER RAVAGER COR-RA_desc The personal 'Mech of Jake Kalmar The personal 'Mech of Jake Kalmar COR-RA_short COR-RA COR-RA COR-BR BROADSIDE BROADSIDE COR-BR_desc The personal 'Mech of an Unknown Mechwarrior The personal 'Mech of an Unknown Mechwarrior COR-BR_short COR-BR COR-BR qrk_clanermicrolaser_duration_mult ER MICRO LASER DURATION ER MICRO LASER DURATION qrk_clanermicrolaser_cooldown_mult ER MICRO LASER COOLDOWN ER MICRO LASER COOLDOWN qrk_clanermicrolaser_heat_mult ER MICRO LASER HEAT GENERATION ER MICRO LASER HEAT GENERATION qrk_clanermicrolaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add ER Micro Laser HSL ER Micro Laser HSL qrk_clanermicrolaser_range_mult ER MICRO LASER RANGE ER MICRO LASER RANGE qrk_clanersmalllaser_duration_mult ER SMALL LASER DURATION ER SMALL LASER DURATION qrk_clanersmalllaser_cooldown_mult ER SMALL LASER COOLDOWN ER SMALL LASER COOLDOWN qrk_clanersmalllaser_heat_mult ER SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION ER SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION qrk_clanersmalllaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add ER Small Laser HSL ER Small Laser HSL qrk_clanersmalllaser_range_mult ER SMALL LASER RANGE ER SMALL LASER RANGE qrk_clanmicropulselaser_duration_mult MICRO PULSE LASER DURATION MICRO PULSE LASER DURATION qrk_clanmicropulselaser_cooldown_mult MICRO PULSE LASER COOLDOWN MICRO PULSE LASER COOLDOWN qrk_clanmicropulselaser_heat_mult MICRO PULSE LASER HEAT GENERATION MICRO PULSE LASER HEAT GENERATION qrk_clanmicropulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_a Micro Pulse Laser HSL Micro Pulse Laser HSL qrk_clanmicropulselaser_range_mult MICRO PULSE LASER RANGE MICRO PULSE LASER RANGE qrk_clansmallpulselaser_duration_mult SMALL PULSE LASER DURATION SMALL PULSE LASER DURATION qrk_clansmallpulselaser_cooldown_mult SMALL PULSE LASER COOLDOWN SMALL PULSE LASER COOLDOWN qrk_clansmallpulselaser_heat_mult SMALL PULSE LASER HEAT GENERATION SMALL PULSE LASER HEAT GENERATION qrk_clansmallpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_a Small Pulse Laser HSL Small Pulse Laser HSL qrk_clansmallpulselaser_range_mult SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE SMALL PULSE LASER RANGE qrk_clanheavysmalllaser_duration_mult HEAVY SMALL LASER DURATION HEAVY SMALL LASER DURATION qrk_clanheavysmalllaser_cooldown_mult HEAVY SMALL LASER COOLDOWN HEAVY SMALL LASER COOLDOWN qrk_clanheavysmalllaser_heat_mult HEAVY SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION HEAVY SMALL LASER HEAT GENERATION qrk_clanheavysmalllaser_range_mult HEAVY SMALL LASER RANGE HEAVY SMALL LASER RANGE qrk_clanheavysmalllaser_minheatpenaltylevel_a HEAVY SMALL LASER HSL HEAVY SMALL LASER HSL qrk_clanheavymediumlaser_duration_mult HEAVY MEDIUM LASER DURATION HEAVY MEDIUM LASER DURATION qrk_clanheavymediumlaser_cooldown_mult HEAVY MEDIUM LASER COOLDOWN HEAVY MEDIUM LASER COOLDOWN qrk_clanheavymediumlaser_heat_mult HEAVY MEDIUM LASER HEAT GEN. HEAVY MEDIUM LASER HEAT GEN. qrk_clanheavymediumlaser_range_mult HEAVY MEDIUM LASER RANGE HEAVY MEDIUM LASER RANGE qrk_clanheavymediumlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_ HEAVY MEDIUM LASER HSL HEAVY MEDIUM LASER HSL qrk_islightppc_cooldown_mult Light PPC Cooldown Light PPC Cooldown qrk_islightppc_range_mult Light PPC Range Light PPC Range qrk_islightppc_heat_mult LIGHT PPC HEAT GENERATION LIGHT PPC HEAT GENERATION qrk_islightppc_velocity_mult LIGHT PPC VELOCITY LIGHT PPC VELOCITY qrk_islightppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add Light PPC HSL Light PPC HSL qrk_isheavyppc_cooldown_mult Heavy PPC Cooldown Heavy PPC Cooldown qrk_isheavyppc_range_mult Heavy PPC Range Heavy PPC Range qrk_isheavyppc_heat_mult HEAVY PPC HEAT GENERATION HEAVY PPC HEAT GENERATION qrk_isheavyppc_velocity_mult HEAVY PPC VELOCITY HEAVY PPC VELOCITY qrk_isheavyppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add HEAVY PPC HSL HEAVY PPC HSL qrk_issnumnoseppc_cooldown_mult Snub Nose PPC Cooldown Snub Nose PPC Cooldown qrk_issnubnoseppc_range_mult Snub Nose PPC Range Snub Nose PPC Range qrk_issnubnoseppc_heat_mult SNUB NOSE PPC HEAT GENERATION SNUB NOSE PPC HEAT GENERATION qrk_issnubnoseppc_velocity_mult SNUB NOSE PPC VELOCITY SNUB NOSE PPC VELOCITY qrk_issnubnoseppc_minheatpenaltylevel_add SNUB NOSE PPC HSL SNUB NOSE PPC HSL qrk_issnubnoseppc_cooldown_mult Snub Nose PPC Cooldown Snub Nose PPC Cooldown qrk_mrm10_velocity_mult MRM10 VELOCITY MRM 10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm10_range_mult MRM 10 RANGE MRM 10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm10_cooldown_mult MRM 10 COOLDOWN MRM 10 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm10_heat_mult MRM 10 HEAT GENERATION MRM 10 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm10_spread_mult MRM 10 SPREAD MRM 10 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm10_minheatpenaltylevel_add MRM 10 HSL MRM 10 HSL qrk_mrm20_velocity_mult MRM 20 VELOCITY MRM 20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm20_range_mult MRM 20 RANGE MRM 20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm20_cooldown_mult MRM 20 COOLDOWN MRM 20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm20_heat_mult MRM 20 HEAT GENERATION MRM 20 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm20_spread_mult MRM 20 SPREAD MRM 20 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm20_minheatpenaltylevel_add MRM 20 HSL MRM 20 HSL qrk_mrm30_velocity_mult MRM 30 VELOCITY MRM 30 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm30_range_mult MRM 30 RANGE MRM 30 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm30_cooldown_mult MRM 30 COOLDOWN MRM 30 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm30_heat_mult MRM 30 HEAT GENERATION MRM 30 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm30_spread_mult MRM 30 SPREAD MRM 30 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm30_minheatpenaltylevel_add MRM 30 HSL MRM 30 HSL qrk_mrm40_velocity_mult MRM 40 VELOCITY MRM 40 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm40_range_mult MRM 40 RANGE MRM 40 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm40_cooldown_mult MRM 40 COOLDOWN MRM 40 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm40_heat_mult MRM 40 HEAT GENERATION MRM 40 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm40_spread_mult MRM 40 SPREAD MRM 40 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mrm40_minheatpenaltylevel_add MRM 40 HSL MRM 40 HSL qrk_isstreaksrm2_spread_mult S-SRM 2 SPREAD S-SRM 2 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm2_minheatpenaltylevel_add S-SRM 2 HSL S-SRM 2 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm4_range_mult S-SRM 4 RANGE S-SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm4_velocity_mult S-SRM 4 VELOCITY S-SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm4_cooldown_mult S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm4_heat_mult S-SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm4_spread_mult S-SRM 4 SPREAD S-SRM 4 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm4_minheatpenaltylevel_add S-SRM 4 HSL S-SRM 4 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm6_range_mult S-SRM 6 RANGE S-SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm6_velocity_mult S-SRM 6 VELOCITY S-SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm6_cooldown_mult S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm6_heat_mult S-SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm6_spread_mult S-SRM 6 SPREAD S-SRM 6 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_isstreaksrm6_minheatpenaltylevel_add S-SRM 6 HSL S-SRM 6 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm2_range_mult S-SRM 2 RANGE S-SRM 2 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm2_velocity_mult S-SRM 2 VELOCITY S-SRM 2 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm2_cooldown_mult S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN S-SRM 2 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm2_heat_mult S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 2 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm2_spread_mult S-SRM 2 SPREAD S-SRM 2 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm2_minheatpenaltylevel_add S-SRM 2 HSL S-SRM 2 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm4_range_mult S-SRM 4 RANGE S-SRM 4 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm4_velocity_mult S-SRM 4VELOCITY S-SRM 4 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm4_cooldown_mult S-SRM 4COOLDOWN S-SRM 4 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm4_heat_mult S-SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 4 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm4_spread_mult S-SRM 4 SPREAD S-SRM 4 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm4_minheatpenaltylevel_add S-SRM 4 HSL S-SRM 4 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm6_range_mult S-SRM 6 RANGE S-SRM 6 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm6_velocity_mult S-SRM 6 VELOCITY S-SRM 6 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm6_cooldown_mult S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN S-SRM 6 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm6_spread_mult S-SRM 6 SPREAD S-SRM 6 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm6_minheatpenaltylevel_add S-SRM 6 HSL S-SRM 6 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanstreaksrm6_heat_mult S-SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION S-SRM 6 HEAT GENERATION AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher_range_mult Rocket Launcher RANGE Rocket Launcher RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher_velocity_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER VELOCITY ROCKET LAUNCHER VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher_cooldown_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER COOLDOWN ROCKET LAUNCHER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher_spread_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER SPREAD ROCKET LAUNCHER SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher_minheatpenaltylevel_add ROCKET LAUNCHER HSL ROCKET LAUNCHER HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher_heat_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER HEAT GEN. ROCKET LAUNCHER HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher10_range_mult Rocket Launcher 10 RANGE Rocket Launcher 10 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlaunche10r_velocity_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 VELOCITY ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher_cooldown10_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 COOLDOWN ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher10_spread_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 SPREAD ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher10_minheatpenaltylevel_add ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 HSL ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher10_heat_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 HEAT GEN. ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher10_velocity_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 VELOCITY ROCKET LAUNCHER 10 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher15_range_mult Rocket Launcher 15 RANGE Rocket Launcher 15 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher15_velocity_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 VELOCITY ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher15_cooldown_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 COOLDOWN ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher15_spread_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 SPREAD ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher15_minheatpenaltylevel_add ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 HSL ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher15_heat_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 HEAT GEN. ROCKET LAUNCHER 15 HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher20_range_mult Rocket Launcher 20 RANGE Rocket Launcher 20 RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher20_velocity_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 VELOCITY ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 VELOCITY AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher20_cooldown_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 COOLDOWN ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher20_spread_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 SPREAD ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 SPREAD AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher20_minheatpenaltylevel_add ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 HSL ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 HSL AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_rocketlauncher20_heat_mult ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 HEAT GEN. ROCKET LAUNCHER 20 HEAT GEN. AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_issmallpulselaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Small Pulse Laser HSL IS Small Pulse Laser HSL qrk_issmalllaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS Small Laser HSL IS Small Laser HSL qrk_isermediumlaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS ER Medium Laser HSL IS ER Medium Laser HSL qrk_isersmalllaser_minheatpenaltylevel_add IS ER Small Laser HSL IS ER Small Laser HSL qrk_atm12_minheatpenaltylevel_add ATM 12 HSL ATM 12 HSL qrk_atm9_minheatpenaltylevel_add ATM 9 HSL ATM 9 HSL qrk_atm6_minheatpenaltylevel_add ATM 6 HSL ATM 6 HSL qrk_atm3_minheatpenaltylevel_add ATM 3 HSL ATM 3 HSL qrk_atm_minheatpenaltylevel_add ATM HSL ATM HSL ui_MissileSpreadIndirect MISSILE SPREAD INDIRECT MISSILE SPREAD INDIRECT ui_MissileSpreadDirect MISSILE SPREAD DIRECT MISSILE SPREAD DIRECT ui_VelocityIndirect Velocity Indirect Velocity Indirect ui_VelocityDirect Velocity Direct Velocity Direct ui_Col_Seaweed_Green SEAWEED GREEN SEAWEED GREEN ui_Col_Octopus_Purple OCTOPUS PURPLE OCTOPUS PURPLE ui_Col_Rum_Brown RUM BROWN RUM BROWN ui_Pal_Corsair CORSAIR CORSAIR ui_Activate30Days 30 Days 30 Days ui_ActivateAllHours All All tt_SSRDelta Last Match ELO Change Last Match ELO Change @ui_title_CorsairStand The Corsair The Corsair @ui_title_CorsairStand_desc Corsair Standard Title Corsair Standard Title @ui_title_CorsairColl The Pirate The Pirate @ui_title_CorsairColl_desc Corsair Collectors Title Corsair Collectors Title captains_compass_desc Captain's Compass hanging item Captain's Compass hanging item parrot_warhorn_a_name Parrot Warhorn Parrot Warhorn parrot_warhorn_a_desc Parrot Warhorn Parrot Warhorn duck_crossing_a_name Duck Crossing Duck Crossing duck_crossing_a_desc 2019 Easter event reward item. 2019 Easter event reward item. april_fools_2019_a_name Mech in a box Mech in a box april_fools_2019_a_desc 2019 April Fool's Day event reward item 2019 April Fool's Day event reward item ui_BankedTime BANKED: BANKED: @ui_Decal_Anchor_Std NERF ANCHOR NERF ANCHOR @ui_Decal_Bunny_01_Std BUNNY GREEN BUNNY GREEN @ui_Decal_Bunny_02_Std BUNNY YELLOW BUNNY YELLOW @ui_Decal_Bunny_03_Std BUNNY PINK BUNNY PINK @ui_Decal_Dad_Bot_Std DAD BOT DAD BOT @ui_Decal_Octo_Skull_Std OCTO SKULL OCTO SKULL @ui_Decal_Tatatae_Col TATATAE TATATAE barbers_mii_medal_name Barber's Marauder IIs Barber's Marauder IIs barbers_mii_medal_desc An emblem owend by members of Barber's Marauder IIs. An emblem owend by members of Barber's Marauder IIs. marauderii_warhorn_a_name Blackwell SXII Speakers Blackwell SXII Speakers marauderii_warhorn_a_desc Stereo system featuring AM/FM radio! Stereo system featuring AM/FM radio! sternsnacht_claymore_name Sternsnacht Claymore Sternsnacht Claymore sternsnacht_claymore_desc A Heavy Pistol manufactured by Sternsnacht A Heavy Pistol manufactured by Sternsnacht marauderii_walk_a_name Marauder II Walk Marauder II Walk marauderii_walk_a_desc A miniature version of the Marauder II A miniature version of the Marauder II @ui_title_MarauderiiStand The Marauder The Marauder @ui_title_MarauderiiStand_desc Marauder II Standard Title Marauder II Standard Title @ui_title_MarauderiiColl The Dragoon The Dragoon @ui_title_MarauderiiColl_desc Marauder II Collectors Title Marauder II Collectors Title EMapType_IceLavaNetwork Hibernal Rift Hibernal Rift ui_IceLavaNetwork HIBERNAL RIFT HIBERNAL RIFT ui_IceLavaNetwork_detail1 -16 C -16 C ui_IceLavaNetwork_detail2 0.9 0.9 ui_IceLavaNetwork_detail3 78% 78% ui_VoipFailedCadet VOIP transmission disabled until 25 matches played VOIP transmission disabled until 25 matches played ui_NoBadgeForCadet As a cadet, your badge will not show until you have played 25 matches. As a cadet, your badge will not show until you have played 25 matches. EMechModel_MarauderII MARAUDER II MARAUDER II marauderii MARAUDER II MARAUDER II mad-4as MARAUDER II MAD-4A(S) MARAUDER II MAD-4A(S) mad-4as_desc MARAUDER II MAD-4A(S) description MARAUDER II MAD-4A(S) mad-4as_short MAD-4A(S) MAD-4A(S) mad-4a MARAUDER II MAD-4A MARAUDER II MAD-4A mad-4a_desc MARAUDER II MAD-4A description MARAUDER II MAD-4A mad-4a_short MAD-4A MAD-4A mad-4hp MARAUDER II MAD-4HP MARAUDER II MAD-4HP mad-4hp_desc MARAUDER II MAD-4HP description MARAUDER II MAD-4HP mad-4hp_short MAD-4HP MAD-4HP mad-5a MARAUDER II MAD-5A MARAUDER II MAD-5A mad-5a_desc MARAUDER II MAD-5A description MARAUDER II MAD-5A mad-5a_short MAD-5A MAD-5A mad-4l MARAUDER II MAD-4L MARAUDER II MAD-4L mad-4l_desc MARAUDER II MAD-4L description MARAUDER II MAD-4L mad-4l_short MAD-4L MAD-4L mad-6s MARAUDER II MAD-6S MARAUDER II MAD-6S mad-6s_desc MARAUDER II MAD-6S description MARAUDER II MAD-6S mad-6s_short MAD-6S MAD-6S mad-al ALPHA ALPHA mad-al_desc The personal 'Mech of Major Susan Barber. The personal 'Mech of Major Susan Barber. mad-al_short MAD-AL MAD-AL ui_CadetKickTeamDamage Team Damage is disabled during your Cadet phase. When enabled after your Cadet phase is complete, your actions against your allies can result in more severe penalties. Team Damage is disabled during your Cadet phase. When enabled after your Cadet phase is complete, your actions against your allies can result in more severe penalties. ui_Cadet_Has_Been_Kicked (Cadet) has been kicked from the match for Team Damage. (Cadet) has been kicked from the match for Team Damage. @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D1_S4_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 1 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D2_S4_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 2 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D3_S4_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 3 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D4_S4_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 4 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D5_S4_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 5 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D6_S4_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 6 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_5000_std TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 TOP 5000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_S7D7_S4_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 4 DIV 7 @ui_Decal_Zeta_Battalion_Std ZETA BATTALION ZETA BATTALION @ui_Decal_Wolf_Snarl_Std WOLF SNARL WOLF SNARL ui_Col_Pineapple_Yellow PINEAPPLE YELLOW PINEAPPLE YELLOW ui_Col_Tropicalpool_Green TROPICAL POOL GREEN TROPICAL POOL GREEN ui_Col_Aqua_Blue AQUA BLUE AQUA BLUE ui_Pal_Marauderii MARAUDER II MARAUDER II s7s4_participant_warhorn_name S7 S4 Participant Warhorn S7 S4 Participant Warhorn s7s4_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s4d1_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 1 Gold Warhorn S7 S4 Div 1 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s4d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 1 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 1 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s4d1_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 1 Silver Warhorn S7 S4 Div 1 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s4d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 1 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 1 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s4d1_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 1 Bronze Warhorn S7 S4 Div 1 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s4d1_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 1 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 1 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s4d2_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 2 Gold Warhorn S7 S4 Div 2 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s4d2_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 2 Silver Warhorn S7 S4 Div 2 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s4d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 2 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 2 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s4d2_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 2 Bronze Warhorn S7 S4 Div 2 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s4d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 2 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 2 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7S4d3_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 3 Gold Warhorn S7 S4 Div 3 Gold Warhorn gold_s7S4d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 3 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 3 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s4d3_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 3 Silver Warhorn S7 S4 Div 3 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s4d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 3 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 3 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s4d3_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 3 Bronze Warhorn S7 S4 Div 3 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s4d3_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 3 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 3 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s4d4_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 4 Gold Warhorn S7 S4 Div 4 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s4d4_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 4 Silver Warhorn S7 S4 Div 4 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s4d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 4 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 4 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s4d4_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 4 Bronze Warhorn S7 S4 Div 4 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s4d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 4 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 4 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s4d5_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 5 Gold Warhorn S7 S4 Div 5 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s4d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 5 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 5 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s4d5_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 5 Silver Warhorn S7 S4 Div 5 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s4d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 5 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 5 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7S4d5_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 5 Bronze Warhorn S7 S4 Div 5 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7S4d5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 5 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 5 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s4d6_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 6 Gold Warhorn S7 S4 Div 6 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s4d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 6 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 6 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s4d6_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 6 Silver Warhorn S7 S4 Div 6 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s4d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 6 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 6 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s4d6_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 6 Bronze Warhorn S7 S4 Div 6 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s4d6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 6 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 6 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s4d7_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 7 Gold Warhorn S7 S4 Div 7 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s4d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 7 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 7 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s4d7_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 7 Silver Warhorn S7 S4 Div 7 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s4d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 7 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 7 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7S4d7_warhorn_name S7 S4 Div 7 Bronze Warhorn S7 S4 Div 7 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7S4d7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 7 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 7 Bronze Warhorn gold_s7s4d2_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 2 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 2 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s4d4_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 4 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 4 Division 4 Gold Warhorn @ui_Decal_S7G_S4_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 @ui_Decal_S7G_S4_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 @ui_Decal_S7G_S4_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 @ui_Decal_S7G_S4_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 4 ui_WinConditions Win Conditions: Win Conditions: ui_SelectedDropDeck Selected Drop Deck: Selected Drop Deck: ui_CurrentMission Current Mission: Current Mission: ui_NoCurrentBlock NO CONFLICT RUNNING AT THIS TIME NO CONFLICT RUNNING AT THIS TIME EGameMode_Max NO GAME MODES AVAILABLE NO GAME MODES AVAILABLE ui_ISTemplate0 TEMPORARY CEASEFIRE TEMPORARY CEASEFIRE ui_CareerUnselected NO ROLE NO ROLE EFactionPlayWinCondition_MAX NO WIN CONDITIONS NO WIN CONDITIONS EFactionPlayWinCondition_Wins WIN THE MOST MATCHES WIN THE MOST MATCHES EFactionPlayWinCondition_Kills GET THE HIGHEST KILLS GET THE HIGHEST KILLS EFactionPlayWinCondition_Intel GATHER THE MOST INTEL GATHER THE MOST INTEL EFactionPlayWinCondition_Secondary WIN THE MOST MATCHES BASED ON SECONDARY CONDITIONS WIN THE MOST MATCHES BASED ON SECONDARY CONDITIONS HUD_AWARD_FactionWinLP FACTION WIN LP BONUS FACTION WIN LP BONUS HUD_AWARD_FactionWinCB FACTION WIN CB BONUS FACTION WIN CB BONUS HUD_AWARD_FactionWinXP FACTION WIN XP BONUS FACTION WIN XP BONUS HUD_AWARD_FactionLossLP FACTION LOSS LP BONUS FACTION LOSS LP BONUS HUD_AWARD_FactionLossCB FACTION LOSS CB BONUS FACTION LOSS CB BONUS HUD_AWARD_FactionLossXP FACTION LOSS XP BONUS FACTION LOSS XP BONUS ui_factionlpbonus FACTION LP BONUS FACTION LP BONUS ui_factionxpbonus FACTION XP BONUS FACTION XP BONUS ui_factioncbbonus FACTION CB BONUS FACTION CB BONUS ui_factionbonus FACTION XP BONUS FACTION XP BONUS ui_TeamSelection FACTION SELECTION FACTION SELECTION ui_SelectConfirm CONFIRM FACTION SELECTION CONFIRM FACTION SELECTION ui_RoleSelectConfirmation Are you sure you want to select %0 and %1 for the current conflict? Are you sure you want to select %0 and %1 for the current conflict? ui_Roles ROLES ROLES ui_Teams FACTIONS FACTIONS ui_TeamSelect_Desc Select the faction you wish to fight alongside in this conflict. Select the faction you wish to fight alongside in this conflict. ui_FactionQueue FACTION QUEUE: FACTION QUEUE: ui_ConflictView VIEW CONFLICT VIEW CONFLICT ui_ISView VIEW IS MAP VIEW IS MAP ui_CareerUnselectedRewards No Role selected yet. Select Role to view rewards. No Role selected yet. Select Role to view rewards. ui_player_role Role Role ui_player_team Team Team ui_FreelancerRewards 5% XP boost for every match played. 5% XP boost for every match played. ui_MercenaryRewards 5% C-Bill boost for every match played. 5% C-Bill boost for every match played. ui_LoyalistRewards %0% of the base Loyalty Points for %1 Loyalist titles and rewards. %0% of the base Loyalty Points for %1 Loyalist titles and rewards. rifleman_hat_name Rifleman's Hat Rifleman's Hat rifleman_hat_desc To Billy, From your pal Chuck. To Billy, From your pal Chuck. enfield_bandolier_name Bandolier Bandolier enfield_bandolier_desc A pocketed belt for holding ammunition. A pocketed belt for holding ammunition. pipe_organ_name Pipe Organ Pipe Organ pipe_organ_desc Pipe organ warhorn. Pipe organ warhorn. riflemaniic_walk_a_name Rifleman IIC Walk Rifleman IIC Walk riflemaniic_walk_a_desc A miniature version of the Rifleman IIC A miniature version of the Rifleman IIC @ui_title_RiflemaniicStand The Soviet The Soviet @ui_title_RiflemaniicStand_desc Rifleman IIC Standard Title Rifleman IIC Standard Title @ui_title_RiflemaniicColl The Silent Killer The Silent Killer @ui_title_RiflemaniicColl_desc Rifleman IIC Collectors Title Rifleman IIC Collectors Title EMapType_HibernalRift HIBERNAL RIFT HIBERNAL RIFT ui_Col_Neon_Lime NEON LIME NEON LIME ui_Col_Violent_Violet VIOLENT VIOLET VIOLENT VIOLET ui_Col_Fakesky_Blue FAKESKY BLUE FAKESKY BLUE ui_Pal_Riflemaniic RIFLEMAN IIC RIFLEMAN IIC @ui_Decal_Arkab_Legion_Std ARKAB LEGION ARKAB LEGION @ui_Decal_Dieron_Regulars_Std DIERON REGULARS DIERON REGULARS @ui_Decal_Flack_Bros_Std FLACK BROS FLACK BROS @ui_Decal_Fly_Die_Std FLY DIE FLY DIE @ui_Decal_Word_of_Blake_Std WORD OF BLAKE WORD OF BLAKE qrk_iserlargelaser_duration_mult IS ER Large Laser Duration IS ER Large Laser Duration qrk_iserlargelaser_range_mult IS ER Large Laser Range IS ER Large Laser Range qrk_islargepulselaser_duration_mult IS Large Pulse Laser Duration IS Large Pulse Laser Duration qrk_islargelaser_duration_mult IS Large Laser Duration IS Large Laser Duration qrk_clanerlargelaser_cooldown_mult Clan ER Large Laser Cooldown Clan ER Large Laser Cooldown qrk_clanerlargelaser_duration_mult Clan ER Large Laser Duration Clan ER Large Laser Duration qrk_clanlargepulselsr_cooldown_mult Clan Large Pulse Laser Cooldown Clan Large Pulse Laser Cooldown qrk_clanlargepulselsr_duration_mult Clan Large Pulse Laser Duration Clan Large Pulse Laser Duration qrk_clanheavylargelsr_cooldown_mult Heavy Laser Cooldown Heavy Laser Cooldown qrk_clanheavylargelsr_duration_mult Heavy Laser Duration Heavy Laser Duration qrk_clanerlargelaser_range_mult Clan ER Large Laser Range Clan ER Large Laser Range qrk_clanerlargelaser_heat_mult Clan ER Large Laser Heat Clan ER Large Laser Heat qrk_clanlargepulselsr_heat_mult Clan Large Pulse Laser Heat Clan Large Pulse Laser Heat qrk_clanlargepulselsr_range_mult Clan Large Pulse Laser Range Clan Large Pulse Laser Range qrk_clanheavylargelsr_heat_mult Heavy Laser Heat Heavy Laser Heat qrk_clanheavylargelsr_range_mult Heavy Laser Range Heavy Laser Range qrk_isstdlaser_cooldown_mult IS STD Laser Cooldown IS STD Laser Cooldown qrk_clanlaser_cooldown_mult CLAN LASER COOLDOWN CLAN LASER COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlaser_heat_mult CLAN LASER HEAT CLAN LASER HEAT AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_clanlaser_range_mult CLAN LASER RANGE CLAN LASER RANGE AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON qrk_mediumpulselaser_duration_mult Medium Pulse Laser Duration Medium Pulse Laser Duration qrk_mediumpulselaser_heat_mult Medium Pulse Laser Heat Medium Pulse Laser Heat qrk_clanmediumpulselaser_duration_mult Clan Medium Pulse Laser Duration Clan Medium Pulse Laser Duration qrk_isautocannon5_range_mult IS AC5 Range IS AC5 Range qrk_isautocannon5_heat_mult IS AC5 Heat IS AC5 Heat qrk_isautocannon5_duration_mult IS AC5 Duration IS AC5 Duration qrk_isautocannon2_range_mult IS AC2 Range IS AC2 Range qrk_isautocannon2_velocity_mult IS AC2 Velocity IS AC2 Velocity qrk_isautocannon10_heat_mult IS AC10 Heat IS AC10 Heat qrk_isautocannon10_velocity_mult IS AC10 Velocity IS AC10 Velocity qrk_isautocannon2_heat_mult IS AC2 Heat IS AC2 Heat qrk_isautocannon2_Duration_mult IS AC2 Duration IS AC2 Duration qrk_isautocannon10_duration_mult IS AC10 Duration IS AC10 Duration @qrk_isautocannon20_heat_mult IS AC20 Heat IS AC20 Heat qrk_isautocannon20_duration_mult IS AC20 Duration IS AC20 Duration qrk_isautocannon20_range_mult IS AC20 Range IS AC20 Range EMechModel_RiflemanIIC RIFLEMAN IIC RIFLEMAN IIC riflemaniic RIFLEMAN IIC RIFLEMAN IIC rfl-iics RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC(S) RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC(S) rfl-iics_desc RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC(S) description RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC(S) rfl-iics_short RFL-IIC(S) RFL-IIC(S) rfl-iic RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC rfl-iic_desc RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC description RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC rfl-iic_short RFL-IIC RFL-IIC rfl-iic-2 RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-2 RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-2 rfl-iic-2_desc RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-2 description RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-2 rfl-iic-2_short RFL-IIC-2 RFL-IIC-2 rfl-iic-3 RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-3 RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-3 rfl-iic-3_desc RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-3 description RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-3 rfl-iic-3_short RFL-IIC-3 RFL-IIC-3 rfl-iic-4 RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-4 RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-4 rfl-iic-4_desc RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-4 description RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-4 rfl-iic-4_short RFL-IIC-4 RFL-IIC-4 rfl-iic-A RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-A RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-A rfl-iic-A_desc RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-A description RIFLEMAN IIC RFL-IIC-A rfl-iic-A_short RFL-IIC-A RFL-IIC-A rfl-iic-ch CHIRONEX CHIRONEX rfl-iic-ch_desc The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior. The personal 'Mech of an unknown MechWarrior. rfl-iic-ch_short RFL-IIC-CH RFL-IIC-CH ui_Scores Scores: Scores: ui_PhasesWon Missions Won Missions Won ui_Era Era Era ui_CompletedPhases Completed Missions Completed Missions: cplt-c2s CATAPULT CPLT-C2(S) CATAPULT CPLT-C2(S) cplt-c2s_desc CATAPULT CPLT-C2(S) description CATAPULT CPLT-C2(S) cplt-c2s_short CPLT-C2(S) CPLT-C2(S) whm-9ds WARHAMMER WHM-9D(S) WARHAMMER WHM-9D(S) whm-9ds_desc WARHAMMER WHM-9D(S) description WARHAMMER WHM-9D(S) whm-9ds_short WHM-9D(S) WHM-9D(S) mad-9ms MARAUDER MAD-9M(S) MARAUDER MAD-9M(S) mad-9ms_desc MARAUDER MAD-9M(S) description MARAUDER MAD-9M(S) mad-9ms_short MAD-9M(S) MAD-9M(S) kgc-001s KING CRAB KGC-001(S) KING CRAB KGC-001(S) kgc-001s_desc KING CRAB KGC-001(S) description KING CRAB KGC-001(S) kgc-001s_short KGC-001(S) KGC-001(S) tt_SubmitNoTeam You must select a Faction before you submit. You must select a Faction before you submit. tt_SubmitRoleAndTeam Submit your Role and Faction. Submit your Role and Faction. tt_SubmitNoRoleOrTeam You must select a Role and Faction before you submit. You must select a Role and Faction before you submit. tt_SubmitNoRole You must select a Role before you can submit. You must select a Role before you can submit. ui_phaselist Conflict Phases Conflict Phases ui_MercenariesMustHaveUnit You must be in a Unit to participate as a Mercenary. You must be in a Unit to participate as a Mercenary. ui_unready UNREADY UNREADY ui_IncorrectTeam Unable to ready. All group members must be in the same Faction. Unable to ready. All group members must be in the same Faction. ui_WarHistoryError War History is currently not available. War History is currently not available. s7s5_participant_warhorn_name S7 S5 Participant Warhorn S7 S5 Participant Warhorn s7s5_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 5 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 5 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s5_warhorn_name S7 S5 Gold Warhorn S7 S5 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 5 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 5 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s5_warhorn_name S7 S5 Silver Warhorn S7 S5 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 5 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 5 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s5_warhorn_name S7 S5 Bronze Warhorn S7 S5 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s5_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 5 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 5 Bronze Warhorn dervish_walk_a_name Dervish Walk Dervish Walk dervish_walk_a_desc A miniature version of the Dervish. A miniature version of the Dervish. dervish_axe_a_name Dervish Axe Dervish Axe dervish_axe_a_desc An axe with a crescent blade. An axe with a crescent blade. dervish_warhorn_a_name Dervish Warhorn Dervish Warhorn dervish_warhorn_a_desc Released alongside the Dervish. Released alongside the Dervish. pinwheel_a_name Pinwheel Pinwheel pinwheel_a_desc A fancy pinwheel for your fancy mech. A fancy pinwheel for your fancy mech. tt_TieBreak With the phase ending in stalemate, %0 has been awarded victory. With the phase ending in stalemate, %0 has been awarded victory. ui_MaxGroupSizeExceeded Group size exceeded. Group size exceeded. @ui_Decal_Warning_Bay_Doors_Std WARNING BAY DOORS WARNING BAY DOORS @ui_Decal_Whirling_Blade_Std WHIRLING BLADE WHIRLING BLADE EMechModel_Dervish DERVISH DERVISH dervish DERVISH DERVISH dv-6ms DERVISH DV-6M(S) DERVISH DV-6M(S) dv-6ms_desc DERVISH DV-6M(S) description DERVISH DV-6M(S) dv-6ms_short DV-6M(S) DV-6M(S) dv-6m DERVISH DV-6M DERVISH DV-6M dv-6m_desc DERVISH DV-6M description DERVISH DV-6M dv-6m_short DV-6M DV-6M dv-7d DERVISH DV-7D DERVISH DV-7D dv-7d_desc DERVISH DV-7D description DERVISH DV-7D dv-7d_short DV-7D DV-7D dv-8d DERVISH DV-8D DERVISH DV-8D dv-8d_desc DERVISH DV-8D description DERVISH DV-8D dv-8d_short DV-8D DV-8D dv-6mr DERVISH DV-6MR DERVISH DV-6MR dv-6mr_desc DERVISH DV-6MR description DERVISH DV-6MR dv-6mr_short DV-6MR DV-6MR dv-7p DERVISH DV-7P DERVISH DV-7P dv-7p_desc DERVISH DV-7P description DERVISH DV-7P dv-7p_short DV-7P DV-7P dv-fr FRENZY FRENZY dv-fr_desc The personal 'Mech of Hap "Madman" Carsburg. The personal 'Mech of Hap "Madman" Carsburg. dv-fr_short DV-FR DV-FR ui_FactionPopulationBalance Current Faction Population Balance Current Faction Population Balance ui_GameTypes Game Types: Game Types: @ui_title_DervishStand The Workhorse The Workhorse @ui_title_DervishStand_desc Dervish Standard Title Dervish Standard Title @ui_title_DervishColl The Sentinel The Sentinel @ui_title_DervishColl_desc Dervish Collector's Title Dervish Collector's Title ui_Col_Impossible_Pink IMPOSSIBLE PINK IMPOSSIBLE PINK ui_Col_Rustic_Red RUSTIC RED RUSTIC RED ui_Col_Trudat_Blue TRUDAT BLUE TRUDAT BLUE ui_Pal_Dervish DERVISH DERVISH ui_ValueReward_GSP %0 GSP %0 GSP ui_GSPReward GSP Reward GSP Reward ui_GSPRewardDesc GSP Reward GSP Reward ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S5_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S5_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S5_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S5_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S5_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S5_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S5_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 5 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S5_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 ui_Decal_S7G_S5_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 ui_Decal_S7G_S5_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 ui_Decal_S7G_S5_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 5 ui_GalacticCoords Galactic Coordinates: Galactic Coordinates: ui_social_group_team Team Team ui_PledgeLoyalty Are you sure you want to pledge loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Loyalist and allow you to earn Loyalty Points for additional rewards. Are you sure you want to pledge loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Loyalist and allow you to earn Loyalty Points for additional rewards. ui_StraightLineDistance Straight line distance: %0 ly Straight line distance: %0 ly ui_JumpLength %0 ly %0 ly ui_TotalDistance Total distance: %0 ly in %1 jumps. Total distance: %0 ly in %1 jumps. ui_PlayingFor Playing For: Playing For: ui_PageFP0Text _ _ ui_PageFP0Body Faction Play is a highly-competitive game mode where players fight for control over the territory of the Inner Sphere. Forge a Contract with one of seven invading Clans or one of six Inner Sphere Houses to fight under their banner and earn Faction rewards. Faction Play has a strong emphasis on team cohesion and specialized 'Mech loadouts, and unlike Quick Play there is no skill-based matchmaking system in place! Faction Play matches are often comprised of experienced and organized MechWarriors running well-stocked and heavily customized 'Mech loadouts. If you are new to MechWarrior Online we strongly recommend honing your skills in Quick Play and building up a stock of at least four customized and familiar 'Mechs before joining the fight for the Inner Sphere. Faction Play is a highly-competitive game mode where players fight for control over the territory of the Inner Sphere. Forge a Contract with one of seven invading Clans or one of six Inner Sphere Houses to fight under their banner and earn Faction rewards. Faction Play has a strong emphasis on team cohesion and specialized 'Mech loadouts, and unlike Quick Play there is no skill-based matchmaking system in place! Faction Play matches are often comprised of experienced and organized MechWarriors running well-stocked and heavily customized 'Mech loadouts. If you are new to MechWarrior Online we strongly recommend honing your skills in Quick Play and building up a stock of at least four customized and familiar 'Mechs before joining the fight for the Inner Sphere. ui_PageFP0Subtitle Overview Overview ui_PageFP0Title _ _ ui_NoTeamSelected No Team No Team ui_rescind_loyalty Rescind Loyalty Rescind Loyalty ui_RescindLoyalty Are you sure that you want to rescind your loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Mercenary if you are in a Unit, or make you a Freelancer if you are not in a Unit. Are you sure that you want to rescind your loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Mercenary if you are in a Unit, or make you a Freelancer if you are not in a Unit. tt_FPInfo Learn more about Faction Play Learn more about Faction Play ui_Sort_team Sort by Team Sort by Team ui_GlobalFactionPlay Global Faction Play Global Faction Play tt_GlobalFactionPlay Individual Pilot Statistics Individual Pilot Statistics ui_damagetaken DAMAGE TAKEN DAMAGE TAKEN s7s6_participant_warhorn_name S7 S6 Participant Warhorn S7 S6 Participant Warhorn s7s6_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 6 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 6 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s6_warhorn_name S7 S6 Gold Warhorn S7 S6 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 6 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 6 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s6_warhorn_name S7 S6 Silver Warhorn S7 S6 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 6 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 6 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s6_warhorn_name S7 S6 Bronze Warhorn S7 S6 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s6_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 6 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 6 Bronze Warhorn @100GSPBundle_name 100 GSP Bundle 100 GSP Bundle @100GSPBundle_desc 100 Global Skill Points that you can use to unlock skill nodes on any 'Mech. 100 Global Skill Points that you can use to unlock skill nodes on any 'Mech. ui_LPDesc_davion Loyalists pledged to House Davion will receive 120% of earned Davion Loyalty Points when fighting for House Davion and 100% Davion Loyalty Points when fighting for House Steiner or the Free Rasalhague Republic. Loyalists pledged to House Davion will receive 120% of earned Davion Loyalty Points when fighting for House Davion and 100% Davion Loyalty Points when fighting for House Steiner or the Free Rasalhague Republic. ui_LPDesc_kurita Loyalists pledged to House Kurita will receive 120% of earned Kurita Loyalty Points when fighting for House Kurita and 100% Kurita Loyalty Points when fighting for House Liao or House Marik. Loyalists pledged to House Kurita will receive 120% of earned Kurita Loyalty Points when fighting for House Kurita and 100% Kurita Loyalty Points when fighting for House Liao or House Marik. ui_LPDesc_liao Loyalists pledged to House Liao will receive 120% of earned Liao Loyalty Points when fighting for House Liao and 100% Liao Loyalty Points when fighting for House Kurita or House Marik. Loyalists pledged to House Liao will receive 120% of earned Liao Loyalty Points when fighting for House Liao and 100% Liao Loyalty Points when fighting for House Kurita or House Marik. ui_LPDesc_marik Loyalists pledged to House Marik will receive 120% of earned Marik Loyalty Points when fighting for House Marik and 100% Marik Loyalty Points when fighting for House Liao or House Kurita. Loyalists pledged to House Marik will receive 120% of earned Marik Loyalty Points when fighting for House Marik and 100% Marik Loyalty Points when fighting for House Liao or House Kurita. ui_LPDesc_rasalhague Loyalists pledged to the Free Rasalhague Republic will receive 120% of earned FRR Loyalty Points when fighting for the Free Rasalhague Republic and 100% FRR Loyalty Points when fighting for House Steiner or House Davion. Loyalists pledged to the Free Rasalhague Republic will receive 120% of earned FRR Loyalty Points when fighting for the Free Rasalhague Republic and 100% FRR Loyalty Points when fighting for House Steiner or House Davion. ui_LPDesc_steiner Loyalists pledged to House Steiner will receive 120% of earned Steiner Loyalty Points when fighting for House Steiner and 100% Steiner Loyalty Points when fighting for House Davion or the Free Rasalhague Republic. Loyalists pledged to House Steiner will receive 120% of earned Steiner Loyalty Points when fighting for House Steiner and 100% Steiner Loyalty Points when fighting for House Davion or the Free Rasalhague Republic. ui_LPDesc_smokejaguar Loyalists pledged to Clan Smoke Jaguar will receive 120% of earned Smoke Jaguar Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Smoke Jaguar and 100% Smoke Jaguar Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Jade Falcon or Clan Ghost Bear. Loyalists pledged to Clan Smoke Jaguar will receive 120% of earned Smoke Jaguar Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Smoke Jaguar and 100% Smoke Jaguar Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Jade Falcon or Clan Ghost Bear. ui_LPDesc_jadefalcon Loyalists pledged to Clan Jade Falcon will receive 120% of earned Jade Falcon Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Jade Falcon and 100% Jade Falcon Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Smoke Jaguar or Clan Ghost Bear. Loyalists pledged to Clan Jade Falcon will receive 120% of earned Jade Falcon Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Jade Falcon and 100% Jade Falcon Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Smoke Jaguar or Clan Ghost Bear. ui_LPDesc_wolf Loyalists pledged to Clan Wolf will receive 120% of earned Wolf Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Wolf and 100% Wolf Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Nova Cat, Clan Steel Viper or Clan Diamond Shark. Loyalists pledged to Clan Wolf will receive 120% of earned Wolf Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Wolf and 100% Wolf Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Nova Cat, Clan Steel Viper or Clan Diamond Shark. ui_LPDesc_ghostbear Loyalists pledged to Clan Ghost Bear will receive 120% of earned Ghost Bear Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear and 100% Ghost Bear Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Smoke Jaguar or Clan Jade Falcon. Loyalists pledged to Clan Ghost Bear will receive 120% of earned Ghost Bear Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear and 100% Ghost Bear Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Smoke Jaguar or Clan Jade Falcon. ui_LPDesc_novacat Loyalists pledged to Clan Nova Cat will receive 120% of earned Nova Cat Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Nova Cat and 100% Nova Cat Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Steel Viper or Clan Diamond Shark. Loyalists pledged to Clan Nova Cat will receive 120% of earned Nova Cat Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Nova Cat and 100% Nova Cat Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Steel Viper or Clan Diamond Shark. ui_LPDesc_steelviper Loyalists pledged to Clan Steel Viper will receive 120% of earned Steel Viper Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Steel Viper and 100% Steel Viper Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Nova Cat or Clan Diamond Shark. Loyalists pledged to Clan Steel Viper will receive 120% of earned Steel Viper Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Steel Viper and 100% Steel Viper Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Nova Cat or Clan Diamond Shark. ui_LPDesc_diamondshark Loyalists pledged to Clan Diamond Shark will receive 120% of earned Diamond Shark Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Diamond Shark and 100% Diamond Shark Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Steel Viper or Clan Nova Cat. Loyalists pledged to Clan Diamond Shark will receive 120% of earned Diamond Shark Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Diamond Shark and 100% Diamond Shark Loyalty Points when fighting for Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Steel Viper or Clan Nova Cat. @hud_loyalty_factor LOYALTY BONUS LOYALTY BONUS ui_YouMustSelectTeam You must select a team. You must select a team. UIPageFP1Subtitle Freelancer Freelancer ui_PageFP1Body A Freelancer is a solo MechWarrior who partakes in Clan vs Inner Sphere conflict in a non-partisan role. A mercenary for hire with no regard to the politics of war. Gaining experience and notoriety is the sole movitation behind a Freelancer.\n\nFreelancers earn a 5% XP bonus for every fight they're involved with in regard to Faction Play matches. A Freelancer is a solo MechWarrior who partakes in Clan vs Inner Sphere conflict in a non-partisan role. A mercenary for hire with no regard to the politics of war. Gaining experience and notoriety is the sole movitation behind a Freelancer.\n\nFreelancers earn a 5% XP bonus for every fight they're involved with in regard to Faction Play matches. ui_PageFP1Subtitle Freelancer Freelancer ui_PageFP2Subtitle Mercenary Unit Mercenary Unit ui_PageFP2Body Mercenary Units are structured Freelancers who choose to fight with brothers and sisters on the battlefield. Larger financial rewards are paid to these mercenaries who fight for whoever provides them with the all mighty C-Bill and like Freelancers, are politically neutral. While some say the Factions despise dealing with mercenaries, the progress and battle experience that comes with a Mercenary Unit's involvement in a conflict has led to the progress seen on the Inner Sphere stellar map.\n\nMercenary Units gain notoriety and rewards through Reputation Points (RP) for every match they play in Faction Play. Mercenary Units are structured Freelancers who choose to fight with brothers and sisters on the battlefield. Larger financial rewards are paid to these mercenaries who fight for whoever provides them with the all mighty C-Bill and like Freelancers, are politically neutral. While some say the Factions despise dealing with mercenaries, the progress and battle experience that comes with a Mercenary Unit's involvement in a conflict has led to the progress seen on the Inner Sphere stellar map.\n\nMercenary Units gain notoriety and rewards through Reputation Points (RP) for every match they play in Faction Play. ui_PageFP3Subtitle Loyalist Loyalist ui_PageFP3Body MechWarriors who dedicate their existence to a singular Faction and will fight to the death in the name of that Faction are some of the most feared combatants on the battlefield. Not only do they bring experience and training to the fray, they bring added an lust for victory at all costs which can strike panic in their enemies.\nLoyalists earn Loyalty Points (LP) by participating in Faction Play conflicts on behalf of the Faction they pledged loyalty to.\n\n- When a Loyalist's Faction is directly involved in the conflict at hand, the Loyalist earns LP at 120% of normal LP gain rates.\n- When a Loyalist fights for an ally of their Faction, the Loyalist earns LP at 100% of normal LP gain rates.\n- When a Loyalist fights for the Inner Sphere or Clans respective to their Faction, the Loyalist earns LP at 100% of normal LP gain rates.\n- When a Loyalist fights and their Faction, and all of its allies, are not involved in the conflict, the Loyalist earns LP at 80% of normal LP gain rates. MechWarriors who dedicate their existence to a singular Faction and will fight to the death in the name of that Faction are some of the most feared combatants on the battlefield. Not only do they bring experience and training to the fray, they bring added an lust for victory at all costs which can strike panic in their enemies.\nLoyalists earn Loyalty Points (LP) by participating in Faction Play conflicts on behalf of the Faction they pledged loyalty to.\n\n- When a Loyalist's Faction is directly involved in the conflict at hand, the Loyalist earns LP at 120% of normal LP gain rates.\n- When a Loyalist fights for an ally of their Faction, the Loyalist earns LP at 100% of normal LP gain rates.\n- When a Loyalist fights for the Inner Sphere or Clans respective to their Faction, the Loyalist earns LP at 100% of normal LP gain rates.\n- When a Loyalist fights and their Faction, and all of its allies, are not involved in the conflict, the Loyalist earns LP at 80% of normal LP gain rates. ui_HeroStatus Hero for %0 Hero for %0 cplt-c2 CATAPULT CPLT-C2 CATAPULT CPLT-C2 cplt-c2_desc CATAPULT CPLT-C2 description CATAPULT CPLT-C2 cplt-c2_short CPLT-C2 CPLT-C2 whm-9d WARHAMMER WHM-9D WARHAMMER WHM-9D whm-9d_desc WARHAMMER WHM-9D description WARHAMMER WHM-9D whm-9d_short WHM-9D WHM-9D mad-9m MARAUDER MAD-9M MARAUDER MAD-9M mad-9m_desc MARAUDER MAD-9M description MARAUDER MAD-9M mad-9m_short MAD-9M MAD-9M kgc-001 KING CRAB KGC-001 KING CRAB KGC-001 kgc-001_desc KING CRAB KGC-001 description KING CRAB KGC-001 kgc-001_short KGC-001 KGC-001 cupcake6_name YEAR 6 CUPCAKE YEAR 6 CUPCAKE cupcake6_desc Sixth year anniversary cupcake! Sixth year anniversary cupcake! ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S6_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S6_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S6_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S6_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S6_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S6_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_2500_std TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 TOP 2500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S6_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 6 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S6_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 ui_Decal_S7G_S6_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 ui_Decal_S7G_S6_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 ui_Decal_S7G_S6_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 6 ui_Decal_Atlas_Kill_Col ATLAS KILL ATLAS KILL ui_Decal_Race_Car_Std MECHWARRIOR RACE CAR MECHWARRIOR RACE CAR ui_Decal_The_Cake_Std THE CAKE THE CAKE ui_Decal_The_Pie_Std THE PIE THE PIE ui_Decal_Ultimate_Red_Std ULTIMATE RED ULTIMATE RED ui_Decal_Year_6_cupcake_std YEAR 6 CUPCAKE YEAR 6 CUPCAKE ui_Decal_Atlas_Col ATLAS COLORED ATLAS COLORED ui_Decal_Mad_Cat_Col MAD CAT COLORED MAD CAT COLORED ui_Decal_Mad_Cat_Kill_Col MAD CAT KILL MAD CAT KILL ach_Davion_Hero HERO OF DAVION HERO OF DAVION ach_Kurita_Hero HERO OF KURITA HERO OF KURITA ach_Liao_Hero HERO OF LIAO HERO OF LIAO ach_Marik_Hero HERO OF MARIK HERO OF MARIK ach_Rasalhague_Hero HERO OF RASALHAGUE HERO OF RASALHAGUE ach_Steiner_Hero HERO OF STEINER HERO OF STEINER ach_ClanSmokeJaguar_Hero HERO OF CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR HERO OF CLAN SMOKE JAGUAR ach_ClanJadeFalcon_Hero HERO OF CLAN JADE FALCON HERO OF CLAN JADE FALCON ach_ClanWolf_Hero HERO OF CLAN WOLF HERO OF CLAN WOLF ach_ClanGhostBear_Hero HERO OF CLAN GHOST BEAR HERO OF CLAN GHOST BEAR ach_ClanSteelViper_Hero HERO OF CLAN STEEL VIPER HERO OF CLAN STEEL VIPER ach_ClanNovaCat_Hero HERO OF CLAN NOVA CAT HERO OF CLAN NOVA CAT ach_ClanDiamondShark_Hero HERO OF CLAN DIAMOND SHARK HERO OF CLAN DIAMOND SHARK ach_Davion_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Davion ach_Kurita_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Kurita ach_Liao_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Liao ach_Marik_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Marik ach_Rasalhague_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Rasalhague Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Rasalhague ach_Steiner_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with House Steiner ach_ClanSmokeJaguar_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Smoke Jaguar ach_ClanJadeFalcon_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Jade Falcon ach_ClanWolf_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Wolf ach_ClanGhostBear_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Ghost Bear ach_ClanSteelViper_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Steel Viper ach_ClanNovaCat_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Nova Cat ach_ClanDiamondShark_Hero_Desc Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark Obtain an additional 212,000 Loyalty Reputation with Clan Diamond Shark ui_UnitRP Total RP with Unit Total RP with Unit ui_AverageRP Average Member RP Average Member RP ui_FactionType Faction Type Faction Type ui_RescindLoyalty_Hero Are you sure that you want to rescind your loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Mercenary if you are in a Unit, or make you a Freelancer if you are not in a Unit. You will also lose your Hero rank for this faction as well as any Loyalty Points gained for additional rewards while in that rank. Are you sure that you want to rescind your loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Mercenary if you are in a Unit, or make you a Freelancer if you are not in a Unit. You will also lose your Hero rank for this faction as well as any Loyalty Points gained for additional rewards while in that rank. ui_PledgeLoyalty_Hero Are you sure you want to pledge loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Loyalist for this faction and allow you to earn Loyalty Points for its ranks and rewards. However, you will lose your Hero rank for the faction you are leaving as well as any Loyalty Points gained for additional rewards while in that rank. Are you sure you want to pledge loyalty to %0?\n\nDoing so will make you a Loyalist for this faction and allow you to earn Loyalty Points for its ranks and rewards. However, you will lose your Hero rank for the faction you are leaving as well as any Loyalty Points gained for additional rewards while in that rank. ui_ScoutingDropdeckReward Scouting Drop Deck Scouting Drop Deck ui_InvasionDropdeckReward Invasion Drop Deck Invasion Drop Deck @ui_Title_HeroDavion Hero of Davion Hero of Davion @ui_Title_HeroKurita Hero of Kurita Hero of Kurita @ui_Title_HeroLiao Hero of Liao Hero of Liao @ui_Title_HeroMarik Hero of Marik Hero of Marik @ui_Title_HeroRasalhague Hero of Rasalhague Hero of Rasalhague @ui_Title_HeroSteiner Hero of Steiner Hero of Steiner @ui_Title_HeroSmokeJaguar Hero of Smoke Jaguar Hero of Smoke Jaguar @ui_Title_HeroJadeFalcon Hero of Jade Falcon Hero of Jade Falcon @ui_Title_HeroWolf Hero of Wolf Hero of Wolf @ui_Title_HeroGhostBear Hero of Ghost Bear Hero of Ghost Bear @ui_Title_HeroNovaCat Hero of Nova Cat Hero of Nova Cat @ui_Title_HeroSteelViper Hero of Steel Viper Hero of Steel Viper @ui_Title_HeroDiamondShark Hero of Diamond Shark Hero of Diamond Shark ui_UnitLP Total LP with Unit Total LP with Unit ui_COMMAND_BASE COMMAND BASE COMMAND BASE ui_POWER_SUPPLY_POINT POWER SUPPLY POINT POWER SUPPLY POINT ui_ContinueToFactionPlay CONTINUE TO FACTION PLAY CONTINUE TO FACTION PLAY ui_RejoinFactionPlayMatch REJOIN FACTION PLAY MATCH REJOIN FACTION PLAY MATCH ui_RejoinPrivateMatch REJOIN PRIVATE MATCH REJOIN PRIVATE MATCH ui_RejoinPublicMatch REJOIN QUICK PLAY MATCH REJOIN QUICK PLAY MATCH ui_ContinueToCompPlay CONTINUE TO COMP PLAY CONTINUE TO COMP PLAY ui_RejoinCompPlayMatch REJOIN COMP PLAY MATCH REJOIN COMP PLAY MATCH ui_ContinueToSolaris CONTINUE TO SOLARIS CONTINUE TO SOLARIS ui_RejoinSolarisMatch REJOIN SOLARIS MATCH REJOIN SOLARIS MATCH s7s7_participant_warhorn_name S7 S7 Participant Warhorn S7 S7 Participant Warhorn s7s7_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 7 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 7 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s7_warhorn_name S7 S7 Gold Warhorn S7 S7 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 7 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 7 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s7_warhorn_name S7 S7 Silver Warhorn S7 S7 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 7 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 7 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s7_warhorn_name S7 S7 Bronze Warhorn S7 S7 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s7_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 7 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 7 Bronze Warhorn tt_pattern Randomize pattern Randomize pattern tt_Colors Randomize colors Randomize colors tt_Primary Randomize primary color only Randomize primary color only tt_Secondary Randomize secondary color only Randomize secondary color only tt_Tertiary Randomize tertiary color only Randomize tertiary color only tt_PatternAndColor Randomize pattern and colors Randomize pattern and colors ui_PatternAndColor Ptrn & Color Ptrn & Color Ui_Social_group_factionTeamChat FACTION TEAM FACTION TEAM ui_BuySP Buy SP Buy SP ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S7_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S7_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S7_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S7_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S7_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S7_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S7_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 7 DIV 7 ui_1v1 1 v. 1: 1 v. 1: ui_2v2 2 v. 2: 2 v. 2: ui_FactionTeam1ChatGreeting Welcome to Faction 1 Chat!\nThis is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! Welcome to Faction 1 Chat!\nThis is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! ui_FactionTeam2ChatGreeting Welcome to Faction 2 Chat!\nThis Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! Welcome to Faction 2 Chat!\nThis Chat is intended to assist with the coordination of attack strategies and the formation of strike-team groups.\nPlease remember that participation in chat is subject to the Code of Conduct.\nRespect the rules, have fun, and work together to destroy your enemies! ui_Decal_S7G_S7_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S7_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S7_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S7_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 7 @ui_title_MWOCS2019Gold CS 2019 Gold Champ CS 2019 Gold Champ @ui_title_MWOCS2019Silver CS 2019 Silver Champ CS 2019 Silver Champ @ui_title_MWOCS2019Gold_desc CS 2019 Gold Title CS 2019 Gold Title @ui_title_MWOCS2019Silver_desc CS 2019 Silver Title CS 2019 Silver Title @ui_title_MWOCS2019Bronze CS 2019 Bronze Champ CS 2019 Bronze Champ @ui_title_MWOCS2019Bronze_desc CS 2019 Bronze Title CS 2019 Bronze Title @ui_title_MWOCS2019Top8Qualifier CS 2019 Top 8 Qualifier CS 2019 Top 8 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOCS2019Top8Qualifier_desc CS 2018 Top 8 Qualifier CS 2018 Top 8 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOCS2019Top18Qualifier CS 2019 Top 18 Qualifier CS 2019 Top 18 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOCS2019Qualifier_desc CS 2019 Top 18 Qualifier CS 2019 Top 18 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOCS2019Participant CS 2019 Participant CS 2019 Participant @ui_title_MWOCS2019Participant_desc CS 2019 Participant Title CS 2019 Participant Title @ui_title_MWOCS2019Referee CS 2019 Referee CS 2019 Referee @ui_title_MWOCS2019Referee_desc CS 2019 Referee Title CS 2019 Referee Title tt_MechLab_FavoritesButton Filter favorite items only Filter favorite items only s7s8_participant_warhorn_name S7 S8 Participant Warhorn S7 S8 Participant Warhorn s7s8_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 8 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 8 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s8_warhorn_name S7 S8 Gold Warhorn S7 S8 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s8_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 8 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 8 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s8_warhorn_name S7 S8 Silver Warhorn S7 S8 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s8_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 8 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 8 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s8_warhorn_name S7 S8 Bronze Warhorn S7 S8 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s8_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 8 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 8 Bronze Warhorn ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S8_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S8_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S8_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S8_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S8_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S8_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S8_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 8 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S8_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 ui_Decal_S7G_S8_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 ui_Decal_S7G_S8_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 ui_Decal_S7G_S8_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 8 s7s9_participant_warhorn_name S7 S9 Participant Warhorn S7 S9 Participant Warhorn s7s9_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 9 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 9 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s9_warhorn_name S7 S9 Gold Warhorn S7 S9 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s9_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 9 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 9 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s9_warhorn_name S7 S9 Silver Warhorn S7 S9 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s9_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 9 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 9 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s9_warhorn_name S7 S9 Bronze Warhorn S7 S9 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s9_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 9 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 9 Bronze Warhorn ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S9_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S9_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S9_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S9_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S9_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S9_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S9_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 ui_Decal_S7G_S9_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 ui_Decal_S7G_S9_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 ui_Decal_S7G_S9_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 9 ui_Decal_S7D5_S9_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 9 DIV 5 s7s10_participant_warhorn_name S7 S10 Participant Warhorn S7 S10 Participant Warhorn s7s10_participant_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 10 Participant Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 10 Participant Warhorn gold_s7s10_warhorn_name S7 S10 Gold Warhorn S7 S10 Gold Warhorn gold_s7s10_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 10 Gold Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 10 Gold Warhorn silver_s7s10_warhorn_name S7 S10 Silver Warhorn S7 S10 Silver Warhorn silver_s7s10_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 10 Silver Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 10 Silver Warhorn bronze_s7s10_warhorn_name S7 S10 Bronze Warhorn S7 S10 Bronze Warhorn bronze_s7s10_warhorn_desc Solaris 7 Season 10 Bronze Warhorn Solaris 7 Season 10 Bronze Warhorn cupcake7_name YEAR 7 CUPCAKE YEAR 7 CUPCAKE cupcake7_desc Seventh year anniversary cupcake! Seventh year anniversary cupcake! ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D1_S10_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 1 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D2_S10_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 2 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D3_S10_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 3 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D4_S10_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 4 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D5_S10_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 5 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D6_S10_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 6 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_3_std 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 3RD IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_1_std 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 1ST IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_10_std TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 TOP 10 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_100_std TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 TOP 100 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_1000_std TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 TOP 1000 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_2_std 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 2ND IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_25_std TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 TOP 25 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_500_std TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 TOP 500 IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7D7_S10_VET_std VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 VET IN S7 SEASON 10 DIV 7 ui_Decal_S7G_S10_1_std 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 1ST OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 ui_Decal_S7G_S10_2_std 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 2ND OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 ui_Decal_S7G_S10_3_std 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 3RD OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 ui_Decal_S7G_S10_10_std TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 TOP 10 OVERALL IN S7 SEASON 10 lct-1vs LOCUST LCT-1V(S) LOCUST LCT-1V(S) lct-1vs_desc LOCUST LCT-1V(S) description LOCUST LCT-1V(S) lct-1vs_short LCT-1V(S) LCT-1V(S) shd-2hs SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(S) SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(S) shd-2hs_desc SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(S) description SHADOW HAWK SHD-2H(S) shd-2hs_short SHD-2H(S) SHD-2H(S) tdr-5sspec THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(S) THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(S) tdr-5sspec_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(S) description THUNDERBOLT TDR-5S(S) description tdr-5sspec_short TDR-5S(S) TDR-5S(S) blr-1gs BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(S) BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(S) blr-1gs_desc BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(S) description BATTLEMASTER BLR-1G(S) blr-1gs_short BLR-1G(S) BLR-1G(S) grf-1ns GRIFFIN GRF-1N(S) GRIFFIN GRF-1N(S) grf-1ns_desc GRIFFIN GRF-1N(S) description GRIFFIN GRF-1N(S) grf-1ns_short GRF-1N(S) GRF-1N(S) wvr-6rs WOLVERINE WVR-6R(S) WOLVERINE WVR-6R(S) wvr-6rs_desc WOLVERINE WVR-6R(S) description WOLVERINE WVR-6R(S) wvr-6rs_short WVR-6R(S) WVR-6R(S) um-r60ls SNOWBALL SNOWBALL um-r60ls_desc SNOWBALL description SNOWBALL um-r60ls_short UM-R60L(S) UM-R60L(S) pxh-1ks FIREBALL FIREBALL pxh-1ks_desc FIREBALL description FIREBALL pxh-1ks_short PXH-1K(S) PXH-1K(S) @ui_title_MWOCS2020Gold CS 2020 Gold Champ CS 2020 Gold Champ @ui_title_MWOCS2020Silver CS 2020 Silver Champ CS 2020 Silver Champ @ui_title_MWOCS2020Gold_desc CS 2020 Gold Title CS 2020 Gold Title @ui_title_MWOCS2020Silver_desc CS 2020 Silver Title CS 2020 Silver Title @ui_title_MWOCS2020Bronze CS 2020 Bronze Champ CS 2020 Bronze Champ @ui_title_MWOCS2020Bronze_desc CS 2020 Bronze Title CS 2020 Bronze Title @ui_title_MWOCS2020Top12Qualifier CS 2020 Top 12 Qualifier CS 2020 Top 12 Qualifier @ui_title_MWOCS2020Top12Qualifier_desc CS 2020 Top 12 Title CS 2020 Top 12 Title @ui_title_MWOCS2020Participant CS 2020 Participant CS 2020 Participant @ui_title_MWOCS2020Participant_desc CS 2020 Participant Title CS 2020 Participant Title @ui_title_MWOCS2020Referee CS 2020 Referee CS 2020 Referee @ui_title_MWOCS2020Referee_desc CS 2020 Referee Title CS 2020 Referee Title @ui_title_StrykerPack The Stryker The Stryker @ui_title_StrykerPack_desc Stryker Pack Title Stryker Pack Title @ui_Decal_Stryker_pack_Std STRYKER DECAL STRYKER DECAL @sl_stryker_dragon_name STRYKER SHOULDER - LEFT STRYKER SHOULDER - LEFT @sr_stryker_dragon_name STRYKER SHOULDER - RIGHT STRYKER SHOULDER - RIGHT @h_stryker_dragon_name STRYKER - HEAD STRYKER - HEAD @fl_stryker_dragon_name STRYKER FORE ARM - LEFT STRYKER FORE ARM - LEFT @b_stryker_dragon_name STRYKER - BACK STRYKER - BACK @h_stryker_thunderbolt_name STRYKER - HEAD STRYKER - HEAD @sr_stryker_thunderbolt_name STRYKER SHOULDER - RIGHT STRYKER SHOULDER - RIGHT @fl_stryker_thunderbolt_name STRYKER FORE ARM - LEFT STRYKER FORE ARM - LEFT @b_stryker_thunderbolt_name STRYKER - BACK STRYKER - BACK @b_flag_stryker_thunderbolt_name STRYKER FLAG - BACK STRYKER FLAG - BACK @b_flag_stryker_dragon_name STRYKER FLAG - BACK STRYKER FLAG - BACK tdr-10ses_short TDR-10SE(S) TDR-10SE(S) tdr-10ses THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE(S) THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE(S) tdr-10ses_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE(S) description THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE(S) description tdr-10se_short TDR-10SE TDR-10SE tdr-10se THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE tdr-10se_desc THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE description THUNDERBOLT TDR-10SE description drg-1gs GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G(S) GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G(S) drg-1gs_short DRG-1G(S) DRG-1G(S) drg-1gs_desc GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G(S) description GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G(S) description drg-1g GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G drg-1g_short DRG-1G DRG-1G drg-1g_desc GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G description GRAND DRAGON DRG-1G description rangefinder_name Range Finder Range Finder rangefinder_desc Stryker Pack Range Finder Stryker Pack Range Finder @smokescreen_name Smoke Screen Smoke Screen @smokescreen_desc Stryker Pack Smoke Screen Stryker Pack Smoke Screen @magpouch_name Mag Pouch Mag Pouch @magpouch_desc Stryker Pack Mag Pouch earns a 5% C-Bill Boost Stryker Pack Mag Pouch earns a 5% C-Bill Boost @ui_title_WardenPack The Warden The Warden @ui_title_WardenPack_desc Warden Pack Title Warden Pack Title @ui_Decal_Warden_pack_Std WARDEN DECAL WARDEN DECAL @b_flag_warden_timberwolf_name WARDEN FLAG - BACK WARDEN FLAG - BACK @b_flag_warden_direwolf_name WARDEN FLAG - BACK WARDEN FLAG - BACK @b_warden_timberwolf_name ELEMENTAL - BACK ELEMENTAL - BACK @t_warden_timberwolf_name ELEMENTAL - TORSO ELEMENTAL - TORSO @sl_warden_timberwolf_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT @sr_warden_timberwolf_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT @b_warden_direwolf_name ELEMENTAL - BACK ELEMENTAL - BACK @t_warden_direwolf_name ELEMENTAL - TORSO ELEMENTAL - TORSO @sl_warden_direwolf_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT @sr_warden_direwolf_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT @timberwolf_name Retro Timberwolf Retro Timberwolf @timberwolf_desc Retro Timberwolf Standing Item Retro Timberwolf Standing Item @nightvisiongoggles_name Enhanced Imaging Enhanced Imaging @nightvisiongoggles_desc Enhanced Imaging Warhorn Enhanced Imaging Warhorn @ballisticgoggles_name Ballistic Goggles Ballistic Goggles @ballisticgoggles_desc Ballistic Goggles Hanging Item earns a 5% C-Bill Boost Ballistic Goggles Hanging Item earns a 5% C-Bill Boost tbr-bh TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH tbr-bh_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH description TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH tbr-bh_short TBR-BH TBR-BH tbr-bhs TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH(S) TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH(S) tbr-bhs_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH(S) description TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH(S) tbr-bhs_short TBR-BH(S) TBR-BH(S) dwf-c DIRE WOLF DWF-C DIRE WOLF DWF-C dwf-g_desc TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH description TIMBER WOLF TBR-BH dwf-c_short DWF-C DWF-C dwf-cs DIRE WOLF DWF-C(S) DIRE WOLF DWF-C(S) dwf-cs_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-C(S) description DIRE WOLF DWF-C(S) dwf-cs_short DWF-C(S) DWF-C(S) dwf-c_desc DIRE WOLF DWF-C description DIRE WOLF DWF-C @ui_Decal_cbill_01_clr C-Bill Classic C-Bill Classic @ui_Decal_cbill_02_clr C-Bill Modern C-Bill Modern omnipod_tbr-bh_head TBR-BH HEAD TBR-BH HEAD omnipod_tbr-bh_head_desc TBR-BH Head OmniPod. TBR-BH Head OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-bh_left_arm TBR-BH LEFT ARM TBR-BH LEFT ARM omnipod_tbr-bh_left_arm_desc TBR-BH Left Arm OmniPod. TBR-BH Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-bh_left_torso TBR-BH LEFT TORSO TBR-BH LEFT TORSO omnipod_tbr-bh_left_torso_desc TBR-BH Left Torso OmniPod. TBR-BH Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-bh_right_torso TBR-BH RIGHT TORSO TBR-BH RIGHT TORSO omnipod_tbr-bh_right_torso_desc TBR-BH Right Torso OmniPod. TBR-BH Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-bh_centre_torso TBR-BH CENTER TORSO TBR-BH CENTER TORSO omnipod_tbr-bh_centre_torso_desc TBR-BH Center Torso OmniPod. TBR-BH Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-bh_right_arm TBR-BH RIGHT ARM TBR-BH RIGHT ARM omnipod_tbr-bh_right_arm_desc TBR-BH Right Arm OmniPod. TBR-BH Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-bh_left_leg TBR-BH LEFT LEG TBR-BH LEFT LEG omnipod_tbr-bh_left_leg_desc TBR-BH Left Leg OmniPod. TBR-BH Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_tbr-bh_right_leg TBR-BH RIGHT LEG TBR-BH RIGHT LEG omnipod_tbr-bh_right_leg_desc TBR-BH Right Leg OmniPod. TBR-BH Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_head DWF-C HEAD DWF-C HEAD omnipod_dwf-c_head_desc DWF-C Head OmniPod. DWF-C Head OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_left_arm DWF-C LEFT ARM DWF-C LEFT ARM omnipod_dwf-c_left_arm_desc DWF-C Left Arm OmniPod. DWF-C Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_left_torso DWF-C LEFT TORSO DWF-C LEFT TORSO omnipod_dwf-c_left_torso_desc DWF-C Left Torso OmniPod. DWF-C Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_centre_torso DWF-C CENTER TORSO DWF-C CENTER TORSO omnipod_dwf-c_centre_torso_desc DWF-C Center Torso OmniPod. DWF-C Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_right_torso DWF-C RIGHT TORSO DWF-C RIGHT TORSO omnipod_dwf-c_right_torso_desc DWF-C Right Torso OmniPod. DWF-C Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_right_arm DWF-C RIGHT ARM DWF-C RIGHT ARM omnipod_dwf-c_right_arm_desc DWF-C Right Arm OmniPod. DWF-C Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_left_leg DWF-C LEFT LEG DWF-C LEFT LEG omnipod_dwf-c_left_leg_desc DWF-C Left Leg OmniPod. DWF-C Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_dwf-c_right_leg DWF-C RIGHT LEG DWF-C RIGHT LEG omnipod_dwf-c_right_leg_desc DWF-C Right Leg OmniPod. DWF-C Right Leg OmniPod. ui_MWOCS_2021_Tournament MWOCS 2021 Tournament Booster MWOCS 2021 Tournament Booster ui_MWOCS_2021_Tournament_desc MWOCS Booster provides a 10% boost to all of your C-Bill and XP earnings MWOCS Booster provides a 10% boost to all of your C-Bill and XP earnings @ui_title_2021TournamentStand The Deputy The Deputy @ui_title_2021TournamentStand_desc MWO CS 2021 Tournament Supporter Title MWO CS 2021 Tournament Supporter Title @2021_Tournament_Standing_name 2021 TSP Standing Item 2021 TSP Standing Item @2021_Tournament_Standing_desc 2021 Tournament Supporter Item 2021 Tournament Supporter Item @2021_Tournament_hangingglobe_name 2021 TSP Hanging Item 2021 TSP Hanging Item @2021_Tournament_hangingglobe_desc 2021 Tournament Supporter Item 2021 Tournament Supporter Item @2021_Tournament_Warhorn_name 2021 TSP Warhorn Item 2021 TSP Warhorn Item @2021_Tournament_Warhorn_desc 2021 Tournament Supporter Item 2021 Tournament Supporter Item @ui_Decal_tournament_badge_2021_std 2021 Tournament Supporter Badge 2021 Tournament Supporter Badge @ui_Decal_tournament_decal_2021_std Bring out the big guns Bring out the big guns @fingerless_gloves_name Fingerless Gloves Fingerless Gloves @fingerless_gloves_desc Hunter Pack Fingerless Gloves earn a 5% C-Bill Boost Hunter Pack Fingerless Gloves earn a 5% C-Bill Boost @crank_radio_name Crank Radio Crank Radio @crank_radio_desc Hunter Pack Crank Radio Hunter Pack Crank Radio @rations_name Space Ramen MRE Rations Space Ramen MRE Rations @rations_desc Hunter Pack Space Ramen MRE Rations Hunter Pack Space Ramen MRE Rations @ui_title_HunterPack The Stalker The Stalker @ui_title_HunterPack_desc Hunter Pack Title Hunter Pack Title @ui_Decal_Hunter_pack_Std Hunter Decal Hunter Decal pxh-7s PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S pxh-7s_short PXH-7S PXH-7S pxh-7s_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S description pxh-7ss PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S(S) PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S(S) pxh-7ss_short PXH-7S(S) PXH-7S(S) pxh-7ss_desc PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S(S) description PHOENIX HAWK PXH-7S(S) description stk-7d STALKER STK-7D STALKER STK-7D stk-7d_desc STALKER STK-7D description STALKER STK-7D description stk-7d_short STK-7D STK-7D stk-7ds STALKER STK-7D(S) STALKER STK-7D(S) stk-7ds_desc STALKER STK-7D(S) description STALKER STK-7D(S) description stk-7ds_short STK-7D(S) STK-7D(S) @h_hunter_stalker_name HUNTER CAMO NET - HEAD HUNTER CAMO NET - HEAD @b_hunter_stalker_name HUNTER EQUIPMENT - BACK HUNTER EQUIPMENT - BACK @sl_hunter_stalker_name HUNTER CAMO - LEFT SHOULDER HUNTER CAMO - LEFT SHOULDER @sr_hunter_stalker_name HUNTER CAMO - RIGHT SHOULDER HUNTER CAMO - RIGHT SHOULDER @b_flag_hunter_stalker_name HUNTER FLAG - BACK HUNTER FLAG - BACK @b_flag_hunter_phoenixhawk_name HUNTER FLAG - BACK HUNTER FLAG - BACK @h_hunter_phoenixhawk_name HUNTER TECH - HEAD HUNTER TECH - HEAD @b_hunter_phoenixhawk_name HUNTER TECH - BACK HUNTER TECH - BACK @fl_hunter_phoenixhawk_name HUNTER FORE ARM - LEFT HUNTER FORE ARM - LEFT @fr_hunter_phoenixhawk_name HUNTER FORE ARM - RIGHT HUNTER FORE ARM - RIGHT ui_Russia_Server RUSSIA RUSSIA ui_Retry Retry Retry ui_WinConditions_Rules WIN CONDITIONS WIN CONDITIONS ui_AttackerWinConditions_Rules ATTACKER WIN CONDITIONS ATTACKER WIN CONDITIONS ui_DefenderWinConditions_Rules DEFENDER WIN CONDITIONS DEFENDER WIN CONDITIONS ui_information_Rules INFORMATION INFORMATION ui_Tips TIPS TIPS ui_Russian Russian Russian ui_Skirmish_Rules_LS Destroy all enemy players\nOn time out most kills wins Destroy all enemy players\nOn time out most kills wins ui_scouting_rules_LS Gather Intel from Defender Data Points\nBe in the Extraction Zone when the Dropship departs Gather Intel from Defender Data Points\nBe in the Extraction Zone when the Dropship departs ui_scouting_rules_def_LS Protect Intel by destroying enemy scouts Protect Intel by destroying enemy scouts ui_invasion_rules_LS Destroy the 3 Generators in the Enemy base\nDestroy the Orbital Cannon Destroy the 3 Generators in the Enemy base\nDestroy the Orbital Cannon ui_invasion_rules_Def_LS Destroy all enemy Mechs\nProtect the Orbital Cannon for 30 minutes Destroy all enemy Mechs\nProtect the Orbital Cannon for 30 minutes ui_Incursion_Rules_LS Destroy the enemy base:\n 4 Mobile Field Bases\n 3 Tower Generators: Air Control, Jamming, and Radar\nThe team with the least damage to their base before the timer runs out wins Destroy the enemy base:\n 4 Mobile Field Bases\n 3 Tower Generators: Air Control, Jamming, and Radar\nThe team with the least damage to their base before the timer runs out wins ui_Incursion_Info_LS Fight over 3 Fuel Cell Supply Points located on the map\nFuel Cell Supply Points create new Fuel Cells over time\nBring Fuel Cells back to your base to fuel your Tower Generators\nTower Generators need to be re-fueled over time Fight over 3 Fuel Cell Supply Points located on the map\nFuel Cell Supply Points create new Fuel Cells over time\nBring Fuel Cells back to your base to fuel your Tower Generators\nTower Generators need to be re-fueled over time ui_escort_rules_LS Destroy the VIP 'Mech\nPrevent the VIP 'Mech from reaching the extraction point in time Destroy the VIP 'Mech\nPrevent the VIP 'Mech from reaching the extraction point in time ui_escort_rules_Def_LS Ensure the VIP 'Mech reaches the extraction point in time Ensure the VIP 'Mech reaches the extraction point in time ui_escort_Info_LS The VIP 'Mech will move slower when it has taken damage\nCapture the towers to provide Radar, ECM, or Both\nTurrets will shoot at attackers until destroyed The VIP 'Mech will move slower when it has taken damage\nCapture the towers to provide Radar, ECM, or Both\nTurrets will shoot at attackers until destroyed ui_Domination_Rules_LS Hold the beacon for the specified countdown\nDestroy enemy's Alpha/Beta to increase their countdown\nOn time out least remaining time wins Hold the beacon for the specified countdown\nDestroy enemy's Alpha/Beta to increase their countdown\nOn time out least remaining time wins ui_Domination_Info_LS Remain uncontested in capture area to progress\nTaking damage while capturing will pause countdown Remain uncontested in capture area to progress\nTaking damage while capturing will pause countdown ui_Conquest_Rules_LS Collect maximum resources\nOn time out most resources wins Collect maximum resources\nOn time out most resources wins ui_Assault_Rules_LS Capture the enemy base\nDestroy all enemy players\nOn time out most kills wins Capture the enemy base\nDestroy all enemy players\nOn time out most kills wins @ui_Decal_Loyalty_Mech_Std 2021 Ultimate Reward Decal Mech 2021 Ultimate Reward Decal Mech @ui_Decal_Yo_MechWarrior_Std 2021 Ultimate Reward Decal MechWarrior 2021 Ultimate Reward Decal MechWarrior @cupcake_h_name YEAR 8 CUPCAKE YEAR 8 CUPCAKE @cupcake_h_desc Eighth year anniversary cupcake! Eighth year anniversary cupcake! @2021_arp_name 2021 Annual Rewards Item 2021 Annual Rewards Item @2021_arp_desc This hanging Item Provides a 5% C-Bill Boost This hanging Item Provides a 5% C-Bill Boost NTG-DCS NIGHT GYR NTG-D(CS) NIGHT GYR NTG-D(CS) NTG-DCS_Desc NIGHTSTAR NTG-D(CS) description NIGHTSTAR NTG-D(CS) description NTG-DCS_short NTG-D(CS) NTG-D(CS) AS7-K3L ATLAS AS7-K3(L) ATLAS AS7-K3(L) AS7-K3L_desc ATLAS AS7-K3(L) description ATLAS AS7-K3(L) description AS7-K3L_short AS7-K3(L) AS7-K3(L) UM-R80L URBANMECH UM-R80(L) URBANMECH UM-R80(L) UM-R80L_desc URBANMECH UM-R80(L) description URBANMECH UM-R80(L) description UM-R80L_short UM-R80(L) UM-R80(L) vpr-fl VIPER VPR-F(L) VIPER VPR-F(L) vpr-fl_desc VIPER VPR-F(L) description VIPER VPR-F(L) description vpr-fl_short VPR-F(L) VPR-F(L) vpr-f VIPER VPR-F VIPER VPR-F vpr-f_desc VIPER VPR-F description VIPER VPR-F description vpr-f_short VPR-F VPR-F AS7-K3 ATLAS AS7-K3 ATLAS AS7-K3 AS7-K3_desc ATLAS AS7-K3 description ATLAS AS7-K3 description AS7-K3_short AS7-K3 AS7-K3 UM-R80 URBANMECH UM-R80 URBANMECH UM-R80 UM-R80_desc URBANMECH UM-R80 description URBANMECH UM-R80 description UM-R80_short UM-R80 UM-R80 omnipod_vpr-f_head_desc VPR-F Head OmniPod. VPR-F Head OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_left_arm_desc VPR-F Left Arm OmniPod. VPR-F Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_left_torso_desc VPR-F Left Torso OmniPod. VPR-F Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_right_torso_desc VPR-F Right Torso OmniPod. VPR-F Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_centre_torso_desc VPR-F Center Torso OmniPod. VPR-F Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_right_arm_desc VPR-F Right Arm OmniPod. VPR-F Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_left_leg_desc VPR-F Left Leg OmniPod. VPR-F Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_right_leg_desc VPR-F Right Leg OmniPod. VPR-F Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_vpr-f_head VPR-F HEAD VPR-F HEAD omnipod_vpr-f_right_leg VPR-F RIGHT LEG VPR-F RIGHT LEG omnipod_vpr-f_left_leg VPR-F LEFT LEG VPR-F LEFT LEG omnipod_vpr-f_right_arm VPR-F RIGHT ARM VPR-F RIGHT ARM omnipod_vpr-f_centre_torso VPR-F CENTER TORSO VPR-F CENTER TORSO omnipod_vpr-f_right_torso VPR-F RIGHT TORSO VPR-F RIGHT TORSO omnipod_vpr-f_left_torso VPR-F LEFT TORSO VPR-F LEFT TORSO omnipod_vpr-f_left_arm VPR-F LEFT ARM VPR-F LEFT ARM ui_F F F ui_R R R ru_1040 A A EMapType_HelleboreSpringsQP Hellebore Outpost Hellebore Outpost mal-2ps MAULER MAL-2P(S) MAULER MAL-2P(S) mal-2ps_desc MAULER MAL-2P(S) description MAULER MAL-2P(S) description mal-2ps_short MAL-2P(S) MAL-2P(S) mad-iic-as MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A(S) MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A mad-iic-as_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A(S) description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC-A(S) description mad-iic-as_short MAD-IIC-A(S) MAD-IIC-A(S) ui_gorgeQP HELLEBORE OUTPOST HELLEBORE OUTPOST rgh-blt_desc Roughneck Bolt Roughneck Bolt rgh-blt BOLT BOLT rgh-blt_short RGH-BLT RGH-BLT sns-amb AMBUSH AMBUSH sns-amb_short SNS-AMB SNS-AMB sns-amb_desc Sun Spider Ambush Sun Spider Ambush omnipod_SNS-AMB_head_desc SNS-AMB Head OmniPod. SNS-AMB Head OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-AMB_left_arm SNS-AMB LEFT ARM SNS-AMB LEFT ARM omnipod_SNS-AMB_left_arm_desc SNS-AMB Left Arm OmniPod. SNS-AMB Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-AMB_left_torso SNS-AMB LEFT TORSO SNS-AMB LEFT TORSO omnipod_SNS-AMB_left_torso_desc SNS-AMB Left Torso OmniPod. SNS-AMB Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-AMB_right_torso SNS-AMB RIGHT TORSO SNS-AMB RIGHT TORSO omnipod_SNS-AMB_right_torso_desc SNS-AMB Right Torso OmniPod. SNS-AMB Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-AMB_centre_torso SNS-AMB CENTER TORSO SNS-AMB CENTER TORSO omnipod_SNS-AMB_centre_torso_desc SNS-AMB Center Torso OmniPod. SNS-AMB Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-AMB_right_arm SNS-AMB RIGHT ARM SNS-AMB RIGHT ARM omnipod_SNS-AMB_right_arm_desc SNS-AMB Right Arm OmniPod. SNS-AMB Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-AMB_left_leg SNS-AMB LEFT LEG SNS-AMB LEFT LEG omnipod_SNS-AMB_left_leg_desc SNS-AMB Left Leg OmniPod. SNS-AMB Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_SNS-AMB_right_leg SNS-AMB RIGHT LEG SNS-AMB RIGHT LEG omnipod_SNS-AMB_right_leg_desc SNS-AMB Right Leg OmniPod. SNS-AMB Right Leg OmniPod. ui_gorgeQP_detail1 19 C 19 C ui_gorgeQP_detail2 1.2 1.2 ui_gorgeQP_detail3 47% 47% omnipod_SNS-AMB_head SNS-AMB HEAD SNS-AMB HEAD @h_predator_bloodasp_name PREDATOR GOLD MASK - HEAD PREDATOR GOLD MASK HEAD @fl_predator_bloodasp_name PREDATOR FORE ARM - LEFT PREDATOR FORE ARM - LEFT @fr_predator_bloodasp_name PREDATOR FORE ARM - RIGHT PREDATOR FORE ARM - RIGHT @sl_predator_bloodasp_name PREDATOR SPINE - LEFT SHOULDER PREDATOR - LEFT SHOULDER @sr_predator_bloodasp_name PREDATOR SPINE - RIGHT SHOULDER PREDATOR - RIGHT SHOULDER @b_flag_predator_bloodasp_name PREDATOR FLAG - BACK PREDATOR FLAG - BACK @b_predator_shadowcat_name PREDATOR TAIL FINS - BACK PREDATOR TAIL FINS - BACK @fr_predator_shadowcat_name PREDATOR FORE ARM - RIGHT PREDATOR FORE ARM - RIGHT @ui_title_PredatorPack The Aggressor The Aggressor @ui_title_PredatorPack_desc Predator Pack Title Predator Pack Title @fl_predator_shadowcat_name PREDATOR FORE ARM - LEFT PREDATOR FORE ARM - LEFT @sl_predator_shadowcat_name PREDATOR WING - LEFT PREDATOR WING - LEFT @sr_predator_shadowcat_name PREDATOR WING - RIGHT PREDATOR WING - RIGHT @b_flag_predator_shadowcat_name PREDATOR FLAG - BACK PREDATOR FLAG - BACK @controller_name Predator Controller Predator Controller @controller_desc Predator Controller Cockpit Item Predator Controller Cockpit Item @predator_warhorn_name Predator Warhorn Predator Warhorn @predator_warhorn_desc Predator Warhorn Cockpit Item Predator Warhorn Cockpit Item @predator_penant_name Predator Pendant Predator Pendant @predator_penant_desc This hanging Item Provides a 5% C-Bill Boost This hanging Item Provides a 5% C-Bill Boost bas-es BLOOD ASP BAS-E(S) BLOOD ASP BAS-E(S) bas-es_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-E(S) description BLOOD ASP BAS-E(S) description bas-es_short BAS-E(S) BAS-E(S) bas-e_short BAS-E BAS-E bas-e_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-E description BLOOD ASP BAS-E description bas-e BLOOD ASP BAS-E BLOOD ASP BAS-E omnipod_BAS-E_head BAS-E HEAD BAS-E HEAD omnipod_BAS-E_head_desc BAS-E Head OmniPod. BAS-E Head OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_left_arm BAS-E LEFT ARM BAS-E LEFT ARM omnipod_BAS-E_left_arm_desc BAS-E Left Arm OmniPod. BAS-E Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_left_torso BAS-E LEFT TORSO BAS-E LEFT TORSO omnipod_BAS-E_left_torso_desc BAS-E Left Torso OmniPod. BAS-E Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_right_torso BAS-E RIGHT TORSO BAS-E RIGHT TORSO omnipod_BAS-E_right_torso_desc BAS-E Right Torso OmniPod. BAS-E Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_centre_torso BAS-E CENTER TORSO BAS-E CENTER TORSO omnipod_BAS-E_centre_torso_desc BAS-E Center Torso OmniPod. BAS-E Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_right_arm BAS-E RIGHT ARM BAS-E RIGHT ARM omnipod_BAS-E_right_arm_desc BAS-E Right Arm OmniPod. BAS-E Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_left_leg BAS-E LEFT LEG BAS-E LEFT LEG omnipod_BAS-E_left_leg_desc BAS-E Left Leg OmniPod. BAS-E Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_right_leg_desc BAS-E Right Leg OmniPod. BAS-E Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_BAS-E_right_leg BAS-E RIGHT LEG BAS-E RIGHT LEG shc-d SHADOW CAT SHC-D SHADOW CAT SHC-D shc-d_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-D description SHADOW CAT SHC-D description shc-d_short SHC-D SHC-D shc-ds SHADOW CAT SHC-D(S) SHADOW CAT SHC-D(S) shc-ds_desc SHADOW CAT SHC-D(S) description SHADOW CAT SHC-D(S) description shc-ds_short SHC-D(S) SHC-D(S) omnipod_shc-d_head SHC-D HEAD SHC-D HEAD omnipod_shc-d_head_desc SHC-D Head OmniPod. SHC-D Head OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_left_arm_desc SHC-D Left Arm OmniPod. SHC-D Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_left_torso SHC-D LEFT TORSO SHC-D LEFT TORSO omnipod_shc-d_left_torso_desc SHC-D Left Torso OmniPod. SHC-D Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_right_torso SHC-D RIGHT TORSO SHC-D RIGHT TORSO omnipod_shc-d_right_torso_desc SHC-D Right Torso OmniPod. SHC-D Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_centre_torso SHC-D CENTER TORSO SHC-D CENTER TORSO omnipod_shc-d_centre_torso_desc SHC-D Center Torso OmniPod. SHC-D Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_right_arm SHC-D RIGHT ARM SHC-D RIGHT ARM omnipod_shc-d_right_arm_desc SHC-D Right Arm OmniPod. SHC-D Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_left_leg SHC-D LEFT LEG SHC-D LEFT LEG omnipod_shc-d_left_leg_desc SHC-D Left Leg OmniPod. SHC-D Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_right_leg SHC-D RIGHT LEG SHC-D RIGHT LEG omnipod_shc-d_right_leg_desc SHC-D Right Leg OmniPod. SHC-D Right Leg OmniPod. omnipod_shc-d_left_arm SHC-D LEFT ARM SHC-D LEFT ARM ui_title_none_rank_1 Recruit Recruit ui_title_none_rank_2 Private Private ui_title_none_rank_3 Corporal Corporal ui_title_none_rank_4 Sergeant Sergeant ui_title_none_rank_5 Master Sergeant Master Sergeant ui_title_none_rank_6 Lieutenant JG Lieutenant JG ui_title_none_rank_7 Lieutenant SG Lieutenant SG ui_title_none_rank_8 Captain Captain ui_title_none_rank_9 Major Major ui_title_none_rank_10 Colonel Colonel ui_title_none_rank_11 Lieutenant General Lieutenant General ui_title_none_rank_12 Major General Major General ui_title_none_rank_13 Major General II Major General II ui_title_none_rank_14 Major General III Major General III ui_title_none_rank_17 General III General III ui_title_none_rank_16 General II General II ui_title_none_rank_15 General General ui_title_none_rank_18 Commander Commander ui_title_none_rank_19 Commander II Commander II ui_title_none_rank_20 Commanding General Commanding General @ui_Decal_Predator_pack_Std PREDATOR PREDATOR inc-5c INCUBUS INC-5(C) INCUBUS INC-5(C) inc-5c_desc INCUBUS INC-5(C) description INCUBUS INC-5(C) inc-5c_short INC-5(C) INC-5(C) kfx-dc KIT FOX KFX-D(C) KIT FOX KFX-D(C) kfx-dc_desc KIT FOX KFX-D(C) description KIT FOX KFX-D(C) kfx-dc_short KFX-D(C) KFX-D(C) fle-17c FLEA FLE-17(C) FLEA FLE-17(C) fle-17c_desc FLEA FLE-17(C) FLEA FLE-17(C) fle-17c_short FLE-17(C) FLE-17(C) jvn-11ac JAVELIN JVN-11A(C) JAVELIN JVN-11A(C) jvn-11ac_desc JAVELIN JVN-11A(C) description JAVELIN JVN-11A(C) jvn-11ac_short JVN-11A(C) JVN-11A(C) hmn-primec HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME(C) HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME(C) hmn-primec_desc HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME(C) description HUNTSMAN HMN-PRIME(C) hmn-primec_short HMN-PRIME(C) HMN-PRIME(C) vgl-2c VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2(C) VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2(C) vgl-2c_desc VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2(C) description VAPOR EAGLE VGL-2(C) vgl-2c_short VGL-2(C) VGL-2(C) dv-7dc DERVISH DV-7D(C) DERVISH DV-7D(C) dv-7dc_desc DERVISH DV-7D(C) description DERVISH DV-7D(C) dv-7dc_short DV-7D(C) DV-7D(C) vl-5tc VULCAN VL-5T(C) VULCAN VL-5T(C) vl-5tc_desc VULCAN VL-5T(C) description VULCAN VL-5T(C) vl-5tc_short VL-5T(C) VL-5T(C) LBK-HC LINEBACKER LBK-H(C) LINEBACKER LBK-H(C) LBK-HC_desc LINEBACKER LBK-H(C) description LINEBACKER LBK-H(C) LBK-HC_short LBK-H(C) LBK-H(C) smn-dc SUMMONER SMN-D(C) SUMMONER SMN-D(C) smn-dc_desc SUMMONER SMN-D(C) description SUMMONER SMN-D(C) smn-dc_short SMN-D(C) SMN-D(C) arc-2rc ARCHER ARC-2R(C) ARCHER ARC-2R(C) arc-2rc_desc ARCHER ARC-2R(C) description ARCHER ARC-2R(C) arc-2rc_short ARC-2R(C) ARC-2R(C) mad-9mc MARAUDER MAD-9M(C) MARAUDER MAD-9M(C) mad-9mc_desc MARAUDER MAD-9M(C) description MARAUDER MAD-9M(C) mad-9mc_short MAD-9M(C) MAD-9M(C) bas-ac BLOOD ASP BAS-A(C) BLOOD ASP BAS-A(C) bas-ac_desc BLOOD ASP BAS-A(C) description BLOOD ASP BAS-A(C) bas-ac_short BAS-A(C) BAS-A(C) mad-iicc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(C) MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(C) mad-iicc_desc MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(C) description MARAUDER IIC MAD-IIC(C) mad-iicc_short MAD-IIC(C) MAD-IIC(C) anh-1ac ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A(C) ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A(C) anh-1ac_desc ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A(C) description ANNIHILATOR ANH-1A(C) anh-1ac_short ANH-1A(C) ANH-1A(C) cp-10-qc CYCLOPS CP-10-Q(C) CYCLOPS CP-10-Q(C) cp-10-qc_desc CYCLOPS CP-10-Q(C) description CYCLOPS CP-10-Q(C) cp-10-qc_short CP-10-Q(C) CP-10-Q(C) AS7-D-DCP ATLAS AS7-D-DC(P) ATLAS AS7-D-DC(P) AS7-D-DCP_desc ATLAS AS7-D-DC(P) description ATLAS AS7-D-DC(P) AS7-D-DCP_short AS7-D-DC(P) AS7-D-DC(P) CPLT-K2P CATAPULT CPLT-K2(P) CATAPULT CPLT-K2(P) CPLT-K2P_desc CATAPULT CPLT-K2(P) description CATAPULT CPLT-K2(P) CPLT-K2P_short CPLT-K2(P) CPLT-K2(P) HBK-4PP HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(P) HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(P) HBK-4PP_desc HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(P) description HUNCHBACK HBK-4P(P) HBK-4PP_short HBK-4P(P) HBK-4P(P) JR7-FP JENNER JR7-F(P) JENNER JR7-F(P) JR7-FP_desc JENNER JR7-F(P) description JENNER JR7-F(P) JR7-FP_short JR7-F(P) JR7-F(P) jr7-iic-ap JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A(P) JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A(P) jr7-iic-ap_desc JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A(P) description JENNER IIC JR7-IIC-A(P) jr7-iic-ap_short JR7-IIC-A(P) JR7-IIC-A(P) hbk-iic-bp HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B(P) HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B(P) hbk-iic-bp_desc HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B(P) description HUNCHBACK IIC HBK-IIC-B(P) hbk-iic-bp_short HBK-IIC-B(P) HBK-IIC-B(P) on1-iic-ap ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(P) ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(P) on1-iic-ap_desc ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(P) description ORION IIC ON1-IIC-A(P) on1-iic-ap_short ON1-IIC-A(P) ON1-IIC-A(P) hgn-iic-bp HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B(P) HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B(P) hgn-iic-bp_desc HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B(P) description HIGHLANDER IIC HGN-IIC-B(P) hgn-iic-bp_short HGN-IIC-B(P) HGN-IIC-B(P) ui_pal_platinum PLATINUM PLATINUM cm_CaptainAdams Captain Adams Captain Adams cm_Narrator Narrator Narrator cm_SimulationControl Simulation Control Simulation Control tut_comm_5030 Exterminate all Enemy BattleMechs Exterminate all Enemy BattleMechs ui_CompPlayDisabledBodyInnova Competitive Play is closed for this season. Competitive Play is closed for this season. tut_RapidFireSummary \nPress [ @k_up ] to increase difficulty\nPress [ @k_down ] to decrease difficulty \nPress [ @k_up ] to increase difficulty\nPress [ @k_down ] to decrease difficulty tut_ClickBegin Click 'Continue' to begin Click 'Continue' to begin tut_ClickContinue Click 'Continue' to continue Click 'Continue' to continue tut_shootinggallerycomplete The challenge has ended.\nCheck your performance using the statistics listed below.\nCome back again to improve your shooting skills. The challenge has ended.\nCheck your performance using the statistics listed below.\nCome back again to improve your shooting skills. tut_OnslaughtCompleteDead \nYour BattleMech has been destroyed. This challenge is over. \nYour BattleMech has been destroyed. This challenge is over. tut_OnslaughtComplete The challenge has ended.\nCheck your performance using the statistics listed below.\nCome back again to improve your targeting skills. The challenge has ended.\nCheck your performance using the statistics listed below.\nCome back again to improve your targeting skills. tut_ChallengeFailed Challenge Failed Challenge Failed tut_mechcount 'Mech Count 'Mech Count tut_killsbyclass Kills by Weight Class Kills by Weight Class tut_Average Average: Average: tut_min Min: Min: tut_total Total Total tut_press Press Press tut_changedifficulty to change difficulty to change difficulty tut_CenterTargetingReticle Center Targeting Reticle Center Targeting Reticle ui_Heatsink_Regular STANDARD STANDARD tut_kills Kills: Kills: tut_shots: Shots: Shots: tut_onslaught: Onslaught: Onslaught: tut_Variesbyround Varies by round Varies by round tut_Youaskedforthis You asked for this You asked for this tut_OnslaughtSummary Onslaught Summary Onslaught Summary tut_Spawns: Spawns: Spawns: tut_AllClasses All Classes All Classes tut_LightBattleMechs Light BattleMechs Light BattleMechs tut_Slowed Slowed Slowed tut_HeavilyDamaged Heavily Damaged Heavily Damaged tut_MinimalDamage Minimal Damage Minimal Damage tut_slowspawnrate slow spawn rate slow spawn rate tut_fastspawnrate fast spawn rate fast spawn rate tut_Range: Range: Range: tut_MedHeavy Med-Heavy Med-Heavy tut_LightMed Light-Med Light-Med tut_extremeRange Extreme Range Extreme Range tut_ShootingGallerySummary Press [ @k_up ] or [ @k_down ] to change difficulty \n Press [ @k_left ] or [ @k_right ] to change the Damage Threshold Press [ @k_up ] or [ @k_down ] to change difficulty\n Press [ @k_left ] or [ @k_right ] to change the Damage Threshold tut_killrate: Kill Rate: Kill Rate: tut_HUDElements HUD Elements HUD Elements tut_Compass Compass Compass tut_HeatIndicator Heat Indicator Heat Indicator tut_BattleGridMiniMap BattleGrid Mini Map BattleGrid Mini Map tut_ThrottleandSpeed Throttle and Speed Throttle and Speed tut_VisionMode Vision Mode Vision Mode tut_ZoomFactor Zoom Factor Zoom Factor tut_VerticalSpeed Vertical Speed Vertical Speed tut_DamageIndicator Damage Indicator Damage Indicator tut_com_5040 Eliminate all Enemy BattleMechs before they can fire at you Eliminate all Enemy BattleMechs before they can fire at you tut_300_Marker You're marked as a little yellow arrowhead - the waypoint has it's own icon You're marked as a little yellow arrowhead - the waypoint has it's own icon tut_JumpToFR Jumping to the Firing Range Area Jumping to the Firing Range Area tut_SkipCinematic Press [SPACE] to skip Press [SPACE] to skip tut_FR_Info The Firing Range: General Information The Firing Range: General Information tut_WeaponTurrets: Weapon Turrets: Weapon Turrets: tut_FR_Line1 \n - Shoot the turrets to display weapon damage \n - Shoot the turrets to display weapon damage tut_FR_Line2 \n - Explore how range affects weapon damage \n - Explore how range affects weapon damage tut_FR_Line3 \n - Practice compensating for bullet drop with ballistic weapons \n - Practice compensating for bullet drop with ballistic weapons tut_FR_Line4 \n - See how much damage your 'mech will do before overheating \n - See how much damage your 'mech will do before overheating tut_FR_Line5 Snowbank and Lava Pit Environmental Zones: Snowbank and Lava Pit Environmental Zones: tut_FR_Line6 \n - Experience how extreme environmental temperature affects your weapon systems \n - Experience how extreme environmental temperature affects your weapon systems tut_46a_PresspowerToggle Press ^powerToggle* Press ^powerToggle* tut_JumpJetFuelIndicator Jump Jet Fuel Indicator Jump Jet Fuel Indicator tut_ThrottleSpeedIndicator Throttle and Speed Indicator Throttle and Speed Indicator tut_CoolantLevel Coolant Level Coolant Level tut_StatusIndicators Status Indicators Status Indicators tut_Lance Information Lance Information Lance Information tut_TargetDamageIndicatorScan Target Damage Indicator and Scan Target Damage Indicator and Scan tut_ConquestStatus Conquest Status Conquest Status tut_AssaultStatus Assault Status Assault Status tut_SiegeStatus Siege Status Siege Status tut_BattleGrid BattleGrid Mini-Map BattleGrid Mini-Map tut_VerticleSpeedIndicator Verticle Speed Indicator Verticle Speed Indicator tut_WeaponGroup1 WEAPON GROUP 1 WEAPON GROUP 1 tut_WeaponGroup2 WEAPON GROUP 2 WEAPON GROUP 2 tut_WeaponGroup3 WEAPON GROUP 3 WEAPON GROUP 3 tut_WeaponGroup4 WEAPON GROUP 4 WEAPON GROUP 4 tut_WeaponGroup5 WEAPON GROUP 5 WEAPON GROUP 5 tut_WeaponGroup6 WEAPON GROUP 6 WEAPON GROUP 6 tut_ac10 -AC/10 -AC/10 tut_2MedLasers -2 MEDIUM LASERS -2 MEDIUM LASERS tut_2SmLasers -2 SMALL LASERS -2 SMALL LASERS tut_Lasers -LARGE LASER\n-MEDIUM LASER\n-SMALL LASER -LARGE LASER\n-MEDIUM LASER\n-SMALL LASER tut_SRMs -SHORT RANGE MISSILES -SHORT RANGE MISSILES tut_LgLaser -LARGE LASER -LARGE LASER tut_WeaponsArms WEAPONS\nATTACHED TO ARMS WEAPONS\nATTACHED TO ARMS tut_WeaponsTorso WEAPONS\nATTACHED TO TORSO WEAPONS\nATTACHED TO TORSO tut_WeaponName WEAPON NAME WEAPON NAME tut_weaponsOptimal WEAPONS IN\nOPTIMAL RANGE WEAPONS IN\nOPTIMAL RANGE tut_CurrentWeapon CURRENTLY SELECTED\nWEAPON CURRENTLY SELECTED\nWEAPON tut_WCNR WEAPON COOLDOWN [ NOT READY ] WEAPON COOLDOWN [ NOT READY ] tut_WA WEAPON\nAMMUNITION WEAPON\nAMMUNITION tut_WCR WEAPON COOLDOWN [READY] WEAPON COOLDOWN [READY] tut_DisabledState DISABLED STATE DISABLED STATE tut_WNIOR WEAPONS NOT WITHIN\nOPTIMAL RANGE WEAPONS NOT WITHIN\nOPTIMAL RANGE tut_Legend LEGEND LEGEND tut_InRange WEAPONS IN RANGE WEAPONS IN RANGE tut_WeaponsLow WEAPONS IN RANGE BUT NOT AT OPTIMAL EFFECTIVENESS WEAPONS IN RANGE BUT NOT AT OPTIMAL EFFECTIVENESS tut_OutofRange WEAPONS IN OUT OF RANGE WEAPONS IN OUT OF RANGE tut_Waypoint WAYPOINT ON MAP WAYPOINT ON MAP tut_MINIMAP MINIMAP MINIMAP tut_TARGETEDMECH TARGETED 'MECH TARGETED 'MECH tut_TARGETINFORMATION TARGET INFORMATION TARGET INFORMATION tut_TargetPanel TARGET STATUS PANEL TARGET STATUS PANEL tut_EnemyDisplay ENEMY DAMAGE DISPLAY ENEMY DAMAGE DISPLAY tut_EMN ENEMY MECH NAME ENEMY MECH NAME tut_COMPASSOBJECTS COMPASS OBJECTS COMPASS OBJECTS tut_ENEMYMECH ENEMY 'MECH ENEMY 'MECH tut_Target YOUR TARGET YOUR TARGET tut_TorsoDirection YOUR TORSO DIRECTION YOUR TORSO DIRECTION tut_LegDirection YOUR LEG DIRECTION YOUR LEG DIRECTION tut_EnemySeen ENEMY SEEN ONLY BY YOU ENEMY SEEN ONLY BY YOU tut_ETarget TARGETED ENEMY TARGETED ENEMY tut_ENEMYUNIT ENEMY UNIT ENEMY UNIT tut_You YOU YOU tut_FRIENDLY FRIENDLY UNIT FRIENDLY UNIT tut_NODAMAGE NO DAMAGE NO DAMAGE tut_ARMORDAMAGE ARMOR DAMAGE ARMOR DAMAGE tut_ARMORDESTROYED ARMOR DESTROYED ARMOR DESTROYED tut_STRUCTURALDAMAGE INTERNAL STRUCTURAL DAMAGE INTERNAL STRUCTURAL DAMAGE tut_BadDamage CRITICAL STRUCTURAL DAMAGE CRITICAL STRUCTURAL DAMAGE tut_COMPONENTDESTROYED COMPONENT DESTROYED COMPONENT DESTROYED tut_ARMORHEALTH ARMOR HEALTH ARMOR HEALTH tut_STRUCTUREHEALTH STRUCTURE HEALTH STRUCTURE HEALTH tut_CenterDamage CENTER TORSO\nDAMAGE AREA CENTER TORSO\nDAMAGE AREA tut_AtlasCenter [CENTER TORSO ON ATLAS] [CENTER TORSO ON ATLAS] tut_LEGDAMAGE LEG DAMAGE LEG DAMAGE tut_LEGDESTROYED LEG IS DESTROYED LEG IS DESTROYED tut_Objective OBJECTIVE / WAYPOINT OBJECTIVE / WAYPOINT tut_Markers 'MECH MARKERS 'MECH MARKERS tut_Friend FRIENDLY MECH FRIENDLY MECH tut_Enemy ENEMY ‘MECH ENEMY ‘MECH tut_MedLaser MEDIUM LASER MEDIUM LASER tut_CenterHit CENTER TORSO HIT AREA CENTER TORSO HIT AREA tut_CockpitHit COCKPIT HIT AREA COCKPIT HIT AREA ui_title_MWOCS2021Gold CS 2021 Gold Champ CS 2021 Gold Champ ui_title_MWOCS2021Gold_desc CS 2021 Gold Title CS 2021 Gold Title ui_title_MWOCS2021Silver CS 2021 Silver Champ CS 2021 Silver Champ ui_title_MWOCS2021Silver_desc CS 2021 Silver Title CS 2021 Silver Title ui_title_MWOCS2021Bronze CS 2021 Bronze Champ CS 2021 Bronze Champ ui_title_MWOCS2021Bronze_desc CS 2021 Bronze Title CS 2021 Bronze Title ui_title_MWOCS2021Top12Qualifier CS 2021 Top 12 Qualifier CS 2021 Top 12 Qualifier ui_title_MWOCS2021Top12Qualifier_desc CS 2021 Top 12 Title CS 2021 Top 12 Title ui_title_MWOCS2021Participant CS 2021 Participant CS 2021 Participant ui_title_MWOCS2021Participant_desc CS 2021 Participant Title CS 2021 Participant Title ui_title_MWOCS2021Referee CS 2021 Referee CS 2021 Referee ui_title_MWOCS2021Referee_desc CS 2021 Referee Title CS 2021 Referee Title ui_title_BloodnamePack The Named The Named ui_title_BloodnamePack_desc Bloodname Pack Title Bloodname Pack Title ui_title_InnovaFounderVeteran 4Game Veteran Founder 4Game Veteran Founder ui_title_InnovaFounderElite 4Game Elite Founder 4Game Elite Founder ui_title_InnovaFounderLegendary 4game Legendary Founder 4game Legendary Founder ui_title_InnovaFounderVeteran_desc 4Game Veteran Title 4Game Veteran Title ui_title_InnovaFounderLegendary_desc 4game Legendary Title 4game Legendary Title ui_title_InnovaFounderElite_desc 4Game Elite Title 4Game Elite Title smn-g SUMMONER SMN-G SUMMONER SMN-G smn-gs SUMMONER SMN-G(S) SUMMONER SMN-G(S) smn-g_desc SUMMONER SMN-G description SUMMONER SMN-G description smn-gs_desc SUMMONER SMN-G(S) description SUMMONER SMN-G(S) description omnipod_smn-g_head SMN-G HEAD SMN-G HEAD omnipod_smn-g_head_desc SMN-G Head OmniPod. SMN-G Head OmniPod. omnipod_smn-g_left_arm SMN-G LEFT ARM SMN-G LEFT ARM omnipod_smn-g_left_arm_desc SMN-G Left Arm OmniPod. SMN-G Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-g_left_torso SMN-GvLEFT TORSO SMN-G LEFT TORSO omnipod_smn-g_left_torso_desc SMN-G Left Torso OmniPod. SMN-G Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-g_centre_torso SMN-G CENTER TORSO SMN-G CENTER TORSO omnipod_smn-g_centre_torso_desc SMN-G Center Torso OmniPod. SMN-G Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-g_right_torso SMN-G RIGHT TORSO SMN-G RIGHT TORSO omnipod_smn-g_right_torso_desc SMN-G Right Torso OmniPod. SMN-G Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_smn-g_right_arm SMN-G RIGHT ARM SMN-G RIGHT ARM omnipod_smn-g_right_arm_desc SMN-G Right Arm OmniPod. SMN-G Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_smn-g_left_leg SMN-G LEFT LEG SMN-G LEFT LEG omnipod_smn-g_left_leg_desc SMN-G Left Leg OmniPod. SMN-G Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_smn-g_right_leg SMN-G RIGHT LEG SMN-G RIGHT LEG omnipod_smn-g_right_leg_desc SMN-G Right Leg OmniPod. SMN-G Right Leg OmniPod. kfx-p KIT FOX KFX-P KIT FOX KFX-P kfx-p_desc KIT FOX KFX-P description KIT FOX KFX-P description omnipod_kfx-p_head KFX-P HEAD KFX-P HEAD kfx-ps_desc KIT FOX KFX-P(S) description KIT FOX KFX-P(S) description kfx-ps KIT FOX KFX-P(S) KIT FOX KFX-P(S) omnipod_kfx-p_head_desc KFX-P Head OmniPod. KFX-P Head OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-p_left_arm KFX-P LEFT ARM KFX-P LEFT ARM omnipod_kfx-p_left_arm_desc KFX-P Left Arm OmniPod. KFX-P Left Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-p_left_torso KFX-P LEFT TORSO KFX-P LEFT TORSO omnipod_kfx-p_left_torso_desc KFX-P Left Torso OmniPod. KFX-P Left Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-p_centre_torso KFX-P CENTER TORSO KFX-P CENTER TORSO omnipod_kfx-p_centre_torso_desc KFX-P Center Torso OmniPod. KFX-P Center Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-p_right_torso KFX-P RIGHT TORSO KFX-P RIGHT TORSO omnipod_kfx-p_right_torso_desc KFX-P Right Torso OmniPod. KFX-P Right Torso OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-p_right_arm KFX-P RIGHT ARM KFX-P RIGHT ARM omnipod_kfx-p_right_arm_desc KFX-P Right Arm OmniPod. KFX-P Right Arm OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-p_left_leg KFX-P LEFT LEG KFX-P LEFT LEG omnipod_kfx-p_left_leg_desc KFX-P Left Leg OmniPod. KFX-P Left Leg OmniPod. omnipod_kfx-p_right_leg KFX-P RIGHT LEG KFX-P RIGHT LEG omnipod_kfx-p_right_leg_desc KFX-P Right Leg OmniPod. KFX-P Right Leg OmniPod. 4game_warhorn_name 4Game Founders Warhorn 4Game Founders Warhorn 4game_warhorn_name_desc 4Game Founders Warhorn Cockpit Item 4Game Founders Warhorn Cockpit Item bloodname_warhorn_name Bloodname Warhorn Bloodname Warhorn bloodname_warhorn_desc Bloodname Warhorn Cockpit Item Bloodname Warhorn Cockpit Item bloodname_penant_name Bloodname Pendant Bloodname Pendant bloodname_penant_desc This hanging Item Provides a 5% C-Bill Boost This hanging Item Provides a 5% C-Bill Boost ui_Decal_bloodname_pack_Std BLOODNAME BLOODNAME bloodname_summoner_name Bloodname Summoner Bloodname Summoner bloodname_summoner_desc Bloodname Summoner Cockpit Item Bloodname Summoner Cockpit Item tut_EnterZone WARNING: Entering Active BattleZone WARNING: Entering Active BattleZone tut_BattleZoneStats BattleZone Stats: Kills: %d Deaths: %d Time: %s BattleZone Stats: Kills: %d Deaths: %d Time: %s tut_LeaveArea Caution: Leaving Challenge Area. Weapons Disabled Caution: Leaving Challenge Area. Weapons Disabled tut_TempWarning Warming to Maximum Ambient Temperature Warming to Maximum Ambient Temperature tut_MinTemp Cooling to Minimum Ambient Temperature Cooling to Minimum Ambient Temperature tut_Reup Re-armed and Repaired Re-armed and Repaired tut_UAVWarning WARNING: Enemy UAV Launched WARNING: Enemy UAV Launched tut_UAVShoot UAVs can be shot down UAVs can be shot down tut_BZKills BattleZone Kills: BattleZone Kills: tut_ThermalMode Toggle Thermal Vision Mode with [H] Key Toggle Thermal Vision Mode with [H] Key tut_Target1 Target Target b_bloodname_summoner_name ELEMENTAL - BACK ELEMENTAL - BACK tut_AirborneTarget Airborne Target Airborne Target t_bloodname_summoner_name ELEMENTAL - TORSO ELEMENTAL - TORSO sl_bloodname_summoner_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT sr_bloodname_summoner_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT b_bloodname_kitfox_name ELEMENTAL - BACK ELEMENTAL - BACK t_bloodname_kitfox_name ELEMENTAL - TORSO ELEMENTAL - TORSO sl_bloodname_kitfox_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER LEFT sr_bloodname_kitfox_name ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT ELEMENTAL - SHOULDER RIGHT b_flag_bloodname_kitfox_name BLOODNAME FLAG - BACK BLOODNAME FLAG - BACK b_flag_bloodname_summoner_name BLOODNAME FLAG - BACK BLOODNAME FLAG - BACK tut_cEGauntleti :w_E: Gauntlet I :w_E: Gauntlet I tut_wHonslaught :w_H: Onslaught :w_H: Onslaught tut_213_wFRunningCored :w_F: Running Cored :w_F: Running Cored tut_wGshootinggallery :w_G: Shooting Gallery :w_G: Shooting Gallery tut_258_wDTargetingPractice :w_D: Targeting Practice :w_D: Targeting Practice HUD_Destroyed YOU HAVE BEEN DESTROYED YOU HAVE BEEN DESTROYED ui_mountainQP EMERALD VALE EMERALD VALE EMapType_EmeraldTaigaQP Emerald Vale Emerald Vale ERegion_Russia Russia Russian tt_Settings_LanguageSelection Select Language Select Language tt_ERegion_Russia Play on Russian servers Play on Russian servers tut_210_wCRapidFire :w_C: Rapid Fire :w_C: Rapid Fire dd_INVASION INVASION INVASION dd_SCOUTING SCOUTING SCOUTING tut_ExitingBattleZone Exiting BattleZone kfx-p_short KFX-P KFX-P kfx-ps_short KFX-P(S) KFX-P(S) smn-g_short SMN-G SMN-G smn-gs_short SMN-G(S) SMN-G(S) ui_mountainQP_detail3 72% 72% ui_mountainQP_detail2 1.0 1.0 EResult_WeightClassViolation One or more group members has a drop deck that has a weight class violation. One or more group members has a drop deck that has a weight class violation. EResult_ChassisViolation One or more group members has a drop deck that has a 'Mech chassis violation. One or more group members has a drop deck that has a 'Mech chassis violation. EResult_MechTypeViolation One or more group members has a 'Mech in their drop deck that is of an incompatible type. One or more group members has a 'Mech in their drop deck that is of an incompatible type. EResult_VariantViolation One or more group members has a drop deck that has a 'Mech variant violation. One or more group members has a drop deck that has a 'Mech variant violation. ui_eventqueue Event Queue Event Queue ui_EventQueueMechSelectHeader Event Queue Mech Select Event Queue Mech Select ui_EventQueueMechSelectDesc Event Quene Mech Select Description Event Quene Mech Select Description ui_Minute Minute Minute ui_eventqueuewarning Event Queue warning about having to have the region selected. Event Queue warning about having to have the region selected. ui_allowedmechs Allowed 'Mechs Allowed 'Mechs ui_mechmodel 'Mech Model 'Mech Model ui_tech 'Mech Tech 'Mech Tech ui_mechvariant 'Mech Variant 'Mech Variant ui_Hour Hour Hour EMechTreeCategory_Cooldown Cooldown Cooldown EMechTreeCategory_Range Range Range EMechTreeCategory_HeatGen Heat Gen Heat Gen EMechTreeCategory_Velocity Velocity Velocity EMechTreeCategory_LaserDuration Laser Duration Laser Duration EMechTreeCategory_FlamerVentilation Flamer Ventilation Flamer Ventilation EMechTreeCategory_MagazineCapacity Magazine Capacity Magazine Capacity EMechTreeCategory_GaussCharge Gauss Charge Gauss Charge EMechTreeCategory_LBXSpread LBX Spread LBX Spread EMechTreeCategory_UACJamChance UAC Jam Chance UAC Jam Chance EMechTreeCategory_MissileRack Missile Rack Missile Rack EMechTreeCategory_MissileSpread Missile Spread Missile Spread EMechTreeCategory_HighExplosive High Explosive High Explosive EMechTreeCategory_SkeletalDensity Skeletal Density Skeletal Density EMechTreeCategory_ArmorHardening Armor Hardening Armor Hardening EMechTreeCategory_ReinforcedCasing Reinforced Casing Reinforced Casing EMechTreeCategory_ShockAbsorbance Shock Absorbance Shock Absorbance EMechTreeCategory_AMSOverload AMS Overload AMS Overload EMechTreeCategory_KineticBurst Kinetic Burst / Speed Tweak Kinetic Burst / Speed Tweak EMechTreeCategory_TorsoSpeed Torso Speed Torso Speed EMechTreeCategory_TorsoYaw Torso Yaw Torso Yaw EMechTreeCategory_HardBrake Hard Brake Hard Brake EMechTreeCategory_TorsoPitch Torso Pitch Torso Pitch EMechTreeCategory_AnchorTurn Anchor Turn Anchor Turn EMechTreeCategory_LiftSpeed Lift Speed Lift Speed EMechTreeCategory_VentCalibration Vent Calibration Vent Calibration EMechTreeCategory_Vectoring Vectoring Vectoring EMechTreeCategory_HeatShielding Heat Shielding Heat Shielding EMechTreeCategory_QuickIgnition Quick Ignition Quick Ignition EMechTreeCategory_ImprovedGyros Improved Gyros Improved Gyros EMechTreeCategory_CoolRun Cool Run Cool Run EMechTreeCategory_SpeedRetention Speed Retention Speed Retention EMechTreeCategory_HeatContainment Heat Containment Heat Containment EMechTreeCategory_HillClimb Hill Climb Hill Climb EMechTreeCategory_TargetInfoGathering Target Info Gathering / Seismic Sensors Target Info Gathering / Seismic Sensors EMechTreeCategory_TargetDecay Target Decay Target Decay EMechTreeCategory_TargetRetention Target Retention Target Retention EMechTreeCategory_SensorRange Sensor Range / ECM / Radar Sensor Range / ECM / Radar EMechTreeCategory_Zoom Advanced Zoom Advanced Zoom EMechTreeCategory_ConsumableSlot Consumables Consumables EMechTreeCategory_CaptureAssist Capture Assist Capture Assist EMechTreeCategory_EnhancedNARC Enhanced NARC Enhanced NARC wlf-1ap WOLFHOUND WLF-1A(P) WOLFHOUND WLF-1A(P) wlf-1ap_desc WOLFHOUND WLF-1A(P) description WOLFHOUND WLF-1A(P) wlf-1ap_short WLF-1A(P) WLF-1A(P) crb-27slp CRAB CRB-27SL(P) CRAB CRB-27SL(P) crb-27slp_desc CRAB CRB-27SL(P) description CRAB CRB-27SL(P) crb-27slp_short CRB-27SL(P) CRB-27SL(P) bl-6b-kntp_short BL-6B-KNT(P) BL-6B-KNT(P) bl-6b-kntp_desc BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT(P) description BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT(P) bl-6b-kntp BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT(P) BLACK KNIGHT BL-6B-KNT(P) mal-mx90p MAULER MAL-MX90(P) MAULER MAL-MX90(P) mal-mx90p_desc MAULER MAL-MX90(P) description MAULER MAL-MX90(P) mal-mx90p_short MAL-MX90(P) MAL-MX90(P) cou-Hp COUGAR COU-H(P) COUGAR COU-H(P) cou-Hp_desc COUGAR COU-H(P) description COUGAR COU-H(P) cou-Hp_short COU-H(P) COU-H(P) ACW-AP ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A(P) ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A(P) ACW-AP_desc ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A(P) description ARCTIC WOLF ACW-A(P) ACW-AP_short ACW-A(P) ACW-A(P) NCT-BP NOVA CAT NCT-B(P) NOVA CAT NCT-B(P) NCT-BP_desc NOVA CAT NCT-B(P) description NOVA CAT NCT-B(P) NCT-BP_short NCT-B(P) NCT-B(P) MCII-BP MAD CAT MK II MCII-B(P) MAD CAT MK II MCII-B(P) MCII-BP_desc MAD CAT MK II MCII-B(P) description MAD CAT MK II MCII-B(P) MCII-BP_short MCII-B(P) MCII-B(P) ui_quirkfilterdefault Bonus Bonus ui_BaseQuirks QUIRKS QUIRKS tt_MechStats_BaseQuirks Quirks for the current 'Mech Quirks for the current 'Mech qrk_mrm_cooldown_mult MRM COOLDOWN MRM COOLDOWN AUTO GENERATED BY BRIAN BUCKTON